NewSPARK York The Religious Society of Friends () Address Service Requested

VOLUME 45 NUMBER 3 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003 MAY 2015

Invitation to Summer Sessions from Sessions Committee

Dear friends: 2015 an auspicious year for us: It is the 320th anniversary of the creation of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. 2015 is also Provided by Silver Bay Association by Silver Bay Provided the 60th anniversary of our becoming a united yearly meeting, approved at Summer Sessions 1955. And finally, 2015 will be the first calendar year during which we will consider and worship The 's Invitation on our shared Leadings and Priorities, approved at our 2014 Summer Sessions. (Find the full text of the Leadings and Priorities online at t is a wonderful marvel how a people such as Quakers can place I such great emphasis on individual experience, and at the same time Given these three historic events, New York Yearly Meeting’s hold our collective experience above all earthly forms of governance. Sessions Committee has chosen to work them together into a theme Friends are familiar with individual leadings that often place for the 2015 Summer Sessions, being held July 19-25, at Silver Bay those Friends who have them in opposition to the greater society at Association. The first two envision statements from our Leadings and large. We understand that any person can experience God’s presence Priorities state: “We Envision a Yearly Meeting Deeply Grounded in directly. And we know that our individual experience of the Divine the Practice of Our Faith” and “We Envision a Yearly Meeting Made carries greater authority than all the laws and governments that might Up of Strong, Vital Monthly Meetings.” While we are all encouraged to otherwise require our obedience. Our individual relationship with God consider the six envision statements as one piece, our theme will be: informs our essential presence in the world. 320 Years, One Faith. But our corporate process guides us as well. We seek to understand 60 Years, One Meeting. what God’s purpose for us might be, and our collective discernment Today, One Vision. draws us closer to Truth. When we each are individually led to unite We hope you will join us in celebrating New York Yearly Meeting, with one another in a shared understanding of God’s purpose, we which is, after all, nothing without our faith and our meetings. We are partake in a collective process and expression of community not often 320 years strong because of you. Thank you. experienced in other settings. It seems a miracle, and perhaps it is. Sincerely, Sessions Committee Being a Quaker can be challenging as we seek to live lives filled with God’s presence in the midst of Steps to Summer Sessions a society that places secular and material pursuits above all spiritual concerns. Quakerism is not simply If you’re a first-timer, find a seasoned • Determine whether you need finan- a once-per-week faith. It’s a full-time way of being in Summer Sessions attender as a mentor! cial assistance; if so, apply following the world. • Read the Summer Sessions pages of the steps outlined on or call There is much work to be done in that world. this Spark issue carefully and be sure Helen Garay Toppins in the office at And we have been busy as a Yearly Meeting doing to see additional important informa- 212-673-5750. that work. But we also need time to reflect, and to tion on the Yearly Meeting website, • Register, either online at or bathe ourselves in the strengths of our community, using the form included in this Spark. our heritage, and our continuing experience of the • Decide your arrival and departure • Send your registration fee to the Divine, both individually and collectively, as we are dates. NYYM office along with your registra- led. Our theme this year invites us to assemble and • Choose your housing preferences, tion form or register and pay at enter into that space of reflection and renewal: page 8. 320 Years, One Faith. 60 Years, One Meeting. Information for Summer Sessions begins on page six. Today, One Vision. Around Our Yearly Meeting Albany Meeting Covenant Donation Discussion on the Israeli Friends will appear together –Palestinian conflict at on June 13. t a called meeting on October 5, 2014, members and attenders Genesee Valley Meeting. Addressing racism—­ A of Albany Friends Meeting took up the request from New York May 31: Deb and Ted First resources for meetings Yearly Meeting to increase our covenant donation by 3.75%. We began of Fredonia Meeting will We now have on our our meeting with a period of silence. We then reviewed the history facilitate. Program runs from website ( of Albany Meeting’s covenant donations since 1997. After discussing 12:30 to about 2:30 follow- Resources-RacialEquality) the factors that have led the Yearly Meeting to make this request, we ing worship (10-11 am) and materials developed by Phila- turned to questions posed by the clerk: What benefits do we receive Dish-to-pass lunch (11:15 delphia Yearly Meeting for from New York Yearly Meeting? What value does the Yearly Meeting am – 12:15 pm). All welcome use by meetings that want to hold for us? for any portion. Location: consider what they may do to In response to these questions, we identified many benefits that Growing Places Creative address racism, specifically, come to us from NYYM. For ten years we received financial support NY for our summer Peace Week. We also received financial and organi- Learning Center, 14 Battle and “isms” in general. YM St., Dansville, NY. zational help for our Quaker Quest Project. We received spiritual support from NYYM during a time of crisis in our meeting as we Shrewsbury Meeting Notices moved to recognize lesbian and gay marriage. We have deeply appre- celebrates two big ciated the services and assistance to our meeting from the ARCH anniversaries New Members program and the related Committee on Aging Concerns. Members This year, the Meeting has Alexander Douglas Smith and attenders spoke movingly about the insight, inspiration, and been worshipping together Brancato – Jericho information they get from reading Spark. for 350 years and in their Andrew Smith Brancato We also expressed our deep appreciation for other services that current meetinghouse for – Jericho NYYM provides its members. We particularly noted the value of the 200 years. outreach activities of the Young Adult Field Secretary and the William Lyford Brancato support NYYM provides to the youth program at Powell House Flushing Meetinghouse – Jericho and Summer Sessions. Many of the young Friends associated with our the pick-up site for the Rosario DiSalvo – Pough- meeting have benefited from these services over the years. Flushing CSA keepsie We support the work of New York Yearly Meeting commit- Flushing CSA (Community Andrea Herrin – Saratoga tees that articulate our witness on social justice issues (e.g. European Supported Agriculture) is a Jennifer Ilenberg – American Quakers Working to End Racism) and Yearly Meeting repre- volunteer co-operative group Albany sentation on national committees, such as the National Campaign of local Flushing (Queens) Craig Kukuk – Poplar Against Torture. Above all, we wish to support New York Yearly residents working with an Ridge Meeting as the body that can best provide a public witness to our organic farm and JustFood collective concerns. to bring fresh, locally-grown, Felicia Raphael – Catskill After this review of benefits, we enthusiastically agreed to recom- organic produce to the Flush- Tom Ruscitti – Ithaca mend to the October business meeting that we increase our covenant ing community. Paul Stuart – Saratoga donation by the requested amount. Lucy Swift – Cornwall NYYM Friends speak The recommendation was accepted SPARK (ISSN 00240591) to NAACP chapter on Transfers and approved at our October Quakers and slavery business meeting. We do this New York Yearly Meeting News John Lewis, to Ithaca from Published five times a year: April 9, May 14, and June even though our current covenant Abington January, March, May, September, 13: At the invitation of the donation is higher than our (Balt YM) November by Edison, New Jersey chapter donation in 2008 and even though New York Yearly Meeting of the NAACP, Jeffrey Aaron Annalisa Raymer, to we have large capital expenses Religious Society of Friends (New Brunswick Meeting) Ithaca from Abington on the horizon. It is our way of 15 Rutherford Place Monthly Meeting (Balt YM) witnessing the importance to us New York, NY 10003 and Jeffrey L. Hitchcock 212-673-5750 of the continued presence and (Rahway & Plainfield Deaths [email protected] Meeting) have done and will work of New York Yearly Meeting. do several presentations James W. Boice, member We hope that other meetings will Editorial Board: NY on the history of Friends of Bulls Head-Oswego, on share our assessment. YM Communications Committee and slavery as part of the April 2, 2015 Editor’s note: emphasis Editor: Steven Davison chapter’s 2015 Juneteenth John Bunting, member of above was in the original. SPARK deadlines are the first of the Celebration, referring to June Butternuts, on November month preceding the publication 19, 1865, the day that the 10, 2014 month. Permission is granted to Charles E. Carpenter, Jr., About This Issue reprint any article, provided Spark last slaves were informed of is acknowledged as the source. their freedom, two and a half member of Poughkeepsie, Sessions Committee has on April 11, 2015 Periodicals Postage Paid years after it happened; this moved some content previ- at New York, New York took place in Texas. On April Edmund Cranch, member ously found in the May Spark Postmaster: Send address changes 9, Jeffrey Aaron discussed of Ithaca, on February 4, to the Yearly Meeting website, to: the history of Friends and 2015 This allows us to SPARK the abolition movement and Virginia Klune Light, use less paper and print in 15 Rutherford Place how Quaker values informed member of Ithaca, on color. We also are publish- New York, NY 10003 Quaker involvement. Jeffrey November 6, 2014 ing in this issue some articles Steven Davison [email protected] Hitchcock spoke on May Walter Perry, member of that seem useful as lead-ins Shrewsbury, on March 19, Walter Naegle 14 on the current work of to Summer Sessions. In [email protected] Quakers to confront and 2015 September, we will print John Siceloff,member of Christopher Sammond contend with racism, both articles on Quakers and [email protected] Morningside, on March 6, within the Society of Friends Other Faiths that were held Helen Garay Toppins and in society at large. Both 2015 over from March. [email protected]

