Club Site – River Camping and Caravanning Ribble

Route Summary

A delightful walk along both sides of the River Ribble west of Clitheroe starting at the Club Site of the same name. The walk follows the river north east to Bradford Bridge before returning southwesterly to the start using riverside and field paths/tracks with some lane walking.

Route Overview

Category: Walking Length: 8.650 km / 5.41 mi Last Modified: 29th June 2017 Difficulty: Medium Rating: Unrated Surface: Moderate Date Published: 19th June 2017




From the reception at Clitheroe Club Site exit past the barrier to the approach road. Go ahead for a few paces to go left (signposted 'Footpath To River Bank') just before the 5mph sign. Curve back sharp left and head downhill between bushes. Drop to a track by a play area and go left over a little bridge to go right near a kissing gate and follow the path to reach a surfaced track by the River Ribble. Go right on this, passing below a play area with the river to the left.

Continue to curve right past a small railway to pass a swing park and benches with picnic benches left. Reach a car park area at Edisford Bridge (home to toilets and an ice cream van in season). Pass through the car park curving left towards the river and going right to walk behind benches towards the bridge. Curve right to rise up from the field and curve right again following a sign for 'The ' before the road. Rise on a tarmac track past a 'Clitheroe' sign and continue on a path that soon becomes a pavement by the road.

Continue past a car park to cross left left over the road at a pedestrian crossing. Go right once over to shortly go left ('Ribble Way') at the ' Swimming Pool' sign.


Follow the access lane for the sports centre past a barrier. At the end of the access lane continue ahead over a field to reach a 'Ribble Way' sign. Go right above the river. Just before the path descends into trees leave it right to follow 'footpath' and 'Ribble Way' signs past a dog bin and between houses to continue down a short lane. At the end of this go left and then go right in front of 'Cloggers Cottage'. At the next junction go ahead to shortly stay ahead at a 'Ribble Way' sign. At the next junction (with 'Union Street') continue ahead through more houses.

Cross 'Kingfisher Crescent' and continue ahead by a white metal fence. Pass 'Heron Mews' and continue on a much rougher track behind allotments. After these follow the track to reach a gate near a stable. Pass through the kissing gate next to the gate and once level with the stables left cut half right at a track fork to pass through a kissing gate.

Rise up the field beyond on a path. When the fence right bends right continue ahead to pass a post and continue ahead again (the left path) to descend steeply in trees. Join the River Ribble again and continue to exit the trees through a kissing gate. Follow the river bank to cut half right by Brungerley Bridge passing over a footbridge to reach reach a lane via a stone stepped stile.


Go right up the road to shortly cross left near a white house (right) following 'The Ribble Way' left through gates by a

3 / 6 sculpture. Take the track beyond staying ahead (half right) at a junction for 'Brungerley Park'. Climb past a 'Ribble Way' sign continuing ahead at the next junction right. Follow the path high above the river and at the next junction (just after a bench) go half left down steps. At a junction near a weir go right over a little bridge and continue by the river. Rise to go left on a wide track by a 'Cross Hill Quarry' sign. Follow the river to go left on 'The Ribble Way' at an otter sculpture.


Descend to exit the trees and pass through a gate to follow the riverside path and pass through another gate. Follow the path by the river curving right by a bench. Continue by the river to pass through a gate and follow the path beyond with a fence/wall right. Continue to cut right at Bradford Bridge and go left up steps to the road.

Go left crossing the bridge carefully. Beyond, as the road bends right, go left through a wall gap going left again down steps to pass through a kissing gate to the opposite side of the river. Follow the river to the field end and cut right to the top corner of the field. Pass through a kissing gate continuing up a short stretch of path to pass thorugh another kissing gate to an open field.


Climb the field half left towards a telegraph pole going past the right hand end of a line of trees/bushes. At this point

4 / 6 curve left to cross the lower of two stiles in a fence. Cut half left descending to a field corner. Cross a bridge going over a stile to the next field. Go half left past a telegraph post and continue over the trackless field. Aim for a gap in the fence by a tree crossing a bridge to pass through this gap.

Curve left on a path to cross a stile and cut left crossing a bridge by a post. Go ahead to climb the next field crossing a stile left of a short tree. Pick up a semi surfaced track and follow it besides bushes to pass through a gate by an old stile. Descend to curve right and join a track coming in left. Go ahead on this rising past a farm right to follow the access track to reach a road via a gate/opening.


Cross the road to go right on the pavement. Rise to shortly go left through a kissing gate by a gate. Take the good track ahead towards farm buildings. Rise to join a surfaced access lane for ''. Go left on this. At a junction of lanes go ahead past an 'Authorised vehicles only' sign. Descend toward the hall going right just before a cattle grid following footpath signs to go left and rise and follow arrows then descend through a gate to curve left and go right by another gate. Follow the track descending to curve right.

Follow the track to reach a lane via a kissing gate. Go left following the lane carefully to curve right past 'Shireburn Park Residential Site'. Continue downhill on the lane passing a kennels/cattery left. Just as the road bends right leave it going left at a footpath sign. Pass through a gap and cross the bridge. Afterwards cut right behind houses passing through a gap to cut left. Bend right and left to a road amongst houses. Pass right of the island rising up the lane beyond.

Curve right to re-join your outbound route and follow the road to curve left and go right before St. Anns Court. Go ahead past a marker going left on the path reach. Curve left at the 'Ribble Way' sign to pick up the access lane for the sports centre and follow it back to the road. Go right go cross left at the pedestrian crossing. Go right to go left at The Camping and Caravanning Club sign and walk back to the site.


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