


, . ''"''''Y~~~~y' . Issued bythe~~t4onal Health Statistics Cen~l~'e . '. of the . .Department of Health, Wellington , . . '.


. A Study in New Zealand Mortality - 4



J. W. DONOVAN, M.B., B.S.(Syd).,

National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Research Student, Department of Mathematical Statistics, The University of Sydney.


Issued by the National Health Statistics Centre Department of Health, Wellington



Trlis assembly of references which has been completed by Dr. J.W. Donovan covers the recorded field of epidemiological research in New Zealand and its Theme Lsla1.d Territories since the earliest o~ their . It to a surprisingly wide range of disea,se aspects which, some point of time, have occupied the attention of health workers .. '

This pUblication fulfils a and will make a valua1)le contribution to the s~uay It pleasing that the Department of Health has been able to assist Donova;1. in the compilation of this bibliogra:;>hy by making available to him all the sources of refe'C'enee in our departmental. archives. In addition ,the has been ab1e to bring this information' to the at:;ention a ·"Jiae circle of reaciers through its public­ ation in this special report serLes. It is intended that this work be brought up-to-date and reissued at appropriate intervals. iatio.n is extended to Mrs. R.H. Schusser of the Nationa.l th Sta~istics Centre who was responsible for the lay-out of this report and who so efficiently shouldered the editorial functions.

D.P. Director-General of Health PREFACE

In 1966 I started a Ph.D. in Medical Statistics, sGudying trends in the health of the non-Maori population of New Zealar:.d. Early in this course I felt the need for a bibliography of select topics which would be studied in detail. Extension to the present form, a bibli of all published epidemio:!.ogical studies relating to New Zealand Island Territories, has greatlyincr~ased the work's usefulness for both clinical and field epidemiologists, yet added little to the required searching of potential sources.

There are no references to dental epidemiology, but other'Nise the term epidemiology is defined in its broadest sense - the of the incidence of disease. Examples of the kind of work referred to are series of cases of any condition, vital statisti0al studies of incidence or prevalence, . reports of and anthropometric surveys. References to technical articles dealing exclusively with drug therapy, or operative or laboratory techniques, are not

Inclusion of a reference does not imply merit. The aims to list sources that may be useful: worth is best assessed familiar with the particular subject. Even some references c recognizable errors are included, as a knowledge of what was believed the time is essential to a study of the past. Some references of purely historical interest:are ,suchas the report by Thomas (1391) of, probably, a foetal-maternal blood group incompatibility .

. Final I wish to pay tribute to my supervisor, Professor H.O. Lancaster, who suggested the work, and on whose of Vital Statistics in Australia and Netv Zealand it is based.


Department of Mathematical Statistics, University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia.

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The bibliography is arranged in two parts. The first is an alphabetical list of references. In this the Harvard system of citing is used, and titles of journals are abbreviated by the conventions of World List of Scientific Periodicals Published in the years 1900-1960, 4th ed.~ 1963-5..London: Butterworths. The entries are not annotated, but where discussion of a paper, such as one presented at a co~ference, is published, it is denoted by the letter d., with a page reference, iIDlllediately following the entry. Correspondence co~cerning an article, or editorial cOIDlllent on it, is distinguished by the letter c., and appears on the next line with. correspondent's name, year and a page reference.

']10 save space, a further device has been used for the many articles published more than ·once. Thes~ repetitions are denoted by the word rep. , with date, journal and paging following. Where, with a repetition, no journal is mentioned, it appears in Proceedings of the University of Otago Medical School, with volume, and then article number in brackets. Several authors have published under more than one set of initials, or initial names.Where this occurrence has been recognised the initials have been altered for consistency so that initials only are given for male authors and one christian name is used for female a'.lthors. It. is likely that many instances of this are 1.L1J.detected. Further, from the days when proof-reading was not at its present standard, several authors' names and titles have been found with recognizable mistakes. These have been corrected. Many references are unsigned. Where these were editorial comment they have been classified under "Editorial" in the alPhabet:ical index. The remainder are grouped chronologically .after "Z" in the alphabetical index. Public;ations of the Department of Health issued annually or. in a series are grouped following these entries. The second part of the bibliography contains three indexes. The first of these is an index to the whole work,the second and third give references to articles concerning Maoris and Island Territories respectively.

The three indexes are similarly arranged. Each starts with a list of references to diseases arranged by the Eighth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases. (Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death. Vol. I. Geneva: World Health Orga~ization). References are arranged by the list·of three­ digit categories~ including the supplementary CY) classification~of this work. Each iniex also contains an additional portion arranged by special topics not covered in the preceding part. In each category the re.ferences are arranged alphabetically by author; where there is no ambiguity, the author's initials are, for brevity, omitted. Authors who haye written more than twice on a particular subject are distinguished by (pass and dates of individual works are not given.

WO'.lld readers detecting any errors or omissions notify

The Public Health Statistician, National Health Statistics Centre, P.O. Box 6314~ ! WELLING'J1ON. ALPHABETICAL LIST or REFERENCES 4


W.N. (1931). A clini~al and pathological appreciation of the late ts of pulmonary by pOison gas in vvar. N.Z. med. J., 30, c. Aitken, W. (1932). N.Z. med. J., 31, 52-53. " c. Gwynne, F.J. (1932). N.Z. med. J., 31, 54-55. c. Abbott, W.N. (1932). ibid., 138-139. c. Aitken, W. (1932). ibid., 375-377. Abbott, W.N. (1933). The incidence of pulmonary disease following exposure to vesicant and asphyxiating gases. N.Z. med. J., 32, 257-267. c. Aitken, W. (1933). ibid., 370-373. Abernethy, I.A.G. (1959). Contact poisoning organic phosphate insecticide. Report of a ca,se. N.Z. • J., 58, 627-629.

~ Abraham, M. (1947). Report on food conditions in Rarotonga. to N.Z. Dep. Island Territories. Acheson, E.D. (1951). e sclerosis in British Commo::lwealth countries in the southern Br~ J. prevo soc. Med., 13, 118-1 E.D. (1965). The epidemiology of ulcerative colitis and regional s. Badenoch,J. and Brooke,B.N. eds., Recent advances in gastroenterology, pp 202-226. London: Churchill. Adams, C. E .. (1896). An investigation into the rates of mortality in New Zealand during the period 1881 Trans. N.Z. Inst., 29, 52-60. Adams, C.E. (1897). A comparison of the in New Zealand from 1850-70 and from 1870-90. Proc. N.Z. Inst., 30, 586.

Adams C.E. (1 A comparison of New Zealand and Australi&~ mortality. N. Z. " 30, Adams, C.E. (1898). A comparison of New Zealand mortal during the periods 1874-81 and 1881-91. Trans. N.Z. Inst., 31, 659-660. Adams, C. E. (1898). A co:nparison of the mortality in New Zealand, in Victoria and New South Wales, in England. Trans. N.Z. Inst., 31, 661-666. Adams, J.L. (1 Cerebrospinal fever. A review of thirty-four cases. K.Z. med. J., 41, 63-70. rep., (1943). 20, (4). Adams, W.E. (1963). Fingerprints of t:he New Zealand JIIlaori. J. Anat., 97, 483-484. Aickin, D.R. (1958). A of incidence and immunisation whooping cough in N.Z. med. J., 633-637.

Air Pollution Advisory Co~ittee, Christchurch Regional Planning Aut:hority (1 ). Air Pollution. N.Z. Dep. sci. industr. Res. Inf. Ser., 55. Aitken W. (1927). An inquiry into the after histories of patients treated the military sanatorium during the years 1919 to 1924. Australas. med. ., 2, Aitken, W. (1928) . reduction in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J. , 27, 185-196.

Aitken W. (1929). A report 0:1 admissions to 3&~atoriUID. N.Z. med. J. , 345-347. 5

Aitken, W. ('1 A discussion on tuberculosis control. N.Z. med. J., 292-295 .. Aitken, W. 1931). Mistakes in the diagnosis of pulmon::try tuberculosis. N.Z. . 'J., 30, Akel, R.N., Franki ,J.D., Powles, C.P., Watt, J.M., Weston, H.J. and Prior, I.A.M. (1963). Anaenia in ean infants and children 'on 3.:imission to hospital. A from six Zealand' N. Z. ·med., J., 62,'

Alexander, .R. (1894). Mortality in N•• med. J. o. " 7, 159-161.

Alexander, E.H. (1 ). treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, with a note of twenty cases near Dunedin. .Z. med ..J., 1, 104-1 AlexClnder, E.W. (1888). in New Zealand, with the di of the chronic insane. N.Z. med. J. o.s.,

Alldred~ A:J. arid Nisbet, N.W. (1 disease of bone in Australasia. J. Bone Jt ., 463, 260-267. Allen, E.? (1944). Radiological pelvimetry. A NeN Zealand study. N.Z. med. J., 116-1

Allen, I.M. 1 t of intracranial tftmours in New Zealand. N.Z. . J., c. Robb, .D. J., 36, 78-82.

Allen; I.M. (1942). 'The development of a neu+,ological. unit in a hospital. N.Z. med. J., 41,

Allen, S. C. (:1 ). Notes on the compilation of mortality statistics Holland.N.Z. med. J., 30, 1 Alstad K.S. and Smirk, F.H. (1948). in New Zealand. A survey 443 consecutive in Dunedin N.. med. J., 47, 298-308. C eU\J.U-J.Ll, N.Z. med •.J., -632. rep.. (1 (13). ori, C.C. (1929). Results of Raccium therapy at the Dunedin Ho . N.Z. med. :;., 28, rep., (1930). 7, (10). Anders on, C. C . (1930. Radium in the treatnlent of carcinoma of the uterine c N.Z. J., .29, 130-133.

Anderson, e.c. (1955). ~reatment of carcinoma 0':: the breast modelled upon the Iv1c-!J\lhi rter t N.Z. med. J., 1 Anderson, C.C. (1964). Carcinoma mammae: a review. N.Z. med. J., 159.

