SPRING 2021 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER www.acwhanganui.org.nz He Manaakitanga Kaumātua Age Concern Whanganui Serving the needs of older people

For advertising phone Dave 027 652 5220 or email [email protected] A Kiwi Publications Limited publication | www.kiwipublications.co.nz | Please refer to website for disclaimer 2 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people SPRING 2021 3

Age Concern Whanganui Hi everyone, Contact Information From the Chair Tena koutou Kia Ora, Membership Phone: (06) 345 1799 Fax: (06) 347 2334 I can not believe how fast this year has gone – only Membership is a way the community can support Email: [email protected] To begin my brief contribution I’d like to thank all Age 4 months till Christmas, which is my favourite time of the work we do on behalf of the older people in the Concern members present at the AGM last month for the year. Address: 164 St Hill Street, Whanganui 4500 Whanganui Region. Becoming a member of Age their support in selecting me as the new chairperson We sadly said goodbye to Noeleen, our administrator Concern Whanganui is a way to show your support and of Age Concern Whanganui for the upcoming year. who worked for Age Concern for 16 years. She left us help us to assist older people to stay independent and OFFICE HOURS I’d like to acknowledge our retiring chair Jan Bullen at the end of June to take on a new role and we wish connected with their local community 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Thursday for her time, dedication, energy and effort in leading her well. our board for the last 2 years, for serving as deputy Membership is only $20 per year and as a member We welcomed Michelle Webb to our team as our new chair, and for her nine years as a board member. Jan you will receive: administrator, she started with us at the beginning will continue to remain involved with Age Concern • A copy of the quarterly Age Concern Whanganui of July. She has wealth of knowledge and experience and has a couple of exciting projects planned to Board Members newsletter posted to your home – there is a wee snippet about her further on in the support our organisation. At the AGM last month we • Invitations to gatherings, seminars and events Chairperson: Josh Chandulal-Mackay newsletter. also farewelled Diana Doyle and Helen Bourne as • Discount on the assessment fee when applying The Covid-19 vaccine is now rolling out to group 4 – Deputy Chairperson: Mike Russell board members, I’d also like to thank them for their for the Total Mobility Scheme Secretary: Louise McFetridge contributions over several years. you can arrange an appointment by phoning If you would like to know more about the work we do, 0800 28 29 26 – 8am to 8pm 7 days a week or you Members: Liam Graham In their stead, our board is lucky to have 4 new the services we provide can book online BookMyVaccine. Keri-Anne Hawira members in James Forrest, William Pati, Louise Rose, and want be involved Lorraine, who had been working dual roles as the and Jim Berry. Their appointments, alongside our with an organisation Therese Zimmerman Wellbeing Coordinator and EARS Social Worker, will existing members, gives the board a breadth of skill, that works to achieve Meryl Parsons taking on the EARS role full time. I am in the process experience, and diversity of both age and ethnicity. wellbeing, rights, respect of recruiting a Wellbeing Coordinator and will update Louise Rose and dignity for older Under Michelle’s management, you’ll notice a few you in our next newsletter. William Pati people, contact us and staffing changes that demonstrates Age Concerns We will then be a team of 8! Jim Berry responsiveness to emerging needs for older people become a member Be alert as there has been an increase in the number within Whanganui, and that will complement the hard James Forrest of scams currently circulating. There are many work being undertaken by our current team. We’re different types of scams, and they have become Staff acutely aware that as the 65+ age group continues Age Concern Whanganui are more sophisticated over time. If you get contacted to grow, so too will the criticality of the work Age Manager: Michelle Malcolm unexpectedly – whether over the phone, through the Concern undertakes enhancing the quality of life for now offering a new service. Administrator: Michelle Webb post, by email, on a website, in person or on social older people in the community. Are you Volunteer Coordination/ befuddled by media – always consider the possibility that it may be Steady As You Go: Janet Lewis I look forward to engaging with you over the new technology? a scam. upcoming year. Nga mihi EARS / Community Social Worker / Did your family give you a device Wellbeing Officer - Council Flats Ngā Mihi | Manager and leave you Michelle