,JJ'"c™,r OF MMM/ Hurricanes Lose On Bad Call 'OCT 2 om. I LIBRARY full wrap up in SPORTS~pa THE MIA URMCANE

Phone 284-4401 Volume 58. No. 16 Tuesday, October 20, 1981 Doctor Fears Bad Drugs On Campus

By JEAN CLAUDE de la FRANCE Ur "it may be thai somebody is llrad Ntrw Writer more interested in profiting Irom selling the drug thai they have no Two separate cases of bad drug interest as to whal goes in the experiences have led members of drugs — so long as Ihey i an make a the UM Counseling Center and the profit off it Open Door to believe that someone "In this particular stt nation." said may be distributing bad drugs on Zwilberman, "we sre concerned campus. that these two students seemed to The lasl couple of weeks, we have had a rathei extreme reaction became aware of two instances in to the drug which students have had bad reac­ "The} were still experiencing the tion! to drugs they have thought to effects of the drug up to two days be Mescaline or LSD," Dr Barn after they took il " Zwilberman told the Miami Hum Because it lakes a very small cane amount ol the drug to produce an Zwilberman. a psychologist at effect, it is unlikcK that overdose the UM Counseling Center and Ihe was the cause, the psychologist director of the Open Door, said he said could not reveal the identity of the Zwilberman said Ihe drug was sludents because of professional taken in form of "microdots," confidentiality. He did say they small, square pieces nl paper treat­ were resident students ed wilh a drop of a liquid form ol a Zwilberman said that the Coun­ drug The person who buys the seling Center did nol want to pul drug in the microdot form licks the out scare stories, bul the isolated in­ paper, or just swallows it whole cidents have given cause for con­ Both LSD and Mescaline fall cern to sludents who purchase under the class of hallucinogens, or drugs. Miumi Hurrktme/DOUGLAS *. HH 1 K psychedelic drugs "I am sure that not all the bad These drugs alfect the user's Koddcnliii i \: \EI> Nation Thai (Ian Spend $<> Billion \ Year On Cownetics Can tfford \ Space Program cases have been brotighl to our at­ emotional state and the user's per­ tention." he said. In fact, "we hear ception ot his or her surroundings, about a very small proportion of all producing an exaggerated and dis­ the bad drug reactions. torted view of what the person is "The potential is there lhat there thinking, feeling or seeing Hundreds Trek To See Roddenberry may be more people who had bad Zwilberman said there mav he reactions," Zwilberman continued another cause for a possible sudden "This would indeed have raised the rash of bad drug use. By I.I i ilti.l HAJ chani.ter of Spock is such a powerful character and change an evolving people You don't have possibility that other people have "1 have heard that commonlv Nm ' Writer that it's really ruining his career." the right to move into a Polaris Nine or Viet­ been buying the same thing." used drugs such as quaaludes and Discussing the world of science fiction and However. Roddenberry said, he would like nam, either one." In most cases, the problem is speed are currently hard to get." he the realm of science fact, . to have Spock die in such a way that his charac­ During the lecture, he said the show was handled by the student's friends, or said, "so these students might be creator and executive producer of thc .Slur Trek ter could be revived, either with Nimoy or an­ able to talk about current events by couching the victim is taken to a doctor with­ turning toother drugs, such as I SI), television series, spoke before some 2,000 stu­ other character retaining Spock's personality. them in its futuristic plots. out the knowledge of anyone at the if ii is more available dents Thursday night in the Ibis Cafeteria. In the next film, Roddenberry will not be "And it worked," he said. "The kids all University. Zwilberman said The Open Door director warns The Ibis was filled to capacity, and many the producer, but the executive consultant: knew what we were talking about, but it went "LSD is very common to manu­ that this may be deadly. students had to stand along the walls or sit on "I decided I don't want to do again right over the television executives' heads." facture by an amateur." he said "LSD and quaaludes produce the floor to hear Roddenberry speak as this unless I had the same creative controls that 1 Not only did the series go over the heads of "Therefore, il is very common for very different reactions and inexpe­ year's first guest of the University Lecture Se­ had during the series," he said. the television executives. Roddenberry said, but these drugs lo have other sub­ rienced drug users may nol he ries. "I won't interfere in their (directors and many television stations refused to air the show stances mixed with them." aware of that." he said Roddenberry. whose series spawned a film producers! creative decisions, though, because 1 its first year "because the idea of a mixed racial and attracted thousands of dedicated fans didn't want anyone to interfere with mine, al­ crew in the 23rd century was unacceptable." known as "," spoke of the series, the though there are certain things I will not permil Asked why the show was taken off the air. movie, and the philosophy behind Star Trek. them to do. One of those is to change any of the he said, "It wasn't that popular. When we came He showed three films before the actual lec­ philosophy of Slur Trek." on the air. man wasn't yet into space, hadn't ture began. The first was a series of bloopers But. he continued, nothing would please him landed on the moon. . . . And most people from the out-takes of Star Trek episodes. The more "than to have new directors and produc­ thought it was just the wildest form of fanta­ second was about the making of "Star Trek — ers come along and make Star Trek as meaning­ sy" The Motion Picture," and the third showed ac­ ful to the 1980s as we tried to make ours to the Roddenberry then spoke of the future, advo­ tual NASA footage of man in space and on the 60s." cating space travel and colonization of other moon. Roddenberry said the show, which empha­ planets as the solution to many of man's prob­ After his lecture, the audience was treated sized nonviolence and non-interference with lems. to a showing of the original pilot for the Star alien cultures, paralleled what was happening "We as humanity are beginning to push up Trek series, "The Cage," which has never been in America during that time. against the limits of our planet," he said. "But seen on television in its entirety. He stated during a press conference earier in up there — in what we call the final frontier — Responding to a question about the status of the day: "All of us making the show at that time is an answer to every limit that is imposed upon the popular Star Trek character Mr. Spock, were very anti-Vietnam War, and we knew our us by earth. It is not too far away to get up Roddenberry announced that the emotionless audience was the colleges at that time. there, it is not too expensive, and it is not too would indeed be killed off during "Star "Of course . . . there were people there who dangerous. Trek II," the upcoming sequel to the 1979 film. were about to die and took a great interest in "For those who say we can't afford to go up He said that decision came at the request of something concerning Vietnam. Our prime di­ there," he concluded,"I submit to you that any *%' actor Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock in the rective was really the Vietnam directive. nation that can spend six billion dollars a year series and in the first film. "We had it adapted for Star Trek." he said. on cosmetics can damn well afford a space pro­ Roddenberry stated: "Nimoy feels that the "Nobody has the right for any reason to move in gram."

