Journal photo by GEORE WALDMAN Guild member Bill McCoy’s elation was unmistakable on the day locked-out workers heard that the NLRB ruled against the Detroit dailies. McCoy, Anita Collins, right, and other locked-out workers and supporters spread the word at an impromptu picket line out­ side the News-Free Press building. Inside, managers were announcing plans to appeal, which is certain to delay the board’s order to YES!!! return workers to their jobs with back pay. Details on Pages 4 and 6. PAGE 10 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 I COMPARE OURI between the lines H&R APPLIANCE L O C A L 2 9 2 0 Public Utility Clerical Employees City of Detroit 32150 JOHN R, MADISON HEIGHTS Representing DWSD & PLD Employees 1 /4 M l. SOUTH OF OAKLAND MALL Catherine Phillips, President M0N.THURS.FRI. 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 600 W. Lafayette, Suite 206 TUES. WEDS. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. C O O .f 4 "74 Detroit, MI 48226 SflT. 9:30 a-m.- 5:00 p.m. 300mi i i I Office: 964-0685, Fax: 964-0887

K l im ist , M c k n ig h t , S a le, UAW LOCAL 898 McCLOW & CANZANO, P.C. f?| Attorneys Representing Labor Unions and Working People We Support the Newspaper Workers in Their Struggle Membership, leadership and retirees 400 Galleria Officentre Suite 117 continue to support the locked-out Southfield, Ml 48034, (248) 354-9650 newspaper workers of Detroit.

tlti i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iiUi i i i i! i I i i i i i i i i The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes^? Continues to support the Detroit Newspaper Workers and salute them for their stand against corporate greed. DAVID ELSILA/Special to the Journal

President:M. A. FLEMING Sec. Treasurer:W. E. LaRUE This Union soldier at Harper’s Ferry, W. Va., guards a supply of goods for the North, but makes sure that no scab papers are allowed across the line. tttttttlH Hi i i i i i i i I i Nt'WtHH-H-ffl

ECONO PLUMBING V DELI & ! CBS lockout story & HEATING SI tvS DINER I Specializing in your plumbing NOW SERVING BEER-WINE-SPIRITS j is up for Emmy needs at a price you can afford. I 2441 Fort Street, TRENTON, (313) 671-9005 I e knew that CBS views was to the papers’ editorial Call: 313-275-6792 I Free Cup of Soupj boards, and the mere sighting of a with purchase right on target when it Ask for Ken produced a storypolitical on columnist can cause the locked-out Free Presscancellation of a panel discussion Wstaffer Pat Cybulskion and politics.” her ever- It notes that in a year lovin’ spouse A. J. Hartley, whoin is which Dems have one of their part of the Free Press managementmost colorful candidates in decades, Roofers Local #149 team. What we didn’t know — but“the newspapers frequently have should have — is that the Februarybeen forced to cover the race from 1997 Cybulski-Hartley story onthe periphery.” And what will the In “CBS News Sunday Morning”long-term effect of the strike-lock- would knock the socks off the out TV be? The state attorney general’s industry. The segment, titledoffice couldn’t say because “we don’t “Freedom of the Press,” has been subscribe to the papers anymore.” nominated for an Emmy in the con­ tinuing news story (segments) cate­Is there a ‘U ’? gory. Winners will be announcedMen and women representing Union Wednesday at the News and national unions get their chance to Documentary Emmy Awards. buy a vowel this week. “Wheel of Fortune” (weeknights at 7 on Just call us gidddy Channel 4) presents a five-day Brothers Scabbies are snickering over thesalute to “America’s Working misspelling of “guilty” in chalkFamilies,” on beginning Labor Day. the Newsfreep sidewalk, but at Contestants represent unions affili­ Wish ALL least it got their attention. Theyated with the AFL-CIO, including must have been worn out TuesdayAFSCME, Teamsters and American night after desperately trying Postal to Workers. Oh, and as if you ignore the whole thing. Frankly,had to ask, all of the prizes are Labor Da we’d rather be guilty of a typo thanunion-made. multiple violations of federal laws. Quote o f the week Fair Union Dems snub scabs “Some say we need a third party. A long Washington Post story Ilast say we need a second one.” week focused on the cold shoulders— Prairie populist Jim that Michigan Democrats give toHightower, who’ll broadcast his News and Freep scabs. “Reporters national radio talk show at noon From The Officers from the two newspapers are gener­Monday from LaborFest ‘98 in ally regarded as pariahs. Their downtown Detroit & Members of phone calls to politicians and party officials are not returned. They are Got good, stu ff for BTL? Fax us at turned away from party functions.313-964-5554 or e-mail to Candidates refuse to grant inter­detjourn@aol. com. Roofers Union Local #149 Good TEAMSTERS Warren Professional Fire Fighters Union . . Don’t buy or read - JUSTICE “You have As our Support(J/YremR THROUGH Ken B ehnke Gary D. Micu The U.S.A Today, P re s,d ent ^ - C \ ° S e c reta ry Mark Schim anski Fr d Heifmann The Detroit Free Press, or Vice President______LOCAL 1383 * AFL-CIO T reZ T rer SOLIDARITY The Detroit News Gannett Subsidiaries are destroying “good jobs in Detroit” UFCW local 951 e B lE N C £ 0 “ALL WORKERS NEED THE EFFECTIVE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE AND STRIKE. &JOHN METZ % WITHOUT THESE RIGHTS, THE £ SLATE, * AMERICAN DREAM WILL DIMINISH

t r ie d 4 ^ ^ " ° AND DISINTEGRATE. WE SUPPORT TESTED Iggjp THE LOCKED OUT NEWSPAPER t o u c h ^ WORKERS FOR ALL OF LABOR’S IfftMSIMS KIPMSHUW IIAMSURS ' SAKE. Workers& Their lloloas ELECT THE JOHN METZ SLATE JOHN METZ JSl Have A Safe Labor IS A CANDIDATE FOR TEAMSTERS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT P.O. BOX 39046- ST. LOUIS, MO 63139-0946 Celebrate Labor-s phone (314) 772-2381 - w w w .johnm • R o b e r t P o t t e r J o e C r u m p M ic h a e l M c M illan Paid by The Committee to Elect John Metz President Secretary/Treasurer Recorder Tom Leedham for Teamsters General President Tom Leedham will fight for a better Teamsters future: • More UPS-style fights for better contracts Members on national negotiating committees and grievance panels • Watchdog committees for pension and health funds • No handouts to politicians • Members involved in organizing more non-union workers Bring officers’ salaries in line with working Teamsters • No dues increase without a membership vote Tom Leedham is 21-year Teamster member and a proven leader. He’ll fight for members — not employers, corrupt officials, or the mobs. “A strong Teamsters Union starts with invol more fights like our victory at UPS.”-Tom Leedham

Find out about the Leedham Rank & File Power Slate and how to get involved in the campaign. Call the Michigan-Leedham Campaign at: 313-554-4110 or 313-872-5776. PAGE 12 Co-editors: Susan Watson, Jim McFarlin SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 iljil ravfffeTtiN M anaging Editor: Emily Everett Published by Detroit Sunday Journal Inc. 450 W. Fort Detroit, Mich. 48226 313-964-5655 Fax: 313-964-5554 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Metro NY Labor Communications Council Communicator of the Year The Working Group loady Award Winner O pinion Media & Democracy Congress Media Hero of the Year NLRB tells dailies Cecol-K they can’t hide f course, we won. If there is they plan to appeal the decision. The still a shred of justice left appeal is what could stretch this out anywhere in the universe, another year or two, even though it is then Tuesday’s unanimous in the newspapers’ best financial inter­ Oruling by the Nationalest Laborto settle — and soon. The back-pay Relations Board should surprise noclock continues to tick until they come one. We were right and the Detroit to their senses. newspapers and their owners, FACTS, Detroit Newspapers’ in- Gannett and Knight Ridder, were house memo for employees, seeks to wrong. It’s as simple as that. calm what must certainly be a rather Almost. jittery work force. The memo states True, the issue of who was right and that “this ruling is no surprise,” and who was wrong was never in question, that, in fact, “we’re pleased with the at least not to anyone acquainted withoutcome in that the NLRB reversed the facts of the case. The issue of who (Administrative Law Judge Thomas) “It’s a joke o f course... but was going to win in the end was never Wilks in the area of joint bargaining much in question, either. Sure, there and reaffirmed his decision as it were days when every last one of usapplied to the ITU (International commentary felt like giving up and walking away. Typographical Union Local 18).” But when those days passed? TheFurthermore, “while the appeal pro­ light at the end of the tunnel always cess is under way, we will continue to seemed to shine just brightly enough reinstate former striking employees as to give us all the strength we needed openings occur. We will NOT terminate He sells seashells... to keep on pushing. any replacement workers due to So the question was never who today’s decision by the NLRB.” would win in the end. The question, Well, isn’t that special? rather, was how long it would takeMeanwhile, the newspapers must and everything else before the end arrived. Three years istemper their amusing defiance with a long time to wait for anything, espe­the persistent knowledge that they By Jim Hightower imprints of its label stamped along cially justice. Unfortunately, despite have lost more than $100 million since ime for another journey into the full length of the beach at Seaside the undeniable strength of Tuesday’s the beginning of the strike, and they the Far, Far, Far-Out Heights, N.J. And in an amazing victory, the end still is not here yet. have seen their combined daily circula­ Frontiers of Free Enterprise. demonstration that they don’t have a As a matter of fact, the end could tion drop from a pre-strike of 900,000 Tbday, Spaceship Hightower clue, Dori and Skippy alternate each still be another year — or two years to — 600,000. That’s a loss of one-third. Ttakes you to the increasinglyof alientheir peanut butter ads with a away. This is not what any of us wantsMost folks would consider that a rather world of beaches. The seashore is sup­ “public service” message saying, to hear, but it’s what we need to hear. serious matter, perhaps serious posed to be a place to get away from“Please it Do Not Litter”! Hello. It’s hard to summon the stamina enough to put the defiant act aside andall, to soak up some rays, catch Stamping a ads on our beaches is lit­ needed for the last leg of a lengthy put their emphasis on bargaining. wave and chill out. tering! battle when you keep thinking the But if the newspapers choose to hurt But these days, our beaches are just Of course, the logos get trampled war will end at any minute. themselves further, then that’s on another place for advertisers to bom­during the course of the day, but Tuesday the NLRB affirmed the them. Self-destructive behavior is con­bard us with blaring and glaring pro­Dori’s machine is back the next decisions of two administrative lawsidered by most to be rather unhealthy, mos for their products. From sun­ morning, stamping out a fresh line of judges that the strike was an unfair but when has that ever stopped screen to beer, from cars to clothing, Skippy labels. Skipp/s promo direc­ labor practice strike, both caused andGannett and Knight Ridder before? companies plaster ads all over thetor recently surveyed the beach and prolonged by the unfair labor prac­Sooner or later the bill will come due. boardwalk, emblazon them on beach told the Times he was very pleased to tices of the Detroit newspapers. The Tuesday’s NLRB decision is a glaring umbrellas, shout them at us from see thousands of people in the midst NLRB ordered the two papers to rein­ reminder of that fact. boom boxes and fly them on banners of his sand ads. “If they’re on the state striking workers, even if that We won. Deal with it. behind droning airplanes. beach thinking of Skippy,” he said, means firing the scabs, and to issue Now comes the ultimate intrusion “then that’s just what we want.” back pay and benefits to all strikers 10-second editorialon beach serenity: Mr. Patrick Dori Who cares what he wants? The from February 1997, when the unions has invented a steamroller-type con­beaches are for people, not corpora­ made their unconditional offer to Detroit’s newspapers keep traption that imprints brand-name tions. return to work. And the Detroit News, logos and slogans directly onto the the Free Press and the Detroit appealing the court rulings sand so the beach itself becomes an Jim Hightower hosts “Live at the Newspaper Agency were ordered to against them. If they lose in ad! reports that Chat & Chew,” a populist radio pro­ bargain in good faith to reach con­the U.S. Supreme Court, will Dori’s device can stamp a continuous gram broadcast by United tracts. Broadcasting Network, and is the they appeal to the World line of four-foot by six-foot ads down Hooray. That’s the good news. the entire length of a beach. author of “There’s Nothing in the Predictably the newspapers are Court in The Hague? His first customer has been Skippy Middle of the Road but Yellow putting a twisted spin on events, and Peanut Butter, which has had 5,000 Stripes and Dead Armadillos. ” 4 •vMHMMmI SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 13

ADVERTISEMENT Where have all the heroes gone? Bob Talbert wants to know.

In 1970, Decca Records released a record by country artist Bill AndersonThey’re also the businesses that carry the Sunday Journal for their cus­ entitled “Where Have All Our Heroes Gone?” tomers, even if they hadn’t sold newspapers previously. Released as a single, the song’s lyrics were spoken, not sung — call it coun­They’re people like Allen Park attorney Rosanne C. Less, who got my busi­ try rap — and it became such a surprise hit that it was the title ness of because I saw her ad in the Sunday Journal. Or Pat and Ed Jonas, who Anderson’s next album (Decca DL 75254). own Royal Oak Books. When he spotted the Detroit Sunday Journal button Five years later, author Dorothy Horstman considered the song significantworn by one his customers, Ed Jonas wrote out a check on the spot for a sub­ enough to include in her book “Sing Your Heart Out, Country Boy,”scription! a collec­ How do I know this happened? Simple — I was the guy wearing tion of country music lyrics grouped into fifteen categories. “Where Havethe All button. Shortly after that, Royal Oak Books also ran an ad in the Sunday Our Heroes Gone?” is the last song in chapter nine, “Social Commentary.”Journal during May of 1998. What makes Horstman’s book interesting is that every song’s lyrics areThen pre­ there’s the Book Beat in Oak Park. You can’t buy a Gannett or Knight ceded by comments about it, usually by the writer or performer. AndersonRidder paper there, but you can buy the Detroit Sunday Journal. It’s the comments that his “job was to condense a three-page, single-spaced type­only newspaper they carry. written letter” from his collaborator into “what I thought was a commercialThere are also the thousands — the tens of thousands — of heroes who don’t song.” This letter followed an earlier conversation with that person, whosedo something: they don’t buy the News, Free Press or USA Today. They question, “Where have all the heroes gone?” led to the letter and resultedunderstand in very clearly the motives behind — and are so repelled by the being credited as co-writer, with Bill Anderson, of a hit song. behavior of — the Detroit dailies that they have told Gannett and Knight Who was this person so concerned with a lack of heroes that he wrote Ridder,a song ‘You are no longer welcome in our homes, and we will not finance for about it? you the cost of your repeatedly violating the law.” If you look closely at the record label, you’ll see his name: Bob There Talbert, they are, Bob Talbert. People who have said, “No, we will not be a Detroit Free Press columnist, then as now. party to this,” and whose actions speak as loudly as their words. People with Bob Talbert, collaborator. both a conscience and a backbone. People who give kids someone to look up to. Bob Talbert, scab. Heroes. So, where have all the heroes gone? One thing’s sure: they didn’t go where Bob Talbert did. So where have all the heroes gone, Bob Talbert? They didn’t cross a union picket line during a strike and become scabs.Right here. No standing “o” for those who did, right, Bob Talbert? On Labor Day in Detroit, they’ll be on Woodward Avenue. They’ll also be on Michigan Avenue. And they’ll join at that intersection to celebrate Laborfest Maybe that’s why you think heroes are in such short supply: you’ve’98, just been like they joined together to fight corporate thuggery at Detroit’s looking for them in all the wrong places. newspapers. Looking for heroes at Gannett and Knight Ridder is like looking for gazellesYou’ll be out of your Labor Day Monday-moanin’ mind at the sight of all in Greenland - ain’t gonna happen. So, since you seem so mystifiedthose as to heroes, Bob Talbert. Maybe you should show up and see if you can sell where all the heroes have gone, I’ve got some good news for you. a few subscriptions for the Freek Press. Found ’em! I’ll be there. They’re the Locked-out Newspaper Workers, who were forced out on aYou,too? strike they didn’t want by an employer found guilty by a federal judge of nearly a dozen violations of labor law. No scab papers, period! They’re the men and women who put out this weekly minor miracle, The Detroit Sunday Journal, the little newspaper that could. And did. And Tomdoes, Brown and has for nearly three years now. As much as I love my Journal, I hope its last issue comes soon, because that will be the day when all locked-out work­ ers are back on their jobs with a fair union contract. PS: Hey, Bob Talbert, wanna be a hero? Make out a check to the “Detroit They’re the people who buy the Sunday Journal every week, especiallyNewspaper those Workers Relief Fund” and mail it c/o Walter Freeman at GCIU people who know that the best way to buy the Sunday Journal is toLocal subscribe 13N, 3300 Book Bldg., Detroit, MI 48226. The royalties from your hit to it. A-hem. song should do nicely, for a start. They’re the individuals, organizations and businesses that advertise inPPS: the Get rowdy, Heatherblather. Sunday Journal because they know they’ll reach thousands of readers the Detroit dailies won’t. PPPS: OK, now I’m done. WHAT YOU CAN DO Please do not buy or read the Detroit Free Press or The Detroit News. To eancel a subscription, call (800) 678-6400. Tell them you’ll return when they bargain fair contracts with their workers. Please do not advertise in these newspapers until they bargain with their workers. Please do not give interviews to these papers or cooperate with them until they do the right thing. Dont do business with advertisers in the Detroit Free Press and The Detroit News. For a list, please call the newspaper unions’ headquarters at (313) 965-2347. Do not buy or read USA Today, which is owned by Gannett. Please DO subscribe to and advertise in the Detroit Sunday Journal, a weekly paper published by the Locked-out Newspaper Workers. Call (313) 964- 5655. Display a “No News or Free Press Wanted Here!” sign. Call (313) 963-6619 for free delivery. Donate money to the Detroit Newspaper Workers Relief Fund, c/o Walter Freeman, GCIU Local 13N, 3300 Book Bldg., Detroit, MI 48226. Invite a speaker to your group event. Call the newspaper unions’ headquarters at (313) 965-2347. 1 PAGE 14 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 Democrats, Republicans go head to head

POLITICS, from Page 3 who often don’t vote. “Fieger’s profes­■ Wayne County Executive Edsize state and local issues. For exam­ sion (as a trial lawyer) has been to McNamara will do all in his power tople, Sen. Christopher Dingell, D- On the other hand, Engler is noattack the system. He’s the type ofget the county’s chief civil lawyer,Trenton, is pushing legislation to slouch at dishing out personallawyer you see on TV who comes inJennifer Granholm, elected attorneyrequire safety inspections of school attacks. For example, he attracted and wins victories for clients whogeneral. That could have a reversebuildings. And Rep. Gerald Law, R- wide attention by slashing at thewould otherwise be swept under thecoattail effect by helping otherPlymouth, is pressing to tighten state integrity and qualifications of a well-rug.” Democrats from Fieger on down. supervision of charities. respected Lansing judge over someFeinstein also said Fieger may Meanwhile, Engler suffered an Katie Packer, communications court rulings. And on a recent Upperappeal to members of a younger gen­embarrassing defeat at the GOP con­ director for Senate Republicans, said, Peninsula swing, he colorfullyeration who “don’t like the politicalvention in late August when his hand-“Probably the No. 1 theme you’ll be described Fieger as suffering fromprocess.” Fieger is an outsider with nopicked choice for attorney general,hearing (from GOP candidates) is the “self-inflicted wounds.” political experience, like RonaldDetroit business lawyer Scott importance of education and job train­ Don’t be surprised to see Reagan when he was first elected Romney, failed to win the Republicaning.” Republicans repeatedly link Fieger toCalifornia governor, while Engler hasnomination. Instead delegates chose aSchool safety, crime, economic his best-known — some would sayspent more than two decades in elect­more qualified candidate, former U.S.development, tax cuts, welfare, the most notorious — client, Dr. Jacked office. Attorney John Smietanka of Ada, whorole of government and environmen­ Kevorkian. ■ Clinton’s troubles will provide lost a to Frank Kelley in 1994. tal protection also will be common ■ The poll gap will narrow. How muchbackdrop to the election, though■ Democrats hope to keep the House,themes this fall, regardless of party. depends in part on the enthusiasm,Democrats will question its relevanceRepublicans intend to keep the■ Huge amounts of money will pour energy and resources that labor lead­to issues in their campaigns for theSenate, and term limits have openedinto nominally nonpartisan — but ers and Detroit Mayor Dennis Archerstate House, state Senate, Congress an unusually large number of seatsactually highly political — campaigns devote to Fieger’s campaign. Fieger’sor county commission. this year. for Michigan Supreme Court. At stake selection of Rep. Jim Agee, D- In fact, some Republicans will pub­ Dan Loepp, chief of staff to Houseis control of the court, where three Muskegon, to run for lieutenant gov­licly agree that it’s irrelevant but Speaker Curtis Hertel, D-Det., said, seats are open and Democrats hope to ernor should help with the Michiganwink and smile with any new embar­“Education is a No. 1 issue that cross­keep a majority. Education Association and Michiganrassm ent to Clinton, Vice President A1es all district lines.” In particular, the State Chamber of Federation of Teachers, given Agee’sGore or their associates. Other GOP He said Democrats also will empha­ Commerce and other GOP-oriented strong legislative advocacy for publiccandidates, including Engler, speaksize crime and roads. “After that, it business organizations and political schools. openly on the subject. The governorbecomes local.” action committees will attack the Another factor, Feinstein said, issaid in Houghton recently, “I think hisLegislative candidates — incum­Democratic candidates — including how well Fieger can motivate peopleability to lead is almost nonexistent.”bent or not — will generally empha­longtime Justice Michael Cavanagh.

United Food and Commercial Workers UAW 412 Local 876 The Officers, Staff and Membership of Local 876 We support the striking continue to support the Locked-Out Newspaper Workers as well as all workers in their fight for Northwest Airline Pilots in justice and dignity in the workplace.

their struggle for a fair contract. Bill Schwartz ^ytarv-Treasurer We look forward to celebrating fciP&u Labor Day with you, our fellow union brothers and sisters. djf eo|co ' 03

We will meet you all there at ° / l 7 0 the Michigan Laborfest.

We are an amalgamated local union, always accepting >485- new members in technical, office, professional and skilled trade occupations. is SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 15



UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA AFL-CIO • CLC, D istrict 2 HARRY E. LESTER, Director 13233 Hancock Drive Taylor, Michigan 48180 734-374-8200 • 734-374-8405 (fax) SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 6, 1998

8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 I 10:00 I 10:30 11:00 I 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 | 1:30 [ 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 BROADCAST CHANNELS FOX 0 Eyewitness Weekend Fox News Sunday Lions Rept j Football Fox NFL Sunday® NFL Football: at . (In Stereo Live) ® [NFL | Football NBC O Newsbeat Today Sunday |Today(In Stereo) ® Newsbeat TBA Meet the Press ® Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Emergency |Lighter Side [★ "Frankenstein Conquers the World" |Movie: ★ ** ‘‘B a tm a n "(1989, Adventure) ABC o (7:30) News Good Morning America |Hth-Living Matlock (In Stereo) ® Siskel This Week ® Spotlight To Be Announced Entertainment Tonight ® [PGA Golf (Live) ® CBC O Cottage Gardener Coronation Street (R) Gullage's Gullage’s 50 Up® Alive! Canada 7MarketPI. [Fifth Estate Reflections |Auto Racing: CART WB 0D Kennedy Children Victory Oscar’s Mask Ghostbstrs All Dogs Go Zorro ® Masters Boy-World Movie: *★ "V.l. W arshawski" (1991) Kathleen Turner. 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Designing Designing Golden Golden Movie: **★ * “Dances With W olves" (1990, ) Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell Movie: "Tango & C ash" NICK CharlieB Tiny Toon Looney Tunes Rugrats iL Beavers Cartoons Hey Arnold! Rocko Kablam! Monsters My Brother You Do [Crazy Kids Global Guts |Tiny Toon Salute [Clarissa SCIFI Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Entertain |ln Space M.A.N.T.I.S. “Progenitor" Robocop: The Series ® CNet New Edge Web (R) Cool Tech Flash “ Alpha" (In Stereo) Movie: ★★ “Circuitry M an"( 1990) Jim Metzler. ® TBS Movie: * * 1/ i “Clash of the Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Laurence Olivier. Movie: kkVi " ///” (1983, Fantasy) Christopher Reeve, Richard Pryor. :Atlanta Braves at New York Mets. (Live) ® “Beastmstr" TLC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Gardening |MenTlblts Renovation HomeSvy Hometime Hometime Home Again [Home Again Secrets of the Lost Tribe |Hunt for T-Rex (R) Ghost Galleon | Bermuda Triangle TNT Gilligan Gilligan Lois & Clark-Superman In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night “Pilot" (In Stereo) ® Movie: * * * ' / 2 “Back to the Future" (1985, Fantasy) USA Wing Cmdr. Dragon MortalK Fighter Saved-Beil [USA High WWF Superstars U.S. Open Tennis: Men's and Women’s Third Round. (In Stereo Live) K GrowPains DISN Bear Mermaid |Amazing |Amazing Movie: ★ ** "GayPurr-ee' (1962) ‘G ’ ® \“Family Reunion: A Relative Nightmare" [Movie: “Brink!" (1998, Adventure) Erik von Detten. ® [Torkelsons Flash | Sitters Movie: ★★ “The Evening Star" ( i9 9 6 ) ® HBO Movie: *★ * “S elena" (1997) Jennifer Lopez. ‘PG’ ® Movie: ★★J/2 “ Vice Versa” (1988) Judge Reinhold. ‘PG1 Movie: kkV.2 “My G irl2 ” (1993) ‘PG’ ® Movie: * * ' 2 “Born Yesterday" {1993) Melanie Griffith. MAX (6:30) Movie |Movie: “Rings on Her Fingers" (1942) |Movie:______★* “B ogus" (1996) Whoopi Goldberg. ^ ‘PG’ ® ______Movie: * * “ To Be or Not to ______B e" (1983) Movie: ★*★ “Never Say Never Again" (1983) Sean Connery. “PG’ ® |Movie: “Fools Rusn ln'”E SHO Movie: “All dogs Go to Heaven 2" (1996) [Movie: ★★ “At the Earth’s Core" (1976) [Movie:*** "Metropolitan"\t990) Carolyn Farina. |Movie:*** “The Hudsucker Proxy" (1994) ‘PG’ K [Stargate Stargate SG-1“ Hathor" ® | “C heap" TMC (7:05) Movie: “ 1,000 Gold"] Movie: “Once in a Blue Moon" (1995) |Movie: **★ “Noises Off" (m 2 ) ‘PG-13’ [Movie: ★★ "Larger Than Life" (1996) Bill Murray. ‘PG’ [Movie: ★★★ “A rtic le 9 9 " (1992) ‘R ’ Movie: kkkVi “Donnie Brasco"i 1997) SUNDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 j 5:00 I 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 |

Telethon 0 Highlander: The Series News M*A*S*H ® World’s Holding the Simpsons That 70s X-Files “ Kitsunegari” (R) News Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Benefits the Muscular Dystrophy FOX “ Indiscretions" (In Stereo) Funniest! ® Baby S (In Stereo) Show® (In Stereo) ® Association. Cont. Paid Paid 0 (3:30) Movie: * * * News ® NBC Nightly Dateline Timeline (In Dateline (In Stereo) ® Movie: *V 2 ‘Tw o if by Sea ” (1996) Denis Leary. News ® Sports Final Dumb Paid NBC “Batm an" (1989) ® News ® Stereo) ® Bickering lovers flee after stealing a valuable painting. Edition Criminal Program Program Program Inside Entertainers 0 PGA Golf: Greater News ABC Wld Movie: ★ “ Ernest Goes to School"( 1994) Jim Varney. Greed (R) (In Stereo) ® Practice “Axe Murderer” News Sunday Walker, Ranger“ El ABC Milwaukee Open News Ernest must earn a high-school diploma or lose his job. (R) (In Stereo) ® Sports | Coyote" ® Edition (In Stereo) 0 Auto Racing: CART - Newsworld Father Ted Emily of New Moon “The Touch of Frost Detective Inspector Jack Frost is Sunday Undercur­ Auto Racing: CART FedEx Championship Series - Molson Vancouver. From CBC Molson Vancouver Int’l Sound of Silence" (R) ® Iteamed with the chief's nephew to find a missing girl. Report S rents (R) S Concord Pacific Place in Vancouver, B.C. (R) ; Jack Van Highway Highway Highway Honey- Honey- © Hercules: The Legendary Xena: Warrior Princess 7th Heaven “ Family Sister, [Smart Guy Unhappily Unhappily Earth: Final Conflict “ Law WB Journeys "War Wounds” “ Tsunam i" (In Stereo) ® Secrets" (R) (In Stereo) ® Sister (R) ® (In Stereo) Ever After Ever After and Order" (R) (In Stereo) Impe Patrol Patrol Patrol mooners mooners Jack Van 0D (4:00) Movie: 'W e're Wild Things Men in ape Star Trek: Voyager “ The Star Trek: Deep Space Home Home News ® | Sports Xtra Roc “ Roc's Transition Straight Kenneth Creflo A. UPN No A ngels" (1989) costumes; crocodiles. ® Raven" (R) (In Stereo) S Nine (R) (In Stereo) ® Improve. Improve. Secret Past” Talk Copeland Dollar Jr. Impe © Vis-a-Vis: “ Blue and National Geographic on Antiques Roadshow (In Spirits of the Jaguar (R) Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of In the Life “ Lights, Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of PBS Black" (Part 2 of 2) ® Assignment Stereo) (Part 2 of 2) S (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 4) ® Discovery The story of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Camera, Activism!" | Discovery The story of the Lewis and Clark expedition. I Sports © (4:00) NFL Football: at San Francisco 60 Minutes (In Stereo) ® Touched by an Angel Movie: “FinalDescent" (1997) Robert Urich. Apilot Seinfeld Celebrate Detroit (R) CBS 49ers. From 3Com Park. (Live) ® “Redeeming Love" (R) ® struggles to save passengers aboard a crippled jet. ® “The Pie” ® Machine

(3:00) Movie American Unexplained “ Alien Ancient Mysteries (R) Biography "Regis Philbin: Beyond Titanic The aftermath and legacy of the 1912 America’s Castles“ The Biography “ Reais Philbin: Beyond Titanic (R) A&E Justice (R) Abductions" (R) Made for TV" sinking of the luxury iiner Titanic. Astors" (R) [Made for TV" (R) (3:30) Movie Behind the Planet of the Apes Behind the [ Movie: kkkk “Planet of the A pes" (1968) Astronauts | Behind the Planet of the Apes (R) Movie: *** "Beneath the Planet of the | Behind the AMC Screen ® crash on a world ruled by intelligent simians. ’G’ Apes"(1970) James Franciscus. ’G’ Screen ® BET Paid Proq. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. In Touch ® Ben Haden | Paid Prog. Lead Story |Bobby Jones Gospel (R) [Children |LivgVision [McHammer | Paid Prog. | Pastor Popoff Paid Prog. Profiles “ Varian Fry” (R) Movie: **'/2 “ That Sum mer o f White Artsbreak Fire, Risk and Rhythm: Profiles “ Varian Fry" (R) Inside the Actors Studio Movie: “The Great Waldo Pepper” (1975) A frustrated Inside the Actors Studio BRAVO R oses" (1989, Drama) Tom Conti. ‘R’ Stories of Arts Actress Shirley MacLaine. fighter pilot becomes a barnstorming stuntman. ‘PG’ Actress Shirley MacLaine. Premium Dr. Katz, Bob and Upright Premium Blend (R) ® Movie: *** "An American Werewolf in London" (1981, | Rowan Atkinson: Not Daily Show Viva VarietySouth Park Bob and Dr. Katz, Tick® COMDY Blend Therapist Margaret® Citizen Horror) David Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Dunne. I Just Another Pretty Face (R) (R) (R) Margaret® Therapist Nature’s Rage: Without Nature’s Rage: In Harm’s Nature’s Rage: Tracking Wild Discovery “ Gator!" High Speed Chase (R) Real ER (R) Justice Files "Robbing Us Wild Discovery “ Gator!" High Speed Chase (R) DISC Warning (R) Way (R) the Killers (R) (R) Blind" (R) (R) Coming Mysteries & Celebrity Profile “Jamie Harley Mania(R) True Miss USA: Behind the Miss Universe: Behind Howard Howard Primetime’s Brightest (R) Talk Soup (R) E! Attractions Scandals Lee Curtis" (R) “ Phil Hartman” Scenes(R) the Scenes (R) Stern (R) Stern (R) Auto Racing: CART FedEx Championship Series -- Sports- NFL NFL Football: Oakland Raiders at Kansas City Chiefs. From Arrowhead Stadium. (Live) ® Sportscenter ® NFL NFL Films ESPNews ESPN Molson Vancc uver. center Primetime Primetime Presents Outra­ Show Me Movie: ** “Combat Academ y" [ 1986, Comedy) Two Movie: “National Lampoon's Golf Punks" (1998) An ex- Movie: "Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot" (1991) A John Larry Jones Paid Paid FAM geous! the Funny troublemakers must spend a year in a military tries to teach assorted children to play golf. ® dead man has possession of a $30 million lottery ticket. Osteen Program Program FSD Cvcle World Cycle World Soccer: English Premier League - Teams TBA Goin’ Deep FOX Sports News FOX Sports News |Soccer: English Premier League - Teams TBA World at War“Japan” True Action Adventures Automobiles “Corvette” Tales of the Gun “The Sworn to Secrecy “The History Undercover "The True Action Adventures Tales of the Gun “ The Sworn to Secrecy “ The HIST (R) (R) Guns of Colt" Gulf War: Steel Rain” Laconia Incident" (R) Guns of Colt" (R) Gulf War: Steel Rain" (R) I (4:00) Movie: ** "Tango Movie: **** "Driving Miss Daisy" { 1989) An elderly Movie: **** "When Harry Met Sally" (1989, Comedy- Any Day Now (In Stereo) Intimate Portrait “ Sally Barbara W. Barbara W. Ellen “ The Paid LIFE Program & C ash" (1989, Drama) widow becomes friends with her black chauffeur. Drama) Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher. ® Jessy Raphael" (In Stereo) Fix-Up" E Bob Wonder Brady You’re On! |Kenan & [My Brother All That (R) Shelby Woo Nick News |Laverne& Laverne | & Wonder Wonder Bewitched Bewitched Mary Tyler Taxi ® Dick Van NICK Newhart Years ® Bunch Kel (R) and Me (R) (In Stereo) ® Shirley Shirley Years ® Years ® | (Part 1 of 2) (Part 2 of 2) Moore E Dyke | Alien Nation Pilot ® SCIFI Movie: “DeariFire" (1997)1Vlatt Frewer. (In Stereo) ® Space-Beyond Earth 2 “Moon Cross" ® Alien Nation “ Pilot" ® |Sightings (In Stereo) ® | Space-Beyond Earth 2 “ Moon Cross” ® (4:35) Movie: ** “The Beastmaster” (1982) An ancient National Geographic Explorer Tombs, pyramids and Movie: **** “Rain Man" (1988, Drama) Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria National Geographic Explorer Tombs, pyramids and 1 TBS warrior sets out to avenge his father's murder. mummies of ancient Egypt. ® Golino. The Oscar-winning study of an autistic man and his brother. mummies of ancient Egypt. (R) ® | Supertwins -- Triplets, Qu; ids, and More (R) TLC Lost Continent [Trauma: Life in the ER Extreme Machines (R) |How’dThey Do That? Supertwins -- Triplets, Quads, and More (R) |How’d They Do That? Movie: V2 The Good (3:00) Movie [Movie: kkVi “Malice" (\993, Suspense) Alec Baldwin, Nicole | ER “ Pilot” Dr. Ross suspects a woman is abusing her Movie: **** “Terms of Endearment" (1983, Drama) Shirley MacLaine, Debra * * TNT Kidman. Dark secrets surface after a woman’s emergency surgery. young son; Dr. Lewis must console a cancer patient. ® | Winger, Jack Nicholson. A domineering mother and her daughter spar for years. Old Boys" (1S195, Western) U.S. Open Te innis: Men’s Wings (In [WWF Sunday Night Heat [U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s and Women's Fourth Round. From the USTA National Tennis Center in jTheNet (In S te re o )® Sins of the Paid Paid Program USA and W om en’s Third Round. Stereo) ® ® Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (In StereoLive) ® City (R) ® Program Bug Juice [Mad Libs ® Going Wild! [Omba Muppets [Timon & Aladdin ® [Walt Disney Presents: Movie: * * 1/2 “The Biscuit Eater" (1972, Once Upon Zorro (In Spin and Movie: * * * “ Those DISN Calloways” (1964) ’PG’ E (R )® (R )® Mokomba Tonight! ® Pumbaa® Disneyland Drama) Earl Holliman, Lew Ayres. ‘G® ’ |a Mouse (R) | Stereo) ® Marty ® (3:30) Movie [Movie: * * * "S e le n a " (1997, Biography) Jennifer Lopez. Based on Movie: * * “Conspiracy Theory" (1997, Suspense) Mel Gibson. A Movie: * * * “Soul Food"( 1997) Domestic troubles and Chris Rock Movie: “Devil in the Flesh" HBO the life and brief career of the murdered singer. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ ® I paranoid cabbie’s rantinqs make him a CIA target. (In Stereo) ‘R’ ® |illness threaten a close-knit family. (In Stereo) ‘R’ ® (In Stereo) (1997) Rose McGowan. ‘R’ "Private Parts" (4:00) Movie: ★★ "Fools Movie: * * “The Beautician and the Beast" (1997, Movie: * * “Cheech & Chong’s Nice Making of Movie: **Y 2 "Things Are Tough Ali Movie: * “Desert Passion" Movie: * * * (1997, MAX Comedy) Howard Stern. (In Stereo) ‘R’ ® | Rush In "( 19SI7)‘PG-13’ ® Comedy) Fran Drescher. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ ® Dream s" (1981) Cheech Marin. ‘R’ E Men Over” (1982, Comedy) Cheech Marin. ‘R’ 1(1992) Carrie Janisse. ‘NR’ * "M ind (4:30) Movie: * * * "The Movie: ★ ** "G rease" (1978) John Travolta. Disparate Movie: “In the Doghouse" (1998, Spotlight- Movie: * * 1/ 2 “Code of Silence" (1985, Rude | Line’s (R) ® Outer Limits Reversing SHO |Games"‘NR’l Cheap Detective" (1978) summer lovers meet again as high-school seniors. ‘PG’ Comedy) Matt Frewer. Premiere. Air Adventure) Chuck Norris, Henry Silva. ‘R’ Awakening the process of aging. (R) Movie: *** 1/2 “Donnie Brasco (1997, I (3:35) Movie Movie: * * "ilack to the Beach" (1987) Two former Movie: * * ,/a "Lifeguard" (1976, Drama) Movie:** “PhatBeaph"(, 1996, Movie: * * * ^NaturalBorn Killers"( 1994, Drama) TMC ■1 r v, •' t beachniks' ret urn to their old California haunts.“PG' ® SanTtlliott, Anne Archer.'(lh Stereo) ’PG’ . Comedy)'Jermaine (Huggy) Hopkins. ‘R’ Bloodthirsty younglovprs.become instanhcelebrities/R’ iD i’ama) Al Pabino. (Ih Stereo) ‘R’ ® ! , MONDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 7,1998 I

8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 | 12:30 | 1:001:30 | 2:00 I 2:30 I 3:00 3:30 I 4:00 I 4:30

FOX I Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Continues {Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Continues | Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon NBC (7:00) Today (In Stereo) ffl Maury (R) 30 | Jerry Springer ® Jenny Jones (In Stereo) {News ffl {Jeopardy! {Days of Our Lives® Another World ffl [Montel Williams (R) 30 Sally ffl ABC Good Morning America | Regis & Kathie Martha Martha S. To Be Announced News Pt. Charles All My Children ffl One Life to Live® General Hospital ffl Oprah Winfrey ffl CBC CBC News Playground Penners SesamePk | Theodore | Mr. Dressup Wimzie | Life Signs | Midday ffl CFL Football: Toronto Argonauts at Hamilton Tiqer-Cats. (Live) ffl CFL Football (Live) ffl WB JonQuest Paid Prog. Laverne Odd Couple |700 Club Simon & Simon 3’s Co. Hillbillies Hawaii Five-0 Bananas RoboCop BugsDaffy Animaniacs PinkyBrain Batman UPN Wacky Garfield Step-Step Charles Coach ffl Murphy Sunset Beach ffl Griffith All-Family |jeffersons | Mr. Cooper Sonic Mask Ducktales Doug ffl Hercules ffl Fresh Pr. PBS Magic Bus Puzzle Sesame Street (R) 30 Barney Mr Rogers Charlie |Wimzies Teletubbies [Sesame Street (R) ffl Reading Barney Couch Arthur ffl Magic Bus Sandiego Wishbone CBS 1(7:00) This Morning® Judge Judy |Judge Lane Judge Judy Judge Lane |U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s and Women’s Fourth Round. (Live) ffl

