Review Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Set 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal

Exercise-induced threshold modulation in healthy subjects: a systematic review and meta- analysis.

K Pacheco-Barrios1,2, AC Gianlorenço1,3, R Machado1, M Queiroga1, H Zeng1, E Shaikh1, Y Yang1, B Nogueira1, L Castelo-Branco1, F Fregni1 1Neuromodulation Center and Center for Clinical Research Learning, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. 2Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Unidad de Investigación para la Generación y Síntesis de Evidencias en Salud. Lima, Peru. 3Department of Physical therapy, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, Brazil. *Corresponding author: Kevin Pacheco-Barrios. [email protected] Received August 10, 2020; accepted September 14, 2020; published September 16, 2020.

Abstract: Background: The use of exercise is a potential treatment option to modulate pain (exercise-induced hypoalgesia). The pain threshold (PT) response is a measure of pain sensitivity that may be a useful marker to assess the effect of physical exercise on pain modulation. Aim: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the PT response to exercise in healthy subjects. Methods: We searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Lilacs, and Scopus using a search strategy with the following search terms: "exercise" OR "physical activity" AND "Pain Threshold" from inception to December 2nd, 2019. As criteria for inclusion of appropriate studies: randomized controlled trials or quasi-experimental studies that enrolled healthy subjects; performed an exercise intervention; assessed PT. Hedge's effect sizes of PT response and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated, and random-effects meta-analyses were performed. Results: For the final analysis, thirty-six studies were included (n=1326). From this, we found a significant and homogenous increase in PT in healthy subjects (ES=0.19, 95% CI= 0.11 to 0.27, I2=7.5%). According to subgroup analysis, the effect was higher in studies: with women (ES=0.36); performing strength exercise (ES=0.34), and with moderate intensity (ES=0.27), and no differences by age were found. Confirmed by the meta-regression analysis. Conclusion: This meta-analysis provides evidence of small to moderate effects of exercise on PT in healthy subjects, being even higher for moderate strength exercise and in women. These results support the idea of modulation of the endogenous pain system due to exercise and highlight the need for clinical translation to the population.

Keywords: exercise-induced analgesia, pain threshold [MeSH Term], healthy volunteers [MeSH Term].


INTRODUCTION subjects resulted in a period of hypoalgesia, Physical exercise is a beneficial intervention for many characterized by a reduction in sensitivity to a painful conditions and affects overall health and quality of life. stimulus – the exercise-induced hypoalgesia (Rice et al., Numerous studies have shown that physical exercise is 2019). The exercise modalities vary among these an important component in the treatment of patients studies, as well as the pain induction techniques and with chronic pain (Edmonds, McGuire, & Price, 2004). measurement procedures. However, these results in Furthermore, exercise studies including healthy general suggest that exercise could be used as an Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal alternative or adjunct therapy to modulate pain Literature search and study selection (Geneen et al., 2017). We have searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Studies have suggested that exercise can induce Science, Lilacs, and Scopus from inception to December hypoalgesia by peripherally modulating the 2nd, 2019 using a search strategy with the following transduction, transmission, and processing of noxious search terms: "exercise" OR "physical activity" AND stimuli (Jones, Taylor, Booth, & Barry, 2016). Some "Pain Threshold." The full research strategy is shown in other hypotheses include the systemic activation of the Appendix B. Duplicates were eliminated before endogenous , serotoninergic and immune selection, and previous to the title and abstract system, and the central activation of the cortico- selection, two experienced reviewers agreed on a thalamic descending inhibitory pathways (K. F. Koltyn, standard approach. Afterward, the citations were 2000), assuming that these physiological mechanisms independently screened by the two reviewers in terms could be assessed by quantitative sensory testing, such of titles and abstracts. Discrepancies between reviewers as paint threshold (PT). Even though these mechanisms were resolved by a third reviewer. Then, the two main are not entirely understood, there is strong evidence reviewers independently assessed the full text of that showed not only the benefits in bouts of exercise selected studies, and again the third reviewer resolved but also in the long-term exercise, leading to sustained discrepancies. hypoalgesia effects in healthy adults (Anshel & Russell, 1994; Ellingson, Koltyn, Kim, & Cook, 2014; Jones, Eligibility criteria Booth, Taylor, & Barry, 2014; Lemming et al., 2015; We have searched for full-text articles restricted to Naugle & Riley, 2014; Umeda, Newcomb, & Koltyn, English and included articles that had: a) enrolled 2009). Recent studies (Agnew, Hammer, Roy, & healthy subjects (participants without any prior pain Rahmoune, 2018; Kelli F. Koltyn, Brellenthin, Cook, condition or chronic disease, including athletes or non- Sehgal, & Hillard, 2014; Krüger, Khayat, Hoffmeister, & athletes; b) performed exercise intervention regardless Hilberg, 2016; Lee, 2014; Kathy J Lemley, Hunter, & intensity or duration; the exercise interventions Bement, 2015; K. J. Lemley, Senefeld, Hunter, & Hoeger performed to produce exercise-induced pain were Bement, 2016; Lewis & Sullivan, 2018; Kelly Marie excluded; c) assessed the pain threshold (PT) without Naugle, Keith E. Naugle, Roger B. Fillingim, Brian any restriction of type of stimulus; d) been designed as Samuels, & Joseph L. Riley, 3rd, 2014; Naugle & Riley, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) – included parallel- 2014) have aimed to analyze and standardize the effects group, crossover designs and pilot studies – and quasi- of exercise on using pain threshold (PT) experimental studies, since we were focus in the within- response with mixed results. Besides, the only available studies changes (pre vs. post) after exercise to evaluate meta-analysis (Naugle, Fillingim, & Riley, 2012) have intrinsic properties of the intervention to modulate pain shown a significant improvement of pain, but they thresholds. combined PT and pain rating measures hampering the interpretation of the results, also the outdated search Data extraction (until 2012) does not include the remarkable production in the field in the past years. Based on that, it For each study, we extracted independently by two is still not clear how exercise modulates the pain researchers in a standardized spreadsheet the threshold and how different types of physical exercise following: i) participant characteristics (sample size, would induce that effect. Therefore, this study aims to age, sex, and drop-outs), if the study included data from quantitatively evaluate the updated published literature both patients and healthy subjects, just the last one were on exercise pain modulation indexed by a extracted; ii) exercise intervention protocol pain threshold changes in healthy subjects. characteristics, and iii) outcomes of interest (pain threshold). In case of missing or unclear information, we METHODS requested the data to authors by email and, to extract data from relevant graphs, we have used A systematic review of the literature and meta- WebPlotDigitizer v.3.11 (ArDigitizer, 2011). If we were analysis was conducted following the recommendation unable to contact the authors or extract the data of the Cochrane handbook (Higgins et al., 2011), graphically, we excluded the study from the quantitative including the PRISMA guidelines (Appendix A)(Moher, analysis. Some of the included studies measured Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The, 2009). multiple variables to assess the PT outcome within-