'Con i i( Is linn liaiionl.* Rii-hlvr Soys Ex-Officer: Florida Prisons Corrupt

By STEVEN A. BOYER transferred to another less desirable prison system ean be alleviated." sode, in which an inmate eating din­ Sews U'riler position in another correctional in­ Riehter talked about several ner suddenly slumped over, his face Julian G. Riehter. a former cor­ stitution. graphic incidents of violence during landing in his tray of food. rectional officer of the Klorida pris­ Riehter contended that Raiford his time at Raiford and Belle Glade. "No one knew who did it." he .*:_*&«••*» on system and a man who was once prison is probably one of the "Most of the vicious crimes com­ said, "but everyone noticed the accused by a prison warden of worst-run correctional institutions mitted inside prisons are sexually sharpened spoon protruding from maintaining an "overabundance of in the country. related incidents," he said. "One the dead man's back." social conscience," spoke to a "Convicts run Raiford." he said convict may be caught using anoth­ Riehter spoke for almosl two sparse audience Wednesday night al "The guards just hang around." er's 'sissy.' " a term Riehter said de­ hours on the Klorida prison system, the Ruth King Stanford Internation­ He related two separate episodes, scribes a con's homosexual partner. which, incidentally, maintains more al Lounge of the Student Union. one successful escape and one ridic­ According to Riehter, a large per­ inmates on Death Row (located in His topics ranged from how the ulously close attempt. In the first, centage of inmates participate in the Klorida State Penitentiary) than •/STI BAYER convicts really run the prisons to convicts in the machine shop at Rai­ this activity, with results ranging any other state in the nation. Stroking to the finish is Kim Kinkead, a partici­ the corruptness of judges, vicious ford built an armored car turret from brutal stabbings to boobytrap- Richter's final topic deall with slayings within the prisons, and which they attached to a fork lift. ped rooms to cafeteria melees. anyone fortunate enough to be re­ pant in the first annual Super Swim Classic held Sun­ polygraph tests. They broke through a wall, and ac­ "Vengeful convicts will normally leased from prison. day at the UM pool. Kinkead swam 50 laps in the Richter's service in the Klorida cording to Riehter. "they haven't take action in the cafeteria," said "Don't let those prison buildings prison system — which included been seen since." Riehter, "because the hustle and be the last things you see when event, sponsored by Florida National Bonks. Pro­ Belle Glade, Raiford and Klorida The other incident occured at bustle gives them the opportunity you're released," he said. The hor­ ceeds went to the Leukemia Society. City prisons — spanned almost Polk Prison, where inmates volun­ to act without being suspected." rible memories will forever be three years between 1978 and June teered to remove dirt from an exca­ Riehter recalled one such epi­ etched in vour mind if vou do." 1980. A fine chef and author of vation site in order to level out their "The Single Man's Guide to Kun and baseball field. Where the dirt was Games" cookbook, Riehter ran the actually removed was from a 100- food service programs al the vari­ foot tunnel out under the gales of ous prisons he has worked at the prison One very observant kSevered_ Pipe Forces Mahoney Evacuation Riehter was relieved of his duties guard prevented the planned escape al Belle Glade last year after he un­ from becoming a reality. covered an illegal deal between in­ Riehter cited a lack of communi­ By JEAN CLAUDE de la ERANCE chief fire truck to double park mates and guards After the daily cation between inmates and prison Head News Writer "The fire chiel said we were very luckv lhat "Our fire lanes are not ticketed as often as ration of food was distributed officials as the major reason for The Coral Gables fire chief is investigating a no one lit a match." LeVine said. we would like them to be." she said, adding that among the men, some of the in­ mass riots, such as the Attica and gas leak that forced the evacuation of Mahoney Many students who heard the alarm failed illegal parking in fire lanes is a problem com­ mates who worked in the kitchen New Mexico uprisings. Hall early Sunday morning to respond until being awakened by resident as­ mon to all the campus dormitories. The police. would take additional food, give a "There's too much concern for Potentially dangerous gaseous matter was sistants. According to LeVine. certain students she said, are sometimes reluctant to ticket cars portion to the guards, eat some of it petty offenses, and not enough for released when someone cut the gas pipe on one interfered with the operation of the fire alarm or have them towed away from the fire lanes themselves, and sell the rest to the real crimes," he said. "An effec­ of the drying machines on top of the complex As a result, lhe alarm went on and off several At press time, police had identified no sus other inmates for profit. tive system of communication must sometime between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.. according times, giving residents the impression that it pect or moi ive When Riehter approached one ol be established so that conflicts of to the fire chief. The laundry room has been or­ was a false alarm The last student seen m the room left some­ the prison officials with the infor­ interest can be aired. dered closed until emergency repairs are made Another problem. LeVine noted, was that il­ time around 2::iO am. He told police that he no­ mation, he happened to be talking "If the important problems can "That was malicious and intentional, and legal parking of residents' cars in the fire lanes ticed nothing unusual in the room and smelled to one of those InvolVWl la «•* be worked out. these riots and sedi­ there is no two ways about it," said Complex created a safetv ha/zard The presence of I I no fumes. The drying machine with the severed scam. Three days later, he was tious acts of violence within the Director Beth 1 eVIne, alter talking lo lhe fire cars in the lire lane Sunday morning Forced lhe gas pipe, he said, did not work i • *r* * Page 2. Tuesday October 20. 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE r UPDATE Jewish Student Union Circulates Petition MEETINGS Student Group Opposes AWACS Sale COULNCIL OF PRESIDENTS: All organizational presidents are urged to attend a meeting tomorrow at 5 p.m. in room 237 ot the Student Union. For more information call the Student Activities Of­ "If we sell the AWACS," ex­ "Basically, what we're doing is not elicited Saudi moderation on oil fice at X5646. By TRISHA SINDLER prices and supply or on the Arab-Is­ New. Writer plained Wolf, "there is no guaran­ supporting opposition to the OMICRON DELTA KAPPA: A meeting will be held tomorrow at 6 tee that what happened in Iran |the AWACS sale." raeli conflict. This AWACS sale p.m. in the President's Boardroom. Those who nominated new se­ topple of the Shah| won't happen in The petition first lists the details would endanger American interests "Now, more than ever, help stop in the Middle East and we therefore lections must attend. the AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia," Saudi Arabia. Highly sophisticated of the package. It then states that weaponry could very well get into the selling the F-15 equipment strongly oppose it." BETA ALPHA PSI: There will be a meeting Thursday at 4:30 p.m. pleads a sign over a table in the Stu­ Scott Kurtzman, president of A cocktail party will be given at 7:30 p.m. in the Holiday Inn ac- dent Union Breezeway. the hands of a potentially unstable would be "directly violating the as­ regime. surance given to Congress that such JSU, stated: "I'm hopeful UM stu­ cross from UM. The sale is the Reagan Adminis­ "Furthermore, there's no assur­ equipment would not be sold to dents will rally around us and sign ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA: An informal meeting and social gather­ tration's. It is a proposed package the petitions. which would send Saudi Arabia five ance that the Saudis won't use the Saudi Arabia." ing will be held Thursday at 6 p.m. in the upstairs of the Rathskel­ AWACS against Israel." The petition continues: "This sale "Israel is the most secure and ler, to acquaint new members with active ones. The agenda will in­ airborne warning and control sys­ tems (AWACS) aircraft, among the Rabbi David Eliezrie, University would not lessen the threats to in­ loyal ally in the Middle East," he clude fundraisers, the Spring banquet, invitation ceremony and aca­ most advanced surveillance aircraft chaplain, echoed Wolf's sentiments, ternal Saudi instability and would added, "and I hope the U.S. won't demic projects. in the world. The package would adding that he thought that be ineffective in countering Soviet succumb to the Arab oil pressure." HOMECOMING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: A mandatory general also provide offensive equipment "AWACS is definitely a threat to Is­ encroachment in the Middle East. It Wolf said that in the wake of the meeting for Homecoming '81 will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the for 62 F-15 airplanes which the U.S. raeli security and to American secu­ would endanger American secrets recent assassination of Egyptian Flamingo Ballroom. sold to Saudi Arabia six years ago. rity as well." and technology. This sale would President Anwar Sadat it is espe­ HONORS STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: There wilt be a meeting for The sale has yet to be approved by He predicted the upcoming Sen­ threaten the security of Israel, and cially important to withhold the all members on Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Eaton Hall Lounge. Dr. the U.S. Senate. ate vote to be close, citing that the the original sale of F-15s and other AWACS package "to keep peace in sophisticated military hardware has the Middle F:asl." James L. Ash, dean of the honors program, will be the speaker. The sign is the Jewish Student Senate Foreign Relations Commit­ CIRCLE K: A meeting will be held Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in room Union's (JSU). The UM organiza­ tee voted 9-8 against the sale. 245 of the Student Union. tion is trying to get 5.000 student Last Thursday, JSU members re­ signatures on petitions opposing the served and worked the table in the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL: For those intersted rn participating in Breezeway. They had on hand the the campus campiagn, there will be a meeting Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. proposed sale package. It plans to Events Night Sunday send the signed petitions to Florida copies of the petition and reading Hillel. 1100 Stanford Dr. material on the controversy. U.S. Senators Lawton Chiles and Special to the Hurricane STUDENT FACULTY BOARD: SFB will be hosting the Manage­ Paula Hawkins. JSU Vice President Sherri Sam- ment Science and Business Law departments today at 4:30 p.m. in berg said that the table would be One leader of the JSU drive is Sunday, October 25, is Homecoming's Special Events Night at 7:30 on the International Lounge. Joanne Wolf, a UM student and a manned throughout this week from UM TABLE TENNIS CLUB: There will be a mandatory meeting for 10 a.m. to 12 noon each day to "try the Student Union patio. Following the activities on the patio and in the member of the only registered Jew­ Rat, there witl be a Homecoming Celebration in the Rathskeller until mid­ all old and new members today at 7:30 p.m. in room 237 of the ish lobby in the nation. Last May, to get student support and influence in turning the Senate vote. night. . Student Union. Wolf attended a three-day Ameri­ There will be special beer prices and music and dancing all night long. HURRICANE HONEYS: There will be a meeting tomorrow at 7 can-Israel Public Affairs Committee "We want people to be aware of the (AWACS) sale," stressed Sam- All are invited to join and watch the Special Events Night activities and p.m. at the Hecht Center. Yearbook pictures will be taken at this Convention in Washington, D.C, watch the celebration following. time. where she and 3,000 other students berg. "At the table we'll be answer­ met with congressmen and AWACS ing any questions and giving out the Come one and all; relax and party before the week begins, or come to PSI CHI: All members and interested individuals are urged to attend addresses of congressment whom let off steam and start the week on a happy note! Don't forget to show that the next meeting Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in room 206 of te Merrick authorities, listened to lectures and participated in discussions. students can write to. Homecoming Week is when UM is "Alive With Spirit." Bulding. Plans will be discussed foer the upcoming field trip to the South Florida State Mental Hospital. FEDERATION OF CUBAN STUDENTS: A wine and cheese party for members only will be held Friday in room 226C of the Student Union. All those attending should bring their membership cards. ATTENTION STUDENTS EARN 0VER$800A MONTH. SCIENCE FICTION ACADEMY: For anyone interested in reading, Don't be shut out of a College Education due to cuts in writing, viewing and reviewing science fiction or fantasy books and Federal Grants & Loans. AND OPEN THE DOORTO ATO P movies, there will be a meeting every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in room 205 of the Student Union. Complete information on a wide variety of Non-Govern­ ENGINEERING FUTURE. METHODIST / LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY: Bibles and Ba­ mental Scholarships, Grants and Loans are available. gels will have a mini course "Abraham - Everybody's Grandfather?" Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at the Wesley Foundation. A homemade bread Each applicant individually matched to at least 5 sources How many corporations would br willing to pay you over $800 a month of aid. during your junior and senior years just so you'd join the companv class will start at 9 a.m. and samples will be available at 5:30 p.m. after graduation? Under a special Navy program we're doing just tnat. SCUBA CLUB: The UM Scuba Club meets every Monday at 8 p.m. He/She might be eligible to receive aid It's called the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate-College Program. in the Flamingo Ballroom. And under it. you'll not only get great pay during your junior and For more information senior years, hut after graduation you'll receive a year of valuable graduate-level training that is not available from any other employer. Call 226-9181 If you are a junior or senior majoring in math, engineering or ON-CAMPUS HAPPENINGS physical sciences, find out more today. And let your career pay off OR while still in college. Write Florida State Financial Guidance For more information, call the Naval Management Programs Office JESUS STUDENT FELLOWSHIP: This weeks bible study wilt be P.O. Box 65-0098 al: today at 7:30 p.m. in room 245 of the Student Union. The topic Miami, FL 33165 667-0825 will be "the Laws of Prosperity" For more information call 266-0450. ••••••••••* HILLEL: There will be a Simchat Torah tonight at 7 p.m. Free re­ freshments and schnapps will be given at the Hillel, 1100 Stanford • ••••••••••••••••••••A-***** Dr. JEWISH STUDENT CENTER: There will be a Simchas Torah Cele­ Men's Quarters bration today at 7:30 p.m. at Chabad House, 1540 Albenga Ave. : SUPER PIZZERIA J Lively dancing and free refreshments. 7 Barber Stylists UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI WOMEN'S COMMISSION : The group 2255 SW 32nd Ave. * will sponsor an open forum and panel discussion on the rape, to­ MANICURIST • SHOE SHINE night, at 8 p.m. in the International Lounge of the Student Union. Famous For Over J Students and community members are invited to attend without • charge. Guest panelists will be Dorothy Hicks, M.D., Director ot Stuffed Subs and * /3 w* K **Jntroaucfory *\\Jff$r Jackson Memorial Hospital Rape Treatment Center: Mary Long, UM REGULAR $6.00 HAIRCUT NOW $4.00 Public Safety Officer; Kathy Lynch, Dade County Victim's Advocate • Homemade Pizzas • LAYER, RAZOR CUT $8.00 NOW $5.25 Program and Terry DeMateo. attorney. Two film* will also be * shown. NOW DELIVERS TO HAIR STYLING $13.00 NOW $8.50 RATHSKELLER: Celebrate October Fest at the Rat tonight with a • UM FREE FROM • St. Pauli Girl promo. Dance Night tomorrow night with DJ Mark (MONDAY THRU FRIDAY WITH COUPON) Walker and rock and roll night Thursday with The Jesse Kelsa Band. 5:00 P.M. to 4 A.M. 6226 SO. DIXIE HWY. . „.„- . M1M1„_« LASA / COISO: A model United Nations General Assembly will be * ^ / — • SO. MIAMI SHOPPING Cf NT IR LOCAT _D _ MINUTE. presented Friday from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the Lower Lounge of the •EM PUTir Mill IN MC ME FROM CAMPUS Student Union. Speakers will include campus student leaders, facul­ • Got The Munchies Call 448-8576 * 666-5554/666-9160 EXPIRES I 1/20/81 ty and community leaders. Students are welcome to express their views in the open forum session. •••••••••••••••••••••••••A-* PROGRAM COUNCIL: An intramural college bowl tournament for teams of four and five members will be held Nov. 7 and 8. and 14 and 15 from 12 to 5 p.m. in the International Lounge of the Stu­ dent Union. HILLEL: An Israeli Shabbat with Israeli food and discussion on living Your degree 4 more can in Israel, will be held Friday at 6 p.m. at 1100 Stanford Dr.. RSVP at Hillel. 665-6948. by Thursday. UM TABLE TENNIS CLUB: There will be a League Night for club represents an turn it into members only every Thursday trom 7 to 11 p.m. in the Student Union Lower Lounge. investment of an exciting INFORMATION

DANSEMBLE: There will be a dress rehersal for alt members of 5000 hours... career Dansemble who are preforming in the Miss UM Pageant, Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Gusman Hall. THE UKRANIAN AMERICAN CLUB: The Ukranian American Club of Miami is attempting to locate Miami area college students of Uk­ __«'" .SUS" ,tt*n ranian ancestor/ for the purpose of informing them of club events. _*>»« Anyone interested can call Gordon McKay at 274-9308, Jerry Der- bish at 279-9260 or Mary Bergman at 387-9260. THE PHEONIX HONORS PUBLICATION: Deadline for all articles and stories is Oct. 22. Please bring all material to the HSA meeting Thursday. UM SAILING HURRICANES: Anyone interested in going to Bimini Y^^; over Thanksgiving should turn in their $50 deposit by tomorrow. &&«*> For more information call 661-1523 in the evenings. QC&w OPEN DOOR: The student-run help line and walk-in center is now *t*_& open 7 p.m. to midnight every night of the week with people to talk to when you have questions about any aspect of college life. Also available are informational tapes you can request to hear by phone. Call X2300 or drop by bldg.21K. -sCv HOMECOMING: Tickets for the Homecoming Dance will be on sale this week from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.in the Homecoming office, room 225 of the Student Union. Organizations should purchase now. ..*' They will also be on sale the week of Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Union Breezeway Ticket Office. IBIS: The yearbook staff will be taking appointments for reshoots Oct. 12-30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the yearbook office. STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE: Applica­ tions for emergency funding must be turned in Wednesdays at noon, the day of meetings in room 232 of the Student Union. For Yes. Only fourmor e hours is all that stands betweeriymi and more information call X5646. your most exciting career opportunity. That's the amount of tim$ it takes to complete the NSA Professional Qualification Test (PQT), an LECTURES opportunity that comes along only once a year. But now's the time to act. Because the PQT will be given on campuses throughout the. FRENCH CLUB: Prof. Barbara Woshinsky will lecture on "Paris: nation on November 14th. Ville du passe et de lavenir" with a slide presentation, tomorrow at Successfully competing on this test qualifies you for consider­ 4 p.m. in room 237 of the student Union. ation by the National Security Agency. NSA is currently seeking top APLPHA EPSILON DELTA: Dr. Wiener, dean of admissions at the graduating students to meet the challenges of its important communi­ South Eastern College of Osteopathic Medicine, will give a lecture cations security and foreignintelligenc e production missions. tomorrow at 8 p.m. in room 126 of the Science Building. Lecture If you qualify on the PQT. you will be contacted regarding an topics will be osteopathic medicine and the requirements for en­ interview with an NSA representative. He or she will discuss the specific trance into SECOM. role you can play within such fields as data systems, languages, MIAMI GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY: There will be a lecture on information science, communications, and management. Cultural and Physical Landscapes of China, 1981" by Prof. Harm So pick up a PQT bulletin at your coUege placement oflice. Fill J. de Bhg in room 306 of the Merrick bldg at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. out thc registration form and mail it by October 31st, in order to take Wine and cheese will be served. the test on November 14th. There is no registration fee. ALPHA EPSILON DELTA: "What is Osteopathic Medicine?" Lec­ Graduates with a Bachelors or Masters Degree in Electronic ture will be held on Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. in room 126 of the Engineering, Computer Science or a Slavic. Near Eastern or Far Eastern Science bldg. language, may sign up for an interview without tilting tbe PQT. All NSA career positions require U.S. citizenship, a thorough UM UPDATE is printed as a service to the University and background investigation, and a medical examination. its community. Meetings and happenings of interest are posted here for your benefit. Deadlines for publication are The National Security Agency Tuesday at 3 p.m. for Friday's edition and Friday at 3 More than just a career p.m. for Tuesday's edition. TheYV\lWi^.i.Hial(>ia^

