P. A. OOMEN 633.72:632.654:632.9(910) P. A. OOMEN


Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de landbouwwetenschappen, op gezagva n de rector magnificus, dr. C. C. Oosterlee, hoogleraar in de veeteeltwetenschap, in het openbaar te verdedigen opvrijda g 28me i 1982 desmiddag s te vier uur in de aula van de Landbouwhogeschool te Wageningen.


Department of Entomology Agricultural University P. O.Bo x 8031 6700E H Wageningen The

Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona, Gambung P.O. Box14 8 Bandung Indonesia

Cover: Ascarle t mite (Ç)o f tea,Brevipalpus phoenicis GEIJSKES, drawn by Françoise Oomen-Kalsbeek.Design :W . C.T . Middelplaats.

This thesisi sals o published asMededelinge n Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982 ) (Communications Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands) STELLINGEN

1. Aanplant van meer resistente klonen uit het beschikbare sortiment kan plagen van oranje mijt in thee voorkomen. Dit proefschrift.

2. Een biologische bestrijding van plagen is beter mogelijk in eenvoudige dan in complexe ecosystemen.

B. SECHSER, 1970. Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie, 66, 145-160. Dit proefschrift.

3. De 'World Conservation Strategy' besteedt ten onrechte zeer weinig aandacht aan de noodzaak om de bevolkingsgroei in de wereld af te remmen.

I.U.C.N., World Conservation Strategy. Gland, I.U.C.N., 1980.4 lossedele n inmap .

4. De traditionele teeltmethoden in ontwikkelingslanden verdienen meer land­ bouwkundig onderzoek.

J. HANLON, 1982.Ne w Scientist, 93(1292) , 393.

5. Termen van latijnse of griekse oorsprong moeten niet gemengd gebruikt wor­ den voor begrippen of begrippenparen met een verwante betekenis op straffe van een babylonische spraakverwarring.

Voorbeelden: - entomologie, alaat- apteer, gynopara, andropara.

6. Onvoorspelbaarheid van verkeerssituaties is nuttig als oefening in oplettend­ heid van de verkeersdeelnemers.

7. Ontwikkelingswerkers staan onderdru k ('culture shock')o mzic haa n tepasse n aane nt everdiepe n ind egewoonte n encultuu r van het ontwikkelingsland. Re­ patriëring daarna leidtdikwijl s tot een 'reverse culture shock'. Het vragen naar het sociale milieu van sollicitanten door de Rijks Psychologi­ sche Dienst bijpsychologisch e testen bergt hetrisic o in zich van bevooroor­ deelde aanstellingsadviezen aan de eventuele werkgever.

Standaard vragenformulier RPD.

9. De merkwaardige schrijfwijze van 'oecologie' naast 'economie' suggereertda t oecologen vrezen als 'ecologen' met economen geassocieerd teworde n op de­ zelfde wijze waarop astrologen geassocieerd worden met astronomen.

10. Dehedendaags e tendens ominformati e weer tegeve ni npictogramme n envig ­ netten isee n terugkeer naar hetanalfabetisme .

Proefschrift van P. A. OOMEN Studieso npopulatio n dynamics ofth escarle t mite,Brevipalpus phoenicis, apes t ofte a inIndonesia . Wageningen, 28 mei198 2 CONTENTS



2. THE OBJECT AND CONDITIONS OF STUDY 4 2.1. Taxonomie status ofBrevipalpus phoenicis 4 2.2. Life history of the scarlet mite 5 2.3. Feeding and symptoms of the scarlet mite 6 2.4. Location, time and climate 9 2.5. The tea culture 9 3. GENERAL TECHNIQUES 13 3.1. Mite sampling, counting and rearing 13 3.1.1. Sampling and counting 13 3.1.2. Accuracy of sampling and mitecountin g 13 3.1.3. Reference to leaf surface 15 3.1.4. Reference to ground surface 15 3.1.5. Rearing 15 3.2. Predator sampling and rearing 17 3.2.1. Sampling 17 3.2.2. Rearing 17 3.3. Recognition and identification of predators 20 3.4. Pesticides 20 3.4.1. Pesticides and applications 20 3.4.2. Calculation of thedip/spra y ratio 21 3.4.3. Spraying efficacy 21

4. RESULTS 23 4.1. Characteristics of scarlet on tea asa host plant 23 4.1.1. Pre-adult development: duration and survival 23 4.1.2. Agespecifi c oviposition and survival of adults 25 4.1.3. Multiplication 26 4.1.4. Migration and orientation 27 4.2. The abundance of mitesi n tea fields 28 4.2.1. Relative abundance of the developmental stages 28 4.2.2. Influence of different tea bushes and clones on abundance 29 4.2.3. Influence of pruning on abundance 30 4.2.4. Timerelate d changesi n abundance 30 Location and method 30 Numerical fluctuations 32 Effects of season and weather 34 Effects ofcoppe r fungicides 35 Multiplication offield population s 36 4.3. Natural enemies and other tea leaf inhabiting 37 4.3.1. Phytophagous arthropods 37 4.3.2. Natural enemies 37 Inventarization and distribution 37 Predators in copper stimulated mitepopulation s 39 4.4. Predator characteristics 41 4.4.1. Characterization per 41 Phytoseiidae 43 Stigmaeidae 45 Other suspected predatory mites 46 Predatory and other arthropods 46 4.4.2. Bionomics of somepredator s 48 Multiplication of threecharacteristi c predatory mites 48 Suppression of scarlet mites by three stigmaeid predators 49 4.5. Experimental manipulation of predators 50 4.5.1. Preliminary tests:toxicit yeffect s -50 Candidate pesticides for predator exclusion 50 Toxicity test on scarlet mites 51 The exclusion pesticides 53 Verification ofDD T toxicity on predators 53 4.5.2. Predator check experiment 54 Location and method 54 The checking ofth e predators 56 Numerical fluctuations of scarlet mites and predators . 62 Evaluation of theeffectivenes s of predators 63 Impact ofth epredator y mites 66

DISCUSSION 67 5.1. Evidence for restricting factors 67 5.2. The pruning cycle 67 5.3. Host plant resistance 68 5.4. Weather factors 69 5.5. Prédation 70 5.6. Numerical regulation byth e restricting factors 72 5.7. Predator control and diversity 72 5.8. Controlb y manipulation offactor s restricting scarlet mites . . . 75







Acarina, , Phytoseiidae, Stigmaeidae, bionomics, abundance, numerical fluctuations, cultural measures, plant resistance, biological control, natural enemies, prédation, exclusion pesticides, DDT, maneb, copper fungi­ cides.


A. Amblyseius or Agistemus B. Brevipalpus DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane df number of degrees of freedom EC emulsifiable concentrate L. Lasioseius or Lestodiplosis LAI Leaf area index In natural logarithm (with basee ) log logarithm (with base 10) NS non-significant P. Phytoseius PH 60-42 insecticide manufactured by Duphar B.V., the Netherlands RITC Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona, Indonesia. SD standard deviation SE standard error sp. species T. Typhlodromus W. Wollastoniella WOTRO Stichting voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Tropen WP wettable powder Z. Zetzellia SYMBOLS

* statistically significant (P < 0.05) ** statistically very significant (P < 0.01) 0 diameter 1 index of population trend n number of observations P probability level r correlation coefficient (PEARSON) r mean vector r instantaneous rate of increase ® registered trade mark rm intrinsic rate of increase Ro rate of multiplication in one generation T mean generation time 1. INTRODUCTION

Brevipalpusphoenicis isdistribute d widely over the world, primarily through­ out the tropics (HARAMOTO, 1969).A more intensive search for this mite would probably establish that iti spresen t inmos t tropical countries. The mite is also common outside thetropics . It hasbee n found asfa r north asth e Netherlands (where it was described from the Phoenix palm in a glasshouse by GEIJSKES, 1939) anda sfa r south asArgentin a (HARAMOTO, 1969). Brevipalpus phoenicis hassevera l common names in English: red-and-black- flat mite in (HARAMOTO, 1969), scarlet mite in and Sri Lanka (DAS, 1961; BANERJEE, 1969, 1971; BAPTIST and RANAWEERA, 1955; CRANHAM, 1966; DANTHANARAYANA and RANAWEERA, 1970, 1974), red-crevice mite in East Africa (PREBBLE, 1972; LAYCOCK and TEMPLER, 1973; BANERJEE, 1976). To designate B.phoenicis thecommo n name 'scarlet mite' will beuse d throughout this publication. Scarlet mites are common on many crops in tropical and subtropical coun­ tries. PRITCHARD and BAKER (1958) list 63 host plant genera; NAGESHA CHAN­ DRA and CHANNABASAVANNA (1974) found 35gener a as host plants of scarlet mites in India. Important crops on which scarlet mites-occur as a pest include papaya and passion fruit (HARAMOTO, 1969), citrus (JEPPSON, 1978), teaan d coffee (BANERJEE, 1976). On citrus, apart from causing feeding damage, scarlet mites transmit the vi­ rus disease 'citrus leprosis' (CARTER, 1973; KITAJIMA etal. , 1972) andca n cause 'Brevipalpus gall' and 'halo scab' with 'phoenicis blotch' - a combination of fungus and mite attack (KNORR and DENMARK, 1970; CARTER, 1973). On coffee it transmits ringspot virus disease (CHAGAS, 1973).

In most teaproducin g countries, scarlet mites constitute a serious pest prob­ lem in this crop (e.g. Sri Lanka: KING, 1936; BAPTIST and RANAWEERA, 1955;, CRANHAM, 1966; DANTHANARAYANA and RANAWEERA, 1970; India: DAS 1961; BANERJEE, 1965;1971 ; RAO, 1974a; Bangladesh: ALI and HAQ, 1973;.: ; r PREBBLE, 1972; Malawi: FINDLAY, 1971; : RAMLOGUN, 1971). ' Tea isa nationa l drink inIndonesia . Intestinary infections, common in tropi­ cal countries asa consequence ofinfecte d water, areprevente d by habitual tea drinking. The production provides many rural communities with a modest liv­ ing. Theproductio n however, is affected by pests of which I found the scarlet mite tob eon eo f the most important. Teabushe s without scarlet mites aredif ­ ficult to find. In random leaf samples from tea estates all over West Java (the main teagrowin g area ofIndonesia ) andsom e ofCentra l Java, I found scarlet mites on 57%o f the leaves, while in North Sumatra the same percentage of leaves was infested. Only inexceptiona l cases didth esample s notcontai n scar­ let mites.A survey of 21 tea estates onJav a andSumatr a revealed that 16man ­ agers sprayed routinely between onean d sixteen times annually against scarlet

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 1 mites. According to unpublished statistics for 1976, of a large organization of tea estates, Perseroan Terbatas Perkebunan 12, 14% of this whole tea area of 12,000 ha was treated three times, predominantly against scarlet mites, even though it was no exceptional mite year. The scarlet mite was early recognised as an important pest of tea in Java (KONINGSBERGER, 1903; BERNARD, 1909). Since then, it has frequently been studied. The morphology, life history, host plants, distribution on the host plant and symptoms of attack were well studied. Methods of chemical control are standard in the later publications (BERNARD, 1909; HOMBURG, 1955; LIEF- STINGH-HARDICK, 1955; RAZOUX SCHULTZ, 1961; NARA et al., 1972; WARDOJO et al., 1974).However , littlei sknow n of the background information necessary for a rational control, such as on the ecology and the abundance of the scarlet mite, the relation between this and crop loss (economic injury level), and the possibilities of biological and cultural control. The climatological conditions, cultural methods and plant material in Indonesia are different to those in other tea producing countries, so papers from these countries contain little informa­ tion relevant to Indonesia, other than the biology of the scarlet mites and the sensitivity to acaricides.

The increased use of pesticides in the Indonesian tea industry, the size of the pest problems in tea and the expectation that the pests could be controlled by natural and cultural means, made a need apparent for a change to integrated control of tea pests. These arguments seemed especially applicable to the scar­ let mites. This made the scarlet mites and the population dynamics a suitable subject for study as a foundation for integrated control, as it was felt that the mite problems are in some way related to the extensive use of pesticides, especially the copper fungicides. These considerations led to a study on the scarlet mites, carried out at the Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona (RITC, Gambung, West Java) from 1975t o 1980.Practica l aspects such as the recognition of mites and the signs of attack, the economic injury level, and the efficiency of acaricides, were studied from 1975 to 1977 and will be published elsewhere. Fundamental aspects of the population dynamics of the scarlet mites were studied by descriptive and experimental approaches especially dur­ ing the second period of the study. The results are published in this paper.

In the laboratory, the development and reproduction of scarlet mites were studied under favourable conditions within the range of local conditions (chapter 4.1.). Observations on the migration of scarlet mites are included in the same chapter. In the field, the abundance of scarlet mites was studied as influenced by: the host plant, time after pruning, weather, and pesticide appli­ cation notably copper fungicides (chapter 4.2.). Particular attention was given to the predators of scarlet mites. Predators ofmite s on leaveswer ecollecte d and identified in detail on one RITC tea estate at Gambung in West Java, and more generally on tea estates elsewhere in Java and Sumatra (chapter 4.3.).Th e predatory behaviour, development and repro-

2 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) ductive potential of the most common predators reared on a diet of scarlet mites were studied in the laboratory (chapter 4.4.). The role of predators in natural scarlet mite control and regulation was in­ vestigated by manipulation of the predators in the field. Predators were ex­ cluded as far as possible from plots by the pesticidal check method (DEBACH et al., 1976),on e of the methods for quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of natural enemies reviewed by KIRITANI and DEMPSTER (1973). This method employs selective toxic chemicals in one series of plots to kill a large proportion of the natural enemies while, ideally, having little or no adverse effect on the pest population (DEBACH and HUFFAKER, 1971). In the laboratory, potential pesticides for this experiment were tested as to the way they affected the mor­ tality, fecundity etc. of the pest. Three pesticides were used in different plots, with the intention of killing respectively all predators, the predatory mites, and the predatory insects. The experiment was continued for about 16month s dur­ ing which the numerical fluctuations of both scarlet mites and predators were followed, together with the species composition of the predatory fauna. The importance of the predators for the control of scarlet mites was assessed by studying the correlation between the densities of the prey and different preda­ tor species after the populations were considered to have adapted to the experi­ mental treatments (chapter 4.5.). The significance of the factors studied, and the prospects for their manipula­ tion, are discussed in chapter 5.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 2. THE OBJECT AND CONDITIONS OF STUDY


Brevipalpusmite sbelon gt o thefamil y Tenuipalpidae,th esuperfamil y Tetra- nychoidea, the order , the subclass and the class of Arach- nida. The Brevipalpus DONNADIEU 1875 is separated into two major groups according to the number of marginal hysterosomal setae (GONZALEZ, 1975). The larger group has 6pair s of these setae and contains 46 species in­ cluding B. australis (syn: B. californicus) (PRITCHARD and BAKER, 1958). The other groupha s5 pair so fthes eseta ean dcontain s 9specie sincludin g B.phoen- icis and B. obovatus (syn: B. inornatus).Th e division of this group is further based on the number of sensory rods (solenidia) on the distal part of tarsus II. Uptil l 1975onl yB. phoenicis possesse d aful l combination ofke ycharacter s (5pair s ofmargina l hysterosomal setaean d 2solenidia) ,bu t in that year GON­ ZALEZdescribe d another 4specie ssharin gthes echaracters ,amon gthe m B.tar- us. Especially the reticulation of the dorsomedian propodosomal area and the lengtho fth epropodosoma l setaedistinguis h B.phoenicis fro m thene wspecies . The majority of the adults collected from the tea crop in Java has both key characters. One specimen out of about 50fro m 5te a estates in West Java was identified by Dr. G. L. van Eyndhoven as B. obovatus; all others as B. phoeni­ cis.Mr . C. F. van de Bund identified more than 100specimen s as B. phoenicis and one specimen as B. tarusaccordin g to the new revisions of GONZALEZ (1975) and MEYER (1979). These mites originated from 7 tea estates in West Java and 3i nNort h Sumatra. The specimens from thete a inWes t Java which werecollecte d for this study arestore di nalcoho lan dmicroscopi cslide sa tth eLaborator yfo r Entomology, Binnenhaven 7,Wageningen ,Holland , and in theMuseu m Zoologi, Bogor, In­ donesia. Brevipalpusmite s on tea in countries other than Indonesia share many mor­ phological,biologica l and ecological features with B.phoenicis but seemt o in­ cludeothe r speciesa swell . BAPTIST and RANAWEERA(1955 )collecte d threespe ­ cies from tea in Ceylon, B.phoenicis, B. obovatus and B. australis, the latter being the commonest. Later publications from Ceylon usually refer to this in- ventarization, in particular to B.australis. Reports on tea pests in South India refer to B.australis (RAOe t al., 1970;RA O 1974a);i nNort h India to B.phoeni­ cis (DAS, 1963; BANERJEE, 1969). Theidentificatio n ofthes especie sha sno tbee n well documented, or has been outdated by the revisions of PRITCHARDan d BAKER(1958 )an d GONZALEZ(1975) .I t isdesirabl e that these species are again identified.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Fig. 1. A female scarlet mite, Brevipalpus phoenicis (draw­ ingb y F.Oomen-Kalsbeek) .


The scarlet mite (fig. 1)i s small and difficult to see with the naked eye (adult size is 0.28 x 0.16 mm). The typical flat body is red with some black, which explains another common name: 'red-and-black-flat mite'. The eggs and juve­ niles are also red. The mites stay on the undersurface of the maintenance (= mature) leaves of tea and move around slowly. They do not spin as suggested by BERNARD (1909) and KALSHOVEN (1950).Th e morphology of the scarlet mite has been described in detail by BERNARD (1909), BAPTIST and RANAWEERA (1955)*, HOMBURG (1955), HARAMOTO (1969), LAL (1978) and many others. BAPTIST and RANAWEERA (1955)*, ANANTHAKRISHNAN (1963)*, DAS (1965), HARAMOTO (1969), ZAHER et al. (1970), BANERJEE (1965, 1971, 1976) studied the life cycle. After hatching from the egg, scarlet mites pass through three ac­ tive and three inactive (-chrysalis) stages, before reaching maturity. The life cy­ cle is egg - larva - protochrysalis - protonymph - deutochrysalis - deuto- nymph - teleiochrysalis - adult. The immobile eggs and chrysalis stages re­ main stuck to the leaf substrate.

*Predominantly B. australis Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) The reproduction of scarlet mites is parthenogenetic (thelytokous) Both male and female are haploid and have two chomosomes (HELLE et al., 1980). The significance of the rare males and the mechanism of sex determination in the thelytokous Brevipalpus species is not clear (PIJNACKER et al., 1980) Ma es do copulate but the transfer of sperm is ineffective (HELLE, pers.comm.) . Males in populations of B. phoenicis are few, on tea about 1.5% (RAZOUX SCHULTZ, 1961) on papaya about 1% (HAROMOTO, 1969). To simplify calculations on multiplication, in this publication scarlet mite adults have all been considered female. . , Many plants are known as hosts of scarlet mites (see introduction). In the vicinity of infested tea gardens rose {Rosa sp.), rose mallow (Hibiscus rosa-sin- ensis), geranium (Pelargonium zonale), aster (Aster amellus), passion fruit (Pas­ siflora edulis)an d citrus (Citrus sp.) were found to harbour some scarlet mites.


Scarlet mites live on the undersurface of tea maintenance leaves, on petioles and twigs with the exception of the lignified parts. Young leaves are invaded if the maintenance leaves become overcrowded. A small proportion of the mite population is occasionally found on the upper surface of the leaves, varying from negligible numbers during rainy periods up to 20% after prolonged peri­ ods of drought. The mites prefer to stay at the midrib and other veins, in cracks, crevices (which explains the common name 'red crevice mites'), pits, curled edges and axils. The most favoured places are those where these characteristics converge: the leaf base and petiole. Consequently, these areas are most severely damaged by the feeding of the mites. Tenuipalpidae feed in the same way as Tetranychidae by continuously punching the leaf epidermiswit h their chelicerae (JEPPSON et al., 1975).Th e sap that oozes out of the wounded cellso f the leaf ismixe d with saliva and imbibed into the digestive tract of the scarlet mite (HARAMOTO, 1969). The necrotic spots are visible as a brownish shaded area on the affected leaves. Concentra-


i—i—i—i—i—H 300 km INDIAN OCEAN

Fig. 2. Tea estatesan d tea areaso n Java (after SCHOOREL, 1950).

6 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Fig. 4. The Tilu mountain with on the NW slope the Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona (RITC)an d surrounding tea gardens. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Fig. 5. Ate a bushjus t after pruning. Only the frame of thick branches islef t intact.

Fig. 6. Ate a bush 12 weeksafte r pruning. 8 Meded.i Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) tions of mites or eggs arejus t visible to the naked eye as red spots. Affected areas aredotte d bywhite , empty skins. Theaffecte d areas extend along midrib and borders of the leaf. The whole underside of the leaf may become brown. Most of the leaves are shed by the tea bush long before this severe stage is reached (fig. 3).Th e bark of the twigs cracks, exposing more shelters that can soon be filled with eggs. I found no tea bushes killed by scarlet mites asre ­ ported by GREEN (1900), BERNARD (1909) and BAKER (1949). It is typical for affected bushes that they have a thin canopy of maintenance leaves. Thein ­ creased light penetration into the frame of the bush permits the growth of mosses and lichens. This is a traditional indication to tea planters that the bushes arei n a poor condition, although they are often not aware of the rela­ tion with scarlet mite infestation.


