The South African Early Music Trust (SAEMT) presents Passionsmusik German Lenten music by Scheidt, Schein, Schütz and Luther Farewell concert for Roland Johannes Saturday 30 March 16h00, Evangelical Lutheran Church, 98 Strand Street, Cape Town

Samuel Scheidt Toccata in g (1587-1654) Zion spricht: Der Herr hat mich verlassen (1586-1630) five-part from Israelsbrünnlein (1623) Heinrich Schütz Das Blut Jesu Christi, SWV 298 (1585-1672) motet for 2 sopranos, bass & bc from Kleine geistliche Konzerte (1636/39) Choralvariation: Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr (1595-1663) Heinrich Schütz So fahr ich hin, SWV 379 five-part from Geistliche Chormusik (1648) Aus tiefer Not (1483-1546) organ prelude on Luther’s melody from Eyn Enchiridion (Erfurt 1524) Johann Hermann Schein Aus tiefer Not (Verse 1) Sacred concert for two sopranos, obligato basso & bc from Opella Nova (1618) Heinrich Schütz Aus tiefer Not (Verse 2, 3, 5) four-part from the Beckerscher Psalter (1628) Johann Hermann Schein Die mit Tränen säen five-part motet from Israelsbrünnlein (1623) Heinrich Schütz Die mit Tränen säen, SWV 378 five-part motets from Geistliche Chormusik (1648) Ich bin die Auferstehung, SWV 324 from Kleine geistliche Konzerte II, op 9 (1639) Johann Hermann Schein Ich lasse dich nicht Dennoch bleibe ich stets an dir five-part motets from Israelsbrünnlein (1623) Heinrich Schütz Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten, SWV 282 Oration for soprano & bc from Kleine geistliche Konzerte I, op 8 (1636) Johann Hermann Schein Herr, lass meine Klage Lehre uns bedenken five-part motets from Israelsbrünnlein (1623)

Antoinette Blyth, Madri Gerber – soprano Nick de Jager – alto, Willem Bester – tenor, Keaton Manwaring – bass Vera Vukovic – lute, chitarrone, Roland Johannes – chest organ Hans Huyssen – Baroque cello & musical direction

We thank the Rupert Music Foundation for their generous support, the SACM for the use of the Klop chest organ and Thomas Klingelhöffer for transporting the organ. Programme Notes

This programme results from a compilation of works suggested by the organist, singer and Lutheran minister, Roland Johannes. Currently based in Kwazulu-Natal, Roland will shortly be immigrating to . With his encyclopedic knowledge, stylistic proficiency and contagious enthusiasm, Roland has been a most welcome guest of the Consort on several occasions. We will miss him dearly but want to wish him well with this farewell concert. The programme is devoted to Lutheran Lenten music from the early 17th century, mainly by Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) and Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630) – contemporaries, friends and in many ways like-minded composers. Both received their first musical training as boy choristers – Schein at the court in Dresden, where Schütz was to become chapel master later, Schütz in Kassel. Both studied law, but subsequently held important musical posts. Schein was appointed chapel master in Weimar in the same year as Schütz in Dresden, but soon followed a call to become cantor at St Thomas in Leipzig – Bach’s predecessor to that post by more than a century. Both were greatly inspired by Martin Luther’s reforms in respect of using the vernacular German language as vehicle for the expression of his enlightened theology. Concurrently both were greatly influenced by the Italian manner of dramatic expressions at the forefront of musical developments during their era. By way of integrating these disparate influences, both endeavoured to place the full palette of highly refined rhetorical means of dramatic Italian music into the service of the religious and cultural revival that swept over Germany in the wake of the protestant . Whereas Schütz had the opportunity to visit Italy twice – once as a young man to study with Gabrieli and once more much later in his career to keep abreast of the latest musical developments – Schein never left Germany, making his masterly grasp of the Italianate style all the more remarkable. The success of this transcultural assimilation is especially evident in the 26 concise motets contained in his Fontana d’Israel (Israelsbrünnlein), five of which we are performing today. By his own account Schein, in this volume, set out to apply Italian, madrigalesque word painting to the German language. In fact, the images of the biblical texts spring to life in a most plastic and vivid manner. Both composers, therefore, were instrumental in placing the complete palette of highly refined, rhetorical and dramatic Italian music into the service of the religious and cultural revival that swept over Germany in the wake of the protestant Reformation. Compared to Schütz, who despite personal hardships enjoyed a, long and influential career, Schein had to deal with a somewhat more austere fate. Schütz lived to become 87, but Schein, afflicted by several grave illnesses throughout his life, died at the age of 44, after loosing four of his five children in infancy, as well as his wife in childbirth. Considering the political upheavals at the time it may, however, be remarked that Schein was spared the most violent years of the 30-year war, all of which Schütz had to endure. Unlike Schütz, who almost exclusively wrote only sacred music, Schein adhered to a preconceived scheme of publishing secular and sacred music alternatingly. Interestingly this results in an output in which the profundity of his sacred works stands in stark contrast to a raw and savvy sense of humour that comes to the fore in his popular music. Schein himself deliberates the point, stating that the former should serve a ‘Christian devotion, in the performance of the service’, the latter should offer ‘befitting entertainment at decorous gatherings’, displaying no qualms that the same author could provide suitable music for such disparate purposes. Antoinette Blyth, Hans Huyssen