« : f 4 Tuesday October 20, 1981 THE MIAM! HURRICANE, Page 3 Lifelines Deals With Sensitive Topic By CHARYSE SINDLER p.m. in the Student Union Breeze­ Also to be featured is the film News Writer way: blood pressure screening (free "Wellness Revolution" in the Inter­ apples will be given away with national Lounge on Wednesday "Everybody's Buddy: The Five each blood pressure check-up); vi­ (look for showing times); a health Senses" is this month's Lifelines sual activity testing; Betsy Breast, food fair on the Student Union patio program of health-related topics, to to be exposed in the Breezeway; on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m ; be held today through Thursday. It Lion's Eye Bank sign-up; Braille ex­ a Hologram Exhibition on the patio is intended to make the student hibition; "Lifelines Takes A Look on Wednesday and Thursday from aware of his or her constant com­ At A HeEilthier You" photo contest 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and, on Tuesday panions, the five senses. sign-up; and "Touch Me/Feel Me," night, an Italian dinner in the Saga Since the senses are often taken an exercise in touching. cafeterias. for granted, students will be en­ couraged to utilize their senses to the fullest by participating in activi­ ties involving sight, touch, hearing, Setting The Record Straight taste and smell. In Friday's edition of the Hurricane, it was reported that professors "This is a new program for Life­ from the International Finance and Marketing Department met with stu­ lines," said Amy Mursten, coordina­ dents to answer questions. tor, "and we're interested in seeing Actually, the professors were from the Marketing Department, whose the students' reaction." chairman is Edward Wheatly, not John Dyer, as was reported. The Inter­ The following activities will be national Finance and Marketing Department — not the Marketing Depart­ held every day from 11 a.m. to 2 ment — was established seven years ago. UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Miami Hurricaite/GI. 7\ MOLINARO Sign of the times: If you had trouble finding your way around campus be­ fore, the newly-posted directional signs, such as the one pictured above, should ... YOU HAVE A CHOICE! be of some help. The Undergraduate Student Body Government bought the signs with part of the 50/50 tuition rebate money from two years ago. TODAY'S WOMAN MEDICAL CENTER Whipkey Nam ed Complete Birth Control & Gynecological Care Assistant inCl | SPECIAL STUDENT SERVICES ) Siudent Adviser t Free Pregnancy Testing j 25% DISCOUNT - for all den- \ • Safe, Simple Terminations Special Ut tht- Hurricane k tai services including cleanings, \ Stanley Whipkey has been ap­ . t Special Rates for Students pointed assistant international stu­ J exams, fillings, crowns and ex-! dent adviser and assistant director of International Student and Schol­ ar Services. f tractions. This is a USBG spon- f He will assist Laura Morgan, di­ rector, in advising international stu­ dents on personal and academic | sored dental program in a | concerns, as individuals and as members within the Council of A private dental office located 5 j International Students and Organi­ zations. Additional responsibilities include taking care of the documen­ " minutes from campus. tation required for governmental and university records and assisting in the orientation of new interna­ Please call: tional students to the campus. 1320 South Dixie Hwy. Whipkey was active with inter­ national students and organizations Drs. Feder & Knauer Gables One Tower at Indiana State University, where he implemented an orientation pro­ 7311 SW 62nd Ave. Suite 1051 gram and worked closely with stu­ dents as a graduate assistant in the PHONE: international office. He earned his S. Miami, Fl. Directly Across smmssaBMsM bachelor's degree in secondary edu­ from U.M. 665-HELP cation and his master's in college student personnel from Indiana Phone - 667-2633 University.


———— an(i Western. _.'. 7& 7UP- And so ***">" m0deration. ^ of a**** iH Enjoy our <*«*•*> «» ___.£ristt stirs **•*

l sNOr s«^»^^>_^ V* op pe' imsm^u** Seagram* Command IVrformainic9 HAItKUTSFORTHiLOOKSTHATGntHELOOHS. Appointments available but nol necessary Mil ral (iablcs Open 7 day* until «i:.'IO AIM> open I hiirMl_v and Krid_y nigliH until ''.00 * 1980 First International Services Corporation M»G»WC' . Ulf 0 %'. »Wk&_«N*H_»_>_ BLIND «_ MOW. EditorialPage 4, Tuesday October 20. 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE s THE /WIA/VUf HURRICANE

•OX 141112 / UNtV-M-ITV 0. MIAMI ' COHAL GAM.lt "lORlOA IUM I Mt MAHI Z)n/g" Dilemma: White Rabbit '81

An article in the News section of today's Hurricane deals with the problem of bad drugs being peddled throughout cam­ pus. This is but one facet of a problem that has already at­ tained the status of an epidemic. We believe it is important to examine the dilemma on two levels: national and. of course, local. The feds have had a most difficult time dealing with the influx of heroin into this country (especially in New York City and Miami) by way of exporters the likes of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. President Nixon declared war on the heroin epidemic back in 1973, but the battle continues to be fought uphill due to a critical lack of manpower. Heroin use is now at its height in big cities like New York and Washington. According to a Temple University study. 200 heroin ad­ dicts were responsible for the commission of 470.000 crimes. Cocaine imports from countries like Peru and Bolivia have doubled since 1978. Intelligence officials believe that the new government in Bolivia was installed by the nation's cocaine growers to aid in furthering cultivation. The importation of cocaine translates into an approximate figure of $25 million in illegal drug sales, plus a whole lot of unnecessary violence. The marijuana problem is also well illustrated. It has been estimated that almost 90 percent of the pot distributed in the U.S. is imported. There is also some kind of domestic marijuana harvest in every state in the union. Illegal pill prescriptions is another problem that the feds have had problems dealing with. It was discovered that a doc­ tor in New Hampshire was responsible for ordering 2 percent of the nation's amphetamine production. He was convicted, and received a "stiff" penalty — a 10 year suspended sentence. Safeguarding Against Attack: The problem here in South Florida is one of a lack of man­ power. Florida has an 8,000 mile coastline, yet there are only six or seven Coast Guard cutters to man the waterways. Be­ sides lacking in cutters, there's also a desperate need of Cus­ The Essense Of 'Survivalism' toms officials and Immigration officials. This is despite the fact that one out of every four member of Customs now works in South Florida as a result of the addition of 100 more officers into the area last month. By CHRIS WUERTHNER Others are preparing for the to learn to survive the future, to throw dangerous tantrums. An article by Miami Herald writer Joe Starita quotes Cus­ Hurricane Cotumnist final collapse, be it nuclear, eco­ protect themselves from non- Now. for the first in history, toms officials as saying that 68 percent of all pot, 70 percent of nomic, or social. They intend to Americans: Jews, blacks, his­ we have the power to destroy all cocaine, and 83 percent of all Quaaludes seized by U.S. Cus­ Last Tuesday, the editorial survive regardless of the out­ panics. ourselves totally. That type of toms officials were confiscated right here in sunny South Flor­ section ran " The Freedom Mani­ come. At any one time one can point capibilty in the hands of chil­ ida. festo " submitted by the Commit­ There's nothing wrong in to non-Survivalists and find ex­ dren. It's like giving a gun to a Bob Grimes, director of patrol for U.S. Customs in Wash­ tee for International Freedom. In wanting to live. The instinct for actly the same individuals, and baby. ington told Starita that federal officials working in Miami last conjunction with that article, self-preservation is perhaps one perhaps in greater propensity. Self-preservation is indeed fiscal year seized: 25 million Quaaludes priced at about $87.5 this editorial is dedicated to a of the strongest. And when we However, what is more impor­ strong. During the proper cir­ million, 1.563 tons of marijuana valued at about $2.5 billion, group whose philosophies are feel threatened, we react, often tant is. Why do we want to sur­ cumstances, we would kill our and 2.188 pounds of cocaine worth about $705 million. not that dtssimiltar: .Surviva/tsfs. violently, murderously. But I'm vive? For what reason? family, friends, strangers just to There's one more statistic worthy of mention: approxi­ talking about Survivalists. Here Mankind, basically, has live one moment, to hold on to mately 60 percent of the murders in South Florida are related Envision this: You're sitting are a few facts and opinions. evolved to survive. It doesn't our existence for one precious to drugs and illegal immigrants. in your room watching Three's * Survivalism is an expensive matter if one believes in evolu­ second longer. That veneer we The Hurricane recognizes the severity of the drug prob­ Company when the familiar and endeavor. A hardcover book on tion or not; to continue our ex­ call civilization has often a ten­ lem both here and out of state, and feels its obligation to relay annoying Emergency Broadcast the subject wil) cost one about istence we will do anything. dency to wash off and expose the facts. System warning flashes onto $20. An average bunker — Man has developed civiliza­ the rot that it conceals. As long as the situation remains in its current state, we your screen. The one that al­ $3,000. An underground apart­ tion for a reason: had we not, Therein lies our greatness and are going to be hearing about exhorbitant numbers of fatali­ ways starts out, "This is only a ment in La Verkin, Utah — we would probably destroyed greatess weakness. That instinct ties. One of them could be vou. test, etc " $39,000. ourselves years ago. It's a neces­ has gotten us this far, but often But this time it says, "Please * Most Surivalists are heavy sary advance because inately we at a horrendous cost. We are turn to Channel 10 and await into guns. Can't protect the old are still animals. The most dan­ competetive in all things, we are further instructions." You can homestead without, especially gerous ever to exist. born to scratch and claw our taste the bile rush into your from raging urbanites (transla­ Not only to we kill other way through life. We may also throat. It's finally happened: tion: blacks, hispanics, et al) creatures, we slaughter each scratch ourselves to death. STAFF Nuclear War. who might try to take away other for often no other reasons This is neither a condemna­ That might be the beginning what one has. than hate, jealousy, greed etc tion nor exaltation of mankind, to a novel or to a Big Wilson * This field attracts individu­ .... The history of the world it's a fact. If we are to make it I hit newspaper is published semi-weekly during the regular ac­ Night Owl movie. It can also be als who see themselves setting proves it: the Cherokee Trail of further, it won't be because we ademic year. Copyright 1981 by the University of Miami. Copy­ the start of the 20th century's up their own kingdoms after­ Tears, Wounded Knee, the im­ gather in small groups and lock right 1981 by the University ol Miami's undergraduate Student private demon. wards without genuflecting to prisonment of Japanese-Ameri­ ourselves away from the world. Body. This publication is written and edited by undergraduate cans in World War II, the Holo­ students oj the University oi Miami. This publication does not Many of us hope that when­ minorities. It will be due to man's develop­ necessarily represent the views and opinions of the University's ever they drop "the Big One" The Christian-Patriots De­ caust, Stalin's slaughter of 63 ment of civilization, not to the trustees, faculty, or administration. we'll be at ground zero and fense League in Louisville, Ken- million peasants. animal we carry with us. hopefully go out in a blaze of tuckty and the Sheriff's Posse We human beings, for all our We won't probably see that radioactive glory. We don't Comitia in rural Wisconsin is technological advances, are still peace come in our lifetime, we DEBBIE WILKER ANDREW L. FURGATCH want to be around to see the training children and anyone governed by our emotions. We still hate each other too much to Editor-in-Chief Business Manager aftermath. else to use automatic weapons are brilliant children who often do so.

