Course Description Strategic


1 Concept / Big picture 2 Intended Learning Outcomes 3 Structure of the Course 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Mission Statement and Objectives 3.3 (Internal Situation and Environmental Analysis) 3.4 Analysis (Strategic Concepts & Tools) 3.5 Strategy Implementation and Future Outlook 4 Didactic Concept, Schedule and Assignments 4.1 Introductory lesson on site 4.2 1st Online Workshop 4.3 2nd Online Workshop 4.4 3rd Online Workshop 4.5 Wrap-up session on site 5 Examination 6 Readings 7 References

Concept / Big picture

The growing importance of is a result of several persisting megatrends: Modern and cheaper communication and transportation have led to increasing global trade and awareness. Product life cycles have become much shorter. Furthermore, the Web has led to increasing competition in most industries, which, for some companies, has made it difficult to compete.

It is evident that traditional management concepts must adapt to the continuously evolving demands of and trends in a Web-based environment. A modern strategic management approach includes an analysis of strategic resources, skills, abilities and core competencies. The crucial topics of such an approach are the sources of competitive advantages. Crucial resources are the best adapting of the organization to its environment, the possession of resources, skills and abilities that are valuable, rare and difficult to imitate by competitors, superior linkages ('Virtual Networks') with stakeholders leading to trust, goodwill, reduced uncertainty and improved business dealings. This course deals with these essential topics and concepts of modern Strategic Management.

During the introduction to the course, students will get to know the megatrends and challenges enterprises face as a result of the proliferation of the Web and the Social Media. After a brief overview of central defnitions, students will be exposed to the most important classical

1 concepts and tools of strategic management like the 4-C Concept, PEST Analysis, Porter's Five Forces Model, the SWOT Analysis.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will become familiar with the crucial skills and concepts of modern Strategic Management.

Therefore, the students will be able to:

• name the crucial objectives, cost and limits of planning an rationality. • describe the essential strategic challenges resulting from the Web (= Web Megatrends) and socio-economic factors. • identify the probable effects from the Megatrens onto the strategic management process. • describe the key elements in the strategic management process. • explain the differences between and as well as those between strategic and operative management. • demonstrate an understanding of theory and research related to strategic management in search for advantages of competition. • discuss objectives, resources and tools of strategic management. • defne the characteristics of global web player. • examine crucial strategic management concepts esp. SWOT Analysis, 4 C Concept, PEST Analysis, 5-Forces Concept. • develop and discuss strategic concepts for the global web player like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft. • understand strategy formulation at the corporate, business, and functional levels.

Structure of the Course

Introduction Strategic management is a systems approach of identifying and making the necessary changes and measuring the organization’s performance as it moves toward its vision.[1] Therefore strategic management hinges upon answering six key questions:

1. Strategic Challenges and Megatrends: Which are the crucial economic, technological and societal megatrends to face (now and in the next future)?

2. Mission Statement and Visions: What is the mission of the enterprise? And what are the business’ objectives?

3. Internal Situation: Where are we now? What are our strategic business felds, revenues and profts?

4. Environmental Situation (External Situation): How about our business' environment? What is the relevant market, how is the market growth and who are our competitors?

2 5. Strategic Analysis: Strategic Tools and Instruments: What are the best ways to achieve our objectives? How can the business be successful and competitive on a long-term basis? Which human and strategic resources are required to make that happen?

6. Future Outlook: How is it possible to be successful and competitive in the future?

To answer these questions it makes sense to argue along these questions in the strategic management process.

Mission Statement and Objectives A company's mission is its reason for being. The mission statement lkeads to the business goals and guides strategic formulation in the company. The mission is often expressed in the form of a mission statement, which conveys a sense of purpose to employees and projects a company image to customers since it summarizes the goals and purposes of the enterprise in terms easily understood by all (internal and external) stakeholders. In the strategy formulation process, the mission statement sets the mood of where the company should go. Depending on the socio- economic and technological development, different goals might be in focus, e.g. growth, increase in fexibility, risk reduction, handling of complexity and utilization of synergies. Objectives are concrete goals that the organization seeks to reach, for example, an earnings growth target. The objectives should be SMART: specifc, measurable, achievable, realistic and terminated. It is because the company can monitor its progress and make corrections as needed.

Situation Analysis (Internal Situation and Environmental Analysis) Once the frm has specifed its objectives, it devises a strategic plan to reach those objectives. For their strategic plan the company has to know the relevant strategic business felds and their specifc current (market) situation.

This situation analysis is inevitable to identify know the standing of the enterprise and a basic knowledge for its strengths and weaknesses. The frm must know its own capabilities and limitations in order to select the opportunities that it can pursue with a higher probability of success. The situation analysis therefore involves an analysis of both the external and internal environment. The internal analysis is about revenues, profts, market shares and strategic business felds of the company. A crucial point is the . The external analysis deals with the environment like the relevant market, market growth and the main competitors on these markets.

