7 21 24 Thoughts on It's Quizmas A focus on reduced peat use in time! learning & development horticulture

November/December 2019 Issue £4.50 PAGE NAME

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Image by Jonathan Buckley and Ashwood Nurseries / Paul Massey HTA members are oered Email [email protected] or call 01376 571283 for your image needs. 20% o their first order “Great images sell more plants!” and 10% o thereaer Welcome to Featured 4 Plant Passports 7 Thoughts on reduced peat November/ December 2019 issue use in horticulture 21 It's Quizmas time! 24 A focus on learning & development Comment 12 Grower News elcome to the November/December issue of HTA News. Cultivating Retail – for a sustainable future takes place on 19 16 Landscaper News November at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham and I do encourage you and your colleagues to attend. This Wpivotal event, which we are hosting in collaboration with GIMA, sets out the threats and opportunities we will face as an industry in the coming years. With Meet the team a focus on sustainability in the widest sense the event is of real significance for HTA Editorial Team: Gill Ormrod, the whole supply chain. With a great line up of top-class speakers including Angela Bean, Amanda Wallace, former Tesco CEO Sir Terry Leahy, Just Eat Chief Operating Oicer Graham Amy Winder & Jazmin Lyel Corfield it is not to be missed. Alongside the high-quality programme, which will deliver key take away outputs for individual businesses, one of the most Design: Yellowball significant benefits of attending is the ability to hear from, meet and chat with Printed by: Buxton Press your peer group. This is particularly significant at this point in time with so many dierent pressures facing our sector. Advertising : Redactive Sustainability is such a key issue for us all and it is imperative that we get T: 0207 880 7632 E: [email protected] our own house in order as an industry. Counter to that sustainability brings so many positive aspects through the fact that our products – plants, trees and shrubs – add so much value to our eorts as a country to mitigate the impact Get in touch of climate change. We have a responsibility, as the leading trade body, to help HTA News, Horticultural the industry capitalise on this and will prioritise and resource this area of work Trades Association as you will hear at Cultivating Retail. Horticulture House, Chilton Another challenge facing the industry as we approach the end of the year is Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RN the introduction of the new plant passporting regulations that come into force T: 0333 003 3550 on 14 December. These regulations bring changes for all those involved in E: [email protected] selling plants – from growers and retailers to landscapers and If you would like to reproduce anything online suppliers. We are working hard to ensure that you from HTA news please contact the HTA are kept up to date with information as we receive it News team for permission. While every and I urge you to regularly check the HTA website care is taken that all information inside the and sign up for our sector specific information. magazine is correct, prices and details may be subject to change. The HTA reserves the right to shorten or modify material submitted for publication. The HTA takes James Barnes no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or advertisement features HTA PRESIDENT in the magazine.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 3 TAKE ACTION Five most Frequently Asked Questions PLANT PASSPORTS

What’s the diŠerence between Why is there such a short time a professional operator and an frame for implementation of the 1. authorised operator / business? 2. new passports?

At this moment in time, there is no dierence. The phrase The implementing legislation was actually passed in 2016, ‘Professional Operator’ is new to industry and was first seen and all the relevant legal parts freely available for all to read. in the legislation that is due to come in on 14 December The design for the new PPs was published in December 2017. 2019 in all EU member states. However, it still means you are However, both industry and the Government have taken authorised to issue plant passports and the process is the time to realise the true extent of the practical implications for same. plant passporting. A Professional Operator (PO) is defined as “any person, HTA have been highlighting for a while now that the governed by public or private law, involved professionally new regulations are coming in at the end of this year, but in, or legally responsible for, one or more of the following the matter of physical attachment of all PPs was not fully activities concerning plants, plant products; - appreciated until the middle of this year. Engagement • Planting with Defra on ironing out the grey areas and presenting • Breeding dierent scenarios and questions for clarification became of • Production (including growing, multiplying and paramount importance by August 2019. maintaining) The principles that the legislation requires are: • Introduction into, and movement within and out of, • Full traceability for all plants in trade (something that the Union territory industry has yet to fully appreciate) • Making available on the market (i.e. retailing, selling • The registration of all Professional Operators or trading) These are huge step changes for all businesses connected • Storage, collection, dispatching or processing” professionally with the plant trade. Basically, this covers every horticultural business, whether Moving forward, it is hoped the Government will take a sole trader or large business. pragmatic view on compliance. The HTA has requested that So, everyone must register with APHA for the purposes of businesses (POs) showing intent to comply will receive no being a registered PO. penalties for 12 months. We will keep you up to date with Being authorised to issue Plant Passports (PPs) is part of progress as this is yet to be confirmed. being a PO, however not every PO will need to issue PPs. In addition, the HTA is working hard with the Defra Plant Being a PO means that as a business – whether large or Passporting teams to clarify any existing grey areas and small – sole trader or with multiple sites - you must comply ensuring that the right message is made available to the with certain plant health criteria. At this moment in time, industry. until further information is released, the criteria needed to register as a PO is the same as it always has been to register for issuing PPs.

4 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews TAKE ACTION

For the purpose of this document, it is assumed In the event of a no deal, the principles of these regulations we will Exit the EU with a deal or there will be an will still be adopted although a review will be conducted extension period in place as of 14 December 2019. accordingly. This information is correct as of 5 November 2019.

If a product comes into my When do I need a traceability company and then I sell it onto code – I’m confused!? 3. 5. another user (either a PO or a final user), do I need to issue my own passport even if it is not split down You only need to include a traceability code on the actual or altered? plant passport when the plants you are despatching are due to go through another stage of preparation, so are not prepared for final use. You must, however, no matter at what stage in the supply No, you do not need to issue your own passport if you are chain you are involved in, ensure you have full traceability not changing the plant material in any way, splitting up the for every plant that comes in and goes out of your business trade unit or selling to an end user / consumer. and be able to provide that information to a Plant Health However, traceability must be maintained by recording the Inspector when asked. information on the PP and passing it on to the next business in the supply chain. You may replace a PP if you wish as long as traceability requirements are fulfilled and the plants or plant products continue to comply with the regulations, even if the characteristics of the plants have not changed. What do I have to attach a Remember, if you are an online retailer or distance seller 4. plant passport to? then you must PP right down to the consumer.

The regulations state that PPs must be physically attached to the trade unit. Sending the PP with supplier documentation (delivery Please sign up on the HTA website for note, packing note, invoice etc) is no longer acceptable as updates and subscribe to HTA e-news for the only method of supplying a PP, although you can add them onto the accompanying paperwork if you and/or your the latest updates. customer wish in order to provide a record for your customer to keep, but the PP MUST be physically attached to the plants (trade unit). A trade unit is defined as a plant or a number of plants which are homogenous – i.e. they are of the same Genus and Species, from the same source, same batch, grown in the same format and going to the same place. However, if at any stage you have a mixed tray, shelf, trolley or pallet, then you would need to passport down to the smallest unit. The only exceptions would be for a mixed planted basket/container when multiple species can be included on the same passport.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 5 NEWS

amount and mix of spending on UK garden market sizing gardens. The HTA has developed a consumer segmentation model report published which categorises the dierent wants, needs and spending levels of id you know that ornamental horticulture and landscaping dierent consumers. Some consumer in the UK made an estimated £24.2billion contribution to segments spend more than double national GDP in 2017? In addition, around 568,700 jobs were D the national average per household, supported – which is the equivalent to 1 in every 62 jobs. meaning ranges and promotions can be targeted. The latest HTA Market Update Insight Edition focuses on the size Martin Simmons, HTA Director of membership comments “The UK of the UK ornamental horticulture industry. This edition looks at this garden retail market has experienced steady growth over the last 8 spend in depth, breaking it down across categories, sales channels years. Spend on seeds, bulbs, plants and trees has grown, and new and demographics of those active in the market. technology has helped to drive spend on tools. Younger consumers The report also summarises the recent Oxford Economics industry are more likely to be influenced by family and friends or take sizing report, showing that proximity and access to green space inspiration from social media and other online sources. Meanwhile and natural features adds an estimated £131 billion to the value older consumers tend to go to the ‘expert’, watching gardening TV of UK houses. It’s estimated that UK households spent around programmes and talking to sta or observing displays in garden £7.5billion on garden goods in 2017. Spend on garden goods is centres or parks.” equivalent to £1 in every £100 of household spending. Meanwhile, UK households spent around £2.4billion on the services of gardeners and landscapers in 2017. The report is available free for members to download from Life stage, aluence and house type heavily influence the the HTA website

Ornamental Management Committee talks water, Brexit and growing media

he Ornamental Management Committee (OMC) met in September at Horticulture House with members reporting Ta very positive year’s trading. This is despite the ongoing concerns surrounding plant passporting, peat, labour and biosecurity. Demand on water continues to be a major issue for businesses like nurseries in the UK. In September, OMC members attended a meeting co-hosted by the NFU and the Environment Agency on the matter. In 2018, regional bodies were set up, under a strategic arrangement, to compel water authorities to work together. The HTA is to consider how it can input into these bodies to represent media to give a measure of its environmental impact. Discussions ornamental horticulture, considering the increased demand on are underway as to how to communicate this information with water the industry will face in the future. consumers, trade and retailers. On the Brexit front, Kevin Kitching, Defra’s EU Exit team leader, Geo¦ Caesar is stepping down as the Chair of the OMC gave a presentation on importing and exporting plants and plant with Martin Emmett taking on the position. On behalf of the products in the event of a No Deal - this raised several queries that committee, Martin thanked Geo¦ for his invaluable contribution the HTA Policy team have taken for consideration. He re-iterated over 6 years. His expertise and experience will stay with the OMC that despite the continuing political uncertainly, all work being as Geo¦ will remain a committee member. undertaken by Government is focusing on 3 key issues for business - maintaining the current levels of biosecurity, minimizing the impact on businesses and keeping trade moving. Additionally, the committee was updated on the activity of the The next OMC meeting will be February 2020. Responsible Sourcing Scheme for Growing Media. There is now an audit scheme in place which ‘scores’ the components of growing

6 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews NEWS

Thoughts on reduced peat use in Horticulture Since the early 1990’s we have all been aware that successive governments have encouraged the Horticultural industry as a whole to look at peat reduction and replacement in growing media. Countless hours of product development type R&D have gone into the issues of identifying and developing the use of alternative materials, but while peat(s) have been readily available they have remained the backbone of substrate mixes.

n 2011 the government enshrined in primary legislation target We already have good information on the use of other materials dates for the removal of peat use in growing media in England. which can be used to dilute and or replace the peat we use in The dates were 2015 for all public sector scheme using container growing media, so the immediate need for the horticultural I industry is to now fully implement the use of peat reduced and grown plants, 2020 for the removal of peat in retail/hobby market products and finally 2030 the removal of peat use for commercial peat free mixes on a much wider scale than ever before. The growing media. Interestingly now other government around supply companies have all done their R&D and understand the Europe are also looking at replacement of peat use, Switzerland, requirements of new multicomponent mixes, but such mixes do Germany, Belgium and Ireland. actually perform and test protocols to ensure fitness for purpose In the case of the latter (ROI) new legislation was bought out at have been developed and are used. the beginning of 2019 which made it mandatory that all extraction Going forwards, we all need across the supply chain to work sites in excess of 30ha had to have full planning permission and together to ensure our end customers do have a fruitful result from there was a period of 18 months for Companies to comply. This the use of the new and continually developing mixes we can o¦er. legislation was challenged by various Irish conservation groups and as a result of a judicial review a stop on all extraction of peat(s) in Ireland came into force at the beginning of September 2019. The ruling is now being challenged by the members of the Irish commercial peat producers. For the season 2020 there should be little if any impact as stock of peat are already gathered, but obviously if the ban on extraction Neil Bragg continued then the supplies of peat(s) from Ireland for the 2021 CHAIR OF THE GMA season would be di¦icult.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 7 OVER THE GARDEN FENCE Gardening IS GOOD FOR YOU

Is there a local roundabout with your name on it?