News Editor Terry Fein Associate News Editor John Oudens Assistant News Editor Martha Martin How The Food Churns- Editorials Editor Howie Burns Assistant Editorials Editor Mariana Peretta Shsrp Entertainment Editor Jason Haikara Assistant Entertainment Editor Daisy Oliver _ 4 Sports Editor Chock Rabin Assistant Sports Editor John Hart The Saga' Of The Missing Silverware Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief Barbara Stevens Photography Editor Mark Cheskin the new silverware and they Head Copy Editor Charles Lavin caused by the new abritrary purposely trying to stir suspi­ look good in the rooms. Assistant Copy Editor Ana Areces regulation, it is impractical and cion in the wrong direction. Head Writer Jaan Claude de la France Unquestionably, something logically useless. Too far out? Maybe so, but Head Photographer Stu Bayer needed to be done. As SAGA An obvious reason is that if certainly no wilder than the Art Director Josh Hayes food Director Roger Fry said, someone wanted to smuggle out thought that students stole close Executive Consultant Ritchie Lucas "We just can't supply the dormi­ pieces of silver, they would not to 1,200 piece of kitchen sup­ tories with |pieces of] china." need very big pockets. plies in two weeks. Circulation Manager John Nagle True, but I believe that SAGA Moreover, a careful examina­ Assistant Circulation Manager Lars Schmeckel Too many people have access chose the wrong course. tion of the facts suggests that to the the cafeteria. As Gort ad­ Jean Claude de la France the utensils may be leaving via Sales Manager Marion Walkover They have chosen to ban all mitted, ne missing silverware Classified Ad Manager Julie Faith Cohen Head News Writer other channels. can be accounted for in a dozen Production Manager Debbie Beck handbags from inside the cafete­ The sheer number of supplies Asst. Production Manager Mark de la Boston ria; an obvious inconvenience to lost in the short period of time other ways, and student diners And now for another 'SAGA' all the students who had noth­ leads me to belelve the loss do not figure in all of them. Senior Advisor Cyrus Jo. ivette of "How the Food Churns". ing to do with stealing the I can not help wondering why Over the past couple of could hardly be attributed to Financial Advisor Raymonde Bilger pieces of silverware. What are just a few students wanting to Public Safety was not alerted of Staff Coordinator Arlene Watts weeks, an assortment of plates the students supposed to do? the losses. and silverware were removed supply their rooms. Students who eat on the run If this is not the first time "We did not bother calling from the 960 Cafeteria. before heading for class now the police," Gort said said, "be­ WRITERS: But* Anthony. thrabeth Babun. Rusaefl Bates. Janet Botiac. Steven A that silverware has been stolen, That in itself is nothing new. cause they won't do anything Boyer. Julie Faith Cohen, John de Laon. Lourdae . emander. Michelle t Gold. Chris are obligated to leave their valu­ why do students suddenly start .onjaie.. Georg. Mai Sharon Htnaon, Laurie Holman. Alan J. Lipay. Mark Murray, An As the Cafeteria Manager, Efren about it. All they are going to do ables up front where the often sending thank you notes? I Quirch. Ronnie Rarr.os Scott E. Ri.ford. PMtppa Satisbury Mane Sata/er Charyse Gort told me, "I expect to lose busy cashiers will have to keep is take a report." Sinder, Tnsha Smeller. Elliot Skeete. Sandra Smokier. Lane Steinberg. Oenny Tetnow They are cute, and they can •U, June Thompson, and Chna Wuerthner stuff from time to time." an eye on them. Umm, where did I hear that But in all fairness to SAGA, Like I always say, there isn't be irritating, but someone may one before? SALES PERSONNEL: raters Bauat. Lydia Burstein Pinky Dooda. Kevin Mclnryta. they lost more than just some Booby Trecktenberg, Jack White an equitable check and balance "stuff." In fact their losses have system on this campus that can averaged 300 pieces of silver­ restrain admnistrators from Letters Welcome WORK STUDYS Arm Gordon Ada P_S__. Ingrid Williams ware per week and almost the doing as they please — right or j The Miami Hurricane welcomes letters on topics of public interest to TYPISTS An_ Arnres. Barbara Stevane same in china. wrong. the Vniwrsity and its community. All letters must be typed and Worse than that, someone de­ The system is set up so that as ; meet our deadlines for publication which are: Tuesday at 3 p.m. for cided to add insult to injury and long as they do not step on each I Friday's edition and Friday at 3 p.m. for Tuesday's edition. Ml letters left a couple of notes for the other's toes, then they can look I are subject to editing to conform to space and stvle limitations. Let Poat Offica Bo. 548132 staff at the cafeteria. Unrvaretty of Mtami the other way while students ! ters must bear thc writer's signature and lhat name must be legibly Coral Gablaa. Florida 33124 In effect the notes thanked get screwed. printed out as well. All published letters will bear the writers name the people at 960 for leaving out Worse than the incovenience ! in print. Tuesday October 20, 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE. Page 5

|J).v__-_^{jco_r__ Letters To The Editoi I _ . v s Women Of The World Unite: The Time To Rebel Is NOW To The Editor: chance of becoming law. It cer­ We can carry this skill and tainly does. The successes clout to the battle to defeat the The battle lines are drawn. which the Far Right and the Constitutional Amendment. But The Far Right has launched a Right-to-Life forces enjoyed in we need your help to do it. double-barreled attack on abor­ the the 1980 elections, the state The first line of defense will tion rights and other reproduc­ legislatures and the courts is be in the US Congress. It is here tive freedoms as well. proof enough. that the HLA will originate, and The issue you and I must face But, there's also proof that it is here that we will have our — and face squarely, seriously, first chance to defeat it. Poem: Ode To A Woman they can be stopped. And we and with all the skill and inten­ must stop them. With your fi­ Despite the political makeup sity we can muster — is wheth­ nancial support as a member of of the new, "conservative" Con­ A woman is a treasure One minute she can be a kitten er we will stand by while a po­ NOW, we can mobilize a major­ gress, we feel that a massive or­ a treasure made of gold. and thc next a complete brigade. litically powerful minority, in­ ity of citizens who believe as we ganizing and lobbying campaign one that you may love and caress. and each and everv facet tent on imposing its moral be­ believe — before it's too late. must be undertaken even a treasure to behold. is all her. not some charade. liefs on the rest of us, moves to Frankly, the battle to beat though some obnservers feel the outlaw abortion and birth con­ back the freedom-threatening odds are against us. But never is a woman trol in this country. advances made by the right NOW has proven that even totally understood. Lor a woman is a fighter. We at the National Organiza­ wing could be among the tough­ under the most adverse circum­ Even God who created her a strivcr with tlie will tion for Women will not stand est we've ever had to fight. stances, its legislative and orga­ never totally could. to knock down every barrier silent and I don't believe you — Already, supporters of the nizing skills can carry the day. and still meet you at the kill. will either. That's why I hope HLA claim to have the backing ln the battle to win extension of you will join with us in this his­ of 210 Representatives and 38 the deadline for passage of the She's got ten more tilings to accomplish toric fight. Birth Control and Equal Rights Amendment — a He formed her from the rib of man Senators in the new Congress. which lent them similar traits. than a man be/ore credit is due. women's lives arc at stake. — As a result of the 1980 fight in which the experts said And even then she only receives Here in Washington, the Far we didn't stand a chance — but then to finish and complete her elections they are claiming a and make her the perfect mate. about hulf the amount as vou. Right has already succeeded in popular "mandate" for their NOW mobilized a massive na­ tionwide effort and won the having the Constitutional anti-abortion campaign. But still she keeps on kicking Amendment banning abortion battle for extension. He added a depth of feeling — And, for the first time and a touch of insight too for herself as much as thc reward. introduced in Congress. there is a President who cam­ We must do the same again. because at least she herself now knows And, this Amendment has the Plans are already in the works which gives her an added advantuge paigned on a platform calling to be able to see through you that from out of the stone she pulled the support of the President of the for a Constitutional Amendment to bring massive pressure on sword. United States and influential banning abortion. Congress to defeat the Amend­ congressional leaders in both And I could go on. For, in­ ment. We will mobilize public Yet even with all the struggle parties. deed, those who would impose sentiment across the nation she remains a delightful joy. through door-to-door canvass­ Included is a wisdom You've probably heard a their moral beliefs on you and so much so that manv forget ing to let Congress know how that traces back to the beginning of time, great deal about this Constitu­ me are growing stronger every an internal work of poetry and regard her as a molduble toy. tional Amendment. It's called day. people feel in their home dis­ trict. complete with a universal rhyme The Human Life Amendment. But we need not sit silently But she proves herself many times over. But do you know what this pro­ by and let the tide of dogmatism We will bring constituents every time a fault in you is revealed. posed amendment really means? from back home to Congression­ overwhelm us. We can and must A heart so full of compassion She accepts or tries to enrich you al offices to let Senators and Even abortion for pregnancies fight back. that sees all existing potentials. and bring out the best that is concealed. resulting from rape or incest That's why NOW is mobiliz­ Representatives know the depth of public sentiment, and we will a smile so warm and tender would be forbidden. Even those ing a massive Reproductive are a few more of her credentials. Yes. a woman is truly a wonder. abortions necessary to save the Rights Campaign to stop the mount a massive public educa­ a spectacle in the miracle of creation. life or preserve the health of the Amendment. That's why NOW tion program to expose the and good as you are. you can try as you might. fraud and dangers of the Human But this ever fascinating creature mother would be forbidden. is asking for your help. but you'll still be a mere poor relation. Life Amendment. is not just soft and charming. And, the Human Life Amend­ NOW is the largest organiza­ for lying deep within her ment does not stop at abortion. tion in the world devoted exclu­ And, while we are working to is a strength unusually alarming. Because the HLA entitles fertil­ SHARON A. ROSENZWEIG sively to the battle for women's stop the HLA in Congress, we ized eggs to constitutional pro­ rights. NOW has a grass roots must also begin the preparations tection, it effectively prohibits network and the political skills for state campaigns should it most forms of birth control needed to counter this right- pass Congress. When it comes which prevent the fertilized egg wing threat to women's lives. to the second line of defense, no from being implanted in the Prohibition Doesn't Always Work NOW is an organization with organization has more experi­ womb. The HLA would outlaw activists in hundreds of cities ence than NOW, where we have the IUD, as well as some forms To The Editor: I do not advocate using hero­ and countries throughout the already organized on a state- This is a lesson we should of the pill. in; I do advocate decriminalizing nation. NOW can carry on the by-state basis for ratification of have learned from the Prohibi­ Your columnist Ronnie it. Ditto for abortion, adultery, Imagine the legal conse­ fight everywhere the battlelines the ERA. tion Era. National prohibition of quences of this Amendment. will be drawn — on Capitol Hill Ramos has recently opposed le­ orgies, alcohol, and prostitution. There's no way of telling how alcohol solved no problems of Abortion will be a crime classi­ in Washington. . . in Congres­ galization of prostitution by giv­ These are all things which are much the fight will ultimately alcohol abuse, and in fact just fied as premeditated murder in sional districts back home. . . in ing arguments why prostitution disapproved of by certain reli­ cost. Conservatively, we esti­ made things worse. Criminaliz­ some states and/or a felony in state legislatures . . . and in the is a bad thing. gious moralizers. None of them, mate that it will cost at least ing such things as gambling, all states. Physicians, family and state legislative districts all over I have found this confusion to however, involve violations of $325,000 to get started, and prostitution, and alcohol does friends who help a woman get the nation. be widespread among the igno­ anyone's rights. It is therefore not eliminate them — if people an abortion will be subject to probably much, much more. rant masses and groups like the totally improper to use the force But, we simply can't afford not want these things, they will get prosecution. Already, NOW has proven Moron Majority, but it is shock­ of the state to force people to them. that we take on the so-called to spend the money. The effect ing to find it exhibited by some­ abstain from them. Is that the kind of restriction of losing this fundamental free­ The modern Mafia owes its we should have in our Constitu­ "right to life" movement, our one whom I presume is a uni­ existence to nation prohibition dom is devastating beyon the versity student. If Ramos disapproves of some tion? A law which drives grass roots organization can de­ of these things (as I do myself), of alcohol; prohibition of these feat them. measure of money. I do not advocate gambling; 1 women underground? Which let him or her try to reduce their olher things keeps it in business. forces women to become crimi­ Please, while this letter is be­ do advocate that gambling be Richaid Sharvy, Ph.D. — In Toledo, Ohio. NOW ac­ legal and noncriminal. I do not occurrence by education and nals and to endanger their lives? fore you, let me know that you persuasion, and not by police Philosophy Department Of course not. tivists ran the get-out-to-vote will not remain silent. Let me advocate marijuana; I do advo­ campaign against a referendum force. The so-called Human Life know that you will stand with cate decriminalizing it. restricting abortion rights. Our us. Let me know that we can Amendment is a fraud. Rather sophisticated phone banks and than protecting life, it threatens count on your help. mail campaigns helped to defeat Eleanor Smeal the survival of women and their the efforts of the "right-to li­ President, families. It ultimately means the fers" two to one. elimination of effective and National Organization legal birth control in our coun­ — In Colorado, an attempt to of Women Classified try. cut off state funding for abor­ Babysitter Because many people haven't tions was overwhelmingly de­ actually seen the language of feated by NOW activists. The Advertising the Human Life Amendment. skilled organizing techniques I've enclosed a copy of it. I think employed by Colorado NOW re­ DANSEMBLE you'll find it every bit as fright­ sulted in what state officials IS ening as I do. said was the largest outpouring problem? Don't think for a moment that of legislative mail ip the history COMING!!! 284-4401 the Amendment doesn't have a of the state.


