1 Canoeing `Doing It' Excellence Thousands visit NBC Platoon 11404S-24 perform Air Station for show their stuff their magic for race results during IG overall unit pride See Page B-1 See Page A-4 See Page A-11 HAWAII MARINE Voluntary payment for delivery to MCAS housing/$1 per four-week period.

VOL. 13 NO. 26 KANEOHE HAY. HAWAII, JUNE 27, 1984 TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Super Squad welcomed ho (CODE RDS-5) by Sgt. Christopher Wood Like Olympic medalists honored at a hometown parade, the 1984 Super Squad received a rousing welcome home Thursday, during a 3d Marines formation at Platt Field. But unlike Olympians, leathernecks from 3d Squad, rat Platoon, Company I, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines won more than mere games of physical sport - they won games of war. "Every Marine in the Corps could have been on this Super Squad, could have trained with us, and would be wearing that gold medal right now," said squad leader SSgt. Dennis Benson, commenting on his squad's "combat" victory at the 1984 Rifle Squad Competition at Quantico, Va. Nine squads participated in the competition, which included the following six events: marksman- ship and weapons employment, preparation and conduct of an ambush patrol, squad in the attack, squad combat in urban terrain, squad in the defense, and SUPER SQUAD - 1984's Marine Corps Super Field, Thursday. Thirteen members of the an evaluation of land navigation Squad poses with pride, leis, and, for some, squad were promoted, while HM3 Bruno abilities. Each squad's perfor- heavier chevrons after their return from the Baldini, squad corpsman, was awarded a Navy mance was graded by instructors Rifle Squad Competition at Quantico, Va. Achievement Medal. Alternates were also from the Basic School. Combined welcome home/promotion and recognized. (Photo by Sgt. Christopher Wood) In recognizing the Super award ceretuoitles were conducted at Platt Squad's accomplishments, Coldnel R.11: Esau, commending , 3d Marines, presented meritorious promotions to all 13 of the participating leathernecks, in ceremonies attended by BGen. O.K. Steele, Commanding General, 1st Marine Brigade, and of Hawaiis senior EDITOR'S NOTE: citizens.b some Beginning the July 5 issue, "SSgt. Benson and his fire team the Hawaii Marine will leaders created a unique and highly professional, cohesive change issue dates to unit," Esau commented. "The day Thursday vice Wednesday, they left for Quantico, we knew EVER READY - An unidentified fire team leader listens that the Corps was about to attentively for orders from his squad leaders. Although nine witness something very special. squads participated in the Corps' annual rifle squad competi- We were not disappointed. And tion, only one- 3rd Squad, 1st Platoon, Company I, 3d Battalion, today, we welcome home and 3d Marines - earned the title "Super Squad." (Photo by Sgt. recognize the finest squad in the Craig L. Biggio) Marine Corps today." Cont. on Page A-4 Philly reserve dentists support 'cutting edge'

Story and photo of the 14th Dental Co. They have by Cpl. Pat Lewandowski worked at Twentynine Palms. Calif., and the Mountain Warfare' Reserve dentists and dental Training . Center at Bridgeport. technicians left the City of Calif. Their dental skills have Brotherly Love June 2, coming been used in the Middle East as here to drill 'em and fill 'em for two well as Norway and Northern weeks as part of their annual, Europe. training evolution. "We do dental work anywhere that we're needed," said Dattilo, The 14th Dental Co., 4th Force who practices dentistry in Service Support Group, Philadel- Willingboro, N..1. "We have been phia, Pa., sent five dentists and at Twentynine Palms during three technicians along with two arms exercises and technicians combined from the 4th Dental constantly support units all over Co., Dallas, Texas, to train aboard the the globe. This is a very satisfying Air Station, supplenienling job," Added. the understaffed Naito 21st Dental CO. two weeks in The The dentists spent primary mission of the outside of medical clinic. reserve tents the deytists was to examine drilling and filling Marines' teeth. and perform routine dental work They performed all dental on Marines about to deploy to the Western functions except major oral Pacific. Shipboard surgery. The reservists seemed to dentists are only available for their short stay in paradise. emergency dental enjoy work and all "This is good dtity for us. We 'Marines are required to have a need the experience get ready class one dental clearance, to to for our mission dental work in leave Hawaii. - the field under combat condi- "We're here to help the 21st tions." said 11.Cmdr. Milton Dental people take care of the Robinson,14th Dental Co. "Wear!) predeployment examinations that a valuable asset to the active duty the Marines require," skid Capt. side of the house in time of peace Bruno Dattilo, commanding nod crisis. We travel the world to officer, 14th Dental Co. "We get support units needing dental care. our two weeks of training as well to work on It's been a real pleasure here June 2. The annual as the opportunity to help an r-rifirstrleatherneek A," Robinson DENTAL PRECISION - Lt. Cmdr. Ken dental company work side by side with Patter (left), and Dental Technician 2nd two-week training program allows active duty continued. shortages of dental personnel." The dentists returned to Class Keith Rail, 14th Dental Co., drill a reserve units to *Alleviate Moving around the world to Philadelphia Saturday, after cavity in PEC Robert Rowan's mouth. active duty personnel, thereby increasing perform dental work is nothing giving the Marines of the 1st Rowan and other deploying Marines dental care capabilities. new to the technicians and doctors Marine Brigade a biting edge. benefitted from the arrival of the reserve

Published by BPI) Publications, Inc., a private firm in no way connectedwith the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. Opinions expressed by publishers and writers herein are their own and not to he considered an official expression of the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. The appearance of advertisements in this publication including inserts, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps of the firms, products or services advtrtised. Va. law.M. MO' VW..., ..11.14.4,11.11,1.1,

Page A-2, Janie 27, 1984

months, confinement at hard years, and a bad conduct barracks room, unlawfully pay per month for three labor for two months, and to be discharge from the Marine Corps. 35mm camera, NM receiving a stolen months, reduction to private, discharged from the Marine Corps with lens and case, of a value in Courts-Martial LCpI. Michael confinement at hard labor for with a bad conduct discharge. J. Hurst, 2nd Battalion, 3d Marines, was excess of $100, the property of three months and a bad conduct . another Marine. discharge from the Marine Corps.. Report LCpI. Stephen A. convicted at trial by special court- Wadrick, He was sentenced to forfeiture of Brigade Service Support Group, martial of the unlawful eat of a was convicted at trial by general court-martial of unauthorized absences from Feb. 24-March 13 CENTER INC. EDITOR'S NOTE: The in- from March and from March' 19-April 11, 1984; FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 5-12, Apri114-15, April and of the following wrongful formation contained in Courts. 21-May 17, and May 20-June 4, distributions of marijuana: 8.31 Martial Report is submitted by the 1984; and disrespect toward a KANEOHE 235-6677 grams on Dec. 9, 1983, 29.43 grams Joint Legal Service Center and is superior noncommissioned on Dec. 12, 1983, published a officer. and 27.25 grams as source of informa- on Dec. 28, 1983. tion for all Marines. He was sentenced to forfeiture of $100 pay per month for two He was sentenced to total Pvt. Joseph A. Jacques, months, confinement at hard forfeiture of all pay and Marine Aircraft Group-24, was labor for 45 days, and a bad allowances, reduction to private, convicted at trial by special court- conduct discharge from the confinement at hard labor for five martial of unauthorized absence Marine Corps. from Feb. 12 to May 7, 1984. He was sentenced to forfeiture of Pvt. Monty L. Stinson, 1st $350 pay per month for two Marine Brigade, was convicted at EXECUTIVE months. confinement at hard by special court-martial trial of Or. Lawrence J. Connors. M.A.. U.C. Or. Michael I.. Clam. D.C. labor for two months, and to be making a false statement under CLUB discharged from the Marine Corps oath, making a counterfeit ACCIDENTUNION & MEDICAL INSURANCE with a had conduct discharge. WORKERS COMPENSATIONAUTO discharge certificate on two KOREAN RESTAURANT MEOICARAPPLIEO KINESIOLOSNUTRITIONAL ANALTSIPIITSIOTHERAPY occasions, and giving to another 11 a.m.-2 a.m. DAILY M. Slick, Pvt. Marshall Marine a counterfeit discharge NATURAL APPROACH TO HEALTH Communications Support Co. was certificate. CHIROPRACTIC...A convicted at trial by special court- Plate Lunches He was sentenced to forfeiture of H EADACHES SHOULDER-ARM PAIN BURSITIS WHIP LASH martial of unauthbrized absences $390 pay per month for two Fast Take Out ; Full Bar Service N UMBNESS IN HANDS & FEET BACKACHE PINCHED NERVES MUSCLE SPASMS NERVOUSNESS & TENSION Pearlridge Center MON.-F111. 8:00 AM -6:30 PM SAT. 8:00 AM Phase Ill OPEN BRAYS A WEEK -1:30 PM (Next to the Theatres) Located In Honolulu Federal Savings & Loan Bldg. - 2nd Floor CATHY, MANAGE 451144 KAM HWY.. SUITE 200-200A MINA, OWNER PH: 487-9922 SALON Welcomes: NANCY HIGA stylist Black Hair Specialist --PEARLRIDGE Nancy has relocated to 629-A Kailua Rd. (same GRAND OPENING parking lot), in the building near FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK. All previous clientele and referrals are invited STYLISH COLLECTIBLES NOW Al' SPECIAL PRICES to consult with Nancy. Your record of hair needs have been meticulously kept. Hawaii's newest, most contemporary furniture gallery is finally here, and we are celebrating the grand opening with Special introductory prices. This HOURS: locally owned-and-oper- ated store is part of a 40-store network nationwide- Monday 10 AM-6 PM TEL: 261-8835 this gives us tremendous buying power in bringing Tues. -Fri. 12 Noon-9 PM 629-A Kallua Rd. values and furniture selections unavailable in Hawaii. Once you dis- cover the beautyand craftsmanship of our Danish teak fur- niture, you will discover the look of truly elegant yet affor-, dable lifestyles. Join us today for an exciting lifestyle discovery at the new Scandinavian Gallery, NOW... A DENTAL PLAN A.

FOR YOU A. CROYDON CAMEL AND This sofa Is an eattplimmt buy with its rotton.blend camel uPtlallterY Plus a deePMat spring design for wet/balanced VOIACHOICE YOUR FAMILY .0wiTkan seati ngcomfort:1h sprl ngdesign is like that found In your assured of this OPENING SPECIAL , car so you re solo', durability/comfort. \ nut Seen pillows inriud cal. Beelellverd B. PIMA NATURAL Is the Urn the oldest. Clasen clean lines. no.foss NW back and pretty accent pil- end the largest provider if an lows are par for this contemporary sofa but equally impnr- $599.95 Individual denial pier, in Hawaii. lant features are hidden including a deepseat spring foun- OenleCuard, a non-profit Newell dation for webbalanred seating comfort. Sofa is 68'," inside arms, Corporeal), and a group of concerned denlIals, now olfla this plan for $0.00 per month to those Individuals who do not quallly for dental coverage from their em- ployers. DenlaGuard ling over 20,000 people currently EMU ARMCHAIR. enrolled in their This original Italian Emu is programs. their not only looks great. perfect for Hawaii's tropical outdoors. Laminated steel frame Is rustproof, ti it N weight and it Marks for easy .storage. Perfect sitting height at 171/2". s. year guarantee. FREE OFFICE VISITS SPECPIECEIAL PRICE $17.95 FREE EXAMINATIONS EA. U. STEREO BENC11 & TOP. FREE TEETH CLEANING Self,contalned stereo unit has a 24" adjustable shelf, 3 FREE X-RAYS adjustable record dividers and a finished back so you can FREE FLUORIDE place the unit away from the TREATMENTS Is crafted of fine leek and teak veneer for sturdy ALL OTHER DENTAL TREATMENTS AT construction. 25% TO 50% REDUCTIONS IN FEES SPECIAL PRICE $189.95

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mon re rtisornIBE .98-107 KAM HWY, AlEA 487-1568 1OAM - 9PM MONDAY- FRIDAY, 10AM- SPAII SATURDAY, 10AM - 4PM SUNDAY The Italian Marini a an unofficial newspaper published every Wednesday by RFD Publications, the interest ofU.S. Marine Corps personnel in Helvetii., Inc., 46-016 Al aloa St., Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744,in All'news copy is prepared M the Joint Bay, Hawaii 66863; WV-2179. Public Affairs Office, Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Copy must be submitted no later than noon Thursday for the HAWAII following Wednesday publication. Hawaii Marine solicitstiontributions of information and photographs from all Marine Corps organizations. However, it reserves-thelight to edit or rewrite material submitted. All advertising is arranged by the publisher, RED Publications, Inc., telephone 285.6881. Circulation is Everything advertised spo. MARINE in this publication must be triedtiiivirilible furPlebliase, use or patronage age or sex of the purchaser, moor patron. A confirmed without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, violation or ilijrktion of this policy of equal *eel to print advertising front that source. opportunities by an advertiser will result in the June 27, 1984, Page A-3 At-a-glance Dining areas holiday hours: their chil- Center will continue Branch Main Marriage schedule Clinic will be Rooriev.elt University Heart program the evaluation of the to close store - 10 a.m.-5:30 dren for appoint- service for an addi- offering a "Fresh- is now in progress for profile. Each partici- tional p.m.; Seven Day store workshop ments as soon as' 150 days. The start" program to the Summer II Term Heartbeat a pant will be given a shuttle - During a three - 8a.m.-9p.m.: Deli- available possible at the Immu- runs every 10 smokers who are which begins July 2. program to determine copy of test results 10 of the minutes and period starting a.m.-5:30 p.m.; A Marriage Prepa- nization section can be willing to attend a Roosevelt University, coronary risk will and will be urged Gi month Bowling used by four-day July 6, the dining CenterSnack ration Workshop will Kaneohe Branch military course to kick in cooperation with be held July 1.2, 8 to share it with his Bar servicemembers and the habit. The pro- facilities will close on - 10 a.m.-10:30 be conducted at the Clinic. Control Data Corpor- 11 a.m., at the personal physician. dependents to gream, dates., P.m.; Car Rental -8 Bellows Beach Club To schedule an make free to active ation, offers a bache- kaneohe Health Edu- These tests would alternating a.m.-6 take connections with the duty. dependents, and sifter the noon meal on p.m.; Golf Pro from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 appointment, lor of general studies cation Center, 46-005 normally cost about Shop a.m.-5 p.m.; their city bus to Kailua, retired, begins July 1(1 Vriday. Pleas Hall will -7 P.m. July 31 and Aug. your children, degree or certificates K awe Street, 3rd floor, $75, according to a health Kaneohe, Honolulu, from 6:31) to 8:30 pia De closed July 7-8,14-15, Golf Course Snack 1. Servicemembers shot cards and in the computer Kaneohe. hospital spokesman. Bar the Immu- etc. The shuttle leaves at the training room sciences. Day, eve tests are being Aug. 4-5, 11-12, Sept. 1- - 6 a.m.-6:30 and their fiance/ charts to The program, con- The any the Air Station on opposite the pharma- ning, and 8-9. Anderson P.m.; Wiki Wiki Snack fiancee's are nization section Saturday ducted by personnel offered through j and en- Saturdays, Sundays, cy ,in the clinic. class options are will be closed Bar -6 am.-ICI p.m.; couraged to attend in Monday, Tuesday. from Castle Medical Castle Medical Center Ball and holidays starting Classes also will he available at Kaneohe Baskin-Robbins 10 addition Wednesday or Friday Center, consists of for $19. The hospital July 21-22, 28-29, Aug. - to those at 9 a.m. held on and cen- a.m.-9 p.m., and Self recently 8-11 a.m. through 5 July 12,17 and Honolulu five blood tests from a wants to cut health i8-19, 25-26, Sept. 15- married. morning, p.m. Pickup 19. Smokers Service 10 a.m.-9 Topics can also take and are ters.* single sample. Partici- costs to the commun- 16, 22-23, and 29-30. - to be pre- You dropoff points include encouraged to sign p.m. sented at them in any Monday. up Student counseling pants also complete ity, said the spokes- The closing of one the work- the Exchange, Moka- today. For shop include Tuesday or Friday more is available at the an extensive lifestyle man. facility for a two week Power outage Couples pu Elementary School, information, contact in Communication, afternoon from 1-3 Joint Education questionnaire and a Appointments for period is due to the on Enlisted Club, Kane the Adult Clinic at re- not July 6 Health and Sexuality, p.m. Center, Monday and blood pressure check. Heartbeat are facility's feeding ohe Bay Drive bus 257-2131. and may be There will be a Fair Fighting and Each child will be Wednesday 8 a.m.-4 The testing phase quired Many troops on stop, and Aikahi by calling power outage July 6 to Conflict Resolution. given a tuberculosis Roosevelt p.m. and Friday from takes about 40 min- obtained weekends, the desire Park. 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. For 261-0841, ext. 287. A allow a contractor to Anyone wishing to test and an eye utes. to conserve energy, (TB) registration more information call fast is re- make an electrical tie- attend should contact examination. After A few days later, 12-hour rind give dining Quit smoking Registration for 254-2687. individuals quired prior to testing. facility personnel in for security im- their commanding the TB test is read two return for provements. Back up clinic Some time off. Friday officer for a quota and days later by nurse power will be provided an People are exposed dinner will be served issuance of no-cost Pat McKinley, only to a boiler to_ a serious cause of at the scheduled plant, TAD orders in ac- appointment will be Building 1091. final heart disease, cancer, ask about our open dining facility cordance with BdeO scheduled for the The following facili- respiratory disease, finm 4-6 p.m., Satur- 1752.1. Registration portion of the physi- ties will be and other illnesses by day and Sunday without deadline is July 27. cal. For information, power from 8 a.m. to a vice millionsindulge $39 brunch from 8-11 a.m., contact Pat McKinley 3:45 p.m.: in daily. According to and Saturday at 257-3321. and Buildings 454, the Surgeon General, FAMILY Sunday dinner from 3- School 1027-1034, 1045-1053, Shuttle service it is "dangerous to 5 p.m. physicals 1066-1069, 1075-1079, to continue your health." The vice EYE Activities 1086, 1088, 1091-1092, available The shuttle van - smoking. The Navy close for 1097-1099, 1193 (Ma- It's that time of year service to and from Regional Medical k a pu Elementary again when school Aikahi Shopping , Center, Kaneohe EXAMINATION July 4th School), 1265, 1280- children must have a The Commissary 1282, 1634-1635 and physical to attend and all Exchange 1641. school under Hawaii PLAN! activities will be For information, state law. closed July 4 except contact the utilities Parents should try for the following general foreman, Mr. to avoid the July/ GOES HAW- AIIAN! ivhich will be open' Fujita at 257-2171. August rush and SOFT CONTACT LENSES From The Nair A Skin Caro for 12 years! Professionals PRESCRIPTION NOW GLASSES From $49 Available In most Drug, Grocery & Sundries Al Contact Lens Fees include Lenses, Care Kit, Departments, Including All Follow-uo Care and 90 DAY TRIAL PERIOD. Military Exchanges! .. ASK FOR IT BY NAME! COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL VISION SERVICES the Giving Tree Hair & Skin Conditioners. DEDICATED TO SERVICE Aloe Vera, Joloba & Blue QUALITY AND IN VISION CARE Shampoos KAILUA oo By Dr. Charles Dean 101 9 OFF All 139 Heidi St (WITH THIS COUPON) Optometrist 261-9735 Any Record or Tape at regular price 110116.110. 11010t-41, hk.11,00e, Wye -114-4, I (EXPIRES JULY 11, 19841 WINDWARD MALL 247-8775 wX pair . Upstairs near JCPeliney's COO ,J II 40'ftee BEEF CENTER MEATS PEARLRIDGE MALL - 487-7250 vmuAllOPMPIII Wet cms. COUPON ttiNG,:cj:cs 10 GAS tc'gvio' VErC:4 er 8 vogg JUST SAY CNA RGE Ill 83?2Pi! 4 NO MONET MX NO PAYMENTS FOR 45 SAYS O.A.C. 020 or FINANCE CHAISE 1?1:1*KAR CEILING FAN O OMENS SAME AS CASH. NO INTEREST "LIQUIDATION" 0\IP Due to our warehouse being severely over- per month 0 stocked. and large containers In transit, we for 6 payments are offering thousands of fans at practically ... USDA CHOICE BONUS PACK Stooks Sirloin Tip Stooks Sirloin 20 LBS GRADE A FRYERS Stooks PLATE BEEF - Porterhouse 30 LBS VEGETABLES wll T-Sono Stooks SOUP CUTS - WHOLESALE COST! 10 LBS SLICED BACON Club Stooks 8ar-13-C1Ribs -- 10 LBS PICNIC HAM Rib Stooks Gamnd Beef & more - 10 LBS PORK CHOPS - Filets - MN,* pkon Si 096 *gook SMOG ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE Strip Steaks 0u...so Avg, bet...1.60 sso le BOLOS BONUS WITH USDA 51, Rib Eye Steaks '4. CHOIct SPECIAL = .... __--. <-_-_---- ,...._, I.

Professional GET THIS GET THIS USDA CHOICE SPECIAL No T. .-4 4) Fan Installation al *isnot pilots 60 LB. 25 LB. . , i * r1 BONUS 175,,s2475 BONUS A USDA GRADE A USDA GRADE 101hs ChOtert 10 U.H. Chtak ..n Lbs Bacon 5 Lb, Sausage 5 .. Vegetables ei t* 70 lbs vegetables 5 lb., Chop, 10 Lbs Picnoc Horn 3 Lbs. Pork d)O No Cho., Nonot No No Ow., 5 DAYS ONLY B SALE Eggs . Sorb, No rtF Sper.s1 No 1 SUN., 7/115 p.m.. These are just some examples: Variable speed I i 36" Full warranty. $2995 Super price! 10 Ib. SMOKED HAM TO NOTICE! Oat ANYONE OPENING A 6-MONTH Watch your beef cut 8 wrapped while If 2) Reversible fan SAME AS CASH ACCOUNT IN you wait First paymenl 45 days from 4w, noon Full warranty. $5495 0 MANCE WITH PURCHASE dale or purchase. Charge it! No money Priced to go! down 6 months same as cash with ISO It, or more. 3) 59H FNMA MUM r- ideal for 7' 6" $8 8 95 USDA CHOICE I ceilings! WORKING MAN'S SPECIAL U.S.O.A1 CHOICE PRIMAL CUTS Beef Loin Wee 41 52" IrealeciscSoalFian. $ 1 4895 cateCa $939 Sc29 A real beauty! COOK-OUT IN .61, (0. .O0.1 ,..114,,,.1 "Wigwam $1 SAA01.5,CDP01,10 SPECIAL OROUPM 89 emr..0.1,40000.0.(0 es. ratrytiritedier $ en PM ow oussnuts.o.o...os 52,, 1 141.05.00L4 A Cash AMAMI WM. NO WS. MOW SOUP CUTS Carry now 7895 5 Blade Rimer NAME BRAND =get FREEZERS. GAS 61 %Pi. #511111 Electronic $22995 OR S ELECT. ORR I 25 year warranty. II SMOKERS AT By far our beat fan! WHOLESALE BEEF CENTER PRICES - NOTICE - WITH PURCHASE 3131 N NIMITZ HWY. AIRPORT SIDE OPIN 01111T MON 10 AM -b PM SAT A, SUN If AM h ALL LIGHT KITS ARE 20% OFF THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM. Ill PN PACIFIC SURPLUS & DISTRIBUTORS 833-0020 ,,,, w, I 1 tO 10 7 1 11 , ,, il OA fln Nt Xl , ti , , 1, ali ,, ', ,Ii, Itt..viook *ft.***.abIW* WIIONAK****qteWeillbAlibkh_ 101110pft N 262-8131 Page A-4, June 27, 1984

themselves is really moti- really nitpicky with them, and if - the vating. I can really get into it. We they didn't do well with over got to be like brothers." checklist, then we got all One of the "Brothers" is Sgt. them. Super . . . enjoyed working with Squad "I really William T. Habacivch, the squad's training instructor, who, along Marines who really care about he with lstl.t. Ron Walrath, officer in what their profession is," charge, and SSgt. Richard added. Habacivch's Cont. from Page A-1 Navy Achievement Medal for his Charette, staff noncommissioned Although this was accomplishments, made all the officer in charge, grilled the first year us a competition squad He was a Besides the 13 Marines who more remarkable due to the fact devildogs through months of trainer, he is no novice. were promoted, alternate squad that he participated in the intensive combat training to gold medal winner on last year's members were also praised, as fractured knee.' prepare them for Quantico. Super Squad and decided to instill competition with a in was HM3 Bruno Baldini, squad "I couldn't let them down just "We got our own checklist some of his Quantico experience corpsman. Although the Navy two weeks before competition," together for each different type of this year's competitors. of confidence man couldn't receive a meritorious Baldini reasoned. "Dealing with event," said Habacivch, a native "I had a great deal this year," he promotion, he was awarded a these people Marines of Mechanicsburg, Pa. "We were in the squad - remarked. "I always had a slightly biased opinion about the squad I was on in 1983 because I thought that we were really top dog. We were unstoppable. But there were many times when I would look at this squad and see that these guys did certain things even better than we did. I knew these guys were good." Habacivch wasn't the only one to recognize the squad's talent. According to Charette, the squad saw it too. "About a month or so before the competition, 'they started getting cocky," Charette said. "They thought that they DETERMINATION - This competition squad leatherneck - were too good and that they could couldn't know who would eventually win the title "Super do no wrong. When they got that Squad," but he might have had a good idea. Kaneohe squads have attitude, they started to make a lot triumphed in the golden quest in five of the last seven years. of mistakes. All of the pats on the (Photo by Sgt. Craig Biggio) back that they were getting back here just started going to their heads. Esau said, special recognition for it, and the night of the awards "But they got themselves on the must go to the men of the rifle presentation in Washington, D.C., right track near the end," he range. "The fact that the rifle you could just feel that we had - continued. "We had to bust their squad scored 97 percent hits on the won. bubble. We came right out and told night portion of the marksman- "When we went to Quantico," them, 'Hey, you're good, but you're ship competition gives some Benson continued, "we competed not ready for Quantico,' even indication of how good their for 3d Battalion, 3d Marines. But, though we knew they could do it. marksmanship training was," he more than that, we competed for We just had to-chop them down a remarked. all of Hawaii. When members of few notches." Squad leader Benson recog- other squads looked at us, they Contributing to the squad's nized another contributor. "The were afraid because we were from victory was what Esau described only reason we won is because it Hawaii, Every squad down there as a "Brigade/Station effort," was God's will," Benson said. looked at us as the squad to win. FUZZY WUZZY - A Marine decked out in tion, conducted at Quantico, Va. (Photo by Sgt. with assistance coming from both "And I'm not just saying that idly. Hawaii has the best Marines, and tropical splendor displays a calm confidence in Craig Biggio) sides of the Kaneohe house. But, I sincerely mean it. We all prayed we represented Hawaii." the Marine Corps' 1984 Rifle Squad Competi-

HOSING IT DOWN - Marines from the Marine The NBC defense platoon earned an outstand- the an outstanding grade in NB Air Control Sqdn.-2 Nuclear, DECON STATION -A member of Marine themselves Biological and ing grade during the recent Inspector General's Control Sqdn.-2 Nuclear, Biological and defense from the Inspector General, giving tit Chemical defense platoon use a decontaminate Air inspection for their proficiency in NBC defense is carefully squadron the best trained NBC defense team i spray on a vehicle during a training exercise. Chemical platoon defense. (Photo by IstI.t. Kevin Adams) undressed after cleaning up a "contaminated" the 1st Marine Brigade. (Photo by I BOA. Kevi vehicle. The equipment decontamination and Adams) MACS-2 'do it' for IG personnel decontamination Marines earned by Cpl. Pat Lewandowski Gulf area, where Iraq has used training. Ali the extra training chemical weapons against Iran. has to be scheduled between Strong unit interest paved the flight We bad to show our Marines that hours and way to an outstanding grade for maintenance stand- people will use theile weapons in downs. Marine Air Control Sqdn..2 combat. After briefing the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical squadron on our own NBC "Without the commanding defense platoon by the Inspector officer's readiness they were more than understanding of the who recently toured the General glad to participate," Dolph added. importance of NBC training, we Air Station. would never have come this far," After receiving a below average The program included classes in said Adams. "By squaring-away score during a Functional Area the gas chamber, making the one area at a time, and making the Inspection held in September 'M. training more effective and squadron aware of NBC the squadron developed a solid pertinent to the squadron. importance, we turned a failing NBC defense training program in "When we started in September, training program into an example addition to generating enthu- we had 50 percent of our NBC for the rest of the Brigade." siasm for expanded NM.; training. platoon school-trained. Now we "By getting the outstanding months to turn the have 90 percent," said Adams. It took nine "I grade, we made the squadron FA I report around to an asked the commanding officer to even more aware of the importance of outstanding grade. add - credit to our Marines' NBC training. The dedication was the negative trends were composite score for NBC training. "After obvious when we were about to get with the commanding "He agreed and we ended up with discussed inspected. The inspectors do not officer, he gave US the opportunity more volunteers than we needed. routinely look at for turn around," teams in to 'go it' and it operation and the platoon knew said Istl.t. Kevin Adams, MACS -2 Now the team members are taking that, but set up anyway. The NBC, officer. "We had his blessing a personal interest in NBC training. The trained Marines are inspectors saw the enthusiasm by to do whatever Was necessary to the members and watched rebuild our NBC defense training indispensable to the NBC readiness of the squadron. attentively as they went through program. the decontaminalon procedures. "'Me rebuilding process wasn't "Our training paid off during the Kernel Blitz exercise," Adams They wanted to do it -- that's what easy," Adams continued. "We did counts," Adams said. an in depth inventory revealing continued. "Even though the the fact that most of the NBC gear CREE didn't apply to the According io MSgt. Edward was out of date or unservi(vable. squadron, we were credited with a Sweeney, Brigade NBC defense Some protective suits were professional operation under the NCOIC, "MACS-2 has the best manufactured in 1954, with an worst of circumstances - NBC NBC platoon in the Brigade. They eight year .shelf-life. spent attack. We designed a communi- worked hard to earn that grade of more than 0,000 before the cation Osten that allowed us to outstanding and are an example equipme* W up to Marine pass the information to our of what an NBC trainingPrograni forward radar sites, I think we Corgis '4;41 should he. The only way "to Ply aquadron surprised pieopie with our dedvelop a good NBC program is AW*141 effectiveness at Barking Remit I to have .the total support of the ;neat, we EQUIPMENT outatott4itig grade.for NBC defense der, tren further knew then that U. hafting was commanding officer and the Marine Ale 'Cell recent weird paying off," alibied Mama. 'Inapettor (letterer, inspection Dolph. con. *arid. Without strong cal-and Chemical del p -2 arse NFK; n Due to nar4tirtree operational NBC the only unit in he let Maria Pr in eon, .nafrd emphasis, 'dearbefore a traittingeseralre. pade to reactive an nutitamdins lit N of commitments, MACS-2 rarely has trail ,ng will not take hold as an operation of the equipment deeentatainati flume. (Photo by latl.t. Kevhl Adam)il the time to spend on additional i ;. 'eel part of routine training." teal decontamination section* June 27, 1984, Page A-5