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal subjects (more than one body location for PT (heterogeneity), and publication bias as stated in the assessments – left arm, right arm, left leg, etc.). We were GRADE handbook (Schunemann, 2008). The certainty aware that computing different effect sizes for the same of the evidence was characterized as high, moderate, sample or overlapping sets of participants and treating low, or very low (Balshem et al., 2011). them as completely unrelated effect sizes violate the basic assumptions of the traditional meta-analytic Data Synthesis method. In those cases, we calculated a weight mean of The within-studies effect sizes of PT estimates and their the multiple variables to compute a unique 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. We measurement of the outcome of interest, in order to not adjusted Cohen's d to Hedge's g by applying a correction lose relevant information. factor as Cohen's d has a slight bias to overestimate in Pain Threshold (PT) corresponds to the smallest small sample sizes. Then, an exploratory meta-analysis stimulus that is reported by subjects as painful. This can was performed. Since we were focused in the within- be measured by different stimuli such as pressure with studies changes (pre vs. post) after exercise, we an algometer, heat, cold, or electrical stimulus. We have considered appropriated to pooled estimates from extracted and analyzed changes in stimulus units RCTs and quasi-experimental studies, when the (kilopascals, centigrade degrees, and others) pre and intervention, population, and PT measurement were post-exercise intervention and their standard comparable. We assessed heterogeneity using an I2 deviations (SD) as a measurement of PT response, statistic, and we considered low heterogeneity when I2 similar to previous literature (O'Brien, Deitos, Trinanes <40% (Higgins et al., 2011). We consider it appropriate Pego, Fregni, & Carrillo-de-la-Pena, 2018; O'Brien et al., to use random-effects models due to the overall 2019). heterogeneity evaluation (DerSimonian R Fau - Laird & Laird). Moreover, we performed subgroup analysis (by Risk of bias assessment method exercise type [aerobic and strength], exercise intensity The risk of bias of the selected studies was evaluated by [mild, moderate, intense] and duration, sex, and age), two reviewers using the Methodological Index for Non- sensitivity analysis (to test the consistency of the results randomized Studies (MINORS) tool (Slim et al., 2003) by analyzing the effects of risk of bias and study design because the effect size was obtained from a pre-post categories [randomized control trials or quasi- comparison, meaning we were focused on the with-in experimental studies]). Furthermore, we conducted group changes, instead of the between-group univariate meta-regression to test the influence of study comparison. The MINORS tool has 8 domains to assess level moderators on the PT estimates. Each co-variate one-arm studies: 1) a clearly stated aim, 2) inclusion of was tested on a minimum of eight included studies in consecutive patients, 3) prospective collection of data, the meta-analysis. To select the best random-effects 4) endpoints appropriate to the aim of the study, 5) model, we assessed the residual percentage of variation unbiased assessment of the study endpoint, 6) follow- due to heterogeneity and the proportion of between- up period appropriate to the aim of the study, 7) loss to study variance explained in addition to the significant follow up less than 5%, and 8) prospective calculation of criterion of p<0.05 per each moderator. The publication the study size. This tool considered three possible bias was evaluated by visual assessment (funnel plot) scores for each item from 0 to 2: 0 for not reported and by the Egger test. The data were analyzed using information, 1 for the information reported Stata v15.1 software (StataCorp LLC). inadequately, and 2 for well-reported information. We considered that scores less than 16 points indicated a RESULTS high risk of bias and from 16 to 24 points indicated a low risk of bias (Zafra-Tanaka, Pacheco-Barrios, Tellez, & Overview Taype-Rondan, 2019). The search retrieved 4429 results; after removing We assessed the certainty of our pooled estimates duplicates, 2390 titles and abstracts were screened, and, applying the grading of recommendation, assessment, of these, 2146 were excluded. 244 studies were development, and evaluation (GRADE) approach evaluated in full-text, 208 studies were excluded (Balshem et al., 2011). This assessment is based on five (Appendix C). One article was retrieved from the domains: study limitations (risk of bias of the studies citations. And finally, 36 were included (Agnew et al., included), imprecision (sample sizes and CI), 2018; Alsouhibani, Vaegter, & Hoeger Bement, 2019; indirectness (generalizability), inconsistency Arroyo-Morales, Rodriguez, Rubio-Ruiz, & Olea, 2012;