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Etc _ 1I _S 4**%*. *1 I No Limit Exp. 10 27 81 I Limit 1 w coupon Up. 10 .7 II '/_ OFF i., io J7/1I IO* - *» lUt I Exp. 10/27/(1 Exp.10/27/(1 limit. W~ Art6 Tuesday October 20. 1981s THE MIAM I HURRICANanE d Lcisuie Life After 'Trek' By RUSSELL BATES lions of people out there that would But new members, new cast people i 'Hi rlain it I Writes see a good science fiction movie. are going to be introduced. We just When Star Wars came out. of can't continue to make Star Trek li is not often in a writer's life course, they came rushing into our and have it look like a geriatrics mat he is given an assignment in office and said. "What the hell are ward. I personal stake. I. you doing talking about taking this : I know James Doohan had an at an extremely to television when Star Wars is extremely critical heart attack ear­ . gt in my writing ca- making money hand over fist? We lier this year. How is he now and • fortunate enough to re- want this on the screen immediate­ are there plans not to have the Scot­ opportunity to write for ly!" This meant that the movie ty character on Slar Trek? Star Trek series in would come out a little too fast, a R: Doohan has recovered very • lil ,:il of what occurred little faster than we wanted. But 1 well from his heart attack and he's would take the entire space of this think we were very fortunate to going to be there full force. On the •hat is supposed to he an have a director like Robert Wise. other hand, as I was talking about, ew with Gene Roddenberry. who was able to translate a televi­ as reverse role, Leonard Nimoy has Suffice it to say at this point that sion thing to a motion picture, and had Spock on his back for some e itu illy write for Star Trek. keep generally the structure and years now, and as he knows and was fur the animated se- format shape. you know, the Spock image is a Mv episode. How Q: Do you have any projects on powerful one. His wish is not to A Serpent's Tooth, the boards that we might get a little play it again; he wants to guarantee • "Mis its first Emmy advance info ahout? that he won't play it again by hav­ Award for dramatic presentation. R: I would like to scotch any ru­ ing Spock die in Ihis episode. .i return for their invest­ mors that are going on. Because You've got a Drama Department ment in my lite from the Invest­ when I was leaving for this trip here and they'll tell you something I ment in their lives marie by myself. about two days before. Paramount could tell you. You take a serious Now, dur to circumstances beyond Pictures confirmed to us that the actor like Nimoy and have him go i the substance of this theatrical movie is a definite go. not out with the road company of Fid­ I Mains a portion of the a TV movie, but a theatrical movie. dler on the Roof, where he sang the ... _en by Roddenberry at We are now finishing up the second role of Tevye. He had five curtain Roddenhern Will Serve Vs Exceptive Consultant On Second 'Star Trek' Film, at the Ihis Cafeteria script that they've written on it. I calls and finally he made it with it, Current!) In Preparation having done this and been accepted with it, Nimoy turns, leaves the stage, and a stagehand yells al him. "hey, nice going Mr. Spock!" Please understand some of the pressures he is under Tips From The Weisberg Q: How does it feel to be the cre­ ator of a national monument? By JULIE FAITH COHEN R: Certainly Star Trek has al­ l iltrrlulnmrilt Writer ways been an entertainment and it has always been a bit more. too. I This rock n roll flute player think it should always be done wilh is out with a new album, Trave- the philosophy we established in lin' light, and is bursting with the original series. Bul as lo wheth­ Ihe energy and talent that it er it is a national monument, it isn't. takes to be a celebrated artis! in Q: I liked the The Questor Tapes today's music business. What became of that project? He is Tim Weisberg and his R: The Questor Tapes was aboul love lies in his music and live an android. It was paid for by NBC performance. "In junior high and they gave us an order for six­ school bands, the only parts left teen episodes. But. unfortunately, at were in the flute and the bas­ the same time they gave us the soon sections. There were girls order, they said that we would have in the flute section," he paused. lo get rid of the young scientist "I did a lot of listening to rock who made Questor, Jerry Robinson, n roll records and concerts and and that we would have to make wa.s hooked." Soon, he made the the Questor character into a copy of decision to be the aggressor. The the guy who wa.s in The Invaders leader of a band held powerful And so I turned down Iheir order. attraction for him, and he had When you make a TV series, you the will to make it happen. have lo have room to have a little While in college, he evaluated fun. lhe performance opportunities: Q: Now I worked for the F'ilma- dorm parties, fraternity func­ tion animated series of Star Trek 1 tions and concert engagements. have always wanted to ask you He mentioned,"once I got start­ what you thought of it. ed performing, I said to myself. R: I think that il was probably as 'God, there it is!' " good as it could have been the way He received two college de­ it was done. Your episode won us grees, one in cultural anthropol­ l .X CMS v H.w I K thai Emmy for achievement in chil­ ogy and a master's in psycholo­ dren's programming. But I'm sorry gy, both for which he had no Weinberg's New Vllinm IN Travelin' Light' Gene l.o«l

Bv MA •I I VY SALAZAR plemented by Andrew Noble, its di­ father, the King, also dies. She does rector. all this for her love for her son In some instances, the changes Jasem. Obviously then. Medea is a • ; irtment s updat- made in this version work, but in tragedy. However, this production II oi Medea is very en- other scenes, the variations from has a few unintentionally comedic jo able and overall the acting is the original classic are not as suc­ moments. comm ndab '. The play, which is cessful. One of the speeches conducted by ' the Brockway There is hardly any humor in Medea is with a king, who was her fey* to the audi- Medea The lead character kills her friend for many years. Medea, who i iripides. its author, two children, poisons the princess had been previously informed she hut with some changes im- of Corinth, and by consequence, her has to leave town, begs him to let her live in his land. He agrees. While they are talking, a servant of this king is holding up an umbrella and following the king around. This detail, which according to the direc­ tor tries to give the scene a humor- istic touch to loosen up the tension, distracts the audience from the dia­ logue being presented by the two characters. The audience was laughing ai the umbrella while Medea was on her knees begging and crying. What happened to Medea could happen to any woman in any centu­ ry. But that does not mean that the play had to be modernized. There is no need for an announc­ er on a television set explaining to the audience at the beginning of the play the end of the story. Or when the king of Corinth comes in to talk to Medea, he is in a wheelchair. The actor is not handicapped; there was Miami llurrkane/STV BAYER no need for this touch of modern­ 'Medea' Run* \i Brockwa) Hall I rom Wednesday Through Saturday ization. He could have entered in the way that Euripides wrote it, by- talk about the actors. accent would have been perfectly the floor because she was feeling walking justified and even more, she could Medea is played by Lili Bita. She- the poison's effect on her skin, not On the other hand some _0th- have related more to the role. was pre-cast in the role as part of because she was high), Gun's short century similarities worked for this her MFA. At the beginning of the Standing out in an excellent per­ performance is excellent. production. At the end when Medea play Medea can be heard backstage formance is Thomas Kouchalakos The chorus, composed of three leaves Jasem, she departs in a heli­ lamenting in Greek. Although as Jasem. The last dialogue between copter. Of course, Euripides never women, also conveys its presence Medea is supposed to be a foreigner, Medea and the morally-destroyed well. thought about including such a de­ this fact is not clear in the presenta­ Jasem involved a catharsis from be­ vice in one of his plays. Instead he This is not the Medea that Euri­ tion unless one reads the program. ginning to end. Another excellent pides wrote with long speeches, used a chariot drawn by dragons, Also, Bita's accent makes the dia­ scene was when Creusa (Carol but that type of transportation is a lasting hours in duration and con­ logue sometimes incomprehendable Gun),the princess poisoned by Me­ taining great dramatization. How­ bit difficult to find nowadays. The Why didn't the director use the pro­ dea's dress, dies. Even though the ever, despite these changes, it gives MlUftil lliirrn _IK.N1 I 1HVI R helicopter sound and light effects tagonist's nationality, which is audience was laughing (they proba­ the audience a fairly accurate idea Tom kouchalakos: Stellar Performance In Uneven give the production a mysterious, Greek, and her accent to her own bly didn't understand the signifi­ of the themes its author, Euripedes, Prod ur tion symbolic "god-like" ending. advantage by leaving the setting of cance of Ihe scene, or that she had intended to convey over 2500 years So much for the production Let's the play in Greece? ln this case her to turn, scream, whirl, and roll on ago. i 'Paternity': Not Bad, Burt Tuesday October 20 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE. Page 7

PATERNITY have the child. Reynolds would then care for the child. Directed by David Steinberg This leads Reynolds to trace down his ex-lovers as Starring: Burt Reynolds, Beverly D'Angelo possible candidates for surrogate motherhood. In a funny scene, one candidate, a butcher shop em­ After sitting through cinematic dung like Smokey ployee, calmly digs the entrails out of a carcass as Rey­ snd the Bandit II and Cannonball Run. it is a welcome nolds looks on, eyes glazed with revulsion. change of pace to see Burt Reynolds in a film where Another funny scene occurs when Lauren Hutton. someone bothered to write a script. as an interior decorator, comes into Reynolds' office Indeed Paternity, with a script by Charlie Peters, is thinking he wants a room redecorated. All goes well full of wry one-liners, and subtle sight gags. No belly until he asks to see her breasts. laughs, mind you — but still funny. Reynolds eventually latches onto trumpet-playing Reynold's character in this film is as unlike his waitress Beverly D'Angelo. Krom this point on the film usual characterizations as Tony Randall was like Jack becomes increasingly predictable, leading to a some­ Klugman on the Odd Couple TV series. what contrived ending. It comes as a bit of a shock to see Reynolds' charac­ D'Angelo is believable, if not particularly funny, ter in the film reaching his 44th birthday and wearing and very bland. The role would have been better with glasses to read. Reynolds' famed self-deprecation someone like Jill Clayburgh, or Susan Sarandon. reaches a new peak here You almost expect his toupee Writer-comedian David Steinberg directed this to fall off. film, and his expertise with comedy timing and pacing Catch the Homecoming spirit October 26-30! Among the scheduled events are the tra­ The basic premise of the film is quite good. Rey­ is in evidence here. nolds plays the manager of Madison Square Garden. Steinberg is a self-described Marx Brothers fanatic, ditional Boat burning and fireworks, parade, Homecoming pageant, art contest, and, Reaching age 44 brings about an awareness of his own and some of the sight gags in this film have a certain mortality and he decides that when he dies, he wants a Marxian irreverence. of course, the Homecoming game. That night, the Homecoming dance, on Halloween, son to carry on his name. Though not as entertaining as The End, or Starting will be a masquerade ball, featuring the Big Band sounds of the Jimmy Dorsey Over, this film is a welcome respite from Reynolds' Not wishing adoption or a wife, and being some­ Band. Catch the October 23 issue of The Hurricane for a special Homecoming thing of an overly fussy "cold fish" as his housekeeper usual redneck-oriented roles. describes him, he decides on a paid surrogate mother to — ARI E. QUIRCH preview! ,

THE NATURAL PLACE TO EAT! • FRESH JUICES • DAILY 'CHEF SPECIALS' • DAILY HOMEMADE • FRESH FISH SOUPS • HOUSE SPECIALTY • CRISP FRESH TAMPERA' —SHRIMP, SALADS VEGETABLE, FISH — • DELICIOUS • TRY OUR HOUSE The Alternative SANDWICHES HOT DRESSING This week from 5:00 to 7:30 we are featuring the fol­ OR COLD • HOME BAKED DESSERTS • SPECIALLY • SELECTION OF lowing homemade dinner specials: SELECTED FRESH IMPORTED BEERS AND VEGETABLES WINES TlieS. Smoked ham served with corn on the cob and a tossed salad ALL BAKING DONE ON THE PREMISES USING ONLY 1630 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. 2.50 THE FRESHEST, MOST NATURAL INGREDIENTS. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA Wed. Beef Bourguignon served over a tender bed 447-0646 EXPERIENCE AN ATMOSPHERE THAT IS AS NATUR­ (TAKE-OUTS) of rice 3.50 AL AS THE FOOD WE SERVE HOURS Thurs.Southern Fried Chicken with a baked potato COME JOIN US AT THE SPIRAL FOR LUNCH OR DIN­ Mon.-Thurs. 11:30 AM To 10 PM 2.50 Fn. 11:30 AM lo 11PM Each low dinner price includes a FREE DRINK NER. WE ARE LOCATED ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM Sat. (Dinner Only) 5PM-11PM THE UM CAMPUS Sua (Dinner Only) 5 PM-10 PM (10 oz. draft beer, wine cooler, or soft drink)


\omiA u KOMI IM ANGELO Jeremiah hadapowerfkl GreeOnF Apple influence on my life. « Haircutters S^N 5806 SUNSET DR. MON.-SAT. 10-7 SOUTH MIAMI 667-9986 He taught me the finer jjoints ofdrinkirC and danein. HOUSE OF MELODY Sweet Jackie, Dance Hafl Girl. 1549 SUNSET DR. BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED STUDENTS FOR GUITAR, PIANO Long after die other. AND DRUM LESSONS gents was wore out, that ole railroader 10% OFF WITH THIS AD 666S527 Jeremiah Weed was still going strong. He liked dancin* almost as October 22 23 2425^ much as sippin' likker and sweet-talkin' us Hurdy Gundy girls. Jeremiah Weed is more than a legend. Its a tribute to a 100 proof maverick.

