PRICE FIVE CENTS, House FANCY DRESS PARTY. A MOONLIGHT ROW. ! I took a Merriconeag BAILEY ISLAND COTTAGERS girl for a moonlight row On the House tnttrt of Ouoo Hay. Merriconeag HELD FORTH AT COTTAGE Tfc« boob iboM down with k>riniut glow. SoutH Me. HALL Harpswell, RECENTLY. At Along the rood with footstep* ik»«. South To tko Me. boot we wndad our way. Harpswell, GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Large Attendance and The little GEO. W. Jr., Prop. Many Unique girl's heart «H cheery a»d light CAMPBELL, Jr.. Prop. Coetumee Worn. At tko sorry birds that fly; iad iho Mid, "I love to row at night The exclusive cottage set on Whoa the Bailey wator reflect* the gorgeous light Inland is Hill talking of the elaborate Of tho boob in the starlit thy." dress ball fancy given at the Casino Oor tlay boat skipped silently Far on the 2Gth. The pretty ballroom was out into the bay; Aad k>! all was *till oa that handsomely adorned with palms and restless sea, Aad bo oao was there bat her and mo potted plants and from the centre of Aad the boob in Its onward way. the ceiling were hung numberless Tho water, which looked by day so bright. streamers of many-colored bunting, Was weird and culd and black; And tho making a dome of rainbow hue under little girl, with a shudder of fright. which Thought of the terrible monsters that the effect of the dazzling cos- j might Be lying in wait in our track. tumes, gliding here and there, to the But with confident dulcet strains of the Casino orchestra, ; words and accents mild, 1 bid ber was bewildering and enchanting to the : have no fear; And the man ia eye. At midnight a toothsome repast the myon looked down aed > mi was served, followed by a cotillion led. As if he would which lasted into the wee small hours. nay, "I am here, my «bil«*. And naught can harm The dainty and costly favors were dis- j you while I'm near." R. with pensed by Mrs. A. Thorp. Miss Jo- Thnn fears dispelled and face aglow, Bho looked on sephine Flint, and Mwed Admiral and family and *alt breeze* of oar "LamSOn Prints" are Dewey'* flair- of own homo Montclalr, N. J.. and Mr. A. B. Charming Spot. coa*t. her ahlp Olympla at the engagement of hearer* were con*tralned and novel Paton of who were on once here, many articles well suited for Sou- Manila Bay. and afterward made a Ware, Mas*., Signs of the end the more with Mr*. their of season are Wlgg* to reckon way to Island were cruise of HS.WK) miles on the cnilaer Bailey beginning to appear, and np their ble**lng*. count venir purposes. A dozen Post Cards will be of the already them one by among party who stayed at the *«n«* the one. In order to Brooklyn, vlaitlng . Port of most popular young peo appreciate the *itm Merrlconeag House on total. great interest to you and friends when Arthur and many eastern porta. Sunday night pie have set sail from the wharf for Flr*t, mu*t come the your you account of the steamer here of the thought stopping the last time In this summer *upreme of Instead of good of b)e*«lng health, the reach home. MAINE going through Pott's health and STATE FAIR. 1905. Miss Helen Darling. Eduardo *trength which we gather Channel In the storm and darkness. and and Miguel Ijopez and Norman Hunt *tore away for the long *huMn Our Line is The famou* Mr. and Mm. Carroll I Swan are some month* of Unsurpassed. Maine State Fair of In- of of the first to go from among Ire and *now, of cloned exhauatabln amuaement and Boaton «p#»nt a few her©. Mr. the room* and artificial NOTE:—Wb»n in our we Invite pleaaant- days younger set, and will be heat. and for the neighborhood, yoo to oite Swan Is they Ijr exciting entertainment open* at special advcrtlHnr agent and much missed. Mrs. Fred due performance of the oar Public De«k. P. Wilson datlea, large Writing I^ewlaton next al*o New and Toeaday for four day*. England representative for return* to h*r winter home In Maiden, iimall, with which those huay The card several ma*a/.ln#»« and montha are rartnjr la an exceptionally newspapers. Monday. Mr. Wilson Is In Michigan full. Next, to aome, romea nood one and Thejr left for Har the many Oaaco Bay people Harbor Tuesday. on his way to Vancouver, B. C. laying down of care, the dropping are planning to attend. There la Mr*. Miss Into the the Campbell. Campbell. Mrs. ^^W^TffieTrToO^wiSjniM- playtime npliit. aenae of WILLIAM W. nothing eqnal to the Starr and the Misses er* freedom and CO., many attractlona. Pomeroy took a properly appreciate yotir leisure, the reat, or the \ROBERTS horae privilege] and oxen trial*. domeatlr ani- to Caaco Caatle In enjoyment of aome trip Friday. The baring thin beautiful coaat farorlte pursuit. mal* drive of| To the dlaplay. track rarea. acrobatic to Rrnnawlck and car trip to the Malno no aeceaalbte to mothers and fathera there la STATIONERS. your home* an the feat*. vaudeville. etc. etc.. of the Caatle made a diversion a constant of pleaaant from mimraer report,-1 remarked a Tlnltor joy seeing the little I^ewlaton Maine State Fair, the lead- the nsaal motor boat method of reach- from onea grow brown and 233 Middle St., PORTLAND, ME Indiana, the other day, aa from sturdy and In* agricultural fair of the atate of In* The took dinner the ahadow hearty In the aafe Freeport. party of a grove of away In* companionship of Kaine. and returned In the afternoon. *he pine* gazed acroaa tb» wtlH Continued on Page 2. awarded were among those left over prompt a OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. frolics, picnics, old songs surprise party was tendered Captain from the Field day exercises. The and new the Jokes; fun of moonlight Mayo last Monday evening by the proceeds netted will be put with the and or all QUESTS STILL COMING AND GO- sunlight; made glad snd children of the Island, who are Indebt- The Ocean View fund for next season. Ray Webber good with the wine of Hotel ING AT THIS POPULAR IS- airy youth. Is ed to htm for so many delightful the genial and accomodating clerk at it matter for great wonder if some- hours spent on the ever-popular BAILCY LAND HOUSE. the house was in charge of the even* times a shadow of ISLAND. ME. wistfulness hovers "Iris." "Emerald City" was prettily tag's entertainment. Following are the about the older faces as they perhaps decorated for the occasion, and after winners and recall a of WALTER D. CRAFTS. <8X Many Visitors Com* Dally, Attracted prizes. youth sombre flower, be- refreshments had been Prop. Manager. fore the served, Capt. GENTLEMEN. gladness and good of was By ths Far Reaching Reputa- holiday Mayo presented with a handsome First Alfred E. of making had captured the hearts of watch charm tion prize—Mr. Lunt as a souvenir of the of Landlord Craft's Table. the people, when a Beveriy; pine sofa cushion. 24 points. vacation at the summer. Games and songs filled in beach was the of Oliver H. Ingalls. conductor for many Second prize—Mr. Calder of Port- luxury the rich the evening. Those who took part alone and when often years on the Consolidated (N. Y., N. land; a bronze souvenir mirror, 22 the portion of were Miriam and Donald Hosmer, labor was regarded as H. £ H. R. R.) road, of the fast five points. being peculiar- Gwenydd Weller, Grace Dexter, Miri- ly fitted for youthful hour Boston. New York train stopped Third prize—Mr. Merriman. Port- shoulders. am and William Senter, William Mic- Hard is It ever one of here last week with his wife snd two land; sterling silver scissors. 22 points the long, long klejohn. Dorothy Upson. Hermann, thoughts which, tbe daughters. Conductor Ingalls Is a Fourth prize—Mr. Bedell, Hasbrock. poet says, come Bertha and Ethel Bibo, Marian and to the heart of youth, the resident of Franklin, Mass.. and his N. J.. cut glasj candle holder, 22 thought that Dorothy Stock, Alma Heald, Margaret all good things are wife a cousin of Landlord Craft's. points. earned, either by and Evelyn Swett, Anita and Margar- Individual effort. or This was their flrst visit to Bailey's LADIES. vicariously, et Brooks. Grace Nutter, May Guppy, through the of and they declare it without a peer offering time and Helen Compton. First prize—Mrs. C. A. Rogers. and among vacation resorts for true nat- strength good-will by others? silver souvenir 23 That Mrs. Harrison and the Misses Nellie ural Dorchester; spoon. we cannot even live in a summer beauty. and Lucy Harrison. Mr. Hosmer and points. cottage, or stay at a summer Mrs. Clara Crafts of Franklin. Mass. hotel, family, and Miss Helen Second prize— Mrs. R. J. Pickard, unless a number of as Darling have wife Mr. people pleasure- returned of I.aurin 1>. Crafts, is stop- of a to their homes in Hasbrock. N. J., China plate, loving possibly at heart as we. Pawtucket, ping at the Ocean View for a few 22 give R. L |N>lnts. up their- sunny months to hard and days. Mr. Porter and wife and disagreeable labor, bending over hot Mr. Orne The hotel will remain open until stoves and and wife of Free at the Mr. C. A. Rogers of Dorchester, steamy washtubs. once port are Merrill at least the middle of the month for a few in Mass.. with his son Walter C. Rogers ours that are not used in play (and cotage days. order to accommodate many, who are makes registered here Saturday last to that all the difference in the Mr. Carberry and family hove re- here now and also several bookings spend Labor Day with Mrs. Rogers, navor of effort, as Tom Sawyer found turned to their home in Boston. -which are due this week. Under the who has been with us since early In out