1 9 3 4 ¿ y VOLUME 10 NUMBER 69 *

Washington, Friday, April S, 1945

The President (Pars. 1101-1104: sec. 1, 46 Stat. 646, 647, CONTENTS sec. 33 (a), 52 Stat. 1090, sec. 481, 46 Stat. 719; 19 U.S.C. 1001, 1481) THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9535 [seal] W. R. J ohnson, E xecutive Order: Page P ublic M embers of the National W ar Commissioner of Customs. National War Labor Board, in­ Labor Board crease in number of public Approved: April 3, 1945. members______3721 H erbert E. G aston, By virtue of thé authority vested in Acting Secretary of the Treasury. me by the Constitution and the statutes REGULATIONS AND NOTICES [F. R. Doc. 45-5532; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; of the United States, it is hereby ordered 10:31 a. m.] Customs B ureau: as follows: Sugars, syrups and molasses, 1. Executive Order No. 9017 of Jan­ petroleum products, and uary 12, 1942, establishing the National wool and hair; wool in­ War Labor Board, is amended by in­ TITLE 29—LABOR voices ______3721 creasing the number of public members Chapter VI—National War Labor Board Interstate Commerce Commission: of the said Board from four to eight. Reconsignment permits: Appendix—Industry Commissions and Panels Carrots, Kansas City, Mo___ 3729 Not more than four of such members Spinach, Philadelphia, Pa___ 3729 shall vote on any one matter.- M eat P acking Commission Shell eggs shipped from Denver, 2. Executive Order No. 9038 of Jan­ By virtue of and pursuant to the powers Colo.* refrigeration______3729 uary 24,1942, providing for the appoint­ vested in it by Executive Order 9017 of National W ar Labor B oard: ment of associate members of the Nat­ January 12, 1942, thé Executive orders Commissions and panels, Meat ional War Labor Board, and Executive and regulations issued under the act of Packing Commission estab­ Order No. 9395-A of November 20, 1943, Congress of October 2,1942, and the War lished__ ^ ____ :______3721 providing for the appointment of alter­ Labor Disputes Act of June 25,1943, and Office of P rice Administration: nata public members of the said Board, in order to effectuate the provisions of Adjustments and pricing orders: are hereby revoked. the supplementary directive orders of Estee Bedding Co______3731 February 20, 1945 in the meat packing Estrella Cigar Factory_____ 3733 F ranklin D R oosevelt cases (Nos. 111-5544-D, 111-5760-D, 111- Frie Cooling Co______3731 T he W hite H ouse, 5762-D, 111-5763-D, 111-5914-D, 111- Glen Burgoyne Coal Co., et al_ 3729 April 4, 1945. 5759-D, 111-6000-D, 111-6319-D>, the J. & H. Cigar Co______3734 National War Labor Board has adopted Manheimer, Louis, & Bros., [F„ R. Doc. 45-5541; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; the following directive order establish­ In c______3735 11:36 a. m.] ing the Meat Packing Commission: Peeler, J. F„ & Sons..______3733 1. There is created a Meat Packing Rosario, Fernando.______3732 Commission which shall have its head­ Sun Glow industries, Inc. (2 Regulations quarters at Chicago, Illinois. The Meat documents)______3730,3731 Packing Commission shall consist of two Steinhorst, Emil, & Sons, Inc. 3732 representatives of the Public: a Chair­ Ukman, Jacob___1______3734 TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES man and an Associate Public Member, Yocum Bros., Inc______3733 who in the absence of the Chairman shall Carbon black, channel (SR 14F, Chapter I—Bureau of Customs act as Chairman; one representative of Corr. to Am. 3)______3728 each of the three national unions par­ Dairy products (RMPR 289) •_ 3726 [T. D. 51214] ties to these cases (United Packinghouse Defense rental areas: P art 13—S ugars, S irups, and Molasses; Workers of America, CIO; Amalgamated Hotels and rooming houses P etroleum P roducts; W ool and H air Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of (Corr. to Am. 48, 49)___ 3727 North America, AFL; National Brother­ Housing (Corr. to Am. 52,53) _ 3727 w o o l INVOICES of Packing House Workers CUA) ; Fur garments, women’s (MPR and one representative of each of the in­ 178, Am. 7)______3723 Section 13.12 (6), Customs Regulations terested companies (Swift and Company; Furs and peltries, raw, dressed of 1943, as amended by T. D. 51062, re­ Armour and Company; Wilson and Com­ and dressed and dyed (MPR lating to wool invoices, further amended. pany; Cudahy Packing Company; and 541, Am. 4)______3724 Section 13.12 (6), Customs Regulations John Morrell and Company).. All mem-, Industry Advisory Committees, of 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 13.12 (6)), bers of the Commission shall be ap­ procedure applicable to as amended by T.D. 51062, is hereby fur­ pointed by the Board, on the nomination (Rev. Procedural Reg. 13, ther amended by substituting the word of the respective groups of members of incl. Am. 1)______3726 “symbol” for the word “number.” (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 3721

4' 3722 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued 3. On all questions each group of mem­ /SX bers shall have one voté. In any case Office of P rice Administration— involving one company and one union, FEOERALÄREGISTER Continued. the industry and labor votes, respectively, Regional and district office or­ shall be cast by the member represent­ V,1934* ONITtO* ders—Continued. PaSe ing such company and such union. Fruits and vegetables, fresh: Three members, one from each group, Michigan______3738 shall constitute a quorum and a ma­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Sioux City, Iowa______- 3742 jority vote shall constitute the decision and days following legal holidays, by the Yankton, S. 01______3742 Division of the Federal Register, .the National of the Commission. Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Malt and cereal beverages, 4. The rulings of the Commission on in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Jefferson County, Ala— 3738 wage or salary adjustments and the di­ 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.O., Pennsylvania anthracite: rective orders of the Commission in dis­ ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Boston region------3737 pute cases shall have the same effect, Administrative Committee, approved by the New York region______3737 and be subject to stay and review by President. Distribution is made only by the Plumbing services, Southern the National War Labor Board to' the Superintendent of Documents, Government California and Clark same extent and in the same manner Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. County, Nev_____------3735 The regulatory material appearing herein is as rulings and orders of the Regional War keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Safety cans and steel drums, Labor Boards, as set forth in Parts IV which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Cleveland region------3739 to VI of the Board’s rules of procedure, to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as ' repair . services, retail, -as amended, except that appeals to the amended June 19, 1937. Toledo, Ohio------3737 Board from decisions of the Commission The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Solid fuels: on disputed wage-rate inequality issues mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Boston region '(3 docu­ arising under the February 20, 1945 di­ per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ ments) ______3736, 3737 vance. The charge for individual copies rective orders will be decided by the (minimum 15#) varies in proportion to the - . Cleveland region------3741 Board on the merits in accordance witfc size of the issue. Remit check or money Flint, Mich______3740 the. requirements of those orders. order, made payable to the Superintendent Lima, Ohio__ 1_____ —— 3739 5. The Commission shall transmit reg­ of Documents, directly to the Government Louisville, Ky______3746 ularly to th Board copies of its decisions Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Marion County, Ind*.------3740 and rulings and such additional data There are ho restrictions on the republica­ Muncie, Ind------— 3740 and reports as the Board may from time tion of material appearing in the F ederal New Bedford, Mass-----3736 to time require. R egister. Waterbury, Conn. (2 docu­ ments)___ j.------3736 Approved: March 21, 1945. P etroleum Administration for T heodore W. K heel, ■ N O T IC E W ar:. Executive Director. Butane and propane-butane Book 1 of the 1943 Supplement to mixture, limitation on use [F. R. Doc. 45-5524; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; the Code of Federal Regulations . in oil and gas drilling oper­ 4:47 p. m.] may be obtained from the Superin­ ations ------!----- .— _ 3729 tendent of Documents, Government S ecurities and E xchange Commis­ sion s: Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. TITLE 32—NATIONAL DEFENSE This book contains the material in Hearings, etc.: Central Vermont Public Serv­ Chapter IX—War Production Board Titles, 1-31, including Presidential ice Corp______a------3746 documents, issued during the period General Electric Co. et al----- 3746 A u th o r ity : Regulations in this chapter, Haverhill Electric Co. et al__ 3743 unless otherwise noted at the end of docu­ from June 2, 1943, through Decem­ ments affected, issued under sec. 2 (a), 54 ber 31,1943. New York Power & Light Corp. Stat. 676, as amended by 55 Stat. 236 and 56 and Niagara Hudson Stat. 177; E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 Power Corp____'______3744 F.R. 527; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; W.P.B. Reg. 1 North West Utilities Co—___ 3745 as amended Dec. 31, 1943, 9 F.R. 64. CONTENTS—Continued Northern Pennsylvania Power Co______—— — ——— 3744 P art 1010—S uspension Order O f f ic e o f P r ic e A dministration — Continued. . Ogden Corp______3745 {Suspension Order S-753] W ar P roduction B oard: Puerto Rico: Pa&e Suspension orders, etc.: CIAMPI SAW PLANT Food’ items and consumer Booth Newspapers, Inc------3747 Ciampi Saw Plant, a partnership com­ durable ' goods (RMPR Ciampi Saw Plant------— 3722 posed of Dulio and Marianina Ciampi, is 183, Am. 70)______— 3728 engaged in the business of cutting gran­ Lard restriction Order (Re­ ite in Barre, Vermont. In November, striction Order 13, Am. the Board. Alternate members of the 1944, Ciampi Saw Plant, without permis­ 1)______1_...... 3727 Commission may be similarly appointed sion of the War Production Board, began Regional and district office or­ construction of an addition to the saw by the Board from time to time as may plant at an estimated cost of $4,000, ders: be necessary. The labor and industry which amount exceeded the limit of $200 Alfalfa hay, harvesting and members of the Commission, whether permitted by War Production Board ^baling, Palo Verde Valley, regular or alternate shall serve on a per Limitation Order L-41, and in violation Calif_i ______3743 diem basis. of that order. Ciampi Saw Plant also ’ Automotive repair s h o p s , 2. The Meat Packing Commission shallimproperly used an^AA-5 preference rat­ Memphis district------3741 have jurisdiction of all matters dele­ ing and an MRO symbol in connection Citrus fruits, Detroit region— 3740 gated to the Commission in the supple­ with the reconditioning of a granite saw, Firewood: mentary directive orders in the meat in violation of CMP Regulation No. 5. packing cases issued on February 20, These violations were grossly negligent Lawrenceburg, Tenn— ___ 3742 1945. In the discharge of its duties, the Minnesota------3743 and have diverted critical material to Commission shall take no action incon­ uses not authorized by the War Produc­ Fish and seafood, fresh and sistent with the provisions of the interim frozen, New York region. 3737 tion Board and have hampered and im­ directive orders of December 7, 1944 and peded the war effort of the United States. Fluid milk: January 22; 1945, and the supplementary In view of the foregoing, it is hereby or­ De Pere, West De Pere and directive orders of February 20, 1945 in dered, that: Wrightstown, Wis____ 3.742 the meat packing cases, or any other Indiana______— __ 3740 relevant action of the National War La­ § 1010.753 Suspension Order No. S- Massachusetts ______— 3736 bor Board. 753. (a) Neither Dulio Ciampi and FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April ’» 1945 3723 Marianina Ciampi, or any other -person tion, on garments of the same classifica­ provisions of Appendix B for such cate­ shall do any construction on the saw tion as the garment being priced; or if gory of fur garment. plant on Granité Street, Barre, yermont, he did not establish an initial percentage (2) Of a category of garment not de­ including putting up or altering the markup on a garment of the same classi­ livered during the applicable base period structure, unless hereafter specifically fication, then the seller’s lowest initial to wholesalers and retailers, the sum of authorized in writing by the War Pro­ percentage markup over cost, established (i) the direct cost of the garment to the duction Board. pursuant to paragraph (a) of this sec­ manufacturer, and (ii) the seller’s low­ (b) The provisions of this order shall tion, on any classification of garment of est percentage margin over cost, estab­ not apply to maintenance and repair as any kind of skin. .defined or governed by Conservation Or­ lished pursuant to subparagraph (1) of der L 41, as amended from time to time, 3. Section 1389.152a (a) is amended to this paragraph, on garments of the same read as follows: classification as the v garment ' being which involve no alterations, structural priced; or if he did not establish a per­ or otherwise, no change in design.and no (a) As to a category of garment deliv­ centage margin over cost on a garment change in type or kind of materials. ered or offered for sale during the appli­ of the same classification, then the sell­ (c) The restrictions and prohibitions cable base period, the sum of (1) the cost er’s lowest initial percentage margin over contained herein shall apply to Dulio to the seller of the garment being priced, cost, established pursuant to subpara­ and Marianina Ciampi, doing business as and (2) the seller’s iiiitial percentage graph (1) of this paragraph, for any Ciampi Saw Plant, or under any other markup over cost on the same classifica­ classification of garment of any kind of name, their successors or assigns or per­ tion of garment of thè same kind of skin skin: Provided, That the maximum price sons acting on their behalf. Prohibitions during the applicable base period: Pro­ established under this subparagraph (2) against the taking of any action include vided, That- the maximum price estab­ for a fur garment in any category de­ the taking indirectly as well as directly of lished under this paragraph for a fur scribed in Appendix B shall not be high­ any such action. garment in any category described in Ap- er than the highest price permitted to a (d) Nothing contained in this order jpendix B shall not be higher than the • manufacturer for a sale to a wholesaler shall be deemed to relieve Dulio and Ma­ highest price permitted to a wholesaler or retailer under the provisions of Ap­ rianina Ciampi from any restriction, under the provisions of Appendix B for pendix B for such category of fur gar­ prohibition, or provision contained in such category of fur garment. ment. any other order or regulation of the War 4. Section 1389.152a (b) is amended to Production Board except insofar as the read as follows: 6. Section 1389.153 (c) is amended to same may be inconsistent with the pro­ read as follows: visions hereof. (b) As to a category of garment not (c) On sales at retail by manufac­ Issued this 4th day of . April 1945. delivered or offered for sale during the turers, the net maximum prices estab­ applicable base period, the sum of (1) lished pursuant to paragraph (a) of this W ar P r o du ctio n B oard, the cost to the seller of the garment being section may be increased by an amount B y J . J o s e p h W h e l a n , priced and* (2) the seller’s lowest initial not exceeding 20%: Provided, That the Recording Secretary. percentage markup over cost, established maximum price established under this [F. R. Doc. 45-5523; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; pursuant to paragraph (a) of this sec­ paragraph (c) for a fur garment in any 4:23 p. m.] tion, on garments of thé same classifica­ category described in Appendix B shall tion as the garment being priced; or if not be higher thanjthe highest price per­ he did not establish an initial percentage mitted to a manufacturer under the pro­ markup on a garment of the same classi­ visions of Appendix B for a sale at re­ Chapter XI—Office of Price Administration fication, then the seller’s lowest initial tail of such category of fur garment. percentage markup over cost, established P art 1389—A pparel pursuant to paragraph (a) of this sec­ 7. Section 1389.168 is amended to read [MPR 178,1 Amdt. 7] tion, on any classification of garment of as follows : any kind of skin:. Provided, That the § 1389.168 Appendix B; highest Price • WOMEN’S FUR GARMENTS maximum price established under this Line ^Limitations for manufacturers’ and A statement of the considerations in­ paragraph for a fur garment in any cate­ wholesalers’ sales of certain specified volved in the issuance of this amend­ gory described in Appendix B shall not garments. This section establishes ment,. issued simultaneously herewith, be higher than the highest price per­ “highest price line limitations’’ for sales has been filed with the Division of the mitted to a wholesaler under the pro­ of the garments described in paragraphs Federal Register. visions of Appendix B for such category (a) and (c), below, by manufacturers -of fur garment. and wholesalers. The term “highest 1. Section 1389.152 (a) is amended to 5. Section 1389.153 (a)'is amended to price line limitation” means an over­ read as follows: read as follows*: riding price limitation which limits the (a) As to a category of garment deliv­ seller's maximum price notwithstanding ered or offered for sale during the appli­ (a) On sales to wholesalers and re­ the fact that the seller has arrived at a cable base period, the sum of (1) the cost tailers: higher price under the provisions of to the seller of the garment being priced, (1) Of the same category of fur § 1389.152a or § 1389.153 of this regula­ aiid (2) the seller’s. initial percentage garments delivered to wholesalers and tion (or pursuant to § 1389.154 (b), (c) or retailers during the applicable base (d)). markup over cost on the same classifica­ period, the sum of (i) the direct cost of tion of garment of the same kind of skin the garment to-the manufacturer, and (a) Highest price line limitations for during the applicable base period. (ii) the same percentage margin over manufacturers’ sales to wholesalers and 2. Section 1389.152 (b) is amended to cost received by the manufacturer upon retailers. (1) For the purposes of de­ read as follows: the sale of the same classification of termining highest price line limitations (b) As to a category of garment not women’s fur garment of the same kind each of the garments listed below con­ delivered or offered for sale during the of skin which was delivered to whole­ stitutes a separate category of women’s applicable base period, the sum of (1) salers and retailers during the appli­ fur garment. The price enumerated in the cost to the seller of the garment being cable base period: Provided, That the Column IV is, except as modified by sub- priced, and (2) the seller’s lowest initial maximum price established under this paragraph (2) of this section, the high­ percentage markup over cost, established subparagraph ( 1 ) for a fur garment in est price line limitation for manufac­ pursuant to paragraph (a) of this sec- any category described in Appendix B turer’s sales to wholesalers and retailers shall not be higher than the highest for the corresponding category of gar­ *7 F.R. 5277, 6771, 8010, 8946, 8948; 8 F JR. price permitted to a manufacturer for a ment listed and described in Columns I, 7601; 9 F.R. 754, 10358. sale to a wholesaler or retailer under the II and HI. 3724 v FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , April 6, 1945 same category of garment delivered dur­ Column I Column II Column III Column IV ing the applicable base period, or if he Manufactur­ did not deliver a garriient of the same er’s highest category, then 110%.of the price at which price line Category Kind of skin Description he first offered for sale during the ap­ number limitation (all prices plicable base period a garment of that less 8%) category which was in his possession. If the seller did not deliver or offer for sale $210.00 the same category of garment made of , dyed gray, skin-to-skin...... 116.00 3 African Kid (Eritrean)...... Coat! dyed other than black or gray, skin-to-skin__ 89.50 rabbit skin during the applicable base Coat, dyed black, skin-to-skin...... 65.00 period, his highest price line limitation fi Coat! dyed gray, "skin-to-skin______115.00 6 Indian Kid....-*______Coat! dyed other than black or gray, skin-to-skin__ 89.50 shall be 110% of the highest price at 7 Cqat, dyed black, skin-to-skin...... 65.00 which he is permitted to deliver a gar­ 8 Indian “Bombay” Lamb (not in- Coat, dyed, skin-to-skin...... 1...... 195.00 ment of the same category under an eluding Moire). 9 Lincoln Lamb, South American, Coat, dressed and dyed or dressed white, skin-to-skin. 225.00 order issued pursuant to § 1389.154 of completely sheared (American the regulation. Broadtail). 10 Two-tone. Lincoln Lamb £South Coat, skin-to-skin...... 115.00 (d) Highest price line limitations for American). manufacturers’ sales at retail. The T H Coat, skin-to-skin...... 125.00 12 Mouton (dyed and sheared lamb Coat, skin-to-skin...... 89.50 highest price line limitation for a retail or sheep). sale by a manufacturer shall be 120% 13 Coat, blended, skin-to-skin...... 195.00 14 Coat! full skin! mink or sable blends, full let-out _ ____ 325.00 of the highest price line limitation (re­ Coat, full skin! fancy blends, full let-out ...... 365.00 duced to a net basis) established under 16 Hudson Seal (dyed Northern Coat! full skin, head and tongue method, skin-to- 260.00 Muskrat). skin. the other provisions of this Appendix B 17 Hudson Seal (dyed Northern Coat, full skin, no-head, no-tongue method, skin-to- 275.00 by the manufacturer for his sales of that Muskrat). skin. category of women’s fur garments to 18 Coat, blended, skin-to-skin...... 160.00 180.00 whôlesalers or retailers. 60.00 89.50 This amendment shall become effec­ 22 Coat, natural or dyed, skin-to-skin...... 95.00 tive April 6, 1945. 189.50 24 210.00 195.00 Issued this 4th day of April 1945. 270.00 J ames G. R ogers, Jr., 27 Squirrel! Russian and Siberian...... Coat! natural or dyed, skin-to-skin...... 295.00 Acting Administrator. (2) If a manufacturer delivered gar­ centage markup over cost established [P. R. Doc. 45-5486; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; ments in any category listed and de­ under § 1389.152 4a), or under authority 3:24 p. m.] scribed in subparagraph Cl), above, dur­ granted pursuant to § 1389.154 (b) or ing the base period at a price or prices (d), for a garment of the same category, higher than the price listed therein for less 8%. P art 1374—F urs that category, he may take as his highest (2) If a wholesaler delivered garments price line limitation for such category in any category listed and described-in [MPR 541,1 Arndt. 4] the price at or above which he sold 5% subparagraph (a) (1), above, during the (or more) of his total deliveries (in base period at a price or .prices higher RAW, DRESSED AND DRESSED AND DYED FURS units) of garments in that category dur­ than his highest price linë limitation as AND PELTRIES ing the base period. For purposes of this determined under subparagraph (1) of A statement of the considerations in­ calculation of base period pricés the this paragraph (b), he may take as his volved in the issuance of this amend­ manufacturer may not include garments highest price line limitation for such ment, issued simultaneously herewith? delivered in retail sales to the ultimate category the price at or above which he sold 5% of his total deliveries (in units) has been filed with the Division of the consumer. Federal Register. For example: Suppose a manufacturer de-, of garments in that category during the livered 100 Northern Muskrat back , base period. For purposes of this cal­ 1. Section 5 (a) (1) is amended by sub­ made skin-to-skin, to wholesalers and re­ culation of base period prices the whole­ stituting for the phrase “other than a tailers, during the base period. Of these he saler may not include garments delivered kind of raw fur or peltry listed in sec­ delivered in retail sales to the ultimate consumer. 