o u r CATHOLIC c o m m u n i t y Volume 3 No. 6 April 2014 Issue A publication of the Diocese of Roseau, $2.00

He Is Risen Indeed Alleluia, Alleluia! Editor’s Pen Inside

Bishop’s Message: Alleluia! He Is Risen!! 03 Living Out Our Easter Mission OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES Through the Biblical Animation Interview With Fr. Bartholomew Adamu - of all Pastoral Life (ABP) Parish Of St. Theresa 04 eil Tiedemann, Bishop of Interview With Fr. Steve Ransome 05 Mandeville, says that Fr. Glanville , C.Ss.R, N“Biblical Animation of All Pastoral Appointed Parish Priest Of St. Ann & St. Paul 05 Life is a way of making the Work of God Missionary Sisters Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary, (ICM) the source of life for the Church and the soul of its evangelising action. It is not Celebrate 100 Years Of Presence In The Caribbean 06 a programme or another ministry among OUR DIOCESE ministries. ABP is to lead all of us to an encounter with Jesus Christ and to induce Know Your Faith: an authentic conversion of heart leading Liturgy Update: The Eucharist & Mission 07 to a communion with God and others. It I Believe..... 08 is our intention to let the Bible inspire Tell Fr. Ben 08 all pastoral life. Biblical Animation of All The Church, Dedicated To St. Therese Of Lisieux, Pastoral Life involves three important In Salisbury 09 areas. We must be educated to better understanding and interpret the Bible. St. John & St. Lewis’ Marriage Encounter Weekend 10 The second area would help education St. John & St. Lewis’ Parish Men’s Ministry 10 us to live in prayerful communion with SVP Annual General Meeting & Assembly Of Conferences 11 the Trinitarian Mystery. Finally, it Legion Of Mary Society ACIES Ceremony 11 will educate us for conversion and the Parish Lenten Retreats Around The Diocese Of Roseau 12 transforming proclamation of society.” Here is Dominica ABP was St. Alphonsus Women Encounter Jesus 14 introduced at a workshops held in St. Ann & St. Paul’s Parish Lenten Retreat 14 January and February 2014 at the Christian Leadership: Seeds Of Success Men’s Retreat 15 Goodwill Parish Hall where delegates St. John & St. Lewis’ Parish Lenten Retreat 16 from all over the island including, Events & Notice Board 17 laity, clergy, and Religious Sister and Brothers attended. Their mission in Prayer Corner 17 turn is to spread the ABP within their Schedule Of Masses & Services For The Diocese Of Roseau 18 respective parishes. OUR CHURCH IN THE CARIBBEAN ABP is a priority set by the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) to make On Being Church Today 19 the word of God central to the New The Elevation Of The Cathedral Of Paramaribo 20 Evangelization of the region to give priority to the study, meditation and KID’S CORNER 21 mission flowing from the bible. It is OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH indeed a perfect fit for the lay person Our Lady Of Fatima Youth Outreach To to live out his Easter mission which is of course “to go make disciples of all ‘Neighbours On The Block’ 22 nations”. St. Alphonsus’ Parish Youth Lenten Retreat 22 As Catholics we don’t realize St. Mary’s Primary Legion Of Mary Retreat 23 that the bible is already centre in our St. Mary’s Primary Way Of The Cross 23 lives. Our entire liturgy is biblically St. Luke’s Primary Lenten Retreat 23 based. Since the beginning of the implementation of the Synod two years Cathedral Youth Lenten Retreat 23 ago, Lectio Divina, a methodology for study and mediation on the word of The Social Communications Office God has been encouraged throughout Diocese of Roseau, Turkey Lane, P.O. Box 790 the Diocese. Having a program like ABP Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica helps us to further focus on what is important – the word of God, as a form Tel: (767) 448-2837 - (767) 448-8717 for transforming our lives, making us Fax: 1(767) 448-3404 missionary disciples, and spirit-filled Email: [email protected] evangelizers. . 02 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE Front Cover Photos by Fr. Larry Bishop’s Message Alleluia! He is Risen!!

Lent and the Sacred Triduum, unto demands, Easter for the Christian the glorious proclamation of Easter. is sheer joy and jubilation. The Paradoxically, the spirit of Lent is Easter Proclamation or Exaultet is one of sacrifice, self-denial, intensive nothing short of sheer impetus for the prayer and almsgiving. In this way, joyful ministry of the Church. This is the Church gives us the opportunity particularly significant for us in the and the means to extend ourselves Diocese of Roseau as we continue the beyond our relative comfort, to train implementation of our pastoral plan our minds and hearts and to form around the theme: “Go and Make character, so as to become more Disciples.” An Easter which remains wholesome human beings. Anyone simply personal is no Easter at all. who faithfully follows this wise Easter must engender discipleship. counsel of this great Mother cannot The joy of Easter naturally makes but come forth feeling renewed. people want to share with others. According to her teachings, Easter is about the regeneration Easter duties boil down to what of life, about newness, and about one does on the personal level to new beginnings. Our Holy Father deal with both the state of sin and Francis reminds us that “it is not by concupiscence (that tendency to sin) proselytizing that the Church grows which is constantly lurking in the but by attraction.” People will hardly inner recesses of our being, ready overlook or ignore someone who n Easter morning, every to take us to spiritual suicide. The is genuinely filled with Easter joy. Christian ought to be able prayer, fasting, abstinence and They tend to want to get the secret Oto proclaim convincingly: almsgiving that are required for the for themselves. This is especially so Alleluia, Praise the Lord: He has journey, are the means through when that joy translates into the truly risen!” Such as affirmation is which we conquer the devil and his activities of the Christian’s daily life. the result of an encounter with the tactics. These essentially help us to It is indeed the only tangible sign of Blessed Lord. In fact, the holy season shift our focus from self onto God its efficacy. When Christians interact, of Lent in the Catholic tradition is so and others: they help us appreciate the buzz phrase ought to be: “see designed that by Easter, if we have the destructive nature and effect of how much they love one another.” been obedient to the teachings and sin, and point to what is required The early Christian Church counsel of Holy Mother Church, we to recapture man’s lost innocence. grew by leaps and bounds simply cannot but come forth with that Therein lies the “joy of Lent.” The because those who were imbued with insatiable joy. Christian comes out of it feeling a the Easter experience did not keep What therefore, would merit sense of accomplishment; feeling it to themselves. They were eager to such an august state of being? It that he or she has done something share it with non-believers. In them simply has to do with what the to alleviate the pain of humanity. the onlookers saw something they Church refers to as doing one’s He has curbed his passion, drawn wanted to share; something that was “Easter duties.” And what really himself a little closer to the divine even worth dying for, and to which, is it? This concept is derived from Master through intensive prayer, more than a few, gave the ultimate the notion that the entire life of and deprived himself for the sake of a witness. the Christian is geared towards an greater good. All these constitute the It is my prayer that as we move Easter experience, in the pattern of betterment of the social and spiritual forward as a community of believers Christ, whose life and mission, find order of humanity. through these forty days of Easter, fulfillment in the Resurrection. The The Sacred Triduum, which, they will only prepare us for a new season of Lent, therefore, is meant to through reflections on Holy Pentecost, which will unleash in us a help Christians journey towards that Scriptures and liturgical gestures, new evangelical spirit to continue our climactic experience. brings to a climax the salvific work mandate to Go and Make Disciples The operative word in the of Christ, fittingly prepares us for for our Risen Lord. foregoing discourse is “journey.” that Easter experience. Therefore, Alleluia! Praise the Lord! From Ash Wednesday, the Christian if throughout this holy season we He has Truly Risen! traverses through the five weeks of have been faithful to the Church’s Happy Easter to Everyone!!! .

“IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 03 INTERVIEW WITH FR. BARTHOLOMEW ADAMU Parish Priest of St. Theresa Before becoming a priest What were your mission and responsibilities there? How old were you when you realized you had a My Mission was to witness to Christ through the vocation to the priesthood, and how was it revealed proclamation of the word of God and the administration to you? of the Sacraments. My responsibilities were to attend to was about 16 years of age when I felt called to the the spiritual needs of the faithful entrusted to my care priesthood. It happened that after my primary school (parishioners) to the best of my ability. Iin 1980 through the advice and encouragement of my Being part of our diocese Uncle Catechist John Madaki (Rtd), I proceeded to St. Did you choose to come to Dominica, or were you James Minor (Junior) Seminary Makurdi, Benue State chosen? Nigeria. While in the seminary I was inspired by some The issue of whether I chose to come to Dominica of my colleagues and some members of staff especially or was I chosen, are two sides of the same coin; I chose the . In 1986 I completed my minor Seminary to come because I indicated my interest of coming to Education at St. John Vianney Seminary my Bishop Most Rev. Dr. Martin Uzoukwu Barkin- Ladi Plateau State Nigeria. Then when he disclosed to us his priests, of the my entire mind was directed towards the mission need in Dominica. I was also chosen priestly formation and ministry. and sent because my Bishop consented to How did you react? my desire to be here in Dominica and has When I realized that my interest was sent me. directed towards the priestly ministry, What parish are you a part of now? I had mixed feelings of doubt and joy. I am presently the parish priest of St Theresa, Salisbury since my installation

OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, I doubted if I could make it to become a priest considering the ministry and the on Thursday 19th December 2013 by Most length of the formation process. I wondered Rev. Dr. Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau. and doubted if I could be able to carry out What are your responsibilities as the the priestly ministry, seeing the sacrifices parish priest of Salisbury? and challenges involved. On the other hand Fr. Bartholomew Adamu My responsibilities as the parish I was happy because I had enough time to serve God, priest of St Theresa Salisbury are not different from which I know to be my primary task as a Christian. the responsibilities I had earlier highlighted, because How did your family and friends react? the is one and Universal in nature. The reaction of my parents and friends was not Her administrative policies and the responsibilities of much different from mine. They doubted if I could make the priests are the same regarding to witness to Christ it to become a priest yet there was the joy of seeing their through the proclamation of word of God (good news); son and friend becoming a priest. I thank God that I the administration of the Sacraments; and attending to have come from a sound and committed Catholic family, the spiritual needs of the parishoners both the young I had no opposition from my parents. Instead I had every and the aged, the physically sound, and the sick, the support I needed from them. May God continue to bless rich and the poor. them for me. I lost my beloved father last year (April What is your opinion of the Diocese of Roseau and 29th 2013) “May his soul and the souls of all the faithful the parishioners of Salisbury? departed rest in peace.” Amen. The Diocese of Roseau is a united progressing What year did you enter the seminary, and when Diocese, a welcoming diocese, a home for all, but did you become a priest? needs to give more attention to “vocation promotion” I was admitted into the Major Seminary of St both to the priesthood and the religious life. May I use Augustine’s Jos Makurdi Campus in 1986. I was this opportunity to call on our Catholic youth to avail ordained a priest on 7th January 1995 at St ’s themselves of the service of the Lord “the Harvest is rich Cathedral Minna, by Late Bishop Christopher Abba but the Labourers are few.....” God wants more labourers (Nigeria).”May his soul rest in peace.”Amen. in his vineyard, “if today you hear his voice harden not What influences you had or events in your life that your heart.” led you to consider becoming a priest? As for the parishoners of St. Theresa I have always I was influenced by the religious life of my parents learned that they have been good and committed to and the priestly ministry of the missionaries. the church, I wish to confirm that they are still good The Priesthood and committed and praying that they will forever What country are you from, and what diocese were remain same. Finally, I wish to thank the Editorial of you a part of? this magazine for granting me the opportunity to share I am from Nigeria, West Africa. I was part of the with you my journey and experiences of my priestly Catholic Diocese of Minna, Niger State, Nigeria and I was ministry.. a parish priest in my diocese.

04 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE INTERVIEW with fr. steve rANsoME Visiting Priest for the Cathedral Parish Lenten Retreat From Trinidad What country are you from? I was asked basically to function in full ministry although am from and born in San Juan. I was just a seminarian and deacon before I was a priest. I lived there for about 8 years. Then I moved to a So I had to do basically what a lay associate would do in Iplace called Maloney, still in the East of the country. terms of services. I am the third of four children to my mother and father, How have these first few years been, have they been Rosetta and Norris. I am now a priest. Next month I will what you thought they would be, or more than you be celebrating four years. thought they would be? What led you to become a priest? Yes and no. Yes from the point of view that I have a love for God and I have a love for God’s I know in my head what a priest, at least people. I think that was the first two things in terms of what we aspire for, should do. A that really drew me to the Catholic priesthood priest is a pastor, a shepherd, be someone and then there are so many other things in who works for the Church, for God, for between. country, self-sacrificing and all of these Did you know about your vocation when things. From that point of view, I have an you were young, or was it something that ideal and I really try to live the ideal. I fall developed over time? short, I will admit, but apart from that, just When I was a teenager, I started confirmation Fr. Steve Ransome the daily runnings, living life as a priest, I and it was really at the confirmation program have many surprises. that I developed a love for the church, a love for God. Now that you have been a priest for a few years, what Because of the priest I had at the time, I started to think are some of your challenges and what are some of about the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood. As a your fulfillments? child it never entered my mind. Challenges: I would say I have a vision for my parish and ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, Can you tell us a little bit of your life in seminary, it is really my dream, my aspiration, my desire to see how when you decided to become a priest and you joined we can together make the vision a reality not just the the seminary, what was that like? priest alone. I try not to be top down. That is my greatest I entered the Mount St. Benedict Seminary in Trinidad on pain especially when I think we are falling short and we August 22nd 2002, the Queenship of Mary. Imagine that I are not fulfilling the grand picture. It is going to take time. remembered. I must say it was a joyous occasion because But in terms of my joys just seeing people come to I met the young men and not so young men who all had the truth about what God has called them to and fulfilling a basic desire to serve the Church, to love God and to their potential. I mean I love to see when somebody makes appreciate and serve the people of God. So from that point a journey. And sometimes the person does not even of view it was very refreshing to know that all of these men, recognize how gifted he/ she is. And I love to see when whether we would all make it or not, all had a basic desire they come into that knowledge and fulfill God’s purpose. to serve God and his people. It was real fun especially What congregation do you belong to? meeting men from Dominica, St. Lucia, , Tobago, I am a Diocesan Priest. We are trained to work in parishes. Trinidad, Jamaica and all over the world in fact. So I actually do not belong to an order or congregation. What was some of the challenges for you during I know you are there in Dominica preaching the seminary? Lenten retreat at the Cathedral, can you tell us a I was very shy growing up and it was hard for me to make little about the retreat, and how it is going? that adjustment to basically have my life on display to I would say: I said it at the first night and I repeated it people who previously I had not even known. And we had at different times in the course of the week, that I sense to share so many things like times for meals, bathrooms a deep faith in Dominica. It might sound strange for you (we had to work out special times), chapel cont’d on page 15 time, etc. So it really extended me out of my natural domain and comfort zone. So now I Fr. Glanville Joseph, C.Ss.R, Appointed think I have changed or at least I can deal Parish Priest of St. Ann & St. Paul with crowds and people. After ordination, what was your first r. Glanville Joseph, C.Ss.R, is now Parish Priest of St. Ann & St. assignment? Paul, Massacre. At his first Mass as Parish Priest, celebrated on the It is interesting because as a seminarian I Fevening of Friday April 4th, 2014, he read out to the congregation was sent to a cluster of parishes consisting his official letter of appointment from Bishop Gabriel Malzaire, effective of 10 churches. Then 7 months after the April 2nd, 2014. He replaces Fr. Franklyn Cuffy, C.Ss.R, who had served assignment I was ordained deacon and in the parish from August 1st, 2011. 5 1/2 months afterwards I was ordained Fr. Joe, as he is popularly known, is already well known in the priest. So my assignment actually began as parish, having celebrated Mass on a number of occasions while on a seminarian. assignment in Dominica. He was warmly received by parishioners. He What was your assignment, what were assured the congregation that he was looking forward to giving of his you asked to do? best and hoped to receive the support and cooperation he needed. . LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 05 Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, (ICM) Celebrate 100 Years of Presence in the Caribbean “Let your heart be like his, so generous and so foundations in the Belgian great that the whole world may find room in it.” Congo, now the Democratic (Mother Foundress, Marie Louise De Meester). Republic of Congo, in 1920 and in China in 1923. A BRIEF HISTORICAL In 1911, the INTRODUCTION issued the decree of praise and ur ICM the Missionary Canonesses of C o n g r e g a t i o n St. Augustine which had begun Owas founded by as a diocesan congregation Marie Louise De Meester in India, now became an institute of pontifical right. in Mulagumoodu, South In 1920, its missionary identity having been clearly India in 1897. Mother established, the congregation became solely dependent Marie Louise was born on the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of in Roeselare, on the Faith. The constitutions of the Congregation were April 8, 1857. On May 4, approved in 1926. Sister Marie-Louise 1881 she dedicated her After an active missionary life filled with joys as

OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, life to God in the Monastery of the Regular Canonesses well as with sufferings and trials, always strengthened of St. Augustine at Ieper, Belgium. by a deep intimacy with her God, In this community, she received Mother Marie Louise died peacefully much encouragement in her great in Louvain on October 10, 1928. love for the missions. Her zeal and dynamism, alive Urged by the Holy Spirit and in her sisters, led to the further supported by her monastery, she expansion of the Congregation in responded to the invitation of a various countries. The Congregation Carmelite priest, Father, Victor is now present in Brazil, Burundi, Verleure in India to care for Cameroon, the Caribbean, the orphans and abandoned children. Democratic Republic of Congo, She left the monastery and her Europe, Guatemala, Hong Kong, country with Dame Marie Ursule, India, Mongolia, the Philippines, a novice of that same monastery. Senegal, Taiwan and the United They arrived in India on November States. 7, 1897. In 1963, the Congregation Her missionary zeal, associated itself with the manifested in her selfless dedication Congregation of the Immaculate to God in the service of the poor, Heart of Mary (C.I.C.M.) for mutual inspired young women in India to help in spiritual matters as well as a life of similar dedication. Young in missionary activities. Since then women from Belgium were also we have been called the Missionary attracted to her ideal. This led to Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of the founding of our Congregation, Mary (I.C.M. – Immaculati Cordis the Missionary Canonesses of St. Mariae). Augustine which had continued to Faithful to the inspiration inspire Mother Marie Louise from of our Foundress, Mother Marie her days at the Monastery of Ieper. Louise, and open to the signs of the Mother Marie Louise times, our Congregation strives to eventually established foundations go forward, continually searching in the Philippines in 1910, in the for authentic ways to respond Caribbean in 1914, and in the to God’s ongoing call within the United States in 1919. Within movements of history. . her lifetime, the Congregation (“Historical Introduction”, Sister Marie-Louise with Soosai Marian of the Children’s Constitutions, 15th April, 1988) continued to expand with Home at Mulayumoodu

06 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE been sent. just have we which on lives our of worthy mission the for over,than is rather Mass the that God thanking are we like sounding same, the equally almost is assembly’s response the and conviction, or excitement without voice a in so does often Dismissal of words the delivers of the Dismissal. Secondly, the priest or the deacon who impact the flatten and lessen to tends announcements follow people the to announcements brief any necessary, the teaching of the GIRM: Missal reiterates longer Roman The necessary.” announcements, are they if announcements, of list long sometimes than the a homily. Yet the GIRM by teaches, preceded often is it First, parishes. our all not if most, in poorly “Ite, missaest.” Latin, the of urgency the of some lacks somehow God,” to be “Thanks response, our and peace,” in “Go or life,” your by Lord the glorifying peace, in “Go or Lord,” the of Gospel the announce and “Go or ended” is Mass the of GodonearthasJesustaughtus. reign or kingdom the about bring help to is, that world; the transform to is mission That on. disciples original Jesus carried out himself, and the same one he sent his came togethertocelebratetheMass/Eucharist. we why to central very is that “mission” a out carry to we are sent forth;” We are sent forth back into the world Dismissal, for words word The MASS. it: after named be to came celebration entire the that important very so considered was Dismissal the history, Church’s we are not aware of its importance. In the course of the to how we live our lives and do our work. Unfortunately critical very is It part. vital very a also is dismissal the deacon, andtheotherministers. followed by a profound bow to the altar by the priest, the deacon, the and priest the by altar the of kissing The d. blessing God. so that each many go out to do good works, praising and c. The dismissal of the people by the deacon or the the priest, in prayer over the people expressed or another more solemn formula. and enriched is occasions and days certain on which blessing, and greeting priest’s The b. necessary. a. Briefannouncements,iftheyare 90 teachesthattheconcludingritesconsistof: No. (GIRM) Missal” Roman the of Instruction “General W t s notnt ta te imsa i dn so done is Dismissal the that unfortunate is It The Dismissal by the priest or the deacon, “Go forth, that mission very the is It mission? this is What Like the other parts of the Eucharistic celebration, Rmn isl o 10. h ln ls of list long The 140). no. Missal (Roman here” ni w hv be sn frh Ti pr of part This is celebration the forth. sent been have we until Eucharist the of celebration the leave cannot e Liturgy Update:TheEucharist&Mission “Ite, missa est,” missa “Ite, The Mass oncluding Rites. Concluding Know YourFaith oe fo te Latin the from comes which means “Go, means which “If they are TURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” OF SCRIPTURES ISIGNORANCE “IGNORANCE “brief The REMEMBER: CHRIST IS COUNTINGONUS! It is not optional. We are are We optional. not is It icpe o Jss eund ad ie hm excitedly them, like telling himallwesaidanddid. and returned, Jesus of disciples will we Eucharist the of celebration next the At world. the of altar the on continues It begun. just has it because but ended is celebration Eucharistic the because not God,” to lives be “Thanks our say, we of so And worthy disciples. missionary mission as a truly is It unpaid. and paid both our work our Church; community, universal the parish and diocese our of members as work our nation; our and communities civic our of members and citizens as as work work our family; our and – children and work parents our through it do We world. the (Luke24:13-35). ofthebread in thebreaking the road, and how Jesus had been made known to them on happened had what together gathered companions their and disciples eleven the told They Jerusalem. to returned and up got they and bread, the of breaking the in Eucharist Jesus recognized they about after hour same us That Mission. teaches Emmaus to Road §119). Exhortation, are disciples” “missionary we always that rather but “missionaries”, and “disciples” are we that say our longer no “We us. to Francis of says theme the Synod. mission, on Diocesan disciples are we that remember to always Weneed our disciples. his to as mission recommitted and Eucharist, the in Jesus with encounter our are by Werenewed lives daily our to assembly. forth sent the of member single every to There is no one who is exempt from this mission. this from exempt is who one no is There The mission that flows from the Eucharist isto Eucharist the from flows that mission The Ours aretheeyesthroughwhichtolookat h isiig tr o te w dsils n the on disciples two the of story inspiring The all Christ hasnobodyonearthbutours; (Based onthePrayerattributed to Christ’s compassiontotheworld. e eunn fo te iso a te first the as mission the from returning be Christ istogoaboutdoinggood. St. Teresa of Avila, 1515-1582). ofAvila, St. Teresa Ours arethehandswithwhich vnei Guim te o o te Gospel the of Joy the Gaudium, Evangelii Christ istoblessothersnow. Ours arethefeetwithwhich Sister LorraineRoyer, ICM No handsbutours, W ae l msinr disciples,” missionary all are “We No feetbutours. all sent forth, from the priest the from forth, sent Pp Facs Apostolic Francis: (Pope

. 07 all

OUR DIOCESE Know Your Faith Tell Fr. Ben Dear Fr. Ben: Since I was young my parents always told me that I have to kiss the cross