long ago), but for hard muscle- careful management of Mr. Crafts the August. Mr. Walter Rogers is well wearing strain, digging, and milking house has the season enjoyed best In known here and was for several sea- and reaping and hauling, planning, a The Ocean View u Its history from financial standpoint sons in of the social at the to a Its name Indicates commands a charge affairs bending strength load of care of wide sweeping view and Its class of tourists are the ocean and the shores of among the the house. -During the present sea- so that we may be carefree snd at Bailey Island. Beautifully situated best only three minutes walk of being that registered in Casco Bay. At son Mr. Rogers was at one ease. Sometimes the workers Island either steamboat and the fine sand clerking are Bailey head of beach at the all times the rooms were all our own ] the famous Mackerel Cove. nearly of the leading hotels on the Cape people, mothers, fathers, kin. taken. but was the The most August banner In Massachusetts. Do the girls and boys recognize the commanding site in Casco Bay. Large spacious trade 100 dining room, month. The table here Is favor- obligation then? The north accommodating persons, Thirty pleasant Mrs. T. J. Bisseil with her son, wind Luther I. of the sleeping rooms. Our table Is ed all over the country and Judging that Bonney Turner, Bates, peer of any In the Bay. An addition to the Cyril and Nina left for sings through the pine trees was the front of the hotel has been daughter Port- 1906. guest last week of Mrs. built a from the number that register here and to the giving chance for ten foot veranda and also an land will sighs away ocean these F. B. at her enlargement to the dinners and Thursday. They proceed Blgelow cottage at Little ladies parlor, which has been daily especially Sunday to August days seems to a refurnished and piano Installed. New Hampshire where they will suggest Harbor. our own We have also for his efforts for serving the best are doubtful private bath house at Mackerel Cove spend a few days before returning to reply, that what we know Beach for the exclusive use of appreciated. Mr. who has al- Capt. William Slnnett in the guests. If you are for an Crafts, their home best we know by and what yacht looking ideal summer place write us at once In Newark, N. J. This contrast, Flossie left for par ways the for the and then can Friday with a party of Ave ticulars. Rates $2.00 and $2.50 thought pleasure watt their third season they really know of love per day. on Mail here and they tourists bound for lected at the Weekly application. col- convenience of his guests has several and care and Barbor Harbor at hotel twice a will return next summer. comfort whom these day. Long distance telephone. again which will a Improvements In order for next sea- infold as an place they make visit. Mr. and things atmosphere, and son. Mrs. Chas. B. Hall and son Miss Alice Trad* at to whom they are as natural as the Knapp and Miss Alice Roland of Boston. Mass., registered air they breathe? Belt of Le wist on are the guests of for a week's Nevertheless In Saturday outing. >»rs. Beede at her this "place of healing" tin re also re- cottage for a L. M. YORK'S Mrs. George B. Hall of Manchester. cur week's visit ROBINHOOD INN. the words of a modern prophet, having arrived Saturday N. H., with her three children and last. a prophet to whom also there Bailey Island NOTHING DIMS THE mother. Mrs. Fred F. Abbott arrived came CHARMS OF a vision of a "land of far Capt. Humphrey S. Slnnett returned aid last for a visit here. Mrs. Broetry Haiti! THIS BEAUTIFULLY SITUA- Wednesday from which home after a distances," should come Sunday three week's We Abbott has been with us for several a always have what TED HOUSE. good message, and who under- sword Ashing cruise. His schooner seasons past. you want and are as stood that "a thousand Chas. W. Parker, is at at paths anchorage completely stocked as there are which have never been Mackerel Cove and is over- and Ever being any city store. as Sailing. Bathing Fishing walked, a thousand for Try healths and hid- hauled trawling season. on your next order. We Popular Here. THE HAMILTON. den islands of life. Unexhausted and Mrs. Gilford and daughter Mary of will "deliver goods to undiscovered all ever man On Friday a large of and the Auburn with the the amount of oo or party guests HOTEL CLOSES ABOUT SEPT. Misses Parsons and |6 the 15, human earth." And because over at from Inn left early in the morning "your Robert Harlow of the same city are tour nearest BUT WILL BE BUSY UN- thirst is to become on Captain Doughty's Minerva, for sacrifices and enjoying a short at the steamboat landing or at gifts outing Blge- Seguin Light. A most delightful visit TIL THAT TIME. yourselves; therefore it is that low cottage at the West End. your door if ycu have a ye thirst to all into local to the lighthouse made more pleas- heap riches your Mr. express. Prompt soul." Owen Havens of Rocky Hill, service urable an dinner while for Even the gifts of this sum- and satisfaction by appetizing Many Rooms Engaged 1906—Song Conn., with Mrs. and Miss mer land, the Humphrey guaranteed, for Freeh there, occupied the sailors all day. 8ervice strength, health, love of Sunday Evening. Poole are being entertained by Mrs. Meats and reached at 7.30 in. beauty, and the joy of life. Provisions. Fowl, etc. we are sure to Bailey's being p. Florence Ballou Poole at her villa Game, please you. Fruits and Garden on return A printed testimonial of the > Pioduce. Cigars and Tobacco. the trip. high The sojourners of Bustip's Island Edgecllff. Cigars by the box a specialty. appreciation of the We also Hardware, Paints and The of management of wfish to express their appreciation to cany Oily. Coal and Wood. Hard wood for incoming September has Miss Edith Howell of fires a open The Hamilton in this, its opening Miss E. Bangor. Pa., specialty. Dry Goods, Boots, Shofs and Rubber Goods. brought no terrors to Robinhood Inn Mary Patterson for the satis- of Delivery teams visit all year, has been to the is being entertained by Mr. parts Bailey Island. Public Fine lovers. The mild and beautiful given proprietor factory manner in which she has re- Riborg Telephone Exchange. house lots for sale in best lo- Mr. H. L*. and is Mann at his cottage here on Maiden cations. weather Hamilton hung in a ported the doings of the Island. It promises to continue through- Ijtne. Miss Howell neat frame over the Are There has been a arrived Satur- out the month. Life and re- place. source of pleasure and an- gaiety are afternoon and eighty-five names on the card rep- day will remain three main, and sailing parties are Indulged ticipation—especially to the younger resenting the whole United States, all to weeks. in each day. Everyone 1s drinking element, read the Bustin's Island of whom were guests column Mr. Mann of is her or his All of the unrivalled At- during August. in the Casco Bay Breeze. Riborg Chicago, a S. few with CHARLES A service spending his THOMAS 8.00 m. days lantic ozone so plentiful at this re- song at p. Sunday Capt. Mayo has added to the pleas- family evening was an at their summer home on Maiden sort. interesting event. ure of the Islanders by his courtesy Carpenter and Builder Capt. H. B. Connor announced the in Lane. The Frederick Ixtomis family of taking them on his yacht Iris. His singing and Miss Mansfield rendered B. C. Starr of Bailey's Island, Me. Portland, who have been here all sum- departure Tuesday caused much re- SpringAeld. Mass- pleasing music. Mr. Chas. Edwin gret. was the guest of his mother and sister mer, and who left here recently, re- Estimates on all Snow of East Orange, N. J., was heard at their home here recently. cheerfully given kinds of ceived the mot of This has been one of the most en- and All work bon( good-fellowship with much satisfaction in several bari- building repairing. under my personal supervision. at the wharf when joyable weeks of the season,—few de- The Seaside cottage will remain they departed. tone songs. The whole Inn turned out to cheer partures and many new faces. All open until October 1, In order to acco- The these popular guests. The Loomis's money raised at the recent the cottages are well filled. Indica- modate the large number of tourists THE minstrel show that are added much to the real enjoyment of has been applied to tions are that several new ones will desirous of remaining here. the of a set of The house all during their stay with us. purchase hymn books. be built in the early spring as the sea- under Mrs. Cram's care- ful WOODBINE AND A Reel last son has been one of most success- management has a most COTTAGES Another popular guest took a re- Virginia Friday evening the enjoyed was an occasion of ful. prosperous season and of the luctant departure this week: Mr. N. much hilarity. All many BAILEY'S ISLAND. the guests and guests were so pleased with their out- Putnam Page of Boston. Mr. Page participated most ex- The pier Is a favorite rendesvoux cellent music for the ing that they have rooms for Mrs. Humphrey S. came to four but dance was given for the youthful of Isaac engaged Slnnett. Prop. planning stay days disciples next was at the piano Mrs. W. W. of Walton, their year. so delighted with the Inn that by Broga displaying piscatorial Our bout* 1* eqnal lo to the Mass. Prof. anjr bay. Only % four week's Springfield, art. Fish are and catch- Sayre and family of Philadel- few mm a tea' eilk