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal

Bartholomew, Lewis, Linder, & Cook, 1996; Burrows, Fillingim, B. Samuels, & J. L. Riley, 3rd, 2014; Kelly Marie Booth, Sturnieks, & Barry, 2014; Falla, Gizzi, Tschapek, Naugle et al., 2014; Naugle, Naugle, & Riley, 2016; Erlenwein, & Petzke, 2014; Fingleton, Smart, & Doody, Ohlman, Miller, Naugle, & Naugle, 2018; Persson, 2017; Focht & Koltyn, 2009; Gajsar, Titze, Hasenbring, & Hansson, Kalliomaki, Moritz, & Sjolund, 2000; Slater, Vaegter, 2016; Gomolka et al., 2019; Harris, Sterling, Theriault, Ronningen, Clark, & Nosaka, 2010; Staud, Farrell, Pedler, & Smith, 2018; K. F. Koltyn & Arbogast, Robinson, Weyl, & Price, 2010; Treseler, Bixby, & 1998; K. F. Koltyn, M. R. Trine, A. J. Stegner, & D. A. Tobar, Nepocatych, 2016; Vaegter, Handberg, Jorgensen, Kinly, 2001; K. F. Koltyn & M. Umeda, 2007; E. Kosek, Ekholm, & Graven-Nielsen, 2015; Vaegter et al., 2017; Vaegter et & Hansson, 1996; Krüger et al., 2016; Lee, 2014; K. J. al., 2019; van Weerdenburg et al., 2017). A flow diagram Lemley, Drewek, Hunter, & Hoeger Bement, 2014; K. J. of the literature that was searched and evaluated is Lemley et al., 2016; Lewis & Sullivan, 2018; Löfgren et presented in Figure 1. Descriptive information on each al., 2018; Meeus, Roussel, Truijen, & Nijs, 2010; Micalos article included in the meta-analysis is provided in & Arendt-Nielsen, 2016; K. M. Naugle, K. E. Naugle, R. B. Table 1.

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the study selection based on inclusion and exclusion criteria

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal Table 1. Included studies characteristics

Study n Age Type of Intensity of Assessment MINORS Details of Exercise Outcomes Conclusion Study Design (male/female) (years, mean ± SD) exercise exercise timing Score

Older adults did not exhibit EIH after submaximal A submaximal PPT Before and isometric exercise. However, Ohlman et al. Quasi- Male=67.6±5.3 isometric handgrip 30-seconds of immediately those who did more MVPA 20/32 Strength Light 22 2018 experiment Female=67.2±4.9 exercise at 25% of continuous after per week experienced a MVC by the left arm heat pain test exercise greater magnitude of pain inhibition after acute exercise. A weight belt of 1 kg was wrapped around the wrist of the subject's hand. In the resting position, the subject held her forearms and hands on a pillow in her lap. The mechanisms of recovery During test from fatigue and nociception contractions for EMG are independent of each Before and recording (each other. The bilateral PPT Persson et al. Quasi- after the 0/25 Younger: 44±10.18 lasting 15 seconds) Strength Intense PPT increases might be 16 2000 experiment endurance and during the explained by central test endurance test, the antinociceptive mechanisms subject's right arm activated by static muscle was abducted work. 90[degrees] in the scapular plane, with a slightly flexed (20[degrees]) elbow, pronated with the thumb pointing downward Exercise group:45 minutes of lifting three sets of 10 repetitions at 75% of Before and A single bout of resistance the individual’s one after (5 and exercise is capable of Koltyn K. F. et PPT RCT 7/6 23±5 repetition maximum. Strength Moderate 15 mins) modifying the sensation of 20 al. 1998 Pain ratings Control group: Quiet exercise and experimentally induced rest consisted of 45 quiet rest pain. minutes of sitting quietly in a room free from distractions.

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal 2 sessions: 1)Squeezed a hand dynamometer with their right hand (dominant hand) as hard as they could for 5 s, rested for 2 min, and then squeezed Moderate and It is concluded that: 1) men the hand intense Before and and women differed in PT, 15/16 Koltyn K. F. et Quasi- Male=22±5 dynamometer again Strength PPT immediately SBP, and DBP before ISO EX; 17 al. 2001 experiment Female=21.5±2 for 5 s; 2) Pain ratings after and 2) analgesia after ISO EX