Roundabout sponsorship is a great way to bring passing traic to you. When planted, these green hubs brighten up towns and demonstrate what can be achieved in a small space. Perfect for advertising a garden business. #GIGFY

Fran OUT and about @Franjamaso

Tweet us at Canela estriada (Lampides @HTAnews boeticus) #butterfly #butterflies #nature

Alan E Down @AlanEDown It’s not just hyacinth #bulbs that you grow in pots. I’ve just potted 10 #Narcissus Thalia into this old pot. It’s a short growing multi-headed white #daŠodil #gardentips #GIGFY

MumandSon_Adventures @MumSonAdventure

Enjoying a little woodland/ Have you got the space and facilities to river side walk earlier be able to hold a Pick Your Own? Maybe #getkidsoutdoors something to consider for next year! #autumnwalks Credit: Taken at Millets Farm

8 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews OVER THE GARDEN FENCE IN THE PRESS Our media team regularly receive enquiries from newspapers, magazines, TV shows, radio and the like about all aspects of horticulture and gardening. Here is a snap shot of our latest cuttings to give you a flavour of the topics that are currently in the news.

The David Colegrave Foundation was picked Gardening is Good for You reached up by as they are celebrating nearly 20,000 people aer being mentioned that they have awarded almost £100,000 in the Sunday Independent in Cornwall. The through scholarships, trip bursaries and other campaigns tips were shared on how to make a educational initiatives to horticulture students wildlife garden. over the last 10 years.

12% British adults say they gave a gi‰ they had made themselves for Christmas 2016. Give our Christmas quiz a go on page 21 and see how well you know your Christmas customers!

(Source: Foresight Factory)


Sue Allen, founder of Pippa Greenwood joins the Greenfingers ‘Nest & Rest’ Millbrook Garden Centres, HTA as Horticulture Manager garden opens at Grace House, has joined the Greenfingers Sunderland Charity Board of Trustees ADVERTORIAL


SHOP ONLINE SHOP ONLINE n Find what you are looking for Growing ▪ Findfast what you are looking for fast n Growing your business Proven success ▪ SearchSearch by byplant plant name name or item or item GrowingGrowingyour business your business codecode n View before you buy Proven success ▪ View before you buy Floramedia is a communication, marketing and Rollins Pedigree n QUALITYyourQUALITY business LABELS, LABELS, RELIABLE RELIABLE SERVICE SERVICE Fast order and import order print production company for plant and garden A–er successfully refreshing their▪ BulldogFasfeaturest order brand, and import Rollins order approached Floramedia is a communication, marketing and RollinsFloramedia to Pedigree develop a new brandnfeatures identity forKeep track oftheir your Pedigree order history range you Best looking known for quality for plant our labels reliability available in producing with next day delivery,A–erof successfully light-weight just order refreshing tools, aimed at their Bulldog the amateur brand, gardener. With Rollins approached this target print production company for plant and garden ▪ track of your order history qualityrewith you plant beautifullooking labels, for images quality giving and plant informative you the choiceNeedbefore your you 12noon. order need fast?We replenish OurFloramedia to productsmarket our in mind our develop a new brandcreative team identity for developed their Hugo Pedigree (a French Bulldog) range retailers. Best known for our reliability in producing fromlabels texteither that with allowour beautiful huge you to images addrange a andunified of pre-printed are availablestock stockbefore with levels or next runday toodelivery,of light-weight lowthat on would just the appealtools, aimed at to the target the amateur audience, gardener. 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Our products are plentyCreativeThe UK of creativedesigns design toteam, choose based from here you at our o ice in Colchester,E: [email protected] are a canThetalented find UK acreative stylegroup to team,of suit graphic your based needs.designers here at our headed o ice upin Colchester, by Victoria areZambelli. a talentedWith years group of industry of graphic experience designers between headed up them by Victoriaand having Zambelli. worked Willow Wand Withwith yearstop brands of industry such experienceas Ralph Lauren, between Harrods, them and BMW, having British worked WillowTo create Wand a concept for a distinctive brand identity a clear brief is withAirwaysYour top brand brandsand Motorola in such our as hands your Ralph brand Lauren, is in Harrods, safe hands. 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Combinedwho will remain with the your industry contact knowledge throughout, of our we Account not only Managers, deliver creative Stay ahead who will remain your contact throughout, we not only deliver creative Stay aheadSPRING concepts but a great service too. The ‘GreenExtensive Trend Journal range 2019’ concepts but a great service too. Theis a ‘Green follow-upExtensiveof Trend labels toJournal the Green and range2019’ Trend POS is a follow-up to the Green Trend Reportof 2017/2018 labels released and POSby ReportFloramedia 2017/2018available last released year and for by provides next Floramediaan updateavailableday last on yeardelivery macro and for andprovides micro next an updatetrends andon macro how these and micro can be trends andday how delivery these can be applied to the green sector. applied to the green sector. Both the Green Trend Report Both the Green Trend Report and the Journal contain and the Journal contain important information that can important information that can help you gain an idea about your help you gain an idea about your product’s position in the market Get in touch product’s position in the market Get in touch andand inspire inspire your your vision vision for the for the T +44T +44(0) 1206 (0) 1206 771040 771040 future,future, which which in turn in turn guides guides F +44F +44(0) 1206 (0) 1206 771050 771050 us in creating new labelling, us in creating new labelling, E [email protected] [email protected] packaging and brand concepts 01206 771040 packaging and brand concepts W Can’t find the plant variety you need? Get in touchto helpto help you you successfully successfully reach reach [email protected] 01206 771040 the right audience. Can’t find the plant variety you need? Get in touchthe right audience. [email protected]

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10 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews HOUSEPLANT OF THE MONTH Calathea NOVEMBER Houseplant of the month

alathea is characterised by the fabulous markings on its leaves and the rich choice of leaf shapes, from round and Coval to spear-shaped. The leaves not only have air-purifying properties, but also have a day and night rhythm. When it gets dark the leaves close, and if it’s quiet enough you can hear the rustling of the closing leaves. When it gets light the leaves unfold again.

SALES AND DISPLAY TIPS Calathea’s air-purifying e¦ect makes it a great plant for both the o¦ice and the home now that the central heating is on again. Do not place the plants too close together, so that the attractive foliage is displayed clearly. The styling can be trendy and sleek - that shows o¦ the leaves particularly well.

he first thing you notice about poinsettia are its beautifully coloured leaves. They’re oen thought to be the flowers but Tare actually bracts that form a star shape around the true Poinsettia flowers, which are small and yellow in the heart. The classic red poinsettia is familiar, but trending for December 2019 are modern pastel colours such as salmon, pink, lemon and apricot. It’s an DECEMBER instant mood maker for the holidays and thereaer, as this winter Houseplant of bloomer provides a colourful start to 2020. SALES AND DISPLAY TIPS the month The trend for December 2019 is a cheerful Christmas in pastel colours. The poinsettia can be pitched nicely together with Christmas decorations in various festive styles, from classic red and white to trendy candy colours. The emphasis this year is on the pink, green and apricot shades. Display the modern colours in matching festive pots; during this busy month it’s important to help customers save time as much as possible. One original idea is to display the plants in a Christmas tree shape or to decorate a Christmas tree with mini poinsettia for a spectacular display. Wrap the roots in sphagnum in order to prevent them from drying out, or hang from the tree in miniature buckets. Alternatively decorate a large poinsettia with fairy lights as an alternative Christmas tree.

Find us on Facebook Major expansion work at Bransford Webbs

ollowing months of detailed planning, work is now underway on a major expansion at The Bransford Webbs Plant Company. F Building has begun on a new production area, which covers 18, 000m 2 and will consist of 49 low polytunnels. This new development will increase our production capacity by 20%, enabling us to further meet our customers’ requirements. The new tunnels will allow production sta the increased ability to control individual growing environments of specific crops leading to further increases in the high-quality standards of our plants. The aim is to begin potting into the area once partially completed in March 2020, with a final completion date planned for autumn 2020.

This is the largest single expansion we have undertaken here at Bransford Webbs”, commented Adrian Marskell, Managing Director. “It will enable us to cope with the increasing demands from our customers for quality UK grown stock”.

Professional Register if possible.” Kyle joins the Plant The Plant Health Professional Register was established in 2016 in response to the Health Professional Department of Environment, Food and Register Rural Aairs (Defra) and Government Oice of Science reports recommending yle Ross from Wyevale Nurseries has development of plant health skills and joined the register organised by the creating opportunities for a wider Royal Society of Biology, which aims community of trained plant health K professionals. to develop plant health skills and create a community for plant health professionals. The Plant Health Professional Register The 25-year-old explained: “I am demonstrates skills against the GB Strategy delighted to have been accepted as a for Plant Health and Biosecurity and registered Plant Health Professional. I encourages continued professional submitted a competency exam of some development in plant health. There are 10,000 words, which covered a wide range three levels of the register – Associate, of topics on the biosecurity spectrum. Registered and Senior. “I hope that this achievement will show The register acknowledges an individual’s our customers and other horticultural competencies and helps signpost training business’ that, at Wyevale Nurseries, we are and career development opportunities. It 100% dedicated to plant health. provides the Chief Plant Health Oicers “I will use this platform to enhance our with information on plant health expertise already robust biosecurity protocols even in the UK, for speedy responses to disease further and develop the plant health skills outbreaks. Together this helps protect the of our on-site sta. I would highly UK and businesses from the harm that recommend other growers in the UK to pests and disease can cause to plants. have a representative on the Plant Health

12 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews GROWER NEWS

International Network for Bamboo and Five Gardens Win AIPH Rattan (INBAR) for International Outdoor Grand Awards Gardens, and Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces which received grand awards for at Expo 2019 Beijing Chinese Outdoor Gardens.

he award ceremony of the Mr Tim Briercliffe, AIPH Secretary General International Competition at Expo and Chairman of the AIPH International T2019 Beijing took place in October, Honorary Jury said: after the closing of the six-month-long AIPH These wonderful gardens approved A1 World Horticultural Exhibition. have been created by At the ceremony, the International amazing people who truly Association of Horticultural Producers care about ensuring a great (AIPH) awarded five gardens an AIPH Grand visitor experience and want to make a Award. difference to the world. Cities in China, The Beijing Indoor Area won the AIPH and around the world, are realising the Grand Award for Chinese Provinces, Regions value of landscapes and living green and Municipalities; the UK and Qatar infrastructure. Greening cities matters gardens each won an AIPH Grand Award for more than ever before, and the creators International Outdoor Gardens and the of these gardens are the custodians of Shanghai and Beijing Outdoor Gardens the secrets of how to do it. As the largest both won an AIPH Grand Award for Chinese world horticultural expo ever held, Expo Outdoor Gardens. Other high-level prize 2019 Beijing has shared these secrets winners in the International Competition across the globe.” included Japan, Germany and the

Ornamental Plant Production sub sector report results published

he findings from a survey Businesses noted significant barriers in commissioned by the Ornamental apprentice recruitment, including a lack of THorticulture Roundtable Group candidate interest in the sector and (OHRG) Employment & Skills sub group, perceived deficiencies in apprentice conducted by Pye Tait in June 2019, found behaviours. that environmental issues are the main AHDB Horticulture, Royal Horticultural driver for change in the future of the UK Society, Arboricultural Association, British ornamentals sector, which will now need to Association of Landscape Industries, develop relevant skills and expertise. Chartered institute of Horticulture and The survey findings analyse more than Landex co-funded the activity. This was in 1,100 businesses’ responses to determine association with the Horticultural Trades skills shortages and understand future Association and National Farmers’ Union. needs of the horticulture industry that The full report on the survey and the contributes more than £24 billion to the additional five sub-sectors surveyed, country’s economy. comprising Arboriculture, Landscaping, A shortage of skills and access to labour Ornamental Plant Production, Public followed environmental issues as other top Gardens and Garden Retail is available drivers for change. online at As our sector is facing critical labour survey-2019. shortages, the survey highlights the We have also submitted evidence to the potential for the HTA to get involved with Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) into shaping future policy, focusing on skills salary thresholds for workers immigrating funding and improving training. The call into the UK and the proposed points-based now is for the industry to digest, discuss immigration system. The Ornamental Plant and develop strategy together. Production sub sector skill survey report was used as evidence for this.

| | November/December 2019 13 GARDENING IS GOOD FOR YOU


Our ‘Gardening is Good for You’ campaign reveals just how good gardening is for everyone with monthly themed articles, written by gardening consultant and journalist Adam Pasco.