Page 2 • SPARK • May 2015 "320 Years, One Faith": Ministry Beyond What does faith ask of me now? the Meetinghouse Door

John Jeremiah Edminster, Fifteenth Street Meeting Don Badgley, Poughkeepsie Meeting

riends sitting near me at Fall There seemed nothing to do but The silence deepens as the morning sun F Sessions can tell you how turn my pain and confusion over Lights its passing across the ancient boards, I took the news that the next to the elders on the facing bench. There placed by men whose walk through life is done, summer’s sessions theme began Friends were very comforting So Friends could ever gather facing towards with “320 Years, One Faith.” I to me, both then and over the The center, where the altar waits unseen, dropped to my knees and began following month—many of them, Devoid of ornaments designed to lead, to weep. The phrase “One Faith” I note, non-Christian Friends. appears only once in the Bible, Over that month, with their help, Or rituals or rules that come between and there (Ephesians 4:5) it refers certain things became clear to me: The Source Experience and Living Seed. to the one faith in the one God I was not to write to the Sessions The meetinghouse is not designed to be revealed in one Lord and Savior, Committee about their choice A sacred site but more a place to wait Jesus Christ. I felt as though those of a theme. I was not to resign For strength, to live and carry on the task words had just been hijacked— my membership, stop attending Beyond the door, where others long to see without malicious intent, of meetings, or indulge anger. I was That is there for all who ask, course; no one would have not to judge the Sessions Commit- Love, to share and celebrate. knowingly parodied scripture. Also tee’s discernment; perhaps both Revealed as ~ Don Badgley I was sure that no one who knew they and I could be right in the how the phrase “One Faith” might Holy Spirit’s eyes. Eventually I resonate in this Christian Friend’s felt clear that I was to deliver one Proselytize: to try to persuade people heart—the faith that uniquely message only, and to only one to join a religion, cause, or group. erases sin, saves, and sanctifies Friend centrally placed in the (Acts 26:18)—would have risked yearly meeting structure; and o. Quakers don’t do that. thought and open to receiving applying it to the broad umbrella then I was to be at peace with N Never! Our unspoken testi- ministry that speaks of The of belief-systems and loyalties our whatever came of it. The Friend mony is “Never Proselytize!” How Divine within and among us. yearly meeting embraces today, an carried my concern to Sessions strange that mind-set would have However, the ministry I offer umbrella that welcomes Christian Committee and asked the seemed to earlier generations of challenges closed doctrine and Quakerism but also many other members to reconsider the theme. Friends, fairly bursting to share creed and so I was concerned that varieties of faith. Their discernment did not change the transformative experience my presentation to an Episcopal But however innocent the as a result of reconsideration. of living in the Light. No indeed; congregation might be received intent of the theme’s framers may Temptation to cut ties to the we 21st century “Quakers” would with some discomfort. On the have been, their words struck me, yearly meeting rose up again never try to “impose” our beliefs theological surface our differ- all at once, like a blow. in me during the winter when and only rarely do we share ences are significant. For “320 Years, One Faith” I learned that the theme would our so-called testimonies with My fears were not realized and seemed to tacitly exclude “2,000 remain the same, but a few non-Friends, lest the response from Years, One Faith.” To say the one conversations helped me discern we be consid- the Episcopal ered prose- congregation, thing seemed to deny or minimize that I was to stay put. I was too We Friends should be doing the other. But Christ, if He is heavily involved in ministries lytizers. We as with the more than we are to share the world’s Savior, brooks no within my monthly and yearly tend to keep Unitarians, was minimizing! meetings, where works of love that our Light well our experiences of the Light positive and I felt Christ minimized, also, I did were bringing evident light covered except and the principals that arise affirming. One by hearing today’s faith equated and comfort to others. At the end in our witness from those experiences. congregant did with the Quaker faith of 1695, of a weekend’s wrestling I knew: work. We often approach me when was writing This is where the Lord wants me. fail to even after worship Primitive Christianity Revived— A friend suggested I write mention the Divine Experience expressing his discomfort, not as if the differences between about this chain of experiences that inspires our witness. We are with my ministry but with the then and now wouldn’t matter! for Spark. I hesitated, but then far more likely to proudly share recitation of the Nicene Creed And “Today, One Vision”? Was thought that a candid description Quaker history as if that conveys immediately following. He said, a claim being made that I share of my process (the discernment of credentials or authority. “it felt forced and inappropriate” one vision with the Friends whose a warning message; the delivery It s eems to me that if the in light of what I had just shared. words had just so stunned me? of that message with no change in unprogrammed tradition of the Others approached me and said I looked around the meeting results; and then the discernment Religious Society of Friends does that the brief period of silence room in horror. No one else that it was right to stay) might not return to, and share with we shared together was powerful showed any sign of having reacted be helpful, particularly to other the world an active ministry of and moving. Since that visit their as I had. I was all alone. Were Christ-centered Friends whose Experiential Faith it will continue Vicar has added periods of silence these still my people? Might the ties to their meetings might be to fade into justified oblivion. to their regular worship program Lord now instruct me to leave strained by uncertainties about Over the last several years I and he and I are continuing our without a word and never come where they belong. (To them, all have been invited to offer minis- conversation. back? (I had to be ready for that!) I’d say is, let Christ make your try from a Quaker’s perspective to It has been my experience The Lord had spoken to me in that decision for you.) And since my several other religious congrega- that when a ministry or message room so many times! It was He process in no way diminished tions. The content has focused on is delivered with love, in a faith whose urgent gesture, seen in my my love for the Friends whose Experiential Faith and the myriad setting or even in a secular mind’s eye a quarter-century ago, discernment of the theme had miracles revealed by the Experi- setting, it will be received in the prompted me to give my first vocal troubled me, the truth of it could ence of the Divine Presence. Not spirit intended. These visits with ministry. Why was He silent now, do no damage. May it serve only surprisingly, Unitarian churches other NY when I so needed His guidance? to enrich mutual understanding. YM are very receptive to Quaker continued on page 4

