$3.95 Vol. 24, No. 12 • December 2012 Contents Canadian Sovereignty and 6 Federal Court Hears Application 7 Profit as the Root of All-Evil: the Bank of Canada The Devil is in the Details Speech by John H. Hotson, Professor of here to invite participants in the Council of 12 cerberus in Talks on Supervalu Economics, University of Waterloo, Emeritus, Canadians to join in a movement to return Deal Options and Executive Director, COMER, on October the Bank of Canada to its days of glory. We 13 Society in the Age of the Maya 15, 1994, to the Council of Canadians An- call the movement the Sovereignty Loan 17 Don’t Forget about the Successes nual General Meeting: “Setting the Citizens’ Plan. In its first 15 years, under the able of the UNRWA Agenda: A Vision for Canada – Alternatives Governorship of , the Bank 18 eU Nations Aim to Close Web that work” of Canada financed the end of the Great De- Company Tax Loopholes My message today can be put in a nutshell pression, Canada’s participation in World 18 Letter to the Editor by quoting the following from the Minutes War Two, and our post-war industrializa- 19 Aid Falls Short As Cold Menaces of Proceedings and Evidence respecting the tion. It did all this by creating up to 80 per Syrian Refugees: Foreign Bank of Canada, Committee on Banking and cent of the transactions money – usually Donations Lag Commerce, 1939, Government Printing Bu- called M1 – added to the money supply and Publications Mail Agreement No. 41796016 reau, . Graham Towers, the first, and it did so at interest rates which ranged from the best, Governor of the Bank of Canada, 0.37% to 2.5%. is answering the questions of Committee The prevalent ideas today are that in- members. flation and deficits are the two greatest Q: “Will you tell me why a government problems which face Canadians, that high with power to create money should give that interest rates can cure inflation while boost- power away to a private monopoly, and then ing savings, and deficits can be eliminated borrow that which Parliament can create it- by tax hikes and expenditure cuts. These self, back at interest, to the point of national ideas are sadly mistaken. They ignore ev- bankruptcy?” erything that matters to understand how Towers: “If Parliament wants to change Canada and the world got out of the Great the form of operating the banking system, Depression and what we must do to get out then certainly that is within the power of of this one. Parliament” (p. 394). The world did not end the Great Depres- At one point the questioning turned to sion by “balancing government budgets.” the impending war. It did not “save” its way out of the 10 Q: “You have agreed that banks do cre- Continued on page 2 ate money. So as far as war is concerned, there will be no difficulty in raising the means of financing whatever the require- COMER Email Update ments may be?” Towers: “The limit of the possibilities COMER is updating its confidential email depends on men and materials.” contact list to better inform members and Q: “So where we have an abundance of Economic Reform subscribers of relevant, men and materials, you have no difficulty, late-breaking news and local events. under our present banking system, in putting Interested parties are encouraged to send forth the medium of exchange that is neces- a message immediately to ”COMER sary to put the men and materials to work?” Email Update” [email protected] from Towers: “That is right.” their preferred email account. As ever, Again putting it into a nutshell, I am all preferences will be respected. Bank of Canada from page 1 eign exchange rate boosting our imports still year slump. The near zero interest rates of further while shrinking our exports. It is a the late 1930s, though helpful, could not mistake to attract foreign funds by higher induce sufficient private borrowing and interest rates here than elsewhere. Instead spending to restore prosperity. The private deficits should be financed internally and FOUNDING EDITOR banking system either would not or could largely through the central bank. John Hotson 1930–1996 not loan enough new money into existence 3. Governments, like businesses, to end the depression. should distinguish between “capital” and PUBLISHER–EDITOR The depression ended only when gov- “current” expenditures, and when it is William Krehm ernments all over the world “drafted” their prudent to do so, finance capital im- ([email protected]) central banks, forcing them to create a flood provements with money the government INFORMATION SECRETARY of new money to finance massive govern- has created for itself. Herb Wiseman ([email protected]) ment deficits at near zero interest rates. No one criticizes a business firm for add- These massive deficits – over of 25% of ing to its debts to add to its earning assets. Economic Reform (ER) GNP for several years – resulted in a great Our governments, federal, provincial and (ISSN 1187–080X) is published monthly rise in private incomes and a great reduc- local have massive capital investments, and by COMER Publications 27 Sherbourne Street North, Suite 1 tion in private debts. It was this creative need to make more if Canada is to prosper. , M4W 2T3 Canada use of the powers of the central bank which However, the federal government does not Tel: 416­‑924-3964, Fax: 416‑466‑5827 financed Canada becoming an industrial have a capital budget and counts both bor- Email: [email protected] power and ushered in some thirty five years rowing for new buildings and for paper clips Website: of the greatest growth and the highest em- as “deficit finance.” ployment levels in the history of capitalism, I am a co-founder and executive director COMER Membership: Annual dues indeed, in the history of the world. of the Committee on Monetary and Eco- (includes ER on request plus 1 book Tragically, the flood of new money that nomic Reform, or COMER. I am also an of your choice): CDN$50 ended the last depression was created to advisor to the Sovereignty organization in Economic Reform Subscription only: finance World War Two, not the peaceful the US, and Canadians for Constitutional One year, 12 monthly issues, in Canada public works which could at any time from Money (CFCM) headed by André Maren- CDN$30, Foreign CDN$40 1929 onward have ended the depression tette of Windsor, who will be addressing you without a war. The same is true today. this afternoon. COMER is an international Send request and payment to: We are in this depression because the high organization of over 200 economists and COMER Publications interest rate policies of central banks have non-economists. We are united by the re- 27 Sherbourne Street North, Suite 1 only made matters worse. Canada will not alization that the fractional reserve banking Toronto, ON M4W 2T3 get out of this depression until the govern- system, which creates money as a debt and ER Back Issues: CDN/US$4, includes ment directs the Bank of Canada to adopt destroys money when the debt is repaid, is postage; additional copies same some version of the policies which financed an unsustainable system. We must reform issue, $2; additional issue same order, World War Two. Then basic reforms of banking if we are to create a sustainable $3. Send requests for back issues to banking and money creation must be en- economy. COMER is a forum to discuss Herb Wiseman, 69 Village Crescent, acted if we are to avoid yet another boom/ possible reforms and to empower would-be Peterborough ON K9J 0A9. bust cycle. That is the message I hope to get reformers to promote their solutions. across today. Why is the present financial system Copyright © 2012 As I see it, the governments of Canada unsustainable? I quote from COMER’s COMER Publications have broken three fundamental financial Statement of Purpose: “…With present in- All rights reserved rules. These rules are: stitutions, prosperity, growth and ecological Permission to reproduce is granted 1. No sovereign government should viability are not sustainable in the long run if accompanied by: ever, under any circumstances, borrow because of the excessive growth of debt and “Copyright © 2012 COMER Publications. any money form any private bank. interest on debt. Throughout the last centu- Reproduced by permission of Banks create the money they lend, If new ry, at least, the following pattern has mani- COMER Publications” money is needed for governments to spend, fested itself: real output only grows in years the central bank, our Bank of Canada, in which aggregate demand grows, demand Postmaster, please send address which the government owns can produce only grows when money supply grows, the corrections to: that money at near zero cost to the govern- money supply only grows when debt grows, COMER Publications ment and the taxpayer. The longer output, demand, money supply 27 Sherbourne Street North, Suite 1 2. No Canadian, provincial, or lo- and debt grow the higher the rate of interest Toronto, Ontario M4W 2T3 cal government should borrow foreign becomes and the more excessive the growth PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION money when there is excessive unemploy- of interest and debt.” Watt Solutions Inc., London ment here. To illustrate this point with Canadian Foreign money can only be spent on statistics: from 1962 to 1993 real GDP Printed in Canada on recycled paper. imports and to pay on foreign debts. When little more than tripled, but money, or cur- US dollars, or Japanese Yen, are exchanged rent dollar GDP increased 16-fold. But for Canadian money this bids up our for- total debt increased more than 25-fold and

