United States Patent (19) [11] 3,797,494 Zaffaroni (45*Mar. 19, 1974

(54) BANDAGE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF 3,598,123 8/1971 Zaffaroni...... 128/268 DRUGBY CONTROLLED METERING 3,426,754 2/1969 Bierenbaum...... 128/268 X THROUGH MICROPOROUS MATERIALS 3,053,255 9/1962 Meyer...... 128/268 3,464,413 9/1969 Goldfarb et al...... 128/268 75 Inventor: Alejandro Zaffaroni, Atherton, 3,512,997 5/1970 Cohly et al...... 28/296 X Calif. (73) Assignee: Alza Corporation, Palo Alto, Calif. Primary Examiner-Dalton L. Truluck Assistant Examiner-J. C. McGowan * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent subsequent to Aug. 10, 1988, has been disclaimed. (57) ABSTRACT 22 Filed: Aug. 9, 1971 A bandage for use in the continuous administration of drugs to the skin or mucosa, comprising a backing 21 ) Appl. No.: 169,976 member defining one exterior surface, a surface of Related U.S. Application Data pressure-sensitive adhesive defining a second exterior 63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. Nos. 812, 1 16, April 1, surface, and disposed therebetween a reservoir con 1969, Pat. No. 3,598, 122, and Ser. No. 8 12,1 17, taining drug formulation confined therein. The reser April 1, 1969, Pat. No. 3,598,123, and Ser. No. voir can comprise a distinct layer of the bandage or a 150,085, June 4, 1971, Pat. No. 3,731,683. plurality of microcapsules distributed throughout the adhesive surface, and in either case the drug can be (52) U.S. Cl...... 128/268 confined within an interior chamber of the reservoir (51) Int. Cl...... A61 15/06 or distributed throughout a reservoir matrix. The drug 58) Field of Search ...... 128/260,268, 156, 155, passes through drug release rate controlling micropo 128/296; 424/19, 20, 28 rous material which continuously meters the flow of drug by viscous or diffusive transfer to the skin or mu (56) References Cited cosa at a controlled and predetermined rate over a pe UNITED STATES PATENTS riod of time. 3,598,122 8/1971 Zaffaroni...... 128/268 7 Claims, 5 Drawing Figures


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g P 9. o Z77 - INVENTOR. ?/ BY Alejandro Zaffaroni