May 2015 • SPARK • Page 3 Ministry Beyond the Thoughts about Obtaining a Sense of the Meeting Meetinghouse Door Jeffrey Aaron, New Brunswick Meeting Don Badgley (continued from page 3) A Friends meeting is our expectations of Ministry and Friends were harshly persecuted intended to be so much Counsel too high, considering for refusing “hat honor,” for their congregations have strengthened more than a loose associa- that most M&C members are not eccentric language mannerisms my conviction that we Friends tion of individuals who are professionally trained to deal and their choice of clothes, for can and should be doing more simply on a separate and with difficult Friends and may their unwillingness to swear to than we are at present to share private journey. Rather, not have the inclination to do tell the truth in court because our experiences of the Light and we are called to be a faith so? Or, on the contrary, are our it implied they could otherwise the principals that arise from community with members expectations not high enough? lie, and for many other public those experiences. Such minis- seeking to know each other Perhaps if such a message were positions Friends took. John try should not be to recruit new ‘in that which is eternal’ delivered once and not more Woolman was considered a major Quakers but rather to gently as we journey together. than once, the problem could nuisance for twenty years by point out a well-lit place of Ideally, we acknowledge be ignored in favor of peace- many Friends for his positions, inward Peace; a place of immea- that our primary relation- ful co-existence from then on. such as the inappropriateness surable Compassion and infinite ship is to God and to that After all, do we not seek peaceful of slavery, which position was Love. No other goal is necessary. of God in each other. We let co-existence? Or do we seek more initially contrary to that of his The faith and practice of go of the idea that we only than that? Are we able to labor slaveholding Quaker contempo- Friends can be as radical, as vital, have a private life, and over any concern when a Friend’s raries. Can we exhibit the same as exciting, and as relevant as hold ourselves account- concern is sincere? spirit, or are we too inhibited to when it was first practiced in the able to the authority of I like to think that Friends are speak out when we feel we may 17th Century. When the power the Spirit and that Life in idealists in the best sense of the not find support initially? and authority of Experiential the meeting. We grow in a word: that our commitment is to If we have in our midst one Faith is revealed, it is just as sense of responsibility for seek the Ideal, to be the best we whose words or actions seem potent as it ever was, precisely each other. can possibly be and to work to at odds with ours, we owe that because it is not dependent on “Spirit-Led Eldering” by cultivate the same in others. We Friend an appropriate and a ancient doctrine, dogma, scrip- Margery Mears Larrabee believe in trying to communicate proactive response. As a body, ture, creed, hierarchy, and fear on the level of when we mongering. Modern Christian hat would our meeting do the spark of Our commitment is to address a support of war and nationalism W if one of us arose during divinity that we seek the Ideal, to be the concern, we as well as the psychic violence worship to speak on the “sinful- profess that we best we can possibly be must always inherent in threats of damna- ness” of same gender sexual all share. We and to work to cultivate seek an honest tion each arise from the ocean of relations, or the importance of do not expect the same in others. sense of the darkness. In spite of their count- retaining “purity” among the that we will meeting—not less good works, nationalistic, “races,” or how much better always—or even a compromise, scripturally literalist and exclu- Quakers are than followers of often—achieve the grandest levels not a consensus, not surface sivist religious doctrines enable other religions? of our higher selves, but that we peace through denial of the and even inspire the engines of Would we expect someone to will always strive in that direc- concern—but an honest sense war. Shall we say so? arise and refute those concepts tion. The striving is what we hold of the meeting, however limited Such exclusivist and doctrinal as “unQuakerly”? Probably not; dear in each other. As seekers, we that sense may initially be. It toxins were absolutely not the that would hardly be an appro- attempt to be the best we can be, may mean laboring together message of the Jewish wisdom priate response according to and in that effort we hopefully faithfully for weeks, months, or teacher Jesus of Nazareth. His what we are taught are appro- find worship, and other activi- even, on occasion, years, until we ministry of absolute and all priate messages for meeting for ties that we share, to be uplifting are able to state our clear sense inclusive Love taught exactly worship. We would probably experiences. If we succeed, the in so many words. The eventual the opposite and arose from his expect Ministry and Counsel likelihood is that our meeting corporate sense of the meeting Experience of God. He did not to minister to that individ- will thrive and will attract new may satisfy no one completely, impose beliefs but rather demon- ual tenderly at a later time. In attenders and lead attenders to but it will reflect whatever we are strated principals for living. We practice, is that what we do? Are consider membership. But is the all able to say in unity at the time, Friends would do well to share perpetuation of the meeting a and it will reflect that we had the that Truth at every opportunity, major goal of this practice, or is it will to labor together as lovingly not because Jesus said it but tial because it depends entirely simply a side result of our efforts? as we could until we could only because our Experience on that which is unchangeable, I suspect most of us would say achieve it. Settling for anything arises from the same Source as infinite, eternal, and accessible “the latter,” and that, conversely, less is a betrayal of our ideals that his. Friends used to be willing to to all who seek it. We are not the lack of such effort will undermines our responsibility to share that profound and radical called to “preach” this Truth as contribute to eventual decline. each other and to the meeting. insight. Indeed, this Truth is the the right religion. We are called Friends sometimes reflect Honest efforts to achieve a essence and the genius of the to give witness to the Truth we with dismay on the time in our true sense of the meeting demon- Quaker approach to God and have experienced. The shadows Society’s history known as the strate the openness and trust that there is an enormous and recep- cast by that which obstructs time of Quaker “quietism,” when enable us to address the concern tive group of seekers waiting the Light are there to give us quiet and peace on the surface in the future if perspectives discover it, both inside and perspective. Let us once again seemed to be the major goal, change, as happened in regard to outside of churches. have the courage to reveal the in contrast to earlier and later the concerns of , What responsibility comes Inward Light that nurtures the times when our shared values and as happened concerning with our convincement? The Divine seed. Let us gently share were lifted up publicly with deep same gender marriage at my “Lamp” is already burning on our experience of The Light with conviction, and we were ready to meeting, New Brunswick (NJ), the lamp stand. It always has quiet certainty that it will speak strive—even struggle fiercely— over a period of many years. We been. The ministry of Experien- to the condition of everyone upon on behalf of those values in the have clearly experienced such NY arena of public policy. Early tial Faith is potent and influen- whom it shines. YM continued on page 9

Page 4 • SPARK • May 2015 Open for Transformation: Diluting Quakerism with Unlimited Viewpoints Being Quaker (Swarthmore Lecture) Ben Pink Dandelion Tim Connolly, Wilton Meeting

