PERSPECTIVES on Science and Christian Faith

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PERSPECTIVES on Science and Christian Faith PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE AND CHRISTIAN FAITHPERSPECTIVES VOLUME 60, NUMBER 1 MARCH 2008 on Science and Christian Faith JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC AFFILIATION In this issue … Lessons from the Heavens: On Scripture, Science and Inerrancy A Comparison of Green Chemistry to the Environmental Ethics of the Abrahamic Religions Professional Engineering Ethics and Christian Values: Overlapping Magisteria RATE Responds to the Isaac Essay Review Isaac Replies Intrinsic Radiocarbon? Historically Inaccurate and Seriously Misleading Argument Critiquing the Uncritical Poe Replies Genesis 1–11 in the Light of Its Second Millennial Worldview: A Response to Carol Hill’s Worldview Alternative “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.” Psalm 111:10 VOLUME 60, NUMBER 1 MARCH 2008 (US ISSN 0892-2675) (CPM #40927506) Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Manuscript Guidelines © 2008 by the American Scientific Affiliation Editor The pages of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (PSCF) are open to original, unpublished contributions that interact with science and Christian ARIE LEEGWATER (Calvin College) faith in a manner consistent with scientific and theological integrity. Published 1726 Knollcrest Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 papers do not reflect any official position of the American Scientific Affiliation. [email protected] 1. Submit all manuscripts to: Arie Leegwater, Editor, Calvin College, De Vries Managing Editor Hall, 1726 Knollcrest Circle SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4403. E-mail: LYN BERG (American Scientific Affiliation) [email protected]. Submissions are typically acknowledged within 10 days PO Box 668, Ipswich, MA 01938-0668 of their receipt. [email protected] 2. Authors must submit an electronic copy of the manuscript formatted in Book Review Editors Word as an email attachment. Typically 2–3 anonymous reviewers critique REBECCA FLIETSTRA (Point Loma Nazarene Univ.) each manuscript submitted for publication. 3900 Lomaland Dr., San Diego, CA 92106 3. Use endnotes for all references. Each note must have a unique number. [email protected] Follow The Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed., sections 15.1 to 15.426). JAMES C. PETERSON (McMaster University Divinity 4. While figures and diagrams may be embedded within the Word text file of the College and Faculty of Health Sciences) manuscript, authors are required to also send them as individual electronic 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1 Canada files (JPEG or TIFF format). Figure captions should be provided as a list [email protected] at the end of the manuscript text. Authors are encouraged also to submit a sample of graphic art that can be used to illustrate their manuscript. ARIE LEEGWATER (Calvin College) 1726 Knollcrest Cir. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 ARTICLES are major treatments of a particular subject relating science to a [email protected] Christian position. Such papers should be at least 2,000 words but not more than 6,000 words in length Editorial Board , excluding endnotes. An abstract of 50–150 words is required. Publication for such papers normally takes 9–12 months from the CHARLES C. ADAMS, Dordt College time of acceptance. HESSEL BOUMA III, Calvin College WALTER L. BRADLEY, Baylor University COMMUNICATIONS are brief treatments of a wide range of subjects of interest RAYMOND H. BRAND, The Morton Arboretum to PSCF readers. Communications must not be longer than 2700 words, WARREN S. BROWN, Fuller Graduate School of excluding endnotes. Communications are normally published 6–9 months from Psychology the time of acceptance. JEANNE BUNDENS, Eastern University HARRY COOK, The King’s University College, Canada NEWS & VIEWS are short commentaries on current scientific discoveries or JANEL M. CURRY, Calvin College events, or opinion pieces on science and faith issues. Lengths range from 200 EDWARD B. DAVIS, Messiah College to 1,500 words. Submissions are typically published 3–6 months from the KARL V. EVANS, Lakewood, CO time of acceptance. OWEN GINGERICH, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics BOOK REVIEWS serve to alert the readership to new books that appear JOHN W. HAAS,JR., Gordon College significant or useful and engage these books in critical interaction. Guidelines WALTER R. HEARN, Berkeley, California for book reviewers can be obtained from the incoming book review editors. D. GARETH JONES, University of Otago, New Zealand Note respective subject areas: CALVIN JONGSMA, Dordt College · Rebecca Flietstra ([email protected]): neuroscience, biology, environ- CHRISTOPHER B. KAISER, Western Theological ment, origins, anthropology, and social sciences. Seminary · James C. Peterson GORDON