OUR DIOCESE I Believe.... on Good Friday, but they never told “Jesus Christ descended into hell; on the third day He rose again me why. Could you enlighten me from the dead.” please? Consistent What is the “hell” into which Jesus descended? This “hell” was different from the hell of the damned. It was the state of all Dear Consistent, those, righteous and evil, who died before Christ. With his soul united to The entrance antiphon for the Paschal his divine Person Jesus went down to the just in hell who were awaiting Triduum which begins with the Mass of their Redeemer so they could enter at last into the vision of God. When the Lord’s Supper on Thursday of Holy he had conquered by his death both death and the devil “who has the Week, states, “We should glory in the power of death” (Hebrews 2:14), he freed the just who looked forward to Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom the Redeemer and opened for them the gates of heaven. (632-637*) is our salvation, life and resurrection, What place does the Resurrection of Christ occupy in our faith? through whom we are saved and The Resurrection of Jesus is the crowning truth of our faith in Christ and delivered.” This antiphon sets the tone represents along with his cross an essential part of the Paschal Mystery. of the entire celebration spread over (631, 638) three liturgical days, the centrality of What are the signs that bear witness to the Resurrection of Jesus? the Cross for the salvation of mankind. Along with the essential sign of the empty tomb, the Resurrection of And so, on Good Friday, following Jesus is witnessed to by the women who first encountered Christ and the Solemn Intercessions, the faithful proclaimed him to the apostles. Jesus then “appeared to Cephas (Peter) are invited to take part in the Adoration and then to the Twelve. Following that he appeared to more than five of the Cross. First the Cross is shown hundred of the brethren at one time” (1 Corinthians 15:5-6) and to others to the people with the words: “Behold as well. The apostles could not have invented the story of the resurrection the wood of the Cross on which hung the since it seemed impossible to them. As a matter of fact, Jesus himself salvation of the world”, to which they upbraided them for their unbelief. (639-644, 656-657) respond: “Come, let us adore.” Then, Why is the Resurrection at the same time a transcendent according to the rubrics, “first, the occurrence? priest celebrant alone approaches, with While being an historical event, verifiable and attested by signs and the chasuble and his shoes removed, testimonies, the Resurrection, insofar as it is the entrance of Christ’s if appropriate, then the clergy, the lay humanity into the glory of God, transcends and surpasses history as a ministers, and the faithful approach, mystery of faith. For this reason the risen Christ did not manifest himself moving as if in procession, and showing to the world but to his disciples, making them his witnesses to the people. reverence to the Cross by a simple (647, 656-657) genuflection or by some other sign, What is the condition of the risen body of Jesus? appropriate to the usage of the region, for The Resurrection of Christ was not a return to earthly life. His risen body example, by kissing the cross.” is that which was crucified and bears the marks of his passion. However Adoration or veneration of an it also participates in the divine life, with the characteristics of a glorified image or representation of Christ’s body. Because of this the risen Jesus was utterly free to appear to his cross does not mean that we actually disciples how and where he wished and under various aspects. (645-646) adore the material image, of course, but How is the Resurrection the work of the Most Holy Trinity? rather what it represents. Just as in The Resurrection of Christ is a transcendent work of God. The three many instances, people kiss pictures of Persons act together according to what is proper to them: the Father their loved ones showing affection not manifests his power; the Son “takes again” the life which he freely offered to the picture but to the one whom the (John 10:17), reuniting his soul and his body which the Spirit brings to picture represents. In kneeling before life and glorifies. (648-650) the crucifix and kissing it, we are paying What is the saving meaning of the Resurrection? the highest honour to our Lord’s cross The Resurrection is the climax of the Incarnation. It confirms the divinity as the instrument of our salvation. of Christ and all the things which he did and taught. It fulfills all the divine Because the Cross is inseparable from promises made for us. Furthermore the risen Christ, the conqueror of sin His sacrifice, in reverencing His Cross and death, is the principle of our justification and our Resurrection. It we, in effect, adore Christ. Thus we procures for us now the grace of filial adoption which is a real share in affirm: ‘We adore Thee, O Christ, and we the life of the only begotten Son. At the end of time he will raise up our bless Thee because by Thy Holy Cross bodies. (651-655, 658) . Thou has Redeemed the World.’ *Excerpt from the Compendium of the Catholic Church, United States Conference Yours in Christ, of Catholic Bishops Fr. Ben 08 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE Our Catholic Heritage Art * Music * Culture Celebrating our many talents The Church, dedicated to

St. Therese of Lisieux, in Salisbury OUR DIOCESE By Bernard Lauwyck his church was solemnly blessed Tand dedicated to St. Theresa of Lisieux in 1929. It is a beautiful building, constructed in The Parish installed ceramic tiles shortly after the local quarried porous red- roof was completed. At that time, there was no colored stone with a timber resident priest. roof structure, covered with When the newly ordained priest Fr. Nigel corrugated galvanized steel Karam was appointed Parish Priest of St. Theresa, sheets. In the words of the he identified a ceiling as the most pressing need. It late Bishop James Moris in was impossible to have ceremonies in the church, his history of the Diocese during heavy rains as the sound of the raindrops on of Roseau: “The church the galvanised roof was deafening. Fr. Nigel Karam was constructed with brought me a photograph of the type of ceiling he splendid materials, graceful wanted and my team started the design. proportions and exquisite A main feature was the flower motif, as St. beauty” The building is one Theresa is of the few cross-shaped referred as (cruciform) churches in the “the little Diocese of Roseau. flower”. After The original windows of the 1930′s church had to funding and be replaced by Monsignor Eustace Thomas with durable materials were aluminum windows in 1990. Monsignor also set the secured, the first new roofing part of the ceiling project in was completed in m o t i o n . 2010. The nave Fundraising was completed c o n t i n u e d in June 2012. under Rev. I want Fr. Elveau to express my and the new gratitude to Fr. roof was Nigel Karam for i n s t a l l e d allowing us to under Fr. design, build and install a beautiful ceiling in this most Paul in 2006. beautiful church in Dominica. . THE RENOVATION OF THE OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN CATHEDRAL HOW CAN YOU HELP NAME ACCOUNT NUMBER • Put a little something extra in collection every month, envelope it and The National Bank of Dominica 100060310 label it ‘Cathedral Roof Renovation’. The First Caribbean Int. Bank 106965624 • Arrange for a standing order or direct debit from your bank account Bank of Nova Scotia 8932 monthly to any of the renovation accounts listed below. The Royal Bank of Canada 7284409 • Pay online by adding the appropriate account number to your pay bill National Co-operative Credit Union 0000300400 facility with your local bank. In order to facilitate the process, the Diocese has opened accounts at the All contributions will be most welcome. under-mentioned institutions Check out The Roseau Cathedral Treasures series on this website: http://www.avirtualdominica.com/roseau-cathedral.cfm and the Diocese on this blog: dioceser.wordpress.com. Please Donate to the cause!

TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 09 St. John & St. Lewis’ Marriage Encounter Weekend By Fr. Herman Sharplis t is believed that marriage is under Iattack and that marriages break up for one reason or another.

OUR DIOCESE Couples are faced with countless challenges and just do not know how to deal with these issues. The Marriage Encounter Movement certainly helps couples and provides them with the tools and skills to enhance and nurture a happier marriage. The Marriage Encounter is a weekend encounter their Pastor could share that weekend experience with which couples are eternally grateful for, as it rekindles them. Fr. Sharplis went all out to get couples to attend the spark of Holy Matrimony. Such was the experience the weekend. Father says that the weekend was certainly for eleven (11) couples of St. John & St. Lewis parish helpful as it propelled him to recommit himself to the and their parish priest Fr. Herman Sharplis. priestly vocation and his parish. He was very happy to The couples spent the weekend of March 21st to 23rd have done the Marriage Encounter weekend and would at the Holy Redeemer Retreat House for this profound encourage all priests and religious to so the same. and enriching weekend, led by the Marriage Encounter In May 2011, fourteen (14) couples did the very Team of Deacon & Mrs. Alvin Knight, Mr. & Mrs.Rudolph same weekend retreat and today remain very committed Felix and Mr. & Mrs. Hilarian Jules. The couples were to their marriage and the Church. According to Fr. exposed to talks, discussion and reflections that truly Sharplis, the goal is to get as many couples as possible prompted deep reflection on their lives as couples and to do the weekend. The next weekend planned for May how they can make their marriage happier. month-end, the drive will continue to have more couples At the end of the weekend, one husband, thanking do the Marriage Encounter weekend. The parish has a Fr. Sharplis for encouraging him to attend the Marriage support system through the Couples for Christ which Encounter said that this was the best thing he had done ensures support, encouragement and prayer among since his thirty-two (32) years of marriage, and that he couples in the parish. . was eternally grateful for such an experience. The couples were very encouraged and happy that St. John & St. Lewis’ Parish Men’s Ministry By Fr. Herman Sharplis he work of the DACAMEN remains a beacon in the Coordinators: Fr. Sharplis and Deacon Pershing parish of St. John & St. Lewis. For that matter, the Waldron; President: Kwame Connor; Vice President: Tgroup continues to be active under the leadership Anton Azille; Secretary: Augustus St. Jean; Treasurer: of Mr. Mannix George, despite the many challenges, such Rogers Larocque; Assistant Secretary /Treasurer: Linton as the death and aging of its members. However, the Morvan; Public Relation Officer (PRO): Roland Vigille; hope of the group is ever a worry because young adult or Committee Members: Mr. Mannix George, Mr. Eric young men are not joining the group. Prosper, Mr. Alixson Severin and Mr. Bannet George. Through the initiative of the Parish Priest, Fr. This fellowship of men will work collaboratively Herman Sharplis, a meeting was called on March 6th for with the DACAMEN. Some of the activities organized for all men to discuss the situation of men and the Church. the men for the next months are: A night of the Lenten About thirty (30) men were present. They ranged from Retreat where men will animate and lead, a domino teenage to elderly men. The discussion was indeed very competition and the beginning of the S.O.S on Tuesday lively and so it was felt that a Ministry to organize and March 25, 2014. Through the S.O.S, the goal is to train coordinate activities and programmes for men in the as many men as possible in leadership, which will enable parish should be formed. more men leadership in the Church. The men are excited Towards the end of the meeting, the following men to begin this new adventure and commit themselves to were elected to coordinate this special Ministry for men: make it work. . 10 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE SVP AnnualGeneralMeeting&AssemblyofConferences the conclusionofMass. by followed was that and said were legion the of prayers concluding the consecration, the After yours.” is have I that all and Mother, my Queen, my yours, all am “I loudly pronounced He fore-front. the Fr.at Vrignaud Blessed Mary. in Members pairs processed to of the the front altar, the to consecration of act the and catena; the of recitation the legion; the included: the taking of the promise by four new members into the ranks of was celebratedbyRev.Fr. LouisVrignaud, FMI. T T h Ais eeoy culy ok lc atr omno. That communion. after place took actually Ceremony Acies The Worker ofWoodford Conference” onlyafew monthsago. the Hill,formed Joseph, “St. was them Among Conferences. of Assembly and Meeting General Annual the attend to wenty Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul converged in Portsmouth on Sunday April 6, 2014 from the entire diocese attended the usual Sunday Mass which Mass Sunday usual the attended diocese entire the from came who Mary of Legion the of Members 2014. 23rd March on Society, took place at the St. ’s Church in La Plaine Mary of Legion the by annually held is which ceremony Acies he Legion ofMarySocietyACIECeremony . h stain s oees saig ht t a the was it that stating hopeless, as situation the saw Martha Nonetheless away. rolled be tomb the of entrance the closing he meant, emphasized that Lazarus what was dead. Jesus understand asked that not the stone did disciples the that Lazarus realizing that Jesus, asleep. thought was disciples The him. wake to going am I resting, is arrived, he time the By Jesus. Lazarus Yetfriend days. Our four says: for Jesus dead been had Lazarus for sent sisters two his ill, fell Lazarus when So Lazarus. brother their and Mary Martha, loved Jesus situation. is hopeless most nothing the in that even hope out is there God pointed With God. homily, with impossible his in Sharplis, John: Father Gospel: 45. 11 - 1- 8 11: 8: Romans: Reading: Second -14; Reading: 12 First 32: were: Ezikiel: readings the and Lent in Sunday Fifth the was It The session began with Mass at 8.00 a.m. celebrated by Fr. Sharplis. TURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” OF SCRIPTURES ISIGNORANCE “IGNORANCE By SoniaChristian By RupertLance cont’d onpage19 11

