(Iowa City, Iowa), 1950-07-01
I 1 ~ to Univer~~ty of Iowa. .I'3RARY , . Ditty Helps Denver WI" , ..I Jack Dittmer. former Iowa second kae W.at~.~ mcm. helped Denver to a 21·4 Will over Part.ly e10udy ~IUt scat· Wichita Friday mQht with a double tere. Mowen ....y. which elrove lD two runs. He collected HI,Il .Way, It: 1_. 55. one hit in two official trip. to the plate. RJ,II frl'a" 1.j low, M. Dittmer al80 participated in a double " . play and haudled el~ht chance. With· e al oman out , error. The qame Frlday was Dltt· mer'. fII'IIt.tartlnq aulqrunenl. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five CenlJl Iowa Ci'.y, Iowa, Saturday, July I, 1950 - Vol. 84, N?: 228, !-----------------------------~----------~'~------------------------------------~~--------------------------------------------'----------~~--~~~~ -~- NORTH KOREA 5"0 01 Jupon (Interpretin .tory on UN of .5. lJround force. in Korea on WASHINGTON (IP) '- In a ,"~e paqe 2.) display of unanimity the .-serjate o o Friday approved, 68-0, a U,2~,- l SOMEWIIEHE IN KCffiEA. (Saturday) ( UP) - Americall 500.000 program to arm natlopS lR~ f'ARALLH resisting communism, incllidinl infantrymen, weighed down by battle packs and carrying full South Korea. : rf- ------- ' war eq-uipment, were air·lifted to Korea today-and went into .. Rcpuplican,s who bave heatec,Uy' action. assailed admlnlsti-lltion Jlltittl6di The battalion of infantrymen; took up defensive positions im defending thc - ,f~ w ()i La against aggre:;slon 8\1d~I, ' cl~'" mediately along a line about 25 miles north of Teajon, the tem- ed' ranks behind , tJu,! bi).i. , lmp~ij~ porary capital of the South * * * by the Korcan crl&ls.
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