sffiq q(YI qNl-{ va Rren 3i-grrFl-l qcsn- €qt-t zs / 1 - zorc-rc(t +) / zorc dgt=t\F' : fui6' : 08 qfd, 2019 1e (vo* qdYr ereqriqr trf, 3Tfuqq-fl qicqt-st qfr i{il-{ @-t trqfufuo o'r q++ref w enqq{o. o-rffi iE iRf,:- 1- qfuq, rrtTfl s{o-R, qrqq dfltl-{ ft-fil-fl qTrf,q, va Rm fuTrr, qn{s rr+q, T$ ftd-r1ooo1 2- u5u vfuo/qfuq, qrqlfttnft /fuf, /q1ffi6lffi fu+il-rl, BRR triqr

qR|q I

3- rge ufu+/qfuq, furH srTrlfuTr;t sfuE, sf,{ triqr I qur+rFT, q-+qr 4- sTqr 5q Hfuq, sft e-dlhqft, KR t 5- qFdq, ffiqroq ci-Eqn 3Tr*rr, sdrE{ q-E q.F{ q-'f, T€ ffi-t looo2

(qrro) r q-'f, 6- qFdq, fdftqqTq frF qtrg.fi {F|qffifiq, ftilqqTrd 6tc-dr Ti ftd-t 1ooo2 q-.i, 7- sq-s Hfoq, qfq q|)fud 3fitr gtr€q-r, 21 lTsuT \d-q s-ig{ T$ frd-t 1ooo2 ;qFfif,q, 8- {fdqR wKcl, g@ oqlqg[s I

e- {futEn, v@ qnttcru, dcrls' qtsftd, dcms I q-iqr, 10- ftiq-o, vq ftren, s.srq rqFrq|q t 11- erq{ qfoq, RTstI sa Rren qRsE, gk{r rltFr, 6sqgt-226001

12- Frfr qfuq, rto sq gqq*, €Kr triqr I

grrwT I 13- e-d-sEq, {r.'q ftsqfuqrf,q, BKlq tr*r qlrsq 14- qrf

16- qff wrSa t

Uni. Amendment U.O ftffio oz qrd, zotg d vf,q [tql 3I{TTEIrqq rlurc d frETrft qRRr€ d qrrl qFr-z d ralu-s (o) fr 3n-qrq s-oTR[d f,6ql I

gf,{ qEeT PT|-{{q frqT-fi $gqrJT-1 vjql-st o / z g-fr-t-to-z@)t / zoto c{El=fs-: ftfq: ot qd, zotg

3TDqq-dT c\^,,- tq tqEl

qf{a oT Hfreilq d 3{x-"C{ ztz d rsw (r) H-{r q(f, PTfrd oT q-q)-rT zn-{d {r-\'qq-d q-6Teg g[iT Frq-furVd sf,q q-iRT Rr.'q ffisroq (ffiqi) 3Teqts, 2o1s (vmv e'ePT eiwr?n €cqT 1 1rI zoto) frNr-$ B@ Rwt GilgqTrt--1 srTrwF-f, s.q t qqF+ro t !-c.ilR-d fuqT rtqT B d gs slHqz-il ari trfr€rqr

tlqq (9\. elrs--# rt-h-q qcqT-st o(t ) zg-fr-r-r g-z(o-)r / zor e, tr{.Rql-6 qfrfrE Fmifm( oi qanef gq 3ilqs{o- oTffir ig iRd'- qtq 1- rto gs .i*, s"rq l

2- Urs sfu-q. sfr< s-+vt e[-rrq t q-tqT erw gw w.fuq, vz? RTeil 3i-5qrq-r, sifl{ Y[-$q I q''.il., 4- qu wfu+, frulq sf,{ !-iqr I qRq-q, s- ryu wfuo, fruTq soq r*qT I

6- r1qrT frieTo, vmq s-eYr t q-uqq-A qirT T- ryu vrfu+, +ft , sfr'{ t B- frfu q-{Rff gr-dordq, voq trtYr rlfuqroq t q-tPT e- {ffiq ord eryp1-'1, sf,t T{fufld-q t