He who plants thorns must never expect to ARABIAN PROVERS gather roses. BRODIE PLAY IT SAFE! 1--1411+,ik SEE US FOR CAFE & ddicAliss[N A FREE

June is the month for . BRAKE PARTY TRAYS!! INSPECTION

. . graduations, weddings, birthdays, visitors . . . Come in and pick up our party tray menu and let DON'T WAIT! Harry's put more Jun in your party! P.S. Jane marks our second anniversary. SAVE 7: 30% We thank our many customers for making Harry's a success!! ON TIRES - Aikahi Compare our tire Shop. Cntr. selection, prices and Open 10:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Daily backup services. Read Closed Mondays Next to Firestone our notes at the base of this advertisement.. Lex Ilrodie's offers the best READING AND LAUGHING - GySgt. Howard children of the Sun Rin orphanage. VALUE! (The following ,Fielden (L) and SSgt. Chuck Black pose with tirp prkes are firm until FACTORY OUTLET, INVENTORY REDUCTION Sat. lone 30,.1984 -) GOOD! Marine wife remembers AURORA FIRST QUALITY` APPROX. 30,000 MILES' BLACK STEEL RADIALS orphans, love in Korea SALE! NO FULL TIRE SERVICE SERVICE SIZE PRICE PRICE Story and photo CUSHION COVERS - by GySgt. Jim Kaufmann The price was so good that the original $165 155.12 22.75 32.75 bought more than $950 worth of reading FOR RATTAN FURNITURE 155-13 2500 35.00 POHANG, Korea 165-13 28.75 38.75 - When a tragic helicopter material because of the generosity of the book 185-14 36.75 46.75 crash took place in March near here during store owner. 16515 29.75 39.75 Team Spirit '84,. claiming 29 U.S. and ROK Davis, Chi and Detachment staff members $5800 FOR SET OF "175-13 28.25 38.25 Marine lives, there were many family, friends GySgt. Howard Fielden and SSgt. Chuck Black 5 PAIRS 185-13 32.75 42.75 and fellow Marines who suffered the pain of accompanied reading 185.14 35.50 45.50 the treasure chest of 70 Series loss. material to the orphanage and the smiles and VINYL FABRICS and up NATIONAL The orphans of the Marine sponsored Sun excitement that the homeless children showed $1' yd. Rin here FIRST QUALITY orphanage in Pohang were no was touching and the usually stoic Marines CUT YARDAGE $ ed. and up APPROX. 30,000 MILES' exception. turned their heads during the formal presenta- WHITEWALL 75 SERIES One of the Marine to PUNEE COVERS $35 visitors the orphanage tion. '17513 39.25 49.25 was the late GySgt. Richard M. Bjelko, the Davis summed up everyone's feelings here yd. and up 185-13 50.75 QUILTED FABRIC THIS 40.75 senior enlisted Marine who died in the crash. when he said, "It makes me extremely proud to 185-14 41.50 51.50 Bjelko often visited the orphanage, possibly be a Marine and see the spirit of them taking PILLOWS 2.50 each PLUStUS Bedspreads. Zabulons & Morel FRI. & SAT. 195-14 43.25 53.25 because the small children reminded him of his care of their own. I will do everything in my 10 AM-4 PM 205.14 46.25 56.25 Yj .215.14 48.50 58.50 own back home in to out her (Mrs. Bjelko) UAL NA children California with his power carry wishes." 225-14 50.25 60.25 wife. He did, and the young children of Sun Rin 205.15 47.25 57.25 Some time ago, Col. J.R. (Dick) Davis, orphanage will always have the memory of 2979-A UALENA ST. 215-15 50.75 60.75 Pohang Marine Detachment commander, GySgt. Richard M. Bjelko to remember every 22515 52.50 62.50 received a letter from Mrs. Bjelko with a check time they pick up a book to read, a book that he NIMITZIY TO PORT 235.15 55.75 65.75 for $166 enclosed. may have once read to them. '80 Series As it turned out, the Gunny had often written 836-1541 Mrs. home to his family telling of the orphanage. 11WIMIIIIMIIMOMI11100, BETTER! Bjelko in turn had received various monetary TO50 of her SEMI-PREMIUM QUALM* gifts from friends and family in memory APPROX..40,000 MIKES. husband. RACE STEEL RADIALS spoke The young widow wrote, "The Gunny 155-12 29.15 30.15 so highly of the Korean people that I know he 145.13 30.75 40.75 would brava wanted us to share the generosity of 155.13 31,75 41.73 his friends and family with those children less 1054.3 013 pg.p. fortunate than his own." 175.11 3725 41.30 17544 41.75 51.75 Mrs. Bjelko went on to say that her husband 151314 43.23 53.23 often read to his children and she thought that We're Grow 36545 41.50 51.50 some books would be just the thing for the MACK SPFEL 08091 children of Sun Rin. 70 SERIES by the Taking the, "bull horns," the 165.13 40.25 50.25 detachment commander, with the help of the 175.13 41.21 51.25 Republic of Korea Liaison, MSgt. Chi, 185-13 46 )0 56.00 contacted the Pohang Mayor's Office and You 185.14 48.00 58.00 for 195.14 51.50 61.50 arranged to buy some children's books at a local book store at a good price. WHITEWALL STEEL RADIAL' 75 SERIES 18513 48.50 58.50 175.14 47.25 57.25 185.14 52.00 62.00 195-14 55.75 65.75 205-14 59.50 69.50 215.14 66.75 76.75 195.15 58.75 68.75 205.15 63.75 73.75 215.15 67.25 77.25 225.15 74.25 84.25 80 Series BEST! MICHELIN PREMIUM QUALITY" APPROX. 50,000 MILES' BUCK STEEL RADIALS 155.12 45.50 55.50 145-13 41.50 51.50 155-13 48.75 58.75 Map 16513 55.75 65.75 175-14 65.25 75.25 185-14 71.25 81.25 "Everyone who comes into my com- 16515 62.75 72.75 pany gets promoted ahead of me. There's something drastically wrong Brodie Ilimptr here, Dad." Designation `Mileage espected on *owner can ender average conditions. Ul IA, the car insurance people, are now open and ready to Hawaii driving serve the Windward side at the Windward City Shopping Igigi Fair service prices Center. Include are mounting, Just stop in, or call Ricky or Ron for a free quote. With balancing, weigtds, valve Neck Pain? stems and bachotp services. UIIA, you can save money. Oar back -up services Melnik Backache? handling, and.low rates routine telephoto* reminder Friendly service, improved claims calls to advise OUT customers of Don't Suffer Needlessly! to see us at the WindWard city periodic the impaction. We are just a few of the reasons will rotate and rebalance our Shopping Center. tires whenever meded free et Pact le Charge. Let Brodie's Mainteha At UIIA, we' want to help you, and we want to save you written records which contributes to improved tire etie money. performance and ',awes as lo reel& a higher level et TRAINED W COMPLETE preemie.' seroke. Our no. fee eater island PHEXAM Stop in or-call: service prices B MINIMIZED YSICAL and everMienewlet sales ds TIMMONS not include services. Newell 4". INCLUDING state tar end or height 247 -UIIA charges for, shildeent to FORCE' "IOW eater Islam& MAIM be added. X-RAY Easy pay plaa awalabre. VISA FACILITIES, Auesoku St. SW Abater Cards are accepted.

LEX BRODIE'S R.N. DC. TINE COMPANY COMMON SYMPTOMS: SPECIALIZING IN: I ON THE JOB INJURIES MACK PAIN Kam Hwy. siel"Zrihri. HEADACHES AUTO ACCIDENTS SPORTS INJURIES NECK PAIN Olk' E AIN A LEO PAIN CHRONIC A DIFFICULT 91.2 effigi In : PAIN CASES / CAR INSONANCE JSMT 1111 (fff OonNtsK )y MUSCLE SPASMS GENERAL PRACTICE N& 14141 CARE PLAN 'NUMBNESS FAMILY Walpahu linnolulti Kane. Pdsprinspunn Pearl (:ily oPINCIDO NERVES PERSONALIZED CARE I toned.' u 1).14.011400m \ I,ur ir,00 KIMissi I Sairiil 'Minis) Mali Ir,/1101141:, 8:Al I1,1 1"1,'-111 I .111mKtoll I I, AMU IIHSO ISIkohm St. Knn it hlkn la. Sois- 111th '11s 11 ahaei Si. SS! 5:13-15I 156. ISIS 79 L,1 261-0831 1S11 919.47? I 'Ail -MON PL 1111 SIAN WI IM 207, MN Offering Fioancial Srcsarify InmItarwr Company, I1,1. pAkk- .IINNMPAR COW a Winn Iliot11-011 floor reed United Indeperalrni ifINOtOlre Appnrio, SUWON Mt SPIIIAL 111111.99_ vs sup ,,,,,a,s4,43333.,Aragnwo wt.,

Page A-6, June 27. 1984 Military department store Sery Mart with varying merchandise by Sgt. Brooks numbers, nomenclatures, prices "If customers think they need to can get personal assistance in It resembles a and locations of items. If more get supplies from NSC, they have finding the supplies you need and department store people would ask for with aisles of merchandise, from assistance in to come here first to make sure we also familiarize yourself with paper products to water hopes and using the catalogs, their trip here don't have they what they need," locations and prices of items. large tin trash cans. It's not the would be less time consuming and said Virato. "If we have at least When you come back the next average person that shops here, frustrating, according to Logan. 50 percent of what's needed, they morning, you'll be in and out but the Marines and sailors oldie There is also a problem with can't go to NSC that day. They quickly," said Virato. Air Station. fivolinger discount. "The other have to return to their section, In addition, try to shop on We opened a box of was "We carry fast-moving items day what make a new shopping list for the Mondays, Tuesdays or Fridays. such as diskettes supposed to be 12 pens, but the box remaining items and return the According to Logan, Wednesdays and toilet 10," explained paper," said Storekeeper Chief contained only next day for a credit card signed and Thursdays are Sery Mart's Logan. "We used to have a serious Rodel Virato, Sery Mart. "We are by me, authorizing them to shop at busiest days and if shoppers come here to serve problem with shoppers putting all NSC." on other days, they can get more Station pesonnel so such as they don't have to go types of small items the personal attention. the Naval batteries and locks in their If needed supplies aren't at Supply Center at Pearl Harbor for Sery Mart h :re or NSC, -Shopping hours at Sery Mart supplies." pockets." To eradicate this authorization are 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., Monday problem, the chief had mirrors can be obtained to The process of getting supplies shop at the General Services through Friday. Although AND CHECKING IT TWICE During a recent to customers installed in the aisles and also afternoon hours are used to MAKING A LIST - begins when a items in glass Administration. Sery Mart Sgt. Vicki A. Lawrence and LCpI. Bruce A. routine check of shelves indicates lacks some small process paperwork, restock trip to disitlitY counters. "Come to Sery Mart the Mirante check their shopping list against stocked shelves. A a stock shortage. shelves and receive material, is required before coming to Sery Mart. Seri Mart personnel offer this afternoon prior to your planned personnel will assist in preparing completed shopping list "We pull 'the cards for needed shopping by Cpl. Michael Medndez) items, fill in the quantity requiral, adVice to customers. day. At that time you a shopping list. (Photo type a requisition form and forward it to data processing. They keypunch a card from the information we've provided and return the card to US. We then send it to NSC,"said Virato. "It usually WINDWARD MALL takes eight to 10 days for the Anger supplies to be delivered. However, MALL HOURS: if a lot of ships are in port, turn- ., MFrl. 10 am.-9 p.m. around time may be as long as July Special Events Sat. 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. three weeks." Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. When the materials are as delivered, they are checked to * * * * T * F * ensure that the amount received S M T W S matches the amount ordered and a it's of good quality. Two civilian 2 3 4 5 6 7 workers are assigned to unload stone the boxes and restock shelves, but You could will Just Comments the civilians have been on leave one of the We're Grand or lately and the military personnel cast Opening 11:7"--') Prizes minutes are performing those tasks. The Mile on Soon! --67'1 in the Questions ;shelves are stocked according to Treasure Hunt away from stock your on our numbers, in chronological into of 40 for Cancer wherever order. side! eo Sweepstakes, Calendar? The customer * 09 st you should have a VS 06 July 14 & 15 are! :complete shopping list before Dimes rams Yogurt Join us! Call :going to Sery Mart. * yoter Registra- _.r..Z-, 247-8767 " "The guidelines state that the Orange Julius WINDWARD MALL shopper. has to have all items wasp's -Center Court- Hon 10-7 - ....CrJr Closed at Liberty House 'Voter Registration Voter Registra- needed on the shopping list in VV/NDWARD MALL advance," 5 PM Wing 10-7 Liberty tion 10-7 Liberty said Storekeeper nest. House Wing Second Class D.E. Logan. "If -...-...-.. House Wing shoppers see something they need 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 but don't have it on their list, they Photo expect to get it. But it doesn't work Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo SIDEWALK that way. Display If they need something display Display Display Display Display ' in addition to what is on their list, SIDEWALK open till 9 PM they have go back to their section, Our treasure July 8-15 SALE "Photo Display fill in another shopping list and INDIAN Isol burled, 'Treasure Hunt return the next day." . Join us if ... loin us if JULY 13-15 for Cancer PoUlto hut you still .. Joke if ... One of the main problems at Imo to hunt like to win you want to ... loin us and 10 AM-8:30 PM 'Sery Mart Profusion! you like great you is many customers for It - Join prizes! help beat shop for hot Entertainment don't know how to shop or use Pltotographors entertainment... l'itOVERB is oo Saturday cancer... bargains in scheduled catalogs, according to Logan. The cool comfort! throughout catalogs, located on the counter as 111111 8111111011 If OUR sidewalks the day! you enter Sery Mart, contain stock -Center Court- you 111111 *Voter Registra- Voter Reglatra- are alr conditioned I "Voter adventure! tion 10-7-Liberty lion 10-7-Liberty "Voter Reglstra- non July 14 & 15 WINDWARD MALL House Wing House Wing lion 10-7 Liberty Liberty House 'I House Wing Wing Summer Lunch-Time Special!

YOUR CHOICE INCLUDES . . * New York Soup and * T-Bone Salad Bar * Top Sirloin ,:ra-+4-aprtr!r-Alsv44:14.1i.i44444614Atrerrreiirrt

June 27, 198.1, Page A-7

EXCHANGE SPEC IAL KODAK aT5C 3100 Camera Kodak's lowest-priced disc camera built-in automatic flash TAKING CHARGE - Maj. Daniel W. Square Priday. fixed focus lens never needs Kessler (right) accepts Swindell took command the Headquarters of H&HS in 1981 setting and Headquarters Squadron July and will depart colors from Hawaii on July 2 for duty with the 2nd Maj. Thomas E. Swindell at a change motorized film advance command of Marine Aircraft Wing, MCAS Cherry ceremony held at Dewey Point, N.C. (Photo by Cpl. J.J. Clark) Full Three-Year Warranty'

See package for foe lextetKodak's Three-Year Warranty Compare your griefs with other wen's and they Regular will scent less. PROV1.1111 Exchange Special Price effective EXCHANGE $2799 July 2 If you're 55 and retired, SPECIAL through 7 here's 10% off your Hurry to your Exchange... special ends soon! Kodak... homeowners Serving the Military Worldwide Kodak insurance! ' Eastman Kodak Company, 1015 1984 advert .0,,,01,1 was neaher paw for PIO, sponsored in wh010 or in part by the Exchange Service .VMde Me'es- reaea.Pe° #1,5Z//gfe /-# e7,0e ,i6d Kodak disc 3000 camera also why frve cal! offerfic0/.5. d, fit *re low. available at this special price Chuck Brewer during this Navy Exchange Allstate Jack Hampton 767 Kallua Rd. 4th of July Sale ALLSTATE INSURANCECOMPANY Ste. 203 NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS Check for quallheaUon. 262-8181 and wow coraucexuty.

From AU Pizzas Inch* Our a lonely research space Special Blend of Sauce lab orbitting the earth... and 100% Real Cheese 621-0707 674 Kilani Ave. Our Superb 41% (also serving Schofield Barracks Cheese Pizza and Wheeler A.F.B.) "Ring" 12" cheese $5.35 411i.' "Domino's Pizza, may I take your 16" cheese $8.15 Pearl City order?" lab) "This is space lab 3X08 and we'd Domino's Deluxe 456-4233 like to order a large,'16" Deluxe Five items for the price of four: 98-953 Kam Hwy. pizza with real dairy cheese." Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Onions, (also serving Camp Smith) "Domino's Pizza always uses Green Peppers and Sausage only 100% real dairy cheese and 12" Deluxe $8.95 Kallua our delivery is freer 16" Deluxe $13.55 lab) "Really?" "Great...how long 261-7958 will it take?" Additional Items 107 Hekili St. We'll shuttle your pizza to your Pepperoni, Mushro,oms, Black (also serving Kanehoe M.C.A.S.) hatch in 30 minutes or less." Olives, Onions, Green Peppers, lab) "10-4" (over and out). Ground Beef, Sausage, Ham, Double Cheese, Extra Thick 836-0707 Crust, and Pineapple 3131 N. Nimitz Hwy. 12" pizza $ .90 per item (also serving Hickham A.F.B. and 16" pizza $1.35 per item Pearl Harbor Naval Base) Limited delivery area. Our drivers carry less than Prices do not include Hours: $20.00. applicable sales tax. 11am - 1 am Sun. - Thurs. ©1984 Domino's Pizza, Inc. Coke/12 oz./65e 11am - 2am Fri. & Sat.

...... mageogromessiemseinewamossom mmmmmm ouniiams4mmmm megmemm....0 $1.00 off any pizza. One coupon per pizza. Expires: 7/15/84

Feet, Free Delivery® Good at locations listed. osinisom.r

11 Page A-8, June 27, 1984 Creating miniatures for fun

Story and photos of scraps you have lying around themselves, according to by Sgt L.C. Brooks the house. For example, in coffee Nunnally. Miniature model making can he creamer from a restaurant can be a "I like to teach miniature an imaginative way to use one's souffle dish, lamp shade, or waste making because it is refreshing to mind to create things to enjoy on a paper basket." see the new enthusiasm in a . . reduced-scale. -- student's face when learning the "I started making matchbox If your child has a doll house, it hobby," said Nunnally. "When furniture for my little girl nine is much more economical to make you'veheen working with il hobby years ago and said to myself the furniture and accessories for it for a while you sometimes become "Wow, this is fun," said Susan than buy them at a miniature stalernided - Intl once you start Nunnally, miniature model shop. A lot of the materials used to teaching others you get new ideas making instructor at the make miniatures that are sold in for interesting projects." Dependent Recreation Center the shops can usually he found in "I like miniatures because it's here. "I later checked out a book the average home. These m aerie Is fun to make something out of from the library on the subject that include wood. leather, metal, nothing," said Anna Peele, -9. was very instrumental in making fabric and plastic.. A miniature "When I get a doll house I'll have me aware of all the different things maker can save more than half the one can do with the hobby." cord of the miniatures by doing it A lot of people have the idea that Cont. on Page A-9 miniature making is expensive, but it's not, according to Nunnally. "You can make a lot of things out PUBLIC NOTICE: GETTING IT TOGETHER - Preparing to make a miniature picnic table during SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE Miniature Making Class is Anna Pee le, 9. She enjoys creating miniatures because Due to heavy overstocking in our warehouse and "it's fun to learn." incoming shipments, we are offering hundreds of new Family Dentistry and used machines at practically .. WHOLESALE COST At Reasonable Prices These are just some examples' 'Finally. a', million dollar complete dental center the finest equipment. A special kids area with Model 9414 New schedule set is open for all Windward residents. Fully free video game and a zoo of furry animals. computerized for more efficient handling of all Plenty of free parking and for your convenience. paper work as well as fast appointment sched- the bus stops right in front of our door. Drop by. RICCAR for chapel service Wing. 10 complete dental rooms equipped with look around arid meet our friendly staff and hem doctors. Free arm Blind Stretch stitches NEW in box The Sabbath Schedule for Sunday Services.at Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bey Chapel OPENING SPECIAL are as follows: For individuals and families without Denial Insurance BERNINA Model 9800 Saturday Complete Dental. Check-Up Free arm It p.m. Roman Catholic Mass 'Complete full mouth Panorex X-rays Complete visual FOR Self-adjusting - This N Our Wakes buttonholes 7 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation examination of teeth by the doctor 'Check-up & bite wing Regular 557.00 tension slightly - ONLY used (Catholic) -X-rays 'Diagnosis & estimates of one or more planned ExemlnetIOn 43 29 treatments 'Good for each family member Sunday Duo to Popular Demand This Oiler 7:30sa.m. - Roman Catholic Mass Has Been Extended Until June 30th. Model 9720 8:30 a.m. - Protestant Liturgical Communion. We Welcome All Insurance DSSH HMSA 'DDS-82 'Den teGuard HOS All Others VIKING 9:30 a.m. - Roman Catholic Mass Buttonholes Free arm $329 II am, - Protestant worship Stretch stitches NEW in box I p.m. - Samoan COngregation Phone: 254-1541 AYS ONLY. SALE ENDS SUN. 7/1/5 p.m. The Station Chapel is located at the rear of Pali Palms Plaza PACIFIC the Self-Service section, Marine Corps Pa lms SURPLUS & DISTRIBUTORS Its Floor) 570 N. Exchange, Keleheo Ave. MON. -SAT. FRI building IMO. Jewish services are Nest door to the Sum Yum Tree 910-6-CC 1247-F KAILUA RD. fisFXT TO 7-111 held at the Aloha Chapel, Pearl Harbor. For Across from the Alkehl Perk Shopping Center P.m 9:30-8:011 information on Jewish Services. the Jewish DENTAL GROUP SUN TUES. Chaplain at 471.0050 for details. 11.00-S-00 CLOSED 262-8131



Meadow Gold

MLACHANTI flail this coupon toSL Ives cio American Clearing Servke. P.O, Sox 19390, Portland, OR 97219 for redemption. for each coupon you accept front consumera at Ume ofpurchase of the spedficdpfoauctwevollpeythelacevalueplus Plunge% allowance, provided you and yawn:stoner have complkd with 44 lid. Viva 2% the terms ofthis offer. Offer is Inked to one coupon per product Invokes shorrhsayour ptsrdmse of sufficient stock to cover all redeemedmust be skews ups request Coupon not or tramkrable, void where prohibited. taxed or re. stricted ter Ow. your Call0Met mist pay sales las. Cash value 1/201h of 1 MI* espiraikm dide11/31/114 1.35 GOOD ONLY IN MILITARY COMMISSARIES a EXCHANGES . rue 'Al .14 a Se is 11 .1111ll 111111 IV P11.1 Ul 011 u OAR OM Op INF 1.1 .11 1111 11 1 1 1 /

June 27, 1984, Page A-9

"The tech manual slates Push the thingamajig as you turn the do.lunny.

COME AND GET IT - Lunch is served on f" this reduced scale picnic table made by Susan Nunnally, miniature making instructor for the Dependent Recreation TLA SPECIAL Center here. Most of the play food on the Rooms w/FREE $40°+TAX ° table was also made by Nunnally. In-Room Movies & Rates starting at Miniatures . TLA accommodations conveniently located to Cont. from Page A-8 all military bases featuring: almost all the furniture I need for it." On this particular afternoon the class was AIICONDITIONED HAIR SALON making picnic tables out of popsicle sticks. The ROOMS LOUNGE model Nunnally brought in was already set COLOR TV LAUNDROMAT KAILUA SUPER SAVER SALON with all types of picnic items like hamburgers, SWIMMING POOL. CAR RENTAL french fries, soda, watermelon, and of course a FREE PARKING TRAVEL AGENCY OUR SPECIALTIES FOR WOMEN, MEN & CHILDREN fly swatter was waiting for those pests that FREE AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION always seem to make an appearance. Most of PRECISION HAIRCUT $6 the items on the table were also made by Restaurant serving Breakfast. Lunch and SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER/FINISH $6 Nunnally. Dinner with Children's Menu and Room PERMANENT WAVE at various locations Service available. Nunnally has displays with either or both of the above . . additional $6 on the island, including the Kailua Library and NO APPOINTMENT, COME IN TODAYI the downtown YMCA. "A lot of people really Complimentary Welcome Cocktail Parties! ti.thw, Tuesday, Wialnooday, Saturday, 930 ara-930 aren't familiar with the art of miniatures. I'd Thursday, friday, 930 ass-900 pm; Sunday, 10 aaL-4 pm (swam oubleat to MOO availability) like to enhance their knowledge on the hobby," Muslin 13 yoar or radar for pesatanant wars. said Nunnally. "To do this, I call places that Long hair Alightly Mph., have display windows and ask if I can show my THE PRAM HOTEL work. I usually get a positive reaction." An Ironwood Resorts Hotel The Miniature Making Class taught by Nunnally is sponsored by the Dependent "Call Us A Family Hotel" Recreation Center Tuesday afternoons at 5:30. LIBERTY Nimitz Hwy. HOUSE 3253 N. The fee is $8 for children and $12 for adults, Honolulu, HI 96819 including all materials. For more information phone (808) 836,3636 at 257-3I08. An IRONWOOD Resort call the center AA \



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OMAR: You are authorized to act a our agent for the redemption of this coupon provided It le redeemed an the product Iflad Invoices proving u sufflosnt Putchsses of TOMBSTONE PIZZA to covers' u ns p I redemption must be furnished on request. For psymenco t".mall rcou ted tor TOIMISTONE PIZZA COPP., P.O. Sox 1062, Clinton. tows 52134. Ws will 0.0410hwirswsln chogtypzupaitz focornhsaundmelnrqthewhceOnntsert,ms of this offer have Own I levoibed. Offer good only In the United POMO and rinTidossipt"eyrrpyrohibitr; law. may not be seloned or I ifItaanssdrino Seed, or restricted by Coupon .pi.Offtir Llmfteo to one coupon per purchew. Cash value 1/20t. ma Jon. 31, 1980 PIZZA (50013 IN MILITARY COMMPLIARY S EXCHANCIMI ONLY 710211%444 11, Page A-10, J14212.1084 What is your solution or stress mental health associations. has ups and downs. Life would be home caused by pregnancy, indulgence to get professional family doctor, the clergy, social by SPILL Tina Braun So, don't let stress get you down dull without them. A hopeful responsibilities, etc., can advice, it's smart. Some places workers, psychologists, psychia- CAMP TESTER, Japan - family and keep you out. Be optimistic. attitude goes a long way towards What is stress? It's pressure from cause disorders. which can offer assistance are triets, nurses, your employer, local Stress is a fact of life. Everyone helping you over the rough, spots. outside that can make us feel Retirement: Enforced leisure mental health centers, your school advisor or state or tense. Stress is an unavoidable and reduced income may combine fact of life. to cause trouble. Some stress is a part of daily life You can do a lot to keep stress - affecting everyone. Certain within reasonable limits before it kinds are actually helpful - they leads to trouble. keep you on your toes. But too See your doctor. A check-up is much stress on your body can always important - especially if make you miserable, worried, sad you're busy. Your doctor can and ill. usually discover the cause of If you allow it to build up, stress frequent "aches and pains." , can sometimes produce tension Talk it over. When tensions serious enough to interfere with build up, discuss the problem with your normal daily activities (e.g. a close friend or with the people how you relate to the world). Many involved. people visiting doctors for Exercise regularly. Swim, walk, physical complaints have stress- bicycle, jog - any favorite sport linked problems - mental and will help you let off Ream and emotional woes. work out stress. One of the main causes of stress Plan your work. Tension and. OLFM is change ... especially sudden or anxiety really build up when your KP disagreeable change. Too many or work seems endless. Plan your too drastic changes often result in work to use time and energy more harmful tension. For example: efficiently. Personal loss: Death of a loved Take a break. A change of pace, one, loss of friends when moving: no matter how short, gives you a separation or divorce - all can new outlook on old problems. cause depression. Learn to relax. Everyone can 1DAILY DOUBLE! Job changes: Trouble at work, teach himself to relax. Just a few getting fired, or taking a new job minutes of peace and quiet every may result in anxiety. day make a big difference. " Money problems: budget Be realistic. People who expect troubles, large debts, loss of too much of themselves can get income, etc., can create stress for tense if things don't work out. Set the whole family. practical goals and expect to be illness/Injury: A major illness successful. or accidental injury puts great Avoid stress. Whenever stress on both patient and family. possible, plan to avoid too many Change in life-style: For big changes coming' at the same example, sudden financial gain or time. a big promotion is a happy event If stress and its effects do get out - but can create anxiety. of hand, it's time to get help. It's at your local Pharmacy Family changes: Changes at not a sign of weakness or self- GET TOUR ACCIDENT CASES TICKETS TODAY INCLUDING WRONGFUL IT'S Listen between 8-8:30 every DEATH CLAIMS weekday morning to learn the AND EASY! identity of the DAILY DOUBLE song CATASTROPHIC INJURIES IN CONCERT for the day! Well play it again before Midnight You may qualify if you or any member of AMY GRANT your family has been injured. that day. When you 524-5400 FRIDAY to SAW f the fust Law Offices of 7:00 In. S9.0 19 an, I )' GARY GALIHER & ASSOCIATES I CORAL BALLROOM HILTON No Charge For Initial Consultation HAWAIIAN VILLAGE No Recovery No Fee Tickets available at, Most Christian Bookstores. Forth, 333 Queen Street, Suite 800 Validated Parking ticket into. 487.7250

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Nall Tough! Priced Right! ;Two lough Mee: belts BrnOolbrldIng polyester cord body Tern white sidewell styling *Bold S-rio tread design June 27, 1984, Page A-I I H&MS-24 "excels' during IG

Story and photo challenge. They like to be tested. There's a right In Major Schwartz's words, "every Marine by LCpI. Kartn Izbinski and wrong way to do things, and we just by to knows the touchdown is never accomplished do more right things than wrung. alone." "When I first came to I l&MS-24 in 1981, I was "When H&MS.24 is asked to do the near Maintaining high morale and esprit de corps impossible, among members so disgusted I wanted to grab my retirement they do it," said Gloria. "They never of Headquarters & So I hesitate to perform Maintenance Squadron-24 and run, but I was told to finish my tour. beyond the call of duty." is an easy task for Schwartz! Mpj. Don Schwartz, Aircraft held a formation and said, 'I'm Capt. Maintenance I'm here and we are going to work!' It took a Management Officer. Schwartz attributes the while to settle into the squadron, feel out the "H&MS-24 IS IT!" - That's how LCpls. u(iit's overall "Excellent" rating on the Now I John Waldron Inspector General's Inspection new routine and get to know my Marines. (left) and Christopher and the call 'em my HOGs Honest, Organized, and McElhatten, both engineer performance of daily tasks - mechanics, to the high Gung-Ho! They're all my HOGs. They're my feel when working in the power plant standards the troops have set for themselves. of' troopers and it's a nice feeling." Headquarters and Maintenance Their readiness, pride, and motivation within "We were shooting for nothing less than an Squadron-24. An "excellent" rating the squadron shines bright H&MS-24. was at outstanding," said Gloria. "If we received an received by H&MS-24 on the Inspector be due to the Generals Inspection. The two Marines H&MS-24 received an "Outstanding" for above average, we knew it would working are Aviation Ordnance and Avionics and an rigidness of the inspection. But we did get an on an engine for a CH-53 "Excellent" for the Intermediate Maintenance outstanding and that shows we were prepared." aircraft. Activity unit. We began preparing for this inspection in January," said Schwartz. "Each month we had a certain goal to achieve. After each goal was accomplished, we started another. The system worked well and progress was fast and efficient." When asked what he attributed the overall "Excellent" to, Schwartz said, "My troops like being number one. They have a positive and professional attitude. We don't demand excellence, the troops give it to us. We had to posh ourselves to the number one block, and Wen now that we're there, we're staying! 'It's just like playing football," said Schwartz. "You are a member of the team and everyone has a job to perform to score the Coming To Town! touchdowh. All the players on my team execute the plays well and we score as we did on the IG Inspection." 'Pride, high standards, and good leadership July 13 & 14 are basic tools in maintaining the motivation of any unit and keeping communications open through the chain of command. "We have a lot at the Windward Enlisted Club of fine leaders in the squadron," said Schwartz.