AndersoQ C . E. ( 1954) . Tuberculosis in a primary school. N.2;. med. vT • , 3 Anderson, C.E. (1957). Infectious hepatitis outbreak in a country district. N.Z. med. J., 56, 23

Andrews, O.W. ( on the health of Rarotongans: N. Z. Parl. J A·-3, , C.P. and Duff, 8.M.F. (1 ). A clinical and virologipal s of acute mouth ulcers. N.Z. med. 0., 66,

T Arms J.S. (1 Scurvy in New Zealand. N.Z. med. • ,U b


Bacon, D.F. and Marples, M.J. (1953). The distribution and aetiology of certain skin infections in Western Samoa. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 1 , " '

Bacon, 'D. F. ani Marples, M. J. (1955) . Researches in Wes tern Samoa. II. Lesions of the skin and their bacteriology. Trans. R.Soc. • Med. Hyg., 49, 76-81. ,J.D. (1965). Results of a cervical smear campaign in Wanganlli. N.Z. med. J., 64, 618-625. Bailey, R.R..(1964). "The farJler ani his poisons". N.Z. med. J., 63, 655-659. c. R.R. (1965). N.Z. med. J., 6/+, 108. Bailey, R.R. and Beaven, D.W. (1968). A retrospective analysis of 500 patients with acute myocardial infarction. N.Z. med. J., ,479-436. Baird, J.A. (1954), Carcinoma of the bronchus. N.Z. med. J., 53, 342-347.

Baird, J.A. (1 Resection in pulmo2ary tuberculosis. A preliminary report on 1 resections in 127 patients with a month follow-up. N.Z. med. J., 439-446. Bairu, J.A. and Prior, I.A.M. (1957). Results of surgical experience with mitral valve disease. A follow-up on thirty pa~ients operated on between February, 1 and May, 1956. N.Z. med. J., 56, 623 Baird, J.A., Savage, 'T., Gebbie, T., Fergusson, R.M. and Leslie, P.N. (1966); Initial experiences with cardio-pulmonary bypass. Report of t~e first year's work at Wellington Hospital, December 1964 - Decem~er 1 N. Z. med.. J., 652-657. . Bakewell, Helen ( The posture of New Zealand school-Ghildren. Ann. . Dir.-Gen. , 1929, Bakewell, R.H. (1874). On some common causes of consumption in Otago. Proe. N.Z. Ins~., 7, -544. . Bakewell, R.H. (1891). Is it expedient to make vaccination compulsory? Trans. Z. Ins., 24, 63 Lt-641. Bake-.vell, R. (1898). Note on a case of quartan ague in New Zealand. Lancet, 2, 1548. S. (1838). ACGount of the changes and present conditi.on of the ~ion of New Zealand. Jl statist. Soc., 1, 362-376.

Barel ,J. (~956)., A survey of cerebral palsy in Otago. N.Z. mei. J., , _. /; 9.

Bare , S. (1 A survey of the surgical work of a smaller hospital. . Z. med. J., 47, 560-568 . Barclay, S. (1 Carcinoma of the large intestine. N.Z. med. J., 39/-1--/-1-00. Barcl ,S. (1963). Prostatic obstruction Ln a general hospital. N.Z. med • . , 62, 475-477. Barclay, S. and McIntyre., J.H. (1 Gastrectomy for ulcer. N.Z. med.. J., 53, 396-40/-1-. 7

Barclay, W.';. (1903): Birth rate and deqth rate in and. J. Hyg., Camb., 3, 468-485 .. Barclay, W.J. (1903). A life table for New Zealand: based 6n the mortality .in the five years 1391-1 Publ. Hlth, Lond., 16, Barclay, W.J. (1903). Tuberculosis and cancer in New Zealand. Lancet, 2, . 822-824. Barnes, J.M. tions for the provision of advice and research on in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 65, 122-127. Barnett, E.C. (1907) . Laparotomy for obstructed labour. N.Z. med. J., 6, No. 24, 26-28. Barnett, L.E. (1897). Some observations on hydatid disease. Aust. med. Gaz., 16, 222-225. Barnett, L.E. (1905). Peritoneal infection. N.Z. med. J., 4, 299-306.

Barnett, L.E. (1909). Prophylaxis of disease. N.Z. med~ J., 7, No. 9-16. Barnett, L.E. (1914). m)servations on the treat:!lent of hydatid disease. N.Z. med. J., 13, 145-148. rep., (1914). Australas. med. Congr., 10, 391-400. Barnett, L.E. (1921). Radium at the Dunedin Hospi N.Z. med. J., 20, 81-93. Barnett, L.E. (1928). Hydatid disease in New Zealand: its ence and prevention. J. ColI. Surg. Aust., 1, -364. rep.; (1929). 6, ( 5) . Barnett, L.E. (1934). The incidence of hydatid disease in New Zealand. N. Z. med. J., 33, 191-196. rep., (1936). 13, (5) •. Barnett, L.E. (1935). disease, research and ion. N.Z. med. J., 34, 140-142. Barnett ,L.E. (1 ).A department for id disease research and prevention. N. Z. med. J., 34, Barnett, L.E. (1936). Hydatid disease in New Zealand. Prevalence, prevention and research. N.Z. med. J., 35, 214-220.

Barnett, 1.E. (1936). Deaths from disease. Aust. ~.Z. J. ., 5, 205-212. rep. , (1937). 14, (2) . Barnett, L.E. (1937) . Hydatid sease, ence and prevention. N.Z. med. J. , 36, 105-117. rep. , (1 ) . 15, (

Barnett, L.E. (1 Hydatid disease. A note o~1. the incidence in Zealand for ar 1 ~.Z. med, J., 241-244. rep., (1938). (3. Barnett, L.E. (1938). Hydatid disease in New Zealand. Proe. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 15, (1).

Barnett, 1.E. ( 1 ). Hydatid disease: e in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 37, 1 92. rep., (1940). 17, (8). BarIlett, L.E. (1939). The incidence and prevention of hydat.id disease in New Zealand. N.Z. . J., 256-262. rep., (1941). 18, (5) .

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Bartlett, L.E. (1940). The incidence of hydatid disease in New Zealand and elsewhere. N.Z. med. J., 39, 330-338. rep., (1942). -19, (2).

Barnett, L.E. (1941). The in~idence of hyJatid disease in New Zeal3.nd. N. Z. med. J., 40 , 273-278. rep., (191+2). 19, (3) . Barnett, L.E. (1941). Multiple abdominal and pelvic hyda,tid cysts (peritoneal cysts): a study of 228 cases. Aust. N.Z.J. Surg., ~O, 223-233. rep., (1942). 19, (4). \ \ Barnett, L.E. (1942). The incidence and prevention of hydat;id disease. N. Z. med. J., 41, 258-259. rep., (1943). 20, (5). Barnett, L.E. (1 ). Hydatid disease in New Zealand. brief note on incidence arid prevention during the year 1942. N.Z! med. J., 42, 260-261. Barnett, L.E. (1943). Hydatid cysts: their 'location in the various organs and tissues of the body. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 12, 240-248. Barnett, L.E. (1944). The incidence of hydatid disease in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 43, 39. rep., (19l~5). 22, (2). Barnett, L.E. (1945). Hydatid incidence in New Zealand for the year 1943. N.Z. med. J., 44 99-100. rep., (1946). (5) • Barnett, L.E. (1945). Progress in o'J.r knowledge of hydatid disease. With some contributions thereto from the Otago Medical School. N.Z. med. J., 44, 304-308. rep., (1947). 24, (5).

Barnett, L.E. (1945). Hyda~id registry.' Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 15, 72. Ba:cnett, L.E. ,(1946). Hydatid registry. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 16, 87. , rep., (1948). 25, (2). Barnett, N.T. (1964). detection survey. N.Z. med. J., 63, 309-312. Barratt-Boyes, B.G. (1965). Cardiac surgery in infancy. N. Z. med. J., 64, Cardiac Suppl., 17-19. Barratt-Boyes, B.G. (1965). Homograft aortic valve replacement. N.Z. med. J., 64, CardiacSuppl., 41-43. "'''._ Barratt-Boyes, B.G. (1965). Surgical results in multivalvular heart disease at Green Lane Hospital. N.Z. med. J., 64, Cardiac Suppl., 58-60. Batchelor, F.C. (1889). Fifty cases of abdominal section. Intercolon. med. Congr. Australasia, 2, 649-653. Batchelor, F.S. (1935). Goitre. A review of the work at the Dunedin Hospital Goitre Clinic. N.Z. med. J., 34, 147-153. rep., ( 1936) . 13 , ( 4) . Battersby, E.F. and Stringer, H. (1954). Pathogenic Staphylococci in a maternityannexe. N.Z. med. J., 53, 420-422. BeauITont, J.B. (1934). Results of the orthoptic treatment of squint. Australas. med. Congr., 4, 9

Beaven, D.W. and Dobson, D.J. (1 ). Curare in tetanus. N.Z. med. J., 49, 24-25. Beaven, D.W. and Platts, W.M. (1958). The 1957 influenza . An of patients admitted to hospital with respiratory tract N.Z. med. J., 32-37. Becroft, D.M.O. (1968). Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas (mucoviscidosis) in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 68, 113-119. Begg, A.C. and Falconer, M.A. (1949). Plain radiography in intraspinal protrusion of lumbar intervertebral discs: a correlation with operative findings. Br. J. Surg., 36, 226-239. Begg, A.C. and Robinson, R.G. (1 ). Radiological calcification in posterior fossa tumours. Br. J. Radiol., 28, 470-472. Begg, N.C. (1961,). The campaign against hydatid disease: an experiment in social medicine. N.Z. med. J., 60, 229-234. Begg, N.C., Begg, A.C. and Robinson, R.G. (1957). Primary hydatid disease of the brain - i·ts diagnosiS radiological investigation, treatment and prevention. N.Z. med. J., 84-98. Begg, N.C. and McGeorge, M. (1962). The health of the child in New Zealand. Q.Rev. Pediat., 17,' 106-114. Begg, R. C . (1936) . Renal echinococcosis in Australia and New Zealand. Aust. .N .Z. J. Surg., 6, 108-1 Bell, A. (1951) . Death from Trichlorethylene in a eaning establishment. N.Z. med. J., 50,119-126. Bell, A. (1954). Lead pois following the use of an oxyacetylene torch. A report of four cases. N. . med. J., 53 , Bell, F.D. et alii. (1883). Australasian statistics. (Extracts from correspondence columns of liThe Times" London). Jl R.statist. Soc., 46, 128-145. Bell, F.G. (1936). Ulcerative colitis in New Zealand. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 6, 37-53. rep., (1937). 13, (6).

Bell, F.G. (1938). A review of o~e hundred cases of cancer of stomach. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 8,.57-65. rep., (1938). 16, 0). Bell, Muriel E. (1952). Review of nutritional trends in New Zealand, 1 950. N.Z. dent. J., 48, 1

Bell, T.W. (1890). Medical notes on New Zeala~d. N.Z. med. J. o.s., 3, 67-83 and 129-145. Bennett, Agnes (1928). The increased stillbirth rate. N.Z. med. J., 27, 382-387. Bennett, Agnes (1929). A clinical study of ninety-two stillbirths and neo­ natal deaths in two thousand deliveries at Saint Helens Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand. Australas. med. Congr., 3, 95-99.

