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Hoechst New Zealand Ltd. C.P.O. Box 67 21-39 Jellicoe Road, BEHRING' Please ask for further informatio n ... Pan mure today I Auckland C. 1 J~ THE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ~~IQ)ll~ ~CQ)[R~~Lf@I&W 1l~~llii~(Q)IUQ)@)f

Vol. 44 No. 1 March 1990 ISSN 0028-8349


Original Articles

The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) in Pregnancy. E.A. Brosnan, M.M. Eales ...... 4

A Brief Experience with the Beckman Synchron CX3 Cli nical Chemistry Analyser. R.S.G. Sargon ...... 11

Blood Donation by Khmer Refugees. D. Fa ll as . 14

President's Report 7

Institute Business ...... 21

The Pacific Way ...... 23

New Products and Services .24

Index to Volume 43, 1989 ...... 27

Subscriptions to the Journal for non-members requiring Intending contributors should submit the1r material to the delivery in New Zealand is $NZ33.00 for 1 year surface mail Ed itor, M. Gillies, Microbiology Laboratory, Princess Mary paid. Single issues are $NZ12.00 surface mail paid. Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, or the Ed1tor. P.O. Box Subscription to the Journal for non-members requiring 9095, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand. Acceptance IS at deli very overseas is $NZ39.60 for 1 year surface mail paid. All the discretion of the Editor, and no undertaking is g1ven that subscriptions except for single issues are due in February. any article will be publi shed in a particular issue. The copy deadline for each issue is the first of th e month prior to the month of publication.

ADVERTISER INQUIRIES Inquiries regarding advertising rates and copy or blocks for DIRECTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS adverti sing should be addressed to th e Advertising Manager. From Vol. 36 No. 1 all papers published wi ll be in the form Tri sh Reilly, ANZ.I.M L T. , 48 Towai St. St Heli ers. Auckland 5. kn own as "Vancou ver Style" or Uniform Requirements for Phone 555-057. Manuscript s submitted to Biomedical Journals. Full detail s may be found in th e New Zealand Journal of Medical DATES OF PUBLICATION Laboratory Technology, Vol. 42 No. 2, page 54 to 60 or from The months of publication tor 1990 are March, May, August th e Editor. and November.

This Journal is abstracted by: Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, Current Clinical Chemistry, Hospital Abstracts, lnstitutnautchnoi informatsii. Contributions to the Journal do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor, nor the policy of the Council of the Institute. 4 NZJ. Med. Lab. Techno!. , 1990

The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) in Pregnancy

Eileen Anne Brosnan, ANZIMLT, MBChB., Dip. (Obs), MRNZCGP, General Practitioner; Marilyn M. Eales, FNZIMLT, Charge Technologist, Haematology Department, Middlemore Hospital.

Abstract 960 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rates (ESR) estimations (booking visit) and again in the third trimester at around 36 were performed on blood samples taken from pregnant weeks and in between when clinically indicated. The patient women in an endeavour to establish a reference interval for population included in this study were of different races the three trimesters of pregnancy (0-12 weeks, 13-28 weeks, defined as European, Maori, Polynesian (which includes all 29-40 weeks). In addition the samples were divided into other Pacific Island races - Tongan, Samoan, Rarotongan, different racial groups: European, Maori, Polynesian and other Niuean) and other, which comprised mainly Indian, races to establish any racial difference in the Erythrocyte Vietnamese and Chinese. The women attending the ante­ Sedimentation Rate in pregnancy. natal clinic were predominantly from a low socio-economic Reference intervals were established in each group. The group who typically present late for their initial booking visit. ESR was shown to be significantly higher in Maori and hence the relatively low numbers in the first trimester group. Polynesian races than in Europeans in all trimesters (p > Most first trimester values were taken from patients 0.001 ). There was no statistically significant difference presenting to their general practitioner. An ESR was between the ESR levels of Maori and Polynesian races. performed at the same time as the blood screen. The method Seventy three of the 960 samples had an ESR outside the used was the Westergren method as recommended by the established reference interval. In only 6 (8%) of these was International Committee of Standardisation in Haematology there any documented clinical abnormality on retrospective (7). review of patient case notes. Blood samples were processed within 3-5 hours of taking Introduction the sample. The population was divided into 3 groups The fi rst recorded mention of the ESR in the literature was corresponding to th e 3 trimesters of pregnancy, i.e. 0-12 by Galen, a Greek physician in the 2nd centu ry whi ch weeks 12-28 weeks and 29 weeks to term. A mean ESR and probably qualifies the test as the most ancient analytical the distribution within ± 2 SO was determin ed for th e overall method in the clinical laboratory today. The first report of th e population and for each different racial group, European, ESR in pregnancy was by a Swedish physician, Dr. Robin Maori, Polynesian and other. Fifty patients were deleted from Fahreus (1 ) in a Doctoral Thesis in 192 1. While working in a th e study either because of incomplete documentation with maternity hospital in Stockholm he was curious to see regard to age, and / or race or because the hospital case whether the blood of a pregnant woman differed from that of notes were unavailable for retrospective revi ew to confi rm a non-pregnant woman and whether such a difference could abnormal res ults. be used as a pregnancy test He noticed that an obvious clear The ESR was also correlated with Mean Cell Haemoglobin layer of plasma rapidly appeared on top of the erythrocytes, in Concentration (MCH) to establish if there was any samples of blood extracted from pregnant women. He then re lationship between iron deficient patients and a high ESR. did a simple experiment on pregnant and non-pregnant The case notes of those patients with an ESR outside the women, applying tourniquets at the wrist and below the elbow established reference interval (mean ± 2SO) for each and then holding the arm vertically for 15 minutes after which trimester were reviewed to assess any clinical reason for the time he took a blood sample from near the wrist From the abnormal result 960 results have been included, 116 first pregnant woman he obtained clear plasma and from the non­ trimester, 318 second trimester and 526 third trimester. pregnant woman he obtained blood. He explained this Results observation by relating the increased sedimentation rate to The reference intervals established in the different racial the effect of increased plasma globulins/ or fibrinogen on the groups and for all races for the three trimesters were as aggregation of the erythrocytes, a view which still remains follows: today. Despite the antiquity of the test the precise mechanism is First Trimester not clearly understood and is undoubtedly multifactorial (2). Sample size 116 The red cell size, shape, and surface characteristics all ESR range 1-40mm/hr influence cell aggregation and sedimentation but it is the plasma which exerts the dominant influence on the ESR. Race Reference Interval Established mm/hr Fibrinogen and other acute phase proteins as well as European 0-26 (Mean 10) immunoglobulins particularly a 1 and a 2 globulins strongly Maori 2-28 (Mean 15) influence the ESR (3, 4) and correlations between ESR's and Polynesian 0-32 (Mean 17) plasma lipid concentrations have also been made in Other 3-23 (Mean 13) pregnancy (5, 6). ALL RACES 0-30 (Mean 14) A literatu re search revealed that very little has been recorded since Fahreus's time relatin g to ESR va lues in Reference Interval Haemoglobin 115-165g/1 pregnant women. In view of the paucity of information thi s Reference Interval MCH 27-32pg. study was carried out to determine and assess the usefuln ess (The haemoglobin and MCH levels established in thi s group of th e reference intervals in clinical practice. were equal to th e established reference intervals of th e adult female population.) Method Blood was randomly collected from 101 0 women referred to the laboratory for ante-natal screening. These women were all considered normal in terms of pregnancy and were attending ante-natal clinic or a general practitioner for their routine visits. A blood screen was taken at first presentation N.Z.J Med. Lab. Techno/., 1990 5

Second Trimester currently accepted reference range tor the non pregnant Sample size 318 female population (0-12mm / hr). The values tor Maori and ESR range 5 - 103mm/hr Polynesian races were higher than those tor Europeans. These va lues were statistically significant p > 0.001 . There Race Reference Interval Establi shed mm / hr was no stati sti cal sign ificant difference between th e ESR's of European 0-57 (Mean 28) Polynesians and Maoris. Maori 0-66 (Mean 32) A previous study of the ESR done in New Zealand on a Polynesian 6-66 (Mean 36) similar racially mixed group of non-pregnant ad ults also found Other 13-76 (Mean 45) Maori and Pacific Islanders to have higher ESR values than ALL RACES 0-64 (Mean 3?l Europeans. The ESR rises in the second and third trimesters. This Reference Interval Haemoglobin 99- 142g/l confirms the findings of the single previous study on pregnant Reference Interval MCH 25 - 33pg women reported in the literature (9) but differs in one major respect in the extent of the increase e.g. 0-64mm/hr and 12- Third Trimester 72mm/hr in the second and third trimesters respectively. The Sample size 526 single prev1ous study reported an increase only as high as ESR range 5 - 11 Omm/hr 40mm/hr in the second and third trimesters but only 100 samples were tested. Race Reference Interval Established mm/hr A plot of samples with ESR's above the reference interval European 7-68 (Mean 38) established tor the patient trimester was made against the Maori 15-72 (Mean 44) corresponding M.C.H. Only one sample out of a total of 76 Polynesian 16-72 (Mean 44) with raised ESR's had an MCH value below the reference Other 0-93 (Mean 46) interval tor pregnancy. ALL RACES 12-72 (Mean 42) There were 38 samples (3.9% of total sample numbers) with an MCH below 24 i.e. below the establi shed reference Reference Interval Haemoglobin 98-143g/l interval. All ESR's from these samples with a low MCH were Reference Interval MCH 24-33pg within the reference interval establi shed in thi s study. These findings suggest there is no relationship between iron Discussion deficiency and the ESR value in pregnancy. The upper limit of the ESR established in th e fi rst trimester A retrospective study was made of those samples with an pregnancy was approximately twice th e upper limit of the ESR above th e estab li shed reference intervals in each

