Blaydon Roundabout

VISSIM Junction Modelling Report

July 2013

Document Control Sheet BPP 04 F8 Version 14 July 2012

Project: Roundabout Project No: B1763800 Client: Council Document Title: VISSIM Junction Modelling

Originated by Checked by Reviewed by Approved by








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1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Background 2 1.2 Site Location 2 1.3 Development and Planning history 3 1.4 Scope of Report 4

2 TRAFFIC DATA 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Assessment Years 5 2.3 Base Traffic Data 5 2.4 TEMPRO growth 5 2.5 Committed Development Traffic 6 2.6 Proposed Development 7 2.7 Bus Data 8

3 VISSIM MODELLING 9 3.1 Introduction 9 3.2 Scenarios 9 3.3 Model extents 9 3.4 Model calibration and validation 10

4 RESULTS 13 4.1 Introduction 13 4.2 Scenario - 2021 do-minimum 13 4.3 Scenario - 2021 do-something 14 4.4 Scenario - 2030 do-minimum 14 4.5 Scenario - 2030 do-something 15 4.6 Summary 16

5 OPTIONS FOR MITIGATION 17 5.1 Introduction 17 5.2 Part Signalisation 17 5.3 Full Signalisation 17 5.4 Minor Junction re-design 17 5.5 Major Junction re-design 17

6 MITIGATION TESTING – OPTION 1 18 6.1 Introduction 18 6.2 Part Signalisation Modelling 18 6.3 Results 19 6.4 Summary 21

7 MITIGATION TESTING – OPTION 2 22 7.1 Introduction 22 7.2 Bus lane Modelling 22

8 COMPARISON OF ALL RESULTS 24 8.1 Introduction 24 8.2 AM Peak Comparison 24 8.3 PM Peak Comparison 25


Appendix A - Minutes from Meetings

Appendix B - Base Traffic Data

Appendix C - Committed Development Flows

Appendix D - Proposed Development Flows

Appendix E - Bus Timetable

Appendix F - Base Modelling Results

Appendix G - Signalisation Modelling Results



1.1 Background

Jacobs were commissioned by Gateshead Council to develop a VISSIM micro- simulation model, to test the Blaydon Roundabout junction capacity when managing committed development in future years. Gateshead Council also asked if Jacobs could look into mitigation options to control the flow of traffic at the junction.

There was a meeting with Gateshead Council on 21st June 2014 to discuss testing and outline some actions for the initial testing, and a follow up meeting was held on the 11th July to discuss mitigation measures. Minutes from these meetings can be found in Appendix A.

1.2 Site Location

Blaydon Roundabout is a large, 5 arm at-grade roundabout which lies to the north of Blaydon town. The roundabout connects the A695 to the B6317, and Shibdon Road. There is a petrol filling station located on the northern arm of the roundabout, which is accessed directly from the junction itself.

The A695 is a highly trafficked, national speed limit route, which passes by the southern extents of Ryton and to the west, with Metrocentre retail park and Gateshead town centre further to the east of the area under investigation.

The B6317 serves the housing growth site at Stella immediately west of Blaydon Roundabout, along with the villages of Ryton (approximately 3km west), Barmoor (approximately 4km west) and Crawcrook (approximately 4.5km west). The road is single carriageway, with a 40mph speed restriction, which reduces to 30mph and 20mph through the built-up areas.

Gateshead town centre lies approximately 8km east, and the Metrocentre retail park lies approximately 3.5km to the east. The section of the A695 from Gateshead towards Blaydon roundabout is two lanes, which drops to single carriageway as the route continues west over the roundabout.

The A1 dual carriageway is a strategic national speed limit road, and is located to the east of Blaydon. The nearest junction for access to the A1 from the Blaydon roundabout is via Shibdon Road south-east bound, which connects to the B6317 and then the A694. This junction is approximately 2km south east of Blaydon Roundabout.

The location of Blaydon Roundabout and the proximity of Blaydon Shopping centre, along with the roads in the immediate vicinity are shown in Figure 1.1.


Figure 1.1 Site location and vicinity

1.3 Development and Planning history

There are several aspects of planning history associated with the development of the traffic data to be used in the roundabout assessment. The outline of the proposed development areas is as follows.

1.3.1 Safety Study

The roundabout was the subject of a safety study in 2010, and the result of this saw spiral lane markings added to the circulatory carriageway in order to better facilitate the existing traffic movements, and encourage appropriate lane discipline.

1.3.2 Blaydon Shopping Centre

Blaydon Shopping Centre is located south-east of the roundabout. A section of the shopping centre was recently approved for the provision of a Morrison’s food superstore, which forms part of the committed development traffic for this assessment. The area also has a selection of small retail shops and a McDonalds fast food outlet.

Blaydon Shopping Centre development was treated as a Committed Development throughout this assessment, in accordance with the current build programme. The development will comprise a new supermarket food store with a petrol filling station and extension of existing retail units. The Health Centre and Day Centre will be redeveloped on the same site while the existing Youth Centre is to be redeveloped off-site.

1.3.3 Crawcrook

There are two sites proximate to Crawcrook village, as identified in the Gateshead Local Plan consultation documents;


Site 288 to the south the current built up area of Crawcrook of north of the Crawcrook bypass – release of green belt land for the development of 275 homes by 2030. The assessment has assumed progressive build out commencing in 2019 at a completion rate of 30 homes per year.

Site 292 to the north of the current built up area of Crawcrook for possible release of green belt land for the development of 180 homes by 2030. The assessment has assumed progressive build out commencing in 2022 at a completion rate of 30 homes per year.

1.3.4 Ryton

There are two adjacent sites to the South of Ryton village, bounded by Ryton Bypass (to the south), Whitehouse Lane (to the west) and Cushy Cow Lane (to the north), as identified in the Gateshead Local Plan consultation documents

Site 285 - for possible release of green belt land for the development of 400 homes by 2030. The assessment has assumed progressive build out commencing in 2018 at a completion rate of 40 homes per year.

Site 287 – for possible release of green belt land for the development of 100 homes by 2030. The assessment has assumed progressive build out commencing in 2024 at a completion rate of 30 homes per year.

Where these prospective sites have been subject to Transport Assessments by promoting developers, these assessments have been referred to for information on future traffic generation rates and trip levels.

1.3.5 Wider Development Trends

To the same timescales as these specific local developments, future development will take place across wider areas of Gateshead, Newcastle and . Some of the traffic arising from these wider developments will impact on the modelled network at Blaydon.

This study relied on TEMPRO growth forecasts as the means of including wider development impacts into the future forecasts. Other than the sites listed above, no site specific Transport Assessments were used to inform the modelling.

1.4 Scope of Report

This report will outline the modelling methodology, the results of the VISSIM tests and any mitigation options.



2.1 Introduction

This section of the report will outline the approach to deriving estimates of current and future year traffic data, including development-related traffic, used for the modelling of the junction, along with the base data used for modelling the 2010 base model of the roundabout in VISSIM.

2.2 Assessment Years

During discussions with Gateshead Council, it was decide to test one base year, and two future year scenarios. The base year was taken as 2010 since this was when the manual classified turning counts had been undertaken for the Blaydon Safety Study, and the data is still considered to be valid.

The design year was taken as 2030, as this is the date proposed for completion of the future housing allocations for Crawcrook and Ryton as outlined in Section 2.6.

An intermediate test year was taken as 2021 since this was the design year from the Blaydon Shopping Centre transport assessment and testing as outlined in Section 2.5.

These two future dates allow the roundabout to be tested with regard to 2 growth phases, as follows;

a) expected developments completed by 2021, and b) the full programme of planned housing developments to be completed by 2030.

This allows for some sensitivity testing of the roundabout under these conditions, and will give a measure of capacity and saturation with traffic arising from both the shopping centre and local housing growth.

2.3 Base Traffic Data

The base data was taken from the A695 Blaydon Roundabout Safety Study, (Atkins, November 2010). Traffic turning count surveys had been undertaken over 12 hours, and the data for AM (0800-0900AM) and PM (1700-1800PM) peaks was shown in the safety study report in vehicles, as shown in Appendix B.

2.4 TEMPRO growth

To assess the roundabouts performance in future years, the base traffic was growthed using TEMPRO rates for the Blaydon area. TEMPRO is an industry standard software package which provides suitable factors to be used for traffic growth estimation.

The TEMPRO growth rates were required in order to estimate the two future year base traffic levels in 2021 and 2030.


The TEMPRO factors for both future years are shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 TEMPRO growth rates TEMPRO growth factors

Years AM PM 2010 to 2021 1.0871 1.1006 2021 to 2030 1.0521 1.064

2.5 Committed Development Traffic

Committed development traffic is based on retail and housing developments within the area surrounding the roundabout which has been granted planning permission, and is due to be completed within the scope of the test years for the roundabout assessment.

Data was taken from the Transport Assessment document for Blaydon Shopping Centre from November 2011 (by Cundalls counsultants) for their design year of 2021, which gives 100% of their proposed traffic on the local network.

The committed development for the assessment of the Blaydon Roundabout is made up of the following sites.

. Morrison’s Supermarket . Stella South Site . Former Blaydon School . Bleach Green Site

The majority of committed development traffic exits from the Blaydon Shopping centre using routes onto Chainbridge Road and does not use the Blaydon Roundabout. A smaller (circa 90 vehicles) proportion of traffic that does enter and egress the site by the roundabout was included for this assessment.

Committed development numbers were only available for the PM peak (evening), since the committed development is predominantly retail uses. Hence, peak traffic generally occurs on a weekday PM and a Saturday AM. The PM peak data was used for all PM models.

An estimate of the AM peak traffic was calculated using data from a parking survey for Blaydon Shopping Centre. The 24 hour parking analysis showed arrival numbers of people parking in Blaydon Shopping Centre in 2010. A total number of vehicles parking was accumulated for the AM and PM peak hours. A ratio of the AM to PM parking totals was calculated, and that ratio was then applied to the PM count data in order to estimate the AM traffic movements.

From the parking analysis survey:

AM peak 8am-9am = 568 vehicles PM peak 3.15pm-4.15pm = 990 vehicles

Ratio of AM to PM = 0.57


This ratio was applied to the PM count data to provide an estimate of the AM data, as shown in Appendix C.