A&E IColumbo “The Most Crucial Game" |Columbo “The Most Dangerous Match” |Quincy “Dying for a Drink" |Northern Exposure OS jLaw & Order "Corruption” IColumbo “The Most Crucial Game” Columbo "The Most Dangerous Match” 1 AMC Behind-Planet | Movie: "Battle for the Planet of the Apes” | "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes"| “Escape From the Planet of the Apes"'G’ |Movie: * * * “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” (1970) Movie: “Planet of the Apes" (1968) ‘G’ 1 BET Summerfld Leonard Video Vibrations [Jam Zone |jam Zone | Planet Groove Top 10 (R) BET Soundstage (R) Rap City 3RAVO Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. |Movie: ★ ** “Samurai/"(1955) |Movie: kk'h "Samurai II"(1956) Toshiro Mifune. Movie: kk'h “SamuraiIII"! 1956) Toshiro Mifune. "Ran"' R’ COM Dr. Katz Daily Show Movie: "BlindDate"1987, ( Comedy) Bruce Willis. Saturday Night Live ffl Premium Blend (R) Daily Show {Daily Show | Viva Variety Bob Dr. Katz |Bob I Premium PulpComic DISC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Interior Mot. Start Design Design Design Design Design Design Design E! One Day One Day I Kate & Allie {Attractions True Hollywood Story (R) Celebrity Profile (R) Celebrity Profile (R) Celebrity Profile (R) Celebrity Profile (R) Celebrity Profile (R) Celebrity Profile (R) ESPN Sportscenter (R) | Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) NFL Films | Major League Baseball: Atlanta Braves at New York Mets. (Live) ffl Up Close FAM Harveytoon All Dogs Go Spellbinder Creepy Heathcliff Candy Kangaroo Station Mr. Moose Mumfie Bobby Menace | Casper [Ghostbstrs |Eek! |Bad Dog [Walter M. 3 Friends I FSD Sports {Sports | Paid Prog. {Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Last Word Pennant TBA Soccer: English Premier League -- Teams TBA Links Golf Crank HIST Year by Year “ 1940” (R) Real West Secrets of World War II {Secrets of World War II {Secrets of World War II | Secrets of World War II | Secrets of World War II | Secrets of World War II Secrets of World War II I LIFE Designing Designing Attitudes Attitudes | Party of Five (In Stereo) | Chicago Hope (In Stereo) | Unsolved Mysteries Movie: ★* “Fine Things" (1990, Drama) Tracy Pollan, D.W. Moffett. Designing Designing NICK CharlieB Rugrats 30 Little Bear BluesClues Busy World Muppets {Gullah Busy World Little Bear {BluesClues Rupert |Allegra {Gadget {Tiny Toon |CharlieB {Dougffl Clarissa Garfield SCIFl Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. {Twilight Z. jTwilight Z. {Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. TBS Hillbillies Movie: ★★★ "The Blues Brothers" (1980, Comedy) John Belushi. |Movie: *★ "Moving"(1988, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Movie: “Trading Places" (1983) Eddie Murphy. Movie: ★ ** “Twins" (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger. | TLC Big Garage |Big Garage {Big Garage |Big Garage | Big Garage | Big Garage {Big Garage |Big Garage iMenTlblts {MenTlblts {HomeSvy |HomeSvy |HomeSvy |HomeSvy Hometime | Hometime I Hometime I Home Again 1 TNT Movie: *★ "Big Trouble in Little China"( 1986) Movie: * “Forest Warrior" (1996) Chuck Norris. |Movie: ★★V2 “Jumpin' Jack Flash" (1986) Whoopi Goldberg. Movie: k-kk'h “Back to the Future" (1985, Fantasy) Michael J. Fox. 1 USA Facts-Life Facts-Life Gimme B. Strangers Movie: * * "The Great Outdoors" (1988) Dan Aykroyd. Movie: * * ’/2 "Coneheads" (1993) Dan Aykroyd, ffl |Movie: ★★V2 “Dragnet"!1987, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd. | Baywatch “The Contest" | DISN Goof Troop {Mickey | Mermaid |Pooh Bear |Katie-Orbie |Chip-Da!e |Madeline® Mermaid |Pooh | Jungle {Tale Spin ffl Chip-Dale |Timon | Goof Troop | Aladdin ffl Dinosaurs |GrowPains I HBO Movie: * * * “A League of Their Own” (1992) ‘PG’ ffl Movie: **V 2 “Addams Family Values" (1993) ‘PG-13’ Movie: kk'h “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” (1993) ffl Movie: kk'h “Foof/oose” (1984) ‘PG’ ffl Movie: "Places in the Heart"( 1984) ‘PG’ 1 MAX I(6:45) Movie: "YoungPhi" |Movie: "Men in fl/ac/r” (1997) ffl |Movie: ★* "FatherHood"( 1993) Patrick Swayze. ffl |Movie: ** "BadMedicine"(1985) Movie: kk'h "Masterminds"(1997) Patrick Stewart, ffl |Movie: * “Fathers'Dav" 1 SHO (7:00) Movie: "Doctor Dolittle"( 1967) ‘G’ [Movie: "To Catch a Thief"(1955) Cary Grant. |Movie: ** "Princess Caraboo"(1994) ® |Movie: ** “Sing" (1989) Lorraine Bracco. ‘PG-13’ ffl |Movie: *V 2 “Vibes” (1988) Cyndi Lauper. | "RaceSun" | TMC 1(7:40) Movie: ** Touch” (1997) ‘R’ ffl Movie: ★* “Changing Habits"(1997) |Movie: ** “Quicksilver"(1986) ‘PG’ |Movie: **V4 “Flashdance”(1983) Jennifer Beals. ‘R’ |Movie: “Swingers"(1996) ‘R’ ® I * * * “The Flim Flam Man" 1 I MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 7,1998|

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 | 8:30 | 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 11:00 | 11:30 12:00 12:30 I 1:00 1:30

0 I Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon Continues News Extra (In Melrose Place‘“Buona Ally McBeal “These Are News Cheers (In M*A*S*H ffl Married... Extra (In Access Cops (In FOX Stereo) ® Sera Mr. Campbell” ffl the Days” (In Stereo) ffl Stereo) ffl With Stereo) ffl Hollywood Stereo) ffl O News 30 News® NBC Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy! Movie: “Race Against Fear: A Moment of Truth Movie" Dateline (In Stereo) ffl News® Tonight Show (R) (In Jenny Jones Would-be Paid NBC News® Fortune ® 00 (1998, Drama) Ariana Richards, Susan Blakely. ® Stereo)ffl models get brushoff. ffl Program o News From the ABC Wld ABC Sneak Ent. Tonight NFL Football: at . From Mile High Stadium. (In StereoLive) News iNightline ffl Ent. Tonight [inside Politically ABC Heart News Peek ffl Edition® Incorrect ffl o (4:00) CFL Football: Edmonton Eskimos at Calgary To Be Canadian- 22 Minutes | Father Ted Cola Conquest (Part 1 of jNational/CBC News ffl National News ffl Children From Elsewhere (Part 2 of 10) CBC Stampeders. From McMahon Stadium. (Live) 30 Announced Parks m ______. 3)30 Update ffl © Full House Boy Meets Family Different Roseanne Mama’s 7th Heaven “Boyfriends” Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roseanne [Mama’s LAPD: Life Kojak “Siege of Terror” | LAPD: Life | Strange Paid WB 3E World ffl Matters ® World ® (In Stereo) Family (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 2) ffl "Ted” (R) (In Stereo) ffl “I’m Hungry” Family on the Beat on the Beat Universe Program © Simpsons Living Simpsons Home Frasier Home In the Malcolm & In the Malcolm & News Fresh Star Trek: Deep Space Vibe Actor Steve Coach (In UPN (In Stereo) Single 30 (In Stereo) Improve. “Selling Out" Improve. | House ffl Eddie (R) ffl House ffl Eddie (R)ffl Prince Nine “Babel" (In Stereo) ffl Guttenberg. (R) Stereo) ffl © Kratts’ Science Newshour With Jim Business MotorWeek Hudson’s Building Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Being Vicar of I Hudson’s Building (R) Lewis & Clark-the Corps PBS Creatures Guy Lehrer ffi Report (In Stereo) Discovery The Lewis and Clark expedition ends. (R) ffl Served Dibiey of Discovery © U.S. Open Tennis: Fourth Seinfeld (In Mad About CBS News Hard Copy Cosby (In Cosby (In Everybody- | Everybody- |48 Hours (In Stereo) ffl Late Show Fitness guru Judge Mills [Open Late Late Show (In CBS Round Stereo) ® You ® ® Stereo) ffl Stereo) ffl Raymond Raymond Richard Simmons, ffl Lane Highlts Stereo) ffl

Quincy “ Dying for a Drink" Northern Exposure Law & Order "Corruption” Biography “Kathie Lee Investigative Reports A&E Murder, She Wrote Law & Order “Jeopardy” Biography "Kathie Lee Investigative Reports “Democracy in America” ® Gifford: Having It AH" (R) | "The Search for Amy" ffl “Magnum on Ice" ffl Gifford: Having It AH" (R) “The Search for Amy” ffl | (3:30) Movie Movie: "Planet of the Apes” (1968) Astronauts! Movie: *+★ “Beneath the Planet of the | AMC Movie: ★★★ “Escape From the Planet of the Apes” Behind the Planet of the Apes (R) Movie: “Conquest of the |crash on a world ruled by intelligent simians. 'G' Apes” (1970) James Franciscus. 'G' (1971, Science Fiction) Roddy McDowall. ‘G’ Planet of the Apes" (1972) BET |(4:30) Rap City |227 30 | Planet Groove BET Soundstage Sparks ffl | Good News |Comicview BET Tonight I Sparks 30 1227 ffl Midnight Love (4:45) Movie: * * * ★ “Ran” (1985, Drgma) Tatsuya Nakadai, Satoshi Nederlands Movie: *★ * “The White Balloon" (1995, BRAVO Movie: + * * 1/2 “Burnt by the Sun" (1994, Drama) Oleg Menchikov. A Texas Saturday Night A salute to music | Nederlands Terao. A Japanese warlord relinquishes power to his eldest son. ‘R’ Drama) Aida Mohammadkhani. ‘NR’ lover from his wife's past darkens a Russian man’s door. ‘R’ and culture in the Lone Star State. (R) Bob and Dr. Katz, Viva in Vegas (R) 00 Premium Blend (R) Movie: * * * “BlindDate" (I987) Bruce Willis. Alcohol COMDY Dr. Katz, Bob and Daily Show I Stein’s Saturday Night Live Demi Bob and Daily Show Margaret Therapist | ha§ a strange effect on a yu jpie’s beautiful date. Therapist Margaret® Money Moore, Johnny Clegg, ffl Margaret® (R) Design Wings "Landing Zone in Gimme Shelter (R) Wild Discovery “Bear Joined at Birth (R) DISC Hollywood Declares War Justice Files “Psycho Wild Discovery “ Bear Joined at Birth (R) Vietnam” (R) Attack” (R) Killers” (R) Attack” (R) Celebrity Profile A profile Celebrity Profile “Tom Celebrity Profile “Harrison True Hollywood Story Mysteries & | Fashion E! Talk Soup ]Night Stand Howard Howard Melrose Place “Over Talk Soup |Night Stand of actress Drew Barrymore. Hanks" (R) Ford" (R) “Robert Downey Jr.” (R) Scandals Emergency (R) Stern Stern (R) Dick’s Dead Body" (R) NFL Sportscenter Monday Night Countdown Gymnastics: Jr. European Cheerleading: College ESPN World Aerobics Baseball Sportscenter ffl Baseball Tonight NFL’s Primetime Women's Cheer/Dance Championships Tonight Greatest 3 Friends, Pee-wee’s Outra­ 1 Can’t Show Me Show Me Oh NO! Mr. I Life, “Chameleons" FAM Movie: ★* (1989) Marcus Gilbert. Two 700 Club Oh No! Mr. Life, Paid Paid Jerry Playhouse geous! Believe the Funny the Funny Bill Camera women and a costumed crimefighter join forces. Bill Camera Program Program FSD Sports Last Word Sports Tigers Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Chicago White Sort. From Comiskey Park. | FOX Sports News FOX Sports News Last Word Major League Baseball Secrets of World War II Secrets of World War II. Secrets of World War II Project Underworld: The Men Who Killed Kennedy | HIST Modern Marvels Secrets of World War II Project Underworld: The | Men Who Killed Kennedy (R) (R> . !“Adolf Hitler’s Last Days” Military and the Mafia (R) (R) (Part 1 of 6) “Battlefield Engineering” "Behind Enemy Lines" Military and the Mafia (R) (R)(Parti of6) Golden Golden Ellen Ellen Party of Five Chicago Hope "Freeze LIFE Movie: "Giving Up the Ghost" (1998) A lawyer's dead New Golden Golden Unsolved Mysteries (In | Homicide: Girls 30 Girls 30 “Gladiators" $5,000 ® “Aftershocks” (In Stereo) Outs" (In Stereo) ffl husband wants her to join him for eternity. Premiere, ffl I Attitudes ffl Girls ffl Girls ffl Stereo) Life You Afraid? Rocko’s Figure It Tiny Toon Doug (In Rugrats (In [Hey Arnold! Allen Brady NICK Wonder Happy Days ILaverne & I Love Lucy Bewitched Mary Tyler Taxi "Zena's | Newhart ffl Dick Van Modern Life Out Adventures Stereo) ® Stereo) ® | (In Stereo) Strange j Bunch Years ffl Shirley ffl Moore ffl Honeymoon” Dyke SCIFl Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Twilight Z. Sightings ® Star Trek “The Enemy Within" ® Sliders “Common Ground” | Welcome to Paradox ffl Sightings ffl Star Trek “The Enemy Within” ffl Sliders “Common Ground"! (3:10) Movie Movie: **★ *• "Jaws" (1975, Horror) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw. A Movie: kk'h “The Running Man" (1987) Athletes hunt TBS Movie: *★ "Rocky IV” (1985, Drama) Vengeful boxer | Movie: * * * * “Jaws" (1975, Horror) Roy Scheider. A great white shark terrorizes a New England resort town. convicted prisoners on a sadistic game show. Rocky Balboa faces a deadly Soviet fighter. great white shark terrorizes a New England resort town. TLC Home Again Home Again | Home Again | Home Again [ Home Again |Home Again Extreme Machines (R) |Need for Speed Supersonic Dreams Extreme Machines (R) Need for Speed (R) | Supersonic Dreams (R) ER "Pilot” Dr. Ross suspects a woman is abusing her ER “Day One” (In Stereo) WCW Monday Nitro (In StereoLive) ffl TNT Babylon 5 “Phoehix Movie: “Big Trouble in Little China"(1986) A macho young son; Dr. Lewis must console a cancer patient. 30 | 30 Rising" (R) (In Stereo) ffl truck driver rescues a friend’s kidnapped fiancee. USA High Hercules: The Legendary Xena: Warrior Princess U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s and Women’s Fourth Round. From the USTA National Tennis Center in USA Silk Stalkings "Glory Highlander: The Series { C-Net Magnum, (In Stereo) Journeys (In Stereo) 30 |"Remember Nothing” ® | Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (In StereoLive) ® Days” (R) (In Stereo) ffl “The Immortal Cimoli” ffl Central (R) P.l. Off the Wall Mad Libs 30 | Growing Brotherly Movie: ★★★V2 “Dumbo" p Movie: **★ “The Rescuers Down 11 Movie: *★ “The Shaggy Dog"1994, ( DISN Walt Disney Presents Zorro (In Mickey Movie: “The Absent 30 Pains ® Love® (1941, Fantasy) ‘G’ ® | Under" (1990) Voices of Bob Newhart. ffl i Comedy) Ed Begley Jr.. ffl “Elfego Baca" (R) ffl Stereo ffl Mouse Club Minded Professor" (1961) I (3:45) Movie Movie: “A League of Their Own" (1992, Comedy) Geena Davis. I Movie: k'h “Major League (1994) II" Charlie Sheen. Movie: ★★V2 "The Rat Pack" (1998) A revealing HBO Movie: **★ “The Terminator" (1984) A cyborg Based on the story of the all-girl baseball league of 1943. ‘PG’ 30 The Cleveland Indians return for another pennant race. : account of the popular 1950s-60s entertainers, ffl assassin from the future comes to present-day L.A. ‘R’ (4:00) Movie Movie: *'/!2 "Batman & Robin" (1997) Arnold Schwarzenegger. The I Movie: **V !2 “Indecent Proposal" (1993) A man offers I MAX Movie: k-kk'h "Alien"1979) ( Tom Skerritt. An outer- Movie: k'h "Intimate Deception"1997) ( A married man dynamic duo returns to take on an icy villain. (In Stereo) ‘PG-13’ 30 i a couple $1 million for a night with the wife. ‘R’ ffl i space stowaway attacks interstellar miners. ‘R’ begins an affair with an alluring housemate. ‘R‘ (4:45) Movie: ★ V2 "Race the Sun"(1996, I Movie: "Joe Torre: Curveballs Along the 1Movie: ★ ** “Air Force One” (1997) Harrison Ford. The i SHO Movie: ★★★V2 “BoyzNthe Hood" (1991, Drama) Black Compro- 11 Love Street |lMovie: ★★★V2 Drama) Halle Berry. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ 30 | Way" (1997, Drama) Paul Sorvino. ‘PG’ I U.S. president battles terrorists aboard his plane. ‘R’ ffl ' youths come of age in L.A.’s crime-infested streets. ‘R’ misinq i[In Stereo) “Rosemarv's Baby" (1968) I (4:05).Movie: -kkkJ'The , IMovie: ★ ** "Hijacking Hollywood" IMovie: k t * “Blazing Saddles"1974, ( 1 Movie: * * “Striptease” (1996) Demi Moore. A Miami TMC Movie: ★★ “Body Armor" (1997, Drama) I Movie: ★1/a "Hollywood.Dreams" (1993, , Flim Flam Mah“ (1967) 30 |l [1997, Drama) Henry Thomas.‘NR’ 1Comedy) Cleavon Little. ‘R’ ffl 1nother becomes a stripper to raise some quick cash, ffl Matt McColm. (In Stereo) ‘R’ • iComedy) Kelly Cook. .(In Stereo) ‘R’ TUESDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 8,1998 |

I 8:00 | 8:30 1 9:00 I 9:30 | 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 11:30 12:00 I 12:30 I 1:00 I 1:30 I 2:00 I 2:30 I 3:00 I 3:30 I 4:00 4:30

FOX ©(6:00) News Forgive or Forget ® Real T V ® | Real T V ® People’s Court (In Stereo) News Pictionary Geraldo Rivera (R) ffl Ricki Lake (R) Forgive or Forgetffl Rosie O’Donnell ffl NBC O(7:00) Today (In Stereo) ffl Maury (R) ® Jerry Springer ® Jenny Jones (In Stereo) News® Jeopardy! Days of Our Lives ffl Another World ffl Montel Williams (R) ffl Sally ffl ABC OGood Morning America Regis & Kathie Martha Martha S. To Be Announced News Pt. Charles All My Children ffl One Life to Live ffl General Hos pital ffl Oprah Winfrey ffl CBC o CBC News Playground Guess SesamePk Theodore Mr. Dressup Wimzie | Kitchen jMidday ffl Pamela Wallin E.N.G. "Best Defense" ffl Coronat’n Urban P. Jonovision The Bill WB © JonQuest Full House Laverne Odd Couple 1700 Club Simon & Simon 3’s Co. Hillbillies Hawaii Five-0 Bananas RoboCop BugsDaffy Animaniacs PinkyBrain Batman UPN QD Wacky Garfield Step-Step Charles Coach ® Murphy Sunset Beach ffl Griffith All-Family jJeffersons Mr. Cooper Sonic Mask Ducktales Doug ffl Hercules ffl Fresh Pr. PBS © Magic Bus Puzzle Sesame Street (R) ® Barney Mr Rogers Charlie |Wimzies Teletubbies Sesame Street (R) ffl Reading Barney Couch Arthur ffl Magic Bus Sandiego Wishbone CBS © 1(7:00) This M orning® Quincy | Guiding Light (In Stereo) Price Is Right ffl Debt Young and the Restless Bold & B. As the World Turns ffl Judge Judy Judge Lane Judge Judy Judge Lane

A&E McCloud |Banacek “No Stone Unturned’’ |Quincy Northern Exposure ffl Law & Order ffl | McCloud | Banacek “No Stone Unturned” AMC (7:00) Movie |Movie: ★ * ' / 2 "‘Orchestra W/Ves” (1942) |Movie: "Louisiana Purchase"(1941) Bob Hope. "The Duel at Silver Creek" Movie: * + * “A Yank in the RAF” (1941, Drama) iMovie: “Nothing Sacred" iMovie: *★+ “Living It Up" 1 BET | John A. Cherry Video Vibrations |JamZone |JamZone | Planet Groove (R) jBETSoundstaqe (R) I Rap City

3RAVO Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Movie: “Wish You Were Here" (1987) 'R' Profiles “Miriam Makeba" Movie: * * * ' / 2 “Burnt by the Sun" (1994, Drama) Oleg Menchikov. ‘R’ * * * "The White Balloon" COM Dr. Katz Daily Show Movie: * * “Glitch!" (1988, Comedy) Julia Nickson. Saturday Night Live ffl Kids in Hall Ben Stein Daily Show Dr. Katz Odd Couple |Make-Laugh Saturday Night Live ffl “Rocky Horror Picture" DISC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Interior Mot. Start Home Matters (R) Housesmart! (R) Interior Motives (R) Home Matters (R) Housesmart! (R) Interior Motives (R) Great Chefs | Great Chefs E! One Day One Day Kate & Allie Fashion True Hollywood Story (R) Scandals | Fashion Model TV | Fashion File Behind the Scenes (R) Talk Soup (Attractions One Day | Kate & Allie Melrose Place ESPN Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Auto Racing: CART - Molson Vancouver Rodeo (R) Yearbook Yearbook FAM Harveytoon All Dogs Go Holmes Creepy Heathcliff Candy Kangaroo Station Mr. Moose Mumfie Bobby (Menace I Casper iGhostbstrs Eek! | Bad Dog Walter M. 3 Friends FSD Sports Sports Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Last Word Sports Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Chicago White Sox. (R) Golf CART HIST Year by Year “ 1950" (R) Real West “Crazy Horse" Movie: * * “John Paul Jones" (1959, Biography) Robert Stack, Battle Line Four Years of Thunder |20th Century (R) Movie: * * “John Paul Jones” (1959) Robert Stack. LIFE Designing Designing Attitudes Attitudes Party of Five (In Stereo) Chicago Hope (In Stereo) Unsolved Mysteries Movie: “Without Warning: Terror in the Towers"1993) ( Intimate Por Designing Designing 1 NICK CharlieB Rugrats ® Little Bear BluesClues Busy World Muppets Gullah Busy World Little Bear |BluesClues Rupert | Allegra Gadget (Tiny Toon CharlieB | Doug ffl Clarissa Garfield SCIFI Voyage to Bottom of Sea Swamp Beyond Gallery Bradbury Monsters Twilight Z. Sightings (In Stereo) ffl Forever Knight (In Stereo) Bionic Woman Wonder Woman Incredible Hulk TBS Hillbillies Hillbillies Little House Little House Mama Mama Matlock “The Mother" ffl Matlock "The Madam" ffl Movie: ★ * * Tw/ns” (1988, Comedy) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Dreams TLC Skinnmrk Pappyland Big Garage | Bingo Salty’s | Skinnmrk Critters Critters Onlnside jOnlnside Great Inns I Great Inns Inntimate [inntimate Wedding | Wedding Furniture Hometime 1 TNT CHiPs “ High Octane” Spenser: For Hire In the Heat of the Night Movie: -kVi "Policewoman Centerfold" (1983, Drama) Movie: * * * “Mysteries From Beyond Earth" (1977) Kung Fu: Legend Due South ffl USA Facts-Life Facts-Life Gimme B. Strangers Wings ® Wings ffl U.S. Open Tennis: Men's Fourth Round and Women’s Quarterfinals. (In Stereo Live) ffl DISN Goof TroopMickey Mermaid Pooh Bear Katie-Orbie Chip-Dale (Madeline ffl |Mermaid Pooh Jungle |Tale Spin ffl |Chip-Dale Timon |GoofTroop |Aladdinffl |Dinosaurs GrowPains 1 HBO Movie: *•+ "The Saint" (1997) Val Kilmer. ‘PG-13’ ffl Movie: * * * “Clear and Present Danger” ( 1994) Harrison Ford. ® Tracey Movie: * * “Hard Promises" (1991) ‘PG’ Movie: ★ ★ '/ 2 "Cadence" ( 1990) Charlie Sheen. ‘PG-13’ “Wayne’s-2" 1 MAX (6:15) Movie [Movie: * “My Boyfriend's Back” (1993) Movie: "Horrorof Dracula"(1958) |Movie: ★V2 "Freaked" (1993) ‘PG-13’ ® Movie: kVi “Prehysteria! 3” (1995) ‘PG’ Movie: “To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday” Movie: “Picture Perfect"IE. I SHO (7:05) Movie: * * * “Land and Freedom" “The Purple Rose of Cairo” |Movie: * “The Forbidden Dance" (1990) Laura Herring. Movie: "Captiva Island" ( 1995) ‘PG’ Movie: “Soul Sun/ivors" (1995) Ian McShane. ‘PG-13’ Movie: “Runaway" (1984) 1

TMC (7:35) Movie: * * * * "Hud” (1963) ffl Movie: * * “Reckless Kelly" (1993) ‘PG’ |Movie: ★* “Critical Choices"(1996) ’R’ “Triumphs of a Man Called Horse" (1983) Movie: -kVi "Farmer& Chase" (1995) 'R' |Movie: ★★V2 "Easy Money"(1983) ‘R’ TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 8,1998 |

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 I

e News News News Married... Access Extra (In King of the Costello Guinness World News Cheers “Hot M*A*S*H ffl Married... Extra (In Access Cops (In FOX With Hollywood Stereo) ffl H ill® “Pilot" ffl Records: Primetime ffl Rocks” ffl With Stereo)ffl Hollywood Stereo) ffl o News® N ew s® NBC Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy! Frasier (In Mad About Frasier (In Just Shoot Dateline (In Stereo) ffl News ffl Tonight Show (In Stereo) Jenny Jones Breast Paid NBC News ® Fortune ffl ffl Stereo) ffl You (R) ffl Stereo) ffl Me (R) ffl ffl augmentation candidates. Program o News News ABC Wld Ent. Tonight Home Soul Man Spin City (In Dharma & Maximum Bob "Dead News Nightline ffl Ent. Tonight Inside Politically Howie ABC News Improve. (In Stereo) Stereo) ffl Greg (R) ffl Babe Walking" (In Stereo) Edition ffl Incorrect ffl Mandel ffl o Schlesinger News ® CBC News Canadian Land and Market Venture ffl Cola Conquest (Part 2 of National/CBC News ffl National News ffl Movie: ★ ★ ★ '/ 2 "Women on the Verge of a Nervous CBC ® Gardener H Sea (R) ffl Place ffl 3) ffl Update ffl Breakdown" (1988, Comedy) Carmen Maura. Q) Full House Boy Meets Family Different Roseanne Mama’s Dawson’s Creek “Road Seventeen: The Faces for Roseanne Mama’s LAPD: Life Kojak “Web of Death" LAPD: Life Strange Paid WB ® World ® Matters ® World ® (In Stereo) Family Trip" (R) (In Stereo) ffl Fall (In Stereo) ffl “All of Me” Family on the Beat on the Beat Universe Program © Simpsons Living Simpsons Home Frasier (In Home Moesha (In Clueless (In Moesha (In Clueless (In News Fresh Star Trek: Deep Space Vibe Paul Sorvino, Maria I Coach“The UPN (In Stereo) Single ® (In Stereo) Improve. Stereo) ffl Improve. Stereo) ffl Stereo) ffl Stereo) ffl Stereo) ffl Prince Nine “Captive Pursuit” ffl Conchita Alonso. (R) Investment" © Kratts’ Science Newshour With Jim Business Back to Nova “The Proof” (R) (In Ending Welfare as We Know It The stories of six Being Chef! Nova "The Proof” (R) (In Ending Welfare as We PBS Creatures Guy Lehrer ® Report Back Stereo) ffl mothers trying to get off welfare. (In Stereo) ffl Served Stereo) ffl Know It (R) (In Stereo) ffl © Grace Mad About Seinfeld (In Mad About CBS News Hard Copy JAG "Clipped Wings" (R) Movie: “UnderSiege" ( 1992) Steven Seagal. A Late Show (In Stereo) ffl Judge Mills Open Late Late Show (In CBS Under Fire You ® Stereo) ® You ® ffl (In Stereo) ffl Navy cook thwarts a plot to hijack a battleship, ffl Lane Highlts Stereo) ffl

Quincy “Unreasonable Northern Exposure Law & Order “ Double Biography “Merv Griffin: Inside Story "Tornado" Murder, She Wrote "A Law & Order “The Biography "Merv Griffin: Inside Story “Tornado” A&E Doubt" “Three Amigos" ® Blind” ffl Master of the Game” Virtual Murder” Troubles” ® Master of the Game" (R) (R) (4:15) Movie: * * * "Living Hollywood Movie: ★★V2 “The Wild and the Movie: *•★ ** “Anastasia" (1956) Ingrid Bergman. An Hollywood Diaries: “Sound of American Movie: -k-k-kVi "The King and 1” (1956, Musical) Yul Brynner, Deborahl AMC It Up" (1954) Dean Martin. Backstage Innocent" (1959, Western) Audie Murphy. amnesiac girl claims to be the heir to Russia’s throne. Music" Rodgers and Hammerstein. Kerr. A governess sails to Siam to tutor the king’s children. ‘G’ BET (4:30) Rap City 227 ® [Planet Groove BET Soundstage |Sparksffl Thea Comicview | BET Tonight Sparks ffl 1227 ffl | Midnight Love (4:00) Movie Arts & Movie: * ★ * “Wish You Were Here” (1987), Tom Bell A Movie: “Tom & V/V” (1994, Drama) Willem Dafoe. Movie: “Close My Eyes" (1991) Alan Rickman. A Movie: “Tom & WV” (1994, Drama) Willem Dafoe. BRAVO Minds (R) precocious teen-ager comes of age in postwar England. Renowned poet T.S. Eliot marries a troubled socialite. woman's incestuous affair threatens her marriage. ‘R’ Renowned poet T.S. Eliot marries a troubled socialite. (4:00) Movie: "The Rocky Premium Make Me Daily Show Stein’s Movie: “The Rocky Horror Picture Show" (1975) Viva Variety Pulp Daily Show Stein’s Saturday Night Live John Viva Variety Daily Show COMDY Horror Picture Show" Blend (R) ® Laugh (R) Money Stranded newlyweds fall prey to a flamboyant scientist. Comics III Money Lithgow. ffl (R) (R) Travelers “Chicago” (R) Wings “Gunship" (R) Gimme Shelter (R) Wild Discovery: Crabs New Detectives: Case Hard Time Justice Files “Trust Wild Discovery: Crabs New Detectives: Case DISC and Lobsters Studies-Forensics Betrayed” (R) and Lobsters Studies-Forensics Uncut Halle Videofash­ Talk Soup Behind the News Daily Gossip True Hollywood Story “Heidi Fleiss" A profile of Talk Soup Night Stand Howard Howard Melrose Place “Moving Talk Soup Night Stand E! Berry. (R) ion Weekly! Scenes (R) convicted Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss. (R) (R) Stern Stern (R) Violations" (In Stereo) (R) NBA NBA Inside Up Close Sportscenter Outside the Lines Classic Sports: Roger Up Close Baseball Tonight Sportscenter ffl Baseball Timber America's NBA ESPN Fantastic Stuff Maris Special (R) Tonight Series (R) Horse Fantastic 3 Friends, Pee-wee’s Outra­ 1 Can’t Show Me Show Me Oh No! Mr. Life, Movie: ★★'/•> “Desperate Choices: To Save My Child" 700 Club Oh No! Mr. Life, Paid Paid FAM Jerry Playhouse geous! Believe the Funny the Funny Bill Camera (1992, Drama) Joanna Kerns, Bruce Davison. Bill Camera Program Program FSD Board Wild Football Last Word Sports TBA Tigers Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Chicago White Sox. From Comiskey Park. FOX Sports News FOX Sports News Last Word Baseball (3:00) Movie Battle Line Four Years of Thunder 20th Century (R) U.S. Invaded! (R) Men Who Killed Kennedy Modern Marvels (R) Civil War Journal "Battle U.S. Invaded! (R) Men Who Killed Kennedy HIST (R) (Part 1 of 4) (R) (Part 2 of 6) of Fredericksburg” (R) (R) (Part 2 of 6) Golden Golden Ellen “Three Ellen (In Party of Five “In Loco Chicago Hope “Growth Any Day Now "It’s Called Maggie Oh Baby New Golden Golden Unsolved Mysteries (In Homicide: LIFE Girls ® Girls ® Strikes” ® Stereo)® Parentis” (In Stereo) ffl Pains” (In Stereo) ffl Depression” (In Stereo) ffl “Liar, Liar" “ Logistics" Attitudes ffl Girls ffl G irls® Stereo) Life You Afraid? Rocko’s Figure It Tiny Toon Doug (In Rugrats (In Thornber- Cousin Brady Wonder Happy Days Laverne & I Love Lucy Bewitched Mary Tyler Taxi ffl Newhart ffl j Dick Van NICK Modern Life Out Adventures Stereo) ffl Stereo)ffl rys Skeeter ffl Bunch Years ffl Shirley ffl Moore ffl Dyke SCIFI Six Million Dollar Man Quantum Leap (In Stereo) Sightings ffl Star Trek “Mudd's Women” ffl Tekwar “Tekwar" Sightings ffl Star Trek “Mudd’s Women” ffl Tekwar “Tekwar”

Saved by Saved by Family Family Major League Baseball: Atlanta Braves at Montreal Expos. From Olympic Stadium. Movie: ★★★V2 “The Dirty Dozen" (1967, Adventure) Lee Man/in, Ernest Borgnine. Police Academy -- The TBS the Bell ® the Bell ® Matters ® Matters ® (Live) ffl Convicts undertake a deadly mission in Nazi Germany. Time Approximate. Series TLC Hometime HomeSvy Renovation Renovation Home Again | Home Again Trauma: Life in the ER iThrill of Flight Rule Brittania (Trauma: Life in the ER (Thrill of Flight (R) Rule Brittania (R) Lois & Clark: The New Babylon 5 “The Illusion of ER "Going Home” (In Movie: * ★ * * “Tootsie" (1982, Comedy) Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Movie: -k-k-kVi “The Goodbye Girl" (1977, Comedy) Marsha Mason. A Movie: *★ “City Heat" TNT Adventures of Superman Truth” (In Stereo) ® Stereo) ffl Lange. An unemployed actor poses as a woman to land a soap role. single mother and a would-be actor share an apartment. (1984) Clint Eastwood. U.S. Open Tennis: Fourth USA High Xena: Warrior Princess U.S. Open Tennis: Men's Fourth Round and Women's Quarterfinals. From the USTA National Silk Stalkings “Till Death Highlander: The Series Magnum, P.l. “A Girl USA Round & Quarterfinals (In Stereo) “Giant Killer” (In Stereo) ® Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (In StereoLive) ffl Do Us Part” (In Stereo) ffl “Through a Glass Darkly" Named Sue" ffl

Off the Wall Mad Libs ® Growing Brotherly Movie: ★ ★ ’/2 "Freaky Friday" ( 1995, Movie: *★ “ Wish Upon a Star"1996, ( 101 101 Walt Disney Presents: Zorro (In Mickey Movie: **Vi2 “Son of DISN ® Pains ® Love ® Comedy) Shelley Long, ffl Comedy) Katherine Heigl. ‘PG’ Dalmatians Dalmatians Adventureland-Waterbirds Stereo) ffl Mouse Club Flubber" (1963) 'G’ ffl (4:30) Movie: -k-kVi Movie: ★★ “ The Saint" (1997) Val Kilmer. A master of Movie: 2 “The Edge" (1997, Suspense) A plane Movie: * * “8 Heads in a Duffel Bag" Movie: “Breakdown" (1997, Movie: * * * “A Time to HBO “Wayne's World 2" ( 1993) disguise finds romance and danger in England. 'PG-13' crash strands two rivals in the Alaskan wilderness. 'R' (1997, Comedy) Joe Pesci. ‘R’ ffl Suspense) Kurt Russell. (In Stereo) ‘R’ ffl Kill" (1996, Drama) ‘R’ ffl (4:15) Movie: -kV,2 “Picture Movie: * ★ * "Dominick and Eugene” (1988, Drama) A Movie: * * V2 “The Return of the Living I Making of Movie: “The Stranger” (1994) A beautiful Emman- Movie: “Deadlock: A Passion for Murder" * * * “Angel MAX Perfect"( 1997) ‘PG-13’ ® med student cares for his mentally challenged brother. Dead" (1985, Horror) Clu Gulager. ‘R’ Rosewood biker stands up to a gang of outlaws. ‘NR’ uelle (1996, Suspense) Doug Jeffrey. ‘NR’ Heart" ‘R’ ffl (4:00) Movie Movie: * * “Ghosts of Mississippi" (1996, Drama) Alec Baldwin. A Movie: “Floating Away” (1998, Drama) Burdened Movie: * “The Haunted Love Street Compro­ Hot Springs Movie: * * “Kounterfeit" (1997, Drama) SHO prosecutor reopens the case against Medgar Evers’ killer. 'PG-13' ® strangers bond during a cross-country road trip, ffl Sea" (1997, Horror) 'R' (R) mising Hotel (R) Bruce Payne. (In Stereo) ‘R’ ffl (3:40) Movie Movie: *★ “Reckless Movie: ★★★VI2 “Lone Star" (1996, Drama) Chris Cooper, Long-buried Movie: -kkVi “Blow Out" (1981) John Travolta. A sound Movie: “Prison Heat" (1993, Drama) Movie: ★★'/« “The Harvest" (1993, TM C J Kelly'* (1 9&3)‘PG’ f f l “ ' secrets surface during a murder investigation. (In Stereo) ‘R’ effects engineer accidentally records a murder. ‘fr Rebecca Chambers.' (fn fetereoj ‘R’ Suspense) Miguel Ferrer, 'ft' ffl 1 - > ' 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 9,1998

8=00 | 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 BROADCAST CHANNELS


Melrose Place(In Stereo)

■Special Ed.’