prolongation resulted. He running large from both wharves. Urn* es fine. phia who have been the sum- is an Insurance and Real Estate spending room*, from which a tine view of the Atlantic mer at the Johnson cottage will leave can oe had All dealer, and most lively and agreeable. The athletic field Is well patronized. klndaof sport* Indulged in by for home \ He will be universally missed. The golf links are specially fine, Saturday. oar Kueato. Bathing. Boating, and FUblng. No hotter table on numbers of the devotees of the sport Mrs. James G. Stetson with her two the Bay. Open June 1 to Oct. 1. Cousin's Island will Accommodate* 60. Kate* on are seen ambling over the green. daughters leave for Wayne. Me., Application* WOODBINE COTTA6E. In order that the A successful corn roast was held on Saturday morning young ladles commence their the rocks Friday night, which was at- may HOUSE WILL CLOSE SEPT. 10 AF- school studies The occupants of Island House tended by the elite of the Island. At with the opening of the fall term. Mrs. Stetson will TER SUCCESSFUL SUMMER'S Cottage took a sail in the yacht Fly- t..e termination of the feast, "The return ROBINHOOD and the to the island in a few to assist INN, BUSINESS. away Monday with Capt. A. C. Drink- Red Blue." the camp-fire song days her husband In the water. of the "Iris Club." was beautifully management of BAILEY ISLAND. rendered and the store. Many Rooms for Next Sea- Rev. Robert Dennison of Philadel- applauded to the echo. Miss J. E. Engaged Miss Massey, Prop. phia. the Miss Caroline of Alice Chandler of Wayne, Me., son. occupied pulpit at the Clark Cambridge, The most delightful and exr1n«W« ipot on the who has been Mr. and Mrs. chapel Sunday, taking for his text, Mass., Is visiting Mrs. Miller at Blde- visiting Island. Situated on the ea*t end In (nil view of the Mrs. Richard I^ee Martin of Larch- a-Wee. James G. Stetson for a ten out- "Where two ways met." day's ocean. Beautiful pine grove* and walk* aronnd the mont Manor. N. Y.. will arrive Fri- ing left for Harpswell where house. The it Several There Is a movement on Tuesday boui« modern In every respect—toilet*, guests from the Ridge foot to she day to be the guest of Mrs. Sinnett for will be entertained by relatives bath, and »* oo House enjoyed a to Isl- erect another large apartment house sewerage. Term*, to tlt.OV per an extended Mrs. trip Bailey's before home. wMk. sojourn. Martin is and on Crab Island. Some returning Monday, returning by way of people are on the daughter of Mrs. W. S. Allen. Charles S. Circular* application. Ix>ng Island. oposed to' it, as it would give too Thomas, the trusty con- Mrs. George W. Spring and daugh- much of the urban tractor. is making the hammers Mrs. K. J. Hamilton and of appearance to the fly ter 'Dorothy of New York left family district. on the two new residences he Is con- Monday The Naples spent a few days Bay for Boston where they will make a recently structing on Bailey's. One is for Mr. at Woodford*. The score for 9 holes was lowered visit with relatives before Harmon York, the other for Mr. returning on the golf course last MIhs Ella and Master George Mount- week by Mr. Frank home, who Doughty. mere fort of West have Hosmer, made the round in 31. Rock Mr. J. H. Falmouth been House Small. Jr.. and party of The score of holes was as Proprietor Walter D. Crafts Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill. follows: Littlejohn'3 Island, Me. Washington, D. C., who have been at strongly contemplating errectlog for Charles Freeman of Holes 12 3 456789 G. H. the house for a month's visit left for the Baxter Total next season an eight-room annex cot- Hamilton, Prop. block. Portland is at Score 333354 3 42 home Saturday last after a delightful Mr. S. Hamil- 31 tage on the north-east corner of his situated ton's for a week. Beautifully one hundred with us. The course hotel outing is shorter than the aver- present property, next to Maiden feet above tea level, miles E. I,ane. only eight Miss Place of Providence, R. I., Ralph Hamilton of Cambridge ar- age, being about 1.500 yards In length. Such an addition will do much from Portland. Island rived ^ Littlejobn"* with a of at The Naples Sunday. The to accomodate the tide of aooanas wun old party fourteen friends were usual Sunday services were growing grsnd sprace and guest* each to this flr trees, which give their ozone to mix with sea here to dinner one dsy last week. Osborne L. Hamilton and of held In the grove last coming year fine air, forming a rare and family Sunday. Rev. hotel. moat combination. This island MlssPlace was a at the Portland visited his Frank enjoyable ia connected by bridge with Cous- guest house parents. Mr. and Garfield preached an instruc- ■ bM last Mrs. Charles John E. Osborne ■n within eaty season. Hamilton at Susquesong tive sermon on the teat, "As thy day and Charles E. LT!*,' "n gotd«»n the School Eaat Boston and MIm We think tble will accurately dlepeneed. train for New Tork. | sir. good brown earth, Ma**., her explain why you meet eo of our They have been Oeogla B. of Free Lynn. attending *l*ter. Mr*. ore at thle many Hummer visit- and amaM paddljr waves. To them, also Carry port were at ttore. at the hotme alnre early in and the Watimbek A. H. McKenney, of that city, who la July It mar he, and Thnmday. were ao their Discipline. the good 111. Mr*. wa* pleaaed with Rammer A. Buck danjceroti*ly McKenney hidden heart of 8e1f-denla1. And to W. man haa joined hla outing that they engaged their rooms In charge of the kitchen department the girls and family at the for ne*t aeaaon born of kindergarten up Onppy cottage, They at the Ocean View hotel the BUY DRUGS to will daring HERE. college age thw la and return to their home In Eaat Boa- Mra. fun. more *ea*on of 1904. and made many H. Otto Rurkhardt returned fun. and still fun. ton Our The fnn of perfect Saturday. friend* while here at the hou*e fountain, with It's clean and here early la«t week to flnlah her of Inritlng surrounding*, extends a freedom, care-lesaness to begin Mr*. Sarah of tempting invitation to the warm and tired vacation. Mra. Rurkhardt wan called the Aekroyd Maiden. Contractor Charle* 8. Thomas has shopper. with, fun of doing thing", of swim Ma**., la the gneat of home from here on account Mra. Fred Wil- the new house which he Is the of the ming and nailing and son. erecting rowing, of play- Harmon audden lllnea* of her huaband. ing tennis and baseball for York, well under way. and golf, and Mr. Win. T. Power* a whlat of haa returned to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Roache left Saturday evening party waa learning how; the fnn of being to- hta home In In Maplewood. Ma**, after Wednesday Brown given the mualc room, twenty-four gottier, stirring up old memories morning for their home la and a tarry at his cottage. Turner, *mS of the gueat* part. The prlxea atorlng up new ones; fan taking the of Im Being the ere of \ his departure, a (Continued on Page 7.) A WOVAN'5 SUFFERINGS.

Wrak, IrrvcnUr. It»rk*l With Mad* a Wotl ad M PoumU MMVl«r. Mrs. E. W. Wriybt. or 172 Main SL, Haverhill. Mas*., u;i: "In 18US 1 .was suffering »o with sharp paius In the small of tbe buck and Lad irn-b frequent dlxsj * pells tbrtt 1 could scarcely 'get about tbe bouse. Tbe urinary passage* were also quite Ir- regular. Monthly periods were so distressing 1 dreaded their approach. This was my condition for four jrmrs. Doan'a Kid Xiey Pills helped me rlpbt away vrneir 1 began with them, and throe boxes cnred me permanently.** Foster-MI Iburn Co. Buffalo. N. T. For sale by all dealers. Price. 00 cents per box.


How Time it Spent in the Skeeryvore Lighthouse. The Skerryvore Lighthouse is one of the loneliest places in the Britisu Islands. It is the chief rock of a reo' ■which lies ten miles southwest o! Tiree and twenty-four miles west of lona. Previous to 1844 a ship wus I'-st there annually for forty yeirs. Ti e lighthouse was begun in 1S3S and tix>k six years to complete, tlie cost being £86.977. It will always be Interesting, says the London Sphere. If only for the fact taat It was erected by Robert Louis Stevenson's uncie, Alan, who followed the method adopt- ed by his father. Robert, in the Bell Ughthouce. The Skerryvore Light- house is 13S 1-2 feet high; it is 42 feet in diameter at the base and 1C feet at the top. The light, watch is a revolving one, can be seen at a H's- tance of 18 1-2 nautical miles. The tower is built cn a rock which is about 15 feet above high-water mark. This is the largest rock above water of the whole chain and Is about b'J yards long by 40 yards broad, but is so intersected by channels cut through it by the action of the sea and Is so uneven that walking Is difficult. Written Appeal to Rats Remember To kill the time on the rock when < not officially engaged the keepers try Over on the west side of the lleve most HE city us. respectfully yours, SEES BEST These various kinds of handicraft work. Low Prices Are Contin- a Ions; row of old fashioned dwellings "THE SMITH FAMILY." ! Who Sees the "Just now." writes the principal keetv has been torn down this spring to The laborer was puzzled, but the er, "1 am finishing an inlaid table that Consequences. ued Until 12 ma'.:e way for some modern business contractor, after struggling with some Sept. has taken up my spare time these dim was I have decided to extend the time on buildings. While they were being de- boyhood recollections, able to these low prices and