Ferial Maya Boutaghou


EDUCATION PhD (Doctorat) in Comparative Literature, University of , 2006. Highest Distinctions DEA (Master degree in Comparative Literature), , 2001.

FULL-TIME ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Florida International University, Assistant Professor of French, Department of Modern Languages and Women’s Studies, August 2010 to present University of Orléans, , Visiting Research Fellow, Joint Appointment in Department des Lettres Modernes, March-April 2012 University of California Los Angeles, Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Women’s Studies and Comparative Literature, Center for ‘Cultures in Transnational Perspective’, August 2008-July 2010 Institut Supérieur des Langues de Gabès (ISLG), Visiting Assistant Professor in French and Comparative Literature, September 2005-July 2007


NON-ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Part-time Librarian, Middle East Studies, University of 3, 2003.

EMPLOYMENT RECORD AT FIU Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Women’s Studies, August 2010 to present

University Service Dissertation, Master, Committee Member  Svetlana Tyutina, PhD, Spring 2011 to present, Modern Languages  Mayurakshi Chaudhuri, PhD, Global and Sociocultural Studies, Fall 2010 to present o Dissertation Proposal Defense, April 2011  Jacqueline O. Nusz, Master Thesis, Department of History, 2011 o Master Thesis Defense, 11 October 2011 Honor Thesis Avisor  Trudy McLeary, Honors Thesis, Fall 2011- Spring 2012

Academic Job Search and Screen Committee Member (MOL) Instructor in Chinese, 2010-2011

Modern Languages Personnel Committee Member (MOL) Spring 2012 to present

Proposal for a Master Degree in Romance Languages and Cultures Committee Member (MOL) Fall 2010 and Spring 2013 2 _Boutaghou M_ CV

Creation of a Certificate in Languages and Cultures of North Africa Committee Member (MOL) Fall 2010

Women’s Studies Curriculum Committee Member (WST) Fall 2010 to present

Women’s Studies Student Advising (WST) Faculty Advisor for Movie Screenings (2010-2011) Faculty Advisor for Graduate Students (Fall 2011) Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate Students Association (Spring 2013 to present)

Think-Tank Interregional Center in SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs) (2010-2011)


Books Boutaghou, M. (in press, 2014) Occidentalismes. Romans historiques post/coloniaux et identités nationales [Occidentalisms. Post/Colonial Historical Novels, and National Identities], : Honoré Champion (437 pages single spaced).

Articles Boutaghou, M. 2013. “Le style en arabesque d’Assia Djebar” [Assia Djebar’ Style in Arabesque], French Studies 67 (2), pp. 216-231.

Boutaghou, M. (in press, 2012). “Cosmopolitanism During the Nahda: Mayy Ziyadah’s Discussion on Adab”, Comparative Literature Studies, (33 pages double-spaced).

Boutaghou, M. (in press, 2012). “Trois puissantes femmes: Simone de Beauvoir, Gisèle Halimi, Djamila Boupacha, entre lutte anticoloniale et combat féministe” [Three Powerful Women: Simone de Beauvoir, Gisèle Halimi, Djamila Boupacha, between anticolonial struggle and feminism], Dalhousie French Studies (16 pages single-spaced).

Boutaghou, M. 2010. “‘Défense et illustration’ d’un universel mauricien” [Defense and Illustration of a Maurician Universal], International Journal of Francophone Studies 13/3 & 4, pp. 451-469.

Boutaghou, M. 2007. “Langue, Corps, Histoire: les langues d’Assia Djebar” [Language, Body, History: Assia Djebar’s Languages], Synergies Inde (2), pp. 355-364.

Boutaghou, M. 2007. “Pour une lecture esthétique engagée du roman historique” [Toward a Committed Aesthetic Reading of the Historical Novel], Modernités 26, pp. 69-79.

Boutaghou, M. 2003. “Inde/Algérie: deux langages du corps féminin” [India/Algeria: Two Bodies’ Languages], Rencontre avec l’Inde 32/2, pp. 41-57 (NPR).