3rd Haematology Seminar June 14th and 15th 1990

June 14th Haematology in Pregnancy - Physrological Adjustments - Changes in the Haemostatic System - Antenatal Testing - Importance of B12, Folate and Iron - Coagulation Problems - D-dimer study - Case Histories of Haematological Abnormalities - Haemoglobinopathies/Thalassaemia June 15th An Overview of Investigation of Anaemias One session will focus on the problems involved with testing, interpretation and clini cal application of the Megaloblastic Anaemias. Another wi ll be devoted to "Looking at the Future" incorporating new methodologies and diagnostic tests available. VENUE Ernest and Marion Davis Post Graduate Medical Centre, Auckland Hospital. ORGANISED By Auckland Haematology Charge Technologists Group under the auspices of the N.Z. IML.T REGISTRATION Programme details and registration forms will be avail able from Haematology Charge Technologists in March. Enquiries to Mi ss M Eales Haematology Department, Laboratory Middlemore Hospital Private Bag, Otahuhu Ph (09) 276-0151 6 N. Z. J. Med. Lab. Techno/., 1990

trimester. The clinical notes were reviewed to ascertain the 4. Bull BS. Clinical and Laboratory implications of present presence of any clinical or laboratory documented ESR methodology. Clin Lab Haem, 1981, 3: 283-298. abnormality. 5. Bottinger LE. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and Plasma Lipid s. Acta Med Scand, 1973, 193: 53-57. First Trim ester 6. Biagioni Stefano, Francesco Stella et al. Erythrocyte Sample size 11 6 Sedimentation Rate and Plasma Li pids during preg nancy. Number of samples with ra ised ESR 2 Quad Selavo Diagn, 1981, 17 (2) 230-237. No abnormality detected on retrospective review 7. Internati onal Committee for Standardisation in of patient case notes. 2 Haematology. Recommendation for measurement of Second Trimester erythrocyte sedimentation rate of human blood. Am J Clin Sample size 318 Path 1977, 68: 505-7. Number of samples with ra ised ESR 18 8. Caradoc-Davies TH, Daniels J. A Survey of ESR and Urinary tract infection documented by laboratory 1 Eosinophil Count in a racially mixed population in New No abnormality detected on retrospective review Zealand. NZ Med J. 1984, 97: 232-34. of case notes. 17 9. Casey TP and Main BW. Factors influencing the normal Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, including pregnancy. NZ Third Trimester Med J, March, 1969, 155. Sample size 526 Number of samples with raised ESR 53 Uri nary tract infection documented by laboratory 4 Other infections (bronchitis) 1 No abnormality detected on retrospective review of case notes. 48 SITUATIONS VACANT Summary A reference interval for ESR's in all trimesters of pregnancy A position is available for a Technologist at th e Rotorua was establi shed and the fo llowing points noted: Medical Laborato ry. 1. The reference interval of the ESR in pregnancy is higher An interest in Serology is an advantage. than the reference interval for non-pregnant women in all Please apply to: Mr M. Hampson three trimesters of pregnancy. The increase is most P.O. Box 481 marked in th e second and third trimesters. Rotorua 2. Only 8% (6 of 73) of pati ents with an ESR outside the established reference interval had some clinically documented abnormality. (Urinary tract infecti ons 7%, respiratory infecti ons 1%) . 3. There was no correlation shown between a ra ised ESR and low mean ce ll haemoglobin con centration. 4. The reference interval of the ESR in Maori and Polynesian races in our study is higher than that of Europeans. This confirms previous reports on both pregnant and non­ pregnant populations. Conclusion The ESR is used by c li nicians as a non-specific indicator of disease or as one author aptly puts it 'The ESR has become a sickness index, as almost any disease can lead to an increased ESR i.e. infection increases the ESR". In some situations it can indicate serious disease, e.g. in bacterial endocarditis 93% of patients have an increased ESR on admission and 80% of patients with tuberculosis have an increased ESR. However in pregnancy the overall reference interval of ESR is very wide 0-72mm/hr and only 8% (6 of a total of 73) of those with results outside the reference interval documented abnormality. This leads us to conclude th at the ESR is of limited valu e in the routin e evaluation of th e pregnant patient.

Acknowledgements The authors thank the staff of the Bleeding Room and Haematology Department, Middlemore Hospital fo r conscientiously documenting the required detail s and performin g over 1, 000 ESR's, Dr. Hillary Blacklock for her valuable comments and Mrs. Moira Mutch for secretarial assistance. References 1. Fahreus R. The suspension -stability of th e Blood. Acta Med Scand, 1921 , 55: 1-228. 2. Bedell E and Bush Booker T. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate - From Folklore to Facts. Am J Med, June 1985, 78: 1001-1009. 3. Bain BJ . Some influences on the ESR and the fibrinogen level in healthy subjects. C/in Lab Haemat, 1983, 5: 45-54. ~ NewZeoland SECOND JOINT CONFERENCE ~ ~ NZACB - AACB Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand

16 - 19 October, 1990


Endocrinology of Ageing Affairs of the Heart Malignancy Instrumentation


Dr Margaret Stuart


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This will range from $NZ30 - $NZ240 per night and will be at various locations either within easy walking distance from the conference or with special coach transport



Don't miss out, prepare your abstract NOW. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 June 1990.

Instructions regarding Abstracts for submission to the 1990 NZACB/ AACB 2nd Joint Conference

A Deadline 1 June 1990

B Abstracts and enquiries to: Dr D. Jury Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Waikato Hospital Private Bag Hamilton New Zealand Phone: [071] 398 616 FAX [071] 398 759

C Indicate whether you intend presenting your work as a poster, as a 10 minute oral presentation or as a 10 minute oral-industry presentation. Note that the time available for oral presentations is limited and that any oral presentations that cannot be accommodated will be offered as posters.

D Your abstract must conform to the following requirements:

* Use white A4 paper and type text double spaced * A maximum of 300 words per abstract * Margins of 25 mm at the top, bottom and each side of the sheet * Title in UPPER CASE * Author[s] names[s] two lines below the title and underline presenting author's name. * Professional address of author[s] two lines below the author[s] name[s]. * Leave two lines and then proceed with abstract * Photographs and diagrams must NOT be used * Small tables and I or references may be used but the text should be shortened accordingly. * References should follow The Clinical Biochemist - Reviews exactly, eg. Gorsky JE and Dietz AA. Clin Chern. 1978; 24:1845-1847. * Only standard and common abbreviations should be used * SI units and their standard abbreviations should be used * Overall, the layout recommended in The Clinical Biochemist, Reviews, Volume 1, Number 3, October 1980, should be used.


Ms Julia Nicolson Health Industry Suppliers Association of New Zealand P. 0. Box 9162 Newmarket, Auckland NEW ZEALAND Phone: [09] 658834 FAX [09] 653194 N.Z.J. Med. Lab. Techno/., 1990 7