2.6 Proposed Development

In order to meet the required housing allocation for the Gateshead area, four development proposals are to be considered in the area that is within scope for this model; two in Crawcrook and two in Ryton, which all lie to the west of Blaydon and Gateshead town centres.

Housing data was taken from a spreadsheet supplied by Gateshead Council (Reference - West Housing Sites (May 2013).xls), giving the totals of proposed housing completions for construction year-on-year from 2014 up to 2030. The total numbers of new housing to be provided by 2030 for the four development sites is shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Housing allocation data Site Area No of houses Site No. GATSLR_285 Ryton 400 Site No. GATSLR_287 Ryton 100 Site No. GATSLR_288 Crawcrook 270 Site No. GATSLR_292 Crawcrook 180

Transport Assessments were undertaken separately for each of the proposed sites, and the estimated trips from the housing developments were calculated to assess the impact of the developments on the surrounding road network. This data was then used for the assessment of Blaydon Roundabout in this study.

Traffic data was taken from the following documents:

. TA doc – by WYG, for Bellway Homes, Feb 2013 . TA doc – by WSP, for Taylor Wimpey, Feb 2013 . TA doc – by Tim Speed Consulting, for C Younger, Feb 2013 . TA doc – by iTransport, for Storey Homes, Feb 2013

Under the advice of Gateshead Council, the mean trip rates (50th percentile) were used for the proposed development traffic volumes, rather than the 85th percentile values as this was deemed a more appropriate measure of the traffic from the sites.

The data was then taken from the trip distribution for each site, so that only the volume of traffic through the roundabout was used in the VISSIM assessment, and not the total volume of traffic leaving the development site.

The traffic flow data from these Transport Assessments represents 100% of the traffic generated from the four housing sites. This would give the traffic volumes required for the 2030 design year test for the roundabout.

In order to generate the 2021 traffic volumes, a factor was calculated from the ratio of new housing completions by 2021 to those to be built by 2030. This ratio was then applied to the total trips (i.e. 100% of traffic) taken from each of the transport assessments in support of the proposed housing developments.


The development traffic flows are shown in Appendix D for both 2021 and 2030.

2.7 Bus Data

The bus route numbers 10, 10A, and 10B operated by , are the only bus service which uses the Blaydon Roundabout. The service runs every 10 minutes, and travels from Crawcrook to Metrocentre on the B6317 towards the Blaydon Roundabout, travels round the roundabout onto Shibdon Road, and then into the bus station. The continuing journey exits the bus station to the north east and connects to Chainbridge Road. The service does not re-enter the Blaydon Roundabout upon exiting the bus station heading east. The return journey sees the service completing this route in reverse, using the Blaydon Roundabout to exit the bus station only.

These buses have been included in the model under timetable using ‘PT routes’ and ‘PT rates’.

Further buses have been modelled using the bus station; however they turn left out of the bus station junction and travel south along Shibdon Road, rather than north towards the Blaydon Roundabout.

The bus timetable for Service no 10 is shown in Appendix E.



3.1 Introduction

This section will outline the methodology used for constructing the models in VISSIM micro-simulation software in order to assess the Blaydon Roundabout.

VISSIM Micro-simulation software is a tool used to represent a road network under baseline conditions, and can then be used to test proposals to the network such as increased traffic, addition of traffic signals, or alterations to the road alignment.

Base models were constructed in VISSIM for 2010 AM and PM peaks, for a one hour simulation. The models used traffic flow data from the Blaydon Roundabout Safety Study as outlined in Section 2, which was undertaken in 2010. This formed the base year for the modelling.

All models run with a 15 minute warm up with 10% of total traffic at the start of the simulation, and then have a 15 minute cool down at the end of the simulation with no traffic.

3.2 Scenarios

The scenarios to be tested in VISSIM were outlined during initial discussions with Gateshead Council and are listed as follows in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Scenarios for VISSIM Scenario Description

Base 2010

2021 do minimum Future 2021 + Committed development traffic

Future 2021+ Committed development traffic + Proposed 2021 do something development traffic 2030 do minimum Future 2030 + Committed development traffic Future 2030+ Committed development traffic + Proposed 2030 do something development traffic

All scenarios are constructed for AM and PM peaks, making a total of ten models.

3.3 Model extents

The extents of the model include the Blaydon roundabout only, and the associated adjoining links as shown in Figure 3.1. The modelled links were extended back in order to incorporate the back of queue in the 2010 Base model.


Figure 3.1 Model extent

B6317 A695


3.4 Model calibration and validation

The base model was calibrated against journey time surveys and back of queue surveys conducted by Jacobs on 14th May 2013. The surveys were undertaken for AM and PM peaks.

The survey showed that in the AM peak, the longest queue was observed on the A695 eastbound, which was approximately 1km long, extending almost as far as the small roundabout with Beweshill Lane. The queuing time, or delay time for this approach was approximately 7 minutes. The queue was constantly moving, i.e. a rolling queue rather than a static queue.

A shorter queue was also observed on the B6317 of approximately 15 vehicles (approximately 90-100m), which added less that a minute of delay to the travel time.

In the PM peak, the longest queue was observed on the A695 westbound, which was approximately 25 vehicles (approximately 150m), however this was over three lanes. The delay to journey time was around 3 minutes.

This data was used while constructing the base model to ensure that an accurate depiction of the existing situation and junction performance was produced.

The 2010 base models show long queuing on the A695 eastbound approaching the roundabout in the AM with a maximum recorded queue of 1078m (approx 180 vehicles) shown in Figure 3.2, and on the A695 Blaydon Highway westbound in the PM peak of 150m (approx 26 vehicles). This is in line with observed queue lengths on site.


Figure 3.2 Queue length – AM peak Base 2010

Back of queue at 08:30

The model was then validated using observed (surveyed) link flows from the Blaydon Shopping Centre Transport Assessment. This data had not been used previously for constructing the traffic matrices, therefore independent data has been used for model validation.

The GEH statistic was used to compare the observed traffic flows to the simulated traffic flows. This is more suitably used in a large model with dynamic assignment of traffic, and where route choice is permitted. This model uses static routing since the traffic count data was only for traffic movements on one junction.

For traffic modelling work in the base scenario, a GEH of less than 5.0 is considered a good match between the modelled and observed hourly flows. The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB Volume 12, Section 2) suggests that 85% of the volumes in a traffic model should have a GEH less than 5.0. If the GEH is greater than 10.0, there is a high probability that there is a problem with either the travel demand model or the data.

The GEH statistics for the AM and PM models showed that all of the flows recorded GEH less than 5.0 i.e. DMRB recommended threshold for good correspondence between modelled and observed. This is, in large part, due to reliance of fixed routing and the absence of route choices within the scope of the modelled area. The highest GEH scores were found on the A695 east in the PM peak and the A695 west in the AM peak, which coincide with peak traffic volumes and queuing, and reflect the traffic which was unable to enter the network at the end of the simulation. However, since the values were below 5.0 they are considered suitable for continued modelling. Figure 3.3 shows the GEH statistics for the 2010 AM and PM models. The number of vehicles unable to enter the network at the end of the simulation of the one hour peak period is shown in Table 3.2.


Figure 3.3 GEH statistics – 2010 AM and PM

GEH statistic ‐ BASE AM and PM

5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2010 AM (veh) 2.5 2010 PM

GEH 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon Arms on Roundabout

Table 3.2 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 877 12 313 89

B6317 26 1 33 10 79 76

A695E 7 93 21 27 Shibdon Road 32 3 4179 11 95 62

Table 3.3 Vehicles remaining at the end of the simulation Link Vehicles remaining at end of simulation

AM PM A695W 141 0 B6317 0 0 A695E 0 224 Blaydon Bank 0 0 Shibdon Road 21 0



4.1 Introduction

This section outlines the results of the VISSIM scenario testing for both future years under with and without the proposed development traffic. All scenarios used a random seed which was increased incrementally over ten model runs, an average was then taken of each result produced per scenario.

4.2 Scenario - 2021 do-minimum

The base flows were growthed using the TEMPRO rates (background traffic growth) and traffic forecasts for the committed developments were added.

The queue lengths for the AM peak showed a slight increase from the 2010 model as expected, with a maximum queue on the A695 eastbound of 1306 metres (approx 218 vehicles) for the AM peak. This queue would extend over the upstream roundabout on Beweshill Lane.

The committed development in the Blaydon Shopping Centre increases traffic movements on the smaller roundabout on Shibdon Road. The committed development trips however, can pull out and are not overly delayed, due to the favourable driver behaviour allowing buses egress from the bus station which is exhibited in this location.

In the PM peak, the maximum queuing on the A695 westbound is increased to 688 metres (approx 114 vehicles). There is minor queuing on the A695 eastbound of around 5 vehicles, however this dissipates quickly as a gap arises in the circulatory traffic. Minor queuing is observed from committed development exiting the Blaydon Shopping Centre of around 4 vehicles but these experience little delay waiting for a gap in traffic on Shibdon Road.

The number of vehicles unable to enter the network at the end of the simulation of the one hour peak period is shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.1 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 905 18 380 91 - -

B6317 34 2 38 11 78 76

A695E 14 314 25 38 - - Shibdon Road 34 2 29 7 145 62


Table 4.2 Vehicles remaining at the end of the simulation Link Vehicles remaining at end of simulation AM PM

A695W 210 0 B6317 0 0 A695E 0 262 Blaydon Bank 82 0 Shibdon Road 134 0

4.3 Scenario - 2021 do-something

Adding the proposed traffic from the housing sites in Crawcrook and Ryton has the effect of reducing the queuing on the A695. This is because traffic heading west on the A695 is also increased which prevents traffic from Shibdon Road pulling into the roundabout and therefore more gaps are created for traffic entering the roundabout from the A695 eastbound.

The queuing remains heavy however, with a maximum queue of 1300 metres (approx 217 vehicles) on the A695 eastbound in the AM peak, and 688 metres in the PM peak (approx 114 vehicles).

The average queue and journey times for the AM and PM peak are shown in Table 4.3, and the number of vehicles unable to enter the network at the end of the simulation of the one hour peak period is shown in Table 4.4.