'lo- +ilEI 3r5rilrf-5, strq riqT rlfu-fld-q t 1i- fttu-fr sriqm-2, soq !'-+Yr r+fu.qe-q , ar_ ,i, #.)\il.v

o o ]\Ie B\ (3xfr< e5q frm-tt) qiTqqff fr.e)q rr.trq G elq{ ffq | Bdq s-+ql {|q ffiqroq (*fviltrq; stqf*t, 2o1e [vot trtqr sTtar+sr €qr L 11 2o1e] (,riso rfur{fvq d q-f,{d qd q {fG{Mrd gm q-qtft-a) g-oq triqr qr.Jq ffiqraq 3rftfrqq, 1e73 o.I 3flKlq qYnt]-{ o.{i a fun sT TATT

qd fu Q-S EF qtvq fuTtq qusET 1Tf, i TS t et.{ lltrqqr-d o-r {{fltllq d.rfl t qRR-fu fr-flqrq g ftil-q-d o-Rur v€ gR-{ oIffi 61;IT sTlcl-{qcD d I-rrT t; gRI qlfrf,qi sTdqq, stat, tt* oT dfrET1-q d xndq 2rc d s!-s (r) tr(f, 6-l q-qY,T o-.d, \rvzltll-d Frqfufud sTsqtql trcqTfud o-Ei d '- r{flgw qq 1. q6 Gilqreqr sdt rtv1 {rq (wh51 3ftqfivt, 2o1e o-6I

qI-gIIT I scil TelT 2. --. risr qrsq fteqfr-qroq 3rfqfrqq, rc73, R 31T') Tl efiF=w 3rfuftq-q €cql o-6I rril t, 4t qrEt 4 ii, sqqm (r-o) fr, 29 sI 1974 "qin|3l-E" q-6T q{ gt{t (c trw (s) fr, Rr< o-tr 3il-qT d, d {qFI :r< qsrR{Ytfua "Grq\qr" Ts fufl qr*qT; q{ 3il-i gc: (u) eus q q-q "g-dr6rqrq qr-q Mq-s-Hq, gclT6TqK" d tq-q 3rftffi-f, \ / ,,'e[r]qlqF) {|Ecfr q-( fti6 (gq rs1) friq-aFilrf,q, rqFf{M" {s fri 3TBftqq $iuqr qfiii; "Gq *-u-s qil fri qdn, qsriq :- H .H ;'# (.T) trw C) t w"rq, ffidtud {isiq-{ ,,1g) Vr frRqfrqidq, ffi l]El{qgq n.'q fti{qfts.rd-q, q-d|-{qg{ d sq ii qt;tT uil+ql-;" ,,F) G ffiilt-f,{, t 3rq-qq-6 qr-q 6q-qF+ildq, GTrqflrd d 5q q qFII GTTITT;.. ql?lq, qr-{ 50 or Grfrhqq at eTRi 50 q, sqEIRI (r-e.) d F|-=Ifufu-a trtrrtri 3. {d s-q*lriTq q.GT a cT*ft, gafq :- "(r-q) G6l e?F fu q*l qr*t d 3Tfiq tril-{rg{ {lvq ffisl_dq, qqq 1T6rr{g{ of qarl qRM q e;il fr c.rq, dq ecn dqft ftr6 ffiqro-q, n-{d o1 qRFrqqrq-fr, fifl fu qE sftT o1 {erqil d fifi gf g_{n ,ft, i-e 3r-Ja^-E-n 3il-{ sqrd-r'il d erq'eft-q gq] q{ d|Il E\ft fflr fu {fGq \q-*h-R sTHqq-qT ErlT uldfua 6-t l" "(r-u) qq nc5 fu qq ITRI d eTfi{ slTqqTE {-vri ffiqff,s, qargi GtTcqI-B of qzrq qRFrqqrqfr q e;il fr qrq, dq ecn f,-{ qRFrqqr+fr, q-6 B-ffi Ri6 Wfq-d ffiqrcW drq5 a fr{n fu frrqfrepq et {elTq=il d ft-fi Td e-gtr eft, tt er-Jfr^-d-fr 3ilq sqt-ili"il d Glsqstf{ gfl q( otrl drft +{fl fu {-Gq e-{cn.f{ 3Tf}q"-qT gxr gqdfu.a o-f t" ,({ 52 4T 4. 3Thftqq e1 eTrtr s2 q, sqqq. (z-q) q:qq \-r

(9 oq lr-cq o o1 q.fu d q*II-q qq ffiifua efrfuqT, {flr+fil-{ sq fr q+.ft, GTefa ,- 123 6. do {Fr q-+rER ft:-qfrere-q, sru)tzT egq+1, r)-sT 3ir gdTr:i c., \ | \tl C'l O oq nwt-g q{ sq-qulm +i oteft efr d renq qq ffirfun qfuM vs fr qri.ft, GTqfq ,- "g q6t-gq fiq RJE WIE-o Mq-qmq, d-rg{