1989 Presidenfs Address W.J. Wilson Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to report to you on due to Jan's singlemindedness and determination that the this the 44th Annual General Meeting of the NZ Institute of degree to be offered by Otago has progressed as Medical Laboratory Technology. successfully as it has. As she embarks into the world of I suggest that we take the opportunity to reflect on the past, management we offer her our thanks and very best wishes. I assess the present and plan for the future. am sure she will be following our progress with more than The past year has seen major changes for this Institu e. On casual interest especially the Otago degree. I wish also to March the 18th with the formation of the NZ Medical acknowledge the services of Dennis Dixon-Mclver who will Laboratory Workers Union a major Institute function since its be stepping down as Editor of the Journal after six years in the inception became the responsibility of the Union. We position. As Editor he has maintained the very high standard welcome the Union and wish those involved the very best in set by his predecessors. Under his Editorship the high regard their endeavours to improve the employment conditions of all for our Journal has not only been maintained but enhanced. NZ Medical Laboratory Workers. I wish also to mention those other silent and relatively The Institute can be proud of the industrial representation it unknown members who serve on sub-committees, act as has undertaken for Medical Laboratory Workers since the Examiners, and undertake syllabus and curriculum reviews. 1940's, especially since none of those who have represented Many have served in these roles for years without any your interests over the years have received any formal recognition but without whose unselfish service there would training in industrial representation and yet have been able to have been no examinations, no syllabus development or ensure that at all times the role of Medical laboratory Workers none of the other routine services provided by the Institute, in the Health system has been recognized. While we seldom Medical Laboratory Technologists Board or Technical achieved all that we sought we nevertheless had the Institutes. These duties which we all to readily take for granted occasional extra success. I would like to take this opportunity have often had to have been undertaken in their own time so tu record our thanks and appreciation to all those members as not to compromise their full -time job. past and present who unselfishly have given much of their And of the future, I suggest to you that we now stand at a time often at considerable inconvenience to themselves, their crossroads. We can either take up the challenge of the future jobs and their families to argue the cause. by taking the initiative and promoting our ideas or we can This year we also lose another long standing tradition, the become subordinates and wait for others to design and direct Practi cal Examination which will be held for the last time this our profession and its functions in th e health servi ce of th e year. The practical has been ritual since certification of future. Should we choose the former th en with independence medical laboratory workers began in the 1940's. The there will be additional responsibility. In particular will be the usefulness of the practical to fairly assess technical need for self regulation and disciplining our profession. We competence has been questioned repeatedly at past Annual can expect changes to our registration requirements to give Meetings. Its passing will be mourned by few whereas it more meaning and accountability and I note with interest mastery assessment while req uiring a greater involvement recent remarks from the Minister of Health in which she from sen ior laboratory. staff, will I am convinced prove to be a alluded to the creation of Annual Certificates of Competence much fa irer and effective assessment of practical to replace Annual Practicing Licences. The implication being competence. that certificates of competence will require those in practice This past year the health service has been the target for to convince the reviewing authority of appropriate currency of some very severe criticism and is in the process of major knowledge and technical competence in order to renew the review and change. The Cartwright Commission of Enquiry right to continue in practice. This concept is not new and into the Management of Cervical Cancer treatment methods indeed is quite common overseas. If we claim that such is our at National Women's Hospital has had and will contin ue to job that it requires special training and licensing in the patients have consequences for our profession. The pub li c interest then the patients have the right to expect that challenging of the quality of output and the management of individually we are competent and our knowledge is current. the Medical Laboratory Services by senior members of our I suggest we should take the initiative and promote an profession will be viewed in the future as milestones in our appropriate programme to the Medical Laboratory struggle to establish independence and that we have a vital Technologists Board. The objective of these changes will be role of the modern health service which Medical Laboratory to ensure a high quality Medical Laboratory Service which is Technologists know and understand better than any other effective, efficient and operates in the best interests of the group. While many do not agree with all of the statements patient and the community. made by our colleagues, I for one applaud their courage and For the immediate future I suggest we set our major goal for conviction and accept without reservation that at all times the next year to be the review of the Institute, its roles and th e they have been speaking out of concern for the quality of structure and organisation to achieve its objective. I be li eve service being provided to our client patients. the need for this Institute is as great today as it wa s in the earl y I can also report that another longstanding goal of the 1940's but as it was in those days that without th e in volvement profession is also almost withi n our grasp. A Bachelor of of us all and a commitment to its support it will surely wither Medical Laboratory Science degree is planned to commence and sli p into ob li vion. If this is allowed to happen not only will in 1991 by the Otago University. I think that it is fitting that first the efforts and aspirations of the past have been for nought specific degree in Medical Laboratory Science be offered by but while the Union may we ll protect our jobs there will be Otago. We have a long and warm association with the Otago nobody to represent and develop Medical Laboratory Medical School since 1950 when it was the host venue for th e Technology as a career. I do not wa nt thi s to happen and I do first Dunedin organised Annual Meeting and as it has not believe that you do. continued to be th e preferred venue for most Dunedin meetings since. On your behalf I thank your Council who have with dedication and personal commitment endeavoured to serve your best interest and requirements. I wi sh to give special mention to Jan Parker who thi s year leaves th e council and the profession as a practicing member. It has been largely THE PEARL OF THE SOUTH


ABSTRACTS FOR 1990 NZIMLT SCIENTIFIC MEETING You are invited to submit 15-20 minute papers for the above meeting. Abstracts must be typed in single space type in less than 250 words. These must be free of grammatical and typograph ical errors. The original and two photocopies should be submitted.

ABSTRACTS SHOULD INCLUDE: Title (In Capital Letters) Author's Names Abstract Content

Also include presenting Author's name, address, telephone number and any visual aids required, e.g. 35mm Slide Projector, Overhead Projector.

Abstracts should be submitted before 30 June 1990.


Poster presentations wil l also be accepted for the conference. The submission date is 30 June 1990. 45th ANNUAL SCIENTlRC MEETING NZI.M.LT. ASCOT PARK MOTOR HOTEL INVERCARGILL THE PEARL OF THE SOUTH 27th-31st AUGUST THEME '1B's-ANEW ERK PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME:

Monday 27 August: WORKSHOPS Planned workshops to be confirmed. Tuesday 28 August: WORKSHOPS Parasitology - "Parasitology tor the Small Laboratory". Mycology - "Refresher medical mycology". Planned workshops in Biochemistry, Haematology and Histology to be confirmed. Wednesday 29 August: Annual Scientific Meeting opening ceremony. T. H. Pullar address. GENERAL FORUMS Direction of Health Services into the 1990's. This forum will be addressed by some high profile, thought provoking speakers. Discussion forum - current issues. N. Z. I.M .L.T. Annual General Meeting. Thursday 30 August: GENERAL FORUMS DNA - "What it can currently provide, app li cations in the 90's, foreseeable developments equipment and resources req uired". Can we afford it? THE ANTENATAL PATIENT- A look to the future from all points of view. THE FRONT OFFICE IN THE 90'S. CONCURRENT FORUMS INCLUDE: Small Laboratory forum. Biochemistry, Haematology, Histology, lmmunohaematology and Microbiology. WORKSHOP Microbiology Automation. Friday 31 August: CONCURRENT FORUMS (continued) "The Great Debate". Closing Ceremony. Conference 1990 is being held in one of the most beautiful parts of New Zealand. Come to the most Southern conference ever held and experience Deep South Hospitality. OFFICIAL CONFERENCE AIRLINE: Fly AIR NEW ZEALAND our official airline for Conference and receive a 25% discount OFF normal economy fares. Book NOW at any AIR NEW ZEALAND office or travel agent. Quote Authority Number DOM 320/89. This offer is avail able on all AIR NEW ZEALAND services and those of their associate carriers in the link group. AND AFTER CONFERENCE: STEWART ISLAND - on the Saturday, join us on the trip of a lifetime to the unspoiled charm of Stewart Island. The trip will include a flight to and from , tour of the Island and barbeque lunch Stewart Island style. Bookings will be taken at Conference. QUEENSTOWN - As Conference falls during the ski season we encourage delegates to visit Queenstown and try our Southern ski-fields. FIORDLAND - Take the opportunity to visit beautiful Fiordland with Lakes Te Anau, Manapouri and Doubtful Sound. WE HOPE YOU WILL COME AND ASSIST US IN MAKING THE INVERCARGILL CONFERENCE THE BEST EVER, BOTH SCIENTIFICALLY AND OF COURSE, SOCIALLY • Affordable The most reliable • Technically advanced osmometer in the world . . . • Operationally economic • User-friendly

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Auckland , Private Bag North cote 9. Tel 418.3039 Auckland . Pri vate Bag Northcote 9. Tel 418.3039 Lower Hull, Box 31 -04 4. Tel 697.099 Lower Hull. Box 31-044. Tel 697 099 Christchurch , Box 181 3. Tel 663.663 Christchurch , Box 1813. Tel 663 .663 A member of the Salmond Sm1 lh 81 olab group A member ot th e Salmond Smllf) 81olab group N.Z.J. Med. Lab. Techno!., 1990 11

A Brief Experience with the Beckman Synchron CX3 Clinical Chemistry Analyser. Russell S.G. Sargon ANZIMLT, Biochemistry Department, National Women's Hospital, Auckland.

