Children of the City

ISSUE Changing the Culture of Poverty Through Education and Outreach 15 3 This Issue

 Charity Bowl with special guest ...... 1-3  SAT Program...... 4  2012 Carnival...... 5  Islam’s Story...... 6-7  New Website...... 8

Eli Manning with COC students at our 2012 Charity Bowl

2012 Charity Bowl The 2012 David Tyree Charity Bowl proved to taking pictures with the guests. The VIP cocktail be a resounding success thanks in large part to lounge gave guests a chance to have face-to-face the support of New York time with Eli Manning. Giants MVP Eli Manning and Hosted by Children of numerous teammates in the City Board member attendance. The event and former Giants player was held at Chelsea Piers David Tyree, the evening 300 New York Bowl, set featured a silent and against stunning views of live auction in addition the Hudson River. to a spectacular array of hors d’oeuvres and Coming off the recent cocktails. The highlight 2012 win, of the evening came as Giants players including Eli Manning, surrounded Victor Cruz, Hakeem by his team, addressed Nicks and the crowd and declared mingled with star-struck his support for the work guests throughout the Eli Manning on the lanes being done by Children evening. Players spent time bowling on each of of the City and how thrilled he was to be a part the individual lanes, swapping football stories and of the evening. [continued] 2012 Charity Bowl

“We are elated and honored that the gave so generously of their time and partnered with us to address the many obstacles these children have to face on a daily basis.” said Joyce Mattera, Founder and Executive Director of Children of the City. “In a community with a

David Tyree and Victor Cruz

48% dropout rate and 1 out of 4 living in abject poverty, Children of the City is dedicated to changing the culture of poverty. We are grateful that our friends and guests were able to come together to enjoy such an extraordinary evening and support the work we are doing.” Eli Manning and Giants players

Councilwoman Sara Gonzalez, Manning, Tyree, and guest Giants players and guests

Giants players 2012 Charity Bowl

Bishop Joseph Mattera, Tiki Barber, Councilwoman Gonzalez Kenny Phillips

Joyce Mattera, Executive Director David Tyree

Chad Reyes and guests TransCanada attendees College Bound & SAT Program Children of the City is thrilled with the results of its expanded assistance to high school juniors and seniors. Having concluded the third year of our College Bound program, we are confident that our comprehensive approach is working.

All of the participating students were at risk of dropping out of high school and faced obstacles such as difficult home environments, negative peer pressure, behavioral problems at home and at school, and difficulty staying focused the second year in a row Kaplan the students make progress and completing assignments. SAT Prep Classes has provided throughout the sessions as they Continued support from Children all resources at no charge to high work hard and take time out to of the City has kept them on track school juniors whose families do study is incredible motivation. The to realize their dream of college not have the financial means to pay practice tests show improvement. enrollment, and the results were for these services. The results of vocabulary tests get astounding! the students excited,” shared one of “I’m not good at standardized the New York Cares tutors, Jin. tests, so I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for the course...but Through the College Bound my score went up 230 points!” Project, Children of the City also -Daniel B., student provides mentoring, application assistance, parent meetings, and The results of their SAT scores guidance to high school juniors play a large role in determining and seniors. When given the college acceptance. Our goal is opportunity to make this future to ensure each student has the a reality, they excel in ways they “My SAT scores on the practice opportunity to pursue a college never imagined possible. exams went from 1150 to 1730! I also degree. got better grades in my classes at school.” “They really have an opportunity -Wendy C., student We found that the students we here. Students have attained large worked with were eager to learn score increases from the daignostic The 8-month prep-course and excited by the prospect of the exam - between 200 and 650 point would normally be priced at bright future a strong academic improvements!” nearly $2,000 per student, but for background will provide. “Seeing -Nancy, NY Cares 2012 Carnival able to learn about a variety of with affordable activities that will resources available to them and engage them in learning. This also had a chance to enroll their event speaks to the very mission children for COC’s summer of Children of the City. We program. Children of the City have a year-round after-school continued its partnership with program as well as monthly Health Plus Amerigroup and Saturday events that meet the recruited volunteers from all diverse needs of academic and over New York for the event. social development for children.”