Whanganui & Rangitikei: Lorraine TePou Josh Chandulal-Mackay | Chair with minimal Accredited Visiting Service/ instructions? If 23 Dublin St, Wanganui Health Promotion: Clare Fearnley so, Judy is here 06 348 7792 EARS Social Worker: Karen Kitson to help you unlock a whole new world. Judy will Complete Foot Care provide one on one tuition free of charge. Social Connection and Treatment Coordinator: Elise Goodge As a retired educator Judy is patient and a • Heel & Arch Pain wonderful teacher. You will be up and running • Corns/Callus/Nails Kindness is Free; with emails, texts, internet banking and social • Orthotics/Insoles Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are not media in no time. • 3 D Foot scanning necessarily those of Age Concern Whanganui. The inclusion • Home Visits or exclusion of any product does not mean that the Lets pass it on. For further information contact Age Concern • Foot Care Product Range publisher or Age Concern advocates or rejects its use. Whanganui 06 345 1799. 4 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people

The Services we provide Support & Advocacy relevant and interesting to older people. We can provide support, assistance and liaise with Information other community agencies. Contact us for a wide variety of information on Elder Abuse Response Service available services. Call in or phone to speak with our Our social workers are available to confidentially reception volunteers or staff. discuss and respond to situations where an older Supermarket Shopping (Whanganui Only) person / kaumatua’s safety or wellbeing is at risk Volunteers take those who have no transport to THE FUTURE. YOU’RE GOOD. Accredited Visiting Service the supermarket, assist with shopping and return Our co-ordinator trains and supports volunteers who them home. The service is subject to criteria and an visit those living alone and socially isolated in the assessment fee applies. A donation to the driver for When you choose a Ryman village, you’re community. petrol is required. set. Our Peace of Mind Guarantees are Calling Service Grocery Shopping (Whanganui Only) This service provides phone calls to people to see We can provide this service on a short term basis, designed to protect you, so whatever how they are and make a connection. The regularity which is subject to criteria and there is a charge for the future holds, we’ve got your back. of the calls is dependent on the needs of the person. delivery. From independent and assisted living to resthome, Steady as You Go (SAYGo) Falls Prevention Transport (Whanganui Only) A unique community-based strength and balance Volunteer drivers help those who have no transport hospital and dementia care. exercise programme for men and women. Classes in by taking them to medical and other essential Our deferred management fee is capped at 20% Whanganui, Rangitikei and the Waimarino. appointments. The service is subject to criteria and - one of the lowest in the retirement sector. Housing (Whanganui) and Community Housing an assessment fee applies. A donation to the driver Our base weekly fee is fixed for the entire time (Rangitikei) for petrol is required. you occupy your townhouse or apartment* We provide support to tenants of the Whangnaui Total Mobility Scheme *Some conditions apply District Council Housing and for the Rangitikei District We complete the Horizons Regional Council Council Community Housing Assessments to access subsided taxi fares. An Having certainty inspires confidence. It’s just Senior Driving Programmes: Assessment fee applies. one of the ways we’re pioneering a new way We provide a range of programmes Volunteer Opportunities - all volunteers are given - Staying Safe training and support of living for a new retirement generation. Improve safe driving practices and increase your A number of volunteering opportunities are available: knowledge of the current Road Code. - Meals on Wheels delivery Classroom based. - Transport & Supermarket Service - CarFit - Accredited Visiting Service Our trained technicians highlight your car’s safety - Reception We have a range of townhouses and apartments features and check the ‘fit’ of your vehicle to at our Jane Winstone Retirement Village. maximise comfort and safety Membership and donations to Age Concern Enquire now for more information or to book a tour. - Hanging Up the Car Keys Whanganui are appreciated and accepted. Planning for life after driving. Learn about the Donations of $5 or more are tax deductible. options available in Whanganui for those no longer able to drive themselves. Please contact us at: Hospital Visits 164 St Hill Street, Whanganui 4500 JANE WINSTONE VILLAGE Visiting service for people who are in hospital and do Phone: (06) 345 1799 Fax: (06) 347 2334 49 Oakland Ave, Whanganui, 06 348 9564 not have family / natural supports Email: [email protected] Health Promotion Seminars and forums organised on a range of topics www.acwhanganui.org.nz rymanhealthcare.co.nz 1492 6 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people SPRING 2021 7

