XNA for Fun and Profit

St Bede’s College

Rob Miles

Department of Computer Science University of Hull Agenda

• Computer Games – How Computer Games work • XNA – What is XNA? – The XNA Framework – Very Silly Games – Making a game in sixty minutes • Why everyone should be writing games!

2 The Business

• Bigger than the movies? – GTA4 sales topped half a billion dollars in its first week of release, 5 times the earnings of the Iron Man movie • Set to grow even more? – It is now easy (and cheap) to write a game in your bedroom and make it available to every Xbox Live subscriber in the world – The games industry is looking for new kind of games

3 • Games that are very silly and sociable • Easy to create and understand • Mainly for multiple players • Some games are “Zero Graphics” • Based on examples in: Learn Programming Now! with Microsoft® XNA™ Game Studio 3.0 by Rob Miles 

4 “Hide the ” Sample XNA 2D game “Bread and Cheese”

• We are going to make a simple “casual” game • The player guides the cheese around with the bread, hitting the tomatoes but avoiding the peppers and tangerines • This is a simple, 2D, sprite based game

6 “Bread and Cheese” Computer Game Construction

• Every game that has ever been written does these things: 1. Initialise all the resources at the start • This is where the “Loading” screen comes from 2. Repeatedly runs the game loop: a) Update the game world • read the controllers, update the state and position of the things in the game b) Draw the game word for the player to see • Display the game elements on the screen

8 Starting with our Cheese

Texture2D cheeseTexture; Rectangle cheeseRectangle;

• To begin writing our game we can make some cheese bounce around the screen • To draw some cheese the game needs to remember two things – The picture to draw – The position on the screen to draw it • In programs these are called variables

9 Games and Resources • Modern games contain thousands of content items: – Pictures – Sounds – 3D models – Scripts • A game has to manage all these items so that the program can find and use them cheeseTexture = Content.Load("Cheese");

10 Loading the Cheese Texture

protected override void LoadContent() { cheeseTexture = Content.Load("Cheese"); cheeseRectangle = new Rectangle (0, 0, 100,100); }

• A game is made up of things that hold information (the variables) and things that do stuff (the methods) • LoadContent is a method that is called when our game starts running • It loads our cheese texture and makes it available for use in the game

11 Games and Rectangles




• The Rectangle tells us where on the screen the texture is to be drawn • It gives the position and the size of the draw operation

12 Creating a Bank Class Positioning the Cheese Texture

protected override void LoadContent() { cheeseTexture = Content.Load("Cheese"); cheeseRectangle = new Rectangle (0, 0, 100,100); }

• This will draw our cheese image at the top left hand corner and the cheese will be 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high • Unlike graph paper, with computer graphics the position of (0,0) is the top left hand corner of the screen – Increasing the value of Y moves the rectangle down – Increasing the value of X moves the rectangle across

13 Drawing the Game World

• Now we have our cheese we want to draw it for the player to see • The game contains a Draw method that is called draw the game display on the screen • We need to add some program code to tell draw to put our cheese on the screen • This code will send commands to the Graphics Card in the computer to make it draw the texture

14 Creating a Bank Class XNA Game Drawing

protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue);


spriteBatch.Draw(cheeseTexture, cheeseRectangle, Color.White );


base.Draw(gameTime); } • This version of the Draw method clears the screen to blue and then draws the cheese

15 “Cheese Drawing” Making things move with the Update method

• At the moment the cheese is always drawn at the same place • We need to make it move about the screen • Games do this by having an Update behaviour that makes the game world work – In a racing game this means moving all the cars on the track, checking for collisions etc – In a shooting game this means moving all the players, checking to see if any bullets have hit anything etc • At the moment we are just going to make our cheese move Stupid XNA Game Update

int cheeseXSpeed = 3; int cheeseYSpeed = 3;

protected override void Update() { cheeseRectangle.X = cheeseRectangle.X + cheeseXSpeed; cheeseRectangle.Y = cheeseRectangle.Y + cheeseYSpeed; }

• We have two integer variables that hold the speed of our cheese • They are used to update the position of the cheese rectangle when Update is called

18 “Cheese Moving” Adding some Bounce to the Cheese

protected override void Update() { cheeseRectangle.X = cheeseRectangle.X + cheeseXSpeed;

if (cheeseRectangle.X < 0 || cheeseRectangle.Right > GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) { cheeseXSpeed = cheeseXSpeed * -1; }

// Repeat for Y }

• We want the cheese to bounce off the edge of the screen • We can do this by changing the sign of the speed value

20 “Cheese Bouncing” Creating a bread bat

• Now we need to create a bat texture and then allow the player to control it

• XNA provides support for keyboard and gamepad – You can plug a wired gamepad into an PC and it will just work – You can also get a USB adapter so you can use wireless • The gamepad buttons can be tested during the update method

22 XNA Digital Gamepad Input

GamePadState padState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);

if (padState.IsConnected) { if (padState.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed) { breadRectangle.X = breadRectangle.X - breadSpeed; }

if (padState.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed) { breadRectangle.X = breadRectangle.X + breadSpeed; }

/// repeat for bread Y position }

23 XNA Analogue Gamepad Input

int padXSpeed = 10; int padYSpeed = 10;

if (pad.IsConnected) { breadRectangle.X += (int) (pad.ThumbSticks.Left.X * padXSpeed); breadRectangle.Y -= (int) (pad.ThumbSticks.Left.Y * padYSpeed); }

• This code uses the analogue input of the left thumbstick to update the position of the bread rectangle

24 Hitting the Cheese

if ( breadRectangle.Intersects(cheeseRectangle)) { cheeseYSpeed = cheeseYSpeed * -1; }

• This code reverses the vertical direction of the cheese when it hits the bread • It works by detecting when the cheese and bread rectangles intersect • This is a very simple kind of collision detection

25 Adding Sound

// Sound effect variable SoundEffect ding;

// Load the sound effect content in LoadContent ding = Content.Load("Ding");

// Play the sound effect when the bread hits the cheese if ( breadRectangle.Intersects(cheeseRectangle)) { cheeseYSpeed *= -1; ding.Play(); } • The sound effect is a WAV file

26 Playing Music

// Song variable Song music;

// Load the song content in LoadContent music = Content.Load("Music");

// Play the song using the Media Player


• The Music resource is an MP3 file • Can also play WMA files and music from the media on the device

27 “Bread and Cheese”

Rob Miles Getting Started with XNA

• All the software is free: – Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition – XNA Game Studio 3.1 • Games can be run on the XBOX 360 – You need to join the "Creators Club" in order to do this – Students can get free membership through DreamSpark • Visit robmiles.com for details on how to get started

29 Selling your Games • You can put your XNA games onto Xbox Live • All Xbox Live subscribers are able to download and play XNA games you have written • You can even charge money for them

30 Summary

• The XNA Framework provides a very powerful environment for game creation – Write games for your Xbox or PC in C# using Visual Studio • You should all be writing games – It is easy to do – It is fun! – You might make some money!

31 Resources

• XNA Creators Club: http://creators.xna.com/ • DreamSpark https://downloads.channel8.msdn.com/ • Microsoft XNA blogs http://blogs.msdn.com/xna/ • All the sample code and resource links: http://www.robmiles.com • Very Silly Games and book links: http://verysillygames.com