2 coats at $225 each, less 8%, tion 9,” in the first-sentence thereof, the 4 coats at $215 each, less 8%, (See example under paragraph (a) (2), phrase “other than, the kinds of raw, 15 coats at $210 each, less 8%, above.) dressed, or dressed and dyed furs for 49 coats at $195 each, less 8%, and (c) Highest price line limitation for which maximum prices are listed in sec­ 30 coats at $175 each, less 8%. garments made of rabbit skins—(1) tion 9,”. Manufacturers. The highest price line 2. Section 5 (a) (3) (iii) is amended The manufacturer is not entitled to limitation for a sale by a manufacturer use $225, less 8%, as his highest price line of any category of women’s fur garment by substituting fór the phrase “other limitation because only 2% of his coats made of rabbit skins shall be 110% of the than a kind of raw fur or peltry listed were delivered at that price. However, highest price charged by the seller for in section 9,” the phrase “other than the he did deliver 6% of his coats at or above a garment of the same category delivered kinds of raw, dressed or dressed and dyed the price of $215, less 8%. He may, during the applicable base period to furs or peltries for which maximum therefore, use $215, less 8%, as his high­ prices are listed in section 9,”. est price line limitation for Northern wholesalers and retailers. If the manu­ Muskrat back coats made ,skin-to-skin, facturer did not deliver garments made 3. Section 6 is amended to read as fol­ of rabbit skins in such category during lows: since that is the price at or above which the applicable' base period, his highest he sold 5%, or more, of his total number price line limitation shall be 110% of the S ec. 6. Maximum prices for furs and of units of the same category delivered highest price at which he is permitted to peltries delivered (or sold through an during the base period. deliver a garment of the same category auctiomcompany or broker) during, the (b) Highest price line limitation for to wholesalers or retailers under an or­ base period. Except for the maximum wholesalers. (1) Except as provided in prices established by section 9 for cer­ subparagraph (2), below, the highest der issued pursuant to section 1389.154 price line limitation for wholesalers for of the regulation. tain raw, dressed or dressed and dyed any category of women’s fur garments (2) Wholesalers. The highest price furs and peltries, the maximum price for listed and described in Columns I, II and line limitation for a sale by a wholesaler any kind of fur or peltry, whether raw, III of subparagraph (a) (1), above, shall of any category of women’s fur garment dressed or dressed and dyed, shall be the be the gross price listed therefor in Col­ made of rabbit shall be 110% of the high­ umn IV plus the wholesaler’s initial per­ est price charged by the seller for the 19'F.R. 6565. 11759, 13845, 10 PR . 862. highest price at which the seller deliv­ ered (or sold .through an auction com­ •Column I Column II 6. Section 9 (b) is amended by delet­ pany or broker) during the base period ing the word “raw” from the phrase nov yuiic per »aiu \i “raw fur or peltry” appearing in the sec­ the same kind of fur or peltry in the cept as indicated) same kind of sale, except that the maxi­ ond sentence of the text thereof. Kind Description 7. Section 9 (c) is amended by deleting mum prices for grades lower than the Dressed or the word “raw” from the phrase “raw best grade of a £ind of fur or peltry in dressed and Raw dyed (as in­ furs or peltries” appearing in the first the same kind of sale shall be in line dicated) sentence of the text thereof. with such highest price, making down­ 8. Section 9 (d) is amended by delet­ ward adjustments to reflect the pustom­ Beaver, Best sections, No. I or Nos. I and II: ing the word “raw” wherever it appears ary differentials for such lower grades (a) Blankets—65 inches and over______'______39. 50 (b) Extra large—60 inches up to but not including 65 34150 in the text thereof. and for geographical origin or section, inches. 9. In section 11, the phrase “under in accordance with the seller’s estab­ (c) Large—56 inches up to but not including 60 inches.. 29.50 lished base period practice. Cats, Ringtail______Best sections, No. I or Nos. I and II ...... 3.25 section 6, 7 or 8 of this regulation” is Cats, Spotted, South Ameri­ Extra large or extra large and large, No. I (including but amended to read “under sections 6, 7, 8 can (including Brazilian '■ not exceeding 10% mediums and/or seconds). , 4. Section 8 is amended by substitut­ and Mexican). or 10 of this regulation.” ing for the phrase “other than a kind of (a) Magellan...... 1...... 6.50 10. Section 19 is amended to read aS , (b) Rio Negro and Southern...... I. 4.80 follows: . raw furor peltry listed in section 9,” the (c) Northern Argentine, including Cordoba and Men” phrase “other th^n a kind of raw, dressed REGISTER, FEDERAL doza___ .'.______3.25 S ec. 19. Appendix A: Kinds of furs or dressed and dyed fur or peltry for Fox, G ray...... __ Best sections, No. I or Nos. I and II...... ______”””” 3.50 Kid, African (Eritrean), Furriers’ selection, First^quality, free of overgrowns, free or peltries.* which a price is listed in section 9,”. ' of damages, free of galyaks. 5. The heading of section 9 and sec­ (a) White...... 1.10 Broadtail, Genuine (b) Colored...... j ______I___ .36H Cats, Civet (North American) tion 9 (a) are amended to read as fol­ Kid, Indian. Jaipur Province, stillborn quality, first quality, free of Cats, Lynx and Wild (North American) lows : overgrowns, free of damages, free of galyaks. Cats, Spotted (South American, including (a) White______.... ______1.35 Sec. 9. Maximum prices for certain (b) Colored...... ■ 60H Brazilian and Mexican) raw, dressed or dressed and dyed furs Lamb,-Indian or “Bombay” (a) Nazukcha, Multan Province, No. I or Nos. I and II, 2.70 Cats, Ringtail (not including Moire). white. Ermine, North American (listed below as and peltries, (a) This section estab­ (b) Two-tone gray, bulk lot, made from • Nazukcha, 4.10 Multan Province, No. I or Nos. I and II, raw white weasel) i lishes maximum prices for the sale, pur­ fur skins. Ermine, (Russian) chase or delivery of the kinds of raw, (c) Guldar, Multan Province,- No. I or Nos. I and II, 2.45 Fitch, Black dressed or dressed and dyed furs and , white. Fitch, White Lamb, Lincoln. (a) No. I, minimum 33 kilograms per 100 skins...... J. 75 Fox, Blue peltries listed below. The specific price (b) American Broadtail, bulk lot, made from No. I 3.05 enumerated for a kind of raw, dressed Lincoln Lamb raw skins described in (a) above!. Fox, Cross (c) Ground blended for two-tone, bulk lot, made from Fox, Gray 3.35 y a rid F or dressed and dyed fur Or peltry applies No. I Lincoln Lamb raw skins described in (a) above. Fox, Red (North Americari) only when the, fur or peltry meets the (d) No. II, tninimum 26 kilograms per 100 skins...... L. .60 Fox, Red (Russian) (e) American Broadtail, bulk lot, made from No. II 1.70 description contained in Column II. The Lincoln Lamb raw skins described in (d) above. Fox, White maximum price applicable to a sale, pur­ (f) Ground blended for two-tone, bulk lot, made from 1.90 Kid, African (Eritrean) chase or delivery of any other assort­ No. II Lincoln Lamb raw skins described in (d) above. Kid, Indian ,

(g) No. Ill, minimum 18 kilograms per 100 skins,_____ .20 1945 6, ril p A ment or grade of any kind of raw, dressed •Lamb, Persian (including Russian Jacketny No. I and Afghan Standard Kirpook___ 16.00 Lamb, Indian or “Bombay” (not incuding or dressed and dyed fur or peltry listed Russian, Afghan and South­ . Moire) west African). Lamb, Lincoln shall be a price, in line with the price M armot.i ...... West Mongolian, blue, No. I ______.1______..... __ 4.00 Lamb, Mouton enumerated for the • assortment, and Mouton (dyed and sheared No. I, free or nearly free of spots or "blemishes in the dye, lamb or sheep). , free of ribs, free of damages, in shape, fur to run Lamb, Shiraz grade described in Column II, making in one direction. Lamb, Persian downward adjustments in accordance Muskrat, Northern (includ­ Extra large or extra large and large, No. I or Nos. I and II, 2.36 Marten (European) ing ). Best sections. Marten (North American) with the general practice in the trade Muskrat, Southern______Tops...... ______1.77 during the base period of this regulation Nutria______Best sections, at least 50% 75 centimeters and up, "balance 6.50 Muskrat (Northern, 3725 including “Jersey”) to reflect the customary differentials be­ 70 centimeters and up. Muskrat (Southern United States) Ocelot______(a) Bahia, Seara and Mexican, extra large or extra large 9.00 Opossum (Australasian) tween the assortment

Pony (South American) ARTICLE V—WAIVERS Requests for the formation of a com­ Rabbit (North American) Sec. mittee may be made by a person or per­ Rabbit (European) 14. Waivers. sons subject to a maximum price regula­ Raccoon (Coat Type) Au th o r it y ; I 1300.1001 issued under 56 tion or order, by the filing of a written Raccoon (Trim Type) Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383; 78th application, in duplicate, with the Direc­ Skunk (North American) Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328; 8 tor of the Office of Industry Advisory Skunk (South American) F.R. 4681. Squirrel (North American) Committees. Squirrel (Siberian) ARTICLE I— GENERAL FUNCTIONS AND POWERS Sec. 5. Composition of committees— Weasel (North American) OF INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEES (a) Definition of “industry.” The Ad­ This amendment shall become effective S e c t io n 1. General functions and -pow­ ministrator will determine what consti­ April 6, 1945. ers of Industry Advisory, (fommittees. tutes an “industry” under the meaning Issued this 4th day of April 1945. Under the Emergency Price Control Act of the act, taking into account the or­ of 1942, as amended, hereinafter referred ganization of the Office of Price Admin­ J am es G. R ogers, J r ., to as the Act, an Industry Advisory Com­ istration, and will determine whether it Acting Administrator. mittee is an advisory and consultatory is appropriate to appoint committees that [F. R. Doc. 45-5487; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; group. The committee is designed to are national or regional or both. 3:24 p. m.] advise the .Administrator with respect to (b> Representative character. The industry matters that should be taken Administrator will as far as practicable into consideration in preparing maxi­ select members in such a way that the mum price regulations and their amend­ committee will be truly representative of the industry, or of the industry in a ' P art P ood and F ood P roducts ments which are consistent with the act. 1351— region, taking into account geographical [RMPR 289, Anadt. 22] The committee may make such recom­ mendations as it deems advisable. The dispersion, small and large concerns, in­ DAIRY PRODUCTS „ advice and recommendations of the com­ tegrated and non-integrated operations, methods of merchandising and distribu­ N o t e : A correction to the statement mittee are for the purpose of assisting the Administrator, and it is his duty to tion, membership and non-membership of considerations involved in the issu­ in organized trade-groups. ance of Amendment 22 to Revised Maxi­ give consideration to the committee’s (e) Eligibility for membership. Eli­ mum Price Regulation 289 was filed with recommendations; but it is the Adminis­ gibility for membership on an Industry the Division of the Federal Register as trator who has the responsibility for Advisory Committee shall be determined Federal Register Document 45-3345 making ultimate decisions. Regardless by present occupation in a supervisory, (NP), on April 5,1945, at 1-1:35 a. m. of whether the Administrator requests managerial or technical capacity related consultation with the committee or the to the produclion, distribution or use of committee offers advice or recommenda­ a commodity or service by a firm in the* tions on its own motion, the committee as an official organization under the act industry. . P art 1300—P rocedure is'permitted to do such things as are Sec. 6. Committee designation and an­ [Revised Procedural Reg. 13,1 Incl. Am. 1], reasonably necessary for the proper per­ nouncement—(a) Appointment of com­ formance of its functions and as are con­ mittee members. Appointment of com­ PROCEDURE APPLICABLE TO INDUSTRY AD­ sistent with this regulation. Beyond mittee members shall be by letter from VISORY COMMITTEES APPOINTED UNDER this, however, committee members have the Administrator and this letter will THE EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL ACT OF no general immunity from the legal limi­ contain the names of all members of the 1942 tations imposed, upon persons taking ac­ committee. tion together. '(b) Notification to the Attorney Gen­ This compilation of Revised Procedural eral and the press. At the time of this Regulation 13 includes Amendment 1, ARTICLE II— AUTHORITY TO ACT FOR THE appointment, a letter will be sent to the effective April 10, 1945. Text amended ADMINISTRATOR Attorney General advising him of the is underscored. Sec. 2. The Price Executive. The au­ committee’s appointment and its mem­ Pursuant to the authority conferred thority of the Administrator to consult bership, and a press release will be is­ upon the Administrator by section 2 (a) and advise with the committee or its sub­ sued publicly announcing such appoint­ of the Emergency Price Control Act of ment. 1942, as amended, the following rules are committees may be exercised by and in hereby prescribed for the appointment the name of the Frice Executive of the Sec. 7. Alteration of committees. The appropriate commodity or service branch, Administrator may from time to time, and administration of Industry Advisory who is referred to in this regulation as Committees. enlarge, reduce or change the member­ the Price Executive. ship of a committee. A member shall ARTICLE I— GENERAL FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF resign by letter to the Administrator. INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEES Sec. 3. The Director of the Office of Sec. Industry Advisory Committees. The Di­ Sec. 8. Standing subcommittees. When 1. General functions and powers of Industry rector of the Office of Industry Advisory deemed advisable the Administrator may Advisory Committees. Committees is authorized to act for the appoint a standing subcommittee in the ARTICLE n — AUTHORITY TO ACT FOR THE Administrator in: same manner as is provided for the ap­ ADMINISTRATOR (a) The supervision and coordination pointment of a regular committee. He of the Industry Advisory Committee pro­ may appoint to this standing subcom­ 2. The Price Executive. 3. The Director of the Office of Industry gram, including clearance and approval mittee persons who are not members of Advisory Committees. of appointment of committees and mem­ the regular committee. ^ bers thereof. ARTICLE III— APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES Sec. 9. Temporary subcommittees. The .(b) Receiving and processing • official chairman of the committee, elected 'as 4. Time of appointment. co*mmittee documents and official com­ hereinafter provided, may appoint tem­ _5. Composition of committees. munications to and from officers of com­ r'’ 6. Committee designation and announce­ porary subcommittees from the member­ ment. mittees. ship of the committee to handle special 7. Alteration of committees. ARTICLE III— APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES problems. The Price Executive shall be 8. Standing subcommittees. notified of such appointment. 9. Temporary subcommittees. Sec. 4. Time of appointment. The Administrator will from time to time ap­ ARTICLE IV-r-OPERATIONS Of. COMMITTEES ARTICLE IV— OPERATIONS OF COMMITTEES point committees, national or regional or Sec. 10. Officers and employees—(a) 10. Officers and employees. both, representative of their respective Officers. A committee or standing sub­ 11. Finances. industries, upon his own initiative, in 12. Meetings. committee shall elect a chairman from 13. Formal committee action. advance of major price action, or upon among its members by a majority vote of requests of a substantial portion of an the total membership. A committee or 19 F.R. 13133. industry under the provisions of thé act. standing subcommittee may elect a vice- FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , A p ril 6, 1945 3727 chairman from its members; and a secre­ (d) Attendance at meetings. When refuses to adopt the report or recom­ tary, a treasurer or a secretary-treasurer. the Administrator or Price Executive mendation of a standing or temporary Election of a non-member as secretary, calls a meeting he may designate a mem­ subcommittee, the chairman of the sub­ treasurer or secretary-treasurer, while ber of his staff as the representative of committee may submit two copies of its permissible, does not constitute the per­ the Office of Price Administration to con­ report or recommendation to the Direc­ son elected a member of the committee duct the meeting. Other members of the tor of the Office of Industry Advisory ^though he may attend meetings in order staff of the Office may participate in the to perform the duties of his office. meeting. Persons who are not members Committees, with the notation of its fail­ (b) Employees. A committee may hire of the committee or of the staff of the ure of adoption by the committee. other assistants but such employment Office may not attend committee meet­ Recommendations of committees shall does not entitled them to privileges of ings, except upon written invitation from be considered by the Administrator and committee membership, nor attendance the Price Executive or Administrator accepted or rejected in accordance with at consultative meetings with representa­ with the consent of the committee chair­ procedures established by him. tives of the Office of Price Administra­ man. There shall be no’ alternates for tion, except by written invitation from members in attendance at any meeting. ARTICLE V— WAIVERS the Price Executive, as hereinafter pro­ The Price Executive may attend or may S ec. 14. Waiver. The Administrator vided. designate some member of his staff to may, upon written notice to a committee, S ec. 11. Finances. A committee may attend meetings called by the chairman waive any portion of this regulation ex­ request and receive voluntary contribu­ of the committee, though he has no duty cept such portions as are specifically tions from the industry represented, for to do so. prescribed in the act or otherwise re­ committee maintenance, such as salaries (e) Quorum. Two-thirds of the total quired by law. and expenses of the staff and traveling membership of a committee or standing expenses of the committee members. subcommittee shall constitute a quorum This regulation, revised, shall become Contributions in excess of an amount for purposes of committee action. There effective November 6, 1944. [Revised reasonably necessary for the committee shall be no votes by proxy. Procedural Regulation 13 originally to perform its functions may not be re­ (/) Minutes of meetings. Minutes issued November 1, 1944] quested of received. The chairman or shall be kept of all meetings of commit­ [Effective date of amendment is shown by a treasurer of the committee shall file, in tees or standing subcommittees. When note following the part affected] duplicate, quarterly financial reports of a meeting is called by the chairman the Issued this 5th day of April 1945. receipts and disbursements with the Di­ keeping of the minutes is the commit­ rector of the Office of Industry Advisory tee’s responsibility, and copies of these J ames G. R ogers, Jr., Committees, within thirty days after the minutes shall be filed in duplicate with Acting Administrator. last day of March, June, September and the Director of the Office of Industry Ad­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5540; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; December in each year. visory Committees within fifteen days 11:35 a. m.] after the meeting. When the meeting is S ec. 12. Meetings—(a) The initial called by the Administrator or Price meeting. The Price Executive will make Executive the minutes are the responsi­ arrangements for the initial meeting of bility of the Office of Price Administra­ P art 1388—D efense-R ental A reas the committee for the purpose, among [Housing, Arndts. 52 and 53] others, of electing a chairman. tion, and a copy shall be sent the chair­ (b) Meetings of a committee or sub­ man by the Price Executive within fif­ [Hotels and Rooming Houses, Arndts. committee. Meetings of a committee or teen days after the meeting. 48 and 49] Corrections subcommittee may be called by the S ec. 13. Formal committee action. No chairman thereof; or by the Adminis­ representation or recommendation made In the documents appearing on pages trator or Price Executive for purposes to the Administrator shall be regarded 3555 and 3556 of the issue for Tuesday, of consultation. Meetings called by the as coming from the committee, unless it April 3, 1945, the Federal Register docu­ chairman shall be held at such times as ment numbers should read as follows; may seem proper to him. „ Meetings was agreed to by a majority of the mem­ bers present at a meeting duly held un­ For Housing, Amendment 52, “45-5245”; called by the Administrator or Price Ex­ for Housing, Amendment 53, “45-5242”; ecutive shall be held at such times as he der this regulation. for Hotels and Rooming Houses, Amend­ deems proper. The chairman may no­ A representation or recommendation ment 48, “45-5246”; and for Hotels and tify the Price Executive that the commit­ of a standing subcommittee, agreed to Rooming Houses, Amendment 49, “45- tee desires to consult with him with re­ by a majority of the members present at 5241”. spect to a regulation or order govern^ a meeting duly held under this regula­ ing all or a part of an industry, or with tion, may be adopted by the members respect to the form of such regulation of the committee by vote taken by mail. P art 1407—R ationing of F ood and F ood or order, or with respect to classifica­ However, if any member of the committee P roducts tions, differentiations, and adjustments so requests in writing, the chairman shall [Restriction Order 13, Arndt. 1] in such regulation or order. Upon re­ place the proposed representation or rec­ ceipt of such notice the Price Executive ommendation upon the agenda of the LARD RESTRICTION ORDER FOR PUERTO RICO shall within a reasonable time call a next meeting for general discussion. A rationale accompanying this amend­ meeting for such purpose. Recommendations to the Administra­ ment, issued simultaneously herewith, (c) Notices and agenda. The chair­ tor may be made by action of the com­ has been filed with the Division of the man, in the case of meetings called by mittee in meetings duly called for consul­ Federal Register. tation, or may be submitted by the com­ him,'and the Price Executive, in the case mittee in writing. Such written recom­ Restriction Order 13 is amended in the of meetings called by him or the Admin­ mendations shall be signed by the chair­ following respects: istrator, shall send written notice of the man of the committee, filed in duplicate 1. Section 1.1 (a) is amended to read time and place of the meeting, with the with the Director of the Office of Indus­ as follows: proposed agenda, to all members of the try Advisory Committees, and shall con­ tain a statement indicating that the rec­ , (a) Unless authorized by the Office of committee. Copies of the notices and Price Administration no importer or agenda shall also be sent in duplicate to ommendations were made at a duly held meeting. This statement shall include a wholesaler shall transfer lard to any the Director of the Office of Industry Ad­ person who was not his customer dur­ record of the vote. Any minority report ing the months of November or December visory Committees. These notices and or recommendation may be made in the agenda shall be mailed at least ten busi­ 1944, or January 1945, and no importer same way at the same time. or wholesaler shall transfer or offer to ness days in advance of the meeting date. A subcommittee may not make reports transfer to any customer and no cus­ [Paragraph (c) amended by Am. 1, effective and recommendations directly to the Ad­ tomer shall accept, for any given period 4-10—45] ministrator. However, if the committee of four (4) weeks, more than 4/io (40%) 3728 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , April 6, 1945 of the average four-week period trans­ T h is amendment shall become effec­ 2. Section 23 Table 7 is amended by fers made to that customer during the tive March 26, 1945. changing the prices and deleting the months of November and December 1944 Note: The record keeping and reporting re­ price “to wholesaler” of the following and January 1945. quirements of this Order have been approved item to read as follows: by the Bureau of the Budget in accordance 2. Section 1.2 (b) is amended to read with the Federal Reports Act of 1942. Price Price as follows: at at Issued this 5th day of April 1945. Item and brand name Unit: Case of— whole­ retail (b) Allocation of quota not delivered sale (per- to a customer. When a customer for S am G ilstrap, unit) any reason fails to accept a quantity of Territorial Director, lard which he is entitled to obtain dur­ Puerto Rico. Gibbs: Vegetable soup. 48/10H oz. can.. $5.45 $0.14 ing any one given period of four (4) Approved: weeks, the importer or wholesaler may J ames P. D avis, 3. Section 24 Table 8 is amended by transfer that customer’s allocation to Regional Administrator, changing the prices of one item and one or more of his customers for de­ Region IX. eliminating the price “to wholesaler” of livery during the four-week period im­ both items to read as follows: mediately following if such transfer will [F. R. Doc. 45-5539; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; not result in the acquisition by such cus­ 11:34 a. m.] Price Price tomer of more than 100% of the aver­ at at age four-week period transfers made to Items and brand names Unit: Case of— whole­ retail sale (per him during the months of November and P art 1499—Commodities and S ervices unit) December 1944 and January 1945. An [SR 14F, Amdt. 3] importer or wholesaler who transfers to Del Monte: Sauce...... 