OUR DIOCESE Parish Lenten Retreats around the Diocese of Roseau OUR DIOCESE

Women Lenten Retreat Parish Lenten Retreat Parish Lenten Retreat In the Parish of St. Alphonsus, Goodwill In the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Newtown In the Parish of Our Lady of Health, Castle Bruce From 17th - 21st of March 2014 From 24th - 28th March 2014 From 17th - 21st March 2014 Theme: Go Make Disciples Theme: Go Make Disciples Theme: Go Make Disciples with a sub-theme per night Sub-theme: Encountering Jesus Preacher: Bishop Gabriel Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau & celebrated in a different chapel each night Preacher: Sr. Lorraine Royer, ICM Msgr. William John-Lewis Preacher: Fr. Augustine Elveau

12 Parish Lenten Retreats around theDioceseofRoseau around Parish LentenRetreats Theme: Go Make Disciples with a sub-theme pernight Theme: GoMakewithasub-theme Disciples In the Parish of Our Lady ofHealth, Bruce Castle In theParish Lady ofOur celebrated ina different chapeleach night Preacher: Fr. Augustine Elveau From 17th-21stMarch2014 P arish L enten R etreat

Preachers: Deacons Curtis Knight, andAlvin Fr.Victor Preachers: DeaconsCurtis Theme: GoMakecelebrated Disciples ineachchapel Peter Wamutitu &Msgr. William John-Lewis In theParish ofSt. Patrick, Grandbay From 31stMarch-4thApril2014 P arish L enten R

e v i v al In the Parish of Our Lady of La Soie, ofLa WesleyIn theParish Lady ofOur Preacher: Mr. Louis Lawrence From 7th-9thofApril2014 Theme: GoMake Disciples P arish L enten R etreat 13

OUR DIOCESE St. Alphonsus Women Encounter Jesus By Janice Monelle omen of God from all walks of life, congregated (characteristic of life and death) - were used. With for the Women’s Lenten retreat in the parish reverence, the women processed to touch the life-giving Wof St. Alphonsus, from 17 to 21 March, 2014. water, take light from the paschal candle and touch They were promised, on the first night, an out of the the white garment which brought to mind baptism and

OUR DIOCESE ordinary, spirit-filled and reflective experience, and they death. Together with the symbols, beautifying the retreat were not disappointed. Through environment, the aroma of balsam the sharing by Sr. Lorraine Royer, added its precious fragrance. that promise was fulfilled. In the words of the dismissal Out of the ordinary it was every evening, “Go and Make indeed, as for the first time for such Disciples,” the theme of this year’s an occasion, technology by way of Diocesan Synod Implementation, power point slides and videos was the women were sent forth as used to bring the stories from the “missionary disciples.” It was gospel of St. John to life. These most fitting that the final slide were going to be the focus of the presentation depicted the words, sharing. How personal encounters “New Evangelization” together with with Jesus through the Samaritan a picture of smiling Woman John 4), the Man Born with hand raised, as if sending us Blind (John 9), The Raising of forth himself. Lazarus (John 11), and the Woman The week ended with the Caught in Adultery (John 8), brought everyone to quiet, celebration of the Eucharist by the parish priest reflective and soul-searching moments was memorable. Monsignor Eustace Thomas, whose homily summarized And so remarkable was the realization, that these the various encounters. The choir encouraged and encounters were intertwined with their everyday lives, enhanced the raising of voices in song and thanksgiving the gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the for what all agreed was a spirit-filled and enlightening Lenten message of fasting, prayer and alms giving. Lenten journey together. As part of bringing to the fore the essence of With true agape love, the women met afterwards, the message every evening, symbols relative to each at the St. Alphonsus Parish Hall, for refreshments and encounter - water, light and the white garment the opportunity to socialize. . St. Ann & St. Paul’s Parish Lenten Retreat By Wendell Lawrence riday April 4 marked the fifth and last evening of the Parish Lenten Retreat held under the theme of “The Gospel of Joy” by Pope Francis. FFr. Joe used his homily to speak of “Spirit-filled Evangelizers.” He emphasized that the call to evangelize was to each and all the baptized without exception. Catholic Christians had to make it their duty to keep updating their knowledge of the faith and to witness every day without fear by word and deed. Other presentations were made by Msgr. Eustace Thomas (“The Mission of the Church Today” on Monday March 31), Ms. Annette Austrie (“Social Issues” on Tuesday April 01), Deacon Curtis Victor (“Proclaiming the Gospel” on Wednesday April 02), and Mrs. Josephine Dublin (“Challenges & Temptations) on Thursday April 3rd 2014. .