2 | Economic Reform December 2012 interest on debt increased some 40-fold. domestically had to be supplemented with any province for deficits up to one-fourth Moreover, it was not government debts exchange controls to keep from living be- of estimated revenues. The exact wording of which increased most rapidly (up some 21- yond its means internationally. These poli- the most important clauses on this are: fold) but financial institutions (33-fold) and cies were used successfully right up until the 18. (1) The Bank may… households (29-fold). Business debt was up oil shocks of the 1970s. (c) buy and sell securities issued or guar- about 20-fold. For decades NZ had the highest level anteed by Canada or any province; Bad monetary policy and bad monetary of employment on earth – there were years (i) make loans or advances for periods institutions have caused the depression crisis where there were 55, or 400, registered un- not exceeding six months to the Govern- which now grips the world. But every crisis employed in a nation of 3.5 million, and one ment of Canada or the government of any is also an opportunity. A most promising so- of the world’s highest standards of living. It province on the pledge or hypothecation of lution and action plan to end the depression was the abandonment of these successful readily marketable securities issued or guar- has developed out of COMER’s delibera- policies which led to New Zealand’s current anteed by Canada or any province. tions. This is the Sovereignty Loan Petition sorry state with some 300,000 unemployed (j) make loans to the Government of created by Mr. Ken Bohnsach of Freeport and foreign debts of $70 billion dollars, not Canada or the government of any province, Illinois. The petition reads as follows: To welfare state spending as the Readers’ Digest but such loans outstanding at any one time promote the general welfare: we, the people, and CTV’s W5 program would have Cana- shall not, in the case of the Government of petition Congress to make interest-free dians believe. Canada, exceed one-third of the estimated loans of United States Treasury money to If time would permit I’d love to regale revenue of such government for its fiscal tax-supported bodies for capital projects you concerning my own adventures in two year, and shall not in the case of any provin- and to reduce interest-bearing debt. trips to New Zealand and one to Austra- cial government exceed one-fourth of such The Sovereignty loan petition has gath- lia promoting Sovereignty. Australia also government’s estimated revenue for its fiscal ered an extremely impressive level of support abandoned the policy of internal finance of year; and such funds shall be repaid before in the US. As of now 1,860 tax supported government borrowing at the central band the end of the first quarter after the end of bodies from cities as large as Buffalo, New at 1% interest in the 1970s, and now like- the fiscal year of such government. York, St. Louis, Mo., Cleveland, Ohio, wise suffers exploding foreign debt, massive By wise use of its powers from the day it and Lansing, Mich., down to local school unemployment and foreign take-over of its opened its doors in 1935 through the end boards have passed resolutions supportive economy. These “new right” policies have of the war in 1945, the Bank of Canada cre- of the Sovereignty Plan, as has the House been a disaster to these countries, as they ated almost 80% of the new money needed and Senate of the State of Michigan. The have been for Canada. to end the depression and win the war, if we US Conference of Mayors representing We hesitate to call the Canadian organi- define “money” narrowly as M1, and 37% 1,050 cities and towns where 80 million zation to promote this plan “sovereignty” for of the new money if we define “money” Americans live, has unanimously endorsed obvious reasons having to do with most broadly as M3. Sovereignty as has the Community Bankers’ separatism. That is a pity since Canada’s Thus much of the money created for Association of Illinois, representing over own Mackenzie King said it all, “Without the war was “legal tender” – or “monetary 500 small banks. In Canada we started later Government creation of money, talk of Sov- base” – plus chequing, or transactions ac- but already 10 tax-supported bodies in Brit- ereignty and Democracy is futile.” André counts, not the high interest “near monies” ish Columbia and Ontario have passed the Marentette chose the name, “Canadians for which so predominate today. (The mon- Sovereignty resolution and the Federation Constitutional Money.” This name has the etary base rose from $259,3 million in 1935 of Canadian Municipalities and the As- virtue of making the fundamental point: a to $2,017 million in 1945, or by $1,757.7 sociation of Municipalities of Ontario are sovereign government reserves to itself the million; while M1 rose from 741.5 million currently studying it. constitutional power to create legal money. to $2,956 million and M3 rose from $2,715 Nor is interest in and support for this Government of Canada money is the only million to $7,380 million.) plan confined to the US and Canada. This legal money, or “legal tender” – just as it What a contrast to the most recent pe- Plan was an issue in last year’s election in states on every Bank of Canada Note. riod! In 1945 Bank of Canada’s base money New Zealand, and had it not been for at The money created by private-bank loans was 68% of M1 and 27% of M3. By 1993 last minute fourth party entry, might well is not “legal tender.” It is only a promise to it was still 56% of M1, but only 7% of M3, be government policy there today. Not pay legal tender. But, the Bank of Canada in as M1 had fallen from 40% of M3 to a mere coincidently, New Zealand was the only recent years has created so little “legal ten- 12% of M3. It is because of the liquidity democratic country on earth to end its der” and it has allowed the banking system shortage which the Bank has caused that Great Depression before World War Two to create so many “funny money” claims interest rates have risen from their near zero began. It did so by directing its new Reserve on legal tender that the whole system has level in 1945 to their 1980s peak of over Bank to create money and to lend it at 1% become top heavy, illiquid, and so confused 20% before falling to their present 6-8% interest to local government bodies for roads that we now have five different definitions range. and housing and to modernize its export of “the money supply and new ones are be- There is room for the Bank to create a industries. ing proposed every year. considerable amount of money while nei- Becoming an island full of employment The Bank of Canada Act states that among ther “crowding out” nor “over-heating” the in an ocean of depression quickly caused the “Business and Powers of the Bank” is the private economy. If, in the recovery, private a new problem: New Zealand started im- power to finance budget deficits of the Fed- sector borrowing from the chartered banks porting more than its exports could pay eral Government of up to one third of its starts to expand too rapidly, the Bank can for. So its policy of living up to its means estimated revenue, and to do the same for curb this by transferring government de- December 2012 Economic Reform | 3 posits to itself. It should also be empowered 4 years from 1935 to 1938 facilitating Real ment was running deficits of more than to raise member bank reserve requirements GNP (Q) doubling by 1942. Moreover, 25% of GNP, the Bank of Canada kept sufficiently to check their powers of money MB doubled again in 4 years from 1938 short run interest rates in the 0.36% to creation. to 1942 and again in 3 years from 1942 to 0.5% range even the war bonds sold to the The Sovereignty proposal calls on the 1945. Thus in 1945 the Bank of Canada public yielded only 3%. Minister of Finance, the Honourable Paul had created eight times as much money as Figure 1 is of further interest. The near Martin, to direct the Bank of Canada Act, in 1938. Furthermore, a similar period of correspondence between the rate of growth Section 18, to make interest-free, or near rapid growth of MB occurred between 1968 of GNP and M2 is notable, as is a similar interest-free, loans to the provinces and local and 1978; MB doubled between 1968 and parallelism between the growth rates of MB governments for various infrastructure proj- 1973, and again between 1973 and 1978. and Q. Thus, in the post war years 1946 ects. The suggested volume of such loans is However, at the rate of growth under the to 1966 MB doubled and Q doubled from $30 billion to be disbursed over four years, monetarist-tight-money policies imposed 1943 to 1962. Furthermore, the slowdown thus $7.5 billion a year on the average. This about 1978 it will take about 20 years to in the growth of MB after 1978 is quickly would roughly double the balance sheet of have doubled the Bank of Canada’s balance duplicated by Q, but not by GNP nor M2. the Bank of Canada from some $27 billion sheet again. These observations are wholly in accord to 57 billion. There is also ample precedent for the with the contention that the Bank of Can- There is ample precedent for such a rapid near zero interest rates on government bor- ada’s restraint policies reduce real GNP, not growth of the Monetary Base (MB) in Can- rowing called for by Sovereignty. During money GNP, and are therefore inflationary ada. As Figure 1 indicates, MB doubled in World War Two, while the Federal Govern- (or if you prefer, stagflationary) not anti- inflationary as the Bank claims. However, the years 1968 to 1978 dur- ing which MB, GNP and M2 increased at much the same pace was the period when the Bank’s monetarist-tight money views – that money determined money things, i.e., money GNP, not real things (real GNP) became dogma. Figure 2 takes a closer look at the four series set forth in Figure I. Here the series are rebased on 1978 and plotted until 1993, with extensions showing the possible effect of the Sovereignty Loan Plan until the end of the century. Note the close “tracking” between M2 and GNP and MB and Q until about 1989 and their growing diver- gent trends in the most recent years. In an evident attempt to fight the depression, the Bank stepped up the pace of MB creation from 1990 to 1991 with little if any effect on the pace of Q and a small and lagged ef- fect on GNP and M2. The extension to the year 2000 in Figure 2 is based on the following assumptions: after a slow expansion of all four series in 1994 (the dotted lines) Paul Martin or- ders the Bank to create $7.5 billion each year from 1995 through 1998 to be lent to junior governments at near zero inter- est – junior governments in return agree to cease foreign borrowing. The recovery plan also has the following elements: a “super AIB” wage-price social contract abrogat- ing any existing wage contracts calling for wage increases greater than productivity gains, coupled with guidelines limiting wage gains to 2% per annum; abolishment of the GST coupled with enactment of a Finan- cial Transactions Tax calibrated to produce equal revenue; and a decision to limit M2 growth to 6% in 1995, 7% in 1996 and

4 | Economic Reform December 2012 8% in 1997 and 1998, then 6% in 1999 as, presumably Canada approaches “reasonably full employment.” Finally, it is assumed that the private banks are directed to cease creating money for speculation, leverage buyouts and junk- bond financed take-overs. I assume that with such policies M2 and GNP will grow at the same pace during this period, with real GNP increasing somewhat slower until the incomes controls take hold. Table 1 sets forth the figures for monetary growth from 1990 through 2000 on these assumptions. The figures for 1990 through 1993 are the actual numbers, 1994 is a “reasonable approximation” and those for 1995 forward are the “Sovereignty Projec- tion.” Note that in 1990 the Bank increased MB by 10.4% – $2.3 billion (or 6.3 million a day), but only by 3.1% – $789 million (or only $2.2 million a day) in 1992. This sounds like a lot of money until one consid- ers that the private banks of Canada added $18.9 billion (or 51.8 million a day) to the “wildly inflationary.” ment level. As junior governments cut their money supply (“M2”) in 1990, but only The Sovereignty Plan enables bad loans borrowings in the municipal bond market $8.62 billion (or only $23.6 million a day) now on bankers’ books to become good and step up debt repayments this works in depressed 1992. Under the Sovereignty loans as many hundreds of thousands of to cut interest rates. However, the higher Loan Plan in 1995 MB increases by $7.5 Canadians go back to work. Far from in- level of activity, together with a lessened billion ($20.5 million a day) or 26.3% and creasing government deficits it shrinks dependence on foreign borrowing work in then tapers off as a percentage as the same them at every level as tax receipts rise and the opposite direction. On balance I would absolute amount of $7.5 billion is injected transfers fall. hope that interest rates would fall further, annually. I have made no attempt to quantify the reducing or eliminating the premium over Note also that M2 growth in this expan- effects of this faster pace of base money US rates. sion never exceeds its percentage growth of creation on interest rates and the unemploy- Real life doubtless would be less smooth 1990. For this to happen it is merely neces- sary for the Bank of Canada to transfer suffi- Table 1: Money Creation in Canada, 1990-1993, actual; 1994 assumed; cient government funds out of the chartered 1995-2000, Sovereignty Loan proposal. MB = Monetary Base, M2 = Usual banks to limit the expansion of M2 to this definition, > = change in, %> = percentage change. All dollar figures pace. It would also be desirable to re-impose are in billions of Canadian dollars. fractional cash reserve requirements and Year >mb mb %>MB %>M2 >M2 m2 >M20->MB permit the Bank to raise them month by month should that be necessary to prevent 1990 $22.17 $251.3 “overheating.” $2.312 10.4 8.4 $21.23 $18.9 1991 24.48 272.49 The last column of Table 1, showing the 1.105 4.5 4.6 12.64 11.54 amount of money created by the chartered 1992 25.59 285.14 banks (>M2 – > MB) is of particular inter- 0.789 3.1 3.3 9.41 8.62 est. In 1990 the chartered banks added 1993 26.38 294.55 $18.9 billion to M2, but only $8.62 in 1.125 4.3 6.0 17.67 16.55 depressed 1992. Only in the first year of 1994 27.50 312.23 the Sovereignty program, when a target of 1.2 4.4 6.0 18.73 17.53 6% growth of M2 limits them to produce 1995 28.70 330.96 only $12.36 billion does the new policy 7.5 26.3 6.0 19.86 12.36 constrain the private banks to any great 1996 36.20 350.82 extent and in the subsequent years they are 7.5 20.7 7.0 24.56 17.06 1997 43.70 375.38 free to “print money” to a degree, but not a 7.5 17.2 8.0 30.03 22.53 rate, not seen since the 1980s “semi-boom.” 1998 51.20 405.50 So the idea that this enhanced role for the 7.5 14.6 8.0 32.43 24.93 Bank of Canada is adverse to the interests 1999 58.70 437.84 of the banking community is as contrary to 2.348 4.0 6.0 26.27 23.92 the facts as it is to the idea that it must be 2000 61.00 464.10 December 2012 Economic Reform | 5 than in my model projection. Thus it is Sovereignty Loan Program in Canada. “All” new schools, sewerage treatment plants, probable that the first year would find MB that is necessary is to convince two men: etc., needed to end this depression while growing less than $7.5 billion. Whether that Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin, the Minister dealing with our educational and environ- would enable the chartered banks to lend of Finance. Under the provisions of Section mental deficits. more, or less, M2 into existence is anyone’s 14 of the Bank of Canada Act all Paul Martin Let us close with a return to the question guess. This “scenario” is intended to be more need do is to issue written instructions to and answer period between the Committee than an exploration of the possibilities and the Governor of the Bank to carry out this on Banking and Commerce and Graham I would not defend any of the numbers to policy and the rest is mere detail. Towers back in 1939. Towers has just agreed anyone’s death, least of all my own. I am proud to be a Rotarian. I don’t know that all the wartime finance necessary can Table 2 sets forth the projections used whether is a member of Rotary easily be raised. from 1994 through 200 for Real GNP (Q) or not, though he addressed our Kitchener Q: “Well then, why is it, where we have and Money GNP. The pace of M2 expan- Rotary Club once. Nor do I know whether a problem of internal deterioration, that we sion is assumed to be the same as that of Paul Martin, or are Rotar- cannot use the same techniques?” money GNP. ians. In Rotary we are supposed to measure Towers: “Yes, I agree with that.” (p. In dollar terms the year 2000 GNP pro- what we think, say or do by Rotary’s Four 649). jected is $1,102.9 billions, a gain of $346.5 Way Test: Q: “Would you admit that anything de- Billion from 1994. In real terms the gain is 1. Is it the “truth”? sirable can be made financially possible:” $195.3 billion in “1981 dollars,” but over 2. Is it “fair” to all concerned? Towers: “Certainly.” (p. 771). $300 billion in 1991 dollars because of 3. Will it build “good will” and “better Thank you for your attention and greatly lessened inflation. friendships”? interest.n John Biddell, FCA, and COMER board 4. Will it be “beneficial” to all con- member, in his newly published book, A cerned? Self-Reliant Future for Canada, proposes that Recent government and Bank of Canada Federal Court Hears Canada adopt an interesting variant of the policies do not meet any part of Rotary’s Sovereignty Loan plan. By his proposal the Four-Way Test. Their arguments – that Bank of Canada Federal government would have the Bank there is no alternative, that the only way to Application of Canada assume, and eventually retire, stop inflation is to have a perpetual depres- the present debts of the provinces and in sion – is not the “truth”. Their policies are By Connie Fogal the future finance their deficits at nominal not “fair” to all concerned – not “fair” to un- Re: BoC court application on December interest rates. employed, not “fair” to those who lose their 5, 2012, by the government to strike out our Not only would this free the provinces business, not “fair” in that interest income challenge on the use of the Bank of Canada from their financial strait-jacket, it would has increased far more rapidly than all other as intended by statute. give our presently alienated western prov- forms of income. This application by the government inces as well as Quebec a powerful incentive These policies will not build “good will” heard on December 5 was not dealing with to remain in Confederation. and “better fellowship”. Indeed, they are the merits of our case, but rather just with Would the return to full employment be tearing Canada apart. They are not “benefi- whether or not we had a right to be heard inflationary? Not if it were properly handled. cial” to all concerned. The latest estimate is at all by the court and to bring forward the I agree with Jack Biddell, who was Ontario’s that the unemployment these policies cause challenge. representative on the Federal Anti-Inflation cost Canadians $100 billion a year – with However, in the process much of the Board and Chairman of Ontario’s Inflation government and business, not the unem- substance of the case was referenced, which Restraint Board, that inflation should be ployed, the biggest losers, at least in dollar made the arguments exciting to hear. handled by intelligent incomes policies, not terms. The courtroom was not big enough to by counterproductive interest hikes. The Sovereignty Loan Plan meets the seat the numbers of the public who wanted No legislation is necessary to enact the Four-Way Test – all of it. I look for in- in. There were as many people outside the creasing support from Rotarians as our courtroom as inside. This did impress the Table 2: The Canadian economy campaign on behalf of Sovereignty Canada judge who thanked the public for being in 1994 with Sovereignty Projection goes forward. I urge all Canadians, and all there taking an interest in these matters. to 2000 for Percentage increase in Ontarians, as residents of the most power- Rocco Galati, our lawyer, was brilliant Real GNP (%>Q), Q Index (1978 = 100), ful province in Confederation, to join us and thorough in his presentation. He seemed Percentage increase in money GNP in this effort which will succeed only if the to answer every question by the judge with (%>GNP) and GNP Index politicians know that this is what the people great persuasion. Year %>Q Q Index %>GNP GNP Index want. Exercise your individual Sovereignty The public reacted to the representation by demanding that the federal government with an electric excitement, a satisfaction 1994 4% 146 6% 321 use its Constitutional power and direct the that this case was coming across as one of 1995 4% 151 6% 340 Bank of Canada to create meaningful sums international as well as national historical 1996 6% 160 7% 364 of money and to lend these sums interest import. 1997 8% 173 8% 393 free or at its wartime 0.37% to 1%, to The Court has reserved judgement on 1998 8% 187 8% 424 provinces and local governments to pay for whether or not we have the right to proceed. 1999 6% 198 6% 450 the new infrastructure programs – such as A decision will likely be rendered within 2000 4% 206 4% 468 Toronto’s new subway extension, and the weeks.n