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9^3C^ 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 1:00 1:30 BROADCAST CHANNELS O News News News Married... Access Extra (In Movie: “Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit"1993) * * ( News Cheers “I ]M‘A*S*H (Married... (Extra (In (Access Cops (In FOX With Hollywood S te r e o )® Deloris and friends rally to save a school from closina. Kid You Not" “Edwina" TO With Rtf?rani rftl H n llv w n n d Stereo) SS O News® News ® NBC Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy! Dateline (In Stereo) ® Law & Order “Tabloid” (R) Law & Order “M onster” News ® Tonight Show (In Stereo) Jenny JonesOverweight Paid NBC News® Fortune ® ® (In Stereo) ® (R) (In Stereo) ® ® wnmen and hnshanda nil Program O News News ABC Wld Ent. Tonight Dharma & Two Guys, Drew Carey Whose Primetime Live B0 News Nightline ® Ent. Tonight Inside Politically Howie ABC News Greg(R)® a Girl (In Stereo) Line? Edition ® Incorrect ® Mandel [Ml fc J Money News® CBC News On the Country Life and Times Cartoonist Cola Conquest (Part 3 of National/CBC News ® National CBC Show® News® Stopwatch (Off Air) Road Again Canada ® Lynn Johnston. (R) ® 3 ) ® Update ® © Full House Boy Meets Family Different Roseanne Mama’s Wayans Jamie Foxx Wayans Steve Roseanne Mama’s LAPD: Life Kojak “O ne fi WB ® , cr the LAPD: Life (Strange Honey- World ® Matters ® World® (In Stereo) Family Bros. (R) ® (In Stereo) Bros. (R) ® Harvey ® ® Family on the Beat M oraue" on the Beat Universe mooners © Simpsons Living Simpsons Home ...... 7 . ... 1 Frasier (In Home Sentinel “Foreign Star Trek: Voyager“The News Fresh UPN (In Stereo) Star Trek: Deep Space Vibe Jon Cryer, Playa. (R) Coach (In Single ® (In Stereo) Improve. Stereo) ® Improve. Exchange" (In Stereo)BE Omega Directive" (R) ® Prince Nine “Q -Less" fin Stereol Stereo) ® © Kratts’ .... Science Newshour With Jim Business Am.Blck- Wild Islands(In Stereo) Magnificent Journeys Into the Rising Sun (In ' Being Keeping Up Wild Islands(In Stereo) MagnificentJ lourneys PBS Creatures Guy Lehrer ® Report Journal (Part 3 of 3) ® (Part 3 of 3) ® ' Stereo) (Part 3 of 4) ® . Served (Part 3 of 3) 3!0 fPart 3 nf 31 rtin © Grace Mad About Seinfeld (In Mad About CBS News Hard Copy JAG “Chains of Public Eye(In Stereo) BE Chicago Hope CBS Late Show (Ir1 Stereo) ® Judge Mills Open ( Late Late Show (In Under Fire You® S tereo )3E YouBE ® Command" (In Stereo) ® Lane | Stereo) ® |

IQuincv “Rnieim e for R ale” I A&E Law & Order "Hot Pursuit" Biography “Don Im us” (R) & Found” ® American Justice r'Presumed Guilty" (R) Laughing Murder” m P resum ed Guilty” (R) (4:05) Movie: ★+’/2 “Artists Hollywood Movie: *★ * "Don’t Bother to Knock" AMC Movie: * * * * “Strangers on a Train" (1951) A playboy Movie: “Davidand Bathsheba” (1951) Gregory Movie: * * '/2 "Helen of Troy" (1955) A kidnapped and Models" (1955) Backstage (1952, Drama) Marilyn Monroe. suggests a sinister proposition to a tennis star. ‘PG1 Peck. A king’saffair leads to divinely wrought drought. queen is the spark that ignites the Trojan War. BET (4:30) Rap City 007 1771 Planet n i a OGroove ____ BET Soundstage |SparksBE |GoodNews Comicview BET Tonight Sparks ® |2 2 7 BE Midnight Love ______Movie: “Rosa Luxemburg" (1986) The woman Dance of the Century Movie: * * * “Life Is Sweet"(1991)Alison Steadm an. BRAVO Fire, Risk and Rhythm: Movie: *★ * “Bagdad Cafe"(1988) A stranded Fire, Risk and Rhythm: who helped form Germany's Communist Party. ‘NR’ “D iaghilev” (R) Mike Leigh’s satiric look at an eccentric London family.Stories of Arts foreigner helps the owner of a run-down cafe. ‘PG’ Stories of Arts (4:00) Movie: - ‘ * * “Three Stuck in the Make Me Daily Show Stein’s COMDY Aspen Comedy Festival Aspen Comedy Festival I South Park Upright Daily Show | Stein’s Saturday Night Live for the Road" (1987) ’60s______| Laugh South Park Daily Show (R) I Money ( R ) ® Citizen 1BL 1BL Money Danny DeVito, Bangles. (R) Travelers “C airo" A visit to Wings “Steel Rain" (R) Gimme Shelter (R) ______(R) DISC Wild Discovery“Lions of Discover Magazine UFOs: Down to Earth: Justice Files“Murder Wild Discovery"Lions of Discover Magazine Cairo. (R) Etosha" (R) “Engineering Disasters" Uncovering.the Evidence" O ne" (R ) Etosha" (R) Engineering Disasters" UncutJeff [Model (R) Talk Soup Mysteries &News Daily Gossip Celebrity Profile“Billy E! Sex on South Beach(R) Talk Soup Night Stand Howard Howard Melrose Place“Hunka, Talk Soup Night Stand Goldblum. Scandals Crystal" (R) JSL Stern Stern (R) Hunka Burning Love" NFL Inside Access: Two Up Close Sportscenter SSL ESPN Major League Baseball:Teams to Be Announced. (Live) ® Major League Baseball:Teams to Be Announced. (Live) ® Roads to Glory(R) Sports- center S 3 Friends Pee-wee’s Outra- I Can’t Show Me Show Me Oh No! Mr. Life, FAM Movie: "Love-Struck" (1997, Comedy) Cynthia Gibb. A 700 Club Oh No! Mr. Life, Paid Paid Jerry Playhouse geous! Believe the Funny the Funny Bill Camera misfired arrow leads to romance for the god of love. ® Bill Camera Program Program FSD Xtreme In the Zone Last Word (Sports Sports | Tigers Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Chicago White Sox. From Comiskey Park.FOX Sports News FOX Sports News Last Word Baseball (3:00) Movie Battle Line Four Years of Thunder 20th Century The history Ancient Drugs(R) HIST Men Who Killed Kennedy Modern Marvels (R) Weapons at War Ancient Drugs(R) Men Who Killed Kennedy “Tobruk" (R) (Part 2 of 4) of legal gaming. (R) (R) (Part 3 of 6) "Destroyers” (R) (R) (Part 3 of 6) Golden Golden Ellen ® Ellen BE Party of Five “Who Cares' Great Lifetime Makeover LIFE Movie: "Giving Up the Ghost”{1998) A lawyer's dead New Golden Golden Unsolved Mysteries(In Homicide: Girls ® Girls 3S (In Stereo) BE husband wants her to join him for eternity.BE Attitudes BE Girls BE Girls BE Stereo) Life You Afraid? Rocko's Figure It Tiny Toon Doug (In Rugrats (In Hey Arnold! Allen NICK Brady Wonder Happy DaysLaverne & I Love Lucy Bewitched Mary Tyler Taxi® Newhart ® Dick Van Modern Life Out Adventures Stereo) BE Stereo) BE (In Stereo) Strange Bunch Years BE Shirley Moore BE Dyke SCIFI Six Million Dollar Man Quantum Leap (In Stereo) Sightings BE Star Trek BE Tekwar “Teklords" Star Trek® Tekwar “Teklords” Saved by Saved by Family Family Andy Andy TBS Movie: * "Cobra” (1986, Drama) Sylvester Stallone. A Movie: * * “Missing in Action 2: The Beginning" (1985) Movie: * “Cobra" (1986, Drama) Sylvester Stallone. A the Bell ® the Bell ffl Matters BE Matters BE Griffith Griffith murder probe reveals the possibility of multiple killers. An American POW in Vietnam makes a bid for freedom.murder probe reveals the possibility of multiple killers. TLC Hometime HomeSvy Renovation Renovation Home Again Home Again Volcano-Path | Extreme Aviation Eurotunnel (R) Volcano-Path Extreme Aviation (R) Eurotunnel (R) Lois & Clark: The New Babylon 5 “A tonem ent” ER "Hit and Run” (In TNT Movie: *★ * “Body Snatchers"{1993) Gabrielle Anwar. Babylon 5 “The Day of the Movie: ★★★ "Body Snatchers" (1993) Gabrielle Anwar. Movie: **% Adventures of Superman (In Stereo) BE Stereo) BE A teen-ager battles an invasion of pod people. Dead” (R) (In Stereo) ® A teen-ager battles an invasion of pod people "Communion"( 1989) U.S. Open Tennis: USA High Xena: Warrior Princess USA U.S. Open Tennis: Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From the USTA National Tennis Center in Silk Stalkings “The Last Highlander: The Series Silk Stalkings “The Party’ Quarterfinals______(In Stereo) “Orphan of War" BE Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (In StereoLive) ® Kiss Goodnight" (R) ® ‘Double Jeopardy"BE (R) (In Stereo) Off the Wall I Mad Libs BE Growing Brotherly 'Movie: “Escape to Witch Mountain" DISN Movie: **V 2 “Explorers" (1985) A homemade Gargoyles Walt Disney Presents Zorro "The Mickey Movie: “The Computer Pains BE Love BE (1995, Adventure) Erik von Detten. ® spaceship puts three boys in touch with aliens. 'PG' ® “Ida, the Offbeat Eagle” N ew O rder” Mouse Club Wore Tennis Shoes'”G' (4:00) Movie: *★ * Movie: -k-kV,2 "One Fine Day" (1996) Two overstressed Movie: * 1/2 "’Til There Was You"( 1997) The meeting of HBO Movie: “Devil in the Flesh" (1997, Chris Rock Movie: ★ ★ V 2 “Event Horizon" (1997, “Single ‘Mother"!1996) ‘PG-13’ ® single parents tiptoe around romance. ‘PG’BE two fated lovers is continually prevented. ‘PG-13’ ® Suspense) Rose McGowan. 'R'BE (In Stereo) Science Fiction) Laurence Fishburne. ‘R’White" (3:30) Movie (Movie: ★ ** “The Fifth Element"(1997, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis.Movie: ★* “The Sunchaser"(1996) Woody Harrelson. MAX Movie: *V 2 “Raven Hawk" (1996, Movie: ★ ★ V 2 “Off the Menu: The Last | Movie: * ’/2 "Bikini Hotel" A cabbie finds a woman who may save Earth from disaster. 'PG-13' An ailing teen forces his doctor to drive him to Arizona. Drama) Rachel McLish. (In Stereo) ‘R* ® Days of Chasen's" (1997) ‘NR’ ® 1(1996) J.J. North. ‘R’ (4:30) Movie: * * 1/2 “My (Movie: *★ * “The Baby Dance" (1998, Drama), Laura SHO Movie: * * * "My Best Friend's Wedding" (1997) A food Pick-a-Flick Compro­ Love Street Movie: * "Bullet" (1997, Drama) Mickey Magic Dog" (1998) 'G' |Dem A baby’s birth forces a difficult parental decision. critic seeks to sabotage her buddy’s nuptials. 'PG-13' ® m is in g Rourke, Tupac Shakur. (In Stereo) 'R' ® Movie: * * * “The Cotton Club" (1984, Drama) Richard Gere, Diane TMC Movie: “Daddy’s Girl"(1996) A cherubic (Movie: *'/2“NationalLampoon's Dad's |Movie: "Maybe... Maybe Not" Movie: *★ “Bullet to Beijing" (1995) Michael Caine. A Lane. A 1930s jazz musician saves a racketeer’s life. (In Stereo) ‘R’ I face masks a child’s psychopathic soul.Week | Off"( 1997) Henry Winkler. ‘R’BE |(1994, Comedy) Til Schweiger. ’R’ ® British agent chases a deadly virus en route to China. PAGE 2 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998

The Detroit Sunday Journal daily 3 DAILY 4 MMICHIGAN IC H I G A N Midday: 1-4-4 Eve:N.A. 9/4 Midday: 6-6-3-3 Eve: N.A. around town i 9/3 Midday: 8-5-1 Eve:6-7-2 9/3 Midday: 7-0-4-0 Eve: 0-9-1-1 19/2 Midday: 9-8-0 Eve:7-0-7 9/2 Midday: 0-4-2-7 Eve: 5-2-04 19/1 , Midday: 5-0-3 Eve:8-7-9 9/1 Midday: 7-6-6-2 Eve: 6-2-5-1 $MTERY U M M A R ~ Y Midday: 8-1-1 Eve:0-4-6 8/31 Midday: 5-S-6-7Eve: 7-7-9-8 ‘Safe Night’ parties set 8/29 Midday: 3-9-3 Eve:0-1-5 8/29 Midday: 0-9-1-3 Eve: 1-5-5-1 CASH 5 As many as 10,000 young peoplemakers will be the centerpiece of 9/3 15 21 24 32 34 MICHIGAN KENO are expected to attend more than“Quilts: A Wondrous Legacy,” a 9/2 6 9 13 14 30 9/3 11 13 17 18 20 21 23 2428 26 39 100 “Safe Night” parties throughoutshow and sale Oct. 8-11 at the 9/1 11 22 27 29 32 40 41 44 46 54 56 60 69 7074 76 Detroit on Friday aimed at prevent­Southfield Centre for the Arts. 8/31 2 5 23 28 35 9/1 15 19 22 25 26 31 36 41 49 46 52 The exhibit will include 60 hand­ 8/28 2 17 26 33 35 ing youth violence. 73 78 LOTTO 53 55 61 62 63 64 67 70 .71. The parties, sponsored by 100made antique and contemporary 9/2 10 11 18 23 29 37 8/31 10 13 15 17 22 23 24 3137 34 39 Black Men of Greater Detroit, with quilts, spanning about 150 years. 8/29 2 9 13 15 16 46 40 45 47 55 56 58 62 67 76 68 77 support from city government andThe sale will include a wide range of THE BIG GAME 8/28 *2 4 12 14 20 24 30 35 39 38 48 local businesses, will include enter­quilting material and equipment as 9/1 9 23 24 37 44 24 50 52 54 59 60 61 63 65. 69•73 77 tainment as well as presentations well as demonstrations, lectures 8/28 1 21 28 43 45 17 (Numbers are not official.) about managing anger and avoidingand displays. The show will be open violent confrontations. For informa­10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday through tion, call 313-872-2202. Saturday and noon to 5. Sunday. Admission is $5. For information, Symphony auditions call 248-424-9022. ROOFING S u n d a y Io u r n a l The Plymouth Symphony will ★ ROOFING ★ GUTTERS hold auditions for a variety of regu­Focus: HOPE grant ★ ALUMINUM SIDING & TRIM The Detroit Sunday Journal is lar and substitute positions in the Plans for a National Urban ★ STORM WINDOWS & DOORS published weekly by Detroit orchestra on Sept. 14. Regular posi­Leadership Center to train urban ★ ALUMINUM AWNINGS planners from around the world to ★ REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Sunday Journal Inc., 450 W. tions include concertmaster, second Fort St., Detroit,'Ml 48226. Mail oboe, second clarinet, second Frenchreplicate the educational and social service programs created by Subscription price is $15 for horn and section strings. For infor­ Detroit’s Focus: HOPE organization McGLINCH & SONS three months, $30 for six mation and audition times, call Bill "Three Generations of Hulsker at 313-640-1773, or Russgot a $20,000 boost from the W. K. Dependable Service” months (no refunds). Call (313) Kellogg Foundation last week. 964-5655, ext. 111 to subscribe, Reed, at 734-482-3897. West The foundation awarded Focus: or, for more information. Dinner dance HOPE a grant to complete a busi­ 278-2777 POSTMASTER: ness and implementation strategy East The Jewish Parents Institute will Send address changes to celebrate its 50th anniversary onfor the center, which would help the 776-8912 The Detroit Sunday Journal, Oct. 3 with a dinner dance at the organization expand services to the 22400 thousands of visitors who come each W. WARREN 450 W. Fort, Detroit, Ml 48226. Double Tree Guest Suites Hotel in Detroit, Michigan Southfield. All current and formeryear to learn from Focus: HOPE’S parents, alumni and staff of theexperience in urban development. organization, which offers a cultur­Focus: HOPE, which is celebrat­ ally based Sunday school and fami­ing its 30th anniversary, has creat­ The GCIU joins the entire labor movement in saluting ly program, are invited. ed a variety of nationally recognized programs for food distribution, union members locked out by the Detroit News, Detroit For more information or to make reservations, call 248-661-7637. manufacturing education and train­ Free Press, and Detroit Newspapers for their strength, ing, early childhood education and courage, and dignity in their three-year pursuit of fair Quilts highlight show community outreach. One food pro­ contracts. As all America joins in honoring workers on Eight quilts made by prominentgram already has been copied in at Labor Day, we call on Gannet, Knight Ridder, News and African American artists and quilt- least 19 other states. Free Press publishers, and DN officers to demonstrate good faith for the union men and women who worked so hard for so long in making profits for you and quality products for the Detroit community.

\\ rVIQ\ \ 0 ) . The Detroit Sund International Union

Gerald H. Deneau Movie James J. Norton President Secretary-Treasurer Vice Presidents Leonard E. Adams Charles E. Ellington Guide James J. Cowan Garry D. Foreman Find complete Lawrence Martinez Paul E. Golden theater listings The General Board and International StaffL j SEPTEMBER 6, 1998

SOME FOLKS go for the mid­ way rides. Some for the concert acts. Some for the livestock dis­ plays. Some for the com dogs. OK ... So nobody goes for the com dogs. But even the dogs are part of the experience at the Michigan State Fair, which wraps up its 150th run tomorrow with Labor Day festivities. If the weather is decent, Monday could be a huge day at the fairgrounds, with the Beach Boys — always a top-drawing act in these parts — performing at 7 p.m. Today should be no slouch either, with country-western star Trace Adkins at the band shell for the country bumpkin in all of us. Other highlights today include the Rambouillet Sheep Show at 9 a.m. (keep the scabs away from that sucker), the very popular Clowns Competition an hour later and the Twinkie-eating competition at 4:30. Labor Day highlights include an 11:30 a.m. Healthy Eating demo (a 12-step program for sur­ vivors of the Twinkie showdown) the Peanut and Spoon Race at 2:30 and the Sack Race at 6:30. But you don’t need a program. It’s great fun just to walk around, catch the roving entertainers and do some old-fashioned people- watching. Grab yourself a com dog while you’re at it. - Tom Schram Every midway ride is special when accompanied by daughter. Kevin Crowe and daughter Kailyn take a s The Michigan State Fairgrunds is at the southeast corner of Woodward and Eight Mile in Detroit. Admission is $9 for adults,$2 for under 11 and free for Journal photos b under 2. Call 313-369-8250 for more information. Joe Showerman of Stockbridge puts the final touches on his Dorset GEORGE WALDIV yearling ewe for show competition. The fair is the equivalent of the Miss America contest for state livestock. Hair flying and mouths agape, youngsters have a moving experience on the dragon ride.

Darryl Cleveland of Houston has the rapt attention of a group of youngsters as he keeps things in balance at the fair. What, no flaming swords?

Dur 3-year-old in on Dumbo. THURSDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 10,1998 9:30 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 11:30 I 12:00 I 12:30 BROADCAST CHANNELS 0 (6 :0 0 ) News Forgive or Forget Real TV I Real T V ® People s Court(In Stereo) News Pictionary Geraldo Rivera (R) Ricki Lake (R) Donnell (7 :0 0 ) Today (In Stereo) Maury (R ) ® Jerry Springer Jenny Jones(In Stereo) Jeopardy Days of Our Lives Another World ® Montel Williams ® Morning America Regis & Kathie Martha Martha S To Be Announced Pt. Charles All My Children ® One Life to Live GeneralHospital Oprah Winfrey Playground Guess SesamePk Theodore Mr. Dressup Wimzie Midday ® Pameia Wallin E.N.G. “C hild's Coronat’n Jonovision JonQuest Full House Laverne Odd Couple 700 Club Simon & Simon 3’s Co. Hillbillies Hawaii Five-0 Bananas RoboCop BugsDaffy Animaniacs PinkyBrain Batman Garfield Step-Step Charles Coach Sunset Beach Griffith All-Family Jeffersons Mr. Cooper Ducktales Hercules Puzzle Sesame Street(R) Mr Rogers Charlie |Wimzies Teletubbies Sesame Street(R) Reading Couch Arthur Sandiego Wishbone Morning ® Guiding Light (In Stereo) Price Is Right =J«=— Younc^mniwjestless Bold&B. As the World Turns ® Judge Judy Judge Lane Judge Judy Judge Lane Columbo “An Exercise in Fatality’1 I Cosby Mysteries | Quincy “Sleeping Dogs" |Northern Exposure ® | Law & Order ® Columbo “An Exercise in Cosby Mysteries Pittsburgh" Movie: ★★★1/2 “The Lodger" (1944) |Movie: ★★★ "Shall We Dance (1937) Fred Astaire | Movie: "The Rains of Ranchipur” (1 9 5 5 ) Movie: ★*★% "Jane Joan Fontaine “A Hole in Vision Video Vibrations Jam Zone Jam Zone I Planet Groove | BET Soundstage 3RAVO Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. |Paid Prog Movie: ★★★ "Rosa Luxemburg" (1986, D ra m a ) ‘N R 1 Movie: ★★★ "Life Is Sweet" (1991) Alison Steadman Movie: ★★ "House of Cards" K ath leen T u rn er Movie: ★★ “Jekyll and Hyde... Together Again"19 8( 2 ) Saturday Night Live ® Kids in Hall Ben Stein Daily Show Dr. Katz Odd Couple Saturday Night Interior Mot. Start Home Matters (R) Housesmart! (R) Interior Motives(R) Home Matters (R) Housesmart! (R) Interior Motives & Allie Gossip (R) Celebrity Profile(R) Celebrity Diet & Fitness Fashion | Model TV News Daily Gossip (R ) |Talk Soup Behind One Day Kate & Allie Melrose Place(In Stereo) Sportscenter(R) Sportscenter(R) Sportscenter(R) Sportscenter(R) Sportscenter(R) Mt Biking Gymnastics (R) Equestrian Survival Harveytoon All Dogs Go 700 Club Kangaroo Station Mr. Moose Mumfie Menace Ghostbstrs Eek! Walter M Friends Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. I Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Last Word In the Zone Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at W h ite Sox Hardcore Football by Year“ 1 9 6 7 " (R) Real West Movie: -kirk "The Three Musketeers" (1974) Oliver Reed Battle Line Four Years of Thunder 120th Century Movie: ★★★ "The Three Musketeers Designing Designing Attitudes Attitudes Party of Five “W h o C a re s " Great Lifetime Makeover Unsolved Mysteries Movie: "Sin and Redemption"(1994) Cynthia Intimate Portrait CharlieB Designing Designing Rugrats BluesClues Busy World Muppets Gullah Busy World Little Bear BluesClues r. Seuss Gadget |Tiny Toon CharlieB |Doug Clarissa Garfield Voyage to Bottom of Sea Beyond Bradbury Monsters Twilight Z. Sightings (In Stereo) Forever Knight(In Stereo) Bionic Woman Wonder Woman Incredible Hulk Hillbillies Hillbillies Little House Little House Matlock “The Brothers” BE Matlock “The Cover Girl" Movie: ★★ "Tank" James Garner Dreams Dreams Skinnmrk Pappyland Big Garage Salty’s Critters SchoolStor Onlnside Onlnside Great Inns |Greatlnns Inntimate llnntimate Wedding Furniture Hometime CHiPs Counterfeit Spenser: For Hire In the Heat of the Night Movie: ★★★ ‘Trapped’’(1989) Kathleen Guinlan. Movie: ★★ “Encounter With the Unknown”19 7 3 ( ) Due South “ Gimme B. Strangers Wings BE Wings BE U.S. Open Tennis:Mixed Doubles Final and Men’s and Women's Quarterfinals. (In Stereo Live) BE Goof Troop jMickey Mermaid Katie-Orbie Chip-Pale Madeline® |Mermaid Tale Spin3S|Chip-Dale | Dinosaurs GrowPains “Born Yesterday" 19( 9 3 ) BE Movie: ★★★ "Forever Young"(1992) Mel Gibson. 'PG' Movie: ★★ 'Toys” (1992) Robin Williams. ’PG-13’ ^ Movie: ★★1/2 “SpaceCamp" (1 9 8 6 ) ’P G ’ [Movie: ★★★ A League of Their Own" (1992) ’PG’ MAX ( 6 j0) Movie [Movie: ★★ "Space Jam" (1996) ’PG’ BE |Movie: ★★★14 “Howards End" 1992,( Drama) Anthony Hopkins. ‘PG’ |Movie: ★★ "Do Not Disturb (1 9 6 5 ) Movie: ★★ “Look Who’s Talking A/otv” ( 1 9 9 3 ) ‘P G -1 3 ’ | "Never Say Never Again" SHO (7 :1 5 ) Movie: "Bedazzled" |Movie: "Broadway Danny Rose" (1 9 8 4 ) [Movie: ★★Va “Shadows and Fog"(1 9 9 2 ) |14 Up in America (R) (In Stereo) . . . „ oiuuun aiuruy | m u p in A m e ric a (H) (in btereo)______|Movie:Movie: ★★Vi "The“The Proposition" (1(1 9 9 7 ) |Movie:Movie: ★★★’/; * ’/2 "Doctor"DoctorDolittle"( Dolittle" (1 9 6 7 ) ‘G ’ (7 :4 5 ) Movie: ★★★ Barefoot in the Park [Movie: ★★ Foxfire" (1996, Drama) Hpdy Burress. ’R’ |Movie: ★★★ “Noises Off” (1992) ‘PG-13’ \ “The Secret Life of an American Wife"1 R ’ !★ “Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter" -[Movie: ★ “Downhill Willie" THURSDAY EVENING 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 | 9:00 | 9:30 ! 10:00 | 10:30 11:00 I 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 ■ ■ I MMH BMI News [News News Married... Access Extra (In ■ H H o World’s Wildest Police Fox Files (In Stereo) ® News Cheers(In M*A*S*H Married... Extra (In Access Cops (In FOX With Hollywood S te re o ) ® Videos BE S tereo ) ® " D e a r D ad " With S te re o ) ® Hollywood S te re o )BE | News BE News® NBC Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy! o Seinfeld(In ISeinfeld“The Finale" (R) (In Stereo) ® ER “Suffer the Little News ® Tonight Sho\n (In Stereo) Jenny JonesPast guests Paid NBC News ® Fortune ® BE | Stereo) ® Children” (R) (In Stereo) ® ® return happie . (In Stereo) Program News News ABC Wld o Ent. Tonight Best Commercials iDangerous World: The Kennedy YearsT h e c areer News Nightline ® Ent. Tonight Inside Politically Howie ABC News You’ve Never Seen and legacy of President John F. Kennedy. (In Stereo) ® Edition ® Incorrect ® Mandel ® Hot Type® News BE CBC News Royal Air o Royal Air Growing Rich (P art 3 of 4) Growing Rich C arm en |National/CBC News® National News BE Movie: ★★★ ‘La Postiere" 1992) C h lo e S ainte-Marie. CBC Farce Farce gives in. (P art 4 of 4) Update ® A postmistres s qoes to extre ______I ----me lenqths"V1 J ^towin her man. Q) Full House Boy Meets Family Different Roseanne Mama’s Hercules: The Legendary Xena: Warrior Princess Roseanne IMama’s LAPD: Life Kojak “Knockover" LAPD: Life Strange Paid WB (P art 1 of 2) World BE Matters ® World BE (In Stereo) Family Journeys “Twilight" (R) ® “Fins, Femmes & Gems" (In Stereo) Family on the Beat on the Beat Universe Program © Simpsons Living Simpsons Home Frasier (In Home Movie: ★★ “Mike’s Murder” (1984)Debra Winger. A News Fresh Star Trek: Deep Space Vibe M elissa Joan H art, Coach (In UPN (In Stereo) Single BE (In Stereo) Improve. S te re o ) ® Improve. bank employee investigates her boyfriend’s death. Prince Nine"Dax" (In Stereo) ® Luniz. (R ) S te re o )BE © Kratts’ Science Newshour With Jim Business Backstage New Yankee This Old Practical Michigan Mystery! "Gallowglass" (In Being New Red Backstage New Yankee This Old Practical PBS Creatures Guy Lehrer ® Report Pass Workshop | House ® ISports Stereo) (Part 1 of 3) BE. Served Green ® Pass (R) Workshop House ® Sports © Grace Mad About Seinfeld(In Mad About CBS News Hard Copy JAG A stalker drives Mac Diagnosis Murder “T alked 48 Hours "Nowhere to Late Show Arlimal expert Judge Mills Open Late Late Sh<)w (In CBS Under Fire You BE S te re o )BE You BE s to start drinking again. ® to Death" (R) (In Stereo) ® Hide" (In Stereo) ® Jack Hanna. ( In S tereo )BE Lane Hiqhlts S te re o ) ® m I II *1 Quincy “Sleeping Dogs" Northern Exposure“ My Law & Order “Th e A&E Biography “Joan Rivers: I Unexplained “Robot Murder, She Wrote Law & Order “H appily Biography “J o an R ivers: Unexplained “R obot Mother/My Sister” ® Working Stiff" ® Can She Talk!” (R) Journey Into the Past" (R) “Goodbye, Charlie” Ever After" ® Can She Talk!" (R) Journey Into the Past" (R) (4 :0 0 ) Movie: ★ ★ ★ 1/2 “A Hollywood Movie: *★★ “Blood on the Moon”(1 9 4 8 , AMC Movie: ★★*★ "The Grapes of Wrath” (1940, Drama) A Movie: ★★★ “Sergeant Rutledge" (1960, Western) Jeffr ey Hunter. An Movie: "Parr sb”(1961)Threewomen Hole in the Head" (1 9 5 9 ) Backstage Western) Robert Mitchum. Depression-era Oklahoma family migrates to Calitornia. innocent black soldier is charged with rape and murder. teach a voun man about love and life. ® BET (4 :3 0 ) Rap City 2 2 7 ® Planet Groove BET Soundstage [Sparks® |Thea Comicview |BETToniqht ISoarks® 2 2 7 ® iMidnioht Love Movie: ★★★* “The Browm ng Version" Arts & Profiles “Varian Fry" (R) BRAVO Movie: ★★*★ “Cinema Paradiso"{ 1988, Drama) Philippe Noiret. A Holocaust Symphony No. Movie: ★★ "House of Card 5” (1 9 9 3 ) Kath een Turner. AHolocaust (1951, Drama) Michael Red grave. Minds (R) projectionist’s friendship gives a boy a love for movies. ‘PG’ 3 w id o w refuses to b elieve theit her child ma be autistic. Symphony (4 :0 0 ) Movie: ★★,/2 "UHF" Comic Make Me Daily Show COMDY Stein’s Movie:★ ★ '/2 “L/HF” (1989) Al Yankovic. A struggling Dana Carvey: Critic’s Daily Show Stein’s Saturday Night Live Kevin Make Me Daily Show (1989) Al Yankovic. Cabana (R) Laugh Money (R) TV station is turned around by a new manager. Choice(R) Money Kline, B. M cFerrin.BE' Laugh (R) Travelers M inneapolis Wings "Assault Bomber" Gimme ShelterKitchen DISC Wild Discovery: M ean est Into the Movie Wings “Future Wings" Justice Files "B ad Wild Discovery: M e a n e s t Into the Movie (R) (R) remodeling. (R) Anim al Unknown Magic (R) “E yes in the S k y ” (R ) Medicine" (R) A nim al Unknown Magic (R) Uncut (R) Fashion File Talk Soup Fashion News Daily Gossip E! Behind the Scenes(R) High Rollers (R) Talk Soup Night Stand Howard Howard Melrose Place“ U n -J a n e d Talk Soup Night Stand (R) Emergency (R) “I'm Sorry" Stern Stern (R) Melodv" (In Stereo) (R) “I'm Sorry” (4 :0 0 ) PGA G olf: C a n a d ia n Up Close Sportscenter Thursday ESPN :Navy at Wake Forest. (Live) ® Sportscenter ® Baseball Auto Racing N A S C A R Cra ftsman Truck Open -- First Round. (Live) GameNight Tonight Series -- Virgnia Is for Love rs 2 0 0 . 3 Friends, Pee-wee’s Outra­ 1 Can’t Show Me Show Me FAM Oh No! Mr. Life, Movie:★ ★ '/> “Young Hercules"(1998) Ian Bohen. The 700 Club Oh No! Mr. Life, Paid Paid Jerry Playhouse geous! Believe the Funny the Funny Bill Camera adventures of the teen-age hero and his comrades. ® Bill Camera Program Program FSD SurfPlanet TBA Last Word Sports Sports Major League Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at New York Yankees. (Live) |Snorts FOX Sports News Last Word Football This Week inNASCAR (3 :0 0 ) Movie Battle Line Four Years of Thunder 20th Century "G u ardians HIST Devil’s Island: Hell on Men Who Killed KennedyModern Marvels “U.S. Trains Unlimited T h e Devil’s Islanc i: Hell on Men Who Killed Kennedy (R) (Part 3 of 4) of the Gulf" (R) Earth (R) (Part 4 of 6) Mints: Money Machines" history of the caboose. (R) Earth (R) (R) (Part 4 of 6) Golden Golden Ellen (In Ellen (In Party of Five “B rother’s LIFE Chicago Hope "Inform ed Movie: “A Killing in a Small Town " (1 9 9 0 ) A w o m a n ’s New Golden Golden Unsolved Mysteries (In Homicide: Girls ® Girls ® S te re o )BE S t e r e o ) ® K e e p e r” (In S te reBE o ) Consent” (In Stereo)SB past is examined after she is accused of murder. Attitudes ® Girls ® Girls ® S tereo ) Life You Afraid? Rocko’s Figure It Tiny Toon Doug (In NICK Rugrats (In Thornber- Cousin Brady Wonder Happy Days Laverne & 1 Love Lucy Bewitched Mary Tyler Taxi “A lex's Newhart ® Dick Van Modern LifeOut Adventures S tereo )SB S t e r e o ) ® rys Skeeter ® Bunch Years BE Shirley ® MooreBE O ld Buddy" Dyke SCIFI Six Million D ollar Man Quantum Leap (In Stereo) Sightings ® Star Trek “Miri" BE Tekwar “T e k la b ” Sightings ® Star Trek'M ri" BE Tekwar “T e k lab" Saved by Saved by Family Family Andy Andy TBS WCW ThunderBE WCW Thunder ® Movie: *Vi "Warlock" [1989, Horror) Julian Sands. A WCW Thunder( R ) ® WCW Thunder ( R ) f f l the Bell ® the Bell ® Matters BE Matters ® Griffith Griffith 17th-century Satanist is hurled 300 years in the future. TLC Hometime HomeSvy Renovation Renovation Home Again Home Again Medical |Warning Globetrotters Panama Canal (R ) |Medical |Warning Globetrotters(R) Panama Canal (R) Lois & Clark: The New Babylon 5 "Racing Mars” ER “Into That Good Night" TNT Movie: ★★ “Bodily Harm" (1995) Linda Fiorentino. A Movie: *★★ "Trapped" 1989)( Kathleen Quinlan. A Movie: ★★★ "The Competit on" (1980, Drama) Adventures of Superman (In Stereo)BE (In Stereo) ® police detective's former lover may be a murderer. maniac stalks a businesswoman in a hiqh-tech building. Competing pianists are torn between love and ambition. U.S. Open Tennis: M ixed USA High Xena: Warrior Princess USA U.S. Open Tennis:Mixed Doubles Final and Men’s and Women's Quarterfinals. From the USTA Silk Stalkings “D e a d Highlander: The Series La Femme Nikita “Love" Doubles Final (In Stereo) "The Xena Scrolls” ® National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (In StereoLive)® Asleep” (R) (In Stereo)BE “Till Death” (In Stereo)® (R) (In Stereo)® Off the Wall Mad Libs ® Growing Brotherly Movie: ★1/2 “D2: The Mighty Ducks" (1994) The young DISN Movie: “Brink!" (1998) An in-line skater Mighty Movie: “Moochie of Pop Zorro (In Mickey Movie: ★★'/> “Now You ® Pains BE Love BE Ducks take part in the Junior Goodwill Games. ‘PG’ BE deserts his pals to join a rival team. ® Ducks ® Warner Football” (1 9 6 0 ) BE S te re o ) ® Mouse Club See Him, Now You Don't" (3 :1 5 ) Movie Movie: ★★% “The Cable Guy” (1996, Movie: ★★ “Little Nikita" (1988) Sidney Poitier. An Air HBO Movie: "Indiscreet" (1998) Luke Perry. A detective has Inside the NFL(In Stereo) Arliss (In Sex and the Movie: ★★★ "Soul Food" Comedy) Jim Carrey. ‘PG-13’ SB Force Academy applicant gets shocking family news. ® a dangerous affair with his client’s wife. ‘R’ ® BE S te re o )® City (R ) ® (1997. Comedv-Drama) ‘R’ (4 :0 0 ) Movie: ★★★ “A/ever Movie: ★★★ "Men in Black"( 1997) Tommy Lee Jones. MAX Movie: ★ ★ ★ “A Bronx Tale” (1993, Drama) A youth Movie: ★Vi "Day of the Warrior" (199 7 , Movie: ★★1/2 ‘Above the La /v” (1 9 8 8 ) A C l A-sponsored Movie: “Illicit Say Never Again" (1 9 8 3 ) Secret agents monitor extraterrestrial activity on Earth. favors a flashy mobster over his hard-working dad. ‘R’ Drama) Kevin Light. (In Stereo) ‘R’ drug cartel is jn c o v e re dbv C h ic a g o cod.'R ' ® Dreams 2" (3 :3 0 ) Movie: ★ ★ ’/;> Movie:★ ★ “ The Bride" (1985, Horror) Sting. Baron SHO Movie:★ ,/2 “The Fan"(1996, Suspense) A slumping Line’s (R) Rude Compro­ Love StreetMovie: "Cover Me" (1995) A murderer ★ ★ “Marked "Doctor Dolittle"( 1 9 6 7 ) ‘G ’ Frankenstein creates a mate for his monster. ‘PG-13’ BE baseball star is stalked by a psychotic admirer. ‘R’ BE (In Stereo) Awakening mising “ S e e M e" stalks the models of an erotic publication. Man" (1 9 9 6 ) (4 :1 5 ) Movie Movie: ★ ★ “Summer School" (1987) A high-school gym Movie: "Fast Money" (1996) A cash-filled TMC Movie:★ ★ “Original Gangstas" (1996, Movie: ★Vi "The Switchblad e Sisters” Movie: ★ ★ ★ “Men of Respect" (1 9 9 0 ) Joh i Turturro.'A instructor tries to sweat out the summer. ‘PG-13’ BE briefcase puts an unlikely duo on the run. Drama) Fred Williamson. (In Stereo) ‘R’ (1975, Drama) Robbie Lee. R’® spiritualist’s revelation sparks a mobster’s )rogression. FRIDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 1 1 ,1998 |

| 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 | 9:30 ] 10:00 10:30 I 11:00 I 11:30 I 12:00 12:30 I 1:00 I 1:30 i 2:00 I 2:30 I 3:00 I 3:30 I 4:00 I 4:30

FOX 0 (6:00) News Forgive or Forget BE Real TV® | Real TV® People’s Court (In Stereo) News Pictionary Geraldo Rivera (R) BE Ricki Lake (R) [Forgive or Forget ffl Rosie O’Donnell ffl NBC O (7:00) Today (In Stereo) ffl Maury (R) BE Jerry Springer ® Jenny Jones (In Stereo) News ® Jeopardy! Days of Our Lives ® Another World ® Montel Williams® Sallyffl ABC o Good Morning America Regis & Kathie Martha Martha S. To Be Announced News Pt. Charles All My Children ® One Life to Live ® General Hospital ffl Oprah Winfrey ffl CBC o CBC News Playground Penner’s SesamePk Skinnmrk Mr. Dressup Wimzie | Kitchen jMidday BE Pamela Wallin E.N.G. “Acid Test" ® Coronat’n Urban P. Cents The Bill WB Q) JonQuest Full House Laverne Odd Couple 1700 Club Simon & Simon 3’s Co. Hillbillies Hawaii Five-0 Bananas RoboCop BugsDaffy Animaniacs PinkyBrain Batman UPN € 0 Wacky Garfield Step-Step Charles Coach BE Murphy Sunset Beach ® Griffith All-Family iJeffersons Mr. Cooper Sonic Mask Ducktales Doug ffl Hercules ffl Fresh Pr. PBS © Virtues Puzzle Sesame Street (R) BE Barney Mr Rogers Charlie jTheodore Teletubbies | Sesame Street (R) ® Reading Barney Couch Arthur ffl Magic Bus Sandiego Wishbone CBS GB1(7:00) This Morning ffl Judge Judy jjudge Lane Judge Judy Judge Lane lU.S. Open Tennis: Men's Doubles Final and Women's Semifinals. (Live) ®