The study was carried out at the Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona (RITC) in Gambung, West Java (fig. 2) from September 1975t o September 1980. The RITC experimental tea gardens and laboratory are situated on the NW slope of theTil u mountain between 1200an d 1600 m above sealeve l (fig. 4), and about 30 km SSW of Bandung. The soil of these tea gardens is82 % andosol, 14%regoso l and 4% latosol (DARMAWIJAYA and PARTOYO, 1976).O n this estate ofabou t 300ha , thete aplant s are60-8 0 years old,mainl y seedlings of the assam variety. The mountain climate in West Java up to an altitude of 3000 m is everwet with an almost evenly distributed rainfall of 3000-4000 mm per year (VAN STEENIS, 1972).Th e dry season (May-October) still has ample rain well distri­ buted over thewhol e period. Therelativ e humidity at theleve l of the tea plant is high. The amplitude of the fluctuations in temperature is small, somewhat larger in the dry season (11-28°C) than in the rainy season (14-26°C). For details seefig . 25 and 33. The annual variation in photoperiod at the latitude (-7°) of Java is4 9minute s (VAN AGT, pers. comm.).


The Indonesian tea culture is concentrated in West Java which has 41400 ha under tea (fig. 2). Smaller areas are found in North Sumatra (10200 ha), East Java (2600 ha)an d Central Java (2700 ha) (BIRO PUSAT STATISTIK, 1978). The plantations of tea (Camellia sinensis) in Indonesia traditionally consist of bushes of the assam variety that occupy about 1m 2 each. Most plantations originate from seed and therefore have a large genetic variability. There are few modern plantations of homogeneous clones. The natural shape of thete a bush (fig. 9) is changed by pruning and plucking into a flat 'plucking table' of 1-1.50 m high (fig.7) .Th efram e of the young plants isforme d by bending,

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 9 hePmnin g f a t6a bUSh N te the thin layer f maintenance inSg tablet!wl , ° " ° ° leavesjus t below thepluck - 10 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Fig. 9. The natural shape of a tea bush. pruning and tipping, and after about 4year s the young bushes bear well. Tea is harvested manually by plucking the young shoots once in 7-14 days, de­ pending on the season. Aproportio n of the young shoot is not harvested but left in order to maintain the plant. The leaves on this shoot mature and are aptly called maintenance leaves. Especially these form the substrate of scarlet mites. Every four yearsth ebushe sar eprune d rigorously. Allleaves ,twig san d thin branches are removed. Only thefram e of thick branches islef t intact (fig. 5). Four months after pruning these bushes produce again. Gradually the leaf canopy and plucking table rise (fig. 6, 7 and 8) until the next pruning. Some tea bushes in the gardens of RITC have survived this rigorous treatment for a 100years !Norma l garden maintenance in Indonesian tea estates further in­ cludes frequent manual and chemical weeding as well as fertilizing with NPK or urea. Shade trees are no longer present except on smallholdings. Important insect pestsar e the mosquito bugs Helopeltis theivora and H.an- Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 11 tonii(Heteroptera : Miridae), the leaf roller Homona coffearia( : Tortricidae) and several species of looper caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Geometri- dae) (KOCH, 1978; DHARMADI, 1979).Thes e pests are locally harmful and are usually controlled by a variety of insecticides (DHARMADI, 1979). Tea suffers fromfive mit e pests: scarlet mites (Brevipalpusphoenicis; Tenui- palpidae), purple mites (Calacarus carinatus: Eriophyidae), pink mites (Aca- phyllatheae: Eriophyidae), yellow mites (Tarsonemidae) and red spider mites (Oligonychus coffeae: Tetranychidae). Of these, I found the scarlet mite to be themos t common and the most important. Control by applying the acaricides dicofol or binapacryl isusual . The fungus disease 'blister blight', Exobasidium vexans (Exobasidiales: Exo- basidiaceae), is a key problem in the tea culture during the wet period of the year (November-April). Protective applications ofcoppe r fungicides are usual after each plucking round. Spraying isperforme d by gangs using knapsack hand or motor sprayers.

19 z Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 3. GENERAL TECHNIQUES

Techniques and methods generally used are described in this chapter. When applied onlyi n singleexperiment s or serieso f observations, thetechnica l speci­ fications are given at the appropriate place in chapter 4.


3.1.1. Sampling andcounting Mites were counted on 50maintenanc e leavescollecte d at random from the inner area ofth efields, i n themornin g after moisture had evaporated (fig. 10). Samples were packed in plastic boxes and, when stored at room temperature, remained fresh for 3 weeks.Countin g was done,however , within 3days .Hal f theundersid e ofeac h leafwa sinspected , using the 10 x magnification of adis ­ section microscope. Mites and eggswer ecounte d separately. The few mites on the upper surface were not counted. A mite brushing machine (HENDERSONan d MCBURNIE, 1943)wa s also used (fig. 11)althoug h thismetho d gaven oinformatio n on thedistributio n ofmite s over the leaves and predators were usually damaged and could not be identi­ fied. Counts showed that brushing yielded 94%, on average, compared with direct counting.

3.1.2. Accuracy ofsampling andmite counting The combined egg and mite counts in samples of 50 leaves from 58 single bushes and 35 fields of tea (chapter were expected to be distributed overth eleave saccordin gt oth enegativ ebinomia ldistributio n (cf. PERECINan d OLIVEIRA, 1979). Theparameter s p and k of the negative binomial distribution with expectation pk and variance pk(l +p), were estimated by the maximum likelihood method for each sample and tested for goodness offit b y PEARSON'S X2-test. Only 8 out of9 3 distributions showed apoo rfit a t P = 0.05;th e other 85showe d no evidence of lack of fit to the negative binomial distribution. The number of units in a sample required to attain a certain degree of accu­ racy of the estimated population mean in a negative binomial distribution can be calculated according to SOUTHWOOD(1966 , 1978) with corrections by VAN MONTFORT (pers.comm.) : N= W +k } withN : the number of units (leaves) in a sample. ua/2: value from the normal distribution with upper tail area a/2. f: the desired accuracy, expressed as a fraction of the expected number ofmite spe r unit at the confidence level of1-oc . Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 13 ***** .? '»-*T


Fig. 10. Sampling ofmaintenanc e leavesfo r scarlet mitesb y student Anita H. Sutadiredja. •J 'ß

Fig. 11. Theus eo f the 'mite brushing machine' by student Anita H. Sutadiredja.

14 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) pan d k: parameters ofth e negative binomial distribution. Conversely, withN fixed, th eaccurac y can beassessed . AtN = 50 ,th eaccu ­ racyi sfairl y low(tabl e 1)bu tsufficien t forou rpurpose .T oachiev ea naccura ­ cyo ff = 0.1,th esample swoul dhav eha d toconsis t ofN = 800leave s approx­ imately. This large number was notpractical .

Table 1. Meanaccurac ywit hS Do fth emit eestimate si n9 3 sampleso f5 0leave seach .Th e accura­ cyf i n each samplei scalculate d atth econfidenc e level 1-a =0.95 .

Number Origin Accuracy of of samples samples mean SD 58 bush 0.41 0.15 35 field 0.38 0.06

3.1.3. Reference of leafsurface The fresh weight of 50 leaves, of varying size and origin, was significantly correlated with the leaf area, as determined by planimeter (r = 0.96,P < 0.001). Theaverag e quotient ofweigh t (g)t o area (cm2)wa s0.030 4 with SD = 0.0054. Hence, sample weight could beuse d toestimat e thelea f area.Th e averageweigh to f 108sample so f5 0leave swa s43. 4g wit h SD = 2.78g , corre­ sponding to 1427cm 2, or28. 6cm 2 perleaf . The mite densities throughout this paper areexpresse d asnumber s ofmite s per leaf.A sth evariatio n ofsampl eweights ,an dhenc eo fsampl esurfaces ,wa s small,correctin g themit ecount sfo rdeviation s from average leaf area wasno t considered necessary. The influence ofthes e deviations isnegligibl e relative to the inaccuracy ofth e estimates of the number ofmites .

3.1.4. Reference toground surface In order toenabl e conversion ofdensitie spe rlea f surface toabsolut e densi­ ties per ground surface, a leaf area index (LAI,i.e . the ratio of leaf area to ground area) was calculated. Sixteen bushes of four different ages (11-27-34-48 months after pruning) werecompletel y defoliated after measur­ ing theare a ofth e bush projected ona horizontal ground surface. Theleave s of each bush were weighed andth etota l leaf area estimated from the known correlation ofweigh t onsurfac e (chapter 3.1.3).Th eLA Iwa s then calculated. It appeared that the difference in LAI between the ages wasno t significant. The average LAIo fal l 16bushe s was 2.91wit h SD= 0.67 .

3.1.5. Rearing Scarlet miteswer ereare d tostud y thelif e cycle,fecundity , survival,multipli ­ cation under favourable conditions, effects of pesticides, etc.Young , mature maintenance leaves including 5c mo fnon-lignifie d stalk of the mite-sensitive clone Cin 143 (chapter 4.2.2) were collected from theclona l garden of RITC. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 15 Fig. 12.Wate r tray with cut tea leaves forrearin g scarlet mites.

oil-filled gutter 0 15mm , -petri dish lid (057mm) leaf cut back to 8 5 cm2 bud removed -fine nylon gauze {heigh t 80m m )

-number written with ballpoint -petri dish lid (057mm) I—petiole and stalk

water level fmQ\\°\\\\\\it perforated plastic tray plastic tube (50x6m m t>)

?////////////////////////////////;/////;/;/;/M^^^ bottom of water tray Fig. 13. Maintenance leaveso fte ainstalle d ina wate r trayfo rrearin g scarlet mites (A), predatory mites (B)an d predatory insects (C).

Terminal leaves with a sleeping bud('burung ' or 'bandji' shoot) were chosen whenever possible. The leaves were cuti nth e laboratory toa fixed siz eo f5. 6 x 3.1 cm2, resultingi na diamon d shape of8. 5 cm2. The axillary bud was re­ moved. The leaves were cleaned by scrubbing with tap water and placed uprighti ntube si na wate r tray(fig . 12an d 13). Theleave swer ethe n inoculated with youngfield-collected, females . Adults canb e recognised asyoun g fora few days after their last moult bythei r colouring andbrillianc e (HARAMOTO, 1969).

1 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen82-1 (1982) The leaves could easily be inspected under a dissection microscope and re­ mained fresh for up to one year (!), unless they were damaged by the mites. Themite swer ekep t ina wel lventilate d position under awindo wi n the labora­ tory, at ambient temperature and humidity, but protected from direct sun.Th e temperature and relative humidity were registered continuously.


3.2.1.Sampling The numbers of scarlet and predatory mites on the 50 leaves of a sample were counted simultaneously. Both sides of the leaves were inspected under a dissection microscope at 10x magnification. Eggs and other predatory mite stages were counted separately but normally these were combined in further calculations. Because there werefewe r predators than scarlet mites, the count­ ing accuracy was also lower. Predatory insects and mites were both sampled from the experimental plots of the predator check experiment, by vigorously beating the overhanging side ofa bus h overa larg e (70 x 42cm 2) cotton funnel net(fig . 14).I n the morning after moisture had largely evaporated, arthropods in about one liter of debris were collected by beating 25 branches per plot. The collected material was transported to the laboratory in closed plastic containers and placed in a Ber- lesefunne l for extraction ofanimal s smaller than about 1 cm (fig. 15).Th eani ­ mals were collected in 60% ethanol. remaining on the funnel sides werewashe dint oa 0. 1 mmsiev ean dadde d toth eothers .Th ecollecte d animals were sorted out and counted under the dissection microscope at 10 x magnifi­ cation. A device for sampling arthropods with a concealed way of life, consisted of a 5c m wide collar of corrugated cardboard, wrapped around the stems of tea bushes at a height of about 20cm . The collars were left in place from 4 to 12 months to serve as a shelter for small animals. The animals inside the collars wereextracte d bymean s ofa Berles efunne l either into60 %alcohol ,an d sorted and counted under the dissection microscope, or otherwise used alivefo r rear­ ing and testing purposes.

3.2.2. Rearing Predatory mites and insects were reared on leaves in the laboratory as de­ scribed in chapter 3.1.5., with scarlet mites as prey. The predatory stigmaeid mitesdi dno tescap efro m theleave stha twer esurrounde d bywater .Th epreda ­ tory phytoseiid miteshoweve r appeared toomobil ean d vagrant, and easilyes ­ caped.A small gutter surrounding the holding tube andfilled wit h a repellent of castor oil-canada balsam (the same mixture as used for this purpose by SWIRSKI et al., 1967) did not prevent these escapes. Predatory insects hardly escaped from theleave sa slon ga sthe ycoul d notjum p or.fly . Themor emobil e insects were contained by a small cage of fine nylon gauze enclosing the leaf (fig. 13). Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 17 ' >C

rig;w I^^^ 8 °fpredator s by beatinS branches of the tea bush over a funnel net by stu- dent WahyuWidayat .

Fig. 15. The extraction of predators from beating net samplesi n alarg eBer - lese funnel by F. Oomen- Kalsbeek. Fig. 16. Cells fur rearing predatory mile» on scarlet mile prey with u nnunieiunee leal of tea .is a substrate.

•• «"i'vS 8'-\% ' --'.-. • •"" -*• "'»*' • -7*4^Wferi.L .>

"jp1* •' Ï 'r • fa •*- »' Kaf^,«** .\r , J,»-.- , ,-.••_'Tit*-.-•••. ^ v «S.'" "" • " 'é |E\?T>!'- v*" »i» v,.-: ••:•-*••"."••.*»..-.••. •-•- * -• - ;. • ^, "i

Fig. 17. The application of pesticides by knapsack hand sprayer infield experiments . The spray isdirecte d to the undersurface of the maintenanceleaves . Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 19 In addition to the open method, Phytoseiidae were reared in closed cells to prevent escape.A perspe x plate (100 x 50 x 5 mm)wa spresse d to the under­ sideo fa fresh , cleanedmaintenanc e leafb ymean so frubbe r bands and acorre ­ sponding plywood counterpiece. The vein was accommodated in a 2m m deep and 6m m wide slit. At both sides of the slit, 4 conic holes (0 15mm ) were drilled, forming the cells.Pre y miteswer ebrushe d into the cells,th e predators introduced on awe tbrush , and thecell sclose dwit h acove r glassan d adhesive tape (fig. 16). The leaves were kept fresh for many weeks with the stalk in water. The cells could be inspected easily under a dissection microscope. The addition ofmor epre yan d theremova l ofpredator s or offspring required much caution and patience. Compared to the method of rearing on open leaves, the method in cells was much more laborious, and permitted little ventilation. Sometimes thisresulte d in thecondensatio n ofwate r and growth of fungi that could adversely affect the predator and prey.


Insects andmite stha t weresuspecte d ofpredator y behaviour, werecapture d manually, by Berlese extraction (fig. 15) from beating net collections or by means of a wet brush from leaf samples. They were transferred to leaves or cells(fig . 13 and 16)togethe r with a known number of immature scarlet mites and eggs.A significan t decreasei nmit enumber swa ssuppose d to beindicativ e ofpredator y behaviour, especially when found in combination with prolonged survivalan d reproduction.Predator y behaviourwa sverifie d bydirec t observa­ tion. Thestudie d insectswer ephotographe d and stored in 60%ethano l for classi­ fication and reference. The studied mites were stored in Oudemans' fluid or clearedimmediatel yi nho t aceticaci d and glycerine (KARG, 1971) and mounted in Hoyers' medium (EVANSe t al., 1961).Microscopi c drawings were made us­ ing a camera lucida. Slides and stored specimens of predators were submitted tospecialist sfo r identification. Adescriptio n ofsevera lne wspecie si si n prepa­ ration. Undescribed species are classified in this publication by a code name.


3.4.1. Pesticides andapplications The effect of a series of pesticides (table 2) on scarlet mites and predators was studied both in the laboratory and in the field. The animals to be tested inth elaborator y werereare d onleave sa sdescribe d inchapte r 3.1.5.Th eleave s weredippe d inth epesticid e solution for 10 seconds.I n thefields, 1 51 ofpesti ­ cide solution was sprayed on experimental plots of 200m 2 by knapsack hand- sprayer, the nozzledirecte d upward to reach the underside of the maintenance leaves (fig. 17).Mor e technical details will be given in chapter 4.5.

2" Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) Table 2. The pesticides studied for the effects on scarlet mites and predators.

Technical name % a.i. Formulation Trade name Ex firm

Carbaryl 85 WP Sevin 85 S Agrocarb Indonesia Permethrin 25 EC Ambush 25 ICI DDT1 72 WP - - Mancozeb 80 WP Dithane M4 5 Rohm &Haa s Maneb 80 WP Manzate D DuPont Dinocap 25 WP Karathane 25W D Rohm &Haa s Copper oxychloride 50 WP Cobox 50W P BASF Copper oxyde 50 WP Perenox 50W P ICI PH 60-42 25 flowable - Duphar

1 DDT was received unlabeled. It was analyzed by the Dutch Plant Protection Service as 71.8% DDT.

3.4.2 Calculationof the dip/spray ratio In order to compare the laboratory andfield experiments , the average dose ofpesticid epe rlea fare ai nbot hexperiment swa scalculated .Th epesticid edos e of 10 leaves in the laboratory experiment was determined by weighing the leaves before and after dipping. The difference represented the quantity of di­ luted pesticide per leaf. With the concentrations of the solution and the leaf surfaces known, the average amount of pesticide per dipped leaf area wascal ­ culated. The pesticide dosage in thefield, base d on the assumption of a com­ plete even distribution over all the leaves without losses, was calculated per ground area and- with thelea f area indexknow n- perlea f area.Th e quantity ofpesticid epe r leaf area thuscalculate d was 5.2 x higher on thedippe d leaves than on the sprayed leaves. The losses of sprayed pesticides to non-target surfaces are normally consid­ erable. The losses to the soil alone may amount to 33% (MATTHEWS, 1979). Apple trees in full foliage retain only 30%o f the pesticide following different methods of application (MORGAN, 1975).I f lossesi n tea are the same, the dip/ spray ratio increases to 7.7 or even 17.2.

3.4.3. Spraying efficacy The sprayingefficacy , or thedistributio n ofth espraye d pesticide,wa steste d in the field (according to STANILAND, 1959) by mixing a fluorescent pigment (0.1%satur nyellow )wit hth e 151 pesticidetha twa sspraye d asusual ,b yknap ­ sack handsprayer. A sample of 50 maintenance leaves from the experimental plot of 200 m2 was collected from the upper part of the canopy as for mite counting. A sample of 50 older leaves was collected with a beating net from the lower part of the canopy as for predator sampling. The leaves were in­ spected under an ultraviolet light (386nm )fo r presence ofpigmen t andjudge d for spray efficacy in the arbitrary qualities of no pigment, traces or a fair amount. The lower and upper surface were judged separately. The results (table 3) show that coverage by a single spray is fairly incomplete, especially

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 21 Table 3. Distribution offluorescent spra y material on 50leaves , collected as a leaf sample from highi n thecanop y (chapter 3.1.1)o r a beating samplefro m lowi n thecanop y (chapter 3.2.1).

Number of leaveswit h fluorescent deposit

no traces traces fair amount

Leaf sample: upper surface 7 24 19 lower surface 24 18 8

Beatingsample : upper surface 4 13 33 lower surface 4 10 36 onth eleave sfro m theuppe rpar t ofth ecanopy . Spraypenetratio n ishampere d here by the dense foliage. Repeated applications are probably necessary to achieve a sufficient effect.

22 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 4. RESULTS


Severalaspect so fth elif ecycl eo fscarle tmite si n teawer estudie d inth elab ­ oratory. Temperature and humidity conditions were registered continuously duringth eexperiment si nth elaborator y aswel la si nth efield (tabl e4) .Fluctu ­ ations of temperature and relative humidity are smalleri n the laboratory than in thefield. Th e average temperatures in the laboratory during the 40day s of experimentation (rainy season) were about 1.5°C higher than in the field. Therefore, the temperatures in the laboratory may be considered as more or lessrepresentativ e for the conditions in the field.

4.1.1. Pre-adult development: duration andsurvival Theduratio n ofth edevelopmen tfro m eggt oadul twa sstudie di neg gwave s on isolated leaves (clone Cin 143)unde r favourable laboratory conditions.A large number of females was left to oviposit on a leaf for a maximum of 48 hours, and then removed. The eggsan d developing stages were frequently in­ spected (at least oncei n three days) and counted until each specimen had be­ come an adult. The percentage of individuals that reached each successive stage is plotted cumulatively as a function of age in fig. 18.Startin g with 158eggs , 125mite s developed into adult: a survival of 79%. The median duration of all stagesi n the development of scarlet mitest o adult can bemeasure d in thefigure a t the 50%level . In table 5,thes evalue sar ecompare dwit hth edat a obtained bysevera lothe r authors. The total development to adult is in the same range as reported by these authors; temperaturei n thisstud y apparently wassuboptimal .

Table 4. Temperature and humidity conditions in experiments on the life cycle of scarlet mites. The laboratory experiments werecarrie d out during therain y season.

Laboratory Field

rainy season rainy season dry season whole year

1 2 Daily measurements mean' SD mean' SD mean SD mean SD

Minimum temperature °C 19.1 0.69 15.8 0.78 15.1 1.40 15.2 1.41 Maximum temperature °C 23.4 1.42 23.6 1.56 23.8 0.75 24.1 1.36 Minimum relativehumidit y% 87.2 6.28 67.2 10.13 57.4 9.35 65.5 10.52 Rainfall mm 11.9 11.38 1.7 5.42 8.1 14.11

1mea n of4 0days . 2mea n of 365 days. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen82-1 (1982) 23 CUMULATIVE PROPORTION OF STAGES ( % ) 100 -•-;•-' ./ 9 / / 75- /*

14.4 5.4 6.3 7.4 (days) 50 eggs larvae w proto- /deutonymphs adults nymphs.