Table 4.3 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 907 21 415 93 - -

B6317 33 2 37 11 81 82

A695E 14 316 24 37 - - Shibdon Road 35 2 22 9 140 67

Table 4.4 Vehicles remaining at the end of the simulation Link Vehicles remaining at end of simulation AM PM A695W 228 0 B6317 0 0 A695E 0 271 Blaydon Bank 91 0 Shibdon Road 143 0

4.4 Scenario - 2030 do-minimum

The traffic from 2021 was growthed to 2030 levels, and was applied to the model, along with committed development traffic. The long queuing on the A695 eastbound is increased as more vehicles queue off the network as shown in Table 4.6.


Table 4.5 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 910 26 422 92 - -

B6317 34 2 38 11 81 80

A695E 16 362 27 62 - - Shibdon Road 35 2 50 10 189 62

Table 4.6 Vehicles remaining at the end of the simulation Link Vehicles remaining at end of simulation AM PM A695W 307 0 B6317 0 0 A695E 0 334 Blaydon Bank 111 0 Shibdon Road 197 0

4.5 Scenario - 2030 do-something

Adding to the queuing observed in the 2030 growth model, the additional traffic from the proposed housing exacerbates the delays in journeys and the extensive queuing on the A965 eastbound. Queuing on Shibdon Road and Blaydon Bank is also increased, and the result of this is an increase in the number of vehicles queuing off the network at the end of the simulation, as shown in Table 4.8.

Table 4.7 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 942 38 424 101 - -

B6317 44 3 44 12 96 92

A695E 35 458 37 64 - - Shibdon Road 38 2 61 10 301 68

Table 4.8 Vehicles remaining at the end of the simulation Link Vehicles remaining at end of simulation AM PM A695W 315 0 B6317 0 0 A695E 0 349 Blaydon Bank 142 0 Shibdon Road 226 0


4.6 Summary

This is a summary of the main queue lengths from each model for comparison. In the AM this occurs on the A695 eastbound, and in the PM this occurs on the A695 westbound. The results from the testing are shown in Appendix F.

Table 4.9 AM peak results for average queue on A695 eastbound Scenario Average queue Vehicles remaining m ~pcu 2010 base 877 146 141 2021 do minimum 905 151 210 2021 do something 907 150 228 2030 do minimum 910 152 307 2030 do something 942 157 315

Table 4.10 PM peak results for average queue A695 westbound Scenario Average queue Vehicles remaining m ~pcu 2010 base 93 15 224 2021 do minimum 314 52 262 2021 do something 316 52 271 2030 do minimum 362 60 334 2030 do something 458 76 349

Table 4.11 Bus Journey Time Scenario B6317 Shibdon Road AM (s) PM (s) AM (s) PM (s) 2010 base 79 76 95 62 2021 do minimum 78 76 145 62 2021 do something 81 82 140 67 2030 do minimum 81 80 189 62 2030 do something 96 92 301 68



5.1 Introduction

Jacobs were asked to suggest possible, proportionate mitigation measures for the roundabout. These potential measures are listed as follows, and could be tested using the VISSIM software for all scenarios.

5.2 Part Signalisation

The roundabout could be partially signalised in order to help alleviate against the heavy queuing on the A695. The extent of the partial signalisation would need to be tested, but initially the A695 both eastbound and westbound and Shibdon Road.

5.3 Full Signalisation

Full signalisation of the roundabout could also be tested. This would ensure all arms were controlled and the signal timings could be optimised for the AM and PM peak. This would eliminate the need for gap seeking, and should allow traffic to enter the circulatory in a controlled manor, maximising the current capacity.

5.4 Minor Junction re-design

This option would look at the realignment of the arms on the immediate approach to the roundabout, but would not ultimately alter the construction of the main circulatory carriageway.

This could involved altering the entry angle of traffic heading into the roundabout, and would allow traffic to enter the junction smoothly, with less delay. This may also allow vehicles to make the most of gap seeking opportunities and reduce the headway required to enter the circulatory carriageway.

An assessment of the existing advanced warning and directional signage could also be carried out.

5.5 Major Junction re-design

This would allow the entire roundabout to be evaluated from a highway engineering point of view, in order to maximise the capacity of the approach links and the circulatory carriageway. The link alignment, widths, number of approach lanes, approach angles, advanced signing, and lane markings would all be re-designed. It may consider a straight through movement for the A695 traffic – creating a “throughabout” or hamburger junction, and this would incorporate traffic signals to facilitate such a movement.



6.1 Introduction

After discussion at a meeting with Gateshead Council on the 11th July 2013, it was decided that testing partial signalisation of the roundabout would be beneficial. This would become Option 1 of the mitigation testing.

A second possible option involved testing a bus lane on the B6317 which would allow buses to proceed to the front of any queuing.

This section discusses the mitigation model construction, testing, and results for the partial signalisation of the roundabout.

6.2 Part Signalisation Modelling

The VISSIM model was coded to include traffic signals on the A695 western and eastern arms, and on the Shibdon Road arm, as shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Layout of signalisation

The signal timings were modelled in LINSIG v3 software, which balances the traffic demand on each arm using signal timings to provide the best solution to gain the maximum capacity at the junction.

The LINSIG model was built using three stage streams under one controller in order to synchronise the flow of traffic on the circulatory carriageway. The cycle time was optimised and resulted in an AM cycle time of 39 seconds and a PM cycle time of 45 seconds.

The timings from LINSIG were input into the VISSIM model and these were optimised manually for each scenario as required.


6.3 Results

A summary of the results of the signalisation on each of the scenarios is shown in Appendix G.

6.3.1 Scenario - 2021 do-minimum

The queue lengths for the AM peak show a reduction in comparison to the non- signalised runs, particularly on the A695 eastbound from 900m on average to 14m on average. However, average queuing on the B6317 has increased as a result as this traffic can only gap seek during the intergreen periods but maximum queue lengths and average journey times have deceased. This provides a more reliable journey time overall as the queuing is more consistent throughout the peak period.

The PM peak model also saw a reduction in overall queuing, in particular on the A695 westbound where the average queue length has reduced from 316m to 124m.

The bus journey times benefit from the addition of signals, mainly on the Shibdon Road arm.

The average journey times and queue lengths are shown in Table 6.1. Unlike the models for the roundabout without signals, here all vehicles are able to enter the network before the end of the simulation.

Table 6.1 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time – All veh (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 14 17 97 74 - -

B6317 35 4 48 14 84 72

A695E 6 124 10 57 - - Shibdon Road 3 4 20 12 80 57

6.3.2 Scenario - 2021 do-something

There are only minor increases to average queuing and journey times with the addition of the development dev traffic in both the AM and PM peaks. The bus journey times are not affected by the addition of the dev traffic.

The average journey times and queue lengths are shown in Table 6.2, and all vehicles are able to enter the network before the end of the simulation.

Table 6.2 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues (m) Bus Journey Time (s) Time – All veh (s) AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 14 18 98 76 - -

B6317 46 2 44 12 84 81

A695E 6 125 10 57 - - Shibdon Road 6 4 22 12 81 59


6.3.3 Scenario - 2030 do-minimum

The addition of the 2030 traffic growth sees an increase in the maximum queue length on the A695 eastbound in the AM to 162 meters, and there are slight increases in the average queuing and journey times.

In the PM peak, the queuing on the A695 westbound increases also, along with a slight increase to journey times.

The bus journey times increase slightly in the 2030 scenario from 80 seconds to 85 seconds.

The average journey times and queue lengths are shown in Table 6.3, and all vehicles are able to enter the network before the end of the simulation.

Table 6.3 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues Bus Journey Time Time – All veh AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 15 29 100 105 - -

B6317 47 4 44 13 85 80

A695E 6 151 10 58 - - Shibdon Road 16 5 22 12 104 56

6.3.4 Scenario - 2030 do-something

Adding the development traffic for the 2030 scenario increases the average queue on the A695 eastbound in the AM peak from 15 meters to 34 meters, and the journey time from 100 seconds to 128 seconds, in comparison to the 2030 do- minimum scenario.

In the PM peak, the queuing on the A695 westbound increases from 131 to 180 meters, and the journey time from 105 seconds to107 seconds, in comparison to the 2030 do-minimum scenario.

The bus journey times show a negligible change from the 2030 do-minimum scenario.

The average journey times and queue lengths are shown in Table 6.4, and all vehicles are able to enter the network before the end of the simulation.

Table 6.4 Queuing and Journey Times Average Journey Link Average Queues Bus Journey Time Time – All veh AM PM AM PM AM PM A695W 34 29 128 107 - -

B6317 41 4 26 13 84 82

A695E 7 160 11 58 - - Shibdon Road 18 5 24 12 106 57


6.4 Summary

This is a summary of the main queue lengths from each model for comparison. In the AM this occurs on the A695 eastbound, and in the PM this occurs on the A695 westbound. The comparison of bus journey times is also shown for the B6317. The results from the testing are shown in Appendix G.

Table 6.5 AM peak results for average queue on A695 eastbound Scenario Average queue A695 Bus journey Vehicles W time B6317 remaining meters ~pcu seconds (Veh) 2021 do minimum 14 2 84 0 2021 do something 14 2 84 0 2030 do minimum 15 2 85 0 2030 do something 34 5 84 0

Table 6.6 PM peak results for average queue A695 westbound Option 1 Mitigation Average queue A695 Bus journey Vehicles E time B6317 remaining Scenario meters ~pcu seconds (Veh) 2021 do minimum 124 20 186 0 2021 do something 125 20 186 0 2030 do minimum 131 22 191 0 2030 do something 180 30 211 0

In conclusion, the addition of partial traffic signals to the Blaydon Roundabout reduces the queuing on the A695 eastbound in the Am peak, and westbound in the PM peak. Journey times for all users are reduced across the network in both peaks, and bus journey times are unaffected.



7.1 Introduction

After discussion at a meeting with Gateshead Council on the 11th July 2013, it was decided that an option to test would involve the addition of a bus lane on the B6317 which would allow buses to proceed to the front of any queuing.

This section explores the results of the bus lane testing.

7.2 Bus lane Modelling

Currently there are two lanes on the B6317 approach to the roundabout for approximately 250 meters, and one of these lanes would be converted to a bus lane.