A&E 1 McMillan and Wife “Aftershock" |Equalizer Quincy | Northern Exposure BE | Law & Order “Discord" BE I McMillan and Wife “Aftershock” [Equalizer AMC (7:30) Movie: ‘‘Unfaithfully’Movie: ★★V 2 “Because of You" (1952) Loretta Young. Movie: ★★★ “Gun for a Coward" (1957) | Movie: ★★★ "Murder, Inc. ” (1960) Movie: ★★V2 "The Perfect Furlough" (1959, Comedy) Movie: “Warpath” 0 % t) 1 BET Brkthrgh Eddie Long Video Vibrations Jam Zone Jam Zone Planet Groove |BETSoundstage (R) |Rap City 3RAVO Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. (Paid Prog. | Profiles “Carl Orff" (R) IMovie: "The Browning Version"(1951) Arts Movie: ★★★★ “Cinema Paradiso” ! 1988, Drama) Philippe Noiret. ‘PG’ I COM Dr. Katz Daily Show Movie: ★★'/2 “The Late Shift" (1996) Kathy Bates. Saturday Night Live ® |Kids in Hall | Ben Stein Daily Show | Dr. Katz Odd Couple Make-Laugh Saturday Night Live ffl Movie: “Back to School" DISC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Interior Mot. Start Home Matters (R) Housesmart! (R) Interior Motives (R) Home Matters (R) Housesmart! (R) Interior Motives (R) Great Chefs | Great Chefs E! One Day One Day Kate & Allie Gossip (R) Behind the Scenes (R) High Rollers (R) Fashion File | Model (R) News Daily Gossip (R) Talk Soup I Fashion File One Day I Kate & Allie Melrose Place (In Stereo) ESPN Sportscenter (R) | Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sportscenter (R) Sr. PGA Inside PGA Senior PGA Golf: Comfort Classic - First Round. PGA Golf (Live) FAM Harveytoon All Dogs Go Mork 1700 Club Kangaroo Station Mr. Moose Mumfie Bobby Menace Casper |Ghostbstrs Eek! | Bad Dog Walter M. 3 Friends FSD Sports Sports Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Last Word Football Aussie Rules Highlights This Is the PGA Tour (R) National In-Line Skating Crank (R) Football HIST |Year by Year “ 1986" (R) I Real West |Movie: ★★'/2 “Triple Cross"(1967, Suspense) Christopher Plummer, Yul Brynner. Four Years of Thunder 20th Century (R) Movie: ★★V 2 "Triple Cross” (1967, Suspense) LIFE Designing Designing Attitudes Attitudes | Party of Five (In Stereo) | Chicago Hope (In Stereo) Unsolved Mysteries Movie: ★★'/z "Old Gringo" (1989) Gregory Peck. Intimate Portrait Designing Designing 1 NICK CharlieB Rugrats BE Little Bear BluesClues Busy World Muppets Gullah Busy World Little Bear |BluesClues Rupert |Wubbulous Gadget |Tiny Toon CharlieB | Doug ffl Clarissa Garfield SCIFI Entertain Amazing Swamp Beyond Gallery Bradbury Monsters Twilight Z. Sightings (In Stereo) ® Forever Knight (In Stereo) Bionic Woman Wonder Woman ★ “King Kong Escapes” TBS Hillbillies Hillbillies Little House Little House Mama Mama Matlock “The Biker” ® Matlock “The Broker" BE Movie: ★★★ "Duel at Diablo" (1966) James Garner. Dreams Dreams 1 TLC Skinnmrk Pappyland Big Garage |Bingo Salty’s jSkinnmrk Critters Critters Onlnside lOnlnside Great Inns I Great Inns Inntimate linntimate Wedding |Wedding Furniture Hometime I TNT CHiPs Spenser: For Hire In the Heat of the Night |Movie: ★★ "Bodily Harm" (1995) Linda Fiorentino. Movie: +V2 “Overlords of the UFO" (1977) Kung Fu: Legend Due South (In Stereo) ffl USA Facts-Life Facts-Life Gimme B. Strangers Wings BE Wings BE Major Dad Major Dad Movie: ★ * “Night Eyes //"(1991) Andrew Stevens. Movie: ★V2 “Night Eyes 3" (1993) Shannon Tweed. Baywatch “Windswept” ffl DISN Goof Troop Mickey Mermaid Pooh Bear Katie-Orbie Chip-Dale Madeline ® Mermaid |Pooh | Jungle |Tale Spin ® Chip-Dale iTimon Goof Troop I Aladdin ffl Dinosaurs iGrowPains HBO Movie: ★ ★ '/2 "Cadence" [ 1990) 'PG-13' E dSe_____ Movie: kk'h “What's Eating Gilbert Grape" (1993) BE Movie: “Just One of the Guys" (1985) ® Movie: ★★’/!2 "Tough Guys" (1986) Burt Lancaster. ‘PG’ Movie: ★% “MajorLeague //” (1994) ‘PG’I MAX (7:30) Movie: “The Manhattan Project" Movie: ★★★V 2 ‘The New Land" (1972, Drama) Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann. ‘PG’ | * ★“Conquest of Cochise" Movie: ★★ "Changing Habits"(1997) “Beavis and Butt-head Do America ” ffl “Only Strng" 1 SHO (7:00) Movie Movie: ★ ★ ’/2 “Seat Street” (1984) ‘PG’ Movie: ★★'/2 “Side Out" (1990) C. Thomas Howell. Movie: ★★ “Scalawag" (1973) ‘G’ Movie: "The Cheap Detective"0978) Movie: ★★1/i2 "Little Heroes" (1991) ‘G’ “Dancers" 1 TMC (7:10) Movie Movie: * “Gas” (1981, Comedy) ‘R’ Movie: ★★★% "Looking for Richard"(1996) Al Pacino. Movie: "Desperately Seeking Susan" Movie: ★★ “Mulholland Falls"(1996) Nick Nolte. ‘R’ ® jMovie: ★*★% “Under Fire" (1983) ‘R‘ BE I


5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 I 1:30

0 News News News Married... Access Extra (In Living in Getting Millennium “Somehow, News Cheers (In M*A*S*H Married... Extra (In Access Cops (In FOX With Hollywood Stereo) BE Captivity ® Personal BE Satan Got Behind Me” ® Stereo) ® “Love Story" With Stereo) ffl Hollywood Stereo) ffl o News BE News BE NBC Nightly Wheel of Jeopardy! Dateline (In Stereo) BE Law81 Order “Burden” (R) Homicide: Life on the News® Tonight Show (In Stereo) Jenny Jones Guest make Paid NBC News BE Fortune ® ® (In Stereo) ® Street “Mercy" (In Stereo) ffi amends for bshavior. ffl Program o News News ABC Wld Ent. Tonight Sabrina- One Boy Meets Teen Angel 20/20 ® News Nightline ® Ent. Tonight Inside Politically Howie ABC News Witch Saturday World (R) ® (In Stereo) Edition ffl Incorrect ffl Mandel ffl o Fashion File News BE CBC News Commonwealth Games BE National/CBC News ® National News® Stopwatch (Off Air) CBC BE Update ® “Money!" © Full House Boy Meets Family Different Roseanne Mama’s Movie: ★★★% “Do the Right Thing" (1989, Drama) A Roseanne Mama’s LAPD: Life Kojak “The Girl in the LAPD: Life Strange IPaid WB (Part 2 of 2) World BE Matters BE World BE (In Stereo) Family pizza delivery boy finds racial tensions escalating. (In Stereo) Family on the Beat River" on the Beat Universe Program QD Simpsons Living Simpsons Home Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park. News Fresh Star Trek: Deep Space Vibe Suzanne Somers, Coach (In UPN (In Stereo) Single BE (In Stereo) Improve. (Live) Prince Nine (R) (In Stereo) ffl Sheryl Lee Ralph. (R) Stereo) ffl © Kratts’ Science Newshour With Jim Business Vintage of Washington Wall Street Movie: ★★★★ “The Magnificent Ambersons” (1942) Being Red Dwarf Nova “The P oof" (R) (In Movie: “ The I Magnificent PBS Creatures Guy Lehrer BE Report the North Week Week® Tim Holt. A family clings to tradition in times of change. Served Stereo) ffl Ambersons ’’(1942) © U.S. Open Tennis: Seinfeld (In Mad About CBS News Hard Copy JAG “Code Blue” (R) (In Kids- Candid Nash Bridges “The Late Show (In Stereo) ® Soul Train Lady of Soul Av vards Female recording CBS Women's Semifinals Stereo) BE You BE BE Stereo) BE Darndest Camera ® Counterfeiters” (In Stereo) artists are honored in the for rth awards presentation.

Quincy “Next Stop, Northern Exposure Law & Order “Discord" BE Biography “Geraldo A&E American Justice Murder, She Wrote Law & Order “Paranoia" Biography “Geraldo American Justice Nowhere” “Wake Up Call" BE Rivera" “L.A.P.D." (R) ® Rivera" (R) “L.A.P.D.” (R) (4:00) Movie Movie: ★★★ "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines" Movie: ★★★ “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea ” (1961) AMC Remember Movie: ★★ “War Gods of the Deep” Movie: ★★★ "The Incredible Shrinking Remember (1965, Comedy) Sabotage efforts damage an international air race. ‘G‘A submarine crew battles a radioactive threat to Earth. WENN® (1965, Science Fiction) Vincent Price. Man" (1957) Grant Williams, April Kent. WENN ffl BET (4:30) Rap City |227SS jPlanet Groove Top 10 Movie Comicview | Rap City Top 10 Sparks® 1227 ffl Midnight Love Profiles “Varian Fry" (R) Profiles "Carl Orff" German composer Split Screen BRAVO Movie: ★*★ “Gas Food Lodging" (1992) A divorced Movie: ★★ “The Plague” (1992) The government Inside the Actors Studio Movie: *★★ “Gas Food Carl Orff. (R) waitress struggles to raise her two daughters. 'R' quarantines a city when a plague breaks out. ‘R’ Actress Shirley MacLaine. Lodging” (1992, Drama) ‘R’ (4:00) Movie: ★★V 2 “Back Movie: ★★V 2 "Soul Man" (1986) C. Thomas Howell. A COMDY Movie: -k-kVi “Johnny Be Good" (1988, Comedy) A Movie: ★★Vi "Back to School" (1986) Campus life is Movie: ★★'/2 “Soul Man" 1( 986) C. Thomas Howell. A to School" (1986, Comedy) white student poses as a black to win a law scholarship. hotshot high-school quarterback is wined and dined. turned upside down by an obnoxious tycoon. white student poses as a bla ck to win a law scholarship. Travelers "Las Vegas" (R)Wings “Fighter Refueler" Gimme Shelter Counter Wild Discovery: “Komodo DISC Discovery World of Raging Planet “Blizzard" Justice Files Serial killers; Wild Discovery: “Komodo Discovery | World of (R) repair; storage shed. (R) Dragons" (R) News Wonder (R) Snow can turn deadly. (R) dealing with hate crimes. Dragons" (R) News (R) Wonder (R) 1 Uncut (R) Coming Talk Soup News Weekend E! Gossip TV Guide’s Best Dressed Talk Soup (R) Howard Howard Melrose Place “Jane's Talk Soup (R) Attractions (R) Stern Stern (R) Addiction” (In Stereo) (4:00) PGA Golf: Canadian Up Close Sportscenter Auto Racing: NASCAR Grand National -- Autolite ESPN NASCAR’s Greatest Baseball Sportscenter ® Baseball NFL Outside the Lines (R) Open -- Second Round. Platinum 250. (Live) Drivers Tonight Tonight Matchup 3 Friends, Pee-wee’s Outra­ Can’t Show Me Show Me Oh No! Mr. FAM Jfe, Movie: "How 1 Spent My Summer" ( 1990) Mischievous 700 Club Oh No! Mr. Life, Paid Paid Jerry Playhouse geous! Believe the Funny the Funny Bill Camera teen-agers wreak havoc at a new summer camp. Bill Camera Program Program FSD Curves Pennant Last Word Sports Football TBA Hardcore Football Goin’ Deep (R) FOX Sports News FOX Sports News Last Word Soccer: U.S. Open Final (3:00) Movie: ★★'/2 “ Triple Four Years of Thunder 20th Century “The Five Points Gangs (R) HIST Men Who Killed Kennedy Men Who Killed Kennedy As It Happened: R.F.K. Five Points Gangs (R) Men Who Killed Kennedy 1 Cross" (1967, Suspense) (R) (Part 4 of 4) Televangelists" (R) (R) (Part 5 of 6 ) (R) (Part 6 of 6 )® Assassination (R) (R) (Part 5 of 6 ) Golden Golden Ellen (In Ellen (In Party of Five “The Trouble Chicago Hope “Internal LIFE Movie: ★★ “Star" (1993, Drama) Jennie Garth. Based New Golden Golden Unsolved My steries (In Homicide: Girls BE Girls BE Stereo) BE Stereo) BE With Charlie” (In Stereo) BE Affairs" (In Stereo) BE on Danielle Steel’s tale of a San Francisco singer. Attitudes ® Girls ffl Girls ffl Stereo) Life You Afraid? Rocko’s Figure It Tiny Toon Doug (In Rugrats (In Kablam! (In NICK Animorphs 3rady Wonder Happy Days I Laverne & Love Lucy Bewitched Mary Tyler Taxi “Sugar I Newhart ffl Dick Van Modern Life Out Adventures Stereo) BE Stereo) SB Stereo) a Bunch Years BE Shirley n Moore ffl Ray Nardo" Dyke SCIFI (4:00) Movie: "King Kong"Amazing Entertain Sightings ® Star Trek "Dagger of the Mind" BE Tekwar“Tekjustice” |Sightings ® Star Trek “Dagger of the Mind” ffl Tekwar “Tekjustice" Saved by Saved by Family Family Andy TBS Major League Baseball: Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field. (Live)Movie: I ★★★ “All the Right Moves" (1983, Drama) Tom Cruise, Craig Movie: ★★V2 “Legend" the Bell BE the Bell BE Matters BE Matters BE Griffith ® T. Nelson. A talented young football player hopes for a scholarship. (1985) Tom Cruise. TLC Hometime HomeSvy Renovation Renovation Home Again Home Again | 48 Hours "Child Hunter" |X-Men (R) Oil Derrick (R) |48 Hours "Child Hunter” |X-Men (R) Oil Derrick (R) Lois & Clark: The New Babylon 5 “ Lines of ER "Chicago Heat" (In TNT Movie: ★★ "Boiling Point" (1993, Drama)A Treasury Movie: *★% “Sugar Hill"( 1993, Drama) Wesley Snipes, Michael Movie: ★★'A “The Saint of Fort Adventures of Superman Communication" BE Stereo) BE agent has one week to find a comrade's killers. Wright. One of two brothers wants out of the illegal drug business. Washington" (1993) DannyGlover. I

Saved by USA High Hercules: The Legendary Xena: Warrior Princess Walker, Texas Ranger 2 USA Movie: ★★V "Dragnet” (1987) Dan Aykroyd. Joe | Movie: ★★V2 “Tremors" (1990) Kevin Bacon. Monster I Movie: ★ “Ticks" (1993, Bell In Stereo) Journeys “Once a Hero" ‘A Solstice Carol” BE '99th Ranger" (In Stereo) rriday’s nephew pursues a power-hungry evangelist. ® sandworms devour denizens of a Nevada desert town. Horror) Rosalind Allen. Off the Wall Mad LibsBE Growing 3rotherly Movie: kk'A "Rover DISN Movie: "You Lucky Dog”(1998, N Sync in Concert (R) ® I Hugged Movie: “Moochie of Pop I Zorro (In Mickey Movie: "The Strongest BE Pains BE | Love BE | Dangerfield" (1991) ‘G’ Comedy) Kirk Cameron, James Avery. BE Bear Warner Football" (1960) ® Stereo) ffl Mouse Club Man in the World" (1974) Movie: ★★’/2 “Addams Family Values” (1993) A greedy nside the NFL (R) (In Movie: ★★★ “Escape From New York” HBO Movie: ★★ ’/2 "Who Am /?” (1998)Jackie Chan. A I Dhris Rock Spawn (In Spawn (In Movie: ★★ “Back to Back" nanny plots to marry and murder Uncle Fester. ‘PG-13’ | Stereo) BE 1981, Science Fiction) Kurt Russell. ‘R’ special agent with amnesia flees his form er boss. ‘NR’ In Stereo) Stereo) ffl S te re o )ffl 1996) Michael Rooker. ‘R’ 4:30) Movie: * “Only the Movie: ★★ “Summer School" (1987) A high-school gym Movie: k'h “A Smile Like Yours" (1997, MAX Making of I Movie: ★ “Speed 2: Cruise Control" (1997) A madman Emman- Movie: ★ "Windows of the Heart" (1997, 1 Strong" (1993) ‘PG-13’ BE iinstructor tries to sweat out the summer. ‘PG-13’ BE IComedy) Greg Kinnear. (In Stereo) ‘R’ BE ! Speed 2 :seizes the helm of a luxurious ocean liner. ‘PG-13’ ® 1jelle Adult) Trade May. (In Stereo) ‘NR’ (4:30) Movie: ★★ IIMovie: ★★ “Sing" (1989) Lorraine Bracco. Talented I SHO ! Movie: ★★★ “Grease" (1978) John Travolta. Disparate It Stargate Dead II Man's Gun Two ItDuter I Hed Shoe I Red Shoe 1 Movie: ★ “Mind Games” “Dancers" (1987) ‘PG’ rstudents stage a performance to save their school. BE :summer lovers meet again as high-school seniors. 'PG' |!5G-1 (R) ffl :sisters pose as nuns. I Limits® IDiaries ffl Diaries I ffl ( {1996) Brian Krause. ‘NR’ (3:35) Movie I Movie: ★★ V2 "Top Secret!" (1984) Val Kilmer. A rock I Movie: ★★% "Kill Me Again" (1989, 1Movie: ★★★'/•> “Basic Instinct” (1992) A cop has a 1Movie: kVi “Dead Tides" (1996) Roddy Pip ier. An ex- 1 Movie: ★★ 1/2 "Flashdance" TMC 1 - I 1 :i • , star becomes calrghf up ih espionage in East Germany, I Suspense)!-Val Kilmer. (In Stereo)1 ‘R’ s steamy affair witrf a Woman who may be ’a killer. ‘R’ BE1 f ) , J Havy SEAL gets mixed up with the wife of s 1 drug ford. ' |;t9S3) Jennifer Beals. ,‘R,’ SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 12,1998 I

8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 ■ -i

Q | News Peer Pres. Click (El) Paid Prog. Studenl In the Zone Major League Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox. (In Stereo Live) BE Poltergeist (7:00) Today (In Stereo) Newsbeat Tday Saved-Bel! Hang Time One World City Guys Hang Time Inside Stuff Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Mi Gente! My People Preview Lighter Side |Olympic [Gymnastics Hercules GB Doug Recess Pepper Ann Bugs & T. Bugs & T. 101Dalmts To Be Announced Sneak Peek Football: Regional Coverage Theodore SesamePk Little Bear Skinnmrk Spilled Milk Business Global Gardener Cottage CFL Football: B.C. Lions at Toronto Argonauts. (Live) [ Major League Baseball [ WB QD PinkyBrain Batman Batman Batman _ MeninBIck PinkyBrain Sylvester Sylvester 17: Faces-Fall Movie: -k'h "Forced to Kill” ( 1994, Drama) | Air Show Nightman (R) (In Stereo) UPN @3 Gwenevere Dragon Strike Force Ultraforce War Planets ______Fresh Pr. Step-Step Movie: ★★ "Mom and Dad Save the World" (1992) |Movie: ★'/; ‘W ho's That Girl?"( 1987) Madonna. Team Knight Rider (R) PBS © Northern Michigan Woodshop Hometime Old House | Workshop" Michigan [Anyplace Sportsman | Great Lakes | Cars (AntiquesRoadshows [Collecting jCooking [Grilling Pepin [Christina CBS © Ghostwriter Fortune CBS News Saturday Morning (El) was. 3 E G E E r A&E I (7:00) Movie "Big Trees" Guide to Historic Homes | America’s Castles (R) | Biography International Sea Tales: Mutiny on the Bounty-Voyage of Capt. Cook jNew Explorers (R) Inside Story “ Tornado” j AMC (7:30) Movie: “Battle" "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" \ "Escape From the Planet of the Apes" ‘G Movie: ★★* "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" (1970) Movie: ★*★★ "Planet of the Apes" (1968) ‘G ’ Behind-Planet BET Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Video Vibrations | Rap City Top 10 (R) [Sports jTeen Summit {Planet Groove Top 10 (R) [Caribbean Rhythms (R) I Paid Proq. Hit List 3RAV0 Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. I Paid Prog, j Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. jMovie: ★★★ "Gas Food Lodging" (1992, Drama) ‘R’ (Movie: ★* “The Plague" (1992) William Hurt. ‘R’ |Arts Movie: “The Happiest Days of Your Life” I COM Movie: * * “It Runs in the Family"(1994, Comedy) Ben Stein Ben Stein Saturday Night Live SB Daily Show | Daily Show Paula Poundstor.e jMovie: ★★ “The Scouf” (1994) Albert Brooks. Absolutely {Absolutely DISC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Interior Motives (R) Housesmart! (R) Great Chefs | Great Chefs Gimme Shelter (R) Invention Storm Wings "Future Wings” (R) Wonder jNews Discover Magazine (R) E! One Day One Day Gossip Fashion File [Fashion Talk Soup (R) News Weekend (R) Attractions Behind Dharma & Greg-Scenes Talk Soup (R) Gossip (R) ESPN Outdoor Wild Skies Bass Class Fishing Sportscenter Saturday College Gameday | College Football: Rice at Purdue. (Live) College Gameday PGA Golf (Live) FAM Pee-wee Harveytoon All Dogs Go Enigma C. Sandiego Holmes Holmes Spellbinder Ghostbstrs | Harveytoon | Heathcliff | Candy |Eek! | Bad Dog Monster j Walter M. 3 Friends I Pee-wee FSD Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Football Tigers Pennant Football jCollege Football: Mississippi State at Memphis. (Live) College Football: Miami at Cincinnati. HIST History Showcase Automobiles “ M ustang” [Trains Unlimited (R) Great Ships (R) [Tales of the Gun (R) Weapons at War (R) War Crimes | Air Combat Masters of War Paid Prog. LIFE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Great Lifetime Makeover Golden Golden Next Door | Attitudes Movie: ★★ “Follow Your Heart" (1990) Patrick Cassidy. "With Hostile Intent" (1993) NICK Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons Nicktoons | Nicktoons Tiny Toon Tiny Toon Looney Tunes You Do [Crazy Kids jGadget |Hey Dude Pete & PetelClarissa SCIFI Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNet New Edge Web Cool Tech [Record of Lodoss War (In Stereo) Masters Sliders “Asylum" (R) SB Welcome to Paradox 38 Movie: “Dead Fire"(1997) Matt Frewer. (In Stereo) 3E i 3’s Co. TBS Funniest Funniest Funniest | National Geographic Explorer (R) SB Movie: ★★ft “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (1990) Movie: ★★★ “All the Right Moves" (1983) Tom Cruise. I Movie: “Little Big League" 1 TLC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Great Books (R) Great Books (R) Great Books (R) Great Books (R) | Great Books "Native Son” Great Books (R) jGreat Books “ Catch-22” Great Books "The Prince” 1 TNT How the West Was Won Wild, Wild West Brisco County Due South (In Stereo) SB Movie: ★*★ Vi “The Big Country" (1958, Western) Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons. jMovie: ★★ “Earthauake" (1974. Drama) 1 USA Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. WWF LiveWire Pacific Blue (In Stereo) SB Baywatch “ Liquid Assets” jMovie: ★★ “The Con"( 1998) Rebecca De Mornay. SB Movie: ★★ft “The Paperboy" (1994) Alexandra Paul, 8 DISN Bear Mermaid Amazing Amazing Movie: ★★★ “The Last Unicorn"(1982) [Movie: ★★ “The Shaggy Dog” [ 1994) Ed Begley Jr.. SB Movie: “How the West Was Fun" (1994) Torkelsons | Flash Sitters |GrowPains I HBO Movie: *★’/2 “One Fine Day" (1996) Michelle Pfeiffer. Rebels-Football | Inside the NFL (In Stereo) | “Little Bigfoot 2: The Journey Home" ‘PG’ Movie: ★ ★ ft “Wayne’s World2" (1993) Other Mothers (R) GB Movie: “ The Saint" (1997) ! MAX (7:00) Movie | “Naked Gun 2 1/2: Fear” Movie: “Count Three and Pray"( 1955) jMovie: ★★ “Like Father, Like Son"( 1987) ‘PG-13’ Movie: * ★ “Crossworlds" (1996) ‘PG-13’Movie: ★ ★ ft “WildAmerica" (1997) ‘PG’ {“Freaked" E l SHO Movie: ★★ “Like Father, Like Son" ( 1987) ‘PG-13’ | Movie: ★ ★ ft “In His Father's Shoes" (1997) ‘PG’ jMovie: ★★★'/s “Norma Rae” (1979) Sally Field. ‘PG’ jStarqate jStarqate SG-1 (InStereo) IStarqate I "Princess Caraboo" (199411 TMC |(7:55) Movie: ★★★ "Movie Movie" (1978)|Movie: ★ ★ ★ ft “Roman Holiday" (1953) Gregory Peck. |Movie: ★ ★ ★ ft “Breakfast at Tiffany's" ( 1961, Drama) |Movie: ★★ “If Lucy Fell" (1996) 'R'E |Movie: ★★'/2 “The Mirror Has Two Faces" (1996) ® j SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 12, 1998 j 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:3011:00 I 11:30 12:00I 12:30 1:00 1:30

0 Outer Limits “ In the Zone" News M*A*S*H SB X-Files "Teso Dos Bichos" Cops Cops America’s Most Wanted: News Cheers (In Mad TV (Season Poltergeist: The Legacy Outer Limits “ In the Zone” FOX Treatment has an effect. GB (In Stereo) SB “Atlanta" SB "Texas” ® America Fights Back SB Stereo) E Premiere) (In Stereo) 3B Derek opens a window. 3E Treatment has an effect. E O (4:30) Gymnastics: U.S. News NBC Nightly Wheel of Road to Pretender Jarod is determined to prevent another TV Censored Bloopers News® Saturday Night Live Sketches featuring Jerry Springer GB NBC Championships, GB News SB Fortune SB Riches ® kidnapping; Miss Parker discovers she has a twin. SB (R) (In Stereo) SB Gilda Radner. (In Stereo) GB 0 College Football: Syracuse at Michigan, Kansas at News Big Ten College Football: Notre Dame at Michigan State. (Live) SB News Movie “Revenge- ABC Missouri, Fla. St. at N. Carolina St. or Texas at UCLA Ticket Nerds” o (4:00) Major League Baseball. Toronto Blue Jays at Commonwealth Games SB Saturday Movie: ★★★ "The Rise of Catherine the Great" (1934) (Off Air) CBC New York Yankees. From Yankee Stadium. (Live) SB Report ® Based on the life and times of Russia's empress. © Baywatch “Memorial Day" Fame L.A. “Who Do You Earth: Final Conflict “ Law Movie: *★★ “Best Seller” (1987) James Woods. A Soldier of Fortune, Inc. Ghost Stories “ Denial/ FIX: The Series “ Red Honey- Building WB (R) (In Stereo) SB Love" (R) (In Stereo) SB and Order” (R) (In Stereo) stalled writer gets new material from a hired assassin. ' "Payback" (R) (In Stereo) Parting Shot” (R) Storm" (R) mooners America © Viper "Cat and Mouse” (R) Always Martin’S] Billy Graham Crusade (In Movie: ★'/:2 “Trial by Jury" (1994, Drama) A mobster News SB Martin (In Viper “ Internal Affair" (R) Wild Things Men in ape Movie: "Hollywood UPN (In Stereo) SB Kids Stereo) SB tries to ensure acquittal by threatening a juror. Stereo) GB (In Stereo) ® costumes; crocodiles. 38 Confidential" (1997) © Victory Health Diary Lawrence Welk Show “I Evening at Pops (R) (In Spirits of the Jaguar (R) Jonathan Creek “The Nova “ The Proof" (In Mr. Bean Monty Spirits of the Jaguar (R) Jonathan Creek “ The PBS Garden SB (In Stereo) Believe in Music” Stereo) (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 4) SB House of Monkeys" Stereo) SB Python (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 4) 3S House of Monkeys" © U.S. Open Tennis: W om en’s Final and Men's Pensacola: Wings of JAG “ The Imposter” (R) Magnificent Seven “ The Walker, Texas Ranger NYPD Blue “Aging Bull” Howard Stern Radio Soul Train Will Downing, CBS Semifinals. (Live) SB Gold “ Nuggets" (In Stereo) SB Collector" (In Stereo) SB “The Wedding” (In Stereo) (In Stereo) ® Show (In Stereo) E Christion, Imajin. (R)

American Justice American Justice Mysteries of the Bible Biography This Week A&E Martial Arts History of the martial arts, with Treasure! “The Tomb of Biography This Week (R) Martial Arts (R) GB “Presumed Guilty” (R) “L.A.P.D." (R) Jacob's possible burial site. demonstrations of karate, judo, jujitsu and kung fu. SB the Terra Cotta Warriors" (4:00) Behind the Planet Movie: ★★★★ "Planet of the Apes" (1968) Astronauts Movie: ★★★ “ Beneath the Planet of the AMC Movie: ★★★ “Escape From the Planet of the Apes" Behind the Planet of the Apes (R) I "Conquest- I of the Apes (R) crash on a world ruled by intelligent simians. ‘G’ Apes” (1970) James Franciscus. ‘G’ (1971, Science Fiction) Roddy McDowall. ‘G ’ A pes” BET Sports (R) 1227 SB Teen Summit (R) | Planet Groove College Football: Tennessee State at Jackson State. (Live) To Be Announced Caribbean Rhythms (R) Inside the Actors Studio Francesca da Rimini Placido Domingo and Renata Scotto are star-crossed lovers BRAVO Movie: ★★★ "Alice"( 1990) Mia Farrow. An herbalist Movie: “Kiss of the Spider Woman" (1985) A jailed gay Movie: ★★★ “Alice" (1990). Actress Shirley MacLaine. in Rachmaninoff’s tragic opera. (R) sparks a woman's journey toward self-discovery. film buff bonds with his revolutionary cellmate. ‘R’ Mia Farrow. 'PG-13' Absolutely Absolutely Bob and Critic One Night Bill Bellamy Sinbad: Brain Damaged COMDY Paula Poundstone: Cats, South Park Viva Variety One Night Bill Bellamy Movie: ★★ “The Scouf” (1994) Albert Brooks. A Fabulous Fabulous Margarets Stand: Curry (R) Cops and Stuff (R) (R) (R) Stand: Curry baseball scout discovers a talented but troubled player. { Secret Satellite (R) Raging Planet "Blizzard" Joined at Birth (R) Wild Discovery “ Gator!” Animal Thoughts The DISC Justice Files AIDS used New Detectives: Case Wild Discovery “ Gator!" Animal Thoughts The Snow can turn deadly. (R) (R) minds of animals. (R) as a weapon of terrorism. Studies-Forensics (R) minds of animals. (R) News Weekend (R) Harley Mania (R) Fashion Model TV Talk Soup (R) E! Secrets of Victoria’s Emmy Awards Lingerie Show (R) Playmates: Then and Movie: ★★★ " Light Emergency (R) Secret (R) Countdown (Live) Now (R) Sleeper" (1992, Drama) (4:00) PGA Golf: Canadian Horse Racing: Man O' NASCAR Auto Racing: NASCAR Winston Cup - Exide NASCAR Select Batteries 400. From Richmond ESPN Sportscenter ® Baseball Best of B3 (R) Bloopers Open -- Third Round. War Stakes. (Live) 2 Day International Raceway, Va. (Live) SB Tonight (R) Outra­ -ife, Spice Girls in Concert -- Wild! The Spice Girls • FAM Movie: "National Lampoon's Golf Punks" (1998) An ex- Movie: ★★★ "Blazing Saddles" (1974) Cleavon Little. A Oh No! Mr. Life, Paid Paid geous! Camera perform in Istanbul, Turkey. (R) (In Stereo) pro tries to teach assorted children to play golf. SB black sheriff raises eyebrows in a small Western town. Bill Camera Program Program FSD (3:30) College Football: Miami at Cincinnati. (Live) College Football: Nebraska at California. (Live) |Sports jFOX Sports News Last Word Sports Hardcore Football (R) 8 Sworn to Secrecy “ The History Undercover “The Secrets of World War II Curse of the Gypsies The Gypsies wandered Europe HIST Battle of the Clans The persecution of the Scottish Curse of the Gypsies The Gypsies wandered Europe 1 Gulf War: Steel Rain" (R) Laconia Incident" (R) “Behind Enemy Lines" (R) as performers and magicians. SB Highlanders 250 years ago. (R) as performers and magicians. (R) (4:00) Movie: ★* “With Movie: ★★ft “Conspiracy of Silence"( 1991, Drama) Stephen Ouimette, Michael Mahonen, Carl Marotte. A Intimate Portrait “ Halle LIFE Maggie (In Oh Baby (In Girls’ Night Out Stand-up Ellen “ The Paid Hostile Intent” (1993) Mountie re-opens the 16-year-o!d murder of a Cree Indian. Berry" Actress Halle Berry. Stereo) ® Stereo) 38 comedy with Carol Siskind. Toast" GB Program Wonder Brady You’re On! JRocko’s Doug (In Angry Rugrats (In I All That (R) IKenan & j Animorphs Brady Wonder NICK Happy Days Laverne & 1 Love Lucy j Bewitched Dick Van Taxi “Tony’s Years SB j Bunch Modern Life jStereo) SB Beavers Stereo) SB (In Stereo) Kel (R) (R)E Bunch Years E Shirley “The Ballet" Dyke Baby” GB SCIFI Mystery Science Theater 3000 "The She Creature.” | Movie: ★★ “Man’s Best Friend" (1993) Ally Sheedy, Movie: “Johnny 2.0" (1997) Jeff Fahey. (In Stereo) ® Mystery Science Theater 3000 “The She Creature." Movie: "Johnny 2.0”E (4:00) Movie: ★★ “Little WCW Saturday Night E Major League Baseball: Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field. (Live) | TBS Movie: ★★★ "Rocky III" (1982, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Burgess I Track and Field: G rand Movie: ★★ft I Big League" (1994) SB Meredith. A merciless contender forces Rocky into a title match. Prix. From Moscow. • "Diqqstown" I TLC Great Books (R) Great Books H.G. Wells. Great Books (R) Great Books "Galileo" (R) Great Books (R) Great Books {Great Books “Walden" (R) jGreat Books “Huck Finn” jGreat Books (R)

(3:30) Movie: ★★ Movie: ★* "Boiling Point" (1993, Drama) A Treasury Movie: ★★* “Running Scared" (1986, Comedy) Gregory Hines, Billy I 2 TNT Movie: ★★★ "The Last Starfighier" (1984) A teen-age I Movie: ★★'/ “Peacemaker" (1990, “Earthquake" (1974) agent has one week to find a comrade’s killers. Crystal. Two detectives are given 30 days to nab a cocaine smuggler. video-game whiz stems an intergalactic invasion. Science Fiction) Robert Forster. Movie: ★★ft “Dragnet" (1987) Dan Aykroyd. Joe WWF Raw (In Stereo) SB WWF War Zone (In The Net (In Stereo) SB Sins of the City “ Breaking | USA Movie: ★★★ “Midnight Run” (1988, Comedy-Drama) Robert De Niro. I “Test Tube I Friday’s nephew pursues a power-hungry evangelist. SI Stereo) SB the Code" (In Stereo) E A bounty hunter and an accused embezzler must duck the mob. GB Teens-2000' I Bug Juice I Mad Libs SB Going Wild! Movie: ★★★ “Charlotte's Web” (1973, Movie: ★ * ’/ 2 “Annie" (1982, Musical) The Broadway Donald- Walt Disney Presents: Zorro Spin and Movie: ★★★ “The Barefoot DISN (R) SB (R) SB Musical) Voices of Debbie Reynolds. 'G' | smash about the adventures of an orphan girl. ‘PG’ SB B’day The Crisler Story “ Am bush” E Marty ® Executive" (1971) ‘G ’ GB ; (4:00) Movie: ★★ “The Movie: ★ ★ ’/2 “One Fine Day” (1996) Two overstressed Movie: ★ ★ ft "In & Out" (1997, Comedy) Jerry Seinfeld: I’m Telling You for the HBO Boxing: Junior Jones vs. Erik Morales. From Tijuana, Movie: ★★★ “The Saint" ( 1997) Val Kilmer. single parents tiptoe around romance. ‘PG’ E Kevin Kline. (In Stereo) ’PG-13’ SB Last Time: “Live on Broadway" (R) SB Mexico. (In StereoLive) GB Terminator" (1984) ‘R’ E

(4:45) Movie: ★Vij Movie: ★★★ “Star Trek: First Contact” (1996) The Borg Movie: ★ ★ ft “Blind Fury" (1990, People- Movie: ★ ft “The Glimmer Man" (1996, Movie: | ★ “Intimate Obsession" (1992, Movie: ★ V2 "Spirit of the MAX “Freaked” (1993) ‘PG-13’ try to prevent a space pioneer's historic flight. ‘PG-13’ Adventure) Rutger Hauer. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Flynt Suspense) Steven Seagal. ‘R’ SB Drama) Jodie Fisher, James Quarter. ‘R’ Night" (1994) ‘NR’ (4:15) Movie: ★★ Movie: * f t "RoboCop3 " (1993) Robert John Burke. Movie: ★★ “Mimic" (1997) Mira Sorvino. A deadly new Line’s Rude Compro­ Hot Springs j Red Shoe 1 Red Shoe Movie: ★ "Joyride" (1997) SHO “Princess Caraboo” (1994) RoboCop champions poor tenants faced with eviction. breed of insect wreaks havoc on New York. ‘R’ SB Awakening mising Hotel Diaries (R) Diaries ® Tobey Maguire. ‘R’ E (3:15) Movie !Movie: ★★ “Larger Than Life” (1996, Movie: ★★'/ 2 “Kingpin" (1996, Comedy) A washed-up IMovie: “A Change of Place" ( 1994, Movie: ★★ "Alaska" (1996) Thora Birch. Two youths Movie: ★'/a "L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Day of TMC iComedy) Bill Murray. (In Stereo) 'PG' SB bowler takes on an Amish farmer as a protege. ‘PG-13’ Drama) Rick Springfield. (In Stereo) brave the tundra to find their missing father. ‘PG’ 38 the Warrior" ( 1997) Kevin Light. ‘R’ SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 PAGE 25