Keywords Results Ra ndom-access analyser, Beckman Synchron CX3 Over the entire period of the trial only one difficulty was experi enced. As the calcium reagent pack became very low, Introduction a gelatinous precipitate appeared. This was drawn into the Recently this laboratory had first hand experience of the reagent lines and ultimately blocked the reaction cup. An in­ Beckman Synchron CX3 clinical chemistry analyser wh ich line filter was placed in the reagent pick-up li ne so that any until now has not been seen in New Zealand. This opportunity precipitate that did get drawn up could be easily and quickly was taken to compare the CX3 with our current analyser, the removed before reaching the reaction cup. Peake et al(2) earlier Beckman ASTRA 8, for ease of use and speed. We also encountered this problem. also compared the instrument's observed performance Even without the benefit of formal training and by following specifications of linearity, precision, accuracy and carryover the simple screen prompts, none of the staff involved had any with the manufacturer's stated specifications (1 ). This facet of difficulty operating the CX3. All thought that this instrument was the trial was not designed to be an exhaustive study as this either as easy, or easier to use than the ASTRA 8. It was noted work, and more, has been done previously (2). It was that the CX3 and ASTRA 8 operating systems were however, important to establish that these specifications somewhat similar which may explain their ready could be achieved in our own laboratory. Unfortunately, understanding of the CX3. However, one staff member, new during the period of this trial, no reagent was avail able for the to th is laboratory, operated both instruments with sim ilar ease C02 module. Therefore this chem istry was not investigated. and considered knowledge of the ASTRA 8 of no real Method advantage when using the CX3. The daily maintenance was carried out and the instrument As claimed, the CX3 achieved an actual throughput of 75 cali brated as described in the instruction manual. A ra ndom samples per hour, and 525 tests per hour with on ly seven selecti on of pati ent samples received by the laboratory were chemistries running (a maximum of 600 tests per hour when analysed for the requested chemistries on th e CX3 all eight are req uested). From standby mode, the CX3 took independently by fi ve staff members (one trainee, two staff approximately 125 seconds to print all the results for the first technologists, a graded technologist and a pathology sample wh en all chemistries were requested. This time registrar). None of th e staff involved had any prior experience reduced to approximately 90 seconds when only a glucose of, or received any formal training on th e CX3. They were was requested. It is interesting to note that as fast as the CX3 asked to run the instrument by following the "Function Key" is, our older technology ASTRA 8 was marginally fasterl The prompts on the display screen. Upon completion, each of the CX3 produced subsequent sample results (regardless of the staff in volved were asked for any comments re lating to how number of tests), approximately every 50 seconds. easy or difficult the instrument was to use and understand The CX3 proved to be linear for plasma/serum at least to and how it compared with the ASTRA 8. the manufacturer's specifications, and calcium and To assess li nearity, a series of standards for each analyte creatinine actually exceeded it. No carryover was detected that exceeded Beckman's stated plasma/serum linearity with any analyte. Precision also exceeded the manufacturer's ranges were made using the appropriate AR Grade materials. specifications for all chemistries (Table One) including The standards were prepared in physiological sal ine creatinines where the data was generated from results because the CX3 detects the presence of sample by reported in mmoi/L rather than umoi/L (the CX3 is capable of conductivity, and the lower concentration standards would reporting either). This laboratory reports creatinine results in otherwise have little or no conductivity and would not have mmoi/L. With the chloride module, an unexplained upward been analysed. As the usable ranges for both sodium and drift (two to three mmoi/L within each batch of 20 samples) chloride did not approach zero, these analytes were not was noted. This was, however, not sufficient to give poor affected. Each standard was assayed in duplicate and in precision data. ascending order. The linearity of urine and CSF methods was There was excellent correlation between the results from not assessed because there is no separate calibration for the CX3 and the published "All Method Mean" and "Method them. When a CSF or urine assay is requested, the linearity Group Mean" from the Wellcome Cycle material (Table Two). range is either the same as plasma/serum (eg glucose) or It has been demonstrated that the Standard Error of Estimate the sample size is altered and the output manipu lated to give (sy.x) is a more useful indicator of random effort than the an expanded range (eg electrolytes and creatinine). Correlation Coefficent (r) which can be misleading and Carryover was determined by re-assaying the zero standard difficult to interpret (3). Expressed in the same units as the after the standard with the highest concentration. analyte, the Standard Error of Estimate approaches zero as The instrument's precision was assessed by assaying random error decreases. However, as the Correlation human based lyoph ilised control material each morni ng Coefficient is still widely used, it has been included with the immed iately foll owing cali bration (G ilford OCS Normal Standard Error of Estimate in the tabulated data. Human Serum, New Zealand Diagnosti cs Ltd , Wellington), Discussion over a one week peri od. To determine accuracy, th e dupli cate Un li ke the earlier Beckm an ASTRA series, th e CX3 offers sample from a recently completed Well come Survey Cycle no flexibil ity from the eight commonly requested chemistries (samples one through eight, 1989) was assayed in duplicate provided (sodiu m, potassium, chloride, C02, calcium, on the CX3. Th e publi shed "All Method Mean" for the analytes glucose, creatinine and urea) and is designed to operate as from th e eight samples were compared with th e values either a stand alone analyser or interfaced into a larger obtain.ed by the CX3. The CX3 urea, glucose, sodium and system. The chemistries employed by the CX3 are the same potassium are in the same method group as those on our as those of the ASTRA. with the fo llowing exceptions: ASTRA 8, and this "Method Group" data was available, it was chloride, which now uses a Ag/ AgCIIon Specific also used. All statistical data was generated by Electrode instead of Colourmetric Titration, StatWorks(TM) run on Apple Macintosh. calcium, which is bichromatic using Arsenazo Ill instead technologies make the postage of computor discs contain­ of their interest in the International Association. ing the copy a real possibility. There were many other routine items that Council ad­ It was heartening to have a number of applications for dressed over a busy few days including one about which membership. Council intends to recommend Kenya, Tan­ I will be writing to all member organisations - namely the zania and Uganda to the next G.A.D. but is meanwhile protocol that we intend to follow for our business session at treating them as members so that they can get information the Congress- the G.A.D. One of the problems with an about the Association. Some other applications received international organisation is that we all have different "rules immediately prior to the Council Meeting are being further of meeting". In an effort to get around that I will be writing investigated. to members to outline the procedure that we will follow in Switzerland. One of our Council members has worked very hard and has arranged a new Award which is being offered by Boehrin­ Which brings me full circle from where I started this Presi­ ger Mannheim in the field of Lipo Protein Diagnostic next dent's Voice- namely our biennial CONGRESS. I trust that year. Member societies are asked to publicize our Award's many of you will plan to come and that together we will programme. The Awards are well worth achieving. By 1992 celebrate - our Association's existence and function we are hopeful of having two further awards - one in contemplate - our reasons tor such existence histology and one in computer technology. compare -our present position with our past and in the light of these most importantly Our involvement with W.H.O. is still being actively pursued CONTRIVE - (plan) the future together. and we have prepared and submitted an application to have our Non Governmental Organization (N.G.O.) status Desmond J. Philip - President renewed. This will be considered early in 1990. We have also retained our membership with the Council for Interna­ tional Organization of Medical Science (C.I.O.M.S.). COUNCIL MEMBERS

W.H.O. is a very active organization with interest and PRESIDENT: activities on many fronts. Our W.H.O. liaison officer is kept Desmond J. Philip,19 Taihiki Road, Clarks Beach, R.D.4 very busy sifting through much written material and extract­ Pukekohe, New Zealand. ing items of interest to medical technologists which are generally reported in Med Tee International. A number of readers have expressed their thanks for these reproduc­ PRESIDENT ELECT: tions as otherwise they tend not to see them. With our Mrs. Ulla-Britt Lindholm, Kungsgardsvagen 58, Congress being held in Geneva in 1990 we are seeking S-902 50 Umea, Sweden. opportunities of meeting with W.H.O. officials. PAST PRESIDENT: Questionnaires on Education, Med Tee Assessment and Dennis B. Slade, 14 Penn Lea Road, Bath, BA1 3RA, Health and Safety have been circulated to all member United Kingdom. countries and the results are being collated ready for publication. Member organizations who have not yet re­ TREASURER: plied are urged to do so as soon as possible so that a truly Mrs. Helen Due-Boje, Dept. of Biochemistry, College of representative view is gained. I know that filling in Ques­ Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O.Box 32485, tionnaires is time consuming ( and probably not all that AI-Khod, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. easy if your language is not the same as thee questions ) but we really appreciate the time taken to complete these. MEMBERS: One of the items that will please members regards our Miss Beverly Fiorella, 950 Washington Boulevard, Statutes. The Regulations Committee has no proposal 103 Oak Park, IL 60302, U.S.A. for changes in 1990 although, of course member countries may make some proposals. The Executive Director will be Mrs. Marja-Kaarina Koskinen, Puusunrinne 3A 20, circulating the ''timetable" for 1990 and you are asked to 02320 Espoo, Finland. note and observe the dates given. With the G.A.D. 1988 requiring Council to comment on all propos~ls from mem­ Graham Smart, Pathology Department, Southampton bercountriesPRIOR TO THE G.A.D. it is imperative that all General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton proposals are received by the due date AT LEAST - if they S09 4XY, United Kingdom. can be earlier then that will help the smooth running immensely. Mr. Genji Suganuma, Japanese Association of Medical Technologists, c/o lchigaya Hoso Building, I want to take this opportunity of thanking the Swedish 4-1-5 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan. Society for their offer of a sum of money to subsidize countries who do not have funds to pay their full member­ Mrs. Claudia Wilting, Engerthstr. 150/8/43, 1020 Vienna, ship fee. It is a generous offer and is a demonstration of Austria.

2 by which we can obtain better and informed I EDITORIAL I publi city for our organisation, improve commu ni­ cations with members of our member societies at HURRAH ! THREE CHEERS! There has been a a mo re economic cost. Currently 9000 copies of response to repeated requests for information Med Tee are produced at a cost, including post­ from member societi es, group or individual age, of some SFr. 16,000 which is around twenty members and for people to hold a brainstorming per cent of our budget. The feedback from session on "What should IAMLT be doing" re­ members of member societies does not suggest quested in Med Tee International No.2 1988. A that the money is being well spent. Indeed, there committee meeting of the IMLS Management was a report to the 1988 GAD that "the Associa­ Discussion Group held such a session resulting tion probably needs to address the question in the following list of ideas and comments being (through looking at its objectives) of the ongoing generated : value of the journal". 'all members of member Letting people know that IAMLT exists societies, member societies and chief delegates' Needs more publicity PLEASE give detailed thought to this suject. In the meantime I will be producing a paper for In UK only advertised in IMLS Gazette distribution with the GAD papers on the problems and cost of Med Tee International with possible Should bring people together more alternative means of a more effective means of especially regarding the single European publicising our work. Market Compliments of the season to each and every Advertise conferences more one of you.

Accessibi lity of conferences Dennis R Slade

Sponsoring articles in medical journals- so that (IAML T) known more Obituary State its brief It is with much regret we have to report the deaths of two Supportive of other organisations with colleagues who have spent much of their lives working similar interests for and supporting the work of IAMLT.

Twin Labs., Twin Towns and exchange Mr HIROSHI IWATA, Vice president of the Japanese Association of Medical Technologists died at the early visits age of fifty-four from lung cancer on 24 October, 1989. Just have to get on with it He will be known by many participants of recent Con­ gresses and, in particular, by those attending the Con­ Forum for bringing together research gress in Kobe where he was chairman of the Scientific workers on an international basis Programme Committee.