Proceedings Boutaghou, M. (in press, 2013). “Être cosmopolite à la renaissance Bengali: l’exemple de Toru Dutt (1856-1877)”, in Cécile Girardin (ed) Continuité, conservatisme, classicisme: une littérature

2 3 _Boutaghou M_ CV postcoloniale à contre-courant ?, Orléans: Presses Universitaires d’Orléans (17 pages single- spaced).

Boutaghou, Maya. (2010). “Alger montre ses marges: la mère, la fille et la prostituée dans Viva Laldjérie de Nadir Moknèche” [Algiers shows its margins: the Mother, the Daughter and the Prostitute], in Fatima Sadiqi (ed), Femmes marginalisées et Insertion sociale, Fès: Imprimerie Imagerie Pub Neon, pp. 33-46 (NPR).

Boutaghou, M. (in press, 2009). “Emergent Subjectivities in Nineteenth Century India and Egypt: Toru Dutt (1856-1877) and Mayy Ziyada (1886-1941)”, in Souad Slaoui (ed), Feminism without Borders, Fez: University Mohammed Ben Abdellah (NPR) (22 pages double-spaced).

Book Chapters Boutaghou, M. (in press, 2013). “Writing in bi-langue : Assia Djebar’s veiled Arabic”, in Anne Donadey (ed.), Approaches to Teaching the Works of Assia Djebar, MLA Publications (31 pages double-spaced).

Boutaghou, M. (2012). “Creolization as Subversion in Ananda Devi’s Novels”, in David Gallagher (ed), Creoles, Diasporas, Cosmopolitanisms, Palo Alto: Academica Press, pp. 29-44. (ISBN: 978-1- 936320-23-3)

Boutaghou, M. (2012). “Elles-mêmes comme des autres: Toru Dutt (1856-1877) et Mayy Ziyada (1886-1941)” [Themselves as Others : Toru Dutt (1856-1877) and Mayy Ziyada (1886-1941)], in Kathie Birat, Charles Scheel & Brigitte Zaugg (eds), Dislocation culturelle et construction identitaire, Metz: Université de Lorraine (coll. “Littératures des mondes contemporains”, Série Amériques 8), pp. 157-174. (ISBN: 978-2-917403-24-2)

Boutaghou, M. (2011). “Émergence littéraire et différenciation esthétique” [Literary Emergence and Aesthetic Differentiation], in Juliette Vion-Dury, Jacques Fontanille & Bertrand Westphal, L’émergence : en réponse aux travaux de Jean-Marie Grassin, Berne / Berlin / Bruxelles, Peter Lang, pp. 41-48. (ISBN: 978-3-0343-0513-6)

Boutaghou, M. (2010). “Peur de la fiction? Le cas de la modernité arabe” [Fear of Fiction? The Case of Arab Modernity], in Françoise Lavocat & Anne Duprat (eds), Fiction et cultures: la pensée de la fiction est-elle universelle ?, Paris: SFLGC – Lucie Éditions (“Collection Poétiques comparatistes”), pp. 93-110. (ISBN: 978-2-35371-093-5)

Boutaghou, M. 2010. “Comment le roman historique dénonce-t-il la rhétorique de l’Histoire ?” [How does the Historical Novel Denounce the Rhetoric of History?], in Dominique Peyrache- Leborgne & André Peyronie, Le romanesque et l’historique: marge et écriture, Nantes: Éditions Cécile Defaut (Coll. “Horizons Comparatistes”, Université de Nantes), pp. 377-388. (ISBN: 978-2- 35018-024-3)

Boutaghou, M. 2009. “Entre universalisme et relativisme: des Lettres persanes de Montesquieu à L’Or de Paris de Tahtâwî” [Between Universalim and Relativism: From The Persian Letters by Montesquieu to Gold of Paris by Tahtawi], in Claudine Le Blanc & Jacques Weber (eds), L’Ailleurs de l’autre: récits de voyageurs extra-européens, : Presses Universitaires de Rennes (Coll. “Enquêtes et Documents”), pp. 29-43. (ISBN: 978-2-7535-0795-1)

