The Acorn February 2007

The Sevenoaks & District Motor Club

Sebron Road Rally Champion 2006 Graham Child Stage Rally Club Champions 2006 Congratulations also go to:

Winning Driver Winning Co-Driver Iain Gibson Andy Gibson CLUB CONTACTS CLUB CONTACTS Sevenoaks and District Motor Club Ltd. CONTACTS CLUB PRESIDENT: J Symes VICE PRESIDENT: V EIford

ACORN MAGAZINE February 2007

The Editor, Committee and Club do not necessarily agree with items and opinions expressed within ACORN magazine


CHAIRMAN, Chin, TROPHY RECORDS [email protected] KEEPER:

DEPUTY CHAIR, Andy Elcomb SECRETARY, [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SEC:

TREASURER: Clive Cooke, [email protected]

COMPETITION SEC. Ian Crocker WEBMASTER: [email protected]

SPEED LEAGUE Karen Webber, CHAMP CO-ORD: [email protected]


CHIEF MARSHAL: Philip Fawcett [email protected]

ACORN EDITOR, Dawn Travers, CHILD PROTECTION [email protected] OFFICER:

SOCIAL SECRETARY: Daniel Whittington, [email protected]

PRESS & PR: Suze Bisping, : [email protected]

PRESS & PR: Steve Thompson, [email protected]

WEB ACORN: Ralph Travers, [email protected]

Website -


Wednesday February 2007 Competitors forum - Come along a find out what you need to know to get started in . From 8.30pm at The Polhill Arms, Halstead

You can e-mail copy to [email protected] I will also accept copy on disc or CD-Rom; on paper (typed or handwritten) or by ‘phone for juicy gossip.

- 1 - COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE CCC (Chairman Chin’s Chat – not Editorial Ramblings that old mag!) t’s a tough job (rewarding too!) but someone has ow do I start? Well, thank you Colin must be to do it and as our outgoing Chairman vacates the the first thing to say, he’s done us proud for Iseat, the still warm cushion is taken up by Chin, Hthe last two years despite being desperately for which we thank him and wish him all the best for busy earning his living – I hope I can follow that act. his term of office. Thank you also to my fellow committee members in As mentioned last month, our base of operations – – – FROM THE CHAIR FROM THE CHAIR FROM THE CHAIR THE FROM lumbering - ooops sorry - supporting me for this role. has had to change and our thanks go to Daniel So where do we go from here? I’ll be trying to get Whittington (Social Sec) for conducting research more of you to join in the running of our club and its (yeah I the know the sort of research that was!!) and events – maybe I should have kept that secret and has for the time being secured the Polehill Arms as sneaked up on you, now you’re forewarned. We do our new base for forthcoming socials. You have need more of you to join in with your ideas and skills, probably all had the mail shot, which is reproduced in keeping going with the same old faces will only lead this issue as a reminder, in case you accidentally put to stagnation and we have a bright future ahead of the flyer in the recycling….it happens I know!! us. Crystal Palace is one bright spark on the horizon; The February Acorn is a bumper issue, lots of it’s not yet definite but Colin Billings, Andy Elcomb you putting pen to paper (figuratively speaking as it and Neil Brooks-Johnson have been working hard was mostly electronic, most convenient, thank you) to get us to where we are now. When it happens and over the last few weeks my inbox has been posi- we’ll need a lot of support from you lot to run the tively bursting with articles, titbits, letters etc.

event itself, but don’t get the idea that running events Please find within the regs and entry form for our is a chore, there’s a lot of satisfaction and pleasure forthcoming PCT on Sunday 25th March as well as to be had from it. the final draft of the Sevenoaks Speed League 2007 Another of my hobbyhorses is cooperation with regulations, event calendar and registration form. our neighbour clubs. You’ve seen how well it works Both of these are also available to download off the with the Rally of Kent, Cadwell and the low-key club website, by following the link to the Regs page. Weald events; I think it’s the only way forward with A reminder about the club’s Annual General the complexity of running today’s motor sport and Meeting on Wednesday 21st March. Please come getting competitors’ support for these events. With along and support your club at this important meet- the Weald mechanism we’ve seen club level events ing. If you only come to one social, please make it become well subscribed, in the case of the 12-cars, this one. Or the Competitors’ Night on Wednesday perhaps too well subscribed – we’re now running the February 21st as that is always good too, especially type of events that died in previous years through if you are new to the club. lack of support –even to the point of running, later So what have Team Travers been up to with club- this year, a multi-venue trial. Those who remember sport since the New Year? Well…..WE WON A 12 the Kent Trial and the Sussex Trial (and even the CAR….yes outright! The Croydon 12 car in January Kent & Sussex trial!) will know what a good day out was a great event and I am not just saying that cos they are. WE WON...but it was also close to home and in a I hope to see lots of you at our Annual Awards pretty part of the country (okay so we didn’t see Dinner, which may have happened by the time you being dark and all....but who cares as WE sit down to read this. It’s a good night out and in- WON!! No one was more gobsmacked than us, volves a lot of hard work from Viv and Andy Elcomb when we got back to the lovely pub for some lovely and I’ll take this opportunity to thank them for their nibbles and the results. Okay it has only taken us efforts. about 15 years to do that and I know that there was The other traditional rant at this time of year is to some evil muttering by some other competitors that persuade you to get out there sorting your cars for we weren’t strictly novices, but we have never won the coming season – it may be cold and wet (unless before. Sorry must calm down, just a bit excited you you’ve a nice warm garage to work in) but think of know. Can’t help it. I must say that my wonderful the fun you’ll have all the way through the season, if navigator was able to plot everything on the move for you get it sorted now. Another point on that theme is the first time ever—well done Ralph—despite a few the level of cost you really can put into your season – lumpy lanes. It was a good route with some smash- there’s no point spending all your money on the lat- ing bits of lane to drive and my old Nissan did a est gear if you can’t afford to compete for the whole lovely 4 point turn in a very tight lane when we season. We all like our toys to be as quick, tidy and missed a slot. I may well take back everything I competitive as we can, but don’t get caught by the have ever said about what a rubbish car it is! advertisers and the media – you can have lots of fun We will of course be struggling down the bottom in an ordinary car - and you’ll beat all those who run of the timecards from now on, as we have had to de- out of money by June. clare ourselves experts (sob) but it was so great to So, folks, the New Year resolution is – your club actually win one. Thanks Croydon crew for organis- membership represents great value – get even more ing that one. Due to lack of space this month (a out of it by joining in THIS YEAR! wonderful position to be in) I will put the results in

Chin Continued /… 3


DATE EVENT ORGANISING CLUB / Contact LOCATION Status Champ Round 12 car Blackpalfrey MC (open to Weald Members): Maidstone CS 11th Regularity Run Andy Gibson 01227 792740 Services February Maps 188/189 Email: [email protected] Jct 8 M20 14th or 21st Weald MC (7oaks): Date and details TBC TBC CS Scatter Rally February confirmed Maidstone CS 16th 12 Car Rally Weald MC (7Oaks): Chin 01732 823132 Services February Map 188 [email protected] Jct 8 M20 The Chequers Social 21st Social Competitor’s Forum—An informal evening Heaverham, February Night about how to get started in motorsport. Nr Kemsing, Kent Marshals’ contact: Matt Fowle 01273 551145 Bournemouth Nat A 23rd/24th Rallye [email protected] area February Sunseeker

Blackpalfrey MC (open to Weald Members): TBC CS 12 car 4th March Andy Gibson 01227 792740 Regularity Run Email: [email protected] Sprint North Weald Club- B19 MC/BMMC: Christine Sharp 01206 728272 4th March (Shakedown Airfield Essex mans email: [email protected] event) Start TBC CS 8th March Scatter Weald MC (Maidstone): Ray Lane 01634 389943 M2 services Map 178 Weald MC (B18): Roger McKensie 01732 TBC CS 16th March 12 car Rally 884312 or [email protected] 7Oaks/ Bexley/Maidstone: Entries Jakki Forestry Stages 17th/18th Rally of Kent Fisher 01322 403488 Marshals: Mike Jordan in Kent Nat A March 01622 880566 or Philip Fawcett 07840 523439 B19 MC: Christine Sharp 01206 728272 email: North Weald Nat B Regionals 18th March Sprint [email protected] Airfield Essex