Seniors Living at Home closest to you in this process. important to you may not be funded (e.g. some house book swaps, bottling fruit, playing music, knitting, Types of assessments maintenance tasks, pet care). making plans for the garden, discussing news and with Supports An initial assessment is usually done to discover Once your support plan is agreed, the service current affairs. Over time, we notice that people’s health and wellbeing improve, they regain some When you’re living with a health condition or disability what type of information is needed. If your needs are coordinator will then work with other service providers independence and make other social connections. there is some assistance available. Support services complex, then you will have a comprehensive interRAI contracted to the WDHB to put your support services include personal care (showering, dressing etc) assessment which can take up to two hours. in place. You will then receive a letter confirming this. Some visitors bring their dog or their children. Quality friendships can develop with the visitor becoming household/domestic assistance, and equipment. For Sometimes a basic assessment or a review is done While the goal is to help you live as safely and a trusted fun buddy – for example, “she is almost a other extra expenses, you need to contact Work & over the phone. If you have problems discussing independently as possible at home, sometimes this is family member”. Income. such things over the phone e.g. you can’t hear well, not possible and residential care may be considered. To access support services start with a visit to your feel uncomfortable, want someone with you or can’t Your service coordinator can authorise entry into a Clare, the visiting service co-ordinator, will meet you GP to tell them about anything that you are finding explain things properly, then ask for a ‘face to face’ care home. at home to get to know you and find out about your meeting. interests. If the service is a good match for you, then hard to do. They may recommend that you have an Sources: Health Board: Older she will work to match you with a volunteer visitor assessment to better understand what impacts your If specific health conditions that require attention people's health service; and ‘Where from here’ an who is police record checked, carefully chosen and health, wellbeing and ability to live as independently are identified during the assessment, they should Eldernet publication – copies are available from Age trained. Your visitor will some to you for about an as possible. An assessment identifies what is needed be addressed. You can ask for a review if you do not Concern, open Mondays-Thursdays 9am-5pm. for improvement and whether you might benefit from agree with the outcome of the assessment or the hour each week. Clare will keep in touch to make support services. recommendations. After the assessment, if there is a Would You or Someone You Know sure you’re both enjoying your visits. If there’s a problem, she’ll solve it. The assessment should be done as soon as possible change in your circumstances (including your financial Like More Company? after referral from your GP. If you are waiting and circumstances), let your older people’s service If you or someone you know would like to know more Are you feeling that you spend too much time on your cannot manage or need further help, contact your know (details above). If your needs change then a about having a visitor, simply call us on 06 345 GP or Whanganui District Health Board’s (WDHB) reassessment is needed. own? Maybe you can’t get out much these days and 1799 or pop into our centre at 164 St Hill St for more would enjoy company, a chance to chat and share an older people’s service: Assessment, Treatment and Service coordination information. We’re open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm. interest? Are you also over 65, unable to drive, living Rehabilitation Community Services (known as CART) After the completion of the interRAI assessment, a alone, without local family, with frail health? tel: 06 348 3309. service coordinator from Access Ability will contact Having an assessment you and arrange a visit to discuss your needs and Age Concern Whanganui has an Accredited Visiting Once your referral has been accepted, you will be potential support options. Again, you can have a friend Service. The service has caring volunteers who are contacted to arrange a time and place for a free or relative with you for support. Service coordinators keen to spend time with an older person. Many of assessment. The assessors welcome a