(q-o) GTlurrild Tlcrr Mereq, 3nqrTd, T;frgi $1--qyi sil{ Ts. Gluril-d o1 qefiqqr fi e-o ffi yrsrl ((}) 3il\'Frl-d M-areq, Trfrg{ 3fl--q 6-qgq ffi 3Trsflc; o1 tgnq{r Ei qd q{ (9 oq scq. p 6 qhfuqi d rerq qq ffi1fun sftpq1, wgrrr {q fr qrf{ft, GTerlo :-

2 (r-q, fuqfuqT-irq, q-{nrrm s-qFmq ffi (s) qqqkT o-q scqr 14 o ftqfufud frq M qdr fi qd'ft,

{r-cq frwfuqro-q. s6n-rg{ Gil.{ qnrft ffi5qtD5I-fIR, "16. sTrcITrrd {rurl frrqfugreq, qrqrr,r.d eil--g q-s. ffi srTqlrr.d" ofufl-gqi o) 6. ('') oq qrfrtq, sdr-gqg{ srsq frT4F+qroq, W fu-fl,q[qT s6|-{-{Tr dar oil-qrrfd vrsq ffiq|-dq, Grrclqrrd of qedMfl + sqtra ofrqTi 'rrcre fuft o) w o-{i d no-sq*f, fr Tflpra sil-+fl gRr q-d fr+qT t Hdrft fu.Xa.cTfufu{q d sqqq W o-rn-qfu t, C ail-eql q Anmw A eT-J-6.d-iT qd qRq-R, YQ, F d Gftqefrq t qRcdq * -io d sq g 6I, TS€ T6 sTlclrqo qt qqrft v+fi-fiq r{q-$, eti , q{g q6 fu tFT oN err-iqr, Rf{ q-Aq. {|-Gq ffiqrf,q (qyr)qq) srqr+fl, zorg d er$q *i d f,{ilo t E} q{ ; "."," ,fffiB ci*{ qft m* uqr eiltsr, --;;.; q-cn-f, strT d vrqn rqr qrlqr t GISLATI PLEME Y. DATED RCH. 07 POSITIVELY


No. 5 1 0 (2) 17 9-Y -I-r9-2(ka)Il20I9 Lucknow: Dated: March 07 ,2019 NOTIFICATIOIN Miscellaneous In pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the of the constitution of the Governor is pleased to order the publication following English translation of the Rajya Vishwavidyalaya of 2019) (Sanshodhan) Adhyadesh, 2OIg (Uttar Pradesh Adhyadesh Sankhya I " promulgated by the Governor. The Uchcha Shiksha Anublrag-1 is administratively concerned with the said Ordinance' (Here print the annexed)

By order,

Sanjai Khare, Pramukh Sachiv

N0.510 (3)/79-V-1- 19-2(Ka)1/2019 of date to Copy forwarded for information and necessary action '- 1 . MukhYa Mantri, Uttar Pradesh' 2. Mukhya Sachiv, Uttar Pradesh Shasan' UpperMukhyaSaclriv,UchclraShikshaAnubhag-l,UttarPradeslrSlrasan. 4. Prarnukh Sachiv, Vidhan Sabha, Uttar Pradesh' 5. Prarnukh Sachiv, Vidhan Parishad, Uttar Pradesh' 6. Soochna Nideshak, Uttar Pradesh' 7, Pramukh sachiv, Rajyapal , Uttar Pradesh' 8.VidlriParamarslriPustaka|aya,IJttarPradeshSaclrivalaya. g. SansadiYa Karya Anubhag-i 10. Bliasha Anubhag-5, Uttar Pradesli Sachivalaya' I l. Vidhayi Anubhag-2, Uttar Pradesh Sachivalaya By order, {. }-r.,'. (Arvind shra-ll) oe \o: \\q Vishesh Saachiv Evam Upper Vidhi Pararnarshi' ORDINANCE'2019 THE UTTAR PRADESH STATE UNIVERSITIES (AMENDMENT) (U.P. Ordinance no. L 2019) Seventieth Year of the Republic of India] [Promulgated by the Governor in the AN ORDINANCE

1973' further to amend the Uttar Pradesh state Universities Act' WHEREAStheStateLegis|atureisnotinsessionandtheGovernorissatisfiedthat to take immediate action ; circumstances exist which render it necessary for him by clause (1) of Article 213 of the NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred promulgate the following ordinance :- constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to Pradesh state universities (Amendment) Short title 1- This ordinance may be called the Uttar Ordinance, 2019. Act, 1973, hereinafter referred to Amendment 2. ln section 4 0f the Uttar Pradesh state Universities of section 4 sub-section (1-A)'- of as the principalAct, in President's occurring the word "Ayodhya" Act no.10 (a) in clause (b) for the word "Faizabad' whereever of 1973 as shall be substituted; amended and re- (b)inc|ause(g)forthewords''A.||ahabadStateUniversity,A||ahabad''thewords enacted bY ,,Professor Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj,' sha|| be U.P. Act no. Rajendra 29 ot 1974 substituted. namely :- (c) after c|ause (h), the fo||owing c|auses sha|| be inserted, saharanpur;" ,'(i) a University to be known as saharanpur state University, Azamgarh;'' .,(j) a University to be known as Azamgarh State University,