72/8 oz. can...... $4.65 $0.08 one or more of his customers the allo­ CHANNEL CARBON BLACK 24/14 oz. bottle.. 4.45 .24 cation of lard which another customer Correction has failed to accept shall notify the Of­ 4. Section 25 Table 10 is amended by fice of Price Administration in writing In Federal Register Document 45-5240, correcting the name of two items, elimi­ of such transfer. which appears at page 3558 of the issue nating the price “to wholesaler” of three for Tuesday, April 3, 1945, inferior sub­ 3. Section 1.2 (c) is amended to read items and revising the prices of the fol­ divisions (r), (s) and (t) of section 28 (c) lowing items to read as follows: as follows: . (2) (v) on page 3559 should read as (c) Transfers in excess of the four- follows: Price Price week period quota. Whenever an im­ (r) Average price per pound of high at at Items and brand names Unit: case retail porter’s or wholesaler’s distribution is cost channel black unadjusted for of— whole­ (per made on the basis of a certain unit such Texas production tax [(p) divided sale unit) as a barrel or tin and the four-week pe­ by (9) j • Per pound------1 $------riod quota of the customer is less than (s) Add Texas carbon black pro­ duction tax applicable to high Gibbs: Stringbeans, cut— 24/#2 can...... $3.35 $0.18 such unit, the importer or wholesaler Del Monte: Peas, early J[/#2 can .___ 4.20 .22 cost black in excess of 31/240i garden. may nevertheless transfer to such cus­ per pound. (This may be added Libby’s: lima beans, 24/#2 can...... 5.10 .26 tomer a full unit. However, the amount only where such excess has not green garden. otherwise been included.) Per Snider: of lard transferred in excess of that cus­ Beans, cut wax, sieve 24/#2 can...... 4.30 .22 tomer’s four-week period quota shall be pou n d ______1 $------’ #3. charged to his succeeding four-week pe­ (t) Average maximum price per 2.75 .14 pound of high cost channel black Corn,’ whole kernel 24/12 oz. can.. 3.35 .17 riod quota, and no further transfers of golden. lard shall be made to such customer, and produced in plant during period. such customer shall not accept any fur­ [(r) plus (s)]. Per pound—----- ...... ther transfers of lard, until the quantity 1 Carry out five places. 5. Section 32 Table 18 (a) is amended of lard transferred to him has been used by revising the prices of the following in accordance with his four-week period items to read as follows: allowable quota. P art 1418—T erritories and P ossessions Price Price 4. Section 1.2 (d) is amended to read ■ at at as follows: [RMPR 183, Amdt. 70] Items and brand names Unit: case of— whole­ retail sale (per (d) The Director may assign quotas FOOD ITEMS AND CONSUMER DURABLE GOODS unit) to Local Boards. The Director may as­ IN PUERTO RICO Victoria: Vegetable oil— 24/8 oz. bottle. $3.90 $0.19 sign four-week period quotas to Local A statement of the considerations in­ 4/i gal. bottle.. 7.20 2.18 Boards in accordance with the available volved in the issuance of this Amend­ supplies of lard. ment, issued simultaneously herewith, has been filed with the Division of the 6. Section 40 Table 30 is amended by 5. Section 2.2 is amended to read as adding a new item to read as follows: follows: Federal Register. Revised Maximum Price Regulation ec Price .S . 2.2 Importer’s and wholesaler’s 183 is amended in the following respects: Price monthly reports. Every importer and at at Items and brand name Unit: case retail wholesaler must prepare in triplicate a 1. Section 21 Table 4 is amended by de­ of— whole­ (per monthly report on Form OPA PR-R 205 leting the price, “to wholesaler” of two sale unit) indicating the name of its customers and items and changing the prices of the fol­ the transfers of lard made to each one lowing items to read as follows: All brands: Evaporated 48/13 oz. can. $4.20 $0.10 of them during the month. The origi­ milk. nal of said report must be filed with the Price Office of Price Administration in San Price at Items and brand Unit: 'case of— at retail 7. Section 47 Table 29 is amended b(y Juan, Puerto Rico, the duplicate shall be names whole­ (per eliminating the price “to wholesaler” and filed with the Local Board having juris­ sale unit) changing the price of one item to read as diction over the area where such im­ follows: porter’s or wholesaler’s establishment is Chilford: Apricot 48/12 oz. can__ $5.05 $0.18 nectar. located and the triplicate shall be kept Heart’s Delight: Pear 48/#l tall can... 6.40 .16 Price Price at in such importer’s or wholesaler’s estab­ : nectar. 48/12 oz. bottle. 5.55 .14 Unit: case at 48/12 oz. can__ 5.05 .13 Item and brand name retail lishment for at least six months after Pacific Gold: Pear of— whole­ (per nectar (fancy). sale this restriction order has been revoked. Pedestal: unit) Apricot nectar...... 48/12 oz. can__ 5.05 .13 These monthly reports must be filed not Pear nectar______48/12 oz. can__ 5.05 .13 later than the 5th day of the mcThth im­ R. C.: Pear nectar.... 48/12 oz. can___ 5.05 .13 Ì44/334 oz.— $10.70 $0.09 mediately succeeding the period reported. FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 3729 8. Section 79 Table 68 is added to read as follows: the Director, Division of the Federal S ec. 79. Maximum prices for kerosene stoves sold or delivered in the Territory of Register. Puerto Rico. Issued at Washington, D. C., this 3d T able 68.—M aximum P rices for K erosene Stoves day of Aptfl 1945.

Price at Price at V. C. Clinger, Item and brand names Model No. Description wholesale retail Director* (each) (each) Bureau of Serpice.

Kerosene stoves: [F. R. Doc. 45-5535; Piled, Apr. 5, 1945; C29N...... $5.55 $7.45 11:31 a. m.] Prize...... C39N...... 7.50 10.10 Prize...... ______C28N...... 2 burners/ with legs...... 6.70 9.05 C l...... 4.05 5.50 B-3WS...... 22.60 30.45 943...... 19.45 26.15 [S. O. 288, Special Permit 6} ' Nesco...... 432« 35.45 47.70 * Sun flame...... E222...... 8.25 11.10 R efrigeration of Shell E ggs F rom Sun flame...... E223...... 12.85 17.30 D enver, Colo. Gem...... 52/6...... 2 burners, without legs______6.20 8.35 Gem______«1/6 4.65 6.25 Gem ______53/6...... Pursuant to the authority vested in 8.20 11.05 me by paragraph (E) of the first ordering paragraph of Service Order No. 288 of This amendment shall become effec­ to the reconsignment at Philadelphia, tive April 10, 1945. Pennsylvania, April 2, 1945, by M. & C. Pro­ February 27, 1945 (10 F.R. 2408), per­ duce Company, of car URT 5667, spinach, mission is granted for any common car­ Issued this 5th day of April 1945. now on the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Gar- rier by railroad subject to the Interstate guilo & Amendola, New York, N. Y., (P. R. R.) Commerce Act: J ames G. R ogers, Jr., Acting Administrator. The waybill shall show reference to this To disregard the provisions of Service Or­ special permit. der No. 288 insofar as it applies to the fur­ [P. R. Doc. 45-5538; Filed, Aug. 5, 1945; nishing or supplying of one refrigerator car, 11:34 a. m.] A copy of this special permit has been MDT 5173, for loading with 480 cases of shell served upon the Association of American eggs, shipped by Toners, Inc., from Denver, Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent Colorado, not later than April 4, 1945, to of the railroads subscribing to the car Kearns Army Air Base, Kearns, Utah, via service and per diem agreement under D. & R. G. W. Railroad. Chapter XIII—Petroleum Administration the terms of that agreement; and notice The car order, bill of lading, and other for War of this permit shall be given to the gen­ shipping papers shall show reference to this special permit. [Petroleum Directive 79, Arndt. 1] eral public by depositing a copy in the office of the Secretary of the Commission A copy of this special permit has been P art 1512—Natural G as and N atural at Washington, D. C., and by filing it served upon the Association of American G asoline with the Director, Division of the Federal Railrdads, Car Service Division, as agent LIMITATION UPON USE OF BUTANE AND PRO­ Register. of the railroads subscribing to the car PANE-BUTANE MIXTURE IN OIL AND GAS Issued at Washington, D. C., this 2d service and per diem agreement under DRILLING OPERATIONS day of April, 1945. the terms of that agreement; and notice Section 1512.5 Petroleum Directive 79 of this permit shall be given to the gen­ V. C. Clinger, eral public by depositing a copy in the is hereby amended by changing para­ Director, office of the Secretary of the Commission graph (e) to read as follows: Bureau of Service. at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with (e) Effective date. This directive shall [P. R. Doc. 45-5534; Piled, Apr. 5, 1945; the Director, Division of the Federal become effective the 1st day of Novem­ 11:31 a. m.] Register. ber, 1944, and shall continue in effect Issued at Washington, D. C., this 3d until revoked. day of April 1945. (E.O. 9276, 7 P.R. 10091; E.O. 9319, 8 P.R. V. C. Clinger, 3687) [S. O. 70-A, Special Permit 953] Director, Issued this 31st day of March 1945. R econsignment of Carrots at K ansas Bureau of Service. City, M o. [P. R. Doc. 45-5536; Piled, Apr. 5, 1945; R alph K . D avies, 11:81 a. m.} Deputy Petroleum Pursuant to the authority vested in Administrator for War. me by paragraph (f) of the first order­ [P. R. Doc. 45p5537; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945: ing paragraph (§ 95.35, 8 P.R. 14624) of 11:35 a. m.]* Service Order No. 70-A of October 22, OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION. 1943, permission is granted for any com­ mon carrier by railroad subject to the [MPR 120, Order 1329] Interstate Commerce Act: N o tices G len B urgoyne Coal Co., et al. To disregard entirely the provisions of Service Order No. 70-A insofar as it applies ESTABLISHMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES AND to the reconsignment at Kansas City, Mis­ PRICE CLASSIFICATIONS INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMIS­ souri, April 3, 1945, by E. E. Padler Company, For the reasons set forth in an accom­ SION. of car WFE 49300, carrots, now on the Union Pacific Railroad, to A. Levy and J. Zentner panying opinion, and in accordance with [S. O. 70-A, Special Permit 952] Company, Davenport. Iowa (Burlington). § 1340.210 (a) (6) of Maximum Price The waybill shall ^how reference to this Regulation No. 120, It is ordered: R econsignment of S pinach at P hila­ special permit. Producers identified herein operate delphia, P a. named mines assigned the mine index A copy of this, special permit has been Pursuant to the authority vested in me numbers, the price classifications and served upon the Association of American the maximum prices in cents per net ton, by paragraph (f) of the first ordering Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent paragraph (§ 95.35,8 P.R. 14624) of Serv­ of the railroads subscribing to the car for the indicated uses and shipments as ice Order No. 70-A of October 22, 1943, service and per diem agreement under set forth herein. All are in District No. permission is granted for any common^ 10. The mine index numbers and the the terms of that agreement; and notice price classifications assigned are perma­ carrier by railroad subject to the Inter­ of this permit shall be given to the gen­ state Commerce Act: nent but the maximum prices may be eral public by depositing a copy in the changed by an amendment issued after To disregard entirely the provisions of office of the Secretary of the Commission the effective date of this order. Where Service Order No. 70-A insofar as it applies at Washington, D. C., and by filing it with such an amendment is issued for the dis- No. 69------2 3730 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y, April 6, 1945 and when stated to be for rail shipment (a) Manufacturer's maximum prices. trict in which the mines involved herein Sun Glow Industries,. Inc., Mansfield, are located, and where the amendment or for railroad locomotive fuel are in makes no particular reference to a mine cents per net ton f. o. b. rail shipping Ohio, may add the following additional point. In cases where mines ship coals adjustment charges to its maximum or mines involved herein, the prices shall prices for all sales and deliveries to the be the prices set forth in such amend­ by river the prices for such shipments are those established for rail shipment following classes of purchasers of the ment for the price classifications of the Model No. 954-2 Jenny Lind Bed, which respective size groups. The location of and are in cents per net ton f. o. b. river shipping point. However, producer is it manufactures, resulting in the follow­ each.mine is given by county and state. ing adjusted maximum prices: The maximum prices stated to be for subject to the provisions of § 1340.221 truck shipment are in cents per net ton and all other provisions of Maximum Price Regulation No. 120. Ad­ f. o. b. the mine or preparation plant just­ Addi­ ment tion­ per­ Total Ri-RrnvNE coal Co 449 Ave. C. D anville, III., Glen B urgoyne M in e, N o. 7 Seam, M ine I ndex N o. mit­ al ad­ 2017, V ermilion County, III., Strip M ine, M aximum T ruck P rice Group-N o. 13B, Section o. 7. just­ ad­ Maxi­ ted ment just­ mum by per­ ed price para­ mit­ maxi­ Size group Nos. graph ted mum (d) by price 9 to 12 of this 1 2,3 4, 5 6 7 •8 13,14 15 16 26,27 29 Order incl.. No. order 1052 145 145 215 200 Truck shipment...... '325 320 305 295 255 250 250 200 For sales of purchasers desig­ nated by the manufacturer Each Each N orthwestern Illinois C oal Corp., 310 South M ichigan Avenue, Chicago 4, III., M orris n *?• ? $6.40 $0.32 $0.96 $7.68 S S S t o B ounty, III., R ail Shipping P oint M orris, II I Strip M ine, M aximum For sales to purchasers desig­ R ail P rice Group N o. 29, N orthern Subdistrict, M aximum T ruck P rice Group N o. I B nated by the manufacturer as “small dealers’’------6.95 .35 .96 8.26

Size group Nos. The adjustment charges listed above may be made and collected only if each 17 to 20 23,24 25 1 2,3 4,6 6 7 8 incl, 21,22,28 is separately stated on each invoice. The adjusted maximum prices are sub­ 300 290 290 (0 290 285 255 235 235 ject to the manufacturer’s customary Rail shipments for all uses— 300 275 245 Truck shipment...... 435 385 390 360 V 325 370 410 290 terms, discounts, allowances, and other price differentials in effect during i Size Group No. 7, rail shipped coal: Railroad locomotive fuel 265, for all other uses 265. March 1942. (b) Maximum prices of purchasers for ■pin, P m i Cr> cm W a it e r J L e h r N e w A t h e n s , I I I . , P e p C o a l C o . M i n e , N o . 6 Se a m , M in e I n d e x N o . resale. Purchasers for resale of the ar­ 1077,2 S t . C l a ir C o u n t y , I I I . , R a il Sh ip p in g P o in t , N e w A t h e n s , I I I ., D e e p M in e , M a x im u m R a il P rice ticle covered by this order may add to G r o u p N o. 20E, B e l l e v il l e S u b d istrict their maximum prices as established un­ der the applicable regulation, no more Size group Nos. than the dollar-and-cents amount of the additional adjustment charge permitted 17 to 21, 9 to 13, 23, 26, for the manufacturer by this order, and 4,5 6 7 8 12, in­ 15 16 20, in­ 22, 24 25 27 1 2, 3 14 clusive 28 for which they have become obligated. clusive When the applicable regulation requires the maximum price to be computed on Rail shipments for all 2ßß 245 245 (!) 245 235 195 135 115 245 235 225 190 205 the basis of cost, the amount used as the 290 265 230 225 Truck shipment2___—. 350 345 330 320 270 260 260 210 155 295 cost may not include any adjustment charge authorized for the manufacturer 1 Size group No.,7, rail shipped coal: Railroad locomotive fuel 240, for all other uses 210. and the maximum price so computed 2 Previously established. may be adjusted in the same manner. On all sales, other than sales to the uirr, Brvr r n u On do J ohn Cox. 313 N orth 13th St., H errin, III., R ed R ing Coal Co. M ine, N o. 6 Seam, M in e I ndex N o. 2015, W illiamson C ounty, III., R ail Shipping P oint, M arion, III., Strip M ine, M aximum ultimate consumer, this additional ad­ R ail P rice Group N o. 5, Southern Subdistrict, M aximum T ruck P rice Group N o. 17-B-l justment charge may be made and col­ lected only if it is separately stated on each invoice. The adjusted maximum Size group Nos. prices are subject to the seller’s cus­ tomary terms, discounts, and allowances 9 to 12, 17 to 20, 21, 22, on sales of the same or similar articles. 1 2,3 4,5 6 7 8 inclu­ 13,14 15 16 inclu­ 28 23,24 25 26,27 sive sive (c) Notification. At the time of, or prior to, the first invoice to a purchaser Rail shipments for all for resale, on and after the effective date 250 250 250 210 175 110 95* 185 uses...... ------— --- 260 260 (0 275 245 225 250 of this order, for the sale of the article Truck shipm ent...... 320 320 305 295 285 265 265 235 170 275 covered by this order at a price ad­ justed in accordance with the terms of jSize Group No. 7, rail shipped coal: railroad locomotive fuel 250, for all other uses 215. this order, the seller shall notify the pur­ [MPR 188, Order 23 Under Order 1052] chaser, in writing, of the metho'd estab­ This order shall become effective April lished by paragraph (b) of this order 5,1945. S u n G low I ndustries, Inc. for determining the adjusted maximum (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law prices for resales of the articles. This 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; ADJUSTMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES notice may be given in any convenient E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) For the reasons set forth in an opinion form, and is in addition to any notice required by paragraph (d) (7) of Order Issued this 4th day of April 1945. issued simultaneously herewith and filed with the Division of the Federal Reg­ No. 1052 under Maximum Price Regula­ J ames G. R ogers, Jr., ister, and pursuant to paragraph (h) of tion No. 188. Acting Administrator. Order No. 1052 under § 1499.159b of Max­ (d) This order may be revoked or amended by the Price Administrator at [F. R. Doc. 45-5465; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945J imum Price Regulation No. 188, it is 11:43 a. m.] Ordered: any time. FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , April 6, 1945 3731 (e) This order shall become effective This order shall become effective on (f) A distributor or dealer may add the on the 5th day of April 1945. the 5th day of April 1945. following charge to the maximum prices Issued this 4th day of April 1945. Issued this 4th day of April 1945. established in (c) and (d) above: (1) The actual amount of freight paid J am es G . R ogers, J r ., J a m es G. R ogers, Jr., to obtain delivery to his place of busi­ Acting Administrator. Acting Administrator. ness. Such charges shall not exceed the [F. R. Doc. 46-5469; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; [F. R. Doc. 45-5473; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; lowest common carrier rates. 11:46 a. m.] 11:46 a. m.] (2) Crating charges actually paid to his supplier but in no instance exceed­ ing the following: $6.00. [MPR 188, Order 3589] [MPR 188, Order 77 Under Order A-2, (g) Each seller of a commodity cov­ Revocation] E r ie C o o lin g C o . ered by this order, except a dealer, shall notify each of his purchasers, in writ­ AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES S u n G l o w I n d u s t r ie s , I n c . ing, at or before the issuance of the first For the reasons set forth in an opinion invoice after the effective date of this ADJUSTMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES issued simultaneously herewith and filed order, of the maximum prices estab­ For the reasons set forth in an opinion with’the Division of the Federal Regis- lished by this order for each such seller issued simultaneously herewith and filed ter and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Maxi­ as well as. the maximum prices estab­ with the Division of the Federal Register mum Price Regulation No. 188, It is or­ lished for purchasers upon resale, in­ and pursuant to Order A-2 under dered: cluding allowable transportation and § 1499.159b of Maximum Price Regula­ (a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b. crating charges. tion No. 188, It is ordered: Winona, Minnesota, for sales by the Erie (h) The Frie Cooling Company shall Order No. 77 under Order A-2 under Cooling Company of the following milk stencil on the inside of the lid or cover Maximum Price Regulation No. 188 is coolers as described in its application of each milk cooler covered by this or­ hereby revoked. dated December 22, 1944, shall be: der, the maximum net prices to consum­ ers established by this order. The stencil STANDARD MILK COOLERS shall contain substantially the fol­ lowing: Model Size On sales to On sales to On sales to distributors dealers consumers OPA Maximum Retail Price $_____ Plus freight and crating as provided in Order No. M C 3 B ...... li-hv. condensing unit...... $161.60 $202.00 $269.35 3589 under Maximum Price Regulation No. MC4B...... J¿-hp. condensing u n it.... 190.85 238.60 318.10 188. MC6B...... 218.65 273.30 364.40 MC6A...... 218.65 273.30 364.40 (i) This order may be revoked or MC8A...... -...... 252.25 315.30 420.40 MC10A...... amended by the Price Administrator at 287.95v 359.90 479.90 any time. HEAVY DUTY MILK COOLERS This order shall become effective April 5, 1945. MC3BH...... $230.40 $288.00 $384.00 MC4BH...... 244.80 306.00 ' 408.00 Issued this 4th day of April 1945. J a m es G . R ogers, J r ., Acting Administrator. (b) The maximum net prices estab­ STANDARD MILK COOLERS [F. R, Doc. 45-5470; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; lished in (a) above may be increased by 11:46 a. m.] the following amount to each class of Model Size On sales to purchaser as a charge to cover the cost consumers of crating, when crating is actually sup­ MC3B...... l^-ho. condensing unit $269.35 [MPR 188, Order 3591] plied: $6.00. MC4B...... Ji-hp. condensing unit____ 318.10 MC6B 14-hD. condensing unit 364.40 E s t e e B edding C o . (c) The maximum net prices for sales MC6A...... J|-hp. condensing u n it...... 364.40 by distributors of the following milk cool­ MC8A...... J^-hp. condensing unit____ 420.40 APPROVAL OF MAXIMUM PRICES MC10A...... V^-hp. condensing unit...... 479.90 ers manufactured by the Erie Cooling For the reasons set forth in an opin­ Company shall be: HEAVY DUTY MILK COOLERS ion issued simultaneously herewith, and STANDARD MILK COOLERS filed with the Division of the Federal M C3BH .... J^-hp. condensing unit____ $384.00 Register, and pursuant to § 1499.158 of MC4BH___ H-hp. condensing unit___ 408.00 Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, It is On On ordered: Model Size sales to sales to dealers con­ (e) The maximum net prices estab­ (a) This order establishes maximum sumers lished by this order shall be subject to prices for sales and deliveries of certain discounts and allowances and the ren­ articles manufactured by Estee Bedding M03B__ ii-hp. condensing unit.. $202.00« $269.35 Company, of 5211 West 66th Street, Chi­ MC4B...... hp. condensing unit.. 238.60 318.10 dition of services which are at least as MC6B...... H-hp. condensing u n it.. 273.30 364.40 favorable as those which each seller ex­ cago, Illinois. MC6A...... ^-hp#condensing unit.. 273.30 364.40 (1) For all sales and deliveries to the MC8A____ J^-hp. condensing u n it.. 315.30 420.40 tended or rendered to purchasers of the following classes of purchasers by the MC10A___ Ji-hp. condensing u n it.. 350.90 479.90 same class on comparable sales of similar sellers indicated below, the maximum commodities during March 1942. prices are those set forth below: HEAVY DUTY MILK COOLERS Maximum price of manu­ Article Model facturer for sales to job­ Maximum price of jobbers M C3BH... J^-hp. condensing unit.. $288.00 $384.00 bers for sales to retailers M C4BH... j^-hp. condensing u nit.. 306.00 408.00 Crib mattress______Juniorest______$5.07 each. Sandman...,..,...... $6.15 each. (d) The maximum net prices for sales Baby Airliner!.!...... $5.35 each. by dealers to consumers of the follow­ Baby Snooks...n_ $6.00 each (on sales of 6 or $7.25 each (on sales of 6 or more). more). ing milk coolers manufactured by the $6.30 each (on sales of less $7.55 each (on sales of less IMe Cooling Company shall be: than 6). . than 6).

