EFCL BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Minutes Thursday, June 9, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. EFCL Offices, 7103 – 105 Street,

Attendance: Cindy Dorward, Dist. F Jesse Watson, Dist. A Shaffeek Ali, Dist. L Rob Agostinis, Dist. H Lindsay Smith, Dist. I Gavin Martinson, Dist. J

Regrets: Trevor Eliott, Dist. D Ron Favell, Dist. B Jamie Post, Dist. E

Guests: Chantile Shannon, CoE

EFCL Staff: Debra Jakubec Allan Bolstad

Board Secretary: Dana Mauer

1.0 Call To Order EFCL President G. Martinson chaired the Board meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm and a Board quorum was present.

2.0 Agenda Review

16-06-09-01 MOVED: “That the EFCL Board approve the June 9, 2016 Board meeting agenda with the following additions:

Item 3.2 – EFCL Board Election

By: S. Ali / R. Agostinis CARRIED

3.0 Urgent Matters / Presentations

3.1 Welcome Debra Jakubec EFCL President G. Martinson officially welcomed D. Jakubec as the EFCL’s new Executive Director. He thanked the members of the Hiring Committee for their contribution to the interview and hiring process. He also thanked A. Bolstad for remaining on staff during the transition.


3.2 Election of the EFCL Board Executive G. Martinson confirmed that as all EFCL Board Executive positions are for a one year term, elections need to be held annually for all four of the EFCL Board Executive Positions as follows: President, Vice President Internal, Vice President External, and Treasurer. Chantile Shannon with the City of Edmonton chaired the elections.

C. Shannon called three times for nominations for the position of EFCL Board President. L. Smith nominated G. Martinson, and S. Ali seconded the nomination. G. Martinson accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations, Gavin Martinson was elected by acclamation for the position of EFCL President.

C. Shannon called three times for nominations for the position of EFCL Vice President External. G. Martinson nominated S. Ali, who accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations, Shaffeek Ali was elected by acclamation for the position of EFCL VP External.

C. Shannon called three times for nominations for the position of EFCL Vice President Internal. R. Agostinis nominated J. Watson, and S. Ali seconded. J. Watson accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations, Jesse Watson was elected by acclamation for the position of EFCL VP Internal.

C. Shannon called three times for nominations for the position of EFCL Treasurer. As there were no nominations, election of a new EFCL Treasurer was postponed to next regular Board meeting.

Regarding signing authority, it was confirmed that the three newly elected EFCL Board members as noted above are all to have signing authority, as will the new EFCL Treasurer once elected. A. Bolstad advised that a copy of the minutes signed by the EFCL President needs to be taken to the EFCL’s Servus Credit Union home branch.

Change signing authorities as below on accounts #610 7593 and #610 7577:

Remove signing authorities Trevor Elliot, Lindsay Smith and Masood Makarechian and add signing authorities for Gavin Martinson, Jessie Watson and Cindy Dorward.


4.0 Approval of the May 12, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes As the minutes were not included in the agenda package, approval of the May 2016 EFCL Board meeting minutes was postponed to the July Board meeting.

5.0 Decision Items A. Bolstad advised that as the new Executive Director started that week, and as he prepared the June Board meeting agenda package, he was attending Board meeting this month to speak to agenda business. He advised that as there were several private matters on the agenda, the balance of the meeting after the break would be held “in camera”.

5.1 EFCL Board Retreat A. Bolstad advised that in addition to other matters to be discussed at the annual Board Retreat, the key matter is the preparation of the EFCL’s budget which needs to be submitted to the City by mid-August. He suggested that with all of the EFCL’s long-term planning completed via the EFCL’s Strategic Plan and Growth Plan, that the EFCL staff and Board are now in a position to prepare a longer-term three-year budget to the City which they have requested in previous years. G. Martinson suggested holding an evening vs. a weekend meeting. Thursday July 7th 5-9pm was selected as a dinner meeting date. Various locations were suggested including Ft. Edmonton and McKay Avenue School. C. Shannon suggested holding the Retreat meeting at a space in the Castledowns Pavilion. The meeting location is to be confirmed.

16-06-09-02 MOVED: “That the Board set Thursday, July 7th from 5-9pm as the date for the EFCL Board Retreat (location TBC).”

By: S. Ali / C. Dorward CARRIED

5.2 Growth Strategy Work Plan / Preparation of 3-Year Budget A. Bolstad suggested that the timing is appropriate for the EFCL Executive Committee to take on more of a leadership role with the new Executive Director, and become more directly involved with EFCL staff, to chart the goals and direction of EFCL for the next several years. He suggested that the Executive Committee meet in advance of the Retreat to decide on its priorities regarding the direction of the EFCL, especially with regard to the three year budget, prior to the Board Retreat on July 7. G. Martinson noted that as the Executive Committee members also sat on the Board Hiring Committee which provides for good for continuity; he advised he would initiate a meeting.