/ ~1— i»—« 0 1100 20 30 DAYS AFTER OVIPOSITION Fig. 18. Development ofa synchronize dpopulatio n ofscarle tmite si nth elaboratory . Thepopula ­ tion started with 158 eggslai d within 48hour s on three leaveso f cloneCi n 143.

Table 5. Duration of the life cycleo f scarlet mites (B.phoenicis) asrecorde d bysevera l authors.

Duration (days)

this RAZOUX BAPTIST & HARA- HARA- LAL 1 report SCHULTZ RANA- MOTO MOTO WEERA Stages 19612 19553 19692 19692 19782

Egg 14.4 9.4 13 21.6 9.4 9.0 Larva + protochrysalis 5.4 5.6 7.5 10.4 6.5 6.6 Protonymph + deutochrysalis 6.3 5.8 8.0 8.4 6.5 6.8 Deutonymph + teleiochrysalis 7.4 6.9 8.3 7.3 6.9 6.2 Total (egg-adult) 33.5 27.7 36.8 47.7 29.3 28.6

Host plant tea tea tea papaya papaya Oroxy- lum sp. Temperature °C 19.1-23.4 20-33 17.8-23.3 20 25 21.2

1media nvalues . 2averag evalues . 3averag e valuesi nB. anstralis

24 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 4.1.2. Agespecific oviposition andsurvival of adults The average oviposition per day per female and the survival of theseovipo ­ sitingfemale swer erecorde d inpopulation s of2 0youn gfemales ,collecte d from thefield an d reared on threeisolate d leaves ofclon e Cin 143.The y weremain ­ tained for multiplication under favourable conditions in the laboratory. The eggs, immature stages and adults were counted almost daily until the appear­ ance of the first adults of the second generation. The average oviposition per female per day, and the percentage survival is plotted infig. 19 .A t 14day safte r thestar t ofth eexperiment , thedail yoviposi ­ tion reached a maximum of 1.36 eggspe r female. In this period, half the eggs have been produced. The average daily oviposition over 27day s was0.9 6egg s per female. The oviposition decreased strongly after 27 days and was further neglected.A ttha tmoment , survivalwa sstil l 88%.I na preliminar y experiment, females were reared individually on water surrounded leaf discs. At 34 days after adultemergence ,surviva lwa s50% ; at6 6day ssurviva lwa sapproximatel y zero. The many drowned animals in this experiment were neglected. In viewo f the rapidly declining fecundity and theimminen t risei n mortality in females ovipositing for 27day s and longer, it isno t likely that these ageing females contribute substantially to themultiplicatio n of the population.





0 10 20 OVIPOSITION (EGGS/$,DAY) 1.2i



1 1 0 10 20 DAYS AFTER INTRODUCTION OF FEMALES Fig.19 . Theaverag eovipositio npe rfemal epe rda yan dth epercentag eo fadul t( = female)surviv ­ al of a scarlet mite population, started with 60 young, field collected females on a substrate of 3leave s ofclon e Cin 143. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 25 4.1.3. Multiplication A graph (fig. 20), representing the multiplication of scarlet mites in which oviposition data, adult andjuvenil esurviva l aswel la sreproductio n by thesec ­ ond generation under favourable growing conditions are combined, was de­ rived from the experiment described in chapter 4.1.2. The number of each developmental stage in the second generation since the start of oviposition is plotted in this graph. Thene t reproductive rate Ro, the intrinsic rate ofincreas e rm and the mean length of a generation T are calculated according to BIRCH (1948). The data used for calculation are:th eag especifi c survival and fecundity offemale s (fig. 19), the survival and duration of development from egg to adult (chapter 4.1.1.), the duration of the pre-oviposition period (fig. 20), and the sex ratio (chapter 2.2.).Th e net reproductive rate iscalculate d from: Ro = ElxHl x were xi s the pivotal age in days of each age class (duration 2 days), lx is the agespecifi c survivalrat e and mx isth eag especifi c fecundity rate.Th e intrinsic rate ofincreas er m iscalculate d by iteration from: Ee~rmXlxmx = 1 Themea n length T of a generation iscalculate d from: InRo T = rm Thegrap h onth emultiplicatio n ofscarle tmite s(fig . 20)show stha t themini ­ mal duration of a generation (egg-to-egg period) is about 36day s and that the pre-oviposition period lasts about 3.5 days.Afte r 36day s 1755egg s had been laid by the original 60females . The net reproductive rate Ro isth erat e of multiplication in one generation. The intrinsic rate of (natural) increase rm is the instantaneous coefficient of population growth r under conditions of an unlimited environment and a stableag edistribution . For scarletmit ei nte athes evalue swef eR o =21.9 and rm = 0.0610 respectively. The last value can be considered as an estimate of the maximum rate of natural increase since the rearing conditions had been kept asfavourabl e aspossibl e within the range representative of theloca l con­ ditions.Th e mean length of a generation wasT = 50.6days . Basedupo n thelaborator y observations of HARAMOTO(1969 )o n scarlet mite in papaya, Icalculate d that at 25° Cth e net reproductive rate and the intrinsic rateo fincreas ewer erespectivel yR o = 28.7an d rm = 0.0662.Thes erate swer e considerablylowe ra t20° Can d 30°C.Th emea ngeneratio n timewa sT = 50.7 days. The multiplication characteristics of scarlet mite on tea and papaya, re­ spectively in Indonesia and Hawaii, seem to differ very little from each other. However, the intrinsic rate of increase rm of scarlet mites is low compared to several species of spider mites, e.g. Tetranychus neocaledonicus: rm = 0.356 (BLOMMERS, 1976)an d T.mcdanieli: rm = 0.187 (TANIGOSHIe t al., 1975).

26 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) MITES( NUMBE R PERSTAG E





0 10 20 ' 30 DAYS AFTER INTRODUCTIONO FFEMALE S Fig. 20. The development of a population of scarlet mites in the laboratory. The population started with 60young ,field collecte d females on a substrate of 3leave s of clone Cm 143. •continuation: 1533egg s at day 44;257 7egg sa t day53 . 4.1.4. Migration andorientation LAL (1978) observed that adult scarletmite s on Oroxylum indicum and Cler- odendron siphonanthus are sedentary and do not show any tendency to move about. This appeared true in tea as well. Scarlet mites reared on tea leaves (chapter 3 1 5) showed no tendency to move from the leaf, unless the quality of the leaf started to deteriorate. Then adults, followed byjuveniles , started to migrate and clustered on the petiole where finally all were trapped in the surrounding water. Colonization ofadjacen t leavesvi aleave stha t werei ncon ­ tact with each other was rare. The clustering on the petiole indicates that mi­ gration mainly occurs along the petiole and twigs. Theorientatio n ofscarle tmit edurin gmigratio n wasstudie d in the laborato­ ryi narena s ofplasti cpetr idishe s( 0 8.5cm) .Thes ewer esurrounde d bypape r cylinders(lengt h2 1 cm,0 8.5cm) , illuminated from 1.5m distanc eb ya white , 20Wat t neon tubelight .A centra lemergenc ehol ewa sconnecte d toa deterior­ ating, mite infested leaf and admitted migrating mites into the centre of the arena.Th edistributio n ofth eligh tand/o r thegravit yserve da sa clu efo r orien­ tation. At the perifery a ring of insect glue (Tanglefoot® ) trapped the mites after orientation. Thenumbe r ofmite strappe d ineac h of 8 sectorswa sscore d after several days.Th e score,reflectin g the orientation of themites ,wa s tested for deviation from a uniform circular distribution by the Rayleigh test (BATS- CHELET, 1965). Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) The migrating scarlet mites showed a very significant positive phototactic orientation (fig. 21).Neithe r sharp contrasts (fig. 21A and B)no r gravity (fig. 21C)influence d thechose n direction. In thefield, fe wmite smigrat e downwards.Th e number of scarlet mitesex ­ tractedfor m collarso fcorrugate d cardboard (chapter 3.2.1.) around thestem s of tea busheswa s negligible.Ol d leavesmostl y harbouredjuvenile s and some eggs.Youn gmaintenanc eleave smostl yharboure d adults andeggs . Theobservation sfro m thelaborator y and the teafield lea d to the following conclusions. Scarlet mites have a low mobility. The limited migration is or­ iented towards higher light intensities and leads especially the adult mites, to exploreth e higher and younger layers of leavesi n the tea bush, in accordance withth ebehaviou r observedi nTetranychida e (JEPPSONe t al., 1975; SusKian d NAEGELE, 1963). Scarlet mites tend to remain on the same bush while migrat­ ing, thuskeepin gth emit e populations of thebushe sseparate .


Fig. 21. The orientation of scarlet mites emigrating from a deteriorating tea leaf. The number of mites trapped in each of the 8 sectors per arena (0 85 mm) is given in percentages. The mean vectorr indicate sth epreferre d direction ofth eorientation . Thelengt hmeasure sth e concentration around thepreferre d direction (BATSCHELET,1965) . A. Ahorizonta l arena, surrounded by a white paper cylinder with a 1c m wide, black strip.A neon lamp at 1.5 mdistanc e illuminates the cylinder from the left. Number of mites: n = 1727. Rayleigh test:z = 433,P < 0.0001.Th e orientation deviates very significantly from random and showsa positiv ephototaxis . B. Avertica l arena, surrounded by a paper cylinder that is half black, half white. Aneo n lamp at 1.5m distanc eilluminate sth ewhit eside .Numbe r of mites:n = 4105.Rayleig h test:z = 2022, P < 0.0001.Th eorientatio n deviatesver ysignificantl y from random and showsa positive photo- taxis. C.A vertica l arena incomplet edarkness .Numbe r of mites:n = 1059,Rayleig h test:z = 2.30, P > 0.05.Th e orientation does not deviate significantly from random.


4.2.1. Relative abundance of the developmentalstages All stageso f scarlet mitesar e found throughout the year in allpopulations . Aparamete rusefu l to qualify the age structure of a population isth e percent­ age of eggs.Th e average eggpercentag e over 10population s (8 singlebushes , 2fields comprisin g many bushes) and 11 samplings in a year is 48.7%, with

2° Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) a standard deviation of7.3% .A n analysis ofvarianc eo fthes e 110dat a showed that the differences between the times of sampling are not significant (F ratio = 0.85;P > 0.25). Therefore, the eggpercentag e and hence the age structure of thepopulation s can beconsidere d stable throughout theyear . It means that generations overlap and that diapause or other synchronizations of the devel­ opment are absent. An illustration of the relative abundance of the develop­ mental stages in two populations, which were widely separated in season and situation in the tea garden, isgive n in table 6.

Table 6. Relative abundance (percent of total number of mites) of developmental stages in two populations of scarlet mites in different seasons and different parts of the tea garden.

Relative abundance (%) Total number

Season eggs larvae nymphs adults mites leaves

Rainy (February 1976) 51.9 17.6 20.4 10.2 2326 130 Dry (August 1980) 46.0 17.4 21.0 15.6 5116 400

4.2.2. Influence of different tea bushes andclones on abundance Scarletmit ei sver ycommo n on Indonesian tea. Busheswithou t thismit e are hard tofind. Mit e density varies strongly in different spots and bushes.I often found heavily infested bushes touching unaffected bushes. The distribution of mite densities as counted in a row of 20seedlin g bushes in 2ol d teafields ca n be considered to be independent of the densities in the neighbouring bushes; deviations from independence appeared to befa r from significant at P = 0.05, according to the Von Neumann-test (OWEN, 1962).Characteristic s of the host plants were supposed to contribute to the independent distribution. The importance of host plant characteristics in determining the abundance of scarlet mite was studied by comparing the mite densities on different tea clones grown in twoclona l gardens of RITC, numbered I and II. Each garden consisted of 80 plots, divided into 5replicate s with 16clones . There were 80 bushes of each clonepe r plot. Theplantation s wererespectivel y two and three years old and not yet being picked. Pesticides other than herbicides were not used. Random samples of 10 maintenance leaves were taken from each plot and thenumbe r ofscarle tmite swa srecorded .Thi scoun twa srepeate d thenex t year in garden I (then three years old). The counts were normalized by '°lo g transformation. Differences were tested by analysis of variance and Duncan's Multiple Range test (GOMEZ and GOMEZ, 1976). Large differences in mite densities were found between clones; these differ­ encesappeare d to be very significant (table 7).Th e mite densities in theclone s ofgarde n Icorrelate d verysignificantl y inth etw osuccessiv eyear s (correlation coefficient r = 0.79, P < 0.005)althoug h the average mite density was much lower in the second year. The two gardens had 4clone s in common, of which the ranking was identical. In all counts, the most infested clones sustained a

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 29 mitepopulatio n whichwa so n average 30-100 x aslarg e as theleas t infested clones.Th e significant differences between clones which were recorded in two consecutive years,togethe r with the independent distribution of mite densities within seedling plantations, confirm that host plant characteristics play an es­ sentialrol ei n determining the density of scarlet mite populations.

4.2.3. Influence ofpruning on abundance Immediately after cleanpruning ,te a gardensharbou r veryfe wmites .I coul d not find scarlet mites on the stumps. A negligible number of leaves escaped pruning and harboured somemites . Pruning, which removes nearly all the fo­ liageo fa plantation , profoundly influences ascarle tmit epopulation . Thiswa s confirmed byrelatin g mite densities to the time elapsed since pruning. Scarlet mites were counted within the relatively short period of one month in a number of tea fields which had been pruned on different dates. A large number ofleave s(1 0sample so f 50leaves ,fro m 10 different locations) wascol ­ lected in order to record the average mite density. The data on mite densities were normalized by a 10log transformation. The effect of the time that had elapsed sinceprunin go nth eabundanc eo fscarle tmite swa sstudie d bya corre ­ lation and regression analysis. The mite density on the new foliage first increases and levels off later (fig. 22). The transition from the increasing to the levelled off stage is about in the middle of the pruning cycle.Th e cyclei sbroke n arbitrarily into halves infig. 22. A linear regression line fits very significantly (P < 0.001) to the trans­ formed data of the first two years. The increase therefore can be considered tob eexponentia ldurin gthi speriod .A negativ ebu t non-significant correlation was found between the mite densities and age since pruning over het second period of two years. The density level during this period changes little, with aninsignifican t (P> 0.1)tendenc yt odecrease .Th edifference s between popula­ tions of the sameage sar e considerable. It is concluded that pruning reduces the scarlet mite populations to practi­ cally zero. The few survivors then start to increase slowly and exponentially. The increase levelsof f about two years after pruning.

4.2.4. Time relatedchanges in abundance Location and method During twoyear sth enumerica l fluctuations of 11loca l populations of scar­ let mites were followed on 8singl e bushes and in 3whol e tea fields. The ob­ served tea plantations consisted of 60yea r old, seedling bushes and were bor­ dered by footpaths. The plantations were normally picked and manured, and weededmanually . Two bushes( 1an d 7)wer e selected because of the high mite density; the others were selected haphazardly. Two fields (2 and 3) and two bushes (7 and 8) received the usual copper fungicide sprays to control blister blight.Al fieldsl an d bushes were situated within 450m of a weather station. Theobservation s started twoyear safte r thelas tprunin g and werecomplete d in JV Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 60 a

m rs * * 00 •» ^o o _ . . ; •*fr'o O 0\ ^ rr 3 •s "S ^ 0O \0 M ö ^ *n -*'

B ^H (N (N t^ Tf 3 ^ O O -H — *-H f) Q

a) I S2 - s .s 3 .s £>S P < & n -S n # S H H M Ü S U

'S o S o ^, sS S3 K-H '•B •o S i—i ^o * * M "H >n - ^ o a 60 5 m r^ r- ^ Tf ^ q es aM , o -g ö ~-> ^ô rn _^ <3 t^ O rt rf •-< © oo CTs oo •—«O-—«m *n r*^ rf

m iû # * O O1* O

SO Ä 5 5 1 CS (S CN CS

3 m 00 «-• Ol (S 2, o o „« .2

13 2 O mw mm S3 o o g g a <: Ma i -| & < < o g -s jj g | r >

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 31 by the next pruning. The populations wereassesse d once in aboutfive weeks . Theperio d isabou t equivalent to the minimum duration of a mite generation. The sample sizewa ssmalle r than 50leave si n bush 1 during the wholeexperi ­ ment and in bush 4durin g the first year (20 leaves per sample). These bushes wereto o small to stand a stronger defoliation.



~i— 12 21 36 48 MONTHS AFTER PRUNING Fig. 22. Thedensitie s of scarlet mitesa t different times sincepruning , counted in May 1979.Th e average( '°lo gtransformed ) mitedensitie swit hth estandar d errorsar egive npe rag esinc epruning , in series of 10sample s of 50leaves .A linea r regression line (of the average transformed densities onth eag ei nmonths )i sfitte d toth efirst perio d and thesecon dperio d oftw o yearso fth e pruning cycle.Regressio nlin ean dcorrelatio n coefficient in thefirst period :y = 0.049x+0.15, r = 0.98, n = 9,P < 0.001,secon d period:y = -0.016x+1.83, r = -0.44, n = 11, P > 0.1. Numerical fluctuations The amplitude and average density level of the numerical fluctuations are rather variable between the populations (fig. 23). Most populations have a stable, low average density (fig. 23B) or a stable, intermediate average density (fig. 23Can d D). Only the two bushes selected because of the mite infestation harbour an unstable, high average density population (fig. 23A). A seasonal pattern of fluctuations seems strongest in the high density, low stability popu­ lations and in the intermediate populations. Maxima seem most pronounced atth een d ofth edr y season (August-October).Thes e arefollowe d by a sudden decrease at the onset of the rainy season (October-November). An exception of this seasonal pattern is the population of bush 7 in 1976. Thisbus h got acaricide (dicofol) treatments in May and June 1976afte r which the population collapsed. In September the population resurged to very high densities,i ncontras t toth etren di n theothe rpopulations .Th edensit y ofmite s remained highunti l theen d ofth eobservations .Th e deposits ofcoppe r fungi­ cides on this exposed bush were considerable. The densities of the populations appear in general to be stable during the period of study, i.e. during the last two years of the pruning cycle. As stated before (cf. chapter 4.2.3.), the average density during this period tends to de­ creaserathe r than increase.Al l populations show certain fluctuations with the seasons,leas t cleari n the low-density populations.

32 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wßgeningen 82-1(1982) SCARLET MITES (NUMBER PER LEAF)









50 B



' J ' F 'M ' A 'M ' J 'J'A'S'O'N'DIJ'F'M'A'M'J'J'A'S'O'N' DRY •RAINY« DRY I1IËIH1MI • Ä""" 1976 I 1977 Fig. 23. Numerical fluctuations of 11 scarlet mite populations in tea during 2years . Bushes and fields are identified by a number at the left of the curves. Thebushe s 1,2 and 5wer e abandoned early because of uprooting. ... A. Unstable, high density populations on single bushes. Bush 7 is treated by acancides on the dates indicated by arrows. B. Relatively stable, lowdensit y populations on single bushes. C. Relatively stable, intermediate density populations on single bushes. D. Relatively stable, intermediate density populations in whole tea fields. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 33 Effects of season and weather Simultaneous fluctuations in the abundance of adjacent mite populations, are likely to because d by common influences such as season and weather. In order to make the simultaneous fluctuations in populations of different sizes comparable, an 'index of population trend' (SOUTHWOOD, 1966) is calculated for each mite sampling during the population study. The index of population trend I is defined: I = Nt2/Ntl in which N is the total number of mites in a population, and ti and t2 are two consecutive times of sampling. Since t2-ti (usually 35 days) does not differ too much from the mean generation time T = 50.6 days, I is related to the net reproductive rate Ro. Where the index crossesth eunit ylevel ,populatio n maxima orminim aar e attained (seefig. 24) . Betweenth einde xan d severalweathe r factors, correlation coefficients arecal ­ culated.

INDEX OF POPULATION TREND 2.0- 1.5 k 1.0 i^brL /"^ i >^H 0.5-I 1976 1977 0 J'F'M'A'M'J'J'A'S'O'N'DIJ'F'MVMVJVSVN'D1 •Mi DRY DRY -;RAINYJ Fig. 24. The average 'index of population trend' with standard error of the scarlet mite popula­ tionsi n the tea during 2years .Th e unity levelrepresent s an unchanging population density.

Fig. 25. The weather conditions during two years of mite population studies, measured in a tea field at 1.20 m height in a Stevenson hut. Minimum relative humidity, minimum and maximum temperaturedat aar e 10-dayaverages .Rainfal l data are 10-daytotals .Th emaximu mdail yrelativ e humiditywa spracticall y always 100%. Measurements oftemperatur e and relativehumidit y started later than thepopulatio n studies.

