Anisotropy of Long-period EPSC2020-265 Explained by Their Formation Process Arika Higuchi1,2 1 University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan (2020.7.1-) 2 RISE Project, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (-2020.6.30) Published 2020.8.26 in AJ, available at

Abstract Long-period comets coming from the are Sun thought to be formed in the planetary region on the ecliptic plane. We have investigated the orbital evolution of these bodies due to the Galactic . We extended our previous work and derived analytical Earth The Oort cloud solutions to the Galactic longitude and latitude of the direction of aphelion. Using the analytical solutions, we predict that Oort cloud comets returning to the planetary region are concentrated on the ecliptic plane and a second plane, which we call the “empty ecliptic.” Introduction The Oort cloud comets are planetesimals formed in the protoplanetary disk and initially on the ecliptic plane with the perihelion distances q in the planetary region. (1) Outward transportation by planetary scattering

• qi in the planetary region and ei~1. • on the ecliptic (inclination ii ~ 60 deg.)

(2) Evolution into the spherical structure by perturbations from the

Dominant perturbation: The vertical component of the Galactic tide

z: the position of the in the Galactic coordinates

• q outside the planetary region. • i changed.

(3) Observed as long-period comets when q come back to the planetary region. Aim of this paper

n The Galactic longitude and latitude of the direction of aphelion, L and B (or those of perihelion), are used to evaluate the distribution of observed long-period comets (e.g., Biermann et al. (1983), Luest (1984), Delsemme (1986, 1987), Matese & Whitmire (1996), Matese et al. (1999)). n Based on the standard formation scenario, the Oort cloud comets are planetesimals formed in the protoplanetary disk and initially on the ecliptic plane with the perihelion distances near the giant planets (e.g., Dones et al. 2004). n As long as the Oort cloud is not completely destroyed by close stellar encounters, the memory of the initial distribution can be found as anisotropies in the present distribution. n We investigate the evolution of the aphelia of comets initially on the ecliptic plane under the axisymmetric approximation of the Galactic tide with the same procedure as in Higuchi et al. (2007). n Using the analytical solutions, we predict the distribution of long-period comets on the L−B plane.

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Using the orbital elements, the unit vector of the direction of aphelion in the Galactic coordinates rQ is written as