"The staff r noncommissioned officers are the finest I've ever worked with, and their 2-SHOWS each Night communications channels are left open at all times, so working conditions are better with all involved." 9 P.M. & 11:30 P.M. Sgt. Alberto Gloria, assistant noncommis- sioned officer in charge of 41M, said "The troop commanders, the major, and the commanding $200 COVER general tour the work areas and talk with the troops, and this enhances troop morale. If (Both shows for 1 cover) you're having any personal or professional problems, they want to know so they can help. R And you know they're sincere." All Girl -R & Band with "The general has a good rapport between himself and the troops," said Schwartz. "He's Light Show

concerned for their welfare, enjoys talking and 01 'A n In The Movi: " ar visiting 'with them, and just likes to get to know N 'ern. He's the most down to earth, concerned man, and is the finest general I've ever served under." "A Marine must always be squared away," WINDWARD ENLISTED CLUB Schwartz said. We could stand an IG Inspection today, or any other day, because we are squared I 1J Loi ps Air Station away at ail times. My Marines like the



IF one word were used to summarize JBL and its loud- speaker products. that word would be "quality." From the day James B. Lansing founded the company 35 years ago, JBL has been uniquely capable of designing and manufacturing the highest quality loud speakers for home and professional use.

THIS quality has made JBL the number one choice of audio professionals. These people - recording studio engineers, musicians, concert sound contractors - depend on their loud speakers and demand both great performance and absolute reliability. That's why you'll hear JBL speakers at concerts, and why you'll find JBL speakers in the top recording studios. JBL'S L112. THE JBL USDA- LOWER, HIGHER, FASTER, FLATTER. JBL's L112 is a state-of-the-art and specially-coated cone for ex- ' immediacy. AND OUTSTANDING bookshelf loudspeaker, the latest tremely clean-sounding. deep Flatter The flat frequency re- FLOOR-STANDING it JBL s result of JBL's advanced engineer- bass. sponse of the L112 makes most accurate bookshelf speaker JEIL's L.150A is a great natural sound with better 12-inch passive radiator ing research. In developing the Higher. JBL developed a new the lowest tones. L112. JBL used laser holography, Dome Radiator especially for ever. example of what a floor- imaging, because the mid- produces We have the JBL Lt 12 on also uses an computer analyses and other so- the L112. Its lightweight aluminum- standing speaker can do range driver and high fre- The 1_150A techniques, as well as coated phenolic dome offers display now. Come in and hear phisticated bookshelf music. For in- quency dome are at ear advanced high resolution extensive listening sessions to extended frequency response with what a state-of-the-art for your can do foi your music stance, you'll hear all the level. The 12-inch woofer of dividing network to improve fine -tune the speaker. excellent dispersion. speaker clarity. Come in Lower. The woofer combines Faster JBL's new High ROSOill- bass, and with the full the L150A has JBL's unique transient Network delivers mu- today for a demo of this JBL's unique Symmetrical Field lion Dividing impact of the original per- SFG magnetic structure Geometry with a large 3" voice coil sical transients with startling formance. You'll hear more for lower distortion, and a outstanding speaker system! SALE SALE Reg. $680 pr. $980 pr. $599 $750 Reg' PLUS: SAVINGS ON OTHER JBL'S JBL Professional Studio Monitor 4312 NOW $484 NAVY Reg. '570" pr. ARL JBL J-Series Floorstanding Speaker J-350 SALE $306 Reg. '360 pr. HURRY! Quantities Are Limited this ad not paid for by Na Exchange 1-12, June 27, 1984

arrive. A day or so before the ships SO volunteers serve kept up-to-date with the latest cars tee assist them." magazines. "Magazines in come in, there are wall to wall -Hawaii are not returned to Assisting Tiger Cruises aye just people here and I love every publishers, when the postage is another extension of the minute of it," said Mary Francis, slue. Instead the post office volunteers. Tiger cruises are Navy volunteer. 1r military well-being ships home ported on the West donates them to charitable I organizations. Once a week we Coast on their way home from a "There isn't anything don't I can I'll never know. He used his cheek of the last cheese give-away pick up two large bags of all types western Pacific deployment. The like about working here. dreaded Story and photo to fly here from California and program. eef magazines," said Dumeyer. tigers are male family members honestly say I've never All the food and other of v Sgt. L.C. Brooks had only a few dollars left. When "maintenance items like paper who fly here to meet the ships coming to work. The highlight that was gone, he hung around towels, toilet paper and cleaning Information and referrals for when they come into port at Pearl this job is assisting travelers tee be lope is one of the most here for almost a month until his supplies are donated by various travelers is just a file away at the Harbor. The family members comfortable during layovers and characters associated next check was forwarded," officers wives clubs on the island. USO. "A lot of times retirees. fly in board the ships and cruise back to while waiting for transportation," his organization. Lena explained Dumeyer. Besides free food, the organization with the idea they can get a base the West Coast with it. "We help said Dumeyer. Ann-Margaret, and The 1150 served free tuna and provides rooms for overnighters, cottage or hotel room when they the family members contact the Shields have also grilled cheese sandwiches, baby cribs, strollers, high chairs, get here. Of course, that's not ships, arrange transportation and "We'll have our first float in the ited significantly to this cookie's, coffee. and juice. The diapers and baby food. always possible. We have a huge sleeping accomodatieens for them Fourth of July Silver Jubilee ttion. You thought it went grilled cheese sandwiches are the file packed with phone numbers eef because they usually get here a Parade. The theme is patriotism the war? No, it wasn't newest item to the menu. courtesy Guests at the LISO are always hotels, guest lodges and rental couple of days before the ships and we fit right in." led with the bunkers and

are two United Service itions on the island. The located at the Honolulu ional Airport is open 24 day. The second, at the Airlift Command at kir Force Base, is open 12 ay. The information desk le Koa Hotel is open eight rs a day.

enters and the desk are ntirely by volunteers. "If for the volunters, we YOU CARE? keep the place going," Dumeyer, secretary at Care enough to take some action for our community. t DSO. She is one of only employees of the ion here. The other is the dorm Guenther. COMMUNITY WORK DAY #0 United Way. provides nds for the USO at the t nothing for the one at Saturday, July 14, 1984 The airport provides id facilities, but if any ice problems occur, the SOME COMMUNITY PROJECTS THAT CAN HAPPEN WITH YOUR KOKUA: on is responsible for mi corrected, according DIAMOND HEAD LOOKOUT SALT LAKE BOULEVARD LANIKAI POINT Pick up litter at lookout areas and on slopes Pick up litter alongside roadway Pick up litter from shoreline, on slopes, and in PAM' lots HONOLULU ZOO FORT WEAVER ROAD MAKAPUU sist traveling active Beautification of grounds Pick up trash along road approaching Ewa Beach Pick up trash from slopes and along 'endent, retirees and roadway Guard personnel with ALA WAI CANAL SHARKS COVE (Pupukea) SANDY BEACH Clean rubbish ification Cards. We also from reef along promenade-side of canal Clean beach area and shoreline reef (underwater) Clean park area and remove illegally dumped items ins if they are sent to us MAGIC ISLAND KAENA POINT (Mokulela-side) WAIANAE BEACH services, an PARK airline or Remove trash and debris from sea wall Remove rubbish from beaches and roadway Clean up park and paint restrooms urity," said Dumeyer. MAKALAPA CASTLE HIGH SCHOOL NEAL BLAISDELL PARK (Pearl City) ilian woman in her 40s Clean Kam Hwy by Puu Wai Monti Housing Work on various on-campus Improvement projects Clean up jogging trails iistance while here on he fell off a boat, losing ltification and money. Call 548-3400 (Oahu) to register yourself for action. Then, Is to contact a friend on report to nd to send money, but 14. vas a holiday weekend, work in your community at 8:30 a.m. on July Tell your friends and days for the money to stayed and helped out neighbors to do the same. SO until the money bother civilian was on arity. I-low he got to us

JBL CONCORD'' SUMMER SALE CAR SPEAKER SALE!!. June 27 - July 31 CONCORD FAMOUS FIRSTS 1960 - First 3 head all-in-one CONCORD stereo tape recorder. 1962 - First automatic reverse STATE OF THE ART stereo tape recorder. CAR AUDIO SYSTEMS 1966 - First combined portable radio and tape recorder. HPL 1967 - First portable stereo 520 cassette tape recorder. .1111 $299 1969 First high fidelity - tape deck with ferrite heads. Reg. '350 1970 - First cassette recorder with Endomatic auto-stop. 1971 - First Dolby deck with HPL 516 elevating VU meters and mic inputs. $199 1977 - First high'fidelity car stereo receiver/tape deck Reg. '235 with Sen-Dust alloy head. 1977 First 50 watt high fidelity WL mobile amplifier (0.3% 240 THD. 20-20kHz). :11250 1978 -- First highest performance

- in-dash Dolby Reg. receiver. '140 1979 First dedicated bass equalizer in nosepiece auto stereo. Because we help produce the Mimic, we know WL 192 more about reproducing it. When you buy a JBL 1979 First DC servo tape drive with variable speed you know that you'll automotive loud speaker. control - auto stereo. hear the music the way the artist Intended Ito he $6999 sive 1980 First X' cut see-alloy tape of loud speakers automotive, 9Pitirt 30es / heard. And all our - 447. Reg. '37°0 head auto stereo. professional, home - are manufactured side-hy- 1980 First use of Dynamic side, to the same exacting standards. Compliance System Other Units ON SALE!! - Automatic All-band Reg. Equalizer, SALE 1981 First use of Signal LT-1 2 way speaker Processor (Aux.) 3205 975 Reg. SALE 1 Circuitry. speaker 1982 First Amorphous Core T545 3 way 6x9 '145 9 20 HPL 502 1180 9.4599 Matched PhaSe MP Tape Heads. 1540 2 way 6x9 speaker '1225° 5105 1983 First with 2 way/4 way HPL 504 1215 917599 built-in amplifiers 1425 3 way 6% speaker 112200 $105 %goo 1984 Hist with FAN' 1.420 2 way 61/2 speaker '100 585 HPA 26 '80 FM Noise Reduction $6908 System X206 2 way 4'/2 speaker 185 HPA 51 140 911099

DRAWING! HURRY? CONCORN WILL GIVE A HPL 50 gECK SALE GOOD TO A LUCKY PERSON AT THE ENO OF THE SALE ENTRY BLANKS JUNE 27-JULY 31 AVAILABLE AT PEARL HARBOR AMMO. TAls Sd PNO for by Ms Coop ix This Ad Not Paid For By The Navy Enke* 'June 27, 1984, Page A-13 Corporal rank had British origin manpower situations have done By Capt. Dale Dye In 1775, making corporal was The inequity was squared away During World War II the Corps music, quartermaster department Most likely the term "corporal." later when corporals did away with the mess corporals and paymaster departments. much to rob corporals of their quite an accomplishment. It two years prestige as the junior noncommis- ke many other things in the meant, among other things. that a began drawing eight dollars per, rank and other special designa- They all became simply corporals. tions for junior NCOs serving in sioned officers in tin. Corps. ((I larine Corps, was originally Man had reached the month, while sergeants made Since that time. eligible time -in- second aviation, engineering, communi- course, the corporals themselves erived from I be British Navy. highest' enlisted rank in the nine. During the War of 1812, grade requirements for promotion higinally, a corporal good deal of prestige cations, special staff offices, are different folks than the was a petty service and was now making the there was a to the rank and rapid advance- lantern-jawed martinets with whose job it to milking corporal, commissary, hand, and Field fficer was to assist a astronomical sum of seven and attached ment brought on by peak wartime several hash marks of old. hip's master-at-arms. Since the one-third dollars per month. since there were only 233 of them ulster-at-arms was responsible Some incentive was taken away throughout the entire Marine a a ship's internal discipline, it from corporals during 1796, when Corps. By the close of the Civil War, U lands to reason that the first America again put Marines to sea Marine corporals were being paid orporals were probably on warships carrying both a full $216 per year. there were Marine ppointed arbitrarily from the sergeants and corporals. Both In 1935, S MICROWAVE anks, bilged on size and ability to NCOs were paid the same, $10 per corporals serving as junior NCOs ust heads. month. Official histories of the in virtually every command, but Things are different in the period are vague in indicating you could always tell a line M wdern military. That's not to say whether this phenomenon corporal from a dude who served CLEARANCE le corporal is not still responsible occurred for reasons of economy or in the rear with the gear. At that Corps also had mess i discipline, but his connection out of the honest belief that all time, the C dth heads is far more likely to be noncommissioned offices should corporals, drum corporals and s supervisor of a field day in one. he paid the same. trumpet corporals. SALE! We must liquidate over 200 ovens by this week! 91d-fashioned All ovens have been reduced to practically . . . Fourth of July WHOLESALE COST!

MOIL IDLAL SELECT 7tt Barbers Point FER17.RES 'NULDE ' FROM EITHER. Naval Air Station Barbers Point will host its ROTOWAVES PANASONIC ,venth Annual Old Fashioned Fourth of July VALUES TO 1498 1 debratitin on Wednesday, July 4. Games, MIEN les, food and free entertainment are featured. CAROU!_;ELS ES CM TAPPAN ginning at noon. The celebration will end MP me th a patriotic speech, a song by Nohelani INS cm /piano and a fireworks display at 8 p.m. DIGITA LS 101 AMANA The public is welcome to join in the lebration at Pointer Field. Visitors are ii$237 utioned, however, that they are guests of the PROE:FS LITTON immanding Officer of the air station, and litical activities are not allowed. Beginning at noon, traditional games like SALE ENDS SUN. VISA' b pond, English darts. bean bag toss, 7/1/5 p.m. nking booth, and relays will be held. DIGITAL aditional Fourth of July foods like ribs and SMALL COMPACT 1 W/BROWNER & PROBE icken, popcorn, hot dogs, shaved ice and WI II I ilioi.;x4v,Ns` ttermelon will be sold, as well as Filipino ids. Pony rides and airplane rides are also FREE ailahle. A skydiving exhibition by the 25th COOK- fantry Division's Tropic Lightning Spurt rachute Club will take place at 6 p.m. BOOK 7ontinuous entertainment will he on stage 167 ar the baseball diamond throughout the w/Purchase .ernoon, starting with a parade around the Sug. Retail 1348" listittwW`I's .ck field after the opening ceremonies. Sug. Retail $698°1 ,...ntertainment on the field will include.I.1 the two in the children's area, roving clowns * WE GUARANTEE THE LOWEST PRICES IN HAWAII ssing out goodies to children, a caricature * INCLUDING ALL MILITARY EXCHANGE OUTLETS ist and Uncle Sam, who'll help the crowd * EVEN ON MICROWAVE/CONVECTION OVENS FROM SHARP & PANASONIC! ebrate the 208th birthday of the United Won,. onon011os amuse on Gonna owns. des. PACIFIC SURPLUS dt, DISTRIBUTORS If you keep your head when eV- CALL 282 -8 3 1 err In.1) eke tones his, you probobly W TUESDAY the valuation. FRIDAY 9:304:00 p.m. CLOSED Rri don't snoop m. 1247 -r X,n111,0 -FRANCES 11011)51.%N. SUNDAY 11:00-5:00

IT'S OUR . . .

n Mahal() to All of Our Wonderful Customers. 0 20°/0 OFF Selected Merchandise

Women's Fashion Rings Men's Rings Diamond Ring Guards Large Selection of Large Solitaires (1/2 ct. or more) Diamond Solitaire Pendants Free Gifts to each Visitor! (While Supplies Last)

This Sale is Gobd at KMCAS Only - June 29th arde thru July 15th, 1984' 60 Day Layaway Available Diamonds ift This ad not paid by Marine Corps Exchange June 97, IM4-1 MARINE CORPS EXCHANGE LIMITED QUANTITIES NO RAINCHECKS CIIILDQEN* .* 46).tajENCE *jEWEIDY* HER MAJESTY GIOVANNI EARRINGS, PENDANTS GIRL'S SLEEPWEAR, * * * & MORE GOWNS & PAJAMAS NYLON & KNIT SIZES 4-14 * * SPECIAL 113 PURCHASE * * * CUSTOM JEWELRY $4.40 - $5.00 * * FOR MEN & WOMEN GIRL'S MUSCLE TOPS -OL & SHORTS SIZES 2-6X SPECIAL PURCHASE SAVE 50% $3.50 - $4.40 .74 - $7.25 GIRL'S SUNDRESSES SIZES 4-14 SPECIAL PURCHASE $5.60 - $8.75 *1-10U6EHOLD*





June 27, 1984, Page A-15

WeSave You More Than Time ilionmenummummiumwommutimm 12 PACK SODA Limit 1 12-pack per customer

Pepsi Diet Pepsi Pepsi Light Pepsi Free Mt. Dew *Sugar With Coupon I Limit 1 Coupon Free Per Customer I 12/12 Oz. L. Pepsi Coupon Cans July 4, 1984 1611111. 12 PACK BEER BUDWEISER


IT EVEN SMELLS NEW - The newly renovated opening. The exchange now offers a wider selection exchange on the second floor of Bldg. 1 at Camp of merchandise, plus an airy, comfortable setting. Smith opened June 15, with their Grand Re- Camp Smith exchange renovated 12/12 oz. Story and photo 11 Sgt. Chuck Jenks "I really think the new exchange is grein," said Cpl. Dawn Morales, Force Audio-Visual section. "They offer much more CAMP H.M. SMI l'Fi, Hawaii - "It's been 20 years since anything has been done to improve the PX at this merchandise than before and it has a very pleasant HAWAIIAN SUN MEADOW headquarters," said Capt. Michael B. Hiyes, Marine Corps atmosphere." GOLD. Gold "We're striving to provide better merchandise selection at All Exchange Officer. "Now, we've given it a facelift, increased NECTARS its stock, widened the variety and all-in-all made it an a better price," concluded Hayes. "The renovated exchange Flavors was essential and I think all who utilize it will agree that it's enjoyable store to browse through." 1/2 Gal. a beautiful 12 oz. Cans Drab tan walls and rickety shelving made up the store to shop." Guava complexion of the old PX but, on June 15, the renovated store had its Grand Re- opening. Since then, comments from Passo-Guava servicemembers stationed here are simply, "It's great, I *Salesweinen/Homemakers/ can't believe it, and it's about time." U 5. salesmen* Have FUN selling and making money In addition to the entire store's improved appearance, there have been many other changes. Now hiring 5 sell-motIvaled, confident. ambitious persons "The figures are still being compiled but, the most recent B to Introduce a proven product Into an exciting new marketplace. estimate is that the store cost $125,000 to renovate," said *S500 Hayes. "We installed all new fixtures, new showcases, new 0 to S I BOO a week commission plus overrides No experience necessary /complete training 1.29 lighting, a larger variety of items and new refrigeration All units. N leads supplied pm prospecting) *Work your own hours tpart-time/ltill-time) "We've increased our stock by about 40 percent and predict *Excellent that because of this we'll 50 percent opportunity for growth CASE BEER have an immediate For appointment CASE SODA increase in sales and by the end of the year close to 100 $ - call Stanley Unten Budwel Coors Miller percent sales increase," continued Hayes. x)847 -3791 Mix or match any combination you desire!

ISLAND EGGS Rocky Road Grade A EXtra Large 49 'Dozen Come and see our fantastic AREA RUG FAIR and you'll go home with BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! You'd better hurry for the best selection, because they're priced to sell fast! BIG GULP CHINESE HAND MADE AREA 111111GS 100% wool hand made area rugs in a variety of styles and colors. All one of kind so hurry for the best selection. SIZES- 4ft. x 6ft. A. 6 ft. x 9ft.


2 LITER -SODA All Brands ORIENTAL REPRODUCTIONS 100% Nylon Milliken rugs Choose from our huge selection of styles and colors? SIZES- 4 ft. x 6ft. & 6 ft. x 9ft. 100% Olefin Beauty that lasts with outstanding soil and, stain resistance? 8ft. 2in. x lift. lin. OPEN 24 HOURS JULY 4th Pearl Harbor Navy Exchange AND EVERYDAY! Interiors Plus Phones 422-2767 All Items plus tax, while supply lasts. 422-2762 Regular Store Hours: Specials gooa thrii 7/4/04,. Mon - Sat 9:30 am to 7:00 pm Sunday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Visa and MasterCard Accepted Competitive Prices e. t;asollne 24 Hours Everyday Sorry, no lawawasta at Selectk.. E Eleven Stores


Nwy F.ehrea Page A-16, June 27, 1984 Salutes Medal: B. Haggary Letters of Cpl. P.E. Carter Arms Letter of Cpl. Sgt. D.R. Garrison EDITOR'S NOTE: Good Conduct Cpl. M.E. Cpl. K.R. McKinney Appreciation: Cpl. R.D. Weyrauch Promotions: Cpl. R.A. Blanchard Appreciation: Maj. E.R. Langston Jr Aerial Gunner Salutes is designed to Medals: LCpI. C.P. Huddleston Cpl. G.A. Urben LCpI. E. Frederick Course: SSgt. E.W. Bridges Cpl. C.A. Buyer Albert Maj. R.N. Leavitt recognize individuals Denton LCpI. S.D. Good Conduct LCpl. W.S. Thexton for their achieve- Sgt. FIR. Camarillo Sgt. M.C. Felts Cpl. W.E. I.Cpl. M.R. Gregg Sgt. M.D. Friese V.S. Doheny ments and exception- Cpl. 11.1.. Pittman Sgt. J.O. Fernandez Ill Cpl. HMH-463 I.Cpl. A.D. Ruth Langdon Sgt. 1'. Wolfing Cpl. D.G. Locren al performance as well 1.Cpl. J.R. Roger Welcome aboard: as to welcome new I.Cpl. I..M. Sandoval Cpl. J.T. Wilson Jr. Cpl. M.J. Certificates of LCpl. M.J. Kimball Maj. G.W. Pomroy Commendation: arrivals to Hawaii. E. Boom Jr. GySgt. H.L. Jones is PFC The information Certificate of HMM-262 PFC J.W. Madden GySgt. R.J. Watkins MSgt. J.E. Olson compiled from Fleet Commendation: Welcome aboard: S.E. Sjorgren SSgt. D.F. Johnson Sgt. F.D. Fernando Home Town News Sgt. R.F. Dugan PFC D.N. McLellan releases submitted to Biggs Meritorious Masts: Meritorious Masts: Capt. R.J. Meritorious PFC S.D. Viernes Jr. M.P. Magoon the Joint Public R.I.. Neidecker Promotions: GySgt. SSgt. G.C. Marquit Capt. Pvt. A. Chaney Jr. SSgt. M.C. Blake Affairs Office by unit t5tLt. J.R. Pittman Cpl. J.D. Dailey information officers. Cpl. M.E. Loving SSgt. L.D. Delrio A.J. Bryant GySgt. W.E. Clarkson Cpl. R.J. Sliwa Meritorious GySgt. J.C. Williams Promotions: SSgt. S.L. Green 1,Col. S.A. Maze D.R. Garrison SOMS GySgt. R.A. Young Promotions: Cpl. S.A. Nagle Sgt. Letter of Cpl. B.F. Gorrie Sgt. T.J. Krivograd Welcome aboard: Recognition: SSgt. T.D. Fischer Cpl. A.B. Rahatt Sgt. J.A. Brann Cpl. H.D. McLendon Cpl. M.T. Rogers Cpl. G.A. Cummings THE MIRACLE CLEANING PRODUCT Sgt. J.E. Moore SSgt. D.W. Young Cunningham Cpl. H.V. Houser Sgt. J.M. Griscavage Cpl. F.V. Storer Cpl. M.J. Zaayer Cpl. R.T. Good Conduct Cpl. R.E. Marceau OF Cpl. J.J. Reardon Medal: Sgt. T.E. Howell THE 80's I.Cp1..I.R. Brown Sgt. E.C. Krattly Meritorious Masts: Promotions: Cpl. A. Yepez Cpl. M.R. Kelley SSgt. A:E. Dotson Sgt. P.E. Johnson LCpI. L.R. Barbarous The "NO STRAIN" Stain Remover I.Cpl. E. Futch Reenlistments: Sgt. JR. McCartney Jr. I.Cpl. A.I.. Johnson Sgt. M.H. Schmitt Cpl. D.G. Lampitoc Sgt. T.J. Krivograd LCpl. B.W. Brensinger. SSgt. S. Clark Jr. PFC J.A. Gallegos Cpl. T.J. Gawry LCpI. J.L. Hope * Removes the toughest water stains, rust and hard water LCpI. J.S. Mayen Burns Sgt. J.E. Villarreal Sgt. J.E. rings from PFC J.B. Hudspeth. Cpl. E.W. Kunze - Meritorious Promotion: CommSptCo * WINDOWS, SHOWER DOORS AND FIBERGLASS Cpl. J.W. Rooks * URINALS AND TOILET BOWLS Mast: Welcome aboard: IMISSC Meritorious J.L. White III LCpl. S.P. Lucchesi Sgt. * CHROME AND STAINLESS FIXTURES LCpl. E.D. Becton Ate LCpI. F. Falero 2/3 LCpI. T.A. Williams Professional janitorial services and the commercial Welcome aboard: PFC T.S. Harrelson Reg. 31.95 Industries have used it for years. Now, for the first time 2ndl,t. R.H. Pecoraro PFC K.J. Noell tit ADIDAS Cpl, R. Gonzales PFC T. Riggio PRINCE PRO 867.98 IMO" TENNIS CHAMP . s26.50 It's available for home use. 14,1V- PRINCE I.Cpl. M.G. Demasi Meritorious PRECISION ADIDAS Nag. 99.95 MAGNESIUM PRO Just apply and rinse. No scrubbing. Sunny Brite is truly a FIN J.N. Kienzle Promotions: GRAPHITE '105.75 Innovative & Powerful! ROD LAVER '32.50 PFC C.H. Ingwersen Sgt. C.B. unique product, designed to save time and money. Burnett WOODIE 909.00 INTRODUCTORY Promotion: Cpl. R.A. Coles OFFER 0,1$1 KENNEX MESH PFC C.H. Ingwersen Cpl. J.A. Montgomery COMP 925.00 $79.95 837.95 Rag. 47.50 Reenlistment: Cpl. J.P. Palm Cpl. T.J. Craddock NOW AVAILABLE AT Promotions: PENN TENNIS BALLS s1.89 3/3 LCpl. E. Futch orr (6 CAN LIMIT) ALL STAR SUPERMARKETS Welcome aboard: LCpI. T.A. Williams PFC T.S. Harrelson sue 1 /® * Star No. I.Cpl. S.F. Lowe * Star No. 4 PFC C.R. Arvilla PFC K. Johnson SPECIALS King St. Kallua Navy Achievement HWY. PFC S.A. Hutton 45-1015A KAM GOOD THRU Star No. 2 *Star No. 5 PFC J.C. Johnson Medals: Kam Shopping Center Kaneohe SSgt. L.D. Johnson KANEOHE JULY 4TH PFC D.J. Spragg to Central Pacific Bank) Pvt. D.E. Primmer SSgt. T.W. Wash- (Next a Star No. 3 * Star No. 7 Kahala Mall Pearlrldge Mall Pet. J.C. Gold bourne HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30-5 SAT.-SUN. 9:30-3 Pvt, C.W. Isaacs Sgt. S.P. Coogan Pvt. R.E. Kudulis Meritorious Masts: Pvt. A.G. Melliere' GySgt. M.T. Allen Pvt. D.L. Morris Sgt. M.I.. Autrey Pvt. D.A. Tipton Sgt. C.B. Burnett Meritorious Sgt. S.L. Scott Promotion: Cpl. J.D. Hemingway IT'S OUR 4TH BIRTHDAY Cpl. T.G. Bertrand Cpl. G.E. Moser Cpl. J.W. Puckett BSSG LCpI. J.A. Lopes WE Welcome aboard: I.Cpl. W. Simmons Cpl. D.J. Wright PFC G.R. Chadwell Pvt. A.A. Arrnntead PVC .1.G. Haywood FFC G,L. Johnson EVERYTHING Pvt. W.L. Bramble NOW Pvt. R.R. Chabre Letters of FINANCE Pvt. J.J. Enfonde Appreciation: Meritorious Sgt. C.R Burnett Promotions: Sgt. P.P. Smith HI CIVILIANS" Cpl. R.J. Banks Cpl. S.E. Montgomery Cpl. R.R. Buggy GOES Cpl. SALE! J.W. Puckett I.Cpl. T.F. Colyer Cpl. S.A. Schoening LCpI. P.S. Holmes LCpI. W. Simmons NOW THRU JULY 5th LCpI. M.L. Sharp LCpI. C.E. Stuckey I.Cpl. W.C. Terrell LCpI. I.. Washington INSTANT I.Cpl. R.T. Voltz PFC O.J. Hurd FINANCING o FINANCING FOR ALL ACTIVE MILITARY (E-1 & UP) NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED AND GOV'T EMPLOYEES Bring this ad with you for 10% OFF everything else! Ty Es TR EE Or $1 50 OFF COUPON4 '44 HILLTOP MEN 13T'E' P OVRITSA B LE LE IO N $11 other deluxe features TRAIL RIDES* LEBNIS Manual or remote 00 OFF SUMMER MESON OTHER Includes Instroalima IN $75 TO MOPED Vet Core. Grose**. 01000848 Program FURNITURE Powerful PrKisiuri engines ITEM UP TO COrntortable panned seats $150 DENNTON NOW! 5.150 OFF BRIMS TIN COUPON FOR TRAIL RIMNI: 4 for the price of 3! WATERBED UP TO ALL AGES, GROUP RATES 1 $50 OFF IIIISERVATIONS

