: 3W - Nutrition Cluster Ongoing Activities map (August 2017)

ERITREA ☃15Total Number of Partners Mereb Concern Saesie Dalul Leke Tsaedaemba SCI Concern Red Sea TIGRAY SCI Kola Temben Berahile Concern SUDAN Concern Afdera Tselemti Tselemt Plan Concern Ab Ala Beyeda Erebti SCI SCI Abergele Megale SCI Concern ACF Gulf of Concern Sahla SCI Teru Aden Plan Sekota Ziquala SCI Concern Concern Plan Gaz Yalo Concern Dehana Gibla Elidar

Bugna SCI/ACF Gulina Awra Plan Plan Concern Concern AFAR AMHARA

Aysaita Plan Mile SCI Telalak DJIBOUTI Concern Concern Concern Argoba Enbise CARE Sar Midir BENISHANGUL Gewane Bure Erer GUMUZ Mudaytu Shinile SCI SCI CARE IRE Afdem


Dulecha IRE Kombolcha CARE CARE CARE DAWA Mieso CARE CARE Jarso ACF Hareshen CARE Chiro CARE Babile Zuria Bedeno SCI SCI ACF ACF CARE ACF ChildFund Aware SOUTH SUDAN CARE WV Girawa ChildFund Anchar Gemechis Fentale IMC Gashamo ACF Malka MC Boset Merti Balo Babile MSF-Spain Jikawo Boke Golo Oda ChildFund ACF ACF Plan IMC MC ACF SCI ACF Wantawo GAMBELA Fik MSF-Spain Lege GOAL Hida Degehabur GOAL Lanfero MSF-H/GOAL CARE Hamero Mena SCI Gog ACF GOAL SCI Shekosh SCI GOAL IMC IMC Seweyna SCI GOAL Segeg MSF-H/GOAL SCI IMC IMC Dihun SCI AAH GOAL Ginir MC SOMALI GOAL ACF Goro Rayitu SCI Warder GOAL GOAL SCI Kebridehar Dawe SCI ACF East Imi MC Berbere Kachen AAH Denan SNNP GOAL SCI Guradamole IMC Harena IRE Debeweyin Girja Buluk West Imi Shilabo South ACF Ubadebretsehay Plan () Gura ACF SCI Ari (Bako AAH Gode SCI GOAL Damole IRE AAH Gazer) IMC WV IRE GOAL GOAL ACF Serer/Elkere WV Male Amaro Meda Bonke SCI Goro SCI Concern Welabu Adadle Mustahil Ferfer Baqaqsa Chereti/Weyib Kelafo Gnangatom GOAL GOAL Bena Plan ACF Goro IRE Tsemay SCI SCI Plan Melka Dola SCI Concern SCI Burji Soda Hargele Bare Konso Dugda Saba IRE SCI Dawa Boru IRE IRE Hamer CARE ACF Afder SCI Liben INDIAN Legend ACF SCI CARE Agencies' locationsOCEAN and Dasenech SCI Dolobay International boundary (Kuraz) area of interventions are ACF SCI ACF Regional boundary ACF Moyale SCI/MSF-Spain depicted based on the Dolo Odo Dire recent available information. Dehas Moyale No. of partners Miyo Please send any updates KENYA ACF 1 ACF or corrections to the following email.[[email protected]] 2 - 3 UGANDA 100 km

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Note: The map includes implementers that provide woreda level data only. Creation date: 2 August 2017 Map Doc.: 14_3W_ETH_080217_A4 Sources: Nutrition Cluster Feedback: [email protected] https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/operations/ethiopia/ Ethiopia: 3W - Operational Presence (Ongoing Activities) (August 2017)

Region Organization Organization Type Implementing Partner(s) Addis Ababa UNICEF United Nations UNICEF Afar CARE International NGO CARE Concern International NGO Concern Save the Children International NGO SCI UNICEF United Nations UNICEF Plan International Ethiopia International NGO Plan Concern World Wide International NGO Concern CARE Ethiopia International NGO CARE Amhara ACF International NGO ACF Save the Children International NGO SCI SCI/ACF International NGO SCI/ACF Plan International Ethiopia International NGO Plan Plan International Ethiopia International NGO Plan Concern World Wide International NGO Concern Gambela ACF International NGO ACF Oromia ACF International NGO ACF CARE International NGO CARE Child Fund International NGO ChildFund IMC International NGO IMC Plan International International NGO Plan Save the Children International NGO SCI UNICEF United Nations UNICEF WORLD VISION International NGO WV Plan International Ethiopia International NGO Plan GOAL Ethiopia International NGO GOAL GOAL Ethiopia International NGO GOAL Child Fund International NGO ChildFund CARE Ethiopia International NGO CARE CARE Ethiopia International NGO CARE SNNP Concern International NGO Concern IMC International NGO IMC Save the Children International NGO SCI UNICEF United Nations UNICEF WORLD VISION International NGO WV GOAL Ethiopia International NGO GOAL Concern World Wide International NGO Concern Somali ACF International NGO ACF ACF International NGO ACF GOAL International NGO GOAL IRE International NGO IRE MC International NGO MC Mercy Corps International NGO MC Mercy Corps International NGO MC MSF-Spain International NGO MSF-Spain MSF-Spain International NGO MSF-Spain Save the Children International NGO SCI UNICEF United Nations UNICEF AAH International NGO AAH SCI/MSF-Spain International NGO SCI/MSF-Spain GOAL Ethiopia International NGO GOAL MSF-H/GOAL Ethiopia International NGO MSF-H/GOAL Tigray Concern World Wide International NGO Concern

Creation date: 2 August 2017 Map Doc:14_3W_Eth_080217_A4 Sources: Nutrition Cluster Feedback: [email protected]