Polhill Arms 21st March AGM 7Oaks & DMC - prompt start at 8.30pm Halstead TN14 7AA SOCIAL Stoneacre Farm, CS Production Weald (7Oaks): Clive Cooke 01732 353814 Otham, 25th March Car Trial [email protected] Nr Bearsted, Kent MR 188/800536 7Oaks: Dawn Travers 01737 210377 (before North Weald Nat B 1st April Sprint 9pm please) [email protected] Nr Epping, Essex , Nat B Regionals, 15th April Sprint 7Oaks/B19: Karen Webber Linconshire 7OaksSL Chapmans Field Weald MC (B19): Jane Anthony 01474 852779 Ridley CS 22nd April PCT [email protected] Nr Meopham MR 188/633636 For further information contact :- Competition Secretary: Ian Crocker 01892 546006 email: [email protected] Speed League contact : Karen Webber: 01732 875091 email: [email protected]

Continued from/… 2 Seriously running out of space, hope I haven’t for- next month along with the Feb event results and it gotten anything too important. Hope to have caught would be nice to include a 12 car feature. So if any- up with loads of you at the Awards Night on Feb 3rd. one else would like to put together a write-up of their TTFN! 12 car experience so far this season, I look forward to receiving it. Dawn Travers

- 3 -

The Sevenoaks & District Motor Club st Social Calendar – 1 Quarter 2007

appy New Year to everyone! Due to an enforced change in venue it was not possible to finalise some Haspects of the social calendar in time for publication with your January 2007 Oakleaf. From 17th January 2007 our new social venue is The Polhill Arms, London Road, Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent. TN14 7AA. A map is shown at the bottom of this page. Below is your social calendar for the first quarter of 2007. As ever, if there are any other activities you’d like to see on our calendar, please, please, please let me know! My contact details are inside the front cover of your Acorn.

Daniel Whittington

Wednesday 17th January 2007 Quiz night. From 8:30pm at The Polhill Arms, Halstead

Saturday 3rd February 2007 Annual Awards Dinner at Hadlow Manor Hotel, Tonbridge.

Wednesday 21st February 2007 Competitors forum - Come along a find out what you need to know to get started in motorsport. From 8.30pm at The Polhill Arms, Halstead

Wednesday 21st March 2007 Sevenoaks & DMC Annual General Meeting At The Polhill Arms, Halstead. Prompt start at 8:30pm


The Polhill Arms, London Road (A224), Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent. TN14 7AA

On the A224, easily accessed from the M25, A21, A25


nto the second month of 2007 already and while n Sunday 5th November, The London to this is generally a quiet period for many of us mo- Brighton Veteran Car Club held the 110th an- Itorsport types, all beavering away in our garages, Oniversary on the first run in 1896. do not forget that there are still lots of events going 492 cars left Hyde Park London very early and on. This is the season for getting down and dirty in followed the route as close as possible to the original the lanes and Chin always has room in the back of roads used by the participants in the 1896 run. — — — his car for a few virgins. Of course, I am talking As in previous years Sevenoaks and Distinct Mo- COMPETITION SEC. COMPETITION SEC. COMPETITION COMPETITION SEC. about 12-Cars and scatter rallies, whatever were you tor Club members were on hand to support the thinking? Scatter rallies are an ideal way to blow Brighton and Hove Motor club the job in hand was away some cobwebs with some fast driving along controlling the paddock exit gate on Madeira Drive tiny country roads. The navigation is fairly simple, Chris Barron, Ken Townsend, Chris Scudder — — the event is cheap to enter, and you can use any Christine and I had a wonderful day at the event and — BRIGHTON 2006 BRIGHTON 2006

road car. Our own club has events on February 8th my thanks go to all for their considerable help. BRIGHTON 2006 and April 5th. (See the calendar on page 3 for The Veteran Car Run is not a race but a celebra- more details….The Ed) tion of early motoring and all participants must aver- 12-Cars are similar to scatters but a little more age 20mph along the 60-mile route. There are no complicated in that a set route has to be followed winners or losers with every participant completing a within a defined time schedule. As mentioned run receiving a commemorative finisher’s medal. above, Chin is always on the lookout for new com- Each marshal was given a commemorative beanie petitors and will give you all the assistance you need. hat and tabard

This is also the season for Production Car Tri- The photo below shows Christine with two partici- als. The club’s event is on March 25th so put the pants in period dress. date in your diary now. PCTs are great fun, anybody can do them, although it’s best to have a car that is Balders

not too pristine as the tests involve threading your way between trees and bushes up a steep hill. PCTs are getting more and more popular so get your entries in early. The speed season will be kicking off soon with SDMC North Weald on April 1st. If you don’t want to compete then please consider signing on as a mar- shal. On the topic of speed events you can also find the regs for this year’s Speed League on the club website. Andy Weber has been spending long nights in his garage readying the pretty Elan for a defence of his 2006 title. However he won’t be hav- ing it easy, as Chris Fulke Greville will be back on the warpath after a sabbatical last year and I might even take a spanner to the Westfield before the sea- son starts and have another crack at it myself.


Marshals’ Needed Winter upgrades? for forthcoming events:

Rallye Sunseeker February 23rd/24th Matt Fowle Tel: 01273 551145 (home) Goodridge hoses, fittings and accessories for , [email protected] fuel, oil or water. Powerflex polyurethane suspension bushes, bump 12 Car Friday Feb 16th—Contact Chin stops, engine and exhaust mounts.

01732 823132 [email protected] or Discounts for all Sevenoaks & District MC members

Rally of Kent March 18th Call Daniel Whittington on 07771 544124

Marshals contact: Mike Jordan 01622 with your enquiry 880566 or Philip Fawcett 07840 523439 Help needed on Saturday for set up too.

- 5 - COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE The Show Season hall. They also had a rally experience set up outside the hall itself but it being a rather cold day I did not he end of a season sometimes comes as a make the venture outside to see what that was like! relief, or sometimes just a break until the January time always means one thing – The round of pre-season motorsport shows start Autosport Show. This year I decided to go up for the T trade days and take it as two days holiday, and it again. Since the end of the 2005 season, I’ve at- tended two new shows and for the first time attended was two busy days of meeting people for various re- a show in Germany as well which was one of the search needed to write a couple of articles for other – – – people and to be a “Sevenoaks & District Motorclub” PRESS & PR

PRESS & PR new ones – PMW (Professional Motorsport World) PRESS & PR World Expo in Cologne. face – watch this space for more coverage of our PMW World Expo in Cologne in November had club in the national motorsport press. For those who all the efficiency and organisation of a German run haven’t seen we have recently featured in a couple event that you would expect. The pre-event advice of issues of Motorsport News and more to follow in was clear and handy with two recommendations of the coming year, there and elsewhere. exceptional hotels in the city centre (one four star, The show itself was one of the better ones I have one five star and both around £80 / £90 a night) with been to in recent years, and to be honest I have easy access to the event itself via the city’s train sys- been unable to pinpoint why. I managed a quick tem. The only thing it could benefit from is a shuttle wander around the “75 years of Le Mans” display but