14 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews GARDENING IS GOOD FOR YOU

Sweet Box (Sarcococca) NOVEMBER Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum t’s all change in the garden this month as AGM) autumn colour and falling foliage Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ AGM transforms trees, shrubs and borders. It’s I Winter Heathers (Erica carnea varieties) a wonderful sight. Keep gardeners outside with the Trees and shrubs for fruits and berries ‘Gardening is Good for You!’ campaign, include: supported by National Garden Gift Holly (Ilex varieties) Vouchers. Firethorn (Pyracantha varieties) Gardening throughout the year brings with it many benefits, like keeping us active Rowan (Sorbus) in the fresh air, while direct contact with DECEMBER Beauty Berry (Callicarpa ‘Profusion’ AGM) soil has been shown to be valuable to our Snowberry (Symphoricarpos) mental health and wellbeing. Research has Plant away the winter blues demonstrated the value of ‘earthing’ or ncourage gardeners to wrap-up warm Prickly Heath (Gaultheria mucronata) ‘grounding’ in the alleviation of health and get outside this month to enjoy IMAGE CREDIT problems, relieving stress, and improving the winter garden. E November - Planting a winter pot - skimmia heather our mood and restful sleep. Hardy plants can naturally withstand a gaultheria touch of frost without being harmed, so December - Conifer touched by frost © Adam Pasco Did you know? choose a few to add winter interest to your Media Some friendly bacteria found in the soil displays. may act on our brain like antidepressants. Remind customers of winter jobs to Research on mice by University College tempt them outside, including clearing London and Bristol University found that a away the remains of last summer’s bedding common soil bacteria acts on brain cells to and crops, sweeping-up the final fallen stimulate production of the ‘happy leaves of autumn, and improving soil by chemical’ serotonin, altering mood in a forking in generous quantities of compost. similar way to antidepressants. Don’t forget the birds either, regularly cleaning and topping-up feeders and PLANTS OF THE MOMENT: birdbaths. AUTUMN PLANTING Put on gardening events and get people out to enjoy inspiring talks, meet other Seasonal favourites include: gardeners, and exchange ideas for the new Skimmia varieties eg Skimmia ‘Magic gardening season ahead. Marlot’ Gaultheria mucronata Did you know? Activities like raking, clearing, digging and Cyclamen hederifolium AGM planting provide physical exercise that Mahonia ‘Charity’ and ‘Winter Sun’ AGM maintains your body’s mobility, flexibility and strength. They also keep your mind Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ and active, which is good for mental health, and ‘Charles Lamont’ AGM just the sights and sounds of the garden Autumn Flowering Camellia eg C. sasanqua can reduce stress and relieve depression. DOWNLOAD THE ‘Narumigata’ AGM GIGFY MEDIA PACK Callicarpa ‘Profusion’ AGM PLANTS OF THE MOMENT: Create your own campaign WINTER COLOUR Dogwood varieties (Cornus) and promotion for Gardening is Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’ AGM Hardy shrubs for winter flower include: Good for You! Monthly content, including articles and images, Heathers Wintersweet – Chimonanthus praecox is available for use. Visit Winter Honeysuckle Lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ AGM Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ Follow the campaign #GIGFY Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ AGM For further information contact Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ [email protected] Witch Hazel (Hamamelis)

| | November/December 2019 15 TRAINING is at the heart of APL

APL APPRENTICESHIPS APL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME As we enter the next round of APL apprentices we look forward to We are just finishing o the current group of cohorts on this bespoke even more training being delivered by industry leaders in this best in Business development course for landscape and design companies. class, bespoke apprenticeship scheme. Taking place over five days, this exclusive training course is limited to This block release apprenticeship oers the trainee landscapers 10 attendees ensuring dedicated one-to-one guidance, and will cover the opportunity to seven week long bootcamps spread over the 18 all you need to further develop your business. The course covers month scheme at Myerscough College in Preston. The bootcamps are areas such as business planning process, business SWOT analysis, delivered by current landscape professionals and other industry marketing your business, who to target and how, sales leads and contributors like Makita, Marshalls, Landscape Plus, Tilers Tools and creating a pipeline of potential customers and refining business Easigrass. The apprentices are trained in every aspect of the modern processes and increasing eiciency of operation. landscape industry and of course the basics. The apprenticeship also There is also the inclusion of financial planning and management gives the trainees a taster in procurement, pricing and design. It truly which uses business simulation working in teams to plan the is a great course for young professionals, delivered by professionals. development of a business and review financial impact of decisions The landscaping contributors include Jamie Butterworth, Rupert made at each team meeting and full scope of financial management. Keys, Steve Smith, Mark Gregory and Mark Youde. If you would like to The final day is the presentation of your business plan to a team of find out more about the APL Apprenticeship or be involved as a hand selected industry leaders for mentoring and feedback. The contributor the please contact [email protected]. course then places you in a closed group where mentoring and peer to peer discussions can continue as your plans develop. If you would APL HARD LANDSCAPING COURSES like to find out more about APL Hard Landscaping courses please contact [email protected]. In their infancy aer some early trials, the APL are proud to have These are just a few of the training items the APL have in teamed up and accredited a bespoke Hard landscape course with development at the moment with a great deal more to follow. Cheshire based “The Landscape Academy.” The landscape academy has been formed by APL committee members Mark and Holly Youde of Urban Landscape and Design ltd and is a fantastic facility for training the current and next generation of landscapers. The first course will be an Introduction to Sandstone Paving (Riven and Sawn). The 2 day course will cover H&S - CDM, tidy site, cutting rules (HSE), types of sandstone, paving designs and layouts, setting out, time and working space awareness and management, sub-bases, fall rates, mortar, primers and adhesives. All rolled in with actual practical hands on training. If you would like to find out more about APL Hard Landscaping courses please contact [email protected].

16 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews LANDSCAPER NEWS

In the run up to 14 December we will be sending information aimed directly at landscapers and PLANT designers to help you understand the actions you and your business need to be taking and implementing.

PASSPORTS he first of these is a shortened guidance document including information relevant to landscapers and designers. It can be Tfound on the landscaper and designer information page of FOR LANDSCAPERS the HTA website along with the key action points below.


• Register to be authorised to issue plant passports, if you haven’t done so already. • Ensure you have full traceability systems in place for every plant that enters and leaves your business. • Ensure you have plant health policies in place (perhaps take the Plant Healthy self-assessment online - • Contact your suppliers and ensure they have procedures in place for giving you the plant passport information on the plants you buy for your records. • Ensure your customers are aware of the new regulations. • Decide how to furnish your customers with a record of the PP, if required. • Check the HTA Plant Passporting pages regularly for updates.

If you have any further questions or queries, please email them to [email protected]

17 National Security Tagging & CCTV TROLLEY & BASKET provider B2BSG Solutions has served SPECIALISTS the Garden Centre trade as the HTA Security Partner for the last 11 years. We have helped hundreds of HTA members to reduce theft and increase profits. HIRE Beat the retail crime rise O cial ® SERVICE with B2BSG: CALL NOW distributor Choose from two wire FOR FREE SAMPLES trolleys and a wire basket for those B2BSG – protecting your profits with: busy sales Security Price, periods Product CCTV Tagging Barcode & Protection Systems Systems Other Labels


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Considering selling your Garden Centre, Plant Centre or Nursery?

Quinton Edwards are the most experienced property consultants to the garden centre and horticultural industry specialising in sales, acquisitions, valuations, lease renewals and rent reviews. With unrivalled market knowledge we can offer specialist advice for your business and the way forward.

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18 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews GIFTING


A maximum of £250 can be loaded onto this card

THANK YOU FOR YOUR NATIONAL GARDEN GIFT VOUCHERS AT CHRISTMAS SUPPORT IN 2019 This month we take a look at the National Garden Gi Voucher We’d like to end the year by scheme how it can help your business this Christmas. The scheme’s thanking you and your colleagues aim is to promote gardening and garden retailers to the public, so for your support for the National make sure you don’t miss out on what you’re entitled to this Garden Gi Voucher scheme this year. In 2020 we’re going to have a Christmas. big focus on improving the ‘back oice’ processes such as invoicing and ordering which we realise are extremely important to get right. SALES PATTERNS AT CHRISTMAS We’ll also be developing an exciting set of garden promotions and Unsurprisingly Christmas sales of National Garden Gi Vouchers peak support materials for garden centres such as our photography in the last week before Christmas; by the last weekend in December competition and National Children’s Gardening Week. Please keep sales are over three times greater than the first weekend. So it’s your eyes peeled for details of these, and best wishes for a successful important that you order enough in to meet shoppers’ demand. For Christmas season. our gi cards stock can be ordered in free of charge, and for our paper vouchers we’re oering 60 day payment terms so you won’t have to pay until aer you’ve realised the cash flow from the Christmas season. We’ve also launched a new online store ( uk/store) which makes it quicker and easier to order the vouchers, cards, wallets and POS that you want.

Visit our website to find your nearest stockist ADVERTISING YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM From October we’ve been advertising National Garden Gi Vouchers on social and digital media. The adverts have been highlighting the good causes the scheme is used to support (for example National

Children’s Gardening Week and Greenfingers charity), and Supporting encouraging consumers to visit a garden centre near them. To make sure you’re tapping into this demand, just follow the National Garden The National Garden Gift Voucher Scheme is operated by the Horticultural Trades Association

Printed on card using wood fibre from sustainable forests. Gi Voucher Facebook page and share any adverts you see on your Greenfingers is a registered charity number: 1076640 own Facebook page. The adverts are styled similarly to the free point p la ile of sale we provide for the National Garden Gi Voucher scheme. To nt a sm

e make shoppers associate you with the advertising, please do order l i m and put up the pavement signs, outdoor banners and other POS; it’s s p a NGG-XMASVWAL02 Sep 19 lant a great way of triggering extra sales.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 19 ADVERTORIAL

Harrod to launch the Southwold garden furniture collection

arrod Horticultural are excited to launch the hand-craed traditional Southwold Garden Furniture Collection - Hdistinctive for comfort, style and quality. UK Designed and Manufactured, the timeless range feature 3 shapes of dining table, as well as bistro and coee table designs, plus benches and chairs too. Arches • Pergolas • Obelisks • Fruit Cages • Raised Beds In particular, careful consideration for comfort has been at the Bespoke Planters • Fencing • Garden Furniture cornerstone of the design process, making these the choice for outdoor dining and relaxation.

HIGH SKILLED PRODUCTION Before final finishing all of the products are dipped in a bath of molten zinc which envelops the steel in a blanket of sacrificial rust protection. Each furniture piece is therefore extremely tough and durable, and with a substantial weight, so will withstand the most extreme British weather.

DURABLE FINISHES The furniture collection is guaranteed against rust for 10 years and structurally for 15 years, but testing suggests that the furniture can genuinely be considered as heirloom pieces that will last for generations Bespoke planters now available if looked aer. The product is chemically ‘etched’ by hand aer the zinc coating is applied leaving an antiqued appearance which improves as the product weathers. The magic of this finish, is that the character of each piece only improves with age, the more seasons pass the more the appearance is enhanced.

ENDURING COMFORT Where the Harrod designs dier from tradition however, is the depth of study and care taken to ensure the furniture is as comfortable as it is beautiful. Acrylic canvas seat cushions (PU coated and rain resistant) are also available in a stylish grey colour.

