Stand-alone Laboratory Information Systems Versus Laboratory Modules Incorporated in the Electronic Health Record

John H. Sinard, MD, PhD; William J. Castellani, MD; Myra L. Wilkerson, MD; Walter H. Henricks, MD

 The increasing availability of laboratory information occurring in a setting of cost constraints, a challenging management modules within enterprise electronic health economic climate, and the frequent consolidation of health record solutions has resulted in some institutional admin- care facilities into systems or alliances. These forces align to istrators deciding which laboratory information system will affect decision-making processes regarding laboratory in- be used to manage workflow within the laboratory, often formation system (LIS) selection and oversight, potentially with minimal input from the pathologists. This article aims posing challenges to the ability of the laboratory director to to educate pathologists on many of the issues and ensure that the laboratory and its LIS meet the operational implications this change may have on laboratory opera- and clinical needs of the organization. tions, positioning them to better evaluate and represent the The laboratory information system directly manages the needs of the laboratory during this decision-making workflow within a clinical laboratory.5,6 Although the process. The experiences of the authors, many of their obvious ‘‘output’’ of an LIS is a test result or report on a colleagues, and published observations relevant to this patient specimen, be it paper or electronic, the LIS also debate are summarized. There are multiple dimensions of coordinates and underpins the day-to-day laboratory the interdependency between the pathology laboratory activities associated with generating that report. Those and its information system that must be factored into the activities include test-order receipt and management, asset decision. Functionality is important, but management tracking (eg, specimens, tissue blocks), task segmentation authority and gap-ownership are also significant elements and distribution, status monitoring, and a number of quality to consider. Thus, the pathologist must maintain an active assurance and other regulatory requirements that are role in the decision-making process to ensure the success unique to the operation of a clinical laboratory. Instrument of the laboratory. interfacing and support for laboratory automation technol- (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2015;139:311–318; doi: 10.5858/ ogies have also become important elements of the modern arpa.2013-0711-SO) LIS. The LIS is so fundamental to the operation of the laboratory and so specialized for that purpose that it has usually been selected, purchased, and controlled directly by he Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Care laboratory staff.7,8 Because of fundamentally different work- T Record (EHR) Incentive Program (also known as flows and data models, laboratories commonly have Meaningful Use) has driven a marked expansion of EHR 1–4 separate LISs for the anatomic pathology laboratory and use in health care organizations. The expansion is the clinical laboratory, each specialized for the unique operational needs of those laboratories.6 In addition, Accepted for publication June 11, 2014. laboratories may implement LISs that are necessary to From the Program, Department of Pathology, Yale support the operations of laboratories with specialized University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut (Dr needs, such as blood banks and cytogenetics laboratories.5 Sinard); the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, As described in the first article of this series,9 the PennState Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania (Dr prevalence of EHRs is increasing which, in turn, is changing Castellani); the Division of Laboratory Medicine, Geisinger Medical Laboratories, Danville, Pennsylvania (Dr Wilkerson); and the Center the dynamics of LIS selection and control within health care for Pathology Informatics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, organizations. As organizations look to purchase and Ohio (Dr Henricks). implement EHRs, laboratories may find themselves facing This work was commissioned by the Diagnostic and pressure from hospital or health-system executive leader- Health Information Technology committee of the College of ship to replace their current LIS or LISs with one from the American Pathologists (CAP). The content of this manuscript is the product of its authors and should not be construed as a policy same vendor as the EHR, current or planned. This article statement by the CAP. discusses the important implications and potential threats The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or for laboratories and pathologists in this evolving landscape. companies described in this article. Reprints: John H. Sinard, MD, PhD, Informatics Program, EVOLUTION OF THE LIS AND EHR Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, PO Box 208023, 310 Cedar St BML-B38D, New Haven, CT 06520-8023 The LIS and EHR have different lineages. Laboratories (e-mail: [email protected]). were at the forefront of the