Bennett, F. (1940). The obstetrical research co~ittee. N.Z. med. J., 39, Suppl. , 23-26. Bennett, F. (1940) . Toxaemia of pregnancy (concluded). N.Z. med. J., 39, Suppl. , 27-30.

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tb, L.A. 1930). Radiu~ in the treatment of carcinoma of the buccal c . Z. med. J., 29, 11 29,.

Bernardelli, H. (1952). New Zealand and Asiatic migr~tion. Popul; Stud:, 6, Best, E. (1904 and 1905). Maori medical lore. J. . Soc., ' 13, 21 and 14, 1-23.

Billing, G.C. (193 Some economic effects of a stationary population. Econ. Rec., 1 167-175. Blakeloc:&, J.H. (1948). Report on an outbreak of typhoid fever in Kaikoura, 1947. Ann. Rep. Dir.-Gen. Hlth, 1948, 93-108. , Blake-?a]_:.ner, ) . report of a case. ~.z. med. J. ,

Blanc A.D.G. (1966). Asthma and the medical N. Z. med. J., 690-695. Blen,.c'1erhas ett, J.B. and Reid, J.D. (1 ). Intestinal infarction with particular'reference to oases occurring without macroscopic occlusion of vessels. N.Z. med. J., 131-133.

·vtJ 4 • 1 ). An analysis of remand ents admitted ,to Oakley tal. . Z. med. J., 61, 598-601 . Bonhall, D. G. The evolution of obstetrics and gynaec N.Z. med. J., 709-715. Bonham, D.. and Seddon, B.J. (1 Oarcinoma of the endo;netrium. Aust. N. Z. J. Obstet. Gynaec., 7, 88.

Borr::"e, oT • (1960). Intrathoracic t::-e: a of cases. N.Z. med. J. , 59, (1 thoracic hydatid Br. J. Surg. , 50,

Barrie, J. C" ). Bronchial adeno~a. N;Z. med. J., 62, 126-1 Barrie, J. (1967) . Surgical of hiatal hernia: a 10 year survey. Thorax, 22, 344-350.

Barrie, J. and , G.D. (1 Rhe:J.matic mitral valve di~3ease. enoe t;wenty surgical edures. N.Z. med. J,., 57, -580.

Borrie, J. and Lichter, I. (1965). treatmen~ of bronchiectasis: survey. Br. med. J., 2 .

Bowie . A case of leprosy in a trooper of the ~st (N.Z.) Force (ex Samoa). N.Z. med. J., 15, 41-44.

Bowl ). Rece~t official statistical Economica,

Boyd, J.J. Infantile mar in South Africa and New Zealand. S.Afr. . , 22, -331. c. Editorial ( 1 Br. med. J., 2, Brant, H.A. (1 Childbirth with preparation and support in labour: an 'lssess'llent. N.Z. med. J., 61, 211-219. Bremner, T.W. (1 ). Mortali as assurance in a. tralas. Insur. Bank. Rec.,· 11

Briggs, M.H., Andrews, E.n., Kitbo, G.B., , L., Graham, V. and Baillie, W.J. (-1962). A comparison of metabolism of Ascorbic Acid in schizophrenia, pregnancy and in normal ects. N.Z. med. J., 61, 555-558. Bririliman, G.L. (1950). A survey of diabetes mellitus in Dunedin e N.Z. med. J., 49, 492-500. rep., ( 1 ) . 28, (19) . Britton, a.J.e, (1936). Anaemia - classification and t.ceatment analysis of 183 cases. N.Z. med. J., 154-162.

Brown,F.V.B. and Pullan, E.n. (1 of contracted in New· Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 26, Brown, L. (1 ). Alcohol and road accidents. N.Z. med. J., 52, 456-464. Brown, L.B. (1957). Applicants for assisted. the United Kingdom to New Zealand. Populo Stud., 11, Brown, W.M. (1935). Pathology of carcinoma of the cervix. N.Z. med. J., 34, 370-378.

Buchler, Marie S. (19L1-4) • tuberculosis in Well a . ,radiological inves biga-:ion office workers and sec school children. N.Z. med. J., Buck, P.H. (1913). Letter to Marsden Hospital Board re outbreak of Ipox. Aug. 1,1913. Typed copy, Ho:::ken

Buck, P. E . ( 1 4). The Maoris in the Northern District. Australas.

Buck, P.H. (1922 and 1 ). Maori somatology. Racial averages. J.Polynes. Soc. , 31, 37-44, 145-153, 1 and 32, 21-28, 189-1 Burch, P.R.J. and Gunz, F.W. (1967). The distribution of the menopausal age in New Zealand. An study. N.Z. med. J., 66, 6-10. Bur0her S.K. and Ewen, K.M. el Nephroblastoma - Wilms' tumour. N.Z. . J., 68, Burkinshaw, J., Hamer, J. and Swier, J. (1958). oecal carrier rates in a N.Z. 57, ,A. (1 Thrombo-embolism hundred consecutive adult autopsies·. . Z. med. J.,

Burry, H.e. and Riley, C.G. (1 Subarachnoid haemorrhage. A follow-up of 109 cases admitbed a five year ad. N.Z. med. J., 65, -428.

Bueton, J. F . (1 ). The al of u~erine carcinoma. N.Z. med. J., 82-85. Burton, J.F. (1967), Frequ8:1.cy of rubella ant in sera of women·snd its implicatio:ls. N.Z. . J., 66,

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(1869). New Zealand Census, December 1867. Jl R. statist. Soc:, 32, 450-453. (1912). Conference upon tuberculosis.N.Z. med. J. ,11, 302-307. (1914). (Suggested) pamphlet of instruction to the public as to c.ancer a:::ld its treatment. N.Z. • J., 13, 219-220.

(1924). Puerperal fever in St~ Helens Hospitals of New Zealand - for period 1920-24. N.Z. med. J., 23, 338. (1929). Studies on goitre. N.Z. med. J., 28, 430-438. (1929).· The campaign against venereal disease in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J;., 28, 475-478. (1930). Dysentery in Auckland and South Auckland health districts. Ann. Rep. Dir.-Gen. Hlth, 1930, 87-89. (1937). Progress of campaign against tuberculosis in New Zealand. Ann. Rep. Dir.-Gen. Hlth, 1937, 58-61. (1938). Outline of health administration in New Zealand. Ann. Rep. Dir.-Gen. Hlth, 1938, 65-71. (1938). Acute anterior poliomyelitis in New Zealand, 1887-1937. Ann. Rep. Dir.-Gen. Hlth, 1938, 72-95. (1940). Medical conference on public health problems in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 39, 339-343. (1943). Medical conference on public health problems in New Zealand. N.Z. med. J., 42, 163-165. (1956). A preliminary report on the 1954 survey of heights and weights of New Zealand primary school children. Ann. Rep. Dir.-Gen. Hlth, 1956, 145-166. . (1968). A review of environmental health in New Ann. Rep. Dep. Hlth, 1968, 'i02-116 .. 72


especially the National Health Statistics Centre (formerly the Medical Statistics and related departments

of Health. Report on the medical statistics of New Zealand for the year ...... Various Volumes, 1 Wellington: Govt. Printer. (In the sLlbject index these volumes are referred to as Medical Statistics). of Health. Annual report of the medical statistician on the mental health statistics of New Zeala.."ld. An!'J.ual, 1955-1963. Wellington: Govt. Printer. (In the subject inde~c these volumes are referred to as Mental Health Statistics. From 1964 incorporated in Teport on medical. statistics). of Health.· Special Report Series 1. (1960). Maori-European stan::lards of health. 2. (1960). Domestic acc hospital patients, 1957. 3. (1961) . The Grey Valley lung function in coal miners). 4. (1961) . Elderly patienta in hospitals, 1958. 5. (1961). Smoking habits of children. 6. (1962) • Survey of work in air - Auckland Harbo:.1r bridge. 7. (1962) . Tuberculosis in 8. (1962) . Maori patients in 9. (1963). Census of mental , 1961. 10. (1963). Elderly persons acc needs in New Zealand,1 11. (1963). Patient-nurse dependency: exploratory study. 12. (1965) . Patient-nurse dependency: survey data. 13. (1964) . Patient-nurse dependency: gynaecology. 14. (1964). Patient-nurse dependency: geriatrics. 15. (1963) . Patient-nurse dependency in Christchurch: paediatrics. 16. (1964). Smoking habits of New Zealand doctors. 17. (1964) . Infant and foetal loss in Zealand. 18. (1964). Trends in notifiable disease. 1. (1964). Survey-of factory first aid 1 (1964) . Patient-nurse dependency: surgery. 21. (1965). Patient-nurse dependency: surgery. 22. (1965). Patient-nurse dependency: medicine. (1965). Patient-nurse dependency: , E.N.T. (1965). Diseases of the ear, nose and in Maori children. (1965). Maori ents in public hospitals. (1966). The th of two groups of Cook Island Maoris. 2'7. (1967). Mental hospitals admission and release data. Cohort study of first admissions, 1 28. (1 Occupational mortality among male other tnan Maori, 20 to 64 years of 29. (1 Dental health status of the New in late adolescence aild young adulthood. 30. (1 Census of mental hospital patients, 1 31. (1 of the public dental health service in N;i..ue and for development.

Department of Health. Cancer data. Annu3.1, 1965+. WeI Govt. Printer. (In the subject index these volumes are to as Cancer data).

Department of Health (1968). Trends in health and health services. Wellington: Govt. Printer.