Strategy Analysis (Strategic Concepts & Tools) Every concept for strategic management needs suitable tools for the analysis. In this course we will apply essential tools for the strategic analysis. The tools that can be used are: the Generic Strategy Concept, the Product Life Cycle, the Portfolio Concept, the 4 C-Concept , the SWOT Analysis, the PEST analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Model. While the four frst-metnioned concepts will be explained in the frst online meeting, here is a short overview of the last- mentioned three concepts:

3 1. The SWOT Analysis is almost certainly the most basic of all the strategy analysis tools and techniques. The SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding the frm's strengths and weaknesses, and for identifying both the opportunities and the threats the frm faces. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable objectives. Used in a business context, a SWOT Analysis helps to carve a sustainable niche in the relevant market. Used in a personal context, it helps to develop a way that takes best advantage of your talents, abilities and opportunities. [2]

2. A very similar tool is the PEST analysis. This macro-environmental analysis includes political, economic, social, and technological factors. It is often termed a macro-scanning tool as it involves looking a the the big picture long-term changes in the environment. A PEST analysis explores the threats and opportunities a frm faces as a result of the Political, Economic, Social and Technological changes occurring in its competitive environment. The Political perspective includes any government, parastatal and special interest group actions or lobbying in the form of policy, taxes and duties, laws, lawsuits and regulations. It is important to understand the political agenda and how it might move for or against certain industries or practices. The Economic view includes the general economic environment and the effects that this might have on customer, distributors and suppliers. Factors, to consider might include indicators such as GDP, infation, interest rates, stock market conditions, disposable income, and employment, in aggregate or on a sector specifc basis. Internationally, you might also consider import/export conditions, foreign exchange conditions, and trade defcits/surpluses. In conducting your analysis, it is important to distinguish between long terms trends and structural issues, and seasonal or cyclical issues. The Social issue considers changes in social preferences and norms. These could be driven by demographic changes such as population aging, changes in family size and dynamics, immigration and emigration, and changes to ethnic and/or religious views and norms. The Technological perspective considers the impact of all form of technological development and . This could include manufacturing, production and transportation technologies, as well as the use of technology in coordinating and communicating activities both upstream and downstream in the supply chain. The development of information technologies, including the internet and associated technologies such as mobile access is obviously a major factor here. The PEST analysis headings are a framework for reviewing a situation, and can be used to review a strategy or position, direction of a company, a proposition, or idea. Completing a PEST analysis is very simple, and is a good subject for workshop sessions. It works well in brainstorming meetings, too. PEST analysis is used for business and strategic planning, marketing planning, business and product development and research reports. As PEST factors are essentially external, completing a PEST analysis is helpful prior to completing a SWOT analysis. [3]

3. Michael Porter devised a Five Forces Model which is also a useful tool for a situation analysis. Under each of its main headings, this model suggests points by which a competitive position can be analyzed broadly and sophisticatedly. This might be used when creating strategy and plans, or making investment decisions about a business or organization. Porter's fve forces include (1) existing competitive rivalry between suppliers, (2) threats of new market entrants, (3) bargaining power of buyers (4) power of suppliers and (5) threat of substitute products

4 (including technology change). Porter's Five Forces Model can be used to good analytical effects alongside other models such as the SWOT and PEST analysis tools. [4]

Strategy Implementation and Future Outlook The strategy will most likely be expressed in high-level conceptual terms and priorities. For effective implementation, it needs to be translated into more detailed policies that can be understood at the functional level of the organization. The expression of the strategy in terms of functional policies also serves to highlight any practical issues that might not have been visible at a higher level. The strategy should be translated into specifc policies for functional areas like marketing, production and human resources.

Once implemented, the results of the strategy need to be measured and evaluated, with changes made as required to keep the plan on track. Control systems should be developped and implemented to facilitate this monitoring. Standards of performance are set, the actual performance measured, and appropriate action taken to ensure success.

Didactic Concept, Schedule and Assignments

The course focus is based on a blended learning concept that combines on site lessons, online workshops and home working. It is mainly built upon two on site sessions and three online workshops. After a frst introductory workshop on site, the online workshops deal with the self- developped concepts of modern strategic management. The online workshops are presented in a highly interactive manner, open questions are discussed with the lecturer and among the students and current issues can be addressed.