6 | Economic Reform December 2012 market security in the uncertainties faced by surviving firms. Profit as the Root of All-Evil: This evolutionary reality connects to Karl Marx (Riazanov), Joseph Alois Schum- The Devil is in the Details peter (1962, Chapter VII: The Process of Creative Destruction), and Marshall McLu- By W. Robert Needham point for a discussion of the evolutionary han (1964). Not surprisingly their concerns realities we all face. This is because tech- are but illustrations connected to a long line The Centrality of this Diagram nological change is constantly erasing suc- of political economists.2 Figure 1 focuses on [p.q] and in that cessive cost curves.1 Perhaps all that can be Marx, for example, was concerned with sense ought to be the central focus of all said with certainty is that the production the inventions that revolutionized industry micro-economics or price-theory courses. of larger volumes of output is associated and gave the so-called Industrial It starts with truth and is consistent with with lower per unit costs than are smaller Revolution. the truth-start-up contained in Table 1 (re- volumes of output. Thus the declining Av- “A series of inventions, one after an- printed from the COMER Journal, Vol. erage Cost, AC, curve. This alone is enough other, radically changed the technique of 24:9, September 2012). In fact this diagram to spur mergers that are meant to reduce the weaving and spinning trades. We shall is rarely if ever discussed simply because it competition and bring a greater sense of not enumerate all the inventions. Suffice it does not conform to a priori theory. It is based on fact – specifically on what Figure 1: Profit as the Root of All-Evil: The Devil is in the Details all businessmen have said or would say hap- Technological Changes: constantly wash across as ʻmediums with pens to their AC, or cost per unit, when messages.ʼ Increases in production makes scarcity of commodities disappear. output is increased. And it is based on the The real problem is distribution and assuring that each person shares in the knowledge that we have had since at least as benefits of technological change. far back as Adam Smith that sellers markup above costs to establish the price at which Capitalism as Fascism: "Fascism should more appropriately they will offer their wares for sale. There is be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate no a priori assumption set up to establish power." Private enterprise capitalism in control of the state is the root truth. In fact we have only a framework for cause of problems. Never privatize! There is no free market only Prices power and always shirking of social responsibility by those with power. digging into the truth of each industry’s and methods of operations. Costs Pushing Q to higher levels to boost prof- War for Markets and Market Shares: its requires the ability to realize those sales in Competition is destroyed and replaced by private multi-sectoral collectivization of the means of the face of competition from other produc- p1 existence. Imperialism extends the process from ers and sellers. the local to the national and international levels And from the view of consumers of the under the ʻglobalizationʼ label.. products offered they have very little choice; indeed they have to adapt themselves to the menus offered. Total Social Costs are Systemically Profit Generated yet are not Counted in Commentary: Profit is the Root of All Business Costs: Unemployment, inequalities Evil — Keynes, Marx, Schumpeter, in income distributon, poverty, homelessenss AC1 deaths in workplace, environmental destruction, and McLuhan: etc. All require Government intervention. Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most UBI: Note that at least four of the above wickedest of things for the greatest good of social costs can be addressed, at least in everyone (John Maynard Keynes). part, by an Unconditional Basic Income. Total A UBI implies real freedom for all. But debt “The point of view is eternal, and Business slavery continues requiring extra and basic will last at least as long as the universities Costs institutional change.) survive the advancing corrosion of industri- alism [capitalism]” (Burdett, p. 261). “The history of slavery is inseparable from the history of empire [the system]: AC curve it is contradictory to celebrate the latter [capitalism] while claiming to condemn the former” (Gopal, 2007). The declining Average Cost, AC, curve Q1 Output Levels depicted above is perhaps the simplest and Profit = (p 1 - AC1)Q; price is set and administered to markets; demand determines supply; Profit = (p - AC )Q; price is set and administered to markets; demand determines supply; the most revealing that economists have in since1 each price1 contains some i (interest), people are debt slaves from cradle to grave. their kit bags. While the curve gives an apsince- eachCommentary: price contains Marx, some Schumpter i (interest) and people McLuhan. are debt Washing slaves across from wavescradle ofto grave)creative destruc- pearance of fixity it is in fact just a starting tion is the medium andCommentary: the message. Marx, Schumpter and McLuhan. WashingDecember across of2012 waves of creative destruction is the medium Economicand the message. Reform | 7 to say that in about the eighties, both spin- progress was not as rapid as is sometimes no relation at all to the labor-time required ning and weaving looms were invented. In claimed in books. The period from 1760 to for its original production.” 1785, Watt’s perfected steam-engine was 1830 is designated as the period of the great Similarly concerned, Schumpeter coined invented. It enabled the manufactories to Industrial Revolution” (Riazanov). the words the perennial gale of creative de- be established in cities instead of being “Capitalist production, therefore, devel- struction and said: restricted to the banks of rivers to obtain ops technology, and the combining together “…Since we are dealing with an organic water power. This in its turn created fa- of various processes into a social whole, only process, analysis of what happens in any vourable conditions for the centralization by sapping the original sources of all wealth particular part of it – say, in an individual and concentration of production. After the – the soil and the labourer.” concern or industry – may indeed clarify introduction of the steam engine, attempts “The product of mental labor – science details of mechanism but is inconclusive to utilize steam as motive power were being – always stands far below its value, because beyond that. Every piece of business strategy made in many branches of industry. But the labor-time necessary to reproduce it has acquires its true significance only against the

Table 1: The Political Economy Approach, the Major Components and Concepts of Social Systems Analysis and Three Social Systems: Capitalism, Etatism and Social Democracy

(© W. Robert Needham, 2006) ate and auxiliary. It is by this standard that by a social-economic system that establish- the present system stands condemned.… es and uses the means for the production “The ultimate problem of production is Machinery and technological improve- of free human beings associated with one the production of human beings. To this ment are means, but again are not the another on terms of equality.” end the production of goods is intermedi- end…the means have to be implemented — John Dewey

The Political Economy The Moral Society’s Capitalism/Private Etatism/State Social Democracy Approach Opening Assertion Collectivization Collectivization (participatory values) (b) Has 3-Tasks (hierarchical values) (a) (hierarchical values)

Critique Each person is able to Unconstrained Liberty Constrained Liberty Morally Constrained Alternative become all that she/he is Inequality Inequality Liberty (see col. 2) Praxis capable of being. This has Competition Forced Fraternity Equality the effective content that Cooperation the individual self-realizes (community within community mindfulness)

3-D Analysis The Moral Imperative Evaluation of Capitalism Evaluation of Evaluation of Social or Constraint Etatism Democracy

Horizontal/ Self Realization without Immoral Immoral Moral Competition doing injustice to others Inefficient Inefficient Efficient Vertical/Hierarchy and this implies Unfair Unfair Fair Depth/Real Time Undemocratic Undemocratic Democratic

3-Evaluative Criterion 3-Goals 3-Results 3-Results 3-Results

Efficiency Entitlements Private Monopoly State Monopoly Social Ownership (Technical & Social) Obligations Instability Instability Stability Fairness Empowerment Alienation Alienation Socialized Involvement Democracy There is no free market; there is a responsibility gap; measure Gross Domestic Cost

Notes (b). On Social Democracy, see Crick, Ber- collectivization). Crick cites Orwell’s review (a). On Capitalism and what is wrong, see nard (March 1984). Socialist Values and of Hayek’s Road to Serfdom: “Capitalism Reich, Charles A. (1995). Opposing the Time, (SVT) Fabian Tract No. 495. London: leads to dole queues, the scramble for System. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc.; The Fabian Society. Crick provides an in- markets and war. Collectivization leads to Glasbeek, Harry (2002). Wealth by Stealth: sightful look into the theory and practice concentration camps, leader worship and Corporate Crime, Corporate Law, and the of democratic socialism and, as well, lib- war. There is no way out, unless a planned Perversion of Democracy. Toronto: Be- eralism and conservatism and an appre- economy can somehow be combined with tween the Lines. ciation of capitalism and etatism (state freedom of the intellect….” SVT, 4.