7 3732 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y ,* April 6, 1945 These maximum prices are for the ar­ purchaser as a chargé to cover the cost [MPR 260, Order 698] ticles described in the manufacturer’s, of crating, when crating is actually sup­ F ernando R osario applications dated May 29,1944 and Oc­ plied: $6.00. tober 16,1944. (c) The maximum net prices for sales authorization of maximum prices , (2) For sales by the manufacturer, by distributors of the following farm and the maximum prices apply to all sales home freezers manufactured by the Emil For the reasons set forth in an opin­ and deliveries since Maximum Price Steinhorst and Sons, Incorporated, shall ion accompanying this order, and pur­ Regulation No. 188 became applicable be: suant to § 1358.102 (b) of Maximum to those sales and deliveries. These prices Price Regulation No. 260, It is ordered, That: are f. o. b. Chicago, Illinois, and they On sales On sales are subject to a cash discount of two Item Size to to con­ (a) Fernando Rosario, 87 East 107 percent for payment within ten days. dealers sumers Street, New York 29, N. Y. (hereinafter (3) For sales by jobbers, the maximum called “manufacturer”) and wholesalers prices apply to all sales and deliveries WM10____ H-hp. condensing unit-. $258 $430 and retailers may sell, offer to sell or de­ WM18H—- 34-hp. condensing unit.. 330 550 liver and any person may buy, offer to after the effective date of this order. WM26j__- }i-hp. condensing unit— 420 700 These prices are f. o. b. seller’s city and buy or receive each brand and size or they are subject to each seller’s custom­ frontmark, and packing of the following ary terms and conditions of sale on sales (d) The maximum net prices for sales domestic cigars at the appropriate maxi­ of similar articles. by dealers to consumers of the following mum list price and maximum retail price (4) If the manufacturer wishes to farm and home freezers manufactured set forth below: make sales and deliveries to any other by the Emil Steinhorst and Sons, Incor­ class of purchaser or on other terms and porated shall be: Maxi­ Maxi­ Si?e or Pack­ mum mum conditions of sale, he must apply to the Brand frontmark ing list retail Office of Price Administration, Washing­ -On sales to price price ton, D. C., under the Fourth Pricing Item Size consumers Method, § 1499.158 of Maximum Price Per M Cents’ Regulation No. 188, for the establishment WM10 Ji-hp. condensing unit____ $430 Rosario Specials. 3-inch Coronas. 50 $72 9 WM18)i___ J4-hp. condensing unit.".---- 550 3-inch Coroni- 50 56 7 of maximum prices for those sales, and WM26...... H-hp. condensing unit____ 700 tas. no sales or deliveries may be made until maximum prices have been authorized by the Office of Price Administration. (e) The maximum net prices estab­ (b) The manufacturer and wholesalers (b) At the time of, or prior to, the first lished by this order shall be subject to shall grant, with respect to their sales invoice to each purchaser for resale, the discounts and allowances and the rendi­ of each brand and size or frontmark of seller shall notify the purchaser in writ­ tion of services which are at least as domestic cigars for which maximum ing of the maximum prices and condi­ favorable as those which each seller ex­ prices are established by this order, the tions established by this order for sales tended or rendered to purchasers of the discounts they customarily granted in by the purchaser. This notice may be same class on comparable sales of similar March 1942 on their sales of domestic given in any convenient form. commodities during March 1942. cigars of the same price class to pur­ (c) This order may be revoked or (f) A distributor or dealer may add chasers of the same class, unless a amended by the Price Administrator at the following charges to the maximum change therein results in a lower price. any time. prices established in (c) and (d) above: Packing differentials charged by the (d) This order shall become effective (1) The actual amount of freight paid manufacturer or a wholesaler in March on April 5, 1945. to obtain delivery to his place of business. 1942 on sales of domestic cigars of the Such charges sháll not exceed the lowest same price class to purchasers of the Issued this 4th day of April, 1945. common carrier rates. same class may be charged on corre­ J ames G. R ogers, Jr., (2) Crating charges actually paid to sponding sales of eafch brand and size or Acting Administrator. his supplier but in no instance exceeding . frontmark of cigars priced by this order, the following: $6.00. but shall not be increased. Packing dif­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5472; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; (g) Each seller of a commodity covered ferentials allowed by the manufacturer 11:47 a. m.] by this order, except a dealer, shall notify or a wholesaler in March 1942 on sales each of his purchasers, in writing, at or of domestic cigars of the same price class before the issuance of the first invoice to purchasers of the same class shall be [MPR 188, Order 3590] after the effective date of this order, allowed on corresponding sales of each Emil S teinhorst and S ons, I nc. of the maximum prices established by brand and size or frontmark of cigars this order for each such seller as well as priced by this order and shall not be authorization of maximum prices the maximum prices established for pur­ reduced. If a brand and size or front- For the reasons set forth in an opin­ chasers upon resale, including allowable mark of domestic cigars for which maxi­ ion issued simultaneously herewith and transportation and crating charges. mum prices are established by this order filed with the Division of the Federal (h) The Emil Steinhorst and Sons, is of a price class not sold by the manu­ Register and pursuant to § 1499.158 of Incorporated shall stencil on the inside facturer or the particular wholesaler in Maximum Price Regulation No. 188, It of the lid or cover of each farm and home March 1942, he shall, with respect to his is ordered: freezer covered by this order, the maxi­ sales thereof, -grant the discounts and (a) The maximum net prices, f. o. b. mum net prices to consumers established may charge and'shall a!low the packing Utica, New York, for sales by the Emil by this order. The stencil shall contain differentials customarily granted, Steinhorst and Sons, Incorporated, of the substantially the following: charged or allowed (as the case may be) following farm and home freezers shall OPA Maximum Retail Price $------Plus in March 1942 by his most closely com­ be: freight and crating as provided in Order No. petitive seller of the same class on sales 3590 under Maximum Price Regulation No. of domestic cigars of the same March 188., On On 1942 price class to purchasers of the sales to On sales to same class. Item Size distrib­ sales to con­ (i) This order may be revoked or utors dealers sumers amended by the Price Administrator at (c) On or before the first delivery to any time. any purchaser of each brand and size or frontmark of domestic cigars for which WM10__ }4-hp. condensing $215 $258 $430 unit. This order shall become effective April maximum prices are established by this WM18H-- )$-hp. condensing 275 330 550 5,1945. order, the manufacturer and every other unit. WM26__ H-hp. condensing 350 420 700 Issued this 4th day of April 1945. seller (except a retailer) shall notify .the unit. purchaser of the maximum list price and J ames G. R ogers, Jr., the maximum retail price established by Acting Administrator. - (b) The maximum net prices estab­ this order for such brand and size or lished in (a) above may be increased by [F. R. Doc. 45-5471; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; frontmark of domestic cigars. The no­ the following amount to each class of 11:47 a. m.] tice shall conform to and be given in the FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 1945 3733 manner prescribed by § 1358.113 of Maxi­ wholesaler in March 1942, he shall, with ing differentials charged by the manu­ mum Price Regulation No. 260. respect to his sales thereof, grant the facturer or a wholesaler in March 1942 (d) Unless the context otherwise re­ discounts and may charge and shall on sales of domestic cigars of the same quires, appropriate provisions of Maxi­ allow the packing differentials custom­ price class to purchasers of the same class mum Price Regulation No. 260, shall ap­ arily granted, charged or allowed (as the may be charged on corresponding sales ply to sales for which maximum prices case may be) in March 1942 by his most of each brand and size or frontmark of are established by this order. closely competitive seller of the same cigars priced by this order, but shall not (e) This order may be revoked or class on sales of domestic cigars of the be increased. Packing differentials al­ amended by the Price Administrator at same March 1942 price class to pur­ lowed by the manufacturer or a whole­ any time. chasers of the same class. saler in March 1942 on sales of domestic This order shall become effective (c) On or before the first delivery to cigars of the same price class to pur­ April 5,1945. any purchaser of each brand and size chasers of the same class shall be al­ Or frontmark of domestic cigars for lowed on corresponding sales of each Issued this 4th day of April 1945. which maximum prices are established brand and size or frontmark of cigars J am es G . R o gers, J r ., by this order, the manufacturer and priced by this order and shall not be Acting Administrator. every other seller (except a retailer) reduced. If a brand and size or front- shall notify the purchaser of the maxi­ mark of domestic cigars for which maxi­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5475; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; mum list price and the maximum retail mum prices are established by this order 11:44 a. m.] price established by this order for such is of a price class not sold by the manu­ brand and size or frontmark of domestic facturer or the particular wholesaler in cigars. The notice shall conform to and March 1942, he shall, with respect to his [MPR 260, Order 699] be given in the'm anner prescribed by sales thereof, grant the discounts and § 1358.113 of Maximum Price Regula­ may charge and shall allow the packing E strella C igar F actory tion No. 260. differentials customarily granted, (d) Unless the context otherwise re­ charged or allowed (as the case may be) AUTHORIZATION OP MINIMUM PRICES quires, appropriate provisions of Maxi­ in March 1942 by his most closely com­ For the reasons set forth in an opin­ mum Price Regulation No. 260, shall ap­ petitive seller of the same class on sales ion accompanying this order, and pur­ ply to sales for which maximum prices of domestic cigars of the same March suant to § 1358.102 (b) of Maximum are established by this order. 1942 price class to purchasers of the same Price Regulation No. 260, It is ordered, (e) This order may be revoked or class. . That: amended by the Price Administrator at (c) On or before the first delivery to (a) Estrella Cigar Factory, '2802% 22d any time. any purchaser of each brand and size or Street, Tampa, Fla. (hereinafter called This order shall become effective frontmark of'domestic cigars for which “manufacturer”) and wholesalers and April 5,1945. maximum prices are established by this retailers may sell, offer to sell or deliver order, the manufacturer and every other and any person may buy, offer to buy or Issued this 4th day of April 1945. seller (except a retailer) shall notify the receive each brand and size or frontmark, J am es G . R ogers, J r ., purchaser of the maximum list price and and packing of the following domestic Acting Administrator. the maximum retail price established by cigars at the appropriate maximum list this order for such brand and size or price and maximum retail price set forth fP. R. Doc. 45-5476; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; frontmark of domestic cigars. The no­ below: 11:45 a. m.] tice shall* conform to and be given in the manner prescribed by § 1358.113 of Maximum Price Regulation No. 260. Maxi­ Maxi­ (d) Unless the context otherwise re­ Brand Size or front- Pack­ mum mum [MPR 260, Order 700] mark ing list retail quires, appropriate provisions of Maxi­ price price Y o c u m B r o th er s, I n c . mum Price Regulation No. 260, shall apply to sales for which maximum prices AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES PerM Cents are established by this order. Estrella..______Coronas_____ £0 $64 8 For the reasons set forth in an opinion (e) This order may be revoked or accompanying this order, and pursuant amended by the Price Administrator at (b) The manufacturer and whole­to § 1358.102 (b) of Maximum Price Reg­ any time. salers shall grant, with respect to their ulation No. 260, It is ordered, That: This order shall become effective sales of each brand and size or front- (a) Yocum Brothers, Inc., 4th and April 5,1945. mark of domestic cigars for which maxi­ Walnut Streets, Reading, Pa. (herein­ mum prices are established by this order, after caHed “manufacturer”) and whole­ Issued this 4th day of April 1945. the discounts they customarily granted salers and retailers may sell, offer to sell J am es G. R ogers, J r ., in March 1942 on their sales of domestic or deliver and any person may buy, offer Acting Administrator. cigars of the same price class to pur­ to buy or receive each brand and size chasers of the same class, unless a or frontmark, and packing of the follow­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5477; Filed, Apr. 4, 1946; change therein results in a lower price. ing domestic cigars at the appropriate 11:45 a. m.] Packing differentials charged by the maximum list price and maximum retail manufacturer or a wholesaler in March price set forth below: 1942 on sales of domestic cigars of [MPR 260, Order 701] the same price class to purchasers of the Maxi- Maxi- J . F . P e e l e r & S o n s Brand Size or front- Pack- mum mum same class may be charged on corre­ mark ing list retail sponding sales of each brand and size price price AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES or frontmark of cigars priced by this For the reasons set forth in an opinion order, but shall not be increased. Pack­ Per M Cents accompanying this order, and pursuant ing differentials allowed by the manu­ Faneuil Hall Panetelas...... 60 $105 14 to § 1358.102 (b) of Maximum Price Reg­ facturer or a wholesaler in March 1942 ulation No. 260, It is ordered, That: on sales of domestic cigars of the same (b) The manufacturer and whole­ (a) J. F. Peeler & Sons, 240 S. Pleas­ price class to purchasers of the same salers shall grant, with respect to their ant Avenue, Dallastown, Pa., (herein­ class shall be allowed on corresponding sales of each brand and size or front- after called “manufacturer”) and whole­ sales of each brand and size or front - mark of domestic cigars for which maxi­ salers and retailers may sell, offer to sell mark of cigars priced by this order and mum prices are established by this order, or deliver and any person may buy, offer shall not be reduced. If a brand and the discounts they customarily granted to buy or receive each brand and size size or frontmark of domestic cigars for in March 1942 on their sales of domestic or frontmark, and packing of the follow­ which maximum prices are established cigars of the same price class to pur­ ing domestic cigars at the appropriate by this order is of a price class not sold chasers of the same class, unless a change maximum, list price and maximum retail by the manufacturer or the particular therein results in a lower price. Pack- price set forth below:.- 3734 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 [MPR 260, Order 702] be given in the manner prescribed by Maxi­ Maxi­ § 1358.113 of Maximum Price Regulation Size or Pack­ mum mum J acob U k m a n Brand frontmark ing list retail No. 260. price price AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES (d) Unless the context otherwise re­ For the reasons set forth in an opinion quires, appropriate provisions of Maxi­ Per M Cents accompanying this order, and pursuant mum Price Regulation No. 260, shall Invinciblel__ 50 $48 6. to § 1358.102 (b) of Maximum Price Reg­ apply to sales for which maximum prices ulation No. 260, It is ordered, That: are established by this order. (e) This order may be revoked or (b) The manufacturer and whole­ (a) Jacob Ukman, 3140 Olive Street, St. salers shall grant, with respect to their Louis 3, Mo. (hereinafter called “man­ amended by the Price Administrator at sales of each brand and size or front- ufacturer”) and wholesalers and retailers any time. mark of domestic cigars for which max­ may sell; offer to sell or deliver and any This order shall become effective imum prices are established by this or­ person may buy, offer to buy or receive April 5,1945. der, the discounts they customarily each brand and size or frontmark, and Issued this 4th day of April 1945. granted in March 1942 on their sales of packing of the following domestic cigars domestic cigars of the same price class at the appropriate maximum list price J am es G . R ogers, J r ., to purchasers of the same class, unless a and maximum retail price set forth Acting Administrator. change therein results in a lower price. below: [P. R. Doc. 45-5479; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; Packing differentials charged by the 11:45 a. m.] manufacturer or a wholesaler in March Maxi­ Maxi­ Size or Pack­ mum mum 1942 on sales of domestic cigars of the Brand frontmark ing list retail same price class to purchasers of the price price [MPR 260, Order 703] same class may be charged on corre­ J . & H. C igar C o . sponding sales of each brand and size or Per M Cents frontmark of cigars priced by this order, St. Louis “U”_„ Red edging on 50 $72.00 9 AUTHORIZATION OF MAXIMUM PRICES box. but shall not be increased. Packing dif­ Blue edging 50 97.50 13 For the reasons set forth in an opinion ferentials allowed by the manufacturer • ; on box. or a wholesaler in March 1942 on sales accompanying this order, and pursuant of domestic cigars of the same price class to § 1358.102 (b) of Maximum Price Reg­ to purchasers of the same class shall be (b) The manufacturer and whole­ ulation No. 260, It is ordered, That: allowed on corresponding sales of each salers shall grant, with respect to their (a) J. & H. Cigar Co., 219 Broadway, brand and size or frontmark of cigars sales of each brand and size or front- Bethlehem, Pa. (hereinafter called “man­ priced by this order and shall not be re­ mark of domestic cigars for which maxi­ ufacturer”) and wholesalers and retailers duced. If a brand and size or frontmark mum prices are established by this order, may sell, offer to sell or deliver and any of domestic cigars for which maximum the discounts they customarily granted person may buy, offer to buy or receive prices are established by this order is of in March 1942 on their sales of domestic each brand and size or frontmark, and a price class not sold by the manufac­ cigars of the same price class to pur­ packing of the following domestic cigars turer or the particular wholesaler in chasers of the same class, unless a at the appropriate maximum list price March 1942, he shall, with respect to his change therein results in a lower price. and maximum retail price set forth sales thereof, .grant the discounts and Packing differentials charged by the below: may charge and shall allow the pack­ manufacturer or a wholesaler in March 1942 on sales of domestic cigars of the Maxi­ Maxi­ ing differentials customarily granted, Size or Pack­ mum mum charged or allowed (as the case may be) same price class to purchasers of the Brand frontmark ing list retail in March 1942 by his most closely com­ same class may be charged on corre­ price price petitive seller of the same class on sales sponding sales of each brand and size or frontmark of cigars priced by this order, Per M Cents of domestic cigars of the same March but shall not be increased. Packing dif­ El Composo...... Imperials____ y 50 $115 15 1942 price class to purchasers of the ferentials allowed by the manufacturer 50 64 8 same class. or a wholesaler in March 1942 on sales (c) On or before the first delivery to of domestic cigars of the same price class (b) The manufacturer and wholesal­ any purchaser of each brand and size or to purchasers of the same class shall be ers shall grant, with respect to their sales frontmark of domestic cigars for .which allowed on corresponding sales of each of each brand and size or frontmark of maximum prices are established by this brand and size or frontmark of cigars domestic cigars for which maximum order, the manufacturer and every other priced by this order and shall not be re­ prices are established by this order, the seller (except a retailer) shall notify the duced. If a brand and size or front- discounts they customarily granted in purchaser of the maximum list price and mark of domestic cigars for which maxi­ March 1942 on their sales of domestic the maximum retail price established by mum prices are established by this order cigars of the same price class to purchas­ is of a price class not sold by the manu­ ers of the same class, unless a change this order for such brand and size or facturer or the particular wholesaler in therein results in a lower price. Packing frontmark of domestic cigars. The no­ March 1942, he shall, with respect to his differentials charged by the manufac­ tice shall conform to and be given in the sales thereof, grant the discounts and turer or a wholesaler in March 1942 on manner prescribed by I 1358.113 of Max­ may charge and shall allow the packing sales of domestic cigars of the same price imum Price Regulation No. 260. differentials customarily granted, class to purchasers of the same class may (d) Unless the context otherwise re-' charged or allowed (as the case may be) be charged on corresponding sales of quires, appropriate provisions of Maxi­ in March 1942 by his most closely com­ each brand and size or frontmark of ci­ mum Price Regulation No. 260, shall ap­ petitive seller of the same class on sales gars priced by this order, but shall not ply to sales for which maximum prices of domestic cigars of the same Màrch be increased. Packing differentials al­ are established by this order. 1942 price class to purchasers of the same lowed by the manufacturer or a whole­ (e) This order may be revoked or class. saler in March 1942 on sales of domestic (c) On or before the first delivery to cigars of the same price class to purchas­ amended by the Price Administrator at any purchaser of each brand and size ers of the same class shall be allowed on any time. or frontmark of domestic cigars for corresponding sales of each brand and This order shall become effective which maximum prices are established size or frontmark of cigars priced by this April 5,1945. by this order, the manufacturer and order and shall not be reduced. If a Issued this 4th day of April 1945. every other seller (except a retailer) brand and size or frontmark of domestic shall notify the purchaser of the maxi­ cigars for which maximum prices are es­ J am es G . R ogers, J r , f mum list price and the maximum retail tablished by this order is of a price class Acting Administrator. price established by this order for such not sold by the manufacturer or the par­ [F. R. Doc. 45-5478; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945J brand and size or frontmark of domestic ticular wholesaler in March 1942, he 11:45 a. m.] cigars. .The notice shall conform to and shall, with respect to his sales'thereof, FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 3735 grant the discounts and may charge and No charge may be added to the maximum cost per hour multiplied by the percent­ shall allow the packing differentials cus­ retail prices listed above for the exten­ age in Column B, whichever is lower. tomarily granted, charged or allowed (as sion of credit. the case may be) in March 1942 by his — The maximum prices to retailers set Col­ most Closely competitive seller of the forth above are f. o. b., New York, New Column A umn same class on sales of domestic cigars of York, and are subject to the importer’s B the same March 1942 price class to pur­ customary terms of 2%, 10 EOM, net 60 chasers of the same class. days. (c) On or before the first delivery to (c) Notification. Any person who sells any purchaser of each brand and size or the above to a purchaser for