family or are well-informed and can discuss all the options them are older people. Our volunteers visit their whānau member or another support person to be part available to you. Together, you decide what services special person for about an hour each week. They of the assessment process. you will receive and who will provide them. A plan will enjoy the opportunity to get to know someone and be made of the formal support you will receive and benefit and learn from the experience. This assessment is called interRAI and is done assistance from family/whānau, friends, the wider by trained health professionals skilled in older A regular visit is something to look forward to. Our community and other agencies. Your support services people’s health. Usually, it is done in your own home; co-ordinator, Clare Fearnley, can match you with a may include personal care (showering, dressing, etc.); sometimes at hospital, in an agency or at a care volunteer who shares your interests and would like to household/domestic assistance; equipment to make home. get to know you. We’ll find the right visitor, the right things easier for you; and support for your carer. company - for you. Having a visitor can make a real The assessment gathers information about what you Assessment and service coordination services are free can do and what you have difficulty with - including difference. These are some of the things people have to citizens and residents who are eligible mobility, memory, safety round the home, pain and told us about having a visitor: for publicly funded health or disability services. Are you looking for the only hearing clinic the support of others. If you have a carer, then it looks Joan has become a very special friend to me. She in Wanganui that is locally owned and The services in your plan that you pay for and what is look at their needs in relation to the support they keeps in touch regularly. We have lots in common. I operated? provide for you. It is designed to meet the medical, publicly funded/subsidised is determined by specific am very happy that she has come into my life. criteria including your assessed needs, whether the Have you met Heidi at Simply Hearing? rehabilitation and support needs of an older person so I could not be more delighted with my visitor. She service is considered essential and whether you have you can remain at home. brings intellectual stimulation and love into my life. Heidi will guide you to find the perfect hearing the ability to pay (e.g. whether you have a Community The assessment is confidential to you, your healthcare And humour! solution for your lifestyle and budget. Make Services Card is often a determining factor). The professionals, and others you give permission to see an appointment now. AccessAbility service coordinator will advise you on the I am not so lonely, and feel I have a friend. it. It provides comprehensive information on which to extent of funded support and the criteria that apply. base decisions and recommendations. As important I have someone of my own. Phone: 06 345 9799 Sometimes, this may mean that a service that is decisions may be made, it is helpful to include those What they do together is varied. This has included: or online bookings: simplyhearing.co.nz 8 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people SPRING 2021 9

WRHN Project Lead, Karen Veldhoen says anyone Lynda often enjoyed lunch at the RSA and by a It is never too late to try something new. Just look can contribute to the fridge – food retailers, fluke saw a sign in the lobby. She investigated at Lynda 74 years young, 28kgs lighter and healthier community organisations and the public, while by popping her head into the Merriweather than ever. following food safety guidelines. "I hear stories in my Room where she found an Age Concern own neighbourhood of vegetables and fruit being Whanganui Steady As You Go group. thrown out due to excess, so just imagine how much gets wasted regionally," says Ms Veldhoen. "This Lynda joined in and completed the 10-week Whanganui Community Fridge will be a great opportunity to contribute to your programme. Lynda had a large ulcer on her left leg A community fridge is a place where people and community and support the environment.” which had started out as an itchy allergic reaction to some medication and a blood clot. In her words businesses can donate their surplus food and those A new survey by Rabobank-Kiwi Harvest Food Waste she had a "stuffed left leg" and has a "shattered right in need can help themselves to free nutritious Research, state New Zealanders are throwing out elbow." food. The Whanganui Community Fridge project $2.4 billion worth of food a year. Two-thirds of the is being coordinated by Whanganui Regional total wastage is fruit and vegetables, with bread Nick O'Neill, Physiotherapist