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The BG News March 22, 2004

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 22, 2004" (2004). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7256.

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The University's MUX', program slain ciiinlmlani. participated In practical maneu- HIP cnmlial esen-lses were uspd to prepare HH' program* |uuloi cadets for the annual lolni I'lekl vers Saturday in IIIYin, Ohio. iraming Impulses HTM liy evaluating their abilities as military irhTcers, which is whal nuisl members uf hWimWrlihl Annv lion: will become, IIPBIIII Itaslng the loin! I'IX which will lake place In I lieeight soldiersnl MiIIMiBcrept alongllll'mill, April and Includes the Army Holt: programs rnini muddy terrain sean-hlng fur Al oaedii the University in"'Toledo, University of Cincinnati Shots writ' llivil nl thorn limn the llllllii|i ID Ihelr and HIP Ohio SIHIP llnlvprslty, aids In their overall left. As llipy relumed IIif. a second gunman cm llii' grade In nilllliiry science anil rales IIIPIII against llllltU|) III llll'll llglll I Mi krcl livn IIII'IOIH'IS nl llll' every cadet Inilieconniry. squad off before his i»it*«»i'iHT« was oven kiuiwn. I he His squads of eight cadels par'lclpaled on the two Al Uaedn nuihfld down their hilltop*, rapidly fir adrenaline-filled esenises Saltmlny. Inn llll Ihr snldlpt*. slaughtering II« inanv a* Ihpy the si|iiails, ciimpi Ised In pan Of students ftinn could. I leldelherg I iillege and Ohio Northern University, llll* Was the WPIIP Sfllllltliiy tiniiMini; wlll'll 74 whose schools do not havp ItOH; programs, had member* of the llnlvrrsllyV. Army lion: |m»nram lltrae Innior cadpis who look inms acting as squad parlli i|iiiii'(l III tactical inanpitvpislui seven hnursnl leader for the freshmen and sophomore cadets they combat Amp, ii w acre imiiiilniii field In umn. coniniaiitlptl. (Inly |unloi ciidcls WIW PVHIUIIIPII as OhJa *i|uari lenders. HIP llelil, with in tliunsnnil* of ttti»s unit liquid "We draft really drive II home on Ihesp guys," said RHld 11 nit i li mi'. In chunk) In anything ll could slick Senior! :adet lonaihiin Han us, a senior mid criminal tii,pnrvlilpd hours of fitn In a realistic minimi sltua justice major, referring to the relaxed Mining llie tsmlssiBaNwi unit for the practicing cadet*. freshman and sophoniore cadels received Satimlav. Combat /HM, located HI rinm S. lowmhlp llil., During each of die fbur missions, ihesi|iiad lead LOOKING FOR THE had eight clauses IHIod with rusly baiiels, gutted Hl received their oh)ecllves fitan a settlor cadet act ENEMYi ROTC members hi): as a commanding officer who was also ihelr cats anil WIIOIIPII lug* simieglcallv placed In lake hide In the woods, cover ihaii enemy nre. Although no nne WHS natty ■'valuator for that s|iecinc mission. HIP squad leader harmed in the esoivisc*. die makeup nf the piiiutbiill then created n plan to achieve the oh|ecllvc and Saturday, in order to sim- HPIII Inn nl everyone in lakp dip day <

... Shooting investigation alters lives BRIEFING BytiidriwWilih-rlujilni sniper, were reprimanded, They told Investlga Union fight ends llll A-.W1I Mill I'TI-.". "I though) It was a toy gun," said die BO lorn they thought the calls were pranks, ( in iiMiuis.iHiio The search for a vein old (lalnes, a state highway manager "I wasn't warned that he was going lo with property gunman who fired nl < >hlo molorlsis for who retired rather than he fired for lulling he calling In," dispatcher llarb Taylor said, III months, PIIIIIHI thp career of one 10 iepi H l the weapon fur two days, "I had no direction or questions to ask," damage citations puhllc employee and hroughl reprl- (lalnes found llie HUH as he supervised l',»porl* said law-eiifureenipill agencies Late Friday night (bur mauds ftir al least two others alter lliey a crew creeling freeway signs, A day soiuolltucs read loo aggressively when University studenis were wan crlilclml lor mishandling polen- before, stale officials had shut down half confronting unusual emergencies, cited for disorderly conduct llal evidence. die highway so police could search for evi- "I wouldn't blame the people- blame In the Union when a fight That hunt for a suspect ended dence. the syslem," said crlmlnologlst Allen broke out at Delta Sigma Wednesday with die arrest In I its Vegas Authorities Inlet determined the I'leree, a Yoiingstown Slate University pro- Thetai labborwock after 010111111* A, McCoy lr„ a sus|ieci In U weapon was not connected to die case, fessor. "Hie syslem Is Inclined lo overreact shootings, miiiiy of diem along a 5(1 hut state Highway Director Cordon when they him' tin Incident like this," University juniors Donald tulle sttrlch of Itileralale 2711, which I'roctor inlleil Celtics' oversight "unac- Police also fielded reports of raise sniper I llll and Ugochukwu Nwmu nn lull's Columbus. McCoy was llmvn ceptable and egregious helm vim." activity. In (llnievllle, south of (lolumhus, were cited for disorderly con- hack to (loiumhua on Saiunlay and was ('mines admits lie made a mistake bin II man accidentally shot his lalhei'«mini- duct and righting. They will being held In the 11 nn kl in (Umiity |all. said ho could have lied when he found the VIIIi while target shooting, then called HI I appear In court tomorrow; I lie Invpsilgailon lulu the shooting gun, "I warned lo tell the truth," he said, to blame the sniper lo cover his mistake. The other two students, spree, which killed one passenger, also (lalnes was not the only government I le faces up to III months In prison If con- lovon Burkes, senior and touched the lives of miters who nnwli employee lo ftiec discipline. Two |xillce victed In the . Jenkins Hoese, freshman, llllgly Iim nine a pail of the despeiale dispatchers wore sharply criticized for hillce made mistakes too, Including were died for disorderly con- BOLD LEAD IN: Tha Rev, Johannes ixillcc search, their response lo a llll call from a man milling the home of a man whose neigh duct and are scheduled to claiming to lie the shooter, "Whatever," I II II s pi i iv kleil his name to a lip line, Christian, left, recites i prayer as (our rela- IImiilie (lalnes was among those appear In court April 14. allei led when he spoiled a frosl covered one dispatcher told the man. "You |ust Officers searched lames (learheatts tival of Qall Knlsley, a woman killed In ona It Is uncertain why the gun In die grass near n roadside In early want atleiilioii. don't von'" fight started. Some damage of tha highway shootings near Columbus, Auihiiililesiliiuhiihi'iiilli'i was die sits I iei einhei I IK first thought, he said, was IHOOTINBS, I'Alil ■) was done to ftirnllure, wafis Ohio bow Ihelr haads during a prayer vigil. mil die manhunt under way for the peel now In custody, but both dispatchers and flooring In the hallway outside the north entrance of the Union llallmom, but an estimate of damage has not liecn released yet. Tho Incident Is still under BG NEWS Investigation by University Technology could help attendance police and administrators. Editor* No*: vttaK/i The By Alllaon Hakso IHrwerColm, CD KOMs lain sun lei us al a disadvantage. ID his preseniailon. Kamh Kldd, a SC Nru*JbrfttUou>-up itortm n.MlMin Hi*-. (OHO* and the "Technology has the poienilnl gliiilllnle sliulent will) tenches a on llw (Jmmlty ImaeKga- , UPDATE llie secret to keeping sltiiletils "Science Is particularly well lo Increase nfts lietween socloe- biology lab for nun -biology ttonmtd the mult of court inii'iesied 111 class, particularly In stilled for the use of digital coiuinilc classes," Simon said, mature nl Hie University, was one appmmnm McFall Center lot science courses, Is lite use of dig' media," .Simon said, "'lite per- because some studenis have of these members, Kldd sees Hal media, m cooling to l)r, Uriel. coinage of courses thai use web- hettei access to technology than using digital media In her class as closed today Simon, sites and I'owerl'oliil Is rising olheis, Slniiai said, a tin hnolngv a poienual way to maintain high simon, an assistant pmfessnr steadily," gap might develop attendance numbers. Road closing along Hie parking lot In from of the of biology al New liigland I le also suggested die use of Also, having digital media "I lupeiullv If i lass Is Interest- Mcl'all Center will be closed ( ollege, addressed a small gmup ponulai culture, such as showing capabilities may tempi some ing enough, students will keep South Summit today beginning al 7 a.m. due to of biology leaching assistants, episodes ol I he X I lies and Hie Insii in mis to rely too heavily on coming" Kldd said. near the entrance of The 400 block of South Instiin tins, professors and other Simpsons, m make students technology and less on tradllloii- Summit between Leman the lot, facuhy members al the more Inieresied In scientific tup- al leaching methods, MRWl NOW: Hir nmm liflr- Collti'lliiis liased Mikiislng ■venue and Palmer Avenue llnlveisllvl ildavalleiooon. la, " I here Is a of Ins inn imilim attain Slmatb mteanli will be closed to all thru traf- Construction, the company In "If you're engaging ... and "Our studenis are pop culture lug ion enamored with lechnnlo- and iHggHtkim for kiv/iliin nn- Ik beginning today for sewer charge of die $0 million project, dmt» Inhwitol h cltuu IIIIUIIKII make class fun, maybe alien- »l>oiiges," Simon said, gy," Simon said. maintenance. The work Is plans to la-gin work on the drive dance will keep up" Simon said, I hen- are some drawbacks lo I le said leachers should eniei llw im of illitlml media. Ml way lo humidors I lull tomorrow, expected to last only tha day simon Incused on the topic of using digital media In the class each class prepared for the tech- htn>://wwiM>>e weather permitting. ' Mich llw HV, Ntw$ ft>r keeping the Interest of ntm-scl- mom, however. nology to malfunction. n/inilteruMtiiilniillne, U/KIMM IIII llw imijnt with tiller etice mnjur students In science \h)t example, the dependence Members of Simon* audience IUIW truffle route* (m netmiiry courses ihiough such tools as on digjai madia may place cer- had an overall positive reacilnn FOUR-DAY FORECAST TUH0AY WEONIIDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY I Ugh: *T Showers High: S3' Sliowers IllghilW' lllglvHO- Hie loin day forecast la taken Ifcrtly :jrkmi <*»««y 1 Cloudy LowiSB' Low 44' Low: 43' Lam 4S from rw4

MMHI I -I=«*JSS*' Kft'S^hip'Mm.'viiSesf&Pi 1 VS X.KA I •VV-r

Bowling Green State University MONDAY March 22, 2004

SUNNY 1111,1136 l()W 24

www.biniwi.oom A daily Independent student press VOLUMEN ISSUE II!

ROTC simulates real world fighting

The University's in i\\: program ■lain combatant, Hie iiiiiihnl esen-lses were used tn itrepatr Ihe purtldpntftl In practical inant'ii- pttiitnims lunini cadets tot the annual intnt lield vemSntuitldyln rilllii.Cliio. I Mining I ten Ist's ll'IM liy evaluating their nhllltles us inllilmy nlllt ers, which is whiil tnnst iiiemhers lit lyaaamWrleht Anny lit fit will hecimie. IfFBltER Paaaing the total i-'iX which will take place in I lie eight suidteis MI Bravo B crept along the mid. April and Includes the Anny III lit programs ftiiin muddy terrain searching tot AI (jaeda ihe University nf lbledo, university of Cincinnati Minis writ' llivil ill them in"ii the hilln •)' In their and The tihlo Mate University, aids In their overall It'll As tin", returned llie, a second gunman tin llir grade in military science and mips them against hilltop In ilicll tight pit kill inn IMI'IIIIH'IS nl (In* ever) cadet in iheiiiuntrv. miuariolf before his presence wan even kunwn. I he Ms si|tiads nl elghl cadets pnrMclpatrri Ml the IwtiAHjiit'tliiiiishi'ililmviillii'li hilltops, iii|iltllyfit adrenaline -tilled exercises Siitniilnv. lug DM till' snldli'is, slaughtering us inilllV US they Ihe squads, ininpilsed In pint nl students In mi Clllllll. llelriellicrg ttoHege mid Ohio Nntthern llniveisliv, I 111*) WHS llic KPne Saturday niniulug wlirn M whnse schools dn nut have IK Hi: programs, had members nl the University* Army nine program three jt 11 in ii citdels whn liuik nuns inline us si|iiatl participated In Iticllnilniaueuveis fin seven hniiisiil lenril'l lor the To'shini'll and sophomore cadets they l mill mi /line, n V mil' painlhall field In lillin. commanded, t)nly|tmtor cadets were evaluated as Onto, ■iii,.ni ,' Him'- I lir lirltl. with lls lit,II,'.nutIs nl lift's mill lli|iilil "Wednit't really drive II home nn these guys,'sakl mini tlmi dung in t hunks to anything II could Midi Si'iilnl I ailt't Inliatlinll Han us.asculia malt llinllllll In, provided litmis nf Inn In H ii'iillslli iniiihitl sllun Insltie uiiijui, referring In the relaxed liiiininii the iton the practicing cadets, fleshnimi and suphniiiinvcmlels received Smiinliiv. torn Olnn 11(1 N"*< i nmiiiii /inn', located at TOW S. township ltd., I iiiiinnen h nl the IIIIII tnlsslnns, ihesi|iiad lead LOOKING FOR THE hnii eight (iiiiisi's tilled with rusty barrels, ^UIICMI eis ii'i elvi'd ilicll objet lives hiiin n senior t arid act ears and wooden inns strategically placed to take In); as H i lanniaiiiliiii! nlllii'i who wits nlsu their ENEMYt ROTC members covet ham enemy lite Aiiiiiiiigii no one WHS really evaluiilni Im dial spi'i ilii nilssinii Ilit'st|iiail leitdei hide In the woods, harmed In thepxeiclses, IhpniHkeupiilthepnlnlliail then created a pliin In ncltleve Ihe nh|ectlvp HIII Saturday, In order to sim- llcldloimlevcnitin'to take the day seriously. Instructed the lest of the squad, ulate real world combat "Only /cm disunities is acceptable in inc." snid At iheciiil nl llie nilssinii. theentlii'si|iiHdpiirllc situations. The group llrliiii strait, ii liininr cadet and criminal kjatice ipiiieil In ii I'.ninp discussion culled Alli'i Actlnn spent seven hours on a ina|or, nllei he took control nl llmvn B riming Ihe Review lAAItl, where senior cadets mid miiiy ottl 52-acre palntball field In it'is, Hilled cadres, discussed with the si|iiad whal second of tour combat situations, Tiffin. Students from llndersiraiiVlendership, linn til his soldiers were ihey tlltl well mid where they cnuld Itnpnive, Heidelberg College and killed while trying to take n wooden In idgc gumrieil "if you do It cm redly, you shnulil hanlly haw to Ohio Northern University liy senlnis mid lit' playing ihe line nl AI lire your weapon." HHIII Senior Cadet Mull Mollnskl, (jailla IVvn nf llmse soldiers weie hll when they took part In Saturday's hiiphexanllv scinched thi' In,ui,\ implied iIIiik nl II ROTC, PAHI I exercises as well.