14 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE about priesthood and thinking about giving their lives to lives their giving about thinking and priesthood about thinking them get to just called be must somebody least to say I else. somebody them that yes, not everybody is called to be a priest but at for is that priest, a be tell to called to try I not are they what that me tell who and those especially men young Trinidad about talk could I Well and toFr. Conan’sparishsoIdidalittlebitofdrive. Portsmouth to went I question your answer to And now. Fr.for here back am I and ordination Shillingford’s Conan back came I Then seminarian. a was I while parishioners other to Sr. two with retreat Icame a on and profession one, final Martha’s first The visit. third my actually is It sacramentallyeachnight. and God’spresence discipleship, baptism, like aspects different at looking am I then And time.” of end the to always you with am I that know and commands my them teach Spirit, Holy the and Son Father, the of name the in them baptizing nations all of I am using Matthew 28:19 tothenights. and thatiswhatthepeoplehavebrought difficult for me to say but theretreat itself, Iis likedit themean mood I sharing, own my of terms in that, from apart But night. first the from me impressed has That Church. the for and God for love basic a love, a have still Dominica because you live there but I sense that the people of God in What aboutwhenyouarenotintheretreat,have you young menouttherewho arepossiblythinkingabout As ayoungpriest,whatmessagewouldyoutell other O the participants would take the experience back to their to back experience the take would participants the that was retreat the of outcomes the of One one. useful and good very a being as experience the of spoke others to refocus and put into better perspective their lives, while them helped program the that agreed participants some learning experience among the their participants. Interestingly, building and of sharing productive very purpose a for made skills sole gathered leadership the with proficiencies place one and into ages backgrounds, leadership areas, previous leadership training in the past. Having men from different no training, while some had participated in had had participants the and of Many Sunday. Saturday into through all continued well retreat The and evening Friday on earnest in began as environs. and Roseau Salisbury as and Fond, Grand Coulibistrie Soufriere, Plaine, La as far as from Leadership came Participants Men’s Retreat. Success) of (Seeds What hasbeenyourthemethroughoutthenightsso had achancetogoaroundDominica,isityourfirst Christian Leadership: ofSuccess Seeds Men’s Retreat n the weekend of April 6 April of weekend the n House, 14 men met for the SOS Retreat the for met men 14 House, Redeemer Holy the at becoming apriest? visit toDominica? “Go therefore and make disciples far? Interview withFr.Interview Steve Ransome th 2014 Cont’d from page05 TURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” OF SCRIPTURES ISIGNORANCE “IGNORANCE Dominica. . service and we hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here in your for you thank we So priest. a become to man choose can young a when blessing a really is it And world. the of short very priests throughout are the whole we region know, and I well think throughout you As journey. priestly your for blessings God’s you wish we And Radio. Catholic Dominica the and Magazine Community us Catholic with Our talk at and come to out time the talking for much notserious. are we but kingdom living about talk all about We serious money. making not are we but money making about talk Wedo. we what is this and this say we well say will world that or else we will just not be taken seriously. The secular banish to not the law but to fulfill it by his life. As we Church have to do came He did. Jesus what is that because what I do. That is ‘radical discipleship’ -- following the Lord and say I what between incongruence no with life a live to have really You message. to that priest authenticate a to as or thing preach one is It me. with begin to has that other words that were my own. It is a ‘radical discipleship’ had I wish I but cliché, a is It discipleship’. ‘radical real a to back go to needs Caribbean the in Church the think I all, atleastnotmostofthetime. and giving and pain and struggle and carrying a cross but it is not that at self-sacrifice see only They meaningful. and fulfilling as priesthood of terms in think men young think not do I And meaningful. and fulfilling very is God program can contact 275 2824 for more information. . information. cancontact2752824formore program younger generation. the to generation older the pass from to roles need leadership the greater on even an is there this, of because and on passing our or of retiring more and older and getting more are leaders when time a at are we as skills leadership build to important more organizations. even becoming based is It church or schools groups, youth communities, their within role leadership a on taking in that theChurchcanovercomeorisitsomething in theregionanddoyouthinkthatthisissomething You knowwearefacedwithmanysecularchallenges will continuetoinfluenceusastimepassesby? u Ctoi Cmuiy at t tak o very you thank to wants Community Catholic Our Anyone interested in following the SOS Leadership SOS the following in interested Anyone targeted at all those who are interested interested are who those all at targeted is program The team. a as working and building and effectively goals, communicating achieving by and leading characteristics setting as: program example, such important skills The leaders of at leader. looks effective an become to necessary skills the individuals develop help to designed program complete theprogram. to leaders potential and leaders other communities and groups and encourage The SOS Leadership program is a is program Leadership SOS The


OUR DIOCESE Sts. John & St. Lewis’ Parish Lenten Retreat By Fr. Herman Sharplis

he parish retreat was held at the Portsmouth Catholic Church from OUR DIOCESE T7:00 p.m. from Monday 31st March to Friday 4th April. The Preacher for the first four nights was Rev. Dr. William Watty of the Methodist Church. The theme was ‘Forgiveness’. Mass was celebrated on the Friday night to close the retreat. On that night, parishioners brought alot of dry foods and other household items to donate to the Northern District Home for the Aged. .

16 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE EVENTS Notice Board 34th Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference nd th Giraudel Flower ShowMay 34th Catholic Charismatic • 2rd - 4Mother’sth : Day Renewal Conference • 3 th - 7Special: Collection for Vocations Guest Speakers OUR DIOCESE • 11th: Novena to the Holy Spirit Chapel • 11th: th • 28 World- June 6 Communications: Sunday in Loubiere st june • 1 : Our Lady of Fatima Parish Fun (SpecialDay collection for theth radio)Father’s Day & Diocesan Appeal Fund Collection • 15th: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help • 15th: th • 17 - 25 : in Cathedral International Food Fair Fr. Ian Taylor Fr. Brancker John Fr. Carl Clark Giraudelth • 29 : From Trinidad From Dominica From Jamaica Feasts & solemnities To Register call 614 1364 or visit the office on Independence Street opposite BTC on th Memorial of Joseph, the Worker Friday 25 April from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and from st MAY 28th April - 2nd May from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. • 1 : Memorial of Blessed Edmund Rice - Patron of Grand Come Experience inspiring Talks, Celebration of the Fondth & Woodfordhill Sacraments, Healing Service etc.Blessings await everyone. • 5 : Good Sheperd Sunday - Patron of the Christianth Memorial Brothers of Saint Isidore, the farmer • 11th: - Patron of Concord Prayer Corner • 15 : Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin - Patron Mary of Grandst Bay (celebrated on Pentecost Monday) ICM CENTENNIAL PRAYER • 31 Solemnity: of the Ascension of the Lord june Good and Gracious God, st Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday Source of all Life, • 1th: All creation is charged with your Divine Energy and • 8 : Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity- Patron of Loubiere & our ICM life and history are a part of this Web of Life. Warnerth We give you thanks and praise • 15 : Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ - Patron of for Mother Marie Louise De Meester. Bagatellend Solemnity of the Birth of St. A hundred years ago, accompanied by • 22 : Sister Marie Adrienne, Mother Marie Louise th journeyed to St. Croix to give birth to ICM Caribbean. • 24 : Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Partron of Marigotth We give you thanks and praise Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus for our early pioneers. • 26th: - Patron of Giraudel With undaunted zeal, they blazed the trail for ICM in • 27 : Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Patron God’s mission in the Caribbean. of Lath Roche And succeeding generations of sisters continued blazing the trail for us. • 28 : Solemnity of Sts. Peter & Paul - Patron of ICMth Sisters & FMI Brothers We give you thanks and praise • 29 : - Patron of Colihaut & for the precious gift of your Caribbean People. Calibishie whom we are privileged to serve. We humbly implore you, be with us in the power of your Holy Spirit as we gratefully celebrate Dominica Catholic Radio one hundred years of presence in the Caribbean. can be heard on 96.1 on the FM frequency, channel May our celebration be a time of genuine renewal. 94 on Marpin 2k4, channel 112 & 7 on SAT TV & Make us one in mind and heart. Continue journeying with us, leading us onward. live stream on http://dominicacatholicradio.org. We pray through the intercession of Mary our Blessed Please spread the word and send in your financial Mother, and in the name of Jesus, the One who is contributions to Dominica Catholic Radio, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. P.O. Box 790, Roseau, Dominica Send us your parish events & notices Call us at 448 2837 or email us at [email protected] LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO SAT CHANNEL 7 & 112 17 SCHEDULE OF MASSES & SERVICES FOR THE DIOCESE OF ROSEAU PARISH / LOCATION CHURCH / CHAPEL SUNDAYS WEEKDAYS TIME Monday – Saturday 6:00 a.m. Our Lady of Fair Haven Our Lady of Fair Haven Friday Cathedral Roseau Cathedral 7:00 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. Saturday 1:10 p.m. Thursday Adoration all day 6:00 p.m. Trafalgar St. 9:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 a.m. Morne Prosper The Holy Family 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Laudat Sts. Joachim & Ann 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Wotten Waven Christ the King 11:00 a.m. Our Lady of Fatima: Monday & Wednesday 6:30 p.m. OUR DIOCESE Newtown Our Lady of Fatima Church 7:00 a.m. Friday 6:00 a.m. Saturday 7:00 p.m. Loubiere The Holy Spirit 9:00 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 a.m. Giraudel Our Lady of Perpetual Help 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bellevue Chopin St. Gerard Majella 11:00 a.m. Tuesday (Chaplet & Rosary) 6:15 p.m. Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. St. Alphonsus: St. Alphonsus Church 6:00 a.m. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Goodwill 9:00 a.m. Thursday Adoration all day Cochrane Presentation of the Child Jesus 11:00 a.m. - 4th Sunday Fond Colé Fond Colé Pre-School 11:00 a.m. - 3rd Sunday St. Luke: St. Luke (National Shrine of Our 8:00 a.m. Monday & Friday 6:00 a.m. Pointe Michel Lady of La Salette) Wednesday 7:00 p.m. St. Mark: St. Mark Church (National Monday, Wednesday - Soufriere Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes) 9:30 a.m. Saturday 6:00 a.m. Scotts Head St. Bernadette 7:30 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 a.m. Sts. John & Lewis: Portsmouth Sts. John & Lewis Church 8:00 a.m. Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. Toucarie St. 11:00 a.m. - 1st Sunday 3rd Thursday 7:00 p.m. Capuchin St. 11:00 a.m. - 2nd Sunday 1st Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bourne Our Lady of Guadalupe 11:00 a.m. - 4th Sunday 1st Saturday 6:30 a.m. Ross University --- 2:00 p.m. - 1st & 3rd Sun. St. Ann & St. Paul: Massacre Tuesday (Novena) 6:45 a.m. St. Ann & St. Paul Church 7:00 a.m. Friday 6:00 a.m. Monday 6:00 a.m. Canefield St. Martin de Porres 8:00 a.m. Wednesday (Novena) 6:00 p.m. Mahaut The Holy Family 10:00 a.m. Thursday 6:00 a.m. Campbell Our Lady Queen of Peace 10:00 a.m. Warner The Holy Spirit 10:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:00 p.m. St. Joseph: St. Joseph Church 8:00 a.m. Thursday - Friday 7:00 a.m. Mero St. John Neumann 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Belles Blessed Peter Donders 11:00 a.m. St. Theresa: Salisbury Monday, Friday, Saturday 6:00 a.m. St. Theresa Church 7:00 a.m. Alt. Thurs. for adoration 6:00 p.m. Sts. Joachim & Ann Tuesday, Wednesday 6:00 a.m. Coulibistrie 10:00 a.m. Alt. Thurs. for adoration 6:00 p.m. St. Peter: Colihaut St. Peter Church 10:00 a.m. Friday 6:00 a.m. Dublanc / Bioche Miraculous Infant Jesus 8:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Our Lady of Health: Castle Bruce Our Lady of Health Church 8:00 a.m. 1st Fri. & 1st Sat. (Devotion) 6:30 a.m. San Sauveur The Transfiguration 10:30 a.m. Thursday 6:30 a.m. 1st Thurs. (Petite Soufriere) 6:30 a.m. Salybia Our Lady of the Caribs 10:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Atkinson St. Dominic 8:00 or 10:00 a.m. Friday 6:30 a.m. Mahaut River Our Lady Queen of Sorrows 8:00 a.m. Saturday 6:30 a.m. Our Lady of La Soie: Wesley Our Lady of the Assumption 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 a.m. Marigot St. John the Baptist 7:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:40 a.m. Woodford Hill St. Joseph the Worker 7:00 a.m. Wednesday 5:30 a.m. Calibishie Sts. Peter & Paul 9:30 a.m. Concord The Good Shepherd 9:30 a.m. St. Andrew: Vieille Case St. Andrew Church 8:00 a.m. Daily 5:30 a.m. Paix Bouche St. Matthew 10:30 a.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. Thibaud The Resurrection of the Lord 8:00 a.m. Monday 7:00 p.m. Anse De Mai St. Benedict 8:00 a.m. Friday 7:00 p.m. Upper Penville The Martyrs of Uganda 10:30 a.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Lower Penville St. John Bosco 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 p.m. St Patrick: Grand Bay St. Patrick Church 7:00 a.m. Daily 6:00 a.m. Bagatelle The Trinity 9:30 a.m. Petite Savanne Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & 9:30 a.m. Tete Morne St. Vincent de Paul 9:30 a.m. Pichelin The Epiphany 7:00 a.m. Dubique --- St. Francis Xavier: Monday, Thursday, Friday 6:00 a.m. La Plaine St. Francis Xavier Church 10:15 a.m. Tuesday 5:30 p.m. La Roche Sacred Heart 10:15 a.m. Friday 5:00 p.m. Boetica St. Francis of Assisi 8:00 a.m. Morne Jaune St. Theresa 8:00 a.m. Tuesday 5:00 p.m. Grand Fond St. Joseph the Worker 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 5:30 a.m. 18 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE On Being Church Today Extracts from report on Stewardship Conference spoke of a new model of Church. He said the model of 15 16 March and Catholic Standard 21 March Church we are accustomed to is the hierarchical, top 2014 down model. This model has many disadvantages, so e are all servants by our Baptism in Christ. he proposed another model, where the bishop is not Inclusivity is the most potent sign of the on top, he is at the side. This model allows people Wkingdom to talk to each other far more ‘We have 200 people in seating easily. He spoke of a healthy leaf as for 150!’ So said His Lordship Bishop having veins criss-crossing, with Francis Alleyne OSB, addressing sap flowing all around. He said participants of the National that this means that everybody Catholic Stewardship Conference can be included, and that everyone in the packed conference hall of St. is bringing their gifts to ensure Paul’s Pastoral Centre, Vryheid’s the Church lives, and that is Lust, ECD. The Conference, which Stewardship. was organised by the Diocesan Archbishop Harris elaborated

