28 March 2003 28 March Issue No.50 material eternal. Thatisthedifference betweenthis divorced orsomething. No.Everythingis more enjoyment,orthat theyareseparatedor It isnotthattheybecome oldandthereisno with the areenjoyingdancingandchanting cinmaya-rasa that tasteof somebody, there is somebody, anything enjoyablethereis who embodiestheecstaticpotency[ who resemblesHisownspiritualfigureand sides inHisownrealm,Goloka,withRadha, I worshipGovinda,theprimevalLord,whore-

His DivineGraceA.C.Bhaktivedanta Highlights N goloka evanivasatyakhilātma-bhūto ānanda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhāvitābhis govindam ādi-puruatamahabhajāmi tābhir yaevanijarūpatayākalābhi OT gopīs His DivineGraceA.C.BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada • N Srila DasThakur • Sri SrimadGourGovindaSwamiMaharaja • Srila BhaktisiddhantaSaraswatiThakur • rasa Their companionsareHerconfi- T A S T L dantes, whoembodyextensionsof That tasteiscalled and that spiritual andthatspiritual HE RANSCENDING OT you kisssomebody, embrace . Thatiseternal.Itneverstopped. Swami Prabhupada rasa blissful spiritual bued andpermeatedwithever- Her bodilyformandwhoareim- meansitcontinues.- IKE mango, thetasteispleasing. L ADHU M If youtakeanicefruit, inapervertedmanner. But IKE Fortnightly emailmini-magazinefromGopalJiuPublications H OONLIKE H rasa OTEL

HAS OTEL Tav k-QaaMa*Ta&TaáJaqvNaMa( Tav k-QaaMa*Ta&TaáJaqvNaMa( Pāpavimocanī tava kathāmtatapta-jīvanam . Here wehavegot

D NO D L rasa L rasa ANCING ITTLENESS ANCING E rasa. ORD . —Bs.5.37 . Ifyoulove rasa NEMIES G hlādinī . Within Ekādaśī AURA ]. , 10 it some persons think that they areGod. understanding ofthe Personality ofGodhead.” Thisisthe Krishna, Youare understood Krishna, he said,“Mydear parama bhavān — in somehell.No.Krishnais money byflatteringsomebodyorworking garbage. ItisnotthatHehastoacquire Krishna hastogothenextmorningdig money forthatdancing.Itisnot morning wehavetogodiggarbagebring enjoy dancinginahotel,andthenthenext do.” Hereinthematerialworldwemay version, that,“TheSupremehasnothingto [ potencies doeverythingforHim.” anything Himself.Hismultifarious Supreme Lorddoesnothavetodo parāsya śaktirvividhaivaśrūyate potency. rasa nija-rūpatayā kalābhi cinmaya-rasa-pratibhāvitābhis tābhiryaeva going. Butthatlifeiseternal.That have itagain.Itisflashing;comingand finished, andfinishedforever. You willnot finished. Your life—everythingwillbe will befinished. Your American lifewillbe Viu Śvetāśvatara Upaniad Your youthfulenjoymentwillnotlast.It para brahmadhāmapavitra iscalled S S S S S S S S S S , 517 , 517 r r r r r r r r r r i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K i K na tasyakaryakaraacavidyate; B B B Gaurābda B B B B B B B hlādini-śakti r r r r r r r r r r is is is is is is is is is is para [Bg.10.12]. i i i i i h h i i h h h h h h i h h i i n n n n n n n n n n n n n . This n n n n n n n Gītā 6.8]ThisistheVedic a K a K a K a K a K a K a K a K a K a K , Krishna’spleasure du du . Yet afterreading du du du du du du du du Circulation 1,278 ānanda-cinmaya- a a a a a a a a a a para brahman When Arjuna t t t t t t t t t t , theSupreme h h h h h h h h h h amr amr amr amr amr amr amr amr amr amr —“The ānanda- it it it it it it it it it it a a a a a a a a a a Issue Fifty, Page — 2 é[q k*-Z