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BEACH LANDING Like a scene from a Polynesian version of beaches. At - least 4,500 participants and spectators visited (Photo by Sgt. Christopher Guadalcanal, regatta paddlers prepare to hit the Air Station's Sunday for the annual John D. Kaupiko Regatta. here Wood) Regatta memorial brings Hawaiian sport to Station Kaneohe Bay's shores were lined with ancient Hawaiian tradition Sunday as the Air Station served as host to the John D. Kaupiko regatta. At least 4,500 participants and spectators swarmed onto leatherneck land for the event, proving that the ages-old canoe racing sport is alive and well. An annual event, the contest was sponsored by the Hui Nalu Canoe Club of Hawaii Kai and is dedicated to the memory of Lukela "John D." Kaupiko, a modern regatta pioneer. Outrigger Canoe Club took an overall first in Sunday's races with 69 points. Following in second and third places were Kailua and Hui Nalu respectively, with 58 and 57 points. Although a Marine team was scheduled to compete, DOUBLE. CHECK - Troy Monlayre (left) it never showed. and Kimo Cashman lighten the ropes on their Hui Lana Kilo canoe before the start of Sunday's events. Many competitors in the John D. Kaupiko Regatta were relatively new to the sport, and some had to get advice from regatta veterans to determine the proper way to tie the ropes. (Photo by Sgt. Christopher Wood)

FULL SPEED AHEAD - Lanikai Canoe Regatta. The race is dedicated to the Club paddlers exert themselves to the memory of Luke la Kaipiko, called "John limit as they head for the Kaneohe Bay D.," because "his heart was said to he as finish line. Thirty events took place on the large as Rockefeller's purse." (Photo by bay Sunday in the Oahu Canoe Racing Sgt. Christopher Wood) Association's annual John D. Kaupiko

FINDING THE WAY - Blind paddlers steam the event, including this crew made up, except for the towards the Air Station's shores' in the John D. streersmen, of blind people. (Photo by Sgt. Kaupiko Regatta conducted Sunday on Kpneohe Christopher Wood) Bay. Numerous "handicapped" persOWI competed Page 11-2, June 27, 1984

CHOCK. by BM No.chlo & Don WIllior WILLY N rINELo by Joe Malin

101.1ANDY00e. WAS urlovii AS UNLUCKY STAR J VOW SHAY York Times softiesrmaaa. New /op". crossword. puzzle , , 'Si, Pserodow By Alf po Mco/IA.414n Edtled by Ewe. ddd MAW ddidd Wddd ak.z. rz MIMEO Mind dEMO dMOMMIMMOMOM dEMMdME ALEX IN WONDERLAND. by Bob Contrail/ dIIMOMMII dddli MINN EM den= WMERM OH. RE MID WANTS WOO AMMO MOM kmvie SAME mb TO GyE uP AT THE PSYCOOLOGY dddid dOWMMMM no AO OH NNW I WOMHN AND SONG: KIDS DOCTOR'S I POD MEMO i= dd. MUM beM.et OM dOdddISM Mall dOM MUM MOM MINIM .- 161=1-tr., ad MEd U A. f io luo 'MIMI MM dill= dad OMMIIM dIOMOMMMI fraz,,..tre dMM AMEN MOM Wdell din dOOMIddiMM dOMII AMMON MOM MUM 04dEdll dlIM amarar 011HO MIMI dlIMMOMME OMMMMMIMM diMMMMMOIM Wad MM WIIIM WIIIMM CUSS WM WIIMME Wind WIrvittEINE I SAID.. up-oatarmaw INSECURE uWE Sallra Va. MMMmvsivW *WHIM: Atav I IRAmuCLCIL 11034 THOM Mao VERIONV GU rRAINImstal. alla SIMI. VEYEarEAmeAW 1110INVI Nu ogq0 "MAWS*? 6VaSPE4111NC AMU! MAYI IMP Your \ ... ./..7 -._ , WOr? ...I ...... - 6 wiur! .! ft4V Ca illA V in A ' *I \Ilk) \TO

GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Factory TRINITY 6111111111 Music Service 4-iaeparse

CHRISTIAN SCHOOL WE OFFER THESE SERVICES June 24, 1984 'Formerly Trinity Children's Community) Scheduled Service Mon.-Sat. LAST THIS TITLE ARTIST *Emergency Service WEEK WEEK *Service Contracts 875 Auloa Road, Service 533-7462 2 1 Somebody's Neadin' Somebody Conway TwItty Kailua, HI. 262-8501 Step-by-Step Repair Emergency 533-7462 1 2 When We Make Love Alabama Manuals/Parts Parts 538-1141 4 3 I Don't Want To Be A Memory Exile CONVENIENT TO KANEOHE and KAILUA *Factory Trained Technicians 6 4 Just Another Woman in Love Anne Murray ALAN 8 5 Atlanta Blue Statler Brothers Refrigerator/Freezer 5 8 You've Still Got A Place In My Heart George Jones A CHRISTIAN DAY SCHOOL DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN .Washer/Dryer 3 7 I Can Tell By The Way You Dance Vern Gosdin SPIRITUAL AND ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION 12 8 Angel In Disguise Earl Thomas Conley Range/Microwave 9 0 Between Two Fires Gary Morris Enrolling NIIW Sr IA 14 1984 Dishwasher/DiSposal 11 10 Bumin' Up With Love Eddie Rabbit' Compactor KINDERGARTEN T.V. Room Air Conditioner PRESCHOOL - DAY CARE Hear the Top Country Songe In the Nation on the WEEKLY COUNTRY 404 MUSIC COUNTDOWN SUNDAY MORNINGS at 9 A.M. on A1494 at BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL Cooke St. KDEO Country Radio. Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

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3. What North Caro- career for? Trivia... lina city is the birth- 1. Which baseball place of former major ANSWERS pitcher has won the league pitcher Jim SUPPORT YOUR TEAM most major league "Catfish" Hunter? 1. Cy Young games? 4. What baseball team 2. Chukkers 2. What are the did Ernie Banks play 3. Bethel periods in polo called? his entire baseball 4. Chicago Cubs

Montgomery N. Johns, M.D., Inc. Obstetrics - Gynecology - Infertility Now Accepting ITALIAN RESTAURANT New Patients PIZZAFREE DELIVERY LUNCH Kailua Medical DINNER SANDWICHES Arts CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS 407 Uluniu St. OPEN 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. SUN. 11-IRU THURS. Kailua 10 A.M. TO 11:00 P.M., FRI. AND SAT. SALAD BAR DINNER MENU Available an day. Office Hours by Appointment HMSA & CHAMPUS Participating Physician HAMAN! STREET "Whose luau did you cras 262-6961 Mnil345(At Hohday Mart) 261-9070 *PAikahi Park Shopping eenter Wishes everyone in our community a Safe and Happy 4th of July Holiday!

I N CO N G R ES S JULY 4, 1776. intattintonseciaralion of)tntericcu,

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Victor H. Zuercher, Jr., D.D.S. Pall Properties Sizzler Bank of Hawaii Dental Office Personalized Tax Service Alkahl Soda Stop Mattoch & Kienito, Atty's at Law Deisseroth Enterprises, Ltd. Waldo's Pizza Pioneer Chicken Avnet Insurance Wade Realty international Haircutter., Inc. Safeway Carol Agog% 000tOr of Optomeby Alkahl Theatre Alkahl Auto Parts Firestone Robert Veit Bo'Commercial Town Pump Liquors Alkahl World Travel Harry's Cafe & Dell interior Deeign UBM - Alkahl Hardware Kinney Shoes Texeira's Chevron Alkahl Park Animal Clinic Page H-4, June 27,1984 Localmotion

OFF] C ERS' ( 'I. till

11101)AY - lunch is served in the Pacific Room from I I ildn. to I pin. and features two specials of the day. deli line. salad liar, chef and shrimp salads, soups plus iin array of Mongolian barbecue is served on the totter lanai from 5,30 to 8:30 p.m. 11'11-111.11iSI)AY - Lunch is served in the Pacific Screens Room. Beefeaters buffet served from 5:3010 8:30 p.m. SunScreen' Solar featuring spare ribs. steamship round. aulhinuthi and and Economy Italian items. plus a salad bar. Tin, Nina Itoom is open for Comfort froin -I to 10,:i0 ERMAN' - lunch is served in the Pacific Itoom. nappy Flour in he Km. Ronan is fr.:n.1:30 to6:30 p.m. EXTERIOR SHADING FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS with a live band. Ali:, Si country and western band plays non, 7 to I I:31) p.m. Mongolian barbecue is SUNSCREEN blocks up to 70% 01 the served on flu. lower lanai from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. sun's heat and glare before It pene- SA'fUltI)AY - New England clambake features trates your windows and doors. Re- iidiyidual rirys AT snow crab legs, shrimp. clams. duces sun fading. Available in seven round )4 beef. spitgloil I i. salad liar and clan) chowder. decorator colors. The IVoit 1iaan is 111/ell 1'1,111 -I ill 11.111. BLOCKS THE SUN . . , NOT THE VIEW SUNDAY - Champagne brunch menu features INSTALLS AS A SCREEN ... NOT A FILM STOPS INSECTS . . . NOT 1,f beef. eggs benedict to THE BREEZE hip round chicken a la king. SEDUCES GLARE FOR ADDED order. seafotal Newburg. complimentary juice and a COMFORT dining available in Woven of attractive, affordable, durable glass of champagne. Candlelight PhIlerglass. Itoon: spin from 5 to 10 p.m. tin...ling. The \ Free estimates and MON DAY Lonel, served in the Pacific Rot.. on-site energy -seeing - survey. Custom Installation on any typo win- Monday evening the chill is closed. MAU Service dow et door. is in Room. CHESSFIOARI) BATTLE - Sgt. Jareatl defeated HM2 Lee Avren, TUESDAY - Lunch served the Pacific Group-31, and several other U.S. Pet No. 4,002,108 The Koa Hnon, i'll1511 .1 9:70 pin. Johnson, Station Operations and Support Maintenance Stahl., studies his next move opponents before gaining a spot in the THERE'SONLYONESUNSCREEN....A5XFOIMYNAME during the 25th annual Sea Service Chess Hawaii Sea Service Championship to be' For Fate Estimates and Custom Installation, contact. Tournament eliminator held at the held July 27 at Pearl Harbor. (Photo by GRAVITY SCREEN CO. S NCO CLU II Library June 9-10. Johnson Cpl. Pat Lewandowski) 46-2160 KAHUNIPA ST. Slat' BEHIND SCUBA SHOP $thiscREN 235 -6200 IA. 786 TOI)AY - loin* is served from I 1 a.m. to I pm. featuring beef k ;Molls:no( fried rice. Beef and crab, all N.5151 ran eat. is SCSVI'll in /111 5 to pm. *)1.1.1,144<******** 7K4<*71<>1c************************************************************************* _ lasagne v.. Open menu dining is available Dom 5 to 8 p.m. FRIDAY - lamb special today is inahilnahi WINDWARD ENLISTED CLUB M. JULY 1984 chicken. Open menu is at ailable from 5 to 9 p.m. - Listen II. the sounds of Rio Di. p in. to I a.m. - SUNDAY ' MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY - !Maim room is open 1'1,111 Ili 1/.111. Wit Il 01/ell menu dining..1 Bl. plays variety 11111,4 ...)x(. i // Need Information HUNGRY FOR PIZZA? /*PIM 9 11.111. to I a.m. IF, long, oir - About SLINDAN' - Bring the kindly ii) a champagne * ' 8 ' FIRESIDE haul is, tram The dining 1.0I III1 IS * .60 Dom 9:30 min. . 1/ Private Parties closed Sinai:it. evenings. Or INN 'If . e MONDAY lunch special is macho burrito. ,#) - Special Events? THEY DELIVER served from I 1 I p.m The chili is closed -X- .4:c 4PS% um. mid $111! ,.., Q %fritli,_ rtlondity evenings. -X- CALL 254-1537! C.1 a CI rx v ,q' Call Us! TUESDAY Lunch special is liver ...lions. * - < et 5 25;'--2657 Tuesday is Mongolian night Dom 5 to S p.m "?)t... ' Ulm ___, 6 7 Tun 1011.1 lffis III II unt: 5 ce //..\ Cio) ,..e -X- til coin 0 z .c 1,-, ..SOCK HOP VIXEN U * iiii IL . ENLIHTED CI. It Z o Q 1-1 ., Good RAN R with All Girl Rock-N-Roll Band from .....1 C2 .* x the movie, 11ARDBODIEq ai :::.< ... DONNIE ROHRS fF 8 2 V b- 10 T()1),xv - served from I I a.m. to I p.m. pci .:t P: ...... I i (I) r° ...... a a 4 PLUS $2.00 AT THE DOOR ALL NIGHT!! I :loin, room is ilpen from 51.9 pai.Thechers special < gal /a ."13 ,,,,,, this Ilona Is is top sirloin tvit 11 all he stains) .1111 1,111 vc7, It (..) -4 x .. The Old Tones of 2 SHOWS EACH 14 (71 NIGHT 1,11. 1,1111)111V With soup S:11:111 1/111.. Till. liver LL1 1-.< CI QC a The BEACH BOYS, garden h:nitres sandwiches. homemade chili. to Ill 12 BEATLES, 13 0 z 1.1 ,,,,i a, Qs I.. te. Etc. bagels. salads and to her items. Live bands play in c 14 the Itliaingate Lounge and the main ballroom frOin Z -...: ? wire ... a ca .... 7i:10 to I 110 p.m. 0 .. :10 ).. . TINA MARIE L_, 7' 4!t 14. .?. 1.... T111.1171-11)AY Lunch moved from I 1 a.m. to I 0 p u * ** V) g 44 a - 0 ...,1 DINNER SHOW p.m. Dining 1,11111 is open frial.51o9 p.m with an linen c-- z w 0 kJ w '42. . o tx .1 4. ______X c'' . y Prime Rib, menu. I Miner special is 1411 I'm x NI U. -I km' qv .0 ta Grab, sirloin and Alaskan king U.1 I-. NW I° Z - War d., " crab. including soup and salad bar. Live bands play = X (D 't 4:1 % Shrimp, Mahi MAI 0 < 44 CI .v.41 il c". "I''' 31a A, ,.. in the Nlooligale !mange and the main ballroom from ict %. co :P. 1,,.$ Vegets.blcs, Rice, 5i:10 to II:30 p.m. I. < 0) 14...... 4. Pm * t c,,, ,,,, Complete Salad I .. < J FRIDAY Lunch in served from II a.m. to p.m. - * .... otg,.... 0. Bar $10! I luting room is open from d to 9 p.m. Dinner special's . ,- >. ._ ... a 4, -- Only prime rib ': 16 0 ,,s_-/ 1. 0,, ..., ots ivi .4 PM and lobster tail. Ilappy Hour in from r, tot) * '..a la ... ,t 21 5-9 p.m. Peter's top .10 request line plays from 6:30 -.1 o a. C. cv : ---..., p.m. to 1:30 a.m. in the Moongate Lounge. Mem' * < oill ...4: 2 :12 1"1-6,. No. .? Free-9'i HOW. in /hill, 5 to fi '"he club is open until '2 a.m. * .... ° eks GUEST and the beer gaoler: is loom It ton 8 to 9 p.m. -X .1 w 43 iol, 0 cc 4'1 ,.°) .,, Roses SAT(112 1)A - Inn is open from 7,1o!) p.m. It z X Dinar special prime rib and lobster toil. ladies 'X' 0 ., I-- wQ 0 --s. NIGHT! qt -4.71: ECD t3 night every Sat iirday night with Dee 1.11S1, :))(c: CI) o% %4 14 For The ldies. The beer garden in 111/1.11 1.1.111, t II p.I11. fou Iiia 4:5 t .4 Vp..) ALL RANKS WELCOME 0. 0 .... SUNDAY Club opens at I I ad,. Dinner served ....3 che w - * 1.. c') Ladies from 5 109 p.m. Dinner special is primerib and lobster * git ...1 ...-Z I... 22 0 25 Q. G..?' 28 tail. Tonight issoul night with Prier in the Moongate * s:c 0 CO ---. l'is IC 14. _ Loring,. and Tim in the main ballroom from 7:30 p.m. co et..tik, tS .:4 * to 1-.1111 K-Bay E. M.,. Club to :Ian. The heer garden is 111/111 1.1.11M t., * .:, it " \ \ MONDAY lunch is served frt. I I a.m. to I p.m, * - is the only fki :;*.., 0 O geu 'Iv --.... INDEPENDENCE DAY! Dining 1'110111 IS I /peel fr0111 01 1/.111. 1111111.1,11 Military Club 1'1'111111.1, all he spaghetti In lasagne you can eat, * Liy 14 " With 10 t° including salad bar and garlic bread. Wildfire plays 8. 1%,.. X 3; efi. it, .,,,,,, N,,,,_ JULY 4, in the Moongate I .01111ge and White Buffalo plays in * VIDEO JUKEBOX! ....., 1.... I,. j410: '-''----V:/,,,, Ai. , : ,!,,,,_..---...._-_,-----.... ----...- the main ballroom frt. 7:30 to I1:311 p.m. qt .... ,1 I Come in and ..... 4" TtIESI)AY - Lunch is served from 11 amt. to * .":-=..,-.-=471" 1984 ii.tn. room ism)... from 7) lo9 p.m. with all you ',X Check it out! At,/ ------can eat smorgasbord. A live band plays in the r: 29 30 31 Moongate Lounge front 7:30 to 1 1:11) p.m. ::1: ******8:**VS:s: 8: 8. : rgfEEMEDIMMER _yar****************************************************************************************** aldeA }kw 11/10Ragemegt THE OFFICERS' CLUB " " JULY 1984 Ugt (flub SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Yoni owner e LUNCH SPECIAL LUNCH SPECIAL 2.-2 -..._7---t, LUNCH SPECIAL :I: . v . Exotic Dancer OH' BBQ Beef and Beef Liver, Fish & Chips U 'W, ( 41\ Beautiful Hostesses Oltak Mashed Potatoes Rif Bacon and Onions i 00W jik r 4 DSO EVERY Delicious Pupas Z 'f' MONGOLIAN 6, ::) C)-:-, 6 -8 PM THURSDAY 61 wbol ..4- --- 12 Noon-2 AM 0 40N THE LANAI 5 Ijk . - 53 North Beretania Street ... . "Wt I 1 (444 *-. 1... e CO C\I SPECIAL f°4 531-5402 LUNCH SPECIAL LUNCH r e * :10 Cil - a fh w, rli t. is 2. ., v EJEIEFOFgrgIEFAMIESIEraka 'A with . Open Faced Roast Pork il... 11::2 * - . X b ° 79. t Roast Beef Gravy, Dressing, 5; ... 0 -, - .... - , r ,c r `..1 ).. ill -..,4i ... ° * Z Sandwich Mashed Potatoes 41.4f0r*v'.q, 'il't Ill 3 * r` 4 e 0 fF ::) cl 4 ' 415 'i If, I, and Vegetable 14 fh 0 l'; r lin - iti E CLIP THIS COUPON 'w. kit 4 '"iii ' 13 woe 11 Q 4 * A CC 4* '1 fl CO ct. yd., ' J . Ity ' 1\ l'a 8 1", 0 and SAVE off " !> ,kk.,,;01.4 $2500 course %dm LUNCH SPECIAL * z ow ; :.'...i, 7i a.t.,1 A .17 * SCUBA CLASSES ha co LUNCH SPECIAL °CI *4. 0 44> a R with *. Z -- o 0 ol x . Beef Stew Palk . ec - . Q 1,-. ea c..9,11 I IC 4 f Stuffed Bell Rice & Vegetable w Oti; ea i, z F a, ,,3 * It PIO Peppers .E v. * '91 with MONGOLIAN MO 11.1 0 t,, 44r pia Rice & Vegetable Every Wednesday . co Z ...,,1,74 14 .4 4 (I) Z ...:- 25 o o 16 ""a Pm/ No. 17 18 5:30 -&30 PM < to 20 ....4X Iv .4 q * / * c qt qc ..., * C.) u4 Q LUNCH SPECIAL SPECIAL ILI Lli LUNCH 0 Ity48010114 . f:f la Teriyaki ft- * \ I/ Pork Veal Cutlet, th 4, o Avito * classmom .... C/) with Rice Mashed Potatoes Z *4-4 - 41 * and Vegetable and Vegetable 0 * * ,,.Z water dry e $ 11\ N., Ca Z jitt * 6Open 27 28 * " 1.?J(10.1u. 2i**,.. *S IS . 24 25 -"es * VA )- * LUNCH SPECIAL. ire 1 Eal. TT 52! * Sweet & Sour * Pork with Rice 4 * Iit Vegetable es al, ,, and * le se' ' ak * W * 29 3Q val *** ******41i*****I******,.*** ** **

ti June 27, 1984, Page /1-5 Art of fencing demands total Cheer your concentration unit to Story and photo Capt. Les Sharpless, assistant will leave an opening for your with," said Roberts. "A change of instructors are available to teach by Lepl. Karen lzbinski training officer, Camp H.M. opponent to score." . duty stations is a problem when these who would like to give it a Smith, began fencing as a The HFA is the only fencing you're involved in the sport as try. Additional information can he victory on "Fight you scoundrel!" These freshman at Southern Methodist organization the island, much as some of the active duty obtained from Cagle at 988-3127. very words may have University at Dallas, in 1971. "I therefore the combined efforts of members are here." been spoken individuals are relied years ago by men of breeding to found I had au apptitude for it and several upon "Today's fencing is much faster fiends who made inappropriate pursued my desire to play," said to teach one specific area of than the fencing done many years or On the mainland, ago," uncourtly threats to them or their Sharpless. "'total concentration is thought. this is said Sharpless. "Many TLA MILITARY loved ones. The most gracious required, no it's impossible to not the case. When schools of young, male fencers forget their comment, taken fence and think of anything else different areas of fencing get form and when they get older hnd Waikiki Special erroneously, for competitive activities, their could have been cause for a duel to but control." The name of the together speed begins to decrease, the death. game is control. Control is the students learn from the combined they have no form to fall back on." $9000 basis of the learning process and efforts of the organizations. This TAX Today's fencing however is not flourish. The HFA does not collect dues. $32PPAx exercised in this manner to exhibit these courtesies and allows the sport to or under qualities shows a students' Roberts is interested in forming New members can use available Single Occupancy Double Occupancy these circumstances. Fencing fencers in Kaneohe to equipment at no cost until their today is a possible future success with the a group of sport of many sport." begin a new area of thought in the plans to pursue the sport are HOTEL FEATURES characteristics perception and I definite. Only - In a match between two fencers, art. "When I was at basic school, an interest in Alrconditioned rooms intuition, as well as technique and find anyone to fence fencing is needed, and style. The Hawaii Fencing the first to receive five touches couldn't qualified Color T.V. and alarm clock radio Association offers individuals the from his opponent within a six- Pm Shuttle to/from Ala Moans Shopping Center & Waikiki opportunity to try their hand at minute time limit, wins the bout. Restaurant Serena, Piko Bar, Cast-N- Kettle the sport, and let their "Worrying about the score, who Large Sun Deck and Pool imagination run wild. received the last touch, or your performance on the floor, can Meeting and Banquet facilities, "The thought of being the Guest laundromat:.Shopping Arcade awash- buckling hero draws people throw off your concentration," into the art," said Melodic Cagle, said Sharpless. Hawaiian Monarch Mel promotions director of the HFA. "Form, timing, point control, An Ironwood Resorts Hotel "A lot of people come to us because and distance ale also critical factors that contribute to the DIVORCE 444 NIU STREET HONOLULU, HAWAII 98815 seen they've 'The Three success of any fencer," said Musketeers' and 'The Adventures FOR INITIAL ,RESERVATIONS of Don Juan' and are fascinated. Sharpless. "Close distances LOW FEES NO CHARGE CONSULTATION The elements of chivalry, between opponents enable a (808) 949-3911 saluting breakdown of intense action to your opponent, and sportsman- take place, and should the ship are mannerisms that challenger be too far away, the individuals are faced with when is they begin their training with the amount of action that occurs Cagle. close to nil. You must have the 261-3233 HFA," said ability to maintain proper HAWAII'S BIGGEST USED The association began 14 years ago with four members, and today distance from your opponent so FURNITURE SALE EVER these mishaps of fencing don't 415A ULUNIU STREET,XAILUA its combined strength is 48. 19 Approximately 20 members occur," said Sharpless. STARTING JUNE TWO MAJOR WAIKIKI participate in mainland activities Patrick RENOVATIONS OFFER YOU QUALITY USED of the United States Fencing Roberts, 2d Bn., 3d,Marines, also FURNISHINGS AT BARGAIN PRICES!! Association. Tournaments and started fencing as a freshman, at LAW OFFICES competitions are paid for by the the University of North Carolina member involved in the particular at Charlotte, and went on to teach activity of the organization. the sport at Charlotte Community OF NOAH.D. FIDDLER "Our best fencers in the College from 1980-81. "When I organization," said Cagle, started fencing, I didn't have a "include several members of the in a foil solid knowledge the use of lease.,: 1,,er: serviet `sl rut. F;1,1 hulk Itadiatar hose Tune .up military. They maintain a (a thin, narrow sword used in discipline that is very important fencing)," said Roberts, "and any in the art." misunderstanding of the sport firestone