Qx cos ! cos ⌦ +sin! sin ⌦ cos i AnisotropyAnisotropy of Long-period ofAnisotropy Long-period Comets of Comets Long-period Comets 3 3 3 rQ = Q = cos ! sin ⌦ sin ! cos ⌦ cos i (1) 0 y 1 0 1 UsingUsing the orbital the orbital elements,Using elements, the the unit orbital the vector unit elements, vector of the of direction the the unit directionQz vector of aphelion of of aphelion thesin in! direction thesin ini Galactic the of Galactic aphelion coordinates coordinates in ther GalacticQ isr writtenQ is coordinates written as as rQ is written as Anisotropy ofAnisotropy Long-periodB ofC Long-period CometsB Comets C 3 3 Then L and sin B are written as @ A @ A Qx Qx cos ! coscos⌦!Q+sincosx ⌦!+sinsin ⌦!coscossin!i⌦coscos⌦i+sin! sin ⌦ cos i Qy Using the orbitalUsing elements, the orbital the unit elements, vectorrQ = ther ofQQ the= unity direction=Q vector=cos of ofr the! aphelionsin=cos direction⌦!Lsin=sin in atan⌦=! the ofcossin aphelion Galactic⌦!coscos=i⌦ in⌦cos coordinates+ thei✓, GalacticrQ coordinatesis written asrQ is(1) written(1) as (2) (1) 0 10 y01 0Q 0Qy 1 0 Qcos ! sin1 ⌦ 1sin ! cos ⌦ cos i1 ✓ x ◆ Qz Qz sin ! sinsini!Qsin i sin ! sin i Qx B CB cosBQC!cosB⌦ +sincossin!z!sinBcos=⌦Q⌦cos+sin=i !sinsinC! ⌦sincosCi, i Derivations are here -> -3881/aba94d @ AnalyticalA @ x B solutionsC Bz A C Then LThenandL sinandB are sin B writtenare written as as @ A @ @ A @ A A whereThenrQL =andQ siny B =arerQ written= cosQ!y assin=⌦ sincos! cos! sin⌦⌦cos isin ! cos ⌦ cos i (1) (1) 0 1 0 0 1 Q0y Q 1 1 L = atan = y⌦ + ✓, Qy (2) Qz • sinTheQ!Lsin Galactic=i atan sinlongitude! sinL=sin=i⌦! atan+andcos✓i, latitude= of⌦ the+ ✓, direction of the aphelion,(2) L and B: (2) z Qx Qatanx for cos ! < 0 B C B B C✓✓ =B◆✓ ◆ cos ! C Qx C (4) @ A @ @ A @ sin ! cosA✓i ◆ A Then L and sinThenB areL writtenand sin asB are written as sin B =sinQBz = Qz⇡sin=+! atansinsini,! sin i, for cos ! > 0. (3) (3) ( sin B cos= Q!z = sin ! sin i, (3) Qy Qy where where where L = atan L = atan⌦ +2.2.✓, Conserved= ⌦ + ✓ quantities, (2) (2) i: inclination Qx Qx ✓ sin ◆! cossini ! cos✓i ◆ ω: argument of perihelion atan atancos ! for cosfor! sin< cos!0!cos cossin0!. !>cos0i. moving under the approximated( ( Galactic cos ! potential cos !⇡ + is atan given as for cos ! > 0. where where ( cos ! *all in the Galactic coordinates 2.2. Conserved2.2. Conserved quantities quantitiesGM atan sin ! cos i atanforsin ! coscosH!i2.2.<=0 Conservedfor cos ! R,< quantities0 (5) AssumeAssume that the that Galactic the Galactic tide✓ is= tide much is much smaller• ✓cos smaller=The than! time the than-averaged solar thecos ! gravity. solarh idisturbing gravity. The2a time-averaged Thefunction time-averaged that Hamiltonian arises Hamiltonian from the of(4) a vertical body of a body component(4) of the Galactic tide Assume that⇡ the+ atan Galacticsin(! tidecos⇡ +i is atan muchforsin cos smaller!!cos>i 0. thanfor cos the! solar> 0. gravity. The time-averaged Hamiltonian of a body movingmoving under under thewhere approximated theG approximatedis the gravitational Galactic( Galactic potential constant, potentialcos is! given M isis givenas theHeislercos solar as!, J. and mass, Tremaine,a is S., the“The influence semimajor of the Galactic axis tidal of field the on body,the Oort comet and cloudR is”, Icarus the, vol. disturbing 65, no. 1. pp. 13–26, 1986. doi: 10.1016/0019-1035(86)90060-6. moving under the approximated Galactic potential is given as function 2.2. Conserved quantities 2.2. Conserved quantitiesGM GM2 a: semimajor axis H = H = ⌫0 R,2 2R, GM2 2 2 (5) (5) Assume that the Galactic tide is muchh smalleri hRi 2= thana the2a sin solar Hi gravity.1= e +5 Thee sin time-averagedR, ! , Hamiltonian of a body (6)e: eccentricity(5) Assume that the Galactic tide is much smaller than the solar gravity. 4 Theh time-averagedi 2a Hamiltonian of a body movingwhere underwhereG theismoving the approximatedG gravitationalis under the gravitational the Galactic approximated constant, constant, potentialM GalacticisM the is solaris given the potential mass, solar as mass,a isis given thea is semimajor as the semimajor axis of axis the of body, the body, and R andis theR is disturbing the disturbing wherewhere⌫0 =Gpis4 the⇡G⇢ gravitationalis the vertical constant, frequencyM is and the⇢ solaris the mass, totala is density the semimajor in the solar axis neighborhood of the body, and (e.g.,R isHeisler the disturbing & functionfunction 2 GM2 GM Tremainefunction1986). From Equation⌫0 2 (⌫6)2 andH Lagrange’s=2 2 planetary2 R, equation for da/dt,weknowa is constant.