bus – the exhibition space itself is so large and the never found time for the F1 display, which was else- event was in the furthest hall from the station, and so where. As normal, Wales Rally GB had a large pres- a fifteen minute walk ensued – not too great with lug- ence with various cars on their stand including the gage etc as well. normal “setting” as well with bark, gravel etc. There The PMW World were plenty of promo Expo follows the Global girls as well but only a Motorsport Congress, few to really write which is held in one of home about – the the recommended ho- ones who caught my tels in the city centre, eye had pictures of a where various Formula mini on their back, One teams etc come to which made a change speak about and show to the normal “how their latest develop- much flesh can we ments with engine tech- display and how deep nology and using CFD is our fake tan” com- and CAD etc. The show petition normally itself is a little like the seen. Engineering section of The National Mo- Autosport International torsport area was as and whilst small has the far as possible from potential to expand. Open only for media and trade, the Engineering sec- it’s all serious stuff. Give it a few more years to grow tion of the show where I was supposed to be and as and become a little more established and it’s worth normal both the BRSCC and 750MC had a large finding one of the cheap flights from Gatwick to Co- presence with a variety of cars on display. As always logne to head over. there was plenty to look at and many familiar faces, December saw The London Motorsport Show, all discussing plans for the forthcoming season. A which was a spin-off or growth of The London popular stand in the National Motorsport section was Karting Show held in ExCel in the Docklands. Al- the British Rally Championship, which won an award though it did feel small and more a “stuck on” bit of for their efforts. The Karting Show itself, it certainly had more of a For the first time in two years I decided to attend clubby feel with the most well known car being the the Live Action Arena on Thursday and see if it had LMP2 Radical SR9. Other clubs to display cars in- improved. From the start of the show it was a let cluded 750MC and BARC SEC and the emphasis down, with Louise Goodman appearing in a leather was on how circuit racing can still be done for a rea- cat suit out of a Red Bull F1 car. From the build up sonable cost in comparison to some other champion- both my friend and I were expecting a demo lap or ships. To see the comparison in cost between the two of the car but unfortunately this didn’t material- karts and circuit racing was rather amusing and I ise, and Louise Goodman in a leather catsuit didn’t know some people did very well out of karters realis- do it for either of us (and he’s a man…!). It was the ing they could race a single seater, for example a first run through to an audience and the general con- , for less money! sensus was it needed a bit of polishing but from what As at most shows there was the chance to go I heard later, Friday’s show was much better as the karting yourself at inflated prices, but it was a shame hall had some more rubber down and therefore to see they were only making use of about a quarter much better grip. of the space they had available as they had a whole Cars racing included Formula Jedi (disappointing as not enough grip), Formula Palmer (again,

- 6 - FORTHCOMING EVENTS FORTHCOMING EVENTS disappointing as not enough grip), Autograss cars, a EVENTS FORTHCOMING demo, Brisca F1 Stockcars, a display by Terry Grant and various other cars and series. One WEALD MOTOR CLUB LTD of the best displays was by the Le Mans Aston Mar- The 2006 - 2007 tin DBR9 driven by , but again he 12 Car Rally Series struggled with not being able to get the power down due to a lack of grip. However, it was good to see the The remaining events are: arena itself has been enlarged and is almost twice the size and in a kidney shape, using a short oval for Friday, 16 February 2007 series such as autograss and the longer, kidney shaped circuit for things such as FPA. (Sevenoaks Promotion) I also attended The Watkins Lecture on Friday, Chin 01732 823132 and Professor Watkins gave an interesting insight to Email: [email protected] various aspects of motorsport safety after being in- Friday, 16 March 2007 troduced by Paddy Hopkirk who talked about pros- tate examinations, among other things! Professor (B18 Promotion)

Watkins spoke in great detail with the aid of some Roger McKensie 01732 884312 or [email protected] interesting facts and slides about improvements in and his recent work with improving Friday, 13 April 2007 safety in karting in particular. Overall, it’s been a quiet but busy off-season from (Central Sussex Promotion) both a motorsport and show perspective and person- Matt Fowle Tel: 01273 551145. ally as well. All that’s left now is to sort out plans for Email: [email protected] this year, which for me kicks off in February with Ral- lye Sunseeker. This year I plan on doing a couple of Check the Events Calendar each sprints, minimum of one Formula Vee race, seeing month for any changes to organiser some more races abroad and generally just seeing contact details. what happens. So, to end, Steve Stringer and Nick Crush – my Get your entries in quickly for each sincere apologies for managing to miss you both at event and put the dates in your the Autosport Show! Hope everyone enjoys and has diaries now. a successful 2007 season.

Suze Bisping

Production Car Trial Weald Motor Club (7Oaks & DMC Promo- tion)Sunday 25th March 2007 Stoneacre Farm, Otham, Nr. Bearsted, Kent Can You Help? MR 188/800536 The ‘Seventies’ Show - 1st July 2007 Regs and entry form in this edition of Acorn. Can also be downloaded from A family fun event celebrating the innovations and styles of the ‘seventies’ to be held at: Entries to Clive Cooke 01732 353814 Email: [email protected] Amberley Working Museum, Station Road, Nr. Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT

Amberley are looking for a varied mixture of ve- FORTHCOMING SPEED EVENT hicles of the seventies era to come and be avail- B19 Shakedown Sprint able for exhibit on this day. Sunday 4th March 2007 North Weald, If any of your members who may be interested in exhibiting their vehicles, would contact us di- Essex rect for an entry form, contact details shown be- low. he 'Shakedown' is basically a chance to test your car before the season really starts and Thank you T for anyone new to sprinting to get an idea of Sue Freed – Event Organiser. what happens and what the procedure is at a sprint 01798 831370 before the 'real' thing. It is a Clubman's event. There [email protected] are no classes, no championships and no awards. Everyone gets 2 practice runs and as many timed runs as the time and weather allows. Sec of the Meeting & Entries Sec is Christine Sharp Tel: 01206 728272 email [email protected]

- 7 - MEMBER’S ARTICLE...REPLY TO THE STIG MEMBER’S ARTICLE...REPLY TO THE STIG MEMBER’S ARTICLE...REPLY TO THE STIG Alternative Fuels, the MSA and all facilitate the decisions of the elected body. Why do we need regulations anyway? It may be that. correct or it may not, but again recalling something said by our president at a regional association his t was interesting last month to read Stig of the view that the regulations exist for two reasons is Dump’s, (who is he anyway?) rant against the probably not too far wide of mark. The view John ex- IMSA and about alternative fuels in motorsport. In- pressed was that it was “about a 50/50 split to main- teresting enough to cause this reader to apply finger tain a level playing field and to manage the risk in- to keyboard. [Some say he has a fleet of cars that have herent in motor sport”. never moved; others have seen him out on the track de- I sought advice from Motor Sports House as to stroying other peoples cars….he is the distant 3rd cousin what lay behind the Section P Definition of pump twice removed of the one off the telly...allegedly...and he fuel. In simple terms the specification is such that is our Stig of the Dump!! The Ed] any fuel purchased anywhere in the country from the Let’s start at the basics and first deal with the Mo- proverbial roadside filling station would meet the tor Sports Association. Who and what is this mystical specification. Thus it doesn’t matter if you are based body? Commonly known as the MSA, it is the Na- in Lands End, John O’Groats or any point in between tional governing body of motorsport providing a you will not be disadvantaged. It also keeps a lid on framework and structure to motorsport with a com- costs; means there is no encouragement to transport mon set of rules, a judicial system, an insurance large quantities of fuel about the place etc. Sounds a scheme and a few other things besides. It is recog- bit like that 50/50 split. nised by the worldwide governing body, the FIA, and Incidentally I asked as to why Section P doesn’t represents the UK’s interests at the FIA and contrib- just refer to the appropriate standard for petroleum utes to the workings of the FIA. spirit and learnt that the standard only specifies a We now have a clue as to what the MSA does but minimum octane value and not a maximum. Reality this does not totally answer the question posed. The is all the fuel companies provide fuel that just meets MSA Motor Sports Council is the body that intro- that minimum octane requirement, for providing duces and amends regulations, this body in itself be- higher octane fuel costs money and it is a competi- ing largely made up of representatives from the spe- tive business selling fuel to the general public. The cialist committees and panels that advise MSC. Who maximum octane in Section P was pitched just