Submaximal exercise is observed more isometric exercise consistently in women. consisted of squeezing the hand dynamometer with the right hand between 40% and 50% of maximum for 2 min. 2 sets of submaximal (40% to 50% of max) Submaximal isometric isometric exercise Before and exercise performed for 2 Koltyn K. F. et Quasi- consisting of PPT immediately 0/14 19.5±1 Strength Moderate minutes resulted in 17 al. 2007 experiment squeezing a Pain ratings after ipsilateral and contralateral dynamometer for 2 exercise hypoalgesia responses. minutes with the dominant hand. Subjects were able to Healthy control perform an endurance group=29 Before and Walk for a maximum exercise with self-chosen Kruger S. No other immediately RCT Control group=48±13 of 30 min with a self- Aerobic Moderate PPT velocity for 30 min as 18 2016 demographic after chosen velocity. recommended, without characteristics exercise increasing the acute pain data provided condition. 2 RE sessions, each session consists of leg extension, torso-arm pull-down, chest Acute RE results in press, and overhead Before and alterations in the perception press, 3 sets of 10 after (1 and of experimentally induced Focht B.C. et Quasi- PPT 21/0 21.4±2.5 repetitions 75% of Strength Moderate 15 mins) pressure pain and that this 17 al. 2009 experiment Pain ratings each individual’s 1- each bout of hypoalgesic response is not repetition RE. influenced by the time of maximum.1st session day that RE is performed. at 6:00- 8:00am and repeat at 6:00-8:00 pm.

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal The effect of Before and exercise is not limited to Bartholomew Quasi- Younger (no more 20 min of self- PPT immediately controlled experimental 17/0 Strength Moderate 11 et al. 1996 experiment details) selected exercise after conditions but generalizes exercise to naturally occurring stimulations. LBP alters the normal adaptation of lumbar erector spinae muscle activity to exercise, which Subjects were asked occurs in the presence of Before and to repetitively move a exercise-induced Falla D. et al. Control Control immediately RCT box with hole-shaped Strength Light PPT . Reduced 15 2014 group:9/8 group:29.4±7.4 after handles, loaded with variability of muscle activity exercise a weight of 5 kg. may have important implications for the provocation and recurrence of LBP due to repetitive tasks. The results suggest that input from cutaneous and deeper tissues interacts with The maximum nociceptive activity set up isometric knee Before, by the pressure stimulus. extensor strength at a during rest, Determining the degree of 90° of knee flexion during sensory modulation in Kosek E. et al. Quasi- was determined 3 0/14 36.8±9.96 Strength Moderate PPT contraction muscle and skin in different 18 1995 experiment times with I min of and chronic pain syndromes rest between trials. following could become a functional The best value was contraction. method of patient used for calculating assessment important for 25% of MVC. differential diagnosis, treatment evaluation, and follow-up. A standardized light warm-up protocol, High-intensity interval Before and Arroyo- followed by three 30- exercise induces a worse Quasi- immediately Morales M. et 25/25 22.4±3.42 s Wingate tests on an Aerobic Intense PPT psychoneuroimmunological 13 experiment after al. 2012 ergometer cycle state in males than in exercise separated by 3-min females. recovery periods. Before and An increased peripheral 25 miles 25 miles group immediately and/or central pain group=5/1 =37.2±12.9 after Complete 25 miles, 50 sensitization starting at Agnew J. W. Quasi- 50 miles group 50 miles group PPT completion miles or 100 miles Aerobic Intense 25 miles and continuing 21 et al. 2018 experiment =9/13 =42.1±6.9 CPM of 25 miles, marathon throughout an ultra- 100 miles group 100 miles group 50 miles marathon competition run =9/8 =41.8±7.8 and in these conditions. 100 miles.

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal An acute bout of upper or lower body exercise evoked a systemic decrease in pain Three sets of 10 sensitivity in healthy repetitions were Before and Old group=5/6 PPT individuals irrespective of Burrows N. J. Old group=61.3±8.2 performed at 60% of immediately RCT Young Strength Intense Pressure pain age. The decreased pain 22 et al. 2018 Young group=25±4.9 the individuals’ 1RM. after group=4/7 tolerance sensitivity following One-minute rest was exercise resistance exercise can be given between sets. attributed to changes in pain thresholds, not pain tolerance. AG=walked on a treadmill for 10 and 40 min at 6.5 km/h; SG= performed 10 Aerobic exercise and 40 min of group(AG)=5 circulate training Strengthening 40 min is a more exercises that exercise Before and appropriate exercise time, included a bench group(SG)=5 AG=25.2±0.8 Aerobic Light immediately although the efficacy of Lee H. S. et al. press, lateral RCT Control SG=71.2±5.3 PPT after 10 and controlling pain did not 20 2014 pulldown, biceps curl, group(CG)=5 CG=24.3±0.5 Strength Light 40 min of differ be-tween triceps extension, and No other exercise strengthening exercise and shoulder press based demographic aerobic exercise. on the perceived characteristics exertion. data provided CG= rested in a quiet room without exercising for 10 and 40 min. Under controlled conditions Before and after where muscle fatigue is Young women=20.6 maximal velocity similar, sex differences in Before and ±1.5 concentric Strength Intense EIH occur in young and Lemley K. Quasi- immediately 33/31 Young men=21.7 ±3.7 contractions of knee PPT older adults that is site 11 al. 2016 experiment after Old women=71.3±7.6 extensors or elbow specific (upper extremity). exercise Old men=71.3 ±5.1 flexors (separate Only women experience EIH days). following acute single limb high-velocity contractions. A generally increased pain A right-leg isometric sensitivity but normal knee extension function of EIH among Before and contraction and to persons with RA and offer Lofgren M. et Control PPT immediately RCT Control group=60±6 maintain it until they Strength Moderate one possible explanation for 19 al. 2018 group=4/16 EIH after were unable to pain reduction observed in exercise sustain 30% of their this group of patients MVC. following clinical exercise programs.