Shooting investigation alters lives BRIEFING ByAiidriwWilih-Huuliti sniper, weiv reprimanded. They told investiga- Union fight ends I Ml Aiinr lAII Ii I'Tl si "I Ihuitghl ll wain loygitn," said the Till tors they thought the culls were pranks. (It HUMMUS, Ohio - The seuirh torn vein old (laities, n Male highway inaiuigci "I wasn't warned thai he was going to with property gunman who Rred at t ihio tmitofkru rut who retired rather than he llietl I'm lulling lie calling In," dispatcher llarh lliyloi said. III uitmlhs, ended the cmecr ol line to report die weapon liir two riirys. "I had im direction or Questions to ask." damage citations public employee mid tHoughi repri (laliit's Iiinui I lite Htm as he supervised I'xpci is said law t'liltm t'liienl agencies late l rldiiy night four mantis kit at least twu ni I im s alli'i ilifv a crew erecting fieeway signs. A day sutuellmes tract too aggressively when llniveisliv students were weie CIHICI/IHI tin mishandling putcn before* stale ulllclnls hail shut down hull confronting unusual emergencies, cited for disorderly conduct Hal evidence. the highway so police could search I'm evl "I wouldn't lilnmc the people blame In the Union when a fight Ihe hunt Im it suspcrl ended deuce. the system," said crlinlnultiglsl Allen broke nut si Delta Sigma Wi'dnesiliiy with the arrest In Ion VSgH Authorities later deiennlneil the I'lerce, a Yuungsinwn Stale I Inlversliy pro- 'I hem's iiihheiwock after nl ('.hmleN A. Mc( !ny |r„ it suspect In 24 wi'iipun was not cunneclcd in die case, lessor, "'Ihesystem Is Inclined looverteaci party. •.iiiiiaini!'., many of them along n ,n inn Mam Highway Director Gordon when iliev have mi Incident like this." Unlvemlty juniors l)oiiakl mile stretch til Inleisiaie 271), which Proctor called (kilties' overnight "unac- Isillcc also fielded n'pni is ol false sniper I till nnd Ugnelmkwu Nwosit encltcles Columbus. McCoy MM flown ceptable and egregious behavior" activity In Clrclevlllc, small ol (>ilumhiis, were cited tor disorderly con ■ I mi k to (iuluiulius on Stituidity mid WHS (laities at in ile. lie made a mistake hut a man accidentally shot his latherk mini- duct and fighting. They will t it'll i|> held In ihe linnkllii (Jimily |nll, sakl lie could have lied when he found the van while target shunting, then called ill I appear In court tomorrow. The liivi",ii|!ailnn Into Ihe shooting gun. "I warned lo tell the until," he said, lo Illume the snlpei In cover his mistake The other two students, spiee, which killed one passenger, nl"" (laities was Ml the only government I le luces up to III miinths In prison Ifcun lovnii Hiitkes. ictilor and touched the lives nf other* who unwil- employee lo face discipline, Iwo pollOS vlcled In the hoax, Jenkins Heesc, freshman, lingly liecnme a pan of the desperate dispatchers weie sharply erltlelml for Police made mistakes ion, Including were cited for dlsorderlv con • inkling Ihe home ul a man whose neigh BOLD LEAD IN: Ilia Hnv Johannes police seaull, their response In a III I call Hum a man duct and are scheduled to llinnile ((nines wan mum in thine claiming lo be the shooter, "Wliuievei," In a s pun Idei I his name In a Up Hue. Christian, left, recites a prayer as tout rala appear In court April 14, alfccled when he spotted it liosl covered one dispatcher luld die man. "Mm |usi Officers SMIthod lames (ieailiean's tlves of Qali Knlslay, a woman killed In tine It Is uncertain why the iti111 In ihe Kt'i1" uem n lomlslile In early want attention, dnnl youY" of the highway shootings near Columbus, fight starred. Some dsiimge I leceillhei I lls Hint ihuitghl, he mild, WIM Audio rlilesdouhi the caller wasihesus was done to furniture, walls Ohio bow their heads during a prayer vigil. SHOOTINGS. PAtlf 7 Ml the ni.iiiiiian under way fur ihe peel now In custody, hut both dispatchers and limiting In the hallway outside the north entrance of the Union ballroom, but an estimate nf damage lias not been released yet, BG NEWS The Incident Is still under Technology could help attendance Investigation by University police and administrators, litlltur't Note: Wb«/i Ih* CEsasa By Allison Halco MIciosoniHiwerPolni.CDHOMs lain students at a disadvantage lu his presentation. Sarah Kkld, a miNeiitprfiilliHv-uiiiUfim , * V I- ll ■• M /,'. i Ii Mi,, and the Iniernet. ' leehnology has the potenilal guidiinte sludeiil whn leaches a on ihe Humility toiwteja- Hie set ifl to keeping students hlulugy lab fur nun biology „ UPDATE "Science Is particularly well In Increase illis between snilue (ton :tlwMtwliJHliimii.tviii/imiHi Simon im used nn ihe tuple ul using digital media In the class- WNKhor permitting. * Wnteli llw /((.' Nfic* Im keeping the inieicsl of lion scl room, however. tiulug\ III nialliiut tit,11 n/ptpnhtmi online. uixhmtm ihv imijni with alter I'lice uiii|,,i sintli'iiis In si lente Hir example, the dependence Members of Simons audience imtf Mffic mini'' tu imvuMiry courses ihrniigh such units as nn digital media may place cei bad an overall |Kislilve reaction

FOUR-DAY FORECAST FRIDAY the four-day forecast Is taken Cloudy I Ugh: mi■ from Lorn 4a* ■


SSBWigH WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Monday. Match 22.2004

"I like to think of ideas as potential energy but nothing will change until we take these ideas and risk putting them into action." Combat leads OR. MAE IEMIS0N, CHEMICAL ENGINEER AND SCIENTIST to group unity Speaker encourages technology; choice Brian Pauline wondered what il would be like to go REP0R1CR to space," lemison said, lemison ROTC.FROM PAGE 1 uations, the students also have fun and have a sense of cama- "Each person has the responsibility to made her dream come true by a graduate student at the becoming the first African-American raderie within the group. make choices and we do that with both our University. "We're not about blast- female aboard the Space Shuttle (iidcts also value the sense of actions and our inaction's," Mae lemlson ing everything away." Endeavor in 1992. achievement they gain through said. Each mission was designed "I had the right and responsibility the program and the satisfaction Responsibility, science, experience and the specifically for the individual impact of these choices were just a few of the to live up lo my expectations, my life, courses. One Involved taking an they have from pushing them- selves to their mental and physi- highlights from a discussion al the Africans my journey," lemison added. Al Qaeda bunker hidden next to a Dr. lemison then explained how cal limits. studies luncheon Friday afternoon in the creek and another had the squads choices we make affect the world "It just feels right," said Robert Lenhart Ballroom or the Bowen -Thompson doing reconnaissance on a village around us. lemison feels to create Hosteller, freshman architecture Student Union. The colloquium luncheon, where they heard Osama bin change we need 150 million people major, about why he is in the hosted by the Afrlcana Studies Student Laden was hiding. Research Organization in conjunction with to care about I lealth (are and to vote The village, represented by ROTC program. "It puts you ahead by leaps and bounds. the University of Toledo Africana Studies responsibly. hundreds of rusty barrels, mon- Tropic want lo feel connected lo You're so busy it forces you to use department presented a speech by Dr. Mae ster truck tires and three-level this world and to feel safe," lemison time management to get all your lemison. The speech was part of the Udun guard towers had ONU freshman Omo Eniyan youth mini-festival that includ- said. Casey Meyer wearing a blue schoolwork done." Cadets even try lo put a posi- ed authentic African music, dance and story 'flic discussion next moved to how bathrobe to clearly distinguish telling. science and technology solves prob- himself as bin laden. tive spin on the tilings they don't like, such as the prepackaged Dr. lemison a successful chemical engi- lems. For some of the missions, neer, scientist, physician and teacher holds a "Technology is putting under- squad leaders were told they had Meals Ready to Bat (MRE) they are forced lo ingest during com- B.A. in Afro-American Studies and a U.S. in standing to use. Between 00 and 70 one smoke grenade and one percent of the world's problems can bat exercises. Chemical Engineering from Stanford along explosive grenade. During the lx' solved though science, the rest is But when you've gol a good with an M.D. from Cornell She is recognized ■■111 exercises, the squad leader would luck," lemison said. MRE, you ,havc power, Cadet for her contributions to people all over the yell which grenade he wished to She next provided proof of a need Barcus said. When Uarcus real- world and is the first female African- AFRICANA STUDIES LUNCHEON: Dr. Mae Jemison, use and a trained senior cadet or American astronaut to enter outer spare. for the government lo contribute the first African-American female astronaut, speaks cadre would throw a colored ized a friend received mashed potatoes in his MRE, he knew a Dr. lemison led her discussion off with the funds to science and technology. Friday at the Student Union. She discussed how smoke grenade In the best place "I like lo think of ideas as potential trade was in the future. value of lime and her dreams of becoming an choices we make effect the world around us. to disguise the squad or a simu- astronaut. energy but nothing will change until lated claymore that caused a loud "You've got good trading According to lemison, time is precious we take these ideas and risk putting people interested. I appreciate the relevance boom and filled the air with the potential with that." Barcus said. Ilicre is only Hfi,4O0 seconds in one day and them into action," lemison said. but she still diminished the impact of the soft smell of gunpowder. "If you have something good in we cannot get those seconds back so what we Mark Mondville and GeOQJB Rice III were sciences," Mondville said. Exercises like these not only your MRE, you can trade it for do with them should be important. A career in the audience and had mixed feelings "I enjoyed the whole thing, her words, I educate the cadets on combat sit - anything" should influence where we want to see the about lemison's speech. think there is more beyond her speech, she worid go, what we wanl it lo become. "She was very articulate and had a lot of shared not only her political and social views "I remember layng on my back as a little good, positive tilings to say. little quips were she applied It to her expertise, about our pur- girl in Chicago looking up al the stars and comical and il was an effective way to keep pose on this Earth," Rice said. Police unprepared for random events Ohio man volunteers for death; wants appeals dropped and the stale public defender's said she could not speculate in one day." YOUNCiSTOWN, Ohio (API — Clementc, and 3-year-old daugh- SHOOTINGS. FROM PAGE 1 office both said Vrabcl was com- when thai would happen. Crimlnologist lack Levin of A judge has found a dealh row ter, lisa, In 1989, then stuffing their bodies in a refrigerator and petent to drop his appeals. As a Mahoning County prosecutor residence repeatedly and ques- Northeastern University ques- inmate competent to drop his freezer. result, Vrabel's attorneys asked Paul Gains represented Vrabcl as tioned him about guns owned by tioned whether authorities acted appeals and be executed. lodge Scott Krichbaum of Krichbaum to waive a require- a defense attorney. Because of his wife. Gearheart. who served properly but acknowledged the If successful, Stephen Vrabcl of Mahoning County Common ment that they also hire an expert that, Gains said Thursday thai time in prison for burglary, is not extraordinary nature of llie sniper suburban Youngslown would be Pleas Court ruled Wednesday lo assess Vrabel. The judge he's letting the attorney general's allowed to own guns. attacks, the second offender executed after giving up appeals since that Vrabcl was competent. agreed. office handle the case. Gearheart, 56, acknowledged " was a random event thai "Since the trial court found touched the lives of countless Ohio resumed capital punish- Hie ruling followed a decision Kim Norris, a spokeswoman his background made him a like- for the Ohio Attorney General's him competent, the execution people who commuted OK that ment in 1999. last year try the Ohio Supreme ly suspect but says police refused will go forward. If Mr. Vrabel is highway," Ijevin said. "There arc "This is the real lliing," David Court lo hall Vrabel's September office, ssid the Ohio Supreme to give him a lie detector test to Court would set Vrabel's execu- competent to inform his lawyers many roles in life for which you Bodiker, Ohio Slate Public execution and send the case back clear him. not to appeal, he becomes a vol- can be prepared. Iliis isn't one of Defender, said Thursday. to a judge so Vrabel's coni|>clency tion date after the county court "They wasted a lot of lime and completed administrative unteer," Gains said. money investigating me," he said. them." Vrabcl was convicted of fatally could be examined. Experts hired by prosecutors requirements in the case. She "This could have been cleared up ■hootinfl his girlfriend, Susan Senior Portraits/ Graduation Fair! Ld«st cttinca