Many articles in Med Tee International are Mr.REGINALDJBROMFIELD,whodiedon200c­ from UK,NZ etc- need more input from tober 1989, gave a lifetime of service to medical labora­ developing countri es tory technology. He was a member of the IMLS Council and its forerunner from 1934 un til1989 being a signatory to the formation of the Institute in 1942, was chairman Li ason with VSO,WHO,PAH O etc. from 1958 to 1960 and elected a Vice-President in 1959. Reg always has interest in international affairs and was Thank yo u Christin e and yo ur co mmittee- oth er a founder member of IAML T and its first President, groups please 'get on with it'. continuing as a Council member and editor of Mcd Tee until the late sixties. In Singapore I invited Council to consider means

3 INFORMATION PAMPHLET The Worldwide Voice of the Medical Laboratory Technology Profession

The international Association of Medical Laboratory * prescribing the minimum standards of training in Technologists (IAMLT) is an independent, non-govern­ cooperation with the World Health Organization and to mental association of national societies in 33 countries raising the standards of training of medical laboratory (1988), representing more than 150,000 medical labora­ technologists. tory technologists worldwide. * facilitating the free exchange of labour. As a representative body, IAMLT works with interna­ tional organizations to promote medical laboratory tech­ Membership is open to nology all over the world. IAMLTis the worldwide voice * organizations consisting of medical laboratory tech­ of the medical laboratory technology profession. nologists qualified according to the accepted standards of the profession in their own countries. As a federation, IAML T encourage national societies of medical laboratory technologists to prescribe the mini­ * groups of medical laboratory technologists in coun­ mum standards of training and to raise the standards of tries, having no association. training. IAMLT is a valuable resource for the individual society seeking greater involvment in medical laboratory Membership has to be accepted by the General Assembly technology related government policy making and plan­ of Delegates. ning. Any person who has rendered to the profession such services as to merit recognition as an Honorary Member As a means of communication, IAMLT enables medical may upon recommendation by the Council and approval laboratory technologists from diverse backgrounds to of a General Assembly of Delegates, be made as an hon­ share learning experiences, explore medical laboratory orary member of the association. technology issues, and exchange information of clinical Med Tee International is the official publication of and general interest to all technologists. IAML Tis open to IAMLT. It is published twice a year and obtained free all, regardless of nationality, race, creed, colour, politics, from your own organization. Information about national sex or social status. as well as international events, news from member socie­ ties, scientific articles and WHO-matters are published in IAMLT is dedicated to Med Tee. * affording opportunities for medical laboratory tech­ Congresses are held every other year and highlight the nologists to meet to discuss problems of common profes­ activities of IAMLT. Up to 1500 participants have en­ sional interest in an international forum. joyed programmes offered during these week-long events. The Congress includes extensive work-shops, scientific * providing the means of communication between sessions, symposia, the meeting of the General Assembly medical laboratory technologists in different countries, to of Delegates and all its attendant governance committee promote national organizations of medical laboratory meeting, a major exhibit of products by industry and a technologists and to advise them in their continued devel­ variety of social events hosted in a major world city opment. atmosphere.


BAXTER-DADE INC. AWARD FOR Election: ' OUTSTANDING SERVICES TO 1. Each national committee may designate one can­ MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY ' didate for the prize. The proposal has to be acco­ mpani ed by: a. Curricu lum vitae of th e candidate inclu ding pu b­ lications if any (please mention any teachin g Conditions of Entry: activity and private hobbies). 1. Membership of at least 5 years of one of the national b. Certificate by the employer. associations. c. Narne and adctress of two referees ab le to give 2. Fu ll time occupation in medical laboratory. information about the candidate. 3. Proper professional qualifications. d. Detailed informati on from the national committee 4. Activity in own professional organisation. regarding the standard of work, personal

6 :ongress venues: 1961 Stockholm 1970 Copenhagen 1978 Edinburgh 1986 Stockholm 1964 Lausanne 1972 Vienna 1980 Durban 1988 Kobe 1966 Berlin 1974 Paris 1982 Amsterdam 1990 Geneva 1968 Helsinki 1976 Chicago 1984 Perth

!Vards are sponsored by industrial companies and by training oflaboratory workers. The world's leading ex­ MLT. The Merz & Dade Award for "Outstanding perts in medical laboratory science education participate rvices to Medical Laboratory Technology" is offered in IAMLT activities. IAMLT collaborates with Govern­ mnually. IAMLT Scholarship is given to a deserving ments, national societies and other agenccies concerned tdent or qualified medical laboratory technologist for with establishing internationally acceptable standards of e>nomic assistance to participate in a course, to study at training and certification of medical laboratory technolo­ aboratory in another country or to attend an IAMLT gists. mgress. Ortho Diagnostics Systems Educational Award presented annually to attend a post graduate course of IAMLT acts as a Non-Governmental agency in official e week at the Philip Levine Laboratory in U.S.A. relationship with the U.N. and the World Health Organi­ zation (WHO). In this context IAMLT is represented at te General Assembly of Delegates (GAD) is the gov­ meetings of the Executive Health Board of WHO as well ling body of IAMLT, consisting of members of the as the meetings of the Regional Committees. 1uncil and delegates elected or appointed by each con­ tuent society in a number proportional to society IAMLT exist to serve its membership and the profession ~mbership size. through programmes and services designed to further the science of medical laboratory technology. te IAMLT Council, the governing body of the Assoc ia­ n when the GAD is not in session, is composed of 8 IAMLTis organized to give each mem berthe opportunity .ected representatives from at least 5 member countries. to be an active partner in the development of standards and practices enumerated in the polices, positions and publica­ te Executive Office is maintained by an Executive tions of the Association. Active participation at all levels rector, employed by the Council and is charged with is sought by this organization. ~rying out the directives of the GAD and of the Council. If your medical technology society or group is interested in this challenge, please write for more detailed informa­ embership subscription is paid annually to IAMLT by tion to the Executive Director. ;h national socie'ty and is determined by the size of the ;iety. Whilst individual membership is not available, .ive members of national groups which themselves are .ive in IAMLT will find opportunities for personal •olvement. The above Information Pamphlet has been circu­ lated to all Member Societies and further copies are MLT is in itself a large and well established forum for available from the Executive Office. It has recently :exchange of experience and information on the use and been updated but was published before the Boehrin­ •elopment of new biomedical equipment, new tech­ ger Mannfeim GmbH and lmmuno Ag awards were lues, new materials, new systems and innovation in the known.

qualities and special considerations for recom- and Baxter-Dade Inc. will jointly select the award mending the candidate for the prize. recipient. A member of a national committee assisting in The prize is given by Baxter-Dade Inc. every two the electi on of a candidate is not allowed to years on the occasion of the International Congress and enter for the award, but may be replaced in the consists of SFR. 3,000. committee in order to participate in the contest. 2. Previous applications which fulfill the conditions ORTHO DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS may be reconsidered on the recommendation of the national society. EDUCATIONAL AWARD 3. Names of candidates for the prize along with all sup­ porting documents must be sent to the Executive Purpose:To further the education of qualified technologists Office by November 15 of the year preceding the who are active members of IAMLT by sponsoring their IAMLT Congress. attendance at a one-week course in immuno-haematology. 4. A copy of all information will be sent to the designa­ Eligibility: All Medical Technologists who are active mem­ ted representative of Baxter-Dade Inc. by December bers of constituent societies of lAM LT and possess the pre­ 31 of the same year. The IAMLT Awards Committee requisite academic as well as professional experience to

7 One unique feature about this Conference was its multi­ Thirty-eight local and international companies participated disciplinary nature as it embraced all major disciplines of in the Scientific Trade Exhibition. All the available 50 biomedical sciences. The 1st Conference which was initi­ booths were confirmed three months prior to the date of th e ated in Malaysia in April 1985 drew 211 delegates. The Conference. Participants had the rare opportunity of seeing Philippines hosted the 2nd ACMLT had 624 delegates. the latest equipment and products relating to variou s Although the 3rd ACMLT was ASEAN in nature, it was disciplines. really intern ational in character because the organi sing committee of the Singapore Association of Medical Labo­ High light of the social programme was the hospital vi sits. ratory Sciences had appropriately inivited speakers and More than 150 delegates visited the Singapore General participants from many parts of the world. Hospital Pte Ltd, the National Blood Centre and the Na­ tional University Hospital. Many commended highly on our There was an overwhelming response to the scientific sophisticated laboratory equipment, the modern hospital programme. The Pre-conference workshop on Quality facilities such as the telelift system and of the Nati onal Assurance in Clinical Biochemistry that attracted 109 par­ Blood Centre. ticipants provided a comprehensive approach to Quality Assurance of our products- the laboratory results with the end objective being quality patient care. The second work­ shop for those attached to blood banks demonstrated the use of ELISA and WESTERN BLOT techniques in the diagnosis of HTLV-1 and HIV-1 infections.

Chairman of ASEAN Conference present plaque to the IAML T President

The 3rd ACML T closed with a solemn simple ceremony of The 1989191 AAML T Council handing-over the Conference Flag to Thai land for hosting the 4th Conference in 1991. The four plenary lectures were delivered by speakers of international repute from Singapore, Japan, Australia and Leong Chan Kay the United Kingdom. There were 14 symposium sessions Vice Chairman, 3rd ACMLT covering a broad spectrum of current interests. In addition, Department of Pathology, there were 3 scientific, 6 free communication, 3 poster and Singapore General Hospital, 1 industrial sessions. Many papers were presented by local Outram Road, Singapore 0316 technologists. Republic of Singapore WHO NEWS MESSAGEm OM HIROSHI NAKAJIMA, M.D.,Ph.D. some examples of man-mad e wounds to ou r planet. DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE WORLD HEALTH We are at a turning po int; warnings of the damage to our health and quality of life are growing louder. An increasing ORGANIZATiON number of people are acting to stop th e degradation of our environment.

ltis nowincreasinglyevident that morediseasesstemfrom As Director-General of the World Health Organization, I the degradation caused by man to his environment. The po­ have chosen the theme of Environment and Health for tential harmful effects of industrial development on our World Health Day, 7 April 1990. global ecosystem arP. now better known. Ozone layer depletion, acid rain, climate change, chemica l pollution are WHO intends to spotlight the measures that individual,

10 communities and nations can and must undertake to halt It is the intention of IAMLT to become involved with the latter. further deterioration of health of our planet. Our own health and that of future generations depends on it. WHO PRESS, the press releases from WHO Media Service, reports the spread of Legionnaires' Disease to Th ird World is highly probable soon. Dr Taguir Bektimirov warns 'it is highly I make a solemn appeal for so lidarity among industrialized probable that with increasing urbanisation in developing coun­ and developing countries. We must find viable options for tries, this infection will cause even greater concern in many other sustainable development and to protect health everywhere countries in the near future'. Particular problems are envisaged on our planet. with building of hotels to boost tourism.