By Gary Graff America with a full band later in the fall, Journal Music Writer also tapped into an inspiration well with illy Bragg chuckles as he relates “Mermaid Avenue,” his well-received col­ the story of a man who came up tolaboration with the band Wilco on which him at one of his Tbronto shows. the two acts set a batch of unrecorded “He introduced himself as the sec­ Woody Guthrie lyrics to music. Bretary of the zookeeper’s union andSo asked playing the union gigs, he says, “is a if I wanted to come to the zoo the next matter of keeping faith ... some way of day,” the British troubadour remembers. keeping the faith for Woody Guthrie and Bragg gets lots of invitations from unionthe spirit of the album we made this year, folks these days — including the one heand a way of keeping faith with the mine accepted to take part in Monday’s worker struggle in the mid-’80s. LaborFest activities in downtown Detroit. “It’s a case of defending your community, He also hopes to I think. The job and march in the city’s the employer, they’re annual Labor Day all part of the commu­ parade. nity. Once that goes, As if that weren’t it’s like losing a part of enough, Bragg will the environment, the perform a benefit con­On£/l^yy?t social environment. We cert for locked-out need to be environmen­ newspaper workers talists about the social Tuesday at Detroit’s environment as well as Majestic Theatre. “It the natural environ­ would be a dreadful ment.” shame to come all the Bragg, 40, has been way to Detroit and not addressing social do a show on your issues since buying behalf,” he says. himself out of a post in With a pro-labor ori­ ' the British army’s tank entation that was division. His politics formed during the “Mermaid Avenue” sets previously unre­ and his music have mid-’80s, when Bragg corded Woody Guthrie lyrics to music. gone hand in hand. He was politicized by was part of Red Wedge, Britain’s national mine strike, the singer- a wing of British musicians that toured songwriter has become perhaps the world’sand raised funds for the Labor Party dur­ most vociferous entertainer backing unioning the mid-’80s, and he has been arrested causes. Over the years he has lent his sup­for protesting apartheid and nuclear arma­ port to struggles at the Pittston coal minement. in Virginia, at Detroit newspapers and for Recently, Bragg has adopted what he national union workers in Canada. calls a “socialism of the heart,” which Bragg, who will be touring North See BRAGG, Page 31 Workers reinvent the American Dream on TV By Tate Hausman nurses — it is owned by them. inspiring hours of television this workers we’re used to seeing on tele­ AlterNet News Service Offering a benefits package and year” (Kansas City Star), this third vision: undercover cops making drug wenty-seven-year-old wages 20 percent higher than mostepisode of “Livelyhood,” “Honey, Webusts, FBI agents searching for Theresa Gladden never home-health-care jobs and boastingBought the Company,” will air on aliens, glamorous doctors performing imagined she would own a a retention rate three times better WTVS, Channel 56 in Detroit, emergency heart surgeries. Rather, successful business. than the industry average, CHCA Monday, Sept. 28. With a brilliant “Livelyhood” aims its cameras at TTwo years ago — jobless, penni­ now employs 45 dedicated women —combination of clever dialogue, snap­real workers: factory operators, car less, living in the roughest part of all of whom once received welfare py camera work and intelligent washers and, like Theresa, health­ New York’s Harlem — Theresa checks. research, the series is sure to please care aides. Contrary to television’s responded to a newspaper ad placedTheresa’s story is one of eight trueeveryone from the casual channel usual message, these average work­ by Cooperative Health Care tales captured in the latest episode surfer to the trained economist. ers are far from boring. Associates (CHCA). Four weeks of of “Livelyhood,” a PBS miniseries Five episodes in all, the In the latest episode, the hilarious vigorous training later, she had nothosted by political comic Will Durst.“Livelyhood” series focuses on Durst brings together diverse char­ only a full-time job as a home healthHailed by critics as “a stroke of tele­ American workers and the issues acters who have one thing in com­ aide but an unusual stake in her genius,” (San Francisco they confront as the century drawsmon: They own their jobs. The hour- CHCA doesn’t employ its home Examiner) and “one of the most to a close. These aren’t the kind of See LIVELYHOOD, Page 28 PAGE 26 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 Here’s how to furnish that wine cellar ver been to someone’s house The important thing is to have as Serve it very slightly chilled and it and been invited to see the little temperature variation as possi­will be better. The base grape is zin- (whoaaaahhh!) wine C h r is ble. Your wine will do fine, assuming fandel, the first choice of the old cellar?It’s happening more you’ll drink all your small stash in Italian families when they came to Eoften, particularly in this good econo­ four or five years and replace it as America a generation or two ago. It C o o k my. More people are spending their Restaurants you go. will serve much the same function for extra money on luxuries such as Now, what do you buy? you as the Brolio, but it’s a little dif­ wines and even setting up small I suggest you buy one each of these ferent. areas of their homes to store it. and see if you like them. Wine is, above the appropriate storage area. The ■ 1993 Columbia Crest Cabernet Actually, some are quite large. best spot will be the darkest, all, a personal taste. Then get a half You can spend anywhere from less dozen of each for Sauvignon, Estate Series($15): dampest place you can find, as far This wine is dyna­ than $100 to $25,000 for those tem­ away from the washing machine and your starter cellar. perature-controlled wood vaults you First, red wines: mite, the single best the furnace as possible. Wine lasts cabernet I have tast­ see in catalogs such as the Wine longest — and ages best — when it’s Air Enthusiast. ■ 1995 Brolio ed in the past year. It left to “sleep,” and that means no Chianti Classico has a glorious floral I hesitate to say it, but most wine vibrations from machinery. cellars are a waste of money. Today’s ($11): Brolio seemed l i perfume on the nose Air and light are wine’s natural to go through a M and is rich, round typical American wine consumer enemies. If a cork isn’t tight or if it rather flat period a and complex. It’s drinks what he or she buys within 24 has rotted, air will seep into the bot­ a hours of purchasing it. The only rea­ few years ago, but wine that I would tle and turn the wine to vinegar. then made a love to taste again in son to have a wine cellar is if you Likewise, sunlight will heat wine and intend to keep wine a long time, 10 turnaround and is wine 20 years. I think it’s boil it in the bottle. now making one of one of those wines years or more, and very few of us do. Dampness means there is moisture Beyond that, more and more wines the best Italian reds that will be “rediscov­ in the air and that will keep the cork in its class for the natural ered” years from now, are being made to drink immediately, expanded in the neck. even some of the finest French and money. It is a fairly easily the equal of a Always store wine on its side so rich, complex wine, lot of $30-$40 caber­ California reds. that the wine in the bottle stays in enemies Personally, the wine I have kept for loaded with bright nets and Bordeaux. contact with the cork. Then get your­ fruit and hints of mmmmmmmm Jt’s a special-occasion aging during the past 20 years self some industrial shelving and amounts to a paltry 50 bottles. I have cherries. And it should keep a good wine, to be served with roast beef, stick it in the best corner. five to seven years. This is a good, lamb, old-fashioned Sunday dinners. a cellar closet where I keep it, noth­ I like to tack a cheap thermometer ing fancy. all-purpose red for pasta and grilled to the wall to see how the tempera­ meats. ■ 1996 Napa Ridge Pinot Noir But let’s assume you want to start ture varies throughout the year. ($9): A very good example of solid, collecting some good wines, includingIdeally, it should stay between 55 and■ 1996 Montevina Brioso($7): I good-quality pinot noir, a wine that a few that will last four or five years. 60 degrees Fahrenheit all year. If it like this wine because it represents a selectively will go with fish because What do you do? varies 10 degrees or so, you’re still kind of new American regionalism it’s lighter than other reds but no less First, scout out your basement forOK. If it’s 65-70, it’ll be fine, too. coming from northern California. See COOK, Page 31 Goldenrod is nothing to sneeze at

y 8-year-old and I recent­ about goldenrods since there are more ers of goldenrod galls, as it happens, ly took her first train ride, than 125 species, and they hybridize are the little downy woodpeckers a short run to Jackson B ea u fo rt wildly. Some have practically no that frequent backyard suet feeders.) and back. Goldenrod was M C r a n fo r d scent, some smell like an herb festi­ Probably because of its history of just beginning to appear along the val; some have the familiar banner­ bad publicity, goldenrod has been a route. Though it was still August, I like flower heads while others hug Johnny-come-lately to the home gar­ knew summer was winding down; if their blossoms close to the stem. den. You might have columbine, ever there were a yellow alert, these Goldenrods reach 2 to 4 feet tall, yarrow or black-eyed Susan, all of handsome wildflowers are it. That’s because goldenrod pollen is with generally narrow, lance-shaped which crept in out of the wilderness, Just days ago the less-disturbed sticky, the better to adhere to bees leaves along their stalks. They’re but few people have planted a gold­ parts of southeastern Michigan were and other insects invading its tiny perennials, and while the upper enrod. Considering its great color covered in the white of Queen Anne’s flower heads for nectar. Ragweed parts die in winter, the plants return and stamina, however,Solidago is lace; soon our meadows and margins pollen, by contrast, is airborne, the the next year from hardy rhizomes. worth checking catalogs for. will be thoroughly painted with this better to fly up your nose. They successfully occupy a variety of Goldenrods are an undeniable bright golden sign that the times The botanical name for goldenrod habitats; the prettiest I’ve seen, next announcement that, no matter how they are a-changin’. Then, when is Solidago, from a Latin construct to Michigan’s, bloom in October on hard it struggles, summer will soon clumps of purple asters appear meaning to “make whole.” Once uponsouthern barrier islands. be kaput. As they take over the land­ among the gilt, we’ll need to be a time, goldenrod was claimed to One of the interesting things about scape, it’s hard to miss the signal thinking of fall chores, for sure. make folks whole by stopping bleed­goldenrods up close is the hard, that something quite unlike what Until fairly recently, goldenrod was ing and curing rattlesnake bite. Oils swollen places you may find along we’ve gotten used to is coming up. associated less with the end of sum­ and teas made from it have been their stems. These bumps are the And, sure enough, about the time the mer than with plagues of hay fever given for flatulence, nausea and plant’s most noticeable — and obvi­ goldenrods start to fizzle, the trees — precisely because its pollen-laden headache. In his book “A Voyage to ously aggravated — response to an themselves ignite and the year’s flowers are out there advertising New Carolina” (1709), John Lawson insect larva’s having hatched out most spectacular blast of natural themselves when many people are reported that Indians rubbed golden­ there and begun to feed. color sweeps across the countryside. singing a September song of honks rod on their heads to strengthen As you might expect, a primary When all that finally burns out — and sniffles. The word’s getting their brains. Persons seen doing that contributor to the formation of these well, you know what happensnext. around, though, that other plants — now might also be thought in need of goldenrod galls is the grub of what’s especially the inconspicuously green-stronger brains, but never mind. called a gall fly. Even more notable is The National Labor Relations blooming ragweed — are what actu­ Though you can see a lot of Canada the fact that sometimes, if you open Board has ordered the Detroit News ally turn on people’s early-autumngoldenrod (S. canadensis) from your a gall, you actually can find the tiny to take back former copy editor sinus faucets. car window, it’s hard to be specific larva inside. (The most adroit open­ Beaufort Cranford. SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 PAGE 27 ® MikPtul H IP -f, 1

going out Dally on down to the Cass Corridor

By Kathlyn Hood The Round-Up also will include a gar­ Birmingham. 248-456-8150. open until midnight weekends and until Journal Staff Writer den club plant sale, a car show featur­ Blues and jazz 11 p.m. weekdays ... The Michigan ally in the Alley is “Detroit at ing antique and collectible cars, an “Art Renaissance Festival features a unique on the Green” art show at the Franklin The Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival Renaissance theme every weekend its bohemian best,” according offers a blend of Chicago blues, uptown to Tom Clynes, and you’d have Church (10 a.m.-6 p.m.) and a raffle. through Sept., off 1-75, exit 106, one The horse show is free, except for a jazz, down-home Southern R&B, mile north of Mt. Holly on Dixie a tough time getting any argu­ Louisiana zydeco and Michigan roots Dment to that. $5 entry fee per rider; both English and Highway between Pontiac and Flint, Western events are offered. The show music, Thu. through next Sun. at the $13.95; ages 5-12, $5.95, under 4 free, The 21st annual Dally is 11 a.m.-11 Michigan Theater, Gallup Park and p.m. Saturday in the Cass Corridor. It’s will be between two softball fields on 248-634-5552 ... Ste. Anne de Detroit in the Franklin Village Green, just off Bird of Paradise. Maceo Parker, one of honor of Our Lady of Charity hosts a a street fair of note even beyond the founding fathers of funk and band Motown. Clynes’ “Music Festivals: From Franklin Road, south of 14 Mile. Call fund-raising dinner, 6-9 p.m. Tue. at 248-865-0695. leader for James Brown, will perform at Armando’s Restaurant, 4242 W. Vernor Bach to Blues” is among the music fes­ 8 p.m. Fri. at the Michigan Theater. tival publications that talks about Dally Hwy., Detroit, $20; $ 10/children, pro­ The Lou Donaldson Quartet will per­ ceeds benefit restoration of Historic Ste. in the Alley. Musical Gem form at 9 and 11 p.m. Fri. and Sat. at The festival features three stages for Anne de Detroit, the second oldest con­ The freshly moved Gem Theatre pre­ Bird of Paradise. Bo Diddly will per­ tinuously active parish in the United local bands, food from area restaurants, sents the Detroit premiere of the off- form at 6 p.m. next Sun. at Gallup arts and crafts, an art gallery, kids’ fair States, 313-496-1701 ... the 12th annu­ Broadway musical revue, “I Love You, Park. Other performers include the al Detroit Festival of the Arts, Sept. 18- and, this year, a skateboard area. You’re Perfect, Now Change,” starring Atomic Fireballs, Groove Collective, Olu The lineup for the Forest stage 20 in the University Cultural Center, David Naim, Christopher Sutton, Kelly Dara, Rick Roe Quartet, Root Doctor 313-577-5088. includes Paper Tiger, Living Door Bells, Anne Clark and Kate Willinnger, per­ and Robert Jones. $15-$25. 734-668- Motion Control, W-Vibe, Kristiva, Spy forming a collection of songs and 8397. Radio, Fathers of Id, Oregon Box, Stun sketches, recounting the joys and tribu­ Flicks/hoots Gun, Lux, Black Ocean Drowning, lations of the modern-day mating game. Ann Arbor Silent Film Society pre­ Randolph’s Grin and Trashbrats. The four-member cast portrays more Music sents “The Boat,” with Buster Keaton, On the Alley stage will be U.I.F., than 40 roles in the musical, which Detroit Women’s Coffeehouse’s “The Kid,” and “Safety Last,” 3 p.m. Ethos, M utha’s Alcoholic Chowda’, Variety called “a witty, impeccably per­ Autumn Series opens with Ko Nami next Sun., $4, Clarion Hotel, 2900 Jelly’s Pierced Tattoo, Neptune, 60 formed musical revue about romance.” Koto Ensemble performing Japanese Jackson, (use banquet entrance behind Second Crush, Immortal Wino of Soul, Now at 333 Madison, next to the music; poet and artist Michelle Gibbs hotel), 1-94 at Exit 172, 734-677-1359 ... Sean Blackman & John Arnold, with Detroit Athletic Club, and set firmly in and performance artist Nedra Johnson, Detroit Film Theatre: “Marie Baie Des Dennis Sheridan, Jazzhead, Shirley the Guinness Book of World Records as 7:30 p.m. Sat., Unitarian Church, Cass Anges,” 4 and 7 p.m. today; Franklin & the Delta Drive, the Ghost the “largest building moved on wheels,” and Forest, $7-$12, 313-832-5888 ... “Rashomon,” 7:30 Mon.; “Picnic at Band, the Layabouts and Howlin the Gem marks its grand reopening on Ford Montreux Detroit Jazz Festival Hanging Rock” (director’s cut), 7 and Diablos. Wed. The play will run through Jan. 3. schedule includes Diane Schuur & the 9:30 Fri., 4, 7 and 9:30 Sat. and 4 and 7 On the acoustic stage: Christopher Performance schedule: 2 and 8 p.m. Duke Ellington Orchestra, 7 p.m. Mon.; p.m. next Sun., $5.50, Detroit Institute Jordan White, Sunken Road, the Ghetto Thu.-Fri.; 6 and 9 p.m. Sat. and 2 and 6 Sun Ra All Star Project, 9 tonight; of Arts (enter from John R side of DIA), Billies, Newja al-Qamar dance troupe, .m. Sun. Tickets: $19.50, $27.50 and Houston Person & Etta Jones, 2 and 9 313-833-2323 ... Second City’s “Viagra Mike Nolan, Hope Orchestra, the 32.50. 313-963-9800. p.m. Mon., and the homecoming of Falls,” 8 p.m. Wed.-Thu. and Sun. and 8 Foxgloves and the Dally Flicker Fest. Regina Carter teamed with Lyman and 10:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat., $10-$19.50, The Dally is held in the alleys Woodward and John Blake, 9:30 p.m. 2305 Woodward, Detroit, 313-965-2222. between Second and Third, Forest and Art in the Park Mon., on three stages and all for free at Hancock. The 24th annual Common Ground H art Plaza, 313-963-7622 ... Clay Sanctuary Art in the Park presents Walker with Dixie Chicks, 7:30 p.m. Exhibits/art/design more than 170 artists from 30 states Thu., Pine Knob, $12.50/$22.50, 248- Sisson Gallery, MacKenzie Fine Arts Labor Day Round-Up and Canada next Sat. and Sun. at 377-0100 ... Cowboy Junkies with Over Center at Henry Ford Community The 54th Franklin Village Labor Day Shain Park. Four community-based the Rine, 8 p.m. Wed., Meadow Brook, College presents the mixed-media exhi­ Round-Up and Parade, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. organizations — Birmingham $15/$22.50, 248-377-0100. bition, “Charms” by Kathy Dambach, Mon., presented by the Franklin Community Coalition, Birmingham Tue.-Oct. 2, 5101 Evergreen, Dearborn, Community Association, offers a horse Area Seniors Coordinating Council, 313-845-9634 ... CranbrookArt show, a midway and daylong family Birmingham Youth Assistance and the Festivals & family fun Museum presents a new exhibition: “It’s activities. FAR Conservatory for Performing and St. Sylvester Family Festival offers all about ME, Not You: An Installation The parade, including bagpipes, Therapeutic Arts — will join the dancing, a treasure shop, a Polish din­ by Greer Lankton,” through Nov. 1, 11 floats, clowns, animals and more than Common Ground Sanctuary in present­ ner plate, bingo and a bake sale; 6-11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tue.-Sun and 11 a.m. to 9 35 acts, begins at noon and winds down ing the new kidscape. Special highlights p.m. Fri.-Sat. and noon-9 next Sun., p.m. Thu., Bloomfield Hills, 248-645- Franklin Road in the heart of the vil­ 11200 E. 12 Mile, near Hoover in include an expanded Children’s Art 3323 ... “Detroit’s Black Bottom & lage. The midway, open from 10 to 4, Warren, 810-751-3636 ... Trace Adkins, Area, a silent auction, continuous live Paradise Valley: Help Us Collect Your offers games of skill and chance for peo­ entertainment, local restaurants and Michigan State Fair, 7 tonight, corner ple of all ages to compete for fun and food vendors. Admission is free; hours of 8 Mile and Woodward; $9 for adults; Past,” through Oct. 25, and “Juke prizes, an inflatable slide, laser tag, are 10-6 Sat. and 10-5 next Sun. at $2 for under 11, free for under 2; park­ Joint,” through Oct. 18, Charles H. food and a bake sale. Shain Park, at Bates and Merrill in ing, $5; 10 a.m.-lO p.m.; midway is Wright Museum of African American History, 315 E. Warren, Detroit, 313- 494-5800 ... “The New Magna Carta,” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, II Swords into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery, 33 E. Adams, Detroit, 11-3 Tue., Thu. and Sat., 313-963-7575 ... “A „______Community Between Two Worlds: Arab Americans in Greater Detroit,” chroni­ Set ‘-em up, bon. We ju st [o^b_ Doe$ -ttist rvieaw \f cling Detroit’s Arab-American communi­ %>■ Mud*m fcuildtoacoynO c-r (/fsl I wjjK'b QCt ant(- ty from the late 1800s, exhibit through Oct. 4, Detroit Historical Museum, 5401 6odzilt3 Attired mu'ovesdMz' r Woodward, Detroit, 313-833-1805. in 9 d3 Against “The Parent Trap”PG. — M. Black vented right under our noses,” said the backdrop of Hong Kong’s transfer“Armageddon” PG-13. —Michelle “A Perfect Murder”R. — M. Banks Patrice O’Neill, the series’ executive Banks to China, a CIA agent — Jean-Claude “Six Days, Seven Nights”PG-13. producer. “We want to chronicle that Van Damme, of course — must “Dance With Me”PG — M. Black — M. Banks in a human way that engages the thwart a conspiracy that could incite“Doctor Dolittle”PG-13. —M. “Small Soldiers”PG-13. — M. community.” a wave of worldwide criticism. Banks Banks If engaging viewers and sparking “Next Stop Wonderland”O “Next “Ever After: A Cinderella Story” debate is the goal of “Livelyhood,” Stop Wonderland” has the kind of PG-13. —M. Banks read a book insteadDurst is the perfect choice for host. rough edges and avoidance of formula“The Horse Whisperer”PG-13. — With humor, grace and a playfulness that make it seem not only an alter­M. Black “Blade”R. — M. Black unusual on PBS, he guides his audi­ native to prefab Hollywood romantic“How Stella Got Her Groove “Dead Man on Campus”PG-13. — ence deep into his subjects’ lives. comedies but also the antidote to Back”R. — M. Banks M. Banks “What I love about the show is that them. It’s bracing and charming if “Lethal Weapon 4”R. — M. Banks “Halloween: H20”R. — M. Banks you get to meet ordinary humans,” you give it a chance to get to you,“Madeline” and PG-13. — M. Banks “Mercury Rising”R. — M. Black Durst confessed. “Every one of us you should. R.M. — Black “Mafia!”PG-13. — M. Banks wants to be that ordinary human “Slums of Beverly Hills”O “The Mask of Zorro”PG-13. —M. not reviewed who’s growing the extra gills we need Tamara Jenkins’ frequently autobio­Black to confront our problems.” graphical “Slums of Beverly Hills” “Mulan”G.— M. Black “Air Bud: Golden Receiver”PG. Although the show is upbeat and recalls with a sharp eye and a loving“Out of Sight”R. — M. Black “The Avengers”PG-13. fun, those problems are quite real. ear the way life was with a loser sin­ “Return to Paradise”R. — M. “BASEketb all”R. One community suddenly finds itself gle dad who clings to the ZIP code Banks “The Beyond”Not Rated. out of work when “Chainsaw” A1 and school systems as if they’ll fix “Saving Private Ryan”R. — M. “Disturbing Behavior”R. Dunlap of the Sunbeam Corp. decides what’s wrong with his family’s life. Banks “Smoke Signals”PG-13. to eliminate its textile factory. Jenkins resists the opportunity for“Snake Eyes”R. — M. Banks “Wrongfully Accused”PG-13. People in another town, robbed of caricature, representing everybody “There’s Something About Mary” pay-sharing benefits by greedy and with light-handedness and affection R. — M. Black powerful CEOs, are forced to rely on and a refreshing avoidance of emo­ “Titanic”PG-13. —M. Banks coming attractionspitifully low wages with no assurance tional shtick. R. —M. Black “The Truman Show”PG. — M. that their town will even survive. “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” § Banks “Simon Birch”A coming-of-age saga These real-life disasters might seem Though the musical numbers in this“X-Files: Fight the Future”PG-13. about two boys who together must hopeless at first. How can small collec­ story about the rapid rise and fall of — M. Banks learn what it takes to be friends and tives of working people face off against singing sensation Frankie Lymon are remain headstrong in a sometimes some of the richest men in America? staged with irresistible bounce and cruel and challenging world. PG. But in the end, through a combination energy, the film never gets inside “Rounders”Matt Dillon, Edward of smarts and sweat, the spirited char­ Lymon or tries to put us in touch with“Deep Impact”PG-13. —M. Banks Norton and John Turturro star in acters of “Livelyhood” overcome these his motivations and feelings. He’s just“Godzilla” PG-13. — M. Black this story about a master card player great odds, proving to us that the another young musical ruin.M. R. — “The Governess”R. — M. Black who trades the poker rounds for lawAmerican Dream — at least a little Black “The Negotiator”R. — M. Banks school and a shot at a new life. piece of it — can still be true. SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 29


Call theaters for show times,

Wayne County Quo Vadis (Showcase) Birmingham Theatre Southfield City (AMC) Romeo Wayne Rd. at Warren Ave., Westland 211 S. W oodw ard, Birm ingham Greenfield Rd. at Nine Mile Rd. Van Dyke at 30 1/2 Mile Rd., Washington Allen Park (MJR) (313) 425-7700 (248) 644-3456 (248) 559-2730 (810) 752-3455 Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Knock Off 54 * * Next Stop Wonderland * Why Do Fools Allen Road at Southfield Rd. 54 * Blade * Dance With Me * How Stella Got Saving Private Ryan * Something About Mary Blade * How Stella Got Her Groove Back * Fall in Love'i * Somethingsomething AAbout Mary * Rejurn Her Groove Back * Wrongfully Accused * (313) 381-1125 Halloween H20 * Something About Mary * Airto Paradise * Saving Saving Private Private Ryar Ryan * Ever Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Godzilla * Mulan * Dr. Dolittle * Six Days, Bud 2 After * The Avengers * Snake Eyes Halloween H20 * Snake Eyes * Negotiator * Shores Seven Nights * The Truman Show * Madeline Small Soldiers * Dr. Dolittle Redford Commerce Township (UA) Mack so. of 9 Mile Rd., St. Clair Shores Beacon East (Showcase) Lahser, N. of Grand River, Detroit 14 Mile Road West of Haggerty Road Star John R (810) 775-6800 A Perfect Murder * The Horse Whisperer Vernier (Eight Mile) at Beaconsfield (313) 537-2560 Commerce Township John R, so. of 14 Mile Rd., Madison Hts. Sept. 11-12—How The West Was Won Godzilla * Out of Sight (313) 882-7500 (248) 960-7459 (248) 585-2070 54 * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Halloween 54 * Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in LoveWhy * Do Fools Fall in Lover * Smoke Signals H20 * Saving Private Ryan * Small Soliders Renaissance Center Showcase Sterling Dead Man on Campus * Slums of Beverly* Slums of Beverly Hills * Blade * Air Bud 2 * Van Dyke at 15 Mile Road Tower 200, Level 2 of Renaissance Cntr. Hills * Blade * Dance With Me * Wrongfully Snake Eyes * Halloween H20 * Saving Bel-Air (AMC) (313) 259-2370 Accused * Return To Paradise * Air Bud 2 Private Ryan * The Mask of Zorro * (810) 979-3160 Eight Mile Rd., east of Van Dyke * Blade * How Stella Got Her Groove Back * 'Snake Eyes * Saving Private Ryan * EverSomething About Mary * Lethal Weapon 4 *54 * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Knock Off * (313) 366-0800 Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Knock Off After * The Parent Trap * Something About Small Soldiers * Armageddon Lethal W eapon 4 * Blade * Dance With Me * Dead Man On C am pus * Wrongfully Accused Knock Off * Wrongfully Accused * Why Do Mary Showcase Dearborn * How Stella Got Her Groove Back * Air Bud Fools Fall in Love * Dance With Me * Blade * Star Rochester Hills 2 * Snake Eyes * Halloween H20 * Ever After How Stella Got Her Groove Back * Farmington Civic Michigan Ave. west of Telegraph Rd. 200 Barclay Circle, Rochester Rd. n. of M59 * Parent Trap * Saving Private Ryan Halloween H20 * Snake Eyes * The Grand River at Farmington Rd., (313) 561-3449 (248) 853-2260 Something About Mary Negotiator * Small Soldiers * Dr. Dolittle Farmington 54 * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Knock Off * 54 * Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in Lover Canton (General Cinema) Blade * Dance With Me * Halloween H 20 * (248) 474-1951 * Blade * Dance With Me * Snake Eyes * Ever The Negotiator * Saving Private Ryan Six Days, Seven Nights * Dr. Dolittle After * Saving Private Ryan * Something Ford Rd. 1 m ile w est of 1-275 Star Gratiot About Mary Gratiot, north of 15 Mile Rd., (313) 981-1900 Showcase Westland Hampton (AMC) Clinton Township Dead Man on Cam pus * Blade * Wrongfully Wayne Rd. a block south of Warren Rd. Rochester Rd., a mile north of M-59 Star Southfield Accused * Snake Eyes * Something About (810) 791-3420 (313) 729-1060 (248) 852-5322 12 M ile Rd. w est of Telegraph Mary * Dance With Me 54 * Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * 54 * Dance With Me * Small Soliders * The The Truman Show * Madeline * Six Days, (248) 372-2222 Avengers * Snake Eyes * Parent Trap *EverSeven Nights * Dr. Dolittle * Godzilla Blade * Dance With Me * Dead Man on Detroit Film Theatre After * Saving Private Ryan * Lethal Weapon 54 * Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in LoveCam * pus * Wrongfully Accused * Return to Inside the Detroit Institue of Arts 4 Slums of Beverly Hills * Blade * How Stella Paradise ’ How Stella Got Her Groove Back Got Her Groove Back * Dead Man On * Ever After * Saving Private Ryan * (313) 833-2323 Main Art (Landmark) Campus * Wrongfully Accused * Dance With Southland (AMC) Something About Mary * Small Soldiers * Marie Baie Des Anges (Sunday) * Rashomon Main at 11 Mile Road, Royal Oak Me * The Avengers ’ Air Bud 2 *Snake Eyes (Monday) Eureka Rd., bet. 1-75 and Telegraph Rd. * Saving Private Ryan * Ever After * Parent Armageddon * The Avengers * Halloween (248) 542-0180 (313) 287-2101 Trap * Something About Mary H20 * Air Bud 2 * Snake Eyes * Parent Trap Detroit Science Center Next Stop Wonderland * Billy’s Hollywood Small Soliders * 54 * Zorro * Dr. Dolittle * Screen Kiss * Your Friends & Neighbors Sterling Center (AMC) Warren, east of Woodward, Detroit Armageddon Star Winchester Schoenherr Rd. south of Hall Rd. (313) 577-8400 1136 South Rochester Rd. Star Lincoln Park (810) 254-7400 Everest * Tropical Rainforest * Special Maple Art II (Landmark) (248) 656-1160 Effects Southfield Rd. at Dix Rd., 54 * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Knock Off * Maple Road just west of Telegraph Road, Dead Man On Cam pus * Wrongfully Accused (313) 382-9240 Returning Private Ryan * Ever After * Blade * * How Stella Got Her Groove Back * The Parent Trap * Snake Eyes * Wrongfully Eastland Mall 2 (AMC) 54 * Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Bloomfield Hills Avengers * Air Bud 2 * Halloween H20 * Vernier (Eight Mile) at Beaconsfield Accused * Dance With Me * Something About How Stella Got Her Groove Back * Snake (248) 855-9090 Parent Trap * Small Soldiers * Mask of ZorroMary (313) 882-2678 Eyes * Saving Private Ryan * There’s Slums of Beverly Hills * The Governess * * Smoke Signals * The Negotiator * Blade * Knock Off Something about Mary Smoke Signals Armageddon Warren (Cinemark) Eastland Mall 5 (AMC) Star Taylor Towne (AMC) Dequindre south of 12 Mile Rd., Warren (810) 558-7520 Vernier (Eight Mile) at Beaconsfield 22265 Eureka Road Novi Town Center Greenfield, just north of 10 1/2 Mile The X-Files * Paulie * City of Angels * Quest (734) 287-2200 (General Cinema) (313) 521-2811 (248) 968-5174 for Camelot * Titanic * I Got the Hook Up * Parent Trap * How Stella Got Her Groove Blade * Dance With Me * Dead Man On Novi Rd., south of 1-96 Dr. Dolittle * The Truman Show * Six Days, Deep Impact * Out of Sight * A Perfect Campus * How Stella Got Her Groove Back * Back * Something About Mary * Dance With (248) 344-0077 Seven Nights * Mulan * Godzilla Murder * Disturbing Behavior * Madeline * Snake Eyes * Saving Private Ryan * Parent Me * Snake Eyes * Dr. Dolittle Knock Off * Blade * Wrongfully Accused * t h e Truman Show * Six Days, Seven Nights Trap * Ever After * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Godzilla * Baseketball * Dr. Dolittle * Mulan Fairlane (U.A.) * Something About Mary * Knock Off Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Return to Paradise * The Avengers * The Negotiator * Twelve Oaks (U.A.) Fairlane Town Center, Dearborn State Wayne Parent Trap * Ever After * Mask of Zorro * Something About Mary * Inside Twelve Oaks Mall, Novi Washtenaw County (313) 438-0929 35310 Michigan Ave. west of Wayne Dead Man on Campus * How Stella Got Her (248) 349-4311 (734) 326-4600 Groove Back * Return To Paradise * Air Bud Oakland Mall (U.A.) 54 * Dead Man On Cam pus * Dance With Me Briarwood (U.A.) 2 * Snake Eyes * Ever After * Mask of Zorro Call* for Show and Times 14 M ile Rd. betw een 1-75 and John R ‘ Snake Eyes * Small Soliders * Saving Inside the Briarwood Mall, Ann Arbor Private Ryan There’s Something About Mary * Small (248) 988-0706 (313) 480-4555 Soldiers * Madeline * Dr. Dolittle Terrace (Cinemark 54 * Next Stop Wonderland * Dance With Me Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Plymouth Rd. west of Middle Belt Rd. * Return To Paradise * Ever After * Dr. Dolittle Waterford (MJR) Parent Trap * Blade * Dance With Me * Ford-Tel (MJR) M-59 at Williams Lake Road Wrongfully Accused * Ever After * Snake Ford Rd. at Telegraph Rd., Dearborn (313) 261-3330 Oxford (248) 666-7900 Eyes * Something About Mary Godzilla * Madeline * Mulan * The Truman Lapeer Rd., downtown Oxford (313) 561-7200 54 * Knock Off * Blade * Dead Man On Show * Dr. Dolittle (248) 628-7100 Mulan * Dr. Dolittle * The Truman Show Campus * Snake Eyes * Halloween H20 * Fox Village Theatre (MJR) Saving Private Ryan * The Negotiator * Dr. Something About Mary ’ Air Bud 2 * Saving Jackson at Maple, Ann Arbor Laurel Park (AMC) Wonderland (AMC) Dolittle * Ever After Private Ryan * Armageddon * Parent Trap * (313) 994-8080 Six M ile Rd., bet. N ew burgh and 1-275 Plymouth Rd. at Middle Belt Rd. Ever After * Mulan * Madeline * Dr. Dolittle * The Truman (313) 462-6200 (313) 261-8100 Showcase Auburn Hills Show * Six Days, Seven Nights Slum s of Beverly Hills * Why Do Fools Fall in54 * Saving Private Ryan * Knock Off * Why Opdyke bet. University and Lapeer West River (U.A.) Love * Knock Off * Armageddon * Returning Do Fools Fall in Love * Blade * How Stella (248) 373-2660 Grand River, west of M iddlebelt Road Showcase Ann Arbor Private Ryan * Wrongfully Accused * Zorro * Got Her Groove Back 54 * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Blade * C arpenter Rd., north, of 1-94, e. of US 23 Snake Eyes * How Stella Got Her Groove (248) 476-8844 Dance With Me * Knock Off * Small Soliders (313) 973-8380 Back * Parent Trap * Something About Mary 54 * Knock Off * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Oakland County * Lethal Weapon 4 * Dead Man on Campus *Blade * How Stella Got Her Groove Back * Air 54 * Knock Off * Your Friends& Neighbors * Livonia Mall (MJR) Wrongfully Accused * How Stella Got Her Bud 2 * Snake Eyes * Something About MaryWhy Do Fools Fall in Love * Blade * Dance Middle Belt Rd. at Seven Mile Rd. Groove Back * Air Bud 2 * Snake Eyes * * The Parent trap * Dance With Me * With Me * Dead Man On Cam pus * How Halloween H20 * Parent Trap* Saving PrivateWrongfully Accused Stella Got Her Groove Back * The Avengers (248) 476-8800 Abbey (AMC) * Air Bud 2 * Snake Eyes * Halloween H20* Mulan * Madeline * The Truman Show * Dr. Ryan * Something About Mary 14 Mile Rd. east of 1-75 Ever After * Parent Trap * Saving Private Dolittle Ryan ’Something About Mary * Armageddon (248) 588-0881 Showcase Pontiac (1-5) Macomb County ’ Small Soliders * Wrongfully Accused The Negotiator * Dead Man on Campus * Telegraph Rd at Square Lake Rd. Wrongfully Accused * The Avengers * How (248) 332-0241 Metro Norwest Stella Got Her Groove Back * Parent Trap * Grand River at Southfield Freeway Madeline * Mulan Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Knock Off *Chesterfield Crossing (MJR) Livingston County Blade * How Stella Got Her Groove Back (313) 838-1030 23 Mile Rd. at Gratiot, Chesterfield Blade * Halloween H20 * How Stella Got Her Showcase Pontiac (6-12) (810) 598-2500 Brighton (MJR) Groove Back Americana West (AMC) Telegraph Rd. at Square Lake Rd. 54 * Knock Off * Dance With Me * Wrongfully 1-96 exit at G rand River, B righton Penn Orchard Lake Road, south of 15 Mile (248) 334-6777 Accused * Blade * Dead Man On Campus * (810) 227-4700 Penniman at Main, Plymouth (248) 855-4200 54 * Dance With Me * Wrongfully Accused * Air Bud 2 * The Avengers * Snake Eyes * 54 * Knock Off * Ever After * Wrongfully (734) 453-0870 54 * Dance With Me * Small Soliders * Blade Air Bud 2 * Lethal Weapon 4 * Snake Eyes *Halloween H20* Ever After * Parent Trap * Accused * Blade * The Avengers * Snake Saving Private Ryan * Something About MaryEyes * Parent Trap * Saving Private Ryan * Six Days, Seven Nights * Saving Private Ryan * Knock Off *Something About Mary * Saving Private Something About Mary Ryan * Parent Trap * Armageddon Something About Mary * Armageddon Let the race begin: Campaign season is on

By Eric Freedman low unemployment, business expan­ Journal Staff Writer sion and tax cuts. Yet things can ANSING — Labor Day is here, change rapidly, as the Northwest the campaign season is on, andAirlines and General Motors strikes, Michigan voters can expect aWall Street turbulence, a shaky world bitter, no-holds-barred rumbleeconomy and President Bill Clinton’s Lbetween now and Nov. 3. troubles demonstrate. Rhetoric is already flowing. “Events are going on that reflect the Promises are already made. Accusingway people in Michigan think and fingers are already pointed. feel,” Wayne State University political Among the top stakes are the gov­scientist Otto Feinstein observed. ernorship held by two-term “On the one hand, things look pret­ Republican John Engler, the attorneyty good. Economic indicators show the general’s position being vacated economy by is extremely healthy and veteran Democrat Frank Kelley andworld trade is expanding. People feel control of the Legislature anddemocracy is spreading all over the Michigan’s delegation in Congress. world, and the danger of major wars Democratic nominee Geoffrey is down,” said Feinstein, an expert on Fieger, badly trailing Engler in theelections and voting. “There may be Journal photo Dyt i t U K U t w a l u m m n polls, has two months to persuadesatisfaction, there may be optimism. Solidarity Democrats and independents that“But with the stock exchange, peo­ Tough-talking Democratic nominee Geoffrey Reger’s grassroots campaign gave him he’s qualified to run the state and hasple wonder about that reality in which an upset primary victory over Larry Owen, back to camera. Building from a base of a cohesive vision for its future. they’re living,” he said. “People worry union supporters, such as the ones shown here at a recent UAW rally in Flint, Fieger For Engler, it means continuing whetherto something bad will happen emphasize the state’s positive tomorrow.” now has to win over skeptical voters. achievements while luring traditionalWhat should you expect between Democrats — or at least demonizingnow and Election Day? ■ Name-calling by the gubernatorialabout speaking his mind, often in col- gone a fundamental personality Fieger so that they’ll stay home. orful language, and people would be change if he abandons that behavior, Overall, incumbents should benefitcandidates and their associates won’t hard-pressed to believe he’s under- See POLITICS, Page 14 from the fact that times are good withdisappear. Fieger certainly isn’t shy Heck, we knew long ago that we were right

along the paths we are clearing. ear Daddy, puddle of our own emotion. But gradually we came to realize So I wasn’t really waiting for the An odd thing happened yes­ NLRB or the courts or the media to terday. In the middle of the that we were part of something bigger S u s a n than the Detroit newspaper strike.validate our position. It Already was hullabaloo over that long- validated by the likes of Abigail Dawaited National Labor Relations Armed with picket signs and slogans, W a t s o n we joined the front-line troops defend­Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Tom Board decision on the strike, some­ Paine, Denmark Vesey, Lech Walesa, one asked me if the ruling, which ing the right of unions everywhere to engage in collective bargaining. AndSusan B. Anthony, Bella Abzug, was in our favor, validated our posi­ Shirley Chisholm, Oskar Schindler, tion. It was a reasonable query. I by having the courage to stand up and right and wrong is wrong and speak no out for justice, we became partMedgar Evers, John L. Lewis, think the questioner assumed she Thurgood Marshall, Marian Wright would get a simple and enthusiasticamount of highfalutin words or fancyof a much longer struggle for equality degrees can turn wrongdoing intoand equity for ordinary folks whoEdelman, Nelson Mandela, Viola ‘You betcha.” Liuzzo and Fannie Lou Hamer. It was But for some reason those words gotright. You also stuck by your princi­couldn’t care less about the newspa­ ples and stood up for what youper situation in Detroit. validated by a legion of ordinary peo­ caught in my throat, and I heard ple, like you and Mom — people myself launching into a windy expla­believed. And you didn’t lectureIn our labor dispute there resonated about it; you lived it. the heartfelt protests and indignationwhose names don’t ring a bell much nation about why I felt pleased as beyond their immediate families, but punch, but not validated. Well, when we were forced out onof civil rights workers, environmental strike, I was convinced that our causeprotectionists, children’s advocateswho took a stand against injustice. It’s hard to explain, Daddy, but I’ll The NLRB’s ruling is great news, try. I know you have little patiencewas valid and that newspaper unionsand activists for social and political were legally and morally right. To bejustice. I’m not trying to make us outPops. There’s no denying it. But of far for folks who get caught up in lin­ more lasting import is the knowledge guistic tangles, but bear with me justsure, we weren’t as cunning or craftyas saints, because we aren’t. But it as the newspapers we battled; we did­didn’t take us long to understandthat our validation came long before for a little while. Anyway, it’s mostly the strike, from all those folks who your fault that I gave that answer. Itn’t have their money or their scarythat, like it or not, we are inextricably ability to twist the news. Sometimes linked to those who paved the waymoved for the world a little bit closer to was you who told me — and everyone what you could call “right.” else within earshot — that right iswe fumbled and lost our footing inus a and those who will someday walk PAGE 30 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6 y 1998

SALES f ROSANNE C. LESS > S < v t a e a t SERVICE Attorney at Law horoscope * F APPLIANCE • PARTS Former Member, Newspaper Guild Emphasizing a progres­ Aries (March 21 - April 20} Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Sff DAVID M. TARPLEY sive view in all areas of Life seems to be one stressful event Take control of your finances and put a family law. after another lately. Don’t be afraid to ask budget together. There are a lot of chan­ fZuajUitf "Pioducfo • 'DiteM Utt < someone close to you for help if necessary.ges on the way. Be ready for anything. Phone (313) 382-5622 Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) m ^>828 Park Avenue, Allen Park, MI 4810^ / Taurus (April 21 - May 20) KT , (810) 791-0560 Your plans aren’t working out quite the Good news is headed your way. way you expected. Take a good look at theProblems in a relationship will be solved alternatives and go with what makes the easily once you learn the art of communi­ cation. most sense. U.A.W. LOCAL 160 Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 20) MEMBERSHIP, LEADERSHIP AND Gemini (May 21 - June 20) It’s time to leave the past behind. the public service RETIREE CHAPTER WILLLL You like being in charge but it’s difficult Experience is a great teacher; you now CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE for you to delegate. There is a possibility have the power to make big changes in NEWSPAPER WORKERS IN THEIR you will receive a gift or inheritance. LOCAL 1 8 1 5 STRUGGLE THROUGH ACTION t your life. Warren Consolidated Schools AND Cancer (June 21 - July 20) Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19) Support the Newspaper Workers in their fight There’s nothing wrong with letting When you consider new opportunities, < for their rights to dignity and justice.j IN SOLIDARITY • U angry remarks roll off your back, but don’tbe as objective as possible. Change may be let people take advantage of you. Stand just what you need right now. strong in your beliefs. Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Leo (July 21 - Aug. 21) Finish up old projects and get the UAW LOCAL #7 No one seems to understand what you things you’ve been procrastinating about CWA LOCAL"4008 need. It may appear nothing is happen­ Members stand in off your to-do list. You’ll be surprised how From our Membership, ing right now but something is under much free time you have. Solidarity with the Executive Board, and Locked-Out Newspaper Workers. way. Officers: We Support The Locked- Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) Virgo (Aug. 22 - Sept. 22) Don’t rely on others to help you make LOCAL #7 MEMBERSHIP Out Newspaper Workers! You’ve grown tired of being depressed important decisions. Trust yourself to and feel the need to find purpose in yourknow the best course of action for your FRANK MASSEY - President Carl Richter -Pres. Marilyn Burke -Sec. life. Take the first step. life. LaNITA GAINES - Financial Sec. \^ im Cynowa - V. Pres. R. Waszkiewicz Treas- ^

We Support the Newspaper Michigan's Foremost Labor; Workers' Compensation Boilermakers Local #169 Workers in Their Struggle and Personal Injury Law Firm since 1927 Supports the Sunday Journal and the The Members and Sachs, Waldman, O’Hare, Helveston, Detroit Newspaper Executive Board of Teamsters Local #1038 Bogas & McIntosh, P.C. Workers. \^JDetroit^Mt.jClemensJPont^

MANCINI, SCHREUDER, OPERATING ENGINEERS IUOE KLINE, and CONRAD, P.C. LOCAL 547 For 25 Years, Attorneys Representing L o c a l 3 2 4 f o c ^ * V a0 Injured Workers and Their Families Supports Locked-Out and it’s members Local 223, Along with Thousands of Working People We Support Your Right To Fight Newspaper Workers “We support Detroit Across the Country, Strongly Support the Heroic For Dignity and Justice newspaper workers Efforts of the Detroit Newspaper Workers and Their 28225 Mound Rd., Warren, MI For Dignity on the Job Sam T. Hart in their struggle for Families. We Strongly believe in JUSTICE, FAIR­ Business Manager a fair contract.” NESS, AND THE RIGHT OF A FREE PRESS. (810) 751-3900______and a Fair Contract

COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS SHEET METAL WORKERS’ LOCAL 292 S o to O v iitu . OF AMERICA AFL-CIO EXECUTIVE BOARD AND ITS MEMBERS The Executive " ^ § 4 LOCAL 4250/5050 Board & Membership of Steve SUPPORT THE NEWSPAPER WORKERS UAW Local 22 IN THEIR STRUGGLE continue their support of the Supports Newspaper Robert Donaldson Thomas Balabuch Locked-Out Newspaper Workers Workers in their Struggle Business Manager President/B.A.