“Our goal is to provide a place where children can Our Community Carnival was learn, play and be safe,” said jam packed with free festivities Joyce Mattera, Founder and on Saturday, June 9th. Executive Director. “Every year over 10 million children The laughter of children are involved in violence in discovering the bouncy ride schools. West Brooklyn has and many tables offering face- over 28% of children living painting and games filled the below the poverty line. We afternoon. In an effort to provide need out-of-school programs area families with a safe and fun environment to enjoy a carefree day among their neighbors in the community, Children of the City has organized this annual event for the last 13 years.

Groups of volunteers worked alongside COC staff to put together a day that included live music, a watermelon eating contest, tug-of-war, relay races, and more. Hundreds meandered the carnival with free hotdogs clutched in their hands and faces brightly painted. Parents were Islam’s Story

We often take for granted the opportunities we’ve My parents weren’t familiar with the education been given to pursue our dreams. The following system in the United States. They didn’t know is Islam’s story, a young man who tutors at COC. what the best school was or what approach to take in order to guide me properly. I “What if your dreams were de- didn’t have family members or molished? You are the only one who friends here to help me. Since could save those dreams. At that we came from low income fami- point you pretend to be a superhe- lies, we basically lived in hell. ro and want to make changes. Yet My neighborhood had many you have to overcome many chal- gangs - I’d watch elders perform lenges in order to reach that goal.” illegal activities. My friends and I would mimic their behav- Those were the words of one of COC’s iors and try to act like them. newest tutors as he sat in Joyce’s of- fice. This is the rest of his story. My high school was big and was full of cliques. I ended up “My father was an intelligent getting involved in one of these and motivated man. He always cliques and couldn’t get out of it. wanted to become a college profes- We were teenagers who were im- sor, but he couldn’t attend college. mature; we followed each other. As the oldest son out of nine sib- we didn’t have the judgment to lings, he decided to forget about his make good decisions, and we dreams and do something for his family. He left his were doing whatever we wanted to do without motherland at seventeen and traveled to the Unit- thinking about our future. Before I knew it, I ed States, leaving his dreams behind. My mother’s had fallen into a trap. I made horrible decisions; dreams were to go to col- all the wrong choices. lege and get a good job, but she never got that For three years of my opportunity. She didn’t life I been gangbang- have the proper status to ing, taking drugs, and get married to an edu- not going to school cated man, so she married - education didn’t my father. That was the matter to me at all. end to all of her dreams I had no idea what of being educated and I was going to do with doing something more. my life. The easy way A year later, I was born. was to just drop out, Islam with some of his students Islam’s Story, continued

for the Regents and he helped me by allowing me to find my true purpose in life. I changed tremendously as a person and ever since feel much more of a sense of responsibility.

I have recently been accepted to various col- leges, and I hope to become the first college graduate in my family. I have been working at Children of the City for the past year and each day I realize that I want to help my stu- dents get more opportunities. I want these kids to have an advantage to improve academically sell drugs or work a 9-to-5 and make minimum and mentally from a person who went through wage. There were times I would stay up all night and struggles. Most of the children here are from get so depressed ‘til the point where low income families and their I just wanted to end my life. I had lives are something I can relate so much pain inside me and today to because I grew up the same when someone looks into my eyes, way. It’s giving me the chance he or she can see the same pain. to redeem myself and guide I missed out on a lot of knowl- them to a better path than my edge that I should have received. own. I feel like a light point- ing kids in the right direction The last year of high school I tried my best to so that they will never fall through the cracks.” recover from my lost years. I truly real- ized my passion in life when I had my first job experience. At age fourteen I applied for Summer Youth. I was select- ed in the lottery and chose to work for Children of the City as an assistant tutor.

On my first day at work I met two young kids. They were brothers, and I saw in them a mirror image of me and my own younger brother, making me all the more intent on helping them. Chris- topher was a freshman in high school and had troubles with his algebra Regents, which I was great at. I helped him study COC Has a New Look!

Children of the Children of the City recently released a new logo design, City Goes Green visually reaffirming our commitment to under-served To receive our newsletter communities. electronically, please send your preferred email address to [email protected]

Changing the World Together

We also just launched our brand new website, featuring a media-rich interface, sleek design, and improved navigation. Please take a look and let us know what you think!

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Mother Teresa We invite you to join us as we work to meet the needs of these extraordinary children and families. For more information, visit us at or call (718) 436-0242, ext. 18. Thank you for your much-needed support!