Decisions taken by one country can have repercussions WHO has published recommendations for the disinsecting of not only for its neighbours, but for all countries of the world. cabins and cargo holds of aircraft with aerosol sprays containing insecticides that are safe to passengers. On the occasion of World Health Day I invite the Member So rapid is air travel today that if disease-carrying insects are States of WHO, governmental and non-governmental transported from one end of the world to another they are unaffected by the voyage, hence cases of malaria have ap­ organizations and all concerned with the well-being of the peared in Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Paris, Geneva and world to embark on an awareness campain. We must alert Zurich in persons who have never left home. Irrespective of the everyone to the dangers of an unhealthy environment and disinsecting technique used, WHO calls for compulsory treat­ to measures they must take to avert them. The slogan we ment of all aircraft making stopovers in countries where diseases have chosen: are transmitted by airborne insects. Our planet - Our health Think globally - Act locally WHO is very concerned also about the ' stagnation in progress towards reducing the global malaria problem.' 43% of the world * * * * * * * * * * population still live in malarious areas and, therefore , are at risk with an estimated 103 million cases a year. The NGO-WHO Newsletter No. 5 was mostly devoted to news Among major obstacles confronting malariologists is the resis­ from the Forty-second World Health Assembly held in May at tance of mosquito to such insecticides as DDT and dielri n; and wh ich IAMLT was represented . 161 of the 166 Member States res istance of the killer parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, to chlo­ and 94 of the 164 non-governmental organisations in official roq uine, the drug of choice. relations with WHO were represented. The valuable work of NGOs and th e need for effective cooperation among all partners * * * * * * * * * * in health development to acheive maximum impact was fre­ quently referred to in discussions on the programme budget for As WHO-IAMLT Liason Officer I attended the first week of the the period 1990/91; particularly noteworthy were references in forty-second World Health Assembly in May th is year but, being the debate on, among other things: my first visit, spent most of my time finding my way around and - organisation of health services based on primary health getting to meet people- both time consuming occupations in an care including management processes. organisation as vast as WHO. -development of human resources for health, including I was unable to take part in the technical discussions as they strengthening of nursing and midwifery. continued into the Saturday I was due to leave but, now knowing - health education and promotion that WHO week finishes Saturday lunchtime, wi ll make my travel - food safety arrangement to coincide. -safe water, sanitation and environmental health. I also attended a meeting on ' Development of Appropriate - maintainence and repair of equipment. Laboratory Technology to Support Primary Health Care' and a - immunisation report will appear in the next issue of Med Tee. -AIDS In January I will be attending my first meeting of the Executive - diabetes prevention and control. Board where our continuing status as a Non-Government Organi­ sation in official relations with WHO will be reviewed. Out of the 45 resolutions adopted by the Assembly as a result of This review takes place every three years, one third of NGOs the discussions, 20 refer to the role that NGOs and voluntary or­ bein g reviewed each year, and the success or otherwise de­ ganisations can play in support of specific programmes. In pends on the collaboration there has been between the NGO and connection with the globlal AIDS strategy the Assembly drew WHO. attention to the fact that, because of their contacts with and access to individuals and the community as a whole, their Our record for the past three years or so has not been good due commitment and versatil ity, their knowledge and experience, mainly to our not receiving reports of WHO activities. We are now NGOs can make a special impact on society regarding AIDS. receiving these reports and I am hoping the Council and General The assembly approved a detail ed plan to eradicate poli omye­ Assembly of Delegates will take the opportunity of deciding what litis by th e turn of the century, th e principal goals being to acheive action we can take to coll aborate with WHO in its activities, to 80% poli o immunisation by the end of 1990 and more th an 90% which end some members of Counc il are meeting with WHO staff by the year 2000. prior to the Congress.

Main elements of the plan in clude in creased immunisation cov­ WHO offi cers will be taking part in the scientific programme of the erage with correctly stored vaccine and im proved laboratory di­ Congress and I am hopeful they will be present at functions when ag nostic services and further essential research . During the participants can discuss WHO activiti es in an informal atmos­ Health Assembly a number of NGO groups meet to discuss and phere. form action plans on a number of subjects, notebly accident and injury prevention, health of the elderly and primary health care. Dennis B Slade

11 18 N.Z.J Med Lab. Techno/. , 1990

H.I.V. antibody screening was carried out on all donations netted a small number of donors who, initally attracted in this using the Fujirebio SERODIA HIV assay kit. This is a passive way, became well informed regular donors, who were agglutination assay, using coloured gelatin particles coated genuinely interested in what we were doing. with attenuated HIV antigen. Positive results were rechecked Greatest success was gained with people who had first using th e same technqiue and then sent off (to Geneva, hand experience of hospitals where blood transfusion had in Switzerland) for confirmatory testing by ELISA and Western some way affected them, either directly or indirectly. Next blot technique. It was decided that any case showing a best results were personal contacts with people, explaining positive result would be examined individually, and that social, on a one to one basis, in the hospitals, in homes, in family, and environmental factors prevailing for the donor, marketplaces, and coffee shops. Organised military bleeding should dictate what advice be given and I or what other steps sessions were not actively pursued, because of the high be taken to prevent a further spread of the infection. numbers of returning soldiers carrying malaria, and a The issue of HIV positi vity in refugee populations is sensitive political situation. Soldiers who came individually to extremely sensitive world-wide. The organisations providing donate blood were not refused, but careful attempts were assistance to refugees are acutely aware that the normal made to get an accurate health history. ru les of confidentiality would be unlikely to be observed by a School groups, if of sufficient age, (over 18 years), were country re luctantly playing host to refugees, should HIV approached, and this became an especially good source of positivity be found. Even worse, such a finding might well blood in Site B where schooling activities and opportunities result in maltreatment of indivdiuals or even in the forced were better organised than in the other camps. return of a population to the situation which made it refugee in Extensive use of video and photographic material was not the first place. possible. Severe restrictions on the use of photographic recording equipment in the camps was not highly conducive Table IV: Blood group distributions. Khmer blood donors to production of such material. Competitions amongst the (1987). Khmer workers to produce newT-shirt designs and posters proved interesting, at least fo r those involved. Location Sex Total % The fitting of a vehicle with public address faci lities, also proved successful. An outsider could be forgiven for not A M .710 21.3 rea lising that one day is very much like another inside a F 122 23.1 refugee camp, and a simple reminder that it was blood M+F 832 21 .5 donation day in each section of the camp was often enough B M 1251 37.6 to bring some donors forward. It also helped if the Khmer F 199 37.6 worker who sat in th e vehicle whilst it made it's round of the M+F 1450 37.6 camp, had a sense of humour, along with an ability to add a little drama to his message of invitation. 0 M 1165 34.9 In an effort to attract and retain reg ular donors it was F 158 29.8 decided that a gift, (a womans' sarong- a handy present for M+F 1323 34.2 one's wife, or possible offering to a girlfriend, - and AB M 208 6.2 toothbrush, and a tube of toothpaste) should be given, F 50 9.5 whenever a donor had donated on four occasions. These M+F 258 6.7 donors were also given a plastic laminated 1.0. card which survived better in the prevai ling conditions in the camps, along with an individualised letter of gratitude. All were designed to give the donor reason for feeling some self­ Dissemination and donor Incentives esteem for his act. The concept that a blood donor deserves The single-most difficult aspe.ct of the programme, was not the respect of the community in which he or she lives, was so much how to set it up, but rather how to keep it going developed in a poster campaign. successfully once it had come into being. Initial problems included the difficulties the Khmer staff had with techniques; Transfusion philosophy and guidelines obtaining of camp administration support; and finally the Obtaining blood from donors in the refugee camps along support of the people who it was hoped would become blood the Thai/Cambodian border involved considerable effort. donors. Without exception, the resources that were available to us The camp officials were asked to contribute their ideas were strictly limited. The transfusion guidelines which were right from the start. Some were positively helpful, others developed were necessarily vague, but were designed in the almost completely indifferent. At least some degree of interests of achieving highly conservative regimes of blood commitment had to be obtained from each administration transfusion therapy. They did not pretend to be a before contact with camp residents was made. It became comprehensive treatment guide, but served as a reminder of clear that values, with regard to blood donation, of the Khmer specific points of note in the environment of Khao-1-Dang people were markedly different from our own, (ie who have a surgical hospital. Severe burns, hemostatic disorders, and professional medical career, and a lifetime of exposure to bacterial infections offered little opportunity to formulate even television and other media where the concept of blood general rules. donation and transfusion is frequently encountered). It was Since it was my responsibility to ensure that blood was therefore obvious that a different approach would be available for transfusion wh enever it rnight be required, it was necessary if the message were to be heard. lt took a long time important that I thoroughly brief new medical teams on to begin to understand the motivations of Khmer refugee transfusion guidelines before they commenced work. blood donors, especially given the odds against their being In general, the medical personnel, who were replaced interested, and to devise a message to which th ey could every three months by a new team, were highly cooperative, relate. and though we came close there was never an occasion The straightforward lecture, by way of a translator, had which found the supply of blood completely exhausted (nor minimal impact, and then generally only with people who had on the other hand, .did any units ever reach their storage a relatively good education. In the same way, printed hand­ expiry date). It would be impossible to say with complete out material had limited appeal and success. Many people assurance that every patient who required blood was given could not read. The novelty effect soon wore off, although it the correct transfusion therapy. I do believe however, that at N.Z.J. Med Lab. Techno/., 1990 19 least close to maximum benefit was obtained from the (ii) The donor should be advised of the risks connected resources available to the transfusion service. with the procedure; the donor's health and safety Currently, the situation for the Khmer people living in should be a constant concern . refugee camps along the Thai/Cambodian border re mains (iii) Financial profit must never be a motive either for the unresolved. The political stalemate continues, and th e threat donor or for th ose responsible for collecting the of further civil war in their country has not lessened. Hundreds donati on. Voluntary non-remunerated donors should of thousands of men, women and children remain hostage to always be encouraged. th e political needs of governments thousands of kil ometers (iv) Anominity between donor and recipient must be away, whose decision makers cannot possibly imagine th e respected except in special cases. reality of ra ising children to know barbed wire, arm ed guards, (v) Blood donation must not entail discrimination of any relief organisation handouts and the stench of human kind, either of race, nationality or religion. excrement in open sewers, as normal life. I struggled, often (vi) Blood must be collected under the responsibility of a unsuccessfully, to deal with the vast gap which delineated my physician. world from theirs, and of all the tasks wh ich I was call ed upon (vii) The frequency of donations and the total volume of to carry out, maintaining a sense of personal balance was by the blood collected according to the sex and weight far the most difficult. of the individual, as well as the upper and lower age I was fortunate that my work contained so many positive limits for blood donation, should be defined by aspects, and results which could be readily. quantified. I was regulations. fortunate too, to have ski ll s and a background in medical (viii) Suitable testing of each donor and blood donation laboratory technology to fall back on in those moments when must be performed in an attempt to detect any I saw the futility and pointlessness of the lives of those I abnormalities: worked with, in their sharpest focus. (a) that would make the donation dangerous for the donor. References: (b) that would be li kely to be harmful to the recipient. 1. Extract from the XXIVth International Conference 01 the (ix) The donor must be protected by adequate insurance Red Cross code of eth ics for blood donation and against the risks inherent in the donation of blood, transfusion, Manila, 1981. plasma or cell s, as we ll as th e risks of immunisation. Code of Ethics for Blood Donations. 2. Launer PA, Dexter R, Fallas D. Ethical and Medical (i) Blood donations must be voluntary, in all Considerations for a Blood Donation Programme in a circumstances; no pressure of any kind must be Refugee Population. Lancet July 16: 153-154. brouoht to bear upon the donor.