Using the base models, a bus lane was coded into VISSIM and the bus routes were redirected along the new route. All other vehicles were banned from the route. The bus lane began at the point where the road opens to two lanes and finishes at the junction for the Vauxhall dealership in order to leave sufficient road space for buses to get into the right turning lane at the roundabout, and for cars to enter the left hand lane. The location and extent of the bus lane is shown in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Layout of bus lane

The results of the bus lane testing show negligible difference in journey times for buses, since the back of the queue from the give way line lies before the end of the bus lane. This means that the bus gains no benefit from the bus lane, and worse, the bus must cross lanes in order to turn right at the roundabout towards Shibdon Road.

Cars see a slight increase in journey time since they are funnelled along one lane behind slower moving HGV traffic. They see negligible change to the queue length,


as the queuing does not extend up to the end of the bus lane, and traffic can queue in two lanes at that point.

Further, the problematic queuing observed on the A695 arms in the AM and PM peaks does not improve with the addition of the bus lane, and so the cost to benefit ratio of this scheme would be low, and the extensive queuing would remain.

The following screen shots in Figures 7.2 and 7.3 show the bus lane in operation in the model, along with the maximum queue.

Figure 7.2 2021 AM do-minimum– option 2

Figure 7.3 2021 AM do-something – option 2

In conclusion, the addition of a bus lane would not address the queuing issues on the A695 and does not bring benefits to public transport. 23


8.1 Introduction

This section shows a comparison of all models created for all scenarios, split into sections for AM and PM peaks. This section is to facilitate a quick comparison of the queue lengths and journey times for each model, along with a comparison of the changes in bus journey times.

8.2 AM Peak Comparison

Table 8.1 Average queue Scenario A695 W A695 E Existing Signals Bus Lane Existing Signals Bus Lane Base 2010 877 - - 7 - - 2021 do minimum 905 14 908 14 6 15 2021 do something 907 14 906 14 6 15 2030 do minimum 910 15 - 16 6 - 2030 do something 942 34 - 35 7 -

Table 8.2 Average journey time Scenario A695 W A695 E Existing Signals Bus Lane Existing Signals Bus Lane Base 2010 313 - - 21 - - 2021 do minimum 380 97 390 25 10 25 2021 do something 415 98 412 24 10 26 2030 do minimum 422 100 - 27 10 - 2030 do something 424 128 - 37 11 -

Table 8.3 Bus journey time Scenario B6317 Shibdon Road Existing Signals Bus Lane Existing Signals Bus Lane Base 2010 79 - - 95 - - 2021 do minimum 78 84 78 145 80 144 2021 do something 81 84 80 140 81 144 2030 do minimum 81 85 - 189 104 - 2030 do something 96 84 - 301 106 -


8.3 PM Peak Comparison

Table 8.4 Average queue Scenario A695 W A695 E Existing Signals Bus Lane Existing Signals Bus Lane Base 2010 12 - - 93 - - 2021 do minimum 18 17 20 314 124 319 2021 do something 21 18 21 316 125 330 2030 do minimum 26 29 - 362 151 - 2030 do something 38 29 - 458 160 -

Table 8.5 Average journey time Scenario A695 W A695 E Existing Signals Bus Lane Existing Signals Bus Lane Base 2010 89 - - 27 - - 2021 do minimum 91 57 93 38 74 39 2021 do something 93 57 96 37 76 44 2030 do minimum 92 58 - 62 105 - 2030 do something 101 58 - 64 107 -

Table 8.6 Bus journey time Scenario B6317 Shibdon Road Existing Signals Bus Lane Existing Signals Bus Lane Base 2010 76 - - 62 - - 2021 do minimum 76 72 81 62 57 62 2021 do something 82 81 84 67 59 67 2030 do minimum 80 80 - 62 56 - 2030 do something 92 82 - 68 57 -



A model of the Blaydon Roundabout was created in VISSIM micro-simulation software using traffic data from a 2010 manual classified traffic count for a safety scheme for the roundabout.

There were four future scenario models constructed to test the impact of planned housing allocation on the local network. A design year of 2030 was modelled, along with an intermediate future year of 2021 which corresponded with the design year of a large committed development on the Blaydon Shopping centre site.

Initial testing showed extensive queuing on the A695 eastbound in the AM peak, and on the A695 westbound in the PM peak. This correlates with observed queuing on the existing roundabout. Forecasting models for 2021 and 2030 only demonstrated an increase in queuing on the A695, and an induced queue on other arms.

Mitigation options were suggested to assess the impact on queuing. These included partial signalisation, and a bus lane and lane adjustment on approach arms where possible.

The implementation of a bus lane in the modelling was proposed for the B6317 heading towards the roundabout. This road is two lanes for approximately 250 meters on approach to the roundabout, and it was proposed to convert one of these lanes to a bus only lane. The lane would terminate at the junction of the B6317 and the existing Vauxhall dealership, which lies 60 meters from the roundabout. This would give the buses an opportunity to move into the right hand lane for making a right turn movement at the roundabout. Results of the modelling showed that there was no benefit to bus journey times from the use of the bus lane, they were similar to those from the base modelling, since the queuing back from the give way line did not extend as far as the end of the bus lane. Further, the buses had to then try to cross this queuing traffic to get into lane before the roundabout. Other vehicles using the B6317 showed an increase in journey times due to the funnelling of traffic onto one lane and then following slower moving HGV traffic which they could usually over take. This option also does nothing to reduce the queuing on the A695. This therefore was not a viable mitigation option, and would not demonstrate a high cost to benefit ratio.

The addition of partial traffic signalisation on three arms of the roundabout was then tested. The signals were coded on the A695 eastbound and westbound, and on Shibdon Lane. Signal timings were developed in LINSIG v3 software and then the timings were coded in VISSIM. The results of the signalisation showed a reduction in queuing on the A695 westbound in the AM peak and on the A695 eastbound in the PM peak. There was a slight increase in queuing on the B6317 as this traffic waited for gaps during the intergreen period, this however did not significantly increase journey times.

In conclusion, the addition of signals to three arms of the roundabout would aid the reduction in congestion at the roundabout.


Appendix A - Minutes from Meetings


Notes of Meeting with Gateshead Council – REV 2

Held at council offices, 13:00, 21 June 2013


Andrew Haysey - Gateshead Council Caroline Shield - Gateshead Council Andrew Sloan - Gateshead Council

Laura O’Toole - Jacobs Richard Hibbert - Jacobs

Purpose of meeting

Progress update on the Blaydon Roundabout VISSIM modelling study

Actions arising

For Jacobs

1. Review modelling of queues on Ryton Road, to check that it represents the actual traffic. Noting that observed queues reach the Primary School in the morning peak period

2. Models to reflect vehicle rather than PCU’s – subject to availability of survey/count data for factoring

3. Ensure report includes reference to traffic not entering the modelling network (latent demand) in all scenarios, if this occurs

4. Adjust the modelled AM peak as Blaydon Shopping Centre traffic will not be at peak levels (as in PM). Factors to be agreed with client for this change

5. Show consistent network extents for all scenarios – though these can be different extents in AM and PM peak period models.

6. Review/revise bus routing to reflect buses approaching along Ryton Road and exiting from bus station towards MetroCentre via bus gate.

7. In final reporting – run 10 multiple tests with random seeds, taking the average of these tests

8. Reporting to be in format provided by the client – including delays, journey times, GEH and Latent demand indices

For client

1. Provide to Jacobs any survey data (Atkins) to allow factoring of PCU to vehicles.

2. Provide confirmation of development flows used – REV 2 addition

3. Provide preferred template for reporting as discussed.

4. confirm appropriate AM peak traffic reduction for committed development traffic from Blaydon Shopping Centre

5. Provide any comments in writing on the technical note used at the meeting

Next Steps

1. By Monday 8th July: Jacobs to complete base models and 2021, 2030 forecast models Jacobs to provide Model Report

2. Meeting to be arrange for WC 8th July to consider future issues and potential mitigations

3. Mitigation tests to be completed by end of July for input into Cabinet report.

Notes of Meeting with Gateshead Council

Held at council offices, 10:30, 11 July 2013


Andrew Haysey - Gateshead Council Caroline Shield - Gateshead Council Andrew Sloan - Gateshead Council

Laura O’Toole - Jacobs

Purpose of meeting

Discussion of mitigation options to be tested

Actions arising

For Jacobs

1. Compare PCU volumes with traffic numbers now we have the raw count data, and adjust models if required

2. Add comparison about public transport journey times in report

3. Code yellow box junction into 2021 and 2030 models

4. Add note in report about random seed used.

5. Construct new models for AM and PM, 2021 and 2030 for option mitigation tests. Two tests shall be undertaken:

 partial signalisation  minor alignment alterations, and potentially a bus lane on B6317

For client

1. Provide to Jacobs with plan and confirmation of position of yellow box junction provision at bus station exit

2. Look for potential pedestrian counts/survey for roundabout in Blaydon Shopping Centre TA

3. Investigate the need for pedestrian or cycle crossing facilities on the roundabout

Next Steps

1. By Monday 29th July: Jacobs to complete mitigation options testing

2. Meeting to be held on afternoon of Monday 29th July, where models will be viewed

Appendix B - Base Traffic Data


2010 AM Petrol Station data in vehicles Data taken from B695 Blaydon Roundabout Safety Study, Atkins, Nov 2010 51 Traffic turning count undertaken for AM and PM peak B6317 2 12 791.0 628 107 44 Blaydon Highway

26 298 1041.0 452 A695 265

2 16 974 93 789 1085.0 16 1033.0 148 80 Shibdon Road

2010 PM Petrol Station data in PCU

12 50 22 23 B6317 18 513.0 285 138 72 Blaydon Highway

74 641 2442.0 1044 A695 683

12 24 439 167 222 642.0 11 461.0 117 111 Shibdon Road 2021 AM Petrol Station data in vehicles TEMPRO growth factors AM PM 55.4 2010 to 2021 1.0871 1.1006 B6317 2.2 13.0 682.7 116.3 47.8 Blaydon Highway

