RemoteRemote AccessAccess DavidDavid CaesarCaesar--DareDare && DebDeb MeiselsMeisels withwith specialspecial thanksthanks toto JimmyJimmy LamakeLamake OUROUR CHOICESCHOICES

•• MicrosoftMicrosoft RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop OUROUR CHOICESCHOICES

•• MicrosoftMicrosoft RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop


•• MicrosoftMicrosoft RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop

•• CrossLoopCrossLoop


•• MicrosoftMicrosoft RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop

•• CrossLoopCrossLoop

•• GotomyPCGotomyPC

•• LogMeInLogMeIn MicrosoftMicrosoft RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop

•• OneOne ofof thethe bestbest featuresfeatures ofof WindowsWindows XPXP ProfessionalProfessional andand WindowsWindows VistaVista isis RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop..

•• FromFrom anyany InternetInternet connection,connection, youyou cancan useuse RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop toto accessaccess youryour homehome computer,computer, bringbring upup informationinformation youyou need,need, andand continuecontinue withwith everydayeveryday TheThe GoodGood NewsNews

TheThe RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop ConnectionConnection softwaresoftware isis prepre--installedinstalled withwith WindowsWindows XPXP ProPro andand Vista.Vista. BasicBasic NetworkingNetworking TermsTerms

•• WANWAN AddressAddress == WideWide AreaArea NetworkNetwork AddressAddress (External(External Address)Address) •• LANLAN AddressAddress == ComputersComputers maymay bebe onon aa routerrouter (Internal(Internal Address)Address) •• ClientClient == ComputerComputer youyou areare workingworking fromfrom •• HostHost == ComputerComputer youyou areare tryingtrying toto accessaccess •• PortPort == EntryEntry pointpoint ofof aa computercomputer IPIP AddressAddress

• Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. • A typical IP address looks like this:

• Just as a phone number is unique: 1.914.946.5511 ScenarioScenario 11 TwoTwo ComputersComputers InsideInside aa LANLAN


Den Computer------Kitchen Computer

LAN ConfigureConfigure HostHost MachineMachine

•• HostHost mustmust bebe XPXP Pro,Pro, 20032003 Server,Server, MediaMedia Center,Center, oror VistaVista

•• AccountAccount onon HostHost machinemachine mustmust havehave aa passwordpassword

•• StartStart // ControlControl PanelPanel // UserUser AccountsAccounts ConfigureConfigure RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop onon HostHost

•• RightRight clickclick onon MyMy ComputerComputer •• SelectSelect PropertiesProperties •• ClickClick ““RemoteRemote”” tabtab •• CheckCheck ““AllowAllow usersusers toto connectconnect remotelyremotely toto thisthis”” GetGet YourYour InternalInternal IPIP AddressAddress

•• StartStart // RunRun // CMDCMD •• ipconfigipconfig /all/all ConfigureConfigure XPXP FirewallFirewall

•• ControlControl PanelPanel >> WindowsWindows FirewallFirewall >> OnOn ¾¾UncheckUncheck ““DonDon’’tt AllowAllow ExceptionsExceptions”” ¾¾OnOn ExceptionsExceptions tab,tab, checkcheck RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop ¾¾ClickClick OKOK ConfigureConfigure ZoneZone AlarmAlarm

•• OpenOpen ZoneZone AlarmAlarm •• UnderUnder ,Firewall, clickclick AddAdd •• InputInput RemoteRemote Desktop,Desktop, anan IPIP range,range, andand setset toto TrustedTrusted •• ClickClick ApplyApply ConfigureConfigure OtherOther FirewallsFirewalls

• 8Signs Firewall • Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro • Armor2Net Firewall • BitDefender Internet Security v10 • BullGuard • CA • Comodo Firewall • Personal Firewall • LookNStop Personal Firewall • McAfee Security Center • 2007 • NVidia ActiveArmor Firewall • Panda Antivirus N Firewall • Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall • TermiNetPersonalFirewall • The Shield Firewall • Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security • Windows XP Firewall • ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall

• Instructions for both Hardware and Software Firewalls are found there AccessingAccessing HostHost FromFrom ClientClient

ClickClick StartStart // AllAll ProgramsPrograms // AccessoriesAccessories // CommunicationCommunication // RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop

Use the Host Internal IP Address from ipconfig /all

Host Computer Name:……………. Host Computer Password:………………

You are now on the Remote Desktop inside a LAN ScenarioScenario 22 22 ComputersComputers onon aa WANWAN WithWith NoNo HostHost RouterRouter ScenarioScenario 22 22 ComputersComputers onon aa WANWAN WithWith NoNo HostHost RouterRouter

•• UsingUsing ipchickenipchicken,, getget HostHost IPIP addressaddress

•• UpdateUpdate ClientClient firewallfirewall (if(if notnot Windows)Windows) toto allowallow accessaccess ScenarioScenario 33 TwoTwo ComputersComputers onon DifferentDifferent LANsLANs

Client Computer--Internet--Router--Host Computer WAN School


Port forward :3389 LAN

Home RoutersRouters SeparateSeparate WANWAN FromFrom YourYour LANLAN

TheThe routerrouter holdsholds thethe ExternalExternal IPIP AddressAddress fromfrom youryour InternetInternet provider.provider. WANWAN ------LANLAN RoutersRouters givegive outout InternalInternal IPIP AddressAddress forfor everyevery computercomputer insideinside thethe LANLAN sideside WHATWHAT ISIS AA PORT?PORT?

•• EachEach machinemachine hashas 64,000+64,000+ portsports •• ManyMany areare reservedreserved forfor specificspecific applicationsapplications •• PortPort 33893389 isis reservedreserved forfor remoteremote desktopdesktop •• ForFor multiplemultiple accounts,accounts, thethe portport numbernumber increasesincreases byby 11 (the(the secondsecond accountaccount wouldwould bebe 3390,3390, etc.)etc.) LinkSysLinkSys RouterRouter PortPort ForwardingForwarding ScenarioScenario 33 TwoTwo ComputersComputers onon DifferentDifferent LANsLANs

•• NeedNeed toto PortPort ForwardForward thethe HostHost RouterRouter •• OpenOpen youryour browserbrowser andand gogo toto

•• ClickClick onon youryour specificspecific routerrouter andand printprint thethe settingssettings forfor RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop ScenarioScenario 33 (continued)(continued) ADDADD PORTPORT FORWARDFORWARD TOTO YOURYOUR ROUTERROUTER

•• OpenOpen youryour browserbrowser andand gogo toto youryour routerrouter’’ss WebWeb page,page, i.e.,i.e., •• InputInput thethe RouterRouter UserUser Name:______Name:______•• RouterRouter Password:_********_Password:_********_ •• InputInput thethe settingssettings fromfrom thethe PortPort ForwardForward pagepage andand forwardforward portport 33893389 toto youryour InternalInternal IPIP Address,Address, i.e.,i.e., •• forfor youryour particularparticular router.router. ScenarioScenario 33 GetGet YourYour ExternalExternal IPIP AddressAddress

•• ExternalExternal IPIP AddressAddress ofof thethe HostHost computercomputer HostHost ComputerComputer InfoInfo YouYou NeedNeed

•• HostHost ExternalExternal IPIP Address:____.___.___.____Address:____.___.___.____ •• RouterRouter ModelModel •• RouterRouter LogonLogon andand PasswordPassword •• InstructionsInstructions toto PortPort ForwardForward forfor thethe RouterRouter •• SetSet youryour FirewallFirewall toto trusttrust PortPort ForwardForward •• HostHost InternalInternal IPIP Address:____.___.___.____Address:____.___.___.____ •• HostHost UserUser Name:______Name:______•• HostHost Password:_**********_Password:_**********_ TwoTwo ComputersComputers onon DifferentDifferent LANsLANs onon ClientClient ComputerComputer

•• ClickClick StartStart // AllAll ProgramsPrograms // AccessoriesAccessories // CommunicationCommunication // RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop

InputInput thethe ExternalExternal IPIP AddressAddress forfor thethe HostHost computercomputer LoginLogin andand PasswordPassword

•• InputInput youryour infoinfo •• HostHost Name:______Name:______•• HostHost PasswordPassword:_:_****************__

•• YouYou areare nownow loggedlogged onon toto thethe remoteremote WhereWhere dodo youyou getget RemoteRemote DesktopDesktop ConnectionConnection SoftwareSoftware ifif youyou dondon’’tt havehave itit onon youryour computer?computer?

