Spiritual Mentoring Programme 2019

with Marion Young

Welcome to Day 2 - February

Theme: Decluttering the Mind

This month our theme of clearing out and letting go during these first three months moves from the physical to the mental realm.

We are going to clean up our thoughts.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking, separate your thoughts from the situation which is always neutral’

Eckhart Tolle

How important is inner peace to you?

How important is your connection to your higher wisdom?

How you answer these questions will influence your willingness to make conscious choices about what you think.

The Power of your Mind

Thoughts become things. You know this. Through one of the natural laws of the Universe, The Law of Attraction, you know that your thoughts travel through time and space and impact what returns to you. Unless you change your thoughts about what is not working for you at the moment, nothing outside of you will change either. By bringing your thoughts into conscious awareness, you can choose to change them and create a new dialogue for your life, one that supports the life that you wish to lead.

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This is possibly one of the hardest tasks that you will be given. We have been part of a collective unconsciousness around the power of our thoughts for hundreds of thousands of years, but only within the last 100 years or so have ‘thought teachers’ begun to seep more widely into the collective consciousness. Teachers such as (author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’) and (author of ‘The Game of Life and How to Play it’) in the 1920s, (author of ‘The Seven Day Thought Diet’) in the 1930s, and Catherine Ponder (author of ‘The Millionaires of the Bible’ series) in the 1960s, to name but a few.

And then there are modern day authors like scientist Bruce Lipton who writes in the latest edition of his book ‘Biology of Belief’ that “Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning shows that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts”.

And very encouragingly that “the overwhelming science chronicling neuroplasticity that has shown over and over that it is never too late, the brain is constantly undergoing structural and functional alterations in response to the influence of life and learning experiences”.

What do you say to yourself on a regular basis? How are your thoughts impacting your life?

And how often do you use the words I AM …..?

The I AM has a powerful vibration. As you know, every word has a vibration, an energetic sound wave that sends out silent messages to those around you and into the Universal energy field. The I AM has the frequency of ‘All that is, Oneness, God, Grace’ so it energises whatever words that follow it. So when you say to yourself ‘I AM stupid’, ‘I AM useless’, etc., you are empowering this statement. Equally, when you add the I AM to ‘I AM safe’, ‘I AM worthy’, ‘I AM loveable’, etc., you are energising these words too. Notice how these differing statements impact your energy and your body.

How you treat yourself is going to be reflected in how others and the Universe treats you in return. If you are kind and loving, then the Universe will respond by sending you people and situations that you love. If you are harsh or critical then this will be the flavour of your experience.

You are a walking, breathing transmitter tower, emitting frequencies through our thoughts and actions. Until you fully realise and embrace this and take ownership of your own energy field, you are at the mercy of outside events and other people’s agendas, and this is a recipe for pain and suffering. Most of us are completely unaware of what we are transmitting, and how influenced we are by our past experiences and the beliefs we hold about ourselves and others.

If your life is not working the way that you want it too, then you can be sure that you are acting from some limiting beliefs such as ‘I am not loveable or worthy’, ‘I am unsafe and alone’, ‘I can’t get it right’, etc. etc. These type of beliefs imply that in some way you are less than, when the truth is you are unconditional

Marion Young - 2019 - MarionYoung.co.uk SM-Programme-notes-day-2 love and worthy of all the good things that Grace wants for you. Nothing will ultimately work well in your life if you believe these thoughts. People and the Universe can only give you what you feel you are able to receive.

How do you treat yourself?

Your very presence will unconsciously give others information about how to treat you. Do you radiate victim energy? Do you think and speaks words of judgement and criticism? What do you bring with you when you walk into a room?

You send out silent messages all the time to those around you. These get picked up and translated through their filters, and then anything on a similar frequency will get projected back. The more your clear up your vibration and clear out old beliefs and cell memories that no longer work for you, and then embody self-love and self-worth, the more empowered you feel. Your boundaries will become clearer and you will teach those around you how you wish to be treated.

Self-love and Self-care

How much you can love and be kind to yourself is, to begin with, impacted by your childhood experiences and your inherited beliefs. Many of us did not receive what we needed as a child and made some internal decisions and developed strategies to cope with the pain and suffering that we experienced.

Most of these operate from our unconscious and stay there, way past their sell by date, influencing every aspect of our daily lives. Until that is, we bring them out of our unconscious and into the light of our awareness.

There are many different ways to do this and we will use many of them during the course of this year, examples include regular meditation (one of the most powerful ways to clean up the mind*), as well as being in silence, developing an understanding of the Enneagram personality types, activities such as writing morning pages, body release mechanisms such as shaking and massage, chi exercises such as yoga and martial arts and so much more.

All of these require a degree of self-awareness, self-enquiry and self-responsibility. Without this awareness the unconscious and damaging patterns go unnoticed and unchallenged and create toxicity in the mind and the body. They are robbers of happiness and inner peace.

*Dr Candice Pert, author of ‘Molecules of Emotion’ see attached article.

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Morning Pages (as created by Julia Cameron – The Artists Way)

The main tool we are going to be using this month to clean up the mind and the unconscious is something called morning pages. It was created by Julia Cameron as a way to unblocking creativity, and became a very popular self-enquiry tool in the 1990s for clearing the brain of mental debris and accessing what she calls the voice of the creator. I have used this process a lot through the years.