frontmark of domestic cigars for which resale shall include on every invoice •

maximum prices are established by this covering a sale of these watches the labor cost order, the manufacturer and every other following statement: Straight time Percentage of legal seller (except a retailer) shall notify the holidays and Sundays OPA Order No. 13 under RMPR 499 estab­ I ! Overtime purchaser of the maximum list price and lishes the maximum prices at which you may Journeyman plumber...... $2.50 $3.75 $5.00 166?á the maximum retail price established by sell these watches. Apprentice plum ber...... 1.75 2.63 3.50 140 this order for such brand and size or Common labor______L 75 2.63 3.50 140 frontmark of domestic cigars. The no­ This notification requirement supersedes tice shall conform to and be given in the notification requirement in section the manner prescribed by § 1358.113 of 12 (a) of Revised Maximum Price Regu­ (1) Measurement of hours. The num­ Maximum Price Regulation No. 260. lation 499 with respect to the watches ber of hours to be charged against any (d) Unless the context otherwise re­ covered by this order. job is to be counted from the time the quires, appropriate provisions of Maxi­ (d) Tagging. The importer shall in­ workman leaves the shop or the previous mum Price Regulation No. 260 shall ap­ clude with every covered by this job (whichever is later) until he com­ ply to sales for which maximum prices order delivered to a purchaser for resale pletes the job if he proceeds to another are established by this order. after its effective date, a tag or label job or until he returns to the shop if he (e) This order may be revoked or setting forth the maximum retail price proceeds there directly. For any job amended by the Price Administrator at of the particular watch. This tag or extending into more than one day, time any tiqje. label must not be removed until the in transit to or from the job may be watch is sold to an ultimate consumer. charged only once. The hours for which This order shall become effective (e) This order may be revoked or charges are made shall not exceed those April 5,1945. amended by the Price Administrator at shown in the seller’s payroll records nor Issued this 4th day of April 1945. any time. ' those shown in records which paragraph (f) Unless the context otherwise re­ (d) of this order requires the seller to J ames G. R ogers, Jr., quires the definitions set forth in section keep. Acting Administrator. 2 of Revised Maximum Price Regulation (ii) Minimum charge. If a job requires [F. R. Doc. 45-5480; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; No. 499 shall apply to the terms used less than one man-hour, there may be herein. collected a minimum charge equal to 11:46 a. m.] 110% of the hourly rate. This order shall become effective April (iii) . Outside sewer stoppage removal. 5,1945. A minimum charge not to exceed $5.00 [RMPR No. 499, Order 13] Issued this 4th day of April 1945. may be made for outside sewer stoppage removal where total applicable hourly Louis M anheimer & B rothers, Inc. J ames G. R ogers, Jr., rate does not exceed this amount. If Acting 'Administrator, because of employment of power-driven ESTABLISHMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES [F. R. Doc. 45-5474; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; equipment, maximum hourly rates were For the reasons set forth in an opinion 11:48 a. m.] in effect during March 1942, and records issued simultaneously herewith and filed are available to substantiate such rates, with the Division of the Federal Register, then the same rates may be continued for and pursuant to Sections 7 and 14 of Regional and District Office Orders. this type of work. Revised Maximum Price Regulation 499, ' (iv) A journeyman plumber doing his disordered: [Region Vin Order 0 -5 Under RMPR 251] own work shall take as his labor cost the (a) Effect of this order. This order labor cost applicable to journeyman P lumbing S ervices in S outhern Cali­ plumbers. establishes maximum prices at which cer­ fornia and Clark County, N ev. tain imported Swiss watches identified (v) Definitions, (a) “Plumbing serv­ below may be sold to retailers and at For the reasons set forth in an opin­ ices” means plumbing repair, mainte­ retail by any person. These watches ion issued simultaneously herewith, and nance and installation services, and in­ are imported by Louis Manheimer & under the authority vested in the Re­ cludes the sale of installed plumbing ma­ Brothers, Incorporated, 608 Fifth Avenue, gional Administrator of- the Office of terials; and “plumbing” means gas, wa­ New York, New York, hereinafter called Price Administration by section 9 of Re­ ter, and steam distribution or waste re­ the “importer.” vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 251, moval systems. “Plumbing services” also (b) Maximum prices for sales to re­ it is hereby ordered: includes installation of oil burners and tailers and at retail. The maximum (a) ^Geographical applicability. This feed lines. prices for sales by any person to retailers order shall apply to sellers located in the (b) “Overtime” refers to hours of work and at retail of the Swiss, watches de­ following areas: performed at customer’s request on Sat­ scribed below and identified in the im­ (1) California: Imperial, Inyo, Kern, urday or between the hours of 5:00 p. m. porter’s application of January 9, 1945, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San and 8:00 a. m., Monday to Saturday. are as follows: Diego, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, (c) “Sundays and holidays” refers to Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties; work performed at customer’s request (2) Nevada: Clark County. on Sundays and national holidays and Maximum ' Maximum retail prices (b) Maximum prices. The maximum emergency night calls made at customer’s Description prices to including price of plumbing services in the above request. retailers Federal areas shall be the sum of a charge based (d) “Labor cost” means the wage rates excise tax on the hourly rates specified in subpar­ in effect on October 3, 1942, or wage agraph (1) and the maximum price of rates which have been established by No. 115/1K, 17J, Í1J4L, inca- bloc, sweep second, radium the materials used as specified in subpar­ proper governmental agencies. dial, 14K, water resistant agraph (2). No additional charges may (2) Materials. The maximum price of case, strapped, boxed_____ $46.50 $120.00 No. 115/2T, 17J, 11HL, inca- be made for rental or use of equipment any new materials shall be the highest bloc, sweep second, radium or for fees, except as otherwise specified price charged for such materials by the dial, 14K , steel back, in this order. water resistant case, seller during March 1942, or the price strapped, boxed...... 30.50 71.50 (1) The maximum hourly rate shall be published as of the date of issuance of either the rate in Column A, or the labor this order, in Merchants Plumbers Guide, 373(6 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y, April 6, 1945 issued by John B. Reeves & Son, 3665 [Region I Order G-51 Under RMPR 122, [Region I Order G-64 Under RMPR 122, South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 7, Cali­ Amdt. 2] Amdt. 3] fornia, whichever is lower. The maxi­ Solid F uels in W aterbury, Conn., Area S olid F uels in N ew Bedford, Mass., Area mum price of any used materials, or of For the reasons set forth in an opin­ new materials which cannot be priced as ion issued simultaneously herewith and For the reasons set forth in an opinion provided above, shall be the seller’s max­ under the authority vested in the Re­ issued simultaneously herewith and un­ imum price, as determined under the gional Administrator of Region I of the der the authority vested in the Regional appropriate maximum price regulation. Office of Price Administration by Administrator of Region I of the Office (3) Jobs selling for more than $350. §§ 1340.259 (a} (1) and 1340.260 of Re­ of Price Administration by § 1340.260 of For jobs sold for more than $350 the vised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. maximum price shall be calculated under Region I, Order No. G-51 under Revised 122 and the Emergency Price Control Act section 7 of Revised Maximum Price Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 is of 1942 as amended, subparagraph (15) Regulation No. 251, but may not exceed hereby amended in the following re­ of paragraph (d) of Region I Order No. the maximum price provided above in spects: G-64 is hereby amended in the following this order. respect: (c) A seller may offer to supply a 1. The provision for “Orange Disc” in plumbing service covered by this order paragraph (e) is amended to read as 1. Subparagraph (h) of paragraph (d) on the basis of a guaranteed price, the follows: (15) is amended to read as follows: seller agreeing to charge a fixed amount: (h) “Blacksmith”: low volatile, low Provided, however, That such guaranteed Amount of addition sulphur bituminous coal which is -' price may not exceed the maximum price able for forge work and is produced in established by this order. Kind and size Per Per Per Per bituminous coal Producing Districts No. (d) Notification to purchasers. Every net* hi hi 100 1 and No. 2. person making sales subject to this order ton ton ton lbs. must keep a record showing the time This Amendment - No. 3 to Region I spent by his employees on any job in­ Orange Disc: Order No. G-64 shall become effective Broken, egg, stove, chest­ as of March 15, 1945. volving plumbing services and of the nut, pea and buckwheat. $0.30 $0.15 $0.05 None wage rate for each such employee. Such .20 .10 .05 None Issued this 21st day of March 1945. records shall be kept by the seller at his E ldon C. Sh* up, place of business and shall be available This Amendment No. 2 shall become Regional Administrator. for inspection by the Office of Price Ad­ effective as of January 31, 1945. ministration. In addition, every person [F. R. Doc. 45-5499; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; making sales subject to this order shall Issued this 21st day of March 1945. 3:28 p. m.] furnish to the customer an invoice or E ldon C. Shoup, sales on which he has itemized labor Regional Administrator. [Region I Order G—70 Under RMPR 122, and materials and on which he has cer­ Amdt. 30] [F. R. Doc. 45-5493; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; tified that the price charged does not S olid F uels in Boston R egion exceed the prices permitted by this Order 3:26 p. m.] No. G-5 under Revised Maximum Price • For the reasons set forth in an opinion Regulation No. 251. Duplicates of such [Region I Order G-51 Under RMPR 122, issued simultaneously herewith and un­ invoices or such sales slips shall be kept Amdt. 3] der the authority vested in the Regional by the seller at his place of business and Solid F uels in W aterbury, Conn., Area Administrator of Region I of the Office shall be available for inspection by the of Price Administration by §§ 1340.259 Office of Price Administration. For the reasons set forth in an opinion (a) (1) and 1340.260 of Revised Maxi­ (e) This order supersedes sections 6, issued simultaneously herewith and un­ mum Price Regulation No. 122, is ”*7, and 8 of Revised Maximum Price Reg­ der the authority vested in the Regional amended in the following respects: Administrator of Region I of the Office ulation No. 251 with respect to plumbing 1. The provision for “Orange Disc” in services supplied in the described areas, of Price Administration by §§ 1340.259 (a) (1) and 1340.260 of Revised Maxi­ subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e) is except where it is otherwise provided amended to read as follows: herein. mum Price Regulation No. 122, Region I, Order No. G-51 under Revised Maximum (f) This order may be amended or re­ Amount of addition voked at any time. Price Regulation No. 122 is hereby (g) This order shall become effective amended in the following respects: Kind and size Per Per Per Per. March 28, 1945, except that it shall not 1. The provision for “Orange Disc” in net hi hi 100 apply to sales made pursuant to con­ paragraph (e) is amended to read as ton ton ton lbs. tracts entered into prior to such date. follows: Orange Disc: Issued this 22d day of March 1945. Broken, egg, stove, chest­ Amount of addition nut, pea and buckwheat- $0.70 $0.35 $0.20 $0.05 Chas. R. Baird, .60 .30 .15 None Regional Administrator. Kind and size Per Per Per Per net hi hi 100 N ote: The amounts set forth above shall [F. fT Doc. 45-5481; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; ton ton ton lbs. 11:48 a. m.] be effective only until May 31, -1945, inclu­ sive. Thereafter, the “amount of addition Orange Disc: for “Orange Disc” shall be those provided by Broken, egg, stove, chest­ Amendment No. 27 to Order G-70. nut, pea and buckwheat.. $0.70 $0.35 $0.20 $0.05 [Region I Order G-16 Under SR 15, MPR 280, .60 .30 , .15 None This Amendment No. 30 shall become MPR 329, Corr. to Amdt. 14] effective as of March 2, 1945. N ote: The amounts set forth above shall F luid M ilk in M assachusetts be effective only until May 31, 1945 inclusive. Issued this 21st day of March 1945. In the fifth line of paragraph (a) the Thereafter, the “amount of addition” for E ldon C. Shoup, word “brought” is corrected to read “Orange Disc” shall be those provided for by Regional Administrator. Amendment No. 2 to Order G-51. “bought”. [F. R. Doc. 45-5496; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; This correction shall be effective as of This Amendment No. 3 shall become 3:28 p. m.] 12:01 a. m. on October 1, 1944. effective March 9, 1945. Issued this 21st day of March 1945. Issued this 21st day of March 1945. [Region I Order G-70 Under RMPR 122, Amdt. 31] E ldon C. Shoup, Eldon C. Shoup, Regional Administrator. Regional Administrator. S olid F uels in B oston R egion For the reasons set forth in an opinion [F. R. Doc. 45-5491; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; [F. R. Doc. 45-5494; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; issued simultaneously herewith and un- 3:26 p. m.] 8:26 p. m.] FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 3737

der the authority vested in the Regional Issued this 19th day of March 1945. N ote: The amounts set forth above, shall Administrator of Region I of the Office be effective only until May 31, 1945, in­ of Price Administration by §§ 1340.259 E ldon C. S ho up, clusive. Thereafter, the “amounts of addi­ (a) (1) and 1340.260 of Revised Maxi­ Regional Administrator. tion” for “Orange Disc” shall be those pro­ vided by Amendment No. 3 to Supplementary mum Price Regulation No. 122, Region I [F. R. Doc. 45-5497; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; Order No. 3. Order No. G-70 under Revised Maximum 3:28 p. m.] Price Regulation No. 112, is amended in This Amendment No. 4 shall become the following respects: [Region I Supp. Order 8 Under RMPR 122, effective as of March 2, 1945. Amdt. 4] 1. The provision for “William Penn” Issued this 21st day of March 1945. in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e) is P ennsylvania A nthracite in B oston amended to read as follows:.. R egion E ldon C. S houp, For the reasons set forth in an opinion Regional Administrator. Amount of addition issued simultaneously herewith and un­ der the authority vested in the Regional [F. R. Doc. 45-5495; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; Kind and size 3:27 p. m.] Per Per Per Per Administrator of Region I of the Office net M 100 of Price Administration by § 1340.260 of ton ton ton lbs. Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 and the Emergency Price Control William Penn: Broken, egg, stove, chest­ Act of 1942, as amended, Region I Sup­ [Region II Order G-53 Under RMPR 122, nut, pea, buckwheat apd plementary 'Order No. 8 under Revised Amdt. 9] $0.45 $0.25 $0.15 None Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 is amended in the following respects: P ennsylvania Anthracite in N ew Y ork N o te: The amounts set forth above shah R egion be effective only until March 31, 1945 In­ 1. The provisions for “Orange Disc” clusive. Thereafter, the “amount of addi­ in paragraph (c) are amended to read For the reasons set forth in an opin­ tion” for “William Penn” shall be those as follows: ion issued simultaneously herewith, and provided by Amendment No. 16 to Order No. G-70. under the authority vested in the Re­ • Amount of addition gional Administrator of the Office of This Amendment No. 31 shall become Price Administration by §§ 1340.260 and effective as of January 15, 1945. Kind and size Per Per Per Per net H H 100 1340.259 (a) (1) of Revised Maximum Issued this 19th day of March 1945. ton ton ten lbs. Price Regulation No. 122, Order G-53 is E ldon C. S houp, amended in the following respect: Orange disc: Regional Administrator. Broken, egg, stove, chest­ 1. Appendix A is amended by adding [P. R. Doc. 45-5498; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; nut, pea and buckwheat. $0.70 $0.35 $0.20 $0.05 .60 .30 .15 None a new item designated (25) immediately 3:28 p. m.] after item (24) to read as follows: [Region I Order G-70 Under RMPR 122, Permitted per net ton increase above applicable area ceiling price Arndt. 32] for anthracite, pursuant to paragraph (b). (For sales of fractions S olid F uels in B oston R egion of a net ton, the increase shall be proportionate) Kind For the reasons set forth in an opinion Buck­ issued simultaneously herewith and un­ Broken Egg Stove Nut Pea Rice Barley der the authority vested in the Regional wheat Administrator of Region I of the Office (25) “Lohb Coal Company”. (This applies of Price Administration by §§ 1340.259 only to anthracite produced and prepared (a) (1) and 1340.260 of Revised Maxi» by Lohb Coal Co., Pottsville, Pa., at its mum Price Regulation No. 122, Region I breaker at Schuylkill Haven, Pa.)...... $0.50 * $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 Order No. G-70 under Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122, is amended in This Amendment No. 9 to Order G-53 and sizes of containers used, and the the following respects: shall become effective as of March 13, price charged, including separate state­ 1945, except that for purposes of an ap­ ments of container allowances and trans­ 1. Subparagraph (2) of paragraph (e) plication under paragraph (c) of Order portation allowances, are suspended is amended by adding the following to the No. G-53, it shall not become effective when the buyer and seller of the fresh table set forth therein: until April 1, 1945. and frozen fish or seafood are both lo­ cated in Region H. Amount of addition (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law (b) That this order may be revoked, 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; amended or corrected at any time. Kind and size Per Per Per Per E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) net net net net This order shall become effective April tçn ton ton„ ton Issued this 19th day of March 1945. 1, 1945. D aniel P. W oolley, Mineral Spring or Franklin: (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th Broken, egg, stove, chest- Regional Administrator. Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871 and E.O. nut, pea, buckwheat, and rice...... $0.50 $0.25 $0.15 None [F. R. Doc. 45-5503; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) 3:30 p. m.] Issued this 22d day of March 1945. 2. Subparagraph (9) of paragraph (1) is amended by adding the words “Mineral D aniel P. W oolley, Spring or Franklin”. [Region II Order G -l Under MPR 579] Regional Administrator. 3. Subparagraph (45) is added to par­ F resh and F rozen F ish and S eafood in [F. R. Doc. 45-5492; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; 3:26 p. m.] agraph (1) to read as follows: N ew Y ork R egion (45) “Mineral Spring or Franklin” means that Pennsylvania Anthracite pro­ For the reasons set forth in the ac­ duced by the Franklin Coal Mining Com­ companying opinion and under the [Region III Order G -l Under, Supp. Service authority vested in the Regional Ad­ Reg. 47 to RMPR 165] pany and prepared at its Mineral Spring ministrator of the Office of Price Ad­ and Franklin Collieries located at Wilkes- ministration by section 1.6 (c) of Maxi­ R etail S hoe R epair S ervices in T oledo, Barre, Pennsylvania, and which meets O hio, Area the quality and preparation standards mum Price Regulation No. 579, It is established by Order No. 1-5 under Max­ hereby ordered: For the reasons set forth in an opinion, imum Price Regulation No. 112. (a) That subparagraphs (vi) and (vii) issued simultaneously herewith, and in paragraph (a) of section 1.6 in Maxi­ under the authority vested in the Re­ This Amendment No. 32 shall become mum Price Regulation No. 579, which re­ gional Administrator by § 1499.680 (a) of effective March 8, 1945. quire separate statements of the types Supplementary Service Regulation No, No. 69— -3 3738 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y, April 6, 1945 All half-sole prices include picking 47 to Revised Maximum Price Regula­ Maximum tion No. 165, it is ordered: stitches or relasting with wooden lasts price per bottle S ection 1. Retail shoe repair services when supplied. Brand or trade name Manufacturer in Toledo, Ohio area—(a) Maximum S ec. 2. Definitions, (a) The term 12- 32- prices. On and after April 9, 1945, and Toledo, Ohio Area means that area that ounce ounce notwithstanding the pricing provisions lies within the corporate limits of the city of Revised Maximum Price Regulation of Toledo, Sylvania and Maumee in Lucas Cent* Cents No. 165, and regardless of any previous North American 25 50 regulation, order (including an order County, Perrysburgh and Rossford in Brewing Co., authorizing a price adjustment), or ap­ Wood County, Ohio. Brooklyn. N. Y. proval, no seller in the Toledo, Ohio Area, (b) The definitions set forth in para­ of the retail shoe repair services listed in graph (h) of Supplementary Service And to the list of beverages under Group Table 1 below shall charge or offer to Regulation No. 47 to Revised Maximum 2-B, under the following respective ¿ap- charge prices higher than the maximum Price Regulation No. 165 also apply to tion, the following: prices set forth for any of the services this order. listed in that table. Maximum S ec. 3. Applicability of Supplementary price per T a b l e 1 Service Regulation No. 47. Important: bottle Brand or trade name Manufacturer Maximum prices for retail shoe repair services in Not all the provisions affecting maximum Toledo, Ohio area] 12- 32- prices in the Toledo, Ohio Area of the ounce ounce retail shoe repair services listed in Table Wom­ 1 are stated in this order. Those which Cents Cents Men’s en’s Chil­ are not specifically set forth here are set North American 20 45 shoes dren’s Brewing Co., and and ghoes forth in paragraphs (d) through (h) of Brooklyn,N.Y. boys’ chil­ smaller Supplementary Service Regulation No. 47 shoes dren’s than larger shoes to Revised Maximum Price Regulation than larger size And to the list of beverages under Group size 2 than 13 K No. 165, and they are just as much a part 3-B, under the following respective ­ size 13 of this order as if they were printed here. tion, the following: However, § 1499.680 (f) (1) of the post­ LEATHER HALF-SOLE SERVICES ing requirements is hereby modified for Maximum 1. Leather half-sole service, Per pair Per pair Per pair the Toledo, Ohio Area; price per (other than below)...... $1.25 $1.00 $0.95 Every seller in the Toledo, Ohio Area bottle 2. Leather half-sole service, Brand or trade name Manufacturer with invisible shank,...... — 1.40 1.10 .95 subject to this Area Order shall within 8. Leather half-sole service 12- 32- relasted with fitted wooden 15 days after the issuance of this Area ounce ounce lasts______1.25 1.15 .95 Order, post on his premises in such a 4. Leather half-sole service, relasted with fitted wooden place and manner as to be plainly visible Cents Cents lasts, and invisible shank... 