34 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) It appears that in allpopulation s during thewhol eperio d ofstudy ,th einde x never deviates far from unity, and rarely exceeds a factor 2.5 or 0.4 with even the strongest fluctuations. An average index with standard error iscalculate d for each census over the sampled populations, and plotted in fig. 24. The populations show simulta­ neous fluctuations in multiplication during the season. The relation to the weather conditions (fig. 25),however , isno t clear. The average index of popu­ lation trend is found to be uncorrected at P = 0.05 with several measured weather parameters (average maximum and minimum temperature, average minimum relativehumidity , total amount ofrainfall , allcalculate d overth epe ­ riodsbetwee n sampling). Although the population development isdoubtlessl y influenced by weather, the effects are still too complicated to unravel. Effects of copper fungicides An experiment to assess the effect of copper fungicide sprays on mite popu­ lations was carried out in a tea garden of RITC, planted with about 60-years old seedling bushes. The distance to the weather station was 1100 m. Except for pesticide treatments, the garden maintenance was normal. The experiment started 2 years after the last pruning. Experimental plots of 10 x 10m were laid out in a randomized complete block design, with a minimal distance of 4m to a garden road and foot path. The plots weremarke d by bamboo poles and plastic ribbon, and separated by 2m wide strips. Four plots were left un­ treated. The other four werespraye d oncei nthre eweek swit h copperoxychlor- ide (Cobox® 50%WP , concentration 0.06% or 6g i n 101 per plot). This re­ sulted in the same dosage as in routine treatments for the control of blister blight. Application was by knapsack hand sprayer in order to prevent drift. The nozzle was directed upwards (fig. 17) to reach the maintenance leaves, especiallyth eundersides .Tim eo fapplicatio nwa sbetwee n 10an d 12a.m . Ran­ dom samples of 50 maintenance leaves were collected from the inner area of the plots once in three weeks. The scarlet mite density was assessed in these samples using the mite brushing machine (seechapte r 3.1.1.).




0'M'j'J'A'S'O'N'DIJ'F'M'AMJ'JASO DRY ^PBl!9M DRY Fig.26 . Numericalfluctuations o f scarletm.t epopulation s (averageo f four replicates)i n untreat­ ed and copper fungicide treated plots.Th ematchin g weathercondition s are shown infig. 33 .

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Thenumerica l fluctuations inth eplot streate d with copperfungicid e appear tob eparalle l but on a higher density leveltha n in theuntreate d plots (fig.26) . The seasonal maxima especially seem to have increased. The differences be­ tween the densities in treated and untreated plots (averages over the wholeex ­ periment) are significant (t-test: t = 5.03, df = 3, P < 0.025). The average ratio of treated/untreated densitiesi s 1.67 (SE = 0.065). Pre-treatment densit­ ies in the treated plots, however, started at a somewhat higher level than in the other plots (fig. 26). After correcting for this difference, the treated plots still harboured an average density 1.30 times higher than the untreated plots. These differences arejus t short of significance (t-test: t = 2.69; df = 3;P < 0.1). At the dosage of copper fungicide that is usual for protection against blister blight, the increase in mite density is small. Some road sides andfield corners, however, receive large quantities of copper fungicides because of an exposed position. I often observed a heavy scarlet mite infestation especially onthos ebushes .Th eincreasin geffec t ofth ecoppe rfungicid e mayac t cumula­ tively and lead to outbreak densities. Multiplication of field populations The maximum 'index of population trend' (I) and maximum 'instantaneous rate of increase' (r) (for definition see respectively chapter d 4.1.3.) that are found in scarlet mite populations in the field, are given in table 8. These parameters should be compared to the rate of multiplication (Ro) and theinstrinsi crat e ofincreas e (rm) o fa populatio n developingunde r favourable laboratory conditions (chapter 4.1.3.). It appears that the maximum increase observed in any field population is considerably less than in the laboratory population. This means that thefield condition s during the population study were never asfavourabl e for mite development as the laboratory conditions. The same parameters (I and r) of the average rate of multiplication during the first and the second half of the pruning cycle (see chapter 4.2.3) are given

Table 8. Index ofpopulatio n trend and instantaneous rate of increase of scarlet mites during the pruning cycle,an d of somefield population s of scarletmites .

Populations studied Indexo f Observation Instantaneous population period in rate of trend (I) days(t2-t i) increase (r)

First 2year so f pruningcycle 1 11.01 730 0.0037 Last2 year so fprunin gcycle ' 0.26 790 -0.0012

Natural population (bush2) 2 2.17 33 0.02354 Resurgent population (bush7) 2 4.98 36 0.04464 Copper sprayed population (plot7) 3 2.59 21 0.04534

1dat a calculated from regressionline in fig. 22(chapte r 4.2.3) 2maximu m increaseobserve d (chapter 3maximu mincreas eobserve d (chapter •calculation according to ODUM (1971):r = (lnNt?-lnNti)/(t2-ti) 36 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) in table 8. These too are much lower than the parameters of the laboratory population. It means that the averagerat e ofmultiplicatio n of the scarlet mite populations underfield condition s isver ylow .


4.3.1. Phytophagous arthropods The scarletmit ei sth emos t common andwidesprea d phytophagous inhabit­ ant of tea leaves. Other common mites found on these leaves are the purple mite (Calacarus carinatus GREEN), the pink mite (Acaphylla theae WATT) and the yellow mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus BANKS), these are all common pests. The spider mite {Oligonychus coffeae NIETNER) is an incidental pest. Common at low densities are Tydeidae, Oribateidae, Saproglyphidae (Czens- pinkia sp.), and various unidentified mite species. Insects found on tea leaves are: Psocoptera and Thysanura, both verycommon , thrips, an incidental pest, coccids(crawlers )whic har ever ycommo na sar eants ,cicadellids ,an d avariet y of unidentified low density insect species. I did not observe interactions be­ tween these arthropods and the scarletmite .

4.3.2. Naturalenemies Inventarization and distribution Natural enemies of the scarlet mite were surveyed by examining sampled maintenance leaves under themicroscope , by theBerles emetho d of extracting beating net samples and stem collars, and by manual collection in thefield (chapter 3.1.an d 3.2.). These methods were applied intensively in the experi­ mental garden of RITC at Gambung. Samples of maintenance leaves from many other estates and smallholdings inJav a and Sumatra wereinspecte d mi­ croscopically for natural enemies. Suspected predators were collected and reared in the laboratory on a diet of scarlet mites. Besides direct observations of theprédatio n process,prolonge d survival andespeciall y reproduction of the animals was considered as an indication of prédation on scarlet mite. The adults weremounte d for examination bymicroscope . The identification of Indonesian predatory mites is difficult. Many species have not been described. Some species were identified or described by profes­ sional specialists (marked by a footnote in table 9). The other predatory mites were identified as far as possible with the available literature, and otherwise classified bymicroscopi c drawingsan d acod ename .A definitiv e identification of the predatory mites will bepublishe d later.

Scarlet mites were found on more than half of the leaves. No indications werefoun d ofparasite s ordisease so fmites .Sometime scommo n epiphytic fun­ gi(amon g other a sootymould ) werefoun d growing over thescarle t miteeggs . There are no indications, however, that the eggswer ekille d by the fungi.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Table 9. Survey of suspected predators collected from tea, and reared on scarlet mites. The table recordsdirec t observationso fpredator y behaviour andreproductio n aswel la sth emaximu mperi ­ od ofsurviva l observed.A conclusio n ast owhethe r the should beconsidere d asa predator of scarlet mitesi sadded .

Identity Observations Conclusion

prédation survival repro­ observed (days) duced

Phytoseiid mites: Amblyseius largoensis1 MUMA + 25 + predator Amblyseius deleoni MUMA et DENMARK + 42 + predator Amblyseius tamatavensis BLOMMERS + 48 + predator Amblyseius syzygii GUPTA - 10 - predator4 Amblyseius w(nea r A. newsami EVANS) - 10 + predator Amblyseius x (possibly Iphiseius sp.) + 21 + predator Amblyseius y (near A. newsami EVANS) + 50 + predator Amblyseius z (near A. caudatus BERLESE) + 21 + predator Typhlodromusjackmickleyi 1 DE LEON + 71 + predator Typhlodromus ndibu PRITCHARD et BAKER - 5 + predator Phytoseius crinitus1 SWIRSKI et SHECHTER - 15 + predator

Podocinid mites: Lasioseius p - 27 — no predator4 Lasioseius q - 38 — no predator4

Stigmaeid (Raphignatid) mites: Zetzellia a + 49 + predator Zetzellia b + 25 + predator Zetzellia maori GONZALEZ + 22 + predator Agistemus terminalis2 QUAYLE + 35 + predator Agistemus denotatus2 GONZALEZ + 70 + predator Agistemus fleschneri SUMMERS + 10 -f- predator Agistemus arcypaurus GONZALEZ + 39 + predator Agistemus e + 24 + predator Agistemus f + 33 + predator Agistemus g + 26 +' predator

Bdellid mites 54 _. no predator4 Cunaxid mites + 30 _ predator Anystid mites — 6 _ no predator4 Smariid mites - 1 - no predator4 Insects: 3 Lestodiplosis oomeni HARRIS + 64 predator Wollastoniella testudo* CARAYON + 96 - predator

1 Identified byC . F.va nd e Bund. 2 Identified byF .M . Summers. 3 Described in 1982. 4 Supposition.

38 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) A survey of suspected predator species, the survival, reproduction and ob­ servedpredator y behaviour onscarle tmite ,i sgive ni ntabl e9 .Ver yrar especie s are not mentioned. Two insect species and 22mit e species were found to prey upon scarlet mite.Th e other speciesmentione d belong to groups that are gen­ erally predatory according to BAKER and WHARTON (1952) but I did not ob­ serve them to prey upon scarlet mite. The distribution of thesemit e species is reflected in table 10.Th e frequency ofeac hidentifie d speciesi nsample so f50-20 0leave si sgive nfo r each teaestat e outside Gambung. Theaverag enumbe r ofpredator y mites(includin geggs )pe r scarlet mite infested leaf outside Gambung was0.6 4 (SD = 0.86). Amblyseius deleoni and Agistemusdenotatus appear tob e respectively the most frequent and widespread Phytoseiid and Stigmaeid predator. Predators in copper stimulated mite populations Scarlet mite densities appeared toincreas e after frequent copper fungicide applications (chapter epossibl eexplanatio n isth etoxicit y ofpesti ­ cideswit hrespec t toth enatura l enemies (HUFFAKERe tal. , 1970). Thiswa sveri ­ fiedi n parts ofth e tea garden ofRIT C where copper fungicide was sprayed intensively. Leaf samples were collected from theexperimen t on mite stimula­ tion by copper fungicide treatments (chapter and from roadside bushestha t had receivedhig hdose so fcoppe rfungicide . Theaverag e frequency per leaf of the several predatory mitesi n the sampleswa s determined.

< UJ cè 0.3 co 0.2H

0.1 ~h- ^—• J= Q=a

c 12^ c '-9-S V X NC'ÏJ •«>»§ i_ <3_0

1 M Cibun i Cibeuru m Bak u Negar a Goalpar a Cisarun i Cigar u Pasi r Nangk a Majaba r Gunun g Ma s Gambung Purwakart a Patuahwatte e Pasi r Sarongg e Surangg a Ranc a Bolan g Tambaka n Santos a Ranc a Sun i Rongg a Tandjon g Sar i Tob a Sar i Ba h Biron g Ul u Bedaka h Ba h Buton g sV B n V 3B o*

Predator species o* o erg Phytoseiidae: w - K> IO - Amblyseius largoensis — ~ IO A. deleoni Ui — 4^ N> A. tamatavensis — •-_.(,, A. syzygii A. w o to to _. H- H— O tO OJ A. x A. y to A. z Typhlodromus jackmickleyi T. ndibu Phytoseius crinilus o o Podocinidae: "" •— •— i— to to i- « u Lasioseius p to L. q o Stigmaeidae:

to K> Zetzellia a Z. b Z. maori — _ to Agistemusterminalis ~ ~* U> tOU H- A. denotatus A. fleschneri to A. arcypaurus u. vo to A. e A. ƒ lo A. g

Bdellidae Cunaxidae sp.a Cunaxidae sp.b Ul Anystidae lo Smariidae

40 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) The predatory mite densities in both the untreated and copper fungicide treated plots are low, and hardly different innumber s and speciescompositio n (fig. 27).O f thepredator y insects,onl yLestodiplosis oomenii spresen t (average perleaf : 0.035an d 0.005i nth ecoppe rtreate d anduntreate d plotsrespectively) . Scarlet mite densities are not high in theseplot s (fig. 26) and purple mite den­ sityi snegligible .I n contrast, the roadside samplesar eheavil y infested by scar­ let mites and purple mites (these mites were not counted). The population of predatory mites in the roadside samples does not seem to deviate in composi­ tion from those in the untreated plots except that Amblyseius x andjuvenile s are more frequent (fig. 27). The predatory insects Wollastoniella testudo and Lestodiplosis oomeni are both found in these samples (average per leaf: 0.009 respectively 0.061). These observations do not indicate that treatment by a copper fungicide is harmful to predators. Therefore the increase in scarlet mite abundance after treatment by copper fungicide is not likely to be caused by adverse effects of the fungicide on the predators.


4.4.1. Characterizationper species A number of predators that could beimportan t in keeping the scarlet mites in check were studied in the laboratory to find out which species and what stage of the prey was preferred, the amount of prey consumed, the reproduc­ tion on a diet of scarlet mites and the character ofparthenogenesis . The size of the dorsal shield of a specimen was measured by means of a micrometer in the dissection microscope. Preference for the stage of prey that was attacked (eggs or active stages) and the amount consumed were explored experimentally. Single predators were transferred to leaves (seechapte r 3.2.2) infested bya know n number(20-200 )o fegg san dimmatur escarle tmites . After 1-3 days, counting of the prey was repeated. A decrease in a certain stagere ­ presented the consumption and a preference for that stage. The results of this exploratory experiment (8 or more replicates) varied greatly. I took the maxi­ mum value observed as the best estimate of the species' predatory potential. To explore thepreferenc e ofpredator s for thedifferen t mites,te a leaveswel l infested by pink mites or purple mites were collected. The leaves were cut to standard size (see chapter 3.1.5) and inspected. Unwanted animals were re­ moved. Female scarlet mites were introduced and left to oviposit. After some days, the females were removed, eggsan d immature scarlet mitescounte d and predators introduced. Scarlet mites, Eriophyidae and predators were counted once in 1-3 days. Prolonged survival and reproduction of the predators with­ out a decrease in the scarlet mite numbers wasjudge d as an indication of a preference for the eriophyid prey1.A decreas ei n scarlet mitenumber s incom - 1Eriophyida e were often found to decrease spontaneously, apparently as a consequence of unfa- vourable rearing conditions. 41 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) C« I-1 O 13 C/l 3 p O CD B" O •o *.„? p a H •a B P _ o 3 l-i i-i •o >-l o •r ft B* p CD Ë. OQ P I-t n p 11 s. 1 o a1* oT s. o ET < S o g & s a o ^i a •1 CD c X. a o o 2 a* tra a 3 CD 3 O S ** o V, l-*î p O C s3 P i-i •o •Ö CTQ B v> o' B fr I " en "O •o T3 p 3 ni B. 5' T3 •o <" Vt CA CD r~. CA S' o' 9 5' 40 g; 3 a CT >3 B o - S" et' o o g P. ft 3 C/l P CA 3 3 &• >< o s s. S" 5' !.•§. éT ni •a o Predator species 3. o >o B- a + w + + Amblyseius deleoni

+ - I I A. x

A a + A. y Oq + - •a A. z

lu, + + Typhlodromus jackmickleyi a I + a o o

+ + + + Agistemus terminalis

+ I w + A. denotatus

+ +1 I ! u> Lestodiplosis oomeni

I * + + + Wollastoniella testudo

42 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) bination with a prolonged survival and reproduction of the predators was judged as an indication of a preference for scarletmites . As most Phytoseiidae are transparent, the colour of the intestine is a clue toth ecolou r ofth epre yconsumed .A pin ko rcrea mcolou rindicate sconsump ­ tion of pink mites; an orange, red or brown colour indicates consumption of scarlet and/or purple mites. Starved animals have flat, transparent bodies. Thesecharacteristic s wereuse d to interprète thepreferenc e for prey species,i n addition to the criterium mentioned above. Reproduction by unfertilized females indicates parthenogenesis. A purely male offspring of such a female indicates and arrhenotokous reproduction; a purely female offspring a thelytokous reproduction.

Thepredato r characteristics are summarized intabl e 11.Al lpredator y mites seem to prefer eggst o the active stageso f the scarletmite .Th emaximu m con­ sumption of prey observed islo w in all but few predator species.Tw ospecies , Amblyseiusx and L. oomenisee mt orejec t scarletmite sa spre ywhe nEriophyi - dae are available. The other Phytoseiidae too seem to prefer Eriophyidae to scarlet mites. The reverse seems true with the Stigmaeidae. The three most common Phytoseiidae (A. deleoni, A.x and A.y) all showed a great tendency to escape, in spite of a water and oil barrier around the leaf. As such a large number of the Phytoseiidae escaped, few observations could bemad e on prey consumption orpreference . Thisofte n ledt oa lo wratin gi npre yconsumption . In contrast, T.jackmickleyi and the Stigmaeidae seem toprefe r scarlet mitet o eriophyid prey.Thes epredator s areno tlikel yt oescap ean dcoul d bekep t long enough to be able to determine the amount ofpre yconsumed , thespecie spre ­ ferred as well as the character of the parthenogenetic reproduction. Phytoseiidae Amblyseius deleoni MUMA et DENMARK . This specieswa slon gconfuse d withA. largoensis MUMAunti l EHARA(197 7 clearly distinguished A. deleoni from A. largoensis byhavin g hespennathec a cervixwidene d internally. Thispredato r accepted oreye npreferre d pinkmite s and probably purple mites as alternative prey to scarlet mites, *»«ƒ«« mallow (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), marrow {Cucurbita pepo)an d ice plant (Me- sembryanthemum cristallinum) were also accepted as food. The predator was kept alive for more than 25day so npolle n but reproductionwa s ^jnd^ was a great deal of cannibalism. On a diet of scarlet mite^P^TM vived (maximum 42days ) and reproduced well(se e ^ZÏ.ÙeLaLoZ'- a bu dantl balism wasver y evident even whenpre ywa s f « y^^^ finityt o the scarlet mite isprobabl y acaus e of the <^™Z?^£™? tendency to escape. High densities were never achieved ,n breeding expen m F"d d collected predators sometimesdie dwithi n afe w£ * <^»f «*£ from transparent to completely white opaque.Thi sma yb ecause d bya path o 43 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) gen. InJapa n this predator cansuppres s Panonychus ulmi to a density well be­ low the economic injury level (TANAKA and KASHIO, 1977). It has been ob­ served asa predator of B. phoenicis on papaya in Hawaii (HARAMOTO, 1969). KAMBUROV (1971) described this predator asver y polyphagous and cannibal­ istic in Israel. A. deleoni is the most common andwid e spread predator of scarlet mites.

Amblyseius x This Amblyseius-like species hassom e taxonomie characteristics in common with thegenu s Iphiseius. The species andth egenu s areprobabl y not described (VAN DE BUND, pers. comm.). This species easily accepted pink an purple mite as well as scarlet mite as prey. Pollen ofros emallow , marrow and iceplan t (cf.A. deleoni)wer e accepted as food. Reproduction anddevelopmen t were poor andcannibalis m strong on a diet of pollen or scarlet mites. In contrast, reproduction and development were fast when pink orpurpl e mite prey were available, resulting inhig h preda­ tor densities. Amblyseius x isa common and often themos t numerous predatory mite in tea. The predator was normally abundant on leaves infested by purple and scarlet mites after intensive copper fungicide treatments.

Amblyseius y This species is taxonomically near to A. newsami EVANS and probably has not been described. Consumption of eriophyid prey could not be confirmed. On adie t of scarlet mites, reproduction and development was slow. Amblyseius y israr e butsometime s locally common.

Amblyseius z This species istaxonomicall y near toA. caudatus BERLESE andha s probably not been described. Besides scarlet mites, purple andespeciall y pink mites were accepted as prey. Reproduction and survival were good on a diet of scarlet mites, buthig h densities were never attained. Amblyseius z was a rare predator though abundant inplot s treated frequently with DDT.

Typhlodromusjackmickleyi DE LEON This species belongs toth esubgenu s Anthoseius. Consumption of eriophyid mites could not be confirmed. On a diet of scarlet mites, reproduction (see chapter and survival (maximum 70 days) were good. The reproduction was thelytokous; males were never found. T.jackmickleyi is a rare predator and thedensitie s arealway slow .

Typhlodromus ndibu PRITCHARD et BAKER This species belongs to the subgenus Neoseiulus. Besides scarlet mites, pink mites were also accepted as prey. However, it wasno t certain if purple mites were accepted. Ona diet of scarlet mites, reproduction and development was

44 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) poor. T.ndibu wasa rare predator though common inplot s treated frequently with DDT.

Phytoseius crinitus SWIRSKI et SHECHTER This species accepts and probably even prefers pink mites to scarlet mites; acceptance ofpurpl e mites washoweve r not certain. On a diet of scarletmites , reproduction and development waspoor . P. crinitus isa rare predator of scar­ letmites .

Severalothe rphytoseii d specieswer efoun d inte apreyin gupo nscarle tmites . Allspecie swer erar e and fewdat a onpredator y behaviour are available.Thes e speciesar eAmblyseius largoensis MUMA,A. tamatavensis BLOMMERS, A.syzygii GUPTA, Amblyseius w(nea r A. newsami EVANS). Stigmaeidae Stigmaeid mites are easier to rear than Phytoseiidae. They are smaller and less mobile than the latter. The size, habitus and predatory behaviour of the different stigmaeid species are all very similar. All species show some prefer­ encefo r scarlet miteegg sabov eth eeriophyi d mites,an d alsopre yo n thecom ­ mon tydeid mites. The reproduction of the investigated species is arrhenotok- ous. Eggs and new-born larvae are bright yellow. This colour changes to or­ ange, red or brown when scarlet mites are eaten.

Zetzelliaa This species - probably not described - accepted pink and purple mites as a prey but seemed to prefer scarlet mites. On a diet of scarlet mites reproduc­ tion and development were high: a population was reared on scarlet mites for a whole year in the laboratory. Densities up to 30individuals/1 0 cm2 of leaf surface wereattained .Zetzellia a i slocall ya commo npredator ofscarle tmites .