18 Copyright: © 2020 PPCR. The Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal Aerobic activity attenuates Aerobic cycling pressure pain sensitivity exercise performed at locally at the exercise 70 and 30 % of Before and muscle site following cycling Micalos P. S. Quasi- 10/0 21.2±3.4 VO2peak on two Aerobic Light/Moderate PPT 5 min after exercise at 70% of peak 14 et al. 2016 experiment separate visitations exercise oxygen uptake, however, in a counterbalanced may facilitate pain order. sensitivity following exercise at 30% of VO2peak. A submaximal aerobic exercise protocol on a Hyperalgesia and abnormal bicycle ergometer: central pain processing each plateau phase at Before and during submaximal aerobic . Meeus M. et Control a certain workload PPT immediately exercise in chronic fatigue RCT Control Aerobic Moderate 20 al. 2010 group=39.88±12.63 lasted for 60 s. Each VAS after syndrome, but not in chronic group=10/21 exercise bout exercise low . Nitric oxide consisted of 2 plateau appeared to be unrelated to phases at incremental pain processing. workloads. Pain threshold were affected Before, by a wide variety of Rowed two 20-min immediately synchronous activities. time trials under two post, 5-min Lewis Z. et al. Quasi- There was a significantly 24/9 22.75±3.98 counterbalanced Aerobic Moderate PPT post, and 13 2018 experiment higher pain threshold in the conditions-paired and 10-min post large group than in the large group each paired condition after 10 session. min of exercise. Older adults experienced Isometric similar reductions in pain contractions of the after several different 24 left elbow flexor Before and intensities and durations of No other muscles of the Lemley K. J. et Quasi- Strength Moderate and immediately isometric contractions. Both demographic 72.2±6.2 following doses: 1) PPT 16 al. 2014 experiment intense after older men and women characteristics three brief MVC; 2) exercise experienced increases in data provided 25% MVC held for 2 pain threshold, but only min; 3) 25% MVC older women experienced held to task failure. reductions in pain ratings. Aerobic exercise in a sitting position on a cycle ergometer and doing the Aerobic Dysfunctional EIH in Power Index test. response to aerobic and Before and Isometric exercise: Aerobic PPT isometric exercise in knee Fingleton C. Control Control immediately RCT extend knee as far as and Intense CPM OA patients with abnormal 18 et al. 2017 group=11/9 group=62±7.9 after could be achieved strength EIH CPM, and normal function of exercise without pain >3/10. EIH in knee OA patients with And then hold an an efficient CPM response. isometric knee extension contraction until exhaustion.

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal Isometric exercise group: a submaximal (30% MVIC) iso- Isometric exercise metric contraction of Before, decreased CPM in the right knee during, and individuals who reported Alsouhibani extensor muscles that CPM RCT 15/15 19.3±1.5 Strength Moderate after ice systemic EIH, suggesting 21 et al. 2018 was held for three PPT water activation of shared minutes while seated immersions. mechanisms between CPM upright on the edge of and systemic EIH responses. a plinth table. Control group: quiet rest Five minutes of 20–25% 16 Before and MVC lower limb isometric 5 min knee extension Harris S. et al. Quasi- PPT immediately exercise provided non- 19/16 23.6±6.6 isometric contraction Strength Moderate 2018 experiment OffA after pharmacological pain at 20–25% MVC exercise modulation in young, active adults.

120 seconds of the Before and Isometric back exercise Gajsar H. et Quasi- isometric Biering- Strength Moderate immediately 12/17 29.97±6.06 PPT produces local and remote 15 al. 2016 experiment Soerensen back after hypoalgesia. extension test exercise

Vigorous aerobic exercise: 5-minute PPT warm-up period and Suprathreshold then cycled for 20 MAE is capable of producing pressure pain minutes at an a hypoalgesic effect using test. Before and intensity of 70% HRR. continuous and repetitive Naugle K. M. Quasi- Aerobic Moderate and Static immediately 12/15 21.78±4.14 Moderate intensity pulse heat stimuli. However, 23 et al. 2014 experiment intense continuous after aerobic exercise: 5- a dose-response effect was heat test. exercise minute warm-up evident as VAE produced Repetitive period and then larger effects than MAE. pulse heat pain cycled for 20 minutes test at an intensity of 50– 55% HRR. PPT Suprathreshold pressure pain The hypoalgesic response to A 3-minute trial of test. Before and Moderate submaximal isometric Naugle K. M. Quasi- Younger (no more submaximal isometric Static immediately 12/15 Strength exercise is partially a 23 et al. 2014 experiment details) handgrip exercise at prolonged heat after function of sex and 25% of MVC. test. exercise experimental pain test. Temporal summation of heat pain

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal Vigorous aerobic exercise: 5-minute warm-up period and then cycled for 20 Strength Light minutes at an

intensity of 70% HRR. Strength Moderate Moderate intensity Age differences in EIH PPT Young Young adults: aerobic exercise: 5- Before and following isometric and Aerobic Moderate Pain rating Naugle. K. M. Quasi- adults=11/14 21.7±4.1 minute warm-up immediately aerobic exercise, with Temporal 23 et al. 2016 experiment Old adults=9/9 Old adults: 63.7±6.6 period and then after younger adults experiencing summation of cycled for 20 minutes exercise greater EIH compared to heat pain at an intensity of 50– older adults. Aerobic Moderate 55% HRR.