sit on these committees and panels? Generally per- above the maximum the fuel companies provided as sons put forward by MSA affiliated clubs to do so. “four star fuel” so that no matter where you pur- There are exceptions in that in some cases the proc- chased fuel it was within limits. All done in the inter- ess is not quite so direct, as exampled by the Re- ests of maintaining the level playing field and main- gional Committee, made up of the chairpersons from taining costs. each Regional Association. The chairperson of each Having just received my new “Blue Book” I am Regional Association is elected by the clubs within aware that Section P now allows the use of bio- that Association and the club representatives are ethanol and other “alternative” fuels provided the elected by each clubs’ members. specific approval of the MSA is gained. I thus asked It is thus a pyramid structure with Stig of the why such approval was needed. The answer again Dump and his/her club members at the bottom mak- comes back to that 50/50 thing. There is frequent ing their opinions known to those in the layer above, reference in newspapers etc., as there is by Stig of who continue the process until the apex of Motor the Dump, to E85. Not yet a standard specification it Sports Council is reached. Thus if there are deficien- is apparently still evolving, whereas the specification cies in the regulations governing motor sport then for petroleum spirit, as sold in the UK is fixed. members of clubs such as Stig of the Dump bear at It seems that because of this lack of a fixed stan- least some personal responsibility for such deficien- dard specification for bio-ethanol fuels the MSA en- cies! visages only giving approval if such a fuel is used as Stig of the Dump is not the first to throw a little a control fuel in a specific championship. This way all criticism at “The MSA”, perhaps, as I have, he has competitors have identical fuel, it is easy to police attended a Regional Association meeting and heard and with a central source of supply, and transport of our president, John Symes, who happens to be em- the fuel to venues is left to those that have the ap- ployed by the MSA, invite attendees to throw at him propriate equipment and expertise. This is the way any brickbats they may have. John expressing the bio-ethanol has been introduced to the BTCC. view that part of the function of a governing body is This same philosophy applies to bio-diesel for so there is somewhere to throw their brickbats! much the same reason. Whilst you can purchase There may be some around who will recall the bio-diesel at a limited number of locations, at present then Club Secretary, Basil Elkington, being quoted it is not available nationwide. Again the standard with making a remark at a committee meeting that specification factor comes in. “he was merely a servant of the committee and if that Many seem to think that you can empty your tank is your wish that is what will be done”. The staff at of petroleum spirit and simply fill up with bio-ethanol. Motor Sports House are in a similar position, it is Not so! Unsurprisingly it is not that easy. It seems MSC and its specialist advisors that are in control. that bio-ethanol attacks certain materials, particularly Bit like the government really and the staff at Motor certain types of rubber commonly used in the manu- Sports House the equivalent of the civil service to facture of hoses and seals. Seemingly it also attacks

- 8 - certain other materials as illustrated by the fact that the playing field could become seriously tilted and not all FIA homologated fuel cells are suitable for that there are likely to be safety issues. In these days bio-ethanol. One manufacturer of such equipment of blame culture I suspect the folks at MSH may also hinted that with certain cells if used for bio-ethanol have thoughts that if a “free for all” took place it is not they “would become unglued and fall apart”. beyond the realms of possibility that someone dam- The problem of “engine knock” doesn’t get men- aging their car by using a fuel other than petroleum tioned much these days. Those of older years will be would sue the MSA for allowing them to use an inap- familiar with this problem. In simple terms the octane propriate fuel. Such are the times we live in! rating of a fuel quantifies the fuel’s resistance to Looking at the regulations I presume everyone is detonation in a spark ignition engine. If the fuel used aware that there has been provision, for many years, is of an inadequate octane rating to suit the com- to use LPG and for the use of electric vehicles in pression ratio of an engine then “engine knock” oc- speed events? curs. With bio-ethanol fuel it can be formulated to The use of hybrid vehicles is an interesting ques- produce very high effective octane values, signifi- tion. Section P defines: “Car/vehicle. A land vehi- cantly exceeding 120 octane. In itself this does not cle propelled by its own means, running on at produce a monster increase in power but it does al- least four wheels not in line, that must normally low you to increase the compression ratio and that be in contact with the ground and of which at does produce significantly more power! least two must effect the steering and at least The calorific value of a typical ethanol fuel is ap- two the propulsion.” It thus seems to me that such proximately 30% less than that of petrol. A downside as a production hybrid car is acceptable within the for sure but the upside is that in a given amount of regulations for the fuel is petrol, no other source of air you can burn around a 55% greater quantity of energy is drawn upon. At my request the MSA Tech- ethanol than petrol. If you do the sums, undoubtedly nical Executive is asking the Technical Panel to con- there is a net gain in power of about 7%. There are sider the matter at their next meeting. other factors as well including the latent heat of evaporation, which with ethanol fuels is such that the Fuelhead volumetric efficiency is increased by virtue of the cooling effect on intake fuel/air mixture. It doesn’t happen so much with modern cars but in the days of relatively low power carburettor fed engines they al- Monthly Mug ways went better on a damp, cool night. No magic, a denser and cooler fuel/air charge. anuary sees the rounding up of the cham- From the above it is clear that using bio-ethanol pionships and the announcing of winners may cause seals, tanks and other fuel system com- Jand of course with our own awards dinner ponents to fail. Fuel flow rates need to go up so having happened by the time you read this, whilst the fuel costs less per litre you need a greater there are lots of winners and nice shiny trophies number of litres. You are thus certainly going to carry sitting atop club members’ mantle pieces. Con- more fuel to cover a given distance, whether the cost gratulations to you all. remains an advantage or the pollutants less I’ve yet to find out. Initial research suggests it is not perhaps Although not particularly large or shiny, the as clear-cut as you might think, although it has been Monthly Mug does exist and as you know, is suggested that the production of bio-ethanol fuels is awarded to the member, who in the opinion of significantly more environmentally friendly than is the the Committee, has achieved well in their cho- production of petroleum spirit. What is beyond ques- sen discipline in any event or championship for tion is that bio-ethanol fuels are a renewable source each month. of energy, whilst fossil fuels are definitely not. Graham Child has had a good season with Bio-diesel has similar factors to be taken into ac- the Sebron 2006 Road Rally Championship and count and if you’ve read the papers recently you will was declared 2006 champion. Many congratu- have become aware that Prince Charles has had the lations Graham and a January mug (crystal garage in which his bio-diesel Range Rover is housed heavily insulated. Why? Because when the glass actually) should be with you, via Chin. temperature drops to around minus five degrees bio- So do you think you may have had a great diesel jellifies making it impossible to run the engine. event in 2006 and it didn’t get recognised by the Be aware that “normal” diesel also suffers from this club? Then please let us know in 2007. Drop us problem, but at much lower temperatures. It is why in a line and tell us of your achievement and we years gone by truckers often chucked in a couple of can put you up for nomination for a Monthly gallons of petrol when filling up with diesel in really Mug (glass!) cold weather and why in places like the Antarctic If you don’t tell us about it, we won’t always plant and vehicles run 24/7. know about it. So come on don’t be shy and if Not that straightforward is it? I think I understand why the servants at Motor Sports House and the you are, ask a friend of fellow member to send Technical Panel advising Motor Sports Council are us a message on your behalf. We don’t mind, taking a measured approach. Were the proverbial honestly! free for all allowed by the regulations it is clear that Dawn