ecently, I was relieved to Other key points of positive As liberal Friends pioneered Spirit-given gifts & R stumble upon a link in unity among Liberal Friends: the notion that spiritual experi- nominations. What is minis- Spark to the Swarthmore Lecture • Quakers focus on process, ence is primary, Quakers have try? Where is it coming from? To delivered by Ben Pink Dandelion not detailed theology. become a more diffuse commu- whom is it directed? at Bath, England on August 3, • The four insights are nity. And the Quaker sense of Business method. In 2014 at the yearly gathering of inherently collective. They belonging has become more business meeting, what happens British Friends. He articulated cannot be experienced or diffuse as a consequence. if there are a multiplicity of my spiritual agita and thereby lived alone. Belief and the absolute theologies and the goal is to provided some relief. All that • Quaker encounters with certainty of perhaps discern the will of God? Further, follows is lifted from Pink Dande- the Divine are transfor- The pioneers of liberal if Quakers don’t have a God or lion. Maybe it will relieve others. mative. We are called to Quakerism have advanced the a God with a will, how can they We are not alone. lead our lives in a particu- idea that belief can be privatized discern God’s will? If not guided British Friends, he says, have lar way. and individualized. Further, none by any sense of the Divine, do become a bit fuzzy on what it Chipping away at the core of us, they say, will ever get at participants unpick one of the means to be a Quaker. Over the and the consequences for the whole truth of anything. All core insights of Quakerism? past 150 years, the British Quaker belonging and belief of our interpretations and beliefs Testimony. As liberal landscape has been recast in As the 20th century world will be a “towards” or a “perhaps” Quaker theology has become fresh and modern ways. In some recast itself in a more individu- kind of activity and they know more diffuse, have Quakers of those ways, “. . . Quakers have alistic and secular light, liberal this (ironically) with certainty. become a bit fuzzy on the testi- misled themselves by trying to Quakers recast themselves in a “One of our great strengths and monies? Can a Quaker divorce incorporate all points of view, far more permissive light. As a key insights is that doctrine is not her testimonies from her spiri- including ideas which conflict result, “We have in places lost definitional.” tual roots? Are liberal Quakers with the basic tenets of the the heart of our faith, and have “We have been willing authors fabricating artificial testimonies Quaker faith experience. We have diluted basic and central Quaker of this diversity and these devel- that are simply values, codes, or become collectively confused understandings within a desire opments. . . . We have felt liber- aspirations divorced from spiri- about the heart of our Quaker to appease all of the variet- ated by fresh expressions of the tual roots? Not every expression way, unable to articulate it clearly ies of doctrinal slants we now spiritual life. . . . We may have of spirituality and not every to newcomers, and unable to encompass. changed preference expressed in meeting know what is and what is not a . . . A refusal theological for worship is Quaker. part of it.” to prescribe positions The meaning of member- Before identifying difficulties, “We have become ship and the teaching doctrine has collectively confused over time. . let’s focus on the positive—four accommodated . . However, ministry. If confused on their key insights identified by Dande- an increasing about the heart of some of the testimonies, then what does lion around which most Liberal individualism our Quaker way.” views being this do to Quaker outreach? To Friends unite and that underpin and a move expressed encourage others to join, do what it means to be a Quaker. away from undercut our Quakers say: “We love you—what The four core insights yearly meeting-wide agreement core insights. . . . Such shifts would you like us to be for you?” 1. The Divine is encountered on belief.” And the consequences symbolize individualism within Or do Quakers say: “We love you directly. Intermediaries have been significant on Quaker the Society and . . . the secular- and this is who we are. You’re (ministers, texts, outward feelings of belonging and belief. ization of some of our under- welcome to join if this works for you.” How does the form of forms) need not apply. Belonging and optionality standings. We lose our sense of 2. There are systems of community and we lose our sense Quaker outreach selected reflect No longer the one true church, on teaching ministry and vice discernment to interpret but one within many, Quakers no of religious community. This less that encounter. These positive aspect of our current versa? longer feel they have a monopoly The book of discipline. systems (e.g. meeting for on the Divine. This theological condition plays out in a number business) act as a check to of ways.” “When our faith becomes evolution has contributed to optional, so does our practice, inform when the encoun- the possibility of the private life More consequences ter is authentic and when and vice versa. The book of where the individual can decide Here are some of the ways discipline provides clarity about it is out of imagination. what is and is not Quaker. Even that the less positive aspects 3. There is a form of worship where we are as a faith commu- liberal Quakerism has become an mentioned above play out: nity and we need to unite with that nurtures the experi- option within the option of faith. Worship. Are all Quakers ence of direct encounter. its contents. That should be the With the elimination of sin and doing the same thing in meeting beginning and end of the corpo- One example is the silent salvation, the option to lead the for worship? Is it even worship meeting for worship rate ‘line in the sand’ discussion, individual and secular life has anymore? with the line shifting when we wherein “absence leads to become even more attractive and Do we worship the silence, a sense of presence.” next discern a new book . . . viable. rather than in silence, as the what is also clear is how little 4. Quaker testimonies arise Optionality in other areas of the personal and collective cost of our out of the direct encoun- we appear to use the book with Society has become quite popular diversity? By rejecting Quaker enquirers and with applicants ter. A persistent spiritual as well. Visits from elders, weekly traditions, have we ended up with imperative to lead a partic- for membership and how little attendance at meeting, service a Quakerism almost devoid of authority we give it. The book is ular way of life arises out on committees, the (blurred) religious content offering little of this encounter with the now, for some, part of the opt-in, boundaries between member and more than an accepting space for opt-out Quakerism.” Were the Divine, and it manifests as attender, financial giving, align- solitary spiritual searchings? To testimonies. Elders of Balby advocating an ment with Faith and Practice—all get along do we go along with the opt-in, opt-out kind of faith in have become more optional within silence to avoid friction? 1656 when they lifted passages the Society than ever before. continued on page 9

May 2015 • SPARK • Page 5 Summer Sessions July 19–25, 2015 • Silver Bay, New York 320 Years, One Faith. 60 Years, One Meeting. Today, One Vision.


Bible Study: Mary Kay Glazer Plenary Message: Don Badgley Conflict, Shadow, and Unity Publishing the Truth about Experiential Faith The Bible is filled with stories of conflict, Don Badgley will address the body about stories of struggle, resistance, and opposi- Publishing the Truth about Experiential Faith tion. In those stories, we find the consis- on Tuesday evening beginning at 7:15 pm. tent, persistent, ubiquitous presence of our Don Badgley is a member of Poughkeep- Divine Creator, calling us into union with sie Meeting and serves the Yearly Meeting our Creator and with each other. In this on the Advancement Committee. He was Bible study, we will explore some of the born to Quaker parents and has been stories and see what they say about conflict attending Sessions at Silver Bay since 1950. and unity in the Spirit. We will also reflect After a period in his 20s during which he on the shadow parts of the stories. What do dropped away from Friends, he returned these stories tell us about conflict, shadow, in the early 1980s and became a member and unity in our own community today? of Bulls Head-Oswego Meeting, now as a We will read the stories together, so please convinced Friend. Some years later Don bring your Bible with you. transferred his membership to New Paltz Mary Kay Glazer has been a Quaker since 1989. She has been Meeting and then later to Poughkeepsie Meeting, the meeting he had active with Middlebury Meeting, VT, since moving to Ticonderoga, been born into. He has served both as clerk and as recording clerk at NY nearly 12 years ago. She is a spiritual director, retreat leader, and Poughkeepsie Meeting. writer who takes great joy in sharing with others opportunities in Over the last ten years Don has offered ministry to monthly which they can know God’s sacred invitation, new life, and the joy of meetings and also to other faith communities with a message NY relationship. You can learn more at YM concerning the , experiential faith, and the miracles that bless humanity. Participant Expectations & NYYM Agreements In the world Don is a Life, Disability and Long Term Care Insur- ance Specialist with the Northwestern Mutual and also leads teaching Our gathering at New York Yearly Meeting Summer Sessions is an seminars around the country for Northwestern regional offices, for the opportunity to live the experiment of creating the blessed community. Home Office in Milwaukee, and for other financial services companies. Like any community, we have agreements that guide our behavior His message to the Yearly Meeting (Tuesday, July 20, 2015) will toward each other and towards the whole body, ensuring safety and reflect upon this year’s theme: 320 Years, One Faith. 60 Years, One comfort for all of us. By registering for Summer Sessions, Friends Meeting. Today, One Vision. from the perspectives of: endorse these agreements and we are all, younger and older, expected 1. Experiential Worship – As the primary Source of Truth to abide by them. Parents and guardians are asked to speak with their 2. Friends as Publishers of Truth – An active ministry in and to youngsters about their behavior, and adults are asked to take the the world. agreements seriously. 3. Unity within our Diversity – A Yearly Meeting gathered by the Given these agreements and Silver Bay's rules, Friends must experience of Divine Love. smoke only in those areas designated by Silver Bay (smoking is not Don is married to Tracy Lehrer Badgley and they will celebrate allowed in guest rooms), and must refrain from using alcohol and their 30th wedding anniversary this October. His daughters Marissa, illegal substances. If you engage in these activities, you (and possibly 27 and Alanna, 24 have also been attending Yearly Meeting Sessions your family or guardian) may be asked to leave Summer Sessions. So nearly every year since they were born. let's be conscious of behavior that promotes community, and conduct ourselves as responsible guests of Silver Bay. NY YM Interest Group Proposals 1. All attenders are expected to observe safety precautions, such as maintaining contact between children and parents, guardians, or Deadline for submitting proposals to coordinating clerks: June 24. sponsors at regular intervals. Deadline for entering proposals in the online form: June 28. 2. Attenders under 18 years old are expected to: See the Week at a Glance in this issue for interest group times • register with Junior Yearly Meeting in the company of their on Wednesday and Thursday. And visit Sessions2015-Information for more information and details about parent, legal guardian, or sponsor; NY • cluster with (sleep in a room near to) their parent(s), guardian, submitting proposals. YM or sponsor; • have a valid medical consent form signed by a parent or guard- Meetings for Discernment ian (medical forms will be mailed to JYM registrants); The Meetings for Discernment will be held over two days at • attend the activities of the JYM group to which they have been Summer Sessions this year. The first session is scheduled for Monday assigned. morning, July 20th. The second session is scheduled for Wednesday 3. Parent(s), guardians, or sponsors for children under 18 years old afternoon, July 22nd. assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of that person. Meetings for Discernment are times of extended worship focused 4. If responsible for a child or to an adult, agree and commit to a around queries. Friends are asked to wait to be recognized by the specific bedtime and check in at least twice a day. clerk before speaking so that we may hear each message clearly. 5. If 18 years or older, register yourself and dependents with New All are welcome. Please join us for what is likely to be an amazing NY NY York Yearly Meeting. YM experience of worship. YM