CUUCR P(CTUHL. lOO Proof Jeremiah Weed Jeremy ti Weed" Bourbon Liqi -..Conn. t-dye b. luesaav uciouei _., ISOI mt MIAMI HUrtMi.ANt fi' , yoo TO. Talking Heads: New, SM ;K_R 5 AT 7I« yyjs Hot Portable Radio

By LOURDES FERNANDEZ sets), and a carrying case with a Entertainment Writer shoulder strap and/or belt loop. But, there are various types of Before, students might not have portables. They come with play­ given much thought to lugging a back, playback/recorder, FM radio, radio and cassette player around FM/AM radio, and a combination of campus. But, now there is a possi­ the above. There are about 40 dif­ bility they might — the personal ferent models on the market. portable has entered the spotlight. Their popularity has grown since i An item now popular among UM a year ago. when Sony first intro­ students, personal portables are duced the Walkman. Other compa­ compact, battery-powered stereo nies picked up the cue and began to cassette players with tiny feather- manufacture portables. Most radio light headphones. shops in Miami report that sales have increased lately to about 50 a They come in all shapes and sizes month. Why all this interest in per­ — and prices. The Sony Walkman-2 sonal portables? is a tape-only player scarcely larger "You can take them anywhere than a cassette. And Panasonic's \!;_rm llurrit une/OOl GLASN. BAUfc'K and play good music," said Steve RF-10 weighs a mere three ounces. Kleppinger, Salesman at Sound Ad­ This Cuv\ In Stvl<- With His Personal Potable The largest portables measure ap­ vice, 1212 South Dixie Highway. proximately 7x4 inches. Prices Also, audio quality is better than range from $60 to $260, depending any portable system ever available, on one's taste and bank account. according to Frank Arteaga. man­ Grove Day is October 24th- this Saturday. Don't miss it! In its basic form, a portable ager of the Radio Shack at Midway offers stereo cassette playback, the Mall. "They're light and have the necessary transport controls, head­ sound quality of a home stereo," Drs. Chrycy and Rubin, Optometrists set (some will sell additional head­ said Arteaga. Riviera Theatre Bldg. 1562 S. Dixie Hwy. Coral Gables Homecoming Dance tickets are now on sale. Only $7.50 Eyes Examined — Contact Lenses a person. This year's dance is Oct. 31, Halloween so it's Designer Frames — Sunglasses a costume dance. The entertainment is The Jimmy 20% Discount on ali Frames with U.M. I.D. Dorsey Band. Pick up your tickets at the ticket booth located in the Breezeway. Cinema IV presents (clockwise) Oscar nominee John Open Evenings — Call for Appt. 665-8114 Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, Anne Bancroft, and Wendy Hil­ ler in The Elephant Man Wednesday at 6:00, 8:15, and 10:30 p.m. at the Beaumont. Pick up your tickets in Room #232 of Union with student ID. The film was one of 1980's best, nominated for Best Picture and seven other awards. The film also stars John Gielgud. Don't miss it!

THE BIGGEST AND THE BEST OCTOBERFEST Tuesday, October 20 ST. PAULI GIRL PROMO $ **live and In Person ... 1.00' par bottler "THE ST. PAULI GIRL" "Prizes will be given



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People have a hunger lot my Pilot Fineiiner be­ cause they re always fishing tor a tine point pen thot writes through carbons Ana Pilot charges only 79' tor it. People get their hands on it ond torget it s my pen So I don'l get no respect! I don t make out any better with my Pilot Razor Point It writes whip-cteatn smooth with an extra line line, its metal collar helps keep Ihe point Irom going squish so people love it. For only 89c mey should buy their own pen - and show some re­ spect lor my properly [PILOT] fine point marker pens People taket o a Pilot like it s their own ober 20 1981 THt MIAMI HURRICANE. Page 9 Ring Presents ^Liie In The Theatre Enter Frisbee Tourney

Special lo rhe Hurrican. older one eager to teach. and etiquette, and Alexander V Rubiera por­ II you're a frisbee enthusiast, then the Grove Day Frisbee Golf The play follows the development of their trays John, the eager-to-please. aspiring actor Tournament is for you All you hav e to do is fill out this form and drop The South Florida premiere of David Mam- friendship and tellingly looks at performances Kenneth N. Kurt/ will design Ihe sets and lights it off at the Undergraduate student Body Government (USBG) office, et's A Life in the Theatre will be the second the pair deliver before an imaginary audience for the multiple vignettes that comprise A Life room 241 of the Student Union M soon as possible, preferably before offering in the Ring Theatre's 1981 Winter Sea­ The action moves from the dressing room to the in the Theatre and Robert Baker will design the Friday- son. Performances are scheduled for tonight wings and involves the nuts and bolts of stage diverse range of costumes All participants must report to the I'SBd booth located on Main through October 24, and October 27 through life — upstaging, walking on somebody else's Reservations can be made bv calling the Highway at l_; 10 p in Saturday October lil, Grove Day November 1. Curtain for all performances is al lines, missing cues, and fixing a fly zipper. For Ring Theatre Box Office at 284-3355 between The tournament will be held at the Vita Course it 1:00 p.m 8:00 p.m.. all its comedic moments, A Life in the Theatre is 1:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. On performance days. (tin- player will be designated as the score keeper David Mamet is one of Broadway's brightest also a touching glimpse of people whose most the box office will be open from 1:00 p.m. to rhe winner will he declared at 5:00 p m at the concert at Peacock aew playwrights and his latest comedy is a the­ glorious moments begin to fade even as they are 8:00 p.m.. Ticket prices are $5.00 and $b.(m on Park. atrical event. A Life in lhe Theatre is about two being experienced. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and $8.00 actors, Robert, educated in the life of the esthet­ Dr. John Chase Soliday will be directing the and $7.50 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday- I'he winners w ill ret ei.e ic and grand, and John, a down-to-earth new­ two-man show. Felipe Martinez will play the Next at the Ring: the smash musical The First place: $25 gift certificate, I'M bookstore comer. The young actor is eager to learn, the role of Robert, the master/mentor of stage lore Wiz Second place: 110 gift certificate-. I'M bookstore I . I muted space is available so sign up now l'o insure your spot, fill OUt this entrv form and drop it off at the USBG office. Community Af­ I fairs box I Frisbee Contest I Name I WE. i\\l. **!H\T Wt_f^7 I i Grove Day is October 24th- Don't miss tt I SPIRAL**-"-* • i Phone 1 ^m* utmn Kin-. _.. P 447-064. i

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BY POPULAR DEMAND SEA SHAN® of N. Miami Beach & Ft. Lauderdale Announces the GRAND OPENING of their new Restaurant Lounge HOLIDAY INN 1350 S. I)i\i«- Highway r (mtrou from tin- ' nitrrtit) oj Miami) ({TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20thk .Sp«'<-iafi:i-ig in Fresh Fish *V Seafood K

LUNCH l-ROM EARLY BIRD DINNER FROM V S2.95 7 DAYS S5.75 Suisse Mod* h^auhtiMtni (,,/,'i,,,,„,, Qappuccino

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By RONNIE RAMOS field goal. get close enough for a 47 yard field goal two penalties for 20 yards stopped the Rush for a would-be touchdown. Spurts Writer Miami came right back on the arm of as time ran out in the first half and in­ drive. UM got the ball back and drove 55 The touchdown was called back after a Kelly, who completed three of four pass­ crease their lead to 14-10. yards on two passes, one to Rush and the questionable holding penalty on the The ghost of Texas came back to haunt es in a 34 yard drive that stalled on the Surprisingly, MSU did much better in other to Rodrigue.The drive ended when Miami offensive line. The guilty party is the Hurricanes at Starkville, Mississippi MSU 28. Danny Miller came on to con­ the air than they did on the ground. MSU Kelly's pass for Brodsky in the end zone believed to be offensive guard Mike on Saturday against Mississippi State. nect on a 50 yard field goal that evened quarterback John Bond was 7 of 13 for was deflected and intercepted. Moore.Kelly then threw four incomplete With 47 seconds left in the game and the score at 3-3. 110 yards in the first half. UM got another chance and started a passes and Miami lost. Miami trailing 14-10. Kelly hit Mark Miami got the ball back after forcing The veer headed by tailback Micheal drive which was stalled at midfield be­ Rush for a 28 yard strike and an apparent MSU to punt, and Kelly picked up where Haddix was able to muster up 81 yards in cause of a penalty. Kelly came back with The thing that bothered Kelly the most touchdown. But the ghost of Texas was he had left off. Starting on their own 17, the half, but UM was able to stop the run an 18 yard completion to Rocky Belk was the pace of the game. He said that there to call back a Miami victory. Miami got three yards on a run by Smo­ when they had to.it had to. who was tackled and apparently fum­ the officials were trying to hurry up the Jim Kelly was able to move the team key Roan. Kelly then teamed up with UM's running game was non-existent bled. game by starting the clock immediately through the air, completing 20 of 41 pass­ Rocky Belk for 46 yards. in the game, gaining only 10 yards in the after each play, before the ball or the first half and 29 in the entire game. Kel­ The fumble was so unbelievable that players were ready. es for 267 yards. But as Larry Brodsky Larry Brodsky and Mike Rodrigue MSU didn't know they had the ball until commented afterwards,"Everytime we ly's passing managed to keep Miami in came through to put Miami ahead. Kelly the game, and it almost pulled the game the officials told them. "It's tough to audible when the offi­ got something going, something pushed cials only give you 15 seconds (instead of us back." hit Rodrique for a 21 yard completion and out for the 'Canes. This gave MSU the ball with 3:24 left a first down at the MSU 13. Two plays in the game. The ball was then moved up the normal 25 seconds)," said Kelly. Ten times it was penalties which cost The third quarter was all back and later Kelly found Brodsky open in the end forth as turnovers stoppped scoring op­ to their 46 because of an unsportsman­ He said he picked up their blitzes but the UM 94 yards and several scoring op­ like call against Miami. It was the same was unable to audible because the offi­ portunities. zone and Miami was on top 10-3. portunities by both teams. MSU drove to the UM two yard line, but the defense type penalty that defeated them in the cials were not giving the offense enough This together with 33,225 screaming, That's as good as things got. Texas game just two weeks prior. time. cow-bell ringing fans, proved too big an On their next possesion Miami couldn't stiffened and on third and goal Jamie obstacle for UM lo overcome. move and the snap to Greg LaBelle, who Boone came up with a fumble recovery. The defense hung tough once more, If it wasn't the officials it was the "Noise defitely was a great factor in was in to punt, went over his head and UM's next possesion was ended at the stopping MSU on a fourth and two at­ noise. The noise was so intense that he the game . . . and penalties were also a out of the end zone for a safety. MSU 30 when Kelly's pass for Rodrique tempt with 1;53 left in the game. was once forced to audible with his major factor." Mike Rodrique MSU got the ball and drove down the was picked off by Clay Peacher. The UM This set up Kelly's two-minute offense hands. agreed,"Those big calls killed us." field for a touchdown. MSU decided to defense came back out and quickly gave for its biggest test. The two-minute of­ Larry Brodsky summed it up best. The scoring began in the first quarter try for two but failed and MSU was up the offense the ball back when David Jef­ fense would have worked great if it "When you dominate a team, they (the when, after an exchange of punts, Missis­ U-10. ferson intercepted a Bond pass and re­ wasn't for the ghost of Texas. Kelly hit referees) won't come into effect, but we sippi drove 43 yards in 14 plays to the Miami couldn't get anywhere on their turned it to the MSU 48. Glen Dennison for two completions, didn't (dominate), so they were (an effect Miami 22 before settling for a 39 yard next two possesions. MSU was able to This scoring opportunity ended when scrambled for 11 yards, and hit Mark on the outcome). Microdots Dismantle The Hitters