use of computers for clinical Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, March 2015 Empowering Pathologists in the EHR Era: LIS Selection—Sinard et al 311 Table 1. Purported Benefits of Using a Laboratory other medical disciplines where frequent interactions with Information System Module Available From an an information system are part of the daily service-line 14 Electronic Health Record System Vendor workflow such as radiology. In the enterprise-wide approach, a single vendor provides clinical information  ‘‘One-stop shopping’’—dealing with a single vendor system functionality for the entire institution; in the best-of-  Significant cost savings on purchase price (may be ‘‘included’’ in overall purchase) breed approach, each department, section, or functional unit  Simplified solution deployment within the institution selects a vendor and software package  Consolidated and potentially reduced maintenance costs that it believes best meets its particular needs. In the latter  Single installed system—single vendor responsible for all case, establishing and maintaining data exchange among elements of system operation systems becomes a shared responsibility between the  Promise of ‘‘seamless integration’’—reduced or eliminated departments and the institution. The task of setting up need for interfaces  Increased ability to standardize laboratory practices across and maintaining the many, often complex, interfaces needed 15 different hospitals within the health system to achieve that interconnectivity is far from trivial, so there must be real benefits to the department-specific (or best-of- breed) approach if health care organizations choose to patient-care purposes, largely because of the intensive data pursue that course. The combination of numerous factors management required by their work. The LISs have been unique to individual institutions, including real and per- common in clinical laboratories since the 1970s. During the ceived needs, history and culture, personalities, manage- past several decades, laboratories and pathologists have ment structures, and politics, ultimately determines the mix developed substantial expertise in the use of this form of of enterprise and department-specific information solutions health information technology, and LISs have become in a particular health care setting. increasingly sophisticated to meet the needs of increasingly Integration offered by a single-vendor solution for the LIS sophisticated laboratories. The LIS (for anatomic and/or and EHR appeals strongly to hospital and health-system clinical pathology) has typically been a distinct system (or administrations and is driving purchase decisions. Another systems) that the laboratory selected, installed, and man- driver is the belief that long-term cost savings will be aged,7,8 and, in many instances, LIS implementation achieved by consolidating products to those provided by a predated the arrival of the EHR at the institution. In single vendor. In a recent KLAS (KLAS Enterprises, Orem, contrast to LISs, the use of EHRs evolved from hospital Utah) survey, 74% of the health care organizations information systems, which, in turn, started largely as interviewed believed that an LIS that was part of an patient management and financial systems.7 The EHR must enterprise-wide solution was preferable.16 In the same meet the diverse needs of multiple, and often operationally survey, 90% of those planning a new LIS purchase planned distinct, clinical services for documentation, patient man- to install an LIS from their EHR vendor. Another recent agement, billing, and regulatory compliance, among other industry report17 showed that 19% of hospitals were functions.10 A hospital or health system purchases an EHR planning to replace their LIS, and the most important LIS and chooses an EHR vendor based on enterprise-level attribute that would be sought was integration with their considerations, financial issues, and (hopefully) input from current EHR. multiple, diverse stakeholders. An institution-level infor- Unfortunately, administrators who decide to purchase an mation technology (IT) unit implements and supports the LIS from their EHR vendor may do so without consulting EHR. pathologists or even other physicians. It might seem Data exchange between the LIS and the EHR occur via unlikely that this sort of decision could be made without electronic interfaces, most commonly based on the health input from pathologists and/or the laboratory; however, in level 7 protocol.6 Admission, discharge, and transfer the 2011 College of American Pathologists practice charac- information, consisting largely of patient demographic data, teristics survey of its members, one-half of the pathologist is sent from the EHR to the LIS to minimize errors in the respondents indicated that they had no involvement in the entry of patient information. Test results flow back from the selection of the LIS used in their laboratory.18 Fewer than LIS to the EHR. As EHRs have developed the capability to one-quarter indicated that they had a role in the actual support computerized provider order entry, orders for purchasing decision. laboratory tests can be entered directly into the EHR