..TWorW50^ fcONrVeft

Get a free portrait session, which automatically gets your photo in the 2004 KEY Yearbook, while at the Grad Fair. Purchase cap and gown; order class rings; purchase diploma frames, keepsakes, alumni apparel and more! Wednesday Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. *9 a.m., - 5 p.m. » WWW.BGMEWS.COM Monday. Match 22 2004 3 UAO SEEKS NEW MEMBERS FOR NEXT YEAR Applications are available for the executive board and are due tomorrow. Applications for the board of directors will be available tomorrow and are due Iliesday, March 30. Applications for committee members will be available on Iliesday April 6 and are due Monday, April 12. You can pick up applications in the UAO office in 408 BTSU. CAMPUS get a life -N-BAIL The calendar of events is taken from http-7/

B:30a.m. Fine Arts Center Galleries. For Union 207-Mylander Room One-on-one Research more information on exliibi Assignment Assistance from lions, see web site at: Noon - 4 p.m. Librarians College Democrats Info. Table Research Project Clinics pro- ery/current.cfm Rouien-Tliompson Student vide undergraduate students Bouien-Thompson Student Union Lobby with the opportunity to work Union Galleries one-on-one with a librarian on Noon-1 p.m. a specific research assignment. 11a.m.-2:00p.m. Bike Raffle for Earth Day Race Students will develop search Gay Marriage Flower Fund Sponsored by F.nv. I lealth strategies, discover various I'ahlr Student Group print resources and services Vision will be collecting dona- Raven- Thompson Student available on the first floor of tions to send bouquets of - Union Lobby lerome Library ami identify ers to gay and lesbian couples online resources for their top- getting married in San 6-7 pm. ics, lb schedule an appoint- Francisco. 6 O'clock Series presents Ben Swanjw BG New ment, undergraduate students Rowen- Thompson Student Women and I IfV/AIDS may call 419-372-6943, or slop Union lobby Come discuss stories from a BUSTED: Caroline Kelly arrests Bill Kessler Saturday afternoon as part of Kappa Oellta's annual jail and by the Information/Reference woman's view of first fear and bail event. Kappa Delta raised over a thousand dollars that will go for the prevention of child abuse. Desk on the first floor of lerome|).m. then hope and then survival. Library. "Nonresident Father Free food! lerome Library Involvement and Child Well- Bourn- Thompson student Being" presented by Valarie Union 3rd IToor Dimling 9p.m. King Lounge I ISA presents a Psychology of Valarie King is Associate Relationships lecture Professor of Sociology, 6:30-8p.m. THE BLOTTER Sponsored by the Honors Demography and I luman Support Group for Women Wednesday, MarchIT An ill female in McDonald the Wood County Hospital. Department. Student Association Development & Family Studies with Anorexia & Bulimia An ill subject in Kreischer West was transported to the Complainant reported a hit Complainant reported his Contact: Colleen Boff 2-7901 at The Pennsylvania State Concerns Quadrangle was transported Wood County Hospital. skip accident in Ihe lot near bike was stolen from Msaunp Hall 224 University. She is the author of Sponsored by the Student to the Wood County Hospital. Ephraim Smith, Erie. Pa., Overman Hall. Harshman Quadrangle. more than 20 research I lealth Center. Group support An 18- year- old high school was cited for violation of a A male suhiect in Olscamp Complainant in Founders 10a.m.-2p.m. articles and book chapters. for women at all stages of student got oil a school bus stop sign and no seathelt at Hail was advised to leave Hall advised he needed an Kaplan lest Prep Center I ler research has examined recovery. Confidentiality is from Toledo at the Moore E. Merry Street. Smith was campus and not to return or ambulance. The Bowling Information Table nonresident fathers, niral fami- emphasized. Please contact Musical Arts Center and did also cited for underage con- he will be arrested for crimi- Green Fire Department was Roum-Tltomixon Student ly dynamics and grandparent- ludy Miller for more informa- not show up lo class. The sumption. nal trespassing. called to transport Ihe sub- Union Lobby ing. Prof. King's work has tion, 372-7425. Meets every teacher did not hear from Complainant reported holes Complainant reported she iect to the Wood County been funded by the Bniokdale Monday from 6:30-B:00 p.m. the student. in a wall in the Union. lost her wallet in Lot 6 Hospital. 10a.m.-4p.m. Foundation and die The Women's Center. 107 Complainant repotted his Kevin Holley, Bowling Green, Complainant on campus Students for Dean Table MacArthur Foundation. She Varna Hall bike was stolen at the Math Ohio, was cited lor imper- Thursday, March 18 reported she was receiving Sponsored by Swdents for was recently awatded a $ 1.4 Science Building. sonating an officer and fail- Complainant in Bromtield harassing phone calls. Dean/College Democrats million grant from NICHDfora An ill student in McDonald ure to stop alter an accident spoke to the officer about an Elizabeth Isaacs, Marion, Rotoen-'Ihompson Stuttent five-year study on nonresident East was transported lo the (non-injury) in Lot 5. ongoing problem with her Ohio, was cited lor expired Union lobby father involvement and child Wood County Hospital. A male subject fell in the roommate. registration and a verbal well-being. Sponsored by the Students in Ashley Hall were Fine Arts Building and An injured subject in Hanna warning for speed on Alumni 10a.m. - 4:00p.m. Center for Family & referred lo student disci- injured his knee The subject Hall was transported to the Drive. BPA Senior Thesis Inhibition Demographic Research. pline (or a marijuana odor did not want an ambulance, Wood County Hospital by the Exhibition sponsored by the Roum-Thompson Student coming from Ihe room. officers transported him to Bowling Green Fire


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"This way of life is worth defending."

President GEORGE W. BUSH, on the first anniversary of the war to oust Saddam Hussein and democratize Iraq. (pMModuom] OPINION Wooster Street widening smoothly

Has anyone noticed the large one of those 1-75 road construc- er—which is dedicated to struction conditions that may Marketing and Communications educate themselves as to when pieces of yellow machinery litter- tion projects that suddenly informing the public of what is arise." sends out e-mails infonning the die major delays will occur. ing die sidewalks on the cam- appears during rush-hour traffic going on with the project. What a thoughtful person. public of events happening on And please, reserve all com- pus-side of Wooster Street? only to delay you when you are One of the best features found Granted, most people may have campus — including informa- plaints for an issue other than Actually, has anyone noticed diat already late. on this Web page is the "Daily already known that construction tion about the Wooster Street the construction. People have most of the sidewidk and trees The Ohio Department of Schedule" link. work has unexpected delays, but widening project. So, if you arc wanted this project to happen Oil the campus-side of Wooster Transportation, the construction This link directs you to a page those same people need to hear one of those people who always for years. Now it is happening. Street are missing? If you haven't, company and the University that informs the public of what it so that they may refrain from deletes those e-mails from mkt- The University, ODOT and the then we would like to welcome have been doing an excellent job areas will be closed, on what becoming angry when die unex-, then contractor of the construction you to the Wooster Street widen- of keeping people informed of days and at what times during pected happens perhaps you should stop that. company are putting forth a lot ing project. delays and possible inconve- that day. The contractor even If you don't have time to No one should find anything of effort to make this transition The project began last week niences well in advance. explains that "this schedule is quickly the aforementioned about the construction on to a wider Wooster as painless as and seems to be making Then i8 even a Web site— tentative and subject to change Web page, then simply check Wooster Street to be surprising possible. For this, they deserve progress very quickly. This is not due to weather and other con- your e-mail. The Office of as long as they take the time to our thanks.

i Society tells people Jlj ERS TO THE EDITOR, PEOPLE some weird things hoards of people counting down monopolizing the giving power ON THE STREET Dance Marathon to the event for 200 days are of this University, these organiza- gone, and no one is there to side- tions would have the opportuni- If you had the power nothing, and women steal has lost meaning walk chalk for you. ty to attract student volunteers. MATT everything from us. Whde die Children's Miracle I feel that Dance Marathon has ofteleportation, SUSSMAN Progress is being made, how- ever. and is overhyped Network is, as I said, a great orga- lost its sense of charity. People no where would you go t^'^'Humor Columnist nization, Dance Marathon drains longer donate to the Children's Owens Coining whose cor- I lere we are. It is the week time mid money from the Miracle Network, they donate to right now? porate mascot is the Pink before Dance Marathon — University. "Dance Marathon." They have We are told by society that we Panther, does manufacture which seems to have become Over 400 people commit lost touch with where their are not to look at our cousins fiberglass insulation that is pink each year's defining moment. themselves to die 32-hour event money is going. and become sexually aroused. in color. However, insulation is Dance Marathon, however, has each year. If these 400 people Dance Marathon is known for We are told to wear a condom not meant to be seen by the lost its meaning and is adversely would spend the same time vol- being the largest philanthropic while having casual sex. I'm public, so it is shamefully cov- affecting many odier charities. unteering at a local charity, that's student-run event in Ohio, but sorry, the VAfellness Connection ered up by siding that is tradi- Before I start, I would like to 12,800 hours of community ser- with mandatory totals, restric- tells us that last one. We are tionally a neutral color. say dial I believe die Children's vice that would direcdy benefit tions and other compulsory giv- even told by society that pink is Pepto Bismol is pink. Guys Miracle Network is an important organizations in need of volun- ing placed on the dancers and a girl's color. don't seem too reluctant to pull and worthwhile charity. Many teers. moralers. The philanthropic atti- Huh? it out and take a swig of the pink sniff if your stomach is throwing people are helped because of its Each student would be gready tude many start with is snuffed. JARED ELMIGAR Stop and think about this for L&l a few minutes. Why in the worid a tantrum. efforts. However, Dance appreciated spending 32 hours at They are giving not because they Marathon is monopolizing the a soup kitchen, or helping edu- want to, but because it is popular SOPHOMORE, ECT is pink a girl's color? It is nothing Regardless, are antacids all resources of this University. cate the public on heart disease. and die $375 is "required." but light red. that men can possess in terms Dance Marathon is like a high Instead, Dance Marathon offers 1 support the efforts of Dance "Europe." Well, maybe it's just the light of lavender luxuries? school prom — it seems like a these generous people a chance Marathon, and you will in fact colors. Guys, it's time to take a stand. great idea, and it's the |»i] >i il.n to stand around and stay awake. see me there on Saturday. Is lignt blue feminine? If so, Girls have been pushing us thing to do, but what becomes of What is the real benefit here? However, I wish the event would then why are so many sports around long enough. They it? Four years from now the event Dance Marathon has over 100 be toiled down, in order to spend fans gung-ho about the San secredy cast us on "Queer Eye is not likely to have had any student organizations participate the rest of the year starling chari- Diego Chargers' powder blue for the Straight Guy." They guilt impact on your life. each year. These are 100 organi- table habits diat will last far throwback jerseys? us into watching less sports so Students who participate in zations with limited time and beyond BGSU. There arc other Light green isn't girly. lust ask that we may spend more quality Dance Marathon help out a money, all giving to one cause, worthy causes out there. I chal- die good folks who manufac- time with them — only to dis- charity at one event. They raise leaving other very worthwhile lenge everyone to search for ture Mountain Dew. cover that "quality time" is not money, hand it over to the chari- charities behind. themselves instead of tying up a Light red is the only color a synonymous with "intercourse." man can put on, walk outside, But stealing our clothes and ty and are done with it. When a Most notably, David's House in school year's efforts into one DAN PIERSTORFO student graduates, will he or she Toledo is closing its doors just event. and get beaten up by men claiming a color in die name of have developed a habit of chari- days after this year's Dance SOPHOMORE, BUSINESS wearing dark red. At some point womanhood verges on war. table giving? Marathon due to lack of funding MAD RICHARD in history, guys lost the color That's why we males of the Most likely not. Not when die If Dance Marathon had not been STUDEMT pink, and I wasn't around to see worid must act immediately— "The Virgin Islands." it happen. take back the color pink. Pink is at the heart and soul Put a red sock in with a load of many sorority girls, Mary Kay of whites, cover your bed in - /2v saleswomen and Barbie afi- pink sheets and get a pink cionados. Yet men don't have mousepad. Stockpile as many L their own color. Lucky Charms marshmallow Sure, guys may claim to have hearts as you can find. Root for blue in comparison to girls' luventus, a soccer team in Italy pink, but women wear just as f BQ that boasts pink away jerseys. ( much blue—blue dresses, blue Drink strawberry milk — if for jeans and even blue eye shad- no other reason, because it /BUNCH of ow. tastes great. ELIZABETH COLITRE The truth is, every color is If men don't take swift action unisex except pink. to embody the color pink, (TAX HI SOPHOMORE, THEATRE In order for women to add women may take something insult to injury, women are able else that once belonged to to wear men's clothes without everyone. Perhaps the National "Bedtime." anyone else causing a commo- Organization for Women will tion. Girls can and do sport their declare Friday is officially boyfriends' boxers, t-shirts, changing its name to Femday. shoes and coats. A woman can Mechanical pencils will become even wear a tie, provided she is the preferred female writing a waitress at an Italian restau- implement. Water will be the rant. new "chick drink." Guys can't wear bras, panties There will be no rhyme or or halter-tops — even though reason to the madness. Guys they sometimes feel more com- will simply lose their right to use fortable than mens' appareL anything for fear of becoming ASHLEY ZUGERMAN (Don't ask — for the record, it's girly. just an educated guess.) Society tells us to hold the SOPHOMORE, FINE ARTS Where are the Four door for a lady, and then it con- Horsemen when you need dones pink being solely for "To next semester them? women. Gender equality? Yeah Did you know? What do guys have — besides right. without crappy a dollar for every 75 cents a In the 40's, the Bich pen was changed to Bic for fear that Americans would dasses." woman makes for the same job? Send all comments to: pronounce it 'Bitch.' Nothing. That's right, men have [email protected]

