
5TJT.COM “In a time when images SERVING NASSAU COUNTY, of chassidic women— BROOKLYN, QUEENS, , or any women—are not BRONX, & STATEN ISLAND published in many of the newspapers and magazines…”  PG. 13

$1.00 | פרשת מטות-מסעי | VOL. 18 | NO. 41 | JULY 13, 2018 FIVE TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 1 AV 5778

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Volunteer members of Ezras Nashim, led by NYC judge Ruchie Freier (center). Page 12

FROM THE EDITOR Constitutionalism: Supreme And Divine It’s Good For The BY LARRY GORDON BY JEFF BALLABON AND BRUCE ABRAMSON t remains largely unarticulated, but, in stark and honest terms, it ustice Kennedy’s resignation from the Supreme Court has fo- seems that the battle for a consensus to frame the philosophy of the cused political America on the directions that a post-Kennedy Icountry as a whole on the United States Supreme Court is about Jcourt might take. Kennedy, of course, has been the “swing” vote, the affi rmation or denial of the existence of G-d. most frequently responsible for determining which side wins a 5–4 Sure, the debate might be about a multiplicity of things that the court split. President Trump’s goal in selecting his replacement is cement- has to deal with on an annual basis, but you do not have to follow the ing a conservative majority in place. Everyone—left and right, Demo- news too closely to realize that the primary issue is about life, when crat and Republican—expects things to change. it begins, and whether it is legal to terminate life as we know it in the Beyond being politically polarizing—almost everything is these womb. In other words, it is about the matter of abortion and the right days—it’s also incredibly signifi cant. Which begs the central question: to life. Continued on Page 11 Nu, is it good for the Jews? Continued on Page 6

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July 13 - 8:07 PM July 20 - 8:03 PM See Luach, Page 10 Features Index, See Page 8 SSeeee PPageage 2211 SSeeee PPageage 1122 SSeeee PPageage 5 2 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 3 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 4 the process the paper was not suffi ciently stopover in Munich. Before leaving Israel, circulated? I had seen online that a snowstorm was HEARD IN THE If I had to sum up what it was like to expected in New York on that Thursday in work with Luther all these years in just the early morning. My two-hour layover two words, I’d say they are trustworthi- in Germany was at around the same time BAGEL STORE ness and dependability. Week after week, that Luther would be preparing to leave his By Larry Gordon for the last 18 years, I would call him each home in Hempstead and head for the plant Wednesday evening at the end of the busi- in Long Island City, usually at about 4:00 ness day to talk about what the next morn- a.m. I called Luther from the airport to ing would be like as it would impact upon ask how he was managing. He said he was the distribution of the newspaper. snowed in and could not dig out his truck. THANK YOU, LUTHER The things we usually talked about in That was disheartening to hear, and while ast week was his last day on the job. more recently, also parts of New Jersey those weekly calls included how he was it didn’t matter that I was in an airport in It was only a few weeks ago that and Rockland County. doing and the size of the paper so as to as- Europe (because if I had been home in he told me he has had enough and As I might have explained a few times certain whether all the bundles of papers Lawrence I still would not have been able

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, L that he simply cannot maintain this kind in the past in these pages, there are mul- would fi t on his truck or if he would have to do much about this specifi c problem), of schedule and perform the job anymore. tiple tiers that require coordination in to make a second trip to the printing plant something needed to be done. It was then We have known each other and worked order for a weekly publication to work as for the paper’s second day of distribution, that I uttered the magic words, which together for about 18 years now. Luther is eff ectively as the 5TJT does. I can analyze usually on Fridays. And then we would were along the lines of: “I don’t care what an African-American man who lives with and discuss all the numerous elements, talk about the anticipated weather con- it costs; just someone to dig you out.” I his family in Hempstead, just about 20 but for the purposes of this essay let me ditions, which would impact most on the called him a half-hour later and he was all minutes away from the Five Towns. In a state that at the top of the list and order of fashion in which this newspaper would be dug out of the snow and on his way to pick few months he will be 90 years old. priorities it would be diffi cult to disagree circulated the next morning. up the papers. Another problem solved. Luther has been a trusted, essential, that circulation of the paper is the most That was always more of a factor in the Anyway, Luther was more than just but unsung associate of the 5TJT for all important—indeed, it’s the lifeblood of winter when snow was expected or if it dependable and reliable. On the days that these years. For close to two decades—just the publication. was already snowing outside. But one of there were delays in the printing schedule about since I fi rst met him—he has over- After all, what would all the painstak- the most frustrating distribution challeng- and I was being told stories, there was just seen the circulation of the paper through- ing eff ort that goes into producing this or es occurred this past April. I was on my one person I could depend on to get a clear, out Long Island, the fi ve boroughs, and, any publication be worth if at the end of way back from Israel and had a two-hour objective, and truthful assessment of the delay, and that was Luther. He told it like it was, unabashedly and directly. When the plant managers would say the papers were almost done or that they were being load- ed on the trucks, I’d call Luther to confi rm. Too often after those early-morning calls I would hear the truth from Luther—that getting the trucks loaded was still at least two hours off . When I fi rst met Luther, he was already retired as a union electrician here in New York. His wife, I believe, was also retired as a Nassau County employee, so in a sense we can say that Luther retired to the Five Towns Jewish Times. Over the last few years, we hired some younger people to assist him so he would not have to jump in and out of the truck so often. But it was only in the last month or so that he began to complain that the task was becoming too diffi cult and that he wanted some time off to go visit family down south. The truth is that just by looking at the calendar I knew this day was inevitable. Luckily, we have additional good peo- ple who can slide into Luther’s place and make sure that our circulation continues to be as comprehensive as it has always been. But Luther will be missed—and not just by me, but by the crew of delivery personnel he has been working with all these years. This is a tribute to Luther and an expression of gratitude for a job well done. We wish him continued good health as well as long and happy years with his family. I’m going to miss those 4:00 a.m. calls when he’s in the printing plant and not sure about something. I’m going to miss chit-chatting with him on those Thursday mornings when he brings a few copies of the paper to my home, and mostly I will miss those check-in calls with one an- other on Wednesday evening at 5:00 p.m. Then again, maybe I’ll just keep calling on Wednesdays to check in and ask how he’s doing. I’m defi nitely calling him this week, if for no other reason than just to say hi and, of course, thank you.„

Read more of Larry Gordon’s articles at 5TJT. com. Follow 5 Towns Jewish Times on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates and live videos. Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome at 5TJT.com and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 5 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 6 CONSTITUTIONALISM reasonable search and seizure, and due embedded in the culture of academia, in- Continued from Front Cover process prior to deprivation of life, liber- cluding law schools. Over time, it has per- ty, and property. It even affi rms that the meated Supreme Court jurisprudence in The short answer is: yes, it’s very, very people retain certain rights beyond the ways dire and threatening to Jews. good for the Jews. Because a conserva- enumerated few. Within the past few months alone, the tive-leaning Supreme Court means a As reasonable and as minimal as those four ideologically leftist justices on the FIVE TOWNS JEWISH TIMES court committed to preserving the Con- rights may appear, most of them are un- Court wrote passionately about the need stitution—perhaps the best guarantor of der direct attack from the left. The New to coerce people to say the “right” things minority rights ever devised by man. York Times recently reported about the about abortion, and to force people to P.O. BOX 690 • LAWRENCE, NY 11559 Democracy is, as the famous quip goes, growing movement of progressives ea- fund union-run lobbying that they didn’t [email protected] [email protected] the worst form of government except for ger to take the right of speech away from support. In recent years, they have vili- 516-569-0502 all others. Unchecked, democracy is sim- people whose speech they call “hateful”— fi ed Americans who choose to live as they LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON ply mob rule backed by the power of gov- meaning, of course, anyone with whom believe G-d wants them to live. They’re ernment. The genius of the Constitution they disagree. Similarly, the left decided fi ne with forcing people to buy products Publisher/Editor Managing Editor is its elevation of certain fundamental years ago that the free exercise of religion they don’t want. And because they den- YOSSY GORDON • YOCHANAN GORDON DOVI GORDON July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, rights above majority rule—above de- was a threat to democracy; in their view, igrate individual conscience and rights mocracy. In a military dictatorship, the religion is just a slogan that excuses big- in favor of government power, they don’t Sales Managers leader with the most guns gets to write otry—again, their charge against anyone believe that the right to bear arms exists CHANA ROCHEL ROSS MICHELLE GREEN all the rules. In an unchecked democracy, with whom they disagree. to protect individuals. Production Manager Editorial Assistant the leader with the most votes gets the The New York Times is hardly alone They pervert the Fourteenth Amend- SIDI BARON • DAVID FOX guns—and then gets to write all the rules. in inserting scare quotes whenever it ment’s prohibition of racial discrimina- Sales Representatives In either case, life gets miserable fast for discusses “religious freedom.” The same tion by demanding racially discrimina- MICHELE JUSTIC those who like to live their lives a little left is eager to confi scate the fi rearms of tory practices in the name of “diversity.” Managing Content Editor diff erently. In other words, it’s bad for the citizens interested in protecting their They corrupt the Constitution by grant- Jews. Very, very bad. families, and is cavalier about confi scat- ing the president unfettered right to im- RACHELI GLASS • BETH COHEN The Bill of Rights guarantees our ing property when redistribution serves pose policies they like. When they don’t Copy Editors rights to free speech, a free press, the free their agenda of social justice (a.k.a. tik- like the president or his policies, they SHMUEL GERBER EMUNA GANZ exercise of religion, and the right to bear kun olam among leftist Jews). This left- Editorial Adviser Proofreader arms. It guarantees us freedom from un- ist intolerance and corruption is deeply Continued on Page 10 MARCY FARRELL Online Editor

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Hannah Reich Berman • Anessa V. Cohen Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg • Yoni Glatt Rabbi Yossy Goldman • Toby Klein Greenwald Michele Herenstein • Malkie Hirsch Rabbi Yair Hoffman Shmuel Katz • Esther Mann • Rochelle M. Miller Rabbi Meir Orlian • Judah Rhine Rabbi Yitzie Ross • Deborah Rothman Mordechai Schmutter • Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow Baila Sebrow • David J. Seidemann Chaim Shapiro • Alex Sternberg • Chanita Teitz Rabbi Tuvia Teldon SHAINDEL PLUMER IVAN NORMAN Graphic Artist Photographer

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WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? E-MAIL US AT [email protected] 7 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 8 950 Broadway CALL FEATURES Woodmere, NY Bagel Store US Larry Gordon 4 516-295-3000 Book Review www.pugatch.com NOW!!! Rochelle Miller 95 Business Halacha SUSAN PUGATCH R’ Meir Orlian 57  Classifi ed Ads 82 A Clever Title Goes Here Mordechai Schmutter 37 Lawrence: 1BR, 1st Floor..$1,850/mo Woodmere: 1BR, Near All..$109K Community News July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Cedarhurst: Renov 1BR Apt..$1,895/mo F.Rockaway: 2BR,Shabbos Elev..$199K Around The Five Towns 75 Around The World 70 Hewlett: NO FEE, 2BR..$2,500/mo Lawrence: 2BR W/Terrace..$279K Political Roundup 74 Lawrence: 4BR House..$2,995/mo Island Park: 3BR Condo..$625K Daf Yomi R’ Shmuel Wise 47  HEWLETT R’ Avrohom Sebrow 56 Totally Renovated Apartment Dating Forum NO FEE Baila Sebrow 40 5 Towns Foodies 22 2 Bedrooms, Quartz Countertops, Stainless Jamie Geller 32 Steel Appliances, Washer/Dryer In Apt, Hardwood Halachic Musings Floors, Heat & Water Included, Near All... R’ Yair Hoff man 69, 93 PR Insights on the Torah R’ Moshe Bloom 48  R’ Yossy Goldman 53 Letters to the Editor 5TJT.com Comments 18 Luach/Calendar 10 MindBiz Esther Mann, LCSW 42 News from the Hills Chanita Teitz 80 LAWRENCE WOODSBURGH LAWRENCE Night Flower Beautifully Maintained 5BR Historic Stone Beautiful & Spacious Esther Rapaport 34 3BR Colonial, Manor Home, Lush 4BR CH Colonial, Low Puzzle Lot Size 81x98.. Property W/IG-Pool.. Taxes, Prime Location.. Yoni Glatt 44 325 . The Famous Abba 45 . Real Estate &DOO0DUN/LSQHU &DOO6XVDQ3XJDWFK &DOO&DURO%UDXQVWHLQ Anessa V. Cohen 63    Right View Alex Sternberg 61 Rochelle’s Reviews Hewlett: 56 Raymond Pl (11:30-1)$699K Rochelle Miller 64 That’s The Way It Is! Hewlett: 1634 Ridgeway Dr (12-2)$849K Hannah Reich Berman 35 Lawrence: 42 Barrett Rd (1:30-3)$P.O.R Travel Section 64 Weekly Kvetch Lawrence: 320 Mulry Ln (11:30-1)$579K Klara 79 Woodsburgh: 75 S Woodmere Blvd (By Apt)$P.O.R

Look for the next issue of the 5TJT on %HDXWLIXO6XLWHV 9DULRXV6L]HV newsstands ZLWK3ULYDWH Thursday, 2Q6LWH3DUNLQJ July 19 Pugatch Realty Corp 516-295-3000 9 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 10 CONSTITUTIONALISM community” thinks about the Jews. The Everyone agrees that the ways we ap- Continued from Page 6 horrifi c double standard applied to the ply the Constitution must grow with the CALENDAR Jewish state is notorious. Those looking country. The modern world poses many support any judge anywhere in the coun- for a more specifi c threat might note the challenges not present in 1789, when the try willing to override them. growing number of European countries Constitution was born. Constitution- All of these positions threaten minori- banning kosher slaughter or circumci- alists—or originalists—believe that the ty rights; all of these positions threaten sion—openly desired by parts of progres- proper question for the courts is how LUACH Jewish life. sive America, as well. similar challenges would have been seen July 13 – July 22 through the brilliant Constitutional lens of that time. No one advocates for a “dead ZIP Code: 11516 constitution.” 1 Av – Rosh Chodesh All minorities need to Leftist proponents of a living constitu- Friday, July 13 tion, on the other hand, see a document Daf yomi: Zevachim 91 know that their rights that is infi nitely pliable. It is not only :* alive, it is amorphous; it evolves subject Earliest tallis/tefi llin: 4:35 am July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, can withstand a change only to their whim. Sunrise: 5:36 am All minorities, including Jews, need Latest Shema: in power and a shift in to know that our rights can withstand M. Av. 8:25 am a change in power and a shift in public Gr’a 9:17 am opinion. Only the Constitution can pro- P’lag ha’minchah: 6:52 pm public opinion. Candle Lighting 8:07 pm vide that guarantee. Only Constitution- alist justices can secure the Constitution. 2 Av – Shabbos Chazak President Trump delivered on his Saturday, July 14 To make matters worse, today’s left— Astoundingly, leftist jurists insist promise to safeguard the Constitution Parashas Matos-Maasei Shabbos ends:** including many members of the Federal that the Constitution endorses—at by appointing Justice Gorsuch. The list 9:19 pm bench—elevates “emerging internation- times, compels—these positions. How? of judges under current consideration is 72 min. 9:43 pm al norms” above American law. That Through a doctrine called the “living outstanding. Jews should thank G-d for 8 Av – Erev Shabbos preference should chill anyone paying constitution.” It’s a clever name, but mis- President Trump. He is indeed good for Friday, July 20 attention to what the “international leading. the Jews. „ Daf yomi: Zevachim 98 Zmanim:* Earliest tallis/tefi llin: 4:42 am Sunrise: 5:41 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:29 am Gr’a 9:21 am P’lag ha’minchah: 6:49 pm Candle Lighting 8:03 pm 9 Av – Shabbos Chazon Saturday, July 21 Parashas Devarim Sunset/Fast begins: 8:20 pm

Shabbos ends:** 9:14 pm 72 min. 9:38 pm 10 Av – Fast of Tisha B’Av observed Sunday, July 22 Chatzos/Midday: 1:02 pm Fast ends/Havdallah recited: Earliest: 8:55 pm Preferred: 9:08 pm

*Zmanim are based on Cedarhurst – 11516 ** Five minutes added for Tosefes Shabbos

Look for the next issue of the 5TJT on newsstands Thursday, July 19

Visit 5TJT.com for daily halachic commentary on current events by Rabbi Yair Hoffman FROM THE EDITOR sue to debate, for the world at large this back in the 1970s, it might very well fi nding a constitutionalist, a person who 11 Continued from Front Cover is a central point on which the struggle is be that the real debate is about the ac- can understand and interpret the bril-

worthwhile—to virtually no end. While knowledgement of an Almighty G-d and liance of the founding fathers and view 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 Life and faith in Hashem are inter- on the surface, the fi ght goes on about the matter of recognizing His existence. their words of more than 200 years ago twined. And while to many of us this maintaining the legal right to abortion Of course, as the president said on in a contemporary context. What is left might be a diffi cult, if not impossible, is- as per the court’s decision in Roe v. Wade Monday night, his selection is about unsaid here, because it would be a vol- atile thought, is that the framers of the Constitution, the founding fathers of this great country, had a deep faith in G-d and revered the Creator. And this is why the Democrats and even a few Republicans will challenge President Trump’s selection of Brett Ka- vanaugh to replace retiring Justice An- thony Kennedy on the High Court. The founding fathers recorded their beliefs more than two centuries ago. The chal- lenge today is to view those ideas and those words in a modern fashion and ap- ply them to our present-day lives, which, as you can see, is not a simple task. With abortion as the litmus test for an acceptable Supreme Court Justice on the left, it’s a statement about who controls the very essence of what it means to ex- ist—that is, life itself. If we, the people, can

White House House White legislate when life begins and when we may end it, then we are at least imagining that it is we who are in charge and not He. So the debate about the possibility of a conservative-leaning court legislat- ing that abortion is not a legal medical

Brett Kavanaugh with family and Trump Continued on Page 12


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the #MeToo movement which has portant to note that this is not a tug- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 changed the way women think on of-war between Ezras Nashim and many levels about a good number Hatzalah. All involved seem to agree of issues, including creating a fe- that there is really nothing compara- males-only version of Hatzalah called ble to Hatzalah. The women in this Ezras Nashim. group see themselves as an extension The film focuses on the obstacles or even a branch of the type of service the women had to deal with and the that Hatzalah provides to the commu- fact that many of the men in leader- nity. ship positions in the community were It is also pointed out by Ms. Eiselt not at all pleased with the develop- that, decades ago, the plan was to have ment. There is one scene in the film a women’s division of EMTs function where a number of women travel to under the Hatzalah rubric. For a com- upstate New York where word is that a bination of reasons, that plan never prominent chassidic leader is going to came to fruition. So the formation and endorse the group’s efforts. The rab- functioning of Ezras Nashim as de- bi, who is not shown on camera and picted in this film is definitely about Judge Ruchie Freier prepares for service is not identified, decides against the frum women standing up and seizing endorsement after their meeting. Af- an opportunity. They say that there is conduct a question-and-answer ses- pendent spirit that leads her to found terwards, Judge Freier is heard to say, an important role for women in volun- sion with members of the audience. A Ezras Nashim and run for a Brooklyn “We have G-d’s endorsement.” teer medical care that should be dis- few weeks after the limited New York judgeship—and win. From a technical perspective, this is pensed by women for women. Others showing, the film will be seen in Los As most are aware, by rabbinical somewhat of a breakthrough produc- say that when you are experiencing a Angeles, Toronto, and a series of other decree going back decades, at the tion. In a time when images of chas- medical emergency, the number-one locations. 93Queen—the film title and founding of Hatzalah it was deter- sidic women—or any women—are not priority is receiving the proper life- radio identification of Judge Freier— mined for a variety of reasons that published in many of the newspapers saving care and that everything else is will be shown to groups around the women should not serve alongside the and magazines circulated in these secondary. world and will be broadcast on POV, men in a group that responds to med- same communities, we now have a As Judge Freier says in 93Queen Point Of View Documentary Films, a ical emergencies in our communities. full-length feature film where chas- about why she felt compelled to form division of PBS. Whether you agree or not is a subject sidic women, and Judge Freier in par- Ezras Nashim, “If you can’t join them, The 90-minute film, which cost for a different discussion. The fact is ticular, are the focus. Obviously, it is a beat them.”„ $600,000 to make, is both colorful that Hatzalah has functioned in an ex- bit of a contradiction, but that is the and captivating. The story is told on emplary and effective fashion over all puzzling as well as trailblazing aspect Read more of Larry Gordon’s articles at 5TJT. two simultaneous tracks, featuring these years and there was no need to of this presentation. com. Follow 5 Towns Jewish Times on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates and live the proud, traditional chassidic wife introduce any changes. The women in As far as Ms. Eiselt is concerned, videos. Comments, questions, and suggestions and mother that Ruchie Freier is, as this documentary feel differently. producing and directing this film is are welcome at 5TJT.com and on Facebook, well as highlighting her fiercely inde- Paula Eiselt says it is a combina- important because it opens a win- Instagram, and Twitter. 14 er calamitous events of national im- we recite chesed she’b’chesed, and on the port that we as a people have endured second night, gevurah she’b’chesed, and THE CRUCIAL MESSAGE throughout history, is not haphazard. so on. In light of this, the fact that the day In fact, there is great signifi cance to on our calendar that has been designat- OF TISHAH B’AV this. However, just the other day, in re- ed as a tragic day on some level happens fl ecting upon this, another interpretive to be the ninth day in the month of Av BY YOCHANAN GORDON layer of understanding occurred to me. may be a clue into the calamitous nature In Kabbalistic philosophy, the term Av, of this day. We will explore a possible y article last week, “Power The important point that emerges which, in our discussion, is a month on solution to fi ll this vacancy and change with the People,” was initial- within this reality is the power that peo- the Hebrew calendar, is a euphemism the trend that this month has served up Mly written as a blogpost for ple have in charting their destination. for chochmah, wisdom. Chochmah is pa- for thousands of years. 5tjt.com. So, the truth is, while the point While this story is still in the process ternal and binah is the maternal expres- There is another Chazal that states, was well-received, since it was meant of unfolding, this narrative has been sion. Wisdom is represented by a small, “Chacham einav b’rosho,” the eyes of a for our website, it was written with rel- scripted and successfully executed in undeveloped kernel of knowledge that wise man are in his head. Perhaps this ative brevity in consideration of dimin- the past. This is a very timely message then develops, similar to the process of is why the leaders of the generation are

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, ished online attention spans. However, for us now as we fi nd ourselves in the gestation, which begins as a seed and termed the einei ha’eidah, or the eyes of I wanted to use the space this week to thick of another Bein HaMetzarim sea- culminates after nine months of preg- the nation. elaborate upon the idea that I began to son, on the threshold of the Nine Days nancy as a full-fl edged child. Chochmah There have been great leaders lay out last week. and Tishah B’Av, which we hope this and binah are just two of ten sefi ros throughout our history who, in their I cited a number of stories that re- year will be transformed to joyous days which G-d set in place as an interface, greatness, transcended the ill eff ects vealed an interesting phenomenon in of celebration. History has shown, how- so to speak, between His infi nitude and of the destruction of the Beis HaMik- the current geopolitical situation in the ever, that the longer an exile carries on, our fi nite world. dash. Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai was one world. While there certainly are ideol- the more winded we as a people become In case you haven’t fi gured it out yet, such leader. The Arizal had a disciple ogies that are opposed to Israel and the in our ability to anticipate redemption. nothing is arbitrary. That applies to the who mourned so intensely over the de- U.S., the support that those ideologies In the parshiyos leading up to yetzias destruction of the two Temples on the struction of the Temple that he would have for carrying out their agendas is Mitzrayim we fi nd, “The Jews did not ninth day of Av as well as the establish- recite Nachem every day. The Arizal dwindling. PM Netanyahu has sensed listen to Moshe as a result of shortened ment of a system of ten sefi ros. In order warned him not to recite Nachem on that the Iranian people as a whole are spirit and hard labor.” to convey this, in the Sefer Yetzirah it is Lag B’Omer, the joyous celebratory day just interested in reclaiming freedom The argument has been made that in written, “There are ten sefi ros bli mah… of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai who was and prosperity after almost half a mil- the case of Yetzias Mitzrayim the Jews ten as opposed to eleven, ten as opposed makpid regarding any display of sadness lennium of an oppressive lifestyle un- had Moshe and Aharon, leaders of great to nine.” It is this passage from Sefer Ye- on his day. This disciple could not with- der maniacal regimes. As such, instead stature, and yet they still lost hope in tzirah that came to mind when thinking hold himself from its recitation and he of trying to negotiate with a leadership their redeemability. The leadership cre- about the signifi cance behind the date 9 did not live out the year. that is still obstinately bent on anni- dentials that we boast today are unfor- Av. I mention this here, because on a cer- hilating Israel and the West, Bibi has tunately a far cry from those days and You see, every sefi rah, despite having tain level, the destruction of the Tem- launched a campaign talking directly to from many other generations between its own identity or concentrated infl u- ple is equated with the loss of leaders. the people of Iran through social media now and then. In what merit will we be ence, is a composite of all ten sefi ros. Chazal write that the death of tzaddikim and the like, in the hope that they will redeemed? Many are familiar with this concept that is just as severe as the torching of the rise up against the regime and be part- It should be pointed out that the po- we recite when counting the Omer when House of G-d. This is perhaps why many ners in realizing their hopes for a utopi- sitioning of the Churbanos on the ninth we highlight the corresponding sefi rah of the kinnos that we recite during the an dream. of Av, in addition to many of the oth- with each passing day. On the fi rst night, ninth day of Av are the stories detailing the tragic ends of some of our greatest Hamotzi are made and the zemiros be- into perspective the success that he and tude to stand up to such immense pres- 15 sages. It’s not merely due to the sadness gin—it’s just beautiful. However, despite his wives had in raising an exemplary sure? Clearly, it was Yaakov’s unwilling- of the tale, to put us in the mood of the the other-worldliness of this experience and pristine family in Klal Yisrael. They ness to turn the page on his cherished 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 day; rather, when we mourn the loss there is this overall morose feeling em- went down the line, highlighting how son Yosef, who the rest of the family of their tragic deaths we are, in eff ect, anating from the head of the table. The each of his children held respectable was ready to forget about. That is why mourning the loss of the Temple itself. Tiferes that Yaakov was known to em- positions in the greatest institutions of Chazal point out that Yosef saw the im- But to point out the core of the issue body seemed to have been zapped. It just learning and had authored works that age of his father in the window, enabling without suggesting a path towards com- him to deny the temptations that pre- pleting the circle and undoing our sad sented themselves to him on a regular plight would be cruel and unnecessary. basis in that house. I touched upon it a little in last week’s We need to believe Chazal tell us, “Shufrei d’Yaakov issue in discussing the importance of mei’ein shufrei d’Adam HaRishon.” banding together in a common purpose Yaakov shared an eerie resemblance to to chart our own destiny. A united Jew- in our G-d-given ability Adam HaRishon. Adam HaRishon, it is ish people is much greater than the sum said, was yetzir kapav shel Hakadosh Ba- of all its parts. As natural as it is for us to get it done. ruch Hu. This is signifi cant here because to place our hope in Moshe or in the in- just as Yaakov was unwilling to come to carnate of Moshe in today’s generation terms with the loss of Yosef, G-d will to deliver us out of this galus, I don’t be- wasn’t being sensed. So, his children were the crown jewel of many a library never stop believing in his children’s lieve that is the calling of the day. To be asked him to explain the source of his the world over. But nothing seemed to ability to deliver His Shechinah from quite honest, Moshe was never meant to sadness. He could barely utter a word. bring the sparkle back into his eye. It is this long and dark exile. deliver the Jewish people into Eretz Yis- With conspicuous strain and diffi culty, in that way that the Midrash explains We have been written off by many rael, for had he been destined to, it would he could emit just one word: Yosef. the term “Va’y’ma’ein l’hisnachem.” from within and without, but in these have happened long ago. Eldad and Mei- His children were anticipating an Let’s return now to the second in- late stages of history, and with all we dad prophesized that Moshe was des- answer along those lines but it hard- stance of refusal, when Yosef rejected have been through, it’s about time we tined to die and Yehoshua would be the ly seemed in their eyes to be a reason the advances of the wife of his master band together and walk hand in hand one to deliver the Jews into Eretz Yis- for such sadness—especially at such a Potifar from tainting that purity of his towards the light of redemption that rael. And while that scenario has played beautiful and majestic Shabbos table. To family for the rest of history. But what beckons. G-d is waiting for us to take itself out in history previously, I believe counter his sadness, they began putting was it that girded Yosef with the forti- that step. „ it will recur again, but with the united Jewish people, who, like Yehoshua, are likened to the moon, walking hand in hand into the redemptive era. G-d speaks to us through current events. If there is hope that the nations of the world will act in securing their own brighter future then we need to pay attention and follow suit. But it can only be done if we are united behind a com- mon cause. There is another condition that needs to be met in order to bring about this new reality. We need to believe in our G-d-given ability to get it done. Chazal state, “Ein Hakadosh Baruch Hu bah betrunya im briosav,” G-d does not give us a challenge that we cannot overcome. I will conclude with a vort on the power of belief and faith. When Yosef HaTzaddik found himself enslaved in the house of Potifar, having to contend with the almost hourly ad- vances of his master’s wife, the Torah tells us that Yosef denied her. The term the Torah uses is “va’y’ma’ein,” and the trop with which it is sung is the sus- penseful shalsheles. However, this is not the fi rst time that the Torah uses this term. Earlier in the narrative of Yosef’s domestic issues with his brothers, the Torah details how his brothers stripped him of his coat, tossed him into a pit, and dipped his coat into a puddle of blood. Later that day, they returned to their father Yaa- kov, having fabricated a story that his cherished son Yosef had been devoured by a beast. The Torah tells us that Yaa- kov refused to be consoled. Let’s take a look at a Midrash on the verse, “Vayakumu kol banav v’chol beno- sav l’nachamo,” for a more up-close un- derstanding of the approach of the she- vatim towards consoling their grieving father. The conventional understanding is that Yaakov had twelve children, thir- teen including Dina. However, the Mid- rash tells us that he in fact had an equal number of daughters to sons. So, picture the scene. It’s Friday night in the home of Yaakov Avinu. The table is decked out in Shabbos regalia. There are 25 table settings, a number of candelabras, and cuisine to excite the palate. Kiddush and 16 IDF PATRIOT MISSILE INTERCEPTS DRONE FROM SYRIA he Israel Defense Forces shot Last February, an Iranian drone JNS down a drone on Wednesday launched from Syria also infiltrated T that infiltrated Israeli air- Israeli air space and was shot down, space from Syria. “The UAV infiltrat- which set off a tense military con- ed the Israeli border from Syria. The frontation between Israel and Iran Patriot aerial defense system identi- that could have escalated into a wid- fied the threat and tracked it until its er war between the two foes.