and The advantages often claimed for the single-vendor be sent to the LIS. solution are summarized in Table 1. They include the belief Increasingly, EHR software and LIS software can be that working with a single vendor will simplify many aspects acquired from a single vendor. Some EHR vendors have of the selection, installation, and maintenance process. long included LISs in their product portfolios, even building There is also the promise that an integrated LIS component on their success in the laboratory domain to expand their will eliminate the overhead of LIS-EHR interfaces. Experi- scope to enterprise-wide offerings. For others, the LIS is an ence has indicated that single-solution vendors may offer to entirely new product, developed as a ‘‘module’’ within an ‘‘throw in’’ the LIS at, ostensibly, drastically reduced prices. established EHR. In addition, as hospitals consolidate into health systems, there may be the that the single-solution EHR The Promise of a Single Vendor for the EHR and LIS and LIS can simply be ‘‘dropped-in’’ at a sister hospital, The philosophic conflict between deploying a depart- standardizing information management practices and min- ment-specific LIS versus an LIS provided by the institution’s imizing information technology challenges. EHR vendor (single-solution LIS) is not new and represents However, there can be both short-term and long-term another instance of the long-standing value debate of consequences to this approach, and such consequences may ‘‘stand-alone’’ (also known as best-of-breed) versus ‘‘enter- not surface until long after the selection decision has been prise-wide integrated’’ information system solutions.11–13 made. Pathologists must be prepared to educate hospital Indeed, this debate is not unique to pathology and occurs in administration of the potential risks to operational efficiency 312 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, March 2015 Empowering Pathologists in the EHR Era: LIS Selection—Sinard et al information to patient care providers. Unquestionably, a Table 2. Key Points for Pathologists as Advocates for Laboratory Information System (LIS) to Have department-specific approach to information system de- Specialized Functionality to Meet Patient Care ployment and management within a health care system and Laboratory Needs creates a need to develop and support systems integration via multiple interfaces.19 Nevertheless, many successful  Numerous and diverse specialized LIS capabilities are health care systems have taken that approach. necessary to support modern pathology and laboratory The relationship between pathologists/laboratories and services (eg, point-of-care testing, molecular testing, digital imaging) their LIS is fundamentally different than the relationship  Switching costs of changing an LIS must be considered in between many EHR users and the EHR and that may, in part, cost equations explain the persistence of department-specific LISs in an  Accurate comparison of price/features is necessary (‘‘apples increasingly enterprise-focused environment. Most clinical to apples’’) services use an EHR primarily for clinical documentation,  Certain areas of the laboratory have domain-specific LIS placing provider orders, and receiving/reviewing results of requirements (eg, blood-bank)  The need for LIS interfaces to other systems will not tests, studies, and consultations. Although many individuals disappear (eg, reference laboratories, public health outside the laboratory may perceive the LIS as simply a reporting, tumor registries, among others) ‘‘black-box’’ into which orders are sent and from which  Revenue-providing laboratory outreach activities require results emerge, the LIS is actually a highly complex collection client-centric LIS functions (eg, customized interfaces or of software that is mission critical to the operation of the automated faxing, client specific fee schedules, specimen laboratory and thus to the care of patients. More than being tracking)  Laboratory requires high-level vendor responsiveness on simply a vehicle for documenting the clinical work that has LIS-specific issues. been done, the LIS informs, orchestrates, and manages the  Adoption of new testing technology often requires an LIS actual performance of the work.5,6,20 The laboratory’s vendor to make modifications that allow interfacing and effectiveness in meeting patient care needs is tightly coupled integrating ever-changing equipment with an LIS that optimally addresses laboratory workflow, staff activities, and institutional expectations. Several dimensions of the laboratory-LIS relationship and patient care (Table 2). Vendor selection is often made factor into successful laboratory operations and are areas in based on desirable functionality in a few ‘‘important’’ areas, which potential threats lie if the influence of the laboratory with a less-thorough investigation of the capabilities of or pathologist in the LIS selection and management is other modules. Even though the LIS software may be compromised. Three distinct, but intimately related, dimen- included ‘‘free’’ as part of the purchase, implementation is sions need to be considered: functionality, management, typically