New Traditional Acid-Etched For all enquiries please contact the Harrod Horticultural Steel Furniture Range Trade Department on 0333 400 1777 • Site visits or email [email protected] • Bespoke structures • Trade discount & pricing • Professional CAD/ technical drawings

Trade brochure: 2018 0333 400 1777 Trade enquiries: [email protected]

20 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews MARKET INFORMATION

Using HTA’s market information and a variety of sources, we’ve put together a fun, short, Christmas quiz! Give it a go, challenge your colleagues and see how well you know


CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1. How much did the average UK consumer say they 7. How much does the average dog owner spend on intended to spend on Christmas gis in 2018? Christmas gis and treats for their pet? (i.e. per individual dog) A. £°°± B. £²°± C. £°± D. £³°± A. £· B. £¶± C. £¶´ D. £°³ 2. What % of all UK retail sales during December 2018 were made online? (i.e. all retail sales, not just garden CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS retail) 8. 15% British people said that they or someone in A. °±% B. °³% C. ²±% D. ²³% their household bought a real Christmas tree in 2016, but where were they purchased from? Match up the 3. In 2019, what % of British consumers claimed they percentages with the retailer. stick to a budget when buying Christmas gis for friends and family? ¶% Garden section of a DIY store A. ²´% B. ³% C. ³µ% D. µ¶% ¶¶% Garden Centre/retail nursery ²µ% Supermarket 4. What % of British adults say they sometimes buy Christmas gis aer 25th December to take advantage of 9. How many Christmas cards are sent in the UK each year? the sales? A. °±±m B. ·±±m C. ¶b D. °.³b A. ¶°% B. °±% C. °µ% D. ²% 10. A ‘White Christmas’ is defined by the Met Oice as a 5. In 2019, what % of British people said they try to minimise single snowflake falling in the 24 hours of 25th December. packaging waste when buying and giving Christmas gis? How many years has snow fallen on Christmas Day, anywhere in the UK, in the last 52 years? A. °±% B. ²²% C. µ% D. ·±% A. ¶±% B. ¶´% C. ²²% D. ³±% 6. What % of British adults agree they usually tell people what they'd like as a gi for Christmas? Sources: FF Online, Foresight Factory; YouGov for HTA; Retail Week;

A. ¶¶% B. °¶% C. ²¶% D. ¶% American Express; The Greetings Card Association; The Met Oice.

weather stations reporting snow), only 4 times in the last 52 years, with 2010 the most recent. recent. most the 2010 with years, 52 last the in times 4 only snow), reporting stations weather

d) 38 times 38 d) 10. ! However, there has been ‘widespread’ covering of snow (defined as over 40% 40% over as (defined snow of covering ‘widespread’ been has there However, ! cards

year, with the UK purchasing 900million cards in boxes and packs, along with 100million single single 100million with along packs, and boxes in cards 900million purchasing UK the with year,

c) 1billion c) 9. – the average person sends 16 Christmas cards each each cards Christmas 16 sends person average the – year? the of rest the throughout

sales channel, how can these customer be encouraged around the rest of the garden centre and and centre garden the of rest the around encouraged be customer these can how channel, sales

11% 14% from the garden section of a DIY store – as the leading leading the as – store DIY a of section garden the from supermarket, a from Nursery,

37% 8. bought their real Christmas tree from a Garden Centre or Retail Retail or Centre Garden a from tree Christmas real their bought stocking! a have even dogs

c) £18 c) 7. - around £160m is spent on British pets at Christmas each year, and 1 in 4 4 in 1 and year, each Christmas at pets British on spent is £160m around - family and

for in your store and encourage ‘wishlisting’ for customers to pass on their ideal presents to friends friends to presents ideal their on pass to customers for ‘wishlisting’ encourage and store your in for

d) 41% d) 6. - help consumers to pick the item they’d like to receive receive to like they’d item the pick to consumers help - packaging zero-waste for options

and gi with a clear conscience by stressing the eco-friendly credentials of products and exploring exploring and products of credentials eco-friendly the stressing by conscience clear a with gi and

c) 47% c) 5. - help consumers shop shop consumers help - benefits financial reap and season festive the extend to choosing

- up from 28% in 2014, Christmas is no longer a single day for celebration, with many consumers consumers many with celebration, for day single a longer no is Christmas 2014, in 28% from up -

d) 34% d) 4. money for value portraying and attractive is oer the and shoppers to clear is pricing

c) 57% c) 3. 20% a) 2. £420 c) 1. - make sure sure make - 2018 December in weekly online spent was £1.9bn - Answers

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 21 EVENT


The importance of storytelling and the need to be authentic in your social conversations were just two of the key points made at the HTA Marketing Forum which took place at Horticulture House, Chilton, on 16 October.

ith social media and digital technology becoming such an integral part of consumers’ lives, the need to be active in the W‘social’ arena is more relevant than ever. David Denny, HTA Futures & Sustainability Manager spoke about new online tools which provide us with extra targeting capabilities enabling us to gain deep insights into customers on a scale never seen before. Julie Hall from The School of Marketing highlighted the fact that social media is about building communities and engaging with your customers. ‘It is a relationship tool, not a sales tool – it is about relevance, context and connection’, she said. Simone Bonnett, from The Social Managers, spoke about the importance of treating social media as your shop window as first impressions count. She emphasised the need to get all the basics right on your profile and include important information such as contact details, opening hours and including an image. Across all the dierent platforms storytelling was a key theme. People relate to people and so on podcasts and video people want to know about you and your business. ‘Keep your videos personal, in the moment and authentic’ said Huw Richards from Huws Nursery with Skinny Jean Gardener, Lee Connelly encouraging all to ‘do something dierent to stand out and don’t be afraid to share your opinions’. When it comes to writing online Alan Down shared his experiences from writing his Down to Earth blog. ‘Keep it light and chatty but authoritative and make sure you use bright relevant images and keep your content topical for maximum impact.’ Summing up the day HTA Council Representative Neil Grant from Ferndale Garden Centre, who chaired the day, comments, “It is clear from this insightful day that digital marketing plays such a key role within an overall marketing strategy and we all need to embrace it within our businesses. As an industry we have such great stories to tell – about our plants, our people. We all need to make time within our businesses to ensure we are maximising the opportunity the power of social – in all its forms.” Many thanks to event partners Alpha Packaging, Eight Days a Week, Garden Connect and Swan Retail and to Frobishers for providing refreshments.

22 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews EVENT

KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THE DAY INCLUDE: Tips on gaining media coverage include: take time to David Denny, HTA Futures & get to know the right people, be Sustainability Manager able to provide answers and demonstrated how social react quickly, have relevant media and digital images ready, know your technology have audience, make your story enmeshed marketing into relevant to the publication you the lives of consumers, are pitching to. A thank you for making it more relevant coverage received always goes along than ever. New online way! tools though social Tamsin Westhorpe, Joint Chair of the channels provide extra Garden Media Guild targeting capabilities which enable deep insights into your Audio is listened to 1.5 times more than video is watched and so customers on a scale never seen podcasts can be powerful in terms of reach. Content is king – don’t before. However, with this comes new issues around privacy and get caught up in the numbers. Do something dierent to stand out. ethics and we need to be respectful and responsible of that. GDPR Tell your own story - remember everyone is dierent and original. compliance and PECR guidelines enable you to stay the right side of People want to listen to opinions. this ethical social debate. Lee Connelly, Skinny Jean Gardner

Julie Hall, The School of Marketing emphasised that social media When writing a blog keep it light and chatty but authoritative. Use is a relationship tool, not a sales tool. It should be about building bright images, be topical, seasonal and entertaining and be subtle community and engaging with your customers rather than selling to when mentioning products. them. Show your personality rather than being corporate. Get your Alan Down, Down to Earth customers involved and interacting with them online – get them to share their gardens, showcase them and run competitions. If people Think about what your business is famous for. What would you like it have a good experience with you on social media they are more to be famous for? Use customer insight to ensure you are delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. likely to recommend you to friends and family. Dan Barber, Swan Retail Jade Lamb, Zazzle Media said that tone of voice is important. Think Improve your ranking by improving content and including popular about who you are writing for. Which generation are you marketing search terms used in google. Ideally Search Engine Optimisation to? Keep your online content concise and boost it with visuals or (SEO) needs to be built into a website from the outset. Marketing is video content. repetition – it works and so make sure you maximise the opportunity Treat social media as your shop window – by using Facebook remarketing. first impressions count. When it comes to Edwin Meijer, Garden Connect Facebook and Instagram it is important to Initiatives such as National Children’s Gardening Week help to raise get the basics right. Include your profile, the profile of gardening with the public and increase participation in website, contact details, opening hours. gardening as an activity. The sharing of good content makes it easier Tell your story – people want to know for people to engage and enables you to reach dierent audiences. about you as a business. Josie McGhee, HTA Marketing Team Simone Bonnett, The Social Managers

Uploading video content is a powerful way of engaging with your audience. Remember that people relate to people. Keep your USEFUL RESOURCES: videos personal, in the moment and Google Trends - A useful tool to target and time your authentic. Re-purpose your content – Facebook campaigns. It's free market research which can a YouTube video can be split show how oen a search term is used. into Instagrammable clips. Huw Richards, Huws Nursery - Build your business with free online training in digital marketing. Remember that brand is about what customers tell each other about Skillshop – Google’s one stop shop to learn how to use its you rather than what you as a company tell customers. Customers business tools. join brands rather than buy them. They are interested in the meaning Make use of free image sites like Pixabay, Pexels, behind them and so tell your story. Unsplash or Rawpixel Jessica Waller, Frobishers Canva - a great free design tool to use in your social media posts.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 23 FEATURE

A Focus on Learning & Development F loralabels, the original DIY quality labels & solutions

ccording to research, two out of three UK workers have understanding of the skills sector and what options are available to changed jobs because of a lack of training and development. them. The array of Apprenticeship Initiatives and the impending AIn fact, out of 2,500 people surveyed by website TotalJobs, T-levels will no doubt be causing confusion. two thirds say training is more important today than it was two years The group commissioned Pye Tait Consulting to carry out research ago. With unemployment rates at an all-time low, employers are through the Ornamental Horticulture Sector Skills Survey. The survey facing a significant challenge to retain their workforce. Not only can will act as a data point to investigate the future skills needs of the learning and development help you retain your workforce, it can help ornamental horticulture sector and identify skills gaps and any you make them more profitable. potential workforce challenges facing our sector, now and in the At the HTA we look at areas in the industry where we can help future. support you with your learning and development needs. We oer sta training, both practical and online; compliance training, APPRENTICESHIPS networking and business improvement schemes. We run industry It has been reported that there are a shortage of apprentices and few expert-led seminars and events, in house training and national young people seem to be interested in apprenticeships in either surveys. We also have a library of useful content, including tips, horticulture or retail. training materials and market research to download. Ros Burnley chairs the Trailblazers management committee, a We look at market trends, industry developments, and liaise with group consisting of employers, trade associations including the HTA, authorities in horticulture and business to develop our programmes training providers and assessment providers. The group are and content. responsible for developing relevant apprenticeships within our industry. Don’t forget to ask E-LEARNING Easitill about Revenue generated per employee is 26% higher for companies that In 2019, the following apprenticeships were approved oer training using technology, including eLearning, given that • Arborist plant passport labels! it enables companies to train more frequently. • Forest Operative One major change in 2019 has been the introduction of our new • Horticulture / Landscape Operative E-learning platform. The new system is easier to use, cleaner, and • Landscape / Horticulture Supervisor supports bulk purchasing. The HTA platform has 12 HTA created courses and another 21 compliance courses available to users. The HTA Learning Hub will be the place for our members to find The horticulture industry continues to voice concerns about skill information and links to relevant resource to help inform and shortages, lack of training and how we can encourage newcomers support members about opportunities to upskill, recruit and develop into our industry. This year has seen positive interest in the their sta. environment and sustainability which encompasses gardening and grow your own, so how can our industry use this opportunity? In 2019, the education and employment subgroup of the Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable Group (OHRG) was formed. Aims identified are working together across the industry to develop and deliver better careers promotion advice and opportunities. To investigate the future skills needs of the ornamental horticulture sector and identify skills gaps and any potential workforce challenges facing our sector, now and in the future. Also to collectively recognise that more needs to be done to support businesses in their no obligation samples - contact us for yours now!

24 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews [email protected] Call: 01604 881881 ADVERT

F loralabels, the original DIY quality labels & solutions

Don’t forget to ask Easitill about plant passport labels!

no obligation samples - contact us for yours now! [email protected] Call: 01604 881881 ADVERTORIAL HAVE YOU GOT VISION? Why use a Commercial Kitchen Design Company?

hen planning a redesign or updating your garden centre restaurant, you may be tempted to plan and source Wequipment independently. However, there are many reasons why choosing a specialist commercial company like Vision Commercial Kitchens could be the best choice and help you save in the long run.

EXPERTISE Specialist companies are extremely knowledgeable – they know the process inside out and therefore will be invaluable in understanding your procedures, layout and menu. With back of house, eicient use of space is key both in terms of equipment that is multifunctional and where this equipment will reside in comparison to other areas. Eicient use of sta is also important as they are expensive commodities. Such considerations are where a specialist company will be invaluable in assisting you with the planning of your redesign.