Martens, Ice, Geary, Klass , T ea m ster s Lo c a l 214 UAW Local 2308 S t a t e C o u n t y & M u n i c i p a l W o r k e r s Affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters The leadership of UAW Local 2308, UAW LOCAL 4444 Legghio, Israel & Gorchow, p.c. representing employees of Miller 3938 Bellevue Rd- * Toledo, OH 43613 Attorneys and Counselors at Law President Joseph Valenti & Brewing Co., Trenton, Ohio, along The Executive Board Support with its membership supports The Representing Unions & Working People The Locked-Out Newspaper Sunday Journal and the Detroit Newspaper Workers. • Personal Injuries Workers In Their Struggle Supports • Workers’ Compensation For A Just Contract Solidarity Forever L ocked • Employee Rights 1400 NORTH PARK PLAZA 17117 W. NINE MILE RD. SHARON LAIRY '£ c‘>- N ew spaper SOUTHFIELD, Ml. 48075 W President in the public service Downriver Office: United Food & Commercial Workers W orkers 8415 Park Ave. AFL-CIO Local 26 ^ L O C A L 732 We Support Your Right To “United We Stand’’ Fight For Dignity and Justice James Ray Jr. James Dudley (313) 896-1600 2550 West Grand Boulevard ROSEVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS President Secretary/Treasurer Detroit, Michigan 48208 EXECUTIVE BOARD AND MEMBERS Allen Park, Ml 48101 k (313) 381-0806 L (2 4 8 ) 559-2110 m m i S B ® M i BWP|


Jim (Cinci) Cianciolo President SUPPORT Billy Bragg keeps Gregory J. Lowran Detroit Newspaper Secretary-Treasurer The officers, agents and Workers membership of in their the faith with unionsTEAMSTERS LOCAL labor dispute UNION #243 BRAGG, from Page 25 focuses on efforts to improve and strengthen communities. Tb him, UAW Local 6000 I t’s tim e for unions are a binding force that, by providing services to the people of Michigan a change! working to protect and better the lot • Corrections— The Parole/Probation Officers that supervise convict­ of their members, bolster the commu­ ed felons to protect the public are UAW Local 6000 Members. t nity as a whole. • Family Independence Agency (formerly DSS)— Local 6000 “I think people in America who members protect children and the elderly from abuse and neglect and don’t have much to do with the way work with families to help them learn skills to become self-sufficient. unions work always fall back on the • Community Health— Our members provide treatment for people old Jimmy Hoffa excuse,” he says. with emotional or mental illness. They also monitor nursing homes for compliance to protect our elderly and administer programs that provide “These are people who have not both­ immunizations and other protections to our children. UAW Local 6000 ered to see beyond the propaganda • Secretary of State— Local 6000 members help you with title trans­ supports the about the grass-roots union move­ actions, renewal of license plates and driver licenses. ment. Locked-out • State Police— The Dispatchers that answer your calls of distress “If you want to put your faith in Motors Corp. from the highway and get you the help you need are Local 6000 members.Newspaper any sort of vehicle, one that’s gen­ “I was in America during (the GM) (and many others in every state department and agency) Workers in uinely trying to create a better com­strike,” he says. “The way it was These are the same people who are blasted and maligned by their boss, John their quest munity, you get more back from written up at the end of it was Pngler— a man who has shown disdain and loathing for working people; for justice putting your faith in the grass-rootsnobody won. I disagree. I think the the state of Michigan, especially those in organized labor. union movement than in some politi­UAW, by defending those jobs and cal party.” keeping those jobs for the community In an interview done before last there in Flint and elsewhere, did win CWA Local 1096 • CWA Local 1096 week’s National Labor Relations a victory. THANK YOU O Board ruling in support of newspaper“What you’re seeing is people will­ Detroit Sunday Journal and workers, Bragg says he’s buoyed by ing to stand up for their rights — you the Locked-out Detroit Independent Association union victories during the past year,guys at the paper, UPS, the UAW. including the successful United People are willing to stand up for Newspaper Workers for of Publishers' Employees Parcel Service strike and the United their rights and that, to me, is a sign, your support in the Communications Workers o Auto Workers strikes against Generala good sign.” CD struggle against postal of America — Local 1096CD privatization. o 1@ Billy Bragg performs Monday at LaborFest, which will be held on the O CD Wishes American Workers Kern Block, Woodward and Monroe in downtown Detroit. The festival CD SrcV-yHao. £ O I > begins at 10:30 a.m., following the annual Labor Day parade. Also on the 5 pZCZp «1 S across the country . % \_Z LOCAL ^ bill are the SHAP Band, Benny Cruz, Y La Buena Vida, the Detroit A Prosperous and Proud g Federation of Musicians Marching Band and Elise Bryant & Voices of American Postal Workers Labor Day jsl Solidarity. For more information, call 313-896-2600. Support us in our year-old 1 st Contract o Bragg and political satirist Barry Crimmins perform a benefit for locked- Union AFL-CIO Negotiations with Dow Jones at our new Units in Englewood, C O ., . out Detroit newspaper workers at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Majestic Theatre, 810 Livernois, Ferndale, o & Bowling Green, OH. 4140 Woodward, Detroit. Tickets are $20. Call 313-833-9700. Michigan 48220 9601 Pool VM0 • 9601 |K>°1 VM0 •

Stocking a wine cellar SHEET METAL WORKERS’ COOK, from Page 26 popular local casserole of smoked pork loin, sauerkraut, white wine, LOCAL 80 intense. Grilled salmon would be a onion, juniper berry and assorted good choice. It’s a good one with local sausages. pork roasts, too. ■ 1996 Michel Lynch Sauvignon Wish all Our Union ■ 1996 Paul Jaboulet “Parallel Blanc ($11):This is one of the 45” Cotes du Rhone($8): This is friendliest, dry but very fruity my house wine for everyday use. I whites to come out of Bordeaux in a Brothers & Sisters like it because it has a huge variety long time. It is made by the famous that single-varietal wines don’t Chateau Lynch-Bages people. Great have. It’s a soft wine, dominated by \ variety with fish, chicken and other A Happy syrah grape and hints of grenache. dishes. It’s good with pizza, pasta, grilled ■ 1996 Chateau Souverain meats, salads, you name it Chardonnay ($11):Consistently Tom Ingalls solid and good, this is a great starter Now, the whites: chardonnay with a lot of breadth to Business Manager/Financial Secretary ■ 1995 Gustav Lorenz Dry accompany food. So many are thick R iesling($15): This is getting a lit­ and oak-driven and don’t work well Business Representatives tle pricey, but there is nothing like with food. This one is lightly toasty the floral, bright scent of Riesling, and has a good acid. Mike Stumpf Ralph Consiglio and the fairly full body and crackly Steve Sutton Bill Bradfield, Jr. acid. It’s a wine that can go with If you invest in six bottles ac a many tough dishes. In fact, it often time over a year, you’ll spend about Chuck Taormina- Organizer is served in the Alsace region of $500, which is an investment, but France with choucroutegarnie, a one that you’ll enjoy. Charlie Kerszykowski Miller Cohen, P.L.C. V, Business Manager & Financial Secretary BRUCE A. MILLER NORTON J. COHEN Attorneys and Counselors at Law II I.B.E.W .-Local 17 Representing Unions & Working People ^ Graphic No part of the service we render, Personal Injuries • Workers’ Compensation • Employee Rights Social Security Disability • Employment Discrimination nor any job that we perform, 600 West Lafayette 6715 Park Avenue Communications shall ever become so important, Detroit, MI 48226 Allen Park, MI 48101 that we cannot take the time to do (313) 964-4454 (313) 383-2422 Jerry Sullivan, President, Fax: (313) 964-4490 ^ ^ Union Local 2-C the job safely! Toll Free in Michigan: (800) 221-6021 ( f the Officers, Leadership, Members, and Retirees We Support Solidarity Forever Wayne Intermediate Federation support the Newspaper of Teachers Local 2323 MICHIGAN FEDERATION OF locked-out In Their/O TEACHERS & Supports the Locked-Out Newspaper SCHOOL newspaper Workers and hopes for a ju st end RELATED Struggle to their struggle PERSONNEL workers. ■ AFT • AFL-CIO For MFT • AFT • AFL-CIO 2661 East Jefferson Avenue • Detroit Michigan 48207 Long As U.A.W. LOCAL 36 WIX0M, MICHIGAN in the public service Support the Journal! F u * u i * i MEMBERSHIP, LEADERSHIP AND IX>CAXi 1 3 4 6 [ UhW RETIREE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE NEWSPAPER A mail subscription to The Detroit Sunday Warren Consolidated Schools WORKERS AND THE Journal makes a great gift idea for: students Send our support to Newspaper SUNDAY JOURNAL away at college, friends who have moved Workers in Their Struggle A JUSTICE, DIGNITY AND RESPECT away, relatives out of town...and anyone who wants to keep up with life in southeast NORTHWEST LOCAL 163 The Membership of Local 9231 Michigan! Each week Detroit’s BEST New Carlisle, Indiana journalists cover our town with news, sports, opinions, entertainment, reviews, advice, and more. All your favorite writers and columnists are right here Supports the Struggling Newspaper Workers Fully Support The Newspaper (and nowhere else!) and the Sunday Journal ^Workers in their Labor Dispute^ Call (313) 964-5655, or mail in the form below, today!

HU A n in ju r y TO ONE IS AN INJURY Mail Subscription Form TO ALL! The members & officers of the Transportation Communications Union stand with the newspaper LOCAL 1 2 5 0 workers in Detroit. u n d a y To u r n a l City of Warren Employees IN SOLIDARITY! 3 MONTHS $15 or 6 MONTHS $30 Enclose a check or money order, or fill out charge card information to bill your Send our Support to VISA or MasterCard account. To charge by phone, please call (313) 964-5655. Robert A. Scardelletti STRUGGLING NEWSPAPER International President WORKERS Name______Address______City, State, Zip+4______UAW LOCAL Walter R. Mabry Phone ___ ( )______Executive Secretary-Treasurer Amount enclosed (or to be charged):______$ and the Membership of the Please charge to my: VISA MasterCard Jim Hall, President MICHIGAN REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS Card number:______Expires. Membership, (We must have your full card number AND expiration date to charge your payment. Thanks!) Mail to: The Detroit Sunday Journal For Office Use Only Leadership and Retirees Attn.: Mail Subscriptions Date rec'd ______Support The Locked-Out 450 West Fort, 2nd Floor Detroit, Ml 48226 Start date______Newspaper Workers. If The Sunday Journal ceases publication for any reason, unused portions of subscriptions cannot be Check No. refunded and will be considered as contributions. Support Mail subscriptions available in the U.S. only. Auth. No. “One day longer than Detroit Newspaper Workers Gannett and Knight Ridder’’ in their labor dispute Thank you for helping make The Detroit Sunday Journal a success1. SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 PAGE 33

RATES CALL 1 Week: *1°o per word. 2 Weeks: $2°° per word. (313) 964-5655 3 Weeks: $300 per word. extension #120 & CHARGE IT ! 4 Weeks for the price of 3! ($10 Minimum Charge)

To Ellen Chase, the woman who has Announcements SWEATSHIRTS AND MORE! BACK PAY AND AMNESTY for never said, “no.” Happy Birthday! GOOD & PLENTY ZALLA'S fired workers are considered “ NO SCAB PAPERS” MARCELLO will be in town! It happened in Schenectady, New RESALE SHOP WIDE NON-NEGOTIABLE ISSUES by the Drop by Union Street Tuesday, York, Ellis Hospital on September 6 Sweatshirts $ 20.00 $ 5 0 0 rank and file. They will never ratify September 15 at 7 p.m. for a visit. . . . it was a very good year! Tee Shirts $14.00 SHOES contracts that compromise these Designer Mugs $8.50 Men’s and Ladies’ Dress, two demands. “DALLY IN THE ALLEY” Happy Birthday, Les Caulford!— from your twin sister. Designer Hats $7.50 BAG SALE Casual and Tennis Shoes. The 21st annual “Dailey in the Alley" Potato Boy a.k.a. Rehberg. You said the Mouse Pads $9.95 Children’s sizes 0-14 • Ladies’ Discount to Locked-out Workers will be held Saturday, September 12, Anchor. Where did you go, Croswell? sizes 3-3x (specializing in plus 1998 in the alleys bounded by Health Gift Baskets $20.00 (313) 421-5610 Second and Third and Forest and All prices include taxes, shipping and handling sizes) • Baby Furniture • Bedroom Wayne County Employees’ Hancock Streets, as well as, Forest “DEAD DOCTORS DON’T LIE” Furniture • Dining room sets Mixed Messages® Retirement System Bob’s Graphic & Design Co. • Mattresses (twin-king) Avenue between Second and Third T.J. Clark’s Original Mineral 400 Monroe, Suite 320 Streets in Detroit. The Dally in the Form ula™ . The best organic, 9319 Caprice Drive School Clothes are In!! NOTE: The opinions expressed in Mixed Messages are those of advertisers and do not necessarily Detroit, Michigan 48226 Alley is Detroit’s premier cultural colloidal, trace mineral supplement Plymouth, Ml 48170 30-Day Layaway reflect Sunday Journal views or policies. street fair, showcasing musicians, REQ UEST FOR PROPOSAL since 1925. Lowest prices! (734) 459-0635 Mon.-Sat. ^ artist, poets, vendors, local films and Satisfaction guaranteed! Ask about The Detroit Sunday Journal — for a children’s fair. Call Scott Lowell at free delivery. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 1022 days without anyone being fired "Group Term Life Insurance and Supplemental Group Term Life Insurance” (313) 832-1949 for more information. for protected union activity! $19.95/qt., $60/gal. APPRENTICESHIP 22660 Van Dyke for eligible active Wayne County Call Richard, (313) 584-7525 3 blocks south of 9 Mile ... and free parking too! Employees, Wayne County Employees’ OPENING Retirement System, Birthdays Tile, Marble & Terrazzo In d u s try Belleville/New Boston Area Make 30 lbs. disappear fast. (810) 754-7310 400 Monroe, Suite 320 Guaranteed! Call for FREE samples. Sponsored by B.A.C. Local 32 GET YOUR LAWN SIGNS! Happy Birthday Ellen Chase! Detroit, Ml 48226 1 (800) 858-3159 ______(313) 753-4033______You are all that and a Applications will be accepted in the Beanie Baby, “ Erin,” for sale. Call Bid Date: Friday, October 9,1998 bag of chips! Tile, Marble & Terrazzo Industry Alex at (313) 875-5471. See labor’s power on display at the Time: 4:00 p.m. EST Love you lots. — Kell Help Wanted Apprenticeship Program on: Kern Block during LaborFest 9/8/98 through 9/11/98 Misc. Wanted Monday, September 7. BUS DRIVER — Inner-city school and JOE JONES IS 18! Children’s tent, Moonwalk, music, bus driver needed for six hours daily. 9/14/98 through 9/18/98 The world is yours — love love love Collector pays cash for 1960’s food, a dunk tank and more! The $9/hr. plus health benefits. Field trips 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Aunt Barb and Uncle Bob and charters expand hours beyond Barbies and accessories. whole family is invited to LaborFest OR At: IM I Training 30 per week. Requirements are Call (313) 886-4392 on the Kern Block in downtown -OZ3&- Barb and Bob! CDL-B license plus DOT card. 21031 Ryan Rd. Detroit Monday, September 7. Call (313) 361-5382 today. ______Warren, Ml 48091 National Retail GRAY PANTHERS METRO DETROIT WAYNE COUNTY PURCHASING DIVISION FUND-RAISER and FINANCE MAN­ Applicants must be at least 18 years of 20TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER CONSTRUCTION AGER. Environmental nonprofit hiring age and reside in the counties of 600 RANDOLPH STREET Friday, September 25 two positions: part-time or full-time. Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, COMPANY DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 6:00-7:00 Social Hour Full-time pay — $24,000/yr. Livingston, St. Clair, Sanilac and seeks field superintendents (313) 224-7796 7:00 Dinner Great benefits. Flexible hours. Send Lenawee. Each applicant will be required with experience in retail, Speaker:Tim Fuller, Executive resumes to Ecology Center, 117 N. to have proof of a high school diploma INVITATION FO R BID INVITATION FO R BID restaurant, and or ground for for Director, National Gray Panthers Division, Ann Arbor 48104. For more orG.E.D. At UAW Region 1 Maintenance Jetway Heavy Duty Garbage Can Liners info, call 1 p.m.-5 p.m. (734) 761-3186. A NON-REFUNDABLE testing fee of up construction. Applicant 30755 Montpelier, Madison Heights Passenger Loading Bridges for ______EOE______$10.00 (cash or money order only. NO must be available to work for Wayne County Sheriff's Department (off 13 M ile — East o f Stephenson) personal checks) is payable when you fill Wayne County Department of Airports Andrew C. Baird Detention Facility $20 per person SALESPERSON. Zalla’s Wide locally and have the abili­ Shoes. Experience preferred, or will out the application. Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport St. Antoine and Macomb $5 for Locked-out Newspaper Workers ty to travel throughout the Romulus, Michigan 48174 Detroit, Michigan 48226 Ad Book Information: train. Full-time or part-time. (734) This is an equal opportunity program, Bid Date: Monday, September 21,1998 and 421-5610. Ask for John or Shirley. without discrimination on the basis of midwest. Excellent oppor­ Maurice Geary — (248) 542-9207 Time: 2:00 P.M. W. Dickerson Detention Facility Ethel Schwartz — (248) 669-6343 race, sex, disability, age, color or nation­ tunity for advancement for Control #98-37-277A (Rebid) 3501 Hamtramck Drive Dinner Information: Hamtramck, Michigan 48221 Business Opportunities al origin. Applications will be available qualified individuals. INVITATION FOR BID Daisy Stanton — (313) 368-3307 only during the designated times. For for Bid Date: Monday, September 21,1998 Send resume to: Time: 2:30 P.M. ANYONE CAN DO THIS. Earn an more information contact: One (1) Color CCTV Security Camera Control #98-37-321 excellent income at home. Full/ Box 123 for Tile, Marble & Terrazzo Industry part time. Call for FREE booklet. Wayne County Department of Airports INVITATION FOR BID On the Prow! for Social Justice The Detroit Sunday Journal for (248) 957-0044. Joint Apprenticeship Committee Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport 21031 Ryan Rd. 4 5 0 W . Fort Street Airport Security Division Janitorial Services DO YOU BELIEVE IN... Romulus, Michigan 48174 (or AVON PRODUCTS Warren, Ml 48091 Detroit, Ml 4 8 2 2 6 A living wage for all Bid Date: Tuesday, September 22,1998 Wayne County (810) 757-5325 EOE Department of Public Services workers? Universal health Start A Home-Based Business. Time: 2:30 P.M. Work Flexible Hours. Enjoy Unlimit­ Control #98-37-318 Parks Division care? Equal o p p o rtu n ity for Nankin Mills Facility ed Earnings. Call Toll Free (888) INVITATION FO R BID all? Laws tha t level 33175 Ann Arbor Trail 561-2866. ______for Westland, Michigan 48185 the playing field between PROGRAMASSOCIATE Emergency Medical Vehicle BOOK AND MULTIMEDIA LOVERS workers and the bosses? (Cash Manager) for Bid Date: Monday, September 21, 1998 Strong trade unions? Start a home-based business Wayne County Department of Airports Time: 3:00 P.M. with DK Family Learning. Flexible (12 Months) Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport NOTE: A mandatory pre-bid meeting and THE LABOR PARTY DOES! hours. Great income potential! Office of Accounting Fire Rescue Division walk-through will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Come join us at ou r next Call (248) 661-0741. ______Romulus, Michigan 48174 Friday, September 11, 1998 at the Wayne m eeting, Friday, Sept. 11, Salary $55,712-$72,186 Bid Date: Wednesday, September 30,1998 County Parks Office, 33175 Ann Arbor 1998 at 7 p.m. at the WE WILL PAY YOU Time: 2:30 P.M. Trail, Westland, Michigan. All vendors TO LOSE WEIGHT! Control #98-37-319 must participate in the meeting/walk­ U.N.I.T.E. Union Hall on through in order to bid. Call NOW! (888) 952-1920 PROGRAM SUPERVISOR, INVITATION FOR BID Howard, just west of Control #98-37-322 Trum bull. Facilities & Maintenance for Misc. For Sale Current Model Roller, Walk Behind, and INVITATION FOR BID Call us at (248) 788-6528 or (12 Months) Current Model Static Steel Wheel Roller for w rite us at: for Mobile Command Post Vehicle The Detroit Metro Chapter Office of Facilities Management/Capital ImprovementWayne County Department of Public Services for T-SHIRTS, Equipment Division Wayne County Emergency o f the Labor Party Salary $67,677-$83,828 29900 Goddard Road Management Division P .O . B o x 3 9 1 9 2 MUGS, CAPS Romulus, Michigan 48174 10250 Middlebelt Road Submit a letter requesting Redford, Michigan 4 8 2 3 9 . w ifh the Bid Date: Tuesday, September 22,1998 Detroit, Michigan 48242 job description and Time: 2:15 P.M. Bid Date: Wednesday, September 23,1998 Tuesday, Seph 8, 1998 DTU Local 18 Control #98-37-320 Time: 2:30 P.M. qualifications to: Control #98-37-326 BILLY BRAGG seal "Founded 1838" logo. INVITATION FO R BID Detroit Public Schools for Colors are gold and green BARRY CRIMMINS AdministrativeApplications the Sale of a Hewlett Packard Gas LEN WALLACE on a rich black background. Chromatograph/Mass Spectrograph 5057 Woodward Avenue for Majestic Theater Shirfs $10,Caps $7, Wayne County Department of Environment 4 1 4 0 W oodw ard Mugs $6 Room 454 Air Quality Management Division Detroit, Ml Detroit, MI 48202 640 Temple, Suite 700 Proceeds go to the Detroit, Michigan 48201 To Benefit Locked-out Newspaper Workers Detroit Printers Club All inquiries must be received by: Bid Date: Friday, September 18,1998 Friday, September 11, 1998 Time: 2:15 P.M. (313) 833-9700 (313) 963-0109 Control #98-37-327 PAGE 34 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998

Biff and Mimi — all of them — will be Newspaper Guild members in Proud of our past. Poised for our Yesterday, Tomorrow UAW Local 2093 enjoying the music of Billy Bragg, America, Canada and Puerto Rico — future. 60th Annual CWA Conven­ the SEIU Gospel Choir, Benny Cruz, Stand strong in the struggle for tion, Chicago 1998. Congrats to the The power of UNION is found in “SOLIDARITY” SHAP, and Voices of Solidarity with justice in Detroit on Labor Day host, Steve Tisza, President, Local United for Justice WE, not ME. We support the Elise Bryant at LaborFest in the ______and everyday! ______4250/5050, on a great ceremony. newspaper workers in their quest Kern Block, downtown Detroit, Chicago is Our Kind of Town . . . UAW Local 372, Trenton, Ml starting at 10 a.m. Labor Day, Is the Lock-out over?What’s going In solidarity. ______The Membership, Leadership and for a fair and equitable contract. Monday, September 7. They hope to on? Call (810) 447-2716 for latest Retirees of UAW Local372 - Three Rivers see you there! updates. SOLIDARITY!______Right Susie! It’s “just another step,” American Axle and NLRB: To the Newsand Free Press: all right. Another step in a continuing Manufacturing They’ll continue to delay, Our Cities’ — Our States’ — Our Nation’s attempt by the sleazy corporation defeat— is aired in your typical Facility obfuscate, and obstruct justice!! you represent to deny us the Issue a COURT ORDER NOW! — self-serving propaganda sheet!!! right to union representation, to ZUZU SEZ: It’s not only my birthday, Billy, Peter, Ian and Vaughan; collective bargaining, and to the but a gala celebration of labor, good Barry and Len — rightful return to our jobs. You, UAW music, Woody Guthrie, moderately- Thanks and love from Frank, and Tim are such excellent, www.Web Sights on Sight priced champagne, Billy Bragg, gen­ the locked-out workers. and unfortunately typical examples eral fizz, frivolity and good times. of corporate excrement. Corporate Watch L o c a l 2 1 5 1 Can you tell I’m sending this from a http://www. Supports pink cloud? — Love, Zuzu GENE and GROUNDWORK FOR A JUST WORLD, a Christian social justice SUSIE ELLWOOD, spokescreature JANICE AUSTIN News Center/Common Dreams 2000 the Struggle for organization, shares a fundamental for the DN — principle in the conflict between Justice, Equality, If science bred into a sow fromUAW Local 594 Prism Productions labor and capital: the priority of labor Solidarity and An alley cat’s morals somehow, support the Locked-out I know that its smell would over capital (On Human Work, #12). Music News of the World Democracy! Remind me of Ellwood, Newspaper Workers May working people continue to stand tall. whom even the skunks disavow. Unions on the Net Labor Day Made Simpleby M erl Reagle 9/6/98 the 61 Custom 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 126 “The _ " limit” 62 Missile moniker 18 19 22 63 Mr. Martini’s Business Services BUD’S PAINTING I 1 DOWN vermouth partner Quality work at reasonable prices a 26 65 Birds, at times ☆ WEDDING INVITATIONS ☆ References available Prince Charles 66 Conductor Solti 30 All items discounted. Sample Interior and Exterior 27 28 - i *1 trait 70 Noted ballet albums delivered. 20-album choice (810) 977-2941 iff J Take too much company Call Agnes E. Johnson 51 33 34 35 on a trip 71 Summits (248) 588-3764 Your Business ■ m „ It happens as the 73 Between ports Your Service, 36 V 74 Surrounded Maintenance and Repair YOUR AD . . . HERE! * world turns m 48 Call (313) 964-5655 ext. 12042 Barbra’s A Star 75 Africa’s Burkina Advanced Wild Animal Control Is Born costar elocation PAINTING — WOODY’S PAINT & m Humane Live Trapping, Relocation 51 76 Hawaiian island HANDYMAN SERVICES Wharf catches and Prevention. 77 Paradise Free estimates for many types of 1 Movie Van Days (810) 242-0892 “Ah ... say no 79 Mine excavation Evenings (248) 478-0493 home repair. Professional 1 56 more” 81 Give confidence Licensed - Insured indoor/outdoor painting „ Sitting and 84 Fax’s grand­ 2 Locked-out Newspaper Worker . (|P ZH CUSTODIAL ^ Call (313) 941-1063 68 • iP - singing site parent MAINTENANCE SERVICE _ 3-by-5 items 85 “... maids all in PLASTER REPAIR L “Let us do your dirty work” 72 10 Cocoon costar Water damage, cracks, holes. • Quality Service 9p mH 11Courthouse VIPs 86 Kettle of fish Professional, insured. Fast, neat 81 • Residential & Commercial 78 * 12 NFL player, once 87 Jimmy Snyder’s and clean. 25 years experience. • Carpet & Upholstery m - m 13 Make amends nickname Call Mike Sifter at (734) 729-2665. 83 8 ) Strip & Wax Floors • Bathroom Reglazing 1 14 Cotillion celeb 88 Sans sound • Light Painting • Fire Damage Personal Service 15 Palmer and Petrie 92 Places for aces • New Construction Clean-Up I p m 1 16 Editorial cousins 93 Thunderstruck • Maid Service MASSEUR Y m l(Ju 17 Loathe 94 Mexican treat “We Aim io Please" Why dream about it! 20 Impressed 95 Giraffe cousins 109 Phone: (313) 828-2113 Indulge yourself in a soothing, 101 108 10/ exclamation 97 Fashion designer Pager: (313) 602-1576 quenching fantasy. Let my expert u 24 Hour of down Arnold (it’s just 112 mlla 114 hands aggressively calm life’s 110 VINCE FURNARI CEMENT time? his real name tensions, stresses! Repair work or new construction M m backwards) 25 Choose 24-hour service 115 i driveway, porches, patio sidewalks. Recipient 99 Self-centered For all occasions 29 Call for a free estimate, licensed 119 120 121 122 one (313) 881-6460______33 It means “cell” and insured, eastside, some west. f t . 34 2nd-yr. student 102 Amend (810) 465-5172 Advertise your business in the 125 124 125 12b 35 Cult classic, 103 Seder, for one Baxter & Company Sunday Journal Service Directory. 1 1 Eating___ 104 Permit: abbr. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ETC. Call today! ACROSS 33 What fishermen 69 Wells’s race of 101 What umpires 37 “A golden 105 Lion portrayer, Striker’s and Senior’s Discounts (313) 964-5655 ext. 120 do on Labor Day? the future do on Labor sun...” 1939 (313) 934-8907 home 1 Robert, the 36 Black Flag rival 70 Leg part Day? 39 Halo 107 Poker stakes (313) 960-6122 pager would-be justice 38 Old denial 71 Actor James 106 Shortfall 43 Bus. course 108 Interest rate, 5 Vegas counter 40 Awfully long 72 Soft touch 109 “That’s 44 Props for e.g.: abbr. 9 diet time, eh what? 73 Ms. DeMille interesting” Picabo 113 Whodunit game 12 Dipped out, as 41 Lieut.’s lieut. 75 What surgeons 110 Medicos’ org. 46Half of an ice 114 Europe’s high 6^ LEGAL SI punch 42 Lots and lots do on Labor 111 Superman foe cream flavor points BANKRUPTCY MARTIN A. SCOTT 18 Actor Novello 45 Out-and-out Day? Luthor 47 Dukes of 116 Had ham 48 Pasta sauce 78 1992 Wimbledon 112 Song for Battle Hazzard 117 See20 Down $195 TOTAL ATTORNEY FEE Job Discrimination • Race 19 Stitch anew 21 Beatles tune, 51 What door-to-door champ 113 C h ili ___ spinoff 118 Internet access (810) 398-5000 Sex • Age • Disability “ Loser” salesmen do on 80 Scorch 115 Mexican 49Feng (the art service, briefly Former UAW Attorney Former EEOC Attorney 22 Ten-hut’s Labor Day? 82 Exchange revolutionary of harmonious and Union Steward ELLIS BOAL opposite 56 Equanimity 83 What comedians 117 What night building) 925 Ford Building Mr. Scott volunteers 23 What ditch 57 “Nonsense!” do on Labor watchmen do 50 Musical sound (313) 962-2770 weekly to sell the diggers do on 58 Remove, as Day? on Labor Day? 52 Pale Solution on page 35 Ellis [email protected] Detroit Sunday Journal Labor Day? Odysseus from 89 Sagebrush tale 119 Special forces 53Slangy * G IF T G IV E R S ! To* PAUL H. STEVENSON [email protected] 26 Very healthy the mast 90 Hang in the air 120 Sugar tail gratitude, 121 Wake memo-style order any o f Merl's Attorney at Law 999 Haynes, Ste. 345, 27 Like some ink 60 What projection­ 91 “W e’re a ll___ crossword collections, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury Birmingham, Ml 48009 28 Crude bunch: ists do on Labor together” 122 Soccer great 54Abraham’s send $10 p e r book 4632 2nd Ave. (248) 642-6020 abbr. Day? 93 On 123 Much of Arizona wife, in Genesis (checks only, payable to “PuzzleWorks” ) to: Call (313) 833-6868 29 Mr. Dailey 64 Ms. Dickinson 96 End up with 124 End up with 55 Founded: abbr. Crosswords, P.O. Box To place an ad 30 Actress Charlotte 67 Fwy., e.g. nothing everything 59Coop group LAW OFFICES OF I5066-D, Tampa FL 31 Fitting 68 to say 98 Compass dir. 125 “Shall we?” 60Hemingway 33684. Please specify JANADIA & JANADIA in Legal Services, 32 Greek letter (implying) 100 Bear’s urge sobriquet Vol. 1 ,2 , 3, 4, o r 5. Union-friendly attorneys Call Criminal - Personal Injury (313) 964-5655 Wayne and Macomb Counties only (810) 776-0810 ext. 120 SEPTEMBER 6. 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 35

Note to Just Another Biff: Typos GROSSE in POINTERS — Call our w hat you refer to a s “Biff’f” ad ? Dohotline (313)222-7654 for info and The Officers, tell. Still, you got it w rongem boyo.yard signs. D espite am ple clues that litter Biff’s Members and other ads. Do I have to spell it out for CALL (313) 964-5655 Advertise. you? Howdy Doody? Book ’em, Retirees of Subscribe. for your Dano. Turn the Journal pages back and hum that tune. Aloha. Class Sunday Journal i Culture Biff (who is no mainstream Advertising needs UAW culture buff). LOCAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 909 on support the S unday lOURNAL PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 61, BY Locked-out AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 44 TO REZONE PROPERTY Newspaper • $1 per word for 1 week • $2 per word for 2 weeks LOCATED GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN 24TH AND 25TH Workers • $3 per word for 3 weeks • 4 weeks for the price of three! STREETS NORTH OF THE ALLEY PARALLEL TO MICHIGAN We encourage ($10 minimum charge) all working people AVE. (REQUEST OF F.C. STEEL & CO.) Date(s) you want your ad to run: Sunday,______Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Councilto continue to boycott of Detroit, Michigan, in the Committee Room, 13th floor of the City-Councilthe scab papers Run ad for: □ 1 Week □ 2 Weeks □ 3 Weeks □ 4 Weeks Building, on and Heading?: (Help Wanted, For Sale, Mixed Messages, Services Directory, etc.) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1998 AT 10:00 A.M., USA Today! Exact wording of your______ad: ______at which time all interested persons are invited to be present and be heard as to their views on the above proposed ordinance amendment described as follows: Publications