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, interception,” the IDF Spokesperson On Tuesday, Israeli Defense Minis- Unit said in a statement on Twitter. ter Avigdor Lieberman vowed to act “The IDF will not allow any viola- against any pro-Iranian terror build- tion of Israeli airspace and will act up along the Golan Heights. against any attempt to hurt its civil- “We are identifying elements af- “We consider the [Syrian] regime region from rebel groups. This offen- ians.” filiated with the [Iranian-Shi’ite] responsible, and it will pay the price sive has created a humanitarian di- According to reports, the drone axis trying to establish terror in- for cooperating with the axis organi- saster along the border, with tens of flew some three miles into Israel be- frastructure in the Golan under the zations.” thousands of Syrians fleeing to tem- fore it was shot down over the Sea of auspices of the Syrian regime. This There has been tense fighting in porary camps set up along the Israeli Galilee. The Israel Police shut down is unacceptable, and we’ll act against southern Syria in recent weeks as and Jordanian borders. (JNS) „ boating along the Sea of Galilee as any terror infrastructure we iden- President Bashar Assad—backed fragments from the interception ap- tify here,” Lieberman said during by Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah If the children of Gad parently fell into the water. a tour of the Golan Heights border. fighters—has sought to retake the and the children of Reuven will pass with you over the Jordan . . . (Bamidbar 32:29) Rabbi Meir said: Every stipulation which is not like that of the children of Gad and the children of Reuven is not legally binding. For it is written: “And Moshe said unto them: If the children of Gad and the children of Reuven will pass with you over the Jordan, [. . . you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession],” and it is also written, “But if they will not pass over with you armed, then they shall have possessions among you in the Land of Canaan.” (I.e., both sides of the condition have to be spelled out—if the condition is fulfilled, then such-and-such will be the case, but if the stipulation is not fulfilled, then such-and-such will be the case.) (, Kiddushin 61a) And half the tribe of Menashe (Bamidbar 32:33) Because Menashe caused the sons of Jacob to rend their clothes by hiding Joseph’s goblet in Benjamin’s sack (cf. Bereishis 44:13), his tribe was rent in two, half receiving its portion in the lands east of the Jordan, and half on the west. (Midrash Rabbah) And Moshe gave the Gilead to Machir the son of Menashe . . . And Yair the son of Menashe went and conquered their villages . . . (Bamidbar 32:40–41) We learned: Yair the son of Menashe and Machir the son of Menashe were born in the days of Jacob, and did not die before Israel entered the Land. (But does it not say, “And there was not left a man of [the generation of the desert], save Kalev the son of Yefuneh, and Yehoshua the son of Nun”? Said Rav Acha bar Yaakov: The decree was directed neither against those under twenty years of age, nor against those over sixty years of age.) (Talmud, Bava Basra 121b) GERMANY TO 17 PAY ADDITIONAL 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 $88 MILLION TO HOLOCAUST ARE YOU FINDING SURVIVORS DATING CHALLENGING? ermany has agreed Let’s talk. to pay another $88 G million to fund so- cial-welfare services for Ho- Zvi Klein LCSW locaust survivors, according WHAT’S YOUR 917.626.6625 · [email protected] to the New York-based Con- Cedarhurst · Brooklyn ference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. OPINION? The country, which perpe- trated mass murder against E-MAIL US AT Jews and other minorities between 1933 and 1945, also [email protected] agreed to increase pensions to 55,000 Holocaust survi- vors in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as to expand eligibility for child survi- vors. The funding increases the budget for aging survivors to $561.7 million this year. “These elderly heroes de- serve the recognition that increased payments and much-needed service will provide,” said Claims Con- ference negotiator Greg Schneider. Since 1952, Germany has paid more than $70 billion to Holocaust survivors and programs to assist them, in large part due to the work of the Claims Conference. (JNS) „ Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @ www.5TJT.com

Visit 5TJT.com for Daily Editor's Blog, "Live with Larry Gordon" videos, as well as exclusive News Analysis by Jake Novak 18 Under The Stars IV THE CONVERSATION CONTINUES AT 5TJT.COM Summer Vacation Days Vs. Chol In response to the above comment: In HaMoed theory it is. However, many workplac- The author is correct, of course, that es in Israel also require their workers halachically it is highly problematic to work on chol ha’moed. And many to take one’s vacation days during the olim, because of language issues, end summer if this will require the employ- up working for foreign companies (of- ee to work on chol ha’moed. The author ten even ones owned by religious Jews) should have also noted that this is an- that require their workers to work on other of the wonderful benefi ts of living chol ha’moed (and often take advantage

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, in Israel, aside from the fact that it is of foreign laws to deprive their work- a mitzvah and religious imperative. In ers of the rights they have as employees Israel it has become the norm in recent under Israeli law to any sick or vacation years for most employers to close their days at all). Rabbanim often rule in fa- On Tuesday, July 10, the Levi Yitzchak Library in Cedarhurst held Un- companies and organizations over chol vor of the bosses, who are pillars of the der the Stars IV at the Lawrence home of Dr. Evan and Lisa Pockriss. ha’moed and these vacation days are in community, and donors over workers, addition to the vacation days typically couching the p’sak as binding on the Directed by Chanie Wolowik and Lisa Hawk, the library ben- taken during the summer. As most of workers (even though they didn’t bring efi ts thousands of families in the community and beyond. This year’s the country is on vacation during chol the she’eilah, the boss did) but forbid- event featured the unique humor of Meir Kay and beatboxing skills of ha’moed, one is truly able to experience ding the workers to quote the by Ilan Brownstein along with an a capella group led by Benny Amar. At- simchat ha’moed and take part in many name because they didn’t want it to be tendees enjoyed ordering from street trucks at the event while enjoying of the festivals taking place across the known that “Rabbi X says that it is per- the beautiful night. country. mitted to work on chol ha’moed.” David Yehudit Rouzaud

Opinion: Anti-Catholic Rheto- ric in Supreme Court Lineup Has Broader Implications As a woman of Catholic upbringing in New York on Long Island, I had never experienced bias against me until 2010 while working in an Apple Store. It was Ash Wednesday, so I had gone to church in the morning to get ashes. While wait- ing on a customer, he made a disparag- ing remark about the ashes, so I kindly excused myself and handed him off to a manager. I will never tolerate that kind of attack on me or my family, just be- cause I happen to have a diff erent reli- gion than someone else. My best friends from childhood were Jewish and that wasn’t a problem where we grew up ei- ther. I feel like I’m living in the dark ages, but I thank my friend Jake Novak for writing this awesome article. Susan Sims

Touro College Launches Ph.D. Program in Jewish Studies I can only imagine how incredibly invigorating this program will become. Soon to be a graduate of Dr. Shmidman’s Master’s program, I view this new de- velopment as an academic engagement with the highest intellectual standards. Este Stollman

Ezras Nashim, All-Female EMS, Receives Agency of The Year Award Is this group all women because of chassidic rules or because there are not enough EMTs? Why don’t they just join Hatzalah? [Editor’s Note: The coverage continues in From the Editor this week] Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @ www.5TJT.com 19

ISRAEL SET 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 TO LAND SPACECRAFT ON MOON IN EARLY 2019 srael will be the fourth nation on the planet to land a spacecraft I on the moon when its SpaceIL touches down on Earth’s only natural satellite on Feb. 13, 2019. The other countries to have done so are Russia, the United States, and China. SpaceIL, in partnership with Isra- el Aerospace Industries, will launch the probe in December from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on a SpaceX Fal- con 9 Rocket, according to officials at a media event announcing the launch in the city of Yehud, adjacent to Ben-Gurion International Airport. JNS

“We will put the Israeli flag on the moon,” said Ido Anteby, CEO of Spa- ceIL. The craft will also carry out an ex- periment for the Weizmann Institute of Science to measure the moon’s magnetic field. The 2-meter-by-1.5-meter ve- hicle weighs 600 kilograms (1,323 pounds), making it the smallest spacecraft yet to touch down on the moon. The event was also attended by Is- raeli billionaire philanthropist and SpaceIL president Morris Kahn, who donated some $27 million to the project. Kahn told journalists that he hoped to inspire young Israelis to take up the study of science. SpaceIL launched in 2011 when engineers Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari, and Yonatan Winetraub partnered to compete in the Google Lunar XPRIZE—an international compe- tition to put a small, mobile craft on the moon. The prize was to be $20 million. The competition never got off the ground, but SpaceIL kept working, getting funding from donors, in- cluding Kahn and American Jewish billionaire philanthropist Sheldon Adelson. Although the Google contest was eventually scrapped in March 2018 after none of the teams managed to launch their probes before the dead- line, the SpaceIL group continued with its project, thanks to the sup- port of its donors. In total, the project has cost ap- proximately $95 million. (JNS) „ 20 buildings earlier in the day in light of the earthquakes. ISRAELI COMPANY MORE EARTHQUAKES IN The 5:00 p.m. earthquake was reportedly felt as far as Haifa to the west and the Golan PROVIDES ISRAEL’S NORTH RATTLE Heights to the east, with the center of the quake believed to be in the Sea of Galilee. COMMUNICATION RESIDENTS The fi rst recent quake took place in the northern Galilee on the morning of July orthern Israel experienced One earthquake occurred at 5:00 p.m., 4. That 4.3 Richter scale quake was felt in TECHNOLOGY FOR four earthquakes on Sunday, another at 11:00 p.m. and another around Haifa and in the north, and was followed Ncausing no injuries or damage, midnight on Sunday, all below 4.0 on the by aftershocks. Another three weak quakes THAI RESCUE but shaking up local residents who fear Richter scale. An emergency hotline for occurred the next day. he 12 Thai boys and their that a week fi lled with minor quakes residents was opened in the city of Tiberias Israel sits on the Syrian–African rift, soccer coach are safe and may be the precursor of a major seismic on the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). The city which runs along the border of Israel and T free after 18 days, and Israeli event. ordered the evacuation of three apartment Jordan, and is just a part of the Great Rift technology was instrumental in their

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Valley, stretching from northern Syria all the rescue. way to Mozambique in southeastern Africa. Uzi Hanoni, CEO of Yavne-based Experts have warned that Israel is over- Maxtech, was contacted by Thai of- due for a large earthquake. The last major ficials who placed an order for his one occurred in 1927 and measured at 6.2, firm’s communications gear. Hanoni killing 500 people and injuring another described the equipment as “com- JNS 700. Northern Israel, as well as munication systems that create net- and the Dead Sea area, are at the highest works on the spot, designed for areas risk of having a quake up to 5.9, with the where there is no communications Negev at risk of a quake measuring 4.9. infrastructure. The network allows Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieber- for the transmission of data, voice, man announced last week that the govern- and video under severe circumstanc- ment would put a long-term plan in place to es such as flooding. protect Israelis from earthquakes. (JNS) „ “We gave them our devices, and the rescue teams in the caves used them to communicate,” Hanoni continued. “We didn’t ask any money for this. When I heard the story, my partner and I decided to donate the systems. These systems cost over $100,000, and we are a small company. That’s the Israeli contribution to this rescue effort.” (5TJT.com) „ Visit 5TJT.com for Daily Editor's Blog, "Live with Larry Gordon" videos, as well as exclusive News Analysis by Jake Novak 21 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 22 ¼ teaspoon Pereg red-pepper fl akes 1 teaspoon dry mustard ½ cup The Cheese Guy fresh & creamy ¼ teaspoon nutmeg goat cheese, crumbled 4 tablespoons butter, plus more to but- 5 TOWNS FOODIES Directions: ter the pan Crust 1 small onion, diced 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease a salt 9-inch pie pan and set aside. 2 cups milk (2% or whole milk) 2. In a large bowl, combine almond ½ teaspoon black pepper PEREG AND THE CHEESE GUY fl our and salt. Then add remain- 10 oz. The Cheese Guy raw milk sharp ing crust ingredients and mix cheddar cheese (shred the cheese for into a shaggy ball. about 3½ cups) PRESENT A TRIO OF EXCITING 3. Press the dough into the bottom 1 cup The Cheese Guy shredded Parme- and sides of the 9-inch pie pan. san cheese MEATLESS RECIPES Bake for 15 minutes or until light- ½ cup Pereg panko breadcrumbs ly browned. Cool. 2 tablespoons butter, melted

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Filling Directions: FOR THE NINE DAYS 1. Heat a large sauté pan over medi- 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Bring he fi rst nine days of the month of cheese. um heat and heat oil. Add shallots 4–6 quarts of water with ½ ta- Av on the Jewish calendar are a Meatless doesn’t have to be blah. Add and sauté for 5–7 minutes until blespoon salt to a boil in a large Ttime of mourning and refl ection these recipes to your Nine Days menu translucent. Then add spinach stockpot. Add pasta and return as we commemorate the destruction and don’t be surprised if they become and sauté just until slightly wilt- to a rapid boil. Cook uncovered, of the Holy Temples. During this time part of your repertoire of year-round fa- ed, about 30 seconds. Transfer to stirring occasionally until pas- (July 13–21), we observe certain cus- vorites. a plate to cool. ta is al dente, about 6 minutes. toms, most notably refraining from eat- 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk Drain well and set aside. ing meat and poultry. Spinach-and- together eggs, milk, salt, and 2. In a small bowl, whisk together With the Nine Days just around the Goat-Cheese Quiche red-pepper fl akes. Stir in the fl our, dry mustard, and nutmeg. corner, Pereg Natural Foods teamed up Ingredients: cooled spinach mixture and goat In a large stockpot, melt 4 table- with a kosher cheese expert, The Cheese Crust cheese. spoons butter over medium heat. Guy, to create some delicious, meat-free 2 cups Pereg natural almond fl our 3. Pour the mixture in the crust and Then add onions and a pinch of comfort foods for the whole family to ½ teaspoon Pereg kosher salt bake at 375°F for 35 minutes or salt and sauté until onions are enjoy. 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil, more until the quiche is fi rm and just translucent, 5–7 minutes. It was a match made in vegetari- for greasing pan barely jiggles. Serve warm or at 3. Add the fl our mixture to the on- an heaven. Pereg proudly bears ko- 1 large egg whisked room temperature. ions and cook for a few minutes sher-pareve certifi cation on its entire 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary until the fat is absorbed and you collection of exotic spices from around Quiche Quinoa Pasta form a roux. Then add in the milk the world and all-natural products made 1 tablespoon coconut oil Mac-and-Cheese and bring to a simmer over medi- from ancient grains. Brent Delman, 1 medium shallot, diced Ingredients: um-high heat. Simmer for 5–10 a.k.a. “The Cheese Guy,” partners with 1 cup fresh spinach 1 (8-oz.) package Pereg gourmet quinoa minutes until sauce is thick and small dairy farms to produce more than 6 large eggs Curvo Rigate smooth. 35 varieties of handcrafted, all-natu- 1 cup milk 2½ tablespoons all-purpose fl our (or ral, and OU kosher-certifi ed artisanal ½ teaspoon Pereg kosher salt brown rice fl our) Continued on Page 29 23 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 24 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 25 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 26 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13,

Puah full new 27 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 28 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 29 NINE DAYS MENU Directions: Pereg Natural Foods And Moshe spoke to the Continued from Page 22 1. Combine kañiwa and water in a Pereg was established in 1906, and people: “Arm yourselves medium saucepan and bring water is based in Clifton, NJ. It first became 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 4. Add in black pepper, cheddar to a boil. Lower to a simmer, cover, known for its vast variety of pure . . . to take G-d’s cheese (reserve ½ cup for the and simmer for 15–20 minutes, or and natural spices and spice blends, vengeance on Midian” topping), and Parmesan cheese until tender, and the water is ab- more than 60 in all, from traditional (Bamidbar 31:3) and combine. Season with salt sorbed. Remove from heat and let favorites to exotics from around the to taste. Stir in pasta and mix cool. You should have 1 cup cooked. culinary world. Today Pereg produc- G-d had said to Moshe: “Avenge the until combined. Spread the 2. Combine kañiwa with smashed es an array of all-natural products vengeance of the Children of Israel pasta in a 9- x 9-inch casserole chickpeas, panko, egg, garlic, that includes ancient grains and an- upon the Midianites”; yet Moshe dish. onion, and spices. Form into cient grain blends, gluten-free pasta, said: “To take G-d’s vengeance on 5. In a separate bowl, combine two big patties or four smaller couscous, rice, gluten-free cereal, Midian”! panko breadcrumbs and 2 table- patties. and much more. Pereg Natural Foods G-d said to Israel: It is you who have spoons melted butter. Sprinkle an account to settle with them, for mixture and remaining cheddar cheese over the pasta. Bake for they caused Me to harm you. But 15–20 minutes (uncovered) un- Meatless doesn’t have Moshe said: Master of the worlds! til cheese is bubbly and the top is If we had been uncircumcised, or lightly browned. Let cool 5 min- to be blah. idol-worshippers, or had denied the utes and serve. mitzvos, the Midianites would not have hated us. They only persecute Kañiwa Cheese Burger us on account of the Torah and Kañiwa, a cousin of quinoa, is a tiny 3. Fry 4–5 minutes per side in co- products are available at select retail- the precepts which You have given nutrient-rich grain that cooks up to a conut oil over medium heat un- ers throughout the U.S. and Canada, us! Consequently the vengeance is crunchy texture. til outside is brown and inside is and on Pereg's website, Pereg-gour- Yours; and so I say: “To take G-d’s Ingredients: heated through. Melt cheese over met.com. vengeance on Midian.” 1 cup water top and serve. Pereg manufactures all its prod- (Midrash Tanchuma) ½ cup raw Pereg Natural Foods Kañiwa ucts from start to finish, controlling 1 cup cooked chickpeas, smashed, with The Cheese Guy the quality from the sourcing until “To take G-d’s vengeance on the skins removed Yonkers, NY-based Brent Delman the product is packed and ready for Midian”—for whoever stands against ½ cup Pereg Natural Foods fi ne panko has been involved in the specialty food the consumer. All Pereg products are Israel, stands against G-d. 1 large egg, whisked business for more than two decades. kosher certified by both the Ortho- (Rashi) 1 garlic clove, minced His 35+ varieties of handcrafted kosher dox Union (OU) and the CRC and are ¼ cup white onion, minced cheese range from several types of raw, dairy- and lactose-free as well as all G-d sees the war on Midian as ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika organic, and sharp cheddars to gouda, natural, with no additives or preser- avenging Israel, for G-d’s foremost ½ teaspoon kosher salt brie, assorted Italian sheep milk chees- vatives. Many products are also cer- concern is for His people; the people ¼ teaspoon cracked black pepper es, aged Parmesans, fresh mozzarellas, tified gluten-free and non-GMO. Fol- of Israel see the war as avenging G-d, 2 tablespoons coconut oil Havartis, spicy varieties, and more. Fol- low Pereg Natural Foods on Facebook for they are concerned only with the Cheese to taste (The Cheese Guy rec- low him on Facebook (Facebook.com/ (Facebook.com/peregnatural), Twit- honor of G-d. ommends a creamy, easy-melting gouda BrentTheCheeseGuy) or Instagram (In- ter @pereggourmet, and Instagram @ (The Chassidic Masters) or Havarti) stagram.com/thecheeseguy). peregnatural. „ 30 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 31 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 32 5 TOWNS FOODIES BUILD YOUR OWN SALAD

BY JAMIE GELLER Tired of cucumbers, tomatoes, black olives, and raw peppers? Your bowl of greens can be a blank

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, canvas and satisfy every craving you’ve ever desired with this how-to guide to building your own salad, plus my favor- ite salad recipe combinations. Keep a few diff erent homemade dressings and some of these fun ingre- dients chopped up in the fridge for easy Kale Grapes Nuts mixing-and-matching. Welcome to your Micro greens Jicama Soft- or hard-cooked egg (halved or new life—you can literally enjoy a new Mint Kohlrabi chopped) salad every single day. Parsley Mango Tempeh Additionally, salads and salad bars Romaine Olives (green, Kalamata, Spanish) Tofu are perfect for parties and entertain- Spinach Peaches Quinoa ing. Deceptively simple but impressive Swiss chard Radish looking—with minimal to no cooking Roasted peppers Fresh mozzarella balls required —it’s just a matter of placing Basics, Plus, Plus: Sautéed mushrooms (add a little white Feta cheese raw and fresh ingredients in beautiful Avocado wine while cooking) Goat cheese dishes and bowls. Asian pears Sun-dried tomatoes Shaved parmesan Beets Supremed orange segments Salad Bar Ingredient Berries Tomatoes (Heirloom, grape) For Fun and Crunch: Suggestions Carrots Banana chips Go Green: Celery ribs Pack with Protein: Candied nuts Arugula Cucumbers Shredded chicken Chia Baby, Boston and butter lettuce Cooked brown rice or tabouli Sliced steak Croutons Cabbage Corn kernels Flax Cilantro Dried fruit (apples, cranberries, Flaked fi sh Pita chips Iceberg peaches) Legumes (peas, beans, alfalfa, lentils) Pumpkin seeds Ramen noodles toasted ramen noodles, and sliced Tomato and Arugula Salad: 33 Sesame seeds (black, white, toasted) scallions. Add avocados, clementines, Toss sliced sweet summer grape or

Sunfl ower seeds or supremed citrus to really amp up cherry tomatoes with arugula with 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 Taco chips the salad. the Green Goddess Dressing. Anoth- Go South Salad: What pairs well er surprising combo with this dress- Salad Dressings with the hot flavors of the Creamy ing is strawberry, cucumber, and You’re never fully dressed with- Sriracha Dressing? Romaine with radish sprouts. Absolutely stunning out…a good emulsion. Shake these sliced tomatoes, sweet corn kernels, as well. dressings up and keep them in your fridge and the lonely veggies in your produce drawer will always have something to wear. Go to JamieGeller. You can literally com to find recipes for these oth- er delicious dressings: Lemon Basil enjoy a new salad Dressing, Creamy Sriracha Dressing, Orange Soy Vinaigrette, and Fruity every single day. Balsamic Dressing. Caesar Dressing Green Goddess Dressing By Tamar Genger By Tamar Genger avocados, tortilla chips, baby corn, Mediterranean Fusion Salad: I love Caesar salad and this dressing I love this dressing because it is so ver- cucumbers, jalapeños—your pick! Toss the Lemon Basil Dressing with works great for a pareve Caesar salad. satile and can really be made with any Or—add a protein and throw it all in roasted red peppers, tomatoes, black You could always add Parmesan if you single herb or a combination of herbs. a wrap, using the dressing both in the olives, feta cheese, slivered almonds, are going dairy. Prep Time: 5 minutes wrap and as a dip. and fried eggplant for a salad that Prep Time: 5 minutes Servings: 4 Caesar with a Punch: Use the spans the sunniest sea. This fresh Servings: 4 Ingredients: Classic Caesar Dressing with Ro- dressing also works wonders with Ingredients: 2 scallions maine, croutons, roasted mushrooms, blue cheese, nuts, and dried fruit over 1 clove garlic, finely chopped or grated 2 garlic cloves anchovies, and sun-dried tomatoes. mixed greens. „ 1 lemon, juiced 1 cup fresh leafy herbs such as basil, Add Parmesan cheese if you’re mak- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce (can parsley, cilantro, or combination ing your salad dairy. Or mix the dress- Jamie Geller is the only best-selling cookbook use anchovy paste if preferred) 1 lemon or lime, juiced ing with Romaine lettuce and top with author who wants to get you out of the kitchen— not because she doesn’t love food—but because 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons olive oil chickpeas, grains, and sliced roasted she has tons to do. As “The Bride Who Knew 2 tablespoons low fat mayonnaise Pinch salt and pepper chicken. Nothing,” Jamie found her niche specializing ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil Preparation: Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese: in fast, fresh, family recipes. Now the “Queen of Salt and pepper to taste 1. Blend all ingredients in blender Mix sweet roasted beets with Ro- Kosher” (CBS) and the “Jewish Rachael Ray” Preparation: or food processor until smooth. maine, avocado, roasted sweet potato (The New York Times), she’s the creative force behind JamieGeller.com. Jamie and her hubby 1. Put garlic, lemon juice, Worces- or parsnip, and candied pecans, and live in Israel with their six super kids who give tershire, and mustard in bowl. My Fave Salad Combos toss with the Fruity Balsamic Dress- her plenty of reasons to get out of the kitchen— 2. Whisk in mayonnaise, then Toasted Sesame Salad: I like the ing for a salad with a sweeter side. I quickly. Check out her new book, Brisket 101, whisk in olive oil, and add salt Orange Soy Vinaigrette served over like using golden beets so there’s less and her new family meal plan “Fresh Families” and pepper to taste. Romaine, tofu, shredded carrots, mess and no color bleeding. at FreshFamilies.us. 34 water at Yisrael and Yaakov, laughing At home, the kids never behaved and dodging them as they tried to get like this. What would her mother-in- him back. The six-year-old whooped law think? That the children were out NIGHT FLOWER wildly, and ten-year-old Yaakov led of control because their father wasn’t By Esther Rapaport him back to the dining room and around? That was exactly what it pushed him into a chair. looked like now. But it really wasn’t so! “Don’t you dare get up before I fin- “Forget it,” her shvigger said as she Chapter 12 heavy velvet curtains, tied with gold ish washing and come back!” he scold- sliced the fish. “Let them be happy for ropes; the elegantly carved bookcase ed in a deep voice, trying to sound au- a bit.” „ Part I that gleamed to perfection; or the two thoritative. “Otherwise I will have to Chaiky’s father-in-law finished black velvet chairs in the corner of the use handcuffs, my prisoner! You un- Esther Rapaport is a prolifi c author whose singing Shalom Aleichem, made Kid- room. When she’d first come to her derstand?” novels include Diamond in the Rough, Divided Attention, Behind the Scenes, Without a Trace, dush, and poured wine into the small in-laws’ home as a kallah, she’d mused Chaiky didn’t like the charade, but Dance of the Puppet, Blood Brothers, and The cups. that she and her mother-in-law just Dovi was actually laughing. Laughing! Kenya Conspiracy. She resides in Israel. Stay “Nu, uh!” her mother-in-law said as didn’t share the same taste at all, but And he was sitting nicely near the ta- tuned for the next installment in next week’s

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, she passed the cups. as long as Shlomo had been at her side, ble now, anyway. Five Towns Jewish Times or visit 5tjt.com for “Yisrael and Yaakov!” she scolded, it hadn’t bothered her so much. After the challah was cut and dis- more. after drinking her wine. “Can you stop Now, here she was at her in-laws’ tributed, her mother-in-law went into being so wild? You’re supposed to set a Shabbos table, alone, and she needed the kitchen to serve the fish and sal- good example for Dovi and Naomi, not to keep an eye on her kids’ behavior, ads, and Chaiky stood up to follow her. the opposite!” help serve, and be friendly enough to But then she saw Naomi climbing onto “But we’re so happy that they final- her mother-in-law, brothers-in-law, the sofa and raising a cushion threat- Catch up ly, finally came to us!” Yisrael said as and the nephew and niece who were eningly at Dovi. soon as he’d swallowed his wine, and here—all while feeling stifled by the “Naomi!” Chaiky called in rebuke. tickled Dovi in the ribs. Dovi giggled décor. She did not understand why “What’s with you?” and stuck his hand out to get his little her sister-in-law Goldie had to send Naomi scrambled down quickly, on the goblet. Moshe and Racheli over, but perhaps and the grandfather called his chil- “Well, that’s children for you…” their mother-in-law had been the one dren and grandchildren to the table Shlomo’s mother sighed as she smiled to initiate it. Perhaps she was also and began to tell them a mashal on the at Chaiky, who smiled in return. The afraid of a tense Shabbos table, with parashah. Goldie’s children actually latest happiness and energy that enveloped just three largely silent adults and sat and listened, along with Chaiky’s the children here served her quite four children who could never be pre- brothers-in-law, as appropriate for well. It somewhat blurred her discom- dictable. their ages. Only her children contin- fort and the long silences, although By the time all the little wine cups ued acting in an embarrassing way. breaking she did have to make sure that her had been emptied and they had moved “Dovi!” Chaiky called from the en- kids’ unruly behavior did not become into the kitchen to wash, the child- trance to the kitchen, shaking her head all-out chaos. ish exuberance had morphed into warningly. “Zeidy is speaking about As soon as she’d entered the som- real rambunctiousness, and Chaiky the parashah; listen nicely! Maybe news at ber-toned, closed-in dining room, couldn’t decide if she preferred some afterward you can even tell him what she’d felt that familiar sensation of of the heavy, enclosing silence over you learned about the parashah. You www.5TJT.com being stifled. She had never liked the this. As they washed, Dovi squirted learned a lot in cheder, didn’t you?” cops, who were charged with rescuing feeling of families being separated.” 35 Terry from her own folly. They went up But ending the practice of sepa- THAT'S THE there to bring her safely down. She’s rating families still faces legal and 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 lucky I’m not in charge, because my practical obstacles. Our immigration choice would have been to leave her policies have been in eff ect for more WAY IT IS right where she was and not to put than 60 years, through several admin- By Hannah Berman the lives of two cops in jeopardy by at- istrations, but Donald Trump inherit- tempting a rescue that was challenging ed it. Therefore, according to the vast due to the slopes up there. number of Trump haters, it is all his Thanks to this stunt, the entire area fault. This comes as no surprise since had to be evacuated and cordoned off , every president inherits the problems TERRY VS. TRUMP and those who had planned to visit the of the past. But referring to him as a rump haters—and there is no the precolonial past, others to the era site had to leave or couldn’t come at all. Nazi and claiming that he is keeping shortage of those—wept, wailed, of colonial rule, and others still to the The celebration of the day was ruined the children in enclosed areas that are Tand railed over the pictures of political convulsions that followed in for thousands of people. Spokesman no better than concentration camps is migrant children in cages . . . until they the wake of independence. All, in one Jerry Willis said, “People have the untenable and an insult to every camp found out that those pictures were tak- way or another, have left their imprint right to speak out. I don’t think they survivor, who knows fi rsthand that en during their beloved Obama’s ad- on Congolese societies.” None of them have the right to co-opt the Statue of these are not concentration-camp-like ministration. When those facts became good! Liberty to do it.” compounds . known, the haters deleted their tweets, The country managed to produce a President Trump caved to enormous Since Terry is so unhappy with U.S. but they were unable to delete the facts. revolutionary like Terry, who decided political pressure and signed an execu- immigration policy, she might want to However, it was amusing to watch them that the best way to stage a protest was tive order meant to end the separation consider getting out of our country and desperately backpedal. to climb the Statue of Liberty on Inde- of families at the border by detaining heading back to the Congo. That’s just Along comes a gal named Therese pendence Day. Rise and Resist group parents and children together for an the way it is. „ Patricia Okoumou, 44, of Staten Is- member Walker was worried lest she indefi nite period. “We’re going to have land. She was born and educated in be injured. Personally, I was more wor- strong borders, but we are going to Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and the Democratic Republic of Congo, but ried about injury to our Lady of the keep the families together,” Mr. Trump gives private small-group lessons in mah- jongg and canasta. She can be reached at records show that she has lived in New Harbor. But my main concern was for said as he signed the order in the Oval [email protected] or 516-295-4435. Read York for at least 10 years. A few months the safety of the responders, two NYPD Offi ce. “I didn’t like the sight or the more of Hannah Berman’s articles on 5TJT.com. ago, she joined a group known as Rise and Resist and, according to group member Jay Walker, she has been tak- ing part in about one protest a week with this crowd. She is one busy gal! On Wednesday, the group unfurled an “Abolish ICE” banner at the base of the Statue of Liberty, but apparently the protests weren’t enough for Therese, who I will refer to as Terry for purpos- es of simplicity and because it shortens my typing time. Terry has been living in this won- derful country that welcomed her with open arms, but she has chosen to pro- test as much as she can and as often as she can. Coming from the Congo, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has a truly horrid history, quite possibly the worst in the world, it’s amazing that she fi nds so much to protest about here in the Unit- ed States. For more than 20 years, the Congo has been at war, leaving nearly six million dead. Soldiers and armed rebels wield rape as a weapon, and re- cent studies fi nd an increase in rapes even by civilians. Apparently, Terry never heard that charity begins at home and that she should be protesting the brutal and inhumane policies in her birthplace, where widespread poverty has left tens of thousands of children vulnerable, rather than the immigration policy of the United States. The Congo is proba- bly the worst place in the world to be a woman or a child. As this “paradise” is Terry’s birthplace, one might question why she fi nds so much to be unhappy about in this country. The Congo has quite a history. Ac- cording to Encyclopedia Britannica, “the country that began as a king’s pri- vate domain, known as the Congo Free State, evolved into a colony, known as the Belgian Congo. It became indepen- dent in 1960 and was called the Repub- lic of the Congo. Later it underwent several more name changes—the Dem- ocratic Republic of the Congo, then Zaire, and back again to the Democrat- ic Republic of the Congo. The place is the product of a complex pattern of historical forces. Some are traceable to 36 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, insurance!” Because the insurance ments. But this time, she wanted to 37 that approved a root canal is not go- drop us off because the only parking A CLEVER TITLE ing to approve a crown. near this dentist is metered, and the 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 So then they called back a couple of most annoying time to use meters is weeks later and said, “It’s approved! when you’re going to be in a waiting GOES HERE We could see her in like two months.” room for an indeterminate length of By Mordechai Schmutter In the meantime, I brought her time, and you just know that you’re back to this office for a cleaning, be- going to have to run down in the mid- cause you need a cleaning every six dle to feed the meter and abandon months whether or not you’re in the your kids, and then you’re going to middle of another procedure. And the come back up and your kids are going ORAL SUPPORT hygienist said, “What’s with the post? to have been transferred to another got the feeling that I don’t take month, because the appointment for You should make an appointment for room, and you’re going to run in to my kids to the dentist often that was erev Shavuos. Then he did a crown!” And then I, who’d been sit- some other kid’s room in the middle I enough when, at the end of their the actual root canal and said, “I’m ting there for two hours by that point of the drilling and yell, “I’m back!” latest appointment, on their way out, done. Now you have to go somewhere and had forgotten that I’d booked an and scare that kid away from ever go- they were handed toothbrushes, and and put on a crown.” appointment for that already, said, ing back to the dentist. one of them said, “That’s not a prize. I “You don’t do that here?” “OK!” This is officially a kids’ dentist, and already have a toothbrush.” Dentists are always treating crowns So now we have two appointments. it’s one of those assembly-line offic- So clearly we’re missing some- like they’re a separate procedure, like I actually brought everyone in for es, where you start in a waiting room, thing. some people say, “Nah, I’ll just have this cleaning, because my wife had and then they take you into a smaller So I said, “You think this prize metal posts in my mouth. It’ll make it the bright idea that I should take waiting room for your X-ray, and then is geared to people who don’t own easier to floss.” them all at once. Notice that it was a smaller room where all your kids sit toothbrushes?” So we had to go back to the first her idea, and that I would take them and watch one kid get prodded. And he said, “No, I’m saying that I dentist, who took some X-rays and all at once. This is how we split the But what I didn’t realize was that opened a new one last night so I could confirmed that, “Hey! She needs a household duties when we’re not tak- if you come in with a bunch of kids, brush before coming here.” crown!” ing turns moving the floss. it’s not really much faster. You’re just Not much better. “I know! Right?” I shouldn’t complain. My wife Sure, you could say that there’s no “We need to get approval from the takes them to all their other appoint- Continued on Page 38 point in taking kids to the dentist, because their teeth are going to fall out soon anyway. But one could argue that if anyone doesn’t go to the den- tist his teeth are going to fall out. And you definitely want to go in with your kids, so you can stand there and say things like, “Well, if you brushed more often, we wouldn’t have to do this! Except the cleaning part.” You don’t want to drop them off in front and tell them to go in them- selves, because that’s basically your approach to telling them to brush, and you know how often they do that. Actually, I don’t. I know my kids brush sometimes, because there’s toothpaste all over the sink. But I’m pretty sure that, for the most part, the only time they brush their teeth is when they’re trying to push off going to bed. “Go to bed!” “I can’t; I have to brush my teeth.” “So brush them!” “Someone’s in there.” I also have zero reason to believe that my kids floss, because I’ve had the same carton of floss in that bath- room for several years now, which my wife and I take turns moving for rou- tine cleaning. So in general, we basically spend all year either taking kids to the den- tist or saying, “You know, we should really take the kids to the dentist.” It doesn’t help that it takes forever to get appointments. My kids are on a health insurance whose official com- pany slogan is: “Maybe they’ll grow out of it.” For example, on Pesach, my daugh- ter was in a lot of pain, and I figured out that she needed a root canal, based on my extensive experience of getting a root canal every year or so. So first we had to wait two hours to be seen by the dentist, all for him to look into her mouth and say, “Yup. She needs a root canal. We don’t do those here.” They had to give us a refer- ral—which took two weeks to get—to the one dentist in town who accepts our insurance and does root canals, and he apparently does them once a 38 ORAL SUPPORT cleanings to another room for ex- wasn’t afraid the last time. I hadn’t presence that makes the first kid Continued from Page 37 ams, leaving me with just my sev- had to deal with a scared kid since my calmer. So I’m totally bringing every- en-year-old, who right then decided first, who, the first time I took her to one along for the end of her root ca- there all day. Well, not all day. They that, without the other kids’ moral a dentist, refused to open her mouth. nal. shut the entire office down for lunch support, he was scared of getting his And rather than fight her, the dentist I hope the seven-year-old doesn’t about halfway through the day, like teeth brushed. was like, “Well, if she doesn’t want to run out. it’s a matzah bakery and they have There’s really no reason to be open up, then fine.” Then he let her Though if he does, I’m giving him to wash the equipment and clean the scared of a dentist. You have 24 teeth pick a prize. But that visit scarred me change for the meter. „ bits and pieces off the floor. and don’t always do what you’re told, so much that I didn’t bring her back My wife was originally afraid of and he has to stick his hands in your for a few years. Mordechai Schmutter is a weekly humor bringing all the kids at once, because mouth. He should be scared of you. My daughter has since learned to columnist for Hamodia and is the author of fi ve books, published by Israel Book Shop. she didn’t want them to watch what But my son ran out of the room and open her mouth, and it’s a good thing He also does freelance writing for hire. You happens to each other and get ner- into the hallway, where I had to stand she did, what with her whole root ca- can send any questions, comments, or ideas vous. Which is silly, because before to [email protected]. Read more of we go into the room, we’re sitting in Mordechai Schmutter’s articles at 5TJT.com.