not free. Switching costs to change an LIS are high. and gap ownership. Assessment of those dimensions There can be substantial short-term costs associated with requires not only an evaluation of the vendor and its installing a suboptimal LIS in a laboratory and hidden long- product but also an evaluation of the institutional IT support term costs associated with diminished operational efficiency structures that would be necessary if that vendor’s solution in the laboratory. were to be chosen. Department-specific and enterprise- It may also be necessary to point out to hospital IT groups wide single-solution approaches will score differently in and administrations that the EHR vendor’s claim of ‘‘no those dimensions in different environments. The best more interfaces’’ with an integrated LIS module is not decision for a particular institution depends heavily on entirely accurate. There will clearly be an ongoing need to how effectively each solution supports each of those maintain additional system-to-system interfaces to address dimensions of the laboratory-LIS relationship. tests sent out, blood bank information systems (which require a US Food and Drug Administration–approved LIS Functionality information system and is, therefore, often not included in The debate between department-specific and single- either integrated or stand-alone LISs), point-of-care instru- solution LISs in a particular health care organization often ments, genetics and molecular testing, and tumor registries. centers on the functionality available in the products. At a In addition, laboratories have analytic instruments that minimum, the LIS must have all the specialized functionality require interfacing, either directly or via middleware, which necessary to meet the laboratory’s patient care mission, to can provide important functionality. Although instrument preserve patient safety, and to support efficient operations. interfaces are different than LIS-EHR interfaces, they still Laboratories are complex environments, supporting a require software licensing, configuration, testing, validation, variety of both common and specialized workflows, and it monitoring, maintenance, and upgrades, and this is not a is a daunting task for any LIS to meet those needs. The one-time activity. As new laboratory testing equipment existing LIS options available have had varying degrees of becomes available, new interfaces will be needed, and the success in providing needed functionality, and none fully vendor of the LIS (whether stand-alone or an integrated meets the needs of all laboratories.21–26 Surveys of health EHR module) will have to be prepared to accommodate any care providers knowledgeable about LISs have shown that system changes needed to allow the laboratory to take nearly 70% feel there is no ‘‘best’’ LIS.16 As a result, many advantage of new technology. large laboratories have found it necessary to deploy multiple systems within the laboratory to support the heterogeneous THREE DIMENSIONS OF THE LABORATORY—LIS operations that constitute a typical hospital laboratory.22–26 INTERDEPENDENCY Because of the mission-critical role of laboratory services The level of integration of laboratory information (orders, and LISs, an institution considering replacing its current LIS results, and other related data) between the LIS and the will be best served by careful consultation with pathologists EHR remains an important determinant in how effectively and analysis of the implications of functionality gaps. For the laboratory fulfills its mission of providing crucial their part, pathologists must educate decision makers who Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, March 2015 Empowering Pathologists in the EHR Era: LIS Selection—Sinard et al 313 Table 3. Specialized Capabilities of Laboratory difference are instructive in the evaluation of LIS function- Information Systems Required to Support Laboratory ality. Electronic health records are built to focus on patient Operations encounters—encounters are attached to patients, and every- thing else is attached to encounters. That makes sense from  Test order receipt and management the standpoint of hospital operations, billing needs, and the  Task segmentation and distribution  Test and specimen status monitoring and reporting regulations that health care systems face. Rarely does one  Autoverification and complex rules-based processing access any data within an EHR without first starting with a  Asset tracking (specimens, blocks, slides, aliquot containers) patient. The data model for a laboratory system, however, is  Instrument and middleware interfaces quite different. The central entity of an LIS database is the  Quality control and quality assurance specimen. Although specimens are always attached to  Regulatory compliance (eg, Clinical Laboratory Improvement patients, specimens can have, or be split into, multiple Amendments of 1988, Health Insurance Portability and 15 Accountability Act) components (as described in the third article of this series ),  Patient safety measures and it is the type of specimen and the analysis being  Specimen-centric data modules, including cross-patient performed that drives the workflow