SUMMARY An ordinance to am end Chapter 61 of the 1984 Detroit City Code, The Official Zoning Ordinance of the City of Detroit, being Ordinance 390-G, as amend­ ed, by amending Article XV, District Map No. 44 to show a PD (Planned “DETROIT LIVES” (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY) (71 Detroit activists tell their Development District) zoning classification where an R2 (Two-Family s to rie s in a b o u t four p a g e s N am e Residential District) zoning classification is shown on property locatedeach). Send $19.95 + $3 generally between 24th and 25th Streets, and north of the alley parallel to postage and handling to: Temple A ddress Michigan Ave. (Request of F.C. Steele & Co.) University Press, 1601 N. Broad Street, University Services City, State, Zip ; ______• Persons who wish to give oral presentations are encouraged to submit Building, Room 305, written copies to the Clerk’s Office for the record. Philadelphia, PA 19122-6099. Phone ____( )______Amount enclosed: ______$ Copies of the ordinance are available in the Office of the City Clerk, 200 City- Paid by: □ Check enclosed-Charge to my: □ VISA □ MasterCard □ Discover □ AMEX County Building during regular business hours. The third edition of Credit Card No.: ______E xpires:______Jackie L. Currie “Voices of the City Clerk SUBSCRIBE. 3 MONTHS $15 or 6 MONTHS $30 NOTICE TO THE HEARING IMPAIRED: If you would like a sign Strike” Enclose a check or money order, or fill out charge card information to bill your language interpreter to be present at this public hearing, please call the City is now available. Expanded and Council’s Research and Analysis Division at 224-4946 at least 48 hoursdeepened, now 128 pages, it VISA or M asterCard account. To charge by phone, please call (313) 964-5655. before the scheduled hearing time. includes over sixty voices from all Nam e ______unions represented in the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Detroit Newspaper Strike and A ddress ______over sixty duotones by Locked-outCity, State, Zip+4______The Detroit City Council will holdPUBLIC a HEARING in the Council Free Press photographer Committee Room, 13th Floor of the City-County Building on George Waldman y / Phone ____ ( )______THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 Send $25 to: Amount enclosed (or to be charged):______$ at 10:30 a.m. George Waldman Relative to the proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 25, Article II, of theP.O. Box 1273, Charge to my: □ VISA □ MasterCard □ Discover □ AMEX 1984 Detroit City Code by amending Section 25-2-103 to add an area Detroit, Ml 48231 Card number:______Expires_ commonly know as West Corktown to the Corktown Historic District. (We must have your full card number AND expiration date to charge your payment. Thanks!) All interested persons are invited to be present and heard as to their Real Estate for Sale Mail to: The Detroit Sunday Journal, Attn.: Mail Subscriptions views. Persons making oral presentations are encouraged to submit written copies to the City Clerk’s Office for the record. [or Classified Department), 450 West Fort, Detroit, Ml 48226 A copy of the Ordinance is available in the Office of the City Clerk Hall for Rent If The Sunday Journal ceases publication for any reason, unused portions of subscriptions cannot be refunded and will be considered as contributions. Mail subscriptions available in the U.S. only. during regular business hours. UAW Local 247 Hall for every occasion Jackie L. Currie For Office Use Only 15 Mile and Van Dyke area Detroit City Clerk (810) 264-2945 Date rec'd Start date ______Check N o______. Auth. N o______. NOTICE TO THE HEARING IMPAIRED: If you would like a sign Thank you for your continuing support. language interpreter to be present at this public hearing, please call the Used Vehicles City Council’s Research and Analysis Division at 224-4946 at least 48 hours before the scheduled hearing time. Automobile for Sale WORDY GURDYBY TRICKY RICKY KANE 1976 Triumph TR-6. Beautiful car, BHEJB 0UHB HUH! 000003 1. Noise emanating from the earth (1) Every answer is a rhyming SB0E 00300 BBS B0QI1B0 needs nothing. Many new parts pair of words (like FAT CAT nDBBOODE0m0O0E! 000000 included, professionally rebuilt and DOUBLE TROUBLE), and S0B0EEI00 01100 B0E 0(20 engine. 84,000 miles on car. 2. Confused state of a big pig (1) they will fit in the letter SHE 000 0BB00ESBH0EE10II] Many extra parts. No rust, never squares. The number after the a. BB00 000 000B 00D0 driven in Winter or rain. $11,000. definition tells you how many E EU0E10U 00BBSJ 00O00 (313) 835-7933.______3. Support campaign of actor Robert (1) syllables in each word. 53 ED00Q]00[SI00CnU0D00DB]0 Too Late To Classify e2 a» TS 030011 0000 1100000 Look up “courage” in your dictionary.4. Spanish wine boat (2) OS 00000000000 00000 D00 S e e Emily Everett’sbeautiful face. I s 0000 0000 D0B0 0D00 Our hearts are with you, o brave 0D0 0D000 0D000000DGD0 5. The correct whirlybird (2) > 1998 United Feature Syndicate. Inc. J 2 a 000B00 000D 00000 one. 3 Q IT C/D u 0003000030000000000 © 0Q000 00003 000000 ADVERTISE 6. Faulting domesticating (2) 0000 0000 ES00 3000 es 0000000000003 D0B O00 YOUR M l 000 003 0000 0B000000 WEBSITE 7. Booty seizer's small ovens (2) 003000 00B00H!0000OD00j 300000 B5DQ 03000 00QD WITH US. HBBB0B 300 0003 0000 saauoaa snanoasl oniw vj, oniim vis‘j uaaaoua aaaoad a 9/6/98 © 1998 by M. Reagle (313) 964-5655 A HU ai AMM3HS P HOVIS HOVfl E OOJ OOH 7, CIMCiOS ClNflOHO I SH3AVSNV PAGE 36 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6. 1998

Sunday wrap SEPTEMBER Leaf may overshadow Manning 5 at Notre Dame 2:30 B y Scott Silversten This w eek Sun. 12 SYRACUSE and can plow over defenders. 3:30 SportsTicker Staff Writer Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 19 EASTERN MICHIGAN Noon The job of replacing in 6 7 8 9 10 11 26 MICHIGAN STATE Noon Let the debate ... continue. New England could belong to former 12 OCTOBER______C le j| c w s 1 C W S I CWS B o s B o s 3 at Iowa 2:00 This debate over Indianapolis Colts’Georgia star Robert Edwards. The 6-0, 1:05 7:05 8:05 8:05 7:05 1:05 17 at Northwestern 7:00 rookie quarterback ,215-pound Edwards is such a good ath­ 50 1 F o x - C| F o x - C | | 50 2 18 ...... 24 INDIANA 2:00 the top pick in the April draft, and Sanlete that he played defensive back his GB 31 at Minnesota 2:30 IKK) NOVEMBER Diego’s , the second selection,freshman year in college. 2 7 PENN StATE Noon has been going since last September. But Edwards has never been consid­ 14 WISCONSIN TBA m m S y r And a resolution probably will notered be a workhorse and struggled with MICHIGAN 3 :3 0 21 at Ohio State Noon reached for several years. mwm 7 28 at Hawaii 12:05 nagging injuries throughout his colle­ “I can tell you that giate career. In the n ;d . 8:00 Jim Mora (Colts coach), preseason he has been s 7 AUGUST Bill Polian (Colts gen­ bothered with groin 29 COLORADO ST. L, 19-16 eral manager) and problems. SEPTEMBER 5 at Oregon 3:30 myself were unani­ With the departure 12 NOTRE DAME 8:00 mous that he was right of Martin, the Patriots 26 at Michigan Noon for the Indianapolis were left to replace a OCTOBER Colts,” said owner Jim back who rushed for at NATIONAL 3 CENTRAL MICHIGAN 1:00 LEAGUE 10 INDIANA 2:00 East W L Pet. GB Irsay of Manning. least 1,000 yards in his East W L Pet. GB 24 at Minnesota 3:30 New York 99 38 Although the 6-5, first three seasons. If .723 Atlanta 91 49 .650 - 31 NORTHWESTERN TBA Boston 81 56 .591 New York 77 63 .550 14 NOVEMBER 230-pound Manning Edwards is not ready Toronto 73 66 .525 Philadelphia 66 74 .471 25 7 at Ohio St. TBA never won the Heisman for the opener on Baltimore 69 70 .496 Montreal 53 88 .376 38.5 14 PURDUE TBA Trophy in his brilliant Monday night against Tampa Bay 54 84 .391 45.5 Florida 47 93 .336 44 21 ILLINOIS TBA 28 at Penn State TBA Central W L Pet. GB Central W L Pet. GB Tennessee career, he defending-champion Cleveland 76 62 .551 - Houston 88 52 .629 — ffr.... enters the professional Denver, the Patriots Kansas City 64 75 .460 12.5 Chicago 78 62 .557 10 ranks more polished will need to find yards Chicago 64 75 .460 12.5 St. Louis 67 72 .482 20.5 SEPTEMBER than any quarterback on the ground from Minnesota 61 77 .442 15 Milwaukee 65 74 .468 22.5 5 MERCYHURST Noon since . two second-year play­ DETROIT 53 86 .381 23.5 Pittsburgh 64 73 .467 22.5 12 at Findlay 1:00 19 at Saginaw Valley State Noon West W L Pet. GB Cincinnati 65 75 .464 23 It was only three ers, Derrick Cullors 26 ASHLAND Anaheim 77 63 .550 _ 1:00 West W L Pet. GB OCTOBER years ago that the Colts and Sedrick Shaw. Texas 74 65 .532 o 5 San Diego 90 50 .643 - 3 NORTHWOOD Noon came within one pass Another rookie who Oakland 64 76 .457 13 San Francisco 76 64 .543 14 10 at Ferris State 2:00 completion of a trip to should make a major Seattle 63 75 .457 13 Los Angeles 70 70 .500 20 17 at Indianapolis 2:00 24 HILLSDALE Colorado 64 76 .457 26 Noon the Super Bowl. But impact on a top-level 31 MICHIGAN TECH Noon Arizona 55 85 .393 35 after another playoff team is Green Bay’s 7 at Westminster TBA appearance in 1996, top pick, defensive couch potato time 14 at St. Joseph TBA the Colts bottomed out i at 3-13 last year. The from North Carolina. prize for the futility But a problem could SUNDAY SEPTEMBER THURSDAY was Manning. Peyton Manning arise for Holliday, who Noon, Tennis, U.S. Open, USA. 11 a.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 5 at Iowa 12:30 1 p.m., NFL, Jacksonville at quarterfinals, USA. 12 W. ILLINOIS 1:00 “The franchise is headed in a direc­will be asked to play end for the first Chicago, Channel 62. 26 KENT 1:00 4 p.m., Golf, Canadian Open, OCTOBER tion that is far different,” added Irsay.time since his freshman year in college. 1 p.m., Auto racing, NASCAR first round, ESPN. 3 at Michigan State 1:05 The son of former New Orleans Holliday was a first-team All- Southern 500, ESPN. 7:30 p.m., Baseball, Toronto at10 at Eastern Michigan 6:00 Saints star quarterback Archie Atlantic Coast Conference selection at 1:35 p.m., Baseball, Atlanta at N.Y. Yankees, Fox Sports 17 at N. Illinois 12:05 N.Y. Mets, TBS. Detroit. 24 WESTERN MICHIGAN Noon Manning, Peyton has the size, armdefensive tackle last season, but has 2 p.m., Baseball, N.Y. Yankees 7:30 p.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 31 AKRON Noon strength and intangibles that translatebeen projected as the potential starter at Chicago White Sox, WGN. quarterfinals, USA. NOVEMBER 4 p.m., Golf, Greater 7 at Marshall 1:00 into the pro game. at right end, where he would replace 8 p.m., College football, Navy at14 at Toledo 1:00 Milwaukee Open, Channel 7. Wake Forest, ESPN. As Manning begins his career, there , who signed as a free 4:15 p.m., NFL, N.Y. Jets at 8 p.m., Baseball, Pittsburgh at will be no way to avoid the comparisonsagent with the San Francisco 49ers. San Francisco, Channel 62. Chicago Cubs, WGN. to the 6-5 1/2, 255-pound Leaf, a bigger,“He brings athleticism and an inten­ 7:30 p.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, SEPTEMBER USA. FRIDAY stronger, cockier quarterback. Whilesity level with a motor that’s always 11 a.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 3 NORTHERN IOWA 6:00 8:15 p.m., NFL, Oakland at 12 at Ball State 2:00 the Colts wanted Manning, therunning,” Packers Defensive women’s semifnals, USA. Kansas City, ESPN. 19 at Michigan 12:10 Chargers traded up to the second spotCoordinator Fritz Shurmur said. 2 p.m., Senior golf, Comfort 26 MARSHALL Noon MONDAY Classic, first round, ESPN. OCTOBER in the draft with the sole intent of tak­This year’s draft could be remem­ 11 a.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 3:10 p.m., Baseball, Milwaukee 3 at Kent 6:00 ing Leaf, whom they considered a bet­bered for its class of defensive backs. Channel 62. at Chicago Cubs, WGN. 10 CENTRAL MICHIGAN 6:00 ter prospect. There were six — three corners and 1 p.m., CFL, Toronto at 4 p.m., Golf, Canadian Open, 17 at Western Michigan 1:00 Hamilton, Channel 9. second round, ESPN. 24 NORTHERN ILLINOIS. 6:00 “We could go another five to 10 yearsthree safeties — taken in the first 25 NOVEMBER and never get an opportunity like this,” 1:30 p.m., Baseball, Atlanta at7 p.m., Baseball, Chicago White 7 at Ohio 1:00 picks, including Heisman Trophy win­ N.Y. Mets, ESPN. Sox at Cleveland, WGN. 14 at Akron 1:30 said San Diego General Managerner , the Michigan 2 p.m., Baseball, Chicago Cubs 7:35 p.m., Baseball, Florida at21 TOLEDO 1:00 Bobby Beathard. star who was selected fourth overall by Atlanta, TBS. at St. Louis, WGN. ■ P f W l i B f P i i f f S l i Leaf is the prototypical athlete —Oakland. 4 p.m., CFL, Edmonton at SATURDAY Calgary, Channel 9. big, strong and deceptively quick. HeThe Baltimore Ravens, who ranked 7:30 p.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 11 a.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, SEPTEMBER Channel 62. entered the draft after leading28th in the NFL in pass defense last USA. 3 NORTHERN ILLINOIS - 7:30 8:20 p.m., NFL, New England Noon, College football, Rice at12 at Indiana 7:00 Washington State to its first Rose Bowlseason, drafted Miami of Florida cor- at Denver, Channel 7. Purdue, ESPN. 19 at Toledo 7:00 in 67 years by completing 210 of 375nerback with the 10th Noon, College football, Iowa 26 OHIO 6:30 passes for 3,637 yards, 33 touchdownspick. TUESDAY State at Iowa, ESPN2. OCTOBER 11 a.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 12:30 p.m., College football, 3 N.E. LOUISIANA 6:30 and 10 . Baltimore plans to have Starks serve 10 at Vanderbilt USA. Mississippi State at 7:00 , the top running backas a backup to veteran Rod Woodson at Memphis, Fox Sports Detroit. 17 EASTERN MICHIGAN 1:00 7 p.m., Baseball, Atlanta at 24 at Central Michigan. Noon taken in the draft, finally agreed the to left corner until they feel he is Montreal, TBS. 4 p.m., Baseball, Toronto at 31 at Kent 2:00 terms with the Chicago Bears Aug. 17 ready to start. 7:30 p.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, N.Y. Yankees, Channel 9. NOVEMBER USA. 4 p.m., Golf, Canadian Open, 7 at Ball State 1:00 and should be ready to step in andThe other defensive backs taken in third round, ESPN. 14 BOWLING GREEN 1:00 become a star back. the first round include WEDNESDAY 6 p.m., College football, Georgia 11 a.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, at South Carolina, ESPN2. “I’m excited to play football at Soldierand Donovin Darius of Syracuse, who quarterfinals, USA. 7 p.m., College football, Field with the ghosts of Walter Payton,went to New England and 7:30 p.m., Baseball, teams tba, Nebraska at California, FoxReport your local or prep Gale Sayers, Neal Anderson,” saidJacksonville, respectively; Detroit’s , ESPN, ESPN2. Sports Detroit. Enis. “Cold weather and hard-nosedTerry Fair from Tennessee, and Shaun 7:30 p.m., Tennis, U.S. Open, 7 p.m., Baseball, Florida atsports news to the Sunday quarterfinals, USA. Atlanta, TBS. Journal. Call the sports desk football. That’s what I love.” Williams of UCLA, who will battle for a J 10:30 p.m., Baseball, teams tba, 9 p.m., Arizona State at at 313-964-5655 or fax us at Enis has above-average speed andstarting spot with the New York ESPN, ESPN2. Brigham Young, ESPN2. 313-964-5554. strength in his “6-1, 240-pound“ frameG iants. ------—------SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 37 GM Holland gives players know the system.” Don’t blame Bell for Tigers debacle Smith, Lewis and Goaltender Coach Bowman stand-ins Jim Bedard will handle the team at training camp in Traverse City, which SHOOK, From Page 40 months in Triple-A before it’s their turn to be overwhelmed in the majors. their marching ordersbegins fo r veterans Sept. 13. The Red What has hurt is that management, Wings w ill host a four-team prospects That, folks, is swimming upstream By Paul Harris so successful in finding gold among the tournament that will run from and being drilled flat in the head with Journal Staff Writer a log. Every night. After a while the dross last year, was virtually 0-for- Monday until Thursday, which will With Red Wings veterans a week mind can’t handle it any more. 1998. also feature the prospects of the away from reporting to training camp, Detroit started the season with 40 Luis Gonzalez has been the best of Chicago Blackhawks, St. Louis Blues General Manager Ken Holland met percent of a major league pitching rota­ the off-season acquisitions. His contri­ and expansion Nashville Predators. with Associate Coaches Dave Lewis tion. Now it’s up to 60 percent. Anybutions would be excellent were he sur­ and Barry Smith earlier this week to B rie fly wonder the only four-game winning rounded by good players. But he isn’t go over the delegation of authority The Red Wings and right wing streaks the Tigers have seen belong to capable of carrying a team, which he between the two while Coach Scotty Mathieu Dandenault were close to somebody else? feels he has to do here. Bowman continues rehabilitation for finalizing a three-year deal, which The Tigers’ bullpen is better than Of the , Sean Runyan has would be worth around $1.8 million. most, but it’s overworked. A lot of play­ been solid, and Bryce Florie has shown Dandenault, 22, had five goals and 12 o ff teams of the past few seasons (see he can help. Florie also is being asked assists in 68 regular-season games last Seattle and Atlanta) would have taken to do more than he should. season. In the playoffs he had a goal in Detroit’s relievers for theirs in a heart­ The rest? Let’s run through their three games. beat. names: Bip Roberts, Scott Sanders, the knee replacement surgery he But things aren’t going as smoothly Now look at the rest of the team. Billy Ripken, Joe Oliver,- Frank underwent last month. in the negotiations with second-year Only Tony Clark, Damion Easley and Castillo, Pete Incaviglia and Tim The plan is for Lewis and Smith to left wing Tomas Holmstrom. After col­ Bobby Higginson could start on a W orrell. run the team until Bowman can lecting five goals and 17 assists in 57 championship team. These are solid veteran players who return. And that won’t be until late regular-season games la st year, he was A few others, including Brian Hunter would have made a real difference had October at the earliest. the Wings’ third-leading scorer in the and Deivi Cruz, have the potential to they performed close to what they had “I just wanted to make sure we’re on playoffs with seven goals and 12 be championship-level players but done in the past. But they didn’t. the same page,” said Holland. assists. aren’t currently performing at that Individually it was a good move to He added that the situation w ill be According to sources, the Wings and level for one reason or another. That’s replace most of them with young play­ easier because Bowman has delegated Holmstrom, 25, aren’t close at all in it. ers. But collectively it has made a lot of authority to Lewis and Smith negotiations. He currently doesn’t Worse, things w ill improve only mar­ Detroit the most inexperienced team in in the five seasons the staff has been have a contract and is represented by ginally next season unless manage­ the majors. together. Southfield-based agent Howard ment gets some hired guns who still It shows, and it shows ugly. “At the same time, you’ve got to G ourw itz. have bullets left to shoot. But to blame Buddy Bell, to make “I’ve made some proposals. We’re The top prospects for next season are him the fall guy for this debacle is flat know that Scotty will be talking to them all along,” said Holland. “We’ve working on it. We’re talking,” said already on the team. There’s nobody wrong. got experienced people. We’ve worked Holland. “If we’re far apart, you must ready from Toledo, and the next wave People around here have to wake up together for the last few years and the be hearing it from their camp.” of prospects w ill need at least two 1999 and smell the corpse, not the coffee.

Solidarity Isn’t Just a Word It’s a Way

«ONwsor 'JSSt. N O N rn o r jfrrtWM"'-' Hex’ *S?.s*« h«o!r l " v ' ' | Mi,Nm sor HONewsor^ of M»w’ Life! ••••-_ iSvnlptt**}.. ’ pasted «e?eV The Oil, Chemical & Atomic HO News or j arfS S S S Workers International Union salutes the locked-out Detroit newspaper workers this Labor Day.

Robert E. Wages, President R. J. Christie, Secretary-Treasurer L. Calvin Moore, Vice President James K. Phillips, Jr., Vice President

Photo by Jetta Fraser, Detroit Sunday Journal PAGE 38 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 Sanders is running for a Super ring Head coach:Bobby Ross By Eric T. Pate Sanders’ nine-year run has leftter how young you are or how oldNo. you Player Pos Ht/Wt Exp College Special to the Journal many defenders speechless, and hisare. I don’t think my window is clos­4 K 5-11/1837 Wash. St. he argument in the corner jukeof moves have left them proneing in quicker than anyone else’s.” 10 Charlie Batch QB 6-2/216 R E. Michigan the Detroit Lions locker roomhis wake. If Super Bowls were awarded by 14 Frank Reich QB 6-4/210 4 Maryland intensified. Lions right defen­ Last year Sanders’ 2,053 yards work ethic, Sanders would already be18 John Jett P 6-0/199 6 E. Carolina sive end Kerwin Waldrouphelped him become only the thirda champion. 19 Scott Mitchell QB 6-6/230 9 Utah Twas asked a simple question,player and he in NFL history to rush forSanders’ running sprints after a20 RB 5-8/200 10 Oklahoma St. gave a strange answer. more than 2,000 yards in a season. Lions practice is as much a part of21 Jerris McPhail RB 5-11/198 3 East Carolina At least, Waldroup’s answer was Sanders, who has amassed 13,778autumn in Michigan as the fallen23 CB 5-9/185 R Tennessee Syracuse strange to cornerback Greg Jeffriesyards in his career, now trails onlyleaves. Each September an exuberant24 Kevin Abrams DB 5-8/175 2 5-9/184 6 Virginia and safety Ron Rice. Payton on the NFL’s all-time rushingteammate joins him. 25 Greg Jeffries S list. By December, they usually are long27 Mark Carrier S 6-1/192 9 Southern Cal. They were arguing about the guy S 6-1/206 4 E. Michigan whose locker was across the room,At his current pace, there’s an out­gone, bypassing Barry’s workout 28 for Ron Rice side chance that Sanders could sur­ 30 Cory SchlesingerRB 6-0/230 4 Nebraska Barry Sanders, and where he fit in the comforts of the locker room. pass Payton sometime next season.“The better his performance on32 Bryant WestbrookCB6-0/199 2 Texas the list of the best running backs in Fresno St. But Sanders isn’t getting ahead ofSunday, the harder he works on34 Ron Rivers ■ RB 5-8/205 4 history. Miami himself. Monday,” Lions defensive end Robert35 Robert Bailey DB 5-9/174 8 “There is no disrespect to Barry. He 5-11/182R Wisconsin “Let me take care of the next 20Porcher said. “He has shown me that39 Lamar CampbellS is a great , but Walter S 6-1/207 3 Georgia Tech games, then we’ll talk about that,” heif you have a good game, you have42 to Ryan Stewart Payton is the best ever,” said FB 6-2/230 7 Stanford said. work that much harder the next one.”44 Tommy Vardell Waldroup, with a straight face. 46 Kevin Hickman TE 6-4/258 4 Navy Sanders has an appreciation of all“Even when Barry gets held down Then, in an instant, Waldroupof his individual accomplishments — 52 S. Kowalkowski LB 6-2/228 8 Notre Dame struggled to justify his point: “Shoot, some yards, it’s not because of him,”53 Rob FredricksonLB 6-4/240 5 Michigan St. all the yards, all the dazzling runsLions defensive end Luther Elliss I’m from Chicago, man.” and all the frequent flier miles he has 55 Allen Aldridge LB 6-1/255 5 Houston The moment Waldroup’s mouth said. “Every game Barry is on top of57 Stephen Boyd LB 6-0/247 4 Boston earned from flights to Honolulu his in game. He’s always playing at a opened, Jeffries gave him a smirk,early February. 58 George JamisonLB 6-1/235 13 Cincinnati certain level. There’s a level where BowlingGreen while Rice nearly fell from his stool. Still he would quickly trade all of 59 Kevin O’Neill LB 6-2/239 R he’s always at. Then he goes above Virginia Tech “Man, you’re crazy, you need help,”those things for a trip to the Super 61 Jim Pyne C 6-2/297 5 and beyond that, too.” 6-4/286 5 Memphis Rice said to Waldroup. “Barry is theBowl. And though Sanders is 30 and 62 Tony Semple G Penn St. best, the best to ever play the game.acknowledged that there’s a sense of And, like Payton, Sanders would64 Jeff Hartings G 6-3/283 3 2 UCLA Period!” urgency about getting there, love he to ascend to the highest level 67 of Travis Kirschke DT 6-3/286 T 6-5/314 3 Penn St. In America you can say anything.expects to play as long as it takes footballto ecstasy, which would help70 to Andre Johnson T 6-4/300 7 Tennessee St. get the trip. make his career complete. 71 Larry Tharpe But in Detroit saying Payton is bet­ T 6-6/308 7 Virginia “I don’t really look at it as some win­“I do all of the running and every­72 Ray Roberts ter than Sanders is like offering an 74 Chris Harrison T 6-3/290 3 Virginia autoworker keys to a Yugo. It is likedow is closing,” he said. “That’s a casething to prepare myself for the Super Bowl,” Sanders said. “It’s why we all 75 Tony Ramirez T 6-6/296 2 N. Colorado offering Lions owner William Clayfor anybody and everybody in the West Virginia play this game.” 77 Mike Compton G 6-6/297 6 Ford the keys to a Buick Skylark. league. There’s no guarantees no mat- 79 Eric Beverly T 6-3/279 1 Miami, Ohio 80 Tommie Boyd WR 6-0/195 2 Toledo Tampa Bay running back Warrick Cloudy, chance of rain 81 Pete Chryplewicz TE6-5/253 2 Notre Dame the forecast Dunn, Green Bay’s and 82 Germane Crowell WR6-3/213 R Virginia For all you die-hard Lions fans out v-:- everyone in Chicago in check just83 Brian StableinWR 6-1/193 5 Ohio St. there this is going to be painful. jump to the upper echelon. Maybeenough for the Lions to maneuver84 Herman MooreWR 6-4/210 8 Virginia You’ve heard these words before. Sanders should try to motivate histoward the top of the NFC Central 87 Johnnie MortonWR 6-5/190 5 Southern Cal. Don’t look away, take it like a fan. teammates the way his predecessorDivision. 89 Walter Rasby TE 6-3/247 5 Wake Forest Cautious optimism! Billy Sims did. But dumping a table The Lions’ defense will miss line­ 90 Dan Owens DT 6-3/290 9 Southern Cal. How many years have we had to full of Gatorade on national TV isn’tbacker Reggie Brown, who suffered a 91 Robert PorcherDE 6-3/270 7 S. Carolina St. live under the weight of those two Sanders’ style. career-ending spinal cord injury last92 Marc Spindler DT 6-5/290 9 Pittsburgh words? 1957 was the last time the Although if it would help the Lionsseason just as he was beginning to93 Kerwin Waldroup DE6-3/260 3 Central St Oh. Lions won a championship, but who’swin, I’m sure fans wouldn’t mind play a well. 94 Luther Elliss DT 6-5/300 4 Utah counting? little “bad boy” attitude. It workedSure, the linebackers will be a95 Mike Chalenski DL 6-5/280 6 UCLA Oh sure, there were seasons whenfor the Pistons. weak spot, but defensive end Robert97 Tracy ScrogginsDE 6-2/255 7 Tulsa we threw caution to the wind andPrediction: 6-10. Porcher & Co. will wreak so much 98 Marvin Thomas DE 6-5/264 1 Memphis were truly optimistic, only to beJoe Cybulski havoc that it really won’t matter. And99 Richard JordanLB 6-1/245 2 Missouri S. fooled again. Remember 1980, when Journal Sports Editor the Lions’ secondary is youthful, but another one bit the dust? But who by the end of the season the conver­ are we to complain? Just ask peopleHonolulu Blue skies sation will turn toward their ability Lions matchup in Houston, Cleveland and Los Okay, so I might have brain freezeto prevent the big play, not allow it. Angeles. Detroit at Green Bay, today, 1:00 p.m. or something. But I think that theEven Jason Hanson will continue So how will the Lions fare this sea­ TV: Channel 2Radio: WXYT-AM (1270) to play at a Pro Bowl level and drag son? I’m throwing “cautious” out 1998the Detroit Lions will start slowly, but catch fire in midseason. John Jett with him. ■ The Packers begin the year with a 23-game regular- window. I’m also throwing out the season home winning streak, the second-longest in optimism. Hey, if we expect the I think that Scott Mitchell will Yep, these Lions will be good under finally ascend from mediocrity intosecond-year a Coach Bobby Ross,league annals. The of 1971-74 hold the worst, any success should make the NFL record with 27 consecutive home victories. The season more enjoyable. quality National Football Leaguewhose hard-but-fair philosophy will quarterback. help them, particularly at thePackers have won 37 of their last 38 games in Green It should be a typical season. Those Bay, including five postseason victories. Since Mike I also think that wide receiverSilverdome. They’ll be 7-1 at home, of you who bleed Honolulu Blue Holmgren took over as coach in 1992, the Packers are know what I mean. The Lions shouldJohnnie Morton will follow Herman3-5 on the road, good enough to earn Moore’s lead and become a produc­the Lions a home playoff game in the40-4 at Lambeau. win two out the first three games, ■ Barry Sanders has broken the 100-yard barrier in six maybe even teasing us with a wintive (and silent) player. NFC. Something also tells me that right But they’ll go farther than theyof his last seven regular-season games against the against the Packers. But the rest of Packers, averaging 136 yards per game in that span. the season will be spent analyzingoffensive guard Jeff Hartings willhave in six years — how ‘bout to the and agonizing over the games theyreach Pro Bowl status, while leftNFC Championship Game. And■ Three-time NFL MVP Brett Favre struggled against should have won. offensive guard Mike Compton con­here’s another tip: That No. 20 isthe Lions last season. He was intercepted three times in Unless Barry Sanders can straptinues his level of consistency. Andpretty dam good. the 26-15 loss and passed for 151 yards in the win at everyone to his shoulder pads andthe Lions’ defense will be adequate Prediction: 10-6 tied for second in Green Bay. carry the team to a Super Bowl, theenough to keep the likes the of NFC Central with Minnesota. ■ Detroit has not won at Lambeau Field since 1991. Lions don’t appear ready to make theMinnesota Cris Carter, Eric T. Pate Green Bay leads the all-time series, 69-59-7. SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 39 1998 NFL schedules No less than Super Bowl Detroit Lions Chicago Bears San Francisco 49ers SEP. 6 at Green Bay 1:00 SEP. 6 JACKSONVLLE 1:00 SEP. 6 at Chicago 1:00 S E P . 6 W A S H .’ 1 :0 0 SEP. 6 NY JETS 4:00 PATE, From Page 40 hit that part of the season, you really SEP. 13 CINCINNATI 1:00 SEP. 13 at Pittsburgh 1:00 SEP. 13 KANSAS CITY 1:00 SEP. 13 at Oakland 4:00 SEP. 14 at Washington 8:00 have to play every game as if it is a SEP. 20 at Minnesota 1:00 SEP. 20 at Tampa Bay 4:00 SEP. 20 BALTIMORE 4:00 SEP. 21 DALLAS 8:00 SEP. 20 Bye Armed with Super Bowl experience, SEP. 28 TAMPA BAY 8:00 SEP. 27 MINNESOTA 4:00 SEP. 27 at Tennessee 1:00 SEP. 27 at San Diego 4:00 SEP. 27 ATLANTA '4:00 Super Bowl.” OCT. 4 at Chicago 1:00 OCT. 4 DETROIT 1:00 O C T . 4 B y e OCT. 4 at Tampa Bay 4:00 OCT. 4 at Buffalo 1:00 Ross was a disciplinarian who OCT. 11 B y e And as the Lions have stalled this OCT. 11 at Arizona 4:00 OCT. 12 MIAMI 8:00 O C T . 11 A TL AN T A 8 :0 0 O C T . 11 at N e w O r le a n s 1 :00 promised “quick bus tickets out of town OCT. 15 GREEN BAY 8:00 OCT 18 DALLAS 4:00 OCT. 18 at Buffalo 1:00 OCT. 18 ARIZONA 1:00 OCT. 18 INDIANAPOLIS 4:00 decade trying to figure out how to earn OCT. 25 MINNESOTA 1:00 OCT. 25 at Tennessee 4:00 OCT. 25 at Denver 4:00 OCT. 25 Bye OCT. 25 at St. Louis 1:00 for underachievers.” Certainly, a slow NOV. 1 ARIZONA 1:00 N O V . 1 B y e NOV. 1 at Baltimore 1:00 NOV. 1 at Washington 1:00 NOV. 1 at Green Bay 4:00 start-in the first month of the seasona home playoff game, the players aren’t NOV. 8 at Phila. 1:00 NOV. 8 ST. LOUIS 1:00 NOV. 8 CINCINNATI 1:00 NOV. 8 at Dallas 1:00 NOV. 8 CAROLINA 4:00 that young anymore. NOV. 15 CHICAGO 8:00 NOV. 15 at Detroit 8:00 NOV. 15 TAMPA BAY 4:00 NOV. 15 GREEN BAY 4:00 NOV. 15 at Atlanta 1:00 wouldn’t be tolerated. NOV. 22 at Tampa Bay 1:00 NOV. 22 at Atlanta 1:00 NOV. 22 at Pittsburgh 1:00 NOV. 22 PHILA. 1:00 NOV.22 NEWORL. 8:00 Barry Sanders, 30, is entering his NOV. 26 PITTSBURGH 12:35 NOV. 29 TAMPA BAY 1:00 NOV. 29 at Cincinnati 1:00 NOV. 30 at San Fran. 8:00 NOV. 30 NY GIANTS 8:00 Wrong. DEC. 6 at Jacksonvlle 1:00 DEC. 6 at Minnesota 8:00 DEC. 6 DETROIT 1:00 DEC. 6 at Arizona 4:00 DEC. 6 at Carolina 1:00 Last September the Lions were beat­10th NFL season. Quarterback Scott DEC. 14 at San Fran. 8:00 DEC. 13 at Green Bay 1:00 DEC. 13 TENNESSEE 1:00 DEC. 13 DENVER 1:00 DEC. 14 DETROIT 8:00 Mitchell is 30. Moore is 29. Defensive DEC. 20 ATLANTA 1:00 DEC. 20 BALTIMORE 1:00 DEC. 20 at Minnesota 8:00 DEC. 20 KANSAS CITY 1:00 DEC. 20 at New England 1:00 en by a weak New Orleans and lost to DEC. 27 at Baltimore 1:00 DEC. 27 GREEN BAY 1:00 DEC. 28 PITTSBURGH 8:00 DEC. 27 at Phila. 4:00 DEC. 27 ST. LOUIS 4:00 end is 29. Cincinnati Bengals Tampa Bay at the Silverdome, where Kansas City Chiefs New York Jets They don’t have much time to figure SEP. 6 at Dallas 4:00 SEP. 6 TENNESSEE 1:00 SEP. 6 OAKLAND 8:00 SEP. 6 at San Fran. 4:00 S E P . 6 at Phila. 1:00 ’ they appeared listless. Meanwhile, the SEP. 13 at Seattle 4:00 SEP. 13 at Detroit 1:00 SEP. 13 at Jacksonvlle 1:00 ' SEP. 13 BALTIMORE 1:00 SEP. 13 ARIZONA . 4:00 out how to win a Super Bowl, let alone SEP. 20 PHILA. 8:00 SEP. 20 GREEN BAY 1:00 SEP. 20 SAN DIEGO 1:00 SEP. 20 INDIANAPOLIS 1:00 SEP. 20 WASHINGTON 4:00 Lions practices often left Ross on the SEP. 27 at St. Louis 1:00 SEP. 27 at Baltimore 8:00 SEP. 27 at Phila. 1:00 SEP. 27 Bye how to win in September. SEP. 27 at Pittsburgh 4:00 sidelines frustrated, his cap tilted to OCT. 4 OAKLAND 4:00 O C T . 4 B y e OCT. 4 SEATTLE 8:00 OCT. 4 MIAMI 1:00 OCT. 4 at Kansas City 8:00 “We want to shake that stigma, that OCT. 11 C H IC A G O 4 :0 0 O C T . 11 P IT T S B U R G H 1 :0 0 O C T . 11 a t N e w E n g la n d 1 :0 0 OCT. 11 at St. Louis 4:00 O C T . 11 D E N V E R 4 :0 0 the side. OCT. 18 at NY Giants 1:00 OCT. 18 at Tennessee 1:00 OCT. 18 Bye . OCT. 19 at New England 8:00 OCT. 18 Bye we start slow and come on in the end,” OCT. 25 Bye OCT. 25 at Oakland 4:00 OCT. 26 PITTSBURGH 8:00 OCT. 25 ATLANTA 1:00 OCT. 25 at San Diego 4:00 Despite Ross’ presence, the Lions NOV. 1 at Detroit 1:00 NOV. 1 DENVER 1:00 NOV. 1 NY JETS 4:00 NOV. 1 at Kansas City 4:00 Porcher said. “A lot of guys are NOV. 1 OAKLAND 8:00 reverted to their predictable selves, NOV. 8 WASH. 4:00 NOV. 8 at Jacksonvlle 1:00 NOV. 8 at Seattle 4:00 NOV. 8 BUFFALO 4:00 NOV. 8 KANSAS CITY 4:00 approaching the Green Bay game that NOV. 15 DALLAS . 4:00 NOV. 15 at Minnesota 1:00 NOV. 16 DENVER 8:00 NOV. 15 at Indianap. 1:00 NOV. 15 at Oakland 4:00 needing to roar in December to get by. NOV. 22 at Washington 1:00 NOV. 22 BALTIMORE 4:00 NOV. 22 at San Diego 4:00 NOV. 22 at Tennessee 4:00 NOV. 22 at Dallas 1:00 way. I know th at I am.” NOV. 29 at Kansas City 1:00 After winning their final two games NOV. 29 JACKSONVLLET00 NOV. 29 ARIZONA 1:00 ■NOV. 29 CAROLINA 1:00 NOV. 29 TENNESSEE 4:00 But all this talk about a fast start left DEC. 6 NY GIANTS 4 00 DEC. 6 BUFFALO 1:00 DEC. 6 at Denver 4:00 DEC. 6 SEATTLE 1:00 DEC. 6 at NY Jets 1:00 last season, they crept into the playoffs DEC. 13 at Phila. 1:00 DEC.-13 at Indianap. 1:00 DEC. 13 DALLAS 4:00 DEC. 13 at Miami 8:00 DEC. 13 SAN DIEGO 4:00 me reminiscing about 1980, the year DEC. 20 NEWORL. 4:00 DEC. 20 at Pittsburgh 1:00 DEC. 20 at NY Giants 1:00 DEC. 19 at Buffalo 12:35 . DEC. 20 INDIANAPOLIS 4:00 before being dominated by the upstart DEC. 27 SAN DIEGO 4:00 DEC. 27 TAMPA BAY 1:00 DEC. 26 at Oakland 4:00 DEC. 27 NEW ENG. 1:00 DEC. 27 at Denver 4:00 Buccaneers, a team that hadn’t been thatto the Lions started fast, then Atlanta Falcons Dallas Cowboys Miami Dolphins ' Oakland Raiders St. Louis Rams crashed and burned. SEP. 6 at Carolina 1:00 SEP. 6 ARIZONA 4:00 SEP. 6 at Indianap. 4:00 SEP. 6 at Kansas City 8:00 SEP. 6 NEW ORLEANS 1:00 - the playoffs in 19 years. SEP. 13 PHILA. 1:00 SEP. 13 at Denver 4:00 SEP. 13 BUFFALO 1:00 SEP. 13 NY GIANTS 4:00 SEP. 13 MINNESOTA 1:00 They swept September, finishing 4-0, SEP. 20 Bye SEP. 21 at NY Giants 8:00 SEP. 20 PITTSBURGH 1:00 SEP. 20 DENVER 4:00 SEP. 20 at Buffalo 1:00 “It’s more frustrating to go to the SEP. 27 at San Fran. 4:00 SEP. 27 OAKLAND 1:00 SEP. 27 Bye SEP. 27 at Dallas 1:00 SEP. 27 ARIZONA 1:00 playoffs and make it to the first-roundonly to falter in October, November and OCT. 4 CAROLINA 1:00 OCT. 4 at Washington 1:00 OCT. 4 at NY Jets 1:00 OCT. 4 at Arizona 4:00 O C T . 4 B ye December, finish 9-7 and out of the O C T . 11 at NY Giants 8:00 O C T . 11 C A R O L IN A 1 :0 0 OCT. 12 at Jacksonvlle 8:00 O C T . 11 S A N D IE G O 4 :0 0 O C T . 11 N Y J E T S 4 :0 0 and lose,” Moore said. “The way that OCT. 18 NEWORL. 1:00 OCT. 18 at Chicago 4 :0 0 OCT. 18 ST. LOUIS 4:00 OCT. 18 Bye OCT. 18 at Miami 4:00 we’ve lost has been embarrassing. I’dplayoffs. But Lions free safety Mark OCT. 25 at NY Jets 1:00 OCT. 25 Bye OCT. 25 NEW ENG. 1:00 OCT. 25 CINCINNATI 4 :0 0 OCT. 25 SAN FRAN 1:00 Carrier chooses not to review history. NOV. 1 ST. LOUIS 1:00 NOV 2 at Phila. TOO NOV. 1 at Buffalo 1:00 N O V . 1 a t S e a t t le LOO NOV. 1 at Atlanta 1:00 rather not go if that’s the way we’re NOV. 8 at New England 1:00 NOV. 8 NY GIANTS 1:00 NOV. 8 INDIANAPOLIS 1:00 NOV. 8 at Baltimore 1:00 NOV. 8 at Chicago 1:00 “All I know is, to be the man, you NOV. 15 SAN FRAN. 1:00 NOV. 15 at Arizona 4 :0 0 NOV. 15 at Carolina 1:00 NOV. 15 SEATTLE 4 :0 0 NOV. 15 at New Orleans 1:00 going to play. We should do ourselves a NOV. 22 CHICAGO 1:00 NOV: 22 SEATTLE 1:00 NOV. 23 at New England 8:00 NOV. 22 at Denver 4 :0 0 NOV. 22 CAROLINA 4:00 favor and not put ourselves throughhave to beat the man,” Carrier said. NOV. 29 at St. Louis 1:00 NOV. 26 MINNESOTA 4:00 NOV.29 NEWORL. 1:00 NOV. 29 WASHINGTON 4:00 NOV. 29 ATLANTA 1:00 DEC. 6 INDIANAP. 1:00 DEC. 6 at New Orleans 1:00 DEC. 6 at Oakland 4:00 DEC. 6 MIAMI 4:00 DEC. -3 at Phila. 8:00 that because it’s too much th at we do“Going in there, if we want to take a DEC. 13 at New Orleans 1:00 DEC. 13 at Kansas City 4:00 DEC. 13 NY JETS 8:00 DEC. 13 at Buffalo 1:00 DEC. 13 NEW ENG. 1:00 step to the Super Bowl we’re going to DEC. 20 at Detroit 1:00 DEC. 20 PHILA. 4:00 DEC. 21 DENVER 8:00 DEC. 20 at San Diego 4:00 DEC. 20 at Carolina 1:00 and too much that we work hard to get D E C . 2 7 MIAMI ■ 1 :0 0 DEC. 27. WASHINGTON 8:00 DEC. 27 at Atlanta. 1:00 DEC. 26 KANSAS CITY 4:00 DEC. 27 at San Fran. 4:00 in there and play the way that we’vehave to go in there and beat Green Baltimore Ravens Denver Broncos Tampa Bay Buccaneers Bay.” S E P . 6 Pins. 1 :0 0 SEP. 7 NEW ENGLAND 8:00 SEP. 6 TAMPA BAY 1:00 SEP. 6 SEATTLE 1:00 SEP. 6 at Minnesota 1:00 played. SEP. 13 at NY Jets 1:00 SEP. 13 DALLAS 4:00 SEP. 13 at St. Louis 1:00 SEP. 13 at Atlanta 1:00 SEP/13 at Green Bay 1:00 “We just have to realize th at once youIndeed, by any means necessary. SEP. 20 at jacksonvlle 4:00 SEP. 20 at Oakland 4:00 SEP. 20 DETROIT 1:00 •SEP. 20 at Arizona 8:00 SEP. 20 CHICAGO 4:00 SEP. 27 CINCINNATI 8:00 SEP. 27 at Washington 1:00 SEP. 27 at Chicago 4:00 SEP. 27 KANSAS CITY 1:00 SEP. 28 at Detroit 8:00 O C T . 4 B y e OCT. 4 PHILA. 4:00 OCT. 5 at Green Bay 8:00 OCT. 4 at Denver 4:00 OCT: 4 NY GIANTS 4:00 O C T . 11 T E N N E S S E E 1 :0 0 O C T . 11 a t S e a t t le 4 :0 0 OCT. 11 Bye OCT. 11 WASHINGTON 1:00 O C T . 11 B y e OCT. 18 at Pittsburgh 1:00 OCT. 18 Bye OCT. 18 WASH. 1:00 OCT. 18 at San Diego 4:00 OCT. 18 CAROLINA 1:00 OCT. 25 at Green Bay 1:00 OCT. 25 JACKSONVLLE 4:00 OCT. 25 at Detroit 1:00 OCT. 25 Bye 1:00 OCT. 25 at New Orleans 1:00 The Executive Board, staff NOV. 1 JACKSONVLLE 1:00 NOV. 1 at Cincinnati 1:00 NOV. 1 at Tampa Bay 1:00 NOV. 2 DALLAS 8:00 NOV. 1 MINNESOTA 1:00 NOV. 8 OAKLAND 1:00 NOV. 8 SAN DIEGO 4:00 NOV. 8 NEWORL. 1:00 NOV. 8 DETROIT 1:00 NOV. 8 TENNESSEE 8:00 and membership of NOV. 15 at San Diego 4:00 NOV. 16 at Kansas City 8:00 NOV. 15 CINCINNATI 1:00 NOV. 15 at Washington 1:00 NOV. 15 at Jacksonvlle 4:00 Teamsters Local No. 299 NOV. 22 at Cincinnati 4:00 NOV. 22 OAKLAND 4:00 NOV. 22 GREEN BAY 1:00 NOV. 22 at NY Giants 1:00 NOV. 22 DETROIT 1:00 NOV 29 INDIANAP. 1:00 NOV. 29 at San Diego 8:00 NOV. 26 at Dallas 4:00 NOV. 29 at Green Bay 4:00 NOV. 29 at Chicago 1:00 4-Minute Walk from the Parade proudly support the DEC. 6 at Tennessee 3:15 DEC. 6 KANSAS CITY 4:00 DEC. 6 CHICAGO 8:00 DEC. 3 ST. LOUIS 8:00 DEC. 7 GREEN BAY 8:00 Good Food - Satellite Sports TV Newspaper Workers in their DEC. 13 MINNESOTA 4:00 DEC. 13 at NY Giants 1:00 DEC. 13 at Baltimore 4:00 DEC. 13 ARIZONA 1:00 DEC. 13 PITTSBURGH 1:00 DEC. 20 at Chicago 1:00 DEC. 21 at Miami 8:00 DEC. 20 JACKSONVLL 8:00 DEC. 20 at Dallas 4:00 DEC. 19 at Washington 4:00 struggle for justice DEC. 27 DETROIT 1:00 DEC. 27 SEATTLE 4:00 DEC. 26 at Tennessee 12:35 DEC. 27 NY GIANTS 4:00 DEC. 27 at Cincinnati 1:00 OPEN 7 DAYS Green Bay Packers New England Patriots Pittsburgh Steelers Tennessee Oilers Pool Tables, Dart Boards “An injury to one is an injury to all’ SEP. 6 at San Diego 4:00 SEP. 6 DETROIT 1:00 SEP. 7 at Denver 8:00 SEP. 6 at Baltimore 1:00 SEP. 6 at Cincinnati 1:00 SEP. 13 at Miami' 1:00 SEP. 13 TAMPA BAY 1:00 SEP. 13 INDIANAPOLIS 8:00 SEP. 13 CHICAGO 1:00 SEP. 13 SAN DIEGO 1:00 SEP. 20 ST. LOUIS 1:00 SEP. 20 al Cincinnati 1:00 SEP. 20 TENNESSEE 1:00 SEP. 20 at Miami 1:00 SEP. 20 at New England 1:00 SEP. 27 Bye SEP. 27 at Carolina 1:00' SEP. 27 Bye SEP. 27 SEATTLE 4 :0 0 SEP. 27 JACKSONVLLE 1:00 WFIW W Mmm m m m M I iff F rnmm Q OCT. 4 SAN FRAN 1:00 OCT. 5 MINNESOTA 8:00 OCT. 4 at New Orleans 1:00 O C T . 4 B y e O C T . 4 B y e OCT. 11 at Indianap. 1:00 O C T . 11 B y e O C T . 11 K A N S A S C IT Y 1 :0 0 OCT. 11 at Cincinnati 1:00 O C T . 11 at B a ltim o re 1 :0 0 OCT. 18 JACKSONVLLE 1:00 OCT. 15 at Detroit 8:00 OCT. 19 NY JETS 8:00 OCT. 18'BALTIMORE 1:00. OCT. 18 CINCINNATI 1:00 OCT. 25 at Carolina 8:00' OCT. 25 BALTIMORE 1:00 OCT. 25 at Miami 1:00 OCT. 26 at Kansas City 8:00 LABOR DAY OCT. 25 CHICAGO 4:00 NOV. 1 MIAMI. 1:00 NOV. 1 SAN FRAN. 4:00 NOV. 1 at Indianap. 1:00 NOV. 1 TENNESSEE 1:00 NOV. 1 at Pittsburgh 1:00 NOV. 8 at NY Jets ' 4:00 NOV. 9 at Pittsburgh 8:00 • NOV. 8 ATLANTA 1:00 NOV. 9 GREEN BAY 8:00 NOV. 8 at Tampa Bay 8:00 PARADE NOV. 15 NEW ENG. 1:00 NOV. 15 at NY Giants 4:00 NOV. 15 at Buffalo 1:00 NOV. 15 at Tennessee 1:00 NOV. 15 PITTSBURGH 1:00 NOV. 22 INDIANAP. 1:00 NOV. 22 at Minnesota 1:00 N O V . 2 3 MIAMI 8:00 NOV. 22 JACKSONVLLE 1:00 NOV. 22 NY JETS 4:00 NOV. 29 at New England 4:00 NOV. 29 PHILA.' 4:00 NOV. 29 BUFFALO 4 :0 0 NOV. 26 at Detroit 12:35 NOV. 29 at Seattle 4:00 PARTICIPANTS DEC. 6 at Cincinnati 1:00 DEC. 7 at Tampa Bay 8:00 DEC. 6 at Pittsburgh 1:00 DEC. 6 NEW ENG. 1:00 D E C . 6- BALTIMORE 4:00 DEC. 13 OAKLAND 1:00 DEC. 13 CHICAGO 1:00 DEC. 13 at St. Louis 1:00 DEC. 13 at Tampa Bay 1:00 DEC. 13 at Jacksonvlle 1:00 DEC. .19 NY JETS -12:35 DEC. 20 TENNESSEE 1:00 DEC. 20 SAN FRAN 1:00 DEC. 20 CINCINNATI 1:00 450W. Fort, co DEC. 20’ at Green Bay 1:00 Donald G. Smith DEC. 27 at New Orleans 1:00 DEC. 27 at Chicago 1:00 DEC. 27 at NY Jets 1:00 DEC. 28 at Jacksonvlle 8:00 DEC. 26. MINNESOTA 12:35 Carolina Panthers Indianapolis Colts New Orleans Saints San Diego Chargers Washington Redskins (313) 964-9127 President SEP. 6 ATLANTA 1:00 SEP. 6 MIAMI 4:00 SEP. 6 at St. Louis 1:00 SEP. 6 BUFFALO 4:00 SEP. 6 at NY Giants 1:00 SEP. 13 at New Orleans 1:00 SEP. 13 at New England 8:00 SEP. 13 CAROLINA 1:00 SEP. 13 at Tennessee 1:00 SEP. 14 SAN FRAN. 8:00 SEP. 20 Bye ' SEP. 20 at NY Jets 1:00 SEP. 20 Bye ■SEP. 20 at Kansas City 1:00 SEP. 20 at Seattle 4:00 SEP. 27 GREEN BAY 1:00 SEP. 27 NEWORL. 1:00 SEP. 27 at Indianap. 1:00 SEP. 27 NY GIANTS 4:00 SEP. 27 DENVER 1:00 OCT. 4 at Atlanta '1:00 OCT. 4 SAN DIEGO 1:00 OCT. 4 NEW ENG. 1:00 OCT. 4 at Indianap. 1:00 OCT. 4 DALLAS 1:00 OCT. 11 at Dallas 1:00 O C T . 11 B U F F A L O 1 :0 0 OCT. 11 SAN FRAN. 1:00 O C T . 11 a t O a k la n d 4 :0 0 O C T . 11 at P h ila . 1 :0 0 OCT. 18 at Tampa Bay 1:00 OCT. 18 at San Fran. 4:00 OCT. 18 at Atlanta 1:00 OCT. 18 PHILADELPHIA 4:00 OCT. 18 at Minnesota 1:00 OCT. 25 BUFFALO 8:00 OCT. 25 Bye OCT. 25 TAMPA BAY 1:00 OCT. 25 SEATTLE 4:00 OCT. 25 Bye BEST WISHES NOV. 1 NEWORL. 1:00 NOV. 1 NEW ENG. 1:00 NOV. 1 at Carolina 1:00 - N O V . 1 B y e NOV. 1 NY GIANTS 1:00 NOV 8 at San Fran. 1:00 NOV. 8 at Miami 1:00 NOV. 8 at Minnesota 1.00 NOV. 8 at Denver 4:00 NOV. 8 at Arizona '4:00 NOV. 15 MIAMI 1:00 NOV. 15 NY JETS 1:00 NOV. 15 ST. LOUIS 1:00 NOV. 15 BALTIMORE 4:00 NOV. 15 PHILADELPHIA 1:00 % SPRINKLER NOV. 22 at St. Louis 4:00 NOV. 22 at Buffalo 1:00 NOV. 22 at San Fran. 8:00 NOV. 22 KANSAS CITY 4:00 , NOV. 22 ARIZONA 1:00 NOV 29 at NY Jets 1:00 NOV. 29 at Baltimore 1:00 NOV. 29 at Miami 1:00 NOV. 29 DENVER 8:00 NOV. 29 at Oakland 4:00 DEC. 6 SAN FRAN 1:00 DEC. 6 at Atlanta 1:00 DEC. 6 DALLAS 1:00 DEC. 6 at Washington 1:00 DEC. 6 SAN DIEGO 1:00 LOCAL DEC. 13 WASHINGTON 1:00 DEC. 13 CINCINNATI 1:00 DEC. 13 ATLANTA 1:00 DEC. 13 at Seattle 4:00 DEC. 13 at Carolina 1:00 DEC. 20 ST. LOUIS 1:00 DEC. 20 at Seattle 4:00 DEC. 20 at Arizona 4 :0 0 DEC. 20 OAKLAND 4:00 DEC. 19 TAMPA BAY 4:00 DEC. 27 at Indianap. 1:00 DEC. 27 CAROLINA 1:00 DEC.27 BUFFALO 1:00 DEC. 27 at Arizona 4:00 DEC. 27 at Dallas 8:00

