Reviewing Your Convention Card

BEFORE THE GAME STARTS 1. To verify what convention card your partnership is playing in the event you just registered for, click on the title of the game. 2. A blue box will open similar to when you registered only this time you will have an option to cancel registration if you signed up for the wrong event, or show your partnerships convention card for this event. 3. Click on the Show Convention Card tab. You will be shown the convention card that other players will see and the one you will be expected to play. If it is not accurate, be sure to let your opponents know each round and make corrections before you play again.

ONCE THE GAME HAS STARTED 1. Once the game has started, you can access the convention cards by clicking on the 3 horizontal bars located in the blue box on the top left hand corner of the . 2. The default convention card that BBO uses is the ACBL SAYC ( Yellow Card). It is a good idea when you check the opponent’s convention card that whenever you see SAYC displayed you ask your opponents to verify that this is indeed the card that they play. This is because more often than not, the partnership does not have a convention card posted so BBO automatically posts the SAYC card.

Note – SAYC does not use some common conventions so you need to be careful if you use this as your default. The SAYC card supports Stayman and Jacoby transfers, Michael’s Cue bids, the 2 lowest suits for an Unusual 2NT, bids, Gerber over no (only), and Blackwood for Ace asking bids. If the opponents interfere during the Ace process, DOPI is used as is standard carding on defense. It does not support Drury, , , Splinter bids, DONT, Cappelletti, and responsive or support doubles. is only forcing for one round, negative doubles are capped at 2 spades, and doubles of preemptive bids over 3 spades are for penalty.