in the laboratory, not the sample batching and analysis patient from whom the specimen was obtained. Electronic  Tracking of reagent lots and analytic equipment used health records are not fundamentally designed to handle  Control samples and standards management cross-patient batching, and sample control results cannot be  Support for laboratory outreach activities  Management of molecular testing protocols associated with any specific patient encounter. Also, many of  Digital image management the types of laboratory workflow data and process controls  Flexible result reporting options that are crucial to laboratory operations and to assuring the  Laboratory-specific billing functions accuracy of the test results, have little direct value to patient management or to most of the users of an EHR, for example, quality-control results, tracking of which analyzer was used may not comprehend the complexity of laboratory processes to perform a test, identification of the technologist entering and information management needs. results, among others. Assessment of LIS functionality can be divided into 2 Hospital-based laboratories that maintain outreach, ref- separate discussions: (1) existing functionality, and (2) the erence laboratory, and/or consultation practices have ability to rapidly incorporate new functionalities. additional LIS functionality needs.5,6,27–29 Outreach and The major capability categories that LISs must have to reference-laboratory activities, in which a laboratory per- support sophisticated work processes in clinical laboratories forms testing for entities that are not part of the are summarized in Table 3. Many of the more-mature LISs organization, can benefit the laboratory and the health (both stand-alone and integrated) have, during their life system, not only by increasing revenue to the organization span, incorporated advanced features that promote clinical but also by increasing test volumes to a level that justify and care and patient safety, including such things as accommo- support esoteric testing, development of a wider test menu, dating common exceptions to the standard laboratory and subspecialty expertise. The catchment area of a workflow; duplicate patient handling; outreach support; laboratory can far exceed that of a single health care system support for multisite laboratories; flexible and sophisticated, because specimens can easily travel longer distances than rule-based instrument interface and middleware-configura- patients typically will. As a result, the LIS is often expected tion options; advanced specimen tracking and routing to meet the specimen handling needs of a larger geographic capabilities; laboratory automation technologies; quality- area than the reach of the EHR. assurance functions; and regulatory reporting, among To support outreach programs, LISs require more- others. Although newer LISs have had an opportunity to complex client-centric and patient-identification function- learn from the more-mature products, they typically still ality. Because specimens arrive from outside the organiza- have functionality gaps because they have not yet had the tion, no patient identifier or encounter to which an outreach time and experience-of-use to develop the breadth and specimen can be linked will exist within the local EHR. depth of functionality needed by a modern laboratory. Client-centricity refers to the need to organize information ‘‘Experience-of-use’’ is an important driver in the matura- around client-specific identifiers that are defined and tion process: shortcomings in the software operations are maintained in the LIS. Importantly, and more so in the identified by users, brought to the of the vendor, EHR era, setting up and maintaining LIS interfaces with and then (ideally) addressed in new releases of the software. client site EHRs has (or will) become an essential part of the Maturation of the LIS product typically occurs faster with business mission of many laboratories.30 Some of the most stand-alone LISs than it does with LIS modules within important client-centric LIS functions needed to support a EHRs because (1) there is generally greater direct interaction successful outreach program include client definition between the laboratory and the developers, (2) needs of the parameters (eg, client name, identification number, contact users within the laboratory are not diluted at the institution information, fax number, etc), client-specific report formats, by the needs of the other departments using the EHR, and and the ability to support client-specific fee schedules and (3) the resources and focus of the developers are not diluted billing practices. Duplicate patient handling also becomes in meeting the needs of many diverse users. As a result, the crucial to managing patients who receive care from multiple functionality currently available in newly developed LIS locations. modules within EHRs tends to be less than that in either a To aid in the critical dimension of LIS functionality mature stand-alone LIS or an LIS module in an EHR that assessment, the Association for Pathology Informatics has was developed from/around a mature LIS. recently developed and released an LIS Functionality Stand-alone LISs have data models tailored specifically to Assessment Toolkit.31 The toolkit consists of 4 components: manage laboratory data and operations, and those models an introductory report that guides the use of the toolkit, a differ fundamentally from those of EHRs. Aspects of that list of approximately 850 weighted functionality statements, 314 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, March 2015 Empowering Pathologists in the EHR Era: LIS Selection—Sinard et al scripted scenarios to guide vendors during demonstrations, LIS; that staff interacts directly with the LIS or EMR vendor and guidelines for determining the total cost of ownership relating to laboratory and LIS issues. rather than simply the purchase price for the solution. Model 2.