The process, to be carried out first thing in the morning, involves writing 3 pages in long hand from a stream of consciousness without judgement or reflection. As Julia says ‘nothing is too pretty, too silly, too weird, or too stupid to be included’. It is your opportunity to dump everything that is in your head onto the page. No one is allowed to read your pages, and her advice is that you do not read them either, not at least for the first few weeks. Working with the morning pages becomes a process in itself and sorts out what’s real from what’s imagined. They also begin to reveal the truth, things that are often so deeply buried that you may not have even known that you thought in a particular way. Writing the pages over an extended period will be challenging at times; there may be huge resistance or a desire to run from what’s pouring onto the pages.

In Julia’s words:

“What you are doing is wiping the mirror. Each day’s morning pages take a swipe at the blur that is kept between you and your real self. As your image becomes clearer, it may surprise you. You will undergo shifts in identity as a stronger and clearer you emerges… There will be a sense of the flow of life, that you are brought into new vistas as you surrender to moving with the flow of God”.

And we are going to be doing this process as a group for the next 40 days, so this will mean the process will be even more powerful.

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Changing Old beliefs

During the course of the year, you may often become aware of a belief that no longer supports who you are becoming. There are a number of different processes to help you release them, and here are three examples for you to try:

Belief Change 1

1. Once you have identified a pattern of behaviour or thought process that you wish to change, write it down. Then sit in a meditative state and ask yourself… 2. How does this make you feel? Notice all the different responses within you. 3. Where are they in your body? Perhaps put your hand there and welcome all the feelings. 4. Ask these feelings ‘what is the limiting belief or beliefs that are stored here?’ 5. Notice if this belief is attached to an ‘I AM’ statement and observe the charge and the power of this. 6. How old is this part of you? And what is this younger part of you feeling and thinking? 7. Now take a step back and become the wise observer in you, and observe the younger you, and imagine this little you is sitting in front of you now. 8. Say to her ‘I am so sorry that you experienced this situation, I love you and I will take care of you. 9. Let her know that you understand why she took on this belief and that she was doing the best she could. 10. Let her know that you are going to help her release this belief and how this will help her reclaim her own personal power. Reassure her that this is an old victim consciousness and by naming it, this belief can be released and dissolved creating more space for Grace to show her the truth of who she really is. 11. Place your hand again on the place where the old belief was stored and send your loving thoughts to this area and see everything dissolving, letting go. 12. Now place your hand on your heart, breathe in the energy of self-love and self-worth. This releases the hormone oxytocin and will help you to absorb a new and more empowering belief. 13. Ask the younger you what new belief she would like to have, phrase this with a new ‘I AM’ statement. 14. Keep your hand on your heart as you repeat your new belief, until you find yourself taking a spontaneously deep breath in. Release this breath knowing that your body has integrated this new belief and will continue to get stronger and more powerful over time.

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Belief Change 2 (formulated by Martin Young)

Choose an area of your life in which you don’t feel you are in complete wholeness / integrity / balance; it could be:

A ‘role’ such as partner, husband, wife, parent, son, daughter, sibling, friend, manager, employee, community member, volunteer, team member, consumer, provider, etc.

A ‘facet’ of life such as work / career, finances, health and wellbeing, diet, contribution / service (to the wider world), spiritual life, creative expression, work / life balance, etc.

Part 1:

1. What are the actions & behaviours of someone who is in wholeness / integrity / balance with this aspect of their life? 2. What feelings are they likely to have about this aspect of life? 3. What beliefs are they likely to have about this aspect of life?

Part 2:

1. What actions & behaviours do I currently exhibit in this aspect of my own life? 2. What are my feelings about this aspect of my life? 3. Based on the principle that what we DO is a more accurate indicator of what we believe than what we SAY, what beliefs do my own actions reveal? 4. What are the consequences for me if I carry on acting & behaving in the same way in the medium to long term?

Part 3:

1. What different beliefs would it be helpful for me to have about this aspect of life? 2. What feelings would it be helpful for me to have about this aspect of life? 3. What actions & behaviours would it be helpful for me to adopt in this area of my life? 4. What are the consequences for me if I adopt these new actions & behaviours in the medium to long term?

Part 4:

Take Action - Begin adopting the actions and behaviours that will lead to the better consequences you have identified.

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Belief Change 3 (Inspired by the work of Kevin Billet and Brandon Bays - The Journey)

1. Write down your most disempowering beliefs. 2. Choose the one that has the biggest emotional charge for you. 3. Turning your intention inside and ask if there is another, even deeper belief underneath this one. 4. And then, ask if there was a foundational belief, one that all of the other beliefs are resting on, what would that be? 5. How does this belief make you feel? 6. And if you could open into the pain of all these feelings that surround this belief, and ask yourself what would happen if you could no longer use this belief to protect you? What would happen if you couldn’t even keep hold of this belief anymore? It was leaving you? 7. What happens then? 8. Stay present to all that you are experiencing as the old energy drops away. 9. Then ask your high self for a new and more empowering belief starting with the words I AM.. 10. Sit in the energy and presence of this new belief and how this one makes you feel. 11. Stay in the energy until your body automatically takes a deep breath in and then out, signalling the integration of this new belief into your energy field. 12. Complete by writing down your new belief and tearing up the old ones!

The Power of Labels

Many of our beliefs are connected to the labels that we have either been given or we have unconsciously embodied. All of them are worth investigating and asking yourself ‘Is this true?’

Were you labelled, for example, as the ‘shy one’ or the ‘rubbish at sports one’, or the ‘helpful one’, or the ‘strong one’, ‘pretty one’, ‘clever one’, ‘stupid one’, etc., etc.?

What are your labels? How can you take on new and more empowering ones such as:





We will be exploring this further during the day.

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Appreciation and gratitude are another extremely powerful way to change your thoughts and belief systems. Appreciation draws Grace to you. And the energy of Grace dissolves and releases old lower vibrational energy from your field.

How can you appreciate yourself more this month?

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