introduced an exercycle Health Network (WRHN) and established on the making up over a quarter (approximately 20 million into her programme and she soon discovered the Whanganui City College (WCC) grounds. Together we loaves) and meat about six percent. magical natural high of endorphins. A Fitbit watch aim to strengthen and empower rangatahi and the got her walking further. community, and combat food wastage. Students and volunteers will maintain the Community Fridge, with the aim of it being open seven-days; but In October 2020 Lynda drove her friends out to This project has been in the planning for over two closed overnight. If you are wanting to be involved in a property near Bason Botanical Reserve to tend years, with the challenges of location, funding, the daily fridge maintenance, you can register your their horses. They asked if she would like to have a COVID-19 impacts and resource access being interest with the Whanganui Volunteer Centre on ride. She was petrified but gave it a go. As she rode overcome along the way. The concept initially came (06) 347 9430. People wanting further information along, and with her friend’s encouragement, though from the Auckland and Christchurch projects and on the project can contact Karen Veldhoen on (06) still fearful, realised she was slowly opening a door is supported widely here; along with endorsement 348 0109 extn 708 and in future provide feedback to something new and exciting, that was about to from the Whanganui District Council and COVID-19 on the newly established Facebook page: Whanganui change her life. Upcoming Events Integrated Recovery Team. The formation of the Community Fridge. Lynda had given little attention to the Actifun Horse Whanganui Kai Collective, has also enabled further Cadenza (part of The Big Sing) - 12 high- “We are currently pulling the resources together and Riding Stables sign close to her home. November collaboration with like-minded people, working school choirs who will be participating in a plan to be operational by the end of the year,” says 2020, Lynda summoned the courage and drove towards shared goals. formal adjudicated competition with combined Ms Veldhoen. “So keep an eye out in the newspapers in wondering if this was a bridge too far. Lynda workshops and culminating in a Gala Concert. Funding obtained in the last year from Ministry of and on our Facebook page for further updates.” was welcomed by Moira, the owner and under her These are held on Friday 13th August and Social Development, Lottery Grants Board, Rotary guidance Lynda has learnt to groom, saddle, care and For further comment please contact WRHN Saturday 14th August and are open to members Club of Wanganui North, Whanganui Community maintain a horse. February 2021 Lynda entered her Communications & Technology Coordinator of the public in return for a gold coin. This is in Charitable Trust and G.O.M.E Enterprises has been first competition and since then has won numerous Karen Veldhoen on 06 348 0109 extn 708 addition to the formal Gala Concert (tickets for gratefully received, and two large refrigerators are ribbons. being generously donated by Fisher & Paykel. sale from the Royal I was invited to watch Lynda and horse Lass in action. Wanganui Opera House) WCC grounds is an ideal central location for the Lynda looked very smart in her formal equestrian on the evening of Community Fridge and the students are excited to wear. Safety is paramount. An air protection vest Saturday 14th August. be part of this project. With their community garden and a helmet are mandatory. I was gobsmacked as Venue: Royal Wanganui already underway and an opportunity to pass on any I watched Lynda demonstrate a range of balancing Opera House. left-over lunches (from the healthy school lunches exercises including holding her hands above her programme), the fridge will enable food redistribution head. We then moved over to the dressage arena Shakespeare-In-The-Park: Auditions and help prevent waste. Principal, Peter Kaua and where I watched her fine tune a complicated routine are being held on the 21st and 22nd August for Vice Principal, Valerie Rooderkerk were immediately of turns, posting at the trot, and different horse "The Merry Wives of Windsor" - all ages/stages/ onboard with the proposal. “We have always had walks finishing with a salute. I have seen photos shapes/sizes welcome! For more information: a community focus and encourage our whanau to and videos of her and Lass cantering, galloping, and www.shakespeareintheparkwhanganui.com or come into the school whenever they need to. Having doing low jumps. The ground was too slippery on the Facebook: shakespeareintheparkwhanganui or the community fridge on site makes so much sense. day. phone Karen on 021 132 3939. Our students will benefit as much as the community,” Lynda has found a new lease of life and would (Performances: 24/25/26/27 Feb 2022). says Mr Kaua. encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone. 10 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people SPRING 2021 11