—All information systems are managed by However, the functionality gap between the more-mature central, institutional IT, but a distinct unit within that LISs(betheystand-alonesolutionsorLISmodules structure is dedicated to supporting the laboratory and the available with EHRs) and those with less experience-of- LIS; pathology has some oversight authority of that unit; the useisclosing,andasaresult,thisdimensionasa central LIS support unit advocates for laboratory issues discriminating factor is decreasing. As vendors commit within the central IT structure; and when LIS projects are more resources to developing and enhancing their LIS prioritized high enough, the LIS support unit works directly offerings, driven largely by requests/demands from their with the LIS or EMR vendor. user base, nearly comparable levels of functionality are likely Model 3.—Central institutional IT staff manages the LIS to be achieved in the future. and other hospital systems; pathology may submit support Equally important as the current (or near future) requests, including LIS-feature requests; all requests from functionality of the LIS is the ability and level of all departments are prioritized centrally before communi- commitment of the vendor to rapidly adapt the LIS to meet cation to the vendor; and all vendor interactions occur changing needs. Laboratory testing is one of the most through central, institutional IT. rapidly changing fields in health care, driven by new In smaller pathology laboratories, model 1 may not be a technologies and an increasing understanding of disease viable option, and in that setting, pathologists have often, mechanisms. Maintaining the strength of a laboratory and voluntarily or involuntarily, ceded control of the LIS to the health system it serves requires the ability to adopt and institutional IT units. Although this is unfortunate for the integrate new testing, and that requires an LIS vendor that field of pathology in general, it is an understandable can grow and adapt its system quickly in response to the solution for laboratories that provide basic services for their changing environment.32 Remaining current is not only a local clinicians and that lack the IT resources or expertise to priority among vendors of stand-alone LISs, it is a main effectively manage their own LISs. focus of competition among vendors, and that competition In larger and more-complex laboratories, however, direct drives advancement. Freidman et al33 presented objective involvement by pathologists in the oversight and manage- and subjective criteria in differentiating between marketing- ment of the LIS can be crucial to a successful operation. An driven and technology-driven vendors for medical informa- IT team with expertise in laboratory operations can provide tion systems and described the importance of alignment more-efficient, cost-effective support for an LIS.34,35 A between the strategic goals and objectives of a client and its laboratory-oriented support team will best know how to information system vendor. Much of the drive today within adjust the optional features and settings of the LIS to hospitals and health systems to purchase or enhance an maximize the synchronization between the LIS and the EHR system is focused on keeping up with federal workflow in the laboratory. Such tailoring promotes meaningful-use requirements. As such, vendor focus is on ongoing efficient operations and enables adaptation to the meeting that need. For vendors offering enterprise-wide evolving repertoire of clinical testing in a modern laboratory. solutions, enhancing LIS modules beyond the rudimentary For those instances in which modifications to the LIS are functionality required to meet meaningful-use requirements needed, a close relationship between the pathologists and is typically not a priority and is often not a priority of the the LIS vendor is important in maintaining a nimble and group or groups within the health care institution charged adaptable information management system. In this setting, with management and oversight of the EHR. That difference management models 1 and 2, in which there is LIS support in priorities can compromise the ability of the laboratory to personnel with laboratory-domain expertise who are remain current with changing needs and new technology. dedicated to laboratory issues, are greatly advantageous to the laboratory. Those models are typically easier to achieve