Department of Statistics. Vital sta".;istics (year). Annual, 1 +, variously titled. Wellington: Govt. Printer. (In the eet index these volumes are referred to as Vital Statistics). z C m X m CJ) 74


I. INFECTIVE AND PARASITIC DISEASES Deck (1872), Editorial (1908), Faine and Hercus (1951), Markham ani Stenhouse (1959), Roberton (1890), Thompson, A.W.S. (1953), Anon. (1940, 1943), Special Report 18. 000-009 Intestinal infectious diseases Departmen~ of Health (1952) ,Wallace (1953). 001 Typhoid fever Blakelock (1948), Christmas (1 ,1954), Editorial (1903, 1924), Ewart (1893), Hiddlestone and Murphy (195~), Hudson (1891, 1892), Jennings, E. and Thomas (1.394), Lonie, T.C. (1950), MacLean (1929, 1933, 1951,196/+), Menzies (1887), Pabst (1896), Purdy, J.S. (1909), Sweet (1896), Turbott (191+0), Watt, M.H. (1919). 004 Bacillary dysentery . Glass and Findon (1962), Anon. (1930). 005 Food poisoning (bacterial) MacLean (1942), Taylor, C.N.D. (1954,1955). 006 Amoebiasis Ca.~malt Jones (1921), Donald (1950), Dunlop (1950), Wilson, D.MacD. (1949), Wilson, I.S. (1950). 010-019 Tuberculosis , Al.(;Ken (passim), Alexander, E.H. (1900), Anderson, C.E. (1954), Bakewell, R.H. (1874), Barclay, W.J. (1903), Casey (1966, 1968), Chapple (1893), Collins (1920), Colquhoun (1889,1913), Committee of Inquiry (1928), Dawson (1945), Editorial (1896,1898, 1 , 1918), Edson (passim), Francis, R. (1962), Hawes (1953), Hickling (1963), Hudson (1891), Laing, Mabel G. (1966), Leahy (1902), Lonie, T.C~ (1947), McGeorge and Taylor (1967), MacKay, N.H. (1936), MacLean 1964), Makgill (1920), Mercer (1933), North, J ..H. (1941), Segar (1 ), Taylor, A.J. and Mein (1965), Taylor, C.A. (passim), Taylor, C.A. and Pullar (1949), Tho:mpso.:1, B.C. (1948), Turbott (passim), Webb (1961), Wilson, D. MacD. (1934 1935), Wogan (1 ), Anon. (1912, 1937), Special Report 7 (de )'. Bacteriological Finlayson. (19L~8), Finlayson and Edson (19/+7), and Edson (1943). Congenital Vlickleson and Kirk (1967), Riordan (1955). Island Territories Fry, E.I. (1960), Massal (1 ), North, E.A. (1949), Thompson,B.C. (1950). M.M.R., Radiological Buchler (191.1./+), King, C.R.· (1963), MacLeod (1944). occupational ... CarmaH Jones (1933), Cox and Sutherland (1946), Dixon (1 ), Francis, H.S.R. a!ld IVlcMiken (1938), Mercer (19;.:;gy, North, J.H. (1941), Wilson, D. lVlacD. (1950). al Baird (1955), Clark (19L~7), Clark and'Land (1946), Hercus (1937), Jenkins (1932). Nicks (1953), Sutherland (1 75

013 Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system MacGibbo~ (1 , MacKay, J.B. (1967), Prior (1956), Robertson, C. and Kirker (1 ). 015 Tuberculosis of bones and joints White (1923). Tuberculosis of o-urinary system Cox (1957). 020 Plague MacDia:::mid and (191 1 ), MacLean (1955, 1964), , ,J .S. (1908). 023 Brucellosis Cunningham ), Editorial (1933), Gilmour (1929), Gilmour a~d Ludbrook (1 , Glass (1964), MacLean (1932,1932), (1950). 030 Leprosy Bowie (1 , (1949), Editorial (1890, 1 Gluckman, • (1 , Lonie, D.A. (1959), McCarthy Martin (1 ), Numa (1953), Pairman (1890), Sloan Wilson, D. MacD. (1934, 1935). 031 Other disease due to mycobacteria Fox (1 032 Diphtheria Deem and Turbott (1938, 1939), Faris (1918), Guthrie ), Hercus (1953), Hercus et .al. (1929), Hercus and Wilson (1 , Hudson (1892), MacLean (1940, 1964), Markham, N.P. (1960), Marples and Baco~ (1956), Roberts (1895), Turbott (passim). 033 Whooping Aickin (1 , MacLean (1964). 034 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever Gladsto~e 1909), Kirschner et al. (passim), MacLean (1964), Markham, . (1959), Ogston (1903), Turbott (1 1). 036 infection 1 ), Champtaloup, S.T. and Bowie (1915, 1916), , Ludbrook, S.L. (1943). 037 Teta:::ms Beaven and Dobson (1950), Department of Health (1 , Dixon (1965), Harris ( ), Kibblewhite (1962), Spence (1961), Tremewan (1946). 038 ), Lynch, P.P. (1924), Markham, N.P. and Shott (1961, 1963). 039 Other bacterial diseases MarY~am, N.P. and Shott (1961, 1963). 040-046 and other enterovi.rus diseases of central nervous , 1955), Caughey et al. (passim) Dick (1 , 1937, 1938, 1946, 1948, 1948), (1, Garlick Hector (1927), Hercus (1937), Hughes (1), ert (1936), al. (1961), Lynch, P.P. (1925), MacLean ( sim), Manning, R.. and (1961), Miles (1956, 1957), Miles al. (1958), "Murphy, A.M. 1955, 1956), Murphy, A.M. and Brown (1957), Ritchie (undated), on, W.S. (1925), Smith,S. (1916), Thompson,A.W.S. (1948, 1949), Ano~. (19.38). . 05() R.H.(1891), Blake-Palmer (1946), Buck (1913, 1914), ('1905,1920), MacLean (1964), Maso::l (1904), Monk (1914). 76

055 Measles Champtaloup, Mary A. (1939), Corney (1 ), Cottrell (1936)~ MacLean (1964), Murray-Aynsley (1893). 056 Rubella Burton (1967), Colquhoun (1898), Hay (1949, 1 ), Lancaster, and Pickering (1952), Liggins and Phillips (1963), OgstO:l (1903), Purdy, J.R. (1902). 060-068 Arthropod-borne viral diseases Corlett (1961), et al. (1963), Maguire and Miles (1960), Miles (1961). 061 Dengue Will (191 065 Viral encephalitis, Fastier and Alexander (1 ), Rossiter (1 9). 070 InfectioQs hepatitis Anderson, C.E. (1957), Guningham (1 , Jensen (1 , Porteous (1948), Seddon (1961). Psittacosis Jeffery (1954), Murray, M.J. et a1. (1954). 074 diseases due to Cocksackie virQs and Patten (1968), Lang et a1. (1963). 075 Infectious mO,"!1onucleosis Jones et al. 1952), Markham, N.P. (1956), Markham, N.P. and Sinclair (1 ), Ro~erton (1909), Uttley (1949). 076 Trachoma, active Swanston (1941). 077 Late effects of trachoma Swanston (1941). 079 Other viral diseases MacKnight, W.C. (1919). 083 Other rickettsioses (19/+9), Fastier (1954), Salisbury (19)3). 084 , Malaria Bakewell, R.E:. ( ), Brown, F.V.B. and Pullon (1 Leishmaniasis Coo:{ (19L~1). 090-099 and other venereal diseases tar (1838), Christal9.s (1968), Committee of the Board of alth (1922), Editorial (1940, 1941), Greenslade, C.M. (1933), Greenslade, C.M. and Morrison (1944), Platts (1964), SOQth Pacific Commission (1952), Wall (1783), Wilson, D.MacD. (1934, 1935), Anon. (1929). 090 Congenital syphilis Girling-Butcher (1946). 094 Syphilis of central nervous system Lindsay (19L~7), Medlicott (1944), Stallworthy (19L+3). 099 Other venereal diseases Rodwell and Faine (1951). 100 Leptospirosis Department of liealth Faine and (1953), Joslan:i et a1. (1957), (1954), Kirschner an:i Gray (1951), Kirschner et a1. (1952), Philip and Tennent (1966), Wallace (1954), West, G.A. and Whitehead (1953). 77

102 Yaws Dempster (1938), Editorial (1927) Hercus (1953), Jepson (1957), Lambert (passim), McKenzie, A. (1 , Marples and Bacon (1953), Marples et al. (1960), Ritchie (1 , Stringer (1955). 110-117 Mycoses Marples and Somerville (1968). 110 Dermatophytosis Fraser, W.N.C. and Hackett (1954), (1954), Marples ( Marples et al. (passim). 111 Dermatomycosis, other an:! unspecified Marples and Smith (1 ). 112 Moniliasis Marples and di Menna (1952), Marples and Somerville (1968), Someryille (1 113 Actinomycosis Hinds (1943), McDiarmid (1932), Reid et al. (1958), Smith, Flora (1953). 114 Coccidioidmycosis Logan, J.L. (1946). 115 Histoplasmosis MacKnight, A.D.C. and MacKnight (1962). 116 Blastomycosis Smith, Flora (1960), Willis et al. (1957). 117 Other systemic mycosis Champtaloup, S.T. (passim), Hiddlestone (1957). 120-129 Helminthiases Demps-t;er (1938), Hercus (1953), McCarthy (1 ,1959), McCarthy et al. (1955), McKenzie, A. (1 ). 120 Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) MacFarlane (1944), Treahy (1946). 122 Hydatidosis Alldred and Nisbet (1964), Barnett L.E. (passim), Begg, N.C. (1961), , N.C. et al. (1957), , R.C. (1936), Borrie (1962), Carmalt Jones (1929), Editorial (1 ,1957, 1967), Foster (1958), FultO::l and Barnett (1926), Gemmell (1958, 1960), Hercus (1937, 1957), Howden, P.F. (1955), McCarthy (1957), MacDonald, H.G. (1 ), MacLean (U::ldated), Meade and Barnett (1941), Molloy (1955), Nisbet 1 )_, Robinson (1960), Scott, R. (1899), Swinbur::l (1962), ott (1931), Waddle (1950), Medical Statistics (1964). 124 Trichiniasis Lynch, P.P. (1932). - 125 Filarial infection . Davis (1949), Her.:'cus (1953), Iyengar (1957, 1958), "Lambert (1933), McCarthy (passim), McCarthy and Fitzgerald (1955,1956), McCart~y et al. (1962), Simpson (1957). 126 Ancylosto:.niasis Editorial (1927), Lambert (1926), Mail (1924), Ritchie (1 Thompso::l, B. (1950). 1 -Other intestinal helminthiasis de Hamel (1965), Johnston, T.H. (1936). 130 'roxoplasmosis Manning, J.D. and Reid (1 ), Nuttall (1967), Reid (1956,1962), Reid anj Manning (1956). 131 Trichomoniasis urogenitalis Greenslade, C.M. and Morrison (1944). '78

134 Other infestation Laird (1950), Lamb (1952), Murray, M.D. (1951). 135 Sarcoidosis Laing, M.C. (1958), MacKay, J.B. (1958), MacKay, J.B. et 13.1.(1964), .Reid and Gebbie (1958). 136 Other and unspecified infective and parasitic diseases Markham, N.P. and Kershaw (1956).

II. NEOPLASMS \ Anderson, C.C. (1929), Barclay, W.J. (1903), Barnett, L.E. (1 ) , Butcher (1917, 1926), Cameron (1923), Clarke (1964,1965), Department of Health (1955), Eastcott (1954, 1955),Editorial (1897, 1929, 1929, 1933), Fell (1898), Fenwick, P.C. (19.13), Gunz (1964), Gwynne (1965), Herbert (1916), Hercus (1937), Hercus and Keenan (1933), Hislop and Fenwick (1909), Lo an, J. (1953, 1956), Logan, J. and Saker (1953), MacDonald, R.G. 9\1890 and 1891), Segar (1901), Watt, M.W. (1918), Medical Statistics (1953, 1963), Cancer data (annual). 140-149 Malignant neoplasm of buccal cavity and pharynx Bennett, L.A. (1930). 147 Malignfu~t neoplasm of nasopharynx Salas (1962).