shall jest three winters. It consists of it. There or molished the contractor explain is, rather there | offer until 12 over 8000 in charge was Sept. pieces of wood and of 15 used to be. a sort of tradition that if different and is all done. ; approached one day by a workman, kinds, hand the tenant of a rat infested house S3 Rimless 6old I also do a little tue who hacded him a soiled and worn Filled For $1 photography in were to write a note to the rats, Eyeglasses Only which Warranted 10 Years. fummcr time." envelope had been found amoug couched In terms of extreme polite- have It the brick and REMEMBER—I the l>e*t oflice in the state and the fluent outfit of As would bs almost Impossible plaster. ness. them to cal in opti- requesting go elsewhere, npjmrutu-* NVw Knjclaml. Mv Micee** in the of more for human to reside continu- The faded >0i» fitting eyes than beings inscription. "Mr. Gray and post It in a rat hole, the rats mignt |> U too well known to require further comment. on a like this the Rat." the ously place keeper^ prompted contractor to read oblige. I EXAMINE THE EYES FREE are to be six the letter. It ran: supposed on duty for The contractor remembered way "Dear Mr. Rat: AUTOMOBILE 6066LES I sell them at one half weeks, when they pet a fortnight Although we real- back in his childhood days in a coun- the usual prices. ashore. The shore ize that our house Is DO YOU REALIZE station, where their greatly honored try town writing Just such a note, po- families reside." is in Parraid. on the by your presence and that of your ex- litely asking a rat family to transfer The Serious Connrquencrs of Continued Kve strain 'I southwest of Mull, 25 ml!°s away. Life ceedingly numerous and sprightly their attections to a neighbor who Prlw- N. T. Maine's wp ]«•»« )N>von«l all poMMionii U the WORTHLEY, JR., is monotonous, even at the shore sta- family, feel that It is selfish of us had been and believ- Leading Optician vindictive, firmly Kjt Sight, (l«4*nin); of your as to expect to have a 4781-2 tion. the lighthouse families are mbtiopolytjf-your ing. oa their temporarily disappear- hiiihert connidcratloo. Don't Congress Street and we the only inhabitants. society. would humbly suggest ing. that it was the note that did it. Trifle with your ejre». It will co»t Opposite Preble House, (Up Stairs). Both 'Phones. that vou to* see us. >'o you vacate our premises ar.d se- The contractor the letter home nothing took rheap tra*h and work. lect as your abode the guess Wir-crn Frcm Nov-!5. residence of to show his strall toy that letters to No Fake Cut Prices. Come and our Audacity stands in the place of an- neighbor, number 127. which we Santa Clans were not the only odd See the recognized well known are sure will find a cestors to those who are not well you pleasant and I epistles, and that there were other born.—Lucas Cleve. profitable place. With most sincere |i places besides chimneys which could Austin £. PinKham assurances of our deep esteem •I Portland Institute Success in life rests upon one small be- serve as mail boxes.—New York Sun. Eye South Harp swell. Me. J. JACQUES. gift—the secret o. the entry into an- Principal other man's mind to what is 5IO Congress Street. THe Only First-Class there.—Seton Visitor passing Merrlman. Thought Was "Bum" X. E. Phoue 1384-12. Livery and A long, slow friendship is the best; Boarding a slow the deadliest.— The late Rer. Father Thomas J. an's long, enmity skirts was a boy some 5 or 6 yean Stables Here. Seton Metriman. Scully of used to tell of old. The Cambridge priest beamed kindly on hinr WAUMBECK COTTAGE, the this Among quieter satisfactions of experience he once had: and asked him his name. BUSTIN'S ISLAND. Stables in the rear of the Merri- life must be ranked in a high While going home from a town The place boy b?gan to cry vigorously. MISS M. K. PATTKKSOX, Prop. coneag House. Our stock of carri- the )>eacc of a man who has made up where he had delivered a lecture he "Shame on ye," cried the woman; Idral nutnmer board injr hnu««, with and teams are his mind.—Anthony Hope. was the only passenger on a horse "shame on ages the latest j ye. Johnnie." t1r*t-ola«!« Table. Knit* niry rixitni rates Many men have ability, few have car that got stalled, because of a Stll! th« yoyngster blbbered. #1.00 per day and upward*. Take designs. Carriages to let with ex- but fewer still have character snow in a lonesome lo- The Steamer of the goaius, heavy storm, priest went on He was Ma«|Uoit Harpswell eating. Steamboat Co. Two rouud perienced driver for —character is the rarest in trip* daily sight-seeing thing Eng- cality. decidedly hungry after his long ride from Portland. : and all Have land.—John Oliver Hobhts Asking the conductor the location of in a cold car, and hi* walk purposes. your bagr- through When in the Visit tho markei in care Any fool can get a notion. It the nearest house, Father Scully the snow rather Jaded him. City page of Freight Agent A. E. Pinkliam, South needs drive a reached it after a weary half-mile walk As the training y> thing boy continued to cry, his Harpswe.L Stables one minute's walk from steamboat wharf. and the snow. on the through—trainirg convlctiop: not throgh Knocking mother exclaimed: "Dry up. ye bold he asked and was rushing aftor the fancy.—Rud- door, granted the little thing; dry up. I tay. or the bum of a yard Kipling. privilege entering by kindly faced will ate ye," and then in an AieuDairyLicHD. J. Mat*DONALD. Prop. * appealing ; woman. Hp «*».d not disrlo»e his iden- way to the astonished Father Scully, The best of food. <|iiioke«t wrvio«, but while the warmth of I reasonable prim. OUST THE DEMON. tity, enjoying "Won't ye. bum: won't ye ate Johnnie HAMILTON <& GRANNELL I the stove he asked for to If he don't hush his 180 MIDDLE ST., PORTLAND A TumI* With rnlTrr. something n'lse?" eat and something hot to drink. the utilize. and Best StocKed j When she learned who the supposed Nearly opposite post Chebeague's Largest The woman bustled altouf. and "bum" There I* aomethlng fairly demonia- good really was the poor woman Grocery and Provision Store sot-j the was cal In the wny coffee sometime* wrenk* priest pirtakln* of her was quite — ^ inconsolable. Boston ETerrthinir of the at 1owp»i raih price*. Our Meat Department l« nl- lis fiendish malice on thonp wlio n»e It. lio^iltable fare. Tuceine at the worn- Herald. way» well Our tfum* vi»:t all rf<'tievrral titnen to (Miiri'i and deliver order*. dailj A lady writing from Cnlif. say*: SAMSON Remember our location—Hamilton's e. Lauding, "My hn«hand nml I. both !overs of coffee. snffcred for »omc time from n i With the Advance Guard Wind- very annoying form of nervousne**, l(tom|NinN by most frightful head- In the dream of the northern poets. And I *e* the light of heaven ache*. In own fjiw there wa* which lay m.T The brave who In battle die On Ulrlc Lmhlfien curls. mill eventually developed no me so rt of af- Fijcht on In aha«1owy phalanx In the field of the upt»er aky: There I* no In the fection of the nerve* from tbe power (loom of hell loading And a* «» r«ad the Bounding rhyme. To querch thnw spirits* Are; •pine to the hrml. The reverent fancy hears Th«r» l« no power In the MIm of heaven The ghostly ring of the vlewle^a awords To I lur sorrow's scheme we night. Th«* of bearcnly powers; »ugge*ted po**lbly the coffee those aouls are Ar <1 Write for free That young striving still M«h hraxe thought* flosit down to U», catalogue. drank had something to d> with It. and Somewhere for the tiuth and light. The echoes of that far fight. BENNETT BROS. Are the moat Like the fla»h CO. Mid n*t"r*l that Dental 8cience can we I'un- of a distant j l> ktt'l run perfect prodaosw adTlml that quit It and try It was not their time for rest and sleep; Through the shades of the severing P*ayn« St., Lowell, Mass. We uo PAINLESS VOltK. Our methods are the most til in Coffee. Their he*rt* beat hl*h and strong: night. ap- In their fr«h veins the blond of ><>uth ALWAYS OPEN. proved and onr PRICES the LOW EST. "We followed hi* advlc*. and from W«« alnclne Its hot. sweet song. No fear for them* In our lower field we u«e h«aven bent over them. Silver 5oc, Gold *"illings Crown and the day that l»-gan to Ponttia The open I<*t us keep our aims unstained. The Popular Ladies' and Qentl* Filling $1.00, Kridg* MM (lower* their lithe fret trod. Thai we both began to ami In a at last we be worthy to stand with Work $4.00 a t«»oth. Teetli £itr<«eted without P«in FliEE. Im« Improre. Th» Ir lives lay livid In ll*ht. end blest them men's uptown Restaurant. very short time l>oth of n* were en- By the smiles of women and Owl. On th»- *nlnlng heights they've gained. li^Mvfiirht Plates with Natural Gums $4.00. Lowest We tirely relieved. Tbe nerve# liecanie shall meet and greet In closing ranks Priest's Dairy Luncheon 'rice ever offered iu Maine. Ag-ln they come' Again I hear In Time's declining sun. froved once more, the headache* he of that ttcady 1 tread *o«>dly hand; When the l.ugles of God shall sound re- 559 Congress Strcst. I know the fla«h of Kll«wr>tth'« «%e call < a*ed. tbe mnacb-* in the hack of my And the gTasp of hl« hard, warm hand; And the battle of life b» won. P. J. PRIKmT. — PORTLAND, ML ne«k relaxed, my head atralgliteoed *rd Putnam, and Rhaw. of the lion heart. Fm»n "Po»m« hr ,1<.hn llajr," published And an eye like a Boston girl's; Mifflin OB, up and tbe dreadful pain that Imd *o by Houghton. A Co. FOSTER, Painless Dentist, me while 1 u»ed tbe old kind punished • >Hl; • Ff* iMm ■ from I h» l( I watch to 9m a •*« har paaa; «ha »i«l#» AocAmrmwIwir# 2n. Fin** Bo«t- Food* open V.10 a. m. to ? m. Wf prrrr mer leverage. And we are delighted Bht mtlWd at m#—I wonder Ar# Rmhlujr. ftprctaltjr. p. dally. nothing but wh)f quickly trtdhtrn^ *h»n I «aln !