16-06-09-03 MOVED: “That the EFCL Executive Committee, in concert with the Executive Director, prepare a three-year budget.”

By: L. Smith / J. Watson CARRIED

5.3 Culture Days A. Bolstad advised that the timing of the new Alberta Culture Days, scheduled for Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 2016, has the potential of creating competition and deterring community leagues from holding an event on Community League Day, which is always the third Saturday in the September (September 17th for 2016). The goals of the Province’s Alberta Culture Days program are very much in line with those of Community League Day, and the Province is providing generous grants to organizations putting on family-friendly cultural events. If the dates were the same in future, the two events would tie-in nicely to support each other. For this reason, the recommendation is for the EFCL to ask the Province to consider changing future dates for Alberta Culture Days to coincide with the Community League Day on the third Saturday of September. Some other groups have also expressed concern regarding the late Sept. timing of the Alberta Culture event as there is the potential for weather to be colder for outside events. A. Bolstad confirmed it would require a Ministerial decision for the Alberta Culture Days dates to be changed for future years.

16-06-09-04 MOVED: “That the EFCL ask the Minister of Culture to change the timing of Alberta Culture Days so that it coincides with the Federation’s annual Community League Day.”

By: L. Smith / J. Watson CARRIED

5.4 Community Development Corporation A. Bolstad reviewed the recommendation forwarded to the Board by the EFCL Planning and Development Committee. He noted that there was extensive discussion at a recent City Executive Meeting regarding the formation of a Community Development Corporation. He advised that there has been previous ongoing EFCL discussion, both at the Board level, and by the EFCL Planning Committee, around the many benefits of the creation of a Community Development Corporation in Edmonton. Benefits such as the redevelopment of derelict properties, creating new property invest opportunities to revitalize communities, etc. He advised that CDCs typically have some government funding, but work with private property owners, and local community associations to create development opportunities. There are examples of very transformative results in cities throughout North America. The purpose of the recommendation is to remind the City before the upcoming


June 14th meeting on the subject, that the EFCL wants to be active in helping to establish and direct the Community Development Corporation. It wishes to help to ensure it has a broad mandate that incorporates community residents in any projects it creates.

L. Smith commented that the City of Charlottetown has had a highly successful Community Development Corporation for a long time. It has been key in the preservation of the original architecture of heritage buildings in Charlottetown through several creative means to help the city preserve its heritage and character.

16-06-09-05 MOVED: “That the EFCL communicate to the City its continued support for the creation of the Community Development Corporation and keen interest in helping to direct it.”

By: J. Watson / R. Agostinis CARRIED

Action Item: A. Bolstad to copy C. Shannon on the letter to the City in this regard.

6.0 News from the City of Edmonton

6.1 News from the City of Edmonton C. Shannon reviewed highlights from the City’s detailed written reported included in the agenda package. She reported on the Tamarack Conference recently held in Edmonton. The theme was “Deepening Community”, and the Tamarack Society wanted to come to Edmonton specifically to learn about the City’s Abundant Communities Project. The official launch of the program was well-attended by over 200 people at the Bellevue Community League who hosted the event. The Community “Block Connectors” did much of the speaking explaining how the program works. C. Shannon circulated copies of the new Abundant Community Resource Guide recently published by the City, which will be provided to any community league or other community-based group wishing to start up an Abundant Communities project in their neighbourhood. The City’s role is only to coach, mentor and support leagues and communities with the program, not to initiate or run the program. A. Bolstad commented that about 90 people visited the Ritchie Community League as part of the Tamarack Conference, and that Professor John McKnight, Co-Director of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, and co-author of The Abundant Community, also visited the EFCL Offices. He was impressed by the structure and organization of the Edmonton community league movement, and especially the support and funding it


receives from the City of Edmonton. C. Shannon expressed that the Conference was highly successful and really showcased the role Edmonton’s unique Community League movement plays in our city.

6.0 Exemptions

16-06-09-06 MOVED: “That all agenda Items 8.0 to 12.0 be accepted for information as presented in the agenda package, except Item 9.2 which was exempted for discussion.”

By: J. Watson / C. Dorward CARRIED

8.0 Board Reports – There were none.

9.0 Staff Report

9.1 Bulk Purchasing Report – Accepted as presented.

9.2 Executive Director’s Report A. Bolstad reported that two students were hired to assist with the K-Days and Heritage Days projects, to assist with the EFCL’s displays and booths at these events. Grants were received to hire three students in total, - one with the Provincial STEP (Student Temporary Employment Program) grant, and two with the Federal CSJ ( Summer Jobs) grant. As the latter pays better, it is being used to fund the K-Day and Heritage Days full-time positions. As government monies cannot be combined, the STEP money has been directed to a library project. A student has been hired to set-up a resource library on shelves in one of the rooms in an EFCL office. D. Jakubec added that these grants are matching funds programs for which $8000 of EFCL money was budgeted. The students’ assistance will be utilized over the summer on whatever other projects as necessary/appropriate.

