Name Department

Chris Wormald

Business delivery objectives: Performance Measures: Milestones:

 Feedback from Secretary of State,  Agree budget allocation with ministers departmental ministers, No 10, and Lead NED, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the

Civil Service

 Opening of next wave of Free Schools  Significant increases in the September 2013 numbers of Academies and Free Schools  Evaluation of findings of first year of  Effective systems integration in the Pupil Premium Feb 2013  Oversee a significant increase in the number of new EFA leads to timely and Academies, Free Schools and University Technical accurate distribution of funding; Colleges (UTCs) and having a demonstrable impact  Legislation on changes to the adoption on narrowing of attainment gap system likely to be introduced Jan 2013  Effective oversight of the school funding system, via the Education Funding Agency (EFA), including  Shorten adoption timescales distribution of the Pupil Premium to narrow the (current average 2 years 7 months  Historical Association clearance for new attainment gap. from entry into care until adoption proposals Autumn 2012

placement)  Effective implementation of the Government’s  Programmes of study out to consultation Action Plan for Adoption and work on Children’s  Reform of GCSEs to increase Jan 2013 Residential Care standards

 Effective planning of the reform of the school curriculum and qualifications and successful  NC test results successfully delivery of national tests via the Standards and delivered to schools Testing Agency  Develop proposals for pay and  Reforming teacher training, conditions Sep 2012 professional standards, pay and

conditions, social worker training and training for those in early

years settings

 Driving through improvements in the education  Implement the 16-17 Youth  Legislation to increase the participation workforce Contract to support those not in age to 17 will commence in June 2013 education, employment or training  Proportion of 16-17 year olds NEET at  Delivery of raising the age of participation and (NEET). the end of 2013 (measured through the attainment, including delivery of the 16-17 year old Statistical First Release in June 2014) Youth Contract  Develop and implement 16-19 Study Programmes, including new Traineeships for young people  40% provision from Sep 2014  Improve support for children and families, safeguarding the most vulnerable and ensuring sufficiency of childcare including expansion of 2  Expanding 2 year old free nursery  Draft clauses Sep 2012 year old free nursery places places

 Implement Special Educational Needs (SEN) Green Paper proposals through Children and  From 2013, joint inspections carried out Families Bill by inspectorates relevant to child protection to examine the contribution all  Work with the Department of local agencies make to protecting Health and the Social Work children Reform Board to drive up  Oversee the Department’s contribution to boosting standards in social work education  First cohort of young people required to

economic growth by raising education standards and practice continue in post-16 education or training and reducing the number of young people not in until the end of the academic year in education, employment or training  Raising the participation age to 18 which they turn 17, Summer 2013 and moving off the bottom of the OECD ranking for 16-18  Deliver capital projects on time and within budget participation  First schools open in 2014

 261 schools to be rebuilt or have

their condition needs met through  By the end of this Spending Review Use available capital funding to best effect to  the Priority School Building period provide sufficient places in schools parents want to programme send their children to  A total of 290,000 additional school places will be needed to meet basic need pressures (260,000 primary; 30,000 secondary)

Corporate objectives: Performance Measures: Milestones:

Feedback from other Permanent Secretaries, Head of the Civil Service and the Minister for the Cabinet Office

 To lead and implement the Department for Securing Ministerial sign off of DfE   DfE Review to be completed by Education (DfE) Review, as part of the Civil Service review implementation plan September 2012, and implementation Reform Plan, creating a Department that is leaner, plan agreed more efficient and more fit for purpose in an

increasingly autonomous schools system

 Achievement of the Department’s 42%  Reductions in administration  Efficiency and reform action plan to be administration reduction target, and identification of spend of 42% over SR period agreed with the Efficiency and Reform further efficiencies. Group (ERG) August 2012

 Secure the effective delivery of the agreed  As agreed with the Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform action plan for DfE  As agreed with the Cabinet Office

 Delivery of Civil Service Reform objectives  SMART objectives, reflecting ministerial policies, in place for senior civil service, and cascaded below by managers

Capability building objectives: Performance Measures: Milestones:

 To recruit a new senior team for the Department,  Senior roles identified, advertised  By early 2013 developing senior roles for the structure which and recruited into results from the DfE Review, inducting individuals and building a cohesive Executive Management team.  Staff survey engagement score to  Launch survey October 2012  Improve staff engagement and build wider improve faster than the Whitehall Departmental capability, particularly following the average, specifically against creation of 4 New Executive Agencies ‘managing change’ and ‘Senior Civil Service visibility’

 Senior Civil Servants delivering against clear and  Effective accountability measurable objectives mechanisms in place, ensuring senior leaders are delivering against all of their objectives

 Radically improved performance management  Improved performance management with managers encouraging and rewarding good performance, while dealing rigorously with poor performers