CARRIE WHITAKER, MANAGING EDITOR MATTIVEY, GRAPHICS EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy MATTHOFNER COPY CHIEF ALLISON HALCO, CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are to be POLICIES E-mail submissions as an attach- fewer than 500 words. These are usu- Letters to the Editor and Guest ment to with BGiws DAVID SCHRAG, CITY NEWS EDITOR ally in response to a current issue on Columns are printed as space on the the subject line marked "Letter to the KARA HULL, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DAVID SCHARFELO, ONLINE EDITOR the University's campus or the Opinion Page permits. Additional Editor" or "Guest Column." Only e- Bowling Green area. JAYME RAMSON, SPORTS EDITOR Letters to the Editor or Guest mailed letters and columns will be Columns may be published online. 210 West Hall considered for printing. All letters arc DAVID YODER, OPINION EDITOR GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, year and phone number Bowling Green State University between 600 and 800 words. These should be inducted for verification subject to review for length and clari- Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 ANGELA G0RTER. PULSE EDITOR are usually also in response to a cur- nposes. Personal attacks, unvcri- ty before printing. Phone: (419) 372-6966 rent issue on the University's campus information or anonymous sub- Opinion columns do not necessar- E-mail: [email protected] MIKE METZGER, SPORTS PHOTO EDITOR or the Bowling Green area. missions will not be printed. ily reflect the views of The BG News. Web site: ASHLEY RUNTZ. NEWS PHOTO EDITOR TIFFANI MCKENZIE, FEATURES EDITOR REN EDWARDS. WEBMASTER WWW.BGNEWS.COM OPINION Monday. Mirch 22,2004 5 Women want to find a man who fits into the P.A.C.K.A.G.E.

RASHIDA "Never trust a man who doesn't issue is when discussing mar- "PACKAGE." may be a man want a man to give you any- Even if it means appearing RESTAINO have all of his teeth." riage. who is prestigious, ambitious, thing you have to have some- bourgeois in the presence of With those concepts in mind, According to a survey con- consistent, kind, attractive, gen- thing to offer, too. someone who simply doesn't U-wire Columnist finding an eligible man should ducted by National Survey of erous and energetic. Don't be so concerned with know better, you have to set a be easy. Unfortunately, advice Family Growth, "only 75 percent For others, "PACKAGE" what he can buy you; rather look standard for yourself. like that is not as reliable as of African-American women are could mean playful, aggressive, at what he is giving you, such as An eligible man will respect being true to yourself. likely to marry at some point... cocky, kinky, athletic, gorgeous stimulating conversation — you and be on your level. I refuse to believe thai all the The use of the word "eligible" compared to 91 percent of white and eclectic. parts of him that he doesn't give When you do meet "the one," eligible black men arc taken. In ti u' article suggested that the women." Whatever attracts a woman to everyone else. don't run him off. There are two Even though I did not go to a man has a good job, is compati- The fact that there are fewer a man should not be based sole- A good eligible man may things ladies must avoid. historically black college and ble with your personality type educated black men would lead ly on appearance or finances; shower you with presents but do One thing women do is scare meet my soul mate on campus and is educated. one to believe there are fewer that is how women miss out on so without substance. Those gift men away by looking for a com- like my godmother promised, I Research Indicates that for black male professionals. This good eligible men. Superficial boxes may as well be empty. mitment early in the relation- still think there is a chance for every two black women who may be discouraging for women women will never be satisfied. To find the right guy, stop dat- ship. me to find romantic happiness graduate with a bachelor's who have a strong propensity Second, women who are In ing the wrong one just to take up Ihc other is treating him like with a black man. degree, only one black man and affinity for black men and search of a total package have to your time. Know what you will everything he does is inade- According to an article pub- earns his degree. wish to marry one someday. But be a total package. and will not tolerate In a rela- quate. Nice guys always get a lished on, there is a As a result, a black woman has I know how to find the man Good, eligible men are tired of tionship. bad reputation for being shortage of eligible black men. a difficult time finding a mate whom I want. women using them for their own When a young man approach- pushovers, but a real man will I have been told by older who is as educated as she is and I lerc's some advice to consid- personal gain. Women need to es you, does he look you in the not tolerate it. women: "If he wears undershirts, also makes a competitive wage er Women must ask themselves, Invest more time in getting eyes or everywhere else on your There would not lie a limited you know he's a gentleman," in his field compared to her. "What is my idea of a 'total pack- ahead on their own and not rely- body? Does he ask foryour number of eligible black men if "The way he treats his mother is Don't worry: The only time a age?'" ing on a man to provide. name before he asks for your women would look for realistic how he will treat you" and person's finances become an I=or some women, the Think of it this way: If you phone number? companions. Words that make me vomit, never should have been coined

DAVID chicken instead of the savory I )o they have sex on buses? Can insult my mother and give me (in order of greatest to least mous:" Yes, we understand that STAGG spicy chicken, there arc some I woman lie a metrosexual? Who the middle arrow key. knowledge on a subject): the object is big. Bui is it so big things I just can't stand. So, It's the heck knows? Stop using the Hated Word No. 2: "guessti- hypothesizing, estimating, you can't think straight and have U-wire C/Aumnist time we tackle the words no one buzzword. And If a boy looks mate:" Another term that doesn't guessing and I was drunk last to combine words and inadver- should use. clean, dresses nicely and stands make any sense. If we estimate night. tently invent a new word that I lated Word No. I: "mctroscx- on two feet, he's either hetero or something, we are, by default, I leek, estimating is like the defies language? Gigantic. 1 don't usually hate things. ual:" Tills is the most ridiculous homo — not both. not hypothesizing Upper East Side of guessing. So Enormous. Why don't we just Every so often, I run across term I've ever heard. Not only Even my trusty Microsoft Hypothesizing (definition: writ- we'd either guess (having no real invent "hugantuan" and "colos- something that bothers me. It does it stereotype both gays and Word program doesn't like the ing a thesis on hippos) requires idea whatsoever), or estimate sive?" maybe a person who gets under alpha males (e.g. if a straight word metrosexual. 1 click on the the scientific method, lots of sci- (have somewhat of an idea, but I am not attacking people who my skin or a late-night Wendy's man is clean he must be some- cute little computer help box entists, half a cup of sugar and not enough of an idea to write a use these words. I personally worker who almost always mixes what gay), Inn. and this is more that waves to me and I type in three blind mice. thesis on hippos).'Ihereforc, if choose to weed these words out your order with someone else's important when it comes to my question: "Did I spell - Estimating, on the other hand, we guesstimate, we merely con- of my vocabulary, but occasion- and you don't know you got the selecting a word to describe sexual wrong?" I le replies, "No, I is understood to be somewhat of fuse the listener and might as ally I make the ginormous mis- wrong thing until you get home something the word doesn't don't know what that word is, a guess. That's why we have sep- well use the word metrosexual take of guesstimating a woman's because you used the drive-thru. even make any sense. Are these you jackass, and I don't like it or arate words for the Hierarchy of right after it. age wrong, and then horrible But just like getting grilled people that have sex with buses? you," before he proceeds to Guessing on Mid-lcrm Exams Hated Word No. :t: "ginor- words slip out of my mouth, too.


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8 Monday. Man":: (MM WWW.B0NEWI.COM www.bgniwi.corn/nitlon JURY OF 13 ACQUIT LESBIAN PASTOR Hmiim.WiiMuAh AleabtanMethbdlatpaftor was luqiilltnl Sntiirtluy In BChURlfl Mnl tivi-r lu-rsrxu- al oilcnliilidii, ciiul will he illowed lonmtliuic bt'i mlniHliy. A jury DI 14 pMtOfl ruled In liivui ol tbe Hev. Knrrn Danimiiiin, Tbe ruling menus llnmitiniiii I* hi pood Minding with tho dumb and nvuilnbie to inke uewiwalgnitienPi. NATION Anti-war protesters mark anniversary

J1ie oiti' ywu Hnnlwi- It i.|illll'llllllill|l|MII lllllllll'll iniintlta. home mill dei IIIIV Ihl* war MM Michael siii line made his suiyoftheUSIedwtir uniii'iessniv," said die llev. own, slightly misspelled protest against Iraq brings Herbert Da'uahiry, a New Ynrk *lgli:"lell)advl'oltielluine." aCIIVlSl addressing II I filly III An mi n I dtp wi 11 hi. hundred* of protomti or the war MHIIIHIIIIIII. thousands raised their voices In OUt (ill over the world. Ill** roughly Mil mill win tallies from Spain m llgypt 10 the pmtpsts scheduled around dip Philippine* I» VF«M DOMM country hy United for IVaieiinil Orpntam estimated up 10 ,' Ifir murmii rmss lllillir milled from solemn In million people demonstrated In NIWYtHIK Hundreds i.f brash. Hiiine. and KKI.IXKI in lomliin, thousand* til people around tin- In Monipeller. VI., hundreds of Inn police in thoseelllesga ve esti- world rallied again*! die U.S. iiii'iii ptutamm placed n pair of mates of MOAN and 2ft,0(X), presence III hai| nil Hit' first shoes mi DIP Bfatehoute steps fnt resttecllvely. fltinlvpnwi-y i>r tlii» win Saturday, eat-h of the more than .WO U.S. Anil-war activists |ammed the in protean thai leiained the soldier* killed In the war. In LSI streets nf central Hume, many of tiiiBrr, if nut ihe slff, of demon Angeles, one of thousands nfiim- lllPltl ilei keiI nut III lillilhiiw 111I sliallnus held Mute the Invasion tester* helil photograph* of lluah ored peace flags and chanting lieann. and Vlre President Dick tlieney "assassins." I'tuieslers tlemandeil I'mteslers flllril iniiii' limn n with tlip words, "forget lanel thai the llallan government, a down pnlli-e-llned block* In lackson'* - espose dtp real strong supporter of die war. with- Miuilmlliin, i iillmi! tin President IKKIIIS." draw lls 2,fl(KI tmops from Iraq, hush In Iniiii! Inline U.S. Iffiopa Mnie diiin toil people rallied In AI10111 iniMXN) demoiistraied serving in hat). Mnvnr Mlilmel Stevens Point, Wk, Including dip in llaicelona. Spain. Nu crowd MM »««miii» HP t Wootnben estimated dip wiwd "Wear-old aim nf '•1:1 Mark psilmatp was Immediately avail HI nl"ii11 in.nnn, Inn iiruiinl/rr* Mil line, 11 Wisconsin Nallnnal VOICING A CONCERN: Anil wni pmlpiler Dun HO/WPII. Inll, ol Camullon. Qfl. pMkl up a sign hefotp said later that number had uniwu Quanj soldier win 111111 lieen sla- PROTUT.PAQEIO marching nil Saturday In Atlanta HI imne than HHUKW. limii'il In the Middle liasl fnr II