• B ami Klihlnf. OotmI TnMe. the bent ai«J our trrrloc will mu. the can It to Ah. what wmik) 1 not (Ivr to krw>«1 A alanca. In |»l**«e Try Portland Pier to And that we give freely p*»«!r.a. from h«r ay**: I.nm h *hfi In th«» A falier maM thnn whe I »rdrr If »h» itrllH hW»U« Ritw $S i«4 16 ft tetl. T»o milt city. onr children something e never nrwar teilj. alao, Ha* croaa«d th« path I ti«ad— Kr-n mj lho»*hti or Fruits, Clears and «h» noticed hO< Tobaoco. Soft Drinks. dared to do with tbe old kind of cof- A wnll* ago tlm»a I fanrjr that ah# know* carra all the wln.j* ara ||»r kuaHnua no Mr Jo Mows, hfauljr ftaddrM ma*. Po*tum Coffee contain* ah*olntely Her form la lithe and full of MASON (itr*. ftom»flm*a 1 fan<-y that aha a how a The rharma of tooth ara of any kind, hut relieve* the all h#f own; A wllllnanwa to lat ma a«a. drug* aod •hmiWI a ro*a Tha hai>pr yield flha amll»d op at ma whan a* ftpectMl Attention to Brfrk and Fir#. drinker from tbe old drug potion. Whrra er tl« mat. coffee pie«m*tlm#a I *1al • • • • visit to the State flsh wh#re Wants. For Sale, To Let, 10 cents the hutrhery. etc., "Citizens and policemen generally whole process of hstching and rais- per agate line. Notices 15 A new idea In fire hat, been ing trout snd salmon be Reading fighting are lacking In the of may seen. cents line. understanding Return Is made, arriving in Portland per introduced into the Boaton fire depart- the law ».M m. of domicile," remarked a high p. ment by Commissioner Wells. It is Advertisers desiring changes must official the other day, "and the cauve a HOU8K i* commodiou* and homelike send In on regularly organized system whereby of all the !a every particular, copy or before Monday pre- petty troubles In the work every re»pect. Th view from the broad Ptr*r-oia*s » To the White Mountains the district fire in case of emer- OUR piazza* and chamber* is unsur- ceding day of to chiefs, of supplemental passed in (he room* ou publication ensure In- listing by the police country. each floor. Dluiug room and Return gency, can procure derricks, tackle and In ta Fine grove In rear or the accommodate* sertion. lies this fact." There are many house. Tennis Court* on other table 1* with tbe he*t (he adjacent lawn*. Our necessary tools from the big curloua cases to show this. *upulled market affords. Pine beach for boating. Visit this Island which i* considered bathing and S5.00 contracting concerns of the city. As Some in New by physicians the most beautiful peculiar Incldenta have been •pot Enjrlan «. Two line* of steamer* from Portland. Leave Portland 9.10 a. m. Four hoar* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. a means to procuring this apparatus ute*' walk from Hamilton'* Only three min- at Crawford*. Mount brought to light In the work of list- Landing. Book early If you desire choice Pleasant House or the Tou will find to make-the hour* room*, Fabyana for dinner and commissioner conferred with 10 ing of polls the plenty pa** only too back In driving, arriving by police. Fbr In- quickly. Portland at 7.45 p. m or by re- of the contractors of the at leading city stance, one man was llited from a maining Fabyana an %hour and a half, Ritn to can arrive in Portland at m. and secured from them an agreement hole In the $7 $12. AccBimdatH 100. Joe* 5.15 p. MINIATURE ALMANAC ground the other Opn 10 tt Oct. I. ^Touriata on thla trip can alao visit to assist the when called department day. While he was away on business Fryeburg. North Conway. Intervale. Jack- on. Stat* *f ■on and Bartlett if at Week of Cards bearing their telephone his was 1906. Jnm 15 !• 15 they prefer a leaa Sept. 7 to 8ept. 13. house burned to the ground. S#ft. expenae or numbers Maplewood. Bethlehem. Pro- have been given to all th« The listers were file House. Jefferson. Sun non-plussed, for they Lancaster at a Length of High tide district and the SDMIT alight additional expenae. chiefs, latter have been did not know what to do In DOUSE Day rises sets day morn even. his case. instructed to get a list of all the ONKBIAOUB ISLAND 7 5.12 6.06 ap- But J'idge Emmons settled 12.54 5.18 5.33 promptly On the crrst of paratus the contractor can furnish ou the matter the slope, 8 5.13 6*04 12.51 by listing him* from the chosen most 6.18 6.48 call. by of the hotels Sunday Excursions 9 5.15 6.03 cellar c? the destroyed house. It was »• en Ideal location. Over- Sunday* to Naplea or Raymond for 12.48 7.18 7.48 dinner. decided that the man's looking the ocean and the Leaving Portlnd 9.30 a. m. 10 5.16 6.01 12.45 8.33 8.18 home was on acroaa Lake John held under *eetfui Island of field Sebago and up the river 11 5.17 Schidlofskl, the that spot previous to the fire and thsi scenery Jordan to Ravmond. 5.59 12.42 9.18 9.33 •nd wood. No better for Returning, arrive charge of wife murder at East Cam- It will be spot at Portland 6.25 p. m. 12 5.18 5.57 12.39 10.03 10.18 there again as soon as his complete rest and recreation. bridge Jail, has gradually recovered his house can Table and «errioe 13 5.19 5.56 12.37 10.48 11.03 be rebuilt. The place where first-class. health and nerve since his confinement. $1.50 the Round he Is now residing Is ruled to be only MRS.CL.WTOX M HAMILTON, Trip Schidlofskl walks alone during recrea- a Lv. Portland 9.30 a. m.. rail to No. With this issue we bid temporary abode. farewell to tion Brlcgton. thence ateamer across Lake periods and rarely speaks or is Another man our readers for young who went away Wycnegonlc. Arrive Naples 12.45 p. m. the summer season of spoken to the other leave by prisoners. The aa a "Jackie" In one of the of Returning, Naplea 2.00 p. m. Ar- ships rive Portland 5.25 m. 1905. Though for many houses the man has now recovered from his state p. the navy and who has been gone 12 work of the of panic fear when first to A. R. LITTLEFIELD year is not through, the brought years, applied to be listed and his case S2.00 the Round Trip the state. He refuses to discuss the AND OENERAL mission of the Casco Bay Breeze is ac- greatly troubled the policemen, but GROCERY STORE murder and awaits in stubborn silence Emm6ns when it Judge quickly settled It. The is « complished has reached the the action of the Our store completely stocked in e%cli department with th courts. During his young man mas not a voter EVERY 8UNDAY to when he oar fourteenth week of publication for the confinement he has continued to brands. We carry everything in line and wilt get study went away, and when he returned his leading any- onr the White Mountain* present season. We wish to thank simple English books and can now thing to please trade. Onr line includes Groceries and Provi- family were all dead and another fam- Leave Portland 9.30 a. m.; arrive most read the newspapers without too much Rubbers, Fabyana 12.50 noon. Leave heartily our many patrons, corre- ily was In possession of his old home. sions, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Fishiug' Gear, F«.ncy Goods, Fabyana 2.15 p. m.; arrive Portland 5.25 m.. con- difficulty. But Summer Etc. All orders will receive attention and p. spondents and readers for their he was anxious to be listed so Hats, prompt necting for Boaton. help the other Tucker, murder prisoner, Judge Emmons ruled that the our teams call for and deliver goo is. House Lots! We have the fin- through the summer and with the place, goes along without change. His man- though occupied by strangers now, was est locations lor sale on the Island and our prices are low. Come in S1.50 Round heartfelt wish to see you all next ner is gay and cheerful and he is now again his home to all Intents and purposes and see us and talk it over. Trip year, we give you our adieu. In better physical condition than when when he went away and continued to Poland & Summit The winter issues of the Breeze are first arrested. Springs, be so far as he knew while be was monthly, beginning with the October • • • • Poland, Maine gone and is legally his last home to- HAMILTON VILLA, Island number next month. Seldom in the annals of heroism has Chebeague 11.60 to Poland Spring Houae and Re- day. He was listed from that house Near the east end of the island and distant turn. These are equally from north and south copies yearly meeting an been recorded a case in which the true and will amusement vote from It until he estab- •boron. Plenty of and recreation at band. Kroi-h farm and ocean $24)0 to Poland (for Summit Spring increased demand as a heroic of sacrifice ou our table. We have a Hotel, called monthly digest spirit for humanity's lishes a new residence on 1 next. select clientele aud our bouM will pleace you. formerly White Oak Spring of May Hotel) and Return. general news about the Islands. sake was ever more strikingly mani- K>ductse beat of reference given. Rate* *7 to #9 per week. Accommodations for 30. Leave Portland m. fested than by Robert 7.20. 8.30 a. or 11.OS Dewey Boutwell, There have been abounding signs of ALFRED E. а. m.; arrive Poland Spring House 9.00. Fires. HAMILTON. PfOD. 10 30 a. m. or 1 m. Strange the Maiden youth, who was burned to for "The p. Leave Portland popularity College Widow," 7.20 a. m.. arrive Summit Hotel. Dust Is a wonderful producer of badly at the fire in while Spring Maranacook, which began its third week at the Tre- Island View Poland. 