(5) Then we R =HR ==a sin0 ai2sinh1 2R,iie 1+5 ee22⌫a2+5sine!2 sin, 2 ! , (5) (6) (6) introduce a new simplifiedh Hamiltonian:i4 42a R = 0 a2 sin2 i 1 e2 +5e2 sin2 ! , (6) where G is the gravitational constant,•MTwois the Patterns solar mass, of evolution2a4is the semimajor2of L and2 B2 axis and of the the ratio body, of and theirR isperiods: the disturbing* In both case, the period of the wherewhereG is thewhere⌫0 gravitational= p⌫04⇡=G⇢p4is⇡ constant,G the⇢ is vertical theM verticalis frequency the solar frequency and mass, ⇢ andaisis the the⇢ is total semimajor the densitytotal density axis in of the the in solar body,the solar neighborhood and neighborhoodR is the disturbing (e.g., (e.g.,HeislerHeisler & & c =sin i 1 e +5e sin ! . (7) function where ⌫0 = p4⇡G⇢ is the vertical frequency and⇢ is the total density in the solar neighborhood (e.g.,oscillationHeisler of & q is the same as PB. functionTremaineTremaine1986).1986 From). EquationFrom Equation (6) and (6) Lagrange’s and Lagrange’sPattern planetary 21: L planetarycirculates, equation equation B oscillates for da/dt for around,weknowda/dt,weknow 0 (anda isω constant.libratesa is constant.) Then Then we we The simplified z-component2 of the angular⌫0 2 momentum,2 2 which2 is a2 conserved quantity under thePL/ axisymmetricPB 〜 2 approx- introduceintroduce a new a simplified newTremaine simplified Hamiltonian:1986 Hamiltonian:).⌫ From0 2 EquationR2 = (26a)sin and2 i Lagrange’s12 e +5 planetarye sin ! , equation for da/dt,weknowa is constant.(6) Then we imationintroduce of the apotential,R new= simplifieda is writtensin i Hamiltonian:1 as4e +5e sin ! , (6) * These relations are established 4 P2attern 2 2: 2 L changes22 2little,2 2B oscillates (and ω circulates) PL/PB 〜 ∞ where ⌫ = p4⇡G⇢ is the verticalc =sin frequencyc =sini 1 andie 1+5⇢ isee the+5sin totale!sin. density! 2. in the solar neighborhood (e.g.,(7)Heisler(7) & where ⌫ = p4⇡G⇢ is0 the vertical frequency and ⇢ is the total density j in= the21 solare cos2 neighborhoodi. 2 2 (e.g., Heisler & only (8)for ei〜1. 0 c =sin i 1 e +5e sin ! . (7) The simplifiedTheTremaine simplifiedz-component1986z-component). From of the Equation of angular the angular ( momentum,6) and momentum, Lagrange’s which which is planetary a conserved is a conserved equation quantity quantity for underda/dt under,weknow the axisymmetric the axisymmetrica is constant. approx- approx- Then we Tremaine 1986). From EquationSubstituting (6) and Equation Lagrange’s (8) into planetary Equation equation (7), one for canda/dtp draw,weknow equi-Hamiltoniana is constant. curves Then on the we! e plane for given c imation ofintroduce the potential, a newThe is simplified simplifiedwritten as Hamiltonian:z-component of the angular momentum, which is a conserved quantity under the axisymmetric approx- introduce a newimation simplified of theand potential,Hamiltonian:j using Equation is written (7 as). From the Hamiltonian curves, we can learn the overall behavior of ! and e without solving imation of the potential, isj written= j1= as2 e21cosei.22cos i. 2 2 (8) (8) the equation of motion. For2 somec2 cases,=sin2 equi-Hamiltoniani 12 e +5e sin curves! . circulate with ! and for other cases they(7) librate c =sin i 1 e +5e sin ! . j = 1 e2 cos i. (7) (8) SubstitutingSubstituting Equationaround Equation (!8)= into 90 (8) Equationor into 270 Equation. ( This7), one libration (7), can onep draw canisp essentially equi-Hamiltoniandraw equi-Hamiltonian the von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai curves curves on the on! the mechanisme!planee plane for given(von for Zeipelgivenc c1910; Kozai The simplified z-component of the angular momentum, which is a conserved quantity under the axisymmetric approx- The simplifiedand j usingandz-componentj Equationusing Equation ( of7).Substituting the From ( angular7). the From Hamiltonian momentum, Equation the Hamiltonian (8 curves,which) into curves, Equationis we a conserved can we learn ( can7), onethe learn quantity overall can thep draw under overall behavior equi-Hamiltonian the behavior axisymmetric of ! and of !eandwithout curves approx-e without on solving the solving! e plane for given c imation of1962 the; potential,Lidov 1962 is; Ito written & Ohtsuka as 2019). The condition for circulation is to have a solution to e for ! = 0, i.e., imationthe of equation thethe potential, equation of motion. is of written motion.and Forj using as some For Equation cases, some cases, equi-Hamiltonian (7). equi-Hamiltonian From the Hamiltonian curves curves circulate curves, circulate with we! canwithand learn! forand the other for overall other cases behavior cases they theylibrate of ! librateand e without solving j = c1+ j2e2 equi-Hamiltonian1 to (libration) have is the to von a have solution Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai a solution curves to e for on to ! thee for=! mechanism0,! i.e.,=e 0,plane i.e., ( forvon given Zeipelc 1910; Kozai Substituting Equation (8) into Equation (7), one canp draw equi-Hamiltonian curves on the ! e plane for given c and j using Equation19622; Lidov (7).1962 From; Ito the & Hamiltonian Ohtsuka2 2019 curves,). The we condition can learn for the circulation overall behavior is to have of ! a solutionand e without to e for solving! = 0, i.e., and j using Equation (7).and Fromc + j the= Hamiltonian 1 gives the separatrix curves,c + j wec< (e.g.,+ can1j2 (circulation) some1/5. cases, equi-Hamiltonianc + j2c>+ curves1j2 (libration)> 1 circulate (libration)c + withj2 the1 to is necessary(libration) to the have necessary a condition solution condition toon ei for on ! libration,i for= 0, libration, i.e., 2 2 2 2 1962; sinLidovi>sin19621i>/;5.Ito1 &/5. Ohtsuka 20192). The condition for circulationc =1 is to havee aj solution+5e sin toB.e for ! = 0, i.e., (10) and c + j = 1 gives the separatrixc + (e.g.,j2 1/ with5. Equationc + j < (110) (circulation) is written2 as 2 c +2j2 > 122 (libration)2 2 2 (9) Substituting Equationsc + jc2=1> (13c) (libration)=1 ande (j8e)+5 intoje2 Equation+5sin eB.sin2 (7B.), the Hamiltonian2 is given with B instead(10) (10) of i and !, 2 p c + j =1 e 1 5 sin B =1. (11) and c + j = 1 gives the separatrix (e.g., Higuchi et al. 2007). This2 leads 2 to the2 necessary2 condition on i for libration, The2 separatrixThe separatrix with Equation with Equation (10) is (10 written) is written as as c =1 e j +5e sin B. (10) and c + j = 1sin givesi> the1For separatrix/5.e2 > 0, (e.g., the suHiguchicient condition et al. 2007 on).B Thisfor leads libration to the is given necessary as condition on i for libration, 2 2 2 sin i> 1/5. SubstitutingThe Equations separatrix (3) with andc (+ Equation8)j intoc=1+ Equationj2 (10=1e ) is1 writtene (275), sin1 theB5 as sinHamiltonian=12 B. =1. is given with B instead of i and(11)!, (11) p 1 Substituting2 Equations (3) and (8) into Equation (7), the Hamiltonian is2sin givenB > with2 B. instead2 of i and !, (12) Forp e For> 0,e2 the> 0, su thecient su conditioncient condition on B for on B librationfor librationc is=1 given ise given as2c +j2 asj+5=1|e2 |sin e2 B.15 5 sin B =1. (10) (11) 2 2 2 2 r 2 c =1 e j +5e sin B. (10) MateseFor &e Whitman> 0, the su(1989cient) defined condition the on valueB 1forB libration=1 asin 1 is/5 given as26.6 as a barrier that the latitude of perihelion The separatrix with Equation (10) is written sin asB sin> B >. . (12) (12) | | 5 ' ± The separatrix with Equationcannot (10 migrate) is written across. as 2 |r| 2 r5 2 1 c + j =1 e 1 5 sinpsinBB =1> . . (11) (12) MateseMatese & Whitman & Whitman(1989)(1989 defined) defined the value2 the valueB =2 asinB = asin1/25 1/526.6 26as.6 a| barrieras| a barrier5 that the that latitude the latitude of perihelion of perihelion 2 c + j =1 e 1 5 sin B' =1± '. ± r (11) cannotcannot migrateFor e migrate> across.0, the across. sucient condition onB for libration is given as 2 Matese & Whitman (1989) definedp thep value B = asin 1/5 26.6 as a barrier that the latitude of perihelion For e > 0, the sucient condition on B for libration is given as ' ± cannot migrate across. 1 1 sin B > . p (12) sin B > . | | r5 (12) | | 5 Matese & Whitman (1989) defined the value rB = asin 1/5 26.6 as a barrier that the latitude of perihelion ' ± Matese & Whitmancannot(1989 migrate) defined across. the value B = asin 1/5 26.6 as a barrier that the latitude of perihelion ' ± p cannot migrate across. p 18 Higuchi the prediction of iE in the observable region using the analytical solution is as dicult as much as that for i (see Figure 418) and as sensitive to q as much as that for ⌦. Panels (5)Higuchi and (6) in Figure 6 are the same as panels (1) and (2) but for a =5 104 au. The drift of the curves is seen more obviously than in panel (1) since bodies with a =5 104 au i ⇥ i ⇥ themake prediction more oscillations of iE in the in observable 4.5 Gyr. region using the analytical solution is as dicult as much as that for i (see Figure 4 4)Panels and as (3) sensitive and (4) to inq Figureas much6 show as that the for behavior⌦. Panels of L (5)and and sin (6)B for in Figureai =26 10areau, the respectively, same as panels and (1) panels and (2)(7) andbut 4 ⇥ 4 4 for(8)a in=5 Figure106 areau. the The same drift as of panels the curves (3) and is seen (4), more respectively, obviously but than for inai panel=5 (1)10 sinceau. Both bodiesL withand sina B=5are10 almostau i ⇥ ⇥ 10000 i ⇥ makeindependent more oscillations of q for q< in50 4.5 au. Gyr. The agreement of the results of numerical calculations and the 1000 analytical solutions is