isometric exercise: the dominant arm contract at 25% of their MVC. 16 Before, 15 minutes of heart Fair test–retest reliability of immediately Gomolka S. et Quasi- 15/15 rate–controlled EIH after aerobic cycling for 24.4±1.8 Aerobic Moderate PPT after, and 15 al. 2019 experiment aerobic cycling in two local and semi local body min after sessions. parts, but only in men. exercise. Eccentric-only exercise: 5 sets of 20 arm contractions at 30% maximal wrist extension force for 4 Mechanical hypoalgesia is Before and weeks. induced by repeated low immediately Slater et al. Concentric–eccentric PPT load exercises regardless of RCT 6/7 27.1±1.4 Strength Intense after 21 2009 exercise: 5 sets of 10 exercise mode, and this may exercise at eccentric/10 prove beneficial if replicated each session concentric clinically. contractions at 30% maximal wrist extension force for 4 weeks. 2 min warm-up and Before, Cold pressor stimulation then 3 min to achieve immediately and aerobic exercise caused Vaegter et al. Quasi- the ATHR and then after, and 15 comparable multisegmental 28/28 23.5±2.19 Aerobic Moderate PPT 20 2015 experiment continued bicycling min after increases in PPT in active for additional 10 conditioning and inactive men and minutes. and exercise women. Session 1: 15 min quiet rest Hypoalgesia after Session 2 and 3: 12 Before and submaximal isometric min rest and then 3 PPT immediately Vaegter et al. Quasi- exercise is primarily 20/0 24.4±2.0 min submaximal Strength Moderate PTT after 21 2016 experiment affecting tolerance of isometric knee HPT exercise and pressure pain compared extension at 30% of rest with the pain threshold. MVC with the dominant leg.

21 Copyright: © 2020 PPCR. The Principles and Practice of Clinical Research

Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal Two 5-km performance time Before and There were no significant trials with CS or PPT immediately Treseler et al. Quasi- improvements in average 5- 0/19 20±1 regular socks in a Aerobic Moderate Muscle after 20 2016 experiment km running time, heart rate, counterbalanced soreness exercise at or perceived calf MS. order separated by 1 each session week. Rotate the 1 kp Alternating strenuous flywheel consistently Before and exercise with brief rest at 60 rpm until after each Staud et al. Control Control group: VAS periods not only decreased RCT exhaustion, repeat Aerobic Moderate rest-and- 20 2010 group=0/36 44.7±11.0 PPT overall clinical pain of FM twice alternating exercise subjects but also their with 15-minute rest period mechanical hyperalgesia. periods. Before and Incremental bicycling 2 sessions, each immediately exercise in-creased PPTs Vaegter et al. session consist of 15 RCT 21/13 25.8±3.4 Strength Moderate PPT after with fair relative and 19 2018 min rest and 15 min exercise and absolute reliability of the bicycling rest EIH response. 3 interventions consisting of 20 min Van of aerobic cycling, 12 Aerobic PPT. Before and No hypoalgesic effect of Moderate Weerdenburg RCT 9/6 25±6.5 minutes of isometric and Cold pressor after each aerobic and isometric 20

et al. 2017 knee extension and a strength test intervention exercise was found. deep breathing procedure

PPT: pressure pain threshold; CPM: Conditioned Pain Modulation; EIH: Exercise-induced analgesia; CPP: cold pressor pain; VAS: ; MVC: maximum voluntary contraction; PTT: pain tolerance; HPT: Heat pain threshold; HRR: heart rate reserve; RM: repetition maximum; CS: compression stockings; OffA: offset analgesia; MVIC: maximal voluntary isometric contractions; ATHR: age-related target heart rate; PwH: patients with hemophilia; LBP: ; SBP: Systolic blood pressure ; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; ISO EX: isometric handgrip exercise; RA: Rheumatoid arthritis.

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studies (quasi-experimental). We downgraded Effects on pain threshold according to the risk of bias of the studies (60.53% had We conducted a random-effects model meta-analysis a methodological limitation due to sample size and on 67 comparisons (36 studies, 1326 participants) and control group selection). We did not downgrade the found a significant and homogeneous pooled effect: evidence due to heterogeneity (the calculated I2 was ES=0.19 95% CI= 0.11 to 0.27, I2=7.5%. The positive ES 7.5%), nor by imprecision (the calculated 95% CI was favors PT increasing after exercise. The forest plot in precise), neither by publication bias (Table 2). Appendix D shows individual effect sizes that ranged from -0.93 to 1.37. Sensitivity and meta-regression analysis We also conducted a heterogeneity tests to assess The sensitivity analysis showed no significant subgroup-specific effects and regarding sex, results differences by the risk of bias categories and by study were significantly (p=0.041) in favor of women: design (RCTs vs. quasi-experimental). Moreover, the ES=0.36 95%, CI=0.15 to 0.56, I2=41.6%; and between meta-regression analysis confirms that type of exercise exercise groups results were in favor of strength type of is the main source of between-study heterogeneity exercise (p=0.0001): ES=0.34, 95% CI=0.23 to both (p<0.001), age, sex, and exercise intensity was not sexes?0.44, I2=0.0%, see Appendix E. The results also significant in the meta-regression model (Appendix G). favored moderate exercise (p=0.025) (ES=0.27 95% CI=0.16 to 0.38, I2=9.0%, see Appendix F), and Publication bias combining two categories, strength, and moderate We did not find publication bias in this meta-analysis as exercise, resulted in higher ES: 0.45 95% CI=0.27 to indexed by symmetrical funnel plots and non- 0.64. Finally, the heterogeneity test between subgroups significant Egger’s (p=0.43) and Begg’s (p=0.67) test was in favor of strength exercise in women: ES=0.67 analysis (Appendix H). 95% CI=0.34, 1.01, p=0.001 and results considering age subgroups were not significant. The rest of the DISCUSSION subgroups were no significant (Appendix G) Summary of results Risk of bias assessment and evidence certainty We included thirty-six studies that have evaluated the Most of the included articles (75%) had low risks of bias effects of exercise on pain threshold (PT) in healthy (higher than 16 points). The mean MINORS score was adults. These studies have no publication bias but were 18.17 (SD=3.31) However, most of them (60.53%) had methodologically heterogeneous and presented a small deficit reporting of the sample size calculation and sample size. The main sources of heterogeneity were selecting an adequate control group for the experiment. especially regarding the type and intensity of exercise. See Table 1. We judged the certainty of the pooled Also, it was found that exercise had different effects on estimate as very low. We started the evaluation from PT in healthy adults; however, the heterogeneity test for low certainty since we included non-randomized women was marginally significant. Men and women