•• FromFrom MicrosoftMicrosoft





•• CrossLoopCrossLoop

• • Click on Free Download • Run, Run, English, Next • Accept agreement, Install, Finish • On Host, Click Host Tab, then Connect, send access code to remote person • On Remote, click Join Tab, enter access code, then click Connect • On Host, accept the remote computer CrossLoopCrossLoop –– SimpleSimple SecureSecure ScreenScreen SharingSharing

• Connect any two PCs • File transfer capability • Switch control to make collaboration easier • View Only and Share Control modes WhatWhat IsIs UniqueUnique AboutAbout CrossLoopCrossLoop

• Ease of use - no router configuration required • Secure and encrypted • CrossLoop does not require Windows XP Pro GoToMyPCGoToMyPC

•• •• DownloadDownload programprogram onon HostHost machine,machine, install,install, andand signsign upup withwith creditcredit cardcard •• LogLog inin toto WebWeb sitesite fromfrom anotheranother computercomputer •• ClickClick Connect.Connect. GoToMyPCGoToMyPC PricingPricing

•• MonthlyMonthly Plan:Plan: $19.95/mo.$19.95/mo.

•• AnnualAnnual Plan:Plan: $179.40/yr.$179.40/yr. SaveSave 25%25%

LogMeInLogMeIn OverviewOverview

•• LogMeInLogMeIn isis RemoteRemote ConnectivityConnectivity SoftwareSoftware

•• FromFrom anyany InternetInternet connectionconnection youyou cancan useuse itit toto gogo toto anyany HostHost computercomputer 3030--DayDay TrialTrial •• FreeFree forfor personalpersonal oror businessbusiness useuse •• PremiumPremium ServiceService costs.costs. •• ForFor 3030 days,days, youyou getget Free/Pro/ReachFree/Pro/Reach •• AddAdd asas manymany computerscomputers asas youyou wantwant •• AfterAfter 3030 daysdays youyou’’llll havehave thethe freefree versionversion CreateCreate aa SignSign UpUp

•• •• CreateCreate anan accountaccount •• UseUse httpshttps sitesite (https(https == secure)secure) •• EnterEnter youryour emailemail addressaddress andand choosechoose aa •• passwordpassword •• FollowFollow thethe setupsetup wizardwizard AddAdd aa ComputerComputer

•• FromFrom computercomputer youyou areare adding,adding, gogo toto andand loglog inin •• ClickClick onon AddAdd ComputerComputer •• AddAdd thethe softwaresoftware onon thethe HostHost •• InputInput youryour AccessAccess CodeCode •• YouYou willwill seesee aa squaresquare silversilver iconicon inin thethe syssys traytray ofof thethe HostHost ConnectConnect

•• LogLog intointo,, clickclick thethe computercomputer youyou wantwant toto access,access, andand you'reyou're in!in! GoGo toto WorkWork

•• FromFrom anyany clientclient computercomputer •• SendSend emailemail •• RunRun programsprograms •• OpenOpen filesfiles PremiumPremium ProductsProducts •• LogMeInLogMeIn ProPro -- SecurelySecurely accessaccess youryour PCs,PCs, hearhear sound,sound, printprint fromfrom anywhereanywhere andand shareshare filesfiles •• LogMeInLogMeIn HamachiHamachi -- InstantlyInstantly connectconnect multiplemultiple computerscomputers inin aa VPNVPN •• LogMeInLogMeIn ITIT ReachReach -- serversservers overover thethe WebWeb •• LogMeInLogMeIn BackupBackup -- backupsbackups toto storagestorage devicesdevices •• LogMeInLogMeIn RescueRescue -- SupportSupport remoteremote PCsPCs overover thethe WebWeb withoutwithout prepre--installinginstalling softwaresoftware FeatureFeature ComparisonComparison Remote Desktop CrossLoop GoToMyPC LogMeIn Cost Free Free $$ Free/$$ Collaboration No Yes Yes Yes File Xfer Yes Yes Yes/$$ Ease of Use Complex Easiest Easy Moderate AnotherAnother finefine presentationpresentation fromfrom thethe dynamicdynamic duoduo ofof DaveDave andand DebDeb DavidDavid CaesarCaesar--DareDare andand DebDeb MeiselsMeisels andand specialspecial thanksthanks toto JimmyJimmy LamakeLamake ThatThat’’ss All,All, Folks!Folks!