150-159 Malignant neoplasm of d~gestive organs and peritoneum Barclay, S. (1952), Button (1933). 150 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus Hodge, p. (1957). 1 Malignant neoplasm of stomach Bell, F.G. (1938), Cotter, C.A. et ala (1961), Faulke (1906), Hodge, D. (1957). 1 £VIalignant neoplasm of large intestine, except rectum Savage (1915). 154 Malignant neoplasm of rectum and rectosigmoid junction Robb, D. (1939, 1945), Savage (1915). 156 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and bile ducts Karn and Gwynne (1956). 162 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung Baird (1954), Cotter, C.A. et al. (1962), Eastcott (195~, 1956), Hay (1967), McGiven (1957), Parker and Reid (1960), Reid (1963), Reid and Carr (1961), Williams, S.E. (1962), Special Reports 5 (Taylor, C.N.D. and Gardiner), 16 (Taylor, C.N.D. and Gardiner). 172 Malignant melanoma of skin .Clarke (1952, 1961), Stewart and Gebbie (1954). 173 Other malignant neoplasm of skin Gaudin (1941), Hercus (1 ). 174 Malignant aeoplasm of breast Anderson, C.C. (1955,.1964), Fulton (1929), Huck (1952), MacKenzie, B. (1940), O'Regan, R. (1950), Wilson, A. (1923). 180-189 Malignant neoplasm of genito-urinary organs Burton (1952), Cotter, C.A. et a1. (1962), Fenwick, P.C. (1927). 180 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri Anderson, C.C. (1930), Brown, W.M. (1935), Carey and Gardiner (1959, 1959), Carey and Williams (1958), Darby and Williams (1965), Editorial (1967), Fisher, G.J.S. (1955), Green (passim), Louisson (1964), Lynch, E. (1935), MacKenzie, K. (1941), stout, T.D.M. (1935), Tennent, R.B .. et al. (1967), Wright, L. (1961.)~ 79

182 Ot~8r malignant neoplas~ of uterus Bonham and Seddon (1967), Duncan (1963), Jameson (';961). 183 Malignant neoplasm of ovary, fallopian tube, and broad ligament McMillan· (1939) . 185 Malignant neoplasm of other and u,nspecified female genital organs Gaudin (194-8). 188 Malignant neoplasm of bladder Greenslade,'N.F. ,et al. (1965)~ 189 Malignant neo[)lasm of other a::ld urinary organs Burcher and Ewen (1968). 191 Malignant neoplasm of brain Allen', I.M. (1936), Begg, A.C. and Robinson (1955), Falconer and Sutherland (1945). 200':"209 Neoplasms of lymphatic and haematopoietic tissue Armstrong (1928), Gunz (passim), Gunz et al. (pas , MacKenzie, B. (1948), Veale (1968), Veale and Gunz (1967). 200 Lymphosar~oma and reticulum-cell sarcoma . Ramsay (1950). 201 Hodgkin's disease Smith~ Flora (1960). 203 Multiple myeloma Hill and Wilson (1968), Sims (19 204 Lymphatic leukaemia Glinz (1964). 211 Benign neoplasm of other parts, of digestive system Veale (1958, 1965). 212 Benign neoplasm of respiratory system Barrie (1963). Benign ,1.eoplasm of ,. kidney and other urinary organs Greenslade, N.F. et al.,(1965). 225 Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system Allen, I.M. (1936), Begg, A.C. and Robinson (1955), Editorial (1890), Falconer and Sutherland (1~45). 226 Benign neoplasm of endocrine glands MacCallum (1960).

III. ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES Prior et al. (1964). 240-246 Diseases of thyroid gland Batchelor, F.S. (1935), Borrie (1960), Carmalt Jones (1928), Caro and Hall (1954), Colquhoun 1910), Drennan (1924), Editorial (1928, 1928), Fitchett et . (1934-), Goitre Comrni ttee (1939), Hacon (1889), Hercus (passim), Hercus et al. (passim), "Incipient goitre" (1936), Mecredy (passim), Robertson, H.E.W. (1946), Rogers (1925), Shore (1928), Shore and Andrew (1929,1934-), Tolley (1951), Anon. (1929). 242 Thyrotoxicosis with or wi.thout goitre Colquhoun (1894), Fenwick, P.C. (1914), Fischmann and Fischilla."1. (194-8), Fleming (1910). 250 Diabetes mellitus Barnett N.T. (1964), Brinkman (1950), Henley (1947), McNickle (1925)" or and Davidson (1966), Prior et al. (1966,1967), Toml)leson (1954-) . 80

253 Diseases of pituitary gland Costello et al. (1968). 260-269 Avitaminoses and other nutritional deficiency Lang (1946). 264 Ascorbic acid deficiency ArmBtrong (1928). 265 Vitamin D deficiency Malcolm (1946). 267 Protein :ualnutrition ~vlcCarthy (1955). 273 other and unspecified congenital disorders of metabolism Becroft (1968). 274 Gout Lennane et al. (1960), Prior and Rose (1966), Prior et al. (1966, 1967), Rose and Isdale (1961, 1963), Veale (1968).

IV. DISEASES OF BLOOD AND ,BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS Akel et al. (1963), Britton (1936), Evans ~~d Prior (1967), MacDonsld, R.G. (1888), McGeorge (1934), McKellar (1966), Neave et al. (1963), Prior (1968), Tonkin (1960, 1966). 280 Iro.:1 deficiency anaemias Neave (1965). 281 Other deficiency anaemias Gunz (1951). 289 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs Fitzsimons (19Lj.6)" Howden, P.F. (1962).

V. MENTAL DISORDERS Alexander, E.W. (1888), Blignault (1962), Gray, T.G. '(1947), Ironside (1966,1 )\McLachlan (1950), Moore, S. ('1927), Segar (1901,1908), Stallworthy (1960), Medical Statistics (1955, 1956, 1964+-), Mental Health Statistics (annually), Special Reports 8, 9, 27, 30 (Foster). 290-299 Psychoses Medlicott (1948). 295 Schizophrenia et al. (1962). 300-309 Neuroses, personality disorders and other non-psychotic mental diso~ders Palmer (1948). 302 Sexual deviation Gluckman, L.K. (1967), Philipp (1968). 308 Behaviour disorders of childhood Methven (1968). 310-315 Mental retardation Editorial (1923, 1925, 1925).

VI. DISEASES DF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS Allen, I.M. (1942), Cottrell (1936). 320-324 Inflamma.tory diseases of central nervous system Corlett (1961). 81

320 Meningitis Campbell, D.G. and Scobie (1961), Howden, C.W. et al. (1966), Ludbrook, S.L. (1943), McGeorge (1948). 330 Hereditary neuromuscular'disorders Caughey and Barclay (1954), Caughey and Brown (1950). 340 Multiple sclerosis Acheson (1961). 342 Paralysis agitans Robinson (1967). 343 Cerebral spastic infantile paralysis Barclay, J. (1956), Hunter, Alison (1968). 360-379 Diseases of the eye Elliott (1960), Ferguson, H.L. (1889), Hall (1928), Loschdorfer (1955), Tennent, A.A. (1962), Special Report 23. 370 Refractive errors Ferguson, H.L. (1899). 373 Strabismus Beaumont (1934). 375 Glaucoma Fenwick, G.. (1966). 376 Detachment of retina Suckling and Hay (1968). 380-389 Diseases of the ear and mastoid process Special Report 381 Otitis media without mention of mastoiditis ~arrettet al. (1953), Seddon (1962). 386 Otosclerosis Wardale (1950). Other dea=-ness Roydhouse (1967).

VII. DISEASES OF THE' CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Baird et al. (1966), Barratt-Boyes (1965, 1965), Hay, D.R. (1'967, 1967), Kellaway, G.S.M. (1965), OtBrien (1965), Robertson, G.H. (1936). 390-392 Active rheumatic fever Kirschner and Gallagher (1949), MacKay, N.R. (1949), Turbott (1928), Wilkie (1928). 394 Diseases of mitral valve Baird and Prior (1957), Borrie and Campbell (1958), Robb, D. (1954, 1960) .

400-404 Hypertensive disease Alstad and Smirk (1948), Douglas, R.M. (1964, 1964), Gwynne (1960), Hodge, J.V. et al. (1961), Hodge, J.V. and Smirk (1967), McQueen and Smirk (1956), Nye (passim),OIdham and Turner (1960), Prior (1967), Smirk (passim), Smirk and Hodge (1963), Smirk et al. (1959), Veale et al. (1956, 1962), Young (1931). 401 Essential benign hypertension Kilpatrick (1948), McGeorge (1945). 403 Hypertensive renal disease McGeo-cge (1945). 82

410-414 Ischae~ic heart disease Bailey and Beaven (1968), Cole, D.S. (1965), Hunter, J.D. (1961, 1963), Langley et 0.1. (1968), Norris (1968) ,Norris and Jamison (1967), Nye (196/+, 1966), Parkinson et a1. (1 ), Prior (1959, 1967), Rodda, R.A. (1961), Rodda, R.A. and Spears (1960), WODdhouse and Hunter (1968). Other forms of heart disease Cole, D.S. (1965). 426 Pulmonary heart disease Kellaway, G. (1961). Subarachnoid haemorrhage Burry, H.C. and Riley ('1966), Falconer (1950). 431 Cerebral haeIIlorrhage . Orgias (1945),'Robinso~ (1955). 432 Occlusion of pre-cerebral. arteries . Cole, D.S. (1965).

440-448 Diseases of arteries, arterioles and aries Burry, A. (1 ), Nicks (1957). 442 Other aneurysm Lynch, P.P. (1929). 444 krterial embolism and thrombosis Blennerhassett and Reid. (1960).

450-458 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseasE;ls of circulatpry system , A.(1957). 450 Pulmonary embolism and infarction Teviotdale and Gwyn:!1e (1 ). 453 Other venou.s emboliSffi and thro.::r:bosis Teviotdale and Gwynne (1 ).