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, the X-ray waiting area, listening to screams from all of the exam rooms. It tastes like you And this is combined with the loud noise coming from the X-ray ma- brushed your teeth and chine. The X-ray in this office is in an alcove off the hallway, but it makes then ate strawberries. Catch up a loud noise so you know not to pass when it’s on, and also because it’s using 1950s X-ray technology. When they shut down in the middle of the and negotiate with him in full view of nal situation. But even so, she’s still on the day, the hygienists use it to cook their all the nervous kids waiting for their complaining about it. She told me, “I lunches. X-rays. Finally, I just picked him up don’t want to see what he’s doing. It The good thing about taking them and carried him in, plopped him on makes me nervous.” all at the same time, though, was that the chair, and held his arms while a So I said, “Close your eyes. He latest they got to be there for each other. For hygienist held his head so another doesn’t really need your help.” example, at some point the hygienist hygienist could brush his teeth with And she said, “Yeah, but I also want brushed their teeth with some kind of bad strawberries. So what I’m saying to look, because I have FOMO.” paste that she said tasted like straw- is, we probably freaked kids out for In case you’ve missed out, FOMO breaking berries, and my kids unanimously later. That’s how it works: Every kid stands for “fear of missing out,” and agreed that it did not. Do these people who screams scares another kid, who it’s what keeps kids up for hours af- even know what strawberries taste later screams and scares another kid, ter their bedtime under the guise of like? and by the end of the day, every kid brushing their teeth, and then say- news at It tastes like you brushed your is screaming. I think this is why they ing things the next day like, “I’m not teeth and then ate strawberries. shut down the entire office halfway tired, you’re tired!” while rubbing But then at some point the den- through the day. their eyes. www.5TJT.com tist took all the kids who’d had their I didn’t know he’d be afraid. He Point is, I think it’s the other kids’ 39 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 40 that if I tell her, she won’t want you witnessed a confronta- understand why you feel per- me anymore. I heard that a lot tional incident with the people turbed. DATING FORUM of people don’t always tell ev- with whom you thought she did The other issue I would not have a good relationship. Here By Baila Sebrow erything to the person they are necessarily focus on is that you married to. I want to be honest, is where it gets curious. You say heard her have it out with her but I also don’t want to lose her. that you have only one friend, parents. Prior to that incident and that although she is nice to she did give you the impression Question asked her about it, she said that Response his face, she makes fun of him that she has a good relationship I am dating someone and she loves them but that they Is it a female thing to as- behind his back. You are quick with them. Family relation- things are going really well, don’t understand her. I don’t sume that everyone is not good to point out that she is right ships can be interesting and but there are a few things that have too many friends, except enough for her to like or trust? about what she is saying. oftentimes misleading to an bother me about her. I know for one guy I always hang out Is it normal for a woman to get Why would you say that she outsider looking in. There are that no one is perfect, but I with. She is nice to him, but she into fi ghts with people on a is right if it bothers you? If you families who can become very want to straighten everything always makes fun of him when out before things get too seri- he is not around. The funny

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, ous. thing is that she is right about The problem is that we get the things she says about him! Getting into a serious along in every way, but she al- I guess what I am worried ways gets into fi ghts with peo- about is if she will one day hate relationship while holding ple. I once asked her if she has me. Maybe it’s a female thing, I any friends, and she said that don’t know. What do you think something back is irresponsible. she doesn’t like or trust anyone about all that? because they are jealous of her. The other problem is about When we fi rst started dating me. There are some things I thought that she had a good about me, and incidents that regular basis that it should be agree with her, then it is possi- passionate about what they are relationship with her parents, happened to me in the past that a cause for concern? No. Such ble that she is aware that you saying when they speak about but I once heard her yelling she does not know about. It’s a viewpoint and behavior is share mutual feelings about something they disagree on, at them on the phone. When I nothing that bad, but I’m scared not owned by the female gen- the person, and so she might and since they feel so at ease der. Since I don’t want to label feel comfortable to express with one another they may someone with any particular her feelings about him to you. even yell when speaking. To disorder unless there is more Please do not think that I am the stranger viewing this, it information, I will refrain from in any way condoning making can easily appear that there are saying what a trained men- fun of another human being. major issues between them, tal-health professional might In my opinion, that is dis- when in fact there is nothing say of such a person. tasteful behavior, but I am not but love and admiration for one You defi nitely have some sure what impression you are another. complications with the woman giving her with regard to your I cannot guarantee you that you are dating. From what you true feelings about your friend. she has no issues at all with are saying, she is argumenta- That said, I would not place too them. On the contrary, she tive with everyone she comes much weight on it. But with told you that they don’t un- into contact with. Moreover, everything else going on, I can derstand her. But if that were the only thing bothering you, I would in those areas, and you ask her why, while makes it even harder to disclose spouses decided that wasn't not neces- 41 tell you here again not to pay too much she will probably say what she has said them as time goes on. Despite certain sary or important to divulge informa- attention to it. to you before—that it’s their fault and opinions, revealing information ear- tion about themselves or their families? 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 But I do have questions for you. that they are all jealous of her. While lier in a relationship is easier. Some- The person who marries you is not Does this woman have any friends in it is true that jealousy can cause the times it is specifically because you someone you only hang out with for the world? Does she maintain a job or destruction of many things, especial- have not grown close and developed a cup of coffee—she is your wife and, is she in school? Have you ever heard ly relationships of any type, if it’s an emotional feelings for the person that iy’H, the mother of your children. You her say anything nice about any person ongoing pattern, then that could indi- it is easier to speak your mind. With will be her partner in building gener- she has come into contact with? Does cate a problem, too. Is she deliberately time and the evolvement of affection ations. It is the right of every person she also exude an exaggerated positive placing herself in certain situations comes the fear of loss, as you are now to have full disclosure about anything image of herself, and does she compare to evoke jealousy? Does that make her experiencing. and everything regarding the person herself to everyone else by proving she feel superior? Whatever is really going However, you are still not married he or she is marrying. I strongly advise is better than they are? Let’s talk about on, she is not leading healthy interper- to her, and so whatever you share with you fess up sooner rather than later. „ those topics for a bit. sonal relationships with other people her will not have the same eff ect if she The best scenario with respect to in her life. should she fi nd out after you marry her. Baila Sebrow is president of Neshoma how she relates to others is that she Could she one day turn on you and Keeping secrets is a major betrayal. Advocates, communications and recruitment liaison for Sovri-Beth Israel, executive director might be overly judgmental. Typical- hate you, as you asked? I believe that Although you say it’s not that bad, it is of Teach Our Children, and a shadchanis and ly, such people find getting along with deep down you fear the correct answer bad enough that telling her makes you consultant. She can be reached at those who are different to be very chal- to that question. That’s why you are so worried that she will turn on you. Even [email protected]. Questions and comments lenging. In fact, people with this type worried about sharing with her what- if she would not be the type of person for the Dating Forum can be submitted to of personality oftentimes lose jobs and ever it is that you are keeping from her. who could turn on you, are you aware [email protected]. Read more of Baila Sebrow’s articles at 5TJT.com. relationships even if they excel at what Even if she had a more easygoing type how many marriages fall apart because they are doing. It can feel extremely of personality, getting into a serious taxing to be in the company of some- relationship with someone while hold- one who is looking down on you. And to ing something back is irresponsible make matters worse, you say that she madness. Such things rarely end well. tends to fight with people, too. Although you say that it is nothing That brings me back to the ques- that bad, it bothers you enough that tions I asked you about her. You need you withheld it from her from the very to look into her history and find out beginning. So let’s talk about keeping how long she has been able to maintain secrets from the person you are mar- relationships of all kinds—academic, ried to. Never try that at home! professional, and personal. If it turns The fact that you have been holding out that she has been unable to excel back specific facts about yourself for a 42 an accident or intentional did he tell me how much he leave it at that. Why can’t he (honestly, it’s almost al- hates sitting around and just stop there? Why does he ways accidental), I have to waiting and that he can’t un- have to go back in time and MINDBIZ sit there and listen to a long derstand what is wrong with do the “review?” It really By Esther Mann litany of every single time I me since I wasn’t able to makes me sick. I think about was ever guilty of a similar plan better; he also felt the what it will be like when transgression. need to bring up every single we’re married 20 years (if we Dear Esther, erything very seriously and I’ll give you an example. time I was late for anything, make it that long), and the I’ve been married for six I knew that I could count Two weeks ago, Reuven and going all the way back to our “review” takes several hours years, and I have a problem- on him always. That feeling I made up to meet in the city dating days. We were sitting since he will have known me atic situation that drives me of security was something to go out to dinner to cele- there in public, and I just for so long and the list of all crazy! My husband, Reuven, I was definitely looking for brate our anniversary. Since had to take it, even though of my terrible actions that is the type of guy who has and found in him. So that’s Reuven takes the train in to it felt like repeated blows to disappointed and angered high standards about every- good. work every day, I was sup- my head. But Reuven wasn't him will be quite long! thing. That’s fine. In fact, I’m However, the problem is posed to drive in to the city, finished until he reviewed When he’s not focused on

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, sure that’s part of the reason that every time I do some- meet him at the restaurant, every single time I messed my mistakes and we’re hav- I married him. He took ev- thing wrong, whether it’s and we’d drive home togeth- up in this regard. Needless to ing a normal conversation, er. I know how crazy traf- say, our evening was ruined. I try to explain to Reuven fic to the city can be at that He may have finally moved how much I can’t stand that time, but I felt I gave myself on after he finished spewing he feels the need to bring plenty of extra time. I ar- his list of complaints all over up everything from day one. ranged for a babysitter to me, but I was left feeling His answer to me is that he’s come to the house very early abused and miserable. not making anything up. so that I could get ready on He does this with every- It’s all true and therefore time, without interruptions thing. If I forget to pick up worthy of being repeated. from our children. I left my- his clothing from the clean- Somehow, he just doesn’t self lots of time to drive in. ers when there is something get how crazy-making it is And yet, with all of this fore- in particular that he was to me and that sometimes I sight and preparation, I still hoping to wear, I have to feel as though I can’t take it managed to get to the restau- hear about every other time I anymore! True or not true, rant about 15 minutes late. didn’t pick up the dry-clean- how many times do I need I did call Reuven from the ing on time. As if it happens to hear the same thing told road, telling him that, unfor- so often or as if I do it inten- to me? I’m not an idiot, and tunately, I would probably be tionally. On and on he goes. I certainly would never for- a little late. And I’m thinking at the time get; every incident is already As I literally ran into the that I just want to run for my burned into my brain! restaurant, almost falling life! How do I deal with such a over in my heels, I already I wouldn’t even mind if he person? I know you always saw Reuven’s unforgiving vented in the moment that say we can’t change others, expression and I knew what he was upset about some- was in store for me. Not only thing I did, and would just Continued on Page 46 43 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 44      PUZZLES    By Yoni Glatt    Crossword:    Descendants of Israel          July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Across Down 1. Lazar who almost married Tzeitel 1. NYC fi nancial newspaper 5. Auto collision safety device 2. ___rina (instrument)    11. Abbr. on a dumbbell 3. The Clippers, on the scoreboard 14. Lion King villain 4. 2013 Disney blockbuster 15. Peanut butter choice 5. Australia’s most successful band       16. Exodus hero Ben Canaan 6. Rage 17. 2014 NL Rookie of the Year on the 7. Gas station abbr. Mets 8. He and Bibi weren’t exactly best buds    19. Droop 9. Ethically indiff erent 20. Efron of The Greatest Showman 10. Bodybuilding buildings 21. “___ Poetica” (Horace) 11. 1987 Best Picture winner, with ‘The’      22. Spike TV, once 12. Marlon who famously yelled 23. Promoted aggressively “Stella!” 26. Costa follower 13. Add one’s name to a guest book    28. Ein ___, 18. Like Jezabel 29. Blessing follower 23. Islamic pilgrimage 30. Walter Matthau’s frequent co-star 24. Where “it’s fun to stay” in a 1978 hit    32. Ronald Reagan Washington National 25. UN worker placed between warring Airport’s code parties        33. Israel, to the Jews 26. Los Angeles football team 34. Swimming distance 27. Arctic coverings 35. Explorer who knew a lot about 28. MBA hopeful’s exam    50-Across 30. Son of Israel, for short 41. Where Switz. is 31. Queen in 4-Down 42. ___ question (say part of Mah 33. Off ended    Nishtana) 36. Jeopardy! response: Abbr. 43. Slump 37. Shalom or shamayim predecessor 44. CNN anchor (in song) 48. ___ fi de 38. Black Sea nation: Abbr. 49. Adoring poems 39. Rachel, to Judah 50. They need to have fi ns and scales to 40. Where Ephraim is located in Amer- be kosher ica Solution To Previous Crossword: 51. Painful experience, often 44. Became a member 52. “___ Got Rhythm” 45. Provide counsel Splitters 53. Oktoberfest drink 46. Engulfed in fi re 54. Adam, literally 47. Assembled, with “together”              55. Puppy’s bite 48. Kind of digital code 5 ( % $ 5 ( * < 3 7 6 3 $ 56. He won an Emmy for playing Rabbi 51. Emeril Lagasse word    Hyman Krustofski 53. Slightly open $ 02 / ( $ 5$5( 8 $6 62. to Jerusalem dir. 54. Toddler’s often make one     63. ___ to an end 57. Eloise’s creator Thompson - 25'$15 ,9(5 1 5$ 64. Cincinnati athletes 58. Suffi x with “salt” or “carb”    65. Actor James Van ___ Beek 59. One of its letters stands for “optimi- 7 ($56 6 1/ 6 '6 66. Changes the color again zation”       67. “Judge me by my size, do you?” 60. “Couple” for 30-Across * ,' 0 $' ( /,<$+8 speaker 61. Hush-hush govt. group      $ 92:6 , 6 + ' 5($0    Jewish Spelling Bee ' (0 , 0 23 ( /,6+$     How many common words of 5 7 + (5('6 ($ or more letters can you spell us-         ing the letters in the hive? Every - 2 6 +8$ 1 $3 1 $ 6 $ answer must use the center letter    at least once. Letters may be re- 2 1( , 6 $ 70 $ 6685 used in a word. At least one word      will use all 7 letters and have a 7 ($&+(5 6 , 1 , 1. direct Jewish connection. Prop-      er names and hyphenated words 5 7( / %6 $ 66$' are not allowed. Score 1 point for     each answer, and 3 points for a 1 27 % 52.(1:$ 7 ( 5 Jewish-related word that uses all    7 letters. < 8/ $ ,5(' ( 5,&$ Rating: 20=Good; 25=Excellent;    30=Genius 8 6( 0 26(6 5 ,&.< Common solutions to last week’s Spelling Bee: Kumzits. Mists, mitts, mutism, mutts, skits, suits, summit, summits, tikis, tutus, tzitzit, tusks, zitis. Puzzle appeared on Page 50 of the July 6 issue. 45 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 46 MINDBIZ They are so busy defending their we have no power when it comes to it’s motivated by his arrogance, his Continued from Page 42 case, with their “always” and “nev- changing other people’s natures or desire for a pity party, his need for er” statements, that they are clueless choices. That powerful we’re not. payback, or his belief that it’s his but I find it’s very hard for me to about how off-putting their actions However, when it comes to behav- job to be your teacher, none of these change myself and just take it and are and how others perceive and de- iors between husbands and wives, motivators are appropriate between not get extremely aggravated and an- spise that behavior. we are definitely entitled to deter- a husband and wife. (Frankly, I can’t gry at Reuven for what I feel are his I understand how challenging it mine whether certain behaviors are think of any relationships in which petty and ridiculous reactions. Any must be for you to be forced to sit absolutely unacceptable and draw they would be appropriate.) There- suggestions? there and listen to Reuven drone on our line in the sand, as we express fore, it’s your job to tell him that you Enough no longer have any intention of lis- Dear Enough, tening to his list of grievances from I’m afraid, my dear, that you are the beginning of time. You have no married to an emotional stenogra- You are not obligated problem hearing about his disap- pher. Those are the people who feel pointment in the moment you blow the need to make note of every sin- to listen to his list of it, as we all do now and then, and you

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, gle grievance they have with another are prepared to apologize for what- person. Never able to let anything go grievances from the ever you may have done (by acci- no matter the intention, they love to dent or otherwise) that is upsetting whip out their trusty little notebook beginning of time. to him, but if he starts to pull out his so that they can review all of their stenography pad, you’re not sticking notes at every possible opportunity, around to listen to all of his entries. thereby creating a compelling case And then you have to be prepared to for their victimhood and the perpe- and on with facts that he’s already our determination that we no longer get up and walk away if he can’t re- trator’s bad behavior. stated for you many times over. It’s want to participate in situations that sist his own satisfaction that comes Emotional stenographers feel like being force-fed the same repel- are hurtful and useless and, worse from doing “the review.” quite justified in their behavior, be- lant medicine again and again, in one yet, self-indulgent on the other per- Hopefully, Reuven will get the cause, after all, they have truth on sitting, while feeling as though you son’s part. message and ultimately confront and their side, which supports their ri- just might throw up! Nothing good comes from this as- relinquish this behavior of his that diculous and nitpicking behavior. Yes, it’s true that I often say that pect of Reuven’s behavior. Whether is becoming quite burdensome for you. If your words and actions fail to make a dent, then it’s time to vis- it a marriage counselor, who will be able to go a bit deeper, help Reuven understand where all of this is stem- ming from, help him understand how it has been chipping away at your marriage, and teach him new tools for expressing his anger. You’ve taken it on the chin for a while now. It’s time for a change. Esther

Esther Mann, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in Hewlett. Esther works with individuals and couples. Together with Jennifer Mann, she also runs the “Navidaters.” She can be reached at [email protected] or 516-314-2295. Read more of Esther Mann’s articles at 5TJT.com.

And Moshe sent . . . Pinchas the son of Elazar the priest (Bamidbar 31:6) Why did he send Pinchas? He said: “The one who began the mitzvah shall finish it.” It was Pinchas who turned away G-d’s wrath from Israel and smote the Midianite woman; let him finish the sacred task. (Midrash Rabbah; Rashi)

And they warred against Midian, as G-d commanded Moshe (Bamidbar 31:7) When laying siege on a city to conquer it, we do not surround it from all four sides, but only from three sides, leaving a way to escape for anyone who wishes to flee for his life. As it is written: “And they warred against Midian, as G-d commanded Moshe”; it has been handed down by tradition that this is what G-d had commanded him. (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings and their Wars 6:7) Since the entire basis for saying that ceived a permit to be consumed, and 47 the zerikah can permit an Olah’s thus they will bear me’ilah status in

bones for the kohanim is the connec- this case. „ 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 tion to Asham, we must limit this law REAL CLEAR DAF to only a circumstance that is simi- Rabbi Wise is maggid shiur of Real Clear lar to that of Asham—i.e., where the Daf (realcleardaf.com), a website and mobile By Rabbi Shmuel Wise app that off ers free audio shiurim and other bones become permitted along with resources to assist your journey through Shas. the meat. So if the Olah bones were He is also the director of Tehillim Together still attached during the zerikah, the (tehillimtogether.com), a mobile app (for iOS A review of some of this week’s mits even the bones of Asham for zerikah designates the bones for the and Android) that off ers a translated sefer daf yomi key concepts (Parashas the kohanim, so, too, by Olah. But, Mizbeiach and also creates a kind Tehillim and facilitates Tehillim groups. To be a sponsor or to reach Rabbi Wise, please write to Matos-Masei – Zevachim) Rabbah understands, this concept of contingency clause that says that [email protected] or call 855-ASK- Q . What happens to the bones of a only has practical application where in the event that the bones become RCD-1 (275-7231). Read more of Rabbi Wise’s Korban Olah? somehow the bones avoided becom- detached from the korban (which articles at 5TJT.com. A. We discussed this question in ing designated for the Mizbeiach. thereby disqualifies them from the the daf this week on 85b–86a. The This occurs only if the bones were Mizbeiach), they shall become prop- Mishnah on 85b rules that the bones not attached at the time of the zeri- erty of the kohanim. Remember of a Korban Olah may be burned along kah. But if the bones were not attached with the rest of the animal—if they The Gemara then presents the ap- at the time of the zerikah, R’ Elazar are still attached. If, however, they proach of R’ Elazar, which is the mir- holds that the zerikah has no impact that article? were removed from the animal then ror opposite of Rabbah’s understand- on the bones; it cannot designate they cannot be put on the Mizbeiach. ing. R’ Elazar asserts that the bones them for the Mizbeiach (because Visit our archive section What if they were put on the Mizbe- become me’ilah specifically where they’re not attached) nor can it per- and find any issue of the iach in violation of this halachah? they were not attached at the time mit them for the kohanim, because On 86a, Rebbe rules that they would of zerikah, and if they were attached once the meat is off the bones we 5 Towns Jewish Times have to be taken down. Rabbah there during zerikah, then they lose their are no longer within the realm of the notes that this implies that the bones me’ilah status (if they subsequent- permit taught to us by Asham. So the online @ still bear the unique prohibited sta- ly became detached, see further). end result is that the bones are left as www.5TJT.com tus of things designated for the Miz- R’ Elazar’s argument is as follows: consecrated material that never re- beiach, called me’ilah; in other words, the bones remain as material with Mizbeiach sanctity that have become disqualified. Rabbah goes on to assert that the bones are only imbued with Mizbe- iach sanctity if they are attached at the time of the blood application, or zerikah, to the Mizbeiach. (It is a fun- damental principle that regarding korbanos eaten by their owners, no part of the korban becomes me’ilah until the zerikah is done.) When the bones are attached at the time of the zerikah, since attached bones are fit for the Mizbeiach, the zerikah indeed designates them for that purpose and thus if they later become de- tached they will be deemed me’ilah. If, however, the bones were not at- tached during the critical step of the zerikah, they do not become me’ilah by virtue of altar sanctity since de- tached bones are unfit for the Miz- beiach. Now we might suppose that even though these bones do not receive altar sanctity, they should still be me’ilah like any other consecrated material that wasn’t rendered per- missible for consumption. Not so, Rabbah asserts. Rather, the kohanim may use the bones as they please— even to make knife handles from them should they so desire. But why? How did the consecrated bones shed their prohibited status? The Gema- ra explains that Rabbah accepts the derashah of R’ Yishmael which links Olah to Asham: just as the Torah per- 48 our parashah. The boundaries of the This all begs the question: What is the b’rit bein ha’betarim are called “gevulot big deal with extensive discussion and ha’havtachah,” boundaries of the prom- identifi cation of Israel’s boundaries, and ise. who needs them anyway? INSIGHTS ON THE TORAH But if you thought that with this week’s list of borders we are done, we The Wisdom have another set of even narrower Of Boundaries boundaries. The borders described in It seems that Hashem wants to teach our parashah relate to the region that us here a profound idea that relates not would be conquered by the Israelites only to geographical borders, but to all PARASHAT MATOT-MASEI: who left Egypt, which is why they are boundaries in general. called the borders of olei Mitzrayim. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us STOP! BORDER AHEAD However, the most constricted bound- that every person and object possesses a aries, which carry with them the great- spark of holiness that gives it life. Even est degree of halachic importance to- evil possesses this spark of holiness,

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, BY RABBI MOSHE BLOOM Torah VeHa’aretz Institute day (while the other borders also have otherwise it would cease to exist. Does relevant halachic importance), are the this mean that evil is good? Of course here’s something intimidat- One Land, Three Sets Of boundaries of olei Bavel, which, as the not. Through the lens of Kabbalah, one ing about boundaries, some- Boundaries Rambam writes (Hilchot Terumot 1:5), can see G-dliness in everything, but we T thing stifling and confining. The Land of Israel’s borders men- will always retain their sanctity. know that in this world there is much Even if it’s not a high partition barri- tioned in this week’s parashah are not Down the line (and due to our pro- evil that hides the good. er covered by barbed wire, surround- the only set of boundaries described longed exile), the identities of part of This highlights the importance of ed by intrusion-tracking dirt roads, by the Torah. When Hashem promised the border markers were forgotten. This studying boundaries. The halachah is, and covered in electronic sensors the Land of Israel to Avraham Avinu, gave rise to disputes from the times of in essence, a clarifi cation of the defi - meant to prevent trespassing. Even He didn’t leave the promise amor- the Rishonim until today, with all par- nitions of permitted and forbidden, of if a boundary isn’t marked in territo- phous; rather, Hashem provided a de- ties attempting to decipher the land- obligation and exemption, and of purity ry, there is still that limiting sense of tailed list of boundaries, much more marks mentioned by the Biblical and and impurity. Studying internal wisdom confinement. expansive that the ones mentioned in Talmudic sources. (Kabbalah) alone can be very mislead- ing. Since in the future pork will be ko- sher, can someone who eats pork today be considered as if he is living already in the future utopian world? Of course not! On the contrary, this indicates that the person is currently very far from being in any sort of spiritual utopia. Even the Ari, z'l (R’ Yitzchak Luria, whose yahrzeit is 5 Av), a giant of Kab- balah, engaged extensively in the “re- vealed wisdom” as a disciple of Rab- bi Betzalel Ashkenazi. The Ari even assisted his master in editing the Shita Mekubetzet, R’ Betzalel Ashkenazi’s commentary on Shas. The Ari viewed the study of halachah as a most lofty pursuit. There are accounts that the Ari would toil and sweat over resolving in- tricate halachic issues with his disciples as part of their lofty work of spiritual clarifi cation. Diff erentiation Depends On Knowledge The ability to discern between the sacred and the profane is one of the unique abilities of mankind, G-d’s most lofty creation. “´¬ ©£š §šŸ ©££ª¨ ž¦›ž –”—and if there is no knowledge, how can one differenti- ate? One’s understanding of the gen- eral holiness that exists in the world must not interfere with our unique job in this world to discern between the sacred and the profane, the pure and the impure. While it is important to recognize the sanctity that exists within the profane, it is much more important and urgent to see and un- derstand that there is a huge chasm separating between the sacred and the profane, and of course the pure and the impure. Even today people unfortunately miss this critical point. In earlier gen- erations, this happened with the false messiahs who transgressed severe prohibitions to “repair” these sins on a spiritual level, as they claimed. We can assume that they even believed that they were doing the right thing, but this doesn’t change the fact that they sowed spiritual devastation by their actions.

Continued on Page 53 49 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 50 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 51 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 52 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, PARASHAT MATOT-MASEI they distanced themselves from Me 53 Continued from Page 48 and went after (gods of) emptiness and

became empty themselves?” (verse 5). 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 Even within the world of sanctity, INSIGHTS ON THE TORAH They are guilty on two counts, laments there are different levels. On the time Yirmiyahu. “They have forsaken Me, continuum, there are weekdays (in the spring of living waters, (and further- Hebrew: yemot ha’chol, lit. “profane more) to dig for themselves wells, bro- days”), chol ha’moed, holidays, Shab- ken cisterns that hold no water” (verse bat, and Yom Kippur. So too, there are MASSEI: FLIRTING WITH FUTILITY 13). What is the prophet saying? If you levels of holiness on a geographical exchanged G-d and Torah for some level: the ten levels of holiness delin- From Where I Stand I am not going to focus on these latent other noble, exalted philosophy or for eated in the first chapter of tractate connections here but prefer to look at another highly principled ideology, nu, Keilim, and the different sets of bor- the haftarah and the message of Yirmi- at least there might be some imaginary BY RABBI YOSSY GOLDMAN ders of the Land of Israel. The differ- entiation between the sacred and the ´Ÿ²š› §ž¦ ›°¡¦ . . . Ÿ› ¬ £´Ÿš even more sacred is also extremely §£¨ž Ÿ¦¥£ š¦ ²³š §£²›³ª important. “They have forsaken Me . . . to dig bro- Yirmiyahu pleads The study of borders should not in- ken cisterns that hold no water.” timidate us. This is, after all, our pri- —Haftarah, Yirmiyahu 2 with us to forsake mary purpose in this world. Since Ad- The Jewish calendar and the am’s primal sin, good and evil mixed parashah are somehow always syn- this fl ing with futility. together, so it is our job to differen- chronized. There is a deep connection tiate between the two. The primary between the two, and it is never coin- means towards this differentiation is cidental that a particular parashah is by learning about borders—that is, by read at a particular time of the year. yahu HaNavi, which is also especially justifi cation. But for what have you ex- studying halachah. „ This week’s parashah is always read chosen for this week. The prophet cas- changed the lofty moral truths of G-d during the Three Weeks of mourning tigates the Jewish people: “Listen to the and Torah? For hevel—futility, empti- HaRav Moshe Bloom is head of the English when we recall the destruction of our word of G-d, O House of Jacob … what department of Torah VeHa’aretz Institute. Holy Temple. wrong did your fathers fi nd in Me that Continued on Page 54 Torah VeHa’aretz Institute (the Institute for Torah and the Land of Israel) engages in research, public education, and the application of contemporary halachic issues that come to the fore in the bond between Torah and the Land of Israel today.