Agistemusterminalis QUAYLE Although this species accepted pink an purple mites as prey, it seemed to prefer scarlet mites. On a diet of scarlet mites reproduction and development werehigh .Th e specieswa sreare d for awhol eyea r in thelaborator y on scarlet mites. Densities up to 20 individuals/10 cm2 of leaf surface were attained. A. terminalis islocall y a common predator of scarlet mites.

Agistemusdenotatus GONZALEZ This species reproduced (see chapter and survived (maximum 80 days)wel l on a diet of scarlet mites,an d isa common predator in tea.

Agistemusf This species- probably not described - reproduced and developed well on a diet of scarlet mites, and islocall y a common predator in tea.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Besides the speciesmentione d above, more stigmaeid species were found on tea, preying on scarlet mites. All these species fed readily and developed and reproduced well on a diet of scarlet mites. They were rare or locally common. These species includeAgistemus fleschneri SUMMERS . A. arcypaurus GONZALEZ, Agistemus e,Zetzellia ban d Z. maori GONZALEZ. Other suspected predatory mites Twospecie so fcunaxi dmite swer efoun d topre y onth eegg so f scarletmites . Theprédatio n washoweve r low and therewa s no reproduction. Both cunaxid specieswer erare . Three relatively large (ca. 1 mm) mite species were found, belonging to the predatory families Bdellidae,Anystida e and Smariidae (BAKERan d WHARTON, 1952).However , therewer en oindication s ofactua l prédation on scarletmites . The suspected predators were usually not collected in leaf samples but were sometimes abundant in beating samples. The Bdellaspecie s (Bdellidae) could survive for long periods among scarlet mites, gradually becoming thinner but prédation was not observed. No speciesreproduce d in the laboratory. Predatory insects and other arthropods Manyte alea finhabitin g arthropods (e.g.Scymnus sp. ,Stethorus sp .an d sev­ eral other Coccinellidae, beetles, bugs, spiders and centipeds) were tried for predatory behaviour (see chapter 3.3), but most did not prey upon scarlet

Fig 28 A predatory insect of mites in tea, the gall midge Lestodiplosis oomeni (Diptera: Cecido- myidae).Magnificatio n approximately 60x .

46 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) Table 12. Size, duration and scarlet mite consumption of the successive stages of an individual Wollastohiella testudo specimen (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) asobserve do na te alea fi nth elabora ­ tory.

Predator development Scarlet mitesconsume d

nymphal size duration stage (mm) (days) eggs juveniles adults

1 2 0.4 6 67 3 9 3 0.6 6 28 6 74 4 0.7 12 249 183 0 5 1.25 10 406 513 0 adult 1.25 55 2169 598 430 mites.A n anthocorid bug and a gallmidg elarv awer erecognise d aspredator s of scarlet mites. Somecharacteristic s ofthes einsect sar e describedbelow .

Lestodiplosis oomeni HARRIS(Diptera :Cecidomyidae ) The specimens collected during the study have been described recently by HARRIS(1982) . Thelarv a ofthi sgal lmidg ei sa voraciou spredato ro fpurpl ean dpin kmites . When hungry,i t also preys on scarletmites ,Phytoseiidae ,Psocopter a and lar­ vae of its own species. The larvae survived for long periods (over 2 months) on a diet of scarlet mites but hardly developed. Only mature larvae could be reared to theadul t stage.Afte r apupa l stageo ftw oweeks ,a minut eadul t (fig. 28)emerged . The gallmidg ecoul d not bebre d sincecouple swer eneve ravail ­ able. L. oomeni is a common predator. It is normally found as a maggot on the underside of maintenance leaves, especially where purple mites are abundant and treatment bycoppe r fungicide isintensive .Adult sar eto o smallt ob esam ­ pled in a beating net. Thepup a isparasitize d bya smallwas p (family Ceraph- ronidae1) that leaves after emergence a characteristic hole in the pupal spin­ nings.Th e abundance of the holesindicate d that parasitation wascommon .

Wollastoniella testudo CARAYON (Hemiptera:Anthocoridae ) The specimens collected during this study have been described recently by CARAYON (1982). Size, scarlet mite consumption and duration of thedevelop ­ ment of one specimen of this predatory bug isgive n in table 12.Th e quantity ofpre yconsume di sver ylarg ei ncompariso nt oth eothe rpredators .Th edevel ­ opment from egg to adult probably takes longer than that of the scarlet mite (cf. chapter 4.1.1.). Juvenile stages developed easily on a diet of scarlet mites when thesewer e abundantly available.Th epredato r seemed to prefer moving prey to eggs and quiescent stages of the scarletmite . I did not observeaccep -

1 Gratefully acknowledged identification byK . W. R. ZWART.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 47 tance of pink or purple mites as prey. The predator soon died of starvation when prey was scarce - a common drawback of insect predators (FLAHERTY and HUFFAKER, 1970). Thepredato rcoul dno tb ebre d sincecouple swer eneve r available. W. testudo islocall y a common predator on those tea bushes which are heavily infested by scarlet mites.

4.4.2. Bionomics ofsome predators Multiplication of three characteristic predatory mites The bionomics of three characteristic predatory mites were studied in the laboratory. Amblyseius deleoni (the most common phytoseiid), Typhlodromus jackmickleyi (a voracious but rare phytoseiid), and Agistemus denotatus(th e most common stigmaeid) werereare d in closed cells(se echapte r 3.2.2) and gi­ ven plenty of scarlet mites. The survival and fecundity rate of respectively 7, 4an d 5female s ofeac h specieswer e determined in relation to age (cf. chapter 4.1.1-4.1.3). The sex ratio of field collected animals was assessed. Based on these data, the net reproductive rate Ro, the intrinsic rate of increase rm and the mean generation time T were calculated according to BIRCH, 1948 (see chapter 4.1.3). The narrow range of temperatures in the laboratory remained wellwithi n therang e of the field conditions (cf. table 13an d table4) .

The life parameters Ro, rm and T of the tested predator species are given in table 13,togethe r with those of the scarlet mite on tea (from chapter 4.1.3). Although their life cycles are rather different, the intrinsic rate of increase rm of the twomos t common predators (Amblyseius deleonian d Agistemus denota­ tus) areabou tequal .Thes erate sar econsiderabl yhighe rtha ntha t ofth escarle t mite. Consequently, thesepredator s are ablet o multiply quicker than the prey - a useful characteristic ofnatura l enemies (HUFFAKERe tal. , 1970).I n contrast, the intrinsic rate of increase of T. jackmickleyi falls short of that of the prey and the other predators. This result is rather unexpected in view of the large consumption of scarlet mites byfemale s of this predator (cf. table 11).Ambly­ seiusdeleoni an d Agistemus denotatus of the three speciesteste d are potentially the onlyeffectiv e predators of scarletmites . Table 13. Lifeparameter s ofscarle tmite san d someo fth epredators ,determine d inth e laboratory. The percentage of females is derived from field populations. The temperatures during the study in the laboratory aregive n asaverage s of the daily extremes.

Species Temperature °C %Female Life parameters

Ro rm T(days)

1 Brevipalpusphoenicis 19.1-23.4 100 21.9 0.0610 50.6 Amblyseiusdeleoni 17.4-21.8 87 5.37 0.0846 19.9 Typhlodromusjackmickleyi 17.3-21.5 100 3.84 0.0530 25.4 Agistemusdenotatus - 17.0-23.1 75 14.6 0.0840 31.9 1dat a from chapter 4.1.3

4° Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Suppression of scarlet mites by three stigmaeid predators Common stigmaeid predator species were studied and the ability to keep scarletmite si nchec k compared. On 12isolate d leaves(clon eCi n143 )a scarle t mite population wasstarte d byintroducin g 10youn g females perleaf . After 3-5 days, 3egg so rlarva e ofth epredato r wereintroduce d onto eachleaf . The predators were Agistemnsterminalis, Agistemusf, andtw ostrain s ofZetzellia a; thesuppressin g effect ofeac hwa sstudie di n3 leafreplicates .Th eexperimen t (chapter 4.1.2) onth emultiplicatio n ofscarle t miteswa suse d asa (non-simul ­ taneous) control. Eggs,juvenile san dadult so fscarle tmite swer ecounte d once in twoweeks ;predator s and adult scarlet mites were counted weekly.Th e ex­ periment was continued for 60days .

Three outo f 12 mite populations tested, developed high densities (table 14). Thejuvenil e predators introduced onto these three leaves turned outt o be all male, unable to multiply and incapable of keeping themite s in check. These leaves succumbed tomit e damage shortly after the60-da ycensus . Themit emultiplicatio n inth e9 remainingleave swa smor e orles s effectively suppressed. Thethre e species ofpredator s appeared almost equally capableo f suppressing themites .Althoug h preymit e densitiesi nsom ecase sbecam ever y low,th epredator s didno tbecom eextinc tdurin gth eexperiment .Afte r theen d of the experiment, however, some populations turned allmal e anddie d out. This isa likely consequence ofth e arrhenotokous reproduction andth eisola ­ tion ofth e experimental ecosystem. The stigmaeid species studied proved tob eabl e tokee p thescarle t mitesa t a lowdensit y without a considerable risk of becoming extinct when preybe ­ comes scarce. The high intrinsic rate of increase of these species when com­ pared to that of scarlet mites andth elo wfoo d requirements suggest that the stigmaeid speciesar eabl e tocontro l thescarle t mites efficiently.

Table 14. Prey densityi n 12predator-pre y systems(leaves )a sa nindicatio n ofth eefficac y ofcon ­ trolb y 3Stigmaei d species.Th enumbe r ofscarle tmite spe rlea fi sgive na t6 0day safte r theintro ­ duction of 10 female scarlet mites and3 Stigmaei d eggs or larvaepe rleaf . Theexperimen tha d 3replicates .

Predator species Scarlet mites/leaf

Zetzellia a(strai n 1) 505 29 31 Zetzellia a(strai n 2) 8 14 28 Agistemusf 49 644 654 Agistemus terminalis 235 118 99

Nopredator 1 ' 900 842 767

1Non-simultaneou s control:dat a from theexperimen t inchapte r4.1.2 .

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 49 4.5. EXPERIMENTAL MANIPULATION OF PREDATORS

The role of predators in natural pest control can be evaluated by experimen­ tal exclusion or byinterferenc e with the predators in the pest populations under observation. A practical interference technique is the frequent spraying of pes­ ticides that selectively kill the predators without affecting the pest {predator check method). A high.degree of selectivity however is essential. .

4.5..1. Preliminary tests: toxicity effects Pesticides that would be able to kill predators of scarlet mites in field plots were selected from the literature. Selective toxicity to different groups of preda­ tors (predatory insects and mites, predatory insects, predatory mites especially Phytoseiidae) were criteria for selection. Candidate pesticides were further screened by comparative tests in the laboratory for toxic or stimulative effects on scarlet mites. One pesticide caused an unexpected change in the predatory fauna in the field experiment, so it was studied in the laboratory for its toxicity to the main species of predators.. Candidate pesticides for predator exclusion The toxicity of pesticides to predators, particularly those of spider mites, has been studied extensively in literature. The predatory mites studied mainly be­ long to the family of Phytoseiidae. Stigmaeidae have rarely been studied. When it appeared that phytoseiid predators predominated in the field selected for the predator check experiment, no further attention was paid to pesticides toxic to Stigmaeidae. OVERMEER and VAN ZON (1981) compared the effect of 10 pes­ ticidesupo n 3specie s of phytoseiid mites. They found the LC 50value s of most pesticides to be similar in the 3 species. Since the sensitivity to pesticides was found to be comparable between phytoseiid species, it seemedjustifie d to select the pesticides for usei n the predator experiment on the basis of literature about phytoseiid species in general. The predatory insects were expected to belong to widely separated families, therefore broad spectrum insecticides were looked for. A high toxicity to Col- eoptera was considered useful, for this order contains a number of important mite predators (MCMURTRY et al., 1970). According to the literature, pesticides suitable for killing predatory insects and predatory mites are carbaryl (MCMURTRY et al., 1970; HUSSEY and HUF- FAKER, 1976; CROFT and BROWN, 1975; CROFT and NELSON, 1972); permethrin (HOY et al., 1979); HOY and ROUSH, 1978; HOYT et al., 1978; ROCK, 1979; DDT (MCMURTRY et al., 1970; HUSSEY and HUFFAKER, 1976; CROFT and BROWN, 1975; DELATTRE, 1974; READSHAW, 1975). Pesticides for killing predatory mites:mancozeb (COULON and BARRES, 1976);maneb (MCMURTRY et al., 1970; HUSSEY and HUFFAKER, 1976; CROFT and BROWN, 1975; NELSON et al., 1973; OVERMEER and VAN ZON, 1981); dinocap (MCMURTRY et al., 1970; VAN ZON and WYSOKI, 1978; CROFT and BROWN, 1975; CROFT and NELSON, 1972; DE­ LATTRE, 1974; NELSON et al., 1973). Pesticides for killing predatory insects:

50 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) PH 60-42 (GRUYS and VAN DER MOLEN, 1977). This experimental insecticide (a pyrazoline compound) made by Duphar, Holland, was considered pro­ mising because of the strong and selective action it has upon insects, especially upon Coleoptera. Finally, two fungicides (copperoxychloride and copperoxyde) were included in the test series because these were observed to increase the scarlet mite abun­ dance in the field (chapter Toxicity test on scarlet mites Twelve leaves for the rearing of mites (seechapte r 3.1.5) were collected from clone Cin 143, cleaned and cut to the required size. Twenty young, field col­ lected adult scarlet mites were transferred to each leaf. After 2 days of adapta­ tion, mites were again counted and if necessary complemented. The leaves were divided into 4 treatments with 3replicates . The treatments consisted of dipping the whole leaf for 10 seconds in a solution of the pesticide, or in water for the control. The pesticide concentrations were in proportion of 16:4:1 (see table 15). After dipping, the droplets were taken off and the leaf stored as usual in water (fig. 12 and 13). Adult mites and offspring were counted at least every six days under a dissection microsope. The four treatments were evaluated as to the fecundity of the females (average oviposition/Ç), the survival of the fe­ males (% survival) and the multiplication of the populations after a period of 16-27 days. The results of each pesticide experiment were tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test at P = 0.05.

The average survival, oviposition and multiplication in each pesticide test is given as a percentage of the average control value in table 15.Severa l pesticides appear only slightly to influence the multiplication of the populations (i.e. the combined effect of survival and reproduction). Deviations from the develop­ ment in the control (= 100%) are significant in the permethrin, DDT, manco- zeb and maneb treatments. Permethrin appears to be very toxic to scarlet mites in all concentrations, contrary to the results of a preliminary test. HEUNGENS and VAN DAELE (1977) too reported permethrin as an efficient acaricide for controlling Brevipalpus obovatus on azalea. DDT seems to be neutral to scarlet mite development in the middle concen­ tration, it may be somewhat stimulative (though not significant) in the low con­ centration and is toxic in the high concentration. Mancozeb is toxic to scarlet mites in all three (high) concentrations. The tox­ icity may even not be expressed fully in the test because the leaves were not dipped completely. The petioles of the leavesremaine d untreated, and a^pro­ portionally large part of the mite populations managed to survive and thrive on the petioles. . , ^ . ^ TU Maneb too is toxic to scarlet mites in all three (high) concentrations The leaves in the test were dipped completely. It seems that maneb in itslowes t con­ centration is somewhat less toxic to scarlet mites than mancozeb. The mite Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Table 15. Theeffec t ofpesticide so nth edevelopmen t ofscarle tmit epopulation si nth e laboratory. Thesurviva lo fth eparenta lfemales ,th eovipositio npe rfemal ean dth emultiplicatio n ofth epopu ­ lation during theindicate d number ofday s after treatment isgive n asa percentag e of the (water treated) control.

Treatment In percentage ofuntreate d After days pesticide %activ e survival oviposition multipli­ ingredient cation

0 100 a 100 a 100 a Carbaryl 0.0032 121a 92 a 110a 27 0.0128 108 a 97 a 104 a 0.0511 131a 96 a 126 a

0 100 a 100 a 100 a Permethrin 0.0031 2b 0b 2b 18 0.0125 0b 0b 0b 0.0500 0b 0b 0b

0 100 ab 100 a 100 ab DDT 0.0068 107 a 126 a 139 a 16 0.0270 78 be 103 a 80 ab 0.10801 62 c 70 a 46 b

0 100 a 100 a 100 a Mancozeb 0.0800 46 ab 28 b 28 b 26 0.3200 19b 20 b 20 b 1.2800 14 b 3c 2b

0 100 a 100 a 100 a Maneb 0.08001 40 b 54 b 31b 25 0.3200 12 b 5c lc 1.2800 0b 3c 0c

0 100 a 100 a 100 a Copper 0.0019 97 a 113a 109 a 18 oxy-chloride 0.0075 103 a 106 a 106 a 0.03001 102 a Ilia 113a

0 100 a 100 a 100 a Copper 0.0019 84 a 92 a 77 a 23 oxyde 0.0075 99 a 88 a 88 a 0.0300 99 a 94 a 69 a

0 100 a 100 a 100 a PH 60-42 0.0019 91 a 93 a 84 a 19 0.0075 85 a 92 a 79 a 1 0.0300 90 a 103 a 94 a 1Concentratio n alsouse d infiel d experiment. a,b ,c .An ytw opercentage si neac hpesticid etest ,no tfollowe d byth esam eletter ,ar e significantly different atth e 5%leve lo fprobabilit y accordingt oDuncan' s Multiple Range Test.

52 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Table 16. Pesticidesuse d inth epredato r check experiment.

Pesticide Formulation Target predators Origin Spray concentration

PH6CM2 25%flowable insects Duphar 0.12% Maneb 80%W P mites Dupont 0.10% DDT 72%WP 1 insects + mites unknown 0.15%

1Analyze d byth eDutc h Plant Protection Service. multiplication in none of the other treatments deviated significantly from the control. Carbaryl isno tfoun d tob etoxi c toscarle t mites, contrary toth e re­ sultso fa preliminar y test. PH60-4 2an dth ecoppe r fungicides may beconsid ­ ered asbein g inert to scarlet mites. The exclusion pesticides Asexclusio n pesticides I chose respectively DDT tokil lth e predatory mites andinsects ,mane bt okil lth epredator ymite san dP H60-4 2t okil lth epredato ­ ry insects (table16) . The average dose per leaf applied byfield spray s iscalculate d to bei nth e order of8 t o 17time s lower than when applied bylea f dipping (chapter 3.4.2). These figures arebase d onth epresumptio n ofa completely even distribution of the pesticide over hetspraye dfield an da nestimate d losst onon-targe t sur­ faces of30-70% . The toxic effects ofthes e doses ofDD T andmane b toscarle t mitesma yb e considered negligible. Therefore, I considered these pesticides acceptable for usei nth epredato r check experiment (chapter 4.5.2) inspite-p f the toxicityt o scarlet mites inhig h dosages. Verification of DDT toxicity on predators Thetoxicit y ofDD T onpredator swa sstudie di nth elaboratory . From clone Cin 143,2 4leave s for mite rearing (seefig. 1 2 and 13),wer ecollected ,cleane d andcu tt ostandar d size.Te nfield collecte dadul t scarletmite swer e transferred to each leaf and left to multiply for a week. Then half of all the leaveswa s dipped for 10second si na DDT-solutio n (0.15%DD T 72WP) ,th e samecon ­ centration as used in thefield experiment . Thelarge r droplets were removed and theleave s dried, predators were then introduced individually toa treated and anuntreate d leaf. Phytoseiid predators, which tended toescap e from the leaf, were also tested in closed cells.A clean tealea f was dipped in the^DDr solution and another left untreated. Cells were constructed as usual (chapter 3.2.2).Excessiv equantitie s ofscarle tmit epre ywer ebrushe d intoth ecells . Ih e cellswer eclose d with theai do fa cove r glassan dadhesiv e tape after theintro ­ duction ofindividua l Phytoseiidae. Survivalo fth epredato r wasverifie d every other day. The experiments wererepeate d several times.Th enumbe ro fpreda ­ torsavailabl ewa sunfortunatel y insufficient topermi t statisticalanalysi s DDT wasjudge d tob e toxict oth estudie d specieswhe nsurviva l onal ltreate d leaves appeared considerably shorter than onth e untreated leaves. 53 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Table 17. Survival ofpredator s (inaverag e duration in days, with standard deviation SD and number ofobservation s n)reare d onuntreate d andDDT-treate d leaf substrates. Rearing units wereleave ssurrounde d bywater ,o rclose d cells.A reduce d survival onDD T treated leavescom ­ pared tountreate d leavesi sjudge d asa toxicit y ofDDT .

Survival (days)

Rearing untreated DDT-treated Toxicity Species 1 unit of DDT mean SD n mean SD n

Phytoseiidae: Amblyseius deleoni leaf 14.1 11.4 4 1.1 0.24 7 toxic cell 8.2 3.0 3 2.5 2.1 2 Amblyseiusx leaf 2.0 1.2 4 1.0 0 4 toxic cell 5.5 0.7 2 1.0 0 3 Amblyseiusy leaf 13.9 21.7 5 1.0 0 2 toxic cell 1.5 1 Amblyseiusz leaf 3.7 4.6 3 2.5 2.1 2 toxic cell 5.8 2.3 3 1.6 0.5 4 Typhlodromus leaf 5.0 2.8 2 7.5 1 non toxic jackmickleyi cell 5.0 1.4 2

Stigmaeidae: Zetzellia a leaf 14.3 15.7 4 7.2 5.9 8 non toxic Agistemus terminalis leaf 9.1 7.7 4 7.8 8.8 2 non toxic Agistemusdenotatus leaf 17.7 11.0 3 21.8 22.5 3 non toxic Agistemusg leaf 21.5 17.2 4 12 1 non toxic Agistemuse leaf 17.5 7.8 2 7.5 2.1 2 non toxic

Insects: Lestodiplosis oomeni leaf 11.9 16.5 6 6.5 7.1 4 non toxic Wollastoniella testudo leaf 24 1 0.5 1 toxic

1Thi sassessmen t ofth e toxicityo fDD T isnot based ona statistica l analysis.