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Coste, D & M. Boutaghou. 2009. “Australian and Indian Dawns of Realism: A Comparative Approach”, in Amit Sarwal & Reema Sarwal (eds), Reading Down Under: Australian Literary Studies Reader. New Delhi: SSS Publications, pp. 45-55. (ISBN: 81-902282-1-8)

Boutaghou, M. 2003. “L’espace du roman historique et son double” [Space Description in Al Abbassa by Jurji Zaydan, Last Days of Pompei by Bulwer Lytton and Flaubert’s Salammbô], in Juliette Vion-Dury, Jean-Marie Grassin & Bertrand Westphal (eds), Littératures et espaces, Limoges, Presses Universitaires de Limoges (Coll. “Espaces Humains”), pp. 517-524.

Government Reports or Monographs N/A

Book Reviews N/A


Translations Boutaghou, M. (2013). “Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur beur” by Kathryn Kleppinger (original in English “What is a Beur Author?”), in F. Alix, C. Ducournau, A-S Catalan, T Harpin, E. Olivier & M Sychet (eds), Postcolonial Studies modes d’emploi, : Presses Universitaires de Lyon, pp. 100- 114.

Boutaghou, M. & Hoda El Shakry (2012). “Generation Drive” by Mohamed Berrada [original Arabic “Al-Jil al Motor”, published in the Journal Souffles 10/11, 1968] Souffles-Anfas Translators’: https://sites.google.com/site/soufflesanfastranslatorswiki/home

Revue de Synthèse. Abstracts papers French into Arabic: Vol. 129/4 2008; Vol. 130/2, 130/3, 130/4 2009; Vol. 131/1 2010.

Dictionary entry Biographical annotation on Toru Dutt (1856-1877) published by University of Liverpool, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies: http://www.liv.ac.uk/soclas/research/Peripheralvoices/index.htm

Literary Encyclopedia, articles on progress, “Boualem Sansal”, “Salim Bachi”, “Politics of Languages in North Africa”


Conference Presentations, Invited talks: “Renaissances, modernisations et occidentalisation au XIXe siècle”, ICLA/AILC (International Comparative Literature Association/Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée), 20th International Comparative Literature Association Convention, Paris; 18-24 July 2013.

“Introduction to Cultural Anthropology of Islam”, Week Seminar on Islamic Culture, SRI (Service des relations avec l’Islam, Diocèse de Paris) Orsay; 8 July 2013.

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“A Bilingual Memory of the Algerian War of Independence”, invited talk given at the Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, University of Michigan; 24 January 2013.

“Sexuality as Territory of Exile in Taos Amrouche’s Fictions”, Annual Meeting Middle East Studies Association, Denver; 17-20 November 2012.

“Introduction to Cultural Anthropology of Islam”, Week Seminar on Islamic Culture, SRI (Service des relations avec l’Islam, Diocèse de Paris) Orsay; 7 July 2012.

“Une géopoétique du traduire: le cas de Toru Dutt lectrice-traductrice”, 37th Annual Meeting of the Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée (SFLGC)/French Society of General and Comparative Literature, Université Bordeaux 3, Bordeaux; 28 October 2011.

“Cosmopolitanism and Arabic Literature, Mayy Ziyada in Cairo”, Middle East Studies – 2011-2012 Lecture Series, Florida International University; 7 October 2011.

“A Poetics of the Transcultural Subject”, Monthly Seminar “Littératures et théories postcoloniales” organized by Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS) and Lise Guilhamon (Université de Versailles – Saint Quentin – SUDS), l’École Normale Supérieure (Rue d’Ulm), Paris; 11 May 2011.

“Thinking about World Literature Upside-Down: Nineteenth Century Arab and Indian perspectives on World Literature”, Annual Meeting American Comparative Literature Association, Vancouver; 31 March-3 April 2011.