Avenge the vengeance (Bamidbar 31:2) The double terminology indicates that before the nation of Midian can be defeated, its supernal “minister,” which embodies the spiritual essence of Midian, must be vanquished. (Keli Chemda) The Hebrew word midian means “strife.” Midian is the essence of divisiveness, which is the root of all evil. Thus our Sages speak of “groundless hatred” as the greatest of evils. In truth all strife is groundless hatred: the so called “grounds” that people and nations have for hating and destroying each other are but the various façades of the divisive “I” of Midian—the ego that belies the common source and goal of humanity and views the very existence of others as an encroachment upon the self. On the cosmic level, G-d is the ultimate oneness, and everything G-dly in our world bears the stamp of His unity. All evil derives from the distortion of this oneness by the veil of divisiveness in which G-d shrouds His creation. So before the people of Israel could conquer the “seven nations” that inhabited the Land of Canaan— which represent the seven negative traits of the heart—they first had to destroy Midian, which is their source and cause. This is also why the destruction of Midian could only be achieved under the leadership of Moshe, who embodied the traits of utter self-abnegation, (and thus) harmony and truth. (Maamar Heichaltzu 5659) 54 7:10 am @ Agudah of Bayswater FROM WHERE I STAND @ Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, 131 Washington Avenue Continued from Page 53 7:15 am @ Aish Kodesh – Sunday ONLY @ Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (the Red Shul) ness, and nothingness. This is a terrible 4:30 am @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Mishnah Berurah: Rabbi Shmuel Grossman @ – Maple Avenue, Cedarhurst 5:00 am @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Shmuel Grossman 7:30 am @ Agudah of L.I. (Rabbi Reisman) In Library – Magidei Shiur: Rabbis S. Kohn, N. Schweid, R. Flegman double blow. 5:15 am @ Y.I. of Woodmere – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Rafael Fink @ Congregation Heichal Dovid – Sunday ONLY Those who pursue a path of empti- 7:35 am 5:30 am @ Chofetz Chaim Torah Center – Cedarhurst @ Y.I. of Woodmere – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi R. Fink ness become empty people. Their lives @ Rabbi Neiman’s Shul – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yossi Schonkopf 7:45 am @ Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (the Red Shul) – Sunday ONLY 5:45 am @ Agudah of L.I. (Rabbi Reisman) – Magid Shiur: Rav Shmuel Witkin @ Beth Sholom – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yale Fishman are fi lled with nothing more than emp- @ Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (the Red Shul) @ Rabbi Blumenkrantz’s shul - Shabbos ONLY ty materialism—zero content and zero 7:50 am 6:00 am @ Agudah of L.I – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dr. Mermelstein @ Far Rockaway LIRR front section of the last car – Direct to Penn Station meaning. At least people like Warren 7:55 am @ Lawrence LIRR – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Pesach Lerner @Aish Kodesh – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Sholom Fried, Rabbi Daniel Fink Buff et gave it away. His single-mind- @ Rabbi Blumenkrantz’s shul 8:00 am @ Shaaray Tefila – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Kalish @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt @ Agudas Yisroel of Long Island – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Tzvi Flaum ed focus on amassing wealth has been 6:10 am @ Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst – Rabbi Spiegel @ Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, 131 Washington Avenue (Shabbos Only) more than vindicated by his unprece- 8:10 am @ LIRR Far Rockaway Branch, in the last car of the train, which makes stops at Inwood, Lawrence, Cedarhurst @ CBEY- Island Ave., Woodmere – Magid Shiur: Menachem Kagan/Michael Fruchter dented philanthropy. But materialism 6:15 am @ Cong. Beis Avraham – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Henoch Grumet and Woodmere at 8:22 am @ Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere Magid Shiur: Rabbi Menachem Adler for its own sake, with no higher purpose July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 6:30 am @ Agudah of West Lawrence – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Moshe Brown 8:15 am @ Beth Sholom – Shabbos ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yale Fishman whatsoever, is futile and empty and can 8:45 am @ Young Israel of Law./Cedar. Maggid Shiur: Yale Fishman/Yaakov Shalev @ Agudah of L.I. – Sunday ONLY in library only lead to those practicing it becoming @ Y.I. of Oceanside @ Sunday mornings at Beis Tefilah – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Shaya Richmond @ Rabbi Katz’s Shul in Far Rockaway – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Pinchas Birnhack 10:15 am @ The White Shul – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Matt Cohen empty-headed themselves. Some gener- 6:40 am @ Y.I. of Woodmere – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Aron Glatt 12:50 pm @ Cedarhurst Center – Ground Floor Conf. Room – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Lichtenstein ations sinned by denying G-d. Yirmiya- 8:00 pm @ Congregation Beth Shalom – Maggid Shiur: Rabbi Yechiel Weberman @ Agudah of L.I. – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Nochum Katz hu weeps for a generation that worships 6:45 am @ Aish Kodesh – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Simcha Weingott @ Shaaray Tefila – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Kalish nonsense and empty escapism. @ The White Shul – Magidei Shiur: Rabbi Kanner @ Y.I. of Far Rockaway – Magid Shiur: R’ Daniel Martin and R’ Avraham Bachrach @ Agudah of the Five Towns – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Ephraim Edelstein 8:15 pm @ Cong. Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dovid Spiegel What is the worst thing in the world @ Agudas Yisroel of Long Island – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Tzvi Flaum 8:30 pm @ Y.I. of Oceanside that can happen to a teenager today? To 6:50 am @ Congregation Heichal Dovid @ Kehillas Bnei HaYeshivas (KBH), 575 Hungry Harbor Road be home alone on a Saturday night with- 7:00 am @ Agudah of L.I. – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dr. Mermelstein 8:45 pm @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dovid Metz @ Congregation Beth Avraham – Sunday ONLY @ Rabbi Blumenkrantz – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yosef Friedler out a date! And the teenager’s parents @ Yeshiva Gedolah of 5 Towns – Magid Shiur: Rav Yitzchok Knobel 9:00 pm @ Agudah of L.I. – Magid Shiurim: Rabbi Lichtenstein/Rotating Chaburah need to chill after all the pressures of the @ Young Israel of Law./Ced. – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yale Fishman @ Agudah of West Lawrence – Rabbi Brown’s Shul workweek. So we build ourselves huge 7:09 am @ Far Rockaway LIRR 3rd car from the end – Direct to Penn Station @ Agudah of Bayswater Magid Shiur: Rabbi Kodesh @ Beis Tefilah – (Tues.– Thurs.) Maggid Shiur: Rabbi Ephraim Edelstein and magnifi cent entertainment edifi c- es, towers of trivia, centers of sense- lessness. And we fi ll the void and the vacuum in our lives with escapist plea- sures—drinking and gambling, smoking and snorting. Generations ago, Jewish parents 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER cried bitter tears because they lost their 718.854.4548 children to communism, socialism, a Visit Misaskim.org for more information particularly toxic strain of anti-reli- gious secular Zionism, hippie-ism, or other anti-establishment ideologies. Understanding Tragedy with Compassion, Coordinating Crisis with Expertise The tragedy of our time is that we are losing our youth not to any form of po- Name of Niftar/Nifteres Family Members Address of Shiva Area Minyanim Getting Up litical activism or social consciousness, R’ Robert Mr. Adam Lieberman Son 14 Esti Cir Lakewood Monday but to emptiness and futility, to drugs Lieberman z”l Mr. Andrew Lieberman Son off Faraday Ave (7/16/18) and raves. At least the misguided young Dr. David Lieberman Son Morning rebels of old believed in a cause. Right or wrong, they were trying to build a better world. Today, it’s “Never mind what’s Mrs. Judy Mandelbaum Daughter Zurich Switzerland Monday R’ Moshe Dov going on in the world—pass the beer!” Aschkenasy z”l (7/16/18) Morning Yirmiyahu pleads with us to forsake this fl ing with futility and empty cis- R’ Martin Chasan Husband Mrs. Lila 10 Overhill Rd Monsey Monday terns and to embrace the eternal spring Chasan z”l R’ Michael Chasan Son Sutton Rd & (7/16/18) R’ David Chasan Son Cameo Ridge Rd Morning of living waters, the authentic truths of Mrs. Meryl Blisko Daughter Torah and the way of G-d. Let us lead our children towards meaningful spiri- Mrs. Esther R’ Shmiel Nass Son 3739 Truman Ave New Square Sunday tuality and sanctity. Sanity must surely Ruchel Nass R’ Meshulem Nass Son Washington Ave & (7/15/18) follow. „ z”l R’ Eliyahu Nass Son Ostereh Blvd Morning Mrs. Shaindy Breuer Daughter Rabbi Yossy Goldman was born in Brooklyn Mrs. Fraida Lunger Daughter and was sent in 1976 by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Mrs. Mina Konig Daughter as an emissary to serve the Jewish community Mrs. Leah Schweitzman Daughter Mrs. Baila Greenzweig Daughter of Johannesburg, South Africa. He is Senior Rabbi of the Sydenham Shul and president of the Mrs. Shirley Mrs. Beverly Gross Sister 178 Kearsing Pkwy Monsey Friday South African Rabbinical Association. His sefer Silverman- Rt. 306 & Jill Ln. (7/13/18) “From Where I Stand: Life Messages from the Gepner z”l Afternoon Weekly Torah Reading” was published by Ktav and is available at Jewish book shops or online at www.ktav.com. R’ Yehuda Rupp Son Shacharis: 7:00 R’ Naftali Rupp 520 E 5th St Boro Park Mincha: Friday R’ Yosef Yitzchok Rupp Son 8:00 z”l Ave C & Cortelyou Rd Maariv: 9:30 (7/13/18) Mrs. Miriam Glucksman Daughter Afternoon Remember

R’ Nosson Guggenheim Brother that article? Mrs. Eva 3208 Fountainview Dr Monsey Friday Vorchheimer Mrs. Chana Schuck Sister Off College Rd (7/13/18) Mrs. Gila Lifschitz Daughter Afternoon z”l Mrs. Rochel Klein Daughter Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times

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July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, above the Mizbeiach has the same sanc- ular law. Second, that doctrine no longer ed halachah that the Altar’s sanctity ex- considered as if they were placed on the tity as the Mizbeiach itself. The Gemara applies. If it were true, everyone would tends upward. Altar. If you had no airs about you, you attempts to fi nd proofs to both sides of be able to declare a no-fl y zone above his Boruch: You are just full of hot air. The would admit that I am right. this question, but they are ultimately re- own house. Admittedly, that would come Divrei Chaim says that you got the Ge- Reuven: Please keep your voice down. jected. Seemingly, this question remains in handy when you are trying to sleep in mara all wrong. The Gemara never really There is no reason to air our dirty laundry unresolved. your ; alas, it is no longer relevant. entertained the possibility that the sanc- in public. I can see how much you enjoy Boruch was speaking with Reuven, a In 1926, the U.S. Congress passed the Air tity of the Altar extends upwards. It was winning this argument. You seem to be member of his shul, who tends to disagree Commerce Act, which declared that the obvious that it doesn’t. The real question fl oating on air. Still, don’t hold your nose with him on most issues. “navigable air space” of the U.S. is a public is whether the suspended limbs are con- up in the air yet. The Imrei Yosher dis- Boruch: The daf really got me thinking highway, open to all citizens. sidered as if they were placed on the Al- cusses this very question and concludes about airspace. Our shul really needs of- Reuven: OK, so I shouldn’t have quoted tar. It’s not a matter of the Altar going up; that the airspace of a shul does have sanc- fi ce space. The ceilings in the main sanc- antiquated secular law as a precedent. it’s a matter of the limbs being considered tity. He rules that you cannot build anoth- tuary are 20 feet high. Let’s make the back But another daf shows that you are just down. We fi nd this same concept else- er fl oor in the airspace of an existing shul. of the shul only 10 feet high and build a building castles in the sky. The Gemara where in Shas. The Biur Halachah even So it’s time for your idea to go off -air. fl oor over the back part of the shul and (87b in Zevachim) discusses whether the mentions the possibility that tefi llin shel Boruch: We seem to have a diff erence of use that for offi ce space. airspace of the Mizbeiach (Altar) has the rosh that are suspended over one’s head, opinion between the Beis Shlomo and the Reuven: Do you really have that much same sanctity as the Mizbeiach itself. In but not actually touching, are as if they Imrei Yosher. Well, the rabbi has retired; disregard for the sanctity of the shul? certain circumstances, if an invalid sacri- were placed there. (He rejects this rea- we’ll have to ask this question to his heir. „ You will be turning sacred airspace into fi ce was already placed upon the Altar, we soning, however.) offi ce space. I think the following Latin leave it there to burn and we don’t remove Reuven: Let’s clear the air. I see your Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow leads a daf yomi phrase is apropos: Cujus est solum, ejus it. The Gemara queries whether the same point. But I seem to recall that the Beis chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead. He can be contacted at est usque ad coelum et ad inferos—liter- halachah would apply to sacrifi ces held Shlomo disagrees and understands the [email protected]. ally, “To whomsoever the soil belongs, he above the Altar but not yet actually placed Gemara exactly as I did. owns also to the sky and to the depths.” down. We can assume that the same way Boruch: True. But the Beis Shlomo him- The author thanks Rabbi Yosef Sebrow and When someone owns land, he owns the the sanctity of the Altar extends to its self points out a big distinction between talmidim Binyamin Pretter and Chaim Kazan air rights up to the sky. The shul’s sanctity airspace as well, the sanctity of the syn- the Gemara’s case and our situation. Yes, for their assistance with this article. brother serve on the beis din for hataras tribes. Similarly, children are not quali- 57 nedarim? A relative cannot serve as a fi ed until bar mitzvah, and it is preferable

dayan!” that they be visibly physically mature. It 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 BUSINESS WEEKLY “Hataras nedarim requires a panel of is questionable whether a thief can serve By Rabbi Meir Orlian three, like a beis din, but it is not exactly a on the panel” (Aruch HaShulchan 228:10; beis din,” answered Rabbi Dayan. “There Minchas Shlomo, Nedarim 77a). are several practical ramifi cations. “What other diff erences are there?” “For example, even relatives who are asked Mr. Nadel. STORYLINE: BEIS DIN OR NOT? most scrupulous, such as Moshe Rabbe- “The Gemara (ibid.) teaches further inu and Aharon HaKohen, cannot serve that although ideally adjudication should r. Nadel decided that he “A qualifi ed expert (mumcheh) can as dayanim for each other or together on not begin at night and the dayanim would daven vasikin every annul a vow on his own,” replied Rabbi a beis din for others,” continued Rabbi should be sitting,” replied Rabbi Dayan, Mmorning. For a number of Dayan. “However, we are not in this cat- Dayan. “Nonetheless, the Gemara (Ne- “hataras nedarim can be done at night or months he upheld this practice scru- egory nowadays, so we need a panel of darim 77a) teaches that relatives can do while standing. The common practice, pulously. However, as time wore on he three, like a beis din.” hataras nedarim. Some even allow a hus- however, is for the panel to sit, since we found himself exhausted during the “Should I make an appointment with band to serve on the panel for hataras commonly use the mechanism of pesach day and unable to concentrate properly the secretary of the beis din?” asked Mr. nedarim of his wife, but (fi nding an ‘opening’) to render the vow while learning and at work. Nadel. rules that he may not” (C.M. 7:9; Y.D. mistaken, which requires more concen- Mr. Nadel approached Rabbi Dayan “No, there is no need for that,” replied 228:3, 234:57). tration” (C.M. 5:2, 28:6; Y.D. 228:4; Shach for advice. “I’m in a quandary,” he said. Rabbi Dayan. “I can get two others to join “What about other people who are 228:9; Aruch HaShulchan 228:12). “I accepted the practice of davening me right now. Let’s see who is here.” not qualifi ed to judge, such as women, “In what other ways are hataras ne- vasikin, but it is negatively impacting In the room were Rabbi Dayan’s oldest children, or wicked people?” asked Mr. darim and beis din similar?” asked Mr. my learning and work.” son and Mr. Nadel’s brother. “My son and Nadel. Nadel. “Davening vasikin is very commend- “Some say that the panel should be able,” said Rabbi Dayan. “A vow is also odd-numbered, just like a beis din,” re- a signifi cant issue. The Torah states in plied Rabbi Dayan. “Some also maintain Parashas Matos: ‘He should not violate Chazal teach that that a majority suffi ces to rule the pesach his word’ (Bamidbar 30:3). Here, how- (opening) valid to annul the vow, like in ever, the gain results in greater spiritual judgment, while others maintain that all loss.” although a person may three must agree” (Nachal Yitzchak, C.M. “What can I do?” asked Mr. Nadel. 3:4:1; Har Zvi, Y.D. 189; Minchas Shlomo, “Chazal teach (Berachos 32a) that not violate his word, Nedarim 78a; see Kol Nidrei, ch. 13–15, although a person may not violate his 21). word, others can annul his vow,” replied others can annul his vow. Rabbi Dayan. “This is called hataras ne- From The BHI Hotline: darim. It is commonly done on erev Rosh Salesman’s Commission Hashanah but can be done throughout your brother can join me and will serve “In this respect, hataras nedarim par- Q. I hired a sales agent and agreed to the year if the need arises, such as in this as the ‘beis din’ for the hataras nedarim,” allels judgment,” replied Rabbi Dayan. pay him a percentage of the gross sales case” (Rema, Y.D. 228:15). said Rabbi Dayan. “Although relatives are qualifi ed for that he generates as his commission. In “Can you do it for me?” asked Mr. Na- “Excuse me for asking,” said Mr. Na- hataras nedarim, women are not, since del. del, “but I don’t understand. How can my it says: ‘rashei ha’matos’—heads of the Continued on Page 58

Minyanim in the 5 Towns/Far Rockaway Area Mincha Maariv 1:30 Agudas Achim, Monday- Thursday 7:30 The Shteebel (Main Bais Medrash) 333 Pearsall Avenue, Cedarhurst 7:45 Chabad of the 5 Towns Second floor conference room 8:00 Shaaray Tefila Also 10 minutes before shkiah 1:35 Yeshiva Shor Yashov The White Shul Kollel Avreichem Congregation Tifereth Zvi Rabbi Katz’s Shul (Congregation Shomer Shabbos) Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid (S-Th) Maariv is 15 min. after shkiah 8:05 Young Israel of North Woodmere 1:45 Agudath Israel of Long Island 8:15 Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst (Sundays & legal holidays) The Shteebel (Downstairs in Simcha Hall) Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns 8:30 Bais Medrash of Harborview 1:50 Yismach Moshe @ The Premier Yismach Moshe @ The Premier 2:00 5 Towns Judaica 8:45 Yeshiva of Far Rockaway 2:15 Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Agudas Israel of Long Island 2:45 Agudath Israel of Long Island 9:00 Young Israel of Woodmere Also 15 minutes before shkiah Yeshiva Shor Yoshov Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns 9:15 Beis Medrash of Woodmere Young Israel Woodmere Shaaray Tefila (Halacha shiur 15 min. before) Agudas Israel of Long Island 3:00 Judaica Plus Yeshiva Shor Yoshov 4:15 Adas Yisroel of NY United Hebrew Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst Community of NY The Shteebel (Downstairs in Simcha Hall) Bais Ephraim Yitzchok (M-Th) Bais Medrash Ateres Yisroel (Rabbi Blumenkrantz) 9:30 Young Israel of Woodmere Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid (S-Th) 9:45 Yeshiva Shor Yashov Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi (S-Th) The White Shul 10:00 Young Israel of Woodmere Agudas Israel of Long Island Yeshiva of Far Rockaway The Shteebel (Main Bais Medrash) 10:15 Kollel Avreichem 10:30 Young Israel of Woodmere Agudas Israel of Long Island Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns 10:40 Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence 11:00 Young Israel of Woodmere Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence 11:15 Kehillas Bais Yehuda (Thursdays) During the winter months Young Israel of Woodmere has a marriv minyan every half hour after 6:30, ending with the 11:00 maariv. 10:40, 11: 00, 11:20 11:40 12:00 Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence has maariv every 20 minutes from 10:40-12 Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence To add or modify a listing, please email: [email protected] 58 BUSINESS HALACHA Continued from Page 57 Would you like to have a chevrusah where you can be learning retrospect, I didn’t realize how cutting edge issues in Torah and Shas? much money he would earn, and it seems that he exploited Would you like to learn me (ona’ah). Am I obligated to through Shas pay him such a high commis- in depth - but quickly? sion? Since we never signed a contract, could I simply pay Would you like someone him a commission compara- to help you write ble to what other sales agents your own sefer on any topic? earn? A. When an employee be- gins working after an employ-

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, ment agreement was reached, the terms and conditions of If any of these interest you, that agreement are binding please email learntorahandshas@gmail. even if they did not formalize com. Limited slots available. the agreement with a kinyan or contract (Rosh, Avodah Zara 4:2). The relationship between a business owner and a sales agent is an employment agreement. Therefore, once the agent starts working, the employer must pay him de- pending on their agreement, either a percentage of those sales as a commission or a set salary for his work. When a sales agent is hired, one cannot argue that the agreement is not binding since it involves something that does not yet exist (davar she’lo ba la’olam). Although it is true that one cannot buy or sell something that does not yet exist (C.M. 209:4), that has no relevance to employ- ment agreements. The em- ployer is not selling the agent a percentage of future sales; he is committing to pay the sales agent a commission for his work. Since the employ- er’s obligation is rooted in his commitment to pay the agent his salary rather than selling a percentage of the future sales, it is not subject to the limita- tion of davar she’lo ba la’olam (Ketzos 332:5, 6; ibid. 122:3, 4; Nesivos 332:5). Your feeling that the amount of money you are pay- ing the sales agent is excessive and unreasonable is common. We often hear this sentiment from business owners. At the outset, the business owner needs the sales agent to gen- erate business and agrees to pay him a commission since he needs someone to make sales. Since the business own- er cannot generate that vol- ume of sales it is worthwhile for him to pay the sales agent a high percentage. Once the customers are brought in, the business own- er begins to wonder why he is paying so much money to the sales agent when he may not be bringing in additional customers. At that point, the business owner questions whether the sales agent has exploited him by collecting such a large commission. However, the seemingly large percentage may not involve any ex- A. The lender must sue the borrower 59 ploitation since that may be the per- fi rst, even if he does not have known as-

Bais Tefila BBQ 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 centage that sales agents in that in- sets. Only after establishing that he has dustry collect. Therefore, a business no assets can the lender turn to the guar- owner should not look negatively at antor. Regarding an arev kablan, who ac- the sales agent; he should instead ap- cepts direct liability, the lender can turn preciate the revenue that he generat- immediately to the guarantor, even if ed. the borrower has assets, unless the bor- However, if the sales agent is col- rower wants to pay (C.M. 129:8,15). lecting a larger percentage than other If collecting from the borrower en- sales agents in that industry and he tails signifi cant expenses that would is not doing additional work to justify detract from the repayment—e.g., his as- the higher percentage, it is necessary sets are in a distant land—the lender can to consider whether you can claim that collect from the guarantor (C.M. 129:11). it is ona’ah (exploiting). When the borrower is not present, The answer to this is that it depends. the lender cannot collect from the guar- Employees who are paid by the hour antor without a loan document, since are, for ona’ah purposes, treated like perhaps the borrower repaid. Even if slaves since they have sold their time, the lender holds a loan document, the and the Torah excludes slaves from the borrower should be notifi ed fi rst, if it halachos of ona’ah (C.M. 227:33). [Al- is reasonably possible to contact him though the halachos of ona’ah do not (C.M. 129:10, 12). apply, the prohibition of ona’ah applies The guarantor is not required to pay (Pischei Teshuvah 227:21) as does the until 30 days after he becomes liable, prohibition of geneivas da’as (Sma even if he has available assets, unless 227:33)]. If the employee is an inde- initially stipulated otherwise (Shach pendent contractor and has the free- 129:23). „ dom to do the job whenever he pleases (even though there is a deadline when This article is intended for learning purposes the job must be completed), he is not and not to be relied upon halacha l’maaseh. There are also issues of dina d’malchusa to considered a slave and the laws of consider in actual cases. ona’ah do apply (C.M. 227:36; cf. Rav Rabbi Meir Orlian is a faculty member of Akiva Eiger, ibid.). the Business Halacha Institute, which is headed by HaRav Chaim Kohn, shlita, a noted Money Matters: dayan. For questions regarding business Turning To The halacha issues, or to bring a BHI lecturer Guarantor to your business or shul, please call the confi dential hotline at 877-845-8455 or e-mail Based on the writings of Rav Chaim [email protected]. To receive BHI’s free Kohn, shlita newsletter, Business Weekly, send an e-mail to Q. At what point can the lender turn [email protected]. Read more of On Wednesday, June 27, the Inwood community gathered at Rav Pinchus Wein- to the guarantor to collect from him? Rabbi Orlian’s articles at 5TJT.com. berger’s home for a summer kickoff barbecue and kumzits around the campfi re. 60 10 full days. How can you deprive her of invaded by visitors, and they prepare by that pleasure? stacking whole pallets of bottled water VISITING DAY Before leaving, check the list of must- right near the door. brings. Nosh that you never even heard After the requisite stop at the grocery, BY P. SAMUELS of tops the list, as if she did not leave for there is the next question: “Where do he lazy, hazy days of summer are most of our parents did not drive, the camp with a whole crate full. Although we go?” The choice is narrowed down fi nally here. You are beginning camps organized a bus for the visitors. the camp is nowhere near a desert, cas- to some pizza joints or an ice-cream Tto actually relax and recuperate In most cases, only one parent per child es of bottled water is another must. No store. Unfortunately, everyone else has from last week’s frenzy of shopping, la- made the schlep. Being on the road for teenager in her right mind would waste the same idea, so the wait for a table beling, and packing off the bigger kids to six to eight hours to spend one hour her canteen money on cold water if she and to be served is endless. Who cares if overnight camp. You have the bus sched- with your child was not exactly a picnic. ules for day camp down pat, and a new Lunch was also upgraded a bit to show summer routine has developed. Your that your children were being well-fed. fourth-grader has surprisingly shown The mother or father came with a little Many parents would how she is capable of helping now that bag of some goodies and a few fi ve-dol- July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, her “bossy” older sister is not at home. lar bills for tips for the counselors and love to eliminate the As you open a drawer to put something waitresses. Some generous parents away, you chance to glance at the calen- even left ten dollars for the waitresses, dar. Uh-oh. Visiting day, with all of its who worked very hard schlepping heavy hassle, expense, and stress, is on the horizon. trays with unbreakable stoneware dish- Once upon a time (like 50 years ago) es. (No disposables were used then.) stress of Visiting Day. visiting day was structured diff erently. Today’s visiting day is a diff erent ma- We campers dressed in our school-day sechta. Whether leaving from Monsey best. (This was in the days when we or Brooklyn, pack everyone into the can get her parents to schlep it when the pizza or ice cream is the same they saved our shabbiest clothing to ruin in car and head off to visit your darling in they come to visit. If you did not have would have been served for lunch in camp, and we did not have uniforms camp. Don’t even think of leaving the a chance to buy it locally, don’t wor- camp? Add to the mix visiting-day traffi c in school.) We cleaned our bunks a bit toddler behind, though it’s an under- ry. There’s a new must in many camps and the pressure of getting your darling more thoroughly than usual, and then statement to say that she does not travel called “going off grounds.” The grocer- back to camp on time or forfeiting the we set out to start a routine day. Since well. Her big sister has not seen her for ies near camp know that they will be deposit she left in the offi ce and some blood pressures do rise. There’s another chapter to the visit- ing-day saga that concerns parents who are also spending the summer in the mountains. Their off spring opt to spend their “off grounds” at their parents’ place. Not only do they come with shop- ping lists, they also come toting laun- dry, with the expectation that Mommy will magically have everything washed, dried, and maybe even ironed before the deadline for returning to camp. Woe to the visiting day that is rainy! I know one grandfather who usual- ly does not mind chauff euring his off - spring, but refuses to take the car out of the bungalow colony on visiting day. If his grandchildren fi nd reliable trans- portation, they are welcome to visit and take advantage of his generosity. Before they come, though, they have to know how and when they are getting back to camp. Never rely on taxi service, which is sporadic during the week and almost nonexistent on visiting day. I recently heard of some camp admin- istrators, bless their hearts, who elimi- nated visiting day altogether. The camp- ers who came for a whole summer get to go home overnight during the change of trips in middle of the summer. Many parents would love to eliminate the has- sle, expense, and stress of visiting day, and would gladly pay the transportation costs to have their off spring visit them. As for nosh packages, or any other must-haves, there’s always the post of- fi ce. „ Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @ www.5TJT.com emptions were those who converted to International events in 1939 also 61 Christianity before 1919 and who were had a profound effect within the coun-

faithfully following their new religion. try. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 THE RIGHT VIEW Their descendants were exempt, too, Germany occupied Poland in Sep- but only if they did not return to the tember, and the Second World War By Alex Sternberg faith of their ancestors. This law was the had broken out. Although Hungary fi rst salvo in the campaign to limit Jew- did not participate in the invasion of ish existence in Hungary. Poland, she was nevertheless greatly In May of 1939, the second Jewish influenced by these events. Ever since Law was enacted. This law broadened the hated Trianon Treaty, Hungary THE LIFE OF OLGA ELEK, the defi nition of who was a Jew by de- had been hoping that there would be claring that anyone who converted but some redress of this grievous wrong. who had one parent or two grandpar- The time had finally come, and Hun- PART 9 ents who were Jewish would henceforth gary was completely in the orbit of n last week’s installment, Dombo- be considered a Jew and subject to the Nazi Germany. Hitler had promised a var’s Jews were still proud of their new rules. According to the 1941 census, sympathetic ear to the desires of Hun- Itown and their accomplishments in in Dombovar there were 613 Jews and gary to reclaim her lost possessions. improving the town’s social, economic, an additional 56 Christians who were In 1940, Hungary officially joined the and intellectual reputation. Olga and her now considered Jewish under the new Axis forces (Germany, Italy, Japan), father never thought of living anywhere regulations. This new regulation also and her entry into the war was now in- else. readjusted the 20% allowance to 6% for evitable. Transylvania was reattached But toward the latter part of the 1930s, Jewish ownership of certain business- to the kingdom of Hungary, and by the everything was changing. Hungarian so- es. Voting rights and participation in spring of 1941, Hungarian troops be- ciety began to manifest a new and much local government were also curtailed. gan the recapture of much of the lost more dangerous strain of discrimina- Jews were now forbidden to hold posi- territories from Yugoslavia as well. tion. This strain was more deep-seated tions such as doctor or pharmacist. The The people of Hungary enthusiastical- and demanded a complete divesting of Olga Elek, c. 1930 ownership of farmland was also forbid- ly embraced the growing German in- all property, possessions, and wealth of den. fluence spreading across the nation. In the Jews, transferring them to gentile In May of 1938, the Hungarian par- The second anti-Jewish law guaran- this climate, the popularity of extreme hands. The new guard demanded an end liament adopted a regulation aimed at teed a sweeping reduction of the civil right-wing forces was gaining ground, to any Jewish participation in political, “rebalancing the cultural and economic rights of the Jew. and, like vultures, they circled their cultural, and economic life in Hungary. inequality” among Jews and gentiles. The appearance of these laws was prey. In short, they demanded the complete This law aimed to curtail Jewish pros- met with great alarm in Dombovar. Jews The third set of anti-Jewish laws annihilation of Jewish existence in the perity by reducing to 20% Jewish own- were integrated into the town’s life in all was ushered in, prohibiting inter- country. ership of any business employing over areas. Town government had numerous marriage between gentiles and those To be sure, the winds of Hitler’s Na- 10 workers. Jews in various positions, both elected defined as Jewish according to the zism were sweeping across the con- The law, however, had some excep- and appointed. These regulations cast second Jewish law. Until now, inter- tinent. But actually, the rise of Hitler tions. Exempt from this regulation was doubt on their very “Hungarian-ness.” marriage was a convenient escape only gave a welcome opportunity for the any wounded war veteran from the First Most Jews met these regulations with from anti-Semitism. Jews were now Hungarian anti-Semites to emerge and World War, or the widow and orphans disbelief and, more importantly, with assume a decisive leadership position. of one who died in battle. Additional ex- embarrassment. Continued on Page 62

AA SPECIALSSPEPECCIALCIAIAAL WEEKLYWWEEEKLY SECTIONSEECCTIOC IONON WRITTENWRWRITTEI ENN BYY TEENS,TEENS,E FORFOORRTEENS TEENSTTEENSEENS SUBMISSIONS WELCOME t[email protected] 62 RIGHT VIEW ity to “show these strangers Step by step, and much to backs on them. It seemed that contact with President Roos- Continued from Page 61 that they are not the only ones their bewilderment, the Jews they had never really been ac- evelt, was told by Roosevelt in who can become successful were publicly excluded from cepted by them. no uncertain terms that such a also forbidden from service in in the commercial trades.” all previously held positions. No Jew escaped this fate. deportation would be viewed any unit carrying firearms but Strangers?! Memberships in clubs and The -goer along negatively by America and were mandated to enroll in Newspapers from the professional organizations with the long-ago convert- her allies. In fact, Roosevelt the Hungarian auxiliary units late 1930s reveal the disap- were suddenly terminated. ed Christian were treated warned Horthy that should he for forced labor. pearance of the customary The Jews were alone. the same. They were all con- deport the Hungarian Jews, The new regulations shook advertisements of Jewish The new realities brought temptible Jews. Horthy would be considered the Jews to their core. Dr. Jo- businesses and any mention with them economic hardship Although allies in the war, a war criminal and executed sef Riesz, the respected town of upcoming Jewish social and humiliation. there was some political day- after the war. doctor, had long ago adopted events. Instead, one saw ads For centuries, Jews fought light between Nazi Germa- By 1944, it was pretty obvi- the Christian faith and lived for: “A young Christian man to prove to their gentile neigh- ny and Hungary. The Regent ous to all, including Horthy, as a practicing church-going seeks employment.” bors that they were loyal Hun- of Hungary, Admiral Miklos that Hitler was losing the war. Christian. But suddenly, his The once integrated com- garians, that they could be Horthy (Hungary was a land- Hungary would find herself,

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, valuable service as the town’s munity was slowly but surely trusted to put the welfare of locked country with no navy), once again, on the losing side. physician was no longer becoming segregated. Jewish- the nation first. They slow- had occupied that position as Horthy was scared and took needed. Newspaper articles ness was now a disease, a stain ly achieved respect for their the leader of the country since the warning seriously, so he touted the opening of “Chris- that could not be scrubbed off. good deeds and accomplish- the 1920s. A proud anti-Sem- resisted. In fact, he began to tian-owned” businesses, urg- Those who converted years ments and their exemplary ite, Horthy was constant- enter discussions with the Al- ing the gentiles to support ago found themselves back lifestyles. But these new laws ly urged by Hitler to deport lies, intending to switch sides them. Pamphlets were dis- amongst the very same group showed the duplicity of their all the Jews of Hungary for and leave the Axis orbit. But seminated asking for solidar- they sought to escape. neighbors, who turned their “work” in Germany. Horthy, in Horthy’s inner circle was rid- dled with spies for Hitler, and word of his intended defec- tion became known to Hitler. In order to prevent this, Hit- ler ordered the Nazi army to invade Hungary and deposed Horthy as regent. On March 19, 1944, the German Army, along with the chief architect of the “Final Solution,” Ad- olf Eichmann, marched into Hungary. Horthy was deposed as the ruler and the Germans installed a government led by the former ambassador of Hungary to Germany, Dome Sztojay. Sztojay was a rabid Thank you anti-Semite who despised the Jews. He wanted to expel every Jew from the land, pref- to all our erably by killing them. Sztojay appointed several of his Ar- row Cross henchmen into key loyal clients positions. Among them were the two Laszlos, Baky Laszlo and Endre Laszlo, extreme right-wing, German-leaning, for continuing longtime Jew haters. The new government of Hungary actu- ally had very few changes in to put your leadership other than these few men. Most Jews living in Hun- trust in us. gary had thought that they would escape the horrors faced by their co-religionists in Poland, Germany, and else- where. And the assimilated Hungarian Jews, although many could have escaped to western shores, wouldn’t un- dertake such a radical move. They simply could not imag- ine living anywhere else. The German occupation spelled disaster for the Jews of Hungary and, of course, Dombovar. „

Dr. Alex Sternberg authored the forthcoming book “Recipes from Auschwitz–My Parents’ Story of the Murder of Hungarian Jewry.” He is a lifelong student of Jewish history, focusing on development of Zionism and the Holocaust. He is presently teaching graduate studies and is active in several pro-Israel organizations. He is a retired research doctor in children’s pulmonary health and a master karate instructor. Read more of Dr. Sternberg’s articles at 5TJT.com. the time-consuming task of cleaning 63 the pool, I soon took over that job, too.