The average survival period of the predator species studied in the DDT- treated and untreated series is given in table 17wit h an assessment of the toxi­ city of DDT. The pesticide appeared to be toxic to most Phytoseiidae, and not or only slightly toxic to most Stigmaeidae. Lestodiplosis oomeni of the hexapod predators was hardly affected, but Wollastoniella testudo appeared to be sensi­ tive to DDT.

4.5.2. Predator check experiment Location and method A predator interference or check experiment (DEBACH and HUFFAKER, 1971) was carried out in the tea gardens of RITC in Gambung from May 1979 to October 1980.Th e experiment was located in a tea plantation 64 years old. Ex­ cept for pesticide treatments, the garden maintenance was normal, with pluck­ ing at intervals of 7-14 days, manuring and manual weeding. The experiment

•'4 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen82-1 (1982) 5 /y UNTREATED 9 6 PH60-4 2 MANEB

10 7 DDT PH60-/.2

11 UNTREATED DDT 1 I Fig.29 .Lay-ou t ofth epredato r checkexperiment .Th eplo tnumber san dtreatment sar eindicated . started 2year s after the last pruning. . Twelveexperimenta l plotso f 10 x 20m wer elai d outm a randomizedcom ­ plete block design, modified to fit the shape of thefield (fig . 29)^Four meter wideborde r strips between plots and an adjacent road or footpath weremain ­ tained wherepossible .Th eplot swer emarke d bybambo opole san d plasticrib ­ bon, and separated by 2 m wide strips. The twelve plots were divided ,n o 4 treatments with 3replicates . The3 contro l plotswer elef t untreated-^ other plotswer espraye d oncei n3 weeks(i ntota l 24times )wit hth epesticide schose n for a selective killing of different groups of predators ^^^^± 200mV 5 1 of fluid was applied by knapsack hand sprayer, ^uatew« sprayed from below, with the nozzle directed upward to reach Aeundonde of the maintenance leaves (fig. 17).Tim e of application varied between 10an d

Schiet mites and predators were counted in leaf samples with intervals of

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 6 weeks during the first period of the experiment (May-October 1979), and later with intervals of 9weeks .Th e first sampling was carried outjus t before thefirst pesticid e treatment. Especially the counts on leaveswer e used for cor­ relation analysis between the densities of scarlet mites and predators ashavin g thesam esubstrat e asa measur e ofreference .I n2 5place spe rplot , overhanging branches were beaten over a funnel net to sample predatory insects and mites (seechapte r 3.2.1). Hidden arthropods weresample d once from collars of cor­ rugatedcardboar d around thestem so f5 teabushe spe rplo t (seechapte r 3.2.1). It was supposed that the populations of predators and mites required some time to adapt to the selective stress of the exclusion pesticides. As a - rather arbitrary - period for a numerical adaptation, I chose a period of 5 months after the start of the experiment (June - October 1979). This period equals about 3 generations ofth escarle tmit ean d 5o rmor e ofth ecommo n predators (cf. table 13).Th e second period waschose n to commence simultaneously with the rainy season and to cover (nearly) one year. The checking of the predators Negligible numbers of predatory insects werefoun d in the treated fields. In table 18onl y the totals for the whole final year are given per treatment and persamplin gmethod .Thes etota lfigures ar elow .I t istherefor e concluded that the contribution ofth epredator y insectst o thenatura l control of scarlet mites was negligible in the predator check experiment. Thecompositio n ofth epredator y mitefaun a during thefirst an d the second period ofth eexperimen t isgive ni nfig. 30 Arespectivel y 30Ban d C. Few pred­ atory mite species are found inmore than negligible numbers. These are in the leafsample sAmblyseius x, A. deleoni, A.z and theStigmaeidae ,an d inth e beat­ ing net samples A. deleoni, A.z, Bdellasp . and the Stigmaeidae (fig. 30B and C respectively). The diverging results of both techniques may be caused by a difference in the microhabitat sampled (leaves or branches) and in the behav­ iour ofth epredator s (e.g.tenacit y to the substrate,escap ebehaviour , sensitivi­ ty to disturbance). In the untreated plots, all species are rather poorly represented, except A. deleonii n some beating net samples.I n the PH 60-42treate d plots, the species

Table 18. Thetota lnumbe r ofpredator y insects sampled inth epredato r checkexperiment . These totals are found by summation over the 3replicate s and 6censuse s of the last 12 months.

Lestodiplosis Wollastoniella oomeni testudo

leaf samples beating net stem collars

Untreated 11 20 PH 60-42 8 31 Maneb 18 14 DDT 1 3

-'" Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) composition largely corresponds to that in the untreated plots, but phytoseiid juveniles, Amblyseius z and the Stigmaeidae are often more numerous. In the maneb treated plots, Phytoseiidae are fewer than in all other treatments, but the Stigmaeidae are more abundant than in the untreated plots. In the plots treated with DDT Amblyseiusx hasdisappeare d andA. deleoniha sver ynearl y disappeared directly after the start of the applications. Bdella sp. is also less numerous than elsewhere. Simultaneously, Amblyseius z and the Stigmaeidae (mainly Agistemusf) have consistently increased. These results suggest that the repeated treatments by the exclusion pesti-

Fig.30A .

to 1979 CONTROL PH60-42 MANEB DDT LU _- 40

O h 20i ui I-Th n -Th-n ,-, •—•—i—I -il Aug LU CC I- ^ 40 LU 4U CL CC Jul Üi 20 m Lu n_ ~HLn- n H JL ft 40 H Jun >- Cd 20 -\ LU CC O. Ün. XI rK_„ ,-, 1 rH nn May itêé 4 .-i^E û_<«i-:oCûaî al<« PREDATORY MITE SPECIES* Fig. 30A, Ban d C. The frequency of the predatory mites in the predator check expenmen .Th e counts from the 3 replicates"with m each treatment are combined. ^^ZSlSStZ leaf samples (fig. A and B)an d in beating net samples(fig . Q. The nght hand scaleindicate sth e period of numerical adaptation to the selective pressure by the exclus.o n P^£^™ second period (covered byfig. B and C) the populations are considered to have adapted to this selectivepressure . _ ,, , 'abbreviations: phytoseiid juveniles, Amblyseius x. Amblyseius deleoni, Amblyserus x. Typhlodro- mus ndibu, other Phytoseiidae,Bdella sp.,Stigmaeidae . 57 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Fig. 30B. See text of fig. 30A. 1980 CONTROL PH60-42 MANEB DDT


20 Aug 0 th Jû U .,=^0 _ JÛb

Jul 40

20 Jun XL 0 m-, -n tb. LL

May LU ït LU _J O 20 in Apr 0 •H-H-JI TL-, n n

Mar 40 < LU LT I- 20 cr Feb aLU. ce 0 n JL LU m 2: Jan z> 40- z. en 20- i Dec

P 0 ruw _n Ml Jt _D a Nov tr 40 û.

20 Oct

EL r-n mi n n=L J] 1979 * 4É •2- lïop .H, .• i_ 0 ~ -J .TD fczi fc a_<<

58 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Fig.30C . Seetex t offig. 30A . 1980 CONTROL PH60-4 2 MANE B DDT

40 ^

20 Tl n Aug 0 ü J] hu LQ

Jul 40 -\

20 Jun in —H~ n m _=£-

May 40

20 Apr :iünJL P-Th-.- l

Mar 40

20 Feb IL ikJL IL .J h ,-n Jan 40

ïfl 20 Dec n„ n Nov


Oct 20 11- lr _n :=jkiL 1979 > DÛ. .3, .§^.3 E *J T3 r"äJ en >^x -o N C-£;-cr.p : Q_<<<> £<<

Afecferf. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) •—• PHYTOSEIID AND SCARLET MITES •—« o—-o STIGMAEID MITES (NUMBER PER LEAF ) (NUMBER PER LEAF) 50- UNTREATED /V ""

25- -0.5 ,• •

O' -O--0. O" ~~0— —o-- 0- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir 0

50 •1



M'J 'J'A'S'O'N'DIJ 'F'M'A'M'J'J 'A'S'O 'M y"t ////'//////WWW,, DRY /WYS/S/////S//S/. DRY 1979 I 1980 Fig. 31. Thenumerica lfluctuations o fth e scarlet and predatory mite populationsi nth e4 treat ­ mentso fth epredato r check experiment. The counts from the 3replicate s within each treatment arecombined .


0^o^^^^o--^^^-^f^?-- T--t>-1---1"-T^T»


PH60-42 o.H

•\_ ^*&>^£==a 0 -o i—-p—,-o-r-9—r--r T 1 1 1 r

0.2 n


--O-, —-o—_ o— - =0=f=^ -1 1 --3*-1 T-=

M J J A S 0 N lff//ffff/ff/ffllf"l'"""""",///f///////////i nnv

1979 f"" 1980 Fig. 32 Thefluctuations o fth epredator y mitedensitie srelativ et o thescarle tmite : densitiesi nth e 4treatment s ofth epredato r check experiment.Th ecount sfro m the3 repl.cate swithi n each treat ment are combined. 61 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) cides failed to kill a large proportion of the target group of predators as in­ tended (except A. deleoni and A.x in the DDT treatments). Nevertheless, the treatments appeared successful in diversifying the predator abundances in the respective fields. Fortunately the experimentally diversified predator abun­ dancespermi t analysis ofth e role ofprédatio ni n the natural control of scarlet mitesn oles stha n theintende d diversification byexcludin gpredator s from part of the experimentalfields woul d have allowed. Numerical fluctuations of scarlet mites and predators Thenumerica l fluctuations of scarlet mites during the whole predator check experiment are given per treatment in fig. 31 (left hand scale). The treatment values are averages of the 3replicates . Corresponding weather conditions are given infig. 33 . Duringth eonl yrain y season and thetw odr y seasonscovere d byth eexperi ­ ment, the numerical fluctuations of scarlet mites in all treatments showed a common pattern. Corresponding to the numerical fluctuations described be­ fore (chapter,th epatter n consists ofa numerical increase of the popu­ lationsdurin g thedr yseaso n reachinga maximu m at theen d (September), fol­ lowed bya strong drop inmit enumber s during the transition to therain y sea­ son(October) .A deviatio n from thispatter n isapparen t onlyi nth ethre e DDT treated populations.Th edensitie sher erecede d to aver ylo wan d constantleve l when the rainy season began. A numerical increase during the subsequent dry seasonwa sabsen ti n thesepopulations ; thedensit yremaine d lowan d constant (fig. 31). The numerical fluctuations of the phytoseiid and stigmaeid predators (not distinguished into species) are given as average densities of the 3replicate s in fig. 31 (righthan d scale),an di naverag edensitie srelativ et othos e ofth escarle t mite in fig. 32. The pattern of numerical fluctuations of the predators is less




1979 I 1980 Fig. 33. The weather conditions during the predator check experiment, measured in a teafield ata heigh t of 1.20 mi n aStevenso nhut .Th eminimu m relativehumidity ,minimu man d maximum temperaturedat a are 10-dayaverages .Th e rainfall data are 10-daytotals .

62 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) clearcut then that of the scarlet mites. In the untreated and PH 60-42 treated plots,phytoseii d numbers seemt ofluctuat e moreo rles sparalle l toth e fluctua­ tions of scarlet mites. In themane b treated plots sucha developmen t isabsent ; phytoseiid fluctuations remain low and erratic. In the experimental plots (un­ treated, PH 60-42 and maneb) the stigmaeid density remains at a rather low and constant level (fig. 31 and 32). In general, the differences between these three treatments appear to be minor. The treatment by DDT results in a very different development. It was in­ tended that all thepredator s would bekilled ;instea d thePhytoseiida e attained high densities, especially in relation to the density of scarlet mites during the wet season (fig. 32).Th e fluctuations of thestigmaei d density seem tob emor e or lessparalle l to those of the scarlet mites (fig. 31)bu t the density relative to that of the scarlet mites starts to increase strongly at the end of the first dry season (fig. 32).Th e conclusion istha t after an initial period roughly equal to the dry season,i n the DDT treatment a relativeincreas e in density ofbot h the phytoseiid and stigmaeid predators iscombine d with adecreas e in the density of scarlet mites and a suppression of the usual dry season maximum. The influence of either Phytoseiidae or Stigmaeidae on the abundance of scarlet mitesi sno t evident from thesenumerica l fluctuations. Classical oscilla­ tions between predators and prey are absent. The populations of scarlet mites andpredator s seem to beto o stable, and thepredator y mitesinsufficientl y dis­ tinguished into species to make such influences evident. An analysis of the abundances of thescarle t mitean d ofeac h specieso fpredator ymit etha tcoul d beidentifie d is given below. Evaluation of the effectiveness of predators A method for quantitative evaluation of natural enemy effectiveness is by correlation between the numbers of the prey and the numbers of the natural enemy in an ecosystem, provided that there isevidenc e of a direct causal rela­ tionship (KIRITANI and DEMPSTER, 1973). Apositiv ecorrelatio n thenma yindi ­ cate a numerical dependence of one (usually the predator) on the other (the prey). A positive correlation is often found with alternating fluctuations of prey and predator numbers (e.g. DABROWSKI, 1970; DELATTRE, 1974; NACH- MAN, 1981; WHITE and LAING, 1977b)bu t it haslittl evalu ea sa n argument for control of the prey by the predator. Anegativ ecorrelatio n meanstha t theabundanc e ofon e(th eprey )i sinverse ­ lyproportiona l to that of the other (the predator). This kind of correlation is especially meaningful when the abundances have more or less stabilized and the predator abundances are for some reason diverse. Likewise, COLLYER (1964a)demonstrate d the importance of Typhlodromuspyri i n thenatura l con­ trol ofPanonychus ulmii n England byexperimentall y diversifying thepredator densities which later led to inversely proportional densities of prey and preda­ tor. This negative correlation is a strong argument in favour of control of the prey by natural enemies. , , To evaluate the natural enemy effectiveness in the predator check expen- Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Table 19. Thecorrelatio n coefficients (r)betwee n the abundances (10log transformed densitiesi n leaf samples)o f scarlet mitesan d predatory mitespe r censusi n the 12 plots of thepredato r check experiment. A linear regression line of the (average transformed) abundances of scarlet mites on those of thepredator y mitesi scalculate d over theperio d November 1979- August 1980.

Correlation coefficients

Stigmaeidae Phytoseiidae

Month of all all Ambly- A.deleoni Ambly- sampling species species seiusx seiusz

May 1979 -0.63* 0.36 0.20 0.62* 0.31 July 0.13 0.29 0.12 0.52 0.50 August 0.34 0.29 0.35 0.05 0.29 September -0.23 0.10 0.28 0.45 -0.23

November -0.66* -0.30 0.20 -O.03 -0.53 February 1980 -0.60* -0.59* 0.38 -0.01 -0.71* April -0.65* -0.57 0.45 0.26 -0.92** June -0.65* -0.39 0.24 0.46 -0.84** August -0.70* -0.22 0.62* 0.08 -0.86**

November 1979- August 1980 -0.72* -0.51 0.59* 0.33 -0.92**

Regression analysis(Novembe r 1979- August 1980): -coefficient -0.67 -0.59 +1.13 +0.22 -1.02 -constant +3.12 +3.08 +2.28 +2.34 +2.71 Significance: * P < 0.05;* *P < 0.01 ment, linear correlation coefficients and regression lines were calculated after normalizing the data on abundance by logarithmic transformation: y = 10log (scarletmites/sample) ;x = l° lo g((predator s + l)/sample).Th ecoefficient s (r) are calculated separately per census and per predator (table 19).Th e levels of abundance during the second period of the experiment (November 1979-Oc- tober 1980)appeare d sufficiently constant topermi t correlation and regression analysis of the average abundances of mites and predators.

Between the abundances of the combined phytoseiid species (as plotted in fig. 31an d 32)an d ofth e scarlet mite (fig. 31),th ecorrelatio n isno t significant except once(censu s of February 1980:tabl e 19).Th e analysis iselaborate d for the separate specieso f thePhytoseiida e but not for the separate stigmaeid spe­ cies(tabl e 19an dfig. 34 )sinc eidentificatio n of these species was not feasible. The abundances of scarlet mites and Amblyseius x respectively A. deleoni seemt ob ecorrelate d positivelybu trarel yi na significan t way.Th e abundances of scarlet mites and of Amblyseius z respectively the Stigmaeidae consistently showa ver ysignificant , negative correlation duringth esecon d period Howev­ er, outside the DDT treated plots, A.z is rare (fig. 30). Hence, the correlation depends heavily on the data from the DDT treated plots (fig. 34). The Stig- 64 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) SCARLET MITES: LO G( NUMBE R PER SAMPLE)

6.1- • UNTREATED x PH60-42 \^ a • MANEB o DDT 2.8- • \- • x ^^ X 2.4- \s

o 2.0- 0

y= -0.67X +3.1 2 0 y= 1.13x+2.2 8 y=-1.02x+2.7 1 J r =-0.7 2 P<0.01 r =0.5 9 P<0.05 r= -0.9 2 P<0.00 1 1.6- i 1 i 1— 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8 STIGMAEIDAE AMBLYSEIUS X AMBLYSEIUS Z PREDATORY MITES:LOG((NUMBER+ 1 )PE R SAMPLE) Fig. 34. Linear regression lines of the abundances of scarlet mites on those of predatory mitesi n the 12predato r check plots. The correlation coefficients (r) are given with their probability level (P).Th eabundance s insample s of 50leave sar eaverage d overth eperio d November 1979- August 1980afte r '° lo g transformation. maeidae on the other hand are common in all treatments. The correlation is far less dependent on the data from any single treatment than in the case of A.z (fig. 34). These results suggest that A.x and A. deleonia spredator s areno t important for the natural control of scarlet mites in the experiment. The abundance of these predators may depend to a certain extent on the abundance of scarlet mites.Th e results indicate that the contribution ofA.z and the Stigmaeidae to the natural control of scarlet mites issignificant . The control by the Stigmaei­ dae seems to occur in all plots although different in intensity. The control by A.z ispracticall y limited to the DDT treated plots. An alternative interpretation of the cause of the negative correlation - by opposite effects of an external influence (DDT) on mites (reduction) and pre­ dators (increase)- isals o possible,bu t doesno t agreewit h other observations. In the field experiment, DDT treatment caused a remarkable decrease in the abundance of scarlet mites (chapter while the laboratory experiments found the reverse: some mite increase at low dosage (though not significant: chapter CRANHAM (1966) reported that DDT can markedly increase thenumber s of scarlet mitesi nte afields i nCeylon .N oindication sfo r stimula­ tiveeffec t by DDT on predatory miteswa sfoun d inth elaborator y experiment (chapter Scarlet mite in the laboratory isreadil y accepted as prey by Amblyseius z and the Stigmaeidae (chapter 4.4.1). These observations contra­ dict the alternative interpretation and confirm the interpretation of the nega­ tivecorrelatio n by a significant control ofth escarle tmite sb yA.z and theMig - maeidae.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Table20 . Impact ofpredator y miteso n theabundanc e of scarletmite s at threepredato r densities. Theaverag edensitie so fth eStigmaeida ean dAmblyseius z durin gth esecon dperio d ofth e predator check experiment as well as a zero density are substituted into the regression formula (fig. 34). Theimpac t of thepredator s (i.e.th emit edensit y with predator control) isexpresse d as a percent­ ageo f the extrapolated mitedensit y without predators.

Individuals per leaf

Stigmaeidae Amblyseius z

DDT control without DDT control without plots plots predators plots plots predators

Averagedensit y of predators 0.84 0.24 0 0.22 0.01 0 Corresponding mite density 6.7 14.4 52.7 3.2 17.8 21.5

%Reductio n of scarlet mites 13 27 100 15 83 100 Impact of the predatory mites Thecontrollin g effect of thepredator s can bequantifie d by the ratio of the average prey abundances in the presence and absence of the predators (LAW- TON and MCNEILL, 1979).Thes e abundances can be estimated by substituting the average abundance of thepredator y mitesdurin g the second period of the predatorchec kexperimen tint oth eformul a ofth elinea rregressio nlin eo fscar ­ letmit eo npredator ymit eabundanc e(fig . 34),a swel la sb ysubstitutin ga zer o predator abundance.Th e resulting estimates are fairly crude. In the untreated control, Amblyseius z would reduce the scarlet mite abun­ dance to 83% of the abundancewithou t this predator, and the Stigmaeidae to 27% (table 20).I n the DDT treatments,A.z would reduce themit e abundance to 15%an d the Stigmaeidae to 13%o fth e abundancewithou t thesepredators . The role of the predatory mites in the natural control of the scarlet mites is estimated onlyver y roughly bythes eratios .