8 | Economic Reform December 2012 background of that process and within the tures, whereas the relevant problem is how it the perceptual life of the entire population. situation created by it. It must be seen in its creates and destroys them. As long as this is not Since violence is the inevitable means of role in the perennial gale of creative destruc- recognized, the investigator does a meaningless quest for identity when the old image, pri- tion; it cannot be understood irrespective of job. As soon as it is recognized, his outlook on vate or corporate, is smudged by the new it or, in fact, on the hypothesis that there capitalist practice and its social results changes technology, war is automatic as a means of is a perennial lull” (Schumpeter, 1962, pp. considerably” (Schumpeter, 1962, p. 83). recovering identity” (Molinaro, 1987, p. 83-84, emphasis added). And pointedly: 348, emphasis added). “The opening up of new markets and “The first thing to go is the tradition- “Thus we have the meaning of “the me- the organizational development from the al conception of the modus operandi of dium is the message:” We can know the craft shop and factory to such concerns as competition. Economists are at long last nature and characteristics of anything we US Steel illustrate the process of industrial emerging from the stage in which price conceive or create (medium) by virtue of the mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the competition was all they saw. [It is not clear changes – often unnoticed and non-obvious economic structure from within, incessantly that mainstream economics has emerged in changes – that they effect (message.) McLu- destroying the old one, incessantly creating a the sense of their continued adherence to han warns us that we are often distracted by new one” (Schumpeter, 1962, pp. 82-83). the marginalist apparatus.]3 As soon as qual- the content of a medium (which, in almost “…The impact of new things – new ity competition and sales effort are admit- all cases, is another distinct medium in technologies for instance – on the exist- ted into the sacred precincts of theory, the itself.) He writes, “it is only too typical that ing structure of an industry considerably price variable is ousted from its dominant the “content” of any medium blinds us to reduces the long-run scope and importance position. However, it is still competition the character of the medium” (McLuhan, of practices that aim, through restricting within a rigid pattern of invariant condi- 1964, p. 9). And it is the character of the output, at conserving established positions tions, methods of production and forms of medium that is its potency or effect – its and at maximizing the profits accruing from industrial organization in particular, that message. In other words, “This is merely them. We must now recognize the further practically monopolize attention. But in to say that the personal and social conse- fact that restrictive practices of this kind, capitalist reality as distinguished from its text- quences of any medium – that is, of any as far as they are effective, acquire a new book picture, it is not that kind of competition extension of ourselves – result from the new significance in the perennial gale of creative which counts but the competition from the scale that is introduced into our affairs by destruction, a significance which they would new commodity, the new technology, the new each extension of ourselves, or by any new not have in a stationary state or in a state of source of supply, the new type of organization technology” (Federman). slow and balanced growth” (Schumpeter, (the largest-scale unit of control for instance) In the Letters of Marshall McLuhan (Mo- 1962, p. 87). – competition which commands a decisive cost linaro, 1987, appended footnote 2, p. 348), Consistently, Schumpeter was also con- or quality advantage and which strikes not at the editors suggest that peace in the global cerned that mainstream economists ignored the margins of the profits and the outputs of village will come about through adjustment reality in favour of marginalist mathemati- the existing firms but at their foundations and to pain caused by new media and new tech- cal games that led nowhere but did serve to their very lives. This kind of competition is nologies and the pain inflicted by illuminat- marginalize economics. He argued: as much more effective than the other as a ing them, which is also implicit in the action “But economists who, ex visu of a point bombardment is in comparison with forcing of technology. of time, look for example at the behavior of a door, and [p. 85] so much more important In writing to Hubert Humphrey, (dated an oligopolist industry – an industry which that it becomes a matter of comparative in- 671228) McLuhan remarked: consists of a few big firms – and observe difference whether competition in the ordi- “Today in our global village, created the well-known moves and countermoves nary sense functions more or less promptly; by instant communications, all backward within it that seem to aim at nothing but the powerful lever that in the long run expands countries are threats to all developed coun- high prices and restrictions of output are output and brings down prices [as with, for tries. Like the Negro and the teen-ager in making precisely that hypothesis. They ac- example, the Apple Macintosh computer] is our own country, they get turned on by the cept the data of the momentary situation as in any case made of other stuff” (Schumpeter, new electric age. They never had an indus- if there were no past or future to it and think 1962, pp. 84–85, emphasis added). trial age or a 19th century. They start with that they have understood what there is to McLuhan: the latest, electric information. The electric understand if they interpret the behavior The term global village has been popular- environment is totally involving. It is not of those firms by means of the principle of ized as has global pillage. The terms have an environment of consumers. That is why maximizing profits with reference to those become part of the rhetoric associated with Word War III is also a depression, whereas data. The usual theorist’s paper and the control by capitalist corporate enterprise World War II had been a struggle to get usual government commission’s report prac- (Glasbeek, 2002). The terms global pillage out of a depression. All backward countries tically never try to see that behavior, on the and global factory emphasize the exploita- are “communist.” They have never known one hand, as a result of a piece of past his- tion of people that is involved at all levels. social or political individualism. The Orient tory and, on the other hand, as an attempt The term global village seems to have been is entirely tribal and family oriented. Rus- to deal with a situation that is sure to change coined by Marshall McLuhan but note his sian communism was similarly oriented for presently – as an attempt by those firms to stress. the benefit of a tribal people. They are still keep on their feet, on ground that is slipping “The subplot [of War and Peace in the tribal. To regard the global encirclement of away from under them. In other words, the Global Village] is the effect of the computer. the USA by backward communities present- problem that is usually being visualized is The main plot is that every new technol- ing a communist threat to the USA is a very how capitalism administers existing struc- ogy creates a new environment that alters confusing affair. It represents a state of mind December 2012 Economic Reform | 9 at least as confused as the Kaiser in 1914. It seemed that a chicken was an egg’s idea for get- gale of destruction following, for example, also ignores the fact that electric technology ting more eggs” (McLuhan, 1964, p. 12). in the wake of the creation of new products is totally tribalizing the USA” (Molinaro, and processes. 1987, pp. 349-350).4 Some Accounting – Technical Garage The mode of operation of each firm will “The medium is the message. This is Mechanics determine success or failure. Each firm tries merely to say that the personal and social Hidden behind AC are social and tech- to create a demand for what it produces and consequences of any medium – that is, of nological control relationships that assist in sells. Each tries to differentiate its products any extension of ourselves – result from the drawing income and wealth towards those from others and tries to convince consum- new scale that is introduced into our affairs with power and taking income, power and ers that they are selling, as it might be said, by each extension of ourselves, or by any wealth away from the weaker members of the best thing since “sliced bread.” Part of new technology” (McLuhan, 1964). society. the competitive processes may involve firms “The modern European of the Christian The price, p, is set and administered to and dealers keeping consumers ignorant of era is not yet a slave by right of birth. But markets by firms. The setting of price and the character of the bill of goods they are he is now bred into a slave-society that he what is covered by price also assist those being sold. Ignorance is bliss and keeping cannot understand, define or even recog- with power to take income and power away consumers “blissful” may be vital in certain nize, for industrialism [capitalism] establishes from weaker members of society. This, sys- circumstances. In the more recent period of a state of slavery more corrupting than any temically, perpetuates the inferior position the modern world, product complexity and previously known in the world because the of the weak. an attractive telemarketeering voice located master is not a man but a system, and the To illustrate the level of output to be pro- somewhere on earth, but in any case at the whip an invisible machine. With this it is duced is Q1. The vertical projection above other end of the line, assists in keeping con- impossible to enter into any but inhuman Q1 crosses the AC curve; on the vertical axis sumers ignorant and helps to get consumers relations, and in such an inversion of human- this is shown as AC1. The vertical projection to buy into the bill of goods offered. ity all the instincts become perverted at their above Q1 extends to and ends at a point, The important point is that a firm in- source. The institutions that have nominally which, on the vertical axis, is labeled p1. creases its market share by beating competi- survived this revolution in human affairs Profit is “pie,” ∏. Profit per unit is, ∏/ tors. Any number of devices have been used are allowed to survive but on condition Q1, that is (p1 -AC1). In other words total including mergers and takeovers. Some of subservience and impotency. Religion profit is:∏ = TR – TC = (p1 -AC1).Q1. may be noisy and disruptive others peaceful becomes hated because it may never be prac- Profit per unit is a net markup that falls with barely a ripple heard. There is a never- ticed, only preached, and is approved most out after the fact for all firms. AC is deter- ending competitive war. when preached in such a way as to fill alert mined by the average fixed and average vari- For the successful firms emerging from listeners with contempt or indifference…. able costs of production. Fixed costs are the the ongoing competitive wars the profit The necessity of work and the necessity important component and they determine rectangle grows as Q1 shifts ever to the right of a permanent body of unemployed are that the AC curve declines throughout. to say, Q2, Q3, etc. Thus economic strength inculcated in the same breath” (Burdett, Variable costs may be put aside as deter- and power begets power and greater and 1925, pp. 268-269, and the italicized cited mined much like the costs of producing greater control over markets for some while in Molinaro, 1987, p. 75). cakes: 10 cakes costs 10 time the costs of a other firms drop out. The ongoing process “Such economists as Robert Theobald, single cake – so average variable costs are the results in a private collectivization of the W.W. Rostow, and John Kenneth Gaibraith price of a single cake. means of existence at home and abroad. This have been explaining for years how it is that The prices are administered to custom- collectivization is a well-known outcome in “classical economics” cannot explain change ers by firms or their selling agents or their all private enterprise sectors. or growth. And the paradox of mechaniza- networks of dealers according to the modes But the word collectivization recalls for tion is that although it is itself the cause of of operation each uses. As a rough check ask some the forced collectivization of agricul- maximal growth and change, the principle whether the many prices you have to pay ture in Russia under Joseph Stalin. His col- of mechanization excludes the very pos- each day or week are administered to you by lectivization of land into state hands meant sibility of growth or the understanding of the various dealers you shop with. Do you the murder of many thousands of Russian change. For mechanization is achieved by fit yourself to the menus made available? peasants. Private collectivization implies the fragmentation of any process and by put- We do not need to know whether formu- elimination of farms and farm labour forces, ting the fragmented parts into a series. Yet, las were used in calculating each p. Indeed, and is a process supported by the state under as David Hume showed in the eighteenth formulas may not have been used at all. the guise of addressing problems the market century, there is no principle of causality There is no set of equations that can neces- has forced on farmers. Because collective im- in a mere sequence. That one thing follows sarily be asserted as determining any p. In plies social and socialist, it is a fact muted another accounts for nothing. Nothing fol- the end you have to find out by research by alternative words such as consolidation of lows from following, except change. So the without using a priori assumptions. operations, growing industrial concentration, greatest of all reversals occurred with electricity, To increase profit to higher levels than or the increased concentration and ownership that ended sequence by making things instant. ∏, all that seems necessary is to expand of industry in fewer and fewer hands. With instant speed the causes of things began from Q1, (and associated sales) to successive Above all in our modern world collec- to emerge to awareness again, as they had not levels above Q1. The attempted expansion tivization may be muted to avoid facing the done with things in sequence and in concat- of sales by each firm bumps into each firm’s now well-known fact that private collectiv- enation accordingly. Instead of asking which competitors. In the bump and grind there ization of the means of existence or corporatism came first, the chicken or the egg, it suddenly are eventually winners and losers. Thus the is Fascism (Saul, 1996).