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•THI B0WEN-TH0MPS0N STUDENT UNION It's the Cola 'aduatkm FAIR ATTHMTION BGSU Wednesday, March 24 CAMPUS COMMUNITY5 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 25 9a.m.-5p.m. I For every case I Bowen-Thompson Student Union of Pepsi sold Multi-Purpose Room, 2nd floor through campus > Purchase your cap and gown at the graduation fair > Order personalized graduation announcements vending machines and have them printed on site > Order clan rings this week, $ 1.00 Purchase diploma frames > Order your Key yearbook will be given to > Purchase graduation keepsakes and frames Everything you > Purchase alumni apparel and Imprinted gifts need to graduate... I Dance Marathon. I all In ont place! Other organizations and services represented at the Grad Fair And much more... Drawing for raffle prizes Special package discounts BGSU Please help us suppoi i BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Children's MII.K lc Nclwoik' BG NEWS BIG WIN: ILLINOIS ADVANCES TO SWEET 16 WITH BLOWOUT WIN OVER CINCINNATI; PAGE 8 BRIEFING Falcons football recruit plays key MONDAY role In regional final March 22, basketball win 2004 IHf go NF w = Derrick Uniwn scored 12 points ami Aniliony ' turner, who will DP a Howling Urecn football player In the fall, added eight of lOWUNIHtlNlflTtUNIVIMin hli 10 point* In the Iburth quar- ter a* Dayton Chamlnade- lullenne held oh* Columbus Wattersoti Hill Saturday In a Division II regional nnal. Turner's |uni|ier with BO MM ondx left gave Chnmliintle- lullenne (18-7) a 40-41 lead. Hut moments later, Ryan fittHck got both his firth per- Sjovall has come a long way sonal ftiuland a technical foul. Walterson's Michael Obyc made one of Iwn Ore tlmrws By laion A. Dlion year career as a Dileoii. "Aller that ex|ierlence I was Scandinavian Championships spnsti mpomn on the personal foul anil Dim 9|nvallS humble beginnings looking around at everyone ami Ihal same year. llorstman till both technical Her back may have been tnaterlallwd In Skater, Norway, I knew thai I was good enough I luring her final year at Wang lrml shots to make the llnal aching something awful all sea- where she was Inimducetl to the Ibr this," she said. "I was the High School In ami, Sjovall cap- margin, llorstman finished son because of a bulging disk, sport at the age of three. youngest one on the team and tured the Norwegian With in points to lead hut I'ln Sjovall showed realsplne "I HI iiinlly quit fin a year everyone else was like three, Championship In the vault and Watlerson (19 81, which went when the Howling tireen .Stale because I didn't think It was any ftitir, live years older than me, nil minimi lii addition, she had l7-nf-22al the line. gymnastics team needed her run," Sjovall said. "I liked skiing but they pushed me to work a lot eight years as n member of the Watlerson had dime misses most at the Mld-Amerlcan more, so I did lltat ftir a year. harder? Norwegian National team and In the closing seconds In seal Conference Championship last Hint I decided to go hack when Sjovall competed In her first five years as Norwegian Prlday. I was live and I did Both downhill International ciimpellllnn at 12. champion In the vault from Hie senior co-captaln com- skiing nod gymnastics. I won my The experience was only a 1993-2000 on her resume. pleted her final meet fbr the llrst [gymnastics! meet when I platform for success, because Hut It still took the help ofa lei- falcons liy scoring a 9.3 In the was six and aller thai I was jusi Sjovall earned spots on Hie low Norwegian and an old rival Eastern Michigan vault, an 8.8 on the balance leady to win some more." Piimpean Championship team for coach Dan Connelly to Nl« Photo SON™. lieaiu and a 9.900 on the floor Winning was something lu 1994, IBM and IBM when notice Sjovall. almost comeback In exercise (which tied a earner S|ovall would experience a lot, she won the North liiimpean "Marny Oestreng |who was a ON THE MAT: Pla Sjovall has hlglil — three events where her and Iry age 11 she bail competed Championship In the vault and NCAA tournament puts In a lot of effort as seen taiitallflug talent has been In the junior National all-amund performance and SJOVALL. PAGE 9 opening round here In a floor exercise. showcased throughout her mur t ;haniploiislilp. placed second In the nil BO St*9 lliioughoilt die Mid- American (:onfeience wnmeioi basketball tournament, Pastern Michigan showed Its ability to win a game any way It Gymnasts place fourth Xavier scores big needed to. In the semifinals, die Ingles beat a physical Marshall learn. I'MII beni bowling tireen Iry second round upset oveivomlng die falcons' mils in MAC championship In the second half. Point guard Lionel And despite getting a No. 1.1 Chalmers fuels the seed In the M A \ tournaini'iit, Slason A. Olson osis stpomrs the fagles nearly showed Musketeers attack another way: By overcoming a Head Coach I Inn Connelly with a career-high 20-polnt deficit! envisioned directing a gmup ol iJrjwn 20 points to the Ihlril- energized gymnasts Into 31 points. seeded Boston College fagles, I Mitral Michigan** Hose for the Mld-Amerlcan liMU came back to tic the lyFmllixidill game at SO with under 20 sec- Conference Championship on tilt »s80ci»ifD mis Prlday with the mindset of win- onds Ifli Hut after giving op a UHUNDO, Ma. - When ning- lay-up to HC, the fagles llyali Uedrlck Plnnfc shot from well Cnlemami 3-polnt attempt at i iiilniiiiiiiiii'K for Connelly and the Howling i, n State beyond inldcotin went through the butter fell shori. the basket, Mississippi State gymnastics leiini. energy and "We got the shot we wanted," knew It was In tmuble, expectation wasn't enough as Coleman said following the "He did that," Bulldogs guanl the falcons lliilshed In fliurth- game. "It lust fell short." llmniv flowers lamented, "and I place with a 194.630 overall Coleman had 1.1 points and said Its going to be a long night." HUM eight rebounds to lead the Ptnlrt Iniuer beater gave "We came Into the meet fagles. Xavler a one-point halfllnie lead, MBlfJMlVM really pumped up and, I think •'' llviiii I said she thought she and the seventh-seeded everyone thought wed do a lot TO THE RACK: Xavler's Lionel had a guud look, and thatb all Musketeers went on to win 89-74 heller," KrlstenDIPIetm said. "I Chalmers was not going to be you can do," HMD coach Busy yesterday In an upset that sends think we were all focused, die Merchant said. them tii the Atlanta Heglonal denied as he scored 31 points other teams jusl scored higher semifinals. in a win over Mississippi State. than us." Lionel Chalmers scored a The falcons were led Iry No. 3 seed Texas In the regional career-high 31 points and flnn senior co-captaln Melissa semifinals. Cancellations run added 22, helping Xavler 123-10) fapuvlclt CI9.490) and I Jlllelm Chalmers made 11 of 13 shots, advance beyond the second wild as baseball tries (311.7301, who finished ihlnl Including all four of his 3-polnt mund of the NtWA tournament and imli In the all aniiind per- attempts, flnn was 3-of-7 from fbr the first time since 1990. lite to play home opener h ii malice, respectively. beyond the arc, while Homaln Musketeers won opening- ninnd HIE 10 NIK* IK) accounted for Its highest Sato — the Musketeers' leading games the past two years, only to III what seems like a veaily score In the floor exercise scorer during the regular season go on to lose to Oklahoma and occasion, the IK 1 baseball team where tltey reconled a 49.323, -finished with 12. Maryland. has seen Its last five scheduled which was third overall. "There wasn't much we could "If this is not my time, I'm not IHipnvlch and senlot co-can- do against Chalmers," games canceled due to poor going to have a time," said weather conditions. liiin Pla S|ovall were two of 12 Mississippi State*) Shane Power ON THE MOVE: Bowling Green's Breanne Met/ger shows her Chalmers, one of Xavlert three Three scheduled games gymnasts to score I 9.900 on said. stuff at the All Ohio Championships last month. She played a starting seniors. the floor. "He made contested shots, against Kastern Michigan were key role in the Falcons' fourth place finish this past weekend "I've been feeling good and nixed over the weekend, and Hreanne Mei»ger, who fin NBA 3\ whatever," Bowers just knocking II down. There's added. "lleS one of the best no make-up dale has been Ished in a tie for sixth on the meet of the season," MeMoe* Karl I'lsirt 9.823. really not too many things you guanls In die country, He may announced. vault with a 9.1123 said It was said. "I thought we all went out Hie falcons also scored a can do lo me out there when I not get credit, hut today he put The 8-3 falcons' new good to see how the team ral- mere and competed hard and 48.123 on the balance beam, feel like I can make shuts." his team on his back and carded attempt at their home opener lied amund one another. that was a good way to end the led by Hreanne Mel/aer IB.BOO) Xavler, which has won 13 or IB "Hie meet was pretty Butt- season." and Popovlch 19773) and a them," Is tomorrow at 2 p.m. against after a 10-9 start, overcame a ing, Inn It was also stressful and HO scored a 48,123 on the visiting Xavler al Warren Sleller double-digit deficit fm the sec- we went In knowing It was uneven Item and was paced hv field. QYMNAITICI, PAQE 9 ond straight game and will face XAVIIR. PAQE 9 going to lie the most difficult hipovlch (9,9001, followed by

Ohio State wins CCHA,4-2 Nevada's IHr »ssiic■»■ m MIS! wealhei Michigan's comeback Knapp scored the Buckeyes' win heads Ohio Slate almost found out attempt. other goal. how their previous two oppo "We did well Ibr two periods, Down 3-0 lu the third period, ni-iiii felt. then we just hung on," said Ohio Michigan got goals mini Milan list of upsets Paul Caponlgrl had two goals State goaltender Dave Caruso, (la|lc with 9:211 left and from no moctitED PIIM and an assist and die Buckeyes who replaced senior starter Mike Brandon lingers with 8:34 held on to lieal Michigan 4-2 and Bel/ against Notre Dame and remaining, Hut Caponlgrl SliATTIJl - Kevinn Plnkney win the Central collegiate played tlte rest of the way, ( mi no clinched It wllh Ills second goal of scored 20 points, and Todd Hockey Association Supei Ml made m saves on Satttniay. the game, short-handed and Ititn Okeaon had 19 to help Nevada Championship on Saturday i In- regular-season champion an empty net, wllh 30,3 seconds upset second-seeded (lonMlga. night al loeliiuls Arena. Wolverines 128-13 2| also will get left. The Wolf Pack I2S-8) The Buckeyes |2H 13 til cap an Nt AA bid. They had won the "When It was 3-0 In the third, advanced to a Prlday game Hired the tournaments Mason previous two CCIIA playoff we knew Michigan wouldn't against the (ieorgla Tech winner. Cup and an automatic bid lo the championships and were ipiit," i npimigii said, Miry Vlolette led (kituaga (28- NtvSATournament. It Is their sec- appearing In llielr fourth consec- i iipnnigri opened the scoring 31 with 18 points and II ond CCIIA playoff lllle and flint utive title game. 2:30 Into tlte second period and rebounds. I he Ins* snapped a since 1972. Michigan coach lied Detention Andres*' goal came |ust 1:14 later. school-record 21 game winning Ohio Stale won Its first two wasn't pleased with his team* Knapp added a nower-play goal streak I'm (kinttga, which had games ofthe tout nniiit-ni In ovei- effort, however. "Its embarrass- with 32,8 seconds left In the sec- lost only to No, 1 seeds Stanlbrd tlme, B-B over Notre Dame on ing for our learn to come out In a ond period, and Saint Josephs this season,' Thursday night and 4-3 over championship game and lay an Al Montoya stopped 28 shots MM ft Mall W Photo Miami of Ohio on Prlday night. egg like that," he said, ftir the Wolverines. UP THE ICEt Ohio Still's Paul Caponlgrl (27) ikitis down the Saturday, the Buckeyes led 3-0 Doug Andrew had a goal and TOURNAMINT. PAQE 9 after two periods and had in an assist fbr Ohio State, Dan lei at the CCHA Championship against Michigan Saturday.

f IN ON THE ACTION W WWWJ8NCWSX 8 Monday. March 22,2004 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Wood shows power at plate, too 9 Chicago ace hurler shows batting prowess THE hits, struck out five and did not lot today," Red Sox 9, Blue lays 4 Kerry Wood is more lhan just a walk a batter. It was a dreary day for the At Fort Myers, Fla, David Ortiz power pitcher. He can swing the Sammy Sosa also homered for Brewers, who had five hits and hit his spring training-leading ■f bat, too. the Cubs, sending a mammoth four errors in losing their fifth in a sixth homer for Boston, which The Chicago ace threw six drive over the 40-foot batter's eye row. has scored 29 runs in its last three dominant innings and homered in center field. He hit five home I In' only bright spot was a games. Tim Wakefield pitched Saturday, leading a Cubs split runs in 43 at-bats against the scoreless debut by closer Dan four shutout innings. squad to a 10-0 rout of the Brewers last season. Kolb, who made his first appear- Indians 6, Astros 3 Milwaukee Brewers in Phoenix. An infield single by Wood set ance of the spring after being At Kissimmee, Fla., Houston's In addition to his 95 mph fast- up an RBI single by Sosa in the slowed liy shoulder soreness. Tim Redding and Cleveland's ball, Wood had excellent control second inning. "I felt pretty good out there," C.C. Sabathia each pitched of an overhand curve that buck- In the third, Wood led off and said Kolb, who retired two batters impressively. Redding threw four £1 led the knees of a few Brewers jumped on a first-pitch fastball and then walked two before strik- shutout Innings, extending his batters. from Adrian I lemandcz, deposit- ing out Luis Montanez to end the scoreless streak this spring to 10. rf! 1 "I feel really good. I wish it was ing the ball on the benn in left- inning. "I had a lot of adrenaline Sabathia gave up a run and five lury," Wood said. "The curvoball center field. pumping and 1 was rushing a bit, hits in five innings. has been good I probably threw I leniandez, trying to make the but my arm felt great." Braves (ss) 5, Tigers 4 about 15 or in today. Usually, Brewers' bullpen, then gave up a In other spring training games: At lakeland, Fla, Atlanta rook- that's the last pitch I go to in leadoff homer on a 3-0 pitch to Expos 9, Marlins 3 ie Adam LaRoche hit two home spring training. I wanted to work Sosa in the fourth. At Viera, Ha., Zach Day struck runs, lason lohnson, scheduled on it this year, so I made it the "I just didn't want to walk him," out seven in five innings and to be Detroit's opening day f Will Powers AP Pholu first." said 1 lemande/., who struck out Montreal got home runs from starter, gave up four hits and Wood improved to 3-0 in four six and allowed six hits and three lose Vidro, Valentino Pascucci three runs in five innings. DUAL THREAT: Chicago's Kerry Wood homered and threw six spring starts. He gave up three nins in four innings. "I learned a and I uis Lopez. shutout innings against Milwaukee over the weekend.