RADIALS SPECIAL PURCHASE desk-dresser 89.00 12.00 original equipment mirror 5 glass belted radial night stand 29.00 $329 headboards 12.00 P155/8011x13, Deluxe Champion Blackwell rattan occ. chair 45.00 rattan side chair 29.00 P185/80Rx13, Deluxe Champion Blackwell . P185/75Rx14, floor lamps 19.00 Deluxe Champion Blackwell table lamps 18.00 Limited Quantity - No Rainchecks lanai chairs 19.00 lanai occ. tables 10.00 Lube, oil and oil filter twin bed 39.00 with FREE 10-point car inspection double bed 49.00 bedspreads 14-19.00 ok.., ars sod light drapery panel 12.00 $888 trucks. ph,. Daum 1/x17 22.00 -brut VW and Hondas carpet approx. your Our automotive pros will lubricate 1 car's chassis, drain old oil and add up / Lf to live quarts of new oil. Plus install ,, a new Firestone oil filter. Call far an appointment, Both offers expires June 30, 1984 IT'S CONVENIENT! ITS INSTANT CREDIT! T. TOUCHE! - Capt. Les Sharpless (center), assists 2ndLt. Patrick V4s Din. Club MaelotCsed Roberts (left), and Don Appling in the execution of a parry stroke DAYS SAME AS CASH! Ca to M.. ...urn ma... Ammen in the art of fencing. All three keep themselves in good physical ' hafgesr.lunded when pod es prood condition from the exercise involved in the sport. These sessions take place at the Manon Valley Recreational Center Wednesday AIKAHI PARK SHOPPING CENTER CO. nights at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in becoming actively involved INTERISLAND FURNITURE, in fencing should contact Melodic Cagle, promotions director at PHONE.254-3528 717 Moowaa Street 988-3127. OPEN MON.-FRI. 7:30-5:30, SAT. 8:00-4:00 Back of Hapalama Shopping Center CALL 847-1361 FORpETAILS Monday thru Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. I L 11,111,'1,311 -Via' SOO, I .1 n Iblii.ltOr nut',

gzic** acne zessac zsis**************tic****************.*********************************.**************** Cinema THE SNCO CLUB IIE JULY 1984 TODAY - DUSTY - Bill Kerr, Noel Trevathen, SATURDAY PG, drama. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY - TOOTSIE - Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lange, PG, comedy. CLOSED FRIDAY - ANGEL - Donna Wilkes, Cliff SNCO -*.--91"-- Gorman, R, action drama. e,:$1 Ilt SATURDAY - MY TUTOR -- Caren Kaye, Matt niOn 4 r' -'" SOLID Lattanzi, R, comedy. 0,- so- WIVES 46- st ,00',) 110 0 SUNDAY -THE STING II -Jackie( ileason, Mac 0 9011 SILK %. ,A4444° Davis, PG, comedy. CLUB V 0 ,\.% MONDAY - INDEPENDENCE DAY --- 0 'bo'" No * Kathleen Quinlan, David Keith, It, romantic drama. s'?" i 5 6 7 * TUESDAY - SILVER DREAM RACER- David 1 2 3 * Essex, Beau Bridges, PG, action drama. 0 BOSSES * The Station Theater opens at 6:45 p.m. for ticket () * 44 4`. ( t&A SOUL * sales and the movie starts at 7:15. For information on NIGHT * Camp Smith movies, call 477-6467/6382. vs, 17 or fDie (6 .- * P OPT+ % r-.' CRP;.:641 NIGHT * Sponsored Ism* < ir... t4)411% Ik ROSE #, .4* By MACS-2 ::01ASTEVIAIEs * 12 13 00 9 2 ...... 10Z 11 Ne 6-9.P14

:)* Q' AL .4ir % BEEF a LOUNGE .,/ DISCOTHEQUE at #ste .1 .7: ity ANDAN 0 & Luke's 62 Onismi St Nallut 2811801 ,.. 4 %AV.: 4.1 .,) is CRAB Pineapple ., 1 :S i, ... Recording Artists .. = 0. tr,,I 0AI Store Sa `3 '4 LAttl. 0#,NN 20 °"'at c't lb m JUST 19 t. or- 21 es ** 16 171,0' 11. ss.lb St "THE TOYES" ... 444 - $9.95 00,4 .2%. el :a 27th a; .- III 0 Wed., June 44 5-8 PM 11(jk,e0 OP' 0 'Psi itt OkA5 5 thru July 8th se g... =. 0 ti) a 114 f monis" 114 41 T E X SS =. "Smaelvj 4. 0, . ,. 27 28 ill 22 ,i. 24 4bt 25 ;lb\ falf 4 26 lit "Listen To - it The Radio" ... IIN 411° Doors Open If,-,,,,, JNIMPEIIIDENCE PAY ./ *".. AN : , , t 4.. - 4 4 8 P.M. i Ih is /,,//,',' 4////////y///, ,j/ii, I ,' ill,/ /W/7, 4, 1 \ ;.i', "44448, A , , ,. / /9;# / II , i ,,, I/ z ,t14 ,l' OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK KIDDIE DISCO I. ,,, , '', 12:30-3:30 44 (13 i \ \ ,\\ .`,,,\\\` , \ 2614561 ! 29 30 31 ft wt****************),*************************************************************************L. Page B-6, June 27, 1984 SOMS 10-K Run benefits Navy Relief Fund Drive

Story and Photos by killing my body like I usually do," Sgt. L.C. Brooks said Sheryl Raftery, dependent wife. "This was probably the most The early morning sun brought organized race ever held on the with it the heat that runners base. Of course, the water at the dread. But neither the heat nor the finish line was the best thing time of day could keep these about it all," said Raftery in runners out of the competition of between guzzles of the cool wet the Station Operations and stuff. Maintenance Squadron Navy Relief Society 10-K Run Sunday. Raftery won the Windward One-hundred and forty runners Half-Marathon women's division were on the scene to endure the 6.2 last month in a near record time of mile course to benefit the Navy 1:21:32. Relief Fund Drive. Second and third place winners "I ran an even paceall the way. I in the women's division was Susie was just waiting for people to fade Bartels, 42:52 and Zandra Krulak, in the background," said the 45:54. victorious Col. Jack Tuttle, Camp "We were working against a lot H.M. Smith, who dashed over the of participation in the RIMPAC finish line in 34:55. The aide exercises. More than two thirds of station was a great help and it was the brigade is involved with that. a well-run race." But we were still able to get a lot of LCpl. Michael Roman, participation from the remaining Headquarters and Maintenance brigade units and the Station aide Squadron-24, came in second in of the house," said Capt. John the men's division with a time of James, SOMS, organizer of the 35:59. "The race started a little event. "We were a little late late, it was really beginning to get getting started with the race hot. It if had started at. 6 a.m. because a lot of late registrations instead of 7, I think it would have had to be processed in the green been smoother. I ran this race to machine provided by the Brigade get ready for the Hilo Marathon Information Systems Manage- next week which is going to be a ment Office to record runners really hot one," said Roman. numbers and times. I think CWO-3 William Hartzell, BISMO was the real hero of the Operations, 1st Marine Brigade race because they were able to was third in the men's division keep things running smooth and crossing the finish line in 37:16. accurate. TALKING IT OVER Col. Jack Tuttle, Camp H.M. Smith, and The first woman to finish was Because of the excitement and Relief Society 10-K Run Sunday is Sheryl Raftery, dependent only four minutes behind Tuttle enthusiasm of the participants in TAKING IT HOME IN STRIDE - Winning the women's division Operations and Maintenance Squadron Navy Heiser nocrety 10-K with a time of 38:65. the SOMS 10-K Run, approximate- in the Station Operations and Maintenance Squadron Navy Run Sunday. Tuttle placed first in the men's division and Raftery "It was fun. I was just running ly $500 will be donated to the Navy Relief Society 10-K Run Sunday is Sheryl Raftery, dependent placed first in the women's division.. for a workout and it went well. I Relief Society, according to wife. Her time was 38:55. had a really good time instead of James.

KANEOHE BAY MARINE CORPS JUNE 211,2930 Exchange Service Station

COOLING DOWN - Connie Jensen cools down with an orange in one hand and a cup of water beside her after finishing 45th overall in the Station Operations and Maintenance Squadron's 10-K Run Sunday. SAVE SAVE SAVE RIVA , 1 , For Imports CUSTOM POLYSTEEL PANASONIC Even its footprint tells G-METRIC Keeps its feet even in you it's different!' Today's Steel Belted Answer the rain! For Imports! PUTS TIME Of41 .., . 2 30 .1. $3600 $3960 YOUR SIDE. 155/1100_13 P155/10R13 WW WW ' 155 SR 13 BL . With all the new channels, every night brings ken ! rromsamil.rrma 1=i , . ,. kaki t.171111.1 IA...ri..,1 '' " Acme, :el 11" .1 e. 1,1 movies and and Shows than .1..'ll it.sforprrill: 11111WWIIIRIMill kilo iI more good spoils .e. liaLlrkli , :e 1'N Itilid ; if fel,111111111MtPD=Sei1::11111 Lail . Td-WW -67-.00- . 1 ever before. Its hard to find time for everything Leij!ila13111','.' ' 0". 67.80 ' r. ' v. ' 'r" -84-.00- . . worth seeing. tali ' " . ci .1/4 . 1. 88.00 . : . ; : WEIL_ 45 ... .1 . ." All stew Sizes on Sal* - Tool All other Custom oolystsel Sizes on Sale Tool Omnivision lets you watch televisi it7rn your pl other G-Metric Sizes on Sale Tool own time, on your own terms. You earl record for up to eight hours, to watch whettecrer you like. If you miss something, just play It again. ID If you're interrupted, the program will wait.

Available at your military exchange. Orne1hriait en NHS] SAVE SAVE vE WRANGLER POWER STREAK 11 EAGLE ST Delve it with confidence, Come Fly With ALL. SEASON The Eagles! NI season, all terrain 2880 all position, all Goodyear' . 76 A71-13 Ww 5 0 P195/75 R13 RWL 0 R14 'WL b e 711 .71111111111111111111111111:MIGINIV7T11 teji.e,' r.X.1, etja Ifni tiTallIMIMaill.rromurrArm Ill tier '-friTAllil-ii T 1,1 IMO itaitir,'.4.21 t,legkiiikil 1114.51.17i.: kl. ri. AI 1-,i14.-.Ti711;Lf 72,00___ 84.110__ ;RA .11PIT ---t '.E till',] 1.4... 31 11 , A.; Yek'...... AAA (714nTil7 r tic, t, .e, op itt . , "C. 1r --T ei filk.1.1 1.' .11.7...i. I -4 e.r-FT: T PV.1720 511 _74.25. LT* AWKETIT.60. ..16.11 w All - ' AliVorStreak 11 Shit on Cp.. Tool All omit Eagle Sono Video ST Sizes on Selo Tool , i other Wrangle RItchal Slaps on Tool MAWS RIXOtA7, SALE HOURS: 01KM to '180 , . . . , .,,,,.,,,,, WHEEL BALANCING ZUFo OFF ... , Cate afitilli11111111,1111116 dune 27, 1981. nutisilliieri Had One Too Many? Check 'Ilse Classified Ads for a house all of you can fit into com- fortably.

Auto ParlstSery 156 Neptune/I qumnien1 IS? Mithatery & Equipment 53 Rent A Co 1/4 CLASSIFIED Autos Weems 161 RoosestIting 184 Miscellaneous 76 Armes To Share /6 Betty furnishings 124 Hol Rude 112 Mac Wooed 36 INDEX Rentals Wenled 413 Boils Supplies A Sets, 146 Help Wanted Domestic 67 Mooed. Wes R 400 Resumes 36 Classification Building Supplies I41 Help Wanted 14/1 60 marmots Sates a Saw Rooms To Rent 88 Business 011e0109 40 Help Wanted Sales 61 Music Sales & Seri 04 categories are listed Schools & Twin, 45 Business OPPertont0 50' Hobby & Dalt Supplies 66 Orrice Is, Reel 03 alphabetically Snuations Wanted (rosiness Protect, Houses turn 81 Email lot Sale Personals a & female 63 tor Su,,,tent 104 Houses Pod turn at Personal Seem. 35 Announcements I5 Sporltng Goods 147 Cards for thanla Houses Unita° 82 Pet SuPOliee antigun Collector s Items Ito Sleets & TV Ito Dowers Pion Income Tao Soy 30 Sales & Service 51 Cols &turn 10 Swaps 128 Centrists 119 Inane Properly 113 Pools Supplies Aye Pill Turn 75 Travel in Comes Townhouse Onlinn 87 Jewelry & Clottung 118 Real (slate Announcements IS f rum 73 Trucks a Pickups 166 Condos Townhouse Purl 65 lawn And Gardenino 148 Real (slate For Sale Appliances 121 Vacation Rentals 93 Condos Townhouse Turn B6 legal Notices 1 Real (rule Management 12 Auto Announcements 173 Wins Campers a Jeeps 175 Runk. 120 livestock 150 tell [stele Trade 17 Autos for Lease 17? Will Will freebee 131 Furniture for Rent I68it loans /loans Wanted 55 Peal Eslale Wanted 16 Autos for Sele 176 GarageLanal Sale test a found 20 Rentals 23

10 CEMETERY PLOTS 25 PERSONALS 35 PERSONAL SERVICES .35 PERSONAL SERVICES 35 PERSONAL SERVICES MILILANI Cemetery - 8 plots MASSAGE by a certified DESIGNER custom-made, all CARMEN'S secretarial 777 asking $750 each' ATTITRealtors, Businesses. licensed professional Homeowners. types of garments and Kapiolani Blvd 537-3523 Call 621-5640 Let us land- & Jeanette ()slander. 941-6738 scape or renovate your alterations. Ph. 262-4949 Typing. copying. mailing 1-7 p.m grounds. Call Sunlight resumes 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS HANDYMAN, carpenter. Gardening Co. 262-5771 Free estimates. MASSAGE to relieve stress. Member of American Assoc of John at 261-8474 pain, tension. Jeanette 941- Nurserymen 6738 1-7 p.m. ALOHA PAWN I will clean your house once a BOOKKEEPING service - !formerly Wahiawa Pawn) week. Good rates. Call Chris THE Clean Team p taxes. general ledger 247-6065. Reliable & Neat Buy. Sell, Loan &a financial statements 261 General Housekeeping 3676 MATH TUTORING. Pre- QUICK CASH Algebra to Calculus IV, Reasonable rates. 2613709 LOAN experienced. Call 247-2721. ' AND RELIABLE YARD SERVICE. HOUSECLEANING - Weekl We Buy kW and Any- We do lobs professionally like biweekly or monthly Satisfac- thing Ego of Value. stonewall, sidewalks, tree GOOD JOSS ARE tion gtd. Honest & depen- trimming and complete yard AVAILABLE! dable. local ref. Call Ann 45E- 040 CALIFORNIA AVE. work Tor commercial & 1405 leave mess 487-7493 residential. Large or small. We Professional resumes open doors Mahalo Ph. 622-2808. do it all for the price you can Mlirtatv Specialists afford. Free estimates. Call Free Consultation 262-2588. Mainland Job u .20 LOST & FOUND Serving FELIPE Yard and House- Lead Services Since 1979 LOST Old bracelet cleaning. Call 261-5050 PROFESSIONAL RESUME KMCAS Marina. June 10. , between 2.00 and 8:00 p.m... SERVICE s0° Reward. Call 262-7953 735 Bishop St.. 9238 - 533-4533 FOUND: Perfectly marked, full 521-7901 sw Remy kw BM*. grown Doberman, female, on WE PAINT "Established 1071" LanIkai BeackJune 23. 1984. Call 254-5690 or 262-8197 ExCellent work Reasonable prices FOUND: Bunny . Le; in Aikahi Park. No job too small Own Your Own Business... Call 254-2234 References in Hawaii or on the Mainland AND THE WINNER IS Col. Jack Tuttle, morning during the Stations Operations and Maintenance 5 PERSONALS Free Estimates If you like problem-solving, are good with figures. Camp H.M. Smith, is the first runner to Squadron Navy Relief IN Trouble? Ask St. Jude for and enjoy helping people, then consider a busi- sprint over the finish line in34:55 Sunday 10-K Run. Intersesion. It works. St. Jude Kevin 395-0325 ness counseling practice with GBS, a national pray for us and for all who franchisor with 20-plus years experience. honor and invoke thy aid. Tom 395-2552 You will provide financial management serv- Thank you St. Jude for aiding ices lo independent businesses and professionals me. WF DRESS Making and altera- through a proven program. Total investment of LOOKING for: Decendants of tions. Call anytiine before 910 $21,500 includes product inventory of $3,000 and Johann E. Elderts & Keel p.m. 262-7059. franchise fee of $18,500 which covers national Mahoe of Puna. HI. CT: Henry headquarters Elderts ph. 239-9177: Guy and field training and initial supplies. Elderts 239-6114: Chas SATISFIED Yard Service. Cul. You select clients, set fees, and are supported Aka trim. fertilizing. Dep. with 21 services for today's business market. Kaopue 695-9409; Mabel Reasonable. Free est. 262- 695-9930 0324 anytime. For a no obligation brochure, call 235-6377. IF You want to drink, that's Or write to the address below your business. If you Want Ic BASIC business service stop. that's ours. Alcoholics including - bookkeeping, General Business Services Anonymous Ph. 946-1438 general ledger. finenciat ' Dale Petersen. Dept. SN-BS-27 statements & Income IRA '" 46-024 Puulena St 0624 fir* WANTED Ilve-In handyman. preparation. Call 422-9897 Reas. rent. Write MSD, P.O. Kaneohe. HI 96744 Box 1243, Kaneohe, Hi, 96744. 35 PERSONAL SERVICES ENG Nanny will vacation/ child/pet sit Refs. Write: M. NEED a paint lob on your' Tapscott, 27 Kuuala St.. Kallua house by the beach that will WANT TO WANT TO 96734 last for years? Call Torn 262- 6875 IS MORMONISM Christian RETIREE, dependable yard A New Recorded message service Free estimates Call each week. 293-9495 . 262-7588 SELL BUY

CAR WIth your PARADISE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY ,, shalt USED FURNITURE , go far Puttees $125 set, twin beds complete $100 SPECIALIST & $125; beautiful king size canopy water- bed, must see $995; king size flotation THEY'RE OFF - Enthusiastic runners Col. Jack Tuttle, Camp H.M. Smith, won waterbed w/AM/FM stereo cassette & and SAYE! 1. Is headboard lights $595; 150-year-old an- were ready to go the course for the Station the men's division in 34:55 and Sheryl REUPHOLSTER tique dresser $250; antique marble weather Operations , and Maintenance Squadron R a fter y dependent wife, won the -' stand $200; queen size sofa bed, excl. - $425; teakwood couch & chair $175; beau- Navy Relief 10-K Run Sunday morning. women's division in 38:55. Quality work at an M! carved fOldlOg Screen $175; urn` Affordable Price. wicker vanity & stool $175; swivel rocker .8/ / BED WS: custom 7-pc. country style dining ,,. Aoni.; Bet $275; 5-pc. dining set 225; 5-pc. rattan , ... ' anh w,.. dining set $195; rattan dining chairs $65 Or sell 1111.11011 Pi." I your bad. ea.; rattan dining table $65; 7-pc. Rattan Art FREE ' --'414;t1 and Instead Gallery living rm. set $925; Curio cabinet -Pickup delitieryjripi....- $75; rosewood buffet/server $695; El Patio -Estimates - " 411,,,.; gas BBC/ $145: clothes dryer $75 & $125; Also teak coffee table & matching speaker Island Wide Service an ad cabinets; lamps & much more. ir Win $3000 in the exciting To place 2618492, 320 Uluniu SI Carlo. 676-0460 a. CALL 235-5881 Mazda ...... 4 ELECTRONIC

, Family Photo 417 . SYSTEMS Contest '85 _._. Here's all you have to do: AUTO STEREO CONNECTION'S

Take a 35mm color shot of your family MONTH END SPECIALS!! having fun In a Mazda-any Mazda car CLARION SPECIALS oe arrcial G. or truck. WOO II ON 530OR ONLY Applications and rules are available . SOFT - COMPONENT - 1" ,. ... DIGITAL ,-.5 nttamenti TapsAutoftversa smith Si 400 at your FULLY- %dr Pr. for this contest i - Separate DOME TWEETERS nearest Mazda dealer. FEATURED AM /FM Stereo Sass i Treble Ra:"Sreette top 20 International winners $15300 . OW' The Reg. 280 " 124 MAGNADYNE will each win $3,000 and winning $2000° TRIAXIAL SET 65 Pasktelton SPEAKER* photos may be used for Mazda's Nevem $3495 _ .Asto 0 L--, cd, ,-..,.... =realm ,.... sami&M811, Pr. '85 Calendar. ------T6410 *Separate INS & Treble $8911 --- Entries must be received by 'Fader Rig. 8199" IlWa UT 84C August 31, 1984. L SET 64C see,Tar-r------go Watt graphic Equalizer 00 So, put a smile on your family's Ver Aar control" HMS plAgg and take a shot at WA never sir-, Pr. faces 1.11.111 Tteln LE.0.1ndlcaters Reg. '150" 119., winning 83,0001 JETSOUNO C.C2A1G, 7 742 100 WATTS Pick up your entry form and rules now at 4114/FIN Stereo Cassette alletle geld AXIAL SPEAKERS SHELLY MAZDA SHELLY MAZDA rape Sean* Next to Sunset Drive-In gel..25r. 91 9595 -. Gar 744 Ala Moana Blvd. KU. . $659° Honolulu , Walpahu

5214080 MOM . KAMM AMPWIT FINANCING AVAILABLE 45-773 KAN NW. M CHEVROLET 81AELM 3100 KAMM ST. WORD MAZDA ____.. 247-67119 indward Mall 2999 NImitt Hwy. 11311-40116 9:304-30 p.m. 9 a.m.-11p,m. NO NITWIT' LAYAWAY MTN 10% DOWN Honolulu - D. LUCAS Kaneohe POLICE 235-6611 636-1222 STAMM Po. 7T; A a . AUTO STEREO CONNECTION IL 44-773 INWLATION AVAILABLE K Ma HWY. Prices Geed ifir 6/274/30 Classified II June ST, 1984 Had One Too Many? Check The Classified Ads for a house all o you can fit into comfortably. Phone 235-5881 or 622-3966

