Schedule AB 2 Wmzs and Associated Values

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Schedule AB 2 Wmzs and Associated Values Part AB.2: Where Specific Water^ Management Values Apply ADVICE NOTE: For figure abbreviations - refer to the fold-out A3 VALUES KEY at the back of this schedule. Life-supporting Capacity (LSC) Value Figure AB:1 Visual Guide to the Distribution of the Life-supporting Capacity (LSC) Value Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-15 Schedule AB Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-16 Schedule AB Natural State (NS) Value Figure AB:2 Visual Guide to the Distribution of the Natural State (NS) Value Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-17 Schedule AB Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-18 Schedule AB Natural State Definition: All sections of rivers^ and their beds^ that have sources in, and flow within, the Public Conservation Land (land held under the Conservation Act 1987 or administered by the Department of Conservation), with the exception of those where damming or diversion have significantly affected the natural state of the water^ (Table AB:2). Table AB.2: Rivers^ within Public Conservation Land excluded from the Natural State (NS) Value Water Management Sub-zone* River^ Locality Description Zone* Upper and Lower Upper Gorge From the confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 T24:496-892 to the top of the Upper Dam at approx. Mangahao Mangahao River (Mana_9) NZMS 260 S24:191-608 (Mana_9d and Mana_9c) Upper and Lower Tokomaru From the confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 S24:132-727 to the top of the Tokomaru No.3 Coastal Tokomaru River (Mana_13b and Reservoir at approx. NZMS 260 S25:203-654 Manawatu Mana_13c) (Mana_13) Mangaore Mangaore Stream From confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 S24:116-712 to source (Mana_13d) [Formerly POP at D-20] Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-19 Schedule AB Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-20 Schedule AB Sites of Significance - Aquatic (SOS-A) Value Figure AB:3 Visual Guide to the Distribution of the Sites of Significance - Aquatic (SOS-A) Value Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-21 Schedule AB Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-22 Schedule AB Table AB.3: Sites of Significance - Aquatic (SOS-A) Value in the Region Water Management Zone* Sub-zone* Site Locality Description Species Upper Manawatu From the confluence with the Manawatu River at Manawatu River and tributaries Koaro and dwarf Galaxias Upper Manawatu (Mana_1a) approx. NZMS 260 U23:780-258 to source (Mana_1) Mangatewainui From approx. NZMS 260 U23:828-177 to Mangatewainui River Dwarf Galaxias (Mana_1b) approx. NZMS 260 U23:785-231 Upper Tamaki Upper Tamaki Tamaki River including East and (Mana_3) (Mana_3) West Branches From approx. NZMS 260 U23:710-131 to source Dwarf Galaxias Upper Kumeti Upper Kumeti Kumeti/Mangapuaka Stream (Mana_4) (Mana_4) From approx. NZMS 260 T23:646-091 to source Dwarf Galaxias Lower Tamaki From the confluence with the Tamaki River at Rokaiwhana Stream Dwarf Galaxias (Mana_5b) approx. NZMS 260 T23:697-091 to source From the confluence with the Oruakeretaki River at Tamaki-Hopelands Mangapukakakahu Stream Dwarf Galaxias approx. NZMS 260 T23:666-023 to source (Mana_5) Oruakeretaki Oruakeretaki Stream (Mana_5d) From approx. NZMS 260 T23:642-045 to approx. NZMS 260 T23:618-067 Dwarf Galaxias From the confluence with the Oruakeretaki Stream at Oruakeretaki Tributary Dwarf Galaxias approx. NZMS 260 T23:628-058 to source Tiraumea Lower Tiraumea Makairo Stream (Mana_7) (Mana_7b) From approx. NZMS 260 T24:655-833 to source Shortjaw kokopu and koaro Mangatainoka From the confluence with the Mangatainoka River at Mangatainoka Tributary Shortjaw kokopu and koaro (Mana_8) approx. NZMS 260 S25:249-535 to source From the confluence with the Ngamaia Stream at Ngamaia Stream Tributary Koaro approx. NZMS 260 S25:243-568 to source Mangatainoka River From approx. NZMS 260 S25:262-562 to source Shortjaw kokopu and koaro Upper Mangatainoka (Mana_8a) From the confluence with the Mangatainoka River at Mangatainoka Tributary Shortjaw kokopu approx. NZMS 260 S25:252-555 to source From the confluence with the Mangatainoka River at approx. Rawnsley Stream Shortjaw kokopu NZMS 260 S25:259-555 to source From the confluence with the Mangatainoka River at approx. Makotukutuku Stream Shortjaw kokopu NZMS 260 S25:279-576 to source Middle Mangatainoka From the confluence with the Mangatainoka River at approx. Tramway Creek Dwarf Galaxias (Mana_8b) NZMS 260 T25:326-625 to source Makakahi From the confluence with the Bruce Stream at Bruce Stream Tributary Shortjaw kokopu (Mana_8c) approx. NZMS 260 T25:332-510 to source From the confluence with the Makakahi River at Makakahi River Tributary Shortjaw kokopu approx. NZMS 260 S25:286-514 to source Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-23 