IMPARTIAL Using a specialist kitchen and servery design company means that you can get unbiased advice and valuable knowledge in terms of catering equipment which is not constricted to one specific manufacturer. Therefore, they can consider all requirements to ensure they design the best possible catering environment based on the equipment which will be most beneficial to your establishment EXPERIENCE specifically, and at the optimum cost. Kitchen and servery design companies will have vast experience in a variety of projects of dierent scales and therefore will have an PROJECT MANAGEMENT intuitive knowledge on what works and doesn’t work in varying Specialist kitchen and servery design companies also manage the spaces. Don’t be afraid to seek references and examples of previous whole design and fit out process and oer support along the way to schemes – not only will this provide you with peace of mind in terms ensure that your redesign exactly meets your requirements. Vision of the company’s workmanship, but it may also give you ideas for Commercial Kitchens even oer 3D visuals on every one of their your kitchen designs, extensions and future proofing. Although it is projects, meaning you can fully visualise what your finished kitchen always best to begin the planning process as early as possible, if this and servery will look like. They can also oer training and a is not feasible then choosing a reliable catering design and supply maintenance service for your equipment aer the initial fit out. If company with a proven track record is highly recommended. appliances are used improperly or are not serviced regularly enough, Overall, commercial kitchen design companies like Vision you will find yourselves having to replace heavier duty items more Commercial Kitchens can oer experienced, impartial advice and oen than necessary, costing you more in the long run. Using the knowledge, as well as providing you with the peace of mind that your services of a specialist company will provide peace of mind that all project is eiciently managed from the initial design all the way aspects of your redesign are covered and managed eectively. through to completion.



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HTA October 2019.indd 1 14/10/2019 20:25:12 26 November/December 2019 | | HAVE YOU GOT VISION?



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HTA October 2019.indd 1 14/10/2019 20:25:12 EGC64091 Garden Centre Retail Ad.pdf 1 13/08/2019 14:12



Y ® CM Miracle-Gro Performance Organics

MY To meet the growing consumer demand Performance Organics from Miracle-Gro® for environmentally friendly options, is the new breakthrough range of 100% natural CY Miracle-Gro® has extended its full range, and organic gardening products

CMY covering all growing categories, that still grows twice as big and is guaranteed compost, plant food and lawns into the to inject excitement into the gardening K organics category. category. Gardeners can, for the first time, use organic products without having to compromise on results, meaning they can be proud of not only what they grow but also how they grow it.

Miracle-Gro® is a trademark of OMS Investments, Inc. and is used under licence from OMS Investments, Inc. 28 EGC64091 Garden Centre Retail Ad.pdf 1 13/08/2019 14:12


“This year’s Cultivating Retail: for a conference focuses on sustainable future the sustainability of the industry in the widest TUESDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2019, EAST MIDLANDS sense. By bringing together CONFERENCE CENTRE, NOTTINGHAM the supply chain this event gives us a fantastic opportunity to look at Shoppers, government, media and employees what we need to be doing are demanding more from businesses now to ensure that we on sustainability. No business in horticulture can have a robust, viable and relevant industry fit for aŠord to be caught behind the curve. Cultivating the future. You really can’t Retail sets out the threats and opportunities we’ll aŠord to miss this one!" face in the coming years; it also provides answers Boyd Douglas-Davies • CEO and examples you can apply. Hillview Garden Centres & HTA President C

M Highlighted speakers include how they are working to eliminate single use plastic, running a larger operation with many dierent ‘suppliers’ and the Y sustainability of a business both economically and environmentally. Sir Terry Leahy, former Tesco’s CEO, has a lifetime of experience of retail. He was at Our aer-dinner speaker has been confirmed ® the helm when Tesco acquired Dobbies, CM as Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards. With little Miracle-Gro Performance Organics which gives him a unique perspective on skill for his sport, Olympic skier Eddie ‘the garden retailing. Sir Terry joins us to share Eagle’ Edwards won the hearts and minds his perspectives and experience on horti- MY To meet the growing consumer demand Performance Organics from Miracle-Gro® of the public with his heroic failures, and culture, retail, and how environmental and he remains one of the best-loved athletes for environmentally friendly options, is the new breakthrough range of 100% natural sustainability trends are set aect consumers today; in fact, his life has been depicted in CY and the demands they make of retailers and the biographical film Eddie the Eagle (2016), Miracle-Gro® has extended its full range, and organic gardening products brands. He has received many nominations and awards throughout and he has also appeared as the coach on his career, as well as a Knighthood for services to food retailing in the programme ‘The Jump’. In the words of CMY covering all growing categories, that still grows twice as big and is guaranteed 2002 New Year Honours. the president of the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics: “some competitors have won gold; some have broken records and one has compost, plant food and lawns into the to inject excitement into the gardening We are delighted to announce our host for even flown like an eagle”. K organics category. category. the day is Daisy McAndrew. Daisy was the Special Correspondent for ITV News, hav- Planet, People, Profit. These are the ‘Three Ps’ of Gardeners can, for the first time, use organic ing previously served as Economics Editor sustainability in business that Dr. David Bek and Chief Political Correspondent. For- from Coventry University will discuss. products without having to compromise merly ’s co-host on The Daily He’ll look at how balancing these ‘Ps’ can Politics, Daisy has also presented Heaven create a business model that provides on results, meaning they can be proud of & Earth and reported on Westminster for BBC value to all stakeholders in a modern Breakfast. She now co-hosts the mid-morning enterprise. As one of the UK’s leading researchers, David’s got huge insight into not only what they grow but also how they show on Talkradio discussing the latest headlines and opinions. how horticulture across the world is grow it. responding to the sustainability challenge. As Chief Operating Oicer at Just Eat, Graham Corfield is responsible for the commercial performance of Just Eat markets, overseeing and coordinating trading and new business globally. Graham will be talking about the challenges involved in operating Just Eat - the leading global brand hybrid marketplace for online food delivery. This will

Miracle-Gro® is a trademark of OMS Investments, Inc. and is used under licence from OMS Investments, Inc. Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 29 Tuesday 19th November 2019 East Midlands Conference Centre, For a sustainable Nottingham future The programme will include the latest consumer attitudes and thoughts on what sustainability means for the garden industry.

Setting the scene

The power hour

Inspiration ‘inside and out’

The way forward

Daisy McAndrew TV and radio broadcaster Daisy McAndrew will be hosting this year’s event.

Guy Topping Guy, from the Barton Grange Group, will be telling the Flower Bowl Story. From the

Speakers birth of a brand-new concept, to the challenges of delivery and what they have learnt since the inception of the project. Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards Our after dinner speaker Olympic skier Eddie, with little skill for his sport, won the hearts and minds of the public with his heroic failures, and he remains one of the best loved athletes today.

Full Conference A joint event brought to you by GIMA & HTA GIMA/HTA Members £299 + VAT Gold partner Non-Member £499 + VAT

Includes conference, networking Representing Garden Industry Suppliers dinner and accommodation.

HTA 17102 Cultivating Retail Advert A4 2 - PRINT.indd 1 21/06/2019 12:22 ADVERTORIAL

Specialist card processing Tuesday 19th rates for HTA members November 2019 East Midlands Conference Centre, here has never been a better time to consider switching to For a sustainable Nottingham Lloyds Bank Cardnet, with December seeing a significant Tincrease in debit and credit card transactions. Many HTA future members are reporting that December is now the highest turnover month of the year. If you haven’t got time to switch The programme will include the before Christmas, get ahead so that you can take advantage of latest consumer attitudes and your significant cost-saving early in 2020*. thoughts on what sustainability means for the garden industry. “I have to say that the Lloyds Cardnet scheme has been one of my better decisions. I was not too happy with my previous supplier as there seemed to be more and more additional Setting the scene charges appearing year on year, and to be perfectly honest any time I sat down to try and understand it the more muddled it seemed to be. Certainly no problems on the changeover and the savings are quite considerable. I’m not one for working out percentages, but the bottom line (which is the one I look at) is The power hour showing excellent savings.”

- George McKinlay | BRIDGEND GARDEN CENTRE Inspiration ‘inside and out’ “We’ve been very pleased with our move to the Lloyds Cardnet/ HTA merchant services deal, we’ve saved money verses our previous deal and the switch over was straight forward with the support of a dedicated person at Lloyds The way forward Cardnet that we could pick up the phone to if we had any questions. Their app has made it straight forward to instantly see card sales by day, and we’re also really pleased with the card machines themselves which are appropriate for our needs and enabled us to oer card payments in our various sales Daisy McAndrew channels which has made our customers’ lives easier and grown our sales.” TV and radio broadcaster Daisy McAndrew will be hosting this year’s event. - Rob Honeysett | CADE STREET NURSERY

Guy Topping “We had a very easy transition to Lloyds Cardnet. The Guy, from the Barton Grange Group, will be telling the Flower Bowl Story. From the savings have been good, but above all, I like the

Speakers birth of a brand-new concept, to the challenges of delivery and what they have transparent and easy invoicing that is sent to us monthly. The learnt since the inception of the project. support is also excellent, and we have been very happy with our move.” Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards Our after dinner speaker Olympic skier Eddie, with little skill for his sport, won the - Claire Muckleston | BOURNE GARDEN CENTRE hearts and minds of the public with his heroic failures, and he remains one of the best loved athletes today. You can enquire about switching over to the HTA rates with Lloyds Cardnet using any of the methods below: Full Conference A joint event brought to T: 0333 234 1961 you by GIMA & HTA W: GIMA/HTA Members £299 + VAT E: [email protected] Gold partner Non-Member £499 + VAT

Includes conference, networking Representing Garden Industry Suppliers dinner and accommodation. * Savings seen based on a subset of HTA merchants. | | November/December 2019 31

HTA 17102 Cultivating Retail Advert A4 2 - PRINT.indd 1 21/06/2019 12:22 ADVERTORIAL

Are you Plant Passport Ready?

s of the 14th of December, plant passporting regulations will be changing – regardless of a deal or no-deal Brexit. Working Ain partnership with the HTA, Dura-ID are oering from stock self-adhesive labels to assist you with ensuring you are compliant with these new regulations. Firstly, what you need to do is register for a license that enables you to produce plant passports for your business from the APHA here ( application), secondly you’ll need labels and soware to design them on. To assist our customers with plant passport regulations, we can support you on setting up templates on your HLS soware. The label itself needs to be attached to each unit where all the plants in one unit are: the same genus, species, origin, batch, are being despatched to the same place and are in the same size containers.

The plant passport information that needs to be shown is as follows: Get in touch with our dedicated horticultural team at Dura-ID • Botanical Name for our pre-printed colour stocked self-adhesives. If you have • Authorised License Number any questions regarding plant passporting of the process behind it – don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01480 274 230 • Traceability Code/Batch Number or email [email protected] • Two Letter Country Code

The Hortipix Pro is the newest addition to Dura-ID’s exclusive labelling solutions for the horticultural industry. This printer handles media that is 36% thicker than standard and is ideal for full colour picture label printing.

System Features Single Pass Duplex Printing Photograph Quality Images Takes all types of media Contracts Help Manage Cost Edge-To-Edge Printing Conveyor System Available Label Templates use your Data as Standard 100% recyclable material

+44 (0) 1480 274 230 Get in Touch to Attend an Open Day [email protected] at our She€eld Site or contact the hort team for samples State of the Horticulture Nation at Contact 2020

ith 2020 being declared as the International Year of Plant Health it is no surprise that this is one of the key topics on the agenda at Contact WConference 2020, which takes place on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 January 2020. The event, aimed at all those working in the nursery industry, will focus on the ‘State of the Horticulture Nation’ with the programme including updates on plant health, sustainability, best practices and technologies and the grower/retailer relationship. A biennial event, HTA Contact Conference combines a day and a half conference programme with a networking dinner and overnight stay. The conference will be hosted at HTA’s Horticulture House in Oxfordshire, with accommodation and dinner at the nearby Milton Hill Hotel. UK Chief Plant Health Oicer, Professor Nicola Spence, will be speaking on day one of the conference providing the latest update on plant health along with news from DEFRA on the International Year of Plant Health. This will be followed by insight into the BRIGIT Project from Dr Gerard Clover. This project takes a multi-disciplinary approach to building UK capability to reduce the chance of Xylella being introduced and becoming established in the UK. Other topics over the two days include horticultural quality standards, pesticides, Nursery Working Group case studies, and adding value to the grower/ retailer relationship with further details on speakers being announced soon! HTA President Boyd Douglas-Davies comments, “Now, more than ever before, is the time for the UK nursery industry to be sharing its immense knowledge base and discussing best practice. Contact provides an invaluable opportunity to bring together the nursery stock sector to do exactly this and to look at the key topics impacting horticultural businesses. With high profile speakers, an agenda tackling the key topics and plenty of time for networking, there really is no better way to kick o the 2020 season.”