Anliquee/Gellotoes Items roe Condos/Townhouse Help Whaled Soles Loans/Loans Sloth! 55 Bois Supplies a say 145 Pan 85 61 Pel Supplies Renal. To sere 76 trawl tit CLASSIFIED Apia Onlurn 14 Robby a Dalt 20 Building Supplle, III Condos/Townhouse Non 86 Supplies 68 Lost a found 51 Wanted ea ne.k. a Helms ee . 75 Sales & Service &hale Aptt Part Nan Furnilur a Houses turn Machinery & Equipment 53 INDEX Solna" Directory 00 . 120 al Photo Supplies CO Remade 36 Position Rentals 03 Apls fully Turn 73 Ful Miura Houses Part limn Miscellaneous a OPPorrunity 50 For Rent Ill 83 Rol fella ArIneWweelenle 5 Rome To Rent 88 One Camp. a Jeep. 175 Classification Appliances El Gerage/Lenal Homes Unlurn Mae Wanted 35 &aloes Properiy Sale 66 82 Sec Estate Feb Sea 4 Schools & Treining as WIN WWI Nebo 131 waseerlos are listed Auto Announcements 13 iludelie/foulpinent Income To Sem. Mopeds Seles & Sem 70 for Sell or Rent 108 152 30 Real Estelle ...men! 12 Situations Wined Autos for Lease 71 Noseellting Income Property Molorcycles Sales 6 Sery 71 alphabetically Cede for Thar, 184 lit Reel Male Trade 7 Male el f mile 63 auto loo Silo $ 10 Rol Jewelry 6 44 Cemetery Plots Rods In Coning 118 Music Selo a Sens. Rol EPP. Wanted a Sporiing Goode 14T Aulo/Parls/S. a 118 Help Welled comma 52 Lawn And Girdening 148 Dm for amt 23 Ste/ Ty lea Secret ler 551e Computera fertile eot & Mils Wanted SI 87 Help Waled Legal Noll., Personals Condos/Townhoms Unlurn ale 60 Rent A Car I Swaps 128 Aanewmanots Baby furnishings Livestock 1511 eilePenland SHOOS HOUSES PART. FLINN. SERVICES 40 HELP WANTED M/F HELP WANTED SALES 411 GARAGE/LANAI SALES TO SHARE an 43 HOUSES PART. FURN. . 45 PERSONAL NI 411 GARAGE/LANAI SALES .73 APTS. FULLY FURN. 8 RENTALS my MATH LEARNING NEED child care. 1 yr old. GARAGE SALE KANEOHE: Ocean front AAA Rent Mark, largest DIS: Sat.. LANAI Sala: TRESS? Information & halo GOVERNMENTJobs.$16,559- home Foster Village. June 30th Love seat. AAA Rent Mart, largest or female. Own bdrrn., beautiful 2 bedroom, 21/2 bath, selection on Oahu. Call $50553/year. Now Hiring. 9/1.422 -9718 eves 9 A.M.-3 bicycle, stereo, boat bumper, 943-00927 MALE the avail. MALE[ Clinic: 261-8105 beginning P M' selection on Oahu. TV, stereo, micro, 3 lanai townhouse. Pool. experts at 843,0092 open 7 Call 805-687-6000 MAKE A REASONABLE & misc. Sat. 6/30, 9-12 noon St., t1118 fee both. Your Area. Gays, 1488S. King washer/dryer. garage. $350 Jacuzzi. Boat ramp pier. days, 1488 S. King St., III 8, fast Ext. R-2022. OFFER AND IT'S YOURS! only. 239 Kawaihava, 112C. covered parking. $950. Avail. Fee. TYPING. Professional, EARN extra money. $100- 396-9736 P lus utilities. 261-7108 and deliver yours/ 1218 Kahl!' St., Keilua Hawaii Kal WAIKIKI -1 bdrm.. ocean vlew, July 1. Call Chris 247-3079 service. Pickup $5000. mo. ImprOve Ph. NEWTOWN, Windward area. Call 235-4058 CLEANING PEOPLE needed, others health with herbs 247- 262-6486 Japanese Iwo, $38 a day. $250 eves. lovely 3 bdrm. dependable. Have trans 7/10. 946-5467 PROF. qiet, non-smoking home. References, no pate. 5750 MOVING Sale, for doctor. wk. Avail. apt. 396-0361 YARD Sale: Sat., June 30, French provincial female to share 2 bdrm. PEARL CITY ,- 3 bdrm. view. 51000 per mo.623-5556. couches. V, utilities TRAFFIC 33348 Leal Pl., Honolulu antiques, APTS. UNFURN. -w /female: $275 plus duplex, 11/2 baths, 1 carport, 3 mom, bath. 42 HELP WANTED DOMESTIC freezer. bed set. dry 04 235-4956 or Driving 9 on bar, stereo. tables and chairs. mo. $250 deposit. yard $750, ph 471-9343 or4813- pets, Drunk ISLAND JOBS 523-5802 for messages. no 1 child ok, yd. svc. Tellers $750 YARD and handyman work in lamps. bug killer, kitchenware. DISCOUNT MOVING low 235-3770 9869. Divorce Bank Cashier estimates, no Wahiawa, 621 -8153 Experienced Tellers $875 exchange for small Hying LANAI Sale: Sat. & Sun., 10 to garden supplies. 262-6021 or rates. honest Rates 2. 45-205 No ni damage. last & professional. Reatonible Typist-Major Bank $1100 quarters in Nuuanu. Call early hone Pl.. 528-3917 1 FURN. KANEOHE: Ocean front Kaneohe, Call 734-4489. HOUSES 44 NOUSESITTINO Key Punch Clerk-Hotel to $5 mornings or after 7 p.m. 533- Antiques, baby,, beautiful 2 bedroom. 21/2 bath. Loretta A. EbInger Items, 2 Bank Clerks-Loan Dept $785 1948 chalrbeds; 18mm BALDWIN organ, chairs, king Bey. hunt, 3 lanai. townhouse. Pool, Mersey at Law projector, barstools, APTS.IPART. FURN. KAILUA/Kandohe HOUSE and Pet Sitter. Cashiers-Hotel wrought bed, desks, much misc. 928 75 spacious, 3 bdrrn., Jacuzzi. boat ramp. pier. on items, linen; books, bird charming, Local references. . Call 523 -8138 Boutiue 43 SITUATIONS WANTED M/F Cahill 51., 6/30/54. 64 tropical setting. boating Covered parking $950. Call 201-4056 enalaliananall111=1111Fe Sales Clerks /Gift Shop to $4 cage. AAA Rent Mart, largest facilities. Must see to Available July 1st. Call Chris WILL babysit in my KMCAS SAT., 6/30, 6-3 Moving. selection on Oahu. Call the appreciate. $1200 per month. 247-3079 evenings. FREE GARAGE Sale, 6/29 cONDOS/FURNTOWNROUSES ANIMAL Technician Recep- home, lots of TLC with & 6/30. Plants, lots of misc., some experts at 943-0092 open 7 Call 254-5311 45 references. 254-2882 moving. Many misc. house- faro 411 Illmeno St., Kallua days. 1488 So. King St., till 8 PART. PREGNANCY TEST tionist. experienced only. hold KANEOHE: 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, items, boys clothes. 8-14; Fee KAILUA/Alkahl Park, 3 bdrm., Kailue. Call 262-8141 YARD work by John. women's 10 $800. Available now Emma KAILUA Bluestone - lovely 3 Open 5 days a week & 12; surfboards; SUPER yard sale: Clothes, 2 bath, yd. svc. Short term Fries (R) Responsible/Reference, bike parts; octagon KAILUA a studio $550 or 1 239-8005 Barbara bdrm /3 bath, pool, tennis. 10 am.-2 pm. SUCCESSFUL family restau- bumper books, bikes, toys, odds & $1200. Hale Koa Prop. 524- Odor Properties, 235-1500 MonelayFriclay Ph. 737-5791 d Hr. pool tbl, & misc. furs. 653 ends, Sat. 930-3 Corner of bdrm. $590, no pets, lease. Call $1250/month. 282-9479 Necessary rant accepting applications for 3342 Jinnie IR) 261-2256. Na appointment Apply at Paopua Lp. 261-0471 Oneawe & Kiptika Pl. 262-8462. kitchen positions. EXPERIENCED. Reliable KANEOHE Bay Waterfront. HAIKU Gardens, 3 Wm, 21/2 3 bdrm., 21/2 BIB'S. Ph. 281-8724 , 1 ta Lionnas OCEANFRONT, $1250 Exec. 4 bdrrn.. view. 262-2171 baby sitter, my home, OLDER Puch moped $200; '81 GARAGE Baby turn., ILargeAA KA P1 bath. pool, tot lot, $900 mo. Ph. Sale, bath, turn 2 car garage. Late Judy Anderson (111 235-0506 Call 235-4311 moped $350;'72 Gremlin AMC household misc., maternity. 2 bdrm. with 247-3786 TEACHERS aid. summer. Amenities. $825 mo. Jim Jett 235 -8198 $950.622 -1586 Sat. &Sun.. June 30, July 1. 47- exp. , college. morns.. WILL Provide loving care for 198D Hui Akepa PI, Island Moanalua. 941-2798 eves.. your child In my licensed 'h LARGE house $800. 2 839-9402 SUPER Sale: lots of furniture; rms./bath. Boat Kathie home. Weekdays. 261- clothes: AIKAHI Park. gas grill: plants' 3091. pillows; sheets & launch.Paunch. extras. 262-4260 HAWAII FAMILIES Lb Home much more. wicker turn.; refrigerator: WAIKALANI Woodlands. 3 AND FRIENDS Fri.. Sat. PRESCHOOL Teacher, & Sun. 8 bdrm., 2 bath, covered mornings. start September. to 2. 797 Kelpii St.. Kailua aquarium: misc. 215 Aikapa OF SCHIZOPHRENICS, Service HOUSEWIVES for hire. St.. parking, near Schofield & 2 HOUSES UNFURN. INC. Kailua Baptist 262-6938 Expert housecleaning Sat.. 9 to 3 P.m. DINING set, old trunk, light Wheeler. Avail. 7/1.'456-4516 I I [Kathie Kaneohe Support arold free Consultalen TLC for pets & plants.. 737-0033 eves. MEN/Women work from home Perfect fixtures. misc. Sat.. 8-3. 806 OMEGA enlarger $80: drafting days, 3 BDRM., 11/2 bath, Igo. deck, 2 gilt for someone $60; dresser $40, car gar. Water HousecleanIng selling large selection Of gifts special. Doreen Wanaap Rd. table oblong included, $900 237-8659 picnic & misc 239- mo. Call Join with other & home products. No table $30: 48 RENTALS TO SHARE 696-8483 of 698-2480 Windward families to learn mgrs epali's. Maintenance MOVING 7805 (NHS. obligation Call World of I WILL do housecleaning Sale, Sat., June 30. ghoul schizophrenia what II Is & how to assist 8-3, electric Pet. Plant Care Products.' 946-5367 or 395- yardwork. Call Rick lawn mower. gas LANIKAI, $350 Include those who suffer. 7276 and misc. snouts Sitting 235-1730 items. APTS. FULLY FURN. utilities. single prof.. no 43 HOUSES PART. FURN. gli131,1rnclothing6 a o St., Kailua 3 children or pets. 261-2660 'Meal Plans COUPLE housectean- will do KAILUA/Alkahi Park. 3 bdrm., NEXT MONTHLY MEETING -7111INTHI ing. also empty houses. Call 1 WORM. furnished, private GARAGE Sale: Refrig., tables entrance. parking, single 2 bath, pool. yd. & pool ave. Doreen Emerson 30 overweight people who 261-6627 & lots of misc. 1744 Lawrence KAILUA: Centrally located. Short term $1150. Hale Koa WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 7 p.m. .working only. $400 mo. incl own bdrm., bath, pool, sec. need lo earn an extra $1.000 Rd.. KMCAS. Fri,, Sat & Sun utilities. 262-4013 Prop. 524-3342 Jenny (R) 261- 237 -8659 all GARAGE /LANAI BALES 8 to 3 p.m. $325. incl. utile. 261-7111 eyes. 2256 KAILUA COUNSELING CENTER, PHASE II a month. Must he willing to rie Aollhe Street. Salta 31e LARGE selection furniture KAILUA: large 1 bdrm . 1 bath. Kallua lose weight SAT.. 38 RESUMES Couches w/2 matching chairs, June 30, 60102: Bike. Vic 3 minutes Walk to Kailua KANEOHE: 3 bdrm. town- KAILUA: 3 bdrm.. den, w/yd. Call now! chests table & chairs. Large 20: stereo, much moo. 1767A incl utils.. house, $250 plus utilities. pool svc. Avail. 7/1/84- Lawrence Beach $750 a mo. 456-4975 China cabinet. Rattan & wicker Rd., KMCAS fully furnished. 261-2523 after Lease. Washer/dryer & pool. 5/31/&5, $1100 mo. 281 -3875 *HFFS Support groups also meet to serve the Dorothy lounge chairs. Coo mirror & Call 547-4461 or 239-8951 or 833-0856 2 FAMILY 6. following neighborhoods: KOKONEAD. CLIPPING newspaper items planter. Old wood high chair. big garage Bale. 640 MAKIKI- Hazzard 634 Kukulula Lp, by Hawaii WAIKIKI, F. Business Earn $2 to 510 ea Experience Lamps, estensole dining table, KALIIII-PALAMA, CENTRAL-LEEWARD Resumes Kai fire station. June 30.13-430 Writing unnecessary!, Offer details much more misc. All good OAHU. Rush stamped sell-addressed quality & condition. Fri. 6/29 m. Free Consultation envelope 8 25 service lee thru 7/3, 6-2. 219 Maluniu. MOVING sale Clothes, toy , M R Kelly - Dept C. 3074 Kailua. sofa bed, redwood lawn se . 947-8422 Merced. Ca. Call 487-5458 for times and mooting places 1550 Rycroll SI. *WI Oleander Ave TV, misc turn., baby GARAGE Sale. Across from Pagoda Hotel 95340 Multi-family. furn./clothes, odds & and 6/30, 8-12. Sat. 6/30 9-2 923 Akumu St.. MEDICAL Assistant or nurse, 47-702 Hui Alals St. Kallua IT'S BACK el LEGAL NOTICES at LEGAL NOTICES [WINDWARD exp. only. Full time. Dr. land LEEWARD) McDougall's office. 262-6961 MOVING 7/2 to Mainland. LANAI Sale: Kamado. RESUMES. ETC. ext. 160 Must sell all Misc. lam.. tools. Japanese lanterns. rattan plants, household odds & TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES PERSONALIZED _WOOING chairs. tables. dishes & misc PERSON Friday. HIckarn area ends. 2 free cats. 6/29, 2-6. 495 Paumakua Way, Keil. 1ST EDITION Traffic Schedule 84-6 261-7524 30-35 hrs. per wk. Must work 6/30. 8-12 1023 Alahaki St. 550 Ululokr 51.15151 RI Salary ACCORDANCE Sat. Type 50 wpm. Publication Date: July 12 IN WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ?sadness Cir. 4138-0381 open. 422-9411 SALE, 830 Wanaao Rd.. Fri. 29 ORDINANCE. NO. 79-44 AMENDING ARTICLE II, also wen nukes sib tawny% & Sat. 30, 9-3. Clothes. craft ADVERTISING Space Deadline: July 5 CHAPTER supplies. 15(1976TRAFFIC CODE), RELATING FULL time or pat time misc. turn. STANDARDS TO TRAFFIC ADMINISTRATION THE DEPART- WIDDLIS b 56050196 secretary needed to work In 2ND EDITION MENT OF TRANSPORTATION0VIC4Y 5 doctor's office. Contact 671- 3 FAMILY: Sat, 8/30,8 to 4. Published in Inc AND COUNTY OF Olorereg. KAIPOLANI Butterworth now 2102. houseware; tools; Total gym: Adva,IIIIIe0 ESTABLISHES TRAFFIC SCR UL5/ bikes: nice clothes; super buys Sun Press. Wawnee Sun Publication Date: Aug. 2 TceptIng new students. No Tlmaa. Waipahu Sun News. '1'0 AMEND SCHEDULE XIV OF SECTION 15- at 157 Ainoni St.. Hallo. , ape limit. All types of LOST your Trl-Chem Instruc- Hawaii Navy Newt Nswaii Space Deadline: July 28 11.3 ESTABLISHING STOP INTERSECTIONS; Polynesian dances taught tor? Services, classes. JOBS. Marine and the Sun Nye/ la GARAGE sale, Sat, 6/30, 9-3. SCI1EDULE XX OF SECTION 15-13.10 (1) Saturdays Only Call 247-1428 422-1678, 833-5012. 536-2866, theon the premise Mat 311D EDITION beds. 2 ESTABLISHING TOW ZONES 24 HOURS; 872-3068,254 -3888. dining sets, teak desk. the merchandise and services - glass coffee table & misc. 1035 Publication Date: Aug. 16 SCHEDULE XXII OF SECTION 15-14.5 (1) PIANO Organ Lessons; An offered sr e accurately TIME Maunawill Rd. ESTABLISHING PROHIBITED PARKING Adult approach. John PAINTER -5 years experience described and willingly sold to Space Deadline: Aug. 9 Schouten 247-8010, required. Phone customers et the advertised CERTAIN AREAS; SCHEDULE XXIV OF 261-4861. Sale! Sat. Leave message. GIANT Garage price Advertiser. are aware el SECTION 15-10.1 (4) ESTABLISHING CURB Furn., clothes. olio. PIANO Lessons. Classical jewelry. Sr... conditions Advedising LOADING ZONES; AND SCHEDULE XXV OF 44-719 Hoonant Pl., 9-4 gm. Popular or Chord method. Call SEMI retired couple for that does not conform to these 4111111. SECTION 15-15.3 (4) ESTABLISHING OFFICIAL Jean 235-4432 caretaker/maIntenence, or that is yard GIGANTIC garage sale. 8/30 stendards deceptive BUS STOPS. work, Os never small amount of only, 9-3. Lots of everything - InieleadIng 'IKENA 0 Na Hula housework. Permanent. accepters II any Small cheap. 361 Kelama St. knowingly SECTION 1. Chapter 15 (1976 Traffic Code), City and Doors open 7/3/84 salary & private cottage. Reply reader encounters non- County of Honolulu, no amended, is hereby further Register Now to: BC-2, 46-016 Alaloa St.. compliance with I hlet MOVING sale. large size amended in the following Pomalkalara 235-2928 Kaneohe, 98744 women's clothes, alandardt We ask that you particular.: Kehaulani children's 15.11.3 247-4372 books & toys, bookcase, inform a. By amending Schedule XIV of Sec, °Mobile!, MEDICAL assistant. Experi- storage units. nig stop intersections by adding thereto the following, PRIVATE 1340 Kainui Dr . Piano lessons with enced only. OB-GYN office. Fri. & Sat. "Lcomana 1'1. Traffic on Leomana PS, shall stop Jane Wong. has Master Mail resume to . Business Sun Press FALL before entering Lelepua St. Degree M Music. Call 395- Manager, Horded Bldg. 11400 ENORMOUS Garage Sale! at 235-5881 SUN PRESS "Leomana Way. Traffic os Leomann Way, souther 7077 45-1144 Kam Hwy., Kan. Eldrm. ate.; desks; ofc. turn: 96744. various household turn.: entire SCHOOL ly direction, shall atop before entering Leomana Way, selection kitchenware, Better Business ANNUAL cost-west direction. KOKUA EMPLOYMENT Whirlpool: mechanics tools; Bureau SECTION "Leomana Way. Traffic on Leomann Way Anil CHERYL FC Bkkpg. up to $1400 garage items; a/c: beautiful stop before entering Leomana Pl. re ns at 531-8131 Seem:leery $600 typo 45 & women's clothing. "Magazine St Traffic on Magazine St. 'Mall atop Medical receptionist $000 Must see to appreciate. Fri.. 877 Ala Moana Blvd. today GLAZA Sat. & Sun., Call your Account Executive before entering Spencer St. Dental Lab Tech Trainee 8 to 4,839 Ululani 98813 767 Kallue Rd 0101 St.. Kailue, 281-8323 235-5881 "Palaiki St. Traffic on Palaiki St. ehall atop before PIANO Cell 262-0137 entering Ukee St. "Purina St. Traffic on Purina St. shall atop before STUDIO CANVASSERS needed, good entering Ukee St. hours, good Income for full or CLASSIFIED "Pupuhi St. Traffic on Pupuhi St. shell atop before Kaneohe pert. Call Mr. Kelly. 524 -2848 ADVERTISING entering Ukee St." b. By amending Private instruction 1680 PER month Full-time RATES & Schedule XX of Sec. 15.13.10 (0101 $360 per month part -time. establishing tow zones - 24 hrs., by adding thereto the for all ages Must have own car, neat In REGULATIONS following: appearance. Cell 261-7511 for "King St., make' side, for distance 125' ewa 235-0304 appointment. Military Okay. direction from the ewa curbline prolongation of Your classified ad GRAND Archer Ist reaches over "King St., makai nide, for distance 60' kokohead *ATTENTION* 121,080 homes direction from the ewe curbline prolongation of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MILITARY Archer Tn." ' each Wednesday. c. By amending Schedule XXII of Sec. 15.14.5 (1) EARN 1200 a week with 12 Broke Even on Pay Boy? Read Classifieds establiehing prohibited parking certain area., in the hours mark. Don't have to sell following particulars: it Military for profit, use it sells Itself. Crystal. Call Man 1. By 239-8267 adding thereto the following: Military Wive* Classifieds for OPENING!! St., "Emerson kokohead side, for distance 85' In the Never Enough Homy? results. rooked direction from the mekai cabline Make extra money, using your 1 1 1 Micro Computer. [retells, Went to spend ths " 1', CON' PITA 1, prolongation of Prospect St. \ "Emerson tit., ewe side, INFOF1 Box 25545-P, BUMMER 140LWAY between Green St. and Honolulu HI 98825. Prospect Rt. with Motu & Dad? CLASSIFIED "Hepakl St., .honoluht side, approximately 120' in Earn Extra Money SI 1()PPF," the !troika direction from a paint 20' nuked of the Parttime LINE ADS makni property line of 98.1713 Hapaki $8 per hour Dead,. "King St., makal side, for distance 125' ewe Monday 4 00 r LANDSCAPE PLANNING & INSTALLATION direction 530 to 9:00 p.m. $111(1 par line Leo from the ewa curbline prolongation of Mon. thin Fri. 3 line min Archer lm. no will appear in thp "King St., makai nide, We read pelt time worker, for distance (ill' In the leek. inm SMN PRESS. Wipnhu LAWN RENOVATION head direction from the ewa methalety to Irwin for sir newly ' curbline pmlongation of SUN NEWS, H.11111 Navy esteblishes Docoont Bnyinyy Archer Ln. News. Sun Flyer Warehouse Owlets Sperinl. & "Kabul St., monk. aide, Hawaii Marine SPRINKLER between the kokohead ding in clothing SYSTEMS jewelry Moan nun Tents property line of 20 Kukul St and the ewa side drive. temot Wasters fermium . (by 12 noon) way of Longs Drug Storeduring hr., 3:30 pm. to 5:30 Sun Pros. 1 V a miciosawes baby forni MATERIALS & INSTALLATION lure and teeny more NMI.. P.m., Monday to Friday, ascent Saturday, Sunday 235 -Sail Followirg areas are moilable and holidays. Honohilti Poll Harbor Sell "Liiihe St., ewe bide, for a distance 10' In the [Ake %%NNA esthete Paint CLASSIFIED COMPLETE LAWN SUPPLIES mauka direction from the monks curbline find KMCAS Oiler Benefits in. prolongation of Kauai St. rends Adyencernent Sony. DISPLAY "Magazine St, kokohead side, for distance RO' In end Incenlim Pay *GRASSES SPRINKLER Deadline Friday 6 p PARTS the makal direction hem the makai curbline pm. Call Call 778-58.81 longation of Spencer St. or 637.3936 "QueenEmma SL, kokohead aide, for distance 250' 488-0173 for information on in the mask. direction from the mimics, curbline pro, elk Mr Jetty open & contract rale. During Our longation of Vineyard Blvd." 25% tit!pLpsg: 2. By amending item relating to OFF Kaluhikai Ln., both sides, for distance 56' in the makai direction from the Cognections make! eurblino prolongation of Kuakini St., to reed, cam:Mations 60011101 GRAND OPENING SALE "Kaluhikal Ln., both Wee, for dietetic@ 153' in the Monday - 12:00 noon make) direction benne the makai curbline pmlongtition of Kuakini monomnonamontnen St." d, By amending Schedule XXV of Sec. 1615.3 (4) RRPOWT ERRORS ORME diltiMATES eetablIalting official bus stops in the following AT ONCE particulars: onnonameemoamoom 1. By adding thereto the following: OPEN "Queen Emma St kokohead aide, for dietetics 130' Lam to twinge 60-ton tank PM. mimes. or to sir s_karr In the rnaulia direction final a paint 125' mauka of the fogad Reggae On ogler or control the la with. computer FIFO Putilcstkens will not Os M-F 8:00-5:00 roauka curbline rirolonestion of Vineyard Blvd." delleyatewn kern in rodity't Arm. Ite more than one 2. By deleting therefrom the following: writ incorrectIncorrect Insertion of any rem Mon aretllery SAT. 9:00-3:00 "Kaleknua Ave., monks You could teMnio mew:Ian to fafgets Caressfited erhenteentent and side. for distance DT ewa a pahni direction from a point beaten of MINN* WWI wing night sensan on is re900041e only forthat line CLOSED SUNDAYS 87' kokohead of the ewe IMS 1 Wane the infanny cross it stream Os portion of the ad that fitigy line of 280.3 Kalakana Ave" Pow tatfallost taany aeon Ate aRa pert of the appeared incorrectly. TOIN 2. This ficisdale is bendw.attmahed to and nation combo anns of dee Army made a part of Article VI hereof arid shall take effect ten lindontnote about Antnuaista an Ann), HerridrinsOffice OM waking days slier fat Poklhelion WILLIAM A. DONNRT. Director Department of Veneation Services CIO and enmity of rStiolule Dated:6/21/84 CM* of Behtninto.p.on AM et itte City Clerk's °Moe Ibt tea mid wflat'. by tbeaWie, HAWAII 9610 (Sun Preset June 27,19541 June 27, 1984 Classified III

Let Want Ad Profits Put You On The Road . 1 the Summer Vacation Road! For Fast Profits Call 235-5881 or 622-3966 e Reaching Over 121,000 Oahu Suburban/Military Households

WS CONDOS/TOWNHOUSES NM RENTALS WANTED PART. FINN. .114 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .114 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .119 COMPUTERS 120 FURNITURE NW FURNITURE .120 FURNITURE 120 FURNITURE -MAKAKILO: 4 2 611M112- bdrm.. bath. WINDWARD AREA: Couple COLORADO flywheel lot HIDEABED sofa. pool table. UUEEN size solabed $25. 4 MUST sell by 6/30 Vinyl with EAST Foster Village. NEC Metric dot printer. leaf table. couches. oflice wicker chairs $15 ea.: USED FURNITURE dog wants house with 4 berm., 2 $7.5001 $85 down. 131 drop Large showroom brown couch. love seat. & fool x$950. Call 6!;'1154rai. hie*, yard. Up bath for as little as $10,000 Like new credenza. console stereo. glass/wood coffee table $75: of quality to $400. Call 254-1903 payments of $85. 6% loan On home furnishing at low prices. rest Call 621-2077 alter 6 p.m. down, pool. 1557 Halos Dr., nice trout stream, surveyed. Call 487-7625 portable stereo. 5 drawer lanai table/2 chairs $75. 235- Asking $179,000 3165 N. Nimitz Hwy RENT/Own near KMCAS. VA/12% or Owner. 805-376-8690. chest. & much more. 373-4642 1990 (between Holiday 5 PC corner bench dining net make an offer. Call 423-1252 Inn & Cutler Urge 3 bdrm., 2.5 lownhome. or .120 FURNITURE Dodge) Open everyday, $300: white recliner, $100. Call Open Sundays 1 to 5 No Down. Seller pays tosIst DRESSER with SOFA/bed, new waterbed. 'enclosed yard. Call Now for SINGLE military male with don p.m. mirror $35: INSTANT FINANCING 422-2367 'Information: Sherlock Homes looking Northbrook 2 bdrm., assume 6' BOOKCASES $413-ea, 2 pine shelves, and & coffee dining set, $350 all. Ph. 622- for place to rent. int. Fee MLS Call 834-1080 'Realty 254-1100 or 254-2779 Windward area. VA $89.00013'1% office chairs $20 ea., desk $25. tables. 580: bed frame $10. 0199. Excl. cond. 254-5294 after new Call Perea Properties Lanai set 5 p.m N. $15 237-8451 eve. 668-2062 KANEOHE: 3 bdrm.. 2 bath. For info. 621-9334. 486-5040 alter 6 p.m. TREE PICKUP Avail. 7/1, $800 no pets. CRI If we don't 5 PIECE living room set, wood FURNI U E NOT. 836-7711 140iNSAI-Gaidai frame, good condition, REWARD S CASH S Hawaii sell your home, KANEOHE - 2 bdrm.. 2 bath EXCL. cond. 1 30x30" end $375. College seeks room rentals for townhouse in beautiful Puu table w/storage cab. dbl. doors 254-3729 .WANTED 15 to 85000 for good used furniture Mfg CONDOS TOWNHOUSES Edglish-speaking 2 Rattan. wicker & beds / . Japanese we'll buy It Atil II. Many amenities 20'020" coffee tel. walnut RAB1131110 students, mate & female, from By appointment. w/formica tops, 2 capt. chairs TOPCASHOlf Interested? Call: $127.500. For your 'umbra in good DI late August am 1 pecan finish for dressers, beds, 261-8492 to year) 235-5135 cane back brn. condition. kAIKIKI, Studio/1 bdrm. Honolulu area. 3 options: 1. velvet seat. Call 262-2922 $SSCASH$$$ rattan, Wicker, etc. 261-1406 AI.Whalen We buy it all and pickup $5004700. Pacific Ocean lodging only. 2. lodging with (RA) for used furniture :1rocertles. 524-4595 or 949- meals, 3. host-family arrange- FOR sale, bunk bed w/set of Call Mon.-Fri. free islandwIde ment Incl. room/board and 281-7475 Military? sheets, comforter 8 curtains. beds 123 RENTALS participation in ferelly MO 2 dressers. $15 & $20: Rattan & Wicker 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. 488-1985 CHURCH for Rent. Maili area. OCEANFRONT 1 Warm activities. 5200-$300 monthly. ERA Leaving the grandfather's electric clock, turn.. $450 mo Call Ms. Fischer, 377-5402 $30. 696-3282 834-1080 247-6621 104 p.m. any day For more information, cell 696- Jim Jett 235-6196 Magnum islands? 2127 days. 456-1454 eves. Properties aiaiice- 6 DRAWER Dresser w/mirror, Duna spa (um nightstand, twin bed canopy. ate ROOMS FOR RENT .103 OFFICE FOR RENT playpen, misc. 261-1520 or THE MOST EXCMNG SPECTATOR EVENT OF THE YEAR! Mime A .1 less 95-211 Pall Moml 261-2892 ONLY! KAILUA - Lanikai, large room SHARE office. $150 mo. Suite 735 ONE NIGHT gy Typing v will show you Ile near beach env. entrance. & message eve. avail. III 96701 KAMA'AINA John. Call 946-2440 5155-6508. Plea. $550 incl. utiI.261-5229. or Same apply. .,(Iv dolma. ill tontine it USED FURNITURE MAIN !MUM. 9' bar w/sink Call the above certified curved $298 KAILUA- own entrance heavy wood bunk bed & bath. KANEOHE - 2 furnished specialists for details. Call us' tails. $300 a month. offices. complete $249: refrigerators EVENT $250 each. including Real Isiah! 5125: portable color TV Call 262-4827 utilities. 235-1742 VMG $99 & Properly Manairtupn' $99 & $129: heavy wood KAILUA room for rent in BEST Buy in Kaaawat refinished captains chairs $29 beautiful home with view. Fully 114 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Beautiful 20 rein. drive from 1-800-488-4644 -ea.: sofa love seat5179: double $99; double furnished. washer/dryer Kaneohe. No traffic. Nicely size hideabed 11411Miladlikl.100111 upgraded 3 bdrm 2 bath pedestal wood desk $89: 7 pc utilities incl. Only $300 mo ATTENTION VA BUYERS! 6000100/001.111160 262-7435 single family home with 119 COMPUTERS formal din. set $299; 6 pc. liv Deluxe 2 bdrm. view, apt in mountain view 8 steps to rm. set 5399: 4 drawer wood 11110.11.011160111111110 Pearl Regency. Assume VA beach. Assumable FHA mtg., for sale: chest $49 ea.; 3 drawer wood KANEOHE: rm. turn. Share mortgage at ATARI Computer 12%. Call Annie $107,000 ERA Me um 1200XL, 1050 Drive. 1010 chest $39 ea.: 2 pc. gold INS helaultaIII la bath/kitchen. Lovely setting, (11) 734-7495. WW 6 Assoc. Properties, Al Martin (R)gn.487- recorder 835 Modem, 850 sectional sofa $149: lamps $9 011111.41111 4 color TV, $245 incl. util. 247- and lots ea.: 5 pc. din. set $99; beds. all 5893 (face, Gem 10X printer Cell at 456- sizes, call price. 488-19 FREE Of programs. MAILE/Walanee - 3 bdrm 1 (behind Cutter Aiea) .1r. KAILUA. room with pool. 6tr " ROUSING ASSISTANCE bath house. Fee simple by kitchen privileges, $2504 owner. Lanai, garage, big front utilities. 262-6621 for ersoman1mwerar1mea Active Duty Military & back yard. $110,000. 671- 0882 or 637-7772 KANEOHE, condo to share All major bases served non-smoker $350 plus util. gimlet Rent to Own Plans PALEHUA Hillside meticulous Min. 3 mos. lease. Avail. 7/15. No extra cash needed 3 bOrm, 2 bath with spacious Home 4FP Derek' 466-1230 days. For owlet, information fenced front & rear yard. Call Wiley Extras. $134,500. Fee MLS new , KANEOHE: 1 bdrm, 254-1100 or 204-2770 11 furnished, $190, non-smoker. Sponsored by RIDGEWAY D - Pearlridge 3 S C.all 235-2494 Rousing owortweet bdrm., 11/2 bath. townhOme In provement et convenient location w/private KAILUA: Room In family home lanai & quality carpet (47875) -wwfi 1) [-0 w 7/ PWA] for employed non-smoker. caufacutiEL- $108,000 Lease. Dee Stolk ALL SEATS-GENERAL ADMISSION $265 Call 262-2670 (BA) Call 480-8329 LUMBER 904 KOKO Isle Circle. The Crest Inn. $12.50 AFTER JUNE 14 515 AT THE DOOR Inc. Call 524-5490 le .14n. price is right and the terms are Ticket Ise sianNe Tom... Ma ...Me All Fenn. TIM. dAlals, Aloha Sleeken Riax Mee.. MoReeTeM 0Mm 1,1041111116006 NW VACATION RENTALS terrific! An 111/2% VA or ChatersisyStaersg1 assumable $90,000 loan and Militani owner will carry an attractive Spruce Ridge 2 bdrm. 1 MIR. IU 551 5b5p.;ts, fully upgraded unit Motu Noway Rm. Tome Rae* Jae. sOskenlime My Send Island drm, and. 3 beim, 2% bath. with garage. Amlas Co /00 Benop Campus Cealal Coast °yea Sp Somme furnished Cell FHA assumable mtg. $81.500. 20V Nommaa Am. Amenities include pool, boat Sports lAncalllee MILITARY lekeATIONS Wens PAN 239-8539 13% aloha Sens. Kenn WA* lea. dock, rec. center. MLS49811 interest. What a Buyl Beautify lOn Nloana OEM, RNA Mateo, P et SP,ri[e Dept $119,500 Fee Simple MLS new Moto Rem. Rental Cart Yap TO* Knee. enure Mae S.M.. Cele. CMS, roe Muller Lease $169,500. Cell Roy K amm SPACIOUS immaculate Dayton (RA) 395-8872 your home 1415 Nemo Ase Peas. Resm Seopplap atr SchollaMI Ilmmeea eac Came. cottage, full kitchen, $40 a day %Vela: Kahala Hate. Inc, or $250 wk. Call 235-6038 with one of evenings. these KUKUI Plaza, 2 bdrm. WHY WAIT? exotic LANIKAI hillside magnificent $115,000 Terms or exchange woods. view. Block to beach. 2 Cdr., 2 taLg50883 Melim Realty 833 It may be the right bath. 7/25-8/14. Call 281 -6124. 2929, John (g) time for you to up- MOLOKAI Wave Crest. sleeps MAUI - Awihi townhouses, grade your lifestyle. 4, beach, pool, $30 day. 0190 'mid-Kihei, multi-level. 2 tune per week. Ph. 235-8698 brirm., 2 bath. solar. yard. - Personalized Ulm $125,111 Terms or exchange FREE Plywood LANIKAL nr. beach: quiet. MLS22932. Melim Realty 533- qualifications & Alorrnosla Hickory Ropier private. cool. sleeps 6-7 adults. 2929, John (S) neg., iroko P planed Particle Board nonbark $450 & up. 262-9119 Mkt. analysis Apllong Rosewood Marine Plywood Information. Ash attuning Senate Birch Belau Kee sheclue Fir KAILUA Beach cottage. 1 SUNNY ARIZONA Balsa Mahogany Spruce Koa of Values! bdrm.. tropical seeing. Cali Now!! Beech Mansonle Teak $35a day. Call 261-2834 21/4 - -- 021 D lelleries Mahogany JOE gURADO NN GM Birch Maple Verentaon Oak KAILUk. Veachside studio. NO sewn PAYMENT " Seising& Oak Walnut Rosewood sem ALL /maw PIDINNIMMIIIII from $25 a day Weekly. Ceder °beetle Wenge Teak 50% Only $45 per mo. Near 456-2347 SAVE monthly rates 262-0129 Cherry Pau Ferro Willow walnut new town and Ford Mika oCarntscli Darner Pine Zehrewood KAILUA Beach 4 bdrm homt Motor Plant. Near neaten MO% off all rattan, tiatr rttabta. 2 to B. -014 Colorado River recrea- tut Hwy.. HARDWOOD LUMBER 40% upholfstoryf tion. mobile homes OK, Alga of all KAR-1./A. One bdrm. cottage. 2 quiet only, one block to roads are in. Electric 488-1991 63S Mimi St. PH. 834-1463 40% off all lamps! beach.°d $1595$195 week. 262-4287 nearby. Free map & 40% off on all cocktail & 41111d tablas! KAILUA: nr. beach, room photos. Write Owner, w/erivate bath, king bed. P.O. Box 10278, Nang.. linens, patio. Call 262- Torrance, Calif. 90505. 5445 LOCAL BDIDING 50° Twin size bed set $12 ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S CROSSWORD off oil IN SUN-FLYER, HAWAII NAVY NEWS, dining room Full size bed set *179 HAWAII MARINE & SUN PRESS NEWSPAPER miff Queen size bed set *239 MUMS LILIIJI3 LILEJL1 SLAM King size bed set *329 GIUMULI LIMB LAMM ULJUISULDLIUMOULEJOUll LIUULJ DOUUDOLIU MUHL] IJOULIU DUNKIN.'" HUN MINIM For Best Results, Buy or Sell Through a Realtor unnnmmnimunun 1171r1H111A SWIM mama norm Immnn non uunuuu unumu unnunnu Relocang COMPLETE WOMUUMULIPILIOU LIBULJULIV Special FROM FlUD umuu nnuunm to Niloti? /,,/111 /),,,,,,q,/i') s UMW! DOUWOODUNI LIMULI LOTS St LOW Directory UDDLIOU UNDO DOB 01 LOTS 10295 wrommovunlmillo Listing REAL ESTATE rularinwn FARM Call SALES non mnnnn nuns nonnn onlommme umnunu UULEADUUWEJUDH or COMPUTERIZED [IMO= MUM WIEMI Tony BUDGET FURNI RE MUM nunuu nuuuuunm PROPERTY SO DOM UMODUntinWEIMUMWD Rolf 2LOCATIONSTOSERVEYOUl LICO 00017 MUM BOCKILIU ilfElvile *lc' 235-5881 MANAGEMENT 98-115 Kam Hwy., Alea MOM IMMO Marl EMVPILID 935-7119 Pearlridge Center 488-7741 SAI F APPLIES TO NEW MERCHANDISE ONLY. 011111Wiede IN. I 3085 N. NImitz 833-7796 America's Greatest Puzzle . WM WI Nat Nowa IMO 1M4n1 UVAN Every Week from the New York Times iiihi clime IN( 1111111113111111 Wilmot BUSINESS & SERVI CE DIRECTORY