Schedule AB Table AB.3: Sites of Significance - Aquatic (SOS-A) Value in the Region Water Management Zone* Sub-zone* Site Locality Description Species Makakahi River From the confluence with a tributary at approx. NZMS 260 S25:286-514 to source Shortjaw kokopu From the confluence with the Manawatu River at Manawatu River Tributary Redfin bully Upper Gorge approx. NZMS 260 T24:486-899 to source (Mana_9a) From the confluence with the Manawatu River at Manawatu River Tributary Redfin bully approx. NZMS 260 T24:490-928 to source Mangaatua From approx. NZMS 260 T24:590-992 to approx. Mangaatua Stream Shortjaw kokopu (Mana_9c) NZMS 260 T23:574-023 Upper Gorge From the confluence with the Mangahao River at (Mana_9) Mangahao Tributary Dwarf Galaxias approx. NZMS 260 S25:150-532 to source Mangahao River From approx. NZMS 260 T25:324-679 to source Dwarf Galaxias and shortjaw kokopu Lower Mangahao From the confluence with the Mangahao River at (Mana_9e) Roaring Creek Dwarf Galaxias approx. NZMS 260 S25:190-606 to source From the confluence with the Mangahao River at Ngapuketurua Stream Banded kokopu and shortjaw kokopu approx. NZMS 260 S25:278-660 to source From the confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 T24:410-937 Manawatu River Tributary Lamprey Middle Manawatu to approx. NZMS 260 T24:444-940 (Mana_10a) From the confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 T24:392-929 Manawatu River Tributary Lamprey to approx. NZMS 260 T24:413-902 From the confluence with the Pohangina River at approx. NZMS 260 T23:652-233 Pohangina Tributary Koaro Upper Pohangina to source Middle Manawatu (Mana_10b) Pohangina River (Mana_10) From approx. NZMS 260 U23:705-256 to approx. NZMS 260 U23:708-303 Whio Makawakawa Stream Tributary From approx. NZMS 260 T23:606-173 to source Koaro Pohangina River From approx. NZMS 260 T23:468-058 to approx. NZMS 260 T23:469-086 Koaro Middle Pohangina From the confluence with the Pohangina River at approx. NZMS 260 T23:474-069 (Mana_10c) Waitokanui Stream Redfin bully to source Lower Pohangina Ashhurst Domain (Mana_10d) At approx. NZMS 260 T24:446-967 to approx. NZMS 260 T24:444-940 Brown mudfish Turitea From the confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 T24:302-880 Tiritea Stream Lamprey (Mana_11b) to approx. NZMS 260 T24:341-866 Lower Manawatu Kahuterawa Kahuterawa Stream and tributaries From the confluence with the Manawatu River at approx. NZMS 260 S24:293-870 Banded kokopu, shortjaw kokopu (Mana_11) (Mana_11c) to source koaro and redfin bully Main Drain Unnamed Wetland (Mana_11f) At approx. NZMS 260 S24:223-877 Brown mudfish Oroua Upper Oroua From the confluence with the Oroua River at approx. NZMS 260 T22:515-307 to Mangapikopiko Stream Banded kokopu (Mana_12) (Mana_12a) approx. NZMS 260 T22:538-317 Proposed One Plan as Amended by Decisions - Clean Version AB-24 Schedule AB Table AB.3: Sites of Significance - Aquatic (SOS-A) Value in the Region Water Management Zone* Sub-zone* Site Locality Description Species Oroua River From approx. NZMS 260 T22:667-349 to source Banded kokopu Makino Mangaone West Stream (Mana_12e) From approx. NZMS 260 S23:258-050 to approx. NZMS 260 S23:236-064 Redfin bully Coastal Manawatu Round Bush Scenic Reserve and From approx. NZMS 260 S24:013-835 to source at Brown mudfish (Mana_13a) Tributary approx. NZMS 260 S24:058-819 From the confluence with the Tokomaru River at Tokomaru River Tributary Redfin bully, koaro and banded kokopu approx. NZMS 260 S24:243-705 to source Upper Tokomaru From the confluence with the Tokomaru River at Tokomaru River Tributary Redfin bully, koaro and banded kokopu (Mana_13b) approx. NZMS 260 S24:255-720 to source From the confluence with the Tokomaru River at Tokomaru River Tributary Redfin bully, koaro and banded kokopu approx. NZMS 260 S24:259-734 to source Upper and Lower Tokomaru Tokomaru River Coastal Manawatu (Mana_13b and Mana_13c) From approx. NZMS 260 S24:198-776 to approx. NZMS 260 S25:240-698 Redfin bully, koaro and banded kokopu (Mana_13) Lower Tokomaru Makerua Swamp Wildlife (Mana_13c) Management Reserve At approx. NZMS 260 S24:190-760 Brown mudfish Shortjaw kokopu, redfin bully and Mangaore Stream From approx. NZMS 260 S24:142-711 to source koaro Mangaore Mangatangi Stream From the confluence with the Mangaore Stream at Shortjaw kokopu, redfin bully and (Mana_13d) approx. NZMS 260 S25:173-670 to source koaro From the confluence with the Mangaore Stream at Mangaore Stream Tributary Koaro approx. NZMS 260 S25:161-648 to source Koputaroa Perawitis Wetland (Mana_13e) At approx. NZMS 260 S25:094-688 and approx. NZMS 260 S25:095-688 Brown mudfish Rangitikei River From approx. NZMS 260 U20:707-031 to approx. NZMS 260 U19:716-274 Whio From the confluence with the Rangitikei River at approx. NZMS 260 T20:691-090 Upper Rangitikei Upper Rangitikei Mangamarie River Whio (Rang_1) (Rang_1) to approx.
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