Romance Scam Anthony met a woman named Rosa through an INVITES YOU TO ENTER THE online dating website. He and Rosa seemed to have Celebrating Grandparents a lot in common, and they got to know more about Join us for a week-long celebration highlighting the each other over time. Rosa said she lived in Italy but important role of Grandparents in the Whanganui wanted to visit Anthony in New Zealand some day. community. Anthony and Rosa communicated many times a day We are organising a week of activities and events — over the dating website, through text messages, As part of our first ever Grandparents for Grandparents and their grandchildren, some and occasionally over video chat. After four months, Week in Whanganui just for fun and some to learn and try new things. Rosa told Anthony she had booked flights to visit him. 27th September - 3rd October 2021 The week has been initiated and designed by They planned a South Island road trip together. grandparents, children and a small collaboration The day before Rosa was due to arrive, she called to of community organisations in Whanganui Entry open to students aged 6-18yrs say her mother had fallen and needed support during As a guide, stories will be between 150-250 September 27th – October 3rd a short hospital stay. Rosa said she wasn’t able to words ending with a change her flights and wouldn’t be able to visit until All entries will be kept by the organisers unless she could save up enough money again, which could Celebrating Grandparents there is a request for their return be a year. Winning entries will be displayed at afternoon Anthony offered to loan money for new flights, Grandparents Day - at the Davis Library on on Sunday 3rd October and Rosa accepted — asking for the money as a Sunday 3rd October wire transfer so she could decide which airline to Entries close at 5pm on Friday 3rd September. from 3.30 – 5pm book after her mother’s health improved. Anthony hosted at the Davis Library. transferred $3,000 to Rosa. After this, he never You are invited to attend a host of activities by heard from Rosa again and his money could not be us and other organisations throughout the week. recovered. Keep an eye out for the full calendar of events Affinity scams or romance scams rely on your good which will be published closer to the week or nature to build a relationship before asking for money Wordsearch contact Woven Whanau for further details. Lynette or involving you in crime without your knowledge. 0210318571 or Kerralie 0273647100. This scam usually arrives by email, in social media BONES or through online dating. Scammers may use Carpals Patella fake photos and claim to be from New Zealand or Staff Update Clavicle Phalanges working overseas. Successful scammers are good Hi, my name is Michelle Webb at convincing you. They ask questions about what Coccyx Pubis and I am the new Administrator you want in your life. They will be thoughtful, caring Cranium Radius at Age Concern Whanganui. I and looking for a soul mate. Once the relationship is started my new role at the Femur Ribs established, they ask for money or ask you to handle beginning of July and can’t Fibula Sacrum accounts for them. believe how quickly the last few Humerus Scapula At Age Concern Whanganui we support people who weeks have flown by. Hyoid Stapes have been “scammed”. The very nature of a scam I love numbers and have worked in administration means that people are misled Ilium Sternum since leaving school – I won’t say how long that has and usually asked to send Incus Talus been …lol money. If you are worried Malleus Tarsals Before coming to Age Concern, I had worked for the you’ve been scammed please Mandible Tibia Whanganui District Health Board. don’t hesitate to contact the Manubrium Ulna Police, Netsafe, your bank, I have a passion for travel and have been able to see Age Concern and/or a trusted Maxillae Vertebrae New Zealand as well as many countries overseas. family member/friend who Nasal Vomer I enjoy working with people and have a positive can help you. outlook on life. Palatine 12 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people SPRING 2021 13