By SCOTT KAISER mural basketball defeat, and cap­ Sports Writer tured the men's "B" division cham­ pionship. The University of Miami intra­ In a hard-fought battle the Micro­ mural touch football championship dots defeated the Power Hitters games were played, beginning last 12-6. Wednesday night on the intramural field. "This wasn't the hardest game of the season, but the pressure was On Wednesday night, the wom­ on," said Microdot Captain Ken en's title was captured by Delta Lise. Gamma, as they defeated Chi Omega in overtime on a penetration The "A" division championship play. game was played on Thursday night. In that contest. Thundering Also on Wednesday, the Micro­ Herd defeated Sigma Chi by a score dots bounced back from their intra­ of 6-0. The Microdots Outlasted The Power Hitters, J2-6 Miami llitrrkurK/UUUUI.AS BAU1R Watch For HBH & CBR UMer's Urged To 'Come Alive With Spirit'

By HOLLY BETH BYER stug of war. relay can toss and are avialable in the Homecoming of­ strict UM Jello wrestling rules. There will be a super secret spe­ H.B.B and C.B.R. have wrestled .Sports Writer earth ball battle. fice, room 225 of the Student The Blonde Bomber and the cial team entering the Wrestling such startling opponents as Dusty These events are limited to orga­ Union. Prizes for the jamboree are Bruising Brunette have put in matches, whose names cannot be Rhodes, Bugsy McGraw and have The University of Miami will nizations participating in Home­ being donated by American Sports­ weeks of practice and self denial given to the public. The reasoning is even outdueled the Assassins during come "Alive with Spirit" next week coming. The winning team will re­ wear International. for this event and will be ready to simple. These two have wrestled a one night engagement at the as Homecoming 1981 gets under­ ceive prizes donated by Gatorade, The Homecoming '81 executive take on any challengers. several times in the past and be­ Miami Convention Center. way. The Homecoming '81 execu­ and free Gatorade will be provided committee is adding some new In addition to the Blonde Bomber cause of their ruthlessness and lack The matches will be video taped tive committee has planned many throughout the day to participants. blood to its old traditions. One and the Bruising Brunette there will of any sense of sportsmanship, they sporting events for the week, start­ by WVTS to be shown on a later There will also be a sports jambo­ major addition this year is a Jello be special appearances by the Mean just seem to draw the wrong type date. The winners will receive ing with the Sports/Rec Day tour­ ree open to all students on Sunday. wrestling match. The event will Weanie and the Big Banana. of crowd. . . naments on Sunday October 25. prizes donated by Friday's and Big The tournaments in the jamboree begin at noon on Friday October 30 There'll be nine other professional At present time we can only re­ Daddy's. Anyone interested should The tournaments will begin at 2 will be raquetball, bowling, bil­ at the Rock. wrestlers waiting to take on chal­ lease the initials of this dynamic contact Geoff Roberts in the Home­ p.m. at the recreation center volley­ liards, ping-pong and canoeing, It will be done in the fashion of lengers. duo, no it isn't Batman and Robin. coming office at X3578. ball courts. The day's activities will sponsored by USBG. tag team wrestling, and profession­ include four-cornered volleyball, There is no entry fee for the ally trained referees Bob Wyner hot shot basketball relay. Le Man- sports jamboree, and applications and Norm Parsons will be following Rebounding From Sunday: Detroit Or Bust Monday

By CHARLES RABIN Things didn't go quite according to schedule. Sports Editor Today, seven weeks into the season, I'm flat broke. And the other night I had to sit and watch Al bite his It took me a while, but I think that I have finally re­ nails and smoke an entire pack of cigarettes in hope of alized the significance of gambling not being legalized. one team scoring three points when there was 25 min­ It started like this: utes to play in a game that had seen two teams score 43 About seven weeks ago, as I was sitting in front of points in the first half. my television set awaiting the start of the first regular season football game of the year, the telephone rang. Life doesn't have to be that way. "Hey Chuck, it's Mark. Who do you like in the Buf­ Besides, I don't even get a chance to go outside any­ falo, Miami game?" more. Saturday, usually my only free day of the week To tell ya the truth Mark, I think that Buffalo looks sees me getting out of bed at about 11:30, scrambling like they just might take a run at the Super Bowl this to the pool for a half hour, and then going back up to vear, if I were a bettin' man, I'd put all my bucks on the apartment to make a few phone calls and to watch the Bills." the games. "You know, I was thinking the same thing," said Chuck, you live in beautiful, lush, sunny Florida Mark. Why don't you throw in about a quarter ($25 in Why not take advantage of it? gambling terms), and we'll call in a bet." There are just too many things to do on a beautiful Chuck fell, hook, line and sinker. Saturday, for me to have to worry about staying home The thing is. the Bills came away with a 31-0 victo­ and watching 8800 pounds of human flesh beating each ry and I was sitting high and pretty. other up on a grid-iron. Betting is kind of like eating potato chips or pret­ Just think of all the wonderful things that I could zels, you get a good taste of it, and you just can't give it be doing on a Saturday. I could go to the zoo, or go to up. the beach. I could be on the back of a sailboat, or even In the next few weeks, many others got caught in just hanging out at the pool. the web. Howie was seen scalping his cassette deck But, sitting in front of box that exerts all those last weekend, trying to get up enough cash to bet on radio-active rays into my brain. Kansas City. I think I'm suffering from TVOD. Howie's been lucky this year. In a way that's not Last Sunday, I was almost saved. too good. He won't win in the long run, nobody does. As I was sitting by the television, Jeanette walked By the third week of the season I was about $75 In from next door and asked if I'd like to go for a bik. ahead, wierd things were running through my mind: ride. "If I bet the $75 on San Diego at one o'clock, it will "What a great idea Jeanette, I can't think of any­ double to $150. Then I can take the Broncos with thing I d like to do more," I said. Cleveland for a tease at four o'clock." I got my bike, started out the door and for some The way I had it figured I'd have $300 bucks going strange reason my head began to twitch, and mv fin­ into the Monday night game, which was a pushover. gers began to get itchy. * No problem, by Tuesday morning I'd have a wad of six I don't smoke, but I needed a cigarette. $100 bills in my hands. "Just let me make one phone call, and I'll be with Then I can retire for the rest <»f the season. you in a minute Jeanette. Please wait for me." Tuesday October 20, 1981 THE MIAMI HURRICANE, Page 11 Hurricane Sports Move Into Full Swing At UM Every Tuesday

By JOHN R HART sive action in the upcoming months. the 4\ ranked team in the nation. Assistant Sports Hditor Men's and women's tennis will The game will culminate a week if The middle of the fall semester is also be getting under way this se­ homecoming festivities on campus. here and a variety of different var­ mester. The girls will be involved in sity sports are just now getting a nine team tournament this week­ The University of Miami has a under away at the UM. end which will get under way large athlatic program which en­ •U of M LADIES' NIGHT Swimming and women'a basket- around noon on Friday at the UM compasses a wide array of sports. hall will both start into their sched­ Tennis Club on campus. Many different men's and women's ules during November. The pre-tournament favorites in­ varsity teams are just now plunging Both the men and women swim­ clude Miami, Southern California. into their schedules. mers will be in action against Ala­ Texas, and Klorida. Tennis fans will bama here at the UM pool on No­ want to be in attendance. Many of the teams do not receive vember 13. Another big event has already as much attention as football or baseball, but the athletes on these J. JH Jz. w _tmjJL-_fm.l]fAl_ The swimming teams at the uni­ started on campus — the big Mer­ cedes give-a-away. teams certainly put in long and hard versity are both nationally ac­ hours and deserve the full support claimed and the meet should display of the student body some exceptional talent. Kveryone The Athletic Federation which should try to attend at least one raises funds for all sports on cam­ pus is sponsoring a drawing for a The level of performance is very swimming meet during the upcom­ high on all of these teams and spec­ ing season. 40,000 Mercedes Benz to be given away at a 'Cane baseball game in tators at the various meets and late March. games will be more than impressed INN The girls basketball team will Tickets for the drawing are on with the wide range of excellence also start play in November with that the UM exhibits in all sports. their first home game coming on sale at the Hect Center and all dona­ November 23 al 7:00pm against tions will be used for funding uni­ South Klorida. versity athletics. 3131 Commodore Plaza The basketball team plays all of Football is still going strong and their home games at the Lane Cam­ despite a second heartbreaking loss pus Sports and Recreation Center to Mississippi State, the 'Canes arc which allows students to enjoy the still battling for another bowl bid Coconut Grove, FL games without having to leave the and a spot in the top twenty. campus. On October 31 the Hurricanes i >_S-^ oronci toutuBtis 447-064* , Girls' volleyball, golf, and cross will battle powerful Penn State in 445-8721 country have already begun their the Orange Bowl. I'enn State will seasons and all will be seeing exten­ mostlv likely come into the game as Free Admission and I Free Drink For Ladies Age 1.9 and older with valid IJ of Ml 1.0.


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Rid* Wanted: To Atlanta, Geor­ HOUSE FOR HINT, UNIQUE LAKE WANTED Responsible driver 9 a.m to 2 gia sometime in October. Willing FRONT HOUSE .3 b.droom, 2 bath. p.m. to drive handicapped woman to and to split gat ond driving. Please den, Florida room, garogo. Flvo trom school 5 days a week $100 per contact Mark Linde, Pearson minutos tram U ot M1666 6009. week. Must be strong. Call Fabio or 6609 at: 284-3678. Rohn otter 7 p.m. 361-6483 Room for rent, share house for semester I am looking for people who play the ori­ only and renewable, private entry, pool, JOBS JOBS JOBS ental board gome "GO" Call Eric fndge, shore kitchen,etc. Dr. Kennedy Meet the nicest people .join our Nor- 667 9925, __ 7574142(lady only with references.)5808 ret) Staff! We have interesting and re­ warding jobs available Sign up now for College Bowl to N6 4th Court, Miami, WE NEED YOU be held November 7,8, 14 and Bnarwinds. Two-bedroom, two- • Clerk/Receptionist 15th. Pick up registration forms bath, pool, tennis courts, club • Typists now for teams of four or five house. $500/month. 314-3320. • Data Entry people in room 232 of the Stu­ Room for Rent: Ladies only with refer • Accounting/ 10 Key dent Union. For more information ences.Includes inside pool, private entry. Talk to us about becoming a Norell tem call Sherry at X5646. $49,-week, doctors home. Call: 757-4142. porary Work where you want when you Attractive, amoral atheistic, hedonistic want! Never a fee or contract Stop Female roommate wanted fo sensual six toot, 160 pound single, white by and find out more share apartment in Kings n male 41. Harvard J.O seeks attractive Creek, $225 a month,Call NORRELL SERVICES, INC agreeable femole Write PO Bo- 2115 665-OS 23, 224-4353. 1550 Madruga Avenue, Suite 130 • Miami Beach Fla I behind the Riviera Theatre Neat female, non smoker wanted to share It Call 446-7100 FOR SALE condo m Kendoll oreo, coll 387-4576. JI One of America's largest temporary ser­ h< Surplus Jeeps, Cars, and Trucks HOUSE FOR RENT, UNIQUE LAKE vices.