9.00 a. m. Take dinner and fires. There have been remain until about instances in rescuing several persons, that he died. mont Monday. The first Cottage 3 p. m.. r.nd arrive fortnight'a at Portland from Poland Hou*e postofllces where the dust of the mall- Only two days before he had saved Me. Spring performances brought people from the Chekcague, б.25 p. m., from duinmii Spriug Hotel bags suspended in the rear of a close a young woman from in the 6.46 p. m. drowning beaches and everywhere else, every au- L. W» room exploded with terrific lake near the HAMILTON Proprietor force. bote], and his general dience filling the house and leaving It ▲ Dust explosions are of oc- was of a Through Sleeperto Mont* frequent reputation that modest, he- delighted. The success of Mr. Ade's LOCATION and currence in flour and mills. The roic No hero everything real drug boy. giving up his life latest comedy is not difficult of analy- FINEOrtt-olaw. Flue piazza aud large of flres in tailor in battle or airy room*. Rate* I7.0U aud Leaves Portland origin many shops perilous enterprise sur- sis. Any one can its clever- upward*. daily, fiundaya In- recognize Open June 1ft to 15. cluded, 9.00 p. m.. arriving Montreal 8.15 may be traced to the so-called passed this noble in the essen- Sept. a. dry youth ness in dialogue and character sketch- m., connecting with through train to cleaning of clothes. A in tial of the Chicago and the Pacific const. rag dipped quality heroism, impulse to ing. and. moreover, every one is infect- naphtha is used in dare and frequently remov- Injury death to save the weak ed with the buoyant, youthful spirit of A grease from and the Through Parlor Car to ing spots garments. The imperiled. His example will the story. "The College Widow" is at rag soaked with Inflammable be a Montreal fluid is precious memory to those to the Tremont for a considerable stay. thrown the Leaves Portland 9.10 a. upon floor. When the whom he was dear, while serving as an The with which the m., arriving avidity public has Montreal 9.15 p. m.. is closed and the air Is to heroic connecting with shop up confin- Inspiration endeavor to all already seized its many good points through train (or Chicago St. Paul and ed, the material will who note the Minneapolis. naphtha-soaked story of his pathetic, but indicates that the engagement will be of Itself generate fire. Bales of cot* end. glorious pre-eminent, even among the notable » A. ton placed In the hold of a are m m m Parlor Car Portland to ship runs of Mr. Savage's other Boiton pro- often the cause of disastrous fires. Vacationists are coming home by the ductions. Fabyana a from Leaves Frequently spark a cigar finds score, and loving relatives usually has- The second and last week of "The Portland at 9.1# a. m., 1.J9 a In a cotton where ten to meet them at the .p. m.. dally except Sundav. resting place bale, depot. The Grafter," with Hap Ward and his ex- it smoulders for weeks. The other a of dark day comedy errors was en- cellent company began with a Labor and hall in tenement-houses acted Daylight Line Through Is the Indi- at the South Station. A good- Day matinee on Monday. The popular rect of fires. a Parlor Car Service originator Greasy mat- looking young lady, with tan that Boston star's engagement is positively or small ting heaps-of paper He about. indicated a lengthy stay in the coun- limited to two weeks, and it is with to Quebec A match not extinguished or a try alighted >from an train his cigar- Incoming regret many friends will cay good- Leave Portland at 9.19 a. m. ette stub Is thrown down a and after dally, and blaze proceeding a few steps was bye on Saturday nlgnt, September 9th. except Sunday, arriving at Quebec 9.0O1 results.—Fire and Water. ardently embraced by a young man, The of the Globe management feel THROUGH PARLOR CAR8 on Day and it was When are Trains only after he bestowed some justly proud of the many excellent at- you in the store and Through Sleeoers on Night take Trains between Portland and Stop to It Better. kisses that he discovered his mistake tractions secured for this just Rockland, Smoking Enjoy season and a Farmlngton, B*ml». Bangor. Bar and to the Harbor. An excellent plan for smokers Is profoundly apologized. The youns feel perfectly safe in announcing that trip Basement "Annex" and see Greenville. St. John: connecting with to abstain from through Sleeping and Parlor Cars to time to time—that lady's temper was ruffled beyond "the highest class of musical and Halifax. from all this the handsome Is, fast tobacco say for words, and perhaps accounts for dramatic attractions will appear at the Art China we have on weeks or a month at a time. This her impetuosity In putting her Globe at real popular prices." A Mon- sale at Through Service WEST method enabled the smoker to enjoy arms around the neck of a man, day matinee will be given each 25c and 50c. To the We«t via the Crawford Notch week, of ths White Mountains. his smoke more when he goes back who as it developed proved to be a 4. beginning Monday. Sept. Leave Portland. 9.10 a. m. 9.00 p. m. to It and Is less harmful to total to her. You can Arrive m. his health. stranger Mortified In the The fall season is to be inaugurated their Montreal. 9.1S p. 9.1S a. m. hardly picture Arrive Ottawa. l.O a. m. 12.15 noon "It Is a fine said one extreme she tried to stammer an in earnest at pretti- scheme," apol- Keith's the week of Sept. Arrive a. m. ness Toronto, 7.2S 7.JO p. m. man. "When I for a ogy. and that It was was a and the Arrive Detroit. 3 03 m. 2 55 a. stop month I really granted 4, for program that will rival any of lot includes useful p. m. many Arrive St. Louis. 7.S3 a. m 1.45 rn. am equipped with the keenest relish proven by the smile that the man wore the midwinter season Is announced Arrive p. dishes as as Chicago. 9.30 p. m. 10.40 a. m. and liking for a good cigar at the for quite a whole minute after the from that popular playhouse. Amonpr well the Arrive 8t. Paul. 9.30 a. m. strictly ornamental. For further particulars, folders, end of that month. I am re- Incident. the more notable guld* rested, entertainers sched- books snd other literature, call on 0 0 0 0 or freshed, recuperated—In pocket, too. uled are May Duryea and W. H. Mor- 25c 50c will handsome buy Vase«, Roe Jars, F. E. HOOT If BY, Thus I show that I am manter of my With martial airs, the waving of timer, who will make their debut at Hair Receiver*, Bon Bon O. P. A T. A.. M. C. R. R Portland. habit, and not mastered by It. I have "Old Glory" and the cheers of an ad- this playhouse in the one-act comedy Dishes, Jewel, Spoon or Ash been this » the Boston to Fern doing wsy for long time miring throng, delegates sketch, "The Impoeer." Underlined for Trays, Dishes, Cream Bowls, Olive or Salad Dish- the carriers' now, and I heartily recommend my letter convention In Port- the week of Sept. 11 is Will M. Cressy es, Tea to all were a warm Strainers, Match Boston & Maine R. R. plan smokers. I do not limit land, Ore., given send- and Blanch Dayne. Safes, Candy Boxes, Plates, to off the other and myself any number of clgsrs while day. Miss Bra 'iaaguay's production of Cups Saucers, Puff Boxe*, In one of my smoking but sim- There was a procession of the "m»n "The Sambo Girl" at the Paper Weights, Egg In Effect months, Majestic, open- and other June A, 1005 smoke st will, snd then absolute- In gray.** and the Boston letter car- ing m1th a matinee on Labor met Cups many artistic and articles. ply day practical The Trains leave Portland. Union Station, 1y quit until another month Is riers' bsnd proudly led the enthusias- with Immediate success. 'The Sambo and are for •ft.oft. 10.0ft shapes decorations new and a. Crossing. attractive. m.. all m.. •I.IS. •« 20. & 2S. *5 SO. through.'*—Baltimore tic escort. It was a sort of gala event Olrl" Is a muslral The score American. travesty. •ft.ftO p. m. t7.lO. t9 3V 1ft a. Sunday, |10 for the postsl men generally, and the Is In Oustav Kerker's rhythmic rein m. %2 00. tj 40. t4.1ft. tS.10, t« Ift. p. m. fl.lft Net Back on His Good*. significance of the work of the conven- and Harry B. Smith's book snd Qoing lyrics Scarboro Beach and Pins point. 7.W, The agent of s big wholesale house tion means much to them. The occa- are commended for their brlghtne**. •7.10. •I.JO. MH, 10.00 a. m slJ 00 m •1.1ft. til *4.3#. ft.Ift. •».»♦. ft !•. wss taking orders from a grorer In s sion also afforded th* men opportunity Apart from a particularly gorgeous Baskets. •7.1ft. *105. *11 3ft p. m. Sundsr. t7.1ft. little village, ways a writer "The to show their confidence in their rep- scenic and costume Investltnre that tft.lft. |10 Ik a. m. 12 In l SI. 12 00. tj.«0. fin.ift, tft.10 tft.lft. p. m. Tbrenherman." resentatives. have been supplied the piece and A wide of choice OM play- range in the Baskets in Orchard. 7.00, a7.10. *t tO. t SO. "Now." he The eacort formed on ers as an •ft «S. 1ft 00 »ald, "yon better take u Poatofflce environment for the play. and *ize. If design a- m.. si* m.. 12 20. •!.!». 