“Being cosmopolitan in nineteenth century Bengal? The case of Toru Dutt (1856-1877), Bengali poetess”, Continuity, Conservatism, Classicism: Reading Postcolonial Literature against the Grain?, University of Orléans, France; 2-3 December 2010.

“Reflections on a Poetics of the Transcultural Subject”, Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Annual Seminar for the Center “Cultures in Transnational Perspective”, University of California Los Angeles; 14 June 2010.

“How does Algerian cinema represent marginalized women? Viva Laldjérie by Nadir Moknèche, a case study”, ISIS Center for Women and Development, Women and Development Conference organized by Prof. Fatima Sadiqi in Fes, Morocco; 11-13 March 2010.

“Sharp contrast of all colors or How can one be transnational in nineteenth century India?”, the Annual Andrew W. Mellon Conference, “Transnationalism in Question”, organized by the Center “Cultures in Transnational Perspectives”, University of California Los Angeles; 5-6 February, 2010.

“Elles-mêmes comme des autres: Toru Dutt (1856-1877) et Mayy Ziyada (1886-1941)”, Colloque Dislocations culturelles, Université de Metz; 1-3 October 2009.

“Emergent subjectivities in nineteenth century India and Egypt : Toru Dutt (1856-77) and Mayy Ziyadah (1886-1941)”, Gender and Women’s Studies across Cultures, University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez; 9-11 July 2009.

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“‘Défense et illustration’ d’un universel mauricien: autour d’Ananda Devi”, La Culture de l’île Maurice: entre mots et images (organized by Prof. Françoise Lionnet and Prof. Thomas Spear), Mauritius; 25-28 June 2009.

“Feminism Awakening: India and Egypt”, Distinguished International Speaker at the Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars, University of California, Los Angeles; 21 May 2009.

“Translation in desired transnational spaces: Mayy Ziyada (1886-1941) in Cairo”. Andrew W. Mellon Conference, University of California Los Angeles; 8-9 May 2009.

“Assia Djebar novels and the Arabesque Style”, American Comparative Literature Association Convention (Seminar on “French Orientalism” organized by Prof. Robert Doran), Boston; 26-29 March 2009.

“Female characters in late nineteenth century historical novels: a metaphor of the action of aesthetics upon politics”, Modern Language Association Convention (panel “Women’s Human Rights, Transnational Subjectivities, and Political Aesthetics” organized by Prof. Alison Rice), San Francisco; 27-30 December 2008.

“Les apories d’un baroque mondialisé: Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie” [The Aporia of a Globalized Baroque: A Study of Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children], seminar “D’un baroque mondialisé” (organized by the Center TELEM/Translations, directed by Prof. Isabelle Poulin), Université Bordeaux 3, Bordeaux; 16 May 2008.

“Autophagie et identité: Kopal-Kundala de Bankim Chandra Chatterjee et His natural Life de Marcus Clarke”. ICLA/AILC (International Comparative Literature Association/Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée), 18th International Comparative Literature Association Convention, Rio de Janeiro; 18-24 July 2007.

“Écrits sur l’art de Kandinsky” [Kandinsky Writings on Art”]. Symposium Écriture et peinture, University of Gabès, Tunisia; 5 April 2007.

“Between History and Memory: Emergent Voices of Femininity (Zaynab (1914) by Muhammad Husayn Haykal and Les Alouettes naïves (1967) by Assia Djebar)”, invited lecture at University of California Los Angeles; 8 February 2007.

“Romantisme postcolonial et mondialisation au XIXe siècle”, International Colloquium Boundaries and Limits of Postcolonialism: Anglophone, Francophone, Global, Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies and the Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee; 30 November-2 December 2006.

“Comment le roman historique réécrit-il?” [How does the Historical Novel Rewrite?], 34th Annual Meeting of the Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée (SFLGC)/French Society of General and Comparative Literature, Poitiers; 7-9 September 2006.

“Lyrical Form in the Historical Novel: a Means to Act upon the Reader?”, International Conference “Politics and/in Aesthetics” Department of English, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki and the

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University of Veliko Turnovo for the English Studies Associations of Greece and Bulgaria; 4-9 June 2005.