I realized that every time the pool ser- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 vice cleaned the pool, the next day it REAL ESTATE would rain and the pool would be dirty By Anessa V. Cohen again, and I would have to clean it my- Catch up self. What was the point? So, I did away with the pool service as well. I am now down to only two pool-re- lated jobs I still refuse to do and in- stead leave to the professionals: open- on the JUST DIVE IN! ing up the pool in the spring and taking hen showing a home with you must balance the chlorine levels. the cover off, and also closing the pool a swimming pool, I usually They should be checked at least once and lowering the water levels in the Wsee two different reactions a week.” fall, winterizing the pipes, and putting latest from customers. One will say, “Wow! I figured, “OK, this is like cooking. the cover on. What a gorgeous pool! I can see myself You follow a recipe, and if it is too Whew, I am getting tired just think- relaxing here all summer and enter- bland, you add some salt and pepper ing about it! I think I will go outside taining my friends and relatives!” (Of and other spices, and if it is too salty and relax by my swimming pool. „ course, with a swimming pool you typi- you add a raw potato. It is basically the breaking cally find yourself with lots of friends.) same principle.” Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a On the contrary, the second customer So out I went to get my pool chem- licensed real-estate broker (Anessa V Cohen Realty) and a licensed N.Y.S. loan offi cer (FM will say, “Gee, I really do not want a ical kit with all the test tubes. After a Home Loans) with over 20 years of experience swimming pool; it takes up too much few difficult months—and all kinds of off ering full-service residential, commercial, room and requires too much work. Do colored water until I got the balancing and management real-estate services as well as news at you have any houses just like this, but right—I began to get the gist of balanc- mortgage services. She can be reached at 516- without a swimming pool?” ing the water and the chemicals and 569-5007 or via her website, www.AVCrealty. com. Readers are encouraged to send questions Years ago, I found myself in category doing it correctly and quickly. or comments to [email protected]. Read www.5TJT.com one when I bought my home in Cedar- Though I had hired the service for more of Anessa Cohen’s articles at 5TJT.com. hurst. I saw the swimming pool and felt I had hit the jackpot. Before I even had an accepted offer on the house, I was already planning the summer parties we would all enjoy there as a family. After we owned the home and the swimming pool, and the excitement died down, I realized that there was, in fact, a lot to do to maintain a pool. Just flipping a switch and turning on the filter would not cut it. So I called the “pool man” the previous owners had sworn by and asked him to come by and instruct me in how to take care of my swimming pool. Listening to him was a real eye-open- er. At the beginning of the pool season (around Memorial Day or whenever it starts to get warm), the cover would need to be taken off and the pool filled up with water above the skimmer lines. (We are getting a little technical here, but the skimmer lines are where the water feeds into the pipes going to the filter before being refed through other pipes going back to the pool.) Once the pool was filled, we would have to turn on the filter and chemically balance the water. “Chemically balance the water? I never was very good at chemistry; how am I going to accomplish all of this?” I exclaimed. My new “pool man” told me I could hire a service that would send some- one weekly to clean out the pool, bal- ance the chemicals, and add whatever was needed, or … I could learn how to do it myself. “Hmm,” I thought. “Maybe this will be a new learning experience.” I told him that if he showed me how, I would take care of the chemical bal- ancing, and I’d have the service do the weekly cleaning. I figured the cleaning would take a lot of time, which I did not have, but the chemical balancing would give me the opportunity to learn how to balance the water the way I wanted it and not depend on anyone else. Sounded like a good plan to me, and then the pool man said, “First you must balance the PH and then you must balance the alkaline and then 64 ROCHELLE'S REVIEWS By Rochelle Miller CUSTOMERS KITCHEN AND BATH: UPSCALE AMBIANCE July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, IN A FAMILY SETTING here’s been much ado at Cus- tomers Kitchen and Bath T(CK&B) since last we featured this gem of a business on these pag- es. Renowned for masterfully craft-

Travel Section Travel ed products and impeccable service, Customers Kitchen and Bath has been the area and will gladly recommend de- apparent why CK&B is the kitchen and a Five Towns tradition since its incep- signers as well. bathroom product source of choice of so tion nearly two decades ago. From its “What makes us diff erent from any many discerning designers, homeown- beginnings, the family-owned busi- other kitchen-and-bath company is that ers, and builders. “We have vast expe- ness, which was originally situated in we off er professional services along with rience in designing and selling kitchen the Five Towns, has evolved into an providing family-like comfort,” says Ar- cabinets of all sorts,” says Arjun. “We innovative industry leader, supplying jun Sondhi, vice-president of CK&B. “We are very familiar with requirements of kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, treat all our clients like family. The treat- complete kosher kitchens. If needed, we tiles, and a diverse selection of qual- CK&B is the defi nitive word in kosher ment they get in our premises gives them can recommend designers to our cus- ity products throughout the entire kitchens, specializing in and sensitive to the feeling that they are sitting with their tomers. We also provide in-house local tri-state area. CK&B’s commitment the special requirements and aesthet- family, along with receiving professional designers who are highly experienced to excellence and its signature service ic dreams of our community. CK&B is expertise. We pride ourselves in being a in designing Jewish homes according to have made the company a leader in brimming with references from delight- one-stop source for all your kitchen and halachic requirements.” the kitchen-and-bath industry, earn- ed clients who wax enthusiastic about bath needs. Additionally, we have one of Customers Kitchen and Bath fea- ing the company a portfolio of loyal the superb quality, meticulous service, the largest showrooms for kitchen and tures an unsurpassed product line, in- customers. The corporate offi ce is lo- and outstanding craftsmanship that is bathroom products in New York.” cluding kitchen cabinets, countertops, cated in Rosedale, New York, with an the company’s hallmark. The company Upon visiting the company’s mag- bathroom vanities, tiles, kitchen and 8,000-square-foot retail location. works with many of the top designers in nifi cent showroom, it becomes readily bath hardware, sinks, faucets, and more. 65 ON EIHTMS• uy1,21 Travel Section 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018

CK&B serves both the commercial and line of imported cabinets that resemble He added, “We provide our customers inets, bathroom vanities, tiles, shower the residential markets, off ering eco- fully custom cabinets. These feature sol- the opportunity of having their space doors, accessories, and more,” says Ar- nomically priced and high-end options. id wood doors and a plywood structure. planned out by off ering free initial con- jun. “We have 50 bathroom setups and Simply stated, CK&B is well-worth a trip The cabinets are made of dovetailed sol- sultation. We measure, design, and pro- 35 kitchen setups on display. Also, if you from anywhere—featuring everything id wood drawers with undermount soft- vide free initial estimates for all our cus- are interested in remodeling your home, you need to transform your kitchen and close glides and soft-close door hinges tomers.” we can help you measure, design, and bath into a beautiful environment. and are the ideal choice for any residen- Although the company’s impressive plan your home at no cost.” CK&B carries a stellar selection tial, commercial, or rental projects. portfolio of projects includes multi-sto- Customers Kitchen and Bath’s show- of American-made in-stock kitchen At Customers Kitchen and Bath, cus- ry apartment unit renovations, hotels, room is located at 252-02 Rockaway cabinets, which are available in seven tomer service is of paramount impor- medical offi ces, schools, and corporate Boulevard, Queens, NY 11422. For fur- diff erent colors and styles. Made and tance. To better serve clients in planning projects, “We consider each job to be ther information, please call 718-276- handcrafted in the United States, with their space, every job is fi eld-measured. In equally important,” Arjun explains. 3111, visit www.customerskb.com, and meticulous attention to every detail, order to obtain the most precise measure- “Every one of our jobs is a standout follow on Facebook at www.facebook. they are available for delivery within ments, each job site is measured twice by project.” com/customerskb or on Instagram, @ 3–5 business days. CK&B’s measurement team—once before Chances are you are already a mem- customerskitchenbath. „ The company is an authorized dealer and then after the design is drawn. ber of CK&B’s family of loyal customers. of Kraftmaid Cabinetry, one of the pre- “At Customers Kitchen and Bath, we And if you have not yet discovered the Rochelle Maruch Miller is a contributing mium custom kitchen cabinet brands. use state-of-the-art technology like the premier destination for your perfect editor for the Five Towns Jewish Times. She is a journalist, creative media consultant, Additionally, CK&B represents other 2020 Design Software in order to give kitchen and bath, consider this your lecturer, and educator, and writes for semi-custom/custom kitchen compa- you a better vision of your space,” Arjun personal invitation. magazines, newspapers, websites, and private nies such as Hanssem Corporation. It explains. “Our design team works with “We would like to encourage your clients. She welcomes your comments at also represents full custom lines like our measurement crew and sales staff to readers to pay our showroom a visit to [email protected]. Read more of Omega Cabinetry. CK&B carries a full choose what’s best for you.” see our exclusive display of kitchen cab- Rochelle Miller’s articles at 5TJT.com. 66 3 THINGS EVERY SUMMER EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM MUST KNOW ABOUT PROMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY

BY JUDAH S. HARRIS ith the arrival of summer selves? Some defi nitely are and others, it comes the speedy decline of seems, are not. It has to do with a misun- the plenitude of large-size ad- derstanding or incomplete understanding

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, W vertisements for camp programs. These about how we, the recipients of the mes- newspaper appearances have all funded, in saging, respond to institutional promotion- part, the local publications in the communi- al photography. ty that would be willowy in character were Here are three suggestions that can help it not for the organizational dinners, open the professionals who direct summer pro- houses, Passover programs, and educational grams counter some of the mistakes that Travel Section Travel Judah S. Harris Judah S. Harris

enrollment opportunities for every season. many of us have seen. These ideas can help For summer, the ads have done their job and any program (camp, school, touring pro- now is the time to focus on the programs gram, museum, or travel destination) gain themselves,, and a great summer we hope not just more attention, but greater respect it will be. Summer programs are certainly in the eyes of many. not just about camp. There are also school programs, specialty learning programs, and #1 Happy Faces—A Lot destination travel programs for all ages. Of Them But if the marketing is no longer headline People do like to see themselves in pic- news, it’s still being thought about during tures (usually) and so will their family and the summer. This is the time to observe and friends. This was true before the selfi e ep- preserve the moments that can be shared idemic hit us. But don’t rely solely on the when the recruitment eff orts begin once smiling-for-the-camera shots or photos of again for 2019 before summer is out. large groups to raise your program’s pro- Most summer educational programs be- fi le. Keep these types of pictures separate ing run for kids or adults are fully aware that from more serious photography that actu- they need photography for marketing (vid- ally documents the programs you off er. eo too, but the topic for now is the photos, as Lots of faces proves that you have a each medium is distinct). We’re going to be crowd and implies that everyone is having seeing a lot of photographs even during the a great time. But if that’s all of what we see summer months, shared in weekly updates most frequently in your marketing pho- on the websites or in newsletters. tography, we lose the details of what these But are these programs really using people are actually involved with and photography eff ectively to promote them- what they are experiencing. Educational #2 Where Are We? space emerge that the viewers People pay for good content 67 Show your space, your cam- can partake of to imagine their with their time, and even those

pus, your physical environ- own experiences, or the experi- with no existing connection Travel Section to 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 ment. If you have a program ence of those who might come your program will enjoy if you that houses itself in a unique back on stage and use the space share a visual story that they historic building, a comfy or in an hour or two. fi nd informative and entertain- hi-tech classroom space, a nat- Do combine people and ing. For them, it’s about art, cul- ural, rustic setting that belongs space photographs in your pro- ture, the human experience, and on a postcard or two, or you’re motions, just not always in the discovering a new place. They located anywhere that the en- same picture. come for that, and in the process virons are enticing and diff er- will learn about your education- ent than every day for most #3 Don’t Leave It al program, your name, and your people, show it to us (we might To The Viewer— brand. Edit and categorize your want to visit!). Present The website galleries carefully and But don’t only show your Photos As You use nicely-designed banners space as a backdrop in photos Want Them To Be and graphics on the landing where there are always people Seen pages to promote your photo present. That’s certainly im- Edit the photographs you essay(s). If it’s special (it needs portant for photos about peo- have with care and think about to be), tout the photo essay to ple, in order to convey context how to present them. Don’t give your e-mail list and on social and setting. Interesting space, us everything. Edit your visual media. You can also post images however, needs to be seen on message by taking the best and selectively on Facebook as new- its own. The reason is because most informative photographs ly created albums to provide a we, as photographers, photo- and share those proudly with photo essay experience, or use

Judah S. Harris graph space diff erently based your audience. You can use in- a slideshow hosting program on if there are people or no peo- dividual shots (or a few) and (I’ve used Slideshare for many ple in the photo. We compose attach a short written story of mine; as an example, see my programs off er an experience Show us the faces of your par- diff erently, we use light diff er- or explanation, or you can as- Education photo essay at http:// and good photography is able to ticipants and the group you’ve ently, we have time to clean up semble 30–60 images that tell bit.ly/education-photo-essay). „ share that experience with the got going. Keep in mind, though, certain areas or prop if neces- a fuller story of your programs viewers by having them partake that photography that gets close sary (e.g., moving 2–3 colorful (or even one of them—camp ex- Judah S. Harris is a photographer, in the activity they are looking and gets involved is more grip- canoes lakeside to a strategic amples being color war, a hike, fi lmmaker, speaker, and writer. He has produced visual content for at in a photo. We need to really ping and more emotional. View- place in the scene, or rearrang- visiting day, the learning or numerous educational programs in see what people are doing and ers pay much more attention ing furniture pieces). When arts program), sequence them, the U.S. and Israel, and is also a noted there needs to be variety of ac- when they grasp a story they can physical space can be observed and off er them as a photo essay, photo educator. Judah’s narrative tivity because most educational relate to and want to know more on its own in a photograph, the a visual presentation that can photography has been featured on programs do off er variety, and a about. They are less interested in viewers are able to imagine be viewed full screen and that the covers of more than 40 works of literary fi ction, in advertising all good photographer can identify someone else’s children smiling themselves in the picture. They will grab not seconds of atten- over the world, and on the pages of that, thereby lending credibil- before the camera. They want to are free to move around with- tion, but full minutes of viewer publications ranging from The New ity to the substantive program know what experiences will get out distraction, and import- immersion. That’s gold in this York Times to Jewish Action. Visit that’s in place. their child to do the same. ant and enticing details of the day and age. his website judahsharris.com/folio. 68 of the top six teams (Canada, United Division, outscoring its three oppo- States, Iroquois, England, Australia, nents by a combined 55–8 in the three ANOTHER WORLD CUP and Scotland). games! Team Israel, which played in the In the fi rst post-pool round, Isra- COMES TO NETANYA tournament for the fi rst time in 2014 el beat Ireland by a score of 18–9 and

BY DAVID BERNKLAU ith soccer’s ever-popular tournament. That grew to 16 in 2002 Israel is the fi rst FIFA Men’s World Cup and more than doubled to 38 in 2014. Wconcluding this weekend, For 2018, the number of nations par- nation to host this another tournament like it, the Feder- ticipating increased by another 20+ ation of International Lacrosse (FIL) percent, to 46 national teams: Ar- quadrennial tournament Men’s World Lacrosse Championship gentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, (WLC), is beginning in Netanya, Isra- Bermuda, Canada, China, Colombia, where English is not July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, el. Israel is the fi rst nation to host this Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, quadrennial tournament, now in its England, Finland, France, Germany, the primary spoken 13th edition, where English is not the Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, primary spoken language. Iroquois, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Ja- Scott Neiss, executive director of the pan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, the language. Israel Lacrosse Association, and Miri- Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, am Feirberg-Ikar, the mayor of Netan- Peru, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico,

Travel Section Travel ya, held a press conference on May 23, Russia, Scotland, Slovakia, South Ko- (5774) and fi nished in seventh place then beat Germany 15–1, thus advanc- 2017, to announce that Israel would rea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tai- overall, is in the Red Division with ing to the quarterfi nal round (champi- host the WLC. wan, Turkey, Uganda, United States, Russia and Jamaica. Team Israel’s fi rst onship bracket). Unfortunately, Israel The WLC tournament runs from and Wales. game is on July 12, facing off against was nipped by Australia 9–8, and thus July 12–21. These 46 teams are divided into Team Jamaica at Netanya Stadium. could not fi nish in the top four. How- In the beginning, there were only 14 divisions for pool play in the fi rst In 2014, Team Israel had a 3–0 win– ever, Israel still had an opportunity to four nations participating in the WLC round. The Blue Division consists loss record in pool play in the Orange be in the top six (and thus in this year’s Blue Division) but Israel was nipped again, this time by England, 10–9 in overtime. Israel did fi nish in seventh place overall by beating Japan by a score of 15–10. Thus, Israel had a 6–2 win– loss record overall, outscoring its op- ponents 120–47 (a goal diff erence of 120–47=73). Israel’s 120 goals were the most scored by any single team in the tournament. In the eight games, Israel’s Ari Suss- man (graduate of Dartmouth in 2010) scored an impressive 27 goals and was credited with 15 assists on 15 others. Sussman will be among the 30 mem- bers of Team Israel competing in Ne- tanya. Of the 30 players on Team Israel’s roster, fi ve have are from New York: Kyle Bergman (New York City, Drexel 2012), Andrew Kruter (Bellmore, Hof- stra 2012), Daniel Leventhal (Chap- paqua, Tufts 2018), Eric Schneider (Massapequa, Hopkins 2018), and Max Seibald (Hewlett, Cornell 2009). The Israel–Jamaica game will be televised in the United States on ES- PNU on July 12 at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) and the U.S.–Iroquois Nationals game will be shown on ESPN2 at 1:30 p.m. Many other games will be shown on ESPNU, with the championship (gold medal) game on ESPN2 on July 21 starting at 3:00 a.m. ET. Israel will then play Russia on July 14 while the United States will play Australia on July 14, Canada on July 15, Scotland on July 16, and England on July 17, with the next round of games beginning on July 18. Thus, the big games will run from July 18–21, which is only four days. The gold med- al (championship) game on July 21 is the 175th game of the tournament, and so quite a number of games are packed into its 10-day duration. Therefore, if you happen to be in Ne- tanya, take in a couple of games and simply root, root, root for the home team; if not, choose between Team Israel and Team USA, which would make for a truly great gold medal game to conclude this 10-day “Netanya of Gold” festival! „ permit it based on Rav Moshe the Hebrew reads as follows: on chol ha’moed. 69 Feinstein’s psak that appears It is permitted for a hired After speaking to those

in the Chol HaMoed sefer, worker to take his vacation involved when the question Travel Section 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 HALACHIC MUSINGS and yet others forbid it based days in the summer when he was presented and written, By Rabbi Yair Hoffman upon this very same ruling. has some reason to take it then it seems that Rav Feinstein’s This question was posed to particularly (for example if he view is as follows: Rav , zt’l, in wishes to go to the mountains • Ideally, as a middas chas- 1980 by Rabbi Dovid Zucker during the summer).[He may sidus, one should not take va- and Rabbi Moshe Francis, do so] even if he knows that cation days during the sum- SUMMER VACATION who were working on the first through this he will be forced mer if he or she will have to edition of their Chol HaMoed to work on chol ha’moed. This work over chol ha’moed on ac- DAYS VERSUS CHOL sefer at the time. is not considered mechaven count of this, even if it would The language of the re- melachto la'moed. (Howev- be much more convenient. sponse was shown to Rav er, from the perspective of a • If, however, there is a HAMOED Moshe before it went to print. middas chassidus, a merito- pressing reason to do so, it t is perhaps one of the most es across the country range Rav Feinstein, zt’l, approved rious act, there is a maaleh would be permitted. pertinent questions that widely. Some rabbanim for- the text, but made some clar- not to take his vacation days • If there is no significant Iaff ect frum people who bid it entirely based upon the ifying additions of his own— during the summer so that he reason to do so, it would be work in corporate America. rulings of the Debreciner Rav which appear below. Rav will not have to work on Chol forbidden. May one take vacation days in (Be’er Moshe Vol. VII #69) Feinstein’s additions are in HaMo’ed.) However, if he has It is unclear, however, July and August if that would and, lbc’l, Rav Moshe Shter- parentheses. This author’s no reason to take his vacation whether the prohibition is mean he or she would have to nbuch, shlita (Moadim uZ- clarifying additions are in days during the summer, then work over chol ha’moed? manim Vol. IV #305). Others brackets. In his ruling (#18), he must take them specifically Continued on Page 70 This is a relevant question because approximately 73 percent of Americans get a set number of paid vacation days each year. Most of them get only 10 days. The span is some- where between four and twen- ty days, according to a 2013 study by the Center for Eco- nomic and Policy Research. Can an employee who gets, say, 10 vacation days a year, take them during August and go on summer vacation with his family if that would mean he would have to work over chol ha’moed? Or is this con- sidered mechaven melachto la’moed, purposely scheduling his work on chol ha’moed rath- er than some other time? Is a person obligated to take his or her vacation days on chol ha’moed? Before we examine this question, however, let’s get some background on the meaning of mechaven melachto la’moed. The Prohibition There is a prohibition dis- cussed in the Mishnah of Moed Kattan and quantifi ed in Shul- chan Aruch (536:1, 537:16, and 538:1) called “Mechaven melachto la’moed,” which means directing his work to take place on Chol HaMo’ed. The issue is so important that the Maha- ril (Hilchos Chol HaMoed #4) writes that one who does so is counted among those who den- igrate the moadim (see Pirkei Avos 3:11) and loses his portion in the World to Come. The Sefer HaChinuch (Mitz- vah 323) explains the reason behind mechaven melachto la’moed. He writes: “Not to perform labor were the days of chol ha’moed established, but rather to rejoice before Hash- em—that is to hear words of Torah, etc.” Major Controversy This question is one that many bnei Torah ask their rav or posek, and the respons- 70 HALACHIC MUSINGS Conclusion Continued from Page 69 The issue of vacation days in sum- mer versus chol hamoed is not a simple COMMUNITY NEWS FROM because of full-fledged mechaven one. There may be a diff erence between melachto la'moed or because of a dif- someone with less job security and ferent type of prohibition, which is someone with more job security. AROUND THE WORLD essentially understood as “forcing It is, however, very important to oneself to be in a mechaven melachto spend time with family and to vacation situation.” This author’s view is that with them. Therapists point out that a HASC Center’s Newly it is the latter. key factor in making sure our children Designed and Equipped remain drug-free and mentally healthy Sensory Room Another Issue is spending quality time with them— Dedicated In Loving Another issue is that of consequences. from eating dinner together to vacation- Memory Of Judy Klein, Was Rav Feinstein’s ruling issued under ing together. A good family vacation is a A’H the presumption that a person would healthy bonding experience. By Dr. Chaim Wakslak

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, On July 4, a newly designed senso- ry room with state-of-the-art sensory equipment was dedicated by the Wor- It is very important to gon, Framowitz, and Porat families at the HASC Center Day Program located Shmiel Kahn of HASC at 1221 East 14th Street in Brooklyn in spend time with family. memory of Judy Klein, a’h, a beloved

Travel Section Travel family member. This new therapeutic area combines a range of stimuli to help actually be fi red if he took off more days It is also true that the prohibition of individuals develop and engage their during chol ha’moed? Or was he discuss- directing one’s work to take place over senses through the use of lights, colors, ing a case where the boss would be mild- chol ha’moed needs to be taught in our sounds, sensory soft play objects, and ly upset but that the employee would not shuls, yeshivos, and Bais Yaakov schools. aromas, all within a safe environment. actually be fi red [but his pay would be Many people would be shocked to hear The multisensory room allows the per- docked]? If it is the latter, would there be that if one violates this halachah, a beis son using it to explore and interact with- a diff erent halachah? When this ques- din can, under certain circumstances, out risk. This type of an environmental tion was posed by this author to those actually declare a person’s handiwork experience is aimed at changing how the involved when the question was posed, that was specifi cally directed to be done brain reacts to touch, sound, sight, and Ladies of HASC they were uncertain. The author of Sefer over chol ha’moed to be ownerless and movement and is particularly benefi cial disabilities. Judy started at HASC when Moadei Hashem (page 107) assumes taken by others. for individuals who are on the autistic she fi rst attended the HASC pre-school that Rav Moshe’s response was only if The point is that we must truly re- spectrum. Hadassah Halberthal, day ha- program followed by her participation the employee would be fi red if he took joice during this time and not treat chol bilitation supervisor, is credited with de- in the HASC Center educational and off both times. This, however, is not so ha’moed lightly. „ signing and implementing the construc- vocational programs for a period of over clear. The issue of davar ha’aved would The author can be reached at tion of the new HASC Center addition. 50 years. The family wished to express also come in to play and thus needs to be Yairhoff [email protected]. Read more of Rabbi This tribute to the memory of Judy their gratitude for the care, love, and presented to a qualifi ed rav or posek. Hoff man’s articles at 5TJT.com. Klein, a’h, a woman with developmental enhancement of Judy’s overall quality of life by aff ording HASC Center a new strating and exemplifying the spirit ate meaningful relationships with new Ohel’s Early Childhood 71 venue by which they could help others of tikkun olam, a central Jewish value awardees through networking and men- Mental Health maximize their potential. meaning “repair the world.” Since 2007, torship. Many past recipients have also Recognized For Impact Travel Section 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 A brief but poignant ceremony took the program has awarded more than $4 been recognized by some of the most pres- In Community place to inaugurate the sensory room. million to 114 teens in recognition of tigious institutions and leaders, including In June, Ohel’s Early Childhood Men- Shmiel Kahn, executive director of their vision, innovation, and demon- the United Nations Foundation, the Jef- tal Health (ECMH) professional team HASC Center, welcomed all of the as- stration of leadership. ferson Awards, the Prudential Spirit Of of staff was one of the seven teams hon- sembled, which included many mem- “This past year has clearly demon- Community Awards, The White House, ored as guests at a celebratory luncheon bers of Judy’s family. He recalled the strated the power of youth and their and former president Barack Obama. at the NYU School of Law to acknowl- dedication of Judy’s parents, who in the ability to engage in helping repair our The 2018 Diller Teen Tikkun Olam edge the ECMH network and partners late 1960s were insistent on fi nding a world,” said Jackie Safi er, president of Awards recipients were selected by involved in the ECMH two-year mile- school program that addressed both her the Helen Diller Family Foundation. committees composed of community stone of the program. educational and religious needs. Their “The 2018 Diller Teen Tikkun Olam leaders and educators located in cities Ohel’s ECMH program provides ser- dedication was manifested by their Award recipients are confronting some around the country. Candidates com- vices to parents or caregivers with a self-sacrifi cing commitment to drive of the most complex and divisive issues pleted detailed applications describing young child facing behavioral, social, or Judy to the HASC school rather than of our time with a passion, determina- their projects, goals, impact, inspira- anxiety challenges. In addition, Ohel’s avail themselves of the public school tion, and courageousness that we can tions and challenges, fundraising tac- ECMH program serves the needs of program that would have included all admire and hope to emulate. These tics, and major accomplishments. El- those parents or caregivers with a young transportation services. teens continue to remind us that indi- igible applicants were United States child who may feel overwhelmed and/or Susan Aranov spoke at the event and viduals of any age can be leaders and residents, between 13 and 19 years of depressed. shared her memories of Judy’s friend- advocates who seek to positively impact age at the time of the application dead- The importance of the program was ship by emphatically declaring, “Judy the world in a signifi cant way.” line, who self-identify as Jewish. A cel- highlighted by the attendance of Alex- was my best friend. I miss her so much.” Fostering a collaborative community ebratory awards ceremony honoring the is Confer, executive director of Thrive; Several of those assembled also recalled among recipients and bolstering nation- teens will be held in San Francisco on Gary Belkin, executive deputy com- Judy as one who was loved by all. She al recognition of these forward-thinking Monday, August 20. missioner of the Department of Men- always had a bright smile on her face, teens is a primary goal of the Diller Teen The 2018 recipients encourage any- tal Health; and Donna Bradbury from particularly at parties where she crafted Tikkun Olam Awards. Past recipients one interested in nominating a teen to OMH. gifts and distributed them to everyone continue to inspire their peers to follow begin the nomination process at dil- she knew. Others remembered Judy as in their tikkun olam footsteps and cre- lerteenawards.org. „ Continued on Page 72 being an integral part of every HASC Center drama presentation. Judy was a phenomenal actress, as drama was Judy’s favorite activity. Another talent and activity that Judy adored was art, and she especially loved to paint in the company of Teril Buxbaum. At the cer- emony Teril Buxbaum presented Judy’s family with a beautiful painting that she and Judy drew together. Additionally Rabbi Salgo, rav of HASC Center, gave divrei berachah, pointing out that the actual meaning of the word “chaver” is “connection,” which is exactly who Judy was, a person who had a connec- tion and a special relationship with all of her friends. May her neshamah have an aliyah. „ 15 Youth Leaders From The U.S. Receive National Award And $36,000 For Giving Voice To World’s Most Underserved Populations The Helen Diller Family Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francis- co, the Peninsula, Marin, and Sonoma Counties, today announced the recip- ients of its annual Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards. Now in its 12th year, the national awards recognize young change makers who are committed to undertaking the most urgent and press- ing challenges faced by communities around the globe. This year’s awards recipients are the creators of non-profi t organizations, widely adopted school curriculums, stu- dent-led volunteer programs, and more that address issues from school bully- ing, sexual harassment, and sexism to health disparities, homelessness, and discrimination. Each awardee will re- ceive $36,000 in support of their phil- anthropic vision. Full descriptions of all 15 award recipients and their initiatives can be found at dillerteenawards.org. The Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards began in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2007 as the vision of Bay Area philan- thropist Helen Diller. The Diller Teen Awards recognize Jewish teens demon- 72 HALACHIC MUSINGS of being endorsed by NYS As- Continued from Page 71 sociation of Infant Mental Health: Raizel Keilson, Deb- Among the many speakers orah Fung, Irina Derkacheva, were Ohel representatives, in- Naomi Steinberg, Chani Schul- cluding Deborah Fung, men- tz, and Tzivy Reiter. tal-health consultant, and Ms. For more information and Mee Ling, an early learn site details about Ohel’s Early director at BCA Childcare, pro- Childhood Mental Program, viding a unique window into visit OhelFamily.org/ECMH or Ohel’s mental-health consulta- call 1-800-603-OHEL. „ tion work in the Chinese com- munity. Full House At All the members of Ohel’s Ohel’s 14th Annual ECMH team have taken the Golf Day

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, accreditation exam for Triple Ohel’s recent 14th annual P—Positive Parenting Pro- Rosemil Healthcare Golf & gram. This is an international- Tennis Classic Tournament ly recognized, evidence-based took place on June 18, 2018, fi ve-level parenting treatment at Engineers Country Club, model. and included a fi rst-time Special congratulations to round-robin tennis competi- Deborah Fung, Chani Schultz, tion. Naomi Steinberg, Aliza Trop- Ohel’s early-childhood mental-health team per, Irina Derkacheva, Raizel Rosa, and David Leibtag for be- Infant Mental Health (NYS- Keilson, and Tzivy Reiter for ing accredited in Level 3. AIMH). being accredited in Level 4, Ohel has been accepted as NYS-AIMH’s endorsement and Gladys Feliciano, Naava part of the NYS Association of recognizes the competency of the agency and the ability of its professionals who work with or on behalf of infants and young children up to age fi ve and their families. This endorsement uses a national- ly recognized set of standards and competencies that defi ne best practice and guide pro- fessional development across disciplines. Six members of Ohel’s ECMH staff are in the process The winning foursome 73 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018

Jason Eisman driving on Hole 4 David Brecher smashing a point Over 125 golfers and tennis play- and Luke Wilson, and the tennis com- foster children, coming from homes come and cope with all of life’s chal- ers gathered to enjoy a festive day of petition was won by Howard Hersh- of abuse and/or neglect, but in addi- lenges.” sports, delicious food, and an inspir- kovich with Dovid Schulman finish- tion positively enriches the biologi- Individuals interested in the many pro- ing program. ing in second place. cal children of foster families. grams and services that Ohel provides The day began with a delicious However, thanks to generous spon- Special thanks to Stephen and should contact Ohel at 800-603-OHEL breakfast spread while the golfers sors, many more participants won Eve Milstein and Rosemil Health- (6435) or visit OhelFamily.org. „ practiced on the putting green and amazing prizes, from flat-screen TVs care for being the event sponsor, driving range in preparation for the to Broadway tickets at the raffle give- and to FM Home Loans, Cross River tournament and contests. away. Bank, and all of the other generous Thereafter, golfers began the golf- Dinner, sponsored by Omni Man- sponsors. Ohel also thanks Golf and WHAT’S ing day, with the traditional Ohel pit aged Health, was preceded by a Tennis Classic chairpersons Ben stops for a barbecue lunch, with serv- cocktail hour, with sushi and appe- Englander, Izzy Kaufman, Jona- ing stations spread throughout the tizers, as everyone prepared for the than Marks, Jeffrey Schwartz, and YOUR golf course. night’s program and lavish dinner. Michelle Sulzberger without whom Later in the morning, tennis enthu- Special guest speaker Dr. Ruchi this event would not be possible. siasts enjoyed a spirited and compet- Kushner, an Ohel foster mother, Said Ben Englander, “The Ohel OPINION? itive tennis tournament play, despite spoke movingly about the choice to Golf and Tennis Classic is a won- the hot sun. The run of play went become a foster family. She spoke derful way to spend time with my down to the wire! about the importance and need for son in support of Ohel’s children E-MAIL US AT The winning foursome was Ira Bal- foster parents, and how foster par- and families. Thanks to their many sam, Barry Ness, Scott Sulzberger, enting not only elevates the lives of programs, people are able to over- [email protected] 74 Violators of the Israel Anti-Boycott Miller And Curran Act would face criminal penalties of Provide Grant up to 10 years in prison and fines of To Oceanside Library POLITICAL ROUNDUP as much as $1 million. The bill is next Assemblywoman Melissa Miller to be considered by the full House of (R,C,Ref-Atlantic Beach) and Assem- Representatives. blyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st Said OU President Mark (Moishe) A.D.) are pleased to announce they UOA Welcomes which now has 287 co-sponsors. They Bane: “We are very grateful for the have secured a $13,000 bullet aid House Foreign Aff airs also heard from backers of the U.S. hard work and dedication of Sens. grant for the Oceanside Library. Committee Passage of Senate’s version of the bill (S. 720) Ben Cardin and Rob Portman and “Libraries are more than just plac- Bipartisan Israel including Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Reps. Peter Roskam and Juan Vargas es to borrow books. They provide the Anti-Boycott Act Ted Cruz (R-Texas), James Lankford to move the Israel Anti-Boycott Act opportunity for communities to come The Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- (R-Okla.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), and forward. We will continue to work together and expand their horizons,” gregations of America, the nation’s Charles Schumer (D-NY). with our congressional leaders so said Miller. “I am so pleased we can largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella or- The legislation was first introduced that this legislation is brought to the help the Oceanside Library increase

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, ganization, welcomes the House For- in March 2017 by Sens. Cardin and entire U.S. House and Senate before its security system and its reach to eign Affairs Committee’s unanimous Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and U.S. Reps. the end of the year.” better include adults with special passage of bipartisan legislation that Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) and Juan Var- Said OU Advocacy Center Execu- needs into the community. Securing would prohibit U.S. companies from gas (D-Calif.) in response to the Unit- tive Director Nathan Diament: “This funding for the Oceanside Library, participating in boycotts promoted by ed Nations Human Rights Council’s legislation is significant because it and other local libraries in need, is international organizations that tar- passage of a resolution urging nations both hinders and highlights the tac- something we will continue to cam- get Israel and other U.S. partners. around the world to pressure compa- tics of those involved in the anti-Se- paign for in the future to guarantee The Israel Anti-Boycott Act (H.R. nies not to do business in or with Is- mitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanc- libraries can continue to provide for 1697), was a centerpiece issue during rael. The UN resolution also calls for tions against Israeli industry. We as the future generations of our commu- the OU Advocacy Center’s Annual the creation of a “blacklist” of compa- a nation must stop these malevolent nities.” Leadership Mission to Washington, nies that operate in or have business efforts at every turn, and the House Oceanside Library is planning on DC on June 13. OU delegates met with relationships beyond Israel’s 1949 Foreign Affairs Committee’s unani- using the funds for two projects, the a bipartisan group of U.S. representa- Armistice Lines, including East Jeru- mous vote is a strong and important first to enhance its security system. tives to urge them to support the bill, salem. step in doing so.” „ The second project is to increase the amount of programs they host for special-needs adults, including pro- grams on work readiness and social situations. “I am very happy to announce that Assemblywoman Miller and I were able secure this additional state fund- ing for the Oceanside Library,” said Curran. “The library is an important resource center for this communi- ty, and we will continue to advocate for funding so that, when necessary, we can make improvements and up- grades to ensure that our library serves our residents for many years to come.” „ Visit 5TJT.com for Daily Editor's Blog, "Live with Larry Gordon" videos, as well as exclusive News Analysis by Jake Novak 75 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018

YILB Annual Free EDM, and a twist of R&B and soul. NJB Concert By The Sea will have you jumping out of your seats The City of Long Beach, New York, wanting to dance and sing along. So in conjunction with the Young Israel of what does NJB sound like? Think Bruno Long Beach will once again present its Mars meets Pentatonix … in shul! annual summer concert on the board- The concert is being presented in walk with the music of the Nice Jewish conjunction with the Young Israel of Boys group. Long Beach. The concert will take place Ready for something new? From all on the boardwalk and Long Beach Bou- corners of the music world, co-founders levard on Sunday night, July 29, at 7:00 Erez Cohen and George Rubin proudly p.m. This event will serve as a welcome NJB to appear at Long Beach present Nice Jewish Boys. These NJBs to the many families who come to Long Young Israel this summer. Prior to the This program is being chaired by Ye- combine their origins in a cappella with Beach to enjoy their summer vacations. concert there will a barbecue for fam- chezkel and Michele Brucker. their passion for pop, blending together It is just one of the many activities and ilies affi liated with Chai Lifeline who traditional Jewish music with top 40, special events being planned at the have been invited to join in the concert. Continued on Page 76 76 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS

Continued from Page 75 has instituted several special summer programs and initiatives. „ During the summer months there is a large infl ux of families from the What Kiruv Looks Like greater metropolitan area who come By Heshy Blachorsky to the City by the Sea to enjoy the If a picture is worth a thousand words, magnifi cent boardwalk, relaxing at- my visit this past Shabbos to Camp mosphere, and amenities. The Young Nageela would populate a library.