Page 6 • SPARK • May 2015 Summer Session2015 2015 NYYM • Week Summer at a Glance Sessions • July Week 19–25, at a Glance 2015 320320 Years, Years, One Faith One • 60 Faith Years, • One 60 Meeting Years, • Today, One One Meeting Vision • Today, One Vision TIME SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY

6:00am 6:00-7:30am - Coffee and Communion 6:30 6:30am - Early Swim 7:00 7:00am - Community Worship at the Boathouse / Hymn singing at Hughes Chapel / JYM Volunteers Meet BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST 7:30 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am 8:30 a.m., Parents / JYM participants / JYM volunteers meet on the Cafeteria Lawn Travel Time 8:30 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m, Junior Yearly Meeting meets in various locations 8:30-10:00am Travel Time Closing Session SAFE TRAVELS 8:45-9:45am 8:45-9:45am 8:45-9:45am 8:45-9:45am 8:45-9:45am 8:45 Worship Sharing Worship Sharing Worship Sharing Worship Sharing Worship Sharing Community Worship / Programmed Worship 9:45 TO Travel Time 10:00 10:00-10:45am 10:00-10:45am 10:00-10:45am 10:00-10:45am 10:15 NYYM Bible Study Bible Study Bible Study Bible Study 10:30 10:00-12:15 10:45 SUMMER Meeting for Discernment Travel Time 11:00 10am till 11am Check Out, 11:15 SESSIONS! Clean & Pack Up 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:30 12:00, JYM Joins M4D Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Coordinating Committees 12:00pm 12:15 Travel Time • JYM will be on the Cafeteria Lawn — Pick up little ones there! LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Lunch available for purchase 12:30 12:30-1:30pm 12:30-1:30pm 12:30-1:30pm 12:30-1:30pm 12:30-1:30pm 1:30 Travel Time (SET UP TIME) 1:45 2:00 1:30-3:15 Rest & Renewal 1:30-3:15 Rest & Renewal 1:45-3:15 Worship 1:30-3:15 Rest & Renewal 2:15 Worship & Worship Sharing Worship & Worship Sharing 1:45-3:45 Rest & Renewal Worship & Worship Sharing 2:30 2:00-3:45pm Meeting for Discernment / Fun(d) Fair 2:45 Sessions Committee Interest Groups 3:00 3:15 Travel Time Travel Time 3:30 3:45 Travel Time Travel Time 3:30-5:15 3:30-5:15 4:00 3:30-5:15 3:30-5:15 Meeting for Worship with 4:00-5:15 Worship Meeting for Worship with 4:15 NYYM Registration Coordinating Committee Meetings Interest Groups Attention to Business for Racial Healing Attention to Business 4:45 Starts at 4:00 p.m. on Inn Porch Rest & Renewal 5:00 Clerk's Welcome Table, Inn Porch JYM Registration, Gullen Lounge 5:15 Travel Time DINNER DINNER DINNER DINNER DINNER DINNER 5:30 5:30-6:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 5:30-6:30pm SAFE TRAVELS Open Time - Settle In, 6:30 Community Worship in the Auditorium, 6:40 - 7:10 Registration at Front Desk HOME! 7:00 7:00-8:00pm Travel Time 7:15 Opening Session 7:30 Worship, Welcome, Roll Call, JYM 7:15-9:00 7:45 7:15-9:15 7:15-9:15 7:15-9:00 JYM Celebration 8:00 Don Badgley, Plenary Speaker 7:15-9:45 320 Years, One Faith. 60 Years, Meeting for Worship with Café Night Meeting for Worship with 8:15 Meeting for Worship with One Meeting. Today, One Vision. Attention to Business Attention to Business 8:30 Attention to Business •• 8:45 9:15 - 10:00 9:00 Speaker Reception, 9:15 9:00-10:30 Gullen Lounge OPTIONAL COMMITTEE At Rise of Business, 9:30 Community Contradance MEETING TIME JYM Bonfire at Slim Point 9:45 at the Boathouse Meeting for Discernment Wrap Up 10:00 11:00pm 11:00pm = Quiet Time • 11:00pm = Quiet Time • 11:00pm = Quiet Time

***Please see the NYYM Program and the daily Minute for times and locations of many other activities not listed on this chart.***

NY NY YM Worship Sharing at YM Financial Assistance Agenda Items More Summer Summer Sessions Available If you have items for the business agenda, please contact the appro- Sessions Material at Kate Lawson & Claire Simon, Deadline for application: priate coordinating committee Worship Sharing coordinators J une 28. clerk: John Cooley, General Friends requesting assistance Worship sharing provides an Services; Irma Guthrie, Ministry; In order to leave room for the should first ask their monthly opportunity to worship together Deborah Wood, Nurture; Mary articles in this issue, we have meeting, quarterly, and regional and create the community that Eagleson, Witness; or Jeffrey moved some of the Summer meetings for support. No request supports us, and it sets the tone Hitchcock, clerk of NYYM, Sessions information onto for funds will be processed or for the rest of Summer Sessions. [email protected]; or the NYYM the Yearly Meeting website. disbursed without this commu- NY YM Sharing insights, experiences, office, [email protected]. Contact Look for the icon in the nication from their meeting. and prayer together refreshes the information for the coordinat- title; these sections also Friends will be asked to send spirit. Worship Sharing is held ing committee clerks is in the say "See for more confirmation from their meeting details" at the end. Three every morning from 8:45–9:45 Yearbook, which should be avail- about the amount asked for and NY sections previously found in a.m. and Monday, Tuesday, and able at your meeting. YM Friday from 1:30–2:30 p.m. Each granted—even if this is the May issue of Spark have zero. This process can been moved to the website or group has at least one facilitator. Worship Sharing facilitators a simple email or note to the Program altogether. from their meeting’s These include: offer an invaluable contribu- tion—helping participants to be clerk or a more formal • Helpful People at letter. See for Silver Bay a channel for the Holy Spirit. For this reason, please consider more information on • Driving Directions financial assistance and • Public Transportation facilitating a worship-sharing group this summer! See nyym. our Equalization Fund. To see it all, visit org for additional information You may also contact on becoming a worship sharing Helen Garay Toppins at NY the office, 212-673-5750, SummerSessions2015 YM facilitator. NY or [email protected]. YM Summer Sessions 2014

May 2015 • SPARK • Page 7 ACCOMMODATIONS Adult Room Rates Full Conference Rates (6 Nights) Inn Inn Hepbron/ Paine/ Platform/ Trinity Bayview Hemlock Overlook Private Bath Shared Bath Locust Hilltop Lean-to Single N/A N/A 1542 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 156 Double 918 780 990 846 582 642 342 690 156 Triple 756 660 804 708 528 576 N/A 612 156 Quad 672 612 N/A 642 N/A 534 N/A 552 156 Half-conference Rates (3 Nights) Single N/A N/A 771 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 78 Double 459 390 495 423 291 321 171 345 78 Triple 378 330 402 354 264 288 N/A 306 78 Quad 336 306 N/A 321 N/A 267 N/A 276 78 Extra Day Rates (1 Night) Single N/A N/A 257 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 Double 153 130 165 141 97 107 57 115 26 Triple 126 110 134 118 88 96 N/A 102 26 Quad 112 102 N/A 107 N/A 89 N/A 92 26 Youth Room Rates For youth ages 12–17, deduct $30 per person per night. Children 0–5 are complimentary. For children 6–11, deduct $40 per person per night. These discounts do not apply to the Platform/Lean-to rates.