28.3 324.0 491.4 A695 288.1

2.2 17.4 1058.8 101.1 857.7 17.4 160.9 87.0 Shibdon Road

2021 PM Petrol Station data in PCU

13.2 55.0 24.2 25.3 B6317 19.8 313.7 151.9 79.2 Blaydon Highway

81.4 705.5 1149.0 A695 751.7

13.2 26.4 483.2 183.8 244.3 12.1 128.8 122.2 Shibdon Road 2030 AM Petrol Station data in vehicles TEMPRO growth factors AM PM 58.3 2021 to 2030 1.0521 1.064 B6317 2.3 13.7 718.3 122.4 50.3 Blaydon Highway

29.7 340.8 517.0 A695 303.1

2.3 18.3 1114.0 106.4 902.4 18.3 169.3 91.5 Shibdon Road

2030 PM Petrol Station data in PCU

14.1 58.6 25.8 26.9 B6317 21.1 333.7 161.6 84.3 Blaydon Highway

86.7 750.6 1222.6 A695 799.8

14.1 28.1 514.1 195.6 260.0 12.9 137.0 130.0 Shibdon Road

Appendix C - Committed Development Flows

29 committed Dev AM Petrol Station Committed Dev is made up of: Morrisons traffic B6317 Stella South site Former Blaydon School Bleach Green site 19.5 19.5 This Data for PM peak only Blaydon Highway Data taken from TA doc - Cundalls, for Blaydon Shopping Centre, Nov 2011 2.3 12.0 Blaydon combined parking analysis, Sept 2010 A695 9.8 8am 89 3.15pm 252 123 266 156 248 200 224 12.6 568 990

6.9 AM committed dev factor = 568 / 990 0.57 47.6 25.8 14.9 Shibdon Road

Committed Dev PM Petrol Station


34.0 34

Blaydon Highway

4 21.0

A695 17

22 12 83.0 45 26 Shibdon Road

Appendix D - Proposed Development Flows


Dev AM Petrol Station 2021 2030 % by 2021 housing data from: houses houses % Spreadsheet supplied by Gateshead Council named West Hou GATSLR_285 Ryton 120 400 0.30 traffic data from: B6317 GATSLR_287 Ryton 0 100 0.00 TA doc - WYG, for Bellway Homes, Feb 2013 GATSLR_288 Crawcrook 60 270 0.22 TA doc - WSP, for Taylor Wimpey, Feb 2013 2.7 GATSLR_292 Crawcrook 0 180 0.00 TA doc - Tim Speed Consulting, for C Younger, Feb2013 TOTAL 180.0 950.0 TA doc - iTransport, for Storey Homes, Feb2013

Blaydon Highway am peak pm peak 2030 Ryton 285 Ryton wsp Craw 292 Craw 288 TOTAL Ryton 285 Ryton wsp Craw N Craw S TOTAL 0 A695 west to A695 east 91 30 49 67 237 54 18 29 38 138 18.7 A695 east to A695 west 40 13 22 30 105 78 26 42 56 202 A695 B6317 west to A695 east 9 3 4 0 16 00202 A695 east to B6317 west 0 0 2 0 2 00303 A695 west to Shibdon Road 3 1 8 9 20 214411 Shibdon Road to A695 west 1 0 3 4 9 006612 42.2 3 am peak pm peak 2021 Ryton 285 Ryton wsp Craw N Craw S TOTAL Ryton 285 Ryton wsp Craw N Craw S TOTAL A695 west to A695 east 27 0 0 15 42 1600825 A695 east to A695 west 12 0 0 7 19 23 0 0 12 36 1 B6317 west to A695 east 30 003 00000 Shibdon Road A695 east to B6317 west 00 000 00000 A695 west to Shibdon Road 10 023 10012 Shibdon Road to A695 west 00 011 00011 Dev PM Petrol Station



Blaydon Highway

0 35.8 A695

24.5 2

1 Shibdon Road

Appendix E - Bus Timetable


Ten timetable Service number Service number Service number BusStation Hexham Hospital Corbridge HillStreet Corbridge StationRoad Riding MillThe Wellington Stocksfield Station Branch EndGarage RailInterchange Prudhoe Front Street Co-operative Rockwood Hill Greenside Pack Horse Folly Rose &Crown Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns Crawcrook Fox &Hounds Ryton Church Blaydon BusStationStandB Metrocentre Interchange StandE Newcastle Central Station Newcastle EldonSquare Codes Hexham BusStation Hexham Hospital Corbridge HillStreet Corbridge StationRoad Riding MillThe Wellington Stocksfield Station Branch EndGarage Prudhoe RailInterchange Prudhoe Front Street Co-operative Rockwood Hill Greenside Pack Horse Folly Rose &Crown Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns Crawcrook Fox &Hounds Ryton Church Blaydon BusStationStandB Metrocentre Interchange StandE Newcastle Central Station Newcastle EldonSquare Codes Service number Hexham BusStation Hexham Hospital Corbridge HillStreet Corbridge StationRoad Riding MillThe Wellington Stocksfield Station Branch EndGarage Prudhoe RailInterchange Prudhoe Front Street Co-operative Rockwood Hill Greenside Pack Horse Folly Rose &Crown Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns Crawcrook Fox &Hounds Ryton Church Blaydon BusStationStandB Metrocentre Interchange StandE Newcastle Central Station Newcastle EldonSquare Codes Hexham BusStation Hexham Hospital Corbridge HillStreet Corbridge StationRoad Riding MillThe Wellington Stocksfield Station Branch EndGarage Prudhoe RailInterchange Prudhoe Front Street Co-operative Rockwood Hill Greenside Pack Horse Folly Rose &Crown Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns Crawcrook Fox &Hounds Ryton Church Blaydon BusStationStandB Buisness Park BritishAirways Metrocentre Interchange StandE Newcastle Central Station Newcastle EldonSquare Codes Service number Hexham BusStation Hexham Hospital Corbridge HillStreet Corbridge StationRoad Riding MillThe Wellington Stocksfield Station Branch EndGarage Prudhoe RailInterchange Prudhoe Front Street Co-operative Rockwood Hill Greenside Pack Horse Folly Rose &Crown Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns Crawcrook Fox &Hounds Ryton Church Blaydon BusStationStandB Business Park BritishAirways Metrocentre Interchange StandE Newcastle Central Station Newcastle EldonSquare Codes

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10 15 13 05 01 57 53 50 42 33 31 27 20 13 01 55 10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 10, 10A, 10B, 11A Hexham 0005 0003 0001 2356 2354 2350 2343 2336 2325 2320 2124 2121 2114 2110 2103 2056 2045 2040 1748 1746 1743 1741 1737 1730 1723 1711 1705 10A 10A 10B


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

1548 1546 1543 1541 1537 1530 1523 1511 1505 2212 2211 2204 2200 2156 2152 2149 2143 2136 2134 2130 2123 2116 2105 2100 1802 1758 1751 1747 1740 1733 1721 1715 10A 10B

10 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Ten (O and callsinstead atWestgate Road at Newgate Street (Wilkinson’s) ◆ –This journey omitsthebusstop on salefrom the10Bbusdriver. 10 to Hexham –Through tickets are Prudhoe Front Street withservice B –This journey connects at Explanation ofcodes 2 1602 1558 1551 1547 1540 1533 1521 1515 2205 2203 2201 2156 2154 2150 2143 2136 2125 2120 1845 1843 1835 1831 1827 1823 1820 1812 1803 1801 1757 1750 1743 1731 1725 10A 10B

Services between Hexham, Academy). 10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Prudhoe RailInterchange Prudhoe, Greenside and Newcastle 1645 1643 1635 1631 1627 1623 1620 1612 1603 1601 1557 1550 1543 1531 1525 2224 2221 2214 2210 2203 2156 2145 2140 1818 1816 1813 1811 1807 1800 1753 1741 1735 10A 10B

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1618 1616 1613 1611 1607 1600 1553 1541 1535 2312 2311 2304 2300 2256 2252 2249 2243 2236 2234 2230 2223 2216 2205 2200 1832 1828 1821 1817 1810 1803 1751 1745 10A 10B

10 Timetable updated 24 March 2013 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1632 1628 1621 1617 1610 1603 1551 1545 2305 2303 2301 2256 2254 2250 2243 2236 2225 2220 1909 1908 1901 1857 1853 1849 1846 1840 1833 1831 1827 1820 1813 1801 1755 10A 10B

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1715 1713 1705 1701 1657 1653 1650 1642 1633 1631 1627 1620 1613 1601 1555 2324 2321 2314 2310 2303 2256 2245 2240 1848 1846 1843 1841 1837 1830 1823 1811 1805 Calling at: Buses run up to 10A 10B 10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – every 10 minutes from Hexham 10 Crawcrook » Newcastle. 1648 1646 1643 1641 1637 1630 1623 1611 1605 2352 2349 2343 2336 2334 2330 2323 2316 2305 2300 1902 1858 1851 1847 1840 1833 1821 1815 10A 10B

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Corbridge 10

You’ll find ramp access 10 1704 1700 1653 1649 1642 1635 1623 1617 0005 0003 0001 2356 2354 2350 2343 2336 2325 2320 1939 1938 1931 1927 1923 1919 1916 1910 1903 1901 1857 1850 1843 1831 1825 Stocksfield 10A 10B

10 on every bus and travel and Metrocentre Interchange. between Newcastle Central Station and HandyDrive. Road, Clockmill Road, Colliery Road bus stops alongDerwentwater Teams A184SlipRoad, thenatall Interchange, thisjourney callsat Central StationandMetrocentre – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Prudhoe 10 10B safety advice on board. 1749 1747 1739 1735 1731 1727 1724 1716 1707 1705 1701 1654 1647 1635 1629 1911 1909 1905 1858 1851 1840 1835 10A

10 –This journey runsnon-stop –Between Newcastle 10A – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Greenside Crawcrook 1722 1718 1711 1707 1700 1651 1645 1639 1930 1928 1926 1921 1919 1915 1908 1901 1850 1845 11A 10A

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Ryton 1724 1722 1719 1717 1713 1706 1659 1647 1641 2012 2011 2004 2000 1956 1952 1949 1943 1936 1934 1930 1923 1916 1905 1900 10A

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Blaydon Metrocentre 1741 1737 1730 1726 1719 1712 1700 1654 2000 1958 1956 1951 1949 1945 1938 1931 1920 1915 10A 10B

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Newcastle 1822 1821 1814 1810 1806 1802 1759 1751 1742 1740 1736 1729 1722 1710 1704 2042 2041 2034 2030 2026 2022 2019 2013 2006 2004 2000 1953 1946 1935 1930