HealthCare New Zealand DENISE HAIR STUDIO Being independent is key to our quality of life. For Wills Workshop MOLTEN most people, that means staying in our own homes, Presented by CLAW WELCOMES A MATURE close to our family, friends, communities and favourite Whanganui CHOCOLATE CLIENTELE activities. BABYCAKES Sometimes we need a hand to maintain our Tuesday 28 September | 11am | At Age At DHS we cater for the aging population - Serves: 6 independence, and that’s where HealthCare New Concern, 164 St Hill Street, Whanganui. Part of of Whanganui. We offer traditional Zealand can offer high quality help, tailored to your Celebrating Grandparents Week, (27 September hairdressing services. INREDIENTS lifestyle. to 3 October). • 50 grams soft unsalted butter HealthCare New Zealand supports people around the Our spacious premises are bright, warm Wills, estate planning and enduring power of (plus more for greasing) country with personal care, home management and and centrally located, with free parking and attorney. We all know we need to address these • 350 grams dark chocolate domestic support, nursing services and rehabilitation. easy access. Our soft background music things but often we put it off because we are • 150 grams caster sugar Their specialist skills, knowledge and expertise lets creates a pleasant atmosphere. not sure where to begin, what is required and • 4 large eggs (beaten with pinch of salt) them work with you to create a plan that suits your how much it is going to cost. Come along to this • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract needs, regardless of age, illness, injury or disability. * Our salon is age friendly * workshop with CLAW to find out how to get started, • 50 grams plain flour With a national network of experienced and trained Come enjoy the experience how to ensure your wishes are properly registered and recognised and when and why your will might METHOD professionals, HealthCare New Zealand works and tell your friends be contestable. Come armed with your questions You will need 6 individual metal pudding moulds, alongside people and their families each step of and receive free advice from the experts. buttered. The Babycakes can also be made in the way, with a personalised support plan that incorporates your needs and goals. Free entry | Limited spaces available ovenproof ramekins, greased with butter and Please RSVP to Age Concern to secure your place lined with circles of baking parchment. The baking With a toll-free 0800 number and (first come first served) time for ramekins is approximately 1-2 minutes website – www.healthcarenz.co.nz longer than for the metal pudding moulds. it’s easy to get the support that works for you. 1. Unless you are making these up in advance, preheat the oven to 200ºC/180ºC, putting in a baking sheet at the same time. Lay 3 of the moulds on a sheet of doubled baking parchment. Draw round them, remove, and 45 Dublin Street (opposite Harvey Round Motors) then cut out the discs as marked. Press them all into the base of the tins. Ph: (06) 34 78 4 78 2. Melt the chocolate and let it cool slightly. Enliven Cream together the butter and sugar, and gradually beat in the eggs and salt, then the Supporting Independence If you are one of Whanganui’s older residents, Enliven creates elder-centred communities with a Community Services Card, you may be vanilla. Now add the flour, and when all is w h e r e i n d i v i d u a l s a r e r e c o g n i s e d a n d v a l u e d With over 30 years of experience and a professional team eligible for a free home fire safety check. You smoothly combined scrape in the cooled of local, caring and highly qualified staff, we can support – a place where everyone can enjoy may also be eligible to have a FREE long-life chocolate, blending it to a smooth batter. you to live independently in your own home. companionship, meaningful activity and fun. smoke alarm installed. 3. Divide the batter between the 6 moulds, Our services include: quickly whip the baking sheet out of the oven, • Personal care • Nursing services Age Concern Whanganui is working with Fire and • Kowhainui Home, arrange the little tins on it and replace in the • Home care services • Goal based services Emergency New Zealand on an agreement so that • Kowhainui Village, Otamatea oven. Our services are fully certified and in some cases together we can work to improve the safety of the • Abingdon Village, St John’s Hill 4. Cook for 10-12 minutes (the extra 2 minutes may be free for eligible residents. Whanganui community. will be needed if the puddings are fridge-cold when you start) and as soon as you take them We also support privately Contact Age Concern paying clients. Whanganui for more retirement villages rest home hospital out of the oven, tip out these luscious short term respite health recovery day programmes For more information: information regarding an babycakes onto small plates or shallow bowls. 5. Serve these with whipped double cream, the Freephone: 0800 532 000 assessment www.healthcarenz.co.nz Free phone 0508 ENLIVEN same unwhipped in a jug, creme fraiche, © Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Limited. Healthcare of New Ph. 345 1799. www.enlivencentral.org.nz creme anglaise or ice cream. Zealand Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Limited.