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Israel of Long Beach sees as part of its I have seen fi rsthand the selfl ess and mission to provide for the overall re- endless dedication that Rabbi Dovid ligious, spiritual, social, and cultural Shenker and his staff put into JEP-LI needs of the summer guests. To meet and Camp Nageela at the Long Island this responsibility, the Young Israel offi ce. I have heard many stories about

JEP melaveh malkah the camp itself. This past weekend, I wife and I were a bit more nervous. But had the privilege to witness the tremen- when we fi rst pulled up, Rabbi Shenker dous work that the Shenker family does was standing in the parking lot, along in Camp Nageela. When I say “family,” it with his son, waiting, helping us park, is precisely that. Rav Dovid and his Reb- escorting us in to the camp, and show- betzin Basi run the camp as one big fam- ing us around. We felt like VIPs. Howev- ily. From the dozen or so staff members er, after just 20 minutes in the camp we who are actually named Shenker to the realized that is how everyone at Camp uber-devoted counselors, and, most im- Nageela is treated. portantly the campers, the atmosphere We had the opportunity to meet many is largely a familial one. of the staff members and a multitude of Not sure what to expect on our way the campers over Shabbos, witnessing up, my two little boys were excited about the amazing program that Camp Nagee- JEP Havdallah going to camp. To tell you the truth, my la runs. At fi rst glance (and second and 77 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018

Nageela girls lighting Shabbos candles Personal perspectives on what Shabbos means to the Nageela girls Rabbi Shenker does not miss an op- Most impressive though, are the Rabbi Shenker with Nageela girls portunity to educate the girls. Wheth- number of campers who were back for er it is the introductions to Kiddush their second, third, and even fi fth sum- third), this looks like any other ordinary little to no affi liation. There is no Shab- and Havdallah, the song composi- mer. Many of the counselors were them- girls camp (although, in full disclosure, bos back at home. tions he’s compiled, or just his Shab- selves campers. That is the real sign I’ve never spent time at one). The activi- These girls come up to camp and bos-afternoon session of “Stump the of success. There are families that are ties are like any other camp (just better), Rabbi Shenker and the staff are like Rabbi,” Rav Dovid is teaching around frum today only because their daughter the programs, the Shabbos, the meals. “nishmas b’apav ruach chaim.” To see the clock. or son attended Camp Nageela. Girls all davening, singing zemiros, en- girls who have barely any foundation After Shabbos we were invited to a Camp Nageela is situated on a large joying oneg Shabbos—just like at any of Yiddishkeit sitting around Shabbos melaveh malkah. There were over 100 campus. The campgrounds are com- other camp—but with one small diff er- morning and davening is nothing short girls singing along with all the popular plete with basketball courts, hockey ence—most of the girls attend public of amazing. There are learning sessions chassidic songs. The love for Torah and courts, nature trails, tree houses, base- schools during the school year. Many of throughout the day that are intriguing, mitzvos instilled over the summer is the campers hail from homes that have fun, and educational. palpable. Continued on Page 78 78 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS

Continued from Page 77 impression on my family and me. It isn’t possible to fully fathom the work and ball fi elds, indoor/outdoor swimming success of the very humble Rabbi and pools, and most any amenity found in a Rebbetzin Shenker without witnessing camp. There is even a full petting farm them in action. (we always knew where to fi nd our I would urge others to visit the camp boys). and experience it for themselves. The camp hosts girls for July and For more information, to get involved,

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, then boys for August. There is a Rosh and to support JEP/Nageela, contact Hashanah/Yom Kippur program on the Jennifer S. Zwiebel, JEP’s director of PR grounds for the families of the campers and development, at 516-374-1528, ext. to participate in—at no charge! 240, or [email protected]. Visit in person or The camp experience is something at campnageela.org and jepli.org. „ we all take with us for life. How often do we fi nd ourselves reminiscing about our Woodmere Fire Truck summers at camp? The experience that Shines At Avnet these young boys and girls are taking As part of the new chesed program with them for life is a connection to Yid- at HALB’s Avnet Country Day School, dishkeit. This experience is invaluable, campers participated in a special car- one that will be a part of them forever. wash this week to benefi t Tomchei Seeing the Shenkers and Camp Shabbos Yad Yeshaya of the Five Towns. Nageela in action made a tremendous The children needed extra soap and wa- Avnet Car Wash ter and a lot more elbow grease when a fi re truck pulled up from the Woodmere Fire Department! The chesed program is a new off ering at Avnet for children entering third grade and up. Parents and community members also took advan- tage of the top-notch shining services for their cars. “We added chesed to our already packed schedule of sports and spe- cialties to encourage our campers to demonstrate good middos,” said direc- ¤œ¤’Ž¡Š‹‹Šš“˜ထ¤ŽŠŒ’Ž¡£Šš£ŽŠ–Ž¡£ tor Daniel Stroock. “Avnet provides a ª’œŽš¡“Œ’Žœ¦¡œ£¤ဖ£Ž˜“šŠ¡®ªœ˜Žšဠ£ Torah environment as a carryover from —ŽŠ¡›“š‘¡œ‘¢Š˜¤’“£­ŽŠ¡‹­£’Š¡“š‘ the school year and we want to give our Thank children continued opportunities to ªœ¡£œœ¡Š’Šš“š£“¡Š¤“œš perform mitzvos while they enjoy their summer.” you Upcoming projects include making ¡£န ŠŒ–“Ž“Ŵœš ¡£န˜“¤Š‘’œ¦‹“ and delivering paper fl owers and cards ¡£နœŒ’Ž—’ŠŽ¤¯ ¡£န“¨–Š¦“š for nursing home residents, designing ¡£နŒ’Š—“’¡Ž“š Š¨œ¡ŽŒ’Š“¦¡‘ board games for hospital-bound chil- dren, and an initiative for lone soldiers £န’Ž¨“ Š¡Ŋš–Ž— Š¨¯¨“¡œ–Ž¡ in Israel. „ ¡£န’Š“š­ —“Œ–˜Šš Š¨¡®Ž’œ’Žš Avnet’s Annual ¡£န—ŠšŠ ŠŒœ‹£ Š¨œŠ˜ “¬ Carnival ¡£န’œ£’ŠššŠ ŠŽ‘Ž¡ Š¨ Š¨ ¡“Ž˜Šš ¡£နŠš“Ž——Š—Ž“š Š¨Ž“š“£’ “š£‹¦¡‘ ¡£န£¤’Ž¡ှ¡—œ£–­ဿŽ“‹Ž¡™Šš ¡န’Š¡—“Ž Š¡Š¡® ¡£န“šŠŠ¤’Šš Š¨Šš“Ž—Š—“£’ ¡£န¡“¤£¤’Ž¡“¤Ž¡ Š¨Žš¯“œš—Š¤¯–œ ¡£န“šŠŒ’œœš˜Š–Ž¡ Š¨ ¦Š’“£Œ’Ž— ¡£န’ŠšŠ“—¨Ž¡ Š¨ŽšŠŒ’Ž˜“££Ž— ¡£န’Šš“œ£’¤Š“š Š¨œ£’ŽŽ“š‹Ž¡‘Ž¡ Ž‹‹Ž¤¯“š­¢›ŠŽ“š‹Ž¡‘Ž¡ Š¨Žš‘—“š ¡£န¦¡“Ž“š‘œ¤ Š¨¦££“Ž Š–¦¤“š£–­

Thank you ¤œ¤’Ž‘ŽšŽ¡œ¦£œšœ¡£Šš£œš£œ¡£œ¡˜Š–“š‘’ဠŽŽŠœ££“‹—Žန œ£œš£œ¡Šš¦Œœ˜“š‘Ž¨Žš¤ထ—ŽŠ£ŽŒœš¤ŠŒ¤“šœၟ£’ŽŽŠနœ¡‘ Avnet Carnival HALB’s Avnet Country Day School Wishing everyone a healthy and relaxing summer! held its annual carnival this past Mon- day. Send In The Clowns, the same company that plans events for the New York Mets, set up a massive carnival on Avnet’s sprawling softball fi elds. When campers arrived, they immediately took notice of the massive infl atable slides, Located in Aish Kodesh: 894 Woodmere Place, Woodmere bounce houses, and rides. The children Ćāćċćċƫ!40ċĂƫđƫ333ċ/$!!"ċ+.# had a blast bouncing, jumping, and slid- ing with their friends! „ I thinking? On the other hand, they homes and hearts. Yes, our love is un- 79 need to consider each other’s feelings. conditional, but so should be our re-

How many times have I told them how spect for them.„ 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 WEEKLY KVETCH precious the relationship should be be- By Klara tween the two of them and with their Klara has been an educator for the past 30 years brothers, too? That they are each oth- in the United States and in Israel. She holds a master’s degree in education and a bachelor’s er’s true best friend and their relation- degree in English literature. Klara presently ship is so valuable and should always teaches at a Jewish day school and has been be cherished. Well, it took them about involved in Jewish day schools in the United SILENT LESSONS States and Canada. She recently published an hour to realize that, or they just got s a teacher of middle-school- Because we know that no matter how hungry, or maybe my not-talking was two children’s books in collaboration with her son—“When My Daddy Snores” and “When 2 ers, I get my buttons pushed snippy and snarky we may behave, we actually making an impression. In any Clouds Kiss”—under the pen name Ima and Aoften enough and fi nd myself will still have their unconditional de- case, they came to me all sorry and lov- Ben. They are available on Amazon.com. For repeatedly counting to ten so I don’t votion and love, as they have ours. Af- ing and sisterly. Until the next time… questions or comments, she can be reached at combust on my students. After all, I do [email protected]. Read more of Klara’s love my job and want to keep it. But as articles at 5TJT.com. a parent, I have found that, at times, my fuse becomes much shorter with Do we always treat those my own children. Here, too, I defi nitely Remember love my job and certainly want to keep dearest to us the best? it. So why the shorter fuse? that article? That’s easy enough to answer. My ex- Visit our archive section pectations from my own fl esh and blood are obviously much higher. But here’s ter all, what’s a little moody attitude But it got me thinking, and now I and find any issue of the where it’s going to get confusing. How among family? want you thinking. Let’s all take a step 5 Towns Jewish Times many times have I told my own daugh- So as I was sitting and reading, not back and ask ourselves if the people ters that if they treated their friends the one word was comprehensible, because who share our workspace, classrooms, online @ way they treat each other, they wouldn’t I felt terrible. How could I tell my kids shuls, and community deserve more www.5TJT.com have any friends; ergo, they treat their I wouldn’t speak to them? What was respect than the ones who share our friends with much more patience and courtesy. And here hypocrite Mom is more patient with her sometimes quite annoying and disrespectful students than with her own children. Do you see where this gets problematic? But it be- comes even more complicated because in the end this will all make perfect sense and not be hypocritical at all— just stay with me. The other day I had a real epiphany when my two lovable daughters were having a ridiculous argument. (I’m not being judgmental; it was really ridic- ulous.) There they were, each getting insulted from the other, and I was at my boiling point. I just couldn’t stand to hear the bickering, and I declared loudly that until they speak civilly to one another, I was not going to speak to either one of them. If they needed anything they should go to their father, since they could not speak to me either. Between you and me, I just needed a couple of hours of quiet. I then took the book that I couldn’t wait to fi nish read- ing since I had last put it down like four Shabbatot ago and made a huff y exit to my porch to sit and relax in quiet. Now, my children have never heard me say that I was not going to talk to them or that they could not talk to me. After the shocked looks wore off , I could see they were very upset. Of course, I felt a pinch in my heart, but off to the porch I went anyway. I had to stand fi rm and make them realize that it is not enough to love each other, which I know they do; they have to treat each other more respectfully. (They are ages 13 and 15, if you’re curious, and yes, I know I’m asking a lot.) But this isn’t just a teenage thing, is it? If we are all completely honest with ourselves, do we always treat those dearest to us the best? Do I have the same patience with my husband as I have with a student or a friend? Would I ever snap back at them? Of course not! Would I snap back at my husband? Of course! Who do I love more? Not a con- test, is it? So why do we sometimes— OK, most of the time—treat friends, colleagues, etc., better than those we love so much? 80 Upcoming Events Free Weekly Summer NEWS FROM Shiur for Women for eight consecutive Tuesdays, July 3– August 21 at 8:15 p.m. at Con- THE HILLS gregation Etz Chaim of Kew By Chanita Teitz Gardens Hills, 147-19 73rd Av- enue. Rabbi Zvi Lew, popular limudei kodesh educator, will It was wonderful to hear the pital and Yoni Netanyahu, the deliver a weekly summer shi- news that the soccer team and commander of the rescue team, ur for women on Interesting coach in Thailand have all been was killed at the very end, just Personalities in Tanach. This rescued. I can only imagine before getting onto the plane to free lecture series is open to all what they went through the return to Israel. women. For more information past two weeks and the respon- So many volunteers worked call 718-575-0594.

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, sibility on the shoulders of their non-stop to get those boys and Chazaq seniors event Rosh Chodesh Av meet- coach to keep the boys safe and their coach out of the cave. name says it all. Hashem, our lived in and worked for their ing of our wonderful Amen mentally alert and calm. It had Israel gave the rescuers the Father, will comfort us from the entire lives, instead of moving group. Sisterhood of the Young to be very frightening sitting technology that helped with loss of the Beis HaMikdash and to a retirement community or Israel of Hillcrest invites all there in the dark and wet cave. communication. As I write this, our long galus. an old-age home. Also on the the women of our extended I am reminded of the most all the boys are in the hospital agenda were presentations on Jewish community to join on recent case in Israel of a school being checked for malnutrition Past Events resources available for seniors Friday, July 13, at 8:00 a.m. at trip that ended in some stu- and will slowly be put back on a from New York City, and an the Young Israel, Jewel Avenue dents drowning in a fl ash fl ood, solid diet. I hope that they will Chazaq Hosts open mic for talented seniors. at 170th Street (Rabbi Sholem and also of the three boys who be able to see their parents soon Yet Another A delicious barbecue meal was B. Kowalsky Way). Event is in were kidnapped and murdered. and will return to their homes Successful Seniors served, and afterwards a cele- memory of shul founder, Pearl Everyone rallied in tefi llah and and to playing soccer. Event bratory cake was cut to thank Beylus, Penina bat Yehoshua in rescue eff orts. Unfortunate- We are entering the Nine On June 12, Chazaq held Councilman Rory Lancman Yosef. Rena Perkal Greenberg ly, some rescues don’t end hap- Days—the most catastrophic yet another successful seniors for his generous support of the will, iy’h, honor attendees with pily. time in Jewish history. Let us event. The event, held at the Chazaq Senior Program. her beautiful Hallel. Berachah I am reminded of the Enteb- hope that everyone stays safe Young Israel of Queens Valley, refreshments will be served. be rescue, which although suc- here, in camps, on vacations, featured speakers discussing Chazaq’s 17th Of Come and bring a friend—she cessful, ended in a melancholy in Israel, and around the world. Aging in Place, the concept that Tammuz Program will thank you—and you will victory. One Israeli woman was As we enter the month of Men- seniors should spend their gold- Unites The both come away inspired and later killed in a Ugandan hos- achem Av let us realize that the en years in the same homes they Community ready to take on the new month. The three weeks between Shidduch Meeting. the 17 Tammuz and Tishah L’Chaim Shidduch Organiza- B’Av are days when Jews tion invites women on Sunday, worldwide begin a mourning July 15, 2:00 p.m. to the home period over the destruction of Anita Kerper, 147-13 77 of the Beis HaMikdash. This Road, 718-591-4338. Co-hosts: solemn time on the Jewish Chana Sandler and Zehava calendar begins and ends with Deitsch. Present your single communal fasts. friends and family, ages 30+. Many of our great Sages have Please bring four copies of each warned that people should not résumé (if possible with a pic- allow the fasts to go by with ture) for each single you wish to simply not eating and drinking. present. Refreshments will be Rather one must spend time served. For a zechus for a refuah doing some introspection to see sheleimah for Mindel bas Feiga. how he or she can improve their The Big Chazaq Event VI, A character traits, relationships, Night of Unity and Inspiration, and connection to Hashem. Sunday, July 15. Doors open As such, for years Chazaq has 6:30 p.m., event begins 7:30 p.m. been at the forefront of uniting at Elite Palace 69-02 Garfi eld all segments of the community Avenue, Woodside. Featuring: for all-day lectures on Tishah Charlie Harary, Rabbi YY Ja- B’Av at the Beth Gavriel Cen- cobson, Rabbi Eli Mansour, Rav ter in Queens. This year, with David Yosef (special guest from the fast of 17 Tammuz falling Israel). Free valet parking, con- on a Sunday, Chazaq organized cession station on premises, su- an all-day lecture series at the shi, snacks, and drinks. Tickets: Agudah of KGH (located in $18, $36, VIP. Group rates avail- YCQ) attracting men and wom- able. For information and tick- en of all ages and backgrounds ets, visit BigChazaqEvent.com, throughout the day along with call 718-285-9132, or e-mail many more viewing live on To- [email protected]. rahanytime.com. Queens Hatzolah Pre- “The purpose of this event mier Men’s Event, July 23 was to promote unity,” said at 6:30 p.m. at the Queens Yaniv Meirov, operations man- Museum featuring Ohad, Ye- ager of Chazaq. “Instead of didim Choir, and the Aaron wasting their time on this day Teitelbaum Orchestra. Grand of mourning, we had people of BBQ, raffl es, wine-tasting, and all backgrounds joining togeth- more. RSVP: 917-717-2131 or er to hear rabbanim from vari- QueensHatzolah.org/BBQ. „ ous communities speak about loving one another, preventing Chanita Teitz is a real-estate broker lashon ha’ra, and bringing the at Astor Brokerage in Kew Gardens Hills, serving the entire Queens geulah…truly the greatest way vicinity. For all your real-estate to spend the fast.” needs, call her at 718-263-4500 or For more information about e-mail [email protected]. Chazaq’s fabulous work please Read more of Chanita Teitz’s articles visit Chazaq.org. at 5TJT.com. 81 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018



Pidyan Haben Coin Gemach Beautiful business-size cards with Kiruv Please Call Yachov Friedman websites, are available for free (to give to not-yet-Frum 646-419-0782 people). Please text or call 718-501-2110 SBG Moving LLC Local & Long Distance. Insured, July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Full service moving company. We pack and Boro Park Ladies & Children Coat Gemach accepting move full houses. Call Shalom at 347-276-7422 for gently used coats in excellent condition. Woodmere drop-off . free in house quote. We are a Far Rockaway based company. 718-972-3699 Small beginners Siddurim, and Shabbos Simchas Naava Share your simcha fl owers! Be guidebooks, both in Russian, are available for you to m’sameach other simchas! Donate your fresh fl ower distribute. arrangements! We will match your simcha date with simchas Please call Tashbar Publications at following yours or deliver them to nursing home residents. 718-438-9025 (leave message with address, IY”H we To donate or obtain fl ower arrangements call will mail them to you for free). 516-239-6066 In memory of a special friend, Naava Wassner New Table and Chair Gemach for shortterm Katlowitz simchas. 740 Mador Ct, Far Rockaway. Call 718-471-0368 Retired public school teacher available to tutor men and boys in Heberw, English and/or Yiddish in the 5 Towns. HELP WANTED Recession buster. Call 718-552-5525 G’mach Chasdei Yisroel—Lending money to people in Klei Kodesh and for Klei Kodesh purposes. In the The Gural JCC Early Childhood Center is expanding! We are Far Rockaway-Five Towns area. opening new classes and are hiring: Lead Teachers Please call 917-822-9910 for more info. and Assistant Teachers, 8:45am-2:45pm, Or email [email protected]. Located in Lawrence. In Memory of R’Yisroel Ben Binyamin, a”h Please send resume to: [email protected], or call 516-239-1354 Personal Chavrusa available for learning and growing understanding the eauty of our Torah. Experience Hamaspik is seeking community Habilitation of many years in delivering shiurim to Baalei Batim and all staff to work day hours, evenings and weekends in the those interested in learning. Reasonable hourly rate. This is Five Towns, Queens, Far Rockaway & long Island, with high a project of Kollel Tiferes Avos. Call 718-316-3874 or functioning developmentally disabled adults, children call Rabbi Dov Bressler 718-327-8903. (Payments are and teens. Shabbos staff also needed for Cedarhurst, Far tax deductible.) Rockaway & Lawrence. Drivers’ license a plus. Mileage will Study with Steve. One-on-one tutoring. SAT Math be reimbursed. Please Call Chava 718-408-5144 for prep, regents, high school and elementary math, high more details. school physics. Call 516-371-5522 Assistant Teachers Menadvim — Furniture and Appliances. Like new to Cahal is seeking Assistant Teachers for classes Donate and Receive. for all elementary school grades in 5-Towns/Far Call 718-MEN-ADVIm (718-636-2384) Rock yeshivas. F/T or P/T, AM or PM. We deliver E-mail your resume to [email protected] or call 516- 295-3666 for information. Boro Park Ladies Hat Gemach accepting your gently used weekday and Shabbos hats. Woodmere and Kew Counselor — Looking for a young individual to Gardens Hills drop-off s. 718-972-3211 accompany a special needs girl in Camp Bnos for 2 weeks starting July 25. Accommodations provided. Please call Kol Tefi los Gemach — Beautiful Tefi los 718-854-2747 Ext.118 Pamphlet To Rent For The Chupah Please state that you are replying to ad CH1RP Donations To Yad Batya L’kallah Call Rochel 718-258-0415 Or Chaya 718-986-0594 Part time Secretary and Receptionists positions available in Far Rockaway, Cedarhurst and Unreal Flowers LLC — Faux fl ower centerpiece Woodmere. Basic computer skills and strong communicative rentals for any occasion. Call or text Elisheva skills required. 516-578-6317 for more details. Call Ohel at 855-Ohel Job, send your resume to [email protected]/careers Gemach for Bilirubin Lights Available-if needed for your newborn. Call or text 516-234-8865 Counselors needed to work with men or women with Experienced Rebbe available to learn any limudei developmental disabilities or psychiatric disabilities living kodesh subject with you or your son. References available. in group residences in Hewlett, Cedarhurst and Lawrence. 917-842-2587, [email protected] Ability to speak and write English required. Valid driver’s license required for some positions. Great Salary plus Gemach special for simcha. We provide for you benefi ts!! excellent speaker plus MP3 full of Jewish music, plus excellent Contact Ohel at 855-Ohel Job, online at mike system. Call 718-600-4559 www.ohelfamily.org/careers 83 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018

P/T Cook Orthodox synagogue seeking part time offi ce Pugatch Realty Corp., in Woodmere, is looking to Cedarhurst — Legal 3 Family Home with Great Upside Plan and prepare kosher meals for men with developmental help, 20 hours weekly. Excel, Word, Data Entry. Detail hire and train a select group of motivated Realtors. If Potential, Close To All, 2 One Bedroom Apartments, and One disabilities in a residential setting Cedarhurst. Knowledge of oriented, multi-tasking and communicate in a fast paced you are looking to build a career in real estate, or looking to 3 Bedroom Duplex With Basement ...... $679K kashrus a must. environment. take your existing career to the next level, there is no better Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Contact Ohel at 855-Ohel Job, online at Apply [email protected] place to start than the #1 Real Estate Brokerage in the Five Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] www.ohelfamily.org/careers Towns. Call Today 516-295-3000 x 128. All calls kept Hewlett Bay Park — Spectacular Waterfront Mazel Day School in Brooklyn is seeking certifi ed General confi dential. Colonial On 2+Acres, Bulkhead & Dock Are New, Granite Ganeinu Preschool, Reggio inspired program in Studies Teachers, Grades Kindergarten Entryway, Open Layout Including Formal DR, Grand LR, Queens, looking for a motivated Teacher and — 4th, for the 2018-19 school year. Salary is competitive. Den W/Fplc, Family Rm W/Wet Bar, Eat-In-Kitchen W/ Assistant, for UPK/ nursery classroom. Minimum 2 Please email resume to [email protected] REAL ESTATE Gas BBQ, Large Windows Boasts Views Of Grand Lawns W/ years’ experience. Potting Shed, In-Ground Heated Pool, Wood & Marble Floors Please contact [email protected] Special Ed school in Flatbush seeks: FOR SALE Throughout, Separate Carriage House W/4 Car Garage School Psychologist, team player, set ...... $POR School For Children With Autism In Brooklyn is looking for: up behavioral management programs, work Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Certifi ed Lead Teacher — Requires Masters In with individual and groups of students. Email: Lawrence — By owner — Fully Renovated, 1BR, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Special Education. Classroom [email protected] 1Bth, Condo in Doorman/Elevator bldg. W/D, U/G Parking, Experience A Must!! terrace, Central A/C ...... $475K Woodmere — 2 Family Home Each Unit has its own Boiler, HW Heater, Gas & Electric Meter, 2 Car Garage, Teachers’ Assistant Special Ed Director Call 516-539-0070 — Requires BA In Related Field. Basement, Close To All ...... $629K Full-Time Receptionist: Must Be Effi cient In Responsibility: Curriculum Designer both Judaic and secular studies, Cedarhurst — New Listing — Mint 2BR, 2 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Microsoft Offi ce Great Phone And Writing Skills, Tech Savvy. [email protected] Individual curriculum as needs, Staff training, Innovative, Full Bath Apartment, Totally Renovated Kitchen W/SS Realty Corp. E-mail Monday-Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00, Friday- 8:30 - 1:30. Appliances, Enclosed Terrace Facing Courtyard, visionary. Hewlett — 3BR, 2Bth Totally Renovated Co-op, Physical Therapist: Masters Or Doctorate Degree In Close To All ...... $339K Requirement: Masters Special Ed and Education Gleaming Oak Floors, Kitchen Has Stainless Steel Appliances, Physical Therapy. www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Gym/Phys Ed Instructor — Monday- Thursday Administration or SLP Backgroup Granite Countertops, 2 Skylights, Terrace With Ceramic Tile, CAC, New Washer/Dryer, A Must See ...... $289K 12:00-2:00 Email Resume: Hewlett — New Listing — Beautiful Renovated [email protected] 2BR Apt, Move Right In, EIK, Large Rooms, High Ceilings, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Educational Supervisor — Requires Masters In Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Taxes Included In Maintenance ...... $289K Related Field For Supervision And Curriculum Development. Offi ce located in Cedarhurst looking for temp for www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:00, Friday 8:30-1 Bookkeeping position starting in November (30 Lawrence — Spacious Studio Apt W/Sunken Living Room, Bright & Sunny, Shabbos Elevator ...... $109K Lmhc/Lcsw/School Psychologist hours/week for 8 weeks). Computer skills a must. Familiarity Lawrence — New Listing — Beautifully If you are interested, please email your resume to Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 with Quickbooks a plus. Maintained 3BR Colonial, Renovated EIK W/SS Appliances, Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] [email protected]. E-mail resume to [email protected] Lot Size 81 X 98, Formal DR, Full Basement, By Subject — Indicate the position you are interested in. Close To All ...... $579K Lawrence — 2BR, 2 Full Bath Co-op W/Terrace, Many Secretary — Yeshiva in Queens Computer ,bkkpg, www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Closets, Bright & Sunny, Close To RR, Shopping & Library Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam is seeking teachers and multi task Call 718 644-4048 ...... $279K assistant teachers interested in working in a growth Lawrence — New Listing — Beautiful & Spacious Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch oriented and warm atmosphere for the coming school year. Boys’ Yeshiva high school in Brooklyn with a 4BR, 3Bth CH Colonial In Prime Location, EIK, Formal DR, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Please email resume to legacy of excellence, looking for Teachers in all subjects Wood Floors, Low Taxes, Wont Last ...... $969K [email protected] for upcoming 2017-2018 school year. Please email www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Hewlett — 1BR, 1Bth First Floor Apt, Beautifully resume to [email protected] Maintained With A Terrace, New Tiles & Kitchen + Yeshiva Ketana of Queens is looking for a Second Cedarhurst — 5BR, 4Bth Colonial On Quiet Cul-De-Sac Bathroom, Track Lighting, New Electric Panel, Close To All grade teacher. Monday-Thursday 1:30-4:30. Large, Nassau County Orthodox Shul seeks part time Backing The Golf Course, IG-Pool, Fin Bsmt, Large Eat-In- ...... $139K Warm enthusiastic environment. Good pay. bookkeeper Shul experience, familiarity with Shul Kitchen, Close To All ...... $1.3M Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Please call 917-742-8909 and email resume to Cloud and knowledge of Sage/Peachtree a plus. Please reply Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] to: Realty Corp. E-mail Continued on Page 84

Avi Dubin Licensed Real Estate Salesperson C: (516) 343-6891 | O: (516) 997-9000 [email protected]


new exclusive

4 br spl, 2fl bth, EIK, oasis setting in bckyrd, CAC, skylights, new boiler, hot water tank, full fin bsmt, new OS W/D, gonite pool, ING sprinklers. Front porch, back deck, updated electric panel, SD#15, low taxes, ABC blocks, walk to many houses of worship. $759K


sold! sold! 4 bedroom 3 bath in the heart of Cedar Bay Park.