Roland Johannes studied organ with Prof. Wim Viljoen and and historical performance practice with John Coulter at the University of Pretoria. From 2004-2012 he studied theology in Germany at the universities of Leipzig, Tübingen and Oberursel, completing his masters degree in 2013. During this time he also worked as a freelance singer and continuo player, performing and recording with internationally renowned ensembles such as Kammerchor Stuttgart, Vocalensemble Rastatt, Ensemble Cantissimo, Deutscher Kammerchor, Ensemble Officium and L’arpa Festante München, working with conductors such as Philippe Herreweghe, Thomas Hengelbrock, Riccardo Chailly, Yannick Nezet-Seguin, Marcus Creed and others. Since his return to South Africa – to take up a ministry at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Wartburg (KZN) – he has performed with the Cape Consort as well as Baroque 2000. Roland has always been particularly interested in sacred German music of the Baroque era, especially with regard to the use of the organ as continuo instrument. The perceived strong connection between theology and music clearly finds its expression in his dual profession as musician and minister. Texts & Translations

Zion spricht: Zion says: Der Herr hat mich verlassen, The Lord has abandoned me, Der Herr hat mein vergessen. The Lord has forgotten me. Kann auch ein leiblich Mutter Can a human mother Ihres Kindleins vergessen, Forget her child, Daß sie sich nicht erbarme So she would not feel compassion Über den Sohn ihres Leibes. For the son of her body? Und ob sie schon desselben And even if she herself Ihres Kindleins vergesse, Forgets her child, Will ich doch dein nicht vergessen. Yet I will not forget you. Siehe, in meine Hände habe ich dich gezeichnet. Behold, I have inscribed you upon My hands. Jes 49, 14-16 Is 49, 14-16 Das Blut Jesu Christi, des Sohnes Gottes, The blood of Jesus, God’s son, machet uns rein von allen Sünden. cleanses us from all sin. 1. Joh 1,7b 1. Joh 1,7b So fahr ich hin zu Jesu Christ, Thus I journey to Jesus Christ; Mein Arm tu ich ausstrecken, I stretch out my arm, So schlaf ich ein und ruhe fein, So I fall asleep and rest gently, Kein Mensch kann mich aufwecken, No one can awaken me, Denn Jesus Christus, Gottes Sohn, For Jesus Christ, God's Son Der wird die Himmelstür auftun, Will open the gate of heaven, Mich führen zum ewigen Leben. To lead me to eternal life. Nikolaus Hermann (aus: Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist) Aus tiefer Not schrei' ich zu dir, From deep affliction I cry out to you, Herr Gott, erhör' mein Rufen, Lord God, hear my call; Dein gnädig' Ohren kehr zu mir, incline your merciful ear here to me Und meiner Bitt' sie öffen! and be open to my prayer! Denn so du willst das sehen an, For if you want to look at this, Was Sünd' und Unrecht ist getan, what sin and injustice is done, Wer kann, Herr, vor dir bleiben? who can, Lord, remain before you? Bei dir gilt nichts denn Gnad' und Gunst With you nothing but your grace and favour Die Sünde zu vergeben; counts in the forgiveness of sins; Es ist doch unser Tun umsonst, our deeds are therefore useless, Auch in dem besten Leben. even in the best life. Vor dir Niemand sich rühmen kann, Before you nobody can boast, Des muss dich fürchten jedermann but everyone must fear you Und deiner Gnade leben. and live by your grace. Darum auf Gott will hoffen ich, Therefore I shall hope in God, Auf mein Verdienst nicht bauen; not build on my own merit; Auf ihn mein Herz soll lassen sich, on him my heart will rely Und seiner Güte trauen, and trust in his goodness, Die mir zusagt sein wertes Wort, which his precious word promised me, Das ist mein Trost und treuer Hort, this is my consolation and faithful refuge, Des will ich allzeit harren. for this I shall always wait. Ob bei uns ist der Sünden viel, Although there is much sin among us, Bei Gott ist viel mehr Gnade; with God there is much more mercy; Sein' Hand zu helfen hat kein Ziel, his helping hand has no limit Wie groß auch sei der Schade. however great the harm may be. Er ist allein der gute Hirt, He is alone the good shepherd Der Israel erlösen wird who can free Israel Aus seinen Sünden allen. from all his sins. Martin Luther