Rapids. Closeting Services Financial Planning Handymen ) Ironing Nursery mensPnriwn. (Sewing Machine Window Appliance ) ( ) 3 Repel!) ( Tinting ) GOVERNMENT over /ors K & D HANDYMAN SERVICE NANI LOA GARDENS EXPERT Repair on no types of cleaned, 1 day service, "HOW To Stop Being Over- sewing machines Free Est RES15 Charged Urge or small. we do It all! Masonry/FencIng fresh flowers, lis, lants. for CORIjERSTONE Really 487. All MaorA;PLylCEgf air goarant.d Inspection. $125. on Life Insurance" call Ken Call Jay 395-5229 Approved by Military cleaners $4.95 r postage. 235-1303 For free estimates All occasions. Ph. 247-4071 7254. Let us manage your 235-4433. properly. Service Is our MR.idseregipol FREEZE 0404010 Ilst. 689-5315 anytime. Save thousands or money SLABS, paths. chlwiways, back! expertise. GOVERNMENT quarters H A C HANDYMAN Service, brickwork, hollow tile, PaIntIng/Pepering TVs/Star cleaned. yard incl. on reasonable prices, free fences, rernodeliret ceramic Yard/Tree Services-3 approved cleaners list $130. estimates, repairs In or around Ill. . Free est Char es Dysart . COLIN ERICKSEN 6 house. Lic. BL10244901 Ph 488-3340 BC7828 L. PAINTING EXPERT REPAIR on most Osimirel Connecting the Free Est. "Dealgner-Woodworker" Ph. 623-9930 or 623-1867. Residential Lic. C-3858 makes 8 models. LET Us help you clean up your Ph. 247-1454 (Carry-In only). Free pickup FRED Domingo Gen Yard Kailue Cabinetmaker or weekly clean! Recycling Care. Hauling, lot 8 spot Ph 262.4334 act-tic move front Hickam, AMR. Pearl Reliable Ser. 395-4188 Income Tax S. UMENO PAINTING Harbor, Rees. Guaranteed. cleaning. Free est PI, 422- "CARPENTER CONTRAC- 7428 TORS" Room additions. new Free Ests.LIc.,C,10211 847-3018 Military retiree. 621.6393 attar ;i5ial51.5c /Reliable. 377-5582, TOWN Er COUNTRY 6216523, ( Construction ) LATE Income Tease, past Movers ECONOMY TREE II YARD years, prepared In your home. Inland Wide C. Auto Repair KANTsAINeTrAINTING Vacuum EXPERTS Trimming, lot 'Steven L. White, MBA 396- 24 hour service. 638-7950 ( ) cleaning, planting grass, ovel Quality Remodel - Addition, 2We Free Estimates Carpentry Masonry Painting . Lie. 04767 ( Realhignauner top soil, fertilize. laying coral All work guamateed octoell Ph. 247.6621 KIRBY Center of Keil. rock. tile any design, hauling, GENERAL CONTRACTING Infilru-e;;-) DISCOUNT MOVING . monthly maintentrece Cell swig Coast. 202-4417 atnlmetes, 148 Hearn' St.. Kaits.. 262-2011 Regd..' or Commercial Low rates, honest make. and 261-9925. 84nrices fest A profes- We service most ( Cleaning ) Cell 947-4002 no damage, Pet models. Emplayment WINNING BLACKJACK Monet 734-4489. Self -taught Grooming/SupplMs ) SWvlow STATE ROOFING DESMOND YARD SQUAD General Roofing, Free (. Weddings smell ATTN: OFFICER & ENLISTED All jobs large 6 HOUSFPROUD Cleaning PATIOS AND NEW Estimates. Ben Pascal General cleaning, trimming Service, Reas./Comm. Fleas seeking nationwide Jobs APARTMENT Moving 41 Yews Cep LIc. C-2036 Call HuMan ADDITIONS PRE -Natal YOGA Offices. All areas. & hauling, monthly prices. Satiefictlen guaran- Rumness Planes, Pest Control Ph 247 -2421,247-2270 MINISTER Available Fest. reliable CAI( to Call for eretimates. maintenance. teed. 623-5489 now for All Types service Free est Call uz" (7,41441Ar. lal6Z11:7141t4r4F4ek eV: Call 254-4"arr. S & S Dellyery 833-1659 4898 of Weddings 259-5901 262-7571 Ask for Desmond

To Place Your Service Directory Ad CALL 235-5881 TODAY Classified IV June 27,1984 WANTED Itte TRUCKS & PICKUPS MISCELLANEOUS 125 MISCELLANEOUS elle MISCELLANEOUS .127 APPLIANCES 131I MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 144 MUSIC SALES AND 047 SPORTING 00008 OBI AUTOS . . SERVICE VACUUM cleaners, like new 'w,lietarnak. Augnargietenrowhvikitr CASH for used/broken GULF clubs tor sate. '83 NISSAN buck, 5 aimed WEDDING dress sue 5 with COLOR TV $300. combo, TOP DOLLAR PAID $2495 & up with guaranteed. pearl julial cis* veil. 235-0581 72 Datsun p/u truck. $1000. washers, dryers, refrigerator 5 EXPERT PIANO MOVING Call stereo. accessories Included. 281-595e , Call 735-6452 after 6 oat MD/offer. guitar, 5300. 822-1586 stove, Free pickup. 282-7693 Cratin g. shiin g. 833-1859 60-.9142 $5900. 235-1044 0 5 S Delivery 3972955 DESPERATE Mood .129 STEREO a TV SCHWINN-World Sport; 10 BROKEN: 1 2180. Lissa cure WASHER $75, Mahogany $115, db7. Color TV's. spd. bike, 27 ", yr. old, 6 pc. MOVING king bed Appliances, VCR's. ANTIQUE Kimball grand TAROT card readings by Mrs living rm. set $350, 5 pc. wood mower $85. 4 captains TNANTEnnaerviceat;le color Com- 422-7233, after 1. Must ado plckup $75. portable TV's. Call with make puters/Equip., etc. Pay Cash. piano. approx. 50 yrs old. PAID FOR OR NOT Mario Advice on all matters dinette set W. 261-7728 chairs $35, bar $250. coffee tbl Free . hock, W cart.; 4 spol: marriage & model N. 671-2122. p/u. 524-6794 good cond., $2000/offer. 282- HUNTING rifles & shotguns past present !ohne before 7:30 a.m. or aher 7.30 $45, stereo $60.261 -3808 CHEVNOLET/MAZuA AM/MF 2700/offer. love & business Call for an p.m 6621 22. 243. 308.30 -30, 410, 20, 12 Call 23 SL5400 Batsmen. . Natal .536-5222 appointment 947-6599 bike. Schwinn excellent E BUY US&E D FURNITURE ga. 22 & 357 pistols. 841-1583 MOUNTAIN condition $400; radio S4ACR wURLITZER Spinet. excellent 734-8222 High .2;11.1u16mos, old. WOET CASH FREE PICKUP or NEWTONE rangehood. programmable scanner $150. ISLANDWIDE tone and conditIon, lots of -- years old. harvestgold$70: GE $325 Jacki 488-1985 7 music books CHOCOLATE candy supplies Ph. 623-1741 evenings. DAYS and teaching .150 LIVESTOCK - molds & chocolates Call 40 gal water heater $60: twin Included. $700. 281-2'293 C NTER size mattress. box spring GAS barbecue, carpeting, REEL C' 847-2721 or 672-3207 eves to reel 4 track stereo WANTED: SALE,'300 lb. Boar, TRUCK CENTER bed trams SSO Call aver 4 p m. washer. dryer. recorder model TC 600 Sony 36" wood table HAMMOND organ (62OO) PIG FOR in $aba Call 261-0469 eves. 'Si omits c, Ion carpo4nIE11.819(11 262-5535 Retchmower,hatch bench, TV. patio chair. 570 823 -1088 good condition. $850. Trade for sailboat or '7. Phone a2 Ford cue Rot. 1010851/ wi 414 LIVING room set sofa. table 2 tables. bird cage. much 262-5924 Call 247-2763 .551 PET SUPPLIES cyl vow/ 61.10, ,././111 black leather chrome chairs. 12' SEARS gametal, 71/2 hp. more Cell 487-6977 .131 WWI SALE PRICE; 56975 WIKI FREESE( SALES & SERVICE Sect coed $695 otter Can $800 Call 396-0E128 after 6 p m SALE PRICE$6975 machine. Bally Air WE BUY USED FURNITURE BOATS SUPPLIES & SERV. az Ellen 254.1100 PINBALL FREE Felines w/character, sill To,. okuola50772/ TOO $175. Four can play. 282- to WE PAY CASH AND PICKUP AKC Old English Sheepdog , ANT 0.11., is VW FP:. ,9e1716108.1slo.. LOVE SEAT, like new. 295: Aces. good homes only. Mike or lounge chairs 4287 456- CALL 261-8492 or 261-1406 25' SLOOP "Semper for stud. mainland breed. too.SALE UNITED Airlines ticket to dining 1371 eves, 622-4643 days. Just hauled 6 6 for $125 Call 235-3231 New rigging. Inquire P.O. Box 1806, Kathie, 54915 anywhere in U S or to Canada Johnson 0/13. Great 96734. SALE PRICE $5215 FIBERGLASS hot tub w/ painted, '70 Faro F ISO Pickup (AWW.Pi or Mexico. Great Buy $975 FREE. Fuzzy 144 MUSIC SALES A110 available. SWIVEL $195. lugs 535- neater, seals 5-6, $1700. Call Terrier family boat. Slip auto. Perm steering.tuloNOR Call 262-4302 chair female, 8 weeks. SERVICE $16,000. Vicksan: rattan Chair and 261-5174 Ben type Unbelievably clean, RABBIT for sale Fdrd'Vsa 145 CCI VI. Salo_ sir. mate. 1 yr..atso Calico/ ersian ID) 488-9534 (H) 235-3358 deed i* /FM lap 2 SWVELROCK easy Make, Merror $50-240. head/foot- kittens all colors & sizes. S25: painting MARY Key Cosmetics, & cats. 821-2588 SALE PRICE S5575 575 1 cabinet end table. $30 Dotards (twin) KAWAI Piano, Call 254-5160 F N CHEVROLET --SAIPPRICE 54975 68 SEARAY 24' with Slying 623-0773 was w/I Fame $40. book cabinet complimentary facials & excellent condition, $1300 FREE: Cals. Calico. 11/2 years & Mercuiser engine wglass doors $200: Jap reorders. Laura 455-5296 Call 455-1767 bridge HORSE for sale. 10 yrs. old. old. spayed & vaccinated. to with Calkins trailer. 262-7836 J p. CHEVROLET BIKES (3) $35 ea Old style Kotstsu twcard table Call 422- gelding. 151/2 hands. liver *Cr devoted fainilihs 947-9136 dresser $56 end tbls $70 pr 7770 SOLID maple table w/8 chairs: chestnut. gentle disposition, EXPERT PIANO MOVING 12' WOODEN sailboat. 2 years TRUCK CENTER queen Isabel 525 Amapa - .matching hutch, $500 smooth gaits. English or /Cenral., sr THE AIRPORT TRUCK CENTER - FREE 4 kittens, 1 Calico, Crating, shipping. 833-1859 old, can hold four. $325 262- 235-3488 ohne rack 535 261-1558 set/offer. Western pleasure. Has many AMR HWY BY THE AIRPORT PINATAS - Cam Beam. 1 black fluffy & 2 tortoise S & S Delivery 395-7295 4287. Ph. 839-0770 & Toy show ribbons. $1500/offer. Steeds. Etc. Candy ANTIQUE desk. $295: cabinet markings. Ph. 536-0593 Ph. 839-0770 BOYS, bcycle 20 inch bras . filled Delivery avail. Call 624- 422-5281 Ph 395- on tall legs 5450: pecandining BALDWIN organ. good FOR SALE1071. LIVINGSTON g coos $50otter 6016 FREE Golden lab, condition 7.5 engine H set w/china closet. $600, male. 8 $450 or offer. Call BOAT. unsinkable. AKC standard Dachshund Wurlitzer square top piano, mos.:.Bull Terrier puppy, male, 696-9645" & trailer, excl. cond. for only WANTED $80 pups, 2 females, $130 ea. Call 71 MOTORCYCLES NEW picnic tables. $1250. 262-4260 6 mos.. Black lab puppy. $1200 or offer. Must sell. Call USED TRUCKS OR OVALpeclestal TN $750 235-5540 VANS SALES & SERVICE . Perch swings $85. female. 8 weeks. 845-2884 262-4302 anhque buffet. $2803 261- PAW FOR OR NOT . 293-M HUNTING arrows 9981 days bow 12 $80, WANTED: Fox Terrier or Rat '01 YAMAHA 56500, excellent surfboard $30: Tagemi oil FREE: 2 male cats, one Is J.N. CHEVROLET condition used neutered FLOYDS Terrier. housebroken, not over 1800 miles, cover compressor Cleaner,, gaainra $:gt All negotiable.. 5 dec wed. e anT_NELSON TRUCK CENTER end helmet $1100. SMALL aubtush 1 year old. prefer male. Cell 235-3428 rCeCIrOt x other is very friendly', approxth. 1 SCHOOL & VW Panmunjom good yr. old. 621-8523 AMU Hwy. by the Airport after 5. cond 622-3780 eves Kenmore. Hoovers. and 422-6294 SAILMAKER, INC. Center of Kellett OF MUSIC 115.830-0770 '81 YAMAHA 55850011, - alters Kirby "Cup excl. 148 Hebei st. 262-2011. FREE: Kittens THE ocean-razor wants CFA reg. Persian for sale. cond., low mileage. $1200. .127 APPLIANCES and puppies the small Woodland Willoir Rose line to read MOrlOOL.o to good Nimes. Offering private Sheet and Keeton." 623-1354 after 6 p.m. LOVE Call 254-4643 $200. 1 blue. 1 cream male .1116 TRUCKS & PICKUPS t COI an CO Si Ih0,110 and DIVING and fishing KENMORE. Whirlpool, leAnin far: cal and dinghy sailor use inmate books weights - coming soOn 254-1671 '82 HONDA 450. $800. candlelight Westinghouse. GE. washer/ FREE: Kittens, Plano. all .1,1r, "Spindrift and Righting '67 JEEP Cell John 672 -4280 1W then for 1,51 St bullets! 839-7947 potty trained setting dryers Guaranteed. service & blk. w/wht. cellar. rock. and the cruiser likes 155 AUTO PARTS & SERVICE after 6 p.m. Call 293.5825 dMivery also. Ph. 671-6372 nose & paws lair. folk. Line." PIED Cockarrei wicage: Call 282-7653 cloydval. cluck Sc, All 51058011 pro- '8:17"281.fa - "XLS." Trike Volkswagen 1971 600, runs good, organ :n-ohm finches erreaile: 30 gal arms. temper. erne,. CUSTOM WLIFLITZER SIDE by side refrigerator. self FREE to good home. ducts, are In stock. engine $3000 or best offer. 46 DODGE pickup, original. extra parts, tires, $775. section tape recorder light and aquanum & ceramic green- healthy French horn If interested call 254- defrosting, male dog. half beagle. 197 i0-8 .111-ANO Engine hoist $500. Ph. 261- Best offer. 239-8452 bench 5575 Cell 26, -9681 wear 7 yrs. old. Cell M 110d. kW. 00, clarinet. 2930 254-2296 neutered 524-5080. Linda. 252-8236 2080 alter 4. 695-5931 after 1 P 841-2591 nine Windward PLUMB tree Voicv WATERBEDS with beaters CHILD'S Schwmn bike. excl. stumps, excellent HUGE TRADE-INS $225 cond 140 air conditioner. REFRIG. for sale for Unit, FREE. 531-0174 ask Pa, I kc Baal* I sing $375. queen for Susan. Call 235-5291 coed working cond $50 261- w/Icemaker. $150. BIG DISCOUNTS Call 254-1878 Selected FREE- 2 kittens antrumenit 19- COLOR TV $25. wood doll to a loving OFFICIAL NISSAN '134 MAZDA 2E5 AMWAY Products delivered. home, beautiful colors. (mailable far rental house fumehed. '79 truck KENMORE 20 cu. It refrigera- Pickup. M3745. 5 apd., eta bed Call 235-2243 money back guarantee. tor/freezer. $350. 488-7540 Reatanahle rate* Cell 487-5241 BODY & PAINT bumper, stoker wheels, Can 254-4887 after 3 p.m. FREE: 2 adult RAFT big 3 man heavy vinyl cats. male. part atriping like new, excl. Persian orange & bib. $35 double bed with wood RUGS - 2 649. KENMORE washer. female. Call cond $35 ea.. 10012 both fixed & had shots. 261- SALE PRICE frame 525 235-5168 bluegreen w/pad $40. good condition, $95 3892. moving. Windward REPAIR STATION $25. Call 254-4985 1 WALNUT limb dressers 62 Coldspot dehumidifier 623-5327 262-8812 nightstands $75. Singer SPEED Queen washer FREE' Part pit bull pupp upright vacuum 540, 5 ton to a good home. Atter11472 LAWN mower. reel type $125 Honolulu a spit. p/ 8, pilla floor lack $75'offer Call 262- Call 423-1892 works good 247-0152 ACCESSORY REPAIR 5869 Cooper Klipper 18" $90 MOT Phone 423-1612 eves. 732-6619 STANDARD size refrigerator, FOUND: Doberman pup. SPECIALS SPECIALS TV 18 & 25 inches, female. liSALE PRICE COLOR self defrosting, 16.5 cu. 6/15, at the Lenikei $145 ea Both excellent Call BALDWIN electronic organ ft. Canoe sight. 261-2680 Leeward wseat. excellent condition. Deliverable. Guaranteed. 841- 512.875 946-6940 2591 $275 Pe 623-9633 FREE Male puppy. healthy 671-0090 KING size bed. cost $700 must and smart, 21/2 months. COMPLETE '84 EL CAMINO VCR. VHS remote 21 day THEFT ALARMS ON AlLL sell $200. refrigerator/freezer DISHWASHER. built-in. Ca11247-5571 eves. Demo. 113168. loaded with must sell. 5150 735-6452 923- program like new:. $1000 avocado. $50. Call 257-2722 STEAM CLEAN Asking $400. Call 422-1678 tramICli MAKES AND options 7943 DWH or 262-0397 AWN FREE: healthy. kittens. 11 weeks old. Have shots' and MODELS Reg. $19.50 SALE PRICE $9775 Kenmore washing worming. Going to OREGON to sate. 27016 rust 9010 ELECTROLUX vacuum. cost 689-6791 CARPET 941- machine.SEARS 2 years Old. $250 buy a new car or green. Mx 12 blue. end coed $880. must sell 5350 Call Top of the line model $(150 1784 or 735-2055 Cell 261-8873 after 5 p.m. FREE: Adorable kittens pickup? 'McVay no Call 261-7690 anytime 130111 e a -erigg tax to good home. -contact- 4 x 4 Pickup, LT3708. 8 cyl.. FREEZER upright, Call 247-2420 Reg. 2191 _ tax PORCELAIN sink: custom BRITANNICA encyclopedia self ROBERTS & REDFIELD 0'1 /0 4 spd., p/s, plus more. Tap an range numerous 1982 edition, Must sell defrosting 17 cu. ft. Can help FREE to a good home. 10 PORTLAND $400. brand new 254-5332 deliver. 841-2591 mo. ' Conditioner SALE PRICE spayed gray tiger cat. Lovable Write for price lists and Air COUPON VALID after 8. .g.7rind with children. TUNE-UP SPECIAL CRIB. mattress. sheets. $180 WHIRLPOOL refrigerator Call 689- full information Service Through 510,475 AIR conditioners 8000 BTU high Chair, $30 freezer 5250. like new ART MAKE - ANY MODEL New points. Plugs. $150. 13500 Call 833-3604 lax JULY 31. 1884 $75. 12000 BTU Kenmore heavy duty washer FREE: female, 6 mos, kitten, Delivered - road tested at Condenser. Adjust Dwelt. CHEVY'84 550, 8500 BTU $50. $150 recharge & BTU $300. Kenmore dryer solid gray. gold eyes, fluffy fur, Portland International Airport .Evacuate. TImIng.Carburelor.CoLevel V, ton Cargo Van. LT3819, Maytag portable dishwasher ELECTROLUX vacuum. cost Call 282-6137 puffy tell. Call 262-8344 ROBERTS & REDFIELD leak test (Includes cyl., 3 a pd., p/s, plus more, $150. plush rust tone carpet $7846130. must sell $350 Ca11941- and Fan Belts II necessary Suits 11102 w/heavy weight pad. excl. 1 or 735-2055 refrigerator. 18 ADMIRAL FREE: Kittens to good Freon) WE Reg. MOO 63955 SALE PRICE 58775 cond 15/A17 5200. 111/20105 cubic ft. side by side. frost free homes. . 8029 N.E. 82nd INSTALL beige tone carpet Call Linda eves 839-2895. cute $150 plush bar and $250 254-2906 and Portland, Oration .furl Ingest! wash Nam wheavy weight pad excl. ADJUSTABLE tow cuddly. BODY SIDE ALL TYPES OF '84 CHEVY 210 $40; electric sheet metal 87220 cond 9512 5125 11x12 $125 hitch. 235-6243 WASHER 5/or dryer $100 ea, FREE: 150312514551 ACCESSORIES Pickup, LT3783. V-8.5 ad., Call 422-0964 alter 6 p.m. shears. Female German MOLDINGS VALVE Deliverable, matchine. Shepherd, 2 yrs old & pup 4 Conveniently located luat p/s. styled wheels, plus 5 Guaranteed. Heavy duty. 841- LOUVER windows, panes. mos. Shots. Call 373-3280 3 minutes from &pont_ ACCENT MOM. SINGER custom touch &sew. $15 ea.; carpet. brown tweed. 2591 after 3 p.m ADJUSTMENT excl cond reasonable 12x13, 5100 push mower, $10. "*. STRIPING eIsd Uses. tee bens Rip. SALE PRICE 58975 262-0771 games & puzzles 487-7025 MUD aoal whale IIM . etre. ten ea ow CARPET will fit Hick.. TAX headaches? Booakeep- *Alarm 'canaries tem cgoroN NI OM mall hiphyr Full size F7ighttlne Housing ACE units. ing/accoun Ong problem In Custom stripes pickup, LT3709, upstairs I down w/peMt. PO. solvers. Reasonable fees. Call ATTENTION! cyl., 3 sad., p/s, plus more. negotiable 423-1452 John. 523-6753 Custom paints Retired military and active duty personnel. cilt nips ally klIs. drop kite OIL, FILTER & SALE PRICE $7975 NORTHWEST Orient one way '84 RAINBOW vacuum. cost Sliding windows gunprool Atlanta stops LA and MSP by LURE SPECIAL $850. must sell 4400r Call 923- Roll bars, push hare '84 CHEVY K-10 7/10 $225 247.6156 7943 or 735-4651 The care of your automobile is a it Business! Luggage racks 4 x 4 81$ Blast L13707. VA sq9?!. Window louvers, Etc. s1Sss Buts, a/c, plug more. Services offered: _11P *THE BATTERY FACTORY* SALE PRICE 513.875 "BODY REPAIR *FRAME STRAIGHTENING AUTO BATTERIES WAIPAHU J N CHEVROLET Chevron IOC' *GLASS REPLACEMENT *UNDERCOATING Cull our Service Advisnis New. Used. Reconditioned, Specie TRUCK CENTER DATSUN NOBODY DOES 00t11; GRACE & MAIIT7 HWY. BY THE AIRPORT "PAINTING *COMPLETE PAINT 671-5611 IT BETTER! PERRY TAKARA Ph. 839.0770 $25°0 trade and ou "POLYMER PAINT SEALANT MASTERCARD/VISA Motorcycle Marine *UPHOLSTERY Free Estimates del Skies Wheelchair:. BATTERIES (AUTO & FURNITURE) Commercial INSURANCE ESTIMATES "RUS T PROOFING 747 Xamolani Boulevard 533-3312 Compact Cars 5150.00 Standard 5200.00 HOT WEATHER TRUCK BED MAT Intermediate $180.00 Vans & Station Wagons $250.00 lava now and N of your Puck Me ear. r Nyrreard We me Protects area, wan. ewes warm* !regrew. and Is ans71.1t.d by moat c AUTO RESTORATION CENTER SPECIAL and 0414 not tree* Of lane. Slam lo N as nwarkl In Moak may. Tiara. Hickam AFB BLDG. 1720 Male the TUNE-UP (OLD AREA AIR CONDITIONER sere. 61 GARAGE) Tax For Plus more C RUST PROOFING VICE 422-9945 5 Plus Parts If Required Info. Oast Pralonlnelly *pease Sense. AelaaSia 1ST Sealantalant Protect,. .1.141 Molding Call Dena Shave $256 Specials apply to the following makes: Cisamna 422-9839 Chevrolet 5244020 ;';:::.°,; r.:7X'iv.,....1="07eTc=ot"" °'" c,,,,,.....i s Wising Strpng APPOINTMENT (No Appointment Oldsmobile REQUIRED Pontiac Necessary) Buick Cadillac gibe a.T. ENTIMPRISE5 GMC Trucks 501 COOKE ST., (Lt. Duty Only) HONOLULU, HAWAII 841113 This arra-nharrwere wee nee,ar kw nor In whey of In pan by Oar arellemp AdIc Ikere Right now, we'll recondition your GM car's air conditioner for a special cool WRITE A BEST SELLER price..We'll recharge the refrigerant. It Only Takes A Few Minutes We'll check the entire system for leaks. Your classified ad in the SUN PRESS could be the biggest seller We'll check all hoses and adjust all you'll ever write. Simply write your ad on the handy order blank describing Pact) Item you want to sell and be sure belts. And we'll check the system for to give the price ONLY you want for it list your phone number and the hours to call. Be proper output; We use genuine GM sure to print, using a pencil, hall point pen or typewriter. Your ad $ parts. And we have the correct tools and will reach over 121,080 suburban homes on Oahu via the SUN to do job right. So PRESS, Waipahu Sun News, Hawaii Navy News, Sun Flyer, Hawaii 96 per One the right training the Marine, and Weans° Sun Times. per week atop. by . . . stay cool . . . and "Keep th Deadline Monday 12 neon klatuese Walanse. Monday 4 p.m. Man Pm. Plus 4% State Tea; 3 LInet Minimum great GM feeling with genuine GM for we feelowleg Wadaesrasyedleon. Num CIO NOT abbreviate; allow one square for each letter and parts." punctuation; leave apace between words, HUM 34ine Mtecellaneeue for Sete Ad 401h subseelption coupon, 1=sefeet one wait an* Olue1410VIRO tarn eaSemAriet ed/D 2 2 4 Weeks, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OINVIKRAL MOTOR* Roma DIVISION Lbws 1111.111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111181111111 4 664611,111

111111111111111111111111111111111111IIiistaing IU #10111111111111111IIIIINcilisivom 41r. 't* ,oRt, tw.o June 27, 1984 Classified Y 172 MiT03100 LEASE-