1.40 1.25 .-95 to the purchasing public, a poster to be North American 18 40 8. Leather half-sole service Brewing Co., 5"-5)4" thickness______1.35 XXXX - .95 supplied by the Office of Price Adminis­ Brooklyn,N.Y. 6. Leather half-sole service, 6"-5^" thickness, with in­ tration, setting forth the maximum price visible shank______1.50 xxxx. .95 established by this area order. 7. Leather half-sole service, This amendment shall become effec­ 6" thick or heavier . . . V— 1.40 xxxx .95 S ec. 4. Other shoe repair services. tive March 23, 1945. 8. Heavy duty work shoes, leather half-sole service, 6" Shoe repair services not listed in Table 1 (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law thick or heavier...... 1.50 xxxx XXXX remain subject to Revised Maximum Additional charges in the fol­ 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; lowing amounts may he Price Regulation No. 165 (Services) or E.O. 9328, 8 P.R. 4681; G.O. 50, 8 F.R. added for— Premium leather (prime or Maximum Price Regulation No. 200 4808) . fine grade leather, or mili­ (Rubber Heels in the Shoe Repair tary or Government selec­ Trade), whichever is applicable. Issued at Birmingham, Alabama, this tion)...... 25 .25 None March 17, 1945.’ Men’s shoes over size 11, This order shall become effective April women’s shoes over size 9. .35 .10 None S am J . W atkins, COMPOSITION, RUBBER, OR 9, 1945. District Director. FIBRE HALF-SOLE SERVICES Issued this 24th day of March 1945. [F. R. Doc. 45-5482; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; Competitive grade, 1 0 iron— 1.15 .90 .75 2:46 p. m.] Standard grade, lOJfi iron...... 1.25 1.00 .85 Clifford J. H ouser, Super grade, 10J-4 iron...... 1.35 1.10 .95 Acting Regional Administrator. Flat corded grade, 10H iron.. 1.45 1.20 1.05 Cord-on-end and cord insert [F. R. Doc. 45-5505; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; grades, ffl# iron------1.55 1.30 1.15 [Region in Order G-2 Under MPR 426], N ote: Deductions in the fol­ 3:30 p. m.] lowing amounts must be .10 .10 .10 F resh F ruits and V egetables in M ichigan Additional charges in the fol­ lowing amounts may be For the reasons set forth in the accom­ added for: panying opinion and pursuant to the Heavy (12 iron) in above [Birmingham Order G -l Under Gen. Order 50, grades------.10 .10 .10 authority vested in the Regional Admin­ Extra heavy (14 iron) in A rndt. 12] istrator of Region III of the Office of above'grades ...... 20 XXXX XXXX Price Administration by. the provisions Brown in above grades----- .15 . 15 .15 M alt and Cereal B everages in J efferson Full soles in above grades.. .65 .50 .40 of section 15 of Maximum Price Regula­ County, Ala. tion No. 426, it is hereby ordered that: HEEL SERVICES (a) What this order does. This order One full leather top lift, with Office of Price Administration, Birm­ adjusts the maximum prices of carlot or without wedges—...... 65 XXXX .40 ingham District Office, Region IV, One full leather top lift, with and trucklot receivers, primary receivers wedges thicker than two Amendment Not 12 to Order No. G-l and certain secondary jobbers of certain lifts...... 75 XXXX .40 under General Order No. 50. Maximum Small leather top lift,' “Spike of the fresh fruits and vegetables covered type” (without leveling)— xxxx .30 xxxx prices for malt and cereal beverages in by Maximum Price Regulation No. 426 Small leather top lift, “Spike Jefferson County, Alabama; Docket No. type” (with leveling or in the area embraced in the Detroit, wedges)...... —- x m .40 XXXX 41a-DG—1G050-12. Michigan District of the Office of Price Medium leather top lift, Appendix A to Order No. G -l under “Cuban type” (one full lift, Administration. with or without wedges)— xxxx .40 .40 General Order No. 50 is amended by (b) Maximum prices. The maximum Large leather top lift, “Sport prices at which the sales hereinafter set type" (one full lift, with or adding to the list of beverages under without wedges)...... xrax .60 .40 Group 1-B the following respective cap­ forth in section (c) hereof shall be de­ Leather sole toe tip service... .65 .40 .40 tions the following: termined as follows: FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 3739 (1) Citrus fruits. In sales of citrus This order shall be effective March 15, ing price for the article when it is recon­ fruits the seller shall add to the price 1945. ditioned. named in Column 6 of the applicable Issued: March 15, 1945. (e) Tagging. Any dealer who sells any commodity table set forth in Article III, of the articles described in paragraph (c) section 15, Appendix I, paragraph (c) Clifford J. H ouser, on a reconditioned basis either shall at­ of Maximum Price Regulation No. 426 Acting Regional Administrator.. tach to each of such safety cans and/or for the citrus fruit being priced, the total Approved: steel drums, before sale, a tag or label, of the applicable markups specified in or display a suitable sign at the place Columns 8 and 9 of the table of maxi­ M. N. B aker, mum markups for distributive service War Food Administration. where the article is offered for sale, set forth in Article III, section 15, Ap­ which plainly states the maximum selling [F. R. Doc. 45-5515; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; price for the article. pendix I, paragraph (d) of said regula­ 3:33 p. m.] (f) Definitions. , (1) “Reconditioned” tion. cans or drums are defined as raw, used (2) Certain deciduous tree fruits. In cans or drums which have been thor­ sales of sweet cherries, apricots, plums, oughly cleaned and painted, and which fresh Italian prunes and pears the seller [Region III Order G-4 Under S. O. 94] have been subjected to all other proc­ shall add to the price named in Column esses necessary to make the cans or 6 of the applicable commodity Table set S afety Cans and S teel D rums in Cleveland R egion drums satisfactory for re-use. forth in Article III, section 15, Appendix (2) A “dealer” is defined as any person J, paragraph (d) of Maximum Price For the reasons set forth in an opin­ who purchases the subject cans or drums Regulation No. 426 for the deciduous tree ion issued simultaneously herewith, and from the United States Treasury De­ fruit being priced the total of the appli­ pursuant to sections 11 and 13 of Sup­ partment, Procurement Division, recon­ cable markups specified in Column 8 of plementary Order No. 94 and the Emer­ ditions the same, and' subsequently of­ Table A and Column 5 of Table B set gency Price Control Act of 1942, as fers them for resale. forth in Article III, section 15, Appendix amended, it is hereby ordered: (g) Revocation and amendment. This J, paragraph (e) of said regulation. (a) What this order does. This Order order may be revoked or amended at any (3) Certain other fruits. In sales of No. G-4 establishes maximum prices for time by the Office of Price Administra­ peaches, apples and cranberries, the the sale of certain specified safety cans tion. seller shall add to the price named in and steel drums, hereinafter described, Column & of the applicable commodity by the United States Treasury Depart­ This order shall become effective Table set forth in Article III, section 15, ment, Procurement Division, on an “as- March 24, 1945. Appendix K, paragraph

[Detroit Order G—7 Under MPR 426, Regulation No. 122; It is hereby ordered, Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 be Revocation] That paragraph (c), Part VII, of Order amended to read as follows: Citrus F ruits in D etroit, Mich., D istrict No. G-9 under Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 122 be amended to read as Column I Column II For the reasons set forth in an opinion fo llo w s: issued simultaneously herewith and un­ II. High volatile bituminous coals from der the authority vested in the Regional Column I Column II producing district No. 4 (Ohio): Administrator of Region III of the Office A. Lump or egg: 1. Size group Nos. 1 and 2 (bottom size of Price Administration by Article 1, sec­ VII. Briquettes (made from low volatile larger than 2") from subdistrict tion 2b of Maximum Price Regulation bituminous coals from District No. 7): No. 1 (eastern Ohio)______$8.35 No. 426, as amended, and by him dele­ $10.85 2. Size group No. 2 (single screened 10.60 coals bottom size larger than 2" but gated to the Detroit District Director by not exceeding 5"; double screened Second Revised Delegation Order No. ■ coals bottom size larger than 2") from subdistrict No. 5 (Hocking)__ 8.95 1-A, this order is hereby issued. This Amendment No. 7 to Order No. 3. Size Group Nos. 3 and 3A (bottom (a) Subject to all of the conditions, G-9 under Revised Maximum Price Regu­ size larger than 1)4" but not exceed­ lation No. 122 shall become effective ing * 2") from subdistrict No. 5 provisions, and stipulations of Supple­ (Hockjng)...... 8.55 mentary Order No. 40, Order No. G-7 March 8, 1945. ***** under Maximum Price Regulation No. Issued: March 8, 1945. 11.60 426 (adjusting maximum wholesale prices of citrus fruits) is hereby revoked. Clifford J. H ouser, Acting Regional Administrator. This Amendment 1 to Order No. G-37 This order of revocation shall become under Revised Maximum Price Regula­ effective this 19th day of March 1945. |F . R. Doc. 45-5518; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; 3:34 p. m.] tion No. 122 shall become effective March (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 8, 1945. 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871 Issued: March 8, 1945. and E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) [Region HI Order G-27 Under RMPR 122, Clifford J. H ouser, Issued this 19th day of March 1945. Amdt. 1] Acting Regional Administrator. W. E. F itzgerald, S olid F uels in M uncie, I nd., Area [P. R. Doc. 45-5520; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; District Director. For the reasons set forth in an opinion 3:35 p. m.] [P. R. Doc. 45-5483; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; issued simultaneously herewith, and un­ 2:46 p. m.] der the authority vested in the Regional Administrator of Region III of the Office of Price Administration by § 1340.260 of [Region III Order G-37 Under MPR 329, Amdt. 2] [Region III Order G-8 Under RMPR 122, Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. Amdt. 6] 122, It is hereby ordered, That Parts Ili F luid M ilk in I ndiana and V of paragraph (c) Cl) of Order No. S olid F uels in Louisville, K y ., Area G-27 under Revised Maximum Price For the reasons set forth in an opinion For the reasons set forth in an opinion Regulation No. 122 be amended to read accompanying this order and under the issued simultaneously herewith, and un­ as follows: authority vested in the Regional Admin­ der the authority vested in the Regional istrator of Region IH of the Office of Administrator of Region HI of the Office Col­ Col­ Col­ Price Administration by § 1351.408 (b) of of Price Administration by § 1340.260 of Column I umn umn umn Maximum Price Regulation No. 329; It Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. II III IV is hereby ordered, That: 122, It is hereby ordered: That Part V of in. High volatile bituminous coals (1) 'Order No. G-37 Under Maximum paragraph (c) (1) of Order No. G-8 un­ from producing district No. 4 der Revised Maximum Price Regulation (Ohio)." Price Regulation No. 329 be and the same A. Lump and egg, size group is hereby amended in the following re­ No. 122 be amended to read as follows: Nos. 1 and 2 (bottom size larger than 2") from sub-district No. 1 spects. $8.10 $7.85 $7.60 Col­ Col­ Col­ * * X • * Section (a) is hereby amended to read Column I umn umn umn II in IV V. Briquettes (low volatile): as follows:* A. From Glen Rogers, West 10.90 10.65 10.40 (a) Any milk distributor in the Coun­ V. Briquettes (made from low vola­ 10.65 10.40 10.15 ties of Bartholomew, Benton, Blackford, tile bituminous coals from dis­ Brown, Carroll, Clay, Crawford, Daviess, trict No. 7): $9.95 $9.70 $9.45 This Amendment 1 to Order No. G-27 Dearborn, Decatur, Delaware, Franklin, 9.70 9.45 9.20 under Revised Maximum Price Regula­ Fountain, Fulton, Gibson, Greene, Ham­ tion No. 122 shall become effective March ilton, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, 8, 1945. Henry, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, This Amendment No. 6 to Order No. Knox, Lawrence, Madison, Martin, Mon­ G-8 under Revised Maximum Price Reg­ Issued: March 8, 1945. roe, Morgan, Newton, Ohio, Orange, ulation No. 122 shall become effective Owen, Parke, Perry, Pike, Posey, Pulaski, March 8, 1945. C lifford J. H ouser, Acting Regional Administrator. Putnam, Ripley, Rush, Scott, Shelby, Issued: March 8, 1945. Spencer, Starke, Sullivan, Switzerland, [P. ,R. Doc. 45-5519; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; Tippecanoe, Tipton, Union, Vermillion, Clifford J. H ouser, 3:34 p. m.] Wabash, Warren and White in the State Acting Regional Administrator. of Indiana, may pay to producers for [P. R. Doc. 45-5517; Piled, Apr. 4, 1945; “milk” an amount not to exceed $3.20 8:34 p. m.] [Region m Order G-37 Under RMPR 122, per cwt., f. o. b. plant for “milk” of 4% Amdt. 1] butterfat, content, plus 5 cents for each S olid F uels in F lint, M ich., Area one-tenth of 1% variation over 4% and [Region III Order G-9 Under RMPR 122, minus 5 cents for each one-tenth of 1% Amdt. 7] For the reasons set forth in an opin­ butterfat variation under 4%: Provided, ion issued simultaneously herewith, and S olid F uels in M arion County, I nd., Area however, That such milk distributors under the authority vested in the Re­ shall be subject to the express restric­ For the reasons set forth in an opin­ gional Administrator of Region HE of ion issued simultaneously herewith, and the Office of Price Administration by tions of § 1351.402 (b), (c), (d), (e) and under the authority vested in the Re­ § 1340.260 of Revised Maximum Price (f) of Maximum Price Regulation No. gional Administrator of Region HI of Regulation No. 122, It is hereby ordered, 329, except as is permitted in Order No. the Office of Price Administration by That paragraph (c) (1), Parts n and G-33 under Maximum Price Regulation § 1340.260 of Revised Maximum Price V, of Order No. G-37 under Revised No. 329. FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , A p ril » 1945 :3741 (2) Section (b) is amended to read as Descriptive terms. The definitions of Director of the Memphis District Office, follows: price groups, classifications, size groups, Region IV, of the Office of Price Ad­ (b) Any milk distributor in the Coun­mine index numbers, producing subdis­ ministration by § 1499.681 of Supple­ ties of Adams, De Kalb, Howard, Jay, tricts, etc., contained in Maximum Price mentary Service Regulation No. 48 to La Grange, Montgomery, Noble, Ran­ Regulation No. 120 as the same now reads - Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. dolph, Stuben, Vigo and Whitley in the or may be amended, are hereby incorpo­ 165, and Special Regional Delegation State of Indiana, may pay to producers rated by reference into this order and Order, issued by said Region IV on March for “milk” an amount not to exceed $3.30 shall, wherever applicable, be the con­ 19, 1945, it is hereby ordered: per cwt., f. o. b. plant for milk of 4% trolling definitions of all such terms used herein. S ection 1. Invoices, (a) Each estab­ butterfat content, plus 5 cents for each lishment to which this order is made ap­ one tenth of 1% variation over 4% and (b) The following area solid fuel pric­ ing orders heretofore issued by this Re­ plicable shall furnish each purchaser of minus 5 cents for each one tenth of 1% gional Administrator, are hereby repair services with an invoice contain­ butterfat variation under 4%: Provided, ing the following information, and shall however, That such milk distributors amended: * Order No. G-21_ Akron, B arberton, and keep a copy thereof in its files for inspec­ shall be subject to the express restric­ tion by the Office of Price Administra­ tions of § 1351.402 (b), (c), (d), (e), and Revised Order Cuyahoga Palls, Ohio. No. 0-5. Alliance, Ohio. tion: (f) of Maximum Price Regulation No. Order No. G-25_ Anderson, Ind. (1) The name and address of the es­ 329, except as is permitted in Order No. Order No. G-44_ Bay City, Mich. tablishment performing the services; G-35 under Maximum Price Regulation Order No. G-50_ Canton, Ohio. (2) The name and address of the cus- No. 329. Order No. G-30- Hamilton County, Ohio, and • tomer to whom the service is supplied; in the City of Milford, (3) The date; (3) Section (d) is amended to read as Ohio. follows: Order No. G-49- Cleveland, Ohio. (4) A brief description of each service (d) Any milk distributor in the Coun­ Order No. G-29_ Columbus, Ohio. supplied and the charge for that par­ ties of Allen, Boone, Cass, Clinton, Du­ Order No. G-45_ Boone, Campbell, and Ken­ ticular service so stated; bois, Grant, Elkhart, Payette, Hunting- ton Counties, Ky. (5) (i) If customer’s hourly rate alone Order No. G -ll_ Dayton, Ohio. is used in pricing the service, the custom­ ton, Jasper, Johnson, Kosciusko, Mar­ Order No. G-7__ Detroit, Mich, (dock deal­ er’s hourly rate and the number of hours shall, Miami, Porter, Vanderburg, ers). for which a charge is made (indicating Wayne, and Warrick in the State of In­ Order No. G-48- Detroit, Mich, (rail). overtime Ijours if charged for at over­ diana may pay to producers for “milk” Order No. G-37_ Flint, Mich. time rates).. an amount not to exceed $3.45 per cwt., Order No. G-43_ Grand Rapids, Mich. f. o. b. plant for milk of 4% butterfat Order No. G-53_ Kokomo, Ind. (ii) If flat rate manual or labor sched­ content, plus 5 cents for each one tenth Order No. G-20- Lansing, Mich. ule is used in pricing the service, or if of 1% variation over 4% and minus 5 Order No. G-22_ Lexington, Ky. time allowance for the service is fixed by Order No. G-6_Lima, Ohio. OPA regulation—the. title of the manual, cents for each one tenth of 1% butterfat Order No. G-8— Louisville, Ky. schedule or regulation; the number or variation under 4%: Provided, however, Order No. G—57_ Mansfield, Ohio. other identification of the operation; the That such milk distributors shall be sub­ Order No. G»62_ Marietta, Ohio. customer’s hourly rate; and the number ject to the express restrictions of § 1351.- Order No. G-9_Marion County, Ind. of hours for which a charge is made (in­ 402 (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of Maxi­ Order No. G-35, Martinsburg, W. Va. dicating overtime hours if charged for at mum Price Regulation No. 329 except as Order No. G-54_ Midland, Mich. overtime rates). is permitted in Order No. G-33 under Order No. G-20_ Monroe, Mich. Order No. G-27_ Muncie, Ind. (iii) If fixed charge is made in pricing Maximum Price Regulation No. 329. Order No. G-17- Newark, Ohio. the service—the fixed charge (i. e., a This order shall be effective March 19, Order No. G-536- Owosso, Mich. charge not computed by means of the 1945. Order No. G-12_ Paducah, Ky. customer’s hourly rate) ; Order No. G-18_ Parkersburg, W. Va. (6) Total labor charge; Issued: March 19, 1945. Order No. G-56. Pontiac, Mich. Order No. G-41_ Port Huron, Mich. (7i Itemized list of parts and mate­ C l iffo r d J . H o u ser , Order No. G-46_ Richmond, Ind. rials furnished and charges therefor. If Acting Regional Administrator. Order No. G—14- Saginaw, Mich. used parts are furnished, so state; Approved: Order No. G-51_ Sandusky, Ohio. (8) Any other charge (and specific in­ Order No. G-10_ County of St. Joseph, Ind. dication of its,nature) ; F r a n k E . B loqd, Order No. G-13_ Toledo, Ohio. (9) Total charge. In Charge, Midwest Field Office, Order No. G-19_ Warren, Ohio. (b) Each establishment to which this Dairy and Poultry Branch, Order No. G-34_ Youngstown, Ohio. order is made applicable shall have their Office of Marketing Services. (c) The amended provision pertain­ invoices consecutively numbered, which [P. R. Doc. 45-5522; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; ing to descriptive terms, contained in (a) numbers shall be printed on the invoice 8:35 p. m.] above, is hereby added to paragraph (c) form. Written, typed, or stamped num­ of the following orders, which did not bers on such invoices will not be suf­ ficient. [Region III Supp. Order 6 Under RMPR 122, heretofore contain a provision pertain­ Amdt.] ing to descriptive terms: S ec. 2. Records, (a) Each establish­ Order No. G-28...... Jackson, Mich. ment to which this order is made ap­ S o lid F u e l A rea P r ic in g O rders in Order No. G-52------Lancaster, Ohio. plicable shall, if it has productive em­ C leveland R e g io n ployees, keep and make available to the For the reasons set forth in an opinion - This Supplementary Order No. 6 shall Office of Price Administration for inspec­ issued simultaneously herewith, and pur­ become effective March 8,1945. tion, the following records: suant to the authority vested in the Re­ Issued: March 8, 1945. (1) Name of each productive employee gional Administrator of Region HI of the C liffo r d J . H o u ser , together with the number of regular and Office of Price Administration generally, Acting Regional Administrator. overtime hours worked each day; and particularly under § 1340.260 of Re­ (2) Name of each productive employee vised Maximum Price Regulation No, [P. R. Doc. 45-5514; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; together with total of regular and over­ 122; It is hereby ordered, That,: 3:33 p. m.J time hours worked during each pay (a) The provision contained in para­ period, and the total regular and over­ graph Cc) of each of the area solid fuel time wages paid to that employee for the pricing orders hereinafter listed, per­ [Memphis Order G -l Under Supp. Service pay period; taining to descriptive terms, which Reg. 48 to RMPR 165] (3) Total number of hours worked states, “All terms used herein to describe during each pay period by all productive size, volatility and producing district are A u t o m o tiv e R epa ir S h o p s i n M e m p h is , ' T e n n ., D is t r ic t employees on equipment in the stock of those that were established and defined the repair establishment, or covered by by the Bituminous Coal Division and in For the reasons set forth in an opinion guarantee, as well as any other hours effect as of midnight, August 23, 1943”, issued simultaneously herewith, and worked for which no charge was made is hereby amended to read as follows: under the authority vested in the District to the customer. 