4 4 [au]

4 q goodPanels for (3)ai =2 and (4)10 inau. Figure For 6aishow=5 the10 behaviorau, the of disagreementL and sin B isfor largera =2 than10 30au, for respectively, some 100 bodies and beyond panels 4.5(7) Gyrand ⇥ ⇥ i ⇠ but still much better than that in ⌦ or i . Therefore, we conclude that the⇥ relation4 among q 10000, L, and sin B in Table (8) in Figure 6 are the same as panels (3)ResultE and (4),: respectively, Relation but of for Baiand=5 L10inau. the Both planetaryL 10 and sin B are region almost 1000 ⇥ 10000 1, for any m, is safely satisfied for q in the observable region. 1 independent of q for q<50 au. The agreement of the results of numerical calculations and the [au] 0 analytical 1 solutions 2 is 3 4 4.5 q 100 time [109 yr] 4 4 1000 good for a =2 10 au. For a =5 10 au, the disagreement is larger than 30 for some 10000 bodies beyond 4.5 Gyr i i [au]

q 1 In the planetary region, L and B satisfy equation (1) or (2). 10 ⇥ ⇥ 4.4. The Empty Ecliptic ⇠ 100 0.8 1000 but still much better than that in ⌦ or iE. Therefore, we conclude that the relation among [au] q, L, and sin B in Table

[au] 0.6

q 1 Anisotropy of Long-period Comets q 10 0 11 1 2 3 4 4.5 0.4 100 Based on the standard scenario of the formationAnisotropy of the of Long-period Oort cloud, Comets the initial orbital elements of the11 Oort cloud9 1, for any m, is safely satisfied for q in theNumber observable of returns to region. time [10 yr] k = even 0.2

k = odd B 1 0 10 the planetary region k (including initial condition) 1 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 comets are restricted as follows; q 30 au to be near a giant planet, i i = 60 and ⌦ sin ⌦ = 186 to be on the we confirmed that these oppositei evolutions seen in ⌦ and L are due to the radiali component of the Galactici tide that 9 we confirmed that these. opposite evolutions seen in ⌦ and L are due to the radial component of the Galactic-0.2 tide that time [10 yr] ' ' 0.8 1 breaks the conservation of j. In panels (6) and (8), the disagreement that arises from the shifts of the periods is-0.4 0.6 quite ecliptic plane. Alsobreaks!i theis uniformly conservation of distributedj. Inpattern panels 4.4.1 (6) for and 0The (8),! Empty thei