Near Acad Area, granite EIK, 5br+office w/sep entrance, app 3,000 sqft of living space, 1/4 acre, parklike prop, walk to all, $799K 4 bedroom Cape, 2 full baths, large yard and front deck. $559K 84 CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Continued from Page 83 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE

REAL ESTATE Lawrence — 5BR, 5Bth CH Colonial, Totally Updated, Valley Stream — Expanded Cape With Professional Woodmere — 4BR, 2 Full Bath Ranch On 100 x 100 features EIK W/4 Sinks, 2 Dishwashers, 3 Ovens + Warming Offi ce Including 4 Room & A 3BR Apartment, A Lot Of Lot, Prime Location In The Heart Of Woodmere, Eat-In- FOR SALE Draw, Subzero Refrigerator, Granite Countertops, FLR W/ Possibilities ...... $499K Kitchen, LR, Formal DR, Enclosed Terrace, Gas Heat, Fplc, FDR, Den, Offi ce, Master BR Suite W/Jacuzzi tub & Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Sale ...... $775K Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Lawrence — 8BR, 5 Full Bathrooms, Very Large Split Shower, Deck off K itchen , Front Porch, Attic, Detached Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Level Home , Prime Location, Lot Size 103x 118, Features Garage, Circular Driveway, Full Finished Basement, Far Rockaway — Jr4 Apt, Just Listed, 24HR Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Skylights, Alarm, IG Sprinklers, CAC ...... POR Central Air Conditioning, Formal Living Room, Formal Doorman, Shabbos Elevator Bldg, Laundry On 1st Flr, Close North Woodmere —4/5Br’s, Mint Condition, New Dining Room, Eat in Kitchen, Large Family Room, Den Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch To Shopping, RR & Houses Of Worship ...... $199K Kitchen W/Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, 2 Zone Heat with Fireplace, 2 Car Garage, Freshly Painted, New Doors, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch & Cac, Formal DR, Formal LR, Main Floor Den, Fin Bsmt Windows & Bathrooms, Approximately 3,800 Sq. Ft Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] ...... $1.450M Woodmere — Center Hall Colonial in SD#15 features ...... $929K Open House Sunday July 15, 1:30-3pm, 7BR, 3.5Bth, EIK W/High End Appliances, LR & Master Woodmere — Move Right In, 3BR Split Level Home Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch 42 Barrett Rd Bedroom W/Fireplaces, Den with Built-ins, CAC, Gas Heat In SD#15, Features HW Floors, CAC, Alarm, IGS, Vaulted Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, IG Sprinklers, Alarm, Full Finished Basement & Attic on Ceilings, Finished Basement, Close To All ...... $759K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Valley Stream — 4BR, 2 Full Bath, Lot Size 70 x Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Oversized Lot ...... POR Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] 150, Solar Heated IG-Pool, Lg Master BR W/Full Bathroom, Lawrence — 2BR, 1Bth, Freshly Painted, New Top Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Finished Basement, Lg Deck ...... $599K Of The Line, Stainless Steel Appliances, Bright & Sunny, Lawrence — Exclusive — Back Lawrence Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch HW Floors, EIK W/Granite Countertops, Loads Of Cabinets, Lawrence — 1BR, 1Bth 1st Floor Apt, Elevator Bldg, — Magnifi c ent 6BR, 7Bth Home On 1 Acre In The Back OF Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Updated Full Bathroom, High Hats, 2 A/C Units, Washer/ Sunken LR, Gas Stove, 2 Sinks, Microwave, Underground PKG Lawrence, Over 6700 SQ.Ft Living Space, Feature HW Floors, Dryer In The Apt, Close To All ...... $239K Available ...... $159K Vaulted Ceilings, Gourmet Kitchen W/Custom Cabinets, Hewlett — 3BR, 3 Full Bathrooms On Cul-De-Sac In Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Granite Countertops, CAC, MBR Suite W/Steam Shower, SD#14, Lg Property, Oversized Den W/Fplc, EIK W/Skylight & Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Custom Closets, Breathtaking Property & So Much More Sliding Doors To Deck ...... $595K ...... $POR Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Woodmere — Spacious 2BR, 1Bth Co-op In Desirable North Woodmere — 4BR, 2.5Bth Spacious Colonial, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Elevator Bldg, Open Floor Plan, High Hats, HW Floors, Prime Location, Cul-De-Sac, Spacious Formal DR, Master BR Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Close To All ...... $199K W/Built-Ins & Master Bath, Den W/Lovely Stone Fireplace, Woodmere — New Exclusive — Renovated Hewlett —Spacious 2BR, 1Bth Co-op In Mint Condition, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Full Fab Finished Bsmt, Low Taxes, Gas Heat, Water Filtration 6BR, 4 Full Bath On Cul-De-Sac, New Brickwork, 4 A/C Units, High Hats Throughout, Updated Kitchen, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] System, Close To All ...... $1.260M Landscaping, Windows, Roof, Garage Door, Siding & Doors Beautiful Development, Near All ...... $139K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Throughout, Marble Floor Foyer, Intercom System, Hand Woodsburgh — 5BR 6Bth Renovated CH Colonial Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Painted Walls, LR W/Herring Bone Wood Floors, D/R With Features Formal Dining Room, Butlers’ Pantry, Eat in Kitchen Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Custom Cabinetry, EIK W/High End Appliances, Finished with Granite Countertops, Top of the Line Appliances, Basement, Sports Court W/Lights ...... $POR Mahogany Library with Separate Entrance Equipped with Cedarhurst — 1BR, 1Bth, Terrace, Freshly Painted, Far Rockaway — 2BR, 1Bth Co-op, Shabbos Elevator Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Telephone and Video Conferencing, Luxurious Master New Bathroom, New Carpeting, Great Location, Bldg, 24HR Doorman, New Kitchen Cabinets & Countertops, Call Pugatch Bedroom Suite and Bathroom, Central Air Conditioning and Close To All ...... $189K Washer/Dryer In Bldg, HW Floors, Bright & Sunny, Close To Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] So Much More ...... POR. Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch All, Freshly Painted ...... $219K Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] ...... Woodsburgh — One Of A Kind Historic Stone Manor Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch or Rent $1,995/mo Home, Elegant 2 Story Entry, 5BR, 4 Bath House, Formal LR Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch North Woodmere — 4BR, 3Bth Colonial, Top Of The W/Fireplace & Bar, Formal DR, Den W/Beautiful Woodwork, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Far Rockaway — Spacious & Bright 2BR, 2 Full Bath Line, EIK W/Cherry Wood Cabinets & Granite Countertops, Updated EIK, & Full Summer Kitchen, Upstairs O/S Master Co-op, Elevator Bldg, Doorman, Beautiful Wood Floors Large Formal LR & DR, Lg Den W/Custom Marble Fireplace, Woodmere — 1BR, 1Bth Co-op, Bright & Sunny, LG Bedroom Suite W/Dramatic Vaulted Ceiling, Lush Ppty W/ Throughout, Updated Kitchen & Bathroom . . . . . $359K Full Finished Basement ...... $1.199M Living Rm/Dining Rm, Close To All ...... $109K IG-Pool, Patio & Waterfall ...... $POR Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 85


Hewlett — 3BR Colonial, Spacious Rooms, Full Lawrence — New Exclusive, 3BR, Lot Size 81 x Hewlett — New Listing — Lovely 5BR, 3Bth Woodsburgh — New Listing — “One Of A Basement, Quiet Residential Street, Close To All 98, Formal DR, Renovated EIK W/SS Appliances & Granite Exp-Ranch In SD#20, Formal DR, EIK, Den/Family Rm, Full Kind” Historic Stone Manor Home, 5BR’s, Updated EIK & Full ...... $699K Countertops, Enclosed Porch, Full Basement, Fin Bsmt, Porch & Deck ...... $849K Summer Kitchen, Lush Property W/IG-Pool, Patio & Open House, Sunday July 15, 11:30-1pm, Room To Expand ...... $579K www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Waterfall + Cabana ...... $POR 6 Raymond Pl, Hewlett Open House Sunday July 15, 11:30-1pm www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch 320 Mulry Ln, Lawrence Lawrence — New Exclusive — Open House by Appt — Beautiful Co-op. Freshly painted, Realty Corp. [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Hewlett — New Listing — 3BR Colonial In Sd#14, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Spacious, 2BR, Kosher Kitchen, Sunk-in LR/DR in beautiful North Woodmere — Exclusive – SD#15, 4BR, elevator bldg. Parking, prime location, Low maintenance, Spacious Rooms, Full Finished Basement, Hw Floors, 2 Full Baths, 64x109 Lot Size, New CAC & Heating, Approx Lawrence — New Exclusive — 4BR, 3Bth CH walk all ...... $225K Close To All ...... $699K 2500 SQ Ft. Eat-In-Kitchen, Finished Basement . $699K Colonial, Prime Location, HW Floors, Lot Size 50 x 163, Call Joan 516-319-4482 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Finished Basement, EIK, Formal DR, SD#15 . . . . . $969K Five Town Homes Realty 516-569-5710 North Woodmere — New Exclusive Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Lawrence — Open House By Appt — Listing — 4BR Split Level Home In SD#15 On A 64x109 Valley Stream — 3BR, 2Bth Condo/Townhouse, All Beautiful Brick, C/H Colonial, Lg LR With Fireplace, Formal Lot Size, Approx 2500SF Of Living Space, New Heating & Redone, HW Floors, New Kitchen Appliances, Full Finished Lawrence — Lg Home, Lg property. 5BR, 4Bths, Fin DR, Kosher gourmet EIK, 2 Dens, 5+BR (on 1 level), 3.5Bths, CAC, 2 Car Garage ...... $699K Basement, CAC ...... $479K Bsmt, Attic. Needs updating. Convenient location Full fi nished bsmt, in-ground pool, brick patio on beautiful www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch ...... $875K property, great location ...... $1.650M Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Renah Bell Century 21 Am Homes 516- Call Joan for details and appointment 516-319-4482 Lawrence — New Listing — 2BR, 2Bth, Hardwood 295-5844, [email protected] Five Town Homes 516-569-5710 Floors, Screened-In Terrace ...... $279K Hewlett — Exclusive, 2BR, 1Bth Co-op, Renovated www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Apartment, Large Rooms, High Ceilings, Lawrence — New Listing, Very Large & Spacious Lawrence — Open House by Appt — Spacious Dedicated Parking Spot ...... $289K 8BR Split Level Home On Lot Size 103 x 118, New Flooring, totally renovated 6+BR, 4Bths. Gourmet granite Kosher EIK, Woodmere — New Listing — Renovated 6BR, 4 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Windows & Bathrooms, 2 Car Garage, CAC, EIK, Formal LR & formal Dr, Large Lr, Den, on oversized beautiful property , in Full Bath Colonial On Cul-De-Sac, EIK W/Custom Cabinetry, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] DR, Lower Level Den W/Fplc ...... $1.450M Prime location (Lawrence Bay Park) ...... $1.7M Formal DR, Woods Flrs, CAC, SD#14. Many Upgrades www/pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 For Details and appointment Lawrence — 1BR, 1.5Bth Co-op, Magnifi c ent ...... $1.399M Call Joan 516-319-4482 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Apartment In Luxurious Bldg,, Feature 24HR Doorman, Cedarhurst — Price Reduced — Open Five Town Homes 516-569-5710 House, Sunday July 15, 12-2 pm Elevator, IG-Pool, Indoor Parking, Balcony, Laundry Room On Hewlett — New Listing — Lovely Sunlit Split W/3 Floor, Storage Room, Renovated EIK W/Granite Countertops, Spacious Splanch on quiet street, 4/5BR’s, 2.5Bths, Formal Lawrence — New Listing — Magnifi c ent Studio W/ Bedrooms, 2.5Bths On Large Property, Gracious LR, Formal 2 Dishwashers, Renovated Bathroom, Central A/C, Close To DR, Den with fi replace, EIK, oversized LR, Central A/C, in- Sept BR Area In Elevator Bldg, Near All ...... $109K RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship ...... $429K ground sprinklers, low taxes, Close to Shuls . . . . $799K www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 DR, Over Sized Den W/Fplc & Sliding Doors To Deck, EIK, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Exit Realty Gateway Call Rob 516-317-2260, Close To All ...... $595K Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] email [email protected] Lawrence — Magnifi c ent 1br Apt In Luxurious Bldg www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 W/24hr Doorman, Elevator, Ig-Pool, Indoor Parking, Balcony, Hewlett — Exclusive 2BR,2 Full Bath, CAC, Elevator North Woodmere — Colonial, 4BR’s, 2.5 Updated, EIK, Renovated Bathroom, Central A/C, Close To All North Woodmere — Price Reduced — Bldg, High Ceilings, Spacious Rooms, Washer/Dryer In Apt Bths. New wood/granite kit, hardwood fl rs, alarm, I/G pool ...... $429K Lovely, Spacious & Immaculate 4BR Splanch Located On ...... $319K w/cabana & full bth, I/G sprinkler. SD#14. Fin bsmt $939K www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Quiet Street In SD#14, Beautiful New Wood/Granite Eat-In- Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch One Stop Realty Group 516-924-2971, Kitchen W/SS Appliances, Formal DR W/Bay Windows, Great Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] 516-395-9847 ML # 3036766 LPM the only name you need to know in property Yard, Finished Basement, Near All ...... $929K management services off ering premier amenities www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — Studio Apt, Elevator Bldg, Washer/ Cedarhurst — New Listing — Large Studio like online billing, collection, fi nancial maintenance and Dryer On Floor, Close To All ...... $109,500 Apartment On First Floor W/Terrace, Storage & more, with particular focus in the Tri-state and surrounding Lawrence — New Listing — Large & Spacious Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Parking Available ...... $109,500 areas of NJ, PA, DE, DC, MD and OH. We are the only Frum First Floor 3BR, 2Bth Apt W/Dining Area, Lg LR, Enclosed www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] property management company covering the entire Terrace Facing Central Ave, Washer & Dryer, Storage & USA. We look forward to providing you with the modern, Hewlett — New Exclusive — 5BR, 3 Full Bath Jerusalem, Israel convenient and professional standard of care you and your Parking Available ...... $399K Exp-Ranch, Formal DR, EIK, Den Fam Rm, Full Fin Bsmt, Fully loaded suite in the Ramada Rennaissance tenants require. Feel free to call us at: 856-964-4809 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Porch & Deck, MBR W/Master Bath On Main Floor, 2nd Hotel 4th fl oor (Shabbos Elevator) or email us: [email protected] Master Suite On 2nd Flr ...... $849K Porch with stunning view, kitchenette incl. 2 separate sinks Continued on Page 86 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch & microwaves, water fi l ter, fridge, freezer, 2 Queen beds Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] & couch that open to bed, full access to hotel’s state of the art gym / pool / hot tubs / sauna, etc, separate hours for Lawrence — Exclusive – 2BR, 2Bth Co-op In men & women, hotel off ers kosher high end cuisine in their Elevator Bldg, HW Floors, U/G Parking, Enclosed Terrace, luxurious lobbies & restuaraunts. Located near all public New Windows & Terrace Doors, Updated Kitchen, Close To All transportation...... $279K For more info call / text 845-671-2390 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Hewlett — New Listing — SD #14, Lg Split with skylights, Lr, Formal DR, Granite EIK, 3+BR’s, Den and Lawrence — 2BR, 1Fbth On First Floor, Wrap Around Basement on quiet Cul-de-Sac, Walk all. Terrace ...... $249K Priced to Sell ...... $575K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Joan for details and apt 516-319-4482 Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710

Direct Ocean Front Miami Beach Pent-House 2,600/sf, Ceiling = 9.5’ Terrace = 56’x25’ Maint = $1,400/mo incl. ac/elec/water Sab Elevator & Shul $1,499,000

Leon Weinschneider “007 – Licensed To Sell” (305) 812-1090 “The Most Trusted Real Estate OptiMar Intl Rlty Agent In South Florida” Bal Harbour | Surfside | Miami Beach [email protected] 86 CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE Continued from Page 85 FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT

REAL ESTATE Lawrence — New Listing — Updated 5+BR Room for Rent for Facials/Electrolysis at Quorum Hewlett — Totally Renovated 1BR Apt In The Heart Of Colonial, 5Bths, EIK W/4 Sinks, Lr W/Fplc, Formal DR, Den, 516-374-1144 Hewlett, Features EIK W/Stainless Steel Appliances, New FOR SALE Offi ce & Attic, Full Fin Basement, Master BR Suite W/Jacuzzi Cabinery, Recessed Lighting, HW Floors, Washer/Dryer In Tub & Shower, Detached Garage, Deck Off Kitchen, Front Cedarhurst — 1BR, 1Bth Elev Bldg, Freshly Painted, Apt, Close To All, Heat & Water Inc ...... $2,000/Mo $1,800/mo Porch, Circular Driveway, Over 1/2 Acre . . . . . $2.450M Heat & Water Included, Washer/Dryer Bldg Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Woodmere — New Price — Updated Ranch www.pugatch.com Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Home In SD#15, 4BR, 2 Full Baths, EIK, LR, Formal DR, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Enclosed Terrace, Washer/Dryer, Gas Heat, Move Right In Cedarhurst — 3 Family Home, 5BR, 3.5Bth, 2 Cedarhurst Cedarhurst — Spacious 2BR, 2 Full Bath in the Heart — Spacious 1BR, 1 Full Bathroom, Elevator ...... $775K Car Garage, Great Investment, Close To All ...... $699K Bldg, Washer/Dryer In Bldg, Close To All . . .$1,800/mo. www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 of Cedarhurst, 2 Locked Storage Units, Laundry Room on the Floor, Close to All ...... $2,650/Mo Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Woodmere — 1BR, 1Bth Co-op, Bright & Sunny, LG Lawrence — New Listing - 2BR, 2 Full Baths, Apt W/ Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Living Rm/Dining Rm, Close To All ...... $109K Terrace, 6 Closets, Bright & Sunny, Close To RR, Shopping & Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Far Rockaway — 2BR, 1 Full Bath, Shabbos Elevator www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Library ...... $279K Bldg, Doorman, Bright & Sunny, New Kitchen Cabinets & www.Pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Lawrence — 1BR, 1Bth Apt, HW Floors, SS Appliances, July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, Far Rockaway — Price Reduced — Lovely New Full Bathroom, Close To All, 1st Floor . . . $1,800/mo Counters, New Tiled Floor In Bathroom, HW Floors Junior 4 Apartment W/24HR Doorman, Shabbos Elevator Woodsburgh — Beautifully Renovated 5BR, 5.5Bths, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch ...... $1,995/mo. Bldg, Laundry In Bldg, Large LR/DR, Close To All . .$219K CH Colonial In Esteemed Village Of Woodsburgh W/Beautiful Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Formal DR & Butler’s Pantry, EIK W/Granite Counters, Lg Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Mahogany Library W/Pvt Sept Entrance, Finished Bsmt, Cedarhurst — 2BR Apt, Lg EIK, LR/DR, Elevator Bldg, Island Park — Condo — New Listing — SD#14 ...... $2.350M Bright & Sunny, Freshly Painted, Close To RR, Shopping & Atlantic Beach — Summer Rental, Spacious 3BR, 2.5Bths W/Porch & Terrace In Gated & Call Avigaiel Bernstein For More Details Houses Of Worship ...... $2,695/mo Memorial Day To Labor Day Or Month Exclusive Resort Like Community, 24HR Security, Salt Water 631-578-7527 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch To Month, Move Right In, All Renovated IG-Pool, Mini Pool, Pier & Boat Slips, 2 Tennis Court & Basket Ball Court, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Basketball Court, Outdoor Patio With Wet Bar, Hot Tub, Close TO LIRR & Beaches, Corner Unit W/EIK, Lr W/Fplc, Woodmere — Unique 1st Floor Co-op In Pet Friendly Jacuzzi, Bay Ocean Views, Finished Basement, Woodmere — New Exclusive — Brand New Private Yard ...... $625K Bldg, 2BR, Lr, Formal DR, Near LIRR ...... $199K Call For Pricing 516-298-8457 Totally Renovated 1BR Apt, Quartz Countertops, Stainless www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Broker 516-792-6698 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Steel Appliances, New Cabinetry, HW Floors, New Windows, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Lawrence — Price Reduced — Luxuriously Built Hewlett Bay Park — New Price — Spectacular Marble & Stone Bathroom, Recessed Lighting, W/D, Close To 3+BR Elegant CH Colonial W/3.5 Beautiful Bathrooms, X-Lg Waterfront Colonial On 2+Acres, Bulkhead & Dock, 6BR, Railroad & Shopping, Heat & Water Included, Cedarhurst — 1BR, 1Bth Elevator Bldg, Totally Wood & Granite Kitchen, LG Formal DR, X-LG Formal LR, Full 6.5Bth, Grand LR, Den W/Fplc, EIK W/Gas BBQ, Formal DR, Starting . .$1,950/mo, No Fee & One Month Renovated, Large LR/DR, Eat-In-Kitchen, Fin Basement, Prime Lawrence Cul-De-Sac . . . . . $POR IG-Heat Pool, Wood & Marble Floors Throughout, Separate Free Close To All ...... $1,895/Mo www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Carriage House, 4 Car Garage & Much More . $1.995M Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Lawrence — Price Reduced — Magnifi c ent 6BR, 5.5Bth Home On Approx 1 Acre In The Back Of Lawrence, Quality new construction between Peninsula Blvd and Woodmere — New Exclusive — Woodmere Woodmere — No Fee & One Month Free Over 6700 Sq Ft Of Living Space, Basement & Attic, Vaulted West Bway, Classic 5+ BR Colonial with full basement, Huge Brand New Renovated 1BR Apt In The Heart Of Woodmere, — New Rental Exclusive, 2BR, 1Bth, Totally Ceilings, Gourmet Kitchen, Master BR Suite W/Steam Kosher Kitchen. South Shore Estates, Quartz Countertops, Stainless Steel Appliances, New Renovated, Quartz Countertops, Stainless Steel Appliances, Cabinetry, Double Sink, Dishwasher, HW Floors, New Shower & Custom Closets, Breathtaking Property Plus So Call Susan: 516-569-4980 New Cabinetry, HW Floors, New Windows, Recessed Windows, Marble & Stone Bathroom, W/D, Close To Railroad Much More ...... $1.875M Lighting, Washer/Dryer In Apt ...... $2,595/mo www.pugatch.com. 516-295-3000 Multi –family 2 Family house on large lot, 3BR + 3BR, & Shopping, Heat & Water Included ...... $1,995/mo apartments. No Fee & One Month Free Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Lawrence — Price Reduced — Beautifully South Shore Estates Call Susan: Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] 516-569-4980 Updated CH Colonial, 6BR, 5 Full Baths, Formal LR & Formal DR, Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Lawrence — House Rental – Charming 4BR X-LG EIK W/Island & Open Den, Finished Bsmt W/ Playroom, House, Formal DR, Close To All ...... $2,995/mo $1.795M Woodmere Waterfront — Absolutely mint 5 Woodmere — Magnifi c ent 6BR, 5 Full Bath, Lg Kitchen & Full Bathroom, Close To All ...... www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 level split. 5BR, 3Bth, FLR, oversized FDR, top-of-the- Rooms, Formal DR, EIK, Formal LR, Den, 5 Bedrooms On One line Euro EIK, 2 family rooms, fi nished basement, lots Level, HW Floors, SD#14, IG-Pool, 3 Car Garage, Valley Stream — Apt In House – 2 Apt, 1st Fl Woodmere — Price Reduced — Move Right of storage space. Magnifi c ent waterfront views w/ two Lot Size 189 x 291 ...... $7,500/mo & 2nd Flr With 2BR’s, Each Have Granite Countertops & SS In, Lovely 3BR Split In SD#15, EIK, HW Floors, CAC, Vaulted decks. Price Reduced, Call for details.Must see! Too much Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Ceilings, Close To All, SD#15 ...... $759K to mention. Call for private viewing, Open House by Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] Appliances, Washer/Dryer, CAC, Parking, Close To All www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Appointment. South Shore Estates, 1st Flr ...... $2,300/Mo Call Susan 516-569-4980 Hewlett — 2BR, 1Bth Totally Renovated, Washer/ 2nd Flr ...... $2,100/Mo North Woodmere — Colonial, by Owner 4BR’s, 2.5 Dryer In Apt, HW Floors, High Hats, SS Appliances, Quartz www.pugatch.com. 516-295-3000 Updated, Bths. New wood/granite kit, hardwood fl rs, alarm, Woodsburgh — Magnifi c ent Totally Renovated 7+ BR Countertops, Close To All, Recessed Lighting, 2 New A/C I/G pool w/cabana & full bth, I/G sprinkler. SD#14. Fin bsmt. Classic Colonial On 1+ Acre. Lush Grounds With Guest House Units, New Windows Lawrence — New Listing, Renovated 1st Flr, 1BR, Must have preapproved mortgage to schedule showing . And Pool. Every Amenity. Must See. Walk To IP Minyan. Call For ...... $2,500/mo, No Brokers Fee 1Bth Apt In 2 Family Home, Use Of Backyard, Won’t last ...... $975K Appointment & Price Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Washer/Dryer ...... $1,850/mo 786-530-6440 South Shore Estates, call Susan: Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] www.pugatch.com. 516-295-3000 516-569-4980 Far Rockaway — Price Reduced — Spacious Woodmere — 4BR, 3Fbth Split Level Home, Freshly Far Rockaway — New Listing, Lovely 2BR Apt, & Updated 2BR, 2Bth Apt On 1st Floor W/Terrace In Elevator Cedarhurst — Located b/w Penisula & W. Broadway. Painted, Quiet Residential Street, 2 Sinks in Kitchen, 24HR Doorman, Shabbos Elevator Bldg, Laundry In Bldg, Lg Bldg, Parking, Doorman & Laundry Room On Premise Still time to customize! Call for details. Call for price. SS Appliances ...... $4,200/mo LR/DR, Close To LIRR & NY Subway, Close To All ...... $325K South Shore Estates, call Susan: Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch ...... $1,995/mo www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 516-569-4980 Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000

Chana Gordon Avigaiel Bernstein Licensed Salesperson www.pugatch.com Licensed Salesperson 845.709.5266 950 Broadway 631-578-7527 [email protected] Woodmere NY 11598 [email protected]

WOODSBURGH LAWRENCE FOR RENT Charming 4 Bedroom House, Formal Dining Room, Garage. Close To All, S.D. #15. Price Reduced! $2,995/month

OPEN HOUSE 7/15 CEDARHURST BY APPT 75 S Woodmere Blvd Beautiful Co-op Spacious Studio In Beautifully Renovated 5BR, 5.5 Bathroom The Heart of Cedar- Center-Hall Colonial, Formal Dining Room, hurst With Terrace. Finished Basement, SD #14, Lot Size 150x150... Close To All. $P.O.R. $109,500