Stewardship Council of Guyana, on the new model of church, and the THE CARIBBEAN OUR CHURCH IN took place from March 15th- 16th. qualities it requires of us. He spoke Over 200 people, coming from the of the four marks of the Church (the length and breadth of Guyana, as Church is One, Holy, Catholic and well as a contingent of ten persons Apostolic). He said that this is true, (including two priests) from but in today’s world, because the neighbouring , took part world is changing, the marks have in the conference. to be tweaked a little bit for Church Archbishop Joseph Harris The Conference started to be relevant. He then went on to on Saturday, March 15th with Morning Prayer, elaborate on the new marks of the Church today: followed by the welcome by Mr. Rock Beharry of Imagination, Availability, Inclusivity and Martyrdom. the Stewardship Council, and opening remarks by Some further extracts from a follow up report on Bishop Francis Alleyne. Archbishop Harris presentation in Catholic Standard ‘On Being Church Today’. Archbishop Harris of Guyana of 28 March 2014. . SVP Annual General Meeting & Assembly of Conferences Cont’d from page 11 fourth day after death and the body would already have was taken. The host Conference, St. John/St. Lewis of a stench. No matter how hopeless the situation seemed, Portsmouth provided refreshments. Following break, Jesus’ command was obeyed. The stone at the entrance the formal meeting began with the Vincentian Prayer. of the tomb was rolled away. Jesus commands Lazarus The host Conference welcomed all present. National to come out of the tomb and Lazarus obeys. Additionally, council President, Sr. Merina Sebastian delivered Jesus commands that Lazarus be unbound and he is brief remarks. She expressed her pleasure at the good obeyed. turnout of members. How does the gospel message speak to us today? The minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Firstly, no matter how hopeless the situation in 2013 were read and confirmed as amended. which we may find ourselves, if we listen to God and This was followed by ‘matters arising from the do what he tells us, hope can be restored. Lazarus, minutes. Reports were delivered by officers of the the dead man, responded to Jesus and he came out National Executive: President (Sr. Merina Sebastian), of the tomb. Similarly, we too, can free ourselves from Treasurer (Br. Antoine Martin), Twinning Officer (Sr. the entombment of sin, drugs, alcoholism, selfishness, Renita Charles), HAPPY (helping a poor, promising greed, hate. There is hope for us even in the most youth) Program Coordinator (Br. Vernon Martin) and hopeless of circumstance. Thrift shop Coordinator (Sr. Theodora Toussaint. Secondly, we need others. We need the community. The Conferences present then delivered their No man is an island. Although Lazarus came out of the reports. Reporting was interrupted to allow the host tomb, he could not unbind himself. He needed others conference to serve a delectable lunch. The reporting to unbind him so that he could be completely free. We continued after the lunch break. The reports delivered too need others to unbind us and help us gain our and comments made, it was time for Thank Yours and freedom. closing prayer. . The celebration of Holy Mass ended, a short break

“IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 19 The Elevation of the Cathedral of Paramaribo he Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Surinamese believers. He announced in Suriname has been elevated that the latest studies are conducted Tto a Basilica Minore. Many to arrive at the decision as to declare attended the blessing on Sunday Father Peter Donders holy in Rome. including representatives of the Petrus Donders, who lived in the Catholic church, Archbishop of Port early nineteenth century, dedicated of Spain Joseph Harris, Cardinal his entire priestly life to work and Kelvin Felix, Bishop Wilhelmus care for the lepers who were exiled by de Bekker of Paramaribo, Bishop the government to Batavia, a remote Emmanuel Lafont of Cayenne, and village in the interior of Suriname. the Apostolic Archbishop With the elevation, there are Nicola Girasoli. some ornaments added to the A basilica refers to the highest building. The coat of arms of the title for a church building in the Vatican, the arms of Pope Francis Roman Catholic use. Although the and the new weapon of the basilica, Vatican had decided not to elevate decorate the front and the entrance OUR CHURCH IN THE CARIBBEAN OUR CHURCH IN any more cathedrals to the rank of the building. With the elevation, of basilica, Pope Francis made an the chances become greater that the exception. The basilica is the fifth in Pope can visit Suriname. the Caribbean. Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral is The elevation was approved by the fifth cathedral to be elevated to a special decree from Pope Francis, a minor basilica in the Caribbean. which Bishop De Bekker received The others are the Cathedral of the in January. Bishop De Bekker in Port of submitted the request to have the Cathedral elevated to Spain, as well as the Cathedral in St Lucia which carries a minor basilica on the recommendation of the Apostolic the same Marian title. The other two are the Cathedral Nuncio Archbishop Nicola Girasoli. Archbishop Girasoli of Our Lady of Guadeloupe in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, was in Paramaribo for the first time in January 2013 and the Cathedral of St Ann in Willemstad, Curacao. to present his credentials to the President of Suriname. The Paramaribo Cathedral was closed for renovations When he visited the Cathedral on that occasion he was for more than 20 years, reopening on November 14, deeply impressed by it. It is one of the 2010. The elevation to minor basilica is largest – if not the largest – free-standing obviously a great honour for the Diocese wooden structures in the Western of Paramaribo but also for the whole hemisphere. The Nuncio expressed the society, especially the capital city. Some view that the Cathedral, which will be years ago, the oldest part of Paramaribo 130 years old, next year, possessed all – including the Cathedral – was placed the necessary requirements for basilican on the UN’s World Heritage list. status. One of the factors in its favor, The term “basilica” comes from a perhaps the deciding factor, may well Greek word meaning regal or kingly, in have been the presence of the tomb of other words a cut above the rest. Over the Blessed Petrus Donders, enshrined within the Cathedral, centuries the Catholic Church has used basilica in this which makes Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral an important sense, with the pope granting the title “Minor Basilica” place of pilgrimage for the local faithful (catholicnews-tt. to a church that has unusual historical significance, or net) is especially sacred because of the presence of a relic or On Sunday Archbishop Girasoli, explained why relics. There are over 1600 minor basilicas around the the exception was created by Pope Francis. “When I was world, 527 just in Italy alone. The designation “Major here for the first time, I was immediately impressed by Basilica” is restricted to the four greatest churches in the building. The building is a reflection of the country, Rome — St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, atmosphere, the warmth, the peace, the craftsmanship, and St. Paul-Outside-the-Walls. The difference between the peace and devotion. I knew immediately that it a cathedral and a basilica is that a cathedral is a church had to be exalted. This is a gift from Pope Francis to which acts as home to the bishop`s throne (cathedra) Suriname and its people. “The Nuncio also conveyed to that is the central church in his diocese while a basilica the Surinamese believers a message of Pope Francis ” It refers to a church’s architecture and importance to the is time to radically believe.” We need to be more faithful, pope. A Basilica refers also to permanent designation for more focused and pray. One should not come only on church building (www.catholiceducation.org). . Sundays and pray to God and forget for the rest of the http://ttnewsflash.com/?p=51423 week. One must cease ‘ part time ‘ to be Roman Catholic. The Nuncio indicated that more lies ahead for the

20 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE Pray: Pray: Adventure Time Read: Adventure Time Read: Thank God For A Arts: 16:25-34 Matthew 24:35 1 Kings 17:1-7 John 13:34 For Jesus Missionary KID’S CORNER

Pray: Pray: Read: Adventure Time Read: God Answers For A Sick Thanks For Ephesians 6:1 Acts 27: 35-44 John 14:27 Prayer Person Our World

Adventure Time Read: Pray: Read: Adventure Time Pray: Matthew 21: Proverbs 3:5-6 For A Friend Matthew 16:16 Luke 17:11-19 For Our Parents 1-11

Pray: Smile - Adventure Time Read: God really Read: For Our God Loves You 2 Kings 5:1-19 Luke 12:16-21 Cares 1 Peter 5:7 Country

Bedtime Prayer Nursery Rhymes Giving Thanks Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Jesus loves me - this I know, For God is great and God is good. Lord my soul to keep the Bible tells me so, And we thank him for our food. Guide me safely through the night and Little ones to Him belong, They By his hands we all are fed. Thank wake me with the morning’s light are weak but He is strong. you, Lord, for our daily bread. Angels watch me through the night and Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves Come Lord Jesus, be our keep me in their blessed sight. me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible guest, let this food to us be Now I lay me down to sleep, I’ll assume tells me so. blessed, I’ll rise rested and at peace. Jesus loves me, he who died, And may there be a goodly share Heaven’s gate to open wide. on every table everywhere. For I know all day I tried my best, to treat He will wash away my sin; Let his all others with respect. little child come in. Thank you my God for the day If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my Jesus loves me, loves me still, you have given us! Thank you soul to take. Though I’m very weak and ill. because you are great and worthy. If I should live another day, I pray the From his shining throne on high, Thank you for another day of Lord to guide my way Comes to watch me where I lie. living, Thank you for each breath There are four corners on my bed; there Jesus loves me! He will stay, Close we have taken are four angels overhead beside me all the way Thank you for dying on that cross Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, God Then his little child will take, Up my God For our sins! Forgive our bless this bed that I lay on. Amen! to heaven for his dear sake. sins, Lord. Amen!

.....this section is for reading..... This is the continuation of a little book called Saint Martin De Porres by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D The Prayer of the Church in Honor of Saint martin ord, You led Martin de Porres by a life of humility to eternal glory. LMay we follow his example and be exalted with him in the kingdom of heaven. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. .

LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 21 Our Lady of Fatima Youth Outreach to ‘Neighbours on the Block’

t was certainly a most appropriate immediate follow -up to the Fatima IParish 2014 Lenten Retreat with the theme, “Go make Disciples.” After listening to some solid teaching from most Reverend Gabriel Malzaire and Monsignor William John-Lewis members of the Faith in Action Youth Group working in close collaboration with the Parish Council were ready to host about 60 of ‘our neighbours on the block’ to a lunch on Sunday 30th March. The opportunity was also used to conduct a survey among the group with a view to developing a more structured programme to address the needs of our distant brothers and sisters. “Come to the table” as the activity is daubed, is the beginning of a social action programme being developed by the Fatima Parish Council to reach out to ‘our neighbours on the block’. This was a decision taken at the Council’s Annual Parish Planning Day in January 2014. The Parish Priest, Parish Council and the Faith in Action Youth Group, express

OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH RECREATION EDUCATION, YOUTH: OUR sincere thanks to all who contributed to the meal. May God continue to bless you! . St. Alphonsus’ Parish Youth Lenten Retreat

Youth Lenten Retreat In the Parish of St. Alphonsus, Goodwill From 31st March - 2nd April 2014 Theme: Go Make Disciples; Sub-theme: Encounter with Christ Preacher: Fr. Herman Sharplis

22 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY april 2014 ISSUE St. Mary’s Primary Legion of Mary Retreat

n the 29th of April, 2014, the St. Mary’s were encouraged Primary’s Legion of Mary Group gathered at the to pray, fast and Oschool grounds for a day of meaningful retreat. give alms during Twenty-nine boys of the Legion’s Group assembled this season of under the leadership of Sister Lucy Paul, Sister Norissa Lent as the church Peter, Sister Denna Dalrymple and Brother Bert Paul expects us to. The in honour of our Lady. A clear and vivid message of group discussed forgiveness through the scripture of ‘The Prodigal Son’ the many ways (Luke 15: 11-32), was delivered by Father Bartholomew that they could put who stayed with the group during the first half of the these acts into practice as their Lenten sacrifice. morning. The boys were actively engaged in discussions Overall, the retreat was a very purposeful and and stories of their own lessons in forgiveness. timely one in which the Legion of Mary’s group was After a short break the group focused on the lives actively involved and educated on many different virtues of and how they too can become saints in their of the church which they will carry out throughout their own way. Sister Lucy focused especially on the lives of lives as religious boys and future men; lights in their two saints; Saint Bosco and Saint Bernadette. Through communities, church and educational institutions. . the spiritual guidance of Sister Norissa Peter, the boys By Miss Denna Dalrymple St. Mary’s Primary St. Luke’s Primary Cathedral Youth Way of the Cross Lenten Retreat Lenten Retreat OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH RECREATION EDUCATION, YOUTH: OUR

St. Luke’s Primary School Lenten Youth Lenten Retreat St. Mary’s Primary School Way Retreat In the Parish of Our Lady of Fair Haven On the 3rd & 8th of April 2014 From 24th - 28th March 2014 of the Cross in their School At The Holy Redeemer Retreat House Theme: Freedom in Renewal and in Eggleston Empowerment