VIII. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Abbott. (1931, 1933), Air Pollution Advisory COIUlllittee (1966) . 460-466 Acute respiratory infeotioLl (except influenza) Maling (1961). 463 Acute tonsillitis Uttley (19L~9). 466 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis Dugdale and (1960), McGeorge (1961+), 470-474 Influenza 3eaven and Platts Champtaloup,·S.T. and Drennan (191 Colguhocln (1890), (1887,1890,18'32,1 8,1934), Fitchett; (1919), (1919), Jam2.eson (1919), MacLean (1964), Makgill (1919), Resear::::h Committee (1958), Shore (1928). 480-486 Pneumonia Jen~i:!1s (1939), McGeorge (1939), Watson (1949j, West, S.~. (1 ), Williams, C.S. (1924).

490-493 Bronchitis, emphysema and asthma Wallace (1957). 493 .Asthma Blanc (1966), Hiddlestone (1 , 1961), (1 ) , zer et 0.1. (1968),

--, 83

500-503 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract Special Report 24 (Phillips-Turner) 500 Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids Roydhouse (1 ). 507 Hay fever Hercus and D'Ath (1928), Hercus and Watt (1931), Philipp (1950), watt, M.N. (1~29). 2 Sp0:J.taneous pneumothoraz: Sin·:;lair (1955). 515 Pneumoconiosis due to silica and silicates de Hamel (1 ). 518 Bro~chiectasis Borrie and Lichter (1965), Hinds (1958).


528 Diseases of the oral soft ti~sues, excluding gingiva and tongue Anyon and Duff (1967). Diseases of oesophagus, sto::nach and duodenum Chisholm (1934), Herdson (1960). 531,532 Peptic ulcer Barclay, S. and McIntyre (1954), Fraenkel and Clarke (1967), Scholefield (1951+), Singh and 'I'aylor (1967), Twhigg (1939), Wilson, D.MacD. (1955). Ulc er of duodenllill Ca:mero~1. and .Davidson (1'967), Iverach and Barclay (1964), Jenkins and McGeorge (1942), McGeorge (1950). 536 Disorders of function of stomach Jenkins and McGeo)::'ge (1 ), McGeorge (1 540-543 Appendicitis Colquhou~'l (1907), Cotter, W.M. and Gebbie (1948), .Fitzsimons (19''+5), Howden, P.F. (1952), Luibrook, J. and Spears (1965), MacDonald,R.G. (1905), Uttley (1949). .' 551 Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction . Borrie (1967), Robb, D. (1954, 1957), Tho::npson, H.T. (1965) . . Inguin"l.l hernia with obstructio:a· Button (1933). Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia Button (1933). 56~ Chronic enteritis ani ulcerative colitis Acheson (1955), Bell, F.G. (1936), Wigley and MacLaurin (1962). 567 ?eritonitis Barnett, L.E. (1905). 570-5'77 Diseases of liver, gallbladd"lr and pancreas Johnston, T.W.J. (1928). 5'75 Chol tis, withoutr mention of calculi , A. M. (1954). x. DISEASES OF GENITO·URI NARY SYSTEM Bon~a:m (1964), Irvine and Montgomerie (1962), Special 23. 580 Acute . Kirschner et al. (passim), Ludbrook, S.L. (1941). 84

590 Infections of kidney Gwynne (1960).

600-607 Diseases of male genital organs Watts (1968). 600 Hyperplasia of prostate Barclay, S. (1963).

610-629 Gynaecological disorders Batchelor, F.C. (1889), Fenwick, P.C. (1927), McGeorge (1934), Special Report 13. 625 other diseases of uterus Foate (1955). 628 sterility, female Dawson (1941), Heron and Wright (1968), Wright and Heron (1966).

XI. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH AND THE PUERPERIUM Allen, S.C~ (1931), Bennett, F. (1940), Bonham (1964), Briggs et al. (1962), Corkill (1933), Dawson (1934), Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Otago, Dunn (1960), Editorial (1922, 1928, 1930), Gordon (1929), Green (passim), Hamilton, A.A. (1908), Hawksworth (1963), Henley (1947), Jellett (passim), New Zealand Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society (passim), Paget (1933), Special Committee (1921, 1921), steven (1932), Wright, J.L. (passim), Wylie (1922).

XI. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH AND THE PUERPERIUM and XV. CERTAIN CAUSES OF PERINATAL MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY Alexander, E.H. (1894), Editorial (1957), Gordon (1926), Hudson (1890), Purdy, J.R. (passim), Siedeberg (passim), Washbourn (1924). 630-634 Complications of pregnancy Heron (1962). 631 Ectopic pregnancy Scott, Jessie (1931). 632 Haemorrhage of pregnancy Crick (1953). 633 Anaemia of pregnancy Dickie and Dawson (1943), McGeorge (1934), Mellor (1967), Morris (1968). 634 Other complications of pregnancy Dawson (1945). 635-639 Urinary infections and toxaemias of pregnancy and the puerperium Dawson (1942). 637 Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and to":.oeaemia, unspecified Bennett, F. (1940, 1940), Carey and Liley (1959) ,Corkill (1948, 1954), Dawson (passim), Green (1962), Jamieson (1929, 1931), Jellett (1928,1929), Obstetrical Research Committee (passim), Obstetrical Research Subcommittee (1956, 1959), Park and Dawson (1952). 640-645 Abortion Dawson (1941). 640 Abortion induced for medical indications Editorial (1937,1937), Stichbury (1961). 85

641 Abortion induced for other legal indications Stichbury (1961). 650-662 Delivery Brant (1962), Jellett (1929). 651 Delivery complicated by placenta praevia or a~tepartum haemorrhage Dawson (19~+), Wright, J.L. (1959). 652 Delivery complicated by retained placenta Wright, J.L. (1961). 653 Delivery complicated by other postpartum haemorrhage Wright, J.L. (1961). 655 Delivery complicated by foetopelvic disproportion Corkill (1962). 656 Delivery complicated by malpresentation of foetus CO.:>kill (1952), Dawson (1940). 670-678 Complications of the ,puerperium Corkill (1950). 670 Sepsis of childbirth and the puerperium Battersby and Stringer (1954), Burkinshaw et al. (1958), Champtaloup, S.T. (1914), Douglas, A. and Knights (1956, 1956), Jarvis (1961), Knights et al. (1968), MacLean (1964), Monro and Markham (1958), Smirk et al. (1940), Anon. (1924). 677 other and unspecified complications of the puerp<:)rium 'Jennings, D.R. (1953). 678 Mastitis and other disorders of lactation Batbersby and Stringer (1954), Burkinshaw et al. (1958), Douglas, A. and Knights (1956, 1956), Jarvis (1961), Knights et al. (1968), Monro and Markham (1958), Robertson, H.E.W. (1951).

XII. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE Bacon and Marples (1955); Kennedy (1951), Marples and Bacon (1953). 680-686 Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue Bacon and Marples (1953), Enticott (1956), Jarvis,and Wigley (1961), Kirschner et al. (1959), McCarthy and Marples (1954), Maling (1964), Markham, N.P. (1959), Markham, N.P. and Shott (1958), Markham, N.P. and Stenhouse (1959), Nathsarma and Markham (1963), Paterson and. Burns (1959). . 686 Other" local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue Muir (1951), Purdy, M.J. (1955). 691 Infantile eczema and related conditions Philipp (1950). 692 Ot:ler eczema and related conditions Copplestone (1966), Hickling (1956).

XIII. DISEASES OF THE MUSCULO-SKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE Special Report 21. 710-718 Arthritis and rheumatism, except rheumatic fever Rose and Isdale (1961, 1963), Rowatt Brown (1961). 712 Rheumatoid arthritis and allied conditions Robb, J.H. and Rose (1965). 713 Osteo-arthritis and allied conditions Rich (1958). 86

720 Osteomyelitis and titis Mountfort (1 ), (194·7), Young (1 ) . Displacement of intervertebral disc Begg, A.C. and Falconer (1949), Falconer et 13.1. (1948), Robinson (1965), Wilson, D.MacD. (1948). 734 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue Coverdale (1955).

XIV. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Bennett, Agnes (1929), Burton (1967), Corkill (1951), Dean (1947), Hay, D.R. (1949), McNickle, H.F. (1946), Special Report 17 (Rose). 745 . Congenital anomalies of ear, face and neck Hay (1949, 1953), Lancaster B...1'ld Pickering (1952), and Pliillips (1953). Congenital anomalies of heart Baird et a1. (1966), Barratt-Boyes (1965), Cant (1965) ,Lowe (1965) McGeor~e and Rodda (1963) Neutze· (1965,1965), Rowe (1961), Ro~e a1. (1961), Williams, J.C .. and Barratt-Boyes (1959). 747 Other congenital anomalies of circulatory system Baird et al. (1), (1949, 1953), Neutze (1 ), Nicks and Molloy (1956), Robb, D. B...1'ld Nicks (1952), Rowe Lowe (1964). 750 Other congenital anomalies of upper alimentary tract Cole, D. and Barratt-Boyes (1962), Moore, A.E. (1933), Nicks and Caughey (1955), Sutherland (1951). 751 Other congenital anomalies of digestive MacLaurin and Gillman (1968). 754 Clubfoot (congenital) Veale (1968). Other congenital a!lOmalies of limbs Nissen (1933), Phillips ,L. 1. (1 Other congenital anomalies of musculoskeletal system lVIilsom and Wishart (1961).

XV. CERTAIN CAUSES OF PERINATAL MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY (see also XI.) Bennett, Agnes (1928, 1929), Corkill (1951), Dawson (1944, 1 ), Deem (1947), Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Otago, Fraser M. (1928,1928 1929), Hector (1929,1930), Henderson, A.J. 1967), Hunter, son (1968), Jarvis (1961), Liggins and (1963), Ritchie (1947), Siedeberg (1922), Me.dical Statistics (1952, 1956), Special Report 17 (Rose). 762 Tozaemia of pregnancy and Liley (1959, 1959). Maternal ante- and intrapartum infection Somerville (1964). 765 Difficult labour w~thdisproportion, but no, mention of abnormali of uelvis Corkill (1952). 766 Difficult labour with on of foetus Jawson (191+0). 770 Conditions of placenta Dawson (1944), Mellor (1 771 Conditions of umbilical cord Corkill (1961). 772 Birth injury without mention of cause Jellett (1929). 87

774-775 Haemolytic disease of newborn Green et al. (1 ), Grieve (1953), Heron et al. (1966), Liley (1 ), McCrostie (1966), McGeorge (1 ), Thomas (1891). 777 Immaturity, unqualified Deem (1949). 778 Other conditions of foetus or newborn Cockill (1956).

XVI. SYMPTOMS AND ILL-DEFINED CONDI"rIONS 784 Symptoms referable to upper gastro-intestinal tract Chisholm (1934). 787 Symptoms referable to limbs and joints Sinclair (1951).