“Ville histoire ou ville corps: Assia Djebar et Ananda Devi” [City-History or City-Body in Assia Djebar and Ananda Devi’s novels], Conference “Les Représentations de la femme dans la littérature féminine au Maghreb”, University of Sousse, Tunisia; 26-27 November 2004.

“Les Langues d’Assia Djebar”, invited lecture, Department of French, University of Jawaharlal Nehru, New-Delhi; August 2004.

“Anandamath: A Barthesian Reading” invited by Prof. Asha Pande, Center for French and Francophone Studies, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur; July 2004.

“Assia Djebar: A Female Algerian Voice”, invited lecture, Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, Calcutta; July 2004.

“Vie naturelle ou allégorie nationale? His Natural Life de Marcus Clarke” [Natural Life or National Allegory ? Marcus Clarke’s His Natural Life], International Conference “Naissance d’une littérature nationale espaces occupés/espaces vides”, [Birth of a National Literature, Occupied Spaces/ Empty Spaces], organized by Prof. Simone Kadi at the Australian Embassy in Paris; Juin 2004.

“Méthodes et Pratiques de la Littérature Comparée en France”, invited lecture Department of French, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; July 2003.

“Quand le temps de la tradition rencontre le temps de la culture occidentale: Zaynab de Mohammed Hussayn Haykal” [When Oriental Time Meets Western Time: Zaynab by Mohammed Hussayn Haykal], International Conference “Récit Émergent-Récit Renaissant” [Emergent Narrative] organized by Prof. Didier Coste, Université Bordeaux 3; 24-26 January 2002.

“L’espace du roman historique et son double: description de l’espace dans Al-Abbassa de Jurji Zaydan, Les derniers jours de Pompéi de Bulwer-Lytton et Salammbô de Flaubert” [The space in the historical novel: spatial description in Al-Abbassa by Jurji Zaydan, The Last Days of Pompeii by Bulwer-Lytton and Salammbô by Gustave Flaubert], 30th Annual Meeting of the Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée (SFLGC)/French Society of General and Comparative Literature Limoges; 20-22 September 2001.

Conference Sessions and Panel Discussant

Discussant for panel FIU’s students in the Department of Art and Art History, School of Architecture and Arts, “matter: the body queered, queerness embodied”; MBUS Gallery, Miami; 31 August 2013.

Discussant for conference panel organized by WSGSA (Women’s Studies Graduate Students Association), 8 November 2011.

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“In ‘Is feminism translatable?’ What translatable means?” Respondent to Prof. Obi Nnaemeka, Symposium “Crossing the Sahara and Back: African Feminism in Dialogue”, African and African Diaspora Studies; 18 November 2011.

“Teach-in 9/11”, Discussant in a panel organized by SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs), Florida International University; 9 September 2011.

“Activism and gender equality”, Discussant in a roundtable organized by the Middle East Studies Center, with visitors from Israel and Palestinian Territories, Florida International University; 11 July 2011.

“The Life of the Mind: Art and Culture as a Strategic Resource” Discussant in a roundtable organized by the College of Arts and Sciences, with Samina Quraeshi (public speaker), Florida International University; 6 April 2011.

“Egypt Teach-In”, Discussant in a roundtable organized by SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs), Florida International University; 3 February 2011.

Conference, Panels Organized and Chaired “Sexual Identity and Identity Politics in Arabo-Islamic Cultures”, Panel co-organized with Prof. Olivia Harrison for the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Denver; 17-20 November 2012.

“The Legacy of the Algerian War/ l’Héritage de la guerre d’Algérie” Chair, Discussant, Conference co-organizer with Prof. Pascale Becel, Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University; 22-23 March 2012: http://dll.fiu.edu/events/2012/the-legacy-of-the-algerian-war- between-history-memory-and-representations/

“Crossing the Sahara and Back: African Feminisms in Dialogue”, Co-organization of the Humanities Afternoon, African and African Diaspora Studies, Florida International University; 17 November 2011.