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INSTITUTE BUSINESS Office-Bearers of the N.Z.I.M.L.T 1989-1990 President W.J . Wilson Membership Convenor Auckland Regional Blood Centre Geoff Rimmer P.O. Box 9095, Newmarket, Auckland. Vice-Presidents D. Dixon-Mclver Membership Fees and Enquiries P. Mcleod Membership fees for the year beginning April 1, 1990 are: Secretary B.T. Edwards For Fellows - $88.40 GST inclusive Haematology, Christchurch Hospital For Associates - $88.40 GST inclusive

Treasurer For Members - $33.80 GST inclusvie D.M. Reilly Diagnostic Laboratory, Auckland For Non-practising Members - $33.00 GST inclusive

Council E. Norman, S. Ga1nsford, A. Paterson, J. Le Grice, G. Rimmer All membership fees, changes of address or particulars, applications for membership or changes in status should be sent to Editor the Membership Convenor at the address given above. M. Gillies Mierobiology Dept., Princess Mary Hospital, Auckland. Members wishing to receive their publications by airmail should or The Editor, P.O. Box 9095, Newmarket, Auckland. contact the Editor to make the necessary arrangement.

Membership Sub-Committee Report - Application for Non-Practicing Membership November 1989 P. LINDSAY, Auckland. Resignations Sin ce_ the June meeting there have been the fo llowing R. BELL, M. DIXON, HK LEARMOUTH, S.E. CAMPBELL, S. changes: BOWMAN, G. LUNN, F.J . AUSTIN, L. WHITE, D. TINGLE, N.G. 15.11.89 28.8.89 9.6.89 17.3.89 TAYLOR, E. MCDERMOTI, J.G. COOPER, K. CLARK, J.D. ------PINKERTON, J.P. ROOK, V. RENDEL, J. ADAMS, M. Membership 1669 1704 1709 1699 LAWSON, J.M . MCDONALD, M.H. TISCH, K.R. less resignations 21 39 37 4 WORTH INGTON, B.A. HEATON, D. JOYCE, A.J. less G.N.A. 22 6 10 STOCKWELL, E.L. MOORE, J.P. WALSH, G.E. PEARMAIN, less deletions 1 L.A. SIMPSON, R.J. SILCOCK, J.G. WILSON, A.D. DIXON, less deceased 2 1 J.H. BRISCO, S. JARRED. F.J. WESTON, M.A. THISTOLL, 1624 1659 1660 1695 M.P. POT, F.C. THOMPSON, B. TURNBULL, A. FYFE, D. plus applications 3 10 44 14 CHAPMAN, Y. DANIEL, T. FRAME, B. DAVY, L. APPLEYARD, plus reinstatements P. COLE, A. COLGATE, B. BISHOP, P. MOFFERT, P. CONSTABLE, H. PEARMAIN, J. WYPYCH, W. BISHOP, S. 1627 1669 1704 1709 EADE, J.M. MURPHY, J.S. HUNTER, J.C. GREENWOOD, J.B. KITIO, J. STAN IFORTH, F. CRU ICKSHANK, B. RALPH, FL Applications of Associateship OGELVY, M. WRIGHT, R.E. READ, R. OLDERSAW, J. MILLS, A. REES, Auckland; P. PATEL, Auckland; M. MANSELL, W. ROSE, N. DUXBURY, J. LEE, S. DUDLEY, R. WALLER, J. Auckland; L. ROBERTSON, Tauranga; D. MONK, Wanganui; ASHWORTH, B. SILVESTER, A.D. TREMAIN, H. THOMAS, G. C. HOLDEN, New Plymouth; J. NORRISH, Dunedin; D. THOMAS, H. DENNY-SMITH, D. NASSENSTEIN, G. FRY, N. FALLAS, Auckland. HERCOCK, J.R . STEVENSON, B. CORNWALL, D. YEOMAN, L. SMITH, T. GUY, H.J. NABNEY, L.J . ALLISON, D. WIMSETI, Applications for Membership AK DUXBURY, P. ELGAR, D. WARREN, M.A. RENDLE, R.V. G. FOSTER, Auckland; F. BIGGINS, Auckland; L. BROOKES JACK, P. TOUGH, D.J. RIACH, W.J. FRATER, C.L. HOLDEN. Auckland; R. MAY, Auckland; K. YOUNG, Auckland; J. ORR, Auckland; M. PATON, Auckland; C. READE, Auckland; K. DE Gone No Address JONGE, Auckland; W. HUME, Auckland; L. WATSON, P.S. SKILLING, Auckland; C.J. ROBERTS, Auckland; D.A. Auckland; R. JONES, Auckland; K. WILLIAMSON, Auckland; STRATION, lnvercargill; G.M. STEVENSON, Waipukurau; R. CONNON, Auckland; J. ROBERTS, Auckland; J. P.E. SHEFFIELD, Thames; K.A. WADS, Auckland; D.A. MCGREGOR, Auckland; M. AIRD, Auckland; M. WARDEN , WOODHOUSE, Whangarei; P.M. ROWDEN, Wanganui; W.A. Auckland; M. BONARIUS, Auckland; T. MCNAUGHTON, BANKS, lnvercargill; C.M . BIBERSTEIN , Palmerston North; Hamilton; S. SHEELY, Taumarunui; S. SULLIVAN, Hamilton; K. I.S. BOSLEY, Auckland; J.R. MCDONALD, Auckland; M. PUTT, Ham ilton; T. NICOL, Hamilton; B. WELLS, Palmerston GLASSEY, Auckland; V.J . PYE, Auckland; K.F KEYS, North; C. FLACK, Palmerston North; D. CRAM, Wellington; R. Auckland; C.J. ROUNTREE, Dunedin; A.S. Johnston, HARRISON, Hastings; B. SCADDEN, Wellington; H. Masterton; S.R. SEM ISI, Auckland; J.M. OVERWEEL, PEARMAIN, Palmerston North; K. KEMP, Lower Hutt; S. Auckland; S.F MACLEAN, Whangarei; R.J . JOHNS, WANKLYN, Lower Hutt; K. ANDERSON, Christchurch; T. Auckland; M.N. PETRASICH, Auckland; S. KO NG, Auckland; KARREMAN, Christchurch; L. BOOTH, Christchurch; C. J.E. KWAK, Auckland; R.J. SMITH, Auckland; C.N. READE, GOODALL, Christchurch; C. TRAYNOR, lnvercargi ll ; E. Auckland; G. MAKAN, Auckland; C.A. WALSH , Auckland; J.C. MCLELLAN, lnvercargill; E. BERW ICK, Au stra li a; J. ULUI, Fjij; MU IR, We lli ngton; GW OLDER, Auckland; A.E. FERGUSON, L. BRENNAN, New Plymouth; G. LIBBY, Hastings; K. STADE, Auckland; S.M . RUTHERFORD, Auckland; R.L. ROTH , Welli ngton; D. TIPPETT, New Plymouth; D. BAII\1 , We llington; C.V. FRANKS, Christchurch; A.C. WATSON, Christchurch; G. LEE, Malaysia. Auckland; L.R. TAYLOR, Auckland. 22 N. Z. J. Med. Lab. Techno/., 1990