LIS Management and Oversight at institutions where the LIS is acquired from a different The integral role of the LIS in supporting laboratory vendor than the provider of the EHR. Even with model 2, operations demands a high level of physician oversight and the LIS support unit within central IT is likely to have some laboratory-focused management of the LIS. The rapidly freedom to work independently with the LIS vendor. growing field of pathology informatics is a testament to the Model 3 is the most common at institutions with single- increasing recognition on the part of larger health care vendor, integrated LIS modules, and it can be decidedly systems and academic medical centers of the crucial role more of a threat to the laboratory and to efficient and proper laboratory technology management plays in advanc- effective laboratory support of patient care. Because of its ing patient care.6 broad scope of oversight and diverse stakeholder population What options exist within the health care institution for and priorities, central institutional IT may (1) lack sufficient management of the selected LIS solution? Although domain expertise to meet the laboratory’s specific needs management of the LIS is actually a continuous spectrum, related to the LIS and possibly to laboratory information it is useful to consider 3 typical support models along that management in the enterprise, and (2) deprioritize labora- spectrum, as described below. Regardless of the LIS support tory requests and needs in favor of needs perceived to be model in effect, however, under the Clinical Laboratory more ‘‘institution-wide’’ or to other politically powerful Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), the laboratory groups. medical director remains ultimately responsible for laboratory In assessing the effect of the LIS architecture on the operations, including proper of test results, oversight and management dimension of the LIS-vendor irrespective of the system(s) in use, and even if some of those relationship, the laboratory needs to remain focused on functions have been delegated to others.15 what it would like to achieve and work to establish a Model 1.—Information technology staff is within the support model that accomplishes that goal. Ideally, the laboratory and reports to a pathologist who manages the laboratory should have the authority to make decisions Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, March 2015 Empowering Pathologists in the EHR Era: LIS Selection—Sinard et al 315 37 Table 4. Distribution of Laboratory Related care. There are numerous examples of how leading Activities Between Laboratory Information Systems medical centers have advanced patient care via software 25,38–46 (LIS) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems innovation in the laboratory. At the other end of the spectrum, institutions may resist solutions not provided by LIS-Centered Activities EHR-Centered Activities their primary or single-solution vendor. In such settings,  Laboratory operations/  Result display formats custom-software development is discouraged or sometimes, workflow  Integrating data from frankly, prohibited unless it is done in collaboration with the  Instrument interfaces multiple laboratories and  Outreach client interfaces at-home testing vendor. In those environments, there is the risk that  Support for molecular/  Decision support at order functional gaps in the LIS will be viewed by the laboratory genetic testing entry as ‘‘not my problem,’’ especially if the choice of the LIS was  Digital pathology  Patient portals made at the institutional level and/or without input from the laboratory. The result can be unmet laboratory needs and missed opportunities for innovation in patient care. about the LIS configuration without needing to seek Of course, there is a lot of distance between the 2 ends of approval from institutional IT units. Laboratories need to the spectrum mentioned here, and most institutions fall have a mechanism to ensure appropriate prioritization of somewhere in between. Nevertheless, this often-overlooked their requests. For example, if the laboratory has purchased dimension of institutional culture is certainly affected by new equipment to take advantage of new technology, will information-management decisions and should be consid- there be a significant delay in leveraging the benefits of the ered when an institution is weighing its options for LIS equipment while awaiting the IT resources needed to set up selection and for LIS oversight and management. Pathol- and validate a needed interface? For laboratories with an ogists, with their responsibilities as laboratory directors, outreach mission, the reporting and interfacing functionality should be aware of these dynamics and risks. of the LIS needs to adapt rapidly to meet the needs and demands of new clients. Responding to those issues, LIS AND EHR INTERDEPENDENCE—ALLOCATION although a priority for the laboratory, may not be a priority OF FUNCTIONALITY for hospital IT or for the vendor, and that can have not only clinical implications for laboratory clients but also negative Regardless of the type of LIS selected, the LIS and the financial effects for the