"[My crew] got me the lead early in the race and they got me out front again UC cut down by mini when it counted." By Joe Kay JIMMIE JOHNSON. WINNER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS YESTERDAY'S DODGE DEALERS 400 COLUMBUS - No flying elbows, no return taunts. Illinois just shut up and made shots — Johnson over and over again. Then, as they fashioned a tournament trashing, the Fighting lllini had the final words 51 » > gets lead — trashy, of course. Deron Williams hit his first seven attempts, setting the tone late, holds for a can't-miss attack, and fifth- seeded Illinois rolled to a 92-68 Jifl Rotation AP Photo victory yesterday in the second WRESTLING FOR THE BALL round of the Atlanta Regional. on for win The Big Ten's regular season Syracuse's Craig Forth grabs a rebound in the Orangemen's win By Mike Harris champion will play Duke on THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Friday at the Georgia Dome, over Maryland. DAR1JNGTON, S.C. — limmie emboldened by its domination lohnson got the lead with a fast pit of a team that ran its mouths stop and held off a challenge from right up to tip-off. Defending hard-luck Bobby Labonte to win "I think it played to our advan- the NASCAR Nextel Cup race yes- tage," coach Bruce Weber said. terday at Darlington Raceway. "Our guys came in so fired up. champs Labonte was leading the The Cincinnati guys hit a hot Carolina Dodge Dealers 400 by button with our guys in half a straightaway over Kurt warmups." Busch on the 1.366-mile oval The blustery Bearcats had a still alive when Kyle Petty's engine went up lew words as the teams left the ByJohnMossman in a plume of white smoke, bring- court after warmups, leaving the 1HE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing out a caution flag 19 laps from lllini livid. One Bearcat wanted, DENVER — Syracuse is still the end of the 293-lap event. "(jet ready for your bus ride defending its national title — All the leaders pitted for much- home." barely. needed fresh tires and luhnson's That wasn't all. Hakim Warrick and the No. 48 Chevrolet crew got him out "They were saying they were Orangemen nearly blew a 16- inches in front of Labontc's No 18 ready to play IXike," Williams point lead before hanging on to Chevy. said. heat Maryland 72-70 Saturday in a "These guys got me the lead If it was a ploy to get them rat- matchup between the last two early in the race and they got me tled, it didn't work. The Fighting NCAA champions. out front again when it really lllini kept their tongues and their Warrick had 26 points and nine counted," lohnson said, high-liv- poise as they took control in the rebounds for fifth-seeded ing and pointing at crew chiei first half. Syracuse, which advanced to play Chad Knaus and the rest of his Then, they did a litde trashing Alabama In the Phoenix crew. of their own. Regional's round of 16. The The green flag came out on lap "It was fun," guard Dee Brown Crimson Tide stunned top-seed- 283, but another caution flag said. "I had a lot to say. I know ed Stanford 70-67 Saturday. waved moments later when Tony you're all adults in here, but it The game was just the third was coming out pretty strong." Stewart bumped rookie Kasey JiyLiPritlAP Photo between the two previous nation- Kali i ic from behind and sent him Williams matched his career al champions in NCAA tourna- sliding through turns three and high with 31 points, going 10-of- SCORE: Illinois' Deron Williams scores over Cincinnati's Tony Bobbitt in the second half ot Illinois' ment history, and the first since four. 13 from the field, and Illinois (26- blowout win over the Bearcats yesterday. 1994 champ Arkansas beat 1993 6) shot a season-high 64 percent The ensuing caution was The defensive-minded coach back up their talk and instead Cincinnati has dominated Ude winner North Carolina in the longer than expected and when as its two slick guards dominat- exhausted his brain and never wound up backing up the bus 1995 semifinals. ed from outside. Conference USA, winning eight the green was displayed again, found anything that worked. for a two-hour trip back to cam- of its nine regular season cham- This one looked like it might be with only four laps remaining, it Brown, nicknamed the "One- "We tried virtually everything a blowout when the Orangemen man Fastbreak." had 14 points, pus. pionships, but can't seem to get looked like this race might turn we had — matchup, zone. "We didn't guard them," said the hang of the NCAA tourna- (23-7) took a 54-38 lead with 13:01 out like last year's when Ricky eight assists and two sleight-of- Usually we're a fairly decent gabby guard Tony Bobbitt, who ment. left. But the Terrapins (20-12), hand plays that helped Illinois Craven nipped Busch by inches man-to-man team," Huggins talked to defenders throughout The Bearcats have failed to who had won six in a row and in a bumping, fender-banging take control. The Fighting lllini said. "They just made a lot of the game. "let's be honest with made a surprising run to the starters went 32-of-47 from the make ii past the first weekend of finish. shots." ourselves. We gave up easy bas- the tournament in seven of the Atlantic Coast Conference tour- Labonte, who won the field. It came down to shooting and kets." last eight years. Their in-your- nament tide, didn't give up. Southern 500 here in 2000, gave it Coach Bob Huggins sat glum- attitude, and Illinois had more of Illinois beat a lower seed for face style comes up short against DJ. Strawberry^ .'(-pointer cut a good try, but he couldn't quite ly in a folding chair, chin resting both. the first time in its history and the deficit to 59-49 with 7:32 left, in his palm, as his fourth-seeded teams that have the grit to give it catch the leader, finishing 0.132 The Fighting lllini weren't moved into the round of 16 for back and the quickness to and layups by Chris McCray and seconds—about two car-lengths Bearcats (26-7) finished off their i.iii iar Smith made it 61 -54. worst NCAA tournament loss in about to be abused by the the third time in the last four exploit them. — behind. mouthy Bearcats, who couldn't years. Illinois was just such a team. Josh Pace's jumper pushed the his 15 seasons. lead to 69-60 with 1:58 left, but Maryland whittled the margin to one. Travis Garrison and lohn Gilchrist hit layups to make it 69- Reds' Haynes shuts out Pirates 64. After Syracuse's Craig Forth THE ASSOCIATED PRESS awalk. missed two free throws, and lohn Rcidling added a hidess Orangemen guard Gerry SARASOTA, Fla — Cincinnati Haynes did not throw at all inning each. opened the game with five McNamara hit a pair with 29 sec- until March 6 after failing his pre- Wells took his second loss of onds left. straight hits and limmy Haynes season physical. Haynes won 15 the spring He has allowed 14 shut out the Pittsburgh Pirates Smith followed with a layup games in 2002 but was limited to runs In his last 10 1/3 inning. and, after Forth missed two more for four innings to lead the Reds 18 starts with lower back pain Wells setded after the first, allow- to a 5-0 victory yesterday. foul shots, Maryland!! Mike Jones last season. ing two hits and two walks In his was fouled while shooting a it- Leadoff hitter D'Angelo "When he failed his core final 2 1/3 innings. Jimenez singled, then Ryan Freel pointer. He hit the first two free strength test at the beginning of Willis Roberts, Salomon throws and missed the third, but singled to right move limenez to camp, we decided to take care of Torres, Jose Mesa Mark Corey third. Sean Casey followed with the Terrapins' Nik Caner-Medley it right away," manager Dave and Jason Boyd held the Reds grabbed the rebound and his fourth hit in four at-bats with Miley said. "Things are falling hidess over the 4 2/3 innings. an RBI single. Austin Kearns and Strawberry made a driving layup into place. You don't win 15 Craig Wilson doubled for the with 9 seconds left, cutting the lason LaRue hit hack-to-back games in the big leagues by acci- Pirates in the seventh Inning and doubles and reserve Infielder lead to 71-70. dent," has a hit in 11 of his last 12 McNamara was fouled, but the Felipe Lopez singled home Reds reliever Aaron Myette games. Cincinnati snapped a six- LaRue to cap the scoring normally automatic free throw Smi.PnliirAP Photo turned in three scoreless innings game losing streak. Pittsburgh shooter made just one of two with Haynes, who gave up three and the team's first pick In the has lost three of its last four SAFE!: Cincinnati's Ryan Freel slides safely into third base 7.5 seconds to go runs in.two innings in his last draft last season, Ryan Warner, games. against Pittsburgh yesterday. f outing allowed just two hits and ♦ ? WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Monday, Match 22,2004 9 Mississippi Freshmen State's effort Gymnast gets help from all seasoning was not important enough to coming from all directions for future beat Xavier S10VAU.FR0MPAGE7 harder in the gym and learn Connelly said he saw Sjovall nastics team because of the how to adjust to everything." grow a lot through her junior attention that goes to Popovicli, junior at BSGU at the Ume| told Sjovall stepped in as a fresh- season. XAVIER, FROM PAGE 7 who became the second HG me about Pia, because she was man and competed in all of the "Coming into this year I gymnast to be named MAC ofBG Mississippi State (26-4), the lonely and wanted someone team's 13 meets on the vault wanted two captains that were Gymnast of the Year — the last No. 2 seed, shot 36 percent and here from Norway," Connelly and floor. very different from another and was()estienginl999. lost control after building a 23-13 said. "1 saw the tape, and 1 just The following season, Sjovall Melissa IPopovich] was the But even Popovicli knows gymnastics lead in the first II minutes. thought that Pia had a lot of competed in all 12 meets and more serious one, while Pia was how important Sjovall has been Xavier finished the half with a 21 - experience as a gymnast and a recorded season-highs of 9.900 more relaxed," Connelly said. to the success of the BG gym- GYMNASTICS, FROM PAGE 7 in nm, with Chalmers scoring 12 lot of energy when she per- on the floor and a 9.825 on the "Those different personalities nastics team. in dial stretch. formed and that caught my vault, as BG went 17-1 and 6-0 were important for our team to "Pia has improved each year 48.350 on die vault, where diey Power led the Southeastern attendon." in the MAC to capture the have, and 1 think Pia really since coming to Bowling Green were led by Metzger (9.775) and Conference regular-season Sjovall acknowledged that school's 11th regular-season showed that she could be a and to look at liei now from her Popovicli (9.875) as well. champions with 16 points. Oestreng helped her widi the championship. leader during her junior year. first year, she is totally differ- R(! finished die regular-sea- Bowers had 15 and SEC player of transition when she came to As a junior last year, Sjovall Sjovall averaged 9,6575 on ent," Popovicli said. "She has son with a 5-8 overall record and the year Iawrence Roberts was Bowling Green. finished eighth at the MAC the vault, a 9.69 on the balance really pushed me to work hard- a 3-3 mark in the MAC. limited to 11 on 4-for-ll shoot- "Mamy and I grew up com- Championship on the floor beam and a 9.815 on the floor er and I think she has motivat- DiPietm said this experience ing. peting against one another and with a 9.875 and scored a 9.875 this season. ed everyone on the team, but will he a big stepping-stone for a Whenever three players go we were all always very com- to earn first place on the bal- Still, Sjovall is sometimes she also helps everyone relax young team coming into next 11-for-14 on 3-pointers and the petitive," she said. "It was a big ance beam against Western regarded as the other talented and that's why she is a great season team goes 13-for-19, it's difficult change for me during my first Michigan earlier in the season senior co-captain on the gym- leader for this team" "We were a very young team to come back," Mississippi State year but she pushed me to work this and 1 think all of our fresh- coach Kick Stansbury said, fend- men had a chance to compete at ing off a question about why a high level and encourage one Roberts wasn't a factor. another,'' she said. "I think we're "They made huge shots all day going to come back next season long," the coach added. a lot better and ready to com- Xavier's late-season surge Duke rolls pete." included a 20-point blowout of Cavs fall to Pistons, 96-76 Dan Connelly was unavailable then top-ranked Saint Joseph's, on to the for comment. while Mississippi State earned its By Joe Milicia for-17 for 15 points. Carlos 0 run late in the first period to No. 2 seeding based on winning THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Boozer led the (Cavaliers with take a 27-17 lead and (he MAC Champibnship Irani its first outright SE(', regular sea- Sweet 16 CLEVELAND — Chauncey 21 points and 17 rebounds Pistons never looked hack. Sctires: son title in 41 years. Billups had 18 points and the Despite the loss, Cleveland Detroit widened the lead to 1st Central Michigan, Sato was held to a season-low Detroit Pistons smothered remained in die eighth playoff 53-31 athalftinie. llii-(iivaliers 197.525 seven points in Xavier's 82-70 TOURNAMENT, FROM PAGE 7 Cleveland in die first half, beat- spot in the East with Boston shot just 31 percent for the half 2nd - Kent State, 196.850 regular-season loss to ing the Cavaliers 96-76 yester- and lbronto close behind. and 38 percent overall as the 3rd Eastern Michigan. Mississippi State three months l)uke90,SetonHall62 day to extend their winning Richard Hamilton had 14 Pistons forced them to settle for 195.550 ago, and the 6-foot-5 guard RALEIGH, N.C. — J.J. streak to eight. points and Ben Wallace had outside shots. 4th — BowlingGreen, 194.650 scored only six in a December Redick snapped out of a Detroit held the Cavaliers to two points, 10 rebounds and The Pistons shot 54 percent 9th - Northern Illinois, 2002 loss to the Bulldogs at shooting slump, scoring 21 a season-low 31 points in the three blocked shots. in the first half, taking neatly 194.600 Madison Square Garden. points to lead top-seeded first half. The Pistons led liy as The Pistons had lost two everything to the hole on the 6th - Western Michigan, A key element of Mississippi Duke (29-5). many as 28 in the third quarter straight to Cleveland, but had Cavaliers, including a soaring 194.025 State's game plan again was con- Mike Krzyzewski's Blue and let their backups finish the not faced them since acquiring Tayshaun Prince dunk OVBt 7th- Ball State, 193.525 taining Sato. But in doing that, Devils, seeking their fourth game. Rasheed Wallace, who had 10 Zydrunas llgauskas. die Bulldogs were unable to keep national title, will face By letting up in the second points. The Cavaliers lost dieir up with the lightning-quick Illinois on Friday at the half, it was the most points the second straight playing with- Chalmers, who repeatedly knifed Georgia Dome. Ilstons have allowed an oppo- out point guard left" Mclnnis, his way through the defense to Kelly Whitney and lohn nent to score during their who has a strained right shoul- score or set up opportunities for Allen led Seton Mall (21-10) streak. der. HAVENT YOU PAID teammates. with 14 points each. leBron lames shot ptxirly for 1 lamilton and Corliss The 6-foot point guard was his second straight game — 5- Williamson led Detroit on a 14- equally effective from the Wake Forest 84, perimeter, finishing 6-of-7 from Manhattan 80 the field and making a pair of 3- RALEIGH, N.C. — Chris pointers over taller defenders Paul had 29 points, eight during the first-half run that got rebounds and six assists to the Musketeers back into the help Wake Forest advance ENOUGH ?j Dance Marathon 2004 ^ TO GET YOUR game. to the second weekend for Kinn's buzzer heater put Xavier the first time in eight years. BGSU DIPLOMA?! ahead 34-33 at die half and set Paul was IO-for-14 from Dance Week the tone for the rest of the game. the floor and 8-for-9 from The Musketeers returned from the line for the Demon the locker room to build the lead Deacons (21-9). Uiis Flores 3 Decoration Day (Monday) with 10 on lustin Doellman's 3- had 20 points for the 12th- pointer with just under nine seeded Jaspers (25-6). minutes to go. Six minutes later, F " Apparel Day(Tuesday) Finn's long 3 — his fifth of the UAB 76, Kentucky 75 game — made it 75-Kt and took Sign in at the union from COLUMBUS, Ohio — A the last bit of fight out of the The NCAA tournament's 11am-2pm DONT Bulldogs. top seed got sent back to its "No other team deserves this Nickel Day (Wednesday) OVER-PAY TO ol' Kentucky home. P like we do," Chalmers said. Mo Finley made a 17- Bring your change to the "We've been through a lot. I've fbot jumper with 12.2 sec- Union from 11am-2pm. been through a lot in four years. UN onds left and ninth-seeded It just feels real good." Alabama-Birmingham Candle Walk (Thursday) hung on to stun die heavily favored Wildcats 76-75 yes- Meet in front of the Union at terday In the second round 9:15pm to remember the lost FRAME/ OFFICIALLY LICENSED BGSU of the SI. Ixiuis Regional. lc STOP IN AND SEE miracle children. Kentucky's Gerald Fitch DIPLOMA FRAMES missed a 3-pointer with 2.2 Eat Spaghetti (Friday) E3 US AT seconds left and Chuck STARTING AT lUST I layes' tip rolled off the rim The dinner will be in the Mac nnVme WWW.BGNEWS.COM just before the final horn. Cow room from 4-7pm. $71.95 The Blazers (22-9) Everyone involved should stop advanced to the round of 16 for die first time since by to eat & pick up your shirt. Shop off-Campus C- Saue 1982 with their second big This ad is sponsored by: STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE upset of Kentucky in the 530 East Wooster St NCAA tournament. i!2 SOUTH MAIN STREET Bowling Green, OH NRWIPVE BOWIINGGRttN.OH PH:419-353-7732 Rentals newloveinfo'