10 10 – – – – – – – – – 2019 2016 1757 1755 1752 1750 1746 1739 1732 1720 1714 10A 10B

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 0845 60260. contact Customer Services on the reliability ofyour service, please If you experience any difficulty with is necessary. patience isappreciated whenthis the service onscheduleandyour drivers may needto wait to keep are designated stops where our Timing pointsshown inboldprint 2030 2028 2026 2021 2019 2015 2008 2001 1950 1945 1758 1754 1747 1743 1736 1727 1721 1715 10A 11A

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2112 2111 2104 2100 2056 2052 2049 2043 2036 2034 2030 2023 2016 2005 2000 1811 1807 1800 1756 1749 1742 1730 1724 10B

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2105 2103 2101 2056 2054 2050 2043 2036 2025 2020 1848 1847 1840 1836 1832 1828 1825 1819 1812 1810 1806 1759 1752 1740 1734 10A

10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2124 2121 2114 2110 2103 2056 2045 2040 1827 1825 1822 1820 1816 1809 1802 1750 1744 10A 10B – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2212 2211 2204 2200 2156 2152 2149 2143 2136 2134 2130 2123 2116 2105 2100 1841 1837 1830 1826 1819 1812 1800 1754 10B

10 ◆ ◆ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2205 2203 2201 2156 2154 2150 2143 2136 2125 2120 1918 1917 1910 1906 1902 1858 1855 1849 1842 1840 1836 1829 1822 1810 1804 10A


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – Go North East Enjoy your journey Information on the move Travel and save Get in touch

We want to make your journey The key mobile app is packed There’s a range of tickets Everything you need to know Live web chat: as easy, affordable and enjoyable full of features to make using for everyone, choose from about Go North East can be 10, 10A, 10B, 11A as possible. our services easier and quicker Buzzfare, Get Around, Saver found at, or you and our website is fully or Cheap Day Return. can talk to us directly using any Facebook: Giving a great service is a priority compatible with mobile of the following options: Ten for us and we are committed to phones and tablets. Pay for your travel in advance this through our customer charter with the key smartcard, or the Twitter: Services between Hexham, which can be viewed online at From finding the nearest bus M-ticket to get the cheapest @gonortheast stop to your location, to seeing fares. Buy your tickets online, by Prudhoe, Greenside and Newcastle your journey and its stops on mobile, through Travel Centres, Email: Buses run up to every 10 minutes Our buses are clean and bright, a Google map, or getting live by phone, or on the bus. customerservices you’ll find ramp access on every updates on your favourite between Crawcrook and Newcastle. bus and travel safety advice route, our app and website will For more information on our on board. help make your trip a breeze. services and their fares, go to Call: Timetable updated 24 March 2013 Using landline: To get your information on the 0845 60 60 260 move, download the key mobile Using mobile: app from your mobile app store, 0191 420 5050 or visit

Ten timetable 10 — Hexham » Corbridge » Stocksfield » Prudhoe » Crawcrook » Ryton » Blaydon » Metrocentre » Newcastle 10A — Rockwood Hill » Greenside » Crawcrook » Ryton » Blaydon » Metrocentre » Newcastle 10B, 11A — Prudhoe Rail Interchange » Prudhoe » Crawcrook » Ryton » Blaydon » Metrocentre (10B) » Scotswood Road (11A) » Newcastle

Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays) Then at these minutes past each hour Service number 10A 10A 10 10A 10 10B 10 10B 10 11A 10A 10 10 11A 10A 10A 10B 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B Codes SDO SH Hexham Bus Station Stand 1 – – 0536 – 0555 – 0621 – 0637 – – 0656 0706 – – – – 0742 – – 0823 – – 0853 – – Then 23 – – 53 – – until 1423 – – 1453 – – 1529 – Hexham Hospital – – 0537 – 0556 – 0622 – 0638 – – 0657 0707 – – – – 0743 – – 0824 – – 0854 – – at 24 – – 54 – – 1424 – – 1454 – – 1530 – Corbridge Hill Street – – 0544 – 0605 – 0631 – 0647 – – 0706 0716 – – – – 0752 – – 0833 – – 0903 – – these 33 – – 03 – – 1433 – – 1503 – – 1539 – Corbridge Station Road – – 0546 – 0608 – 0634 – 0650 – – 0709 0719 – – – – 0755 – – 0836 – – 0906 – – mins. 36 – – 06 – – 1436 – – 1506 – – 1542 – Riding Mill The Wellington – – 0550 – 0613 – 0639 – 0655 – – 0714 0724 – – – – 0800 – – 0841 – – 0911 – – past 41 – – 11 – – 1441 – – 1511 – – 1547 – Stocksfield Station – – 0554 – 0617 – 0644 – 0700 – – 0719 0729 – – – – 0805 – – 0846 – – 0916 – – each 46 – – 16 – – 1446 – – 1516 – – 1552 – Branch End Garage – – 0557 – 0620 – 0647 – 0703 – – 0722 0732 – – – – 0808 – – 0849 – – 0919 – – hour 49 – – 19 – – 1449 – – 1519 – – 1555 – Prudhoe Rail Interchange – – – – – 0641 – 0703 – 0716A – – – 0746A – – 0802 – 0831 – – 0908 – – 0938 – – 08 – – 38 – – 1508 – – 1540 – – 1616 Prudhoe Front Street Lloyds TSB – – 0604 – 0628 0645 0656 0707 0712 0720 – 0731 0741 0750 – – 0806 0817 0835 – 0858 0912 – 0928 0942 – 58 12 – 28 42 – 1458 1512 – 1528 1544 – 1604 1620 Rockwood Hill – 0536 – 0619 – – – – – – 0725 – – – 0752 0757 – – – 0850 – – 0922 – – 0952 – – 22 – – 52 – – 1522 – – 1556 – – Greenside Pack Horse – 0538 – 0621 – – – – – – 0727 – – – 0754 0759 – – – 0852 – – 0924 – – 0954 – – 24 – – 54 – – 1524 – – 1558 – – Folly Rose & Crown – 0540 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns 0516 0546 0611 0624 0637 – 0705 – 0721 – 0730 0740 0750 – 0802 0802 – 0826 – 0855 0907 – 0927 0937 – 0957 07 – 27 37 – 57 1507 – 1527 1537 – 1601 1613 – Crawcrook Fox & Hounds 0518 0548 0613 0626 0639 0652 0707 0714 0723 0727 0732 0742 0752 0757 0804 0804 0813 0828 0842 0857 0909 0919 0929 0939 0949 0959 09 19 29 39 49 59 1509 1519 1529 1539 1551 1603 1615 1627 Ryton Church 0522 0552 0617 0631 0644 0657 0712 0720 0730 0734 0739 0749 0759 0804 0811 0811 0820 0835 0847 0902 0914 0924 0934 0944 0954 1004 14 24 34 44 54 04 1514 1524 1534 1544 1556 1608 1620 1632 Blaydon Bus Station Stand D 0529 0559 0624 0639 0652 0705 0720 0732 0742 0747 0752 0802 0812 0817 0824 0824 0832 0847 0857 0912 0922 0932 0942 0952 1002 1012 22 32 42 52 02 12 1522 1532 1542 1552 1604 1616 1628 1640 Business Park British Airways – – – – – – – – – 0756 – – – 0826 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Metrocentre Interchange Stand L 0537 0607 0632 0648 0700 0713 0729 0741 0751 – 0801 0811 0821 – 0833 0833 0841 0856 0906 0920 0930 0940 0950 1000 1010 1020 30 40 50 00 10 20 1530 1540 1550 1600 1612 1624 1636 1648 Newcastle Clayton Street West 0546 0616 0641 0658 0711 0724 0740 0754 0804 0805 0814 0824 0834 0835 0846 0846 0854 0909 0919 0931 0941 0951 1001 1011 1021 1031 41 51 01 11 21 31 1541 1551 1601 1611 1623 1635 1647 1659 Newcastle Eldon Square 0550 0620 0645 0702 0716 0729 0745 0803 0813 0814 0823 0833 0843 0844 0855 0855 0903 0916 0926 0936 0946 0956 1006 1016 1026 1036 46 56 06 16 26 36 1546 1556 1606 1616 1628 1640 1652 1704