Staying on Campus Off-Campus and Day Registrants Room Reservations Friends camping, commuting, or taking rooms off-campus are asked The Yearly Meeting office will send your reservation forms to Silver to give their addresses for the week on the registration form. Other- Bay YMCA, which will acknowledge your room reservation and wise, please supply this information when registering at Silver Bay. request a nonrefundable room deposit of 25 percent per person, to Badges are required for all attenders. Replacement charge for lost be applied to your final bill. Do not send room deposits to the badges is $2. NYYM office.The balance of the Silver Bay charges must be paid People staying on campus pay for the use of facilities through their at the Silver Bay desk before you leave. Silver Bay cannot guarantee lodging costs; those living off-campus and daily commuters housing or food for those who do not preregister. pay for the use of the facilities through a day-use fee, paid when Preference for rooms is given to those who stay for the entire week. checking in at Silver Bay YMCA. This fee allows use of the facilities, Rooms are assigned in the order in which requests are received. We including the swimming areas, gym, art center, and boathouse. advise that you register early. All rooms are for double occupancy. Beds Day-use fees for use of facilities for off-campus and day guests for children may be added to some of the larger rooms. If you require a are as follows: single room, you may want to consider off-campus accommodations. Per Day: $24 per adult Per Week: $140 per adult If no rooms are available at your price, you may be assigned to a $17 per youth 6–17 $98 per youth 6–17 room at a higher price. You will receive prior notice if this is neces- $40 per family $240 per family sary. A few double beds are available in the Inn, Bayview, and Trinity. Family is defined as members who share a household and live If you would like one, please indicate that on your registration form. together as a family unit. Children five and under pay no day-use fee Room reservations will not be held after 6:00 pm on the day of your when accompanied by a paying adult guest. Meal tickets for the Silver expected arrival unless the room is completely prepaid or you call Bay dining room can be purchased at the Inn front desk in advance of Silver Bay to notify them of your late arrival. If you need to cancel, call desired meals. Silver Bay (518-543-8833, ext. 350) so your room can be reassigned. Meals. The cost per meal is: Silver Bay room check-in begins at 4:00 pm on Sunday, July 19. Lunch $13 ea. Dinner $18 Checkout time is 11:00 am daily. Luggage can be left in designated Youth ages 6–17 are half the adult rate. Children five and under areas after checking out. Those not out of their rooms by 11:00 am eat for no charge when accompanied by a paying adult. If you intend will be charged for an extra day. No refunds are issued for early to buy meal tickets when you arrive at Silver Bay, please indicate this departures, unless arrangements are made prior to check-in. on your registration form. A name badge must be worn and a meal All rates are per person and include a five percent gratuity. ticket purchased by anyone staying off-campus who wants to eat in Suites in Bayview and the Inn have a surcharge of $25 per day, in the dining room. addition to all other charges, if occupied by fewer than three persons. Note: if you are only coming one day for a meeting or The half-conference rates are for those attending from Sunday, July event . . . Silver Bay has established a special day-use fee of $5 19, to Wednesday, July 22, or Wednesday, July 22, to Saturday, July per person (plus any meal purchased) for persons presenting 25. The extra day rates are for those who wish to arrive on Saturday, or attending a meeting on just that day and not staying July 18. Silver Bay does not guarantee that you will be assigned to the overnight. A list of these participants must be provided to Silver Bay same room on the extra day. at least one week prior to the conference week, and the attender must Clustering (staying in rooms that are close together) is required of also register at the front desk upon arrival. Silver Bay YMCA needs to all parents/guardians/sponsors and the children they are supervising. know who is on campus. Contact Helen Garay Toppins, office@nyym. Please send in your registrations together. org or 212-673-5750 by July 8 if you are on a committee that plans a No one should go to Silver Bay YMCA without an advance regis- one-day meeting during Summer Sessions, and/or know of someone NY tration with New York Yearly Meeting and assurance from Silver Bay on your committee who might be planning a one-day visit. YM NY that there is room for you. YM

Page 8 • SPARK • May 2015 ACCOMMODATIONS Thoughts about Diluting Sense of the Meeting Quakerism NY YM Lean-to and Tent Camping Jeffrey Aaron Tim Connolly Campers attending Summer Sessions have three options: (continued from page 4) (continued from page 5) • Adirondack-style lean-tos on Ryan's Ridge, a 15-minute hike up Woodside Trail on the west side of Rt 9. difficult processes in the past and from 2 Corinthians advocating • Raised wooden platforms 20'x20' on a knoll behind the gym. we succeeded, to our everlast- flexibility along the lines of “the • Rogers Rock State Park near Ticonderoga. ing credit. At other times, we letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life”? See for details. have failed. Failures need not be permanent if we have the will to Do your positions on the Alert to Guests Needing a Roommate persist; successes are successes, foregoing undermine what and are worthy of celebration. Quakers are about? Silver Bay YMCA will make every effort to find you a roommate What striving for an honest What’s to be done? but cannot guarantee to find one. Guests will be less likely to incur a sense of the meeting does, Dandelion says: single-room rate if they make their own contact for rooming together. which may be most critical to • Resist the secular. Reclaim Silver Bay will inform registrants one week prior to arrival if they our corporate welfare, is to keep the spiritual. Quakers are are unable to find a roommate. All guests are responsible to make our relationships honest and a Religious Society, not full payment for the period for which they register regardless of open. Not addressing matters is a Society. If the spiritual their actual length of stay; thus a remaining roommate would not be denial and is toxic, even if denial basis of the Society is financially responsible for the early, unplanned departure of another appears to enable a semblance of lost, Quakers will simply roommate (since there is no refund for early departure). A guest who peace. Truce is not peace by any become another secular has no roommate registered will be charged the single rate. To be sure means, as any student of history activist pressure group there are no misunderstandings, it is best for roommates to check in knows, and compromise or NY or a book study/lecture together at Silver Bay when they arrive. YM “consensus” is not what Quakers club that serves pleas- seek to achieve among ourselves. ing refreshments. Such AT SILVER BAY Historically, Quakers have a Quakerism would have often been considered trouble- no distinctive identity or makers. Perhaps we should reason to exist. Special Needs at Silver Bay wear that designation as a badge • Quakers need to be clear of honor—especially among Martha Gurvich, Special Needs Coordinator with each other in love. ourselves. It may serve to keep If Quakers are unsure of Friends who indicate special needs on their registration will receive our meetings vital and help who they are internally, a form from the NYYM office requesting specific information about to avoid loss of attenders and how can they ever expect their needs. This information is shared only with Silver Bay as needed members or reduced participa- to attract those who are to find appropriate accommodation. tion, such as we and many other external? There will also be opportunities for Friends to be special-needs meetings have too often experi- • Quakers have to find a NY volunteers. A check box for volunteers is on the registration form. enced. YM single voice. They suffer Housing. Five mobility-accessible sleeping rooms, with bathrooms, because they lack it. They are reserved in the Inn for those using wheelchairs (and their Share Your News have become prey to their roommates). One-tenth of the rooms in the Inn will be reserved in InfoShare enthusiasm for uncer- for people who, for any reason, find it physically difficult to room tainty. If they are uncer- elsewhere. These rooms will be held only until July 1 and then will be Published in February, April, tain about everything they released for general availability. June, August, October, and will unpick their Society If you have a disability or illness that makes it hard for you to December. and this has consequences. climb hills or steps, please make sure that you sign up early and • Avoid head exercises. request one of the reserved rooms. Financial assistance is available NYYM Social Media Focus on the Divine from the Equalization Fund. together, not alone. Use Visit our Facebook page and Friends who are unable to transfer themselves to and from a Quaker language unapolo- follow us on Twitter for more wheelchair/bed, etc., and require special assistance with dressing, getically. Reassert Quaker timely news. bathing, or other personal needs must arrange this assistance on processes and understand- their own and the person assisting them must stay in their room. ings of what it means to The caregiver must be in attendance for the length of the stay of the NewYorkYearlyMeeting be a Quaker. Reset Quaker person they are helping. Silver Bay will offer a special reduced rate for @NYYMTweets structures when pragmatic the person assisting. to do so. Lay down ones Worship and Meetings. The people who set up the worship-shar- that don’t work or are unnecessary. ing groups need to know if you have hearing or physical problems Our website has lots of new so that note takers can be provided or accessible locations allocated. and valuable information for Should we go back in time, Please indicate on your registration form if you require such assis- restoring only traditions of NY you and your meeting: tance. YM previous centuries? Of course Videos not. Quite simply, there are more NY YM Resources for Meetings 12-Step Meetings coherent ways to inhabit (not Resources on Quaker 12-Step Meetings will be held at 6:30–7:30 p.m. on Monday, inherit) the Quaker tradition Topics NY Wednesday, and Friday, and 10:00–11:00 pm on Tuesday and Thurs- today. YM day. Nurture Coordinating Committee has oversight of these meetings, but needs to hear from people who would be willing to take responsi- bility for one or more of these meetings. To volunteer, please contact Deb Wood through the Yearly Meeting office, [email protected] or NY 212-673-5750. See for more details. YM