EXVII. ACCIDENTS, POISONINGS AND VIOLENCE (EXTERNAL CAUSE) Barnes (1966), Cairns (1965), Foster (1960), Garland (1950), Taylor, C.N:D. (1 ), Medical Statistics (1952), Special Report 2 (Foster). E810-E819 Motor vehicle traffic accidents Brown, L. (1953), Lu~e, C.M. (1967), Roydhouse (1967). E850-E869 Accidental poi Meade (1964). 3852 Accidental poisoning by primarily and haematologic agents Paul (1966). E861 Accidental poisoning by cleansing and polishing agents Bell, A. (1951). E865 Accidental poisoning by pesticides, zers or plant foods Abernethy (1959), Bailey (1964), Department of Health (1 E866 Accidental poisoning by heavy metals and their fumes Bell, A. (1954), Dixon (1944), Hickling (1954,1958), Horner and Hickling (1958), MacDonald, Geraldine M. (1963), .MaeLean (1939), Raine (191+8). E876 Accidental poisoning by other gases and vapours McDougall and Garland (1954). E902 and 10'N air ial Report 6 E905 Bites and stings of venomous animals and insects Hornabrook (1951). E910-E929 Other accidents (1968), Teague (1965). E920 Accident caused by or piercing instruments (1967) . E925 Accident caused by electric current Garland (1951), Lynch, P.P. et al. (1951). E928 Machinery accidents not elsewhere classifiable Innes (1959), Milliken and Weston (1960). E930 ations and misadventures in therapeutic procedures e (1923). E999 Late effect of injury due to war operations Abbott (1931, 1933), Carbery (1935), (1946),0' , J.A.R. (1945), PaJmer (1948), Wilson, D.MacD. (passim), Wilson, I.S. (1950). 3S

NXVII. ACCIDENTS, POISONINGS AND VIOLENCE (NATURE OF INJURY) Ga:::,land (1950), Taylor, C.N.D. (1950), Medical Statistics (1952), Special Report 2 (Foster). NSOO- NS09 FraetUre of skull and trunk Wilson, D. MaeD. (1 NS14 Fracture of carpal bone(s) Wilson, D. MaeD. C1 ) . NS20 Fracture of neck of femur Fitzgerald (1965). NS50-NS54 Intracraniai injury (excluding those with skull fracture) Wilson, D.MacD. (1951). NS52 Subarachnoid, subdural and extradural haemorrhage, following injury (with mention of cerebral laceration or contQsion) Robinson (1955). N921 Contusion of and oibit , R.H .. and Pool.e (196S). N951 Injury to other cranial nerve(s) Coppleatone (195S, 1959), Hickling (1964).

N959 Other nerve injury including nerve injury in several parts Rodda, M. et al. (1963). N963 Adverse effect of primarily systemic· Paul (1966). N967 Adverse effect of other sedatives and hypnotics Campion and Spence (1964). N977 Adverse effect of other and unspecified drugs Hope.,..Robel.'tson (1 N9S0 Toxic effect of alcohol Brown, L. (1953), Luke, C,M. (1967), Maling (1965), Sealy Wood (1966). N993 Effects of air Special Report N997 Complications peculiar to certain surgical procedures Scholefield (1954). N998 Other complicatio:2s of surgical procedures Clark (1947), Dunn (1960), Markham, Jean G. and Markham (1967), Markham, N.P. and Shott (1 ,1963). N999 Other complications of medical care Collinson-(1954). y SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATIONS YOO-Y09 Examination and on of specific systems without reported diagnosis Department of Health (1963). YOO Investigation of endocrine system and metabolism Briggs et al. (1962), Evans and Prior ,(1967), Hercus and Baker (1921), Hunter, J.D. et al. (1965), Hunter, J.D. and Wong (1961), McKerrow (1961, 1962), Prior (1962,1962), Prior et al. (1964), Wills and Bell (1951). 89

Y01 Investigation of blood and blood-forming organs Douglas, R.M. and Stavely (1959,1960), Graydon et al. (1946), , L. (1945), Hu..nter, J.D. (1962), Lehmann et al. (1958), Nye (1964), Phillips, G. (1931), Shapiro (1940), Simmons et aL (1951, 1955), Stavely and Douglas (1958). Y02 Investigation of.nerv-ous system and sense organs Fenwick, G. (1966), .Hall (1928); Y03 "Investigation of, circulatory system Fry, E.I.(1960), Hunter, J.D. (1962), Hunter, J.D. and Wong (1961), Kilpatrick ,(1948), McKerrow (1961,1962), Murphy, W. (1955), O'Donnell et al; (1968), Prior (1962,1962), Smirk (1959). Y04 Investigation of respiratory system de Hamel (1962), Glass (1962), King, C.H. (,"963), Marples et al. (1960), Williams, S.E. (1962), Specia~ Report 3 (de Hamel). See also 010-019 under M.M.R. Y06 Investigation of genito-urinary system Allen, E.P. (1944), Baeyertz (1965), Burch and Gunz (1967), Darby and Williams (1965), Editorial (1967), McIndoe (1964, 1966),' Marshall (passim), Steyenson (1930), Wright, L. (1961). Y08 Invesbigation of musculoskeletal'system Allen, E.P. (1944), Rose and Isdale (1961), Rose and Prior (1 ) . Y09 Other specific examinations and investigations Simmons etal. (1951). I Y10 General physical examination , 'Gunn (1914), Mason (1907), Newton (1960), O'Regan, J.A~R. (1945), Prior (1962, 1962), Wellington Hospital Medical·Unit (1965), ,Special Reports 1 (Rose), 26 (Prior et al.). Y42Prophylactic ~nocul~tion and vaccination, Aickin (1958), Bakewell, R.H.(1891), Caughey (1940), Champtaloup, Mary A. (1939), Champtaloup, S.T. (1914), Collinson' (1954), Deem ,and Turbott(1938, 1939), Department of Health (1951), Dixon (1944, 1965), Hickling (1966), McKenzie, J.C. (1960), MacLean (1940). Y60 Prenatal care and observation Dawson (1941), Dawson and Borg (1949), Dickie and Dawson 1943), Heron (1962), Obstetrical Research Committee (1948), and Ewart (1935). Y62 Well-baby'and child care Deem (1949, 1950), Deem ani McGeorge (passim), Deem ~nd Silverstone (1944), Editorial (1904), King, F.T. (1907,1921), McGeorge (1960, 1962), MacLean (1964), Roberton, H.E.W. (1963), Robertson, H.E.W. (1951), Spencer (1938), United States, Department of Labour (1914-), Wells (1924), Williams, E.H .. (1908). 90


AGE GROUPS· Infancy Battersby and Stringer (1954), Begg, N.C. and McGeorge (1962), Boyd (1924), Burcher and Ewen (1968), Census and Statistics Oft'ice (1925), Deck (1872), Deem (1947), Deem and Silverstone (1944), Douglas, A. and Knights (1956,1956), Dugdale and McGeorge (1960), Editorial (1908,1934), Farmer and Patten (1968), Fraser, M. (passim), Gardiner (1959), Hunter, Alison (1968), Knights et al. (1968), McCarthy (1959), McGeorge (passim), McGeorge and Rodda (1963), McKerrow (1961,1962), MacLaurin and Gillman (1968), MacLean (1964), McNickle, H.F. (1946), Neale (1925), Neave (1965), Phillips, L.r. (1968), Rose (1965), Tonkin (1960, 1966), Medical Statistics (1950, 1956); Special Report 17 (Rose).

Childhood· ...... Anderson, C.E. (1954), Bakewell, Helen (1929), Bakewell, R.H. (1874), Becroft \1968), Begg, N.C. and McGeorge (1962), Buchler (1944), Burcher and Ewen (1968), Champtaloup, Mary (1930), Costello et al. (1968), Deem and Turbott (1938, 1939)., Editorial ('1933), Fox (1968), Fry, E.I. (passim), Fry, Peggy C. (1957), Glass and Findon (1962), Gunn (1914), Hall,A.J. (1928), Hayes, L. (1945) " Henderson, A. (1928), Hercus and Baker (1921)., Horner and Hickling (1958), Jensen (1964), Ludbrook, S.L. (1941), McCarthy and Marples (1954), McGeorge (1948), McGeorge and Rodda (1963), McGeorge and Taylor (1967), Marples and Chapman (1959), Marples and di Menna (1952), Mason (1907), Meade (1964), Mecredy (1933), Methven (1968), Murphy, A.M. (1955), Neave (1965), Paterson, Ada G. and Marsden (1927), Rose (1965), Saunders (1902), Shore (1928), Shore and Andrew (1929, ·1934), Stevenson (1945), Thompson, B.C. (1948), Tolley (1951), ·Turbott (1929, 1930), Turbott and Rolland (1932), Wilkie (1928), Anon. (1956), Special Reports 5 (Gardiher and Taylor), 15, 24 (Phillips-Turner).

Ephebiatrics . Carmalt Jones (1933), Champtaloup, S.T. and Bowie (1915), Cox and Sutherland (1946), Crawshaw (1919), Dixon (1960), Edson (1942), Francis, R.S.R. and McMiken (1938), Ironside (1966, 1966), Marples and di Menna (1949,1952), Mercer (1938), Newton (1960), North, J.H. (1941), Stevenson (1930),: .. Tulloch (1847)..,.p Mediatrics Burch and Gunz (1967), Hunter, J.D. et al. (1968), O'Donnell et al. (1968).

Geriatrics Emery (1967), McIntyre (1961), Marsh (1952), Newman, J.L. (1961), Palmer (1948), Special Reports 4 (Dempster and Jeffery), 10 (Dempster and Gardiner), 14. 91

OTHER TOPICS Actuarial ;" Barclay~ W.J. (1903), Bremner (1889), Lancaster and Donovan (1968), Leslie (1895), Meikle (1875), Polden'(1926), Traversi (1 ).

Administrative; Operations Research ... Bennett; F. (1940), Copplestone (1966), Deem (1950), Department of Health (1951, 1968), .Editorial (1941, 1957), Emery (1966), Emery et a1. (1968), Gray (1947) ,Hay, D.R. (1967), Hayes, .'T.L. (1968), . Lough (1967), .Mclntyre(1961), MacLean (1964), Marshall (1962, 1963), North, E.A. (1949), Padley (1948), Thompson, A.W.S. (1953), White, H.A. and Dempster (1953)" Young (1922), Anon. (1938, 1968), Medical Statistics (1953, 1964), Special Reports 10,11,12,13, 14, 15, 20, , 23. .