available. Many sell under $200" Call FRONT HOUSE ,3 bedroom, 2 bath, The Ibis Yearbook needs color and black den, Florida room, garage. Five hi .3121742-1 143 Ext 9930 For information and white CarniGros pictures from last minutes from U of M .666-6009. s on how to purchase spring. If you have them call X6385 or o NEW NATURAL Aloe Vera facial con Room tor rent, shore house for semester stop by thc Ibis office (Student Union. ;o tour lift mask Guaranteed to lastingly im only and renewable, private entry, pool, room 229).-We pay for prints. IS prove the skin of anyone 25 years or fridge, share kitchen,etc. Dr. Kennedy Overseas Jobs Summer year round younger up to 98°o Will lastingly take off 757-4142(lady only with references.)5808 Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Asia.All h. up to 10 years of those older Free dem NE 4th Court, Miami fields. $500-51200 monthly Sightseeing K> onstration Ask for Theresa 5538312 ELEGANT HOME FOR RENT Free info. Write UC Box 52 Ft 1 Corona Surplus Jeeps, Cars, Trucks Car mv 2 blocks from U of M. on Miller. 3 bed Del Mar, CA. 92625. o value $2143 -old for SIOO For mforma rooms, 2 bathrooms, study, A/C, all ap >h Part-time "GtRL FRIDAY" $4 >a hour time fion on purchasing similar bargains Call pliances, semi furnished. $795-monthly arranged,excellent English and typing re OV>' 602.941 8014 E.t 8518 Phone call r. (year lease) 1,000 monthly for 3 months quired. Psychologist 757-4)42 M fundable Contact (301) 654 6632 or 662 230V ni Attention Seniors vt Trade Tapes VHS only $1 per tape am Room for Rent: Ladies only with refer ^>**> '8 Interested in working and living in Atlan ateur or professional X rated You record g ences.Includes inside pool, private entry ta The Atlanta Report has current reloca or I rerecord 757 4142 $49/week, doctor's home. Call: 757-4142 vl tion information. For more information il Relaxation therapy through rebreathmg write to :Altic Hon. ons. Bo 420204, Atlan -tfisssp,G^:;.^ * m exercise. TUTORING ta, Georgia. 30342. •os- Phone 7574142 I.MCAT — DAT — OCAT Management Trainee S\0 0\& rfttf ;\oQ TV for Sale 19 inch, color.S225, guaran PREPARATORY COURSES Gam business experience. Be part of a ,o^ teed for 90 days, parts and labor. Call SHILDON ROSE professional team. Work part-time days \0 c- ^ 284-4401 Dr Kennedy at 757 4142 EDUCATION CENTER and evenings. Haagen-Da.s Ice Cream K Honda moped, only 300 miles.Sl 75. Cftll UVE LECTURES AND/OR Shoppe 13714 N Kendall Drive , Call VIDEOTAPED REVIEWS 387-1650 and ask for Margie or Kathy. m 856-9815 evenings _ fli» I 1550 _ Dixie Hwy. Across Iron UM Riv. Competition-Free perfume and tologne 1975 Pontiac Firebird, run. excellent G\* no Theater Bldg.. Suite 21.. Coral Go distributor seeks UM students as sales Has been well cared for Many extras ble> 661 1523, N Dode 651 2971 reps Perfect opportunity for socially on Must See only S2700' Coll 595 281 1 ented students High commissions. Also a 1981 Chev. Chevette 4 di air condi _.LSAT — GMAT - GRE PREPARATORY COURSES great fund raiser for clubs and organize tioner automatic 4 cyltndei white 2 month PERSONALS PERSONALS PERSONALS SHELDON ROSE tions.For oppt. Call 652-3941. old only 2000 miles excellent condition Some of the Classified Advertise­ EDUCATIONAL CENTER Rita Terry I Become a port time employee foi South­ 1 S6200 or best olfer. Call Bob Ext 3562 ments that appear in this section How old ate you'- Give me Mick til I m UVE LECTURES AND/OR east Banking Corporation Need I'm clamping do« Good section anytime are written by students for the ••<-. VIDEOTAPED REVIEWS Encoder Operators Hours from 430 9 PM EIC amusement of their friends. Not Rolling Stone Concert ticket.'Best offer call 1550 S Dixie Hwy. Across Irom UM Rivi lhe Queen Monday thru Friday. Eligible tor benefits all are meant as statements of Daisy Dearest 2791917. itor Orlando Concert-October era Theater Bldg , Suite 216. Corot Go Tina,Lisa.Bina,Maia,Nancy,Larie,Leslie,Bar­ on a prorated basis Proof or balancing fact, or as sterious solicitations. If you don't wm I'm going to get MM 24, 1981) bara.Debbie,Ileana, Sue,Daisy,June. Dina. bleb 661 1523, N Dade 651-2971. experience is helpful. Call: 326-5200. — - The Business Manager a. Good luck girl you're the best. Pa if your friends could see you now' 1977 VW Rabbit Excellent condition Air 3.TUTORING show pasha w LOST AND FOUND THE WIND Evelyn and Jamie conditioned. Call Dan 284 5756 ALL SUBJECTS - All LEVELS ' ' - EIC An original rack band playing the future's SHELDON ROSE GAP Little Girl's Sears Rainbow bicycle, S25, Lost 1 set of keys on a green Dont rmss DANSEMBlt. the hottest danr EDUCATIONAL CENTER greatest hts. V/e are now available for You amaze me Dinner.moonlite stroll, blue 666-7746 piece of plastic in apartment ets on this campu. Appearing tht_ Mon I 550 S. Dixie Hwy. Across trom UM Rivi frat parties, inaugurations and lirst dates bubbles, etc When s the marriage7 The Bodyworks Membership 3 year re areas. Call X3500-Rew ard. day night at thr Mis' UM Pageant B? ero Theater Bldg.. Suite 216, Coral Ga­ Call Lane X2(570 or Steve 652 2664 ^he. doodles ore working newoble re.alable This type ot contract is Please return my UM t.D. My phone is there Aloha bles 661 1523, N Dade 651 2971 ROMANCE love no longer offered Less expensive than X3760 K alive and **ell and living in Miami Pro MS37 My Princes'. new 3 year contract 448 4201 evenings 4.SPEED READING Thank-you, ni t- ir ns. yout reading homework in holi the tessionol male, late 20's attractive, good I am sorry I have been neglecting yo>; Datsun 1976 280Z , Excellent condi Scott Kaiser Terry, l» time it takes now Call lor Free Demon physique ttued ot bar scene seeks female Happy Birthday! Professional commitment!, have kept IM tion AM FM cassette, radials, tinted win Found in stacks of Riehter Library calcula V strotion lesson 20 35 tot Mystery adventure Dom Peng Love, occupied and I have not had as much tim* dow etc Make offer 448 4201 evening' tor transformer Contact Marie McMullen ie SHELDON ROSE noii and pir/'i Send photo ond reply to Joe to spend with you as I would havr like Water bed with purchase cit .5500 EDUCATIONAL CENTER or Tom Hooper Herold NN* Adv Bo* 976P o- 1 Herald Please forgive me P S Seeing you mound Waterbed king sue platform frame Tracy. 1 550 . Dixie Hwy. Across Irom UM Riv, Found text book Siudent Manual for Plaza M.ow.1, Fl 33101 has reminded me that being with you M bookcase head board, heat bio wave mo- Happy Birthday! sn no Theater Bldg.. Suite 216 Corol Go Spanish. Call. Judy 284-2340 Audry Lip'On one of the true pleasures that I have al sage.Make offei 448 4201 evenings Love, G. bles 661 1523. N Dade 6512971 Thtough S^gmo Pi I hope we i.an team the lowed myself Found A cheerleader uniform at the Ma Joe Accounting 211 600 Tutoring by grad Fhe Prm. - Ol honey front desk. Call X4144. true meaning of sisterly love uate student CPA 553-0396 Trish, pi. , Congratulation* Daisy LSAT-GMAT-MCAT Happy Birthday! lutonng Chinese^Mandarin or Canton Your Big Sis Ktm Your parental units are definitely the eptt Live lectures »/oi Video Taped Reviews Lave, r-st- All levels.especialiy advanced.call ome ot charming and lovely. They hov Rolling Stones Tickets Joe io SHELDON ROSE EDUCATIONAL CENTER 759 5815 David 8(58-0693. reared a queen, and for that, they'v Congratulations Miss M.T.C. 1981 Miss made one Editorials Editor very, vtry C. Gables 1550 So Dixie Hwy • 661-1523 24 Hr. help with calculus.MTH Do you want to meet your busi­ Doyna Turnet "Ear of the Year happy Mt and Mrs. Olivera — MuchaI No Dade 1574 Ives Dairy Rd • 945-3347 101,106. Chemistry. Organic ness professors? Come to the wine GractosH! Chemistry. Physics. Many other and cheejse social on Tuesday, November Don't miss the wine and cheese social for Howie subjects. Your ploce or ours. Co- 3rd at 4*30 in the lobby of the School ot faculty and students at the School of Busi- . mentor 667-5434. Business, ness, November 3rd at 430 In the School ft's a bird, it's a plane, it's HYPCRMAN"! of Business lobby. Individual instruction in HYPNOTHERAPY Sebastian Success Is The Best Revenge Job Hunting? tor learning retention, memory, concentra­ Can i ptenefrafe you. barriers • BABS tion, atternooon and evenings appointment wittr s 1 — ______! * * Why do you fill then head , with *.uth TYPING Our unique, proven profesion S20 per session 757 4142 1 Craig „ bunk- Or ate you |ust foolm' around Hei al resume services help vou 1 Call Mrs Etlert at 667-2052 for expert Personal Tutoring Can we* do it all night long-1 bie? So you tell me why did I do it"- get... Better Jobs... Larger typing of theses, reports, correpiondence Math 106 students. II you need HELP call _ Magic Fingers Salaries... F aster. prompt service.Specializing in foreign stu i Bob at 661-0851 Alisa Baby Special Student Rates Tina. ...sa, Bina, Maria, Nancy, Laurie, Les­ dents, correcting English. II you need help in MATH, statistics. MAS. lie. Bceb Debbie, Ileana. Sue Daisy, June Funny, Us I like you and Job Search Package PROFESSIONAL TYPING services, low Call Abraham 264 5818 Dma. -we're almost there' Stewardess Call or stop In at our office rates, fast services. Diana 279-6918 Individual instruction in HYPNOTHERAPY fcvetyn Ritchie, In Miami: Fast Service On Typing Term Paper., Re­ tor teaming retention, memo Eddi* Doodleeoo man, yegu.halo, yedley face Republic Natl. Bank Bldg. en la boca to the multiplex demogolator sumes, etc., 20 years experience on disser­ ry,concentration, olternoon and evenings Don't walk tn front of me ... I may not 150 S.E. ?nd Ave. 3/1-3805 since the diamonds will nutralize the gold. tations, 444 8311 (Ask for Inez). appointment. S20 per session. 757-4142. folloiw. Don't walk behind me ... I may In Fort Lauderdale: So how is your meeny meerket? CO Sailing Lessons on 22' private boat. not lead Walk beside me ... And just be Typing Professional and Accurate Serv­ Sunrise Professional Bldg. — Mussess Wooo dee-teeeoooo. as S10 per hour. Call 665-5163 my ft-iend . ice. Also transcribing from standard cas- w 915 Middle River Dr.561-2992 seftcs. Call Meg at 666-9842. Your Honey and No.l Fan To The Rod; th TECHNICAL Shawn Do you realize that I am only ten year-, Professional typing, cheap, fast, accurate sp Term papers, editing. IBM Electric. |» Bes. Resume I la*e you less today then I will tomorrow. younger than Barb ra Streisand was when in INSTRUCTORS 0 661-0904. Loads of Lovin, she made What's Up Doc Intense. Now na M Service iabes that's an important bit of trivto for the cir TYPING Professional and accurate IBM 1 Otlices Coast to Coast WANTED. xxoxx culor file. service. Also transcribing from standard P Hc»ry — fcditor cassettes. Coll Meg at 666 9842. h_ HOT AIR Awe you really running? Came On* Isn't Howie, EARN OVER $800 TERM PAPERS TYPID,IDITfD, in Miami Mellow enough? Word for word .. I know it all, noth­ SPELLING CORRECTED, ACCURATE. h< A MONTH NOW AND Hey Pol!. ing is sacred when you tell something ta REASONABLE,IBM SELECTRIC. BALLOON 1 either one of us. Ifou're finally legal Look out world, here 446-3382. TODAY'S WE'LL GUARANTEE — Editoi comes the turtle! Thanx for putting up with TERM AND LAW PAPIRS TYPED, WOMAN YOU A TEACHING npe and being so special. Happy Birthday. Jo Jo. IBM EXPERIENCE. PROMPTI MRS. RIDES Love ya. I miss your smiling face. Hope all is still GOODMAN, 444-33B2. Marina going well in love-land. Don't do anything MEDICAL CENTER POSITION AFTER Term paper typing. Correcting Selectric I wouldn't do. See you in December at this Congratulations to the New little sisters of typewriter 271-4906. GRADUATION Sigma Pc rate. Typing, term papers, etc. IBM Selectric II A\indy Barbara It/, Babs, Mindi.Amy, —• miss you. Deb typewriter $1.60 per page. Call Natalie: Let your carter pay off while still in Gail. Susan. Alisa Denise, Lori,Cindy and Arlene. • SAFE SIMPLE •a* 665 9471.444 4380. college: Earn over $300 a month Audry Thank you so much lor the fudge You ABORTIONS during your junior and senior years. Free wine and cheesel Where? The can not imagine how you brightened my ROOMMATE REFFERALS day. When I walked in my office and saw Special Navy program guarantees lobby at the School ot Business on Tues­ Champagne flights over the 1 that little square I became a very happy Roommate Wanted to share 2 bed­ you a teaching position af ler day November 3rd at 4^30. 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