- 9 - MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE MEMBER’S ARTICLE Report on 2006 season. snapped the TCA. We got some great pictures of the car airborne and we’re planning a return visit with 2006 was an interesting year! an ambition to see what the other thirty miles, that we missed, are like. In between times, we fitted in the Monteborg

t didn’t start well. First time out in the Mark 1 Es- Rally, near Ypres in Belgium. It’s more of a Rally cort was at Goodwood in February. The car was Sprint really on super greasy, very narrow, closed finished the night before and wasn’t even roads. Great fun and we managed to finish that one I without falling off. Well, to be quite truthful, we did Dressed, not even time for a test drive. With the amount of castor they’d dialled in, the steering was slide into what they call a dyke on the practice run unbelievably heavy and the car was almost undrive- but no damage and no harm done. Even our pride able. The kick-back through the steering was so bad was salvaged by the two other cars that slid into the that we finished the day with a second in class (out dyke at the same point later in the day! The plan for 2007 is more of the same but fewer — — — of three!) and a broken wrist. of the mishaps. I will have to ask the trees to be 2006 SEASON ROUNDUP 2006 SEASON ROUNDUP 2006 SEASON ROUNDUP That meant that, when it was time for the Rally of more careful! Kent, I was still wearing a plaster cast but we have a very slow, although very strong (thank goodness), Sprinting Focus with power steering for the forests. Things were going quite well until a tree leapt onto the track nly three outings in the 6R4 in 2006. A fairly in front of us on stage six. Trees are remarkably un- pedestrian Longcross, where I couldn’t really O get on the pace of the motor-bike engined Caterhams, in spite of coming within a few tenths of the previous lap record. Those things are so light, that with a similar power to weight ratio, they can leave the Metro for dead under braking and changing direction. I’ll either have to get some weight out of the car, get more power or go on a diet. Probably all three. The other outings were at North Weald with an FTD and Brighton Speed Trials, where we came about

yielding, so the car looked very sorry for itself, as did the co-driver, who’s done nothing for the rest of the year but complain about a cracked rib and a broken finger! I told him, “If you’re going to moan, you shouldn’t have joined. You volunteered to sit there.” He felt that I could have been a little more sympathetic, especially as I got away without injury, probably thanks to the fact that I was already in plas- ter! The Patriot Rally in Caerwent, Wales later in the year seemed to be going quite well. The car was starting to feel sorted and to handle until, after 50 eighth overall and missed the top six shoot-out by stage miles, we just slid slowly into a kerb and twenty-six hundredths of a second. New, longer first and second gears are the demon plan to make up that deficit next year, plus any of the three mods out- lined above. As the Esso ad used to say, ‘Happy Motoring.’

Ric Lee

Got some copy for Acorn? The deadline for the March issue will be 23rd February

- 10 - SPEED LEAGUE SPEED LEAGUE SPEED LEAGUE Speed League 2006 istrations in as soon as you can. I also know there was much debate around Bo- hank you to all those who joined in our Cham- nus points. This has now been abolished for 2007 pionship last year I hope you found the events and you need only to marshal at a Sevenoaks event challenging and fun. which could be two half days or a full day at a Nat ‘B’ T event. Check the new qualification clause in the I am sure you have read Andy’s story in the No- vember and December Acorns so I don’t think I need regs. say any more. However I would like to congratulate Lastly, again a lot of discussions took place this years’ winners: around the number of rounds to count and the sug- gestion that came back was 8 out of 18 rounds. I Overall Winner Andy Webber was a little concerned about this as it takes a lot of nd – – 2 Ian Crocker time and effort to get invites to these events and to – 2006 RESULTS 2006 RESULTS 3rd Darren Russell then dilute entries by not even having half of the 2006 RESULTS 4th Gareth Richardson rounds to count did not seem right, so I decided to 5th Roy Nicholls take the proposal to the last committee meeting for 6th Martin Ellis their comments and the following came back and 7th David Balderson was voted on (I declined to vote). As it is well re- 8th Keith Crocker corded, our championship’s objectives are “to differ- 9th Jim Giddings entiate itself from the regional association champion- 10th Stephen Thompson ships with a wider selection of quality venues and be

Tourist Trophy winner - Gareth Richardson league based rather than a class based champion- Local Trophy Winner - Ian Crocker ship”. Therefore the committee felt we needed to en-

Neil Davison Award (For Hill climbs) – Gareth Richardson sure that a reasonable percentage of events from the Kentish Times Cup – Ian Crocker calendar were to count and make it a worthwhile Muller Cup – Darren Russell championship to say you have won. So for 2007 the Special Award to the highest placed single seater - regs will read the best 10 from 18 rounds are to Matt Oliver. count. I hope this does not prevent competitors from coming out and enjoying the season I have arranged We now look forward to 2007 and we have an ex- for them. citing calendar to look forward to. It has changed Regs can be found on pages 12 and 13 and a from the one shown at the Speed evening due to registration form is also included. date changes and better event offers so look out for Good Luck to you all and I look forward to seeing this on page 12 and 13 of this Acorn. The first 50 you in 2007. registrations for the Speed League will receive a Speed T-shirt with all our events on, so get you reg- Karen Webber

Wanna Sprint your Shopping Trolley?

am Collins has put up a special trophy for Sevenoaks & DMC 1400cc shopping cars taking part in the North S Weald sprint on 1st April 2007. Sam is funding the trophy for cars up to 1400cc in what he calls Annual General shopping spec, with the idea to keep out cars modi- fied for motorsport use. Meeting Cars up to 1400cc will be eligible and don’t have to be full showroom spec – for example they can be complete with body kit, filter, and big exhaust etc as Wednesday long as it does not give any performance gain, which is what he is trying to avoid. 21st March 2007 Sam will be judging the eligibility of cars himself and is happy to answer any queries potential com- petitors may have. If At The Polhill Arms, it is popular, it may run again next year. Halstead. The Regs and Entry Form for North Prompt start at Weald will be pub- lished shortly and 8:30pm more details can be found in those. Chin’s own shopping mobile

- 11 - SEVENOAKS SPEED LEAGUE REGS 2007 SEVENOAKS SPEED LEAGUE REGS 2007 SEVENOAKS SPEED LEAGUE REGS 2007 Sevenoaks Speed League 2007 – Regulations ------

1.1 Sevenoaks Speed League 2007 is organised and administered by the Sevenoaks & District Motor Club Ltd. in accordance with the General Regulations of the Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association (Incorporating the provision of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and these Championship Regulations. 1.1.1 MSA Championship Permit No. ?????????????? MSA Championship Grade C Status National B

1.2 Officials 1.2.1 Championship Co-ordinator & Registrar is Karen Webber 35 Chestnut Close Kings Hill West Malling Kent ME19 4FP. Tel: 01732 875091 e-mail: [email protected] 1.2.2 Eligibility Scrutineer is David Clark 56 Sidney Road Borstal Rochester Kent ME1 3HG. Home: 01634 317017 Daytime:07966 751958 email [email protected] 1.2.3 Championship Stewards are: Steve Pattinson (01622 814656): Iain Gibson (01474 873573): Colin Billings (01732 847440) 1.2.4 Championship Scorer is David Balderson 17 Glentrammon Close Orpington Kent BR6 6DL Tel: 01689 601661 e-mail [email protected] 1.3 Competitor Eligibility 1.3.1 Entrants must be fully paid up valid membership card holding members of Sevenoaks & District Motor Club and in possession of valid MSA Entrants Licences. Random checks will be made. 1.3.2 Drivers and Entrant/Drivers must be fully paid up valid membership card holding members of the Sevenoaks & District Motor Club, be registered for the Championship and in possession of a valid 2007 MSA Competition Licence (minimum Non-race national B) Members must display at least one Championship sticker on their competing cars In order to recognize our sponsors who are Storguard and Verdant.

1.4 Registration 1.4.1 In order to score points, members must register with the Championship Registrar. 1.4.2 This is free to members.

1.4.3 Registration will be allowed on the day of a championship round but members will only score points from that event onwards.

1.5.1,2,3 Championship Calendar Speed League Calendar 2007 HILL Sprint TT LT

01-Apr North Weald 7Oaks 15-Apr Cadwell Park 7Oaks / B19 28-Apr Wiscombe Woolbridge 06-May Bentwaters B19 13-May Debden Herts 19-May Goodwood BARC SE 02-Jun Lydden Rochester 09-Jun Abingdon Sutton and Cheam 30-Jun Castle Combe Bristol MC 14-Jul Longcross Sutton and Cheam 21-Jul Llandow BARC 22-Jul Llys Y Fran Swansea 5-Aug Harewood BARC 11-Aug Curborough BARC Midlands 26-Aug North Weald 7Oaks 08-Sep Rochester 22-Sep Longleat Woolbridge 07-Oct Debden Herts

Best 8 scores from 18 rounds to count unless rounds drop to 15 then the Championship Co-ordinator will try to find a suitable replacement in good time (B.8.4 (c)). If that is not possible, the championship will be decided on ‘Best 7 scores less one for each round lost”. (Thus, best 7 from 15; best 6 from 14, etc.)

