Stretford &

Ward Candidate Application


The information provided in this form will be used to decide whether to include you on the list of approved candidate for the local elections.

Please refer to Rules for Local Election Candidate selection for more details.

Please answer accurately as possible and use a separate sheet if there is insufficient space.

Please answer all questions unless you are a parliamentary approved candidate then please answer sections and questions marked *

Personal Details*

Full Name:

Common Name (if different):

Home Address: Email:

Date of Birth:


Membership Number: Member Since: Expiry:

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Stretford & Urmston


Schools, Colleges and Universities attended (with dates):

Qualifications Achieved

Employment* Employers (last 10 years or earlier if appropriate) Please mark if any jobs have political restrictions

Employment Date: Name & Address of Employer: Job Title:

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Stretford & Urmston

Party Membership & Involvement

Membership of Local Parties* Local Party: Offices Held: Date:

Are you currently parliamentary approved?* Yes No

What attracted you to the Liberal Democrats?

Do you disagree with any party policy, nationally or locally?

Have you ever been a member of another political party (if so please give dates)*

Why do you want to stand for election to Trafford Borough Council?

What qualities would you bring to the Council group?

Which issues do you feel most strongly about?

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Stretford & Urmston

Campaign Experience

Please detail your experience in the last 5 years (or earlier if you think it is important). This should preferably but not necessarily be political experience

Standing for Council:


Running a committee room:

Being the agent:

Artworking and producing literature:

Recruiting members:


Using Connect:

Organising petitions and campaigns:

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Stretford & Urmston

Other Experience

Are you a member of any other body or organisation? E.g. Trade Union, Professional body, school governor, community group etc.

If so please give details:

How much time can you give to a ward if selected?

Personal Conduct*

Do you have any criminal convictions? If so please give details and/or give details in an interview

Have you ever been disqualified for running for elected office? If so please give details

Is there any other matters (e.g. personal or financial) which may cause political embarrassment? If so please give details

What are you public Facebook and Twitter handles?

Are you prepared to accept the group code of conduct and abide by the group standing orders?

Are you prepared to sign the Council’s declaration of interest form, declare interests at meetings and accept the service contract for Councillors?

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Stretford & Urmston


Please give the name and contact details for 2 people who would be able to give a character reference if needed. You should have known these people for at least 12 months and not be family members or someone with whom you have a close financial relationship.

Reference 1



Phone Number

Reference 2



Phone Number

I declare that all of the answers on this form are correct to the best of my knowledge

Print Name:



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