For more information visit or email [email protected]

Get in front of the media at the Garden Press Event 2020

usinesses across the garden industry are gearing up for the Garden Press Event (GPE) by securing prime slots for this key event. Jointly owned by the HTA and Garden BManufacturers Association (GIMA), the event signals the start of the spring season and provides as unrivalled opportunity to get in front of key gardening media. Taking place on Wednesday 4 March 2020 at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London, the GPE is perfectly timed to launch the industry into the gardening season. It is the place to showcase new products, new gardening businesses and new campaigns to 300+ of the garden media. Its New Product Awards, voted for by the media attending, are also a great launch pad. To book your place email 2020 marks the GPE’s 15th anniversary and we welcome back Agralan, Bulldog Tools, [email protected] or Suttons and Vitax who have exhibited every year. They join 60+ exhibitors signed up so far visit including new faces: Barcham Trees PLC, Kabloom, Malvern Garden Buildings, Plaswood, Royal The media can register to attend in Botanic Garden Edinburgh and The Lawn Company. advance at If you’re a garden business, make sure you book a stand. Journalists, broadcasters, freelance writers, bloggers, Vloggers and influencers await your news.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 33 FEATURE

Mires Beck NURSERY A Place to Grow

As part of our ongoing series of features exploring GROWING SUCCESS the stories behind HTA member businesses, HTA At Mires Beck over 300 varieties of herbaceous perennials, 50 Communications Manager Gill Ormrod visits Mires varieties of herbs, 100 varieties of wildflowers of Yorkshire provenance are grown. Over 35,000 common reeds (Phragmites) are Beck Nursery in Yorkshire to discover how wildflower grown on an annual basis and supplied to wildlife organisations and production goes hand in hand with therapeutic groups for conservation projects. gardening. Young plants are bought in and grown on to help meet the required volumes for production with the range of herbs grown ituated near the village of North Cave in the East Riding of increased in recent years to meet demand from garden centres and Yorkshire, Mires Beck Nursery was established in 1985 by farm shops. Tree production has been another area of growth with SRichard and Irene Tinklin. Drawing inspiration from a project 28 varieties of tree grown from seed in root trainers, as opposed to they saw following a trip to the States they set up Mires Beck with a being sold as bare root specimens. Local firm Jackson Food Group is dual purpose – conservation and therapy. As an applied biology celebrating 200 years in Hull in 2051 and in the run up to that date lecturer and horticulture consultant respectively, the couple’s vision they are planting 200,000 trees in and around the city. Mires Beck was to produce wildflowers for conservation projects. As parents to a have been tasked with supplying the trees and so are growing child with learning diiculties they also wanted to create a place around 7,000 a year to fulfil this. where people could come and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of Mires Beck Nursery supplies garden centres and farm shops across gardening and horticulture. These two aims go hand in hand at Yorkshire and Lincolnshire but are looking to expand this area of Mires Beck. work. They are especially interested in increasing their supply of 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of Mires Beck Nursery becoming a wildflowers of Yorkshire provenance –an area that they have real registered charity. In that time the nursery has come a long way from specialism in. its humble beginnings centred around an old railway wagon and a single glasshouse. It now supplies wildflowers, herbaceous perennials, trees, herbs and phragmites to garden centres, wildlife organisations, community initiatives, regional councils and government departments on a commercial basis. Direct sales are made to the public and landscapers from the on-site plant centre. Over 100 service users (known as trainees) with learning diiculties and disabilities attend the 14-acre site, coming in for between one and five days a week. Divided into work teams, trainees are involved in a wide range of tasks including sowing seeds, potting on, taking cuttings, despatching plants for retail, labelling, planting trees, establishing hedges, and developing flower borders. The conservation value of the site has been significantly improved with the estate team having planted over 6,000 trees, creating a large pond and planting wildflowers and hedges.

34 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews FEATURE

ENHANCING THE CONSERVATION VALUE Staying true to the original vision of Richard and Irene Tinklin plans are in place to improve the conservation value of the site itself for the benefit of wildlife and to enhance the experience of the trainees working onsite. The wildflower production side of the nursery is really what makes it unique. Growing only wildflowers of Yorkshire provenance the nursery works closely with organisations such as the Wildlife Trusts, National Trust, Environment Agency and Natural England to supply plants for habitat creation as well as supplying garden centres. It is a long process from the gathering of seed through to the selling of a plant – bluebells, for instance, take five years to grow from seed! Sustainability is a key area of interest for the nursery. They are moving away from using black pots (after using up the ones they have in stock) and are also using POSIpots on-site where they can. Their onsite borehole makes them self-sufficient in water requirements and all their plants are grown in peat-free compost. Only biological controls are used in the glasshouses, which are not heated.

RAISING PROFILE LOCALLY Their plant retail area attracts loyal customers from the surrounding area but as they are a little off the beaten track, they are looking to raise their profile to attract more customers in the future. As part of this strategy they run courses and events through the year from willow weaving, wood carving and wreath making to pond dipping and crafts for kids' days. Attending local shows and plant fairs also helps to spread the word about their work. There is a separate ‘Friends of Mires Beck’ group who help support activities and raise valuable funds.

WHAT NEXT FOR MIRES BECK? With the strapline of ‘A Place to Grow’ Mires Beck Nursery moves into the next 25 years with ambitious plans for its future. They are looking to secure funding to build a new anniversary building to provide bespoke facilities for the trainees that require one to one care. This larger building will also accommodate the needs of trainees as they get older. This will also free up the existing building for use as a small visitor café – helping to attract more visitors to the plant centre. This first phase of development includes a greater emphasis on their conservation plan. An anniversary wood is to be planted to mark their 25th year with plans to use the land for community events and education purposes. They want it to be a place where children and people can come for health and wellbeing, in a way that expands what they are doing without losing the charm of the site. Phase two includes the development of a rural crafts centre, which would also provide a great teaching resource. Such an inspiring place to visit Mires Beck Nursery delivers on so many levels – as a workplace, as a production nursery and as a place for wildlife and people to flourish and grow.

If you are interested in finding out more about the work of Mires Beck Nursery and the plants that they supply please contact:

Graham Elliott, Marketing Officer on01430 421543, email [email protected] or visit #GIGFY | | November/December 2019 35 Eyes oSwan Retail is an Epos retail systems and solution provider specialising in the garden centre, furniture and department sectors. Seven years ago Swan Retail comprised of nine staŠ working remotely. Today the company has five oŠices in the UK, an oŠice in San Diego and around 95 full time staŠ. The company works at the cutting edge of the garden retail sector.

“Garden centres are very good at having can oer loyalty points incentives and LOYALTY APP a loyal customer base that keep going monitor customer’s spend. Points can be The latest development for Swan Retail is a back to them. And so this innovative app redeemed at the till.” retailer’s loyalty app. “Customer loyalty is a is designed to drive footfall back to the Instead of exporting data to a third party key area for garden centres,” explains Chris store. It ties in with our EPoS system and for processing, this new app will do it all for Marsden-Jones Business Development oers detailed insights into customer data. you, saving money. Director for Swan Retail. It handles real-life postings that might “We have customers who are spending include voucher promotions, informative several thousand pounds a year on postage or event posts. So if the garden centre just for sending out vouchers twice a is running a special lawn day they can year. This system negates that and is far promote it to their customers via the app, more eco friendly,” says Rob Gentles Chief who are then able to indicate if they are Commercial Oer for Swan Retail. interested or planning on attending. You

36 November/December 2019 EYES ON

ANALYSING DATA “It’s got a nice feel to it and it’s really can go into a bit more in depth. The third easy and intuitive to use. We’ve added level are the chasers who make sure all the With savvy in-house marketing, the a very intelligent search facility on it. So service level agreements are met. So we’re garden centre can use the drop-down rather than having to type in the whole oering resolution within a set amount reporting tools to analyse the data. “So description of maybe a plant, you just type of time for our priority one calls and the you can discover customers that have in a part of it and it will go through the chasers keep the customer informed about travelled more than five miles. Or who database and find it and the user will be what’s happening. This extra attention to has bought shrubs from you and then you able to put it through to the till.“ customer service keeps our clients happy. can choose to send them a voucher for All of our applications are developed planting compost or fertiliser. One of our VERSATILE SHOPPING in-house, so if there is an issue we can fix it garden centres found that a customer was and if a customer wants an enhancement continually spending £200 a month with The system operates on mobile devices to the solution, then we can develop it and them, but only in the coee shop, so they too so it doesn’t have to run from a fixed put it in." could incentivise that valuable customer to service point. “That means you can do one to one selling. You can take a customer buy something in store on their next visit,” PAYMENT SOLUTIONS explains Chris. around and you can ask them about their garden and then advise the best plants. The industry is waking up to some new Or it will facilitate a pop-up Christmas changes coming in regarding payments, tree department that’s just there for six compliance and customer authentication. weeks. It’s probably in a field, but that’s OK It’s something Swan Retail has been helping because you can actually have your mobile its customers understand. payment device linked in to your mobile “A lot of their non-Swan retail hardware EPoS system." will be coming to the end of its life. The garden centres need to know what that means to them and whether they are compliant. Part of what we try to do is to inform them of where they need to be and what they need to be doing,” explains Chris.

This app allows them to delve deep into data to really try and get the best out of it,” says Rob. “Historically garden centres were family run businesses, that have either stayed small, or expanded and oen don’t have an IT department. Our solutions really help them to harvest data and do something with it. They don’t have to fork out for marketing people. So it’s aimed at helping IN HOUSE SUPPORT “It’s future proofing, we are continually the smaller businesses”. Swan Retail delivers these systems as cloud keeping abreast of changes in the based hosted solutions in a pay-as-you-go marketplace, we don’t sunset any of our NEW EPOS SYSTEM style model so there’s no big cash outlay up products, what we provide is a rolling upgrade for our customers. So we can Alongside the loyalty app, Swan Retail front. There are two versions available. grow with them. They can change bits of has launched a new modern EPoS system “For smaller garden centres we can the applications at the site and keep their designed to reflect the interface that smart provide them with a system that’s very cost back oice system and replace the new phone and tablet users are familiar with. eective, but also very easy to implement and update and keep running. It will give EPoS system. They can add on a website. them the data that they haven’t got at the Whatever their needs we have the tried and moment. But they will then be able to use tested solutions that fit their business.” and understand how to get better financial awareness of their business. And as they grow, then we have another solution that they can then upgrade to. For more information contact Rob There’s a seven day support desk. At Gentles at Swan Retail peak time there are 12 people on the help desk. We oer three levels of customer Phone: 02393 873170 service. First the front line support or visit deal with issues that can be resolved immediately. The second line support team

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 37 ADVERTORIAL

Exclusive discounts across a wide range of Ford vehicles!

New vehicle loan rates % FLAT RATE Contact us 2.9Typical APR 5.4% based on a 12 month loan. 0121 227 6699 [email protected]

HTA Savings & Loans from Bira Bank is a trading style of BIRA BANK LIMITED is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services register No. 204478) Registered office: 225 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB. Registered in England. Company No. 0555071

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HTA Savings and Loans has an exciting new To contact the HTA Savings and Loans team partnership with Ford Motor Company that can help and find out your exclusive discounts, you make significant savings on your next vehicle. call 0121 227 6699 We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Ford Motor Company, or email [email protected] one of the largest global vehicle manufacturers. Whether you are interested in purchasing a Ford car, van, SUV or require a whole commercial fleet upgrade, we can now oer HTA members a wide range of new Ford vehicles with huge discounts that can save you a significant amount of money. If you are looking for a used vehicle due to the price range of new vehicles, don’t let this stop you from making an enquiry. Our discounts make purchasing a new vehicle a great deal more attractive, with prices that are comparable with used vehicles and with the bonus of new car benefits such as: warranties, free premium body colours and free speed limiters on selected vehicles. We can also arrange test drives over a period of two days to make sure that you are happy with the vehicle (subject to availability).