“Creolization/Multiculturalism?”, Seminar Co-organized with Prof. Shu-mei Shih at the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, New Orleans; 1-4 April 2010.

“Transnationalism in Question”, Fourth Andrew W. Mellon Conference Co-organization, University of California Los Angeles; 5-6 February 2010.

“Transnational Place and the Politics of the Space”, Third Andrew W. Mellon Conference Co- organization, University of California Los Angeles; 9 May 2009.

“La Séparation”, Conference Co-organization, Institut Supérieur des Langues de Gabès, 2007-2008.

“Récits renaissants/Récits Emergents”, Co-organization of International Conference with Prof. Didier Coste, Université Bordeaux 3, Bordeaux; 22-23 January 2003.

Invited Lectures on Undergraduate and Graduate courses:

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“Une Algérienne dit je”/ “An Algerian Woman Saying I”, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Orléans, (4 hours seminar); 4 April 2012.

“Secularism and Islam”, Prof. Laurie Shrage’s Course “Feminism and Philosophy”, Florida International University; October 2010.

Video-Interviews organized Interview with the Algerian Feminist Wassyla Tamzali, special event in Women’s Studies and Modern Languages, Florida International Univerity; 20 October 2011.



Research in progress A Poetics of Transcultural Subject, book manuscript in preparation examines multicultural women writers in three linguistic areas (Arabic, French and English speaking) and three cultural areas (Algeria, Egypt, Indian Ocean, Bengal) over a historical period that extends from the second half of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century.

L’esprit créateur, Guest editor for Special Issue The Legacy of the Algerian War of Independence; Winter 2014.

Fictions de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne, edited volume in progress, “Perspectives Comparatistes”, Classiques Garnier, Paris.

Ernest Renan, “Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?”: genèse et postérité critique, collection: Textes Critiques Français, Honoré Champion.

“The Woman Question in 19th century Egypt” article manuscript to be submitted to Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society.

Translation in progress Zaynab [1914] by Muhammed Husayn Haykal, (original in Arabic, translation to French), Paris: Albouraq Editions.

Conference Presentations in preparation Geopolitical Summit in presence of Moises Naim, Discussant panel “America at the Crossroads: Power and Strategy in U.S. Foreign Relations” organized by SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs); 29 October 2013.

“Teach-in Syria”, Discussant in a panel organized by SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs), Florida International University; 16 September 2013.


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University of Orléans, Research Fellowship hosted by the Département des Lettres Modernes, March-April 2012. $7600.

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for “Cultures in Transnational Perspective”, directed by Prof. Françoise Lionnet & Prof. Shu-mei Shih, University of California Los Angeles, 2008-2010. $114000.



PROFESSIONAL HONORS, PRIZES, FELLOWSHIPS Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for “Cultures in Transnational Perspective”, directed by Professor Françoise Lionnet & Professor Shu-mei Shih, University of California Los Angeles, 2008-2010. $114000.

OFFICES HELD IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Editorial Board Member Journal Les Cahiers du GRELCEF (Groupe de recherche et d’études sur les littératures et cultures de l’espace francophone),University of West Ontario (http://www.uwo.ca/french/grelcef/cahiers_intro_en.htm)

International Scientific Expertise Expertise for l’ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) [National Research Agency]: “Dictionnaire des écrivaines maghrébines contemporaines” [Dictionary of North African Women Writers], France; May 2010.

OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICE Journal Refereeing Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, Yale. Les Cahiers du GRELCEF (Groupe de recherche et d’études sur les littératures et cultures de l’espace francophone), University of West Ontario.

FIU Committee Member Academic Job Search and Screen Committee Member Instructor in Chinese, 2010-2011 Modern Languages Personnel Committee Member Spring 2012 to present Women’s Studies Curriculum Committee Member Fall 2010 to present


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American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA 2007 ) — International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA 2007 ) — Middle East Studies Association (MESA 2010 ) — Modern Language Association (MLA 2006) — Société française de Littérature Générale et Comparée (SFLGC 2001 2005)