- 12 - SEVENOAKS SPEED LEAGUE REGS 2007 SEVENOAKS SPEED LEAGUE REGS 2007 SEVENOAKS SPEED LEAGUE REGS 2007 1.5.3 Obtaining regulations for championship rounds is the responsibility of the registered contender and neither the club or its officials will be held responsible for a competitor’s failure to secure an entry. Please note that reserved places are not held open by organisers. 1.6 Scoring 1.6.1 Members can only score points in one car per event. It is up to the member to advise the Championship Scorer which vehicle is to score, (if more than one is entered, before the start of the event.) Points will be awarded based on class position (regardless of class size) as follows:

1st in class 10 points; 2nd 9 points; 3rd 8 points; 4th 7 points; 5th 6 points; 6th 5 points

All other finishers will be awarded 4 points. (To be a finisher, competitor must complete one timed run) A competitor making FTD will receive 12 points, regardless of class size. One extra point will be awarded for each class competitor beaten up to a max of 5pts. [E.g. class of 10 places 1st to 5th will get 5 points, 6th – 4pts, 7th – 3pts, 8th – 2pts, 9th – 1pt, 10th – 0 pts. Class of 14 places 1st to 9th will get 5pts, 10th – 4pts, 11th – 3pts, 12th – 2pts, 13th – 1pt, 14th – 0pts. class of 4 1st – 3pts, 2nd – 2pts, 3rd – 1pts, 4th – 0pts,] (Any driver who starts practice, but fails to complete a timed run, will be considered as a ‘competitor beaten’ by a finisher. Competitors must advise the Scorer where this occurs, as such cars may be shown as DNS in the results.) FTD winners will score the extra points against their regular classes. 2 points will be awarded to contenders starting practice but not completing a timed run. 1.6.2 In the event of a tie the MSA standard method will be used, as defined in J 3.4 of the MSA 2007 Yearbook. 1.6.3 Appeals arising out of the Championship classification or points must be made in accordance with Section O6.3.1 of the MSA Yearbook 2007.

1.7 Awards 1.7.1 Awards will be presented as follows; 1st Overall-Marketing Machine Trophy+£220 6th Overall-Trophy 2nd Overall-Trophy+£100 7th Overall-Trophy 3rd Overall-Trophy+£75 8th Overall-Trophy 4th Overall-Trophy+£55 9th Overall-Trophy

5th Overall-Trophy+£45 10th Overall-Trophy

Special awards will be made as follows; a) The Tourist Trophy + £25 to the driver, other than the overall winner, with the highest combined score at Rounds defined as "TT" rounds on the calendar. b) The Local Trophy + £25 to the driver, Other than the overall winner, with the highest combined score at rounds defined as ‘’LT’’ rounds on the calendar. c) The Neil Davison Award + £25 to the highest placed driver competing in Hillclimb events other than the overall winner. d) The Kentish Times Cup + £20 to the highest placed driver of a taxed and insured road car other than the overall winner. e) The Muller Cup + £20 to the highest placed saloon car driver other than the overall winner. f) Special award + £20 to the highest placed single seater or sports racing driver other than the overall winner. g) Other awards may be made at the organisers’ discretion. 1.7.2 To qualify for an award, competitors MUST marshal or act as an official at ANY Sevenoaks organised event in any discipline this must be an all day event or two half days/evening events equivilant to 1 days work i.e. Rally Events, Autotests , Speed events, PCT’s etc any event setups and any other club activity deemed to be equal to that of marshaling. It is the responsibility of the competitor to inform the Championship Scorer on the relevant form with a club official’s signature when and where this occurs or via Email endorsed by an one of the event organisers. This will be confirmed from event signing on sheets if deemed necessary. Qualifying Period from 28th Oct 2006 to 7th Oct 2007. All awards will be presented at the dinner and dance to be held in 2008. Award winners not collecting their award will forfeit any cash bonus to charity. 2.0 Sporting Regulations Judicial Procedures 2.1 Rounds - in accordance with Section O of the MSA Yearbook 2007. 2.2 Championship - in accordance with Section O of the MSA Yearbook 2007 3.0 Technical Regulations 3.1 Eligible Vehicles are those complying with the Technical and Safety Regulations laid down by the MSA, and with the class requirements of each individual event. Eligibility protests should be made in writing to the Championship Co-ordinator. In the event of a protest the onus is on the competitor to satisfy the organisers of the validity of the protest and not the organisers to prove non-compliance. 3.2 Competitors will run in Classes as defined in the SR’S for each round. 3.3 All cars must comply with the requirements of Section L and Q as appropriate to the category of car. in the MSA Yearbook 2007. All cars must comply with the current MSA Noise Regulations, and any special requirements applicable to a particular venue.Stated in the SR’S of each Round.

Published edition 1/2007

- 12 - OFF OFF OFF - - - ROAD: PCT REGS MARCH 2007 ROAD: PCT REGS MARCH 2007 ROAD: PCT REGS MARCH 2007 Sevenoaks & District Motor Club

PRODUCTION CAR TRIAL Organised on behalf of Weald Motor Club At Stoneacre Farm, Otham, Nr. Bearsted, Kent. Sunday 25th March 2007 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS

1. The Weald Motor Club Limited will promote a Clubsport Production Car Trial, organised by

Sevenoaks & District Motor Club Limited on Sunday March 25th open to all members of the Club and 6 invited clubs, including but not restricted to MGCC, Chelmsford MC and Southern Car Club.

2. The meeting will be held under the 2006 General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association Limited (MSA) (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these Supplementary Regulations and any written instructions the Clubs may issue for the Event.

3. The MSA Permit No. is TBA . Venue map ref. 188/800536

4. Club membership cards will be inspected at Signing-on.

5. It is hoped to have at least 6 tests on private land and at least two runs at each test. Signing-on will commence at 09.30 hours, followed immediately by Scrutineering. The Event will start at 10.00 hours. Any competitor who has not signed on by 10.30 hours may be excluded. Each competing car must run with at least one passenger and the passenger(s) must also be signed-on for that competing car.

6. All cars will comply with the MSA Vehicle and Tyre Regulations. The following classes will apply: (A) Front wheel drive production cars up to 1200cc. (B) Front wheel drive production cars of 1200cc and over. (C) Front engined rear wheel drive production saloons (D) Front engined rear wheel drive production sports cars. (E) Rear engined production cars. (F) Specials - Any vehicle not eligible for Classes A - E may be entered in this class – except four wheel drive. Vehicles entered in this class will not be included in the overall classification but are eligible for a Class award.

7. Vehicles will be strictly scrutineered. Classification of any vehicle will be entirely at the discretion of the organisers.

- 14 - OFF OFF OFF 8. Awards will be presented as follows: - - - First in each Class ROAD: PCT REGS MARCH 2007 ROAD: PCT REGS MARCH 2007 ROAD: PCT REGS MARCH 2007 Second in each Class, subject to five entries Third in each class, subject to eight entries

9. The entry list opens on publication of these Supplementary Regulations and closes on 17th March 2007. All entries must be made on the official entry form and be accompanied by the appropriate fee. The entry fee is £17.00. Entry fees may be refunded at the organisers’ discretion.

10. The Secretary of the Meeting, to whom all entries must be sent, is Clive Cooke, 13 Cornwallis Avenue, Tonbridge, Kent TN10 4EP. Tel 01732 353814 Email: [email protected]

11. Other Senior Officials are: Club Steward John Kemp Clerk of the Course Clive Cooke Scrutineer T. B. A.

12. The maximum number of entries for this event is 60 the minimum is 10. There is no maximum or minimum class entry. Should the minimum entry figure not be reached, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the meeting. Two or more (at the organiser’s discretion) drivers per car will

be accepted, each being treated as a separate entry.

13. We bring your special attention to the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association (MSA) in particular M.3.2.5 and remind you that no front passenger must be under the age of 12 years and Clause M.3.2.10 in that the Passenger(s) comprising the crew at the start must not be during the competition.