North Woodmere — Large 5BR, 4 Full Bath Far Rockaway — Newly Renovated offi ce/storage Cedarhurst — Gorgeous Executive Offi ce Suites, Valley Stream — 750+/-SF Offi ce Space in Elevator Colonial, Formal LR/DR, EIK, Den, patio, washer/dryer, space available in a beautifully enclosed complex furnished and non-furnished Building with 2 Bathrooms, On-Site Parking & Handicap Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, SD#15. Beautiful block. Serious inquiries only. on Neilson Street. starting at ...... $895 a month and up. Accessible, For Lease, Call Randy for More Details Asking ...... $4,650 Dovid 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 Large and medium stizes available. email: [email protected] [email protected], 516-295-3000 Far Rockaway — 2 Partially Finished basement Includes all utilities, internet, kitchenette, conference room, East Rockaway —House Rental — Great storage spaces available, Individually or together. Bathroom Mincha Minyan and amenities in Valley Stream — Various Sized Offi ce Space in House, 3BR, Large Front Porch, Huge Backyard, in each; each approximately 850 square feet. beautiful buiding. Professional Building, Elevator, Beautiful Lobby, Ample On- Near All ...... $2,995/mo. Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Dovid Call or Text Sam 516-567-0100 Site Parking Lot, For Lease. Call Arthur for More Details. www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Inwood — Reasonable prices, Multiple Atlantic Beach — Summer Rental – Charming Far Rockaway — Brand new fully equipped Shul on options available: Hewlett — 450+/-SF Offi ce Space in Professional 2BR, Near Beach, EIK, LR/DR, On Lovely Quiet Street, Close Neilson Street, Available Immediately. Seats 75-100 People, 250 sq ft offi ce space Building, On-Site & Municipal Parking, Heat Included, Heating/Air conditioning—Sidduirm, Sforim, Gemorrahs. To All, August ...... $18,000/mo. 800 sq ft offi ce space Electric & A/C Metered Separately, Close to All, For Lease... www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Bima, Aron Kodesh, Tables, chairs, and Shabbos Oven, 3650 sq ft beautiful fi nished offi ce space, parking Refrigerator, and Coff ee Station. Separate Men and Womens’ Call for More Details. included in all spaces and Mincha Minyan. Hewlett — No Fee — Totally Renovated 2BR Apt, entrances—Mechitza in place—Main Entrance, Weather www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Quartz Countertops, SS Appliances, Washer/Dryer In Apt, protected, 2 Bathrooms, Storage Cubbies. Call or Text Sam 516-567-0100 HW Floors, Heat & Water Included, Near All Cedarhurst — 4,600+/-SF Plus Basement, Most High Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Dovid Cedarhurst — Executive Medical Space — ...... $2,500/mo 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 Profi l e Corner in the Market, Triple Mint Condition, Many www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Don’t Miss This Opportunity! Various Sizes Available, Built-in’s, Very Reasonable Rent, For Lease Far Rockaway — New 2BR, Apartment for Rent, All Utilities Included Plus Many Amenities, For Lease. Call Ian for More Details Atlantic Beach — House Rental – Charming central location ...... $2,200 Call Ian for More Details [email protected], 516-295-3000 2BR, Near Beach, EIK, LR/DR, On Lovely Quiet Street, includes utilities & parking space. [email protected]. 516-295-3000 Close To All ...... $2,595/mo. Call 718-337-2345 and please leave message East Rockaway — 1,500+/- SF Professional Suite www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — New to market — in Free Standing Bldg W/Full Basement & Parking, Three Kew Gardens Hills — 2 Family House 5BR 2.5Bth, Commercial Co-op for rent in prime location, Private Offi ces, Conference Room, Bullpen, Reception Area, Cedarhurst — New Listing — Large 1BR In For Rent. For Info, good for part time professional, close to all. Call for details. Elevator Bldg, Totally Renovated Lg Lr/Dr, EIK, Call Eduard @ 917-403-5720 Call Joan 516-319-4482 Close to LIRR, For Lease Call For More Details Close To All ...... $1,895/Mo Broker 516-792-6698 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — Totally renovated split level. 3 Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Bedroom, 3.5 New Bath. Euro EIK w/ granite countertops. Hewlett — Various Sized Offi ce Space In Beautiful Suites East Rockaway — Various Sized Retail Stores on Far Rockaway — near TAG, Newly renovated 4BR, Walk to all. Absolutely mint, Must See! For rent Corner by Stop Light, High Traffi c Location, On-Site Parking, 2Bth, new kitchen, walk in master closet, With Plenty Of On-Site Parking In The Rear Of Building...... $3,500/Mo For Lease, Call for More Details. washer dryer in apt ...... $2750 Call for details. Available Immediately. South Available Immediately. Tenant Pays Own Utilities Directly. Helene 516-410-5525 Associate broker Milky Shore Estates, call Susan: 516-569-4980 Can Be Combined For Up To A [email protected], 516-295-3000 Forst Realty Total Of 6050Sf, For Lease , Call Ian for More Details. Far Rockaway — 8,600+/-SF School in Great [email protected], 516-295-3000 Woodmere — House Rental — Magnifi c ent Condition. Various Classrooms, Offi ces, Multi-Purpose 6BR Home W/Formal DR, Eik, Large LR & Den, IG-Pool, 3 Car COMMERCIAL REAL Hewlett — Various Sized Suites in the Finest Bldg in the Room, Kitchenette, Storage, & Bathrooms, Close to Public Attached Garage, Lot Size 189 x 291, 5 Bedrooms On One ESTATE FOR SALE 5 Towns, Medical or Non-Medical Use, 16 Parking Spots, Transportation For Lease, Call Ian for More Details. Level, Hardwood Floors, SD#14 ...... $7,500/mo For Lease ,Call Ian for More Details [email protected], 516-295-3000 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Lynbrook — Commercial Co-op 750 +/- SF, Hewlett — 850+/-SF Offi ce Space on 2nd Floor, Great Woodmere No Fee & One Month Free — Professional Use, 5 Chair Waiting Room, 2 Exam Rooms, Rockville Centre — Beautiful Professional Spaces Location, Close to Public Transportation, For Lease, — Totally Renovated 1BR Apt, Quartz Countertops, SS Ample On-Site Parking ...... $75,000 in Historic Building Available, Great Location, Municipal Lot Appliances, New Cabinetry, HW Floors, New Windows, Call for More Details Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch in Rear & Steps from the LIRR Station, For Lease. Call Ian for [email protected], 516-295-3000 Close To Railroad, Heat & Water Included. Realty Corp. E-mail [email protected] From ...... $1,950/mo. More Details. www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — Investment Property or Owner/User [email protected], 516-295-3000 Continued on Page 88 Legal 3 Family House, Upside Potential, For Sale, Call Randy Bayswater — New to Market — Upper two for More Details family house, modern 3BR, 1.5Bths, LR, FDR, EIK, terrace, in www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 prime location. Heat and water included . . $2,250/mo Winzone Realty Call Joan 516-319-4482Five Towns East Rockaway — Multiple Use Retail 81-15 Queens Blvd. Homes 516-569-5710 Building; Two 1800SF Retail Stores & 1200SF Apartment Attached, High Traffi c Corner Location, On-Site Parking, Elmhurst NY 11373 Woodmere — House rental — New to Convenient to All , For Sale, Call Ian for More Details market — First Show — Ours Alone — [email protected], 516-295-3000 Spacious Colonial in Prime prime location, 5BR, 3Bths, LR, Peter Murdakhayev formal dr, huge den, Granite Kosher EIK. Main level has 1BR, Valley Stream — Investor’s Delight!! Broker Asscociate suite with bath, full fi nished basement, freshly painted, 6500+/-SF Two-Story Building with Elevator & 18 Car great for large family, walking distance to all shuls On-Site Private Parking, Beautiful Building with Storage & 917-405-0568 Call Joan For details 516-319-4482 Loads of Windows, Great Location Near LIRR Station, Major Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Highways & the City Line. For Sale, Call Ian for More Details [email protected], 516-295-3000 Simcha Murdakhaev Cedarhurst — New to market — 1 and 2 Lic Salesperson Bedroom apartments for Rent, Prime location,Walk all. Woodmere — 1,300+/-SF Over 1,300SF + Basement, Call Joan for details 516-319-4482 Free Standing Building, Medical/Offi ce Space, Near LIRR 347-724-9097 Five towns Homes 516-569-5710 Station, For Sale, Call Ian for More Details. [email protected], 516-295-3000 Far Rockaway — New to market. Renovated Studio, 1, 2, 3 and 4BR rentals, great location. Woodmere — Follow the Leader to Woodmere, Now Call Joan for details, 516-319-4482 is the Time to Act!!! No Meters - Free Parking, Various Spaces FiveTowns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Available, For Sale/Lease…Call For More Details. [email protected], 516-295-3000 444 Woodfield Rd Far Rockaway — New to Market — Open House By Appt — Totally renovated, spacious, Freeport — Investment Opportunity!! 12,000+/-SF West Hempstead, NY 11552 beautiful 4BR’s, 2.5Bths, Duplex in Prime location. Multi Tenanted Professional Building with 21 Car On-Site Call Joan for details, 516-319-4482 Parking, Good Upside Potential, Lot Size 24,570SF, For Sale. Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Call Alan for More Details $829,000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — House Rental — Open House by Appt — Spacious, Colonial, with granite Lynbrook — Perfect for Commercial Use, but Can be Magnificent 6 Bedrooms 4 Full Baths Updated Sun- EIK, Lr with fi replace, Formal Dr, 2 Dens, 4+ BR’s, basement, Converted Back to a Residential Home. 1,800SF Two Story in prime location, walking distance to all .$4,200/mo Building with Basement & 2,000SF Offi ce Building in Rear, Drenched Home For Sale In West Hempstead. Situated Call Joan for details and appointment Bldg has Kitchenette on 2nd Floor, Full Bath & 2 Half Baths On A 10,585 Sq Lot, With 2952 Sq Ft Of Living Space. 516-319-4482 on 1st Floor, 12 Car Parking, Gas Heat, HVAC. For Sale Call Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Arthur for More Details. [email protected], 516-295-3000 Home Features Include 2 Master Bedrooms, Over-Sized Far Rockaway — Apartment in Bldg, — New to market — Totally renovated, Spacious 1BR, Inwood — Ours Alone, 21,000+SF Property with Closets, Natural Red Oak Floors, Fireplace, Double LR, DR, Granite Kosher EIK, W/D, Prime location, walk all offi ces, warehouse/garage and loads of parking, in prime ...... $1,750/mo location Sinks, Granite Counter Tops, Wall Oven, Finished Includes heat and water. Call Joan for details 516-319-4482 Basement, And Much Much More!!! Can Be Used As A Call Joan for details and appointment Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 516-319-4482 Mother & Daughter Home. Centrally Located Close To Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 COMMERCIAL REAL Shopping, Schools, Houses Of Worship And Trans. Far Rockaway — Newly Renovated 3BR, 2Bth, Apartment in a beautifully enclosed complex on Neilson ESTATE FOR RENT Short Distance To Hempstead Gardens LIRR & N15 Street. —Move in condition, First Floor—one off Street parking spot—Close to all Shuls—option to add additional rooms with a separate Pesach Kitchen and additional Cedarhurst — Newly Renovated!: bathroom. 3050 sq ft newly renovated, beautiful space with OPEN HOUSE Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Dovid Kitchenette and Conference room and private bathrooms. 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 Call or Text Sam 516-567-0100 4VOEBZ+VMZtBNQN 88 CLASSIFIED ADS COMMERCIAL REAL Continued from Page 87 ESTATE FOR RENT LEGAL NOTICES Your Real Estate, COMMERCIAL REAL Hewlett — 1,100+/-SF Space Available, Modern NOTICE OF SALE Professional Bldg, Great parking, Ideal for Medical SUPREME COURT: NASSAU COUNTY. L&L ESTATE FOR RENT Professional/General Offi ce Use, Close to All, ASSOCIATES HOLDING CORP., Pltf. vs. NOMINEE REAL ESTATE Service, or For Lease Call for More Details ACQUISITIONS, LLC, et al, Defts. Index #612940/2017. [email protected], 516-295-3000 Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated June Hewlett — 600+/- SF Retail Store on Broadway, Great 7, 2018, I will sell at public auction in the Calendar Control High Traffi c Location, Municipal Lot in Rear, Close to Public Long Beach — Various Offi ce Spaces Available on Part (CCP) Courtroom of the Nassau County Supreme Court, Help Wanted Transportation & Major Highways, For Lease, 2nd Floor, 525-900+/- SF, Separate Bathrooms, Newly 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY, on Tuesday, Aug. 14, Call Ian for More Details Renovated, For Lease Call for More Details. 2018 at 11:30 a.m., prem. k/a Section 39, Block 421, Lot 10. [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Sold subject to terms and conditions of fi l ed judgment and Inwood — Various Sized Spaces Available, Industrial terms of sale. LISA SEGAL POCZIK Referee. LEVY & LEVY, Ad Here Every Long Beach — 1428+/- SF Professional Space With 5 Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip Drive, Great Neck, NY. #95156 Buildings W/Ample Parking, Near LIRR Station, Overhead Offi ces, 2 W/Water, Waiting Room, Bathrooms, Reception Area. Door, 14-20’ Ceilings, Offi ce Space, Bathroom, For Lease, Hvac. 5 Parking Spots. For Lease…Call for More Details NOTICE OF SALE Call Randy for More Details July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, [email protected], 516-295-3000 Supreme Court County Of Kings [email protected], 516-295-3000 Thursday Elizon Master Participation Trust I, U.S. Bank Trust National Woodmere — Several offi ce spaces from 500sf to 1000sf. Island Park — 1400+/-SF Storefront with Offi ce Space Association, as Owner Trustee., Plaintiff Elevator Building. Central Avenue — Prime Location! Ample AGAINST and Kitchen in Rear, 3 Parking Spots + Municipal Lot, Great Parking. Ideal for Medical/Professional Offi ces. Call Kate for 100,000 readers look Location, For Lease, Call for More Details. Clarence E. Pryor, Pamela Pryor, et al, Defendant Details 516-334-2146 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated forward to what’s 3/28/2018 and entered on 6/1/2018, I, the undersigned Lynbrook — 1251+/- SF Offi ce Space In Free Standing Lawrence — 985+/-SF Professional Offi ce Suite Referee, will sell at public auction at the Kings County Bldg, Ground Floor, Heat Included, Garage Or Outdoor Parking happening in the 5 Towns in Co-Op Building, Good Parking, HVAC, Close to Public Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Spaces (Subject To Availability), Ideal For Professional Or Transportation & Major Highways, For Lease, Brooklyn, NY on July 26, 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known by reading The Five Towns Call for More Details. Medical, Great Location, For Lease as 231 A Madison Street, Brooklyn, NY 11216. All that [email protected], 516-295-3000 Call Lenny for More Details. [email protected] certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Jewish Times. 516-295-3000 improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Lynbrook — 750SF or 1500SF Retail/Offi ce Spaces, County of Kings, City and State of New York, BLOCK: 1818, Street Parking in Great Location, For Lease, Lynbrook — 700 +/-Sf Professional Suite, 1 Bth, 1 Parking Call Alan for More Details Spot In The Garage. For Lease... Call for More Details LOT: 81. Approximate amount of judgment is $788,400.23 [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected] 516-295-3000 plus interests and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of fi l ed Judgment Index # 500909/2014. 1 Week ...... $35 Oceanside — Various Sized Warehouses with Ample Oceanside — 2800 +/- SF Space on Long Beach Rd with Doron A. Leiby, Referee Parking, Overhead Door, 14’ Ceilings, At Intersection with On-site Parking, Hi Visibility, Good for Professional Use or Retail, FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP Traffi c Light, For Lease, Call Randy for More Details For Lease or For Sale…Call for More Details. 53 Gibson Street 2 Weeks ...... $60 [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Bay Shore, NY 11706 Oceanside —8,000+/-SF Warehouse with Loading Rockville Centre — 3,500 sq. ft., fully wired for Web, Notice of formation of Gutman Law PLLC. Articles of Dock & Overhead Door, 15’ Ceilings, Abundant On-Site partitioned, will divide. Call 516-322-3555 Organization fi l ed with the Secretary of State of New York Parking, For Lease, Call Randy for More Details SSNY on February 16, 2018. Offi ce location: Nassau County. 4 Weeks ...... $100 [email protected], 516-295-3000 SSNY is designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail BUSINESS copy of any process served against the LLC at 860 Cranford Weekly Ads of up Oceanside — Up to 4,600SF Retail Space Available Ave, Valley Stream, NY 11581. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. with Rear Door & Parking, Former Restaurant. For Lease, Call to 25 words Alan for More Details OPPORTUNITY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY [email protected], 516-295-3000 NEW PENN FINANCIAL, LLC D/B/A SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING, Plaintiff Rosedale Lynbrook — For Sale, Convenience Store in — 750+/-SF Retail Store W/4 Parking Spots against Call: 516-569-0502 in Rear, 10’ Ceilings, Great High-Traffi c Location, For Lease, great location available. Currently active business, with 8 TERRENCE ROACHFORD, et al Defendants Call Randy for More Details years lease remaining. Five parking spaces included. [email protected], 516-295-3000 Call Joan for details 516-319-4482 Attorney for Plaintiff ( s) Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Fax: 516-977-0608 Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Main Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 Attorney(s) for Valley Stream — 900+/-SF Retail Space, Busy Plaintiff ( s). Shopping Strip with Plenty of Parking. Can be Divided. Great Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Entered for Any Retail or Professional Offi ce Use. For Lease, April 9, 2018 I will sell at Public Auction to the highest Or E-mail ads to: Call Ian for More Details. [email protected], bidder at the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams 516-295-3000 MISCELLANEOUS Street, Room 261, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on August 2, 2018 at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 1063 New Jersey Avenue Classifi[email protected] Baldwin — 6,311+-SF Medical Offi ce Bldg. Ground Unit 2-A A, Brooklyn, NY 11207. Block 4414 Lot 1013. The Lease for Sale. Good Condition. 100% occupied. Excellent Yeshiva of South Shore has some membership Condominium Units (hereinafter referred to as the “Units”) Parking. Call 516-334-2146 ext. 305 or known as Unit No:2AA, situate, lying and being in the openings in its burial society. By purchasing [email protected] Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New an individual, couple or family membership, you will York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $411,613.71 plus Rockville Centre — Newly Renovated Two Story be ensured of select plots in one of several New York Retail/Professional Bldg with Elevator, Granite Lobby, & interest and costs. area cemeteries. For more information on burial society Premises will be sold subject to provisions of fi l ed Judgment Handicap Ramp, 5000+/- SF Retail W/Full Usable Basement membership, please call 516-374-7363 or e-mail: Deadline for Index No 505306/2013. Over 5000+/- SF Offi ce Space. For Sale/Lease…Call for [email protected] More Details. Broker 516-792-6698 Ruth M. Baez, Esq., Referee QRRNC037 Woodmere — 4,600+/- SF Brand New Offi ce Building NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NASSAU COUNTY With 24 Car Parking For Lease or For Sale. Call for More US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR CMSI Classified details. LEGAL NOTICES REMIC SERIES 2005-07-REMIC PASS-THROUGH Broker 516-792-6698 CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-07, Plaintiff against MONTGOMERY DOUGLAS A/K/A MONTGOMERY DOUGLAS Woodmere — Price Reduced!! — 750+/-SF M.D., et al Defendants Retail Store W/4 Parking Spots in Rear, 10’ Ceilings, Great NOTICE OF SALE Attorney for Plaintiff ( s) Knuckles, Komosinski & Manfro, LLP High-Traffi c Location, For Lease Call Randy for More Details, SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU Advertising 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523 Attorney (s) [email protected], 516-295-3000 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION for Plaintiff ( s). MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff Cedarhurst — 4,000+/-Sf Retail Store with 2,000SF Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Entered AGAINST Mezzanine, Street & Municipal Parking, Great Location, May 9, 2018 I will sell at Public Auction to the highest Near LIRR Station, For Lease Call for More Details, NASSAU COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR AS bidder at the Calendar Control Part (CCP) 100 Supreme in the next issue [email protected], 516-295-3000 ADMINISTRATOR TO THE ESTATE OF FRANK ZERBE, Court Drive, Mineola, New York, 11501 on July 24, 2018 at CATHERINE ZERBE AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF FRANK ZERBE, 11:30 AM. Premises known as 1351 Auerbach Ave., Hewlett Hewlett — 1,500+/-SF Retail Store with Parking, CHRISTINA PUGLIESE AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF FRANK Harbor, NY 11557. Sec 42 Block 196 Lot 63. ALL that certain Renovated Space with 2 Bathrooms – 1 Handicap, For ZERBE, PATRICIA PALMESE AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF FRANK plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Lease Call for More Details, [email protected], ZERBE, THOMAS A. ZERBE AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF FRANK Incorporated Village of Hewlett Harbor, Town of Hempstead, is Monday 516-295-3000 ZERBE, et al., Defendant(s) County of Nassau and State of New York. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Approximate Amount of Judgment is $989,154.18 Woodmere — 1,000+/-SF Retail Store in Great June 14, 2018 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to Location, Close to LIRR Station, For Lease auction at the Calendar Control Part (CCP) Courtroom of provisions of fi l ed Judgment Index No 9331/2014. Cash will Call Arthur for More Details, the Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY not be accepted at the sale. July 16, [email protected], 516-295-3000 11501, on August 14, 2018 at 11:30AM, premises known as George Esernio, Esq., Referee 2154-000789 25 WEST AVENUE, Hewlett — 2,000+/-SF Retail Space in Great Location, Notice of formation of Samzil Holdings LLC. Arts. of Org. LAWRENCE, NY 11559. All that certain plot piece or parcel of Municipal Parking Lot in Rear, Close to All, For Lease... fi l ed with NY Secy. of State (SSNY) 12/27/2017. Location: [email protected], land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, Call for More Details. Nassau County. SSNY desig.agent of LLC upon whom 516-295-3000 lying and being in the Town of at 5 p.m. process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Lynbrook — 500+/- SF Retail Store with Rear Door, PO Box 92, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. Purpose: any lawful act SECTION 40, BLOCK 2, LOT 26, 27. Approximate amount of or activity. Street Parking, Close to All, For Lease Call Alan for More judgment $182,984.36 plus interest and costs. Premises Details. [email protected], 516-295-3000 will be sold subject to provisions of fi l ed Judgment for Notice of formation of Lighthouse International Index# 17-000118. Call Woodmere — 3600+/-SF Retail Space in Woodmere Development LLC. Arts. of Org. fi led with NY Secy. of Shopping Center, Join Gourmet Glatt & Chase Bank, Great CRAIG A. SIRLIN, ESQ., Referee State (SSNY) 5/24/2018. Location: Nassau County. SSNY On-Site Parking, Rear Loading, Opposite NY Sports Club & Gross Polowy, LLC designated for service of process and shall mail copy of Woodmere LIRR, Available Fall 2016. For Lease Attorney for Plaintiff process served against the LLC to Registered Agent: c/o Call Ian for More Details. 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Lighthouse International Devlopment LLC., 145 Finucane Pl. 516-569-0502 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Williamsville, NY 14221 Woodmere, NY 11598. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. 89 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 90 YEMIMA MIZRACHI TAKES THE TOWN ynamic and inspirational opt out of Jewish education institu- speaker Yemima Mizrachi tions and potentially be lost to a Jewish Dmade an appearance in the future. Five Towns two weeks ago, and took the The purpose of this event was to community by storm. Rebbetzin Mizra- draw attention to the plight of these chi was here in New York on behalf of young French Jews and was sponsored Otsar HaTorah Schools in France, the jointly by Otsar HaTorah and Vaad Nid- July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13,

Yemima Mizrachi country with the third-largest concen- chei Yisroel. Rebbetzin Mizrachi has a tration of Jews outside of Israel and the style and panache that charms as well United States. as inspires a gathering about the diff er- Over 700 women made their way ence we can make through our collec- into the Young Israel of Lawrence-Ce- tive eff orts on behalf of Jews around darhurst and were spellbound by more the world. than an hour of remarks by Rebbetzin It was indeed a great event with hun- Mizrachi. With all the focus on Jewish dreds of women coming forward to education here in the U.S. and in Isra- sponsor a child’s education in France. el there is a concern that tens of thou- For more information on how to sponsor sands of Jewish youth in France might a child’s education, see ad on Page 9. „ KNESSET THWARTS BILL 91 TO ALLOW INTERNATIONAL 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 OVERSIGHT OF DIMONA PLANT srael’s Knesset overwhelmingly reject- The presence of a nuclear reactor or a ed a bill that would place Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal in Israel has never been of- Inuclear facility in Dimona under inter- fi cially confi rmed or denied. Israel is not a national supervision. member of international nonproliferation Only members of the Arab-dominated treaties. Joint List voted for the bill, which was pro- In 1986, Dimona technician Mordechai posed by party member MK Jamal Zahalka Vanunu was arrested and jailed for leaking and failed by a vote of 73–8. information about the facility to a reporter JNS

According to Energy Minister Yu- at the United Kingdom’s Sunday Times. val Steinitz, Zahalka attempted to push Analysts used information from the in- through the legislation by calling the al- terview to surmise that Israel may possess leged reactor old and outdated, and ar- as many as 200 atomic warheads. guing that its potential vulnerability to Israel, which has been vehemently op- earthquakes meant that it should receive posed to the development of nuclear weap- international oversight. ons by Iraq, Iran, and Syria, has been linked Steinitz argued that the plant has been to numerous attacks on operations asso- upgraded several times since the 1990s, and ciated with atomic development in those called the bill “a joke.” countries. (JNS) „ 92 CLASHES ERUPT AS ISRAEL PREPARES TO DEMOLISH BEDOUIN SETTLEMENT rotesters at an illegal Bedouin village was built illegally and posed a encampment erupted in vio- threat to residents due to its proxim- P lence against Israeli soldiers ity to a highway. on Wednesday as forces moved in to Among the buildings to be demol-

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, demolish the illegal building, in ac- ished is a school that residents put cordance with a Supreme Court or- together in partnership with an Ital-

der. ian pro-Palestinian eco-building or- JNS Protesters and residents of Khan ganization using old tires, mud, and al-Ahmar in the Judean Desert tried used cooking oil. to block construction equipment Israel has pledged to resettle the violation of international law, adding J Street brought a petition against from paving an access road to facil- estimated 180 residents near the Je- that Israel, an “occupying power,” the demolition to the Israeli Embas- itate the demolition, and rocks were rusalem Arab neighborhood of Abu should “respect the rights of resi- sy in Washington, decrying the move thrown at officers. No injuries or Dis. The villagers have rejected the dents to remain on their land.” The as “a major blow to prospects for a damage were reported. plan. commission has never issued state- two-state solution.” The Supreme Court approved the The office of the UN High Com- ments regarding the demolition of The B’Tselem organization report- demolition in May after years of legal missioner for Human Rights said de- Jewish buildings that Israel’s courts ed that Israeli security forces arrived battles, finding that the makeshift molishing Khan al-Ahmar would be a have determined are illegal. at the Bedouin camp of Abu Nawwar near the Judean Desert city of Ma’ale Adumim and demolished an addi- tional nine houses. The organization also reported that Israeli security forces arrived in the southern Hebron Hills commu- nity of Susiya, preparing to demolish another seven illegal Bedouin build- ings slated for demolition. (JNS) „

A man who shall vow a vow (Bamidbar 30:3) Vows are a means to asceticism. (Ethics of the Fathers 3:13) Asceticism leads to purity, purity leads to holiness, holiness leads to humility, humility leads to fear of sin, fear of sin leads to saintliness, saintliness leads to the [possession of] the holy spirit, and the holy spirit leads to eternal life. (Talmud, Avodah Zarah 20b)

According to all that proceeds out of his mouth shall he do (Bamidbar 30:3) Better that you not vow, than that you should vow and not fulfill. (Koheles 5:4)

Avenge the vengeance of the Children of Israel upon the Midianites (Bamidbar 31:2) Why only upon the Midianites, but not the Moabites (who also sent their daughters to cause Israel to sin)? Because the Moabites got involved because they feared Israel (cf. Bamidbar 22:2–6); but the Midianites entered a fight that was not theirs. Another explanation: G-d said to spare the Moabites because of “two fine creatures which I shall extract from them”—Ruth the Moabite and Naamah the Ammonite (wife of King Solomon). (Rashi) narch and high priest, but was not given Hurdus did not gain military control, 93 the title of king. however, until three years later, in 37 BCE.

During his reign, the last representatives 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 HALACHIC MUSINGS Pompey Seizes of the Maccabees were eliminated, and the By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Yerushalayim great port of Caesarea Maritima was built. Pompey “the Great,” yemach shemo, Roman rule was harsh. When 23 years seized Yerushalayim in 63 BCE. He pro- later, the Parthians invaded Eretz Yisrael faned the holy Beis HaMikdash by enter- (40 BCE), they were greeted enthusiasti- ing the Kodesh HaKedashim. The Kodesh cally by the Jews. The Parthians appointed HISTORICAL BACKGROUND HaKedashim, the Holy of Holies, was only a king from Beis Chashmonai, Antigonus entered once per year and only by the ko- II, the son of Aristobulus. hen gadol. TO TISHA B’AV Herod Appointed s we begin the Nine Days, of his brother Hyrcanus II. Aristobulus Enter Julius Caesar Rome was livid. The famous Roman knowing the historical back- sent a messenger to Marcus Aemilius When Pompey was defeated by Julius legions were dispatched. There was a sec- Aground of the Churban helps us Scaurus, Pompey’s representative in Caesar, Hyrcanus was succeeded by his ond bloody siege of Yerushalayim. And mourn its destruction. Tisha B’Av is the the area. Scaurus was also Pompey’s courtier, Antipater the Idumaean, also now Hurdus, that evil bloodthirsty pup- culmination of two national tragedies: brother-in-law. Aristobulus off ered known as Antipas, as the fi rst Roman pet-king, was installed over Klal Yisrael in the loss of the fi rst Beis HaMikdash as a massive bribe to be rescued, which procurator. In 57–55 BCE, Aulus Gabinius, the year 37 BCE. He was hated deeply by well as the second. Pompey accepted. proconsul of Syria, split the former Chash- the people. monai Kingdom of Israel into fi ve districts Hurdus ruled for 33 years. He died in 4 The Historians Scaurus Appoints of the Sanhedrin. BCE. Emperor Augustus then divided up To understand the historical back- Hyrcanus Eretz Yisrael among Hurdus’s three sons, ground that existed in the years before the But Scaurus began extorting Aristobu- Enter Hurdus (Herod) who became tetrarchs. One of these tetrar- destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash, lus. Afterwards, Aristobulus levied accu- Both Caesar and Antipater were chies was Judea, corresponding to the ter- it pays to note what historians write. As in sations against Scauras to Pompey. Since killed in 44 BCE, and Hurdus the ritory of the tribe of Judah, plus Samaria all history, the viewpoints of those who re- Scaurus was Pompey’s brother-in-law and Great, Antipater’s son, was designated and Idumea. cord it are biased and may be unreliable. protégé, the general retaliated by putting “King of the Jews” by the Roman Sen- Josephus, for example, will often tweak Hyrcanus in charge of the kingdom as eth- ate in 40 BCE. Continued on Page 94 various points of history to fi t his agenda. Nonetheless, in most places, Josephus has proven to be relatively accurate. Much of the background that you will fi nd here makes use of what Josephus has writ- ten. It also uses the accounts of the Roman historians Tacitus and Cassius Dio. This helps us understand the background to our Gemaras that discuss the Churban. The in- formation here has been further augmented by archaeological discoveries. Before we be- gin, let us start with some key dates: Key Dates • Rome annexed Syria and made it a province in 64 BCE. • Rome made Eretz Yisrael into a client state in 63 BCE, one year later. • Rome made Eretz Yisrael into the province of Judea in 6 CE. • The Beis HaMikdash was destroyed in the year 70 CE. • The Revolt of Bar Kochva began in 132 CE—a full 62 years after the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. It ended in 135 CE. • In 135 CE, after being incensed by the revolt of Bar Kochva, Emperor Hadri- an combined Judaea province and Syria province and created the Syria Palaestina province. • Rome fell in 476 CE. Enter Rome The civil war within Klal Yisrael was the event that got Rome fi rst involved in the aff airs of Eretz Yisrael. Queen Shlomtzion had recently died. Her sons, Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II, divided against each other in a terrible civil war. The Romans, as usual, were in the midst of fi ghting a war. This time it was with the Pontic Kingdom (Armenia). In 64 BCE, Rome soon emerged victorious in that Third Mithridatic War. As a result, Pompey had annexed Syria as a new Roman Prov- ince. Eretz Yisrael, however, did not become a province of Rome just yet. It fi rst began as a client state. [Eventually, 43 years later, Eretz Yisrael became the province of Judea.] Beseiged By His Brother, Aristobulus Off ers A Bribe In 63 BCE, Aristobulus II was be- sieged in Yerushalayim by the armies 94 HALACHIC MUSINGS of Jews to grant a request. Could the Jews Claudius to overturn Fadus’s request. Fa- 3. The next procurator was Ventidius Continued from Page 93 once again have autonomy over the bigdei dus may have lived during the time where Cumanus (48–52 CE). During his time kehunah? Vitellis sought permission from there was a navi sheker by the name of there was much discord between Jews Direct Rule the emperor. They received the emperor’s Theudas. He told the people that he would and Roman troops. There was a Samaritan Herod’s son Herod Archelaus ruled Ju- permission and for a period of time, the split the Yarden. He led a type of revolt of murder of Jews, which Cumanus ignored, dea so badly that he was dismissed in 6 CE clothing was once again in Jewish hands. sorts, but before he and his 400 people which caused further violence between by the Roman emperor Augustus, after an Herod’s grandson, Herod Agrippas I, could reach the Jordan River, Fadus cap- Jews and Samaritans. Ventidius was par- appeal from his own population. ruled briefl y over a reunited Eretz Yisrael tured them and killed some. Theudas was tial to the Samaritans and the situation Augustus then imposed direct Roman from the year 41–44 CE. His son Agrippas beheaded. Fadus’s tenure as procurator was eventually brought before the gov- rule. This was the beginning of the end, r’l. II ruled over various sections of Eretz Yis- caused some unrest, however, and he was ernor in Syria. The governor Quadratus Another son of Hurdus, Herod Antipas, rael in the 50s, but, by and large, the period soon replaced. eventually replaced Cumanus with Mar- however, ruled as tetrarch of Galilee and of Roman procurators began. 2. The next procurator (46–48 CE) was cus Antonius Felix and banished him. The Perea from 4 BCE to 39 CE, and was then Tiberius Julius Alexander, who stemmed Jewish side was supported by Aggripas II, dismissed by Emperor Caligula. The third The Prefects And from a Jewish family in Alexandria. It was who was a friend of Emperor Claudius. tetrarch, Herod’s son Philip, ruled over the Procurators thought that Judea would be calmer if the 4. Marcus Antonius Felix was the next

July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, northwestern part of his father’s kingdom. The Roman procurators administrated new procurator was of Jewish origin. procurator (52–58 CE). His second wife, the land in what was called the Province Tiberius Julius Alexander’s father was Drusilla of Judea, was a married Jewish The Loss Of The of Judea. This was the period of the ear- a citizen of Rome, something rather rare woman who left her husband and married Bigdei Kehunah ly Tannaim—those who lived during the for a Jew, and he passed on that citizen- Felix, abandoning her religion. Eventu- The bigdei kehunah that the kohen gadol time of the Beis HaMikdash. Before Judea ship to his sons. Tiberius abandoned his ally she and her son died in the eruption wore on Yom Kippur were taken away and became a province of Rome, Eretz Yisrael and rose to high prominence in of Mount Vesuvius. She is mentioned in were held by the Romans from the year 6 to was administered as an annex of Syria. Rome, joining the Roman military. He was the Christian bible (Acts 24:24). There is the year 36. It signifi ed a loss of autonomy It was thus headed by Romans of a lower appointed by Emperor Claudius as proc- a wealthy woman whose body was pre- over matters of the Beis HaMikdash. rank—prefects, not procurators. urator of Judea. Under his tenure things served in ash that perhaps may be her. In the year 35 CE, Lucius Vitellis was 1. The fi rst procurator was Fadus Cuspi- were calmer; however, there was a severe 5. The next procurator was Porceus Fes- appointed governor of Syria. When he us (44–46 CE). He tried getting the bigdei famine during his time. tus. His rule lasted roughly from 58 to 62 visited Yerushalayim, the Jews gave him kehunah back in Roman hands. The Jews, Tiberius Julius Alexander appears in CE, when he died in offi ce in 62 CE. much honor, and he wished to repay their however, succeeded in getting a delegation Philo’s philosophical discourses as some- 6. Lucceius Albinus was the Roman kindness. He was approached by a delegate to Rome where they convinced Emperor one who argues against hashgachah pratis. procurator of Judea from 62 until 64 CE. Albinus was appointed procurator by the Emperor Nero following the death of his predecessor. Albinus faced his fi rst chal- lenge while traveling from Alexandria to his new position in Judea. The Jewish High Priest Ananus ben Ananus used the opportunity created by Festus’s death to convene the Sanhedrin and have James, the brother of Yeshu, sentenced to death by for violation of religious law. A delegation sent by citizens upset over the perceived breach of justice met Albi- nus before he reached Judea, and Albinus responded with a letter informing Ananus that it was illegal to convene the Sanhedrin without Albinus’s permission, and threat- ening to punish the priest. Ananus was deposed by Agrippa II before Albinus’s arrival. Immediately upon his arrival in Yerushalayim, Albinus began an eff ort to remove the Sicarii from the region. Jose- phus also records that Albinus became the friend of a high priest named Ananus due to the priest’s gift-giving. The Sicarii responded to Albinus’s eff orts by captur- ing an assistant to the priest Eleazar, son of Ananus, and demanding the release of ten imprisoned Sicarii in exchange for the assistant. The release was arranged by Ananus. When Albinus learned that he was to be succeeded by Gessius Florus, he emp- tied the prisons by executing prisoners charged with more serious off enses and allowing the remaining prison population to pay for their release. 7. The procurator whose impact was most devastating was from the Greek city of Klazomenai, located in what is now Tur- key. His name was Gessius Florus (64–66 CE). Why was he appointed? His wife and the wife of Emperor Nero were close friends. Upon his appointment, Florus began favoring Greek residents over the Jews. 8. Marcus Antonius Julianus was the eighth and fi nal procurator (66–70 CE). He had taken over the role from Gessius Flo- rus, who had done a poor job in avoiding confl ict. He was unable to stop the revolt. „

The author can be reached at Yairhoff [email protected]. Read more of Rabbi Hoff man’s articles at 5TJT.com. and an understanding of the complex- He adds, “Many years ago, while 95 ities, character, vision, purpose, and visiting the sick, I met these amazing ROCHELLE'S essence of each culture. Blessed with women, dressed regally in their ul- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 a penchant for putting pen to paper, tra-modest Satmar attire. They were he offers the reader wonderful insight carrying large amounts of food and REVIEWS into the fabric of each community, as- stopped by the bed of every patient to By Rochelle Miller tute in his analysis of the makings of say a few kind words. I do not think I its leaders. I was so engrossed while will ever forget my feeling of amaze- reading the book, I found it difficult to ment and appreciation of these spe- put down. Particularly moving is the cial righteous women. This wonder- author’s poignant description of the ful organization was the brainchild of BOOK REVIEW: tremendous chessed that is an integral none other than the late Satmar Reb- part of Satmar: be and Rebbetzin.” SATMAR AND LUBAVITCH “The Satmar community is known The author has drawn on sociolog- for their many acts of chessed, acts of ical studies, such as Gershon Kran- BY ROCHELLE MARUCH MILLER loving kindness, to the larger commu- zler’s “Williamsburg: A Community nity. Perhaps they are best known for In Transition” as well as a vast trea- atmar and Lubavitch (336 each group’s demographics and polit- their bikur cholim, an organization sury of sources to afford the reader a pages, Jewish Enrichment ical, social, economic, and cultural that not only provides delicious home front-row seat into the heart and soul S Press, 2017) is an impecca- aspects, we are—through the power cooked meals for hospital patients, of Satmar and Lubavitch. Describ- bly researched, masterfully writ- of Rabbi Dalfin’s words and prosaic but also provides the patient’s fami- ing his own discussions with some of ten literary work that explores the artistry—able to “experience” the ex- ly with moral and logistical support. these special women, Kranzer writes: similarities and differences as well hilaration and pure, unadulterated joy Their simple but powerful slogan is “…Perhaps the most remarkable as- as the unique characteristics of the and passion of each of these cultures, ‘ken ich helfen?’ (can I help you?), and pect of this aspect of the life of the Ha- Satmar and Lubavitch communities. so different yet so similar. By elo- indeed, thousands of Jews, myself in- sidic women of Williamsburg is max- Committed to honoring the truths of quently sharing his own experiences, cluded, vouch for their genuineness imal involvement in the mobilization history, Rabbi Chaim Dalfin crafted in his own community as well as a and goodness. Thousands of glatt-ko- for chessed, the networks of projects, an excellent book that is both eru- “visiting insider” to Satmar, the au- sher meals are distributed daily by an dite and fascinating, comprehensive thor imbues us with an appreciation army of volunteers, free of charge.” Continued on Page 97 in scope, yet compelling. A prolific author and passionate Lubavitcher chassid, the author has conducted extensive research and real-time in- terviews with prominent individuals from both Chassidic communities. With meticulous attention to each detail, he transports the reader back in time via dialogue and documents, as he enlightens, elucidates, and ed- ucates the reader in this richly sat- isfying study of two noble Chassidic dynasties, their treasured traditions, and their respective leaders—the spiritual giants and tzaddikim—the Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoel Teitelbaum, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Reb Me- nachem Mendel Schneerson. Although Rabbi Dalfin is an ac- claimed and accomplished scholar and historian capable of writing an ac- ademic work, Satmar and Lubavitch is not a formal tome written from a detached perspective. Parting the curtains of the strong cultural divide that exists between the two commu- nities, the author writes, “It is not our place to give out scores or rankings to different paths in Judaism. In the ancient words of the Talmud, ‘Every river has its own course.’” Succeeding in his quest for objec- tivity, integrity, and accuracy, this excellent book is testament to Rabbi Dalfin’s extensive investigation, re- search, and analysis throughout the contemporary Jewish community. A devout Lubavitcher chassid, raised in a family steeped in Lubavitch chas- sidus, he maintains his objectivity throughout, affording the reader an insider’s perspective of the two Chas- sidic dynasties. Satmar and Lubavitch is no ordi- nary book. From beginning to end, Rabbi Dalfin captivates the reader by assuming the dual role of historian and tour guide, affording us a rare and up-close insider’s perspective of each Chassidic community, from Satmar and Lubavitch’s respective origins in Hungary and Russia to their contem- porary cultures in Williamsburg, Boro Park, Kiryas Yoel, and Crown Heights. Not only are we enlightened regarding 96 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, ROCHELLE’S REVIEWS Through sharing personal experi- 97 Continued from Page 95 ences and providing documented di-

alogue and sources, Rabbi Dalfin il- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 institutions, and organizations which lustrates the method of each of these the old Rebbe of Satmar initiated to venerable Chassidic Rebbes. “I don’t meet the constantly expanding needs believe the Satmar Rebbe was as an- of this community. ‘This is our mitz- ti-Zionistic as he is portrayed to have vah,’ the women stressed when they been,” Rabbi Dalfin told the 5TJT. spoke of every chance and spare time “He put up ‘gedarim’ to prevent peo- for helping others in need and provid- ple from going farther. He used a lot ing for the aged, poor, and sick.” They of rhetoric because he believed that belong to the army of volunteers that Zionism would lead to violence.” have made bikur cholim an exemplar Additionally, Satmar and of chessed that is emulated by other Lubavitch delves into the distinct relief organizations throughout New differences that exist between the York and beyond. Hungarian and Russian cultures. A major point the author focuses “They are as different as night and on is that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was day, even to this day,” says Rabbi Dal- not a Zionist. “It is a common belief fin. “I adopt each one’s paradigm and in the Satmar community that the wear the hats of both a historian and Lubavitcher Rebbe was a Zionist, a an ‘insider.’” supporter of Jewish nationalism,” Rabbi Dalfin wrote this book with Rabbi Dalfin writes. “Sadly, in recent the intent to promote understand- years, this erroneous view has even ing and build improve relationships crept into the Lubavitcher commu- between the Satmar and Lubavitch- nity, with many believing and even er communities. Indeed, he writes publicizing the view that…their Reb- about both communities pooling be was a strong pro-Zionist. As will their collective resources to build be made clear in this work, nothing mikvaot and perform other mitzvot could be [further from] the truth.” in a beautiful show of ahavas Yisrael The author states that both the and achdus. Satmar and Lubavitch is Lubavitcher and the Satmar Rebbes a literary masterpiece—a book to be were great lovers of the Jewish peo- read and treasured. „ ple and the Jewish land, Eretz Yis- rael. “And they were both strongly Rochelle Maruch Miller is a contributing opposed to Zionism. They disagreed editor for the Five Towns Jewish Times. She is a journalist, creative media consultant, regarding what practical steps must lecturer, and educator, and writes for be taken to oppose it and to ensure magazines, newspapers, websites, and private that its false teachings remain out- clients. She welcomes your comments at side of normative Jewish thinking [email protected]. Read more of and practice.” Rochelle Miller’s articles at 5TJT.com. 98 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13, 99 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 13, 2018 100 July 13, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 13,