Anthropometry . . . Adams,W.E~(.1963),.· Bakewell, Helen (1929), Buck (1922 and 1923), Canay and Baldwin (1932), Champtaloup, Mary (1930):, Deem and Silverstone (1944), Department of Health (1963), Fry, E.I.(passim) , , Peggy C. (1957), Henderson, A. (1928), Hunter, J.D. (1962), Kerry-Nicholls (1885), Lonie, T.C. (1945), Paterson, Ada G. and Marsden (1928), Thomson, A.S. (1854), Tonkin (1966),' Veale and Adams (1965), White, J.R. (1927), Anon. (1956) .

. Blbliographic .. Department. of Statistics (1961), Hocken (1909), Johnstone (1927), Lancaster .(1964), Leeson (1954), McCarthy (undated), Norman-Taylor (1963), Trimble (1912).

Demographic , . " Barclay, W.J: (1903), Bernardelli, fr'. (1952), Billing (1935), Brown, L.B. (1957), Census and Statistics Office (1925), Giles­ Bernardelli (1950), Hall,T.D.H. (1927), Haciilton, A. (1869,1877), Hercus (1942), J,acoby (1958), Lancaster and Donovan (1966 1968)" Neale (passim),' Neison (1848), Segar 900) ;. Sinclair, . . (1944), stout, R. i (1886, 1892), Medical Statistics (1951). .

Editorial. (1 ,1925)•.

Morbidity . .wdrews. (1894), Barclay, S. (1948), Cleghorn (1894), Davies (1892.), Department of Health (1968), Emery (1967), Emery et a1. (1968),' Lambert (.1926, 1933), Lough (1967), McAdam (1894), McCarthy (undated), Mair (1870), Marshall (1963); Mason (1902), Pomare (1908), Robb. (1960), Rose (1962), Tucker (1960) , Turbott (passim), Medical Statistics (annually), Special Reports 1 (Rose), 25 (Foster), 26 (Prior et a1.), Vital Statistics (annually).

General Mortality Adams, C.E. (passim), Bannister (1838), Barclay, W.J. (1903), , F.D. et aI, (1883), Bell, T.W. (1890), Bremner ,(1889), Cairns (1952), Coghlan,(1891), de Lautour (1888), Department of Health (1968), Editorial (1934), Hamilton, A. (1877), Hercus (1942), Lancaster and DonOVan (passim), Leslie (1895), Lessof(1949),Meikle (1875), Newman (pass ,Polden (1926), Powell (.1870), Segar (1900), st;out, R. (1886), Thomson, A.S. (passim), Tulloch (1847), Walsh (1907), Wilson; D.C. (1878), Wilson, E. (1859), Young (1922), Medical Statistics (annually), Special Report 1 (Rose), Vital Statistics (annU~lly). . 92

Historical Bannister (1838), Barnett, E.C. (1907), Best (1904 and 1905), Editorial (1890, 1902), Fenton (1860), Gluckman (1962), Hamilton, A. (1869,1877), Hercus (1948), King, F.T. (1907), MacDonald (1888), MacLean (1951,1964), Moore, J.M. (1890), Powell (1870), stout, R. (1886), Thomas (1891), Thomson, A.S. (passim), Tulloch (1847), Wall (1783), Wilson, D.MacD. (1934, 1935).

ens Campbell, W.D. (1876), de Lautour (1888) ,Erson (1889), Hercus (1948), Hercus and Faine (1951), McCarthy et al. (1955), MacLean (1936 and 1937, .1951,1964), Ogston (1890), Purdy, J.S. (1909)', Thomson, J.T. (1878). .

International Classification of Diseases Colquhoun (1907), Department of Health et al. (1927), Gardiner (1947), Medical Statistics (1950).

Internati.Ol'ial. CElmparisons· Acheson (1961, 1965), Adams, C.E. (1897, 1898), Allen, S.C. (1931) , Barnett, L.E. (1940), Begg, R.C. (1936), Boyd, J.J. (1924), Canny and Baldwin (1932), Coghlan (1891), Editorial (1928), Fraenkel and Clarke (1967), Gemme.ll (1960), Goitre Committee (1939), Gordon (1926), Herbert (1916)., Leahy (1902), Lessof (1943), Meikle (1875), Moore, S. (1 ), Padley (1948), Polden (1 ), Scotb, R. (1899), S (1908), Singh and Taylor (1967), Speizer et al. (1968), Wells (1

Nutrition Abraham (1947), Bell, Muriel E. (1952), Department of Health (1963), Faine and Hercus (1951), Fry, Peggy C. (1957, 1957), Gre~ory et al. (1 ), Henderson, A. (1928), McKellar (1966), McKerrow (1962), McLaughlin (1943, 1944), McLaughlin and Wilson (1945, 1946), Spencer (1937, 1938), Stevenson. (1945), Tonkin (1966), Turbott (1940), Turbott and Roiland (1932).

Occupatioaal Bailey (1964), Barnes (1966), Bell) A. (1951, 1954), Buchler (1944), Carmalt Jones (1933), Copplestone \passim), Cox and Sutherland (1946), Davidson (1945), de Hamel (1957), Department of Health (1957), Dixon (1960), Francis, R.S.R. and McMiken (1938), Garland (1950,1957), Glass (passim), Hercus (1937), Hickling (passim), Innes (1959); Ironside (1966, 1966), Kennedy 1 ,1952), MacLean (1939), Mercer (1938), Milliken and Weston (1 , North, J.H. (1943), Raine (19~8), Rodda, M. et al. (1963), SpeCial Reports 3 (de Hamel), 6 (Rose); 19 (Copplestone), .28 (Copplestone and Rose).

Official Statistics . Bell, F. D. et al. (1883), Bowley (1921), Depal'tment· of Health (1952,1952, 1957), Department of Statistics (1 ), Editorial (1929), Segar (1903), Anon. (1869). 93 .


001 Christmas (1954), Turbott (1940). 010-019 Edson (1943), MacKay, N.R. (1936), Turbott (1931, 1937), Turbott and MacKay (1935), Wilson D.lVIacD. (1934). 030 Editorial (1890, 1903), Gluckman, . (1962), Martin ( Pairmaxl (1890), Wilson, D.MaeD. (1934, 1935). 032 Turbott (1931). 034 Turbott (1931). 040-0J+6 Caughey et al. (1 ,1958). 050 Buck (1913,1914), Monk (1914). 076 Swanston (1941). 077 Swans l>on (1 ) . 090-099 Wilson, D.MacD. (1934). 090 Girling-Butcher (1946). 122 'rurbott (1931). III Prior et ~l. (1964). 240-246 Caro and Hall (1954). 273 Becraft (1968). 274 Lelmane et al. (1960), Rose and Isdale (1961, 1963), Veale (1968). IV Akel et al. (1963), Neave et al. (1 ), Prior (1 Tonkin (1960, 1966), 280 Neave (1965). V Special Report 8 (Foster). 302 Gluckman, L.K. (1967). 500-508 Special Report 24 (Phillips-Turner). 518 Hinds (1958). 563 Wigley and MacLaurin (1962). XI Green (1967). 633 Morris (1968). 637 Park and Dawson (1952). 710-718 Rose and Isdale (1961, 1963). YOO Prior (1962,1962), Prior et al. (1964). Y01 Douglas, R. and Stavely (1 ,Graydon et al. (1 ) Lep~ann et al. (1958), Phillips, G. (1931), Simmons al. (1951), and Douglas (1958). Y03 Prior (1962 Y04 Glass (1962 . Y08 Rose and I (1961), Rose and Prior (1963). Y09 Simmons et al. (1951). Y10 Prior (1962, 1962), Special 1 (Rose). Gardiner (1959), Neave (1965), Rose (1965), Tonkin 1960 1966), Medical Statistics (1956). Childhood (1968) , fu"ld Marples 1 , Neave (1965), Rose (1965) (1929 1 , Turbott and Rolland (1932), . (1956), Report 2J.J.. (Phillips-Turner). Anthropometry Adams, W.E. (1963), Buck (1922 and 1923), Kerry­ Nicholls (1885), Tnomson, A.S. (1854), Tonkin (1966), Veale and Adams (1 Anon. (1956). General Morbidity Bell, T.W. (1890), (1964), Pomare (1908), and Mortality Robb (1960), Rose (1962), Thomson, A.S. (1854 and 1 Turbott (passim), Walsh (1907), Wilson, D.C. 1 , Special Reports 1 (Rose), 25 (Foster). Historical 1904 and 1905), Fenton (1860), Thomson, A.S. and 1855), Wilson, D.MacD. (1934). Nutrition. and Wilson (1945), Tonkin (1966), Turbott , Turbott and Rolland (1932). Occupational (1962). 94


Articles indexed under the various tropical diseases in the disease index (rubrics 030,102, 120-129, 125 and 126) are not repeated here.

I Faine and Hercus (1951), Markhru~, N.P. and Stenhouse (1959). 010-019 Fry, E,I. (1960), Massal (1951), North, E.A. (1949), Thompson, B.C. (1950). 032 Hercus (1953), Markham, N.P. (1960), Marples and Bacon (1956). 040-046 Lambert ('1936). 065 Matheson (1922). . 090-099 Wall (1783), South Pacific Commission (1952). 110-117 Marples and Somerville (1968). 110 Marples (1960) .. 112 Marples and Somerville (1968). IV Evans and Prior (1967). 250 Prior and Davidson (1966), Prior et 'al. (1966, 1967). 267 McCarthy (1955). 274 Prior and Rose (1966), Prior et al. (1966, 1967)~ 360-379 Elliott (1960), Loschdorfer (1955). 400-404 Prior (1967). 410-414 Hunter, J.D., (1963), Prior (1967). . XII Bacon and Marples (1 , Marples (1950), Marples and Bacon (1953). , 680-686 Bacon and Marples (1953), Kirschner et al. (1959), Markham, N.P. and Stelli~ouse (1959). YOO-Y09 Department of Health (1963). YOO Evans and Prior (1967), Wills and Bell (1951). Y01 Douglas, R. and Stavely (1959), Hunter, J.D. (1962), Shapiro (19)+0), Simmons, et ale (1955). Y03 Fry, E.I. (1960), Hunter, J.D. (1962), Murphy, W. (1955). Y04 Marples et ale (1960). Infancy McCarthy (1959). Childhood Fry, E.I. (passim). Administrative North, E.A.(1949). Anthropometry Department of Health (1963), Fry, E.I. sim) , Fry, Peggy C. (1957), Hunter, J.D. (1962). Bibliographic McCarthy (undated), Norman-Taylor ,(1963). General Morbidity Andrews (1894), Davies (1892), Lambert (1926), McCarthy (undated), Mair (1870), 'rucker (1960). Historical Mair (1870), Wall (1783). Hygiene Hercus and Faine (1951), McCarthy et al. (1955). Nutrition Abraham (1947), Department of Health (1963), Faine . and Hercus (1951), Fry, Peggy C. (1957, 1957),.


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