R. LEWTHWAITE, California State ([email protected]): theology, ethics, biblical studies, University, Northridge philosophy, apologetics, bioethics, genetics, and medical education. H. NEWTON MALONY, Fuller Theological Seminary · Arie Leegwater ([email protected]): physical sciences, cosmology, mathe- JOHN A. McINTYRE, Texas A&M University matics, non-bio technologies, engineering, and history of science. SARA MILES, Eastern University The viewpoints expressed in the books reviewed, and in the reviews KEITH B. MILLER, Kansas State University themselves, are those of the authors and reviewers respectively, and do not STANLEY W. MOORE, Pepperdine University reflect an official position of the ASA. GEORGE L. MURPHY, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Akron, OH LETTERS to the Editor concerning PSCF content may be published unless ROBERT C. NEWMAN, Biblical Theological Seminary marked not for publication. Letters submitted for publication must not be JACK C. SWEARENGEN, Santa Rosa, CA longer than 700 words and will be subject to editorial review. Letters are WALTER R. THORSON, Calgary, Alberta, Canada to be submitted as electronic copies. Letters accepted for publication will be PETER VIBERT, Wading River Congregational Church published within 6 months. DAVIS A. YOUNG, Calvin College ADVERTISING is accepted in PSCF, subject to editorial approval. Please ESTHER MARTIN, Copy Editor address inquiries for rates or further information to the Managing Editor. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith The ASA cannot take responsibility for any orders placed with advertisers (ISSN 0892-2675) is published quarterly for $40 in PSCF. per year by the American Scientific Affiliation, AUTHORIZATION TO PHOTOCOPY MATERIAL for internal, personal, or 55 Market Street, Ipswich, MA 01938-0668. educational classroom use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, Phone: 978-356-5656; Fax: 978-356-4375; is granted by ASA, ISSN: 0892-2675, provided that the appropriate fee is [email protected]; paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Periodicals postage paid at Ipswich, MA and Danvers, MA 01923 USA for conventional use, or check CCC online at the at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: following address: No registration with CCC is needed: Send address changes to: Perspectives on simply identify the article being copied, the number of copies, and the journal Science and Christian Faith, The American title (Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith). For those who wish to Scientific Affiliation, PO Box 668, Ipswich, MA request permission for other kinds of copying or reprinting, kindly write to 01938-0668. the Managing Editor. Editorial Rapprochement between Science and Religion Arie Leegwater ew beginnings are events that do not is either being used to “sacralize” nature N occur ex nihilo. In a sense they entrain or is being employed as a complement to the efforts of the past, both the suc- science in the interpretation and description cesses and the failures, and simultaneously of the “natural” world. As a consequence, What we need they anticipate a pregnant, but unknown, the metaphor of warfare between science future. PSCF has existed for sixty years; and religion would now appear to be dated; is a Christian it has responded to many different needs rather, warfare has been replaced by meta- and addressed a wide variety of concerns. phors of rapprochement or harmony. We tend anthropology Its voice is one that will need continual to invoke what I would call c-words in our refining and updating. Stepping into the descriptions: descriptions move from meta- which shoes of the previous editor, I have already phors of conflict and confrontation to those become aware how delicate the task may of concordance, compatibility, complemen- become: whether, on the one hand, to tarity, convergence, congruence, coherence, allows us become too enamored by the need for mod- and so forth. Many of these ventures in har- eration, attempting not to make any waves, monization and integration can too quickly to go beyond or, on the other hand, to antagonize every- curtail legitimate debate and discussion and one in sight. Clearly there is a fine line to evade the essential character of our work as considering be drawn, but a position that avoids any Christian scientists and professionals. hint of controversy or detects no need for a person as reforming action would not be one that The harmonization strategies in vogue also create a burden, or at least generate I would want to stake out. So at times I will a Christian take the opportunity to speak my mind false impressions for scientists: for all too about matters which I think we should prize many, the word theology sounds like some- in our affiliation and journal. thing that scholars advance in order to give and/or Christian meaning to the otherwise secular What unites us is the Gospel
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