Is there anything like Sunday ESPN’s Sunday NFL Countdown is a must. Sorry every­ postcards morning in the tall? A cup of iava,one else but Bristol U. still rules and Chris Berman is the from, the the Sunday Journal and football.Dean. Everyone else can get back, back, back, back, back. couch Hey it just doesn’t get any better. If verbose funmeister Terry Bradshaw is your cup of tea, FIRE SPRINKLERS Best of all, it’s flme to tune outget your fill on Fox NFL Sunday. Joining him are former the Sunday morning blah, blah, blah of news programsCincinnati and receiver Cris Coliinsworth, Howie Long and tune in the Sunday morning blah, blah blah of the NFLJames pre­ Brown as Bradshaw’s straight men. views. CBS gets back in the game of NFL broadcasting with a You can’t watch the game without the critical "keys tocontract the for eight years o f AFC games for a mere $4 billion. game." Couch potato is only going to say this once:Let’s The hope they have enough dough left to get NFL Today SAVE keys to the game are putting up more points than theinto other the 20th century before the year 2000. Veteran host 9 LI VES guy — period. Still hearing a sports guy talking ‘blockingJim Nantz is joined by former San Francisco Coach George ana tackling” is music to CP’s ear. Seifert and former players Marcus Allen and Brent Jones. Hera is a preview of the Sunday-raoming chorus. Pat Cybulskl Hartley UNION YES! PAGE 4 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 Newspapers vow they’ll continue stalling By Alan Forsyth ommend enforcement.” Journal Staff Writer One of the biggest obstacles to the he National Labor Relations companies winning an appeal is the Board has dealt a serious fact that the latest rulings are unani­ blow to the long-runningmous. Even Republicans J. Robert campaign by America’s two Brame III and Peter J. Hurtgen, who Tlargest newspaper chains to eliminatewere appointed to the board last union influence at DetroitNovember as part of a compromise Newspapers, the Detroit Free Press between the White House and and the Detroit News. Republican U.S. senators, voted with In two Aug. 27 decisions released their Democrat colleagues, Sarah last Tuesday, the board said six unionFox, Wilma Liebman and Chairman locals’ strike against the Detroit William B. Gould IV. Brame and dailies was an unfair labor practice Hurtgen are former labor relations strike “from its inception” on July 13,lawyers who have represented man­ 1995. agement. The board ordered “immediate rein­ It is unclear which Circuit Court of statement” of locked-out workers,Appeals would get the case, if it’s with back pay to February 1997. Itappealed. Michigan is in the Sixth also told the News, Free Press and Circuit, based in Cincinnati. DN to “cease and desist” from bar­ The D.C. Circuit is another possibil­ Journal photo by GEORGE WALDMAN gaining in bad faith. ity. That’s the Washington court thatLocked-out newspaper workers such as Millie Kenyon, forefront, and Tom Bernick, right, But even that isn’t likely to end theruled against McClatchy Newspaperswaited more than a year for the NLRB ruling. When it finally came, jubilant workers labor dispute. The newspapers havein the Sacramento Bee merit paypacked a union press conference to learn the details. vowed to appeal, and one union attor­case, which parallels the key Detroit ney said the process could run any­newspaper strike issue. where from six to 18 months. There is another legal possibility.most probably would still be sittingpute. “This has gone on long enough,” NLRB Acting Deputy Associate The NLRB could seek an injunctionon someone’s desk. ... William Gouldhe said in a press release. “The News General Counsel John Burgoyneunder Section 10(e) of the Nationalunderstands that justice delayed is and Free Press have put this commu­ reacted similarly. “I think you wouldLabor Relations Act that would force indeed justice denied to people nity through unnecessary strife. They be looking at a year,” he said. the newspapers to reinstate all engaged in a struggle for their jobs.”need to stop wasting time and money Detroit newspapers officials, pub­locked-out workers who want to The DN had asked Gould to with­ on frivolous appeals, begin negotia­ licly and in staff meetings, gloated return. draw from the Wilks case. While the tions and allow the healing process to over the two findings in their favorAn attempt to obtain a similar newspapers could appeal his refusal,begin.” and glossed over the ten won by theinjunction was rejected by U.S. a reversal on the issue would seem Members of the newspaper unions unions. District Judge O’Meara pointless given the 5-0 board ruling.were elated. Picketers chanted and “The notion that they are happyin August 1997 a ruling upheld inUnion officials and lawyers believe sang, “Bye, bye scabs” outside the with this decision is propaganda of theMay by the Sixth Circuit Court ofthe decisions could have an influenceNews building. The press conference highest order,” union lawyer Duane IceAppeals. on bargaining. On Aug. 10, bargain­later that afternoon resembled a rally. said. “That’s one thing they are goodIn addition, the board is split 2-2 ing between the newspapers and the At the Communication Workers of at. They know this is a giant step.” between Democrats and Republicans unions under the auspices of a feder­America convention in Chicago, “the Ice believes the papers are “mis­ and has been under heavy pressureal mediator resumed for the first time ruling was announced to the conven­ leading the replacements to keepfrom Republican members of since October 1996. tion and it brought down the roof,” them calm and keep them on the job.”Congress to limit its use of injunc­“It can only have a positive effectsaid Sam Attard, president of Detroit The board upheld most of two 1997tions, which provide a quicker formfrom of our viewpoint because it showsTypographical Union Local 18. decisions by NLRB administrative relief than the NLRB’s usual lengthythe company they have to deal withInside the News-Free Press build­ law judges. procedures. the unions,” Detroit Newspaper Guilding the atmosphere was not jubilant. In June 1997 Thomas R. Wilks Even so, union attorney SamPresident Lou Mleczko said. Detroit Newspapers told its employ­ found the papers caused and pro­McKnight said he is inquiring about aMcKnight said, “I think the effect is ees in a memo: “The truth is, we have longed the strike through 10 unfairinjunction. to drive home that a resolution of thisand will exercise the right to appeal labor practices. dispute will include reinstatement today’s decision.” Last November William G. Kocol Unions prevail and back pay.” Tim Kelleher, DN senior vice presi­ ruled that the papers committed an The NLRB upheld nine of 10 unfairTo locked-out workers whodent of labor relations, was quoted as unfair labor practice by not reinstat­labor practices charged by Wilks. expressed skepticism about ever saying, “We certainly have grounds to ing strikers after the six locals in It reversed him on one point, sayingreceiving back pay, McKnight replied:appeal on issues that were not ruled February 1997 made unconditionalmanagement could legally change its“You will see back pay.” in our favor.” offers to return to work. mind about bargaining jointly on eco­The chief executives of the two Union attorney Ice doesn’t buy the A key victory for newspaper work­nomic issues. The board upheldgiant chains, Gannett and Knightoptimism: “They know the board has ers was the board’s reaffirmation of Wilks’ finding that Detroit Ridder, remained silent. The owners a success rate of 80 to 90 percent (in Wilks decision that the News engagedNewspapers acted legally in May of the News and Free Press, respec­ enforcing decisions). They know the in bad-faith bargaining by imposing1995 a when it imposed a contract con­tively, have managed to stay almostboard’s success rate is particularly merit pay-based system, the issue dition allowing nonunion workersentirely to out of the picture since theenhanced where it is a unanimous that provoked the strike. compose ads — until then, the work strikeof began, while making the keydecision. “The next step is for me to ask theunion printers. decisions. “They claim it (the decision) is no papers to comply, which we will do in The two new decisions were dated big deal, for the benefit of replace­ the next few days here,” NLRB Aug. 27, the last day in office for‘Do the right thing’ ments. They will claim it is no big Detroit Regional Director William William B. Gould IV after 4-1/2 years At a press conference Tuesday deal right up to the point where they Schaub said Wednesday. “If they as NLRB chairman. He is resuming union leaders and others hoped fordischarge the replacements, right up agree, we will try to figure out what ithis job as a law professor at Stanford resolution. “We call on the newspa­to the point where they have to pay would take to comply. University in California. pers to do the right thing to put thistens of millions of dollars in back pay. “I heard someone on the radio say On Tuesday U.S. Rep. John labor dispute behind them,” said A1 They have no choice but to claim it is they were going to appeal. I hope thatConyers (D-Detroit), the rankingDerey, president of the Metropolitanno big deal. They are misleading the is just a quick response and not wellmember of the House Judiciary Council of Newspaper Unions. replacements to keep them calm and thought-out. ... I think it behoovesCommittee, hailed him. “If it weren’t U.S. Rep. David Bonior (D-Mt. keep them on the job.” everyone to bring this thing to an end. for Bill Gould’s persistent prodding ofClemens) asked political leaders to Alan Forsyth is a locked-out Detroit “If they refuse to comply, I will rec­the board members, this decision urge the newspapers to settle the dis­News copy editor. PAGE 37: Bowman’s assistants gattimir gmne plan, sa^s Paul Harris,.


Lions want Bell should no less than not take rap Super Bowl for Tigers

y any means necessary may By Richard L. Shook have worked for others. Now Special to the Journal wide receiver Herman Moore here there’s smoke, there’s wants it to work for the Detroit usually fired. Buddy Bell BLions. smelled the smoke and Moore, in his eighth year, wants to Wwent up to his alleged supe­ start a movement toward focusing solely riors to inquire. While they were talk­ on winning a Super Bowl. He wants ing, he looked down and saw his shoes Lions Head Coach Bobby Ross, the Lion burning — he had indeed been fired. coaches, his teammates and manage­ The crux was the conflict between ment to unite and think Super Bowl. Bell and General Manager Randy Let’s face it, the old-fashioned lose-in- Smith. Bell wasn’t pleased at having so September and rally-in-December Lions’ many young and borderline players way of life just isn’t cutting it any longer. dumped on him. He could see who was “If you’re just getting in the wild card, going to take the hit for another 100- loss season. The team had stopped playing for Bell, there wasn’t much doubt about that, but both parties knew there were holes in the boat when they came aboard. They needed to be more mature about the consequences. Making Bell the scapegoat wasn’t a stand-up thing for the organization to do. It stinks, in fact. that means that you’ve been inconsis­ Understand what Bell had to work tent and you’ve sneaked in,” Moore said. with here — nearly nothing. And keep “Unfortunately, people don’t take advan­ in mind where he got all this nothing. tage of the opportunities that come Some of the players are marginally along the way,” he said. “When those talented, others have talent but don’t opportunities pass, there are lots of know what to do with it yet. And there excuses offered as to why we didn’t do it. are no talented veteran players to show After a while, that’s where the frustra­ the youngsters how winning baseball is tion comes in. played. ‘We know going into the season that That’s none, as in zero. we have to win early and often if we’re Imagine a salmon trying to swim going to have an opportunity to go the upstream to spawn during an old-fash­ Super Bowl later on. Yet, when the ioned log drive. Gives you a headache, opportunity is there, we always findBarry a Sanders again will be the Pride of the Lions when they open the seasondoes it? way to lose it. against the Packers today. Well, that’s what the Tigers have “The thing is now to focus our energy been doing all season. And at Bell’s end and our effort towards winning now— to the thought that they cannot win they were worn out and tired, with give a better opportunity to get home-games scheduled in September. NFL primer nothing left to give. The tank was fleld advantage to get past that hardUnder former Coach Wayne Fontes, empty. first-round.” the Lions were accused of being under­f t Eric Pate says Barry Sanders’top Until Detroit overcame a 3-0 deficit As the Lions enter today’s season-achievers and slow starters. During hisgoal is championship. Page 38, with four runs in the bottom of the first opener against Green Bay, they are firm­eight full seasons, the Lions’ bestft Complete NFL schedule and post­ inning of Interim Manager Larry ly focused on getting to the Super Bowl.September start was 4-1 in 1992, andcard from the couch. Page 39. Parrish’s debut, the Tigers had left the They want to remove their nameseventually they advanced to the NFCft Uons roster and season forecast first inning with a lead only five times from that unenviable list of 10 National Championship Game. Page 38. all season. Football League teams which haveUnder Ross, in his second year, they The rest of the year the Tigers have never made it there. But to do that, thewere expected to master September. ft NFL preview: The rookies are com­ been tied or behind, usually the latter. Lions must overcome a mental block ing. Page 36 that hinders them like a freeway barrier See PATE, Page 39 See SHOOK, Page 37 SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 5

Found GUILTY, Detroit Free Press Found GUILTY of CORPORATE GREED

The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press have been found by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to have engaged in an unfair labor practice strike.

The NLRB ordered the newspapers to immediately reinstate all strikers with full back pay estimated at up to $80 million, displacing replacements if necessary, and to bargain in good faith with all of the unions.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters salutes the Detroit Newspaper workers, who are leading the fight against corporate greed for all working families.

The Teamsters join all Detroit Newspaper workers in saying to Gannett and Knight Ridder: “One Day Longer!”

International Brotherhood of Teamsters SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 PAGE 6 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL labor notebook McClatchy case still I haunts Detroit dailies

By Robert Ourlian McClatchy’s holdings include two Special to the Journal northern California papers, the Modesto taffers at the Modesto Bee in Bee and nearby Sacramento Bee. northern California arrived to Contracts expired in Sacramento in work May 21, 1990, to find anApril 1986 and in Modesto in April ominous notice posted on the1987. McClatchy declared impasse Sbulletin boards. and imposed its merit pay plan in It read: Sacramento in March 1987 and did “Since we have been unable to the same in Modesto in May 1990. reach agreement with the (union) onThe Guild filed unfair labor prac­ terms of a new contract and are at tice charges in both cases. In separate impasse in negotiations, the termsopinions, the National Labor Relations Board found that the impo­ and conditions of the prior contract Journal photo by GEORGE WALDMAN have been canceled and the Publishersition of the merit pay plan by is posting terms and conditions McClatchy of was illegal. A joyful picket line circles in front of the Detroit News-Free Press building Tuesday employment based on its final offer.” The company appealed theas a puppet of Detroit Newspapers chief executive Frank Vega looks on. A fight already was under waySacramento decision, which was between staff members represented issued first, and the U.S. Court of by Local 52 of the NorthernAppeals for the District of Columbia Excerpts from the NLRB decisions California Newspaper Guild andremanded the decision back to the management. But the declaration ofNLRB for refinements. war by owner McClatchy Newspapers Meanwhile, the Modesto ruling was On unfair labor practices: “We return to work were made, immedi­ elevated the fight, which ended uphanded down by the NLRB, and theagree with the judge’s (Wilks) find­ate and full reinstatement to their before the U.S. Supreme Court. two rulings were appealed together toing that the Respondents’ unfairformer jobs or, if those jobs no Last June the Supreme Courtthe same Court of Appeals. labor practices were a cause of the longer exist, to substantially equiv­ refused to hear the company’s argu­That appeals court agreed with theUnions’ July 13 strike and that thealent positions, without prejudice to ments, in effect ruling against theNLRB, ruling in December 1997 that strike was therefore an unfair labor their seniority or any other rights newspaper owners and in favor of theMcClatchy illegally imposed merit practice strike from its inception.” or privileges previously enjoyed, union on the issue of “merit pay.” systems on employees in Sacramento discharging, if necessary, any That case looms large in the Detroitand Modesto. The Order: “The Respondents ... replacements. newspapers struggle. Judges rejected the newspaper cor­shall ... within 14 days from the (b) Make the employees described “The McClatchy case is now solidporation’s key argument that decid­date of this Order, offer to those above ... whole for any loss of earn­ precedent,” said Southfield attorneying raises based on merit is part of a employees who joined the strikeings and other benefits suffered as John Adam, who represents thecommon “management functionsthat commenced July 13, 1995, anda result of the discrimination Newspaper Guild of Detroit and otherclause,” an area in which law allows for whom unconditional offers against to them.” unions. “And, among other cases, theemployer discretion over scheduling (NLRB) relied on the McClatchy rul­and assignments. ing in deciding the Detroit In rejecting that argument, the Newspapers case. McClatchy is now court seemed to poke fun: Chronology of conflict accepted doctrine on merit pay.” “Can one imagine employee’s pay — In some ways the Detroit case inany industry — being described as a subject of a management functions ■ Feb. 19: Newspapers say they “accept” the involves even more clear-cut and offers but say they will place striking work­ egregious violations of federal laborclause?” the judges asked. ■ April 30: Contracts for the six unions ers on a preferential hiring list. Unions They also lampooned the company’sexpire; management and unions agree to declare lockout. law than those committed by extend contracts and continue bargaining. claim that, after bargaining to a law­ ■ Feb. 21: Unions ask the NLRB to seek an McClatchy Newspapers. ■ July 2-6: Newspapers terminate contract Like McClatchy, the Detroit News, ful impasse, it was legally entitled to injunction returning all striking employees extensions and unilaterally impose new to work. under former Publisher Robert Giles, an “implementation of terms.” wage terms and work conditions. Unions set July 13 strike deadline. ■ June 19: Wilks rules the companies are claimed an impasse in negotiations “(I)t does seem rather anomalous to guilty of 10 unfair labor practice charges. and imposed a “merit pay” system onrefer to the institution of the new ■ July 13: Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer tries wage regime as an ‘implementation of to mediate an llth-hour resolution. Unions ■ July 1: NLRB board seeks a Section 10(j) employees. agree to continue bargaining; companies injunction to force newspapers to reinstate The union argued that merit payterms,’ ” they wrote. “Essentially, decline. Workers go out on strike at 8 p.m. most locked-out workers. systems are inherently unfairthese wage proposals — particularly ■ Aug. 7: Detroit Free Press gives staff an ■ Aug. 14: U.S. District Judge John Corbett because supervisors determine thethe one for the Sacramento Bee — Aug. 10 deadline to cross the picket line or O’Meara refuses to grant injunction. parameters and the amounts ofhave no terms.” be permanently replaced. ■ Nov. 7: NLRB Administrative Law Judge Finally, the judges tried to imagine■ Aug. 31: The National Labor Relations William G. Kocol rules newspapers commit­ money. Lou Mleczko, president of ted another unfair labor practice by not what a collective bargaining agree­ Board files a complaint against Detroit Local 22 of the Detroit Newspaper Newspapers for bad faith bargaining. reinstating strikers after unions made ment would look like under unconditional offers to return. Guild, said merit pay plans strike at ■ Nov. 19: Unions begin publishing the the heart of labor union contracts,McClatchy Newspapers’ arguments: Detroit Sunday Journal. which is to bargain pay raises for all “The offered agreement would have employees. just three clauses: 1) union recogni­ ■ May 7: U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of But there is a key difference in thetion, 2) the employer’s discretion over■ April 15: NLRB trial on 12 unfair labor Appeals upholds denial of 10(j) injunction. all terms, and 3) a no-strike clause,” practice and bargaining complaints begins. Detroit and California cases. The Administrative Law Judge Thomas R. ■ Aug. 10: Full bargaining resumes courts ruled that McClatchy bar­the judges wrote. Wilks presides. Trial ends Oct. 2. between newspapers and all six union gained to a legal impasse and theft Despite being slapped down by the locals under auspices of a federal mediator. Court of Appeals, McClatchy ■ Aug. 27: NLRB board upholds most of the illegally imposed the merit pay plan, decisions by Wilks and Kocol. while judges have ruled the Detroitappealed the ruling to the U.S. ■ Feb. 14: Unions make unconditional Supreme Court. offers to return to work, ending work stop­ ■ Sept. 2: Newspapers say they will appeal News never lawfully reached page. to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. impasse, instead conducting its bar­ Last June the high court refused to gaining in bad faith. hear it, without comment. SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 7 CELEBRATE LABOR D/ Fun for the w Detroit — Monday, September 7,1998 10:00 a.m.: PARADE 10:30 a.m.: LABORFEST (Kern Block, Woodward & Monroe) LABORFEST MOONWALK MUSIC STAGE CHILDREN’S TENT Face Painting B a llo o n s BILLY DUNK THE BOSS! Our Dunk Tank Will Benefit Locked-Out & BRAGG Newspaper Workers Featuring songs £rom CHECK OUT THE RACE CARS, NEW VEHICLES, his new hit CD of SIMULATED OFF-ROAD WoodyGuthrie songs, DRIVING EXPERIENCE "Mermaid Avenue” AND MORE with union autoworkers at the UAW- Chrysler, Ford and GM Exhibits Plus HOW FAST CAN YOU S.H.A.P. BAND / SEIU LOCAL 79 GOSPEL DRIVE A NAIL? CHOIR/ BENNY CRUZ Y LA BUENA Test your skills against VIDA/ DETROIT FEDERATION OF MUSI­ journeymen and apprentice CIANS’ MARCHING BAND/ ELISE carpenters at this popular exhibit BRYANT and VOICES Live Theater at the OF SOLIDARITY UAW-CHRYSLER AND a special Rappin’, Jammin’, Singin’, LABOR HISTORY Recitin’, Good-Timin’ Labor Tent ______THEATER ______CHAT AND CHEW GOOD FOOD w ith JIM HIGHTOWER Hot Dogs, Beer, Hamburgers, Live Broadcast of His National Beer, Soda Pop, Radio Show over the United Ice Cream and More! Broadcasting Network Billy Bragg will appear Tuesday, September 8,It’s All Happening in with political satirist Barry Crimmins and Downtown Detroit composer/folksinger Len Wallace, to benefit Locked-out Detroit Newspaper Workers, Labor Day, 1998* Majestic Theater, 4140 Woodward, Detroit. For Information Call (313) 833-9700 (3 1 3) 8 9 6 - z e o o PAGE 8 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 6, 1998

• ? * ■ - May we continue to show a united front, not only on Labor Day,d H but throughout the year!

Officers and Members of Journal photo by SHAWN D. ELLIS The Strike Center is abuzz with activity after pilots parked their jets Aug. 29. Northwest Airlines, pilots talk about talking

By Shawn D. Ellis the night the strike began, although Journal S taff Writer both sides met Tuesday with U.S. The National Mediation Board wasSecretary of Transportation Rodney scheduled to meet with NorthwestSlater. Airlines and its pilots on Saturday toOn Thursday Minnesota’s explore the possibility of future talksRepublican governor, Arne Carlson, in the 9-day-old strike by the Air Linecontinued to push for President Pilots Association. Clinton to intervene and halt the “The meeting could turn into strike. a negotiating meeting, but we are not“Without the Minnesota taxpayers’ Local Union 58, IBEW creating false expectations,” NMB offering their generous assistance in spokesman Jim Armshaw told the1991, there would be no profits to Detroit, Michigan Reuters news service. fight over, and there would be no The meeting comes at the end of aNorthwest Airlines,” he said. week when more than 27,000 Northwest officials said that the Jeff Radjew ski Northwest employees, includingairline and two small affiliated lines, Business Manager/Financial Secretary 8.000 in the Detroit area, were laid Express and Masaba, have canceled off and all domestic flights were can­more than 23,500 flights, costing the celed through Labor Day.airline $243 million. International flights have been can­“It would be nice if they brought Bruce Burton celed through Tuesday. that money to the table instead of Joseph F. Abdoo The systemwide layoffs includednegotiating in the media,” said ALPA President Vice President mechanics, customer-service repre­spokesman Steve Richardson, a 19- sentatives, ground workers and year all Northwest pilot based in 11.000 flight attendants. Detroit. On Friday, flight attendants rallied “We hope that this will jum p-start, Robert Brazen Dennis McCann at a dozen airports, includingthe talks,” Richardson said, referring Detroit, sounding their travel alarmto Saturday’s meeting with the Treasurer Recording Secretary clocks at 1 p.m. EDT. That was billed National Mediation Board in by organizers as a “wake-up call” toChicago. But he said he didn’t “have Northwest management. a lot of optimism that it will.” Craig Merrilees, a spokesperson The U.S. Department of for Teamsters Local 2000, which rep­Transportation ordered Express and Examining Board resents Northwest flight attendants,Mesaba, which had temporarily sus­ Executive Board is disappointed by the layoffs. pended operations on Wednesday, Joseph P. Finazzo James D. Carlone “The layoffs will further prolongback into service. Federal law pro­ Chairman Mark F. Nicholson the airline’s start-up after a settle­ hibits the suspension of service with­ ment with the pilots,” Merrilees out filing a 90-day notice of intent, Thomas J. Pridmore said. which had not been filed. Elaine A. Crawford He referred to contract language Express and Mesaba pilots are that gives flight attendants sevenmembers of the ALPA, but they are Thomas L. Donahue, Jr. days to report to work after an initialnot part of the Northwest bargaining Robert Whyte 96-hour notification period if theunit. Northwest does not own the strike should go until next Saturday.lines. Orland Burbey Meanwhile, no negotiations between the pilots and Northwest Reuters news service contributed to management have taken place sincethis report. SEPTEMBER 6, 1998 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL PAGE 9

National Association of LetterCarriers

— — Association of Letter Carriers salutes the

courageous members of the six local unions that

make up the Detroit Metropolitan Council of Newspaper Unions and

your solidarity in the ongoing struggle. I Vincent R. Sombrotto President

Your steadfast determination in the fight for justice has been an

inspiration for the entire labor movement.

100 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001-2144

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