2 2 2 2 sin 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 From the above comparisons, we conclude that the analytical solutions are basically useful for describing 0.8 the orbital 2 -0.24 9 0.2 time [10 yr]

tan B =sin(L ⌦ ) tan i . B (100) evolution, except for i and ⌦ of comets in the observablei regioni (i.e., q 10 au). For2 bodies with a =5 10 0.6 au, 4 evolution, except for i and ⌦ of comets in the observable region. (i.e., q 10 au). For bodies with B a-0.4=5 10 au, comets are restricted as follows; qi 30 aurelation to be satisfied near a giant planet, ii . i = 60 and ⌦i ⇥⌦ 0 = 186 to be on the . eq. (1) eq. (2) sin 0.4 360-0.6 ⇥ the small di↵erences between the periods given by the analytical solutions and the' ones obtained from the' numericalsin -0.2 the small di↵erences between the periods given by the analytical solutions and the ones obtained from 0.2 the numerical -0.8 ecliptic plane. Also ! is uniformly distributed for 0 ! < 360 , L is given by Equation (2),B -0.4 and sin B , in order to The relationintegrations between pileiL upand and are sin quiteB in large Table at t 1 definesa few Gyr. two This planesi could be in understood thei Galactic simply coordinates. as the results of As the 300L shifts 0 i and Bii are assumed

sin -1 integrations pile up and are quite large at t a few Gyr. This could be understood simply as the results-0.6 of the shifts ⇠  -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 ⇠ 9 of oscillation/circulation of orbital evolution. Therefore, the time evolution normalized by the periods obtained 240-0.8 by time [10 yr] beto on be the on the ecliptic eclipticof plane, oscillation/circulation plane is given the points by of that orbital satisfy evolution. 0 Therefore,L<360 the and time sin evolutionB given normalized by Equation by the periods (100-0.4 obtained) for L bydrawThe hatched a area curve indicate ”in the planetary region” -1  -0.6 numerical integrations is well reproduced by the analytical solutions. 180 360 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 numerical integrations is well reproduced by the analytical solutions. ………… (1) [deg] 9 on the L sin B plane, by definition. Anothertan setBi =sin( of pointsLi for⌦ an) tan oddi m. that satisfy 0 L

deg 180

In this section,In this we section, apply thewe apply analytical the analytical solutions derivedsolutions in derived Section in2 Sectionto fictional2 to observable fictional observable long-period long-period [deg] comets comets [ 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 L 240 to be on the ecliptic plane the points that satisfy 0 L<360 and sin B given by Equation (100) for L draw a curve9 tan B = sin(L ⌦ ) tan i . ………… (2) L 300 time (101)[10 yr] entering theentering planetary the planetaryregion from region the Oort from cloud. the Oort We cloud. assume We that assume the comets that the initially comets have initially very have elongated very elongated orbits120 orbits  4 180 (4) a =2x10 au [deg] i

L 1240 on the L givensin byB planetaryplane, by scattering definition. on the Another ecliptic plane. set For of thesepoints comets, for an setting odde m 1that is a good satisfy approximation 0 L< and360 60 it and sin B draw given by planetary scattering on the ecliptic plane. For these comets,i setting ei 1 is a good approximationq =10 au, =310 and deg it The empty ecliptic 0.8 120 i i '  q =30 au, =210 deg ' i i 180 We call thismakes plane themakes solutions as the “the simple. solutions empty We simple. call ecliptic,” this We approximation call this since approximation it as is the not quasi-rectilinear as initially the quasi-rectilinear populated approximation. approximation. and Since this the plane Since planetary [deg] 0.6 0 the and planetary the ecliptic are a curve that defines a second plane, which is formed by a rotation of the ecliptic around the GalacticL pole by 180: 60 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 0.4 9 scatteringscattering does not give does high not inclinations give high inclinations (see Appendix), (see Appendix), we assume weii assume= i =i 60i = iand=⌦ 60i =and⌦ ⌦=i 186= ⌦ to= be 186 on 120 to the be on the time [10 yr] 0.2 time [Gyr] symmetrical about the plane perpendicular to the Galactic plane through the intersection ofthe 0 ecliptic4 plane and B (4) ai=2x10 au ecliptic plane.ecliptic Using plane. this Using approximation, this approximation, we compare we the compare periods the of periods, ⌦, and of L, ⌦and, and investigateL and investigate the relation the among relation0 60 1 0 among 1 2 3 4 4.5