14. Marking and penalties will be as MSA GR M.3.5.10 as printed.

15. Provisional results will be published as soon as possible following the end of the event. Protests must be made in accordance with MSA GR O.5.

16 Identification numbers supplied by the organisers must be fixed in a prominent forward facing position.

17. All marshals are appointed "Judges of Fact" to adjudicate on items listed under GR M. 3. 5. 1.

18. All other GR's of the MSA apply as written except that as the event takes place on private property, cars need not be currently registered, taxed or MOT'ed. They MUST however be properly silenced.


The usual on-site catering will be available from around 09.30hrs as will toilet facilities.

As always, please take special care in driving around the venue so as to avoid damage to people and property (the sheep need the grass as well!).

Don't forget that B.S.T (or E.S.T) starts on the Saturday night!!


From 4 wheels to Shanks’s “I can’t fit through Pony….Whatever Next? there!” A puzzled Darren Russell and ew Year’s Eve saw a fair few 7Oaks members friend take a differ- gather together for what is fast becoming an ent route. Nannual tradition, the New Year Ramble. After the previous few days of not very pleasant stormy weather, New Year’s Eve dawned fairly dry. We all met at the Polhill Arms as it was reasona- bly central to most people and had a big room to take the 22 participants who were also partaking of lunch afterwards. YUM! It was also a meeting of 7Oaks....the Next Gen- eration...which seems to grow each year too. This time Clive Cooke’s new granddaughter joined us all

of about 3 months old and very cosy in her little carry sack around Daddy’s middle! It was a very pleasant, if a little slippery at times, 3.5ish mile walk round the area, spotting some lovely views on the way round. Our thanks to Chin for organising a great start to the New Year weekend. Chin has set some dates and routes for the com- ing months, if you are interested, please ring/email him to let him know you are coming.

Feb 25th – Godden Green 188/553550 - 5.5 miles

Mar 4th – Crown Point 188/576557 - 3.5 miles

Apr 8th – Leigh 188/549464 - 4.5 miles

What a colourful bunch…...and that was just the lan- guage!! (Not really)

Some of the Next Generation stopping for a breather…….

Chin and Jenny keeping up their spirits. Why IS Chin looking so cheerful?!?

Thanks to Ian Crocker for the photos

….while some of the previous generation attempt the stile.

- 16 - CROSS-COUNTRY MSA NEWSLETTER MSA NEWSLETTER As we move into the new season, MSA NEWSLETTER cross-country motorsport, at least at the higher levels seems to be moving forward and to be as strong as ever and the overall Wheels number of events run each year remains high. Figures show cross- country (off road) having the highest number of events run of all TIME TO SHOW the motorsport sections. 1143 y doctor stopped me it’s at one of the major national opportunities are going to grow events were run in 2005, down a reading the sports pages motorsport shows. A pipe – during future National few on 2004 but still ahead of Mduring the Ashes dream? No – opportunities for Motorsport Weeks for instance. rally, which was the second most because my anti-depressant clubs at shows like the recent Is a local technical college, numerous discipline. The news tablets were busting his budget, Autosport International at the school or even waterworks that Baja GB is now a round of — — but they showed that some NEC and the upcoming holding an Open Day? Would the FIA championship has — FEBRUARY FEBRUARY sports, however badly we do at International Historic Show they like a competition car (or generated a great deal of new FEBRUARY them, bowl ours away as far as (Race Retro) at Stoneleigh are two) on display? You won’t interest in cross country, raising print media coverage is likely to increase with the growth know unless someone, like the the sport’s overall profile. concerned. Yes, I know it’s of ‘affinity marketing’, where exhibitions manager, asks them. Numbers taking part in the British mandatory nowadays to genuflect people with similar interests – Affinity schemes have grown MSA off road championship for before TV, but print is still more clubs and show organisers in this rapidly since I wrote about comp safari vehicles, grew as 2006 likely to catch the eye of the case – work together to promote shows a couple of years ago but went on, and its likely 2007 will casual sports enthusiast who may a sale or an activity. It’s growing other things haven’t, such as the see the best entry for many years. go on to get the motorsport bug. rapidly because of the internet need to be sure of your The championship continues to be sponsored by Matador Tyres and

At a local level, clubs continue and the use of tracking codes objectives when showing; the to bemoan that they can’t get issued to clubs and managed on need to keep a stand clean and runs over 5 rounds. The Hillrally coverage and increasingly, unless a web or ticket hotline; this uncluttered; the need to have championship had in 2006 good they have someone in charge of means reimbursement to clubs is stand volunteers who welcome numbers and hopefully numbers this area, they won’t. easier and more accurate than people rather than huddle will be high for this years national Newspapers are under too much when ticket stubs were used in together turning it into a social championship. However, numbers pressure to ferret for club news – the process. I haven’t a clue exclusion zone; the logic of at club trials events continued to although there does seem some about the finances of ‘our’ working with clubs with similar be mixed, with some clubs evidence that if clubs put shows, so don’t quote me, but I’d interests, maybe to share stand suffering low entry numbers. themselves about at shows then guess that a ticket retailing at space. And so on. Many blame lost sites and they can build more local £20 could be offered to club I’m not suggesting that putting increasing cost, maybe its now recognition. members at £17 while at the ourselves on show more is going time clubs get together and I hesitate to suggest it when same time the club could get £2 to double memberships; I am organise a true national trials clubs struggle to fill any jobs but for promoting the event to its suggesting it may help us get a championship? A strong national maybe there’s a case for having members. Drinks all round I fairer share of that important identity for trials might just be the an ‘Exhibitions Manager’ to look think. media cake. Anyone else with a kickstart to renew interest. After after the club’s interests in this You won’t need tracking codes Dellow care to join me on a all trials are seen as the starting area. Bit of a grand title perhaps for a local show or fete but a stand at this year’s National point for all cross country for someone running a club display handled well can still Morris Dance Convention? motorsport, leading competitors display at a local fete, but not if produce results, and the Stuart Turner onward to Baja type events.