J. Watson inquired about the status of EFCL contractor Leslie Holmes’s work on the EFCL 100 Anniversary Heritage Project. A. Bolstad reported that her contract ends June 22, and that the panels for the display in the park including scripts and photos were nearly completed. She is sending them to the graphic artist to be printed along with the map. There is a meeting next Wednesday to review


the information that is to go on the website component, and which will need to be laid out and formatted, etc.

10.0 Correspondence - Accepted as presented.

10.1 Letter from the City of Edmonton on Londonderry Hall

11.0 Work in Progress - Accepted as presented.

12.0 District Updates/Feedback

District L - S. Ali reported that Canada Day is coming up and Millwoods and The Meadows are holding their annual large-scale July 1st Canada Day Celebration event. Many leagues in District L donated money in various creative ways to the Ft. McMurray cause, including donating directly to Ft. McMurray Food Bank. There are numerous events taking place in the District over the summer including a Family Camp Out subsidized by the community league, where they rent an entire camp ground for a weekend for families. He advised that the community league of Burnwood is possibly being moved to Ward 11 from Ward 12 in order to balance the population by approx. 20,000 potential voters.

District I - L. Smith strongly suggested streamlining the online community league membership purchases so that leagues receive their proceeds by direct deposit vs. by cheque to save both time and money. D. Jakubec inquired if the E.D. also has signing authority. Discussion ensued. A. Bolstad suggested going forward that the Board may want to consider giving the E.D. signing authority especially with regard to meeting and discussing EFCL banking business with the Servus Account Manager for the EFCL’s accounts. L. Smith reported that the renovated Belgravia Hall would soon be having its grand opening.

District A – J. Watson reported that with infill happening in the older north end middle- class districts in District A, that public engagement is becoming increasingly important, especially with all the road construction and school closures. The results of the Grand Trunk dog park pilot project in Calder are key with regard to other dog parks in the city going forward. The Cenotaph project in Calder was escalated and it is finally going ahead fully-funded with the addition of some generous federal funding which was located.

District H – R. Agostinis reported that the Edmonton Youth Talent Show went extremely well with 82 youth competitors in the show and all participants receiving a medal and certificate. A link to all of the photos from the Talent Show will be posted on the EFCL website. He reported that the annual TRAC 10K Run went very well. The SW Edmonton Farmers Market from 4-7:30pm every Wednesday in the Terwillegar Rec Centre parking lot is becoming very popular. The U of A “Sprouts” program is also very popular and promotes healthy eating to kids. The SW Family Fun Day event is happening on Sat. June 25 at Esther Starkman School. The EMSA South West/TRSA: U10 Summer Solstice Tournament is happening June 17-19. Some 6000 people will be


in attendance with over 100 under-10 kids’ soccer teams participating. R. Agostinis suggested that the EFCL and/or community leagues consider running low cost CPR with AED and Standard First Aid courses. Subsidized courses were put on by TRAC recently with great success.

District F - C. Dorward reported that she was still trying to meet with all of the leagues in her District and has met with eight of 15 thus far. The next District meeting is June 28th and she is trying to connect with all leagues with N. Rempel’s assistance before the end of June. She is asking leagues what their three main areas of concerns are, as well as what the positives are in their leagues/communities. The community garden project is nearly finished in Dover Court with nearly all planting beds rented. A. Bolstad suggested C. Dorward connect with the Community Relations person with the as there will undoubtedly be concerns regarding parking, noise, litter etc. for some leagues in District F. C. Shannon offered to connect her with the appropriate City groups and contacts in this regard, including the local CRC. It was suggested she may wish to invite them to attend the upcoming June 28th District meeting. Sept. 10th is the opening of .

District J – G. Martinson reported that he was contacted by someone regarding community leagues who wanted to do something for Ft. McMurray. In the end $25,000 and 9000 items were collected running a social media campaign. He reported that he attended the Restricted Covenants community meeting that was held in Greater Hardisty. The idea being promoted in the meetings is to hire a lawyer to prepare a Restrictive Covenant preventing the subdivision of large lots in communities. Discussion ensued. G. Martinson suggested asking City Council for appropriate messaging regarding the MNO and the issue of densification and infill in communities. A. Bolstad suggested it is important for the EFCL to be prepared to manage the infill/lot splitting issue.

13.0 Private Matters

13.1 Financial Settlement with Londonderry Community League

16-06-09-07 MOVED: “That the EFCL ask Londonderry Community League to pay its outstanding membership fees as soon as possible and to entre into a payment schedule with the EFCL for losses the federation incurred when operating Londonderry hall between May 6, 2015 – August 31, 2016

By: R. Agostinis / S. Ali CARRIED

13.2 Executive Director Transition Schedule 13.3 General Discussion with New Executive Director

14.0 Next Meeting / Announcements

14.1 Thursday, July 14, 2016. Dinner at 5pm/Meeting at 6pm, EFCL Offices.


15.0 Adjournment - R. Agostinis moved for adjournment at approximately 8:10pm. J. Watson seconded.