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March 22.2004 NATION Protesters march in cityies across the nation the crowd on a sunny afternoon. 24-year-old Cincinnati resident. "So we PROTEST, FROM PAGE 6 Bloomberg and Police Commissioner figured we'd come look for them in Ray Kelly stopped by the rally, but didn't Fountain Square." able for Madrid, bin the numbers paled speak to demonstrators or participate. In San Francisco, thousands of taiko in comparison (o (he millions dial In President Bush's hometown of drummers, cyclists, activists and other packed streels all over Spain after the Crawford, about 800 peace activists from protesters chanted "End the occupation" Madrid train bombings that killed 202 across Texas marched, chanting, "One, and "Impeach Bush." people March 11. two, three, four, kick the liar out the door." Thousands of people also turned out in The rallies coincided with the anniver- Independent presidential candidate Denver and Seattle, and demonstrations sary of the first bombings in li.ighdad last Ralph Nader spoke to the crowd and drew several hundred people in Atlanta, year. Although President Bush ordered called for Bush's impeachment. Albuquerque, N.M., and Augusta, Maine. the attacks on March 19, the time differ- The march kept John Taylor, an Air Many of the demonstrations were ence made it March 20 in Iraq. Force veteran who lives in Crawford, accompanied by smaller gatherings of While turnout was high in some waiting at an intersection. He propped Bush supporters. Iraqi-American Kaise nations, most protests were far smaller his cowboy hat above the steering wheel Urfali, 46, was among 10 people gathered than the enormous demonstrations held of his Itord pickup to block his view of the at the Atlanta rally to oppose the protest- around the world shortly before the War protesters, some holding up effigies of ers. began. Bush. "These people have no clue, they have A New York protest a year ago drew "If they'd leave, it would be nice," said no idea about the meaning of terrorism more than 125,000 by official estimates. Taylor, 28. and the meaning of freedom," said Urfali, Although that's similar to organizers' esti- Thousands of protesters marched who said his family has lived in exile from mate Saturday, organizers last year esti- r through Chicago's downtown shopping Iraq since 1958. "These protesters talk in mated that crowd at more than 2, >0,(KK). district. The Rev. lesse Jackson urged the the name of Iraq and none of them are last years rally produced several clash- crowd to express their opposition to the from Iraq, none of them lived irt the ter- es between demonstrators and police, war by voting against Bush. ror." but New York police reported just four "It's time to fight back," Jackson said. Germany, Greece, the Netherlands and arrests on disorderly conduct charges "Remember in November." other European countries also saw Saturday. There were scattered arrests in In Cincinnati, Claire Mugavin wore a protests, while demonstrations look other U.S. cities its well. biohazard suit to a protest that drew sev- place earlier in Japan, Australia and India. M Mnm AP Ptioto New York police in riot gear walked eral hundred people. She pretended to IX'monstrators in Cairo — vastly out- calmly past barricades marking off the look for weapons of mass destruction numbered by riot police — burned an TAKING TO THE STREETS: Hundreds of people march through downtown demonstration area on Madison Avenue beneath benches and garbage cans. American flag. Cincinnati, Saturday, as part of a war protest rally held on Fountain Square. as speakers mounted a stage to address "We figure they're not in Iraq," said the Protesters marked the first anniversary of the US-led war on Iraq. 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The military believes a States was "very encouraged" by Guttenltldti .'• 'IT, lime PLUS our free (yes. tree) "high-value" target is holed up in the ongoing Pakistani offensive. lundraising solutions EQUALS the besieged area, but it is uncer- Me said senior Taliban and al- PROTECTION: Pakistani troops jump from the back of a truck near Wana, Pakistan, Saturday, where S1.000-2.000 in earnings lor your group. Call TODAY lor a $450 bo- tain if it is al-Qaida commander Qaida leaders were plotting forces have been battling al-Qaida and Taliban forces. Pakistani forces where searching homes amid a Ayman al-Zawahri, Uzbek mili- attacks on Afghan and U.S. tar- nus when you schedule your non- lull in fierce fighting against suspected al-Qaida holdouts near the Afghan border yesterday. sales lundraiser with CampusFund tant Tahir Yuldash, or another ter- gets from Pakistan. raiser. Contact CampusFundraiser rorist. 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ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Rates available for I or 2 occupants. Check with Rental Office for prices for 2 occupants. Score BIG with a GREAT rental 517 K. RKKI) STREET- At Thurstin. Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath. School Year- One person Rate- from NEWLWE $460.00. One Year- One Person Rate- $385.00 707-727 THIRD STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. Rentals One bath. School Year- One Person Rate- $395.00. One Year- One Person Rate- $350.00. 825 THIRD STREET- Pets Allowed! Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath. School Year- One Person Rate- MARCH $450.00. One Year- One Person Rate- $400.00. 449-4SS S. ENTERPRISE- Furnished or Unfurnished. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS One bath. School Year- One Person Rate- $395.00. One Year- Rates available for 1.2 or 3 occupants. Check with Rental One Person Rate- $345.00. Office for prices other than Two Person Rates. MADNESS 839 SEVENTH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. 517 E. REED- At Thurstin. Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath. Dishwasher. School Year- One Person Rate- One bath. School Year-Two Person Rate- $610.00. $450.00. One Year- One Person Rate- $385.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $510.00. 343S.MAINST: Large three bdrm. duplex. Located downtown SOS CLOUGH STREET- Behind Kinko's. Furnished or BG. One & 1/2 baths. Washer/dryer hookup. Double living room PETS ALLOWED Unfurnished. One bath + vanity. School Year-Two Person with front porch. $850.00 per mo. for 12 mo. lease with $225.00 Nonrefundable pet deposit at these location: Rate- $620.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $520.00. 403 High 825 Third 3431/2 S.MAIN ST: Large efficiency apt. located in downtown 6IS SECOND STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. 831 Seventh 640 Eighth One bath. School Year-Two Person Rate- $620.00. BG. $355.00 per mo.for 12 mo. lease 841 Eighth 725 Ninth One Year- Two Person Rate- $520.00. 1372 E.W00STER ST: Three bdrm. house located across the 777 Manville 402 HICH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath. street from campus. Must have off-campus rental references. School Year-Two Person Rate- $590.00. One Year- Two Washer/dryer. Off street parking. Two living rooms and a front Person Rate- $490.00. porch. $1,300.00 per mo. for a 12 mo. lease 701 FOURTH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. One k ^F if bath. Vanity in each bedroom. School Year-Two Person Ratc- 605 CL0UGH ST: Located one block from campus. Off street $620.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $520.00. parking.Three bdrm.Jwo bath, Newly remodeled house. ■"-"Y K40-SS0 SIXTH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. Washer/dryer. $950.00 per mo. for 12 mo. lease Two full baths. School Year-Two Person Rate- $640,00. W 4 1 One Year- Two Person Rate- $530.00. 118 S. ENTERPRISE #A: One bdrm duplex located close to 707 SIXTH. 818 SEVENTH & 831 SEVENTH- campus. Hardwood floors. $310 per mo. for 12 mo. lease Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath + Hall. School Year- ^I^I^I^MH Two Person Rate- $545.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- 118 S. ENTERPRISE #B: Two or Three bdrm. duplex. Eat in *~ ' »» ***** Jfjv $460.00. kitchen. Close to campus. Off street parking. Cat Permitted. 724 S. COLLEGE DRIVE- Unfurnished. Dishwasher. $675.00 per mo for 12 mo lease. I 1/2 Baths. School Year-Two Person Rate- $640.00. 211 STATE ST: Two bdrm unfurnished house. Close to campus. One Year- Two Person Rate- $530.00. Off Street parking. Large yard.Two car garage $725.00 per mo for 12 mo. lease. Let our Friendly Stuff assist you in finding AFFORDABLE HOUSING. 2421/2 S. MAIN ST, #1 & #2: One bdrm. furnished apt. located WE CAN HELP YOU! above downtown business. Off Street parking. $375.00 per mo Hours- Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 for 12 mo. lease. JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. 319 E. Wooster Street. Bowling Green, OH Saturday- 8:30 to 5:00 Located Across from TACO BELL 419-352-5620 RENTAL OFFICE (419) 354-2260 332 SOUTH MAIN STREET Ni;wi°vh; BOWLING GREEN, OH luhl'l. ntwlovtlnfo»ntwloytrtnt«l».com 12Mondiy.Mirch22.20M WWW.BQNEWS.COM