Deceased The Auckland Area Health Board has taken drastic L.A. REYNOLDS, M. BARRETI measures, for example, closing St Helen's Hospital Laboratory. The difference here is subtle, but important. The work was not handed over to nurses. The N.Z. Medical Laboratory Workers Union is currently negotiating the N.Z. Medical Laboratory Employees LEITERS TO THE cU/TOR ___ Composite Agreement. Such a document would afford protection of jobs, terms and conditions of employment, etc., Medical Laboratory Technologists adapt : OR - Beware which does not presently exist, for technologists and other the Nurses are coming laboratory personnel. Dear Sir, Yours sincerely. In the latest edition of Med Tee International, a prediction Lyn Happy. was made, that in the next 1 5-20 years, our profession will see more radical change than ever before. As a group, we must be prepared to accept changes that EDITOR'S NOTE: I would welcome any replies to this very inevitably accompany advances in technology. important issue. I accept this fact. Yet I cannot and will not accept a situation where another group of health professionals willingly offer to replace technologists. Without elaborating too fully, suffice it to say a private commercial laboratory provides laboratory service to a private hospital in Auckland via a STAT lab on site. They now plan to instal a Nova Stat machine in Intensive Care STAFF TECHNOLOGIST for the nurses to use, thereby saving the cost of on call Waikato Area Health Board technologists. The Nova Stat will supply only about one third Taumarunui Hospital of all tests available in the present system. The remaining tests required will be sent to the already over burdened public A position will be available in March/ April for a Staff hospitals, involving unnecessary time delays. Technologist to replace the encumbent who will be on We medical technologists are required to be registered in maternity leave. The successful applicant must be order to practise. The Technologists Board continue to willing to perform oncall duties. Taumarunui Hospital examine candidates and constantly work to improve the laboratory has a staff of six and performs routine standard of education. haematology, biochemistry, microbiology and blood Nurses, as a group, are frequently seen in the National bank. Press to cry out that they are overworked and underpaid. Yet, they are so eager to cross that all-important line of demarkation to do laboratory tests, without the broad background of experience of the technologists. Is this part of the change, or adaption a technologist must undergo, as envisaged by Des Phillips in his recent Pullar Address? Do our qualifications stand for nothing in the competitive private laboratory situation - where cost cutting means Syphilis changes are necessary? I previously believed Employers would support their workers, recognizing their qualifications, and provide remuneration 'at a sustainable level' commensurate with their RPR 500 Test Kit worth. Doctors, as another group of health professionals, 250 Test Kit adequately protect their own profession, against those with different or questionable qualifications, yet at some hospitals Carbon Antigen 10 ml they apparently belittle the worth of laboratory personnel, accepting the proposal that nurses could perform laboratory tests. My main concern, and the reason for this article, is one of EPICLONE* awareness. I'm concerned that nurses are attempting to make inroads into the laboratory area. I'm concerned that as Anti A Anti 8 Anti AB a group, technologists be aware of the politics behind economic cutbacks and how this affects their fellow Anti D Anti C3 members. We now have a Union. How many potential members sit on Rabbit AntiHuman/ the fence - "to see what happens", or "have no current need of a union"? The Union Newsletter is undoubtedly a medium Epiclone C3 through which these situations can be aired and discussed Manufactured by CSL fully. I'm left with some unresolved thoughts. Is our profession NZ Distributor worthy of defence or, do we accept that 'anyone can do our work'? Are we, indeed, becoming obsolete? Should we strive SCI-MED for qualifications at all, in an environment where, (perhaps) AUCKLAND Ph 793-993 PO. Box 68-585 the market cannot support our existence? Should a few WELLINGTON Ph 682-519 P.O. Box 38-314 individual technologists carry a disproportionate burden for CHRISTCHURCH Ph 812-333 P.O. Box 32-116 their employers' benefit? After all, changes surely need to be DUNEDIN Ph 775-531 P.O. Box 321 made, if a situation becomes uneconomic. N. Z. J. Med. Lab. Techno!. , 1990 23 e Pdcific ~.r

Pacific Paramedical Training Centre training courses will be held at the P.P.T.C. this year. (PPTC) News Haematology - lmmunohaematology, May-August. Microbiology - September-November. Two successful courses were held during 1989. Michael Lynch returns to the position of Tutor Co-ordinator Haematology - lmmunohaematology May - August. at the P.P.T.C. in April after a year working with WHO. as Microbiology - September - November. Technical Officer, AIDS Unit, in the Pacific area. This is part of The main project for the year was the introduction of a three a global programme for the prevention and control of AIDS. year training course for technicians at National Hospital, Apia, Gilbert Rose who acted as Tutor Co-ordinator during Western Samoa. Mike's absence in 1989 is currently on a WHO. assignment The entire course structure and lectures have been looking at the prevalence and diagnostic methods of H. prepared by Tutors at the P.P.TC. Sen ior technicians at Apia influenzae and Strep. pneumoniae in Fiji, New Hebrides, Hospital (some of whom have attended courses at the British Solomon Islands and Tonga. P.P.T.C.) are doing the lecturing and teaching. P.P.T.C. staff are in telephone contact on a regular basis and visits at Tragic Consequence of a Beneficient Military Gift approximately 4-6 monthly intervals by P.P.T.C. staff to assess Cysticercosis, which has been running rampant in Irian Jaya progress of students and to assist the senior staff have been for more than 15 years has now entered . inaugurated. Before the current epidemic there had been no reports of This course has the support of WHO. and, if successful, human taeniasis or of cysticercosis in humans or pigs similar courses may be held in other Islands of the Pacific. anywhere on the island of New Guinea. In 1972 two Students doing the course will be brought to the P.P.T.C in Indonesian physicians examined faecal samples from 170 Wellington for 2-3 months during the third and final year of the Ekari people admitted to Hospital in the Paniai Lakes course (1991 ). area of Irian Jaya and discovered that 9% contained eggs of T solium. Of 2,000 Ekari people near the Enarotali Hospital surveyed in 1973, 4.2% had developed cysticercosis and 8% had developed intestinal taeniasis infection. Between 1975 and 1977 cysticercosis and taeniasis increased and spread with intestinal infection rates up to 20%. In 1978 serological tests confirmed that at least 24% of adults and children were infected. Undoubtedly, the majority of the Ekari people are now infected. The Ekari are a "fourth world" people who call themselves the Me. The Me people, who number around 65,000, speak a Papauan language; their homeland is the Paniai Lakes region that forms a large highland basin, 1,500 metres above sea level. Paniai Lakes is the westernmost of four densely settled highland basins; also in the Irian Jaya is the Baliem Valley while the Wahgi and Asaro Valleys are in . Me are labelled by physicians, consultants and even anthropologists as primitives from the Stone Age. This label has been invoked by many to dismiss the health epidemic by Microbiology Course September-November, 1989 which they are now beseiged. Left to Right: Theresa Hosking, Cook Islands; Parmod Kumar, Fiji, Pigs have been in New Guinea for at least 5,000 years: in Ajit Oas, Bangladesh; Foliak1 Paolo, Tuvalu, Simeon Gesson. the highland basin intensive agriculture has supported Vanimo, Papua New Guinea; Pai Manundi Mendi, Papua New competitive big man-pig exchange system, as among the Me, Guinea. for more than 2,000 years. Pigs are an ancient, integral part of Melanesian culture and identity ... so how did cysticercosis 1990 arrive? and with whom? In January World Health Organisation established the David Hyndman. a Sen ior Lecturer in the Department of P.P.T.C. as a collaborating centre for WHO. External Quality Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Queensland, Assessment Programme in Health. believes that the infection was introduced when President The terms of reference include: Suharto softened the military action in the Me homeland by 1. Appropriate quality control tests for laboratory services 1n sending a gift of pigs. The pigs came from Bali, the area in Microbiology, Haematology, Biochemistry and which pig-rearing in is largely concentrated. Since Immunology, in developing countries especially in the Bali is Hindu and the rest of country is mostly Muslim. South Pacific countries. Whatever the political and social advantages of the gift, the 2. To conduct the External Quality Assessment programme medical result was an unmitigated tragedy. on the Health Laboratory Services for developing Dr Hyndman says "the Indonesian military is certa inly not countries especially in the South Pacific countries. admitting that it introduced cysticercosis as a diaboli cal form 3. To evaluate results and to coll aborate with th e countries of biological warfare. but I cannot accept that this in improving the services in th ese fields through cysticercosis epidemic is no more than a tragically appropriate feedback programmes. unforeseen consequence of a beneficient military gift." 4. To coll aborate in training laboratory personnel for In 1983 an item in the British Medical Journal, "The developing countries at different levels with emphasis on Lancet", by Drs. Bending and Galford, stated categorically the quality control of laboratory servi ces. that transmission to the Me was restricted to a single In addition to the training programme in Samoa and the importation of one batch of infected pigs from Bali in 1971 . As WHO. Quality Control Programme in the Pacific area, two another researcher has noted, it was the Me "who first noted Minicon® Concentrators For rapid enrichment of biological solutions. SIMPLIFY THE PREPARATION OF URINE, CSF, AMNIOTIC FLUID AND OTHER SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS BY ELECTROPHORESIS, IMMUNOELECTROPHORESIS ETC. EG. INTENSIFY BENCE JONES PROTEINS IN URINE. INCREASE ANTIBODY AND ANTIGEN TITERS

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