Table 2. Quality of the body of evidence: Summary of findings. a. The certainty rating started from low certainty since we included non-randomized studies. b. We downgraded according to the risk of bias of the studies (60.53% had a methodological limitation due to sample size and control group selection).

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Vol. 6, No. 3 / Jul-Sep 2020 /p. 11-28/ PPCR Journal presented their PTs modulated by exercise in opposite to different pain perception responses; however, such ways, independently of age or the intensity of the relationship is exploratory and needs further research. exercise. In other words, women significantly benefited The potential biological mechanism of sex differences in from exercise, while men did not. In terms of the type of pain perception includes the effects of gonadal exercise, stretching increased PT significantly. hormones on the endogenous pain modulation system. Interestingly, in this study, no positive effect of aerobic Estrogens and androgens have been proved to affect exercise on PT was found, which was different from nociceptive pathways both via receptor-based previous studies. From the point of exercise intensity, mechanisms and indirectly through the influence on moderate intensity exercise increases PT, but light and neuropeptides action (such as the endogenous opioid high intensity exercise has no similar effects. In general, system) in nociceptive tracts(Bartley & Fillingim, 2013; regardless of sex, exercise has a positive role in the PT in Fillingim, King, Ribeiro-Dasilva, Rahim-Williams, & a healthy population, especially when doing strength Riley III, 2009; Maurer, Lissounov, Knezevic, Candido, & exercises at a moderate intensity. Knezevic, 2016; Vincent & Tracey, 2008). Also, previous literature reported that estrogen could increase pain Comparison with previous meta-analysis results perception (Bartley & Fillingim, 2013; Fillingim et al., Naugle et al. (Naugle et al., 2012) conducted a 2009; Maurer et al., 2016; Vincent & Tracey, 2008). comprehensive review of the published articles to Thus, we hypothesize that the sex difference in exercise- examine the effects of exercise on pain perception on induced pain threshold in women participants can be healthy adults (Ambrose & Golightly, 2015). They found attributed to the decrease of female hormone levels that aerobic exercise reduced pain sensitivity in caused by the exercise effects and consequently, it could response to the application of all types of pain enhance the endogenous inhibitory pain pathways. stimulation (pressure, heat/cold, and electric) among healthy participants. They found the largest effect in Type of exercise effects studies using pressure stimuli and the smallest effect in Regular exercise has been associated with numerous those using cold and heat stimuli. The authors physical and mental health benefits, including lower concluded that among healthy adults, aerobic exercise is blood pressure; improve lipoprotein profile, enhance very effective in reducing pain perception following insulin sensitivity, release of neural growth factors, different pain-inducing techniques and that PT improve cognition, and play an important role in pain reduction works best when exercise is performed at management (Mazzeo & Tanaka, 2001). According to moderate to high-intensity pace. In our study, however, studies substantiating the American College of Sports we did not find a significant effect on aerobic exercise. Medicine Position Stand, exercise prescription is based The reason for such differences may be the upon the frequency, intensity, and duration of training heterogenous outcome definition of pain perception (Pescatello et al., 2004). response (combining PT and pain rating measures) that Regarding the type of exercise, our results showed they used, which could overestimate the effect; also, our that the overall effect was higher for strength exercise study included an updated evidence body that could ES of 0.37 (0.23, 0.34) when compared to aerobic on provide a more robust pooled effect estimate. pain threshold. These results are supported by some other studies (Focht & Koltyn, 2009; K. F. Koltyn & Sex effects Arbogast, 1998; K. F. Koltyn et al., 2001; K. F. Koltyn & M. The mechanisms that explain why exercise leads to a Umeda, 2007), that compared, in similar designs, the higher threshold increase in women that in men have effect of exercise-induced hypoalgesia in subjects not been elucidated. Similar to our results, several submitted to aerobic and strength exercise. Some studies(Girdler et al., 2005; K. Koltyn, M. Trine, A. authors suggest that high threshold motor units need to Stegner, & D. Tobar, 2001; Rhud & Meagher, 2001; be recruited during strength exercises to elicit a Sternberg, Boka, Kas, Alboyadjia, & Gracely, 2001) significant hypoalgesic response (Garland, Enoka, found that females exhibit more efficient pain inhibitory Serrano, & Robinson, 1994), which may explain the responses when compared to males. For instance, differences between the two modalities of exercise. Koltyn et al. (2001)(K. Koltyn et al., 2001) found PT Several studies showed the effect of isometric elevated responses to isometric exercise in females but strength exercise increasing PT multisegmental and not not in males; they hypothesized that differences in isolated to the contracting muscle (Gajsar et al., 2016; blood pressure between men and women were related Garland et al., 1994; Hoeger Bement et al., 2011; Kelli F.