3742 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 (b) For the purpose of this order [Sioux City Order G—1 Under MPR 426 and (f ), Appendix I (g), Appendix J (1) and "productive employees” is defined to MPR 285, Amdt. 1] Appendix K (r) of Maximum Price Regu­ mean employees who actually do repair F resh F ruits and Vegetables in Sioux lation No .426, and § 1351.1254a (a), of City, I owa, D istrict Maximum Price Regulation No. 285, It is work as distinguished—for example— ordered, That the said Order No. G-2 be from supervisory, clerical or stockroom For the reasons set forth in an opinion amended in the following respect: employees. issued simultaneously herewith and un­ S ec. 3. Applicability—(a) Geograph­ der the authority vested in the District 1. Paragraph (a) is amended to read as ical applicability. The provisions of this Director of the Sioux City, Iowa District follows: order shall apply to automotive repair Office of the Office of Price ^Administra­ (a) What this order does. This order shops in Memphis and Shelby County, tion, by §§ 1439.3-15, Appendix H (f), determines the limits of the free delivery Tennessee. Appendix I (g), Appendix J (1) and Ap­ zone at the wholesale receiving point of (b) Establishments to which this order pendix K (r) of Maximum Price Regu­ Yankton, South Dakota. It also estab­ is applicable. The establishments to lation No. 426, and § 13^1.1254a (a), of lishes differentials for non-delivered which this order is applicable are all au­ Maximum Price Regulation No. 285,. It is sales in the free delivery zone and for tomotive repair shops in the area named ordered, That the said Order No. G -l be delivered sales beyond the free delivery in paragraph (a) above which use a cus­ amended in the following respect: zone> The order applies to such fresh tomer’s hourly rate in pricing any repair 1. Paragraph (a) is amended to read fruit and vegetable items as are now or service and whose dollar volume of busi­ as follows: may hereafter be subject to the pricing ness from the pick-up, towing, and re­ provisions of Maximum Price Regulation pairing of wrecked or damaged automo­ (a) What this order does. This order No. 285 and Appendices H, I, J, and K of biles is fifteen percent or more of the determines the limits of the free delivery Maximum Price Regulation No. 426. The total dollar volume of business of the zones at the wholesale receiving point of only sellers who are subject to this order repair shop. Sioux City, Iowa. It also establishes dif­ are those wholesalers who price under ferentials for non-delivered sales in the M axim um Price Regulation No. 285, and Sec 4. Relation to Revised Maximum free delivery zones and for delivered sales Price Regulation No. 165. This order is secondary jobbers and service wholesal­ beyond the free delivery zones. This or­ ers, as those terms are used in Appendices not intended, nor does it in fact affect der applies to such fresh fruit and vege­ any of the provisions of Revised Maxi­ H, I, J, and K of Maximum Price Regula­ table items as are now or may hereafter tion No. 426. mum Price Regulation No. 165 not be subject to the pricing provisions of specifically incorporated herein, and the Maximum Price Regulation No. 285 and 2. The first paragraph of paragraph said provisions of said Revised Maximum Appendices H, I, J and K of Maximum (c) is amended to read as follows: Price.Regulation No. 165 shall remain in Price Regulation No. 426. The only sell­ (c) Differentials for non-delivered and full force and effect. ers who are subject to this order are delivered sales of items listed in Appen­ This order may be revoked, amended those wholesalers who price under Maxi­ dices H, I, J and K of Maximum Price or corrected at any time. mum Price Regulation No. 285, and sec­ Regulation No. 426. ondary jobbers and service wholesalers, This order shall become effective at as those terms are used in Appendices 3. Except as provided in the preceding 12:01 a. m., March 21, 1945. H, I, J and K of Maximum Price Regu­ paragraph, all of the provisions con­ N ote: The reporting and record keeping lation No. 426. tained in Order No. G-2 shall remain un-' requirements of this Order G—1 under Sup­ changed and in full force and effect.., plementary Service Regulation No. 48 to 2. The first paragraph of paragraph 4. This order may be revoked, revised, Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. 165 (c) is amended to read as follows: amended or corrected at any time. have been approved by the Bureau of the (c) Differentials for non-delivered and 5. This amendment shall become effec­ Budget in accordance with the Federal Re­ tive on February 16, 1945. ports Act of 1942. delivered sales of items listed in Appen­ dices H, I, J and K of Maximum Price (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong!; E.O. Issued this 19th day of March* • 1945. Regulation No. 426. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) R. C. H unting, 3. Except as provided in the preceding Issued this 9th day of February 1945. Acting District Director. paragraph, all of the provisions con­ Approved: [F. R. Doc. 45-5484; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; tained in Order No. G -l shall remain un­ 2:46 p. m.] changed and in full force and effect. E. O. P ollock, 4. This order may be revoked, revised, Regional Director, amended or corrected at any time. War Food Administration. [Region IV Order G-15 Under 18 (c), Arndt. 3] 5. This amendment shall become ef­ M. E. R awlings, F irewood in L awrenceburg, T enn. fective on February 16,1945. District Director. For the reasons set forth in an opinion (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. [F. R. Doc. 45-5506; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; issued simultaneously herewith and un­ 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) 3:31 p. m.] der the authority vested in the Regional Issued this 9th day of February 1945. Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ {Region VI Order G-53 Under MPR 329] ministration by § 1499.18 (c) of the Gen­ M. E. R awlings, eral Maximum Price Regulation, It is District Director. F luid M ilk in De P ere, W est De P ere hereby ordered, That section 1 (a) of Approved: AND WRIGHTSTOWN, WlS. Order No. G-15 be amended to read as For the reasons set forth in the ac­ E. O. P ollock, follows: companying opinion, and under the au­ Regional Director, thority vested in the Regional Adminis­ (a) The maximum prices for sales or War Food Administration. trator of the Office of Price Administra­ deliveries at retail of firewood shall be: [F. R. Doc. 45-5507; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; tion by §' 1351.408 (a) of Maximum Price (1) Firewood cut in lengths of from 3:31 p. m.] Regulation No. 329, it is hereby ordered: 14" to 16" *$12.00 per cord, and $4.6(1 (a) Maximum producer prices. The per rick. (2) Firewood sold as split stove wood [Sioux City Order G-2 Under MPR 426 and maximum price which distributors in De MPR 285, Amdt. 1], Pere, West De Pere and Wrightstown, $13.50 per cord, and $4.50 per rick. Wisconsin, may pay to producers for milk This amendment shall become effective F resh F ruits and Vegetables in Yankton, sold for human consumption in fluid immediately. S. Dak., District form shall be 80iz5 per pound butterfat in Issued: March 17, 1945. For the reasons set forth in an opinion whole milk. issued simultaneously herewith and (b) Applicability of producer prices. Alexander H arris, under the authority vested in the Dis­ Paragraph (a) of this order shall apply Regional Administrator. trict Director of the Sioux City, Iowa Dis­ to all purchases of milk from producers [F. R. Doc. 45-5501; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; trict Office of the Office of Price Admin­ for resale for human consumption in 8:29 p. m.] istration, by §§ 1439.3-15, Appendix H fluid form by distributors whose bottling FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , April 6, 1945 • 3743 plants are located within De Pere, West (c) Revocation. Minnesota Price Or­ [Region VIII Order G -l Under Supp. Service De Pere and Wrightstown, Wisconsin, or der No. 1 issued by the state office of the Reg. 43 to RMPR 165] who sell within those cities 50% or more Office of Price Administration located in of the milk sold by them. St. Paul, Minnesota, and effective De­ Alfalfa H ay in P alo Verde Valley, (c) Addition of transportation charges. cember 21, 1942, is hereby revoked. Calif., A rea (1) The maximum price established in (d) Price schedule. Immediately be­ For the reasons set forth in the ac­ paragraph (a) is the maximum price for low and as a part of this section (d) is companying opinion and pursuant to au­ milk f. o. b. purchaser’s plant. Where a schedule that sets forth the amounts thority conferred upon the Regional Ad­ the transportation charge or any part which may be added to the maximum ministrator by § 1499.676 (a) of Supple­ thereof is paid by the purchaser, the prices established under the General mentary 'Service Regulation No. 43 to total amount paid for transportation Maximum Price Regulation for sales by Revised Maximum Price Regulation No. plus the amount received by the producer dealers of specified kinds of firewood. 165, It is hereby ordered: shall not be in excess of the maximum The schedule establishes increases in the (a) The maximum prices which any price set forth in paragraph (a). prices on a per cord or per ton basis. If independent contractor may charge for (2) Where the purchaser hauls tlje a dealer wishes to sell firewood by the services rendered in connection with the milk to his plant in a conveyance owned, cord, his price shall be determined by harvesting and baling of alfalfa hay leased or operated by him, he shall de­ referring to the column bearing the shall be: duct from the maximum price set forth heading “per cord;” if the dealer wishes Mowing— ------$1 per acre. in paragraph (a) of this order the cost to sell firewood by the ton rather than Raking------$1 per acre. of such transportation. The “cost of by the cord,* his price shall be deter­ Baling------$4.50 per ton. such transportation” shall be the maxi­ mined by referring to the column bear­ Hauling and piling: mum price which may be charged by milk ing the heading “per ton.” (a) Bales averaging 17 or haulers or other transportation com­ less per ton: Sc h e d u l e o f I n c r e a s e s in P r ic es E st a b l is h e d U n d e r (1) Not to exceet 9 bales $0.08 per bale. panies for the hauling of milk to the G e n e r a l M a x im u m P r ic e R e g u l a t io n * * high. purchaser’s plant. (2) Over 9 bales h ig h .__ $0.09 per bale. (d) Relation of this order to Office of Per Per (b) Bales averaging more Price Administration regulations. Ex­ cord ton than 17 per to n : cept as modified by this order, the provi­ (1) Not to exceed 9 bales $0.07 per bale, sions of the Maximum Price Regulation Group 1, maple, birch, oak, or mixed hard­ high. wood m cord or chunks...... $2.00 $1.10 (2) Over 9 bales high__ $0.08 per bale. No. 329 shall remain in full force and Group 2, Wisconsin mixed (mixed hard­ effect and shall not be evaded by any wood and softwood in cords) _ __ 1.50 1.10 These prices include all labor and change in business or trade practices in Group 3, maple, birch, or oak slab wood; maple clippings; or mixed sla b s...... 1.50 .85 equipment necessary for the perform­ effect during that month. Group 4, pine slabs or edgings, and poplar ance of the contract. When anjf equip­ (e) Definitions. Unless the context or Tamarack cord wood or chunks...__ 1.00 .75 ment or labor is furnished by the buyer, otherwise requires, the definitions set Group 5, factory m ixed...... 1.00 the contractor must deduct from the ap­ forth in Maximum Price Regulation No. plicable maximum price the reasonable 329, and the Emergency Price Control (e) Definitions, (i) The term “cord” value of the use of such labor or equip­ Act of 1942, as amended, shall be appli­ shall mfcan 128 cubic feet of wood in 4 ment. Each contractor must file the ad­ cable to the terms used herein. feet lengths. justed price with the Los Angeles Dis­ (f) Revocability. This order may be (ii) The term “sawed wood cords” trict Office of the Office of Price Admin­ revoked, amended or corrected at any shall mean 110 cubic feet when ranked istration before performing such con­ time. or 160 cubic feet when unranked. tract service. This order has been approved by the (iii) The term “sawed and split wood (b) The area covered by this order Midwest Field Representative, Dairy & cord” shall mean 120 cubic feet when shall be the Palo Verde Valley of River­ Poultry Branch, Office of Distribution of ranked and 175 cubic feet when un­ side County, California. the War Food Administration. ranked. (c) This order shall become effective (iv) Except as otherwise provided as of March 15, 1945, and shall expire This order shall be effective the 26th herein or as the context may otherwise June 20,1945. day of March 1945. require, all terms used in this order shall (d) This order may be amended, cor­ Issued this 19th day of March 1945. bear the meaning given them in the Gen­ rected, or revoked at any time. eral Maximum Price Regulation or in R ae E. W alters, the Emergency Price Control Act of Issued this 19th day of March 1945. Regional Administrator. 1942; if not therein defined, they shall Chas. R. B aird, [F. R. Doc. 45-5508; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; be given their ordinary and popular trade Regional Administrator. 3:31 p. m.] meaning. (f ) Effect of this order on the General [F. R. Doc. 45-5504; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; Maximum Price Regulation. To the ex­ 3:30 p. m.l tent applicable, the provisions of this [Region VI Order G-108 Under 18 (c) ] order supersede the General Maximum F irewood P rices in M innesota Price Regulation. In so far as any pro­ vision of this order may be inconsistent SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM­ Under the authority vested in the Re­ with any provision of the General Max­ MISSION. gional Administrator of the Office of imum Price Regulation, the provision [File No. 70-1029] Price Administration by § 1499.18 Cc) of contained in this order shall be control­ the General Maximum Price Regulation, ling. Except as herein otherwise pro­ H averhill E lectric Co., et al. and for the reasons set forth in an opin­ vided, the provisions of the General Max­ ion issued simultaneously herewith, it ORDER GRANTING APPLICATIONS-DECLARA­ imum Price Regulation shall remain in TIONS is ordered: full force and effect. (a) What this order does. This order At a regular session of the Securities authorizes increases in the maximum This Order No. G-108 may be and Exchange Commission held at its prices heretofore established under the amended, revoked or modified at any office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., time. on the 3d day of April 1945. General Maximum Price Regulation for In the matter of Haverhill Electric sales at retail by dealers of specified This Order No. G-108 shall become Company, North Boston Lighting Prop­ kinds of firewood in the State of effective April 7, 1945. Minnesota. erties, Massachusetts Power and Light Issued this 27th day of March 1945. Associates, New England Power Associa­ (b) Geographical applicability. This tion, File No. 70-1029. order applies to all sales pursuant to R ae E. W alters, New England Power Association which the buyer receives physical deliv­ Regional Administrator. (“NEPA”) , a registered holding company, ery within the boundaries of the State [F. R. Doc. 45-5510; Filed, Apr.- 4, 1945; Massachusetts Power and Light Asso­ of Minnesota. 8:32 p. m.] ciates (“MP&L”), a non-registered sub- 3744 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y , April 6, 1945 sidiary holding company of NEPA, North shall be null, void and of no effect unless possible the opening of bids on April 10, the Commission shall otherwise order. 1945; and Boston Lighting Properties (“NOBO”), It appearing that the financial com-' a non-registered subsidiary holding com­ By the Commission. pany of MP&L, and Haverhill Electric munity has been kept currently in­ Company (“Haverhill”), a subsidiary [SEAL] ORVAL L. DUBOIS, formed as to all developments in con­ Secretary. nection with the proposed financing and public-utility company of NOBO' having with respect to the proposed date for filed joint applications and declarations, [F. R. 'Doc. 45-6528; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; opening bids; and and amendments thereto, pursuant to 9:49 a. m.] It further appearing that said declara­ sections 6 (b), 10, 12 (c>, 12 (d) and 12 tion of Niagara Hudson Power Corpora­ (f) of the Public Utility Holding Com­ tion and New York Power and Light Cor­ pany Act of 1935 and Rules U—42,,*U—43 [File No. 70-103Q] poration with respect to the proposed and U-44 promulgated thereunder in cancellation of intercompany advances, which it is proposed that: N ew Y ork P ower and Light Corp. and N iagara Jïudson P ower Corp. as amended, may appropriately be per­ 1. Haverhill issue and sell for cash mitted to become effective and that said 26,000 shares of additional capital stock SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER PERMITTING DECLARA­ request for shortening of the time be­ (par value $25 each) at a prite of $25 TION TO BECOME EFFECTIVE per share, by offering such shares to the tween the invitation and opening of bids stockholders of Haverhill proportionately At a regular session of the Securities may appropriately be granted in the in­ to their then holdings in accordance with and Exchange Commission, held at its terests of investors and consumers; the General Laws of Massachusetts, and office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn-- It is ordered, That said declaration, as by issuing subscription warrants repre­ sylvania, on the 3d day of April 1945. amended, be and the same is hereby senting shares and fractions of-shares Niagara Hudson Power Corporation, a permitted to become effective, subject, to such stockholders. The proceeds subsidiary of The United Corporation, a however, to the terms and conditions ($650,000) to be received upon the sale of registered holding company, and New prescribed in Rule U-24. the shares will be used by Haverhill to York Power and Light Corporation, a It is further ordered, That the ten day pay part of its indebtedness of $800,000 subsidiary of Niagara Hudson Power period between the invitation and open­ to NOBO. Corporation and of The United Corpo­ ing of bids, as provided in Rule U-50 (b), 2. NOBO, owning approximately ration, having filed applications and. dec­ be and the same is hereby shortened to a 53.33% of the outstanding capital stock larations and amendments thereto, pur­ period not less than six days. of Haverhill, exercise its rights to sub- suant to sections 6 (b), 9 (a) and 12 of It is further ordered, That in all other scribeJor 13,866 whole shares and acquire the Public Utility Holding Company Act respects this Commission’s order herein sufficient fractional warrants to subscribe of 1935, with respect to the issue and dated March 22, 1945, shall remain in to an additional share. Further, NOBO sale by New York Power and Light Cor­ full force and effect. will purchase and acquire from Haverhill poration, in accordance with the com­ By the Commission. at $25 per share all shares not subscribed petitive bidding requirements of Rule U-50, of $50,000,000 principal amount of [seal] ' Orval L. D u B ois, for by minority stockholders, either at Secretary. public auction, or at private sale, the lat­ First Mortgage Bonds, due March 1,1975, ter method being subject to the further the issue and sale by New York Power [F. R. Doc. 45-5529; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; approval of the Massachusetts Depart-» and Light Corporation to Niagara Hud­ 9:49 a. m.] ment of Public Utilities. In accordance son Power Corporation and the acquisi­ with the terms of the bank credit letter tion by Niagara Hudson Power Corpo­ agreement securing an original issue of ration of 50,000 shares of the common [File No. 70-1023] , $13,000,000 of 2y2% notes of NOBO, due stock of New York Power and Light Cor­ October 1,1947, all shares of capital stock poration, and the cancellation of - ad­ N orthern P ennsylvania P ower Co. of Haverhill to be acquired by NOBO vances aggregating $20,550,000 owed to order releasing jurisdiction over legal will be pledged under the agreement. Niagara Hudson Power Corporation by FEES 3. MP&L, owning approximately 14.98% New York Power and Light Corporation, of the outstanding capital stock of Ha­ Provided, That ttyere be obtained a clos­ At a regular session of the Securities verhill, exercise its rights to subscribe for ing agreement executed by the Commis­ and Exchange Commission, held at its 3,896 whole shares and acquire sufficient sioner of Internal Revenue with the ap­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa. on fractional warrants to subscribe to an proval of the Secretary of the Treasury the 3d day of April 1945. additional share. to'the effect that such cancellation will The Commission having, by order 4. NEPA, owning approximately .050% not result in any income taxable to New dated February 23,1945, granted the ap­ of the outstanding capital stock of Ha­ York Power and Light Corporation; and plication of Northern Pennsylvania verhill, exercise its right to subscribe for This Commission, by order dated Power Company, a subsidiary of NY PA March 22, 1945, having granted said ap­ NJ Utilities Company, a registered hold­ 13 whole shares and acquire sufficient ing company, pursuant to section 6 (b) of fractional warrants to subscribe to an plications and permitted said declara­ the Public Utility Holding Company Act additional share. tions to become effective, subject to cer­ of 1935 for exemption from the