the likes of Sears, Clark and Hill. through the early post-WW2 AUTOSCENE Just as enjoyable is the period years at Lea-Francis and then 33 commentary, brimming with dry years at Jaguar, this is an REVIEWS FROM puns as Minis slide, spin, roll and engrossing story. And the swarm their way around Britain’s combination of Skilleter’s circuits: “Well, that’s one way to knowledge and Dewis’ vivid EPYNT – A stage Javelin in the ’50s and the ’74 empty the ashtrays.” Brilliant. memories perfectly bring the rallying history Tour of Britain when Noel NORMAN DEWIS story to life. Packed with close to Martin Leonard & Mark Edmunds parked his RS2000 on OF JAGUAR – Developing 1,000 illustrations, this important Griffin, £35. Order via a rolled RX-3. “Oh my God,” the Legend work is also handsomely said the then DJ. “Not quite, I’m ISBN 0 9550 102 17 presented. Highly recommended. It takes a special stage to carry a the reverend Rupert Jones.” Paul Skilleter with book and there are few more epic replied the Mazda’s owner. You Norman Dewis, than Epynt, the Mid-Wales won’t find better pacenotes PJ Publishing, £75. Call asphalt complex that famously anywhere. 01590 624 601 or see claimed three WRC scalps in COD FILLET QUIZ 1960s BRITISH MINI November 2002. This brilliant 1. Which Riley car, first made in 1927 RACING If you thought there wasn’t room compilation, by local boys and costing £298, maintained that JMW/Roscoe Films, £9.99 for another Jaguar book in your Leonard and snapper Griffin, price until production ceased in From library, then make space for this features 60 anecdotes from the 1938!!!? This 32-minute DVD of prime masterwork from Jag authority likes of Waldegård, Airikkala, 2. Which car of the 1930s was known ’60’s David Roscoe material has Paul Skilleter and legendary Grist and Grönholm (one of as the ‘smallest production Six in no menus or extras so the fun development driver Norman those caught out in ’02 by Deer’s captivity’? starts straight away. And the Dewis. The 576-page epic is Leap), plus the club heroes – 3. In the 1960 Monte Carlo Rally who footage is brilliant: vivid colour packed with anecdotes, technical such as ’70s ‘King of Epynt’ Tony co-drove Peter? Harper to win 3rd from cameras close to the action. insight, historic photos and Fowkes – who made their names overall and a class win in a Rapier? Long-forgotten amateurs’ memorabilia. From Dewis’ at the MoD training centre. The 4. At which race did Graham Hill have weekend jaunts at Brands are apprenticeship at Humber and fabulous photos are just as his first works drive for BRM? followed by saloon car races Armstrong Siddeley prior to compelling, such as a Jowett where Minis rub shoulders with signing up as air gunner in WW2, ANSWERS ON PAGE ii - 17 - Wheels 2/07 i 2004, which set out a framework involved in motor sport. Please for the management of motor send any feedback and interesting MARSHALS sport on Forestry Commission stories which would help other MSA NEWSLETTER MSA NEWSLETTER MSA land and confirmed index-linked clubs around the country to POST MSA NEWSLETTER news price rises through to the end of by the BMMC 2007. Cheryl Lynch, Race, Kart and Speed Executive, New rules covering driving 2007 Blue and Fuel line MSA, Motor Sports House, standards and fuels are the most Gold Books protection Riverside Park, significant changes in this year’s Colnbrook MSA Competitors’ Yearbook – The MSA Competitors’ Yearbook The MSA Common Regulations SL3 0HG. the ‘Blue Book’ as most of us 2007 (a.k.a. the Blue Book) for Competitors E 12.12.1. states know it. contains all the MSA regulations that fuel lines passing through National Rules covering reckless, for motor sport as well as British the driver/passenger compartment Motorsport dangerous and careless driving Championships, Regional must be protected. The following Week have been replaced by a single Associations, motor sport venues extract from MSA Scrutineers E- “catch all” regulation covering and a useful motor sports Bulletin #14 suggests ways in The next National Motorsport “Driving in a manner directory. It is issued free with which this may be achieved. Week will be 11–19 August incompatible with general safety competition licences but can be 2007. Go to — — Protection can be achieved in or departing from the standard of — purchased separately from the many ways including the line FEBRUARY FEBRUARY a reasonably competent driver.” FEBRUARY MSA for £23.00 (including being securely clipped in a uk for more information. Clerks of the Course are also postage). location such as to be inherently being given the power to refer The MSA Kart Race Yearbook MSA protected by location alone. It is cases to the Stewards, if they 2007 (a.k.a. the Gold Book) lists important that there is scope for Championships believe heavier penalties than the Technical Regulations for all the lines to move with impact they can impose are justified. kart classes, has provisional Information about British body distortion and not to be In the past, only incidents of championship calendars and kart Championships and other MSA ruptured as a result of such dangerous driving could be sent race fixtures for 2007. It is issued Championships, including links distortion. Please also note that to the Stewards, who have the with kart competition licences to championship websites, can be where a metal pipe is used inside power to suspend a competitor’s

but may be purchased for £8.00 found on the cockpit there is no mandatory licence for 30 days and refer the (including postage). need to cover or replace the pipe. Best snapper issue to the MSA, which can For further information, Some competitors have been impose further penalties. contact the Sales Department at and scribbler informed to replace metal pipes The change should be the MSA (telephone 01753 with metal braided rubber hoses The winners of the fifth Renault welcomed by marshals and other 765000). or use an additional cover. It is MSA Young Motor Sport officials, who have felt New Forestry only when using non-metal Journalist and Photographer of competitors were escaping braided rubber or plastic hoses the Year awards were, heavier penalties because it was Commission that they must have additional respectively, Kevin Turner and too difficult to prove dangerous charges protection or be replaced with a Michael Hoyer. They received a driving. metal braided variant. trophy each and cheques for It certainly opens the way for a Following the announcement of £1,000. These were awarded at the 2006 Retail Price Index in crack down on deteriorating Tyro the MSA’s Night of Champions in driving standards, but much will October of 3.7 per cent, the MSA January. and the Forestry Commission This is a new opportunity for depend on how willing Clerks of confirmed the new schedule of kart clubs to encourage more QUIZ ANSWERS the Course are to use their new charges for the use of Forestry people to try karting. Tyro Kart powers – particularly in high Commission roads from 1 Racing Organisers Guidelines is 1. Monaco profile branches of the sport January to 31 December 2007. available to download from 2. Wolseley Hornet (1271cc) where contact seems to be the accepted method of overtaking. They are shown in detail on 3. Raymond Baxter The MSA and the Kart This year sees the addition of This is the final year of the Sporting Committee see this as 4. Argentine GP (Buenos Aires Bio Ethanol and Bio Diesel as agreement signed by the MSA an ideal opportunity to get more Jan 1960) permitted fuels, but competitors and the Forestry Commission in people in your local area will need specific approval from the MSA if they want to use CLASSIC COMPETITION CARS AND BIKES ON ROAD, OFF ROAD AND ON TRACK them. At the same time, existing fuels will have to be greener – the amount of sulphur allowed has been cut to a third of the previous permitted level and the level of aromatics – which boost octane levels, but also increase exhaust pollutants – have also been cut. The Blue Book also tightens up on rally recovery and Radio Controller requirements. In the past, all that was required was a “recovery unit,” but now it has to be an MSA licensed Recovery Unit, or a See Websitefor Details - commercially operated recovery G Partnership Deals for Clubs vehicle. G Discount for Club Members IHMSL Meanwhile, Controllers using G Free Parking for Simmonds - Downington the MSA safety frequency on Lechlade - Glos - GL7 3DL Rallies and Cross Country events G Club Class Lounge for Members Tel:01367 250001 & 250006 Email: [email protected] now have to have an MSA 23-25 March 2007 - Stoneleigh Park, Coventry licence and not simply be or experienced in the use of radios Online ticketing : Hotline 08701 262121 and controlling a network. ii Wheels 2/07 - 18 - Correspondence to Stuart Turner, c/o MSA, Motor Sports House, Riverside Park, Colnbrook, Slough SL3 0HG SEVENOAKS & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB LTD.



Feb 8th Scatter 188/189 Clubsport Feb 16th 12 Car 188 Clubsport Mar 18 MV Rally of Kent 188/189 Nat B Stage Rally Stoneacre Farm, Mar 25th PCT Otham Clubsport MR 188/800536 April 1st Sprint North Weald Nat B April 5th Scatter TBC Clubsport April (tbc) 20/20 Rally TBC Clubsport April 15th Sprint Co-promoted with B19 Cadwell Nat B May 10th Autotest Farningham Clubsport May 24th Autotest Farningham Clubsport Jun 7th Autotest Farningham Clubsport Jun 21st Autotest Farningham Nat B Jul 5th Autotest Farningham Clubsport Jul 19th Autotest Farningham Clubsport Jul 29th Autotest All Day Sunday Event Farningham Clubsport Aug 26th Sprint North Weald Nat B Oct 14th MV Trial The Weald Trial Various Clubsport Nov 16th 12 Car 188/189 Clubsport Rally Stoneacre Farm, Nov 18th PCT Otham Clubsport MR 188/800536

This list shows all of the various events that Sevenoaks & DMC will be organising in the year 2007. It is not however, a complete listing of all events that Sevenoaks members are eligible to compete in. The club is a member of 4 regional associations, these being the Association of South Eastern Motor Clubs, Association of Eastern Motor Clubs, Association of Central Southern Motor Clubs and the London Counties Association of Motor Clubs. This means that as a Sevenoaks member, you can compete in any event run by another club that invites any one of these associations. Members can also compete in events run under the Weald Motor Club banner. The calendar in the Acorn magazine shows all these other invited events each month. Additionally, all of the above events will score you points in the club's various championships such as the Rose & Crown, Tyrrell Fleming and the Chalky White. Don't forget that if you are competing in the Sevenoaks Speed League, then you will have to marshal at one of these events in order to qualify you for a championship trophy should you be quick enough to win one!