sin 9 q =10 au, =310 deg time [10 yr] tan B = sin(L ⌦ ) tan i . -0.2 0.8 i i (101) the Galactic plane (just like the focus and the empty focus of an ellipse). If L and B of long-periodq =30 au, =210 deg comets in the them especially for comets in the observable region. 0 i 4 i them especially for comets in the observable region. -0.4 0.6 (4) ai=2x10 au 1 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 9 -0.6 0.4 q =10 au, =310 deg time [10 yr] observable region are concentrated on these two planes, it would constitute observational evidence 0.8 i thati the comets qi=30 au, i=210 deg -0.8 0.2 4 0.6 (4) ai=2x10 au We call this plane as “the empty ecliptic,” since it is4.1. notPreparation initially populated and this4 planeB 1 and the ecliptic are 4.1. Preparation -1 0 were on the ecliptic plane at t = 0. Comets with relatively small values such as a 10 au, whichsin 0.4 satisfyq =10 au, =310 deg P =4.5 Gyr 0.8 0 i i -0.2 qi=30 au, i=210 deg 0.22 2 2 time [109 yr] ⇠ 2 2 0.6 2 symmetricalIn about this section,In the this we plane section, first derive perpendicular we first the derive explicit the expression to explicit the expression Galactic for ↵0, ↵1 for, and plane↵0,↵↵2 1(eq.(, through and70↵))2 (eq.( and the their70)) intersection and relation, theirk relation,, w of, andB k-0.4 the, ww1 ecliptic, and w2 plane and (i.e., m = 1 for present), are predicted to be on the empty ecliptic for their first return to the1 planetary 0 2 region. sin 0.4 2 2 -0.6 (eqs. (32), (37), and (51)) under the quasi-rectilinear approximation, which gives 0 12 au and2 a>2 10 2 au or e>1 taken from the JPL Small Body Database 2 2 2 2 ⇠ -1 Substituting e = ei, B = Bi, and 1 ei = j / cos i =4j into Equation (10), we obtain 0 (i.e., m = 1Substituting for present),e = e arei, B = predictedB1 i, and 1 toei be= j on/ cos thei empty=4j into ecliptic Equation for (10 their), we obtain first return to the planetary region. Search Engine on 2020 June 5 on theL sinB plane. 277 bodies with e 1 and 296 bodies with e>1 are indicatedtime [109 yr] 2 2 2  with open and filled circles, respectively. Thec =3j2 bodies+c 5(1=3j are4j+2)sin 5(1 divided2 B4j. )sin intoBi. three groups with L as(63) indicated(63) by colors. 5. OBSERVATIONAL i DATA Two interstellar objects, 1I/2017 U1 (’Oumuamua) and 2I/2019 Q4 (Borisov), are additionally shown with squares for Using i Bi i , we have the minimum and maximum values of c as Using i Bi i , we have the minimum and maximum values of3c as reference.Figure 7 shows We used solar the system osculating bodies orbital with elementsq>1 au and to calculatea>10 auL and or e>B using1 taken Equations from the ( JPL2) and Small (3). Body To calculate DatabaseL 1 2 2cmin =3j 0 for Bi =0 Searchand B Enginefor bodies on 2020 with Junee>1, 5 weon replace thecminL !=3sininj EquationsB0plane.' 277 (2) bodies and for B (3i with)=0 as e 1. and 296 bodies with e>1(64) are indicated ' 2 15 2 15 .  (64) 2cmax15=3j +24 (1 15 4j ) 4 for Bi = i with open and filled circles, respectively.cmax =3 Thej + 4 bodies(1 4j ) are4 dividedfor 'Bi = intoi three groups with L as indicated by colors. ! ! +(' ⇡ f ), (102) Two interstellar objects,where j2 1I/20171 is used. U1 (’Oumuamua) and 2I/2019 Q4 (Borisov), are additionally shown with squares for where j2 1 is used.⌧ ! 1 reference. We used⌧ From the osculatingEquation (27), orbital the explicit elements expressions to of calculate the solutionsL areand approximatedB using Equations as (2) and (3). To calculate L where From Equation (27), the explicit expressions of the solutions are approximated as and B for bodies with e>1, we replace ! in Equations2 (2) and (34 ) as 2 5j 4 1001j 6 5j ⇤ cos100f +j = . 6 + (j ) 1 (65) (103) 1 + 2 + 2 (j )3 1 (65) 1⇤ 2 ' 5+4j c 1 (5 +3 4je c) O ⌧ ' 5+4j c (5 + 4j2 c) O ⌧ 5+4! j2 ! c+(⇡ 5jf2 ), (102) To evaluate the concentrations on the two planes,2 we define2 the1 new angle4 " as 5+4j2⇤ c ! 5j 2 4 + (j ) (66) ⇤ ' 4 5+4+ j(j )c O (66) 2 ' 4 5+4j2 c O where where j2 1 is used but the term (j4) in Equation (65tan) isB left for the comparison with j2. 2 4 tan " = 1 . 2 (104) where j 1 is used⌧ but the term (j ) in EquationO2 (cos65) isf left= for the. comparison with j . 2 (103) ⌧ To evaluate the relationO2 between j and 1⇤,wesubstitutesin(L c ⌦= cmin) since the di↵erence between2 j and 1⇤ becomes To evaluate the relation between j and 1⇤,wesubstitutec1= cminsincee the di↵erence between j and 1⇤ becomes minimum for c = cmin. It is calculated as minimum for c = cmin. It is calculated as ToThe evaluate angle " theis interpreted concentrations as a longitude on the two around planes, the we intersection define2 the new of the angle ecliptic4 " as and the Galactic plane. For the ecliptic 2 5j 100j 2 ⇤ j 2 + 4 j and empty ecliptic planes, " = i = 602 and1 "5j= i 2= 60100j, respectively.2 3 The solid and dashed curves in Figure j ' 5+4j+ cmin (5 + 4j2 jc ) 1⇤ 2 tan B 3 min ' 5+4j cmin (5 + 4j2 c ) tan j4"(75= 10j2 j4) min . (104) 4 2 4 j (75 =10j jsin() 2 L3 ⌦> )0. (67) = (5 + j>) 0. (67) 1 query.cgi (5 + j2)3 2 2 The angle " is interpretedTherefore, theas a relation longitude between aroundj and the1⇤ is always intersection as j < of1⇤. the ecliptic and the Galactic plane. For the ecliptic 2 2 Therefore, the relation between j and ⇤ is always as j < ⇤. and empty ecliptic planes, " = i = 601and " = i =1 60, respectively. The solid and dashed curves in Figure