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Koltyn & Masataka Umeda, 2007; Eva Kosek & Ekholm, Our results are consistent with the observations 1995). According to Kosek and Lundenburg et al. (E. from Brümmer et al. (Brümmer, Schneider, Abel, Vogt, Kosek & Lundberg, 2003), the widespread hypoalgesic & Strueder, 2011), in which brain cortical activation response of the exercise is driven by central patterns present a dose-response relationship with mechanisms that may include increased secretion of β- exercise intensity among strength training modes but , attention mechanisms, the interaction of not for aerobic exercise modes. In addition, that study the cardiovascular and pain regulatory systems, or suggests that, for exercises that are familiar or activation of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls. In preferable to the participant, an intensity of 50 to 80% addition to this activation, it was shown that nociceptive of the individual capacity is necessary to evoke afferents originated in the muscle also undergo significant brain activation. extensive endogenous modulation which acts to Potential undocumented differences in baseline enhance or diminish the intensity perceived pain levels of fitness among participants between studies (O'Connor & Cook, 1999). could also be part of the neural mechanisms behind the Pain perception is modulated by the activity of heterogeneity in results, as suggested by the study from central endogenous modulatory processing, which Petruzzello et al. (Petruzzello & Landers, 1994), in involves antagonist mechanisms (Le Bars, Dickenson, & which brain activation in response to exercise was Besson, 1979). This system acts in the central nervous mediated by the level of aerobic fitness. Another system at both the spinal and supraspinal levels. Also, explanation could be a ceiling effect for highly-trained this process involves descending neural pathways with individuals, in which the long-term effects of exercise inputs from cortical, subcortical, and spinal regions would already be reflected in their baseline PT levels, so (Flood, Waddington, Keegan, Thompson, & Cathcart, no significant differences would be observed after the 2017). training sessions. It is known that many areas involved in the control of motivation, anxiety, fear, and mood have a strong Limitations influence on pain perception. Therefore, prefrontal, In light of the findings, it is acknowledged that the anterior cingulate, and insula cortices, amygdala, and interpretation of this study requires consideration of hypothalamus, project to the brainstem pain some limitations. First, database searching was limited modulatory network (Benarroch, 2008). However, still, to English-language papers, which possibly decreased future studies need to address specific neural effects the number of eligible papers for analysis. Second, the comparing different types of exercise to understand interaction of several other variables such as exercise potential differences in activated networks. training sessions, prior exercise conditioned state, and the detailed exercise selection could have influenced the Intensity of exercise effects neurophysiological outcomes. Furthermore, the lack of In our analysis, the greatest increase in PT was among standard in the PPT protocol from the different studies the moderate-intensity group, with ES of 0.2795% combined in this meta-analysis might have increased CI=0.16, 0.38, followed by high-intensity, with ES of 0.13 the heterogeneity of outcomes and affected the overall 95% CI=0, 0.27. Low-intensity exercise decreased PT by effect sizes. an ES of -0.195% CI=-0.36, 0.17, but this effect was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION Light, moderate and high-intensity exercise were This meta-analysis provides evidence of significant defined according to the Borg Scale of Perceived small to moderate effects of exercise on PT in healthy Exertion (Borg, 1998) as reported by the analyzed subjects. This effect was higher for moderate strength studies; if the study did not report such scale, we defined exercise and in women population. These results it based on the description of the exercise protocols: support the idea of modulation of the endogenous pain none, very, very light or very light exertions were system due to exercise and highlight the need for clinical classified as light (Borg ratings 6-10), fairly light and translation to the chronic pain population. However, somewhat hard were classified as moderate (Borg validation of PT as a biomarker for pain perception ratings 11 to 14) and hard, very hard and very, very requires further investigation under strict hard were classified as high-intensity (Borg ratings 15 methodological settings and combination with other to 20). quantitative measurements.

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AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Brümmer, V., Schneider, S., Abel, T., Vogt, T., & Strueder, H. K. (2011). Brain cortical activity is influenced by exercise mode and intensity. Medicine All authors designed the study. MQ, RM, ACG, ES, HZ, YY, Science in Sports Exercise, 43(10), 1863-1872. and BN collected the data. KP-B performed statistical Burrows, N. J., Booth, J., Sturnieks, D. L., & Barry, B. K. (2014). Acute analyses. All authors participated in the interpretation resistance exercise and pressure pain sensitivity in knee osteoarthritis: a randomised crossover trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 22(3), 407-414. of the results, the writing of the manuscript, and doi:10.1016/j.joca.2013.12.023 approved of its final version. DerSimonian R Fau - Laird, N., & Laird, N. Meta-analysis in clinical trials. (0197-2456 (Print)). Conflicts of interests Edmonds, M., McGuire, H., & Price, J. (2004). Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev(3), Cd003200. 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