Introductory lesson on site This frst session will clarify organizational course details as well as address the frst chapters dedicated to explain basic defnitions to the strategic management process as well as informational foundations regarding the basics of strategic management theory and modern management concepts and tools. Questions like: 'How to gain a competitive edge over rivals?', 'What is the distinctive competency and the unique strategic positioning that contributes to ?', 'What should we use to answer the challenges posed by Web 2.0?', 'How to sustain competitive advantages in a dynamic surrounding?' can be addressed through suitable and current case studies.

Before the students work on the case studies, there is a general introduction on how to deal with case studies. Afterwards the students have to choose different tasks to elaborate on a topic or case study. They have to develop a strategic management concept, present their results and discuss learnings with others in the following online workshops.

1st Online Workshop

The frst workshop deals with the foundations of Strategic Management which includes some fundamental contents about planning, rationality and operative/strategic management by the 5 lecturer. Furthermore the strategic management process will be explained by the lecturer. Hereinafter the crucial socioeconomic megatrends, value changes and web developments and its effects on the markets and the web will be discussed. The session close with an explaination of the main strategic principles, methods and tools.

2nd Online Workshop

In the second phase, selected students are asked to present their strategic analysis concepts of the global web player. The presentations will be critically discussed. The presentation should contain a description and evaluation of global web players' strategies. Thew following aspects shoud be considered:

1. Strategic Challenges: Relevant (Web) Megatrends

2. Strategic focus: Mission Statement and Objectives

3. Internal Situation Analysis (Enterprise): Presentation of the Enterprise, Strategic Business Fields, Revenues, Market Shares, Business Model

4. External Situation Analysis (Environment): Market Analysis, Relevant Markets, Market Growth & Competitors

5. Strategic Analysis (Stratregic Tools & Measures): Strategic Choices (Description and Evaluation), Chances & Risks of differnent measures, Strategic Recommendations

6. Implemention and Future Outlook: Coming up Problems and Solutions

3rd Online Workshop

In the third workshop, the remaining students are asked to present their strategic analysis concepts of the global web player. The presentations will be critically discussed. Selected questions, assumptions and hypotheses will be discussed and clarifed.

Wrap-up session on site This on site workshop is dedicated to the remaining students' presentations.


There is a 50-50 weighting between the written examinations at the end of the semester and the presentation regarding the strategic management analysis . For the latter students are working out a concept of strategic management for one of global web players: Amazon; Apple; Dell; Ebay; Facebook; Google; IBM; Intel; Lenovo; Microsoft; Nintendo; Oracle; Samsung; Sony; Twitter or Uber. The students will get feedback by assessment criteria like common technical language, structure, stringent argumentation, market analysis, application of strategic methods and tools, results and strategic recommendations. Furthermore the participants are asked to absolve a written examination (45 min) at the end of the semester.

6 Readings

Readings concerning the strategic management concepts of the Global Web Players: 1. Alibaba: Walter Frick (2014): Alibaba Looks More Like GE than Google, in: Harvard Business Review, May 2014 Adam Lashinsky (2017): Jack Ma's strategy to take Alibaba global articles/2017/10/01/jack-ma-alibaba

2. Amazon: Lawrence Gregory (2016): Amazon Inc. Vision Statement & Mission Statement http:// Nathaniel Smithson (2016): Amazon Inc. Generic Strategy, Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Roberta Greenspan (2016): Amazon Inc. Five Forces Analysis & Recommendations (Porter’s Model) model Roberta Greenspan (2016): Amazon Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations http:// Roberta Greenspan (2016): Inc. PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis, Recommendations http:// Scott Galloway (2017): The Four – The hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook an Google, London.

3. Apple: Chistine Rowland (2015): Apple’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement apple-mission-statement-vision-statement Pauline Meyer (2016): Apple’s Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Deward Ferguson (2016): Apple Inc. Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s Model) apple-inc-fve-forces-analysis-porters-model-case-study Nathaniel Smithson (2015): Apple Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations apple-inc-swot-analysis-recommendations Jessica Lomabardo (2016): Apple Inc. PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations http:// Nathaniel Smithson (2016): Facebook Inc.’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement http:// Scott Galloway (2017): The Four – The hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook an Google, London.

4. Dell: Ovidijus Jurevicius (2013): SWOT analysis of Dell about.html#ovidijus UK Essays (2015): Strategic management of the Dell Corporation essays/business/strategic-management-of-the-dell-corporation-business-essay.php

5. Ebay:

7 Natalie Quinn (2017): eBay Inc.’s Vision Statement and Mission Statement (Analysis & Recommendations) recommendations Natalie Quinn (2017): eBay Inc.’s Generic Competitive Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies Christopher Mitchell (2017): eBay Inc. Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s Model) ebay-inc-fve-forces-analysis-porters-recommendations Christopher Mitchell (2017): eBay Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations ebay-inc-swot-analysis-recommendations Christopher Mitchell (2017): eBay Inc. PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis pestel-pestle-analysis-recommendations

6. Facebook: Roberta Greenspan (2016): Facebook Inc. Generic Strategy, Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Justin Young (2016): Facebook Inc. Five Forces Analysis & Recommendations (Porter’s Model) Justin Young (2016): Facebook Inc. SWOT Analysis & Recommendations facebook-inc-swot-analysis-recommendations Justin Young (2016): Facebook Inc. PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis, Recommendations http:// Scott Galloway (2017): The Four – The hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook an Google, London.

