
By: Arisa Hino What is ?

Taoism is...

Taoism is the consolidation of a number of concepts and practices that make up the "Path", or "Way", of living. Practical or Ritual

● Held on every month 1st and 15th. ● Every family shall wake up early morning and pray to god by using incense stick and candle. ● Uses fruits as their oblation. ● Practices take 1 to 2 hours ● Rituals will happen on some important days like Chinese New Year. ● toss two coins & if they both landed the same way (tail and head) , then it’s not good. ● shake the tube fill with lots of bamboo sticks Experiential or Emotional

● People find a personal set of practices through experiences or activities they have been a part of in their life ● These specific rituals benefit that person’s state of mind, body, and spirit ● These practices are also different for each person in Taoism and reflect their own beliefs ● Emotionally, Taoism allows people to learn to accept life and embrace it in a way that benefits your state of being. ● Follow your instincts and trust yourself Doctrinal or Philosophical Dimension

● The : translates into “The Way” and represents the origin of all creations ● is the act of living in that path, or Tao ● The goal of Taoism is to pursue immortality ● : translates into “without action” and is a concept that views an invisible power in all things ● is the state of seeing things without judging ● The is an old series of poems describing the Tao and basic guidelines on of living life Ethical or Legal Dimension

● Live to your heart. ● Be true to yourself. ● Help those who benefit your path. ● Interact with people and your surroundings in a positive manner. ● Do not mind those who do not accept you. ● You do not own anything, everything is temporarily part of your path ● God is what you make it to be ● Everyone can teach you something new Narrative or Mythic Dimension

● Lao Tzu’s life the meetings he had with Confucius were a huge part in the creation of Taoism. ● Myth says that Lao Tzu was conceived by a shooting star and his name literally translates into “Old Master” ● It is also said he was 82 years old when he was born and he was chosen to be the Keeper of the Imperial Archives, which is where he expanded his knowledge and later on met Confucius. Social and Institutional Dimension

● Socially, the Taoist community is very cooperative and they are greatly interested in individual progress related to soul seeking. ● All people in Taoism the same goal of pursuing the Tao and living a life of peace. Material Dimension

● Ying and Yang: symbol that represents the positive and negative components of the universe ● Music: form of communication ● Taoist Temple: a sacred place to with others on their own path Bibliography

● http://personaltao.com/teachings/taoism/taoism-101/ ● http://english.eastday.com/e/zx/userobject1ai4040949.html ● http://ncjhs.wikispaces.com/2) +Material+and+Artistic+Dimensions+AND+Emotional+and+Experiential+Di mensions ● https://www.antiessays.com/free-essays/Mythical-Social-Dimensions- Taoism=13729.html ● http://ncjhs.wikispaces.com/4) +Social+and+Organizational+and+Institutional+Dimensions