laboratory and institution.27 The EHR should not function as islands; close interaction laboratory should be able to work directly with the vendor between them is essential for patient care. The EHR-LIS to clearly communicate the laboratory’s needs and to interplay involves technical, process, and administrative develop a plan to address those needs. Even where a aspects, many of which are discussed further in the other 9,15 single-vendor solution has been chosen, that vendor is articles in this series. Pathologists should not restrict their likely to have a subset of its support structure dedicated to interests or domain of oversight to the LIS. Clinical the LIS module, and that LIS group should be able to work Laboratory Improvement Amendments require pathologists directly with the pathology IT units (management model 1) to maintain oversight of laboratory test ordering and result or with specialty-specific support units within the health reporting, and those activities have largely migrated to the care institution’s central IT (management model 2). EHR. In fact, assuring that the 2 systems work together seamlessly is an important transformative role for the Gap Ownership: Meeting Unmet Needs pathologist.47 One final dimension of the laboratory-LIS interaction is Table 4 lists some important laboratory-related functions the gap-ownership philosophy of an institution regarding its and where these functions typically reside with respect to LIS. Because even the most-advanced LIS cannot be built, in the LIS and the EHR. Laboratory operations and workflow, advance, to support needs that have only recently developed as well as instrument and client interfaces, are clearly in the in a cutting-edge laboratory, there will always be gaps domain of the LIS.21 Additionally, digital pathology and between newly emerging needs and the capabilities of the molecular/genetic testing are evolving rapidly, and because LIS. Gap ownership is a natural extension of management those fields are subject to the same quality standards that and stems from the sense of responsibility that comes with apply to all laboratory testing, they also belong in the oversight of the LIS. Gap ownership is about who assumes domain of the LIS. Laboratory result display for clinician ownership of those gaps, seeking out ways to bridge them access, on the other hand, is an EHR activity.15 Pathologists, and formally integrating the information management who have special expertise in communicating test results, needs of the new technology into laboratory operations. should work with EHR groups within the health system to Gap ownership descends, in part, from the LIS oversight maximize the readability and interpretability of those models described above and can be highly dependent on the displays. Because EHRs often serve multiple hospitals, each personalities of the IT leadership at the laboratory and with its own laboratories, and patients are often seen at institutional levels. Together, they create an institutional those multiple hospitals, integrating data from the different philosophy that has long-term implications for the reputa- laboratories is more appropriately an EHR activity but tion of the institution. At one end of the spectrum, optimally occurs with input from pathologists, who can best institutions may be very open to bringing in new software advise when results can be comingled and when they solutions and stitching them together to close functional should be kept separate. There is an emerging need for gaps. Bridging gaps requires innovation, through partner- integration of data from in-home testing or point-of-care ship with the LIS vendor, by incorporating third-party testing with test results generated in hospital laboratories. software products (eg, middleware), or through indepen- Laboratory directors may be reluctant to have those results dent custom-software development.35,36 This ingenuity in entered into their LIS because their laboratory did not the laboratory can help build the national and international generate the data, and the quality assurance associated with reputation of a health care system as a leader in patient those results is not always clear. For best patient care, 316 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, March 2015 Empowering Pathologists in the EHR Era: LIS Selection—Sinard et al however, there may be value to having results from those maintains its control of the LIS. Pathologists and laborato- sources displayed in association with results from the ries are strongly encouraged to advocate continually for hospital’s laboratories. The EHRs can be configured to not their information management and LIS needs as decisions only integrate that information but also track and identify that affect their future are being made. accurately the various sources of the data, differentially displaying data from different sources. The authors wish to acknowledge Mark Whitsitt, PhD, of the The question of where best to house for College of American Pathologists for his assistance in reviewing decision support when placing test orders may be contro- this manuscript. versial in an organization. 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