provisions A public hearing having been held on tain conditions; and said applications-déclarations, and of section 6 (a) thereof, of the issue and Niagara Hudson Power Corporation sale, in accordance with Rule U-50 pro­ amendments thereto, after appropriate and New Ydrk Power and Light Corpo­ mulgated under the act, of $4,0d0,000 notice; the Commission having con­ ration having further amended their dec­ sidered the record in this matter and principal amount of First Mortgage having made and filed its findings and laration with respect to the proposed Bonds, due 1975; and opinion herein: cancellation of advances to provide that The Commission having by said order such cancellation will be consummated reserved jurisdiction over the payment It is hereby ordered, That the afore­ of all legal fees and expenses of all coun­ said applications-déclarations be, and upon the basis of a ruling of the Com­ missioner of Internal Revenue, in place sel in connection with the proposed hereby are granted and permitted to be­ transactions; and come effective, subject, however, to the of a closing agreement, to the effect that Counsel concerned having filed state­ terms and conditions set forth in Rule such cancellation will not result in any ments with respect to the nature of the U-24 and subject also to the following income taxable to New York Power and services performed in connection with additional term and condition: Light Corporation; and the transactions, and it appearing to the That if within 30 days from the date New York Power and light Corpora­ Commission that the proposed fees and of our order herein the requisite ap­ tion having requested that the ten day expenses of Harold J. Ryan for services proval of stockholders of Haverhill Elec­ peri'od between the invitation and open­ performed for Northern Pennsylvania tric Company shall not have been ob­ ing of bids, as provided in Rule U-50 (b), Power Company, and of White & Case, tained, the Commission’s order herein be shortened to six days in order to make independent counsel for the underwrit- FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 6, 1945 3745 ers, are for necessary services and not shall remain unclaimed (i. e., the necessary have no further right to claim any of unreasonable: acts to. procure delivery remaining undone) such proceeds.3 after a date (herein referred to as the ex­ It is ordered, That jurisdiction over piration date) five years from the date of The proposed sale is iii conformity with all legal fees and expenses proposed to this order may be sold by the New Com­ the Court order of January 2, 1940 and be paid to the above-named counsel in pany for cash at public or private sale, and the terms of such sale appear to be fair connection with said transactions be,- in such manner as the Board of Directors to the security holders affected thereby. and hereby is, released. of the New Company may determine. There­ We observe no basis therefore, for any By the Commission. after, those previously entitled to receive the adverse findings under any applicable shares of stock so sold shall be entitled to provisions of the Act in respect of the [ se a l! O rval L. D tjB o is , receive from the New Company only the net cash proceeds from such sale realized with proposals herein. Jurisdiction will be Secretary. respect to the New Preferred Stock or New reserved, however, with respect to the [F. R. Doc. 45-5527; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; Common Stock, or both (together with the sales price of the stock proposed to be 9:49 a. m.] dividends declared thereon and set aside for sold. payment on such shares) which they re-* It is therefore ordered, That the said spectively were entitled to receive, without declaration be, and hereby is, permitted interest thereon. Any such net cash pro­ [File No. 70-1012] ceeds (together with any such dividends) not to become effective forthwith, subject, claimed within six years after the date of however, to the terms and conditions O gden C orpo ra tio n such sale may be held by the New Company prescribed in Rule U-24 of the general m em ora n d u m o p in io n and order p e r m it ­ as a part of its general funds free o^ rules and regulations promulgated under any claim of those previously entitled t in g DECLARATION TO BECOME EFFECTIVE the Public Utility Holding Company Act thereto, * * * of 1935, and to the further condition that At a regular session of the Securities As of December 31, 1944, approxi­ the proposed sale shall not be consum­ and Exchange Commission, held at its mately 54,000 shares of Ogden’s common mated until the sales price and the iden­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ stock remained unclaimed by those en­ tity of the successful bidder are made a sylvania, on the 3d day of April, A. D. titled to receive such stock under the matter of record in this proceeding and 1945. plan or reorganization of Utilities Power a further order entered in the light of Sale by registered holding company of the record so completed. unexchanged securities. Declaration & Light Corporation.1 Ogden proposes to sell such unclaimed shares of common By the Commission. filed by registered holding company re­ stock at public‘auction, and reserves the garding sale at public auction of its right at such auction to make a bid of [ se a l] O rval L. D u B o is , common stock remaining unclaimed by Secretary. persons entitled thereto under plan of not less Ahan $3.75 per share for such stock.* If such stock is acquired by it, [F. R. Doc. 45-5526; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; reorganization of its predécessor com­ Ogden proposes to cancel the stock so 9:49 a. m.] pany pursuant to Bankruptcy Act and acquired. the retention of the proceeds of such sale Ogden proposes to publish notice of the for a six year period for the benefit of public auction in the press on two sepa­ such persons, permitted to become effec­ [File No. 70-1053] tive, it appearing that the proposed rate dates within the week preceding the date of the auction. Such notice will N o r th W e s t U t il it ie s Co. transaction is in conformity with the set forth, among other things, the terms order of the Federal Court approving NOTICE OF .FILING AND ORDER FOR HEARING the plan of reorganization of its prede­ and conditions of the sale, including the cessor company and the Commission ob­ condition that the consummation of the At a regular session of the Securities serving no basis for adverse findings; sale shall be subject to the approval of and Exchange Commission held at its this Commission. Ogden proposes to de­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., jurisdiction being reserved over the sales posit the net proceeds of such sale, to­ price. on the 3d day of April 1945. Ogden Corporation (“Ogden”) , a reg­ gether with dividends thereon declared Notice is hereby given that an applica­ istered holding company, has filed a and set aside (amounting to $95,253.24 tion-declaration has been filed with this declaration under sections 7 and 12 (c) as of December 31, 1944), in a special Commission pursuant to section 12 (d) of the Public Utility Holding Company fund to be administered in accordance of the Public Utility Holding. Company Act of 1935, in which Ogden, pursuant to with the said Court order of January 2, Act of 1935 and Rules U-44 and U-50 of the order of the Federal Court confirming 1940. As soon as practicable after such the General Rules and Regulations the plan of reorganization of its prede­ sale, Ogden proposes to give notice to the promulgated thereunder by North West cessor company, Utilities Power & Light persons formerly entitled to receive the Utilities Company, a registered holding Corporation, proposes to sell at public unclaimed common stock proposed to be company, which in turn is a subsidiary auction approximately 54,000 shares of sold, advising such persons that they are of The Middle West Corporation, also a Ogden’s $4 par value common stock, rep­ entitled to claim their pro rata share registered holding company. resenting stock which remains unclaimed of the proceeds of the sale, and that if All interested persons are referred to by holders of securities of Utilities Power they do not make such claim within six said document which is on file in the & Light Corporation, and to hold the years after the date of the sale, they will offices of this Commission for the state­ net proceeds of such sale' for a six; year ment of transactions therein proposed period for the benefit of such security 1 The record indicates that Ogden’s pre­ which are summarized as follows; ferred stock, including shares of preferred North West Utilities Company proposes holders. stock unclaimed by those entitled to such After appropriate notice, a public shares in the reorganization, was called for to sell pursuant to the competitive bid­ hearing was- held. Having considered redemption on July 29, 1940. Ogden has set ding requirements of Rule U-50, all the the record, the Commission makes the aside a,n amount equivalent tq $51,434 per outstanding common stock of its sub­ following findings; ' share (the redemption price plus accrued sidiary, Lake Superior District Power The order of thé United States Dis­ dividends) which, pursuant to the Court or­ Company, consisting of 133,500 shares of trict Court for the Northern District of der of January 2, 1940, will be available un­ the par value of $20 each, the price to be Illinois, Eastern Division, dated Janu-- til January 2, 1951, for the persons formerly received by the company and the under­ entitled to such unclaimed preferred stock. writers’ spread to he determined by com­ ary 2, 1940, confirming, under section 2 Ogden states that the purpose of making 77 (b) of the Bankruptcy Act, the plan such bid, if any, would be “to prevent a petitive bidding. North West Utilities of reorganization of Utilities Power & sale at sacrificial values.” Ogden’s common Company, subject to a separate applica­ Light Corporation provided as to un­ stock is currently quoted on the' N. Y. Curb tion to be filed with the Commission at claimed shares of stock of Ogden (re­ Exchange at about $4.50 per share. It was ferred to in the order as the “New Com­ testified that the largest single day’s volume 8 Ogden states that it may elect to invest of sales for Ogden common stock on the Curb, all or part of the net proceeds in short-term pany”) as follows: from January 2, 1945 through February 13, U. S. Treasury certificates in which event the * * * Any such New Preferred Stock 1945, was 5,200 shares, and the smallest 160 interest income therefrom would be an­ and New Common Stock, or either, which shares. nually credited to the special fund. No. 69------4 3746 FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y, A p ril 6, 1945 some future date, expects to apply the office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on the public interest or the interest of in­ net proceeds from the sale, if consum­ the 4th day of April 1945. vestors and consumers may warrant. mated, to the purchase of additional In the matter of General Electric By the Commission. shares of common stock of its subsidiary, Company, Electrical Securities Corpora­ tion and G. E. Employees Securities [ seal] O rval L. D uB ois, Wisconsin Power and Light Company. Secretary. It appearing to the Commission that Corporatiori, File No. 31-174. it is appropriate in the public interest General Electric Company, Electrical [F. R. Doc. 45-5525; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; and in the interest of investors and con­ Securities Corporation and G. E. Em­ 9:50 a. m.] sumers that a hearing be held with re­ ployees Securities Corporation, direct or spect to said matters, and that said ap­ indirect owners of 307,005 shares of Com­ plication-declaration should riot be mon stock and 35,000 shares of the Prior [File No. 70-1035] granted or permitted to become effective Lien Preferred and Preferred stocks of New England Public Service Company, a Central V ermont P ublic S ervice Corp. except pursuant to further order of this and Vermont U tilities, I nc. Commission. registered holding company, constituting It is ordered, That a hearing oft said- 23.69% and 2.7% respectively of the total ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION matters under the applicable provisions voting securities of said company, hav­ At a regular session of the Securities of said Act and the rules of this Com­ ing filed an application, and amendment and Exchange Commission held at its mission thereunder be held on April 18, thereto, for an extension to at least De­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on 1945, at 2 p. m., e. w. t., at the offices of cember 31, 1945 (or to such time as the the 2d day of April, A. D. 1945. * the Securities and Exchange Commis­ fcommission deems it advisable to grant Central Vermont Public Service Cor­ sion, 18th and Locust Streets, Philadel­ such extension) of the period of effec­ poration, a subsidiary of New England phia 3, Pennsylvania. On such day the tiveness of the exemption granted them Public Service Company, a registered hearing room clerk in room 318 will pursuant to section 3 (a) (3) of the holding company which in tunj is a sub­ advise as to the rpom in which such hear­ Public Utility Holding Company Act of sidiary of North New England Company, ing will be held. Any person desiring to 1935 by the Commission’s orders of also a registered holding company, and be heard in connection with these pro­ March 16,1938, August 18,1941, Septem­ Vermont Utilities, Inc., a subsidiary of ceedings or proposing otherwise to par­ ber 14, 1942 and August 26, 1943, alleg­ the aforementioned Central Vermont ticipate herein shall file with the Secre­ ing that for various reasons it has been Public Service Corporation, having filed tary of the Commission, on or before and now is impracticable to effectuate applications and declarations pursuant April 14, 1945, his request or application a sale of any of their holdings in the Prior Lien Preferred and Preferred to the Public Utility Holding Company therefor as provided by Rule XVII of Act of 1935 and the general rules and the rules of practice of the Commission. stocks of New England Public Service Company, and offering to extend for regulations of this Commission promul­ It is further ordered, That Allen Mac- gated thereunder regarding the proposed Cullen, or any other officer or officers of such period as the Commission may ex­ tend the exemption, their agreement to issue and sale to an underwriter or un­ the Commission designated for that pur­ derwriters by Central Vermont Public pose, shall preside at the hearings in refrain from disposing of thé Common stock of New England Public Service Service Corporation of 40,000 shares of such matters. The officer so designated its common stock and the proposed issue to preside at any such hearing is hereby Company until the Commission has ap­ proved a plan of reorganization for that and sale by Central Vermont Public Serv­ authorized to exercise all powers granted ice Corporation of $6,967,000 principal to the Commission under section 18 (c) company or until specific approval of such disposition is granted by the Com­ amount of its First Mortgage, Series D, of said act and to a trial examiner under Bonds pursuant to the competitive bid­ the Commission’s rules of practice. mission; and ding requirements of paragraphs (b) and It is further ordered, That, without The Commission having considered (c) of Rule U-50, the proceeds of such limiting the scope of the issues presented said application and said amendment issue and sale of common stock and First by said filing, particular attention be di­ thereto and the reasons in support Mortgage Bonds to be used to redeem rected at such hearing to the following thereof, and it appearing to the Com­ and retire $6,967,000 principal amount of matters and questions: mission that an extension of the order its First Mortgage 3y2% Bonds, Series B, 1. Whether the proposed sale by North of effectiveness of said exemption should due 196(3, at the current call price of 105 West Utilities Company of the common be granted; plus accrued interest, to reimburse the stock of Lake Superior District Power It is ordered, That the period of effec­ treasury for capital expenditures and to Company is in conformity with the tiveness of the Commission’s order of provide additional working capital for standards and requirements of section August 26, 1943, which order modified Central Vermont Public Service Corpora­ 12 (d) of the act and the applicable rules and extended the period of effectiveness tion, and regarding transactions incident and regulations promulgated thereunder. of an order dajted March 16, 1938, pur­ to the proposed merger of Vermont Utili­ 2. Whether the fees and expenses in suant to section 3 (a) (3) of said act ties, Inc. into Central Vermont Public connection with the proposed sale are with respect to General Electric Com­ Service Corporation; reasonable pany, Electrical Securities Corporation A public hearing having been held 3. Whether the proposed transactions after appropriate notice and the Com­ and G. E. Employees Securities Corpo-" mission having considered the record, are appropriate in the public interest and ration, be and hereby is extended to the the interest of investors and consumers. and having entered its findings and opin­ 4. Whether it is necessary or appro­ close of business on December 31, 1945 ion herein; priate to impose terms or conditions in and that until such date, General Elec­ It is ordered, That the application for the public interest or for the protection tric Company, Electrical Securities Cor­ exemption from the provisions of sec­ of investors. poration and G. E. Employees Securities tion 6 (a) of the act pursuant to section Corporation be and they hereby, are ex­ 6 (b) of the issue and sale of the First By the Commission. empted from all those provisions of the Mortgage Bonds, Series D, and the com­ [ seal] Orval L. DuBois, Public Utility Holding Company Act of mon stock of Central Vermont Public Secretary. 1935 which, as a result of their present . Service Corporation be and hereby is holdings of Prior Lien Preferred, Prq-__ granted subject, however, to the terms [F. R. Doc. 45-5531; Field, Apr. 5, 1945; and conditions prescribed by Rule U-24 ' 9:49 a. m.] ferred and Common stocks of New Eng­ and subject also to the following addi­ land Public Service Company, would re­ tional terms and conditions: [File No. 31-174] quire them to register under said Act as 1. That the proposed issuance and sale a public-utility holding company;, and of the First Mortgage Bonds, Series D, G eneral E lectric Co., et al. It is further ordered, That the juris­ shall not be consummated until the re­ ORDER GRANTING EXTENSION OP diction of the Commission be and hereby sults of the competitive bidding pursuant EXEMPTION is further reserved for the purpose of to Rule U-50 have been made a matter At a regular session of the Securities modifying or revoking this order, after of record in this proceeding and a fur­ and Exchange Commission held at its notice and opportunity for hearing, as ther order shall have been entered by FEDERAL REGISTER, F rid a y, A p r il 6, 1945 3747 this Commission in the light of the rec­ It is further ordered, Pursuant to Rule (a) Booth Newspapers, Inc., shall, ord as so completed, jurisdiction being U-100, that the ten-day period for invit­ during the final three quarters of 1945 reserved by the Commission to' impose ing bids be and hereby is, shortened to beginning April 1, 1945, and ending Jan­ such terms and conditions as may then not less than six days. uary 1,1946, reduce its use of print paper be appropriate and to consider the price By the Commission. for the printing of The Grand Rapids to be paid to Central Vermont Public Press by using, during the second quar­ Service Corporation, the interest rate [seal] Orval L. D uB ois, ter of 1945, 42 tons less, during the third and the underwriter’s compensation and Secretary. quarter of 1945, 5 tons less, and during allocation thereof; * [F. R. Doc. 45-5530; Filed, Apr. 5. 1945;, the fourth quarter of 1945, 5 tons less, 2. That the proposed issuance and sale 9:50 a. m.] than the quota it would otherwise be en­ of the common stock shall not be con­ titled to use during the applicable quar­ summated until j;he price to be paid to ters as specified by the provisions of Lim­ Central Vermont’ Public Service Corpo­ itation Order L-240, unless otherwise au­ ration and the underwriter’s compensa­ WAR PRODUCTION BOARD. thorized in writing by the War Produc­ tion and allocation thereof have been tion Board. made a matter of record in this proceed­ [C-296] (b) Nothing contained in this order ing and a further order shall have been B ooth N ewspapers, Inc. shall be deemed to relieve Booth News­ entered by this Commission .in the light papers, Inc., from any restriction, pro­ of the record as so completed, jurisdic­ CONSENT ORDER hibition or provision contained in any tion being reserved by the Commission Booth Newspapers, Inc., a Michigan other order or regulation of the War to impose’such terms and conditions as corporation, publisher of The Grand Production Board except insofar as the may then be appropriate and to consider Rapids PreSs, Fulton and Sheldon Streets, same may be inconsistent with the pro­ the price to be paid for the common Grand Rapids, Michigan, is charged by visions hereof. stock and the underwriter’s compensa­ the War Production Board with having (c) The restrictions and prohibitions tion and the allocation thereof; used, during , the third quarter of 1943 contained herein shall apply to Booth 3. That Central Vermont Public Serv­ and the first and third quarters of 1944, “ Newspapers, Inc., its successors and as­ ice Corporation shall use its best efforts print paper for the printing of The signs, or persons acting on its behalf. to obtain at its regular annual meeting Grand Rapids Press, in the amount of 52 Prohibitions against the taking of any of stockholders to be held in 1946, dr at tons in excess of its quota, in violation of action include the taking indirectly as any prior special meeting, the requisite Limitation Order L-240. Booth JSiews- well as directly of any such action. authorization of stockholders for the re­ papers, Inc., admits the violation as (d) This order shall take effect on tirement and cancellation of the 49,950 charged, does not desire to contest the April 1, 1945, and shall expire on Janu­ shares of common stock held in its treas­ ary 1, 1946. ury, charge, and has consented to the issu­ 4. That jurisdiction be reserved with ance. of this order. Issued this 5th day of April 1945. respect to all legal fees and expenses and Wherefore, upon the agreement and with respect to all transactions incident consent of Booth Newspapers, Inc., the W ar P roduction B oard, Regional Compliance Chief, and the Re­ By J. J oseph W helan, to the merger of Vermont Utilities,. Inc., gional Attorney, and upon the approval Recording Secretary. into Central Vermont Public Service Cor­ of the Compliance Commissioner, It is [F. R, Doc. 45-5533; Filed, Apr. 5, 1945; poration. — hereby ordered, That: 11:24 a. m.] /