Service number 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10 10A 10B 10A 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B Explanation of codes Hexham Bus Station Stand 1 – 1602 – – 1632 – – 1702 – 1728 – – 1802 – 1827 – – – 1927 – – 2022 – – 2122 – – 2222 – – Hexham Hospital A – This journey starts from the bus stop on Princess Way, – 1603 – – 1633 – – 1703 – 1729 – – 1803 – 1828 – – – 1928 – – 2023 – – 2123 – – 2223 – – not Prudhoe Rail Interchange car park. Corbridge Hill Street – 1612 – – 1642 – – 1712 – 1738 – – 1810 – 1835 – – – 1935 – – 2030 – – 2130 – – 2230 – – Corbridge Station Road – 1615 – – 1645 – – 1715 – 1741 – – 1812 – 1837 – – – 1937 – – 2032 – – 2132 – – 2232 – – SDO – This journey only runs on Schooldays. Riding Mill The Wellington – 1620 – – 1650 – – 1720 – 1746 – – 1816 – 1841 – – – 1941 – – 2036 – – 2136 – – 2236 – – Stocksfield Station – 1625 – – 1655 – – 1725 – 1750 – – 1820 – 1845 – – – 1945 – – 2040 – – 2140 – – 2240 – – SH – This journey only runs during School Holidays. Branch End Garage – 1628 – – 1658 – – 1728 – 1753 – – 1823 – 1848 – – – 1948 – – 2043 – – 2143 – – 2243 – – Prudhoe Rail Interchange – – 1647 – – 1717 – – 1748 – – 1818 – – – – 1923 – – – 2028 – – 2128 – – 2228 – – 2328 – Between Metrocentre Interchange and Newcastle Clayton Prudhoe Front Street Lloyds TSB – 1637 1651 – 1707 1721 – 1737 1752 1800 – 1822 1830 – 1855 – 1927 – 1955 – 2032 2050 – 2132 2150 – 2232 2250 – 2332 Street West, this journey calls at all bus stops along Handy Drive, Rockwood Hill 1631 – – 1701 – – 1731 – – – 1807 – – 1837 – 1907 – 1937 – 2007 – – 2107 – – 2207 – – 2307 – Colliery Road, Clockmill Road and Derwentwater Road to Teams Greenside Pack Horse 1633 – – 1703 – – 1733 – – – 1809 – – 1839 – 1909 – 1939 – 2009 – – 2109 – – 2209 – – 2309 – A184 Slip Road. Folly Rose & Crown – – – – – – – – – – 1811 – – 1841 – 1911 – 1941 – 2011 – – 2111 – – 2211 – – 2311 – Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns 1636 1646 – 1706 1716 – 1736 1746 – 1807 1817 – 1837 1847 1902 1917 -- 1947 2002 2017 – 2057 2117 – 2157 2217 – 2257 2317 – – Between Metrocentre Interchange and Newcastle Clayton Crawcrook Fox & Hounds 1638 1648 1658 1708 1718 1728 1738 1748 1759 1809 1819 1829 1839 1849 1904 1919 1934 1949 2004 2019 2039 2059 2119 2139 2159 2219 2239 2259 2319 2339 Street West, this journey runs via Keelman’s Way and the Swing Ryton Church 1643 1653 1703 1713 1723 1733 1743 1753 1803 1813 1823 1833 1843 1853 1908 1923 1938 1953 2008 2023 2043 2103 2123 2143 2203 2223 2243 2303 2323 2343 Bridge, calling at Colliery Road (Kingfisher Court), Team Street Blaydon Bus Station Stand D 1651 1701 1711 1721 1731 1741 1751 1801 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1900 1915 1930 1945 2000 2015 2030 2050 2110 2130 2150 2210 2230 2250 2310 2330 2350 (Yetholm Road junction) and the Copthorne Hotel. Metrocentre Interchange Stand L 1659 1709 1719 1729 1739 1749 1759 1809 1818 1828 1838 1848 1858 1908 1923 1938 1953 2008 2023 2038 2058 2118 2138 2158 2218 2238 2258 2318 – – Newcastle Clayton Street West 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1800 1810 1820 1827 1837 1847 1857 1907 1917 1932 1947 2002 2017 2032 2047 2107 2127 2147 2207 2227 2247 2307 2327 – – – This journey runs non-stop between Metrocentre Newcastle Eldon Square 1715 1725 1735 1745 1755 1805 1815 1825 1831 1841 1851 1901 1911 1921 1936 1951 2006 2021 2036 2051 2111 2131 2151 2211 2231 2251 2311 2331 – – Interchange and Newcastle Clayton Street West.

Saturdays Then at these minutes past each hour Then at these minutes past each hour Service number 10 10 10A 10 10A 10 10A 10 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10B 10 10A 10B Hexham Bus Station Stand 1 0541 0611 – 0641 – 0711 – 0735 – 0755 – – 0823 – Then – 53 – – 23 – until – 1653 – 1723 – – 1752 – 1822 – – Then 22 – – until – 2222 – – Hexham Hospital 0542 0612 – 0642 – 0712 – 0736 – 0756 – – 0824 – at – 54 – – 24 – – 1654 – 1724 – – 1753 – 1823 – – at 23 – – – 2223 – – Corbridge Hill Street 0549 0619 – 0649 – 0719 – 0743 – 0805 – – 0833 – these – 03 – – 33 – – 1703 – 1733 – – 1800 – 1830 – – these 30 – – – 2230 – – Corbridge Station Road 0551 0621 – 0651 – 0721 – 0745 – 0808 – – 0836 – mins. – 06 – – 36 – – 1706 – 1736 – – 1802 – 1832 – – mins. 32 – – – 2232 – – Riding Mill The Wellington 0555 0625 – 0655 – 0725 – 0749 – 0813 – – 0841 – past – 11 – – 41 – – 1711 – 1741 – – 1806 – 1836 – – past 36 – – – 2236 – – Stocksfield Station 0559 0629 – 0659 – 0729 – 0753 – 0817 – – 0846 – each – 16 – – 46 – – 1716 – 1745 – – 1810 – 1840 – – each 40 – – – 2240 – – Branch End Garage 0602 0632 – 0702 – 0732 – 0756 – 0820 – – 0849 – hour – 19 – – 49 – – 1719 – 1748 – – 1813 – 1843 – – hour 43 – – – 2243 – – Prudhoe Rail Interchange – – – – – – – – – – 0838 – – 0908 – – 38 – – 08 – – 1738 – – 1813 – – – – 1928 – – 28 2228 – – 2328 Prudhoe Front Street Lloyds TSB 0609 0639 – 0709 – 0739 – 0804 – 0828 0842 – 0858 0912 – 28 42 – 58 12 – 1728 1742 1755 – 1817 1820 – 1850 – 1932 50 – 32 2232 2250 – 2332 Rockwood Hill – – 0651 – 0726 – 0751 – 0823 – – 0852 – – 22 – – 52 – – 1722 – – – 1802 – – 1832 – 1907 – – 07 – – – 2307 – Greenside Pack Horse – – 0653 – 0728 – 0753 – 0825 – – 0854 – – 24 – – 54 – – 1724 – – – 1804 – – 1834 – 1909 – – 09 – – – 2309 – Folly Rose & Crown – – 0655 – – – 0755 – – – – 0856 – – – – – – – – – – – – 1806 – – 1836 – 1911 – – 11 – – – 2311 – Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns 0616 0646 0701 0716 0731 0746 0801 0813 0828 0837 – 0857 0907 – 27 37 – 57 07 – 1727 – – 1802 1812 – 1827 1842 1857 1917 – 57 17 – – 2257 2317 – Crawcrook Fox & Hounds 0618 0648 0703 0718 0733 0748 0803 0815 0830 0839 0849 0859 0909 0919 29 39 49 59 09 19 1729 1739 1749 1804 1814 – 1829 1844 1859 1919 1939 59 19 39 2239 2259 2319 2339 Ryton Church 0622 0652 0707 0722 0737 0752 0807 0820 0835 0844 0854 0904 0914 0924 34 44 54 04 14 24 1734 1744 1754 1808 1818 – 1833 1848 1903 1923 1943 03 23 43 2243 2303 2323 2343 Blaydon Bus Station Stand D 0629 0659 0714 0729 0744 0759 0814 0828 0843 0852 0902 0912 0922 0932 42 52 02 12 22 32 1742 1752 1802 1815 1825 – 1840 1855 1910 1930 1950 10 30 50 2250 2310 2330 2350 Metrocentre Interchange Stand L 0637 0707 0722 0737 0752 0807 0822 0836 0851 0900 0910 0920 0930 0940 50 00 10 20 30 40 1750 1800 1810 1823 1833 – 1848 1903 1918 1938 1958 18 38 58 2258 2318 – – Newcastle Clayton Street West 0646 0716 0731 0746 0801 0816 0831 0845 0900 0911 0921 0931 0941 0951 01 11 21 31 41 51 1801 1811 1821 1832 1842 – 1857 1912 1927 1947 2007 27 47 07 2307 2327 – – Newcastle Eldon Square 0650 0720 0735 0750 0805 0820 0835 0850 0905 0916 0926 0936 0946 0956 06 16 26 36 46 56 1806 1816 1826 1836 1846 – 1901 1916 1931 1951 2011 31 51 11 2311 2331 – –

Sundays (and Public Holidays) Then at these minutes past each hour Service number 10A 10 10B 10A 10 10A 10B 10A 10 10A 10B 10A 10 10A 10B 10A 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10 10A 10B 10A 10B Hexham Bus Station Stand 1 – 0722 – – 0822 – – – 0919 Then – – – 19 until – – – 1719 – – 1822 – – 1922 – – 2022 – – 2122 – – – – Hexham Hospital – 0723 – – 0823 – – – 0920 at – – – 20 – – – 1720 – – 1823 – – 1923 – – 2023 – – 2123 – – – – Corbridge Hill Street – 0730 – – 0830 – – – 0928 these – – – 28 – – – 1728 – – 1830 – – 1930 – – 2030 – – 2130 – – – – Corbridge Station Road – 0732 – – 0832 – – – 0930 mins. – – – 30 – – – 1730 – – 1832 – – 1932 – – 2032 – – 2132 – – – – Bus stops in central Newcastle Riding Mill The Wellington – 0736 – – 0836 – – – 0935 past – – – 35 – – – 1735 – – 1836 – – 1936 – – 2036 – – 2136 – – – – Clayton Street West for Central Stocksfield Station – 0740 – – 0840 – – – 0939 each – – – 39 – – – 1739 – – 1840 – – 1940 – – 2040 – – 2140 – – – – Station, Clayton Street, Newgate Branch End Garage – 0743 – – 0843 – – – 0942 hour – – – 42 – – – 1742 – – 1843 – – 1943 – – 2043 – – 2143 – – – – Street (St Andrew’s Church) Prudhoe Rail Interchange – – 0818 – – – 0918 – – – 18 – – – 1718 – – – 1828 – – 1928 – – 2028 – – 2128 – – 2228 – 2328 and . Prudhoe Front Street Lloyds TSB – 0750 0822 – 0850 – 0922 – 0950 – 22 – 50 – 1722 – 1750 – 1832 1850 – 1932 1950 – 2032 2050 – 2132 2150 – 2232 – 2332 Bus stops in Chain Bridge Road Rockwood Hill 0712 – – 0832 – 0902 – 0932 – 02 – 32 – 1702 – 1732 – 1807 – – 1907 – – 2007 – – 2107 – – 2207 – 2307 – Industrial Estate Greenside Pack Horse 0714 – – 0834 – 0904 – 0934 – 04 – 34 – 1704 – 1734 – 1809 – – 1909 – – 2009 – – 2109 – – 2209 – 2309 – 10, 10A, 10B – Calls at the Whiteley Folly Rose & Crown 0716 – – 0836 – 0906 – 0936 – 06 – 36 – 1706 – 1736 – 1811 – – 1911 – – 2011 – – 2111 – – 2211 – 2311 – Road bus stop. Crawcrook Greenside Rd/Dale View Gdns 0722 0757 – 0842 0857 0912 – 0942 0957 12 – 42 57 1712 – 1742 1757 1817 – 1857 1917 – 1957 2017 – 2057 2117 – 2157 2217 – 2317 – 11A – Calls at the Tundry Road and Crawcrook Fox & Hounds 0724 0759 0829 0844 0859 0914 0929 0944 0959 14 29 44 59 1714 1729 1744 1759 1819 1839 1859 1919 1939 1959 2019 2039 2059 2119 2139 2159 2219 2239 2319 2339 Whiteley Road bus stops. Ryton Church 0728 0803 0833 0848 0903 0918 0933 0948 1003 18 33 48 03 1718 1733 1748 1803 1823 1843 1903 1923 1943 2003 2023 2043 2103 2123 2143 2203 2223 2243 2323 2343 Blaydon Bus Station Stand D 0735 0810 0840 0855 0910 0925 0940 0955 1010 25 40 55 10 1725 1740 1755 1810 1830 1850 1910 1930 1950 2010 2030 2050 2110 2130 2150 2210 2230 2250 2330 2350 Bus stops along Scotswood Road Metrocentre Interchange Stand L 0743 0818 0848 0903 0918 0933 0948 1003 1018 33 48 03 18 1733 1748 1803 1818 1838 1858 1918 1938 1958 2018 2038 2058 2118 2138 2158 2218 2238 2258 – – 11A - Runs limited-stop along Newcastle Clayton Street West 0752 0827 0857 0912 0927 0942 0957 1012 1027 42 57 12 27 1742 1757 1812 1827 1847 1907 1927 1947 2007 2027 2047 2107 2127 2147 2207 2227 2247 2307 – – Scotswood Road, calling only at Newcastle Eldon Square 0756 0831 0901 0916 0931 0946 1001 1016 1031 46 01 16 31 1746 1801 1816 1831 1851 1911 1931 1951 2011 2031 2051 2111 2131 2151 2211 2231 2251 2311 – – the places shown on the route map. Timing points shown in bold print are designated stops where our drivers may need to wait to keep the service on schedule and your patience is appreciated when this is necessary. If you experience any difficulty with the reliability of your service, please contact Customer Services on0845 60 60 260.