7. Google: Andrew Thompson (2016): Google’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement google-vision-statement-mission-statement Andrew Thompson (2016): Google’s Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Nathaniel Smithson (2016): Google: Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s Model) google-fve-forces-analysis-porters-model Andrew Thompson (2016): Google’s SWOT Analysis & Recommendations google-swot-analysis-recommendations Christine Rowland (2016): Google PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations http:// Scott Galloway (2017): The Four – The hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook an Google, London.

8. IBM: Jessica Lomabardo (2017): IBM’s Vision Statement and Mission Statement: Analysis & Recommendations recommendations Jessica Lomabardo (2017): IBM’s Generic Strategy and Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Christine Rowland (2017): IBM Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s) & Recomendations Model) http:// Christine Rowland (2017): IBM SWOT Analysis & Recommendations swot-analysis-recommendations 8 Christine Rowland (2017): IBM PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations http://

9. Intel: Christine Rowland (2017): Intel Corporation’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement http:// Christine Rowland (2017): Intel’s Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Edward Ferguson (2017): Intel Corporation Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s) intel-corporation-fve-forces-analysis-porters-recommendations Edward Ferguson (2017): Intel Corporation’s SWOT Analysis & Recommendations http:// Edward Ferguson (2017): Intel Corporation PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations http://

10. Microsoft: Lawrence Gregory (2016): Microsoft Corporation’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement http:// Lawrence Gregory (2016): Microsoft Corporation’s Generic & Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Edward Ferguson (2016): Microsoft Corporation’s Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s Model) & Recommendations recommendations Edward Ferguson (2016): Microsoft Corporation’s SWOT Analysis & Recommendations http:// Edward Ferguson (2016): Microsoft Corporation’s PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations

11. Nintendo: John Paul Handrigan (2013): Nintendo’s Disruptive Strategy: Implications for the Video Game Industry Disruptive-Strategy-Implications-for-the-Video-Game-Industry.pdf Peter Merholz (2009): How Nintendo Delights Its Customers, in: Harvard Business Review, June 2009 Ukessays (2015): Nintendo Company: Strategic Management marketing/nintendo-company-strategic-management-marketing-essay.php-pestel-pestle- analysis-recommendations

12. Samsung: Youngjin Yoo and Kyungmook Kim (2015): How Samsung Became a Design Powerhouse, in: Harvard Business Review, September 2015 design-powerhouse Power Tarun Khanna, Jaeyong Song & Kyungmook Lee (2011): The Globe: The Paradox of Samsung‘s rise, in: Harvard Business Review, July/Augist 2011 globe-the-paradox-of-samsungs-rise

13. Sony:

9 Pauline Meyer (2017): Sony Corporation’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement http:// Pauline Meyer (2017): Sony’s Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies http:// Roberta Greenspan (2017): Sony Corporation’s Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s Model) http:// Roberta Greenspan (2017): Sony Corporation’s SWOT Analysis & Recommendations http:// Roberta Greenspan (2017): Sony Corporation’s PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis & Recommendations

14. Twitter: Justin Fox (2014): Why Twitter‘s Mission Statement Matters, in: Harvard Business Review, November 2014 Erin Griffith (2016): Fixing Twitter - How the media-juggernaut-turned-train-wreck is getting back on track after a rough two years, in: Fortune Umair Haque (2016): The Reason Twitter’s Losing Active Users, in: Harvard Business Review, February 2016

15. Uber: Daniel McGinn (2017): Why Uber and Airbnb Needed a Different Kind of CEO, in: Harvard Business Review, August 2017 different-kind-of-ceo Brad Stone (2017): How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changing the World, London. Chris Zook (2017): Uber’s New CEO Will Have to Win on Two Fronts Simultaneously, in: Harvard Business Review, August 2017 fronts-simultaneously


↑ "Wells, D.L. (2010). Strategic Management for Senior Leaders: A Handbook for Implementation. Arlington 2003. p. 4. ↑ "SWOT Analysis". Retrieved 20.01.17. ↑ "pest market analysis tool". Retrieved 20.01.17. ↑ "porter's fve forces model". portersfveforcesofcompetition.htm. Retrieved 20.01.17.