66 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 5. DISCUSSION


The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of scarlet mites, reared under favourable laboratory conditions,i sfairl y lowi ncompariso n to that ofspide rmit especie s (4.1.3). Nevertheless, the offspring of a single female would soon attain astro­ nomicalabundanc e (2.1019 in2 years )i fthi srat eo fincreas ewa sno t restricted. The populations of scarlet mites in teafields, however , increased very slowly (4.2.3.an d 4.2.4).Eve n themaximu mincreas eobserve di nan yfield populatio n waswel lbelo w theincreas ei nth elaborator y ( tfollow s that thepopu ­ lations in the field are largely restricted by factors in theenvironment . Under­ standing the mode of action of the main factors restricting unlimited popula­ tion increasema y open a door tomanipulatio n ofthes efactor s and toth econ ­ trol of the pest.


Theconstanc y ofclimat ean d thecontinuit y ofth ete acultur ei nJav apermi t a continuous development of the fauna on tea. The scarlet mites do not hiber­ nate or aestivate (4.2.1).Th e onlyinterruptio n in thedevelopmen t seemst ob e the pruning of the tea bushes,whic h occurs about every four years. Pruning reduces the populations of scarlet mites as a catastrophe to practi­ cally zero (4.2.3).A fe w survivors form an inoculum that starts to multiply on thenewl yforme d leaves.Thi sinoculu m islikel yt o be supplemented from out­ side. HARAMOTO(1969 ) reported wind to be an important disseminating agent of scarlet mites in papaya stands.Win d dispersal may beles simportan t in In­ donesian tea. Sticky microscope slides, installed 2 m high in densely infested teagardens ,di d not trap any scarletmit e during onewee ko fdr yweather ,bev - eralscientist smentio n phoresy to bea nimportan t mechanism for thedispersa l of scarlet mites (HARAMOTO, 1969; CRANHAM, 1966; PREBBLE 1972).Th e per­ sonnel in tea gardens may carry mites on their clothing and disperse them to all parts of the plantation. The tea culture requires every bush to be picked every 7-14 days,whic h permits on a large scaledispersa l ofmite sb yphoresy . It is likely, therefore, that every tea bush iswel l inoculated with scarlet mites soon after pruning. , . , , , „ « Duringth efirst tw oyear safte r pruning,th epopulation smultipl yslowl yan d more or less exponentially (4.2.3).Exponentia l growth means:tha t ^growth rate is constant per individual and hence independent of density^( P ELOU 1974).Th e average rate ofincreas ei sconsiderabl y lower than the m«^te ofincreas e(4.2. 4 5).I t follows thatenvironmenta l factors stronglyrestric tpop ­ ulation growth and that these are largely independent of density. 67 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) About two years after pruning, the average population growth levels off (4.2.3). High mite densities are not likely to occur much earlier. B. australis normally reaches this stage about 3 years after pruning in Ceylonese tea (BAP­ TIST and RANAWEERA, 1955), and B. phoenicis requires about one year to build up harmful densities on Hawaiian papaya (HARAMOTO, 1969). Two years after pruning of Indonesian tea, mite populations incidentally develop high densities that may fluctuate strongly ( These outbreaks are considered to be harmful. The densities inmos t mitepopulations , however, remain low and con­ stant ( Pruning interrupts this constancy and determines the basic per­ iodicity of the development of scarlet mite populations in tea.


Resistance is the potential of the host to reduce the growth and activity of a parasite or herbivore (Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging, Com­ missie voor de Terminologie: List of phytopathological terms, in preparation). The reduction islikel y to result in a reduced abundance of the parasite or herbi­ vore. There are several indications that resistance is an important factor res­ tricting the multiplication of scarlet mites. The significant and reproducible differences in density of scarlet mites on dif­ ferent clones of tea (4.2.2) can be explained only by differences in resistance of the clones. The low mobility of scarlet mites and the behavioural separation between mite populations on neighbouring bushes (4.1.4) eliminate preference as an explanation. Differences in resistance explain the independently distribut­ ed mite densities in traditional tea plantations (4.2.2). The bushes all originate from seed, each bush having a genetically determined resistance to scarlet mites which is different from the others. The separate (4.1.4) populations of mites in seedling bushes increase to different levels of abundance, dependent on the restricting effect of the respective resistances. The initial increase in mite numbers after pruning appears to level off after about 2 years (4.2.3). The initial increase in volume of the foliage also levels off about 2 years after pruning when the loss of old leaves and growth of new leaves is about equal (SCHOOREL, 1950). These phenomena may be related. Old leaves which are poor in nutrients become more numerous at the end of the pruning cycle. This is probably detrimental to mite development and may be an important factor restricting the abundance of scarlet mites. The abundance of scarlet mites increases after regular applications of copper fungicides ( Similarly, B. australis in Ceylonese tea increases after the application of copper fungicides (CRANHAM, 1966). Increasing numbers of a pest after pesticide application are usually explained by two main hypotheses (VAN DE VRIE et al., 1972; HUSSEY and HUFFAKER, 1976) as being caused by, first, detrimental effects of the pesticides on the natural enemies, and second, an increased reproduction of the pest. However, the frequent application of copper fungicides in tea was not found to be harmful to the predators (

6° Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) Noacarophagou s fungi wereobserve d ( esuppressio n ofwhic hcoul d explain the increased mite numbers.Coppe r fungicides didno t appear tostim ­ ulate directly the reproduction ofscarle tmite si n thelaborator y ( - phobiosis, i.e. an increased reproduction of the pest because of a pesticide in­ duced improvement in the nutritional quality (or decreasei nresistance ) of the leaf stillma y explain thephenomenon . CHABOUSSOU (1966,1969)ha scollecte d muchevidenc e for trophobiosis among which theincreasin g effect that copper fungicide treatments exerto n thepopulation s ofspide rmites .However ,th eob ­ servations in the chapters mentioned above do not discriminate sufficiently to confirm the mechanism of trophobiosis as an explanation. Plant chemistry - an important part of mechanisms of resistance - was shown by LAWTON and MCNEILL (1979)t o have a profound effect on the in­ trinsicrat e ofincreas e (rm) o fherbivores .The yshowe d theoretically that small differences in rm make big differences to the abundance of the herbivore.Th e differences in abundance of scarlet mites on different host plants, the levelling off of the numerical increase two years after pruning and the numerical in­ crease of scarlet mites after application of copper fungicides are probably all caused bydifference s or changesi nr m ofscarle tmite san d consequently inth e resistance of the host plant. Hence,resistanc ei sver yimportan t asa facto r res­ tricting the multiplication of scarlet mites intea .


The development of scarlet mite populations in thefield coul d not becorre ­ lated with averages of weather factors during the periods between successive censuses ( Thedevelopmen t ofth e scarletmite si sno t sensitivet ovariation si nth erela ­ tivehumidit y within a range ofa tleas t6 5 to 90% (HARAMOTO, 1969). The vari­ ation in temperature during theyear , however,wa sver ymuc h reduced (cf.fig. 25),probabl y too much to allowcorrelatio n with development. For several reasons the development of scarletmite swa sexpecte d tob ecor ­ related withrainfall . Mitepopulation sdecrease da tth estar to fth erain yseaso n ( Scarlet mites are adversely affected bywettin gi nlaborator yreanng s (4.1.2).Th evariatio n inrainfal l moretha n that oftemperatur ean d relativehu ­ midity appeared to besufficien t (cf.fig. 25 )t oallo wth ecalculatio n ofpossibl e correlations but these were found to be insignificant. DANTHANARAYANA and RANAWEERA (1974)i n Sri Lanka alsoexpecte d acorrelatio n between thedevel ­ opment ofB. australisi nte afields an drainfall ,bu tth esituatio nther ewa s simi­ lar. They ascribed the lack of correlation to the protected living place of the mite.Thi s argument isequall y applicable toB. phoenicism ™^*™™T er, it does not seem to explain satisfactorily the seasonal variation in th^mul­ tiplication of scarlet mites ( l other explanationsco u db egive n 1. Thesimultaneousl y decreasingnumber si nseparat emit e P°P^«»jur ingth etransitor y periods between thedr yan dwe tseason ssugges t unmeasured 69 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) factors to be responsible. The mortality may be higher because the showers during the transitory periods are more vehement and therefore the rain can reach the protected mite populations. DANTHANARAYANA and RANAWEERA (1974)assume d that rainfall indirectly affects thedevelopmen t ofmite s on tea. They suggested that the red carotenoid pigment, rhodoxanthin, would be syn­ thesized in tea leaves only during the dry months of the year and might act as a phagostimulant or a reproductive stimulant. 2. The effect of certain environmental factors on the population develop­ ment may change as a consequence of adaptation by the mites. The mortality inpopulation s ofscarle tmite safte r thefirst showe r ofth erain y season islikel y to be more severe than after subsequent showers. The mites adapt to the less favourable weather conditions and resume multiplication after an initial de­ crease in numbers. 3. Counteracting factors may obscure the effect of a factor with which the multiplication iscorrelated . An increased rate ofmultiplicatio n in scarlet mites after an increase in temperature may be counteracted by - for instance - an increase in efficiency ofprédatio n as a restricting factor. None of these explanations can be confirmed or denied by the results de­ scribed. Clearly, the data are insufficient to unravel the doubtlessly complex effects ofweathe r factors uponfield population s of scarlet mites but neverthe­ lessthes eeffect s may be considerable.


Control ofscarle t miteb ynatura l enemiesha sneve r beenconsidere d impor­ tant. Somepredator s havebee n observed topre yupo n scarlet mitesi n Ceylon­ ese tea, but the possibilities for biological control were considered remote (CRANHAM, 1966).Man y predators are found preying upon tea mites in India, but the degree of biological control exerted by the enemies was inadequate (RAO et al., 1970).Th e natural enemies of scarlet mites on tea have not been studied before in Indonesia. Predators of scarlet mites have been recorded on papaya in Hawaii (HARAMOTO, 1969), on citrus in Colombia (ZULUAGA and SALDARRIAGA, 1970)an d on severalcrop s in (ATALLAe t al., 1972;You - SEF, 1970; ZAHER et al., 1971) etc. The importance of scarlet mite control by predators on these crops has only been considered incidentally. Intensive exploration of tea in Indonesia yielded a large diversity of arthro­ pods that prey upon scarlet mites ( y insects are few, both in number ofspecie san d innumbe r ofindividual s ( econtro l of scarlet mites by the predatory insect Lestodiplosis oomeni is negligible because of its marked preference for other prey than scarlet mites ( The voracious insect Wollastoniella testudo only thrives amid high densities of prey ( Its incidental occurrence ( suggests only incidental importance as an agent restricting high densities of scarlet mites. The species of predatory mites are particularly numerous. A considerable

'" Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) number seems to be newt o science(cf . table 9).Thoug h thediversit y ofpreda ­ tory mite species may be large, the abundance isusuall y low in proportion to that of the prey (; The commonest phytoseiid Amblyseius de- leoni was expected to be an important scarlet mite predator because it repro­ duced relatively quickly when preying upon scarlet mites (, it was fre­ quent and occurred generally ( However, its polyphagous character, cannibalism and incessant escapes from rearing on scarlet mite prey ( show that the affinity to scarlet mites is low. The second commonest phyto­ seiid, Amblyseius x, strongly prefers eriophyid prey and hardly reproduces when forced to prey upon scarlet mites ( The low affinity to scarlet mites in both Phytoseiidae explain the limited correlation between the abun­ dances of scarlet mites and thesepredator s ( , thesePhy ­ toseiidae contribute little to the control of scarletmites . Amblyseiusz is the only phytoseiid that contributed significantly to thecon ­ trol of scarlet mites in the predator check experiment ( However, the specieswa spracticall y limited toth eDDT-treate d plots( )an dwa sneve r found in tea plantations outside the RITC gardens ( Because of this limited distribution, the speciescanno t possiblypla ya nimportan t rolei nscar ­ let mite control. Other Phytoseiidae were rare (; and/or ineffi­ cient ( and therefore not important. I presume that the role of Phyto­ seiidaei n the natural control of scarlet mitesi n tea on Java islimited . The role of Stigmaeidae in the regulation of mite populations is not well known (HUSSEY and HUFFAKER, 1976). DELATTRE (1974) considers the stig- maeid Zetzellia mali able to keep populations of the spider mite Panonychus ulmi on apple at a low level. WHITEan d LAING (1977a and b)conside r Z. mali on apple as a less effective predator of i>.ulmi than the phytoseiidae because of its smaller size, lower mobility and relatively low intrinsic rate of increase. The Stigmaeidae in Indonesian tea have the same seemingly disadvantageous characteristics (4.4.1; .Nevertheless ,ther ear esevera largument st ocon ­ sider them as efficient predators of scarlet mites. Stigmaeidae eagerly accepted scarlet mite prey and reproduced welli n laboratory experiments ( e rate of increase of the studied speciesexceede d that of thepre y ( ­ maeidaesuppresse d scarletmit epopulation si nth elaborator ywithou timmedi ­ atelybecomin g extinct when prey became scarce ( d predators arecommo n and widespread ( econsisten t negativecorrelation s be­ tween the abundances of scarlet mites and predatory mites in the predator check experiment show that the predators can suppress populations ol scarlet mitesi n the field ( e contribution of Stigmaeidae and A.z could not be distinguished in the DDT-treated fields, but in otherfields onl y the Stig­ maeidaewer eeffectiv e predators ( nth eDDT-treate d andth euntreat ­ edfields, Stigmaeida e reduced theabundanc e ofscarle tmite st oapproximatel y 13% respectively 27% of the abundance without these predators (4-5.2.5). conclude that Stigmaeidae are able to effectively control scar et mites This control is only partially realised in the normal untreated ecosystem ot tea.

71 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 5.6. NUMERICAL REGULATION BYTH E RESTRICTINGFACTOR S

A regulated population is one which tends to return to an equilibrium den­ sity following any departure from thisleve l (VARLEYe t al., 1973). The numeri­ cal constancy of many scarlet mite populations ( suggests that these populations areregulated . The restricting factors may contribute to regulation in several respects. A larger proportion of themit epopulatio n inhabits the upper surface of the leaf when the overall densities are high. These mites are more exposed to me­ teorological hazards (rainfall) than those on thelowe r surface. Leaves are shed whenheavil yinfeste d and damaged bymites .Thi sreduce s thequantit y of food and substrate available to the mites, and exposes the mites on nearby leaves more to meteorological hazards. The restricting effects of weather factors, especially of rainfall, are thus intensified as a consequence of crowding. Somepredator s contribute to the regulation of their prey. Predacious mites in particular are known to keep phytophagous mites at a low density (HUF- FAKER et al., 1970; HUSSEY and HUFFAKER, 1976; RABBINGE, 1976, etc.). The results ofth epredato r checkexperimen t dono t provetha tprédatio ni sa factor regulating scarlet mites. Nevertheless, a regulating effect of certain predatory mitesbecam eparticularl y apparenti nth eDDT-treate d plots ( nwhich , paradoxically, thepredator s functioned best. The preference of the predatory mites for the eggs of scarlet mites (4.4.1) maycontribut e toregulation .I n smallecosystem sthi spreferenc e delays theex ­ termination of the prey by the predator, which in turn delays the extinction of thepredator because oflac k ofprey . Similarly, SABELIS (1981)foun d phyto- seiidpredator s to prefer young stages of the prey, the two-spotted spidermite . He suggestsevaluatin g theconsequence s ofthi spreferenc e bydynami c simula­ tion at the population level. Theimportanc e of themechanism s that contribute to the regulation of scar­ let mites cannot be estimated with the available data. Since scarlet mites are only partially controlled by predators under natural, untreated conditions in tea (, regulation by predators can be only partially effective under natural conditions.


DDT-treatment ofacarin epredator-pre y ecosystems usually causesth ephy ­ tophagous mites to increase and the predators to decrease (HUFFAKER et al., 1970). It was surprising and important to note in the predator check experi­ ment that predators kept scarlet mites effectively in check in the fields under a heavy DDT-stress, but only partially in the untreated fields with the usual diversityo fpredator s ( Aconsideratio n ofth eactio n spectrum of DDT and a hypothesis about theconsequence s may help to understand this result. AllAmblyseius specie sappeare d sensitivet o DDT-treatment inth elaborato -

'^ Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) ry trials ( A.z was however not killed by the DDT-treatments in the predator check experiment ( This contradictory result is probably caused by unequal dosages in thefield an d the laboratory (3.4.2)an d because A.z would bemor e tolerant to DDTtha n otherAmblyseius species . According­ ly, DDT selectively killed A. deleoni and A.x in the field ( Although I assessed the toxicity of DDT to predatory mites only roughly (, the reactions of comparable species in the studied mitecommunit y diverged to an unforeseen degree. It means that laboratory trials areno t sufficient to forecast thecomplicate d reactions ofa predator communityi nnature .Therefore ,i twa s notjustifie d to select the exclusionpesticide s on thebasi so fa comparabl esen ­ sitivity in phytoseiid species to pesticides (cf. ThePhytoseiida e A. deleonian dA.x arerelativel ylarge ,polyphagou sspecie s ( It is hypothesized that the disappearance of these predators resulted ina reduce d interference between theremainin gpredators .Thi sma yhav eben ­ efitted A.z and especially the DDT-tolerant ( Stigmaeidae. Because of reduced negative interferences byA. deleonian dA.x, thenumber so fpredator y mitescoul d now react more directly to thedensit yfluctuation s ofscarle tmites , resulting in a more effective control and regulation of thescarle t mitepopula ­ tions.Th enegativ e interference mayhav ebee nprédatio nb yA. deleonian d A.x onth e small and slow Stigmaeidae. Thispossibilit y wasno t considered during thelaborator y studies. Hence no attacks of thesePhytoseiida e on Stigmaeidae were recorded. Observations more or less parallel to those discussed here exist. COLLYER (1964b)reporte d an increase in the abundance ofth ephytoseii d Typhlodromus pyrian dn oeffect s on thestigmaei dAgistemus longisetus afte r frequent applica­ tion of DDT in New Zealand orchards. Both were predators of Panonychus ulmi. DABROWSKI (1970) reported a shift in speciescompositio n and anumeri ­ cal increase of phytoseiid predators and the prey P. ulmi after application of some chlorinated hydrocarbons including DDT in Polish orchards. He stated that the application of pesticides in orchards changed the specific structure of the phytoseiid populations in which Typhlodromusfinlandicus limite d the in­ crease of other phytoseiid species. T.finlandicus decreased after spraying and did not inhibit the other phytoseiidae from increasing (DABROWSKI, 1970). Both the observations from New Zealand and Poland resemble the resultso f thepredato r check experiment. Theinterpretatio n givenb yDABROWSK Ilargel y corresponds to my hypothesis. x The hypothesis implies that the big disruption of the (diverse) acanne com­ munityb yDD T allowed thepredator st ocontro lscarle tmite smor ee i ectiveiy. Thedisruption , i.e. the elimination ofsom epredato r species,i sa simplification ofth ecommunit y at thetrophi cleve lo fth epredators .Th eeffec t ofthi ssimpli ­ fication confirms thevie w of VAN EMDENan d WILLIAMS(1974 )o nth esta bht y ofecosystems ,statin g that 'High diversitya tan ytrophi cleve lma ylea dt ostab ­ ility at that level to a point where that level may be insufficiently unstabe : to react to fluctuations in the level below'. This may well be the reason^ ha.the keynatura l enemies (i.e. the Stigmaeidae and A.z)wer eabl e to control scarlet 73 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) mite populations at a low density in the acarine communities simplified by DDT-treatments, but unable to do so in the more diverse, untreated communi­ ties. It is equally in line with the conclusion of CROFT and BROWN (1975) with regard to the biological control of mites in USA-orchards that 'the presence of Phytoseiidae and Stigmaeidae at the same time may not be the most favor­ able situation'. The same effect of diversity impeding biological control ap­ pears from the information available on the winter , Operophtera bruma- ta, a pest of deciduous trees (SECHSER, 1970 a and b; EMBREE, 1971; VARLEY et al., 1973). They suggest that two introduced European parasites effectively control winter moth in Canada while a large complex (63 species) of endemic parasites in Europe is unable to keep the density at a low level. The hypothesis that the Stigmaeidae, normally present in Indonesian tea plantations, are able to control scarlet mites effectively but are hampered by other (phytoseiid) predators, can be verified. Predator populations of different composition may be compared for the effect of the control exerted, measured by the level of abundance of scarlet mites. According to the hypothesis, lower levels are expected where stigmaeid predators predominate. An experimental method should eliminate the phytoseiid predators but spare the stigmaeid predators and scarlet mites. A subsequent increase in stigmaeid abundance with a reduction in the abundance of scarlet mites would confirm the hypothesis. The Phytoseiidae may be eliminated by pesticide application. Attention should be given to the risk of complications as in this study (cf. and 5.7) that pesticides may affect predators and prey in unforeseen ways. The selection of a suitable pesticide seems possible because Stigmaeidae in general have a strong pesticide tolerance, especially towards organophos­ phorous compounds (CROFT and BROWN, 1975). Phytoseiidae are sensitive to many kinds of pesticides (CROFT and BROWN, 1975; MCMURTRY et al., 1970). The sensitivity of scarlet mites to many pesticides was studied by RAO (1974b), DANTHANARAYANA and RANAWEERA (1970), ALI and HAQ (1973), FINDLAY (1971), FILHO et'al. (1977) and others. Carbophenothion is a pesticide worth considering. It isharmles s to the stigmaeid Zetzellia mali (PARENT, 1960; SAND- FORD, 1967), toxic to some Phytoseiidae (SANDFORD, 1967; CROFT and BROWN, 1975) but also rather toxic to scarlet mites (RAO, 1974b; SUTADIREDJA and Oo- MEN, 1977). A suitable dosage and timing of the applications should be deter­ mined experimentally. As a possible method for control, it seems rather far-fetched to stimulate bio­ logical control by chemical control of competing natural enemies. Only when few applications appear to suffice for long periods, e.g. one application per year, the method may become useful. Elimination of the Phytoseiidae by non- chemical methods would be more desirable. However, I am not aware of such a method.