this AT SILVER BAY section continues on page 10 The Inn at Silver Bay

May 2015 • SPARK • Page 9 AT SILVER BAY JUNIOR YEARLY MEETING Dawn Pozzi & Rebecca Wolf, Coordinators NY YM Food Service at Silver Bay Martha Gurvich, Food Service Coordinator Welcome young Friends and parents/guardians to Junior Yearly Friends, please remember: you must be wearing your name Meeting (JYM). badge to enter the dining hall. Meals begin with dinner on Sunday Here are some basic things for everyone to remember: evening and conclude with breakfast on Saturday. Lunch will be Check in. When you arrive at Silver Bay YMCA, you must check available for purchase on Saturday; it is not part Scanned by Melanie-Claire Mallison in with Silver Bay and get your room assign- of this year's conference package. If you plan to ments, and then proceed to the JYM registra- arrive at Silver Bay early enough to have lunch tion area in Gullen Lounge in the Inn. JYM on Sunday, you must purchase a meal ticket at registration will be open on Sunday from 4:00 the Silver Bay desk in advance to buy this meal; to 5:30 PM, and again from 8:30 to 9:30 PM. it is not part of the conference package. If you are Monday morning JYM registration will be a vegetarian, please indicate this on your regis- in Gullen Lounge from 8:15 to 9:00. Anyone tration form. Please see for additional Art by NYYM youth arriving and registering after Monday at 9:00 information regarding special diets, special food storage, and dining should go to the JYM office in See Memorial. Please bring your child’s NY medical forms, parental consent forms, and a record of any allergies. hall hours of operation. YM No child will be allowed to join the JYM group until these forms have NY YM Healing Work at Summer Sessions been submitted. Your juice and snack donation will be taken at regis- tration as well. Contact person, Buffy Curtis and Healing Center Support Committee Where does my child go? Each JYM group is based on the This year at Summer Sessions, Sproul Pavilion will once again have grade the young Friend will be entering in the fall, from 1st–12th. regularly scheduled hours for healing work. The Healing Center Each group meets in the same space every day. These spaces will be is under the care of the Committee on Worship at Yearly Meeting posted at JYM Registration and campus maps will be available. Sessions. Hours of operation will be posted. For children from infancy through those entering Kindergarten We are calling for Friends who work in the healing arts or who are on Monday through Friday mornings, Silver Bay offers childcare at interested in helping with healing work. Please see for more the Children’s Pavilion, which is supplemented by a JYM volunteer. NY information on how you can help with this important work. YM The fee to Silver Bay for this service is covered by the Yearly Meeting.

NY Donations to offset this cost are appreciated from any Friend, parent YM About Fundraising During Summer Sessions or otherwise, who wishes to Contact person, Roseann Press contribute. As in past years, we will have a Fun(d) Fair, a Tagless Tag Sale, and a When does JYM meet? All Cafe Night (all on Thursday) to raise funds for Powell House and the JYM participants except Senior Sharing Fund. Please see the Week at a Glance for times, and High will gather in their age for more information about these events and about raising groups on the lawn in front of NY money for any other Quaker-related causes or groups. YM the Inn at 8:30 a.m. every day, and then go as groups to their NY YM Golf Cart Drivers Needed home bases. Please make sure Mallison Carol by Photo Coordinator, Angel Ramos that your child gets enough rest every night to be able to participate effectively in his/her JYM group Silver Bay is a beautiful place, but for some Friends, it is challeng- each morning. If your child will not be attending group on a given ing to walk up and down the hills and from one meeting place to day, please notify the group leaders or the JYM Coordinators. Unless another. As in previous years, we will have golf carts to help Friends you are notified differently, JYM groups will end at 12:15. Those in get around. We need volunteers to drive the carts. Are you 21 or older grades 5 and up will be dismissed from their groups. Children in with a valid, clean driver’s license? Those are the requirements to the 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th grade groups will not be dismissed volunteer as a part-time golf cart driver. Driving the cart is easy, fun, until the designated adult picks them up on the lawn in front of the a great way to serve the community, and a wonderful way to get to Inn. Parents and guardians are asked to inform the group leaders in know Friends of all ages you might not otherwise meet. Please see NY advance if you want them to release your child to someone other than for more information and how to volunteer. YM yourself. Morning worship sharing for Senior High. Young Friends entering 10th to 12th grade are invited to attend adult worship Invitation to be a JYM Volunteer sharing groups from 9 to 10 a.m., and should indicate that choice on their registration forms. They are expected to join their JYM group or Resource Person right after worship sharing. Do you or someone in your meeting have the gift of working Afternoon and evening childcare. JYM provides cooperative with children or teens (grades 1–12)? This is a wonderful way childcare for children up through the age of 10, with JYM volunteers to get to know the Yearly Meeting and help raise the next and JYM parents, every day during meeting for business, Meeting for generation of Quakers! JYM Volunteers meet with their group Discernment, committee meetings, and evening session times. These every morning at Summer Sessions and for other JYM activi- times will be posted at JYM Registration and in the weekly Program. ties throughout the week. They also attend a planning weekend There is no childcare during Fun(d) Fair or Café Night. Evening child- June 12–14, 2015. care ends 15 minutes after the end of committee or plenary meeting To provide our youth with a deeper Quaker experience, we time. All the PM childcare sessions rely on volunteer help and all also recruit resource people to share their Friendly skills for just parents who bring children to PM childcare are expected to give an a few minutes or an entire morning. What are your gifts? hour to the program. There must be two adults with the children at all We ask that meetings consider offering financial assistance times and a child:adult ratio of no more than 4:1. Two volunteers from to their JYM volunteers. Volunteers may also ask JYM to cover JYM will supervise each session. Any adult can sign up to help with the part of their costs at Summer Sessions. If you would like to be JYM PM childcare either with the PM childcare volunteers or during a volunteer or resource person, please contact Dawn Pozzi or JYM registration. We thank you in advance for helping to provide care Rebecca Wolf, JYM Coordinators 2015. for all of the children in our community. continued on next page

Page 10 • SPARK • May 2015 How do I know where my child is during the day? During JYM sessions they should be with their JYM groups. If your child’s TRAVEL TO SILVER BAY group will leave their home base on a given day for a special event, you will be informed, and/or a notice will be posted on the door of Share a Ride to Silver Bay! the regular meeting place. Any child not attending an age-appropriate JYM group must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or parentally Visit our Rideshare website to offer rides to other Friends designated adult companion during JYM session times. If a child is or to find a ride to Silver Bay. The url is: absent from group without parental notification, efforts will be made to locate the parents and let them know. Parents/guardians/sponsors are responsible for JYMers whenever On Your Way to Silver Bay they are not with their JYM group or JYM childcare. Please discuss Adirondack Meeting, about an hour from Silver Bay, extends and endorse the behavior guidelines with your child at the time you an invitation to Friends to visit meeting for worship on Sunday, register and again before you come to Silver Bay. It is a parental responsibility to set out clear expectations for behavior and curfew. July 19—a wonderful way to extend your knowledge of NYYM We strongly suggest that you agree on a regular check-in time and Friends and add a worshipful break to your journey. Worship, location where the young Friend(s) and the parent/guardian/sponsor at 10:30 am, is programmed; refreshments and sharing follow. meet each day. The meeting is at 27 Saratoga Ave., South Glens Falls NY 12803. Which group will my child be assigned to? The JYM groups For info, call Regina Haag, 518-793-3755. are organized by standard public school grades in an effort to build Powell House is offering an On the Way to Silver Bay confer- on the strengths and needs of our children. Experience has shown ence July 17-19: "Whether you are on your way to New York us that placing children in groups with too wide an age range does Yearly Meeting's annual sessions held at Silver Bay or just not work well for community building. Although it is tempting to ask that siblings who are assigned to different groups be placed together, want a low-key weekend filled with visiting, playing ultimate we have found that this is usually a hindrance to both the children Frisbee, blowing bubbles, singing, playing board games, quilt- and the JYM group. Children will be placed in a group based on the ing, swimming, and even doing work projects." Please register NY grades they will enter in September 2015. The groups are Grades 1-2, at YM