Editorial supplied by HealthCare New Zealand 14 AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI | Serving the needs of older people SPRING 2021 15

Our Thanks to: We really appreciate your MEMBERSHIP FORM Strength & Balance Programme support as members of WHANGANUI Age Concern Whanganui New Members Only AGE CONCERN WHANGANUI Inc MONDAY Annual membership fees for the financial year Christ Church Community Centre 31st March 2021 to 31st March 2022 are due 164 St Hill Street, Whanganui 10am - 11am, 11.15am - 12.15pm nowand can be paid by cash / internet / EFTPOs. THE CHARLES & VERA and 1.30pm - 2.30pm Name:...... THRUSH CHARITABLE TRUST Masonic Court Rest Home 10.30am - 11.30am Our bank account is Westpac account 03-0791-0454649-00 St Laurences Social Services Trust Rapanui Mowhanau Community Hall 1.30pm - 2.30pm If you are making an internet payment, please Address:...... Special Olympics Hall, Peat St 10am - 11am email your details to: [email protected] The Holy Family, 10am - 11am ...... Volunteers Needed Glasgow Group, St Andrews Hall, Glasgow St Thank you 11am - 12pm for your support Phone:...... delivering Meals TUESDAY Riverside Christian Church, 4 Ingestre St on Wheels 9.30am - 10.30am Email:...... WEDNESDAY Ethnicity: Age Group: Can you Faith Academy 10am - 11am o NZ European o 49 & below Whanganui St James Presbyterian Church, He Manaakitanga Kaumātua o NZ Maori o 50 - 59 yrs 10.30am - 11.30am help! o Pasifika o 60 - 69 yrs THURSDAY Form of Bequest ● Only 1.5 hours once a month. o Other o 70 - 79 yrs Churton School Hall, 11am - 12noon Take or send to your Legal Advisor for ● Regular day and route so Club Metro (Cossie Club) 9.30am - 10.30am incorporation in your Will. o 80 - 89 yrs you get to know the clients. St Lukes, 10am - 11am ______o 90 - 99 yrs ● Volunteer with a friend! St Peters Church Hall, Gonville 10am - 11am “I give and bequeath the sum of o ● Make a real difference in the community. 100 + yrs Special Olympics Hall, Peat St 10am - 11am For more information call Janet @ Age Concern $______(or) ______% of my Individual Member: $20.00 Whanganui Ph 345 1799. MARTON - TUESDAY estate, (or) residue of my estate, (or) property or Or [email protected] Marton Friendship Hall 10am - 11am assets as follows: Corporate Member: $100.00 HUNTERVILLE - TUESDAY Donation: $______St Andrews Church Lounge 10.45am - 11.45am ______TOTAL: cash/internet/eftpos $______RAETIHI - TUESDAY ______Elder & Care Village 10am - 11am Please tick if you require a receipt: o BULLS - WEDNESDAY ______Bulls Friendship Hall 10am - 11am Westpac account - 03-0791-0454649-00 If you are making an internet payment please OHAKUNE TUESDAY ______- email your details to: [email protected] Lions Den, 3 Arawa St 10am - 11am ______or post this form to: Classes cost $3 per session. 64 St Hill Street, Whanganui, 4540 Go to www.facebook.com/ Please note there is a wait list for some classes. free of all charges, to Age Concern Whanganui. A new class will be up and running at Kowhainui OFFICE USE: ageconcernwhanganui/ Retirement Village soon. Register your interest now! The official receipt of the Chief Executive or To join a group or for more information please contact other authorised officer of the Trustee shall be a o Receipt issued o Database updated to follow us on Facebook. Janet Lewis, Steady As You Go Coordinator sufficient discharge to my executors”. o Thank you letter o Deposit date (06) 345 1799. Email [email protected] HEALTHCARE

Our facility offers the very best of hospital/resthome care

• 60 Beds • Hospital / Resthome Level Care • Van for outings • Extensive diversional activity programmes for residents • Situated on St Johns Hill overlooking Wanganui City • Set in park like grounds • Earthquake strengthened • Privately owned and operated

2 Virginia Road, St Johns Hill, Wanganui Please feel free to call with any queries Sue Walker - Facility Manager Phone: (06) 348 1500 Email: [email protected]