'^ Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) 5.8. CONTROL BY MANIPULATION OF FACTORSRESTRICTIN G SCARLETMITE S

Most populations of scarlet mites in tea are present at a low and constant density, and require no control measures. At times some populations reach harmful outbreak densities and in these cases natural control is obviously in­ sufficient. Outbreak densitiesar eno t likelyt o occurearlie r than twoyear s after pruning. The densities reach maximum values especially at the end of dry sea­ sons.A n imminent start of arain y season renders specialcontro l measures un­ necessary. Clean pruning is an effective measure of control. A rather far-fetched method to improve the control of mite outbreaks by predators isdescribe d in the previouschapte r (5.7).I n general, it seemsworth ­ while to spare the predators, especially the Stigmaeidae and Anthocoridae {Wollastoniella testudo) by limiting the use of pesticides toxic to these preda­ tors. Biological control by means of field releases of W. testudo is promising, provided that mass-rearing is feasible. A reduction in the rate of increase of the mites willresul t in a big reduction in mite abundance (LAWTON and MCNEILL, 1979). Limiting the amount of copper fungicides on tea leaves therefore will result in lower mite densities, especially on those exposed bushes where large amounts usually accumulate. Theus e of resistant clones (4.2.2) seemsa n easy, effective and definitive way to solveth epes tproblem s of scarletmites ,bette r than themanipulatio n of any other restricting factor. Future work should aim primarily at selecting and planting more resistant clones. The haploid thelytokous reproduction of this mite probably results in populations of a rather uniform composition. The changes of the scarlet mites to break the resistance of the clone are therefore small. In order to study the mechanisms of resistance and to further select re­ sistant teaclones ,th e rearing technique described in chapter 3.1.5 offers excel­ lent possibilities. The door to the control of scarlet mites by manipulation of restricting factors, especially resistance, iswid e open.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) '-> 6. SUMMARY

Tea is the national drink of Indonesia. The habitual consumption prevents intestinal infections; the production provides many Indonesians with a living. Theproductio n isaffecte d by scarletmite s(Brevipalpus phoenicis GEIJSKES), an important pest of tropical and subtropical crops. It is one of the main pests of tea in Indonesia and inhabits virtually all tea bushes.Th e factors restricting the development of thismit e on tea inWes t Java werestudie d by observations andexperiment si nth elaborator y andth ete agarden so fth eResearc h Institute for Tea and Cinchona. Scarletmite smultipl y fast under favourable conditions. Theintrinsi crat e of increase (rm = 0.0610)howeve r isfa r less than that of some spider mites.Th e scarlet mite populations develop continuously in thefield, withou t synchroni­ zation. The mites stay on the undersurface of the tea maintenance leaves and are rather sedentary. A deteriorating leaf quality triggers off migration with a positive phototactic orientation, i.e. towards younger leaves of the bush. Different tea clones and seedlings sustain significantly different mite densi­ ties as a consequence of differences in host plant resistance. Tea bushes are pruned once in four years in West Java. This strongly reduces the abundance of scarlet mites.Th e populations build up slowly and exponentially to a mean equilibrium levelwhic hi sattaine d around twoyear safte r pruning.Mos t popu­ lationshav ea lowan d rather stabledensit ydurin g thesecon d twoyear s of the pruning cycle;som epopulation s havehig h and fluctuating densities. Generally speaking, the populations especially increase during the dry seasons and de­ crease during the transitory periods. Maxima are reached usually at the end of the dry season. The fluctuations are not directly related to the average minimum or maximum temperature, average minimum relative humidity or the total rainfall. Application of copper fungicides (copperoxychloride) in­ creasesth eaverag emit edensitie san d especiallyth e seasonalmaxima . The nu­ merical multiplication offield population s always remained much below that of populations in the laboratory under favourable growing conditions. Many other arthropods beside scarlet mites inhabit tea leaves. Predators of scarletmite swer ecollecte d from teaestate si nJav a and Sumatra. Thediversit y of predatory mite species appeared to be particularly rich. A considerable number of speciesprobabl y has not been described and isidentifie d provision­ ally in this paper by a code name. The predatory behaviour of most species (Phytoseiidae and Stigmaeidae), the reproduction of three typical species and thecapacit y ofthre estigmaei d speciest o keep scarlet mitesi n check werecon ­ firmed in laboratory experiments. A series ofpesticide s was screened in the laboratory for (undesired) toxicity towards scarletmites ,DD Twa s screened for toxicity towardspredators . Most Phytoseiidae appeared tob esusceptible ,an d most Stigmaeidae appeared to be tolerant to DDT. DDT, maneb and PH 60-42wer eselecte d asexclusio n pesti-

'6 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) cides with the intention of killing respectively: all the predators, the predatory mites and the predatory insects, without affecting the scarlet mites in a preda­ tor check experiment. These exclusion pesticides were frequently applied in thefield durin g the 16 months period ofth epredato r check experiment. Theeffect s deviated from the expectationi nvariou srespect sbu tresulte d ina sufficientl y diversified predato­ ry fauna to analyze the importance of several predator species as a factor res­ tricting the development of scarlet mites. The effect of DDT was most unex­ pected. It killed themos t common Phytoseiidae and permitted the Stigmaeidae and Amblyseiusz to develop high densities. The density of scarlet mites de­ creased to a rather constant levelbelo w that of the (untreated) control, proba­ bly as a consequence of prédation. The predators that made the most impact were the Stigmaeidae. They suppressed the level of abundance of scarlet mites in the DDT-treated and the untreated fields to 13%an d 27%respectivel y of the abundance without these predators. Themor e effective control bypredator s in the DDT-treatedfields wa sinter ­ preted by a selective killing with DDT of the less efficient predators {Ambly­ seiusx and A. deleoni). The disappearance of these probably benefitted the other, more effective predators of scarlet mites (Stigmaeidae and Amblyseius z). Thediversit y ofth eecosyste m at thetrophi cleve lo fth epredator s appeared not tob erelate d to theeffectivenes s of thecontro l of scarletmites . Suggestions for control, especially the planting of resistant clones, conclude this paper.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 77 RINGKASAN

Tungau jingga (Brevipalpus phoenicis GEIJSKES) merupakan hama penting pada tanaman tropika dan subtropika. Tungau termasuk hama utama tana- mante hd iIndonesi a dandapa t ditemukanpad a semuaperd u teh.Ekolog ipo - pulasi tungaujingg a pada tanaman teh di Jawa Barat telah dipelajari dengan melakukan pengamatan-pengamatan dan percobaan-percobaan di laborato­ riumda n kebun-kebun teh di BalaiPenelitia n Teh dan Kina. Tungaujingg a berkembang biak dengan cepat. Meskipun demikian kecepa- tan pertumbuhan intrinsiknya (rm = 0,0610)jau h lebih rendah daripada be- berapa tungau labah-labah. Di kebun populasi tungaujingg a berkembang se- cara terus-menerus, tetapi tidak serempak. Tungau ini menempati permukaan bawah daun dari lapisan daun pemeliharaan (maintenance leaves)denga n mo- bilitasyan gkecil .Migrasiny a dirangsang olehmenurunny a kualitasdaun , den­ gan sifat fototaksis positif,yait u menuju daun-daun yanglebi hmud a dari per­ du tersebut. Bermacam-macam tanaman teh klonal dan teh asal biji menunjukkan per- bedaan kerapatan populasi tungau yang nyata. Di Jawa Barat pemangkasan tanaman tehdilakuka n setiapempa t tahun sekali.Pemangkasa n dapatmenye - babkan sangat menurunnya populasi tungaujingga . Populasi kemudian ber­ kembang lagi secara perlahan-lahan dan secara exponensial menuju ke suatu tingkat keseimbangan rata-rata, dan hal ini dicapai sekitar dua tahun setelah pemangkasan. Pada umumnya kerapatan populasi rendah dan agak stabil pada tahun kedua dari daur pangkas; beberapa populasi mempunyai kerapa­ tanyan gtingg ida nberfluktuasi . Umumnya populasimeningka t selamamusi m kemarau, dan berkurang pada musim pancaroba. Populasi maksimum biasa- nya dicapai pada akhir musim kemarau. Fluktuasi tidak dipengaruhi secara langsungole hsuh uminimu m atau maksimum rata-rata, kelembaban nisbimi ­ nimum rata-rata atau jumlah curah hujan. Fungisida tembaga (copper oxy- chloride) dapat meningkatkan kerapatan populasi tungau, terutama maksi­ mummusimannya . Angka pertambahan populasi dilapanga n selalu lebih ren­ dah dari angka pertambahan populasi di laboratorium dengan syarat pertum­ buhan yang baik. Banyak arthropoda selain tungaujingga , hidup pada daun-daun teh. Preda­ tor-predator tungaujingg a dapat ditemukan diperkebunan-perkebuna n teh di PulauJaw a dan Sumatera. Keragaman predator tungau ternyata sangat besar. Banyak speciesnya yang mungkin belum dikenal dan untuk sementara waktu hanya diidentifikasikan dengan nama kode saja. Sifat predator dari kebanya- kan speciesPhytoseiida eda n Stigmaeidae,perkembangbiaka n dari tiga species yang khas dan kemampuan dari tiga species Stigmaeid untuk mengendalikan tungaujingg a telah di pelajari dan diteguhkan di laboratorium. Beberapapestisid atela hdiuj i dalamlaboratoriu m untuk mengetahui tingkat keracunan (yang tidak diinginkan) terhadap tungaujingga . DDT, maneb dan

' o Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) PH 60-42 ternyata berturut-turut membunuh semua predator, tungau-tungau predator dan serangga predator tanpa mempengaruhi tungaujingg a di dalam percobaan lapangan selama kurun waktu 16 bulan. DDT beracun terhadap hampir semua predator Phytoseiid tetapi tidak beracun terhadap predator Stigmaeid dalam uji lanjutan di laboratorium. Penggunaan pestisida selektif tersebut di dalam percobaan penekanan pre­ dator telah dapat cukup membeda-bedakan fauna predator untuk dapat dia- nalisa pentingnya beberapa species predator dalam pengendalian tungau jing­ ga. DDT memberikan pengaruh yang tidak diduga. Ini membunuh Phytoseii- dae dan memungkinkan Stigmaeidae dan Amblyseiusz berkembang, sehingga kerapatannya sangat tinggi. Kerapatan populasi tungaujingg a menurun pada suatu tingkat yang agak konstan, yang lebih rendah daripada pada petak kon- trol, yang mungkin desebabkan oleh kegiatan predator. Di antara semua pre­ dator, Stigmaeidae mempunyai pengaruh yang paling besar. Predator ini me- nekan derajat populasi tungau jingga di dalam petak perlakuan DDT dan pe­ tak yang tidak diperlakukan sampai 13% dan 27%dar f derajat pembiakan po­ pulasi bila tanpa predator. Pengendalian yang lebih efektif oleh predator dalam petak-petak perlakuan DDT diduga karena terbunuhnya secara selektif predator-predator yang ku- rang efisien (Amblyseiusx dan A. deleoni).Hilangny a predator yang kurang efisien ini mungkin menguntungkan predator-predator tungau jingga yang le­ bihefekti f (Stigmaeidae dan Amblyseiusz). Keragaman ekosistim pada tingkat trofik dari predator nampaknya tidak berhubungan dengan efektivitas pen­ gendalian tungaujingga . Buku ini diakhiri dengan beberapa saran pengenda­ lian, terutama penanaman klon yang tahan.

Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) 79 SAMENVATTING

Thee isd enational e drank van Indonesië. De regelmatige consumptie voor­ komt ingewandsinfekties, veroorzaakt door het drinken van besmet water; de produktie verschaft een bescheiden inkomen aan eengroo t aantal mensen. De produktie van thee wordt onder meer belemmerd als gevolg van aantasting door oranje mijt ofpalmmij t (Brevipalpusphoenicis GEIJSKES), een belangrijke plaag van tropische en subtropische gewassen, en van theei n het bijzonder. In Indonesiëkom t demij t voor opvrijwe l alletheestruiken . Dit boek verslaat een beschrijvend en experimenteel onderzoek aan het Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona (West Java) naar de faktoren die het aantalsniveau van oranje mijt op thee bepalen. Oranje mijt kan zich onder gunstige omstandigheden snel vermeerderen. Haarpotentiël e snelheidva nvermenigvuldigin g doet echter onder voor dieva n sommige spintmijten. Populaties van oranje mijt in theetuinen ontwikkelen zichgedurend e het helejaar . De mijten bewonen de onderkant van volwassen theebladeren enzij n honkvast. Een afnemende kwaliteit van hetbla d echterze t migratie in de richting van hogere lichtintensiteiten in gang, d.w.z. in de rich­ tingva njonger e bladeren van dezelfde theestruik. In West Java worden theestruiken doorgaans eens in de vierjaa r gesnoeid. Snoeiverminder t demijtendichthei d sterk. De populaties groeien daarna weer langzaam en exponentieel naar een gemiddeld dichtheidsniveau dat bereikt wordt na ongeveer tweejaar . De meeste populaties handhaven een laag en ta­ melijk stabiel niveau; sommige populaties echter fluctueren sterk en bereiken hoge dichtheden. De sterkste toename heeft plaats gedurende dedrog e tijd; de sterkste afname gedurende de overgangsperiode van droge naar regentijd. De aantalsveranderingen bleken echter niet gecorreleerd met de gemiddelden van de minimum of maximum temperatuur of van de relatieve vochtigheid, noch met dehoeveelhei d regenval. Bespuiting met koperfungiciden deden de gemid­ delde dichtheden stijgen, vooral de seizoensmaxima. De toename van popula­ ties in het veld bleef altijd ver achter bij die onder gunstige omstandigheden in het laboratorium. Naast de oranje mijt komen vele andere soorten arthropoden voor op thee. Predatoren van oranje mijt werden verzameld van thee-ondernemingen op Java en Sumatra. De diversiteit aan soorten roofmijten is opmerkelijk groot. Een aanzienlijk aantal soorten is waarschijnlijk nog onbeschreven. Deze wor­ deni n dit boek voorlopig aangeduid met een codenaam. In laboratoriumproe­ venwer d van demeest e soorten roofmijten (Phytoseiidae en Stigmaeidae) het roofgedrag bevestigd, evenals de capaciteit van drie soorten Stigmaeidae om oranje mijt opee nlaa g niveau tehandhaven . Dereprodukti e van drie kenmer­ kendesoorte nroofmijte n opee ndiee tva n oranje mijten werd ook kwantitatief onderzocht. Eenreek sva nbestrijdingsmiddele n werdi nhe tlaboratoriu m getoetst enver -

80 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1(1982) geleken wat betreft (ongewenste) giftigheid voor de oranje mijt. DDT werd te­ vensonderzoch t opgiftighei d voor predatoren. Demeest ePhytoseiida ebleke n gevoeligvoo r DDT,maa r demeest e Stigmaeidae tolerant.DDT ,mane be nhe t insecticide PH 60-42werde n geschikt bevonden tediene n als uitsluitingsmiddel in eenpredator-uitsluitingsexperimen t met het doel omrespectievelij k allepre ­ datoren, deroofmijte n end eroofinsekte n tedode nzonde rd eoranj e mijt recht­ streeks te beïnvloeden. Deze uitsluitingsmiddelen werden gedurende 16maande n geregeld gebruikt in de proefveldjes van het uitsluitingsexperiment. De uitwerking, vooral van DDT, was in sommige opzichten anders dan verwacht. De predatoire fauna werd erechte r voldoende door gevarieerd om dero l van deverschillend e soor­ ten predatoren als beperkende factor van de ontwikkeling van de oranje mijt te kunnen vaststellen. DDT doodde de meer algemene Phytoseiidae maar liet hogere dichtheden van de Stigmaeidae en Amblyseius z toe. Oranje mijt nam hierbij af tot een tamelijk konstante dichtheid dielage r lagda n in de onbehan­ delde proefveldjes, vermoedelijk als gevolg van predatie. Van alle predatoren bleken de Stigmaeidae het belangrijkst. Zij onderdrukten de aantallen oranje mijt in de DDT-proefveldjes tot 13%e n in de onbehandelde veldjes tot 27% van de dichtheid zonder deze predatoren. Het lagere dichtheidsniveau van de oranje mijt in de DDT-proefveldjes is waarschijnlijk het gevolgva n een selectieveuitschakelin g door DDT van enige weinig efficiënte predatoren (Amblyseius x en A. deleoni). Hun uitschakeling zou andere,effektiever e predatoren van deoranj e mijt (Stigmaeidae enAmbly­ seius2) ten goede zijn gekomen. Een grotere diversiteit van het ecosysteem blijkt daarom nietessentiee l tezij n voor eeneffectie f laaghoude nva nd eplaag - dichtheid. Enige aanbevelingen voor bestrijding van de oranje mijt, in het bijzonder aanplant van-resistent e klonen, besluiten dit boek.

Ol Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Theresearc hfo rthi spublicatio nwa scarrie d outfro m 1975t o 1980a tth eRe ­ searchInstitut efo rTe aan dCinchon a (RITC)a tGambung ,Indonesia . During thefirst thre e years Iwa semploye d onth eprojec t ATA-51b yth eDirectorat e General for International Cooperation (DGIS). For the last two years I worked at the same institute for the Agricultural University of Wageningen witha gran t (W89-34 )fro m theNetherland s Foundation forth eAdvancemen t of Tropical Research (WOTRO). The latter also enabled the preparation of this thesisi n 1980-81a tth eLaborator y ofEntomology , Wageningen. The present research waspropose d by Prof. dr. J. de Wilde and dr. ir.P . Gruys. The interest, cooperation, hospitality and criticism of professor De Wildewer ea grea t support tome .Dr .Gruy s hasprovide d attentive,encourag ­ ingan deffectiv e backing andlate r constructive criticism ofth e manuscript. The great hospitality and cooperation of prof. dr. ir. Haryono Semangun, whoals otranslate d thesummar yint oIndonesian ,i sgladl yacknowledged .Th e staff of RITC inGambung , especially drs.Ati k Dharmadi, ir.Martant oMar - tosupono andir .Wente n Astika, showed much interest and cooperation. All the personnel of the RITC tea estate assisted with pleasure and efficiency, in particular Rulan Soedradjat, A'anWijaya , Eddy Suwardi and Syafrudin. My former students,Anit a H. Sutadiredja, Tinny S.Uhan , Djunaedi andespeciall y Wahyu Widayat collected important data. Theforme r team leadersdr .ir .A .F .Schoore lan ddr .ir .V .J .M .Koch stim­ ulated and advised me. TheNetherland s Embassy andmr . Sujud Sucherman of RITC effectively assisted inth ehar d task ofextendin gvisa san dothe r docu­ ments. Drs. J. de Koning kindly intermediated which helped solve specific problems. Thetaxonomist s C.F .va nd eBund ,dr .G .L .va nEyndhoven , dr.S .Ehara , dr. F.M .Summers ,dr .P .H .va nDoesburg ,dr .ir .R .H .Cobbe n andespecial ­ lym ywif e F.Oomen-Kalsbee k helped identify many arthropods. Duphar B.V.mad e available anexperimenta l insecticide.Drs .A .Martij n of the Dutch Plant Protection Servicean dmr . Supria ofRIT C analyzed somein ­ secticide samples. During analysis of the data and construction of the manuscript I received indispensable assistance from dr.ir .M .A .J . vanMontfor t on statistical mat­ ters,fro m dr. B.va nd eLustgraa f and dr.H .C .J .Oome n who read themanu ­ script critically, from dr.W .Helle , dr. F.J . Verheyen, dr.ir . M. Sabeliswh o criticized parts ofth emanuscript , from dr.ir .A .va nHui s for hisinspirin gex ­ ample and from S. G. Wever and W. C. T. Middelplaats (drawings), J. W. Brangert (photographs) andG .P . Bruyn (typing). I wisht othan k sincerelyan dprofoundl y allthos e named andunname dwh o contributed inan ywa yt o this publication. Pieter A. Oomen

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88 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982) CURRICULUM VITAE

1946 3septembe r geboren te Nijmegen 1965 Diploma Gymnasium ß, Canisius College, Nijmegen 1965 Aanvang studie biologie, Rijks Universiteit Utrecht 1968 Kandidaatsexamen; aanvang doktoraalstudie vergelijkende fysio­ logie, met landbouwdierkunde en biofysica 1968-1971 Student-assistent bij genetica, bij vergelijkende fysiologie en bij statistiek 1971 Doktoraal examen biologie (cum laude) 1970-1971 Docent COVALU , school voor zoologisch analysten 1971-1974 . Assistent-deskundige FAO, Cd. Valles S.L.P. Toegepast ecologisch onderzoek van eenplaa g van schuimcicaden in graslan­ den. Docent aan het Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. 1974-1975 Boven-Volta. Assistent-deskundige FAO, Bobo Dioulasso. Toe­ gepast ecologisch onderzoek aan rijstplagen. 1975-1978 Indonesië. Assistent-, later gewoon deskundige DGIS, Gambung. Toegepast ecologisch onderzoek aan mijtenplagen van thee. 1978-1980 Indonesië. Wetenschappelijk ambtenaar Landbouwhogeschool voor WOTRO, Gambung. Onderzoek omtrent depopulati e dyna­ mica van oranje mijt in thee. 1980-1981 Wetenschappelijk ambtenaar Landbouwhogeschool voor WO­ TRO, Wageningen. Voorbereiding promotie.

Present adress:Piete r A.Oome n Tarthorst 503 6708H R Wageningen The Netherlands

89 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 82-1 (1982)