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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 2 2952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 2 February 29, 2008 Reagan there was Barry Goldwater, before ning play in the Steelers’ 1972 American be given floor privileges for the re- there was Goldwater there was National Re- Football Conference Divisional playoff vic- mainder of this session. view, and before there was National Review tory against the Oakland Raiders, one of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without there was William F. Buckley’’; most notable plays in all of National Foot- objection, it is so ordered. Whereas William Buckley received the ball League and sports history; Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1991; Whereas Myron Cope spent the first half of f Whereas William Buckley has received nu- his professional career as one of the Nation’s CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY merous other diverse awards, including Best most widely read freelance sports writers, COMMISSION REFORM ACT—MO- Columnist of the Year, 1967, Television writing for Sports Illustrated and the Satur- TION TO PROCEED Emmy for Outstanding Achievement, 1969, day Evening Post; the American Book Award for Best Mystery Whereas Myron Cope became the first pro- CLOTURE MOTION (paperback) for ‘‘Stained Glass’’, 1980; the fessional football broadcaster to be elected Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Award, to the National Radio Hall of Fame in 2005; Calendar No. 582, S. 2663, the Consumer 1989, the Adam Smith Award, Hillsdale Col- Whereas Myron Cope became so popular Product Safety Reform Act. I send a lege, 1996, and the Heritage Foundation’s that the Steelers did not try to replace him cloture motion to the desk. Clare Booth Luce Award, 1999; when he retired in 2005, instead downsizing Whereas William Buckley spent over 56 from a 3-man announcing team to 2; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- years married to the former Patricia Alden Whereas Myron Cope served his commu- ture motion having been presented Austin Taylor, a devoted homemaker, moth- nity on the board of directors of the Pitts- under rule XXII, the clerk will report er, wife, and philanthropist, before her pass- burgh Chapter of the Autism Society of the motion. ing in April 2007; America and the highly successful Pitts- The legislative clerk read as follows: Whereas William Buckley passed away on burgh Vintage Grand Prix charity auto CLOTURE MOTION February 27, 2008, and is survived by his son, races, of which he was a co-founder; We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Christopher, of Washington, D.C., his sisters Whereas Myron Cope also served on the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Priscilla L. Buckley, of Sharon, Connecticut, Tournament Committee of the Myron Cope/ Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move Patricia Buckley Bozell, of Washington, Foge Fazio Golf Tournament for Autistic to bring to a close debate on the motion to D.C., and Carol Buckley, of Columbia, South Children; proceed to Calendar No. 582, S. 2663, the Con- Carolina, his brothers James L., of Sharon, Whereas, in 1996, Myron Cope contributed sumer Product Safety Commission Reform and F. Reid, of Camden, South Carolina, a his ownership of ‘‘The Terrible Towel’’ trade- Act. granddaughter, and a grandson; marks to Allegheny Valley School, an insti- Harry Reid, John D. Rockefeller, IV, Whereas William Buckley is recognized as tution for the profoundly mentally and phys- Russell D. Feingold, Max Baucus, a towering intellect, a man who, in the ically disabled; Charles E. Schumer, Kent Conrad, words of Ronald Reagan, ‘‘gave the world Whereas Myron Cope was born in Pitts- Patty Murray, Amy Klobuchar, Jeff something different,’’ and, most of all, a true burgh on January 23, 1929, and lived all but Bingaman, Richard Durbin, Mark gentleman who encountered everything he a few months of his life in Pittsburgh; and Pryor, Edward M. Kennedy, Patrick J. did with grace, dignity, optimism, and good Whereas the passing of Myron Cope is a Leahy, Bernard Sanders, Debbie humor: Now, therefore, be it great loss to the city of Pittsburgh and the Stabenow, Carl Levin, Byron L. Dor- Resolved, That the Senate— game of football, and his life should be hon- gan. (1) honors the life of William F. Buckley, ored with highest praise and respect for his Jr. for his lifetime commitment to balanced heart of black and gold: Now, therefore, be it Mr. REID. I now ask unanimous con- journalism, his devotion to the free exchange Resolved, That the Senate— sent that the cloture vote occur at 5:30 of ideas, his gentlemanly and well-respected (1) recognizes Myron Cope as a familiar p.m. on Monday, March 3, with the contributions to political discourse, and his voice to every Pittsburgher and football fan mandatory quorum, as required under extraordinary positive impact on world his- alike, and his beloved persona which will live rule XXII, waived. tory; on in the hearts of Pittsburghers and Steel- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (2) mourns the loss of William F. Buckley, ers fans for generations to come; and Jr. and expresses its condolences to his fam- objection, it is so ordered. (2) recognizes the outstanding contribu- Mr. REID. I now withdraw the mo- ily, his friends, and his colleagues; and tions of Myron Cope to the city of Pitts- (3) respectfully requests the Secretary of burgh, the game of football, and the Pitts- tion. the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of burgh Steelers. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- this resolution to the family of William F. tion is withdrawn. f Buckley, Jr. f f AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO HOUSING CRISIS MEET SENATE RESOLUTION 467—HON- Mr. REID. Madam President, let me ORING THE LIFE OF MYRON SUBCOMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT briefly say to everyone here, if the mi- COPE MANAGEMENT, THE FEDERAL WORKFORCE, nority decides they want to do some- AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. thing about the housing crisis, all they Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask SPECTER) submitted the following reso- have do is work with Senator DODD, unanimous consent that the Com- lution; which was referred to the Com- with Senator BAUCUS, who are easy to mittee on the Judiciary: mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- work with, and we will be happy to try ernmental Affairs’ Subcommittee on S. RES. 467 to work something out with them. But Oversight of Government Management, Whereas Myron Cope was a legendary I repeat, more than a week ago we indi- Pittsburgher and voice of the Pittsburgh the Federal Workforce, and the Dis- cated our willingness to do this. So all Steelers for an unprecedented 35 seasons trict of Columbia be authorized to the plaintive cries we have heard that from 1970 to 2005; meet during the session of the Senate we are somehow stopping them from Whereas Myron Cope died the morning of on Friday, February 29, 2008, at 10 a.m. legislating are factually untrue. February 27th, 2008, at the age of 79; in order to conduct a hearing entitled, Whereas it is the intent of the Senate to ‘‘Governmentwide Intelligence Com- f recognize and pay tribute to the life of munity Management Reforms: Ensur- AUTHORIZING THE ADMINIS- Myron Cope, his service to his community, TRATOR OF THE ENVIRON- and his legacy with the Pittsburgh Steelers, ing Effective Congressional Oversight the game of football, and the city of Pitts- and the Role of the Government Ac- MENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY burgh; countability Office.’’ TO ACCEPT DIESEL EMISSION Whereas Myron Cope is best known for his The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without REDUCTION SUPPLEMENTAL EN- quirky catch phrases and for creating the objection, it is so ordered. VIRONMENTAL PROJECTS ‘‘terrible towel’’, which is twirled at Steelers f Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask games as a good luck charm and has since unanimous consent that the Senate developed into an international symbol of PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR Pittsburgh Steelers pride; proceed to the consideration of Cal- Whereas Myron Cope coined the phrase Mr. HATCH. Madam President, I ask endar No. 585, S. 2146. ‘‘Immaculate Reception’’, which became a unanimous consent that Jesse Baker, a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The household term to describe the game-win- detailee from the Federal Government, clerk will report the bill by title. VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:22 Sep 29, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S29FE8.001 S29FE8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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