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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #191490 dans eBooksPublié le: 2010-05-18Sorti le: 2010-05- 18Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 25.Mb

Par Henry Miller : The Colossus of Maroussi (Second Edition) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Colossus of Maroussi (Second Edition):

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles0 internautes sur 4 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. boringPar Livressesomeone recommended this to me as summer reading during my trip to greece. i found this super- boring. it's hard to find good English novels in some parts of Greece so I recommend something else.2 internautes sur 2 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. WowPar Mister HappyMiller's Mediterranean journey is very different from his other work. It's an amazing travelogue which is sadly hard to find in bookshops. Buy it, but make sure you've got enough money left for a flight to .0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Récit trés vivant de visite entre amis de la GrécePar michel badyHM nous fait partager sa découverte de sites choisis de la Gréce par et avec ses amis locaux .Ce faisant nous décrit leur moments de bonheur loin des soucis de guerre en cours , crise donc ..soit rien de nouveau .Trés chaleureux .

Description du produitThis book about Greece, by the author of and Tropic of Capricorn is incandescent with his feeling for a great people and their past. "It doesn't seem far from a miracle to me, the emergence of as friendly and joyful a book."—Paul Rosenfeld.

Présentation de l'éditeurHenry Miller’s landmark travel book, now reissued in a new edition, is ready to be stuffed into any vagabond’s backpack.Like the ancient colossus that stood over the harbor of Rhodes, Henry Miller’s The Colossus of Maroussi stands as a seminal classic in travel literature. It has preceded the footsteps of prominent travel writers such as Pico Iyer and Rolf Potts. The book Miller would later cite as his favorite began with a young woman’s seductive description of Greece. Miller headed out with his friend to explore the Grecian countryside: a flock of sheep nearly tramples the two as they lie naked on a beach; the Greek poet Katsmbalis, the “colossus” of Miller’s book, stirs every rooster within earshot of the Acropolis with his own loud crowing; cold hard- boiled eggs are warmed in a village’s single stove, and they stay in hotels that “have seen better days, but which have an aroma of the past.”Présentation de l'éditeurHenry Miller’s landmark travel book, now reissued in a new edition, is ready to be stuffed into any vagabond’s backpack.Like the ancient colossus that stood over the harbor of Rhodes, Henry Miller’s The Colossus of Maroussi stands as a seminal classic in travel literature. It has preceded the footsteps of prominent travel writers such as Pico Iyer and Rolf Potts. The book Miller would later cite as his favorite began with a young woman’s seductive description of Greece. Miller headed out with his friend Lawrence Durrell to explore the Grecian countryside: a flock of sheep nearly tramples the two as they lie naked on a beach; the Greek poet Katsmbalis, the “colossus” of Miller’s book, stirs every rooster within earshot of the Acropolis with his own loud crowing; cold hard-boiled eggs are warmed in a village’s single stove, and they stay in hotels that “have seen better days, but which have an aroma of the past.”

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