1 query.cgi Discussion: Distribution of observed long-period comets 22 from JPL/NASA, comets with a > 1000 au || e ≧Higuchi1 and q > 1 au

• On the L - sin B plane: To evaluate the concentrations• onThe the distribution two planes, weof definethe longitude a new angle " as Empty Ecliptic Ecliptic 1 ε defined by tan B tan " = . (104) sin(L ⌦ ) For the ecliptic and empty ecliptic planes,ε = " 60= degi : Ecliptic= 60 and " = i = 60, respectively. The solid and dashed 0.5 ε = -60 deg: Empty Ecliptic =-80 =-60 curves in Figure 7 show the ecliptic and empty ecliptic planes, respectively. Curves for " = 0, 30, and 80 are also =-30 ± ± ’Oumuamua shown in thin dashed curves in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows the distribution of ". There are two sharp peaks not exactly at the ecliptic or empty ecliptic plane but near them. For an isotropic distribution, it would be flat in ". B

B Galactic plane, =0 0

sin Borisov sin

=30 =80 =60 -0.5 E’ E 80

-1 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 L [deg] 60 (+ ’Oumuamua■ +Borisov■) L [deg] Two sharp peaks near the ecliptic or empty ecliptic plane. *An isotropic distribution would 40 be flat in ε.


0 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 ε [deg]

Figure 8. Distribution of " defined by equation (104) for all bodies in Figure 7 except U1. Filled bars show bodies with e>1.

Panel (1) in Figure 9 shows the distribution of sin B. The depletions around b = 0 and b = 90 found by Luest ± (1984) and Delsemme (1987) is seen (note that b = B), however, the shape of the distribution depends on the regions of L0 = L ⌦ . Panels (2)-(4) in Figure 9 show the distribution of sin B for regions blue ( 30 0.5 in panel (4) are explained as a consequence of the double peaks in the | | distribution of ". If the depletions are the result of the strength of the Galactic tide as Delsemme (1987) explained, the distributions are expected to be the same in any regions since the strength of the Galactic tide is independent of L. Therefore, we conclude that the concentration of comets on the ecliptic and empty ecliptic planes is a better explanation than that by Delsemme (1987).