Die mit Tränen säen, werden mit Freuden ernten. They who sow with tears will reap with joy. Sie gehen hin und weinen und tragen edlen Samen The go out and weep and carry worthy seed, Und kommen mit Freuden und bringen ihre Garben. And return with joy and bring their sheaves. Ps 126, 5-6 Ps 126, 5-6 Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben. Wer an I am the resurrection, and the life: he that mich gläubet, der wird leben, ob er gleich stürbe, believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall und wer da lebet und gläubet an mich, der wird he live: And whosoever lives and believes in nimmermehr sterben. me shall never die. Joh 11, 25-26 Joh 11, 25-26 Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn. I will not let you go unless you bless me. For Denn du allein, Herr, hilfest mir, daß ich sicher you alone, o Lord, will keep me safe. wohne. 1. Mose 32, 27b Gen 32, 27b Dennoch bleibe ich stets an dir, Therefore I will remain with You always, Denn du hältest mich bei meiner rechten Hand. Since you hold me by my right hand. Du leitest mich nach deinem Rat, You lead me according to your counsel, Und nimmest mich endlich mit Ehren an. And take me up at last with honor. Ps 73, 23-24 Ps 73, 23-24 Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten, Make haste, O God, to save me, Herr, mir zu helfen! Lord, to help me! Es müssen sich schämen und zu Schanden werden, They must be shamed and confounded who die nach meiner Seelen stehen. stand against my soul. Sie müssen zurückekehren und gehöhnet werden, They must be turned back die mir Übels wünschen, and humiliated who desire evil against me; dass sie müssen wiederum zu Schanden werden, so that they again be brought to shame die da über mich schreien: Da, da! who cry over me: there, there! Freuen und fröhlich müssen sein in dir, Yet joyful and happy must they be in You, die nach dir fragen und dein Heil lieben, who seek You and love your salvation, immer sagen: Hoch gelobt sei Gott. always saying: May God be greatly praised. Ich aber bin elend und arm. Yet I am poor and wretched. Gott, eile, eile zu mir, God, make haste to me, denn du bist mein Helfer und Erretter; for you are my Helper and Deliverer; mein Gott, verzeuch nicht. my God, do not delay. Ps 40, 14-17 Ps 40, 14-17 Herr, lass meine Klage für dich kommen; Let my cry come before you, O Lord; unterweise mich nach deinem Wort. give me discernment according to your word. laß mein Flehen für dich kommen. Let my prayer come before you; Errette mich nach deinem Worte. rescue me according to your promise. Meine Lippen sollen loben, May my lips pour forth your praise, wenn du mich deine Rechte lehrest. as you teach me your laws. Ps 119, 169-171 Ps 119, 169-171 Lehre uns bedenken, Teach us to consider daß wir sterben müssen, that we must die, auf daß wir klug werden. so that we might become wise. Herr, kehre Dich doch wieder zu uns Lord, turn again to us, und sei deinen Knechten genädig! and be merciful with your servants! Fülle uns früh mit deiner Gnade, In the morning, fill us with Your grace, so wollen wir rühmen und fröhlich sein so that we might praise You and be happy unser Leben lang. all our lives long. Ps 90, 12-14 Ps 90, 12-14 ______Save the date: Easter Concert with works by Schütz, Praetorius, Senfl & Huyssen Cape Consort, St Martini Choir & brass ensemble Sunday 21 April, 16h00, St Martini, 240 Long Street, Cape Town