Ulaanbaatar- Tour (Road of Bones) 2021

Day DOW Date From To Activity Meals Auckland (or 0 Sun 8-Aug any other city) Hong Kong Flight Ulaanbaatar 1 Mon 9-Aug Hong Kong (Mongolia) Arrival and transfer to the hotel D 10- 2 Tue Aug Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar City Sightseeing Tour B 11- 3 Wed Aug Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar Visit the Ghingis Khaan Statue about 60 km from the city B 12- First day on the road. Great experience to see the 4 Thu Aug Ulaanbaatar Sukhbaatar Mongolian "Highway". Night near the Russian border. B 13- Ulan-Ude Border crossing into and driving to Ulan-Ude, 5 Fri Aug Sukhbaatar (Russia) Siberia. B/D 14- Day Trip to the famous Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is the 6 Sat Aug Ulan-Ude Ulan-Ude largest freshwater lake on our planet, 600 km long. B/L City-sightseeing. The locality is Buryatia and the faces are 15- Asian, the religion is predominately Budhist and it's 7 Sun Aug Ulan-Ude Ulan-Ude different! B 16- It's a long but interesting drive to Chita. The scenery 8 Mon Aug Ulan-Ude Chita changes often during the day. B We have a self drive sightseeing tour of Chita but the main attraction is the "Decembrists" church and museum. Its all 17- part of the interesting history and culture of this remote 9 Tue Aug Chita Chita city. B Today we stay in the town of Chernyshevsk, a true example of a Trans-Siberian railway settlement. It would be rare for foreigners to stay in this local town. It's wonder opportunity to experience a Russian town and its inhabitants at work. It’s a relatively short distance from 18- Chita but we have a couple of interesting diversions to 10 Wed Aug Chita Chernyshevsk make on the way. B We are now heading east through the "Russian Far East". The road was only totally opened in 2008 and is an engineering masterpiece. It’s a long but interesting drive 19- through the "Taiga" and a true feeling of the history and 11 Thu Aug Chernyshevsk Skovorodino remoteness of this region of Russia is evident. B

20- Our destination today is a major rail and road junction and 12 Fri Aug Skovorodino Tynda a lively and busy city. B

This morning we visit the local BAM (Baikal Amur Mainline) 21- museum. The construction of this amazing rail road 13 Sat Aug Tynda through inhospitably contryside is well recorded in Tynda. B/L 22- Today we head north and will be crossing the massive Lena 14 Sun Aug Aldan River by ferry. B/L/D This city is built on permafrost experiencing extreme cold temperatures in the winter. Access to the city is by ice road in the winter months and ferry in the summer. Attractions in Yakutsk include ice caves, mineral, gem and diamond 23- exhibitions. Here you can get up and close to examples of 15 Mon Aug Yakutsk Yakutsk the per historic Woolley Mamouth. B 24- 16 Tue Aug Yakutsk Yakutsk Today we plan to visit Lena Pillars formations. B 25- This is one of the most challenging days of road travel. It 17 Wed Aug Yakutsk Khandyga can get tough especially if it's wet. Two ferry crossings. B/L/D

This day provides us with the biggest challenges road wise. If wet it's difficult and progress is slow. Mountain passes. 26- River crossings and different road conditions all make for 18 Thu Aug Khandyga Ust Nera an exciting day in the Yakutian countryside. B/L/D

The scenery is dotted by expansive gold mines, the roads are basic and land is baron and weather worn. We pass 27- alongside fast flowing rivers and regions known to be some 19 Fri Aug Ust Nera Susuman of the coldest in the world during the winter months. B/L/D 28- We depart from Susuman early am crossing spectacular 20 Sat Aug Susuman Magadan mountain passes. Magadan today is our destination. B/L/D 29- A guided city sightseeing tour of Magadan. This interesting 21 Sun Aug Magadan Magadan city has a lot of surprises for a first time visitor. B/L/D 30- Vladivostok- Transfer to the Airport. A stop over in Vladivostok before 22 Mon Aug Magadan NZ/AUS flying home is optional and recommended. B

COSTS per person: $NZD 10,500 Inclusions: Services of a tour leader / driver and Russian speaking guide. 4x4 Transport from Ulaanbaatar to Magadan. (Alternative transport may be used for city sighseeing). Accommodation from Ulaanbaatar to Magadan with breakfast daily. Evening meals and as per final itinerary. Daily Lunches on the travel days excluding rest days. Sightseeing tours and excursions as per final itinerary.

Not included: Flights to Ulaanbaatar and ex Magadan. Personal Travel Insurance. Gratuities, and personal expenses including beverages and taxi transport. Meals not included in the final itinerary.