Grades 3-4, Grades 5-6, Grades 7-9 (Junior High) and Grades 10-12 NY (Senior High). These two older groups are a change from recent years YM Driving Directions & Public Transportation when there were two grades to a group. See for these details. Can the JYM volunteers provide for my child with special needs? If your child wishes to attend JYM and needs a very high level of individual attention because of physical or developmental All families are asked to bring a needs, please plan to participate with her or him in the program. The can of juice and healthy non-sugary JYM program does not have volunteers with training to provide for cracker snacks for our JYM groups to all special-need situations. Please contact the JYM Coordinators if share during daily snack time. These you have questions about your child’s participation. contributions can be brought to the Can my child go to Silver Bay without me? If your child JYM registration area or JYM office in is under 18, she/he may attend Summer Sessions with an adult See Memorial. It is important that the sponsor. Sponsors should be designated by the parent or legal guard- JYM Coordinators know of any food ian and must be at least 10 years older than the young Friends they allergies or intolerance so that the are sponsoring. The sponsor and the child should know each other snacks given to your child’s group are JYM hike to Jabes Pond reasonably well. When you register your child to attend Summer appropriate. Sessions, you will need to Who do I talk to if I have any questions? The JYM Coordina- indicate who the sponsor tors, Rebecca Wolf and Dawn Pozzi, are available to answer questions is, send your child’s about JYM during our week at Silver Bay. One of the Coordinators registration in with that will be available Monday through Friday, from 8:45 to 12:00 noon, person’s, include neces- in the JYM office in See Memorial. You can also go to one of the sary medical and permis- co-clerks of the JYM Committee, Miriam McGiver or Susan Stillman, sion forms, and indicate or the NYYM conference office in the Inn. If you cannot find us and that they will be cluster- want to leave a note, there is a message board in the Inn for that ing (rooming near each purpose. other) or sharing a room. Volunteering with Junior Yearly Meeting It is also important that JYM volunteers give their time to the Yearly Meeting at Summer Photo by Carol Mallison Carol by Photo you facilitate communi- Sessions at Silver Bay working with the youth in grades K–12. Volun- cation between your child and the sponsor before Summer Sessions so teer group leaders plan and carry out a program, prepared at the June that they get to know each other’s expectations and needs and so that JYM Planning Weekend at Powell House (June 12–14). JYM group they can have clear agreements about behavior and communication leaders also provide afternoon and evening childcare (referred to as at Silver Bay. You will need to send a completed medical information “PM Childcare”) for children through age 10, and during committee form with your child, to be turned in at JYM registration. Without and session times Monday–Friday. Financial assistance is made avail- that medical form, you child will not be allowed to attend group. able to JYM volunteers. What is clustering? People in a “cluster” are assigned rooms in Silver Bay’s morning childcare program is always happy to have a the same building, on the same floor, in close proximity to one another. Friendly adult presence, as is the PM Childcare program offered by Clustering allows children and their parents, guardians, or sponsors Junior Yearly Meeting. Parents who bring their children to PM Child- to check in with one another and communicate responsibly. You must care are expected to volunteer at least one hour during the week, and request clustering when you register for Summer Sessions at Silver all Summer Sessions adult participants are encouraged to volunteer Bay, and if feasible, send in the clustering registration forms together for PM Childcare and give parents a break. Responsible teens are What should a JYMer bring? If you register with enough lead also welcome to help out with PM Childcare. You can sign up to help time, JYM volunteers working with your group will send a letter explain- during JYM registration or at any time with the JYM PM childcare ing plans for the group and listing certain things to bring. We suggest volunteers. We thank you in advance for helping to provide care for that everybody bring along a beach towel, bathing suit, sunscreen, all of the children in our community. sturdy shoes, and rain gear. The weather at Silver Bay is unpredictable If you are interested in serving the Yearly Meeting as a JYM volun- and can be quite cool. Be prepared for this by packing some warmer teer in future years, please speak with Dawn Pozzi or Rebecca Wolf, NY clothing (for example, long pants, sweatshirts, and windbreaker). Coordinators of JYM 2015. YM

May 2015 • SPARK • Page 11 2015 NYYM REGISTRATION FORM AND FEES NYYM registration fees (not to be confused with the room deposit for Silver Bay YMCA) must be included with the completed registration form for everyone age three and older. Everyone (all ages) must be registered, even the under-threes. Registration Fee Chart Until July 13 July 14–19 After July 19 Adults $40 $70 $80 Young Adults (18-35 yrs) $32 $62 $72 JYM Youth (3 yrs to 17 yrs) $20 $35 $40 Family Group—2 adults & all children under 18 in room with parents $77 $107 $117 Family Cluster—2 adults & all children under 18 in 2 rooms with adult in each room $100 $130 $140 Per-day fee—applicable only to all those attending less than half session $19 $24 $30

NYYM Summer Sessions Registration for One Adult NYYM Summer Sessions Registration for JYM Silver Bay YMCA, Silver Bay, NY July 19–25, 2015 One Person Under 18 Years Of Age BEFORE July 15 return to: NYYM, 15 Rutherford Place, New York NY 10003 Silver Bay YMCA, Silver Bay, NY July 19–25, 2015 AFTER July 15 send to: Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks, 87 Silver Bay Rd., BEFORE July 15 return to: NYYM, 15 Rutherford Place, New York NY 10003 Silver Bay NY 12874; 518-543-8833 AFTER July 15 send to: Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks, 87 Silver Bay Rd., PLEASE PRINT Silver Bay NY 12874; 518-543-8833 Name ______Meeting ______PLEASE PRINT Address ______Name ______Meeting ______City ______State ______Zip ______Age now ______Grade in fall ______Day phone (____) ______Evening phone (____) ______Address ______E-mail address ______City ______State ______Zip ______Day phone (____) ______Evening phone (____) ______Check all that apply: Worship Groups (check only one) E-mail address ______Circle of Young Friends (ages18-35) Adults with young children First time at Summer Sessions Caregivers Check all that apply: JYM Volunteer Conflict Transformation Female Male Vegetarian First time at YM/JYM Vegetarian Earthcare General Aging Do not list me as attending Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered Special needs: hearing seeing walking other: ______Female Men's Racial Healing Sponsor at YM if other than parent/guardian: ______Male Women's Unprogrammed ______Special needs: hearing seeing walking other: ______Grades 10, 11, & 12 Worship Group choice______I will volunteer for: Golf cart driver Microphone carrier Assisting Friends with special needs PM Childcare Healing Ctr (Worship groups are listed on the adult registration form.)

Silver Bay YMCA Housing: Silver Bay YMCA Housing: Arrival day & date ______Departure day & date ______Arrival day & date ______Departure day & date ______I prefer the same room assignment as last year I prefer the same room assignment as last year First choice ______Rate: $ ______First choice ______Rate: $ ______Second choice ______Rate: $ ______Second choice ______Rate: $ ______If neither is available, location is more important If neither is available, location is more important If neither is available, price is more important If neither is available, price is more important Name of parent/sponsor/other roommate______Name of parent/sponsor/other roommate______I will cluster with______I will cluster with______Please assign me a roommate______Please assign me a roommate______I will stay off-campus at (name/address) ______I will stay off-campus at (name/address) ______I am eating all meals on campus ______I am eating all meals on campus Only these meals: ______Only these meals: ______

Request for financial assistance (due 7/1/15) Request for financial assistance (due 7/1/15) Source of funds: Private _ $ ______Source of funds: Private _ $ ______Provided by monthly/regional meeting _ $ ______Provided by monthly/regional meeting _ $ ______Requested from Equalization Fund* _ $ ______Requested from Equalization Fund* _ $ ______* notification from monthly meeting clerk required * notification from monthly meeting clerk required

Registration fee enclosed (see fee chart above) $ ______Registration fee enclosed (see fee chart) $ ______Donation to Equalization Fund (tax deductible) $ ______Remember to review the Participant Expectations Donation to support AM Childcare (tax deductible) $ ______and NYYM Agreements on page 8.

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