10 | Economic Reform December 2012 “It was actually Italian philosopher Gio- existence firms by one means or another vanni Gentile who wrote the entry in the bring about a reduction in their own num- Encyclopedia Italiana that said: “Fascism Check out the ber (Marx argued capitalism would destroy should more appropriately be called cor- COMER bookstore itself as capitalist would eat capitalist until poratism because it is a merger of state at they became so big they could not com- and corporate power.” Mussolini, however, pete affixed his name to the entry, and claimed capitalism-quotes.htm) and an increases in credit for it.”5 out concentration or private collectivization the size of those that remain. Technologi- It may also be muted for purposes of their profit rectangles increase each year. cal changes, based on knowledge advances avoiding the argument that a socializing One perhaps first confronts the pro- in computers and computer software have state is not violating rights! Thus “…the so­ cesses of collectivization in the issue of brought significant reduction in product cializing state is not violating rights, or even the disappearance of the family farm and prices (examine the prices reduction on overriding them in the inter­ests of some- its replacement by corporate agriculture. Apple Macs from the “Fat Mac” of 1986 thing more important, but righting wrongs; Technological changes boost agricultural to the mini-Mac of 2006. Examine too the it is rectifying vio­lations of rights, violations productivity and allow the number of farms quality improvements and multiple tasks inherent in the structure of private prop- and the size of the farm labour force to be that can be accomplished in micro-seconds. erty.”6 In other words at what point does a reduced. Concomitantly as the farm market And Apple has new technology products. state recognize that private concentration declines in size the producers of farm ma- 4. “The great error of nearly all studies of is collectivization with the implication that chinery and equipment, farm suppliers, fall war…has been to consider war as an episode one can and should cut through the mess in number. There was a day when farm ma- in foreign policies, when it is an act of inte- and make it a social concentration from chinery was produced in local blacksmith rior politics…” (Simone Weil). Weil’s words which, and within which, all might share shops. Now days, one is hard pressed to find make globalization’s wars matters of interior more equitably and democratically. a functioning smithy. The annual sales of politics for all of us. Thus WWIII is a war of But the violations of rights, inherent in farm machinery can now be produced by a the US against the rest of the world. the structure of private property, has deeper few very large and powerful manufacturers. 5. As the 1983 American Heritage Dic- social illustrations that touch everyone on a So again concentration of production or tionary noted, fascism is: “A system of gov- daily basis without anyone knowing. Note collectivization. ernment that exercises a dictatorship of the Burdet and McLuhan above: “…industrial- And the process goes on inter-sectorally extreme right, typically through the merg- ism [capitalism] establishes a state of slavery and internationally and it seems to be ac- ing of state and business leadership, together more corrupting than any previously known in ceded to by governments either unaware with belligerent nationalism” (Hartmann). the world because the master is not a man but of, or unconcerned by what is happening. (The US dictionary definition has got- a system, and the whip an invisible machine. Indeed government may be co-opted by pri- ten somewhat squishier since then, as all With this it is impossible to enter into any but vate enterprise to assist the growth of their the larger dictionary companies have been inhuman relations, and in such an inversion of power and control. bought up by multinational corporations.) humanity all the instincts become perverted at 6. “…The socialist objection of justice their source” (Burdett, 1925, p. 268). End Notes to the market economy is that it allows pri- The private control of credit is the mod- 1. Major phases in technological evolu- vate ownership of means of existence which ern form of slavery (attributed to Upton tion are provided in Technological Phases no one has the right to own privately, and Sinclair). in the Development of Capitalism Fordism, therefore rests upon an unjust foundation” “…every price we pay includes a certain Sloanism and Taylorism and Post-Fordism. (Cohen, 1981, p. 13). amount of interest. The exact proportion 2. This triad, therefore, is not a limiting varies according to the labour versus capital list. A review of The Essentials of Capital- Bibliography costs of the goods and services we buy. On ism through Definitions: From Adam Smith BIEN: Basic Income Earth Network: the average we pay about 50% interest in all to the Present Day in http://arts.uwater- the prices of our goods and services. In me- Burdett, Osbert (1925). The Æsthetic dieval; times, people paid ‘the tenth’ of their EssentialsREV4290307.pdf will show the Type. The Beardsley Period: An Essay in income or produce to the feudal landlord. consistency of their concerns with the his- Perspective (Chapter X). London: John Lane In this respect, they were better off than we torical lineage in political economy. Publisher. are nowadays, where one half of each DM or 3. But note that in the diagram above Cohen, G.A. (March/April 1981). Free- Dollar goes to serve people who own capi- marginalism is gone and forgotten. A notion dom, Justice and Capitalism. New Left Re- tal” (Kennedy, Why Do We Need…). of marginal cost is built into and is the same view, 126, 13. This issue can be raised for all private thing as average variable costs, which varies Craig, Gary, Gaus, Aline, Wilkinson, concentrations of power and wealth. The directly with output. The emphasis is on Mick, Skrivankova, Klara & McQuade, most conspicuous cases that cry out for the bottom line of profit per unit and total Aidan (2007). Modern Slavery in the United rectification through social ownership and sales. Economic power, based on size, tech- Kingdom. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. social control are insurance companies and nology, and knowledge causes evolutionary ISBN-13: 9781859355725 and on the web private or commercial banks (Kennedy & reality to constantly wash over and bombard at Kennedy, 1995). These are institutions that so that any start up notion of an average contemporary-slavery-UK.pdf, and February are allowed to prey on the weaknesses and cost curve is immediately slipping away 2007, ref. 2035, Findings Informing Change. life vulnerabilities of citizens. With or with- from under them. For their own security of December 2012 Economic Reform | 11 socialpolicy/pdf/2035.pdf Information Age. York: McGraw Hill. Federman, Mark. What is the Mean- book/creatingnewmoney.pdf. Molinaro, M., McLuhan, Corinne & ing of The Medium is the Message? http:// Joseph Rowntree Foundation (February Toye, William (Eds.). (1987). Letters of 26, 2007). Comprehensive new JRF report Marshall McLuhan. Oxford: Oxford Uni- ticle_mediumisthemessage.htm shows that slavery exists in the UK today. versity Press Glasbeek, Harry (2002). Wealth by Press release at Riazanov, David. Karl Marx and Freder- Stealth: Corporate Crime, Corporate Law, releases/260207.asp. ick Engels: An Introduction to Their Lives and and the Perversion of Democracy. Toronto: Kapur, Jyotsna (2005). Coining for Capi- Work. Between the Lines. tal. Rutgers University Press. (Capitalism: works/1927-ma/ch01.htm. Gopal, Priyamvada (April 2, 2007). The the monster that eats children). Rowbotham, Michael (1998). The Grip Guardian. Kennedy, Margrit with Kennedy, Declan of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt story/0,2047841,00.html (1995). Interest and Inflation Free Money: Slavery and Destructive Economics. Charl- Hartmann, Thom. Reclaiming the Issues: Creating an Exchange Medium that Works bury, Oxfordshire: Jon Carpenter. Islamic or Republican Fascism? Baltimore for Everybody and Protects the Earth. Phila- Saul, J.R. (1996). Power versus the Public Chronicle & Sentinel. http://baltimorechro delphia, PA, and Gabriola Island, BC: New Good: The Conundrum of Individual and Soci- Society Publishers. ety. University of Waterloo, The 1996 Hagey shtml. Kennedy, Margrit. A Changing Money Sys- Lecture. Hillman Chartrand, Harry. The Compet- tem: The Economy of Ecology. www.converge. hagey/HageyLecture_1966JRSaul.pdf. itiveness of Nations in a Global Knowledge- Schumpeter, Joseph A. (1962). Capital- Based Economy. University of Saskatchewan: Kennedy, Margrit. Why Do We Need Mon- ism, Socialism and Democracy (third edi- An Individual Interdisciplinary Studies PhD etary Innovation. http://margritkennedy. tion). Harper Torchbooks, New York. Dissertation. de/media/pre_moneypres_56.pdf. Social Currency: Huber, Joseph & Robertson, James. Cre- McLuhan, Marshall (1964). Understand- Unfree Labour: ating New Money: A Monetary Reform for the ing Media: The Extensions of Man. New wiki/Unfree_labour.n

Cerberus in Talks on Supervalu Deal Options

By Sharon Terlep, The Wall Street Journal, point pressed Cerberus and its partners to reunite the Albertsons chain, combining its December 3, 2012 put up closer to $1.3 billion, some people business, Albertson’s LLC, with Supervalu’s Cerberus Capital Management LP, work- familiar with the matter said. Negotiations stores, according to a person familiar with ing on an acquisition of Supervalu Inc., has have continued with the banks. the matter. indicated it is willing to pursue multiple Cerberus hasn’t presented Supervalu with If the parties can’t reach a deal, Super- options for the troubled grocer, including a a formal bid, one of the people said. valu is expected to begin entertaining offers deal to buy Supervalu’s entire business and Eden Prairie, Minn.-based Supervalu, from other potential bidders, one of the another to purchase its Albertsons stores, a parent company to chains such as Shaw’s in people said. Buyout shop KKR & Co. has person familiar with the matter said. New England, Jewel-Osco in Chicago and eyed Supervalu’s Save-A-Lot banner and its Over the weekend, involved parties were Shop ’n Save in St. Louis, put itself up for 1,300-plus discount stores. actively negotiating, the person said, though sale this summer amid growing losses and But Supervalu prefers the Cerberus offer it wasn’t clear if a deal would be reached. discounts to customers that had yet to drive of taking over the entire company, a person In recent weeks, Cerberus and Supervalu up sales. familiar with that thinking said. have been in talks mainly over an acquisition A Supervalu spokesman referred to a It is possible Supervalu would opt to of the entire company for a deal that could statement the company first put out in July, scrap a sale altogether if the Cerberus buy- be valued at around $5 billion, a person which said it “continues to be in active dis- out falls through. Supervalu, which has familiar with the matter has said. But the cussion with several parties.” ample liquidity, has put together a multiyear Albertsons option has come to figure more Much of Supervalu’s appeal to Cerberus turnaround plan it could employ if a sale prominently in discussions, the person said, and its partners lies in its Albertsons chain. doesn’t happen and is weighing whether that as other potential bidders expressed interest In 2006, a Cerberus-led group acquired would be preferable to a piecemeal sale, the in pieces of Supervalu and after Cerberus more than 650 underperforming Albertsons person said. and banks disagreed over financing terms. stores as part of a larger deal to dismantle Analysts, however, have said a turn- Cerberus and its partners in the potential that grocer, Albertsons Inc. In the broader around won’t be easy given the company’s deal, a group of real-estate firms, have sought deal, Supervalu acquired more than 1,100 $6 billion debt load, pension obligations financing from banks and planned to invest Albertsons grocery stores. Meanwhile, the and declining margins. equity of about $800 million for a deal for company now known as CVS Caremark ❧ ❧ ❧ the whole company. That amount is in flux Corp. paid about $4 billion for Albertsons Our Comment. The trick pursued would as they weigh which of Supervalu’s various pharmacies, stores that have since been seem to be pushing the ultimate profit from assets Cerberus will ultimately bid for. renamed. shoving the final payment into the blinking Banks, who consider the unprofitable Cerberus, with a long history of turning future. What takes a lethal beating is the chain to be a high-risk investment, at one around troubled businesses, would like to ultimate settling of accounts. W.K.