10, 10A, 10B, 11A Ten map Information Metro station Railway station

10B 10 11A Prudhoe Rail Interchange 10A & Station Road Clayton Street West for 10B 10B BAE Systems ADM PressingsNewcastleScotswood BusinessScotswood Road Park ScotswoodRoad Railway Road Street Central Station Newgate Street Scotswood Works Brunel Terrace Park Road Rye Hill Newcastle Arena Clayton Street 11A 10 11A Crawcrook (St. Andrew’s Church) Hexham Road/Stonylea Close 11A Newcastle Waterworld Prudhoe Crawcrook Emmaville Ryton CharlesRyton Thorpe ChurchRunhead School GardensStella Blaydon BusChain Station Bridge Road Industrial Estate Dene Park & Corbridge CemeteryCorbridge Riding Grange Stocksfield Station Birches Nook Mickley Square West Road Hexham Hospital Fox & Hounds East Woodlands Station Road Eldon Square Bus Station Bus Station 10 10A 10B Metrocentre Interchange Garage Prudhoe Prudhoe CorbridgeHill Street Broomley Riding Mill Front Street Branch End Stonyflat Bank Crawcrook Dilston Haugh Farnley Grange The Wellington Doctor Syntax Hexham Hospital Beaumont Terrace Stanleyburn Bridge Folly Lane Greenside Road Lead Road Riverside Way Newcastle Newgate(Wilkinson’s Street *) Rose & Crown Metro Retail Park Central Station Low Greenside Derwenthaugh Road 10A * - From 2100 each evening, buses leave from Westgate Road (O2 Academy) instead of Newgate Street (Wilkinson’s) GreensidePack Horse Woodside Lane Rockwood Hill - Certain journeys only Heathfield Gardens Orange Zone Cherry Zone Purple Zone See for full ticketing information on our zones

Appendix F - Base Modelling Results


AM 2010 AM base 2021do‐min2021 do‐som 2030 do‐min 2031 do‐som Field Link Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Max Avg Link Name Avg TT (Bus) Avg TT Max Queue Avg Queue Link Volume GEH Avg TT Avg TT Avg TT Avg TT Volume (Bus) Queue Queue (Bus) Queue Queue (Bus) Queue Queue (Bus) Queue Queue A695 E 0 21.77 89.62 7.1 1134.6 1128 0.19622532 0 25.42 106.85 14.19 0 24.31 112.87 14.67 0 27.36 109.06 16.6 0 37.66 157.3 35.58 B6317 79.15 33.94 128.51 26.29 878.2 866 0.41312044 78.88 38.88 157.86 34.59 81.59 37.77 150.12 33.03 81.38 38.06 175.52 34.64 96.02 44.44 168.72 44.28 A695W 0 313 1302.95 877.19 752.4 1098 11.3620297 0 380.53 1302.77 905.81 0 415.52 1301.62 907.84 0 422.52 1304.8 910.36 0 424.78 1300.86 942.52 Shibdon 95.68 41.67 64.48 32.44 507.9 603 4.03513465 145.16 29.62 64.82 34.95 140.99 22.94 63.82 35.9 189.73 50.28 64.78 35.76 301.11 61.92 64.9 38.96

450 1000 350 900 400 300 350 800 250 Bus 300 2010 AM base 700 2010 AM base 2010 AM base

Time 600 200 2021do‐min 250 2021do‐min Time

2021do‐min Length 500 200 2021 do‐som 150 2021 do‐som Travel 2021 do‐som

Average 400 Travel

150 Queue 2030 do‐min 2030 do‐min

Avg 2030 do‐min 300 100 Avg 100 200 2031 do‐som 2031 do‐som 2031 do‐som 50 50 100 0 0 0 A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon PM 2010 PM Base 2021do‐min2021 do‐som 2030 do‐min 2031 do‐som Field Link Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Max Avg Link Name Avg TT (bus) Avg TT Max Queue Avg Queue Link Volume GEH Avg TT Avg TT Avg TT Avg TT Volume (bus) Queue Queue (bus) Queue Queue (bus) Queue Queue (bus) Queue Queue A695 E 0 27.53 630.69 93.53 1959.5 2466 10.7674602 0 38.65333 686.33 314.26 0 37.21667 688.99 316.81 0 62.14 688.3 362.46 0 64 688.98 458.38 B6317 76 10.66 24.99 0.6 545.4 530 0.66412634 76 11.01 31.39 1.55 82 11.51 34.83 1.75 80 11.86 41.24 2.06 92 12.92 44.88 3.44 A695W 0 89.97 128.14 12.83 623.9 655 1.22986401 0 91 244.26 18.71 0 93.95 224.63 21.24 0 92.02 203.82 26.72 0 101.6 439.84 38.46 Shibdon 62 10.595 38.14 2.88 279.7 273 0.40303714 62.00 7.095 31.18 1.98 67 8.985 33.8 1.9 62 9.78 26.98 1.6 68 9.78 37.74 1.6

120 500 100 450 90 100 400 80

bus 70 2010 PM Base 350 2010 PM Base 2010 PM Base

80 Length

Time 60 2021do‐min 300 2021do‐min 2021do‐min Time 60 250 50

2021 do‐som Queue 2021 do‐som 2021 do‐som

Travel 200 40 Travel 40 2030 do‐min 2030 do‐min 2030 do‐min

Avg 150 30 2031 do‐som Avg 2031 do‐som Average 2031 do‐som 20 20 100 50 10 0 0 0 A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon

Appendix G - Signalisation Modelling Results


2021domin 2021dosom 2030domin 2030dosom Avg TT Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Avg TT Max Avg Link Name (all) (bus) Queue Queue (all) (bus) Queue Queue (all) (bus) Queue Queue Avg TT (all vAvg TT (busMax QueueAvg Queue A695 E 10.06 0 65.83 5.89 10.2 0 67.83 6.08 10.44 73.78 6.6 11.05 71.8 7.5 B6317 48.59 84.15 176.15 35.14 44.24 84.96 167.22 46.18 44.75 85.41 162.24 47.76 26.41 84.88 135.46 41.41 A695W 97.32 0 92.31 14.68 98.87 0 83.49 14.8 100.4 83.52 15.13 128.68 203.17 34.87 Shibdon 20.32 80.08 58.51 3.97 22.81 81.08 60.67 6.46 22.87 104.42 60.51 16.42 24.82 106.53 60.49 18.24

120.00 55 120 50 100.00 45 100 bus

40 80.00 80 2021domin Time 2021domin 35 2021domin length

Time 30 60.00 2021dosom 2021dosom 60 2021dosom 25 Travel


2030domin 2030domin 2030domin Travel 40.00 20 40 Avg Avg 2030dosom 2030dosom 15 2030dosom Avg 20.00 10 20 5 0.00 0 0 A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon PM ‐ option 1 2021domin2021dosom 2030domin 2030dosom Avg TT Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT Avg TT Max Avg Avg TT (all Avg TT Max Link Name Avg Queue (all) (bus) Queue Queue (all) (bus) Queue Queue (all) (bus) Queue Queue veh) (bus) Queue A695 E 57.01 0 681 124.61 57.27 0 682.11 125.61 58.28 0 667.13 151.22 58.84 0 683.98 160.22 B6317 14.47 72.52 55.27 4.06 12.41 81.33 46.09 2.18 13.64 80.99 65.7 4.76 13.73 82.15 52.89 3.52 A695W 74.75 0 112.57 17.02 76.9 0 124.44 18.51 105.39 0 117.53 29.67 107.15 0 414.97 29.92 Shibdon 12.45 56.76 45.85 4.82 12.2 59.99 40.76 4.78 12.705 56.71 45.55 5.17 12.855 57.47 46.55 4.93

120.00 180 90 160 80 100.00 70 bus

140 60 80.00 120 Time

2021domin 2021domin Time

2021domin length

50 100 60.00 2021dosom 2021dosom 40 2021dosom Travel

Travel 80

Queue 30 2030domin 2030domin 2030domin Avg

Avg 40.00 60 20 2030dosom Avg 2030dosom 2030dosom 40 10 20.00 20 0 E 7 n 0.00 0 o A695 B631 A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695 E B6317 A695W Shibdon A695W Shibd