HOW DO I ACCESS MY EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS? In order to see the discounts available to HTA members, you must contact the HTA Savings and Loans team and they will be able to discuss the substantial discounts available.

CONTACT US We want to help you with your industry-specific needs, and nothing could be simpler than talking to our dedicated team about your requirements. You will be treated as an individual, much like the personal banking approach of 20 years ago but with instant turnaround.

38 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews TIPSEYES FORON SMALLER RETAILERS

Tips for smaller retailers:

Each issue we provide a collection of handy tips for smaller retailers, based on other retailers' experiences. They cover a variety of topics including creating eŠective displays, increasing average transaction values and resources to help new customers find your business.

UNDER COVER SMART THINKING A light and airy covered area oers a lot of advantages in the • Allow customers to enter the threshold or ‘decompression zone’. retail arena. The most obvious is to provide all-weather shopping It’s the entry space to allow them to pause or slow to make for customers. There’s no doubt people don’t like shopping in the transition from the outside world into your store and first extreme temperatures, wet conditions or ice and snow, and sales experience what you have to oer. opportunities are lost if we can’t provide comfortable shopping • Ensure there are clear lines of sight around the store so conditions. Think of the alternative shopping environments your shoppers can find their way around. A clear path and sight line customers have to choose from – comfortable, clean, well decorated, can help to draw people into under-shopped areas of the store. light, dry shopping centres and precincts. Anything we can do to provide the same protection and comfort • Create displays of the season. If they tie in with why customers must work in our favour. Essentially it’s the convenience of a are visiting they will gain attention. pleasant, ambient, shopping environment all year round, whatever • Make sure any information for shoppers to use to help them the outside conditions may be. make a decision to buy is visible without bending, stretching, or Exterior cover provides flexibility and versatility in how we use 20:20 vision. the space year round. It allows for a diverse oer and the ability to maximise sales and profit by using it eiciently. No longer are we • Consider oering something near the start of the walk through confined to hardy outdoor green life. Now we can tempt customers your store – a free gi, sample, multibuy or buy one get one free with tender plants, conservatory plants, colour plants and seedlings, – that helps set the right emotional tone for further purchasing. edibles, dry goods, “add-ons”, pots and containers • Avoid over-whelming shoppers with choice. You can lose or reduce sales with too much choice. Sometimes less is more. More advice can also be found on our website by searching • Use colour contrast and colour blocking for merchandising for Small Retailer Tips on and on point of sales material and product displays to demand attention from shoppers.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 39 NURSERY NOTES

FIELD AND CONTAINER FOR THE MONTH TOP TIPS GROWN CROPS • Check through the current 2020 end-use dates to make Pruning Register and use Waste Exemption D7 and burn all sure you buy what you can this year (where possible) trimmings from living windbreaks to disrupt pest and disease for legitimate use next year. lifecycles. • While we wait for new ornamentals EAMUs for Replant disease Ensure Replant disease is not an issue when Movento, use Batavia (EAMUs required) instead. planning where to put stock in fields that are used as part of your • Download technical information on Amylo X WG, crop rotation. AQ10, Botanigard WP, DiPel DF, Fytosave, Naturalis-L, Prestop, Serenade ASO and T34 Biocontrol from Soil sampling Test for plant parasitic nematodes (including Potato approval holder websites to fully understand their Cyst) and the presence of Verticillium wilt (a six week test) before humidity and temperature requirements for use in your taking on new land. Check for nutrient levels too, to help produce spray programmes next year. an accurate nutrient management plan for NVZs and Catchment Sensitive Farming areas. • Calibrate and service spray equipment including pressure gauges, measuring scales, jugs and syringes. Weed control Once Piceas are dormant, consider applying Roundup Check for worn parts, leaky hoses and blocked nozzles over crops to control perennial weeds growing around them. Around and replace kit where measurement graduations are other field-grown crops for bittercress, willowherb, pearlwort and no longer legible. mouse-ear chickweed control, use Chikara, Sumimax (EAMU 2008- 2881) or Venzar 500SC. Chikara, Goltix 70 SC (EAMU 2015-1175), • Spray once more for needle cast in November using products containing glufosinate-ammonium (end-use 31/01/2020) Bravo 500 (EAMU 2011-1130), Signum (EAMU 2012- and Springbok (EAMUs required) will also control pearlwort around 2141) or Switch on Abies, Picea and pines. crops. Chikara, Sencorex Flow (EAMUs required), Sumimax (EAMU • Do not use systemic products at this time of year. 2008-2881) and Venzar 500SC all work well on groundsel around Many products have restricted numbers of applications dormant crops. Check label, EAMU and AHDB information for crop either per crop or per year for ornamentals, so it is tolerances. important to keep those products just for the growing season. Botrytis Check protected crops regularly focusing on crops that are pot-thick and evergreens. Keep disease at bay using cultural controls • Weed control is important now: persistent, residual including good airflow in protected structures by opening tunnel and herbicides can be applied during the dormant months. glasshouse doors and vents as oen as possible. Where appropriate, Include Mypex, sand beds, gravel and soils in your reduce the water volume per hectare for pesticide applications. control programme. Water crops in the morning so foliage has time to dry o during the • Check compost and water conductivity now and day. Apply compost tea monthly through the winter. then again in February/March for accurate spring Bacteria Prevent overwintering bacterial infections on outdoor feeding. Depending on pot size and crop location, Prunus spp. by applying Captan 80WDG (EAMUs required). This options available include top dressing, liquid feeding fungicide has handling restrictions listed on its EAMUs. or inserting CRF plugs. Avoid high nitrogen products where there is risk of frost damage on so¬ growth. Heaters If you use diesel oil (35 second) for winter heaters make sure you have winter grade oil in the tank for the winter or you could get fuel gelling in the tank during the prolonged cold periods. For parain heaters (28 second), obtain premium grade parain to

40 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews NURSERY NOTES

prevent leaf scorch from combustion if you have direct-fired heaters.

Hot water treatment Treat stock plant material during the winter to try and control leaf and stem eelworm, Pythium, Phytophthora and rusts on aected ornamental crops. Use AHDB factsheet 1013 as a guide.

IPM-friendly clean-up Where pests remain, apply Eradicoat, FLiPPER (EAMUs required), Majestik, Pyrethrum 5EC, Spruzit or SB Plant Invigorator on protected, dormant plants aected by mites, scale insects and mealybugs, avoiding frost before, during and aer applications. Synthetic pyrethroids (e.g. Decis, Hallmark WZT) applied aer December may aect early predator introductions.

Root rots Choisya and other crops, particularly those with fleshy roots, will be vulnerable to Pythium and Phytophthora spp. infections, GARDEN CENTRE NOTES especially if composts sit wet. Remove dead and dying plants before Promote soil improvers such as green compost drenching the rest of the crop (within their irrigation regime) with 1 Amylo X WG (EAMU 2019-0428), Previcur Energy (EAMU 2011-1557) (composted to PAS 100), farmyard manures, bark or leaf or Subdue. Water dry crops sparingly at the beginning of the day to mould to improve drainage, organic matter levels and allow composts to dry back before nightfall. encourage a slow-release of nutrients next spring.

Vine weevil larvae Keep checking for larvae in pots of susceptible 2 Customers will need to sweep up fallen leaves from plants. Low-temperature nematodes will only work in compost and under peaches and cherries and burn rather than soil temperatures of >5°C. compost them to reduce disease pressure in the garden. Do the same with Buxus and any plants that have Weeds Butisan S, Flexidor, Sencorex Flow (EAMUs required), Sumimax (EAMU 2008-2881), Springbok (EAMUs required), Wing-P su¦ered from fungal leaf spots, rust and scab. (EAMU 2013-0253) and Venzar 500SC can be applied now to control Customers with frost-free structures and conservatories weed infestations on compost surfaces. Check label, EAMU and 3 AHDB information for crop tolerances. can still maintain a tick-over level of pest control using Amblyseius cucumeris and others over the winter months. Short-term sprays such as Bug Free (fatty acids) will help to keep persistent pests at bay.

Top-dress shrub borders with either a ready-made 4 product or customers can mix equal quantities of bone meal and hoof and horn and add this mix to an equal quantity of sulphate of potash (so the mix is 25% bone meal, 25% hoof and horn, 50% sulphate of potash). Apply at the rate of 125gm/mt2.

Spray over dormant herbaceous perennials in the retail 5 area (no green stems or leaves should be showing) with a tank mix of Shark (EAMUs required) and Sumimax (EAMU 2008-2881) to gain control over weeds that have grown in the compost. Hand-weed plants that have been really infested, let compost settle and then apply herbicides.

Maintain winter pansy quality by picking them over 6 regularly and applying a high potash (K) feed.

Clean glasshouses now to gain as much light as possible 7 over the winter months.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 41 Gardening is Good for You! A fresh approach to gardening through health and wellbeing.


We all want to live and work in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way, so with that in mind we have developed a greener Utilities Scheme focused on two key areas – Energy and Water and we have done all the work for you so you can focus on what you do best.

This new scheme will help you be more energy efficient and members will enjoy many new benefits. With HTA board support, this has seen us partnering with Good Energy Ltd for Electricity and Gas supply and Water Plus for water supply

Our scheme offers: • Energy and Water Audits • Excellent value • Carbon Neutral • Superb customer service • Billing Services • Market leading rates • EV Charging Point advice • 100% Renewable Energy • Benchmarking

Email us at [email protected] or call 01708 765 555

42 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews TAKING STOCK

Each month an HTA member oŠers an insider’s view of the world of horticulture. We catch up with Tony and Barabara Cartwright of Ashwood Nurseries. Taking ABOUT Ashwood Nurseries is an award-winning retail nursery and garden centre in the West Midlands. Owned by the stock respected plantsman, John Massey VMH, the nursery is renowned for its specialist crops, notably hellebores, with hepaticas, hardy cyclamen, lewisias, snowdrops, salvias and hydrangeas. It’s also home to ‘John’s Garden’, regarded Tony and Barbara as one of the finest private gardens in the UK. Cartwright WWW.ASHWOODNURSERIES.COM


WHAT MADE YOU CHOOSE A CAREER building, resulted in a gardening boom, the 53 RHS Gold medals to date, including 4 IN HORTICULTURE? like of which we will probably never see Chelsea Golds. again. There were so many new gardens to Our medal success brought increased In many ways, horticulture chose us! be planted, plots were large and a new TV demand but our old-fashioned mail order We both started work at Ashwood while series BBC’s Gardeners’ World presented by service was desperately in need of a fresh we were still at school, both with a love of Percy Thrower was educating and inspiring approach. The decision, six years ago, to gardening and a desire to work outdoors in the public to get out and garden. create a dynamic website with online shop, our school holidays. When we started work, container-growing has transformed our retail business. The Nursery owner John Massey was only of plants was just in its infancy. Hado website has become an invaluable platform 18 but he was passionate about turning polythene pots were a recent innovation, for promoting Ashwood Nurseries and what was a run-down smallholding into a but we also used whalehide pots and John’s Garden as a visitor destination while, thriving nursery. His enthusiasm rubbed o hessian sacking. Many plants were still at the same time, allowing us to sell plants and we just wanted to be part of this great sold ‘bare-root’ and were seasonal: roses, all over the UK and Europe. exciting venture. hedging and trees in particular. Terracotta HOW ARE YOU RESPONDING TO WHAT HAVE YOU ENJOYED MOST pots were still widely used, especially for alpines. Rigid plastic pots were coming ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES? ABOUT YOUR LONG CAREER? onto the market, although they were not At Ashwood, we are striving to be We’re celebrating over 100 years of aordable for commercial use for some ‘envronmentally friendly’ but it’s not combined service at Ashwood and we’re years to come. something that can happen overnight. We so proud to have been awarded Long Equally, the use of chemicals was are re-using black pots so they don’t end Service medals from the RHS. It’s been the widespread and accepted as normal up in landfill and moving over to recyclable best learning experience for anyone who gardening practice. No one then had any taupe pots, but it’s frustrating that many loves plants, we’ve worked with a great thought of the environment and the impact local authorities still don’t take these. Our team and we’ve been fortunate to make of plastic or chemicals on the natural world. spraying programme has been reviewed some long-lasting friendships with our and we’re now using a variety of predators lovely customers. John is still the driving WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR MOST together with soaps, fatty acids, neem force behind Ashwood and we feel very SUCCESSFUL MARKETING oil and potassium bicarbonate. A wildlife privileged to have had such a long and STRATEGY? meadow and regular wildlife events are There’s no doubt that exhibiting our happy association with him. recent developments, demonstrating our specialist crops at RHS shows brought the commitment to the environment. HOW HAVE YOU SEEN THE nursery huge publicity and put Ashwood INDUSTRY CHANGE? Nurseries firmly on the horticultural map. It has changed in so many ways. John, together with plant breeders Philip In the 1960s greater prosperity, more leisure Baulk and Kevin Belcher, masterminded time, together with a rapid expansion in the various exhibits, resulting in a tally of