12 | Economic Reform December 2012 three thousand years of history which today remains among a large population, they Society in the Age of the Maya stand out on the stage of the pre-Hispanic America. The ancient Maya built a strong Collections in the Regional Anthropologi- plification merits no more than a marginal socio-political organization and an active cal Museum of the Palacio Mérida, Mexico. note within the memory of the accident economy, created cooked cosmologies and A temporary exposition at the Museo del Oro itself. More interesting, more revealing is the achieved important developments in as- at Bogota, DC, October 27, 2011 to Febru- delighted emergence of a race of people who tronomy, calendars, writing, mathematics, ary 12, 2012. Taken from La sociedad y el have themselves benefited from a remittive architecture and other arts. tiempo Maya translated by William Krehm. sequence of recollection. For more than one century the archae- ology has tried to understand how these Preface Presentation aspects were interwoven. Through nearly By Alfonso de María y Campos, Director By José Darí Uribe Escobar, General Man- hundred archaeological objects of the he- General of INAH ager of the Bank of the Republic reditary collections of Mexico, this exhibi- Accustomed as we are to measure time The temporary exposition Hall of the tion invites to explore and learn about some from our own perspective, we are prone Gold Museum of the Bank of the Republic of the most significant aspects of the Mayan to interpret the temporal dimension as a in Bogota has again surprised its visitors society where its knowledge and creativity single-voice variable having a measurement with extraordinary samples, as much of our are revealed to us. of the identical consistency and direction cultural atheral reserve, as one of the out- For thousands of years a part of Central for all civilizations. Not only does our sci- standing reserves in the world. and North America, Mexico, Belize, Guate- entific spirit play a part in this prejudices The society and the Mayan season main- mala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador that accepts its units of measurement as be- tains this high level of exposition now of- was inhabited by distinct cultures which ing universal but also the very paradigm in fered one of the societies most complex had common traits such as monumental which our civilization is based of which the examples of pyramids. stone architecture, the use of calendars, ball scientific illustration is simply one aspect. The Society and the Mayan time main- games, and the cultivation of corn. Archeol- The West has chosen for its basis a cos- tain this high level for all the objects now ogists call this territory Mesoamerica: about mic vision of Judeo-Christian origins, in offered concerning one of the most complex some six thousand years ago hunters and which time is part of a sacred allegory. Even constraints on this continent more used as gatherers who began to cultivate avocado, though our profane world is loaded with the columns (Atlas), vases glyphs (ornamental pumpkin, chilies and amaranth flowers that tempo of physics or of biology – its general charnel or fluting, usually vertical from do not readily wither. Much later they do- direction rests upon an act of creation, im- glyph, to carve) astronomy and mathemat- mesticated corn and by 6000 BC took over pelled by God and its final decisions adjusts ics, similarly to the objects of the Gold Mu- the concept of agriculture. accounts to such divine creation. There is a seum. Those of this exposition bear witness From the beginning of the production time arrow with a beginning. Time is final to the endless possibilities of human beings of ceramics to the conquest by Europeans, and at the end of time, we are left with the and their societies. great civilizations flourished and decayed eternity of God. All Columbianos, without distinction, in Mesoamerica. Archeology divides these Quite the opposite, in the case of Meso- feel ourselves one of the outstanding ele- periods reclassical, Classical and Postclassi- american civilization, time itself is cyclical ments of our identity and background. cal. The dates of these periods differ from reality. Agrarian time, cosmic time and the The objects of the Gold Museum, collected culture to culture. time of the governing dynasties form part over 70 years by the Bank of the Republic, During the Preclassic (2500 BC to 250 of a cycle that will have completed rigorous have preserved and exhibited at home and after Christ) the Olmec civilization had its stages, and of which the final one is but the abroad, what we have constructed. And in climax. The Classical (250 to 1100 AD). It very beginning, just as the governing dynas- the pre-Spanish epoch a solid support of our was the height of the Mayan culture and the ties is simply the familiar winter lending identity, and a reference in the past of our development of powerful States as of Teoti- its nest to a renewed spring, which must present diversity. huacán took place. More military States, emerge once again. In short time is circular, By feeding our curiosity about new dif- such as the Toltec and Aztec, characterized and once and forever must return to sacred ferent cultures to discover new cultures, the period Postclassical (1100 AD to 1519 trodden pathways to perform again and and new styles of existence we have recog- AD) that ends with the aggression of the again the infinite domination to obey the nized ourselves increasingly as citizens of conquerors. laws of nature and power. the world. This contradiction latent in such an ex- I thank the National Council for the The Mayan Today perience caused the spirit of the Mayas that Culture and Art of Mexico, the National Although the great temples and pyra- it led to an artistic tradition most sophisti- Institute of History and Anthropology and mids of their ancestors dating back almost cated in the history of humanity. the Regional Palace Cantón of Mérida for two millennia, the Mayan culture is still vi- At all these dates, we can detect voices preserving and appreciating this inheritance tal in the case of one of the most numerous that misinterpreted the Mayan calendar for the benefit of all and for gaining a means indigenous societies of America; more than from a Western key assumption that a cycle of living with and within history. four million Mayas preserved traditions is the end of the time dominance, when that with deep historical roots to which new would simply be a contradiction of the very Cultures of Mesoamerica elements have been integrated during the perspective Mesoamericana. Such a sim- The Mayans, a culture with more than past 500 years. It is divided into nine ethnic December 2012 Economic Reform | 13 groups that inhabit almost the same areas of remains active and its language is spoken by most important position, was exclusive of their ancestors and pre-Hispanic ancestors more than four million people. the rulers and priests, the intermediaries of and speak around 30 languages. the cosmos. The Mayan Cosmos The Sacred Directions The Mayan World Religion was the axis of life among the The symbol that identified with Kin, The Mayan culture, originated in groups ancient Maya, a devout people who con- the Sun, pointed out the main points of coming from the isthmus of Tehuantepec, ceived the world from the surrounding the solar route. It was common among the was consolidated by 1500 BC over a large nature. Plants and animals populating alike Maya of the classic period, not only in their territory: the peninsula of Yucatan, Guate- their religion and their daily life and could homes, temples and palaces, but also in their mala, Belize and parts of Honduras and El be part of a deity, ruler, mythical tale, con- everyday objects. Salvador. stellation or prophecy, or all at once. The Inhabitants and Colors of the Directions The Mayan territory offered a great eco- link of each who with plants and animals The four corners of the Kin glyph repre- logical and climatic diversity. There were indicating their role in society. Time, sacred senting the Bacab, four brothers who held forests and mountains in the low plains, to space, living beings and people were part of up the sky: Hobnil South, of yellow colour; the north of the peninsula more forests high a hierarchical unit. Cantzicnal East, red; Zaccimi North, white; in the central region and the temperate for- The Ceiba was the tree of the world and and Hosanek the West, which was associat- ests in the higher areas of the mountains of the support of the cosmos. Its trunk was the ed with the black. The Center was the blue- Chiapas and Guatemala. As the geography, road to heaven, Kan, which was sustained green, the color of jade, water, the sprout of the Maya were not a homogeneous society: by its branches. Its roots were leading to the corn and other valuable materials. there were contrasts between the groups the underworld, the kingdom of Xibalbá, The Pillars of the World that inhabited the different regions but they saturated with caverns and natural wells. In some Mesoamerican constructions were linked by the language, religion and In codices and stone inscriptions the tree roofs were supported by human sculptures the myths of origin. is surrounded by animals, gods and rulers. that were used as columns. The roof of Ma- During the Preclassic (1500 BC to 300 The Ceiba, were a link sacred between the yan buildings symbolized the celestial vault, AD) the Mayan developed writing and people and their deities. the poles were the pillars that held and foun- calendars, also the megalithic constructions dations, the door to the netherworld. were initiated. At the end of the period the The Gods The Gods who Reside in the Heavens society became more complex and stratified, The Mayan believed in an infinity of The gods who inhabited the Maya heav- arose the City-States and with them the first deities and supernatural beings. Kin, the sun ens had a multiple nature: could appear as estelas. and one of the main deities, was responsible humans, animals, or stars. Itzamana, God The classic Maya (300 AD to 1000 AD) for four sacred directions or points of the of day and night, could present itself as an was characterized by the introduction of the compass and for the center, where the hu- elderly toothless, a bird, or the Sun. He dynastic succession, by the manifestation of man beings were living; its daily movement was the creator of writing, calendar, and power in art and long-distance trade. At the was allowed to take into account the time. knowledge. beginning of the period, Tikal was erected as Chaak was the creator of the rain and The skies were also inhabited, among the most important city-state. On a political Bolon Tzacab, the patron of the lineages others, by Kukulkán, the plumed serpent, map in perpetual change, States acquired rulers, war and human sacrifice. Yum Kaax, and Xaman Ek, the polar star that guarded and lost control of secondary centers and from which come human beings in the the merchants, associated with Ek Chuah, the constant wars received major political fifth creation, was the god of corn. There the god of Coco. Some were represented as and ritual relevancy. After the Tikal fall there were also Ah Puch, the god of death, Ixtab, descending to the earthly plane, such as the arose other political centers such as Caracol, the female deity of suicide, and the moon, god of the bees. Calakmul, Palenque and Copán. called Ixchel, the god of motherhood and The Kingdom of Xibalbá During the Postclassic period (1000 AD fertility, textiles and paint, almost always Xibalba is the underground Kingdom to 1519 AD) intense wars caused dete- accompanied by a rabbit. leading to the caverns presided over by Ah rioration and abandonment of the cities Kin, the Sun Puch, god of death to accompany sinister be- in the center of the Maya territory, while The word kin means day, time and sun, ings like Ahalpuh and Ahalcaná, the broth- northward flourished others like Chichén Kin is the creator of life and to have been ers, producers of pus and bile or Quicxic and Itzá, with a marked Toltec influence, and dedicated the major rituals, sacrifices and Patan, who choked men in their own blood. later Mayapán. The religious cult changed offerings from the pre-Hispanic past until It was not a place where the dead might and domestic shrines appeared; writing, the present. Its human representation carries want to linger, the dead could return to the mathematics and astronomy were also trans- a pendant that indicates the five sacred di- living and intervene in their affairs. formed. rections or cardinal points: east, west, north, Chaak, the Lord of the Rain By the time the European conquistadors south and center. Chaak was god of the rain. With his arrived to the coasts of Yucatán in 1517, un- The Kingdom of the Ceiba servants he inhabited the caverns and empty der the command of Francisco Hernández The Ceiba communicated the sacred tombs beneath the earth, and when was de Córdoba, the Maya region was divided directions: the heavens, the Earth plane called upon, filled his pitchers with water into small rival states. The conquest lasted and the underworld. She was surrounded and rose to the clouds to empty them. until 1697 but until the beginning of the by people, animals and supernatural beings, This god was both appreciated and feared. 20th century the Maya continued to resist located according to their hierarchy in the He watered the crops, but also brought on the domination. Today the Mayan culture east, west, north or south. The center, the floods and disasters.

14 | Economic Reform December 2012 Death The jaguar, known as Balam, was a great the Chaac anger. For the Mayas death was part of life. symbol of power. In addition to protecting In the plate that Chac Mol supports, a People lost their lives in war and because of the jungle and forests, the Gods entrusted common figure in some cultures of Meso- natural causes, but also in sacrifices or by save knowledge and transmit it to humans. america, deposited human organs as offer- losing a ball game, as a result of which the Sometimes the sun transformed into jaguar ings. This messenger to the gods was the skull of one of the losers served as a trophy. to travel to the world of the dead. essence of the offense and sacrifices. In Chichén Itzá, such heads of losers were on display on the Wall of the Skulls. Gods and Rulers Mayan Writing Mayan rulers were intimately linked to Before the Mayans, diverse cultures of Sacred Animals in the Zodiac the gods and they exercised their will on Mesoamerica developed writing, but these The animals were not only living crea- Earth. They were descended from deities were those who brought her to their great- tures and food of the Mayans, but also and their mission was to achieve divinity. er degree of complexity. Maya writing is spirits of the universe. His will was expressed In Mayan art gods and rulers often appear a logo-syllabic, i.e., that combines signs through the night stars and the Earth its together. which represent morphemes or whole words presence and its magical properties decided Rulers adjusted time to match social, re- with phonetic signs representing syllables. meat. In his honour were made human ligious and political events with astronomi- Consists of the glyphs inspired by natural sacrifices, or were sacrificed to ward off bad cal events to achieve their goals. The time elements, which are usually read in pairs omens. was flexible and the leaders were not dealing from left to right and top to bottom. Glyphs The Mayan zodiac constellations rep- that the events of its government were co- could have different meanings depending resent animals of the fauna of the Yucatan inciding with the calendar of neighboring on the context in which they were used, so peninsula: the Scorpion, crocodile, turtle, kingdoms. the phonetic signs helped to know how to snake, frogs and birds. These animals also The Ruling and the Court read a word. populate the mythical stories of the pre- The Court that accompanied the lead- Writing represented the Mayan languag- Hispanic codices, ritual, and current oral ers consisted of family, priests, soldiers and es Chol and Yucatec, but with it you could tradition. merchants. While closer was the person of write almost any other language of the Constellations of Scorpion, Turtle and the descendants of the gods, immortality region. Bird was closer. The Artists Write The constellation of Scorpion which Social Hierarchies The Mayan scribes combined the arts coincides with the Greek Zodiac, was asso- The Mayan society was strongly strati- of the painting and the writing in complex ciated with times of hunting. Of the turtle, fied, with rulers to the head followed by the compositions that made clear their mastery double to our constellation of Orion, influ- priestly and administrative class. Under- of the history, the politics and the religion. enced the rise to power of rulers and priests. neath were traders and warriors, who could His legacy kept mostly in mural painting The birds are represented in the constella- accumulate power and resources. Contin- and polychrome ceramics of the classic tion of Gemini. ued small merchants, peasants, craftsmen period. The Crocodile that Burdens the Earth and the rest of the population. On the lower They belonged to a single class of artisans The crocodile was associated with na- level were the slaves, war captives used for associated with the nobility and they could dir, opposite to heaven: the earth rested heavy work or sacrifices. even be priests or rulers. Not only did they on his back and he was their watchdog. The Costumes of the Elite dominated the art of writing, which was The serpent, Kan was milky way and the In sculpture and painting, the Maya elite jealously kept from the rest of society, but Pleiades the rattlesnake’s tail; their presence stands out for its costumes and especially by also measured the time. They were entrust- indicated good times for cultivation and the head ornaments ranging from simple ed with both the practical aspects such as the harvesting. tied and bows to the more complex head- mystics of writing and the calendar. Invoking the Rain dresses. With a wooden pin they claimed The Name of the Ruler Khan Balam The frogs interceded between humans elaborate representations of flora and fauna In the 16th century the bishop of Yu- and the God Chaak. Croaking invoked the of various materials and colours. catan, Diego de Landa, believed the Mayan caverns from rain-laden clouds. They are The Lords Jaguar glyphs were an alphabet, further complicat- represented in the water tanks of Mayan The jaguar embodied the characteristics ing its serious decryption problem until the settlements. to demonstrate strength among the war- twentieth century, when researchers discov- Messengers of the Gods riors and religious power among the rulers. ered its character logo-syllabic character and The birds were the sacred bond between To dress itself in jaguar skin was meaning that affixes were consisting of a main sign heaven and earth. Through them the priests to appropriate of its powers. The figure of and of signs. The affix of the left is read first, sent the pleas of humans to the gods. Each the jaguar as symbol of power appears in then the top and finally the main sign. species had different attributes: the hum- thrones and images in actual enclosures and The Deciphering of the Writing mingbird was associated in the warriors; in stones sculptures. The habitual use of Maya writing disap- the herons indicated the harvest season; The Offering of Sacrifice peared with the classical period and for the the swallows were messengers to the under- Human sacrifices were common practice arrival of the Spaniards there were very few world, and the parrots alerted to the dangers in the Mayan cities. The heart of children Maya who knew reading and writing. Since to human and Gods. and adults was extracted, generally prison- the 16th century many attempts to decipher The Jaguar, Guardian of Wisdom and ers, they were spoiled by a spear. The slaves it, were made until in the 1970s, thanks to Knowledge were thrown to the natural well to appease the knowledge that was developing from December 2012 Economic Reform | 15 the calendar, the key was discovered he(she) rise to power and death of its rulers; battles regular cycles and daily rituals. This knowl- gives birth he(she) will read. and conquests among the City-States, and edge came from the direct observation of the beginning and end of the eras. The the sky and the alignment of the temples Time and Calendars deciphering of this system, used only by the and palaces. One of the features of the Mesoamerican Olmec and the Maya, has allowed research- The Dresden Códice cultures was the calendar system. During ers to reconstruct much of its history. The Dresden codex is an agreement of the classic period the Mayans used primar- The long account was counting (telling) astronomy where they demonstrated the ily two types of calendar: sacred one, which the time in days that were grouped into sets domain the Mayan had of the mathematics regulated the life of ritual and ceremonial, called uinal, tun, katun and baktun. 13 bak- to calculate the movement of the stars. called Tzolkin of 260 days, and another tuns constituted an era of 5,125 years. With [Editor: This would appear to have du- civilian aimed at everyday affairs, called the the long account very big periods could be plicated from even added in its own particu- Haab of 365 days. calculated, what was done very rarely. The lar way the miracle of classical Greece.] Both ran concurrently and composing Mayans integrated this way to tell time with the calendar wheel, whose cycle lasted 52 the sacred and civil calendars, which shows Astronomy and Arcitecture years before restarting. a vision of the world which combined the During the Classical period, the archi- The Tzolkin combined 13 numbers and concepts of linear and cyclic time. tecture of temples and palaces served to the 20 days to complete a cycle of 260 days, The Mayans had located the start date of observation of the heavens. Buildings are when he returned to appear the initial com- the fifth era at, 4-Ahau 8 Cumku, lined to record the movement of the Sun, bination. The Haab was in 18 months of 20 as it appears in the C of Quiriguá Stela. This Moon, and Venus from a location specific days each, over a further period of 5 days to date corresponds in our Gregorian calendar and so calculating the solstices and equi- complete the 365 days of the solar cycle; the to 13th of August 3114 BC. On this day lo- noxes, determine the cycles of the seasons five extra days were considered to be harm- cated in a mythical past, the fifth era began and predict eclipses. ful. A date was then composed of a number and the human and the courts successfully The buildings were generally of lime- and one day in the sacred calendar and a created, of corn dough. stone and covered with stucco, crowned number and a month in the civil calendar. The Place of Venus with masks and crests which made them vis- For example, the starting date for the 52 Together with the Sun and the Moon, ible from afar. The stepped pyramids main- year cycle of the calendar wheel was 1-Inix, Venus was one of the most important ce- tained temples that revealed the movement 1-Pohp. lestial bodies in astronomical observations. of the stars through lights and shadows. The Numbering System The Mayans gave several names: noh ek, big At the Temple of Kukulkán, Chichén The Mayans used numbers mainly to star; chac ek, red star; sastal ek, bright star, Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, the serpentine effect measure time and organize your calendar. and xux ek, wasp star. From their movement of light and shade on the northeastern stair- The numeration system was vigesimal, that they planned wars and predicted times of case, known as the descent of Kukulkan, is to say with sets of 20 like base. The num- abundance. shows the spring and autumn equinoxes. bers from 0 to 19 were represented with Observers of the Sky The temple of the seven dolls in Dzi- points (units) and stripes (five units). The The Mayan priests deeply knew of the bilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico, the passage zero was necessary since the system was po- defects and through the movement they of the Sun through the door of the temple sitional: the value of each number changes could not only predict eclipses, the cycles recorded the spring and autumn equinoxes. depending on position indicates where there of Venus and other celestial events, but At the building of the Snail in Chichen are no units. The Mayans were the first to also predicted the fate of individuals and Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, the windows of the use zero in America. See Figures 1 and 2. society. tower are aligned with the sunset on the day The Long Account Time Monitoring of the equinox. The long count was used to tell time The priests in turn were the guardians The alignment of the different temples from a start date. This great timeline Mayan of time, since the astronomical knowledge with the output of the sun would have al- recorded important events such as birth, allowed them to organize the calendar and lowed the Mayans to recognize the solstices and equinoxes. Uaxactun, Guatemala. Figure 1: Figure 2: Table to write numbers Numbers from 1 to 19 bigger than 19 Omen and Prophecies Among the main functions of the Mayan priests was making prophecies to determine if a time was auspicious or not to carry out certain activities. Omens related to events astronomy, natural disasters or mythical events of the future related to the lineage of their rulers. To make their prophecies, the priests were looking at the past, since for the cyclical way of telling the time they were thinking that the facts usually recurred from The value of symbols changes depending one cycle to other. on the position. Read vertically, they had Stela 6 from Tortuguero, Tabasco, Mexi- up to four levels to write large amounts. co, speaks of December 22, 2012, and refers