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r - Brand Name Warehouse, a llqulda Mowing and Landscaping. r- ■ r- r- TT- iNiTRAM'UFiAL OFTiEiAlI /WfJ r — — ■ 1 Initial tellers SCOFtEKEFPEFiS NEEDED FOR lor of the hottest fashion brands In Call lor application 419-874 5006 8 Begmenl ol history ■ ■ .„ BOFTBALL COMPLETE AND RE- the country, Is looking for setupflear or loll Use 1-877 288 6141 3 Bros counterpart TURN TAKE HOME TEST AND down, cashiers, and fioor'tecovery SumineTevehT cTowd" maTiagemehl ' 4 Desert spring APPI.ICA1 ION BY MARCH 8? asslslanls lor our clothing clearance stall Waril to be Involved In virtually 1 5 Writes loiter by letter FORMS AVAILABLE FROM 130 sale running 3/89 A 3/30 at the Bo- every major event In Cleveland Lefl'" 8 Pas' males PFH OR WEB SITE MANDATORY wen Thompson Student Union Town? We are putting together our 7 Ruler traction CLINICS ON MARCH 83 a 84 Competitive wages and clothing In- summer event stall These are lull 8 Bodybuilder Charles .., n 9 L'chaim and prosit centive. Please e-mail us at and part-lime seasonal positions " jobsiB'brandnamewarehouse org In- 7T~ II j VM1 to Whenever "WfiAMUnAL SUFTBAU EN- and are avail lor all shifts Excellent It Sobriquet of 17A TRIES DUE WOMEN 9 ft CO REC clude name, contact Information and pay. benellls and lull-lime year previous experience i ' i 18 Ziegleld Follies, e.g. MARCH 83. MEN'S - MARCH 84 round employment positions are 13 Overturn Buniiner Ba^Camp Stall avail Initial pay rate Is based on in- rr~ U ■ 18 Anxiety ~ WfHAMUnAL TENNIS Hldng now for summer lor positions terview A dependent on assignment erT— x- 23 In the wotk cited: Lat. ENTRIES DUE working with this slate licensed prn- Call lor Interview at 816-426-7333 84 Capital ol Tibet MARCH BB gram Seasonal, part lime and lull ■ md 25 17ABlnce19B4 UNIflUE" INTifiNsHiP lime houis available In the following 26 Ties iNTRAWlJRALS OFFICIALS AND" OPPORTUNITY | II TTH 28 Ol the kidneys False names 9COREKEEPFRB NEEDED FOR areas Group leaders and assistants ogllvy Worldwide for children ages 18 months-14 ■ H 31 Like prunes Blilp In a shoe SOFTBALL COMPLETE AND RE seeks Interns for 2004 to Implement Traveled lo Ihe runway years, teachers to work with children an award winning public relations --- 34 Block certlllcale lype TURN TAKE-HOME TEST AND AP ,: 38 Novelist Wilson Weighty pieces PLICATION BY MARCH 8? wllh special needs In our main campaign Internship work Is con- Struck a stance streamed environment, lifeguards, ~" M 38 Shipping container FORMS AVAILABt E FROM 130 ducted on campus, primarily be- 39 Come to a polnl "The Screens" dramatist PFHORWEB8ITE MANDATORY maintenance stall, and a kitchen su- tween September and December Puccini pervisor $6-0 per hour Preler expe 42 Unquestioned CLINICS ON MARCH 83 AND 84 8O04 Open lo undergraduates en- principle AD part rlence and education working wllh tering their |unlor or senior year ol Vang partner Slashing lonninq prices! Unlimited children. Apply at the Catholic Club, sluriy Sludenls wllh majors In public A( ROSS Rocky cray only $85. Semester unlimited $4S 1601 Jefferson Ave . Toledo, Ohio relations, communications, market- Bullring shout Booths ft beds 43B84 The Calhollc Club Is a non- ing, advertising and journalism are Actor Seatty Campus Tanning ISP-/dm I Noted labullst 44 Florida city profit. United Way agency, open to especially tilgerl lo apply E mall le- 8 Maf da model 48 Type ol Illy all Deadline April Blh sumelo II Play aboul Capote 47 Vault '.SUMMER IN MAINI: 14 Pipe type 48 Timbuktu land Males and females Deadline March 24. 8004 15 Writer Chekhov SO Fine, dry particles Wanted Meet new frlendsi 1 level' IB Wllh II. once 32 Satill Matte teach your favorite activity. 17 Bubiecl Ol tills puttie 53 Giving quarter /\ IM *. \l\l I II IB Adam's mala 58 Splash and spol 8 iienple needed In lake over May 'Tennis 'Sail 20 Small hotel S8 City In Israel For Sale an a F u ■i 0 3 1 04 May 05 lease Striding Univ. En- 'Water Ski 'I ncmsse 21 "Why Thou loraaken BB On Hie ocean clave. 8 bdrms In tinfuni apl Call me''' 81 Outer prel ' ' ■J 3 1 'Ropes s 1 N 0 41B 8/0 U88R lif 4 IB 30H 8869 82 Firearm 82 Bolanlsl Gray ■ 'Swim 'Gymnastics Fulnn $100. twin lied wllh mallress 23 Central Park designer 63 1984 opponent ol I7A u I 1 I a j Graduation llcaats Rji i BB jifii A box spring $150, diessei $150, 8? Mixed 88 Barbara Gedrtes V H 1 IN' 1 oeiemony Will pay Call Maik June to August Residential two end tables $40 bookcase $40. 89 Dlen Blen 89 Gage beslsellet 3 1 S "1 1 Vrt 513 544 38 Hook^ first mate 71 R Reagan's Slat Wars TRIPP LAKE CAMP lor Girls: - ■1 - v - ■:. > 0 lege Two blocks liom campus Call 13 High Hopes'lyilclsl re HallUnlverslly 1 800-997-4347 39 Poet Inasilala 1 rr I V • ■n n 4 410-398 HB83 r3 Challenged 3 www Irlpulakecamp cum 37 Make Into law y 1 t J i n H V 40 Aokl ol it"!' ■ s The RG§U UpwarriTiniind Program 3 a V I For Rent 41 J R or Jock iUi 'J 3 J Is a college preparatory program lor J 3 II 'i 1 . m V 1 y a 43 Gillette blade a Help Wanted HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS limit H u 1 V i V ■ 0 517 Toledo Ohio We offer a six week 'Uuiny llisl g S S'tt IIOUSDS ft ap!9 Summer Residential Learning Com Niwjgwer prices, all nexl to campus IBARI ENDING' $3O0/day potential niunlly 930 F Wooslnr. 6 bdrms No e»p necessary framing provid- EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 303 E Many. Lg porch, 3 llv ims D/\CO |M ed Call B00-985 6980 ext 174 JUNE J8-AUQUST 8, 2004 321 E Merry A D,4 8 bditn gr shape i j rmj. j tfe M V I « * S 307 1/2 F Reed St I 3 brirm 400nniinseiins'lnstnirtMis needed! ""WWW «•••«•»• ••»■ CLA99BOOM IN9TRUCTOH9 3t5E Merry down 8 hilnns Inclll •>■ • nil •! ■«» :t't I I •.•:•■ Cued summei camp In Pocoiw's PA Bachelor 1 degree Itgulredjn se- all ulll Lohlkan.BOO 4BB 4381.lohlkancom lected area nl Instruction Each 318 ft 311 E Merry Apia lg 2bdrm ALL sTUBiNTs-oTHEfiS class period Is seventy-five |7SJ ml listings 84/7 located at 316 E Merry 4 Enlry-levBl pos In Oust Snip**' nutes dally. Monday through Friday *3 alsu Ell Call 353 0388 Bam 9pm Service Nun residential. Salary Is $1800 per 1 Bdrrri n|it m-inss (mm campus For Rent For Rent Read the BG NEWSI ♦ Very flexible schedules class Avail Dec 04 $350 l Utll ♦ Gteal tncunie p'tleultel MflJlllnaS«Mloll_(8 30am 18 15pm) Call 4 IB 787 7877 ♦ Tun env No exp npcpssnty •communications (debate, dra- 721 Hlli SI 3 bdrm., 8 baths, central MUVF IN NOW ONE MONTH ♦ Mnv wjnllnue matics, anil speeclil linked wllh a i iiediuom duplex, i hiuck from all, rilsliwshr Avail May 19 $800 FHEF I ami ? hilun apis, avail. In summpi hreek •Composlllon (three classes I campus Quiet, good shape. Aug mo plus dep ft ulll 419-393 0494 serene park Ilka sailing Inclu. dlsh- linked wllh a lease Call 338 9392. 701 5th Itntt + Conditions exist All ages 18* _ iXpts. ft Houses washei, heat, water "and trash. Call Now 419-881-6133 or apply & •Social Studies (American his 8 brirm uctiurn api avaiiabie Singles ft Oioups Bowling Green Village 352-8335 APARTMENT. woikfotsludenls cum/up lory, American government, and so 1088 Falrvlew Ave No Pels 363 8808 clologyl Bhelarge room efficiencies Call Sieve al 388 5688 — ~ liS7rpts8lB/B82 8ndSI with private baths ft utilities paid ARCHiTECTURAi. BflAFTsPEn AfisiniWIlSMl|gn.(1 45 4 15 pm) BOO* 8005 ~" 8 BR Apis avail May or August Call 358-5888 SON WITH AUTOCAD EXPERI •Earth and Space Science 800 Third St t ft 8 bdrm Free beat, ENCE FOR HIGH END WOOD •Applied Mathematics $490 r gas/elec 18 mo lease water, ft sewer Smith Apl Rentals 419 392 8917 S Coiieuo i SrirTSl. 3 bdrm. liouse WORKING CO IN CLEVELAND •Algebra 618 Second SI. I elllclehcle. wllh basemenl 9mr. lease-move In OH PLEASE SEND RESUME TO • Geomelry Call 354-9740 for Info or showing Houses/Apis for U4 05 schooTyeaTr dale flexible. Call alter 8 pm or 16100 S WATERLOO RD CLEVF 12 mo. leases only weekends 440 883-8318 LAND. OH 44110 RESIDENTIAL AIDE8 Minimum 1 iiiiim , crTm§i7l 1/2 bias horn S Smith Contracting, LLC campu9 Lg Ivg tin. Lg kitchen, ATTN: Bowling Green Posiaiposi- sophomore classification Cannot lie 419 352-891 7 - 532 Manvllle Ave tforneififhflTor fvwyiMW 2 Bdrm., 2 Full Both, C/A enrolled in University classes during ulll. rm, w'd $885 plus ulll. Avail. Olllce open B-2 M-F Clean Comfortable, Affordable lions. Clerks/carrlers/9oiteis No Mid May 419-338-r'OgO Shuttle slop across Ihe street exp reg'd Benefits For exam, sal- employment period. Responsibilities Quiet tenants prelelred. Graduate Student! ilOO/menlh full VetrL«i« ary, and testing Into call (6301-393- Include, bul are not limited to 3 beiiiTn liouse One biocSTfoiST i aigpT"Bdrm ullllly loom W/D, IS 801 Third 91 1 bdrm lurn., 9-12 mo. 3038 exl 847 8am 8pm 7 days (1) Assutlng all students adhere campus $B5(t t ulll s. Avail Aug Hoot, duplex, garage Blh St $575. lease Pol* Rental InCormBtlen! to the rules and regulations ol lire 410-787-7977 Call 3SB-9B7P. Undergrads Consultants ft managers lot superl Upward Bound Program and Bowl 704 Filth St 8 bdrm. lurn., 9-12 mo. Contact Jack at or spa IreatmBnl line Exceptional Ing Green Slate University 4T4"f Woosier, 3 bdrm liouse. Lg72 BR towiifTOuseTvatJeireeir" rates 8hultle slop on property 1 BDOBBBBB3B product line A BBtning opportunities. (8) Assisting wllh a classroom Avail 5/15. $900'mo Ulll Inclu. Ings, spiral staircase, garage, dwash Seniors. Hrads. Couples 01* Stove at Training provided 419-523-9319. activity when needed 353 7547 days Avail. 5/13/04. $287 PP lor 3 peo- 710 Seventh St 8 bdrm.. uhlurn. pie Call 392 1104 (41BJ 3BB-11BD J (3) Coordinating and implement- 5 sitiiieasers neederi lor May AMU Updated kitchens w/ dishwashers COUNSELORS -N.Y.8. Wlnthrop Teirace Apts ing student activities during the eve- 517 Pike 81 Close lo campus, lg Shuttle slop on properly CO ED RESIDENT CAMP 1 ft 2 bdrm.apis avaiiabie ning hours Single loom, board and house, own bdrm Call 354-B547 Call 911-3449. Great SlaH, Great Facilities salary ol$ 1500 0811419-392-9139 niiFA i EXPERIENCE ARTS ft CRAFT8. WOODWORK. Applications are available al the MALE LITEGUARDS, TENNI8. Upward Bound Program olllce i-l-3Mntmtnrtmititi The Waih >.• MALE ATHLETIC anagemem Inc. 410 Saddlemlre Student Services 24H N. MAIN Complete application online Bldg $100 MOVES THE 1419) Md* (IB HWyV,KENNyBR0QK.CJ3M PILLING UP PAST KENNYe-nooKPAOL.COM Can complete an application and In- YOU INI TANNING lOiifc/ikMihi terview In program office MUST SuulhStdr l.aundruitiHt ■TOP BY FOR LIITINO Day delivery personnel have a transcript (ofllclal or unoffi- Dl Benedetto's cial) to Interview Inletvlows will lasl • Ground floor ranch CENTER w.1 S. MAIN Call 363-6800 1432F Wnoslei thirty minutes 9 30am until 4 10pm style apartment with end will cunclude on April 8 S6FTB ALL UMPiRil iiiededThhT MANDATORY SlaH orientations private entrance 4 LOCATIONS summer lor ellber slow or (asl pilch on Satuiday, June 26 • Patio the Ural soltball In BG Earn $18-35 per WMI!. Wmnii-'K game Contact treegerrOwcnet org • Spacious kitchen li \iini\ri'..ii \ '..ill' for further Info ■ Laundry facilities I'.ril \ isils $ ' | I'd 5 Mi/1 ■••lit Rninu Inxi i • Pets welcome HllladalaApl. 1062 Fnlfvlew -.pints' i mi' duirJoorslKidi! Mwei MryQuMn Money! Maine '.amp needs fun lov- llmr.IM. In H Sill ■ Convenient on-slte 1 « 2 Bdrm Apia./ ing counselors to leach land/water 414 P. WrxartPR parking Ml. I . 3 Bdrm Twnh». sports Great summer' Call 688 844 I4IM| 1M-3M4 Dlshwaaher - Uatbnge 80B0, apply www nampoedar com • B B Bedrooms. B Living Rooms • Mi/lkMlki DlapoSHl Wrrshnr/Dtyer • Brand New Hemudeled Basement Student position ReTeisyouT Scrvinu BO since 1980 Hooh-up(2'3 bdrm) • New A Mure Living Space chance to work In a Inn. team orient- 90 Footage Oarporla ed atmosphere while developing FEW 3BDNM. your professional portfolio You will assist wllh conceptualizing, re- TOWNMOUin LIFT searching, wrlllug. milling and proof BOSH Bus ttop reading copy for press releases, paid ads. catalogs Web pages and more for Continuing A Fxterided Ed ucatlon programs Must have ad- vanced writing skills In addition to i«in»emenl Ine. being detail oriented, able to follow MAID SERVICE Hillsdale Evargraan Apl 21B E Pde oral and written directions, and proll offered wllh Urtlta t0&2 i alrvlew AVP ApClltlTICntS clenl In Word Relevant work experi- Btudioa/1 bdmia/abdrmi ence preferred Miisl be available tuny maim Starting at |260/Mo. Cull (Ol Itiln ft ungliri** HI 1*1 i.i:| 31 summer and (all 2004 and spring ,- IOwT-»ri".1i'itMlhHii»iilIiB(tll7 419-353-7715 NOW HAVE IIDNMI HIM ■ins? hbrryfl rnl*. owm-inr ita*. 2005 »7/hr I6 8ubrs/wk Resume Laundry an ens and writing samples required lor In lervlew Call Joanne McPbersnn BQBU but slop 372-BIB1. for appoinlmenl Appllca lion deadline March 31. 2004 ~ 1.6 2~ Heinzsite HilniilM Apt., Ap^rtrnents 710 N Enterprise Carporti Carport* 1 A a btjrma Dlshwaihar/Oarbagii Olapoill /ION. Enterprise IN THE 2 BDRM: Waihar & Drytr Waiher/Dryer In 2bdrmi. Hookups 0LOII WALK TO 0AMPUI Pot Roast1 1 * 'i lldnilel y»»"9 [S5!f • Washer & Dryer .AirtlliiMr limn 4 |lnlilii ill' for oempltit luting MiuiMHemcitt lit.. BGSUBUSSHU1III .'>'/ HVICI for na«t yaar.