employees access to speak to a doctor over the phone or via a webcam, 24/7, 365 days a year. This means that they can get quick Secret diary access to the medical advice and treatment they need, when they need it. This reduces the worry of having to wait to see a doctor and of a garden centre manager can reduce the amount of time people are absent from work. Secondly, a mental health app - Havensrock Thrive – which includes a range of clinically-proven techniques to help users to With Christmas just around the corner, proactively look aer their mental wellbeing. They can be safe in the knowledge that they can speak to a dedicated mental health nurse if myself and the team are preparing ourselves they need to. Combining technology with the human touch. for one of our busiest times of year. As a Both are proving popular with the team. They like the convenience of being able to access these benefits at a time and place that suits garden centre manager, my priorities are them. As an employer, they provide a simple and cost-eective way to ensure that we deliver excellent service for our sta to manage their health and wellbeing needs. There’s a growing focus on supporting wellbeing in the workplace, to our customers but also to look a½er my whatever the size of your organisation. Employee benefits are employees’ health and wellbeing. Many of us increasingly playing an important role in recruiting and retaining good sta, something I’ve learned this year when a candidate perfect will work long hours during this period and it for a role we were hiring for chose another business over ours, due to can be stressful. the package on oer. My advice to all other garden centre managers is to check whether your benefits package continues to meet the evolving needs of your workforce. If you’re not sure, then it’s probably uring the course of 2019, I took the decision to review the time to review what you oer. Looking aer your employees’ employee benefits we oer and introduced two new benefits. wellbeing makes good sense as happy and healthy sta tend to be DFirstly, a virtual GP service – Havensrock Med24 - which gives more productive. A win-win for all!

44 November/December 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews ADVERTORIAL

STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION Why is now the perfect time And encourage your customers to stay longer with excellent Wi-Fi. Perfect for Garden Centres, Meraki Go oers both indoor and outdoor to get better broadband? Wireless Access Points so you can have fast and reliable Wi-Fi, across your entire site, all controlled by you using the state-of-the-art app.

With the surge in new technologies and 2 Circles works with all the major suppliers to ensure that you get the changes in the ways of working reliable high- right technology for your business. With our remarkable UK-based customer service, we deal with the networks on your behalf, taking speed internet has never been more critical the stress out of telecoms and providing you with a solution tailored in keeping your business competitive, and it exactly to your business needs. doesn’t need to cost a fortune.

Talk to us about how you can improve your Garden THE GOOD NEWS Centre or Nursery’s connectivity, call 03456 200 200 or Is unlike almost everything else in life, the price of guaranteed email [email protected] connectivity has fallen dramatically in the past two years. You could be getting far better broadband for even less than you are currently paying! With new and disruptive network providers entering the market, even gigabit connectivity can now cost you as little as the price of a daily coee.

GET HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT! Did you know that the Government is currently giving businesses up to £3,500 towards improving their broadband? As a supplier on the scheme, we can help you take advantage of this funding but act quickly as the previous project closed six months early when funds ran out.

Garden Centre Insurance No two garden centres are the same. From small retail outlets to large wholesale operations, every business is unique so it’s important your insurance policy provides the right cover for you. Our flexible business insurance package provides standard property and liability covers and some additional protection including:

• 24-month indemnity period for business interruption • Automatic seasonal stock increase of 25% • Environmental liability cover (clean-up costs) • Wide cover for stock in the open - including theft • Automatic seasonal money increase of 25% • Computer cover • Glass cover - including weight of snow on glasshouses • Cover for target stock with the first £7,500 per site Plus, we offer payment via 12 months interest included free of charge free instalments, subject to status.

Get in Touch Discuss your insurance requirements with the friendly experts at HTA Insurance Services: Tel: 0344 892 6271 Email: [email protected] Web:

HTA Insurance Services is a trading name of Towergate Underwriting Group Limited. Registered in England with company number 4043759. Registered Address: Towergate House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Rd, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 45 ADVICE LINES & PREFERRED PARTNERS

Trust, assurance Accessing quality advice is even and value cheaper now HTA Helpline HTA Preferred Partners advice: ADVICE LINES T 0333 005 0160 T 0333 234 1961 E [email protected]

HR, Health & Safety and Pensions All HTA Preferred Partners are handpicked due to their relevance to HTA members, and because they oŠer members great value for quality services. Brighton Williams & Partners When using a Preferred Partner members have the support and assistance of T 0333 005 0169 E [email protected] the HTA, making them an ideal choice. Citation T 0333 005 0164 E HRandH [email protected] Utilities, lighting, and fuel Business Operations Advice IDEAL LIGHTS Blueberry Consulting Ideal lights provide energy eicient LED lighting, which can help reduce your T 0333 005 0161 E [email protected] costs. By upgrading to LED lighting you could save up to 70%. Ideal Lights will GJD Consultants Ltd guide you through the process and apply for any applicable grants. T: 01633 508 037 E: [email protected] W: T 0333 005 0162 E [email protected]

Pleydell Smithyman 2 CIRCLES T 0333 005 0173 E [email protected] 2 Circles have many years experience working with HTA members providing a range of telecoms and connectivity services. Services include landline, mobile, GCS (GB) Ltd and broadband solutions at special member rates. T 0333 005 0174 E [email protected] T: 03456 200 200 E: [email protected] W:

Finance & Legal HTA UTILITIES Law Express Energy Centric are a leading energy consultancy and brokerage company in the T 0333 005 0166 UK. Members can benefit from free reviews of their current water and energy, and save time as Energy centric will choose the best provider to help you save money The VAT Consultancy T 0333 005 0176 E [email protected] on gas, electric and water. T: 01708 765 555 E: [email protected] W: ecoVeritas [email protected] T 0333 005 0177 E ECOGEN RECYCLING A multi-disciplined cardboard, paper & plastic recycling company dedicated to Horticultural Advice sustainable waste management solutions. One of our areas of special interest Dove Associates is the recycling of plant pots/trays from garden centres and nurseries. A special T 0333 005 0167 E [email protected] recycling scheme has been set-up in conjunction with HTA for this material so please contact us for more information. Newleaf Sustainability Practice T: 01962 732296 E: [email protected] W: T 0333 005 0175 E [email protected]

Property Consultancy Gilbert Evans Financial T 0333 005 0163 E [email protected] LLOYDS BANK CARDNET Quinton Edwards Cardnet oer specialist card processing rates for HTA members. All their costs T 0333 005 0165 E [email protected] are clear, and there are no hidden fees. You’ll have access to expert technical support from a UK-based helpdesk, and a dedicated implementation team to Alexander Mackie Associates make switching easy. You’ll also have free online ClientLine access, giving you a T 01732 522222 E [email protected] 24/7 online summary of card payments. Contact us to find out more about the competitive rates available. Planning and Rates advice T: 0333 234 1961 E: [email protected] W: Turner Morum LLP T 0333 005 0171 E [email protected] HTA SAVINGS & LOANS (by Bira Bank) Allan McLaren Chartered Surveyors Bira bank oer a range of business and personal financial products to all HTA members, their sta and families with many advantages oen associated with T 0333 005 0172 E [email protected] traditional banking. Their loans range from business loans for equipment, Malcolm Scott Consultants vehicles and working capital to personal loans and ISA/savings accounts. T 0333 005 0170 E [email protected] T: 0121 446 6688 E: [email protected] W: www.

46 September 2019 | | Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews PREFERRED PARTNERS

Marketing & promotion Packaging

HORTIPAK ALPHA PACKAGING Whether you require a new brand, label range, POS, website or a whole host Alpha Packaging provide a wide range of bespoke and stock packaging of other garden retail products Hortipak can help. Hortipak is the exclusive solutions specifically designed for garden retail, at a special member UK and Ireland NOVA license partner. Hortipak have access to the highest discount. Products include; carrier bags, plant sleeves, car boot liners and standard of images for using on printed products such as labels, POS the ‘Plant Carrier Bag’ especially for bedding trays. They have an experienced and packaging as well as multimedia projects such as websites, apps design team so all products can be customised to reflect your brand. To use and webshops. the HTA member discount online, enter voucher code ALPHA_HTA T: 0115 937 6355 E: [email protected] W: T: 01235 511 500 E: [email protected] W: FLORAMEDIA Whatever your print and marketing needs Floramedia delivers quality and CARDWAY CARTONS creativity with a reliable service. With the UK’s largest range of pre-printed Cardway Cartons are a specialist manufacturer of cardboard packaging stock labels, a team of in-house graphic designers and horticultural content products. They produce strong, recycled board carry home trays, the perfect writers, plus our very own world class botanical image library we have the way for your customers to get their plants home safely. solution to grow your business. T: 0333 003 3550 E: [email protected] W: T: 01206 771 040 E: [email protected] W:

PASKETT PR Paskett PR is one of the UK’s leading specialist gardening and lifestyle public Security relations agencies. The agency, which oers full public relations and social media services, helps to connect leading gardening brands with its customers, B2B LINKS whilst attracting new audiences, through traditional media relationships, B to B Links Ltd (B2B) has provided innovative Security Tagging, Product strategic campaigns, event support, social media and everything in between! Protection, CCTV and Labelling solutions to HTA Members for nearly 10 years. T: 01332 258 335 E:[email protected] W: Since the company was founded in 2000, its key strengths have been excellent levels of customer service, its diverse product range and continued innovative GARDEN RADIO product development to stay ahead of customer needs. B2B’s friendly team Garden Radio provides quality background music, with bespoke licence- will work alongside you to help improve your security and can supply all the exempt services at favourable rates to HTA members. It’s something to equipment you need to keep your sta, property and stock safe. B2B also consider seriously when planning your overall store experience oers Smart Footfall counting systems which can measure customer dwell and ambience. times and return visits. T: 01733 775 700 E:[email protected] T: 0118 932 8088 E: [email protected] W:

HR, Health & Safety and Employee Benefits Business insurance

CITATION Citation’s mission is to support you to keep every single area of your business HTA INSURANCE safe and legally sound. They can help with HR, Employment Law and Health Towergate insurance have worked with the HTA to design insurance for & Safety, including a 24/7 advice line, dedicated local consultant and, model the horticultural industry. Their schemes are designed for garden centres, documentation, plus fire and electrical safety services, ISO certification, commercial growers, landscapers, manufacturers, suppliers and other and more. associated businesses such as concessions in garden centres. The specialist [email protected] T: 0345 844 1111 E: W: insurance policies and products take account of the unique needs of horticultural businesses. HEALTHCARE SERVICES T: 0344 8926271 E: [email protected] HTA Healthcare Services are brought to you by award-winning consultants, W: Punter Southall Health & Protection. They specialise in creating bespoke health and wellbeing plans to suit you, your business and your employees. Take advantage of their expertise and advice when you’re looking to make this important investment, and get something that’s right for your business. T: 01274 588 862 E: [email protected] W:


Find us on Facebook | | November/December 2019 47 PAGE NAME 15/16 January 2020 Horticulture House, Chilton Oxfordshire [email protected] #HTAContact

State of the Horticulture Nation A one-and-a-half-day event focusing on plant health, sustainability, best practice and technologies and the grower/retailer relationship.

Media partner

Speakers £299* £499* + VAT + VAT HTA Member rate Non HTA Member rate

Professor Nicola Spence Dr Gerard Clover Chief Plant Health Officer Impact and Engagement *includes full conference, dinner and accommodation 48 November/December for2019 DEFRA | |Manager for BRIGIT Follow us on Twitter @HTAnews