January 2021 Military History Group U3A Dorking Newsletter Number 7 Contents Group Leader Barry Friend 2 Programme 2021 3 Zoom Presentations 3 Night Bomber 3 Coronel and the Falklands – George Blundell-Pound 4 Saving Private Ryan: Saving Private McArdle 11 War Graves Week 2021 15 Three sons from Cranleigh 16 Guernsey at War – Occupation 17 Policing during the Occupation of Guernsey 20 Meetings via Zoom during Pandemic Any contributions to the newsletter are very welcome and should be sent to Robert Bartlett at
[email protected] 1 From Group Leader Barrie Friend Fellow enthusiasts The evenings are becoming lighter, all Covid 19 graph lines are going south and increasing numbers of us are receiving our inoculations, plus - the snowdrops are smiling at us. How heartening! Whilst these are positive signs we can still only guess when we will meet face to face but you continue to support our Zoom meetings in a very positive manner. Thank you. Our last talk, by George, attracted an audience of 54 who heard of how the Royal Navy was badly bruised and battered at the Battle of Coronal in 1914 only to repay the compliment to the German Kriegsmarine a few weeks later at The Battle of The Falklands. If you missed the talk, or wish to see it again, then visit Dorking U3A YouTube site. The link is https://youtu.be/Q2jRFpyIND0. Thanks to Mike Docker for setting this up. George’s summary of the talk features below. A reminder that our YouTube site carries these talks by military history group members: What Did Grandfather Really Do in the Great War? Barrie Friend Adler Tag, The Battle of Britain.