1.11. few you have need of sort of a lift,. *4 20. ft.2ft, ran* of our maple ijrn p It'a tbr ■quart. The men In line appeared In Miss Tanguay'a wardrobe Falls for any we 'ftM, ft.ftl. ft.10. MM, want Banket, •7.1ft. 100. •11.0ft. •».2ft p. m. best e*er taiited." tbelr uniform mention to have in mind the Sunday. jron regular of gray, and aperlal by reason of their Ftr- you fact that ours are f«J& tft IS. Iio.lft a. m.. 13 ftft. 12 oo. well ♦0. t4 IS. "No." nald the grocer, "I'Te with their light brown roughrlder hat i Islan origin. Jhiaa worth to ace. 8.1ft. 4.10, ft.OO. tft.lft. ft.4ft. tft II. not plen- Tanguajr makes coming 1.00 p. m. of looked like veteran a. rame ty maple ■yrup." They from twelve separate and distinctive Camp Ground. •« 20. •» os. 10 00 a. m.. chance* • "When did aertlon the Boaton costume A of 12.0ft m «J.lft. *4 20. ft 2ft. ft you g*t It? I don't re- every of poatal dla- of during the action of "The good variety the kinda of •ft •« *ft.ftft. 1». prettiest SO. ok. *11.Jft p m. Sunday, t| Jft. member aelllng one of the ata- Sambo and the tft IS. m yon any wh»n I wc« trlct, nearly every 37 Girl," gown*, ma>> Baaket», New Fruit Shopping |I0 1S a. 12 00. tl.40. tft IS. tft.10. bere on last Baaketa, Kinder- tft.lft. t7 IS p. m. my trip." tlona In the dlatrlrt furnishing Ita from designs furnished by are Scrap Batketa, herself, garten at that Ssco and Blddeford. 7 00. *1.20. ft "You didn't I got this At the a*atlon waa be Baskets, pricea auit •ft ftft. In the coun- quota. North there said to beautiful examples of tba Oft. 10.00 a. m S12.00 m. 13 " everybody's pocket- I 30. •1.11. try a large rrowd. the entire ofllre force of French modiste's art. book. H. *4 20 » 2ft. **.10. aft 01. I 10. •« SO. aft 00. *9 oft. *11 2ft p m. "Is It the r*s1 Muff?" the atation located In the build* tft Sundsr. till, poatal II. IIO.H n. m 12 ftft. 13 oo. *140. <4 IS. Prices from to 4 ftft. "That's what It Is. brother msd? In* turning out to add to the demon- How One tat Was 15c 1.00. tft Ift. ft 4ft. tft.lft. t7 1ft. Bft.ft* My Paid. 94*75* ^ It In his own ramp. He's not stration. Poatmaater Hlbbard and Aa- A Moscow man made flvs hun- n curious Kennebunk. 7 00. I.SO. 10 00 a. m.. 13 30. trees." l ift ft 9 « O0 dred •latant Poatmaater VfcMIII«n led In tbe wager. Aa against 600 rubles bet 3ft, 0S. ft.10, p. m. Sunday. by 12 ftft 4.10. ft 00. ft. 40. ft 00 m "I'd like to taste It." enthusiasm. his he p. opponent agreed to eat hla Kennebunk port. 7.00. ft.ftft. 10.00 a. "»-• A sample of the country maple • • • • boota If Russia did not It 10. 110. 4 10 1.00 p. m. syrur force Japan to •Rons Jons vss 1ft to Sapt 4. Inetoslra. brought out. He tasted and The old a lage of law haa fi sue for last Eastman Brothers June It, English peace aummer. He lost ® Bancroft (Runs 3ft to Sept. 17. Incluslra. the to one tRuns Jun« 3ft to took grocer side. rlvid application In tbe declalon cf and carried out his agreement. Sept. I. Incluslra. ■ Cut- X Do^s not st he nald. in a low DRY GOODS stop Blddefnrd. gay," tone, "I'm Judge Butler in the recent cnae of Jo- ting a small strip dally from his foct- a Commwlnf J tin* If. not back on the Train wtth going strictly pure aeph Evana. A private detective, O+o wear he masticated and swallowed It. Throuon Pullman HMflflf 492-498 CONGRESS Car laavss Parian a daily svcapt latw I aell, of eourae. but I want « entcted Evana' goods L Fraaer, houee. pcah- It tcok him nearly five months to con* STREET dsy at ft Jft p. rv, far Naw Var* ri* thla stuff for Worcester and gallon of my own use." Ing bla way in, la spite of tbe r*a1u- pleta the operation. N. V.. N. M. and H. ft. R- D. J. PT.ANDERS. General Pass. * Ticket Aft Whrtj ItiHM OtHw •11.MO.MI. Casco Jkt Bay House, the rate at which the improve- LonllSgrnd' ment* are being carried on at tbe ter- CHAJ. £. minal CVSHING, Prop. of tbe New York Central Rail- THE at IDEAL WIFE road. Forty-second street. New York It Is (Special Correspondence.) City, expected tbat three months Shapes the Destiny of Men—The Influence of a more will see the Grand Central Sta- tion rased and work begun on tbe Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. The greatest estate ever made In this magnificent structure which Is to re- 8ereB<«igfaiha of the city by a house carpenter was achieved place It. men in ibis world nurry by Richard F. a Work on the Carman, far-sighted improvements has gone a women because she ia and worker, who a larxe as far ns It can thrifty bought go without entering beautiful in their eyes— tract in the suburbs, which he called tbe station or causing sn Interruption because she has the qusli- of the train "Carmanstille." The name and the es- service. Where two years ties which inspire admira- tate, however, have passed away, and ago stood several hundred home*, to- tion, reapect and love. and Carmansvllle is now Washingtoa day la an excavation quite extenMve There is a besuty in Heights, while its founder is forgot- In itself, bnt only a fraction of the health which is more at- ten. Carman, being land poor, found great hole that will be made In the tractive to men than mere of great relief in selling to the senior nineteen square blocks which the ter- regularity feature. The influenoe of women Bennett, a wild tract of 40 acres for minal will cover. in the $50,000. That tract is now worth |2.- So anxious are the officers of tbe glorious possession railroad of perfect physical health 000.000 for b'.Vldlng lots, but the pres- company to get their improve- upon men and the ent ments Into In upon Bennett has given it to the city to ahape time to be ready civilization of the world to ststion be laid out as "Bennett Park." give facilities to tbe new could never be measured. Charming rummer Hov»e commanding a flue vievof the Bar. Fine pine subway routes planned for the Because of them men hare groTf alongside the h«ui>e, whm mckj-r* and bimmot k* are city for the um of that men ntnt*. Boating. Bathing and Fi*hing have been kept working day attained the eery heights privilege*. Open June 16 to Sept. 1L The Increasing Importance of Japm Accommodates 7S. Two ►teamboat line*. Rate* on and night on tbe great excavation. of ambition; because of application. Is shown by the (act that oae of the The them eren thrones hare plans of tbe railroad company shows on Island Is a miniature been established and de- Coney call for the expenditure of $23,000,000 Japan. There Is a tea a res- palace, on the Improvements. All of tbe land stroyed. taurant. a statue of a theatre What a Buddha, now occupied station and trarka Is disappointment, by to see the fair under performance, with exhibitions of to be then, young evacuated snd sn entirely new wife's SAMUEL H. Postmaster jlu-Jltsu and other features which show beauty fsding away terminal MARSTON, built. About fl7.000.000 alone before a over year passes LONG ME. how much Americans are Interested Is to ISLAND, V be spent In a new station. There her hesd ! A half- In sickly, Japanese progress. It may be add- are to be two von will a xystems of tracks, one dead-and-alive woman, find complete and well stocked GROCERY ed that the In the shortage Japanese raised altove the other, -one system especially when she is and PROV1SION STORE. Onr are low for cash tea this mother prices and crop year Is 7,000,000 pounds, for suburban service and tbe other for the of a family, HEREwe a carry bnt the best. Fresh Meat received a natural result of the destruc- is to all nothing daily pfesent trains to distant points. Electricity damper joyoua- from Portland. tive war. ness in the home, and a Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco and Soft Drinks, Another feature In the war will also be substituted for .steam drag upon her husbs*:d. Moxie, Etc. Boston and Portland also the Caseo Is the advance In dried salmon, occa- tbe Papers, Bay throughout terminal. The cost of a wife's con- Breeze for at sioned orders for the army It Airs. Bessie A ins sale the counter , : : : : : : : by Japanese may not be generally known that stant illness is a serious ley and Two navy. cargoes have already ♦lie New York Central line* constitute drain upon the f unds of a JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. been shipped amounting to 2500 tons. the Water Level line connecting the household, and too often all the doc- "Lydi* E. Plnkbam's VcKtUbk Campoand The war is also telt among car build- Cast and the West. toring does no food. made me a well women, end I feel so grate- as ful thet I em gled to write end tell too at ers, 500 cars are ready for ship- They run alone the Hudson If a woman finds her are River, manrelou* raroTrrr. It ms this and that energies my brought Tou can take a oar to of ment, being part of 2400 ordered, Nfw York to Albany: along the Mo- flagging, everything tires her, health, new life end any point dark shadows vitality." interest from in front of for transportation of army supplies, hawk River and Erie Canal. Albany to appear nnder her eves, The her is disturbed What F. Pinkham*a Falmouth. and in this manner part of the Jap- Buffalo; along Lake Erie. Buffalo to sleep by horrible Lydia Vegetable dreams; if she has head- did for Mrs. it will Remodeled and refurnished In 19031 anese loan will remain in this country. Toledo and Detroit, and the level backache, Compound Ainsley along aches, nervous- It U a bearing-down pains, do for every woman who is in poor practically fireproof of Lake Michigan from Toledo to Chi- ness. building. whites, irregularities, or despon- health and miles of ailing. The OH cago—005 water level, with dency, she should take means to build Standard Company declared Its benefits when its use NEW water in sight nearly every mile of the her up at once a tonic with begin begins. a dividend of 16 a share the other day. system by It gires strength and from the way. specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink- rigor This amounts to a distribution of $C.