16 | Economic Reform December 2012 to the final day of the fifth era in which we are: “the 13th Baktun will end in 4-Ahau 3 Kankin…. It will happen. It will be the Don’t Forget about the Successes descent of Bolon Yocte…to the….” The stele is broken and missing the end of the of the UNRWA prophecy about this god associated with the underworld, death and war. By Batoul Abuharb and Cherie Fathy, The UNRWA and the MDGs. In 1950, Other steles mention events that will oc- Huffington Post, November 15, 2012 when UNRWA was first created, the infant cur much later, as in the inscriptions of the Take a second to picture the United Na- mortality rate (IMR) for Palestine refugees Temple at Palenque, where there is a refer- tions Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). stood at a staggering 160 deaths per thousand ence to the year 4772 AD. Is it a positive picture? A negative one? Is it live births. In 2005-06 that rate dropped to The end of the fifth era will be the start even something you know at all? For most 21.8 deaths. In today’s standards, that puts of a new 5,125 years in the long account of Americans, UNRWA either flies totally un- UNRWA around 89/90th in the rankings the Mayan calendar. der the radar or it falls under the nebulous of IMR (where Afghanistan is No. 1 with category of the Israel-Palestine issue. 121.63 deaths and Monaco is No. 223 with Glossary UNRWA is the United Nations organi- 1.80 deaths). An article published in 2004 Cenote. Word derived from the Yucate- zation responsible for providing assistance, by the Center for Research on Population can Tsonoot, cave with water in it. This is protection, and advocacy for Palestine refu- and Health in Lebanon actually found that a natural depression in land, flooded with gees who lost their homes or their livelihood Palestine refugees have a “clear advantage” subterranean waters. as a result of the 1948 conflict and the in comparison to their non-refugee coun- Códice. Ancient manuscript books, descendants of those original refugees. The terparts when it comes to mortality rates. elaborated before the invention of the print- number of refugees now totals over 5 mil- UNRWA must be doing something right. ing press. The Mayan codices are groups of lion refugees. For many of them, UNRWA The organization manages to run a pages made in kopo tree bark (Ficus cotini- provides their sole access to health care, unique primary health care system that folia) and dated to the classic and Postclassic education, and financial relief services. provides free, continuous care to refugees. periods. As they dealt with religious matters, The organization recently made head- The high-quality, long-term health care most were burned by the Spaniards. The lines when US Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) it provides surpasses what is available in best known today are the codices Dresden, publicly challenged the organization last most developing nations. Even with its lim- Madrid and Paris, names of the cities where May. Senator Kirk introduced a bill that ited resources and the ever-growing patient they are preserved. called for redefining Palestinian refugees. population, UNRWA provides continuous Equinox. From the latin aequus, equal, This new definition could lead to excluding prenatal care for over 100,000 pregnant and nox, night. It takes place twice a year, descendents of the original Palestine refugees, women every year. Their checkups for ex- 20th or 21th March and 22 or 23 Septem- as the senator sees that refugee status cannot pectant mothers begin in the first trimester. ber, when the day has the same duration be passed on. This would drastically reduce These early screenings allow clinicians to of the night over the world due to the fact the number of refugees down to the original identify complications early on and also pro- that the sun reaches its zenith (cenit) in the 750,000 that were originally displaced back vide mothers with the prenatal vitamins and plane of the earth’s equator and its light falls in 1948. Not only does this directly chal- dietary counseling necessary for a healthy equally on both hemispheres. lenge the Palestinian narrative of the “right pregnancy. By the end of their pregnancy, Estela. The Maya stelae are monoliths of of return,” but it would also likely affect refugee women have received on average 7.4 the classical period carved with glyphs and funding of the organization. The bill passed prenatal visits. To put this in perspective, the figures of the emblems of the dynasties of the Senate Appropriations Committee and MDG baseline is four visits. the city-states and narrations of important was approved to be voted on in the House UNRWA has also succeeded at provid- events such as wars and the rise to power and Senate in May 2012. ing a comfortable environment for couples and fall from power of its governments. Like Senator Kirk, we believe that it is to discuss family planning options with Glifs. Greek meaning “cut.” It is the incredibly important that American tax dol- a medical provider. More than 137,000 graphic representation of a component of a lars continue to go to effective and efficient couples are enrolled in the clinics for these spoken language. programs. We also agree that it is equally services and studies have shown that the use Morfema. The minimal unit of gram- important to continue to work towards a so- of modern contraceptives is actually on the matical significance. Casas, for example, is lution to the Palestine refugee issue. Howev- rise. This could have a significant impact on composed of two morphemes, casa and s, er, unlike the senator, our work and personal regions like the Gaza Strip where fertility which indicates the plural. experience with UNRWA has also made us rates are especially high (women living in Solsticio. From the Latin sol and statum, realize that the organization should actu- Gaza on average have about five children). that is the quiet sun. This takes place, due to ally enter the public discourse for a much UNRWA provides these women with family the inclination of the axis of the Earth to the more positive reason. UNRWA has been planning counseling when they come in for plane of its orbit, the Sun reaches the cenith tremendously successful in promoting the their child’s first vaccination appointment. in the Tropic of Cancer, around June 21, or economic development of Palestine refugees In 2009, UNRWA provided healthcare the Tropic of Capricorn, towards the 22nd by following through with the Millennium services for over 300,000 children under of December. This determines the longest Development Goals (MDGs). Their work the age of 36 months. Their vaccination and shortest day of the year. on improving maternal and child health has program covers close to 100 percent of its To be continued. been exceptionally notable. Continued on page 20 December 2012 Economic Reform | 17 pays Google France fees through a market- ing agreement. EU Nations Aim to Close Web Microsoft has a similar arrangement through an Irish headquarters that handles Company Tax Loopholes software sales, an executive said in testimony in a French senate hearing earlier this year. By Sam Schechner and Ainsley Thomson, Europe must work on.” For its part, Amazon directs its European The Wall Street Journal, December 3, 2012 One major issue under discussion: The sales through its headquarters in Luxem- Europe’s biggest economies are teaming European Union was set up to be a single bourg, where sales taxes are lower, and then up to try to wring more taxes out of the market, but it includes countries with vary- pays affiliates in different countries to fulfill world’s biggest Internet companies. ing tax rules and rates. orders, a company representative told a Brit- Ministers from the UK, Germany and Many Internet companies, for instance, ish Parliament hearing earlier this month. France have begun meeting in recent weeks have established headquarters and get the The result is that Amazon had £2.9 billion to discuss how to stop big multinational bulk of their European revenue in Ireland. in net sales from the website, companies from using legal loopholes to But unlike some other countries, Ireland Amazon said in a letter to Parliament, but shift European profits to low-tax countries, doesn’t have legislation aimed at limiting its UK company had 2011 revenue of only government officials say. The talks are tak- companies from shifting their profits to £208 million and it paid £1.9 million in tax, ing place as Europe tries to plug budget very-low tax jurisdictions, like Bermuda, according to financial filings. deficits amid a spreading recession. according to business-services firm Deloitte Google said in an emailed statement that Caught in the crosshairs: firms like LLP. That allows Ireland to tap some profits it “complies with tax law in every country Google Inc., Inc., Microsoft it wouldn’t otherwise have access to, while in which the company operates and with Corp. and Facebook Inc. The companies the bulk ends up offshore. European laws.” Amazon had no comment, rack up tens of billions of euros in yearly Ireland has defended its tax system. but it said in a securities filing last month sales in Europe but pay comparatively little “There’s no question of Ireland making that it plans to “vigorously dispute” a $252 tax in many countries because of arrange- any changes to its corporate tax system,” a million tax bill it has received from French ments that they and many tax experts say spokesman from Ireland’s Department of authorities. are legal. Finance says. Facebook said in an emailed statement This week the European Union’s tax In several countries, tax investigations that it “takes its tax obligations very seri- commissioner plans to unveil his own list are heating up. In Italy, tax authorities are ously,” adding, “We comply with French tax of recommendations to curb the use of tax investigating income Google potentially laws” and work in all territories “to ensure havens and other common methods of re- generates there to see if any of it should be compliance with local laws.” ducing corporate taxes. considered taxable. Tax police have so far Microsoft declined to comment, but a The tax talks are likely to stoke debate identified “signs of undeclared revenue of Microsoft France executive told a French over the role of national borders in an in- more than €240 million,” a government of- Senate hearing earlier this year that the creasingly virtual world. They could also ficial said in a written response Wednesday company’s structure is legal and touted Mi- challenge some of the underpinnings of the to questions from an Italian lawmaker. crosoft’s contribution to France’s economy. current European tax system as it is used by In France, meanwhile, local tax authori- Behind the disputes is the changing na- businesses. ties argue that Internet companies are actu- ture of the global economy. Digital goods Government officials say they are dis- ally conducting more business there than and services can be beamed from one coun- cussing long-term changes in international they declare, according to people familiar try to another in an instant. But the virtual tax standards, as well as new interpretations with the inquiries. The French tax authori- nature of these goods and payments can of where economic activity takes place un- ties have investigated Google, Amazon, make it easier for companies to take ad- der existing laws, in an effort to limit legal Microsoft and Facebook in recent months, vantage of the fractured international tax techniques sometimes dubbed “tax shifting” one of these people said. or “profit stripping.” The French tax authority declined to Last Friday, finance ministers from name any companies under investigation. Letter to the Editor France, Germany and the UK pledged The Internet firms have said their structures (Translated from French.) €150,000 ($194,000) each to speed work are legal. Good day, on a set of tax proposals due in Febru- “The problem is that our legal system I just discovered your site and, more ary from the Organization for Economic hasn’t kept up with the virtual economy,” a importantly, the cause you are defending. Cooperation and Development. In early French government official said. You have no idea how much I agree with the December, the European Union’s tax com- Google, for instance, had nearly 300 em- ideas that you put forward. Do you plan a missioner plans to unveil his own list of rec- ployees in France at the end of 2011, includ- French version of your site, limited at first – ommendations to curb the use of tax havens ing representatives who worked with large COMER’s actions and positions. and other common methods of reducing French advertisers, according to corporate Thank you for your attention and I wish corporate taxes. filings. But local staffers are intermediar- you an excellent day. “The problem is that our legal system ies who do marketing and promotion, not Robert Mailhot hasn’t kept up with the virtual economy,” sales, the company said. Customers buy ads Editor: At present, there are no plans to a French government official said. “It’s a from Google Ireland Ltd., the company’s offer portions of the website in French, but the problem for all of Europe, something all of European headquarters, which itself simply time has come to remedy that key absence.