(1-E), the fo||owing sub-sections sha|| Amendment 3. In section 50 of the principa| Act, after sub-section of section be inserted, namely :- 50 saharanpur are ,,(1-F) Until the First statutes of the saharanpur state University, of chaudhary charan made under this section, the statutes of the University the establishment of the singh University, Meerut, as in force immediately before saidUniversitysha|lapp|ytoitsubjecttosuchadaptationsandmodificationsas the State Government may, by notification' provide'" Azamgarh are ,,(1-G) Until the First statutes of the Azamgarh state University, of made under this section, the Statutes of the University Purvancha|University,Jaunpur,asinforceimmediatelybeforetheestab|ishment and of the said University shall apply to it subject to such adaptations provide'" modifications as the State Government may, by notification, (2-D) the following sub-sections Amendment 4. In section 52 of the principal Act, after sub-section of section 52 shall be inserted, namelY .- University, saharanpur ,,(2-E) Until the First ordinances of the Saharanpur state University of Chaudhary are made under sub-section (2), the ordinances of the CharanSinghUniversity,Meerut,asinforceimmediate|ybeforetheestab|ishmenl ofthesaidUniversity,sha||app|ytoitsubjecttosuchadaptationsand by notification provide'" modifications as the state Government may,

"(2-F)untiltheFirstordinancesoftheAzamgarhstateUniversity'Azamgarharemade undersub-section(2),theordinancesottn"UniversityofVirBahadurSingh the establishment of the purvanchal university, Jaunpur as in force immediately before saidUniversity,shallapplytoitsubjecttosuchadaptationsandmodificationsasthe StateGovernmentmay,bynotificationprovide.'' - Amendment 5. In the Schedule to the principal Act, of Schedule entries shall be substituted' p1 forthe entries appearing at s ,rial no.2, the following namelY:- "2. Chaudhary Un (i) Until the establishment of t SaharanPur State Universi saharanPu' and shamli 'aharanPur Bhaghpat' Bulandshahr' (ii) Upon the establishment of the Districts of SaharanpurStateUniversity,GautamBuddhaNagar'Ghaziabad' SaharanPur HaPur and Meerut shall column-wise be substituted' (b) for the entries at serial no.6, the following entries namely:-

istrrcts of Ambedkar Nagar, 6 DffidorRarn Manohar Lohia Bahraich, Bara Banki, Avadh UniversitY, AYodhYa Ay.odhya, Gonda and SultanPur

(c)fortheentriesappearingatserialno.gthefollowingentriesshallbesubstituted' namelY :- - "9. Vir Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University' Jaunpur Azamgarh, Ghazipur, (i) Unti| the estab|ishment of the Districts of Azamgarh State University, Jaunpur and Mau Azamgarh Ghazipur and Jaunpur (ii) upon the establishment of the Districts of Azamgarh State UniversitY, Azamgarh

(d)fortheentriesatserialno.l2,thefollowingentriesshallcolumn-wisebesubstituted' namely:-

a m b i, str'r of F ate h p u r, Ka u s h i n g h cts 12 P roGe s s o rr-of Raj e n d ra S E-i (Rajju BhaiYa) UniversitY, Pratapgarh and PraYagraj Prayagraj

sha|| be inserted, name|y :- (e| after the seria| no. 14, the fo||owing seria|s of Muzaffar Naga "15. SaharanPur State UniversitY, District SaharanPur and Shamli SaharanPur Districts of Azamgarh and Mau "16. Azamgarh State University, Azamgarh (1) The State Government may, forthe purpose of removing any difficulty in relation to the establishment of the Saharanpur State University, Saharanpur and Azamgarh State University, Azamgarh by order published in the Gazette, direct that the provisions of the principal Act shal] during such period, as may be specified in the order, have effect subject to such adaptations, whether by way of modification,

addition or omission as it may deem to be necessary or expedient : Provided that no such order shall be made after two years from the date of commencement of the Uttar Pradesh State Universities (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019. (2) The order issued under sub-section (1) shall be laid before each house of the State Legislature

Ram Naik Governor, Uttar Pradesh