THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29 OCTOBER, 1940 6245 appears to us to . be desirable that the " THE SCHEDULES to which the foregoing boundaries of the said Parishes should be Scheme has reference. altered in the manner which is hereinafter " The First Schedule. mentioned: " The territory to be annexed to the New " And whereas the Benefices of the Holy Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, in the County Trinity, , of Saint Saviour, Branstone, of Stafford and in the Diocese of Lichfield, of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, and of Tatenhill being: — are .now full, the Reverend William Bagnall being the present Incumbent of the Benefice of " All that portion of the New Parish of the Holy Trinity, Anslow, the Reverend Saint Saviour, Branstone, in the said County Herbert Buller Ridler being the present In- and Diocese which is bounded upon the north cumbent of the Benefice of Saint Saviour; and upon the east by the said New Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, and upon the remain- Branstone, the Reverend Hedly Ralph Wilds 1 being the present Incumbent of the Benefice ing sides, that" -is to say, upon the south and of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, and the Reverend upon the west by an imaginary line commenc- Gerald Angus Stokes being the present Incum- ing upon the boundary which divides the said bent of the Benefice of Tatenhill and the said New Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, from William Bagnall, Herbert Buller Ridler, Hedly the said New Parish of Saint Saviour, Bran- Ralph Wilds and Gerald Angus Stokes, have stone, at the eastern end of the wall or fence signified their consent to the proposals herein- forming the southern boundary of the close numbered 37 upon the map or plan annexed after mentioned by signing this Scheme: to the Scheme and extending thence westward " And whereas the Diocesan Committee of along the said wall or fence and along the the Diocese of Lichfield appointed pursuant to wall or fence forming the southern boundary the first section of the Union of Benefices of the close numbered 36 upon the said map Measure, 1923, have by a Resolution passed at or plan for a distance of 17^ chains or there- a meeting of the said Diocesan Committee held abouts to its western end and extending thence on the 23rd day of December, 1938, signified northwards along the wall or fence forming the their consent to the alteration of boundaries western boundary of the said close numbered herein proposed: 36 for a distance of io£ chains or thereabouts " Now, therefore, with the consent of the to its northern end upon the boundary which Right Reverend Edward Sydney, Bishop of divides the said New Parish of Saint Saviour, Lichfield (in testimony whereof he has signed Branstone, from the said New Parish of Saint this Scheme), we, the said Ecclesiastical Com- Aidan, Shobnall. missioners for , humbly recommend " The Second Schedule. and propose that from and after the day of the " The territory to be annexed to the New date of the publication in the London Gazette Parish of the Holy Trinity, Anslow, in the said of any Order of Your Majesty in Council rati- County and Diocese, comprising:— fying this Scheme and without any assurance " i. All that portion of the said New Parish in the law other than such duly gazetted Order of Saint Saviour, Branstone, which is bounded the boundaries of the said New Parish of the upon the east by the said New Parish of Saint Holy Trinity, Anslow, of the said New Parish Aidan, Shobnall, upon the north-east and upon of Saint Saviour, Branstone, of the said New the north-west by the said New Parish of the Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, and of the Holy Trinity, Anslow, and upon the remaining said Parish of Tatenhill shall be altered so that side, that is to say, upon the south, by an (first) all that portion of the said New Parish imaginary line commencing at the point where of Saint Saviour, Branstone, which is described the boundary which divides the said New in the First Schedule hereunder written and is Parish of the Holy Trinity, Anslow, from the delineated and set forth upon the map or plan said New Parish of Saint Saviour, Branstone, hereunto annexed and is thereon coloured green crosses the middle of the main road from shall be annexed to and shall in future form to Burton and extending thence east- part of the said New Parish of Saint Aidan, ward along the middle of such road for a Shobnall; (secondly) all those portions of the distance of 46 chains or thereabouts to the said New Parishes of Saint Saviour, Branstone, boundary which divides the said New Parish and Saint Aidan, Shobnall, which are described of Saint Saviour, Branstone, from the said in the Second Schedule hereunder written and New Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall. are delineated and set forth upon the said map "2. And also all that portion of the said or plan and are thereon coloured blue and New Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, which orange respectively shall be annexed to and is bounded upon the north by the said New shall in future form part of the said New Parish Parish of the Holy Trinity, Anslow, upon the of the Holy Trinity, Anslow; and (thirdly) all west and upon the south by the said New that portion of the said New Parish of Saint Parish of Saint Saviour, Branstone, and upon Saviour, Branstone, which is delineated and set the remaining side, that is to say, upon the forth upon the said map or plan and is thereon east by an imaginary line commencing upon coloured pink shall be annexed to and shall in the boundary which divides the said New future form part of the said Parish of Tatenhill. Parish of Saint Saviour, Branstone, from the " And we further recommend and propose said New Parish of Saint Aidan, Shobnall, at that nothing herein contained shall prevent a point on the southern side of the main road us from making any other recommendations from Uttoxeter to Burton opposite the south and proposals relating to the matters aforesaid, western end of the wall or fence dividing the or any of them, in accordance with the pro- houses and premises situate in Henhurst Gar- visions of the said Measures, or of any other dens from Henhurst Wood and extending Measure of the National Assembly of the thence northward for a distance of ±4 yards or Church of England, or. of any Act of Parlia- thereabouts to the south-western end of the said ment. wall or fence upon the boundary which divides