18 | Economic Reform December 2012 system, for instance by classifying activities discourage big companies from expanding and into the Far East, you haven’t actually in high-tax countries as marketing expenses in areas that adopt the standards, effectively created any value,” she said. rather than actual sales, which are said to reducing the revenue the governments hope ❧ ❧ ❧ have taken place far away. to tap. Even if Europe can manage to cooperate “The worst thing would be to have knee- Our Comment. The scam should be on new tax rules – and that’s a very big if – jerk reactions,” said Heather Self, the tax di- clear enough. If the profit taken on the deal there are major risks. Adapting international rector at law firm Pinsent Masons. She added is wafted elsewhere in time and space, the tax rules may help high-tax areas like Europe that criticism of multinational firms’ tax ar- economic system becomes largely a fiction. grab a bigger portion of international com- rangements has often been ill-informed. “If That evades any real basis for a serious dis- panies’ revenue. But new rules could also all you do is drive the business out of Europe tribution of real profits domestically.W.K. Aid Falls Short As Cold Menaces Syrian Refugees: Foreign Donations Lag By Neil MacFarquhar, The New York “The capacity of the international donor Families in provincial Idlib report re- Times, November 25, 2012 community to support the crisis is not hap- verting to old methods to survive. In some Mdoukha, Lebanon – The winds spilling pening at the same speed at which the crisis Villages lacking electricity for months, for down off snow-covered Mount Hermon, is unfolding,” said Panos Moumtzis, the example, residents have built wood-fired bearing the first nip of winter, rattled the regional coordinator for the Office of the ovens in their backyards, and daylight now broken windows of an abandoned elemen- United Nations High Commissioner for sets the rhythm of their lives. They sleep tary school here where Syrian refugees are Refugees. soon after sunset and rise at dawn. huddled in this Bekaa Valley hamlet. Neighboring countries coping with the Relief planning is difficult because Hundreds of thousands of Syrians dis- influx are developing their own plans: Jor- numbers are elusive and communication placed by the war, many of them stumbling dan is seeking about $700 million, and Tur- is haphazard. In the long-embattled city out of Syria during the summer wearing key, which has spent $400 million of its own of Homs, for example, the United nations little more than T-shirts and flip-flops, now money on state-of-the-art camps with three listed 223,000 people as receiving monthly face the onslaught of winter with inadequate hot meals daily, is also now seeking aid. food rations, which it used as the number shelter, senior government officials and aid Inside Syria, conditions are even worse. of people in need. But when a fighting lull organizations say. “It will be winter outside The distribution of aid is plagued by prob- enabled the Syrian Red Crescent to take a and winter inside,” said Mohamed Khair lems of access, security and a lack of organi- survey, 492,000 people sought assistance. al-Oraiby, a burly 27-year-old who fled zations to carry out the work, according to The Syrian government has allowed only here over the summer with his wife and two aid officials. eight foreign aid organizations to operate; infants. “We already wake up early because Most deploy from Damascus, where all were already working in Syria before the it is so cold.” fighting has been so fierce in recent weeks uprising started in March 2011, helping With temperatures already plunging to that aid workers have occasionally been Iraqi refugees. Seven employees of the Syr- zero overnight in the hills framing this val- instructed not to leave their houses. Some ian Red Crescent have been killed. ley, the humanitarian crisis facing millions areas have fallen under the sway of shadowy The largest aid donors are the United of displaced Syrians is deepening. More jihadist forces that eye Western aid organiza- States, at $8.5 million, and Britain, at $7.8 than a million people in need of aid remain tions as espionage networks. million. The wealthy Arab gulf states have out of reach of international relief efforts, In November, the International Com- contributed little via the United Nations the United Nations says. mittee of the Red Cross finally negotiated system, with the exception of Kuwait, which The inability of international aid groups brief access to the old city of Homs with the has contributed $1 million. to cope with the crisis, which has mush- fundamentalist militia that controls it. The Now the cold is adding another layer of roomed in recent months, is partly a ques- locals jeered the relief workers for taking need. Middle Eastern winters can be bitter, tion of access to war zones. more than four months to reach them. with snow in some areas and chilly winds More than 400,000 people have fled Syr- “We’ve been besieged for months,” yelled slamming across the deserts. ia, and 1.2 million have been driven from a man wearing camouflage fatigues in a Since only about 35 percent of the $70 their homes within the country, according video of the visit posted on YouTube, giving million budget for winterization has been to the United Nations refugee agency. Some the thumbs-down sign. “Now it occurs to funded, only the most vulnerable third of 2.5 million people need humanitarian assis- you to come? We don’t want you, we don’t the population will get help, Mr. Moumtzis tance, and the number keeps climbing. The want your food, and we don’t want anything said. Or as one senior diplomat put it, the United Nations said it had reached only one from you.” refugees will be fed, “but not generously,” million of them. At least 20 areas within Syria are un- and they will be clothed, but “they will be But efforts have also been hampered reachable because of fighting, aid officials cold.” by lack of resources. The United Nations said. Vast swaths of countryside are also Efforts at triage are readily evident. In is seeking some $487 million for refugees inaccessible, including much of the north, the Bekaa Valley, 10 to 15 families arrive across the region, of which about 35 percent because the roads from Damascus are too daily, United Nations officials said, and 75 has been collected. dangerous. percent are women and children. December 2012 Economic Reform | 19 “Can we get those other 150 houses camps. The official explanation was that it rity and political stability,” Mr. Moumtzis moving? Because the terrible winter tem- wanted to avoid repeating the experience of said. Syria’s neighbors have so far kept their peratures are here!” pleaded Ahmed Fledy, Palestinian refugees in 1948; 12 camps built borders open, he noted, but they are begin- the deputy mayor of the northern Bekaa for them have become permanent cities, ning to ask, “Where do we draw the line, be- Valley town of Ersal, to an aid worker enter- filled with up to 250,000 stateless people. cause this could affect our own stability?” ing his office. But the other key reason was that Syria’s The town of about 27,000 people, 12 allies in the Lebanese government wanted Our Comment miles from Syria, has absorbed more than to avoid such visible symbols of the violence The essence of the matter has to do with 10,000 refugees. Some are housed 10 and that Syria was raining on its won people how we can turn around the basic equations more to a room in 250 drafty cinder-block “The government called them guests, as if of the acquisitive economy, while leaving dwellings with no windows or doors. Clinics they were here to enjoy the parks and night- our society able to cope with the resulting are reporting a sudden rise in problems like clubs,” said Khaled Daher, a Parliament burdens financing the social disarray. skin diseases spreading by having too many member opposed to Syria. Both the quest and its frustrated fulfill- people living together with poor hygiene. But with 128,000 Syrian refugees in ment harken back to the disregard of the A shortage of donated blankets meant dis- Lebanon, the government has reached a great legacy of ancient Greece. Though in- tributing just three or four per family, not the consensus that it is a humanitarian issue. creasingly disregarded in our official world, goal of one per person. Qatar donated heat- Officials hope the worst is over, but they the greatest of the legacies was that of the ing stoves, but enough for only about half the are bracing for the day that serious fighting students of Socrates, who wrote nothing. refugee families. Fuel is a question mark. erupts in Damascus, the capital. He merely “asked questions.” But these Three schools have absorbed 300 Syr- On the first day of extensive violence in were of such cutting edge that they opened ian children, but 2.600 more want in, Mr. Damascus last July, 18,000 people crossed up universal worlds to search for relative Fledy said. into Lebanon in one day. answers in the skies and on the earth and in Unique to Lebanon, most refugees have But there are mounting concerns in Syr- every conceivable direction. For the answers been housed in private homes, and are scat- ia’s neighboring states about just how many to all key questions were in constant flux. tered among some 500 towns, said Ninette thousands more people they can absorb, and Note well this weakness has its drastic Kelley, the United Nations refugee repre- for how long. effects on our governments’ supposed ac- sentative in Lebanon. Lebanon banned tent “There is a growing concern about secu- countancy, reducing it to a fraud. W.K.

UNRWA from page 17 extreme poverty through “carefully planned” for Palestine refugees, could UNRWA be population. Their program eradicated the development aid. Sachs argues that Western playing in a different ball game? Could presence of malaria in the Jordan Valley and, countries have pushed developing countries UNRWA essentially be following Sachs’ as a whole, contributed to a tremendous to privatize their systems and charge user model of a health system that promotes decline in mortality rates from preventable fees to cover costs even though Western economic development? Investments in diseases in the camps. This is an incredible health systems “guarantee” universal access. their primary healthcare system may pay accomplishment especially in places like the For people already living in extreme pov- off in higher work productivity because of a Gaza Strip where vaccination shortages can erty, tacking on healthcare expenses is incon- healthier adult population and an increased last anywhere from days to months. Politi- ceivable. Adding user fees to essential services likelihood that illness will not keep Palestin- cal problems between opposing Palestinian like preventative care and vaccinations forces ian youth out of school. Moreover, accord- parties frequently hold up vaccines at the families to prioritize necessities like food ing to UNRWA, focusing on preventive borders, but UNRWA still manages to suc- and housing over health care. UNRWA’s services has cut down costs and increased cessfully immunize the population in Gaza. health program enables refugees to tackle the number of refugees they can serve. How UNRWA Lines Up with Glob- their medical issues before they become too Moving Forward. UNRWA has ex- al Economic Development. Professor expensive or too difficult to manage. perienced tremendous success in improving Jeffery Sachs, who directs the Millennium Considering that universal preventive maternal health and reducing child mortal- Project, argues that the world can eliminate primary care has always been an option ity. They have enabled mothers to take own- ership of their health and when they have children. Their children also have access to regular medical care. But, this doesn’t mean that the story ends here. UNRWA has provided us with a great foundation that we can learn from when it comes to community development. Instead of threatening to withdraw funding, we can build upon UNRWA’s model and introduce even more effective programs and tech- nologies. We should effectively monitor and evaluate these programs in order to track their successes and push those successes in reaching all of the Millennium Develop- ment Goals even further.n

20 | Economic Reform December 2012