- ham's start, and surely makes sick women The New York Central operate* Vegetable Compound. FALMOUTH 000,000, of which Mr. Rockefeller's por- well and robust. HOTEL more thau twelve thousand miles of This great for women has tion will be He remedy Remember E. Pinkham's $2,400,000. won't get done more in the of Lydia Vege- Portland, Maine railway east of Chicago. 8t. Loais and way restoring' table holds the record for the" money until Sept. 15, either. In heslth to the women of America than Compound Cincinnati. It Is the direct line front the greatest number of actual cares of the past three months he has given all other medicines put It is Bold Eiroptti aid Aiiricu Pin New York and Boston to Niagara together. woman's ills. This fact is attested to away at least $11,500,000, or $9,000,00J the safeguard of woman's health. Falls and to the West, the Northwest by the thousands of letters from grate- Writ* for rates. more than he will receive from Stand- we a and the Southwest, of the Following publish, by request, ful womw which are on file in the by way letter from a F. H. Ntnncs, ard Oil. He Is also considering a $50.- young wife. Pinkham Merit alone cats Prop* great cataract and Chicago, St. Louis laboratory 000,000 gift to tne Mrs. Bessie such results. Chicago University, or Cincinnati. Ai-sley of bit South 10th produce if he has not already decided upon the Street, Tacoma, writes : Women should remember that a cum This Is one of the reasons why th» Waih., gift. In all Mr. Rockefeller will prob- for all female diseases actually exists, press of two continents call the New Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-— ably receive $16,000,000 this year as his snd thst cure is Lydia E. Pinkham's York " Central "America*# Greatest Ever New PeaKs Island share of Standard OH. If his other in- since ray child was born I hare mf- Vegetable Compound. Take no substi- House Railroad." fered. ss 1 few women ever with tute. vestments him hope have, R. £. ROWEi yield $10,000,000, his to- inflammation, female weakness, Manager bearing-down If hare don't tal income will be $26,000,000. Within pains, backache and wretched beudacbca. It you symptoms you The Teeth and Good Looks. affected in v stomach so that en- understand write to Mrs. IMnkham. SHORE DINNERS, 6 to 8 m. Daily three months he has given away $11.- I could not p. Prof. E. Symes Thompson. Gresham my nvrals, and half my time wss spent Lynn. Mam for special advice—it is 500,000. In the preceding five months bed. free and alwavs heloful. Music Dinner professor of medicine. In the courst ey During he gave away about $2,500,000. or a to- of an address at the E. Mikhail's Vegetable CoapMnd %utui» Where Others Fi9» tal of $14000.000, so far in 1905. If Polytechnic, Rt gent street, on "The Evolution anc he makes the $50,000,000 gift to the Degeneration of the the total will be Teeth," remark- Chicago University Hadn't Heard of That ed that while the bones of man and One. Ocean Vita $64,000,000 at least for the year, or Hotel animals had The detective In the automobile about two and a half times his decayed greatly during A. 8- Prom. income. at a W. L. Ttmmf, the past GOO© or 7000 the teeth stopped little repair shop by the Douglas Should this come to pass, Mr. Rocke- years, So. Mo. had been in a roadside. Harpmll, feller, for the first time In his preserved much better *3= & *3= SHOES'." altitude life, "Have you seen he High condition. Teeth were not part of anything," asked, W. L. Douglas 94.00 Cllt Lin* and view. will be poorer at the year'a end than Kdge nuporb but of "of a short, chunky fellow with a cannot be equalled at Tou will And the he maa-at Jta bones, part the skla—they any price. beginning. in a location of this were. In fact, dermal appendages. Old gray suit, light touring car with no number on hoii»e excellent; people were surprised to find tliat it?" bathing, boating President Roosevelt may coon re- when the teeth of .the "Yes, sir." said the man behind the k lower jaw de- flthing handy; ceive an invitation to sail one leather apron. "He here about fine teunis courts of the parted there was very little of the stopped owned A. two hours ago to a bolt & la win; we serve airships by Roy Knabenshue, jaw left. This produced what was get tightened shore dinners I the Toledo aeronaut, whose capers in called the nutcracker up." Electric hell ser- physiognomy. the air amazed thousands of New "Did he give you any Idea of where vice, baths, eta Referring to the fact that the croc- Yorkers last week. he wpg coins?" Mr. Knabenshue odile had an animated toothpick In admires "No. he didn't seem greatly the President's daring, the form of a bird, which removed sir; to know as himself. He was o' evidenced by his recent trip in the foreign matter, the lecturer enforced kind tangled up submarine boat about the and wasn't Plunger, and is delib- the lesson of the necessity of attend- roads, certain whether he which direction he wanted to erating shall offer Mr. ing carefully to the cleansing of the take." Austin W. Pease Roosevelt the use of his am "In a was he?" DR. V. L airship. "I teeth, and recommended attention tc quandary, MACYASE "Er—no; It didn't look like It only hesitating," said the aeronaut, them at night as being more impor one; ARCHITECT "because I was one of those little runa- don't want the President to tant than in the In these dinky Surgeon-Dentist Bm aa for for summer morning. pltDi boiels, think I am too forward. If bouts."—Chicago Tribune. cottages, stores, etc. nothing modern days, he said, no chance war 135 1-2 Middle lilne. I shall extend this Street, Portland, happens invitation given to the teeth, because every- II Trees transplanted at are Jaiy «.ir*. Exchange St., Portland, fie. within a few weeks. I could not go in was cooked for night thing man. and that tAMOi the with nore likely to live than those trana- 1st ship him, for it would not b« was the cause of the deterioration of V Op«n Joly to 10. safe for two to planted in daytime. NE36 Up\. try the trip, but I our teeth In modern times. Bad teeth. have the conAdence in greatest Mr. Prof Thompson concluded, d Mere Point House RIDGE HOUSE destroyed FITSpermaoentlrenred. Ko (Its or nervons* $10,000 s-provi thi/ltalMWMt. Roosevelt's being able to sail it alone.'* looks.—Ix>ndc.» dm after first im of Dr. W. L. $3.90 ihoM have MRS. OUCI1N1 HLAHD good Standard. day's Kline's Oreat Douglas by tMr n> J. N erre Beat o re rial oellmt fit and McKIXLEY, Prop. LORENZO Knabenshue has been resting at his r,*2t bottleand treatise fr*e style, rny tins, superior wearing HAMILTON. Prep. qualities, achieved the i*l« of Klr«t-C1«M Hotel. The St. Paul Dr. K. if. Ltd..Ml Arch 8t.. Pblia larint any tJJ* Family Steamer OPIK JUKI 15 TO OOTOBKB L hotel, preparatory to his sec- The In .Pa, •hoc la the world. are m rood a* If make* 2 round SHah . They ju*t aquoit trip* daily from ond invasion of the where he Great thot* that coot you ss.oo to $7.00— the ealy Portland. Accommodate* 25. HOt to west, Britain is tardy her own dliter*nee Plenty of Sea Food. Pine Rates, The other morning he came a boiling la tha price. If I could take you lata •8.00 prr week. Two round has a dozen or more upon in trade with Wood# and Sea Shore. Room trip* dally engagements. Argentina. ■y factory at Bnckton, Mm*., the laryeet la Dining are made the steamer kitten that charmed him. tha world Seat* SO. Rates |7 to 110. by Maquolt of When he came to New York he ha. 17, 190) Confectionery tracts everything. Coffee. Moderate Prloea. J Public a Berpawlng Library. her piece of gold, silenced her with The population oi Bangkok is estimated an awful look, and walked off with at 500,300 souls. "i£32S.®8S!B3 CAUTION.—Inalst upon crook will having W.L.Doogk. "Every tell you." said a the kitten under his arm. I have said laa shoes. Tua no snhstitote. Nntt grnaloe without his name and central office detective sergeant the that Contrexevllle rejoices at the prlee stamped on Vottoaa. CUTICURA GROWS HAIR WAXTKO. A shoe dealer In town other "that the successful every where day, criminal shah's visit, but the rejoicing is not W. L. Itou«laa Shoes are not aold. Full Una ot la not only characterized by deeda of altogether disinterested. When lasr kslp Cleared oi Dsadrsi isd Hair Re- samples sent free for Inspection apon request. fm*t Color [ $ »sed; mill mat aaar Ira daring and audacity, but that he Is he took the waters there he stored by Oae Box of Caticars and filrt f*ey sap. departed Wrlta for Illnatrated Catalog of Fall — sure to cover hla without Om Cake of Catlearm So® v. pretty burglaries, discharging a number of W. L UOIOLA8, It rock ton, Maa*. swindle* or aa the case A. W. Tsft, of writ- SOUTHERN forgerle*, may heavy bills. The creditors, after many Independence, Vi., a ing under date of 15, 1901, "I be, by living sort of double life. It applications, at last -brought proceed- Sept. says: hire had filling hiir and dandruff for TO possible, he will live In a neighbor- ing*—but thee ourts professed them- CATCH THE HAIL twelve years and cosid to hood where al out the get nothing help '•fwrfrrf only occupation selves "Incompetent'* to Judge tut me. Finally 1 bought one bos of Cutieura TtrlUHt Nevtllf of the policemen Is to flirt with the matter.—M. A. P. RAILWAY Ointment ind one rake of L'uticura 8