FORD FORD ' THRIFTY Rent A Car is MERCURY OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC 'SUBARU VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN offering "Golden Oldies" from '73 MUSTANO"Oranae- '77 PONTIAC Grand Prix '17 SUBARU ph5. mweek,week, per month. Auto, CAPRI. 2 dr.. AM/FM. p/s. '70 2 dr.. 55.000 mi. '70RABBIT. 4 door. 4 speed. '78 RABBIT, CAM el 50,000 miles. radio, excellent 7777 MAVERICK. auto.. 6 cyl.. CUTLASS "442" rebuilt Fully automatic. power.extras, AM/FM stereo, I hack, trogInx,ml,IFTAder,r1,,e1,1,orrliesLr.1.2. 4 spd., $800. $2500 or best offer. Call good Prim 91 offer. 922- interior $850or offer. Ca11247- .ir. AM/FM. 8 IOW V0130,tiroreregr.:34rratwIrliresor a/c, AM/FM stereo, 51900/ Colt 235-2759 823- 6949 Eon. 2495 'Mien.. 0.0. coed.. °P.' 262-2280 offer. 254-3177 178 OARS. CAMPERS & JEEPS owner, $2200/oller. Must see anytime. $1400/offer. Call 247-2495 BUd: good condition, '79 RABBIT. 2 door. 4Sitiaed. t4o5rarate. Call 455-2204or TOYOTA condition. $2200 112 SUZUKI Jeep SJ410. good. '77 MAVERICK. auto., 6 77 $1500 or best offer Call good Cell cyl.. MECURY Monarch, 4dr, PORSCHE 833-8585 condition, $4000 or best oiler. air. AM/FM. 8 track, low excl. cond.. $1750 '74 CELICA auto.. mans. 623-6949. Call before 4 p.m. 521-3292 mileage. excl. cond.. 0159 or offer. 871-2082 eves. PLYMOUTH tinted windows, $1500/offer, '72 PORSCHE, 65.000 miles, '77 VW Rabbit. auto.. $1700. '82 RABBIT convertible. owner, $2200 /otter. Most see rebuilt engine, Webers 822-3540 '72 INTERNATIONAL to appreciate. Call 455-2204 HONDA good condition. Needs little . 19.000mi , top shape. $7500 or Scouik carburetor. new paint, clutch. -_ _ body work. 262-9573 offer. Call 833-3468 good mechanical alter 3 p.m. MG '81 PLYMOUTH Reliant K. 4dr. Am '79 TOYOTA Corolla, 4dr 4 sedan, auto., a/c, 8 FM cassette stereo, rust. $1900. CallCall 261- w7EirmoHnOND4A00/Coiitc station AM/FM excellent condition $4100 or sod., runs well, $1950 Call - stereo w/CB, 4979 after 5 p.m. '74 MOB. 11 bliu. new tires. $4100 offer. 262-8242 after 6 p.m '78 FORD Fiesta fast konls or oiler. 262-8078 Call 247-2495 anti-sway bars Great coed transporter Ion car. C'ellgr21- Call 282-2088. '75 CHEVY Van 6 cylinder $2100. 622-0199 7421 Good condition. standard short bed, $2200. Call 239-8902 '79 MOB, nice condition. '73 DUSTER & '77 Capri rebuilt engine, new top g Cheap, runs or good for parts r '67 MUSTANG. Fantastic parts. $3695/otter. 395-9254 Make offer. 622-4763 .178 AUTOS FOR SALE condition, $2600/of ter TONY 422-5010 ISLAND HONDA ADMIRAL R-A-C 3. TONY DOLLAR NOW IN AUTO HONDA DOWNTOWN PFARLRIDGE RENT A CAR PEARLRID(r1 488-8499 NOW WILL TAKE EXCHANGE Y,, YOUR TRADE-IN AT 9s-05 I Kam Lincoln Mercury I W.. Ma. scars Mt APP507 ITP114 OUR NEW LOCATION. Is7-5595 CLEARANCE SALE! $1895 $10,395 Wu Went Your Business! 'TI cONOLLA OR 11.05 MIRA Mis. 4 n nt '83 Ford Overstocked male. MOW 51595 tit '7995 GRANADA CORVETTE f ref PlrOnn & ill I , Fairmont with used '72 DODGE Dart '78 '73 Airfool Beige Whin Interior MAZDA 4 dr.. 6 cyl. 590-131 s350 4 dr.. ant. Only 17,500 mi. 1x0044/ cars. ralis 419285 11395 86/85 PIINY I :TIN Sh r PRICED TO SELO '82 MAZDA. 4 dr. S/W '71 BUICK Skylark 75 MUSTANG '79 CUTLASS SUPREME SIP S, rr very condition. no 9284266 Must liquidate! pls. 4 dr. rune excl. BFID-838 eels roes extgs.raood Asking $5400. *550 MI5 $1295 rfat :cm Call 533-4811 1801 KALAKAIM 839-5511 MINN ACROSS FROM COCO'S Any offer '74 PLY. Duster '73 CAMARO '80 TOYOTA 538-3217 IN WAIKIKI sporty 2 dr. AGA-908 4150 Ns. we MERCURY considered. 11295 $4205 '76 MUSTANG 39,000 mi., V8, '75 DODGE C olt IS VESA '70 CORONA AUDI red w/white vinyl top, loaded. -.7 1 COUGAR. running Saw. auto.. low miles 51111.348 150 sm. raft excl. cond., $2500. Call 373- condition. $400 or best offer. 2901 N. Multi Hwy. WEIN 11005 '1;ililiiir, 539I5 '72 AUDI LS100, low mileage, 4211 alter 4 p.m. Call 254-3896 '76 FORD Pinto excl. cond.. $1000 or best '76 MASSY '82 ESCORT GL ado.. 2 dr., gas saver BAT-931 $950 MIL 'offer. Cell 395-3559 ' '80 FORD Fiesta. Excellent '73 MONTEGO, auto., I I. ralk ANA1117 511115 ,41,73if3r.... 83795 condition, 1 owner. radio, air conditioning! 836-0033 '74 OLDS Cutlass Supreme Call 235-3455 Call 262-7938 '75 PACER '79.LINCOLN BUICK wa. sac 56.000 miles. vary clans 991877 ... $1850 MON *1095 grobl.'14C742 $2895 '71 BUICK Skylark. 1 owner, 78 PONT. Catalina '72 MAVERICK '77 MONTE CARLO and cond.. $950/best offer. es. MIL 538-6966 Mr. Lyons CUTTER RD 4 dr, a/c, a Gal ACF3911 262-5333 Fi *1950 000551 110101 dr. '2385 eves. 1895 75 SUBARU 76 VOLARE CUTTER '79 PLY. Volare '71 COROLLA '78 HONDA CIVIC '495 '1095 Custom 2 dr., a/c, like newt AEX-106$2750 4 de. MU reek 159112 ';I:rerani"" $19115 CHEVROLET '73 PLYMOUTH 74 COROLLA '895 '595 '1295 DODGE '78 TOYOTA Corolla '70 FORD 'BO CITATION '77 CAMARO Hotrod, 2 dr.. NAL '72 DATSUN 78 GLC liftbeck. surd., AM/FM ACN-038 -2850 Ps W ea, oft many extras, $4600 '795 '1295 USED & NEW CARS Mi. WOO $395 612. 810012 _111195 or otter. 262-9529. 84 COLT vista Wan. " '77 MUSTANG '78 FIAT BRAVA / pm. 4 eel.. me. Mu Ms Prices good till 7/2/84 '79 CHEVETTE, standard, low 1895 '1595 UM W. MAIM $10,670 mileage. lull 12 month '73 VALIANT '82 KAWASAKI 750 warranty $1895 or offer. 261- 82 TOYOTA Tercel 3091. '895 4 tve. 4 mi. radis AVM '4175 789 Kailua Rd. 75 VW BUG 76 MOB SPECIALIZE in MILITARY FINANCING '77. MONTE CARLO, silver. '995 '1995 '75 LINCOLN Mark IV 262-2373 haeret leaded. Males NO DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT ette..l new aint IA tires. use '79 TORONADO 78 SCIROCCO see. $2895/opffer. 623-1543 reald etc mat totat MOM $3175 '995 '3295 prices lax & fir.. sub /OCt In prior sdle '75 CAMARO. 350 engine. '74 MUSTANG '82 DATSUN '77 9210 Hatchback eel . aida. Me obi Ono. good cond., $1500/best offer. `995 14395 '2175 Most sell. leaving islands. Call '77 COROLLA '83 FAIRMONT '74 PINTO Wgn. 247-9967 '1095 ISR1 '4895 5 co. ma. twit 5111681 '1275 ANNUAL WHOLESALE CLEARANCE WE'RE BUSING USED CARS '73 TORINO YEAR MODEL LICENSE WHOLESALE YOUR PRICE Mlle 27 lone 29 2 dr V& As. odic AP5002 5775 DATSUN BLUEBOOK 98-015 Kam Hwy., AIEA Ph: 487 3811 '73 AMC Matador '72 DATSUN 510s. $550 all. er tug. Mithele'&1110711 "175 0 '74 MAVERICK BTC BOO $950 You P $349 Needs work. Call 247-1123 Your Only hdown Dodge Beider.Were anytime. laying Used Cars. '75 MATADOR 937 Mimi $850 You Pay '80 DATSUN 210 Hatchback. . 9140 NImItz Hwy. $650 Excellent condition. Michelin SUMMER VALUES tires. Call 235-3455 78 FORD Granada 836-0626 '77 SUBARU INT 774 $1075 You 4 dr. Ms, p/s. a/o, A00508 Pay $925 '70 DATSUN sta. wgn. sled., '2395 rune well, good interior., 4 '80 SUBARU AWF 372 1.) '77 FIAT WON moo You Ply $950 radials, 5625. 235-5168 Elr .4 sod. 9411237 *2495 '79 DATSUN B210 '77 MAVERICK OR 033 $1350 You Pay $995 ,FIAT Coupe. 4 spa. 5/5. BARBI *2595 '81 CHEVETTE SUMMER ARF 927 '76 FIAT 124 Spider. '68 ooh., new peril. MINN $27911 '76 BOBCAT WON $1000 You Pay $999 Plymouth. '78 Ford LTD, all power. '80 Subaru Brat '79 CHRYSLER Cordobtt 113495. AN TM You Pay w/camper shell. '79 Dodge Coups all peas, a /s. ACAMI '73 TOYOTA 4 DR... $1200 $1022 Camper. Call 487-6977 SPECIALS A '77 JEEP MONTECARLO.. esx 055 r.r.v $1099 WKwww. 4 M. Ms. MOM 13995. Onle ends June 30, 1964 '76 $1975 FORD- ly 4. UM 73 CHEVY Malibu '78 V-6 PINTO INGNA5F4/4 $13118 y,, ,$1325 '69 MUSTANG Fastback new 4 dr. KM., power steering paint. 351 Cleveland $3500 nf l5411.1171NJuPU111111111111011 you ply 833-7171 after 4 SPR.116 $195 '78 FUTURA 86F265 $1850 $1625 FrilAMC/Jeep '74 DODGE Swinger '78 GRANADA, most sett, 2 dr FUTURA 100 758 You p/s. clean A excl $1500 2 dr.. auto. '70 .r., $1999 Call 239-9714 wsilpahU tifi buy CM led 617-0709 Dh AC11602 $495 400300 76 SUBARU '77 T BIRD $2150 You FAY $2020 2 dr.. auto. '80 CITATION ANN 9411 You NY AM-210 '495 $2875 $2450 '72 VW Squareback WAIPAHU 2 dr.. BB8487 $095 V0 ! K SHELLY MAZDA 79 CHEVY Chevette 725 4 dr.. auto. Kailua Rd. 78 MONTE AYB-439 $995 '76 VW Rabbit 77 MUSTANG Ph. 262-6576 Cobra GT CARLO '75 FORD Granada 4 dr.. auta., power steering, air 11115.851 $1 095 c_\\ '1995 '77 VW Dasher '2495 '2595 3 dr.. 4 spd. OVERHEATING PROBLEMS 11110170 79 GLC 80 TOYOTA '1195 79 GRANADA '76 PLY. Mare Sta. Won Corolla 8/W, auto.. power marine, air AGT-700 $1 295 ''711 AUDI Fox '2695 '2895 $ 495 4 dr.. auto. BPFI-181 S 1 START THE YEAR RIGHT WITH OUR 80 DATSUN 82 DODGE 695 82 TOYOTA '74 DATSUN 2607 Tercel 210 Aries 2 dr., 4 'pi, stereo/ cassette ACU.602 '2295 - 80 DATSUN 8210 Service Scial 53995 53995 54895 2 dr.. auto. 011134011 '2595 * COOLING SYSTEM CHECK * 80 VW Rabbit 82 DATSUN 83 MAZDA 626 '83 TOYOTA Tercel 1. Drain Radiator & Block. Corti) Krug Cab Hatchback. 3 dr.. 2. Add 1 gallon GM Antifreeze & refill system SALE PRICE: 4 spd. AWF-906 '4695 3. Test radiator & pressure cap '6495 '7295 '7685 KAIMUKI 4. Check system for leaks Offer pod till Aug. 6. 1984 $18.50 94-212 Leoku St., Waipahu 677-0761 TOYOTA No Appointment Necessary_ Plus Tao 0th & Walalae 7350737 Otter good till July 2 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Division of Servco Pacific, Inc. SERVICE MOTORS ALSO SPECIALIZES IN THE REPAIRS OF MOST GM CARS AND LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS. WE EMPLOY FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIANS AND USE THE LATEST SPECIAL EQUIPMENT TO SATISFY THE NEEDS OF OUR CUSTOMERS.

DATSUN OF WAHIAWA WE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICE: Across from Schofield Barracks 621-0761 fammtessirelereltMAINSOIM 114 SENTRA Deluxe My.ES Chevrolet Cars, Trucks, Vans Toyota - Suzuki Station Wagon WA1A1.11A HAIAIWA '84 Pulsar NX USED CARS PHONE: 822-4185 ttet fiso, Were Miticerift MO 5 spd., Saving 5 spd., w/graphlcs Oboe 1519 BMW Chevrolet Osekr #8511 M Newell SERVICE f MINE 2114111010 . Portia Sr remote. 01/81.9PS to Mit . hats Dosed or fad Muted Cem IttilleAMST Or Isortridee agora Servitat EMI DIONSMISSION 11049ICf$- Askarege er Minuet ILO% financing on IMKE tE888 Oise w Ors* all New Nissan Trucks AUTO Ale CONARKINIIII sweet *Except Ofsadard Model PHONE 621 -8454 $6895 berm 14041 $6995

AUTO BODY MeenetAt n 76 DATSUN 710 '80 FORD Pinto 80 PLYMOUTH Arrow 1100Y AND FENDER REPAIRS All Makes PHONE 621-8454 Mght Hr$, 1 tfl 2 95 $2595 . GLC A DIMON Of )31 SUZUKI 4x4 jeep fit mturrA IIIMISCOPAetleC rife fese PARTS '2995 TAMII WAHIAWA (MT '2495 Chevrolet - Toyota - Dozokl mgmAtet TOWN Me II Mn Me mOteOltretl PHONE 822-1821

Greed Il II July 5. 1984 Page R -12, June 27, 1984 Sport snotes

The Hawaii Marine Athletic Council golf program swings into action July 1 for four days at the Kaneohe Klippen Entry deadline is 4 p.m. June 29 at the Station Gymnasium. For more information, call Jerry Price at 257-M50.

Toe USO Golf Tournament is scheduled foe July 17 at Leilehua Golf Course. Tournament play will be four-person, best ball, with several teams being sponsored by cluringtff local businesses. Prizes will be awarded to teams and individuals. The $40 individual entry fee is tax deductible. Red, and non-golfers can help this USO fund-raiser by donating the entry fee for military duffers White entering the tourney. For more information, call the USO Airport 'W 836-3351. age Center at ye The tri-annual racquetball tournament is scheduled for July 28 and 29 at the Station Gymnasium. The tournament is open tactive duty personnel only.

The horseshoe park, located next to the Station Gymnasium, is available for unit and individual use. A practice pit, one women's and two men's regulation pits are located in the park, and horseshoes can be checked out of the gym's issue room.

Coaches are needed for youth soccer. For :1 more information, call Dependent Recreation at 257-3501.

Entry forms and schedules for upcoming running events are available at the Station Gymnasium.

SALE DATES FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 MON.-WED. 9.9 4th! SALES ENDS JULY ' Entry 'forms are available at the Station Gymnasium for the Aloha Open Judo Championships at King Intermediate School in Kaneohe June 29 at 9:30 a.m.

P1a6iing 111 0 a by ...ON OUR ENTIRE Stibwer? STOCK OF FAMOUS Out store Is the one- s* shopping place QUALITY BRAND NAME fgtf baby shower 35% to faiedst Here's your arm FURNITURE! fhopping checklist: ...... in b Gift Wrap EVERY smuts of Every item displayed on our floor, Baby Albums 45% department Is reduced for 0 Partyware 25%12 every 0 Crepe Streamers BM a... immediate clearance. For best Decorations Gifts for Mom EVSY BIM WI selection... be early! Many Items one 0 Balloons 11 a% 0 ,Baby's First Year" and a few-of-a-kind. Items are floor 4 Sticker Calendar LVS1.211% Take SIO samples, discontinued styles and over stock. EVERY inventories, etc. Don't miss this Planning a §f,"; Sli InAmerica. 26% la 35% opportunity to SAVE! Items shown are Birthday SECTIONAL only a few of the many, many values Party? EVERY you' II find! Birthday Cards 20%1,35%,0 Gift Wrap SLEEPS ...... LOOK FOR OUR Gifts of all kinds EVERY Invitations 49%11° COLORED TAGS 0 Decorations 20"1° Birthday Dandles ...... & SAVE! Birthday Hats EMI KUM FRI ty Favors ...a 25% STACEY'S EVERY MATTRESS a% lir -40.02mtaA14, ...... 211% " SHOP 11113Y ShoppIrm Center Sir 30%16 50" EVERY. 'LAKE ...... 00410 Ike* VAIL Are MAY LAMP, YE AttlESSIIMS COMPARAKE VALUE Can WY Is lased an 05 Wand You **AIN 1140106*.pritlyvobi la isv Wow PLUS ea a 59"1 aril Is Os bog balm 39% ANA The mew deo ar nimbi mob, by On ippoved cr oirsity tow Mew polloV owl opsolof Mane pectedep pram as a eerier a NP 167 pike skin Car insuranc Ranee* bkied Assoblbleb Specialists Famlluri Oval As. u s 114

Call For lilt 1 Appointments or Quote 488-8381 Agents: W. peke Ben Wu Ph: 671.3995 Richard Duran Mike Hopkins Good Driver Rates Quick No-Fault Cards Convenient Payment Plan Personalized Service

OFFICE HOURS .01 7 DAYS A WEEK 01180-1900


THIS SUPPLEMENT. OR COMMERCIAL ADVERTISPAENTS WITHIN. DOERNEIT CONSTITUTE ORSEMENT BY THE MARINE CORPS OR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE PPM. of the first sentences he learned in Hawaiian from his mother was from the Holy Scripture: "Aloha Ke Akua - God is Aloha." "Aloha is the power of God," 25 years of Statehood, he told the people that day, "seeking to unite what is separated in the world - the power that unites heart with heart, soul with soul, life with life, culture with culture, race a blend of the ancient, with race, nation with nation. Aloha is the unconditional desire to promote the true good of other people in a friendly the traditional, the new spirit, out of a sense of kinship. Aloha seeks to do good with no conditions attached. Aloha welcomes the By PHAENON LANDEN Abraham Akaka, brought up into the coral block church stranger and seeks his good." On Aug. 21, 1959, President in childhood with the concept built by Hawaii's first Dwight D. Eisenhower signed of "ho'okupu" in daily life - missionaires - the church Early Hawaiians did not see and issued a proclamation where one always brought where, not too many years themselves as separate from formally admitting Hawaii to gifts to others but never before, Hawaii's royal other people, nature and the the Union as the 50th state. expected anything in return; families had worshipped. land, the `aina." And Aloha Twenty-five years later, on while one never accepted a gift "The fears Hawaii may was the connective force with Aug. 21, 1984, Hawaii will without giving something in have (facing statehood)," he all of nature, as well as with celebrate its silver anniver- return - saw statehood for continued, "are met by men the gods. The word Aloha sary of statehood by sending Hawaii in different light. and women who are living preceded and modified many its ohana, its family - the On that historic day, he witnesses of what we really other words in the Hawaiian other 49 states - a lei of gave a spontaneous, yet are in Hawaii, of the spirit of language. Its meaning was greetings, its blossoms strung inspired service in Kawaia- Aloha, men and women who both broad and subtle. together by the delicate and hao Church. "We need to see can unlock the door to the Appropriately, the theme intangible Aloha Spirit. that Hawaii has a moral and a future . . " for Hawaii's year-long 1984 In 1959, statehood seemed spiritual contribution to make Rev. Akaka, who still serves Hawaii Statehood Silver to the world to be something to the rest of the world," he as minister to the congrega- Jubilee is "Hawaii: 25 years of Hawaii had finally attained. told the people of many races tion of Kawaiahao Church Statehood. A lifetime of But in Honolulu, Rev. and levels of life who jammed said that as a small child one CONTINUED Page 5

The Largest, Most Progressive School of Self-Development in Hawaii since 1962 Now With 2 Separate Divisions! KARATE HULA

J.I.K.C. KARATE HULA, 0 Mental and Physical Self -Control MALAMALAMA Self Defense Physical Fitness Chief OV Weight Control Instructor Non.Contact NETTI Beginners KEKAIKUINALA Classes ARMIHula E MAGNO For Men. Women and Youth tit11111PS 1111 from 4 years) Teaching ancient and modern hula, Hawaiian language and-appremation of nature through Hawaiian crafts Also, women's sell -defense techniques REGISTER BEFORE JULY 7 for balance of beauty and strength Emphasis on the spirit of Aloha through & RECEIVE FREE KARATE unity of mind and body. UNIFORM ($25 VALUE) CALL REGISTER BEFORE JULY 7 & RECEIVE FREE HULA NOW FOR Founder and UNIFORM ($12 VALUE) FREE YOUTH RATES Chief Instructor INTRODUCTORY 0'/J1:4; KIYOHISA "P to $20 month LESSON Discount Family Dates HIRANO 533-4777 847-5228 Available. 8th Degree Black Belt. aL Born in Yokohama. Over 40 Locations on Oahu: Knot*: Hula: Japan. Graduate of Sonnost Winstonn Skonotna tOslolol At Wenn Enchsond tMossli ASV., Sara Ma, Nihon University. Train- Senn Wolmatu lake Canon McCully con too ing and teaching over 0." WMPshoo linnlou Kelm., Pearl Harbor now noon, MM.! Winne Kallua Salt lAys fuomat) 33 years. lataltakilo 'Cu,,,, Kaneohe Otnot nod Wain. ClOy inch Wononsto Linn Wain.

2 545-,70 values Daily Arrivals

a" .Kahala Mall ), Fort Street Mall Pearlridge Phase II cEleCta ,Kailua Koko Marina Hauula (Sacred Falls Bazaar) 01,0011 Kam Shopping Center Windward City Center StOre Merchand Street (near The Muumuu Ethel's) sate ends July 1, 1984 Wahiawa (across McDonald's)

3 1,1,1

Karate classes teach skill, concepts help build confidence Japan International balanced, strong yet person improves, both HAIKU GARDENS Karate Center (JIKC), humble. physically and men- A Favorite Spot For Kama'aina the largest school of "All of us involved in tally, everything around Karate in Hawaii offers one way or another the person likewise Dining and Celebrating special courses during with JIKC are aware of improves. the summer to develop the precepts and their JIKC has over 40 WEDDINGS ... BANQUETS ... QUIET DINING self control and confi- meaning, and we know locations throughout . . . AND CELEBRATIONS OF ALL MANNER dence. they are exactly what Oahu, offering begin- Sensei Jon Won, we wish to have firmly ner and advanced FULL MENU OR OUR FAMOUS BUFFET whose 12-year-old son implanted in our classes for adults and LUNCH 11:30-2:30 DINNER from 5:30 has trained with JIKC children's characters. chilren (5-16 years-old). SUNDAY for three years, sums up The most powerful BRUNCH 10:30-2:30 the program. message which stu- Children courses are CLOSED MONDAYS "Offspring are impor- dents hear is respect, $20 per month and tant to their parents in for self, for others and family plans available. 46-336 Haiku Road - Off Kahekili Highway so many ways, but most for society: Classes are taught by Kaneohe - On the Lovely Side of the Island important is that With this foundation Kiyohisa Hirano, children grow up with says Won, the study of eighth Degree Black RESERVATIONS 247-6671 the kind of character all Karate can impart to Belt with over :1:1 years parents hope for - well- the student and as a of teaching experience.

The 01) Glass ee Bottom Boat 0 0" The coral gardens in Kaneohe Bay are one of the much more of which you can feel and examine ocean's most magnificent sights. Six times daily more closely. Our crew will inform and entertain O they can be viewed from aboard the Coral Queen's you in a way you'll truly enjoy. See the sea for glass bottom boat's window to nature. The reefs yourself! will be explained as to their age, how they were formed and what their relationship is to sea life. Experienced divers will bring aboard fascinating life from the reefs including: squid, shells, coral and

For more information call 235-6510 or come to Heeia Pier (follow Kam Hwy. 1 mile North of Kaneohe)

4 Hawaiians concept of When Hawaii's unique expressing Aloha included all State Capital building was Aloha includes people who came to their land, `Hukilau,' time constructed in 1969, many of welcoming them, often to their Hawaii's symbols of the " ohana," their families, Islands had been incorpo- adopting people through marriage or just when an entire rated into the design. The through friendship. Hawaiian rectangular five-story children grew up in a warm building is supported by 40 of many lands and affectionate world where village fished fluted columns that represent the extended family contained the graceful coconut palm many aunties and uncles, trees, old Hawaii's prime sometimes not blood related, source of food, fiber and who naturally played the role building materials. of surrogate parents. As new people from other Four reflecting pools, filled lands continue to arrive by artesian wells, symbolize - the sea from which the From Page 2 European, American, Chi- nese, Japanese, Portuguese, individual expression of their Islands emerged. The central Aloha." It focuses on this Filipino, Korean, Puerto diverse cultural beliefs and court, open on both sides, ancient Hawaiian spiritual Rican, Samoan - interracial practices. Ho'oponopono represents the hospitality of principle that sets Hawaii marriages increased. included prayer, respect for all Hawaii's people. peerlessly apart from any Like another ingredient in viewpoints and the capacity The cone-shaped twin other place in the world. the soup pot each new race for forgiveness. chambers on each side of he From the time of Capt. enriched the culture with its The practice of "hukilau," building, holding the senate James Cook's arrival in the own ethnic festivals, songs, when a whole village turned and house, signify the active Islands in 1778, the Hawai- dances and unique flavors of out to pull in the huge fishnets volcanoes that created the ians' warm welcome and open foods. Their cross-cultural from the sea and to share in "aina," the land of the lifestyle enticed newcomers blending resulted in a hearty, the sea's bounty for the day, Islands. The high crown-like from many lands to the beautiful and peace loving seems to still be reflected in fluted open roof resembles Islands - newcomers, who people who call themselves the pulling together of the throat of a volcano and would eventually far outnum- Hawaiians today. Hawaii's people, always offers a view of the clear blue ber the native Hawaiian Another Hawaiian concept, ready to "kokua," or help Hawaiian skies. population. others in times of need. "ho'oponopono" -a harmon- The open Hawaiians readily adopted ious working out of conflict Aloha, repsect for the aina, feeling flows to the many of the newcomers' through frank discussions the land, ho`okupu in daily art-filled offices of the customs and their religion as designed to set things right, to life, and peace and harmony governor and lieutenant their own, yet at the same restore and maintain good through ho'oponopono governor on the upper floor, time, quietly held fast to the created a solid and unified where a large koa door boasts relationships, or harmony, a sign of Aloha, basic ideals of their own rich, within the ohana - helped to Hawaiian society, for all "E Komi) stable culture. mold the many races and their people. Mai" - please come in.

Come Celebrate With Us Our . . . 1st ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday June 30th

HUH'AM S3 At 116 Hekili Street in Kailua STEREO Schedule of Events for June 30, 1984 I:00 PM Entertainment! Commences and 380 PM Second Skin Bodvivear continues throughout the Boutique Choreographed evening? Fashion Show! Previewing the 1:30 PM Dianne Hudson's Aerobic Swing latest In Exercise Fashions! Exercise Class! 3:30 PM Exercise Extravaganza Deere 1':45 PM Moro and Tots Exercise led ley Ron Wiley! gernensfrationf 3:45 PM Aerobic Ilane Demonstration 2:00 PM Natural Movement Sell Detente by Woman's World Aerobic Remonstration by Eric Team! Sigmund! 4:30 PM Jan Brenner Performance ler 230 PM Ron Wiley of KIM AMID Radio your enterlaimnentl Remote Commences! 5110 PM Beards and Prizes Presentations for Muscular CRAFTS FAIR: Dystrophy Association,

10 AM-6 PM Local crafts will be displayed for sale. Homemade items .. baked goods . Much More! an's WING THIS COUPON IN NOW1.11111111 WOMAN'S WORLD III, IMMO' ,1 0111. fir:0 $ 0 0 I ,mfr. We thank our memners FARTHSEED for their continued Natural Foods will besetting Smoothies It',',"til'grtbs'. & fresh luncheon creations. A Ire'. Int Vise Ft:voile:vet ix support. oil Percentage of the Profits DONATED to Offer Expires 7/15/8j Phone 263-4451 of Health & Fitness MDA. HUNTING ay SUPPLIES OF HAWAII "A Motion Sooty Store Restaurant Run by a Hunter for Hunters" OAHU SCHOOL. -LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT-, OF DIVING :404111P."-. 7 NIGHTS A WEEK & PRO DIVE HANDGUNS SHOP Featuring RIFLES SHOTGUNS ARCHERY SCUBA EQUIPMENT Par 3 PHOTO IAB Mahi Beamer RELOADING EQUIPMENT MIKE, JOE, DARYL AIR RENTAL Tues. 9 p.m.-Closing We nom DIVES Wed., Thurs., Sat. 9 panClosing carry the largest selection of Wed. & Thurs. 5-9 p.m. Quality Firearms. CHARTERS-TOURS SUNDAY JAM INSTRUCTION Fri. 9 p.m.-Closing 5 p.m.-Closing AUTHORIZED REPAIR PMC .273(5%) $28, loo MONDAY PMC .38 spt RN $11.45,6. Federal ONLY .22's(500 bx) $16.95 Open Water Scuba KAMA UNU TRIO NOW C.erttflcation Course Marlene, Bobby, Kimo Fishing & Trolling Equipment SPECIAL $95.00 mention this ad & Fishing Charters SERVING DAILY 7.00 A.M.-2:30 P.M. HONOLULU WAHIAWA WAHIAWA BREAKFAST 1021 KAHEKA 11:00 A.M.-2:30 P.M. ST 95 S. KAM HWY 95 S. KAM HWY LUNCH 44-8407 622-2283 622-2283 DINNER 5:30 P.M.-9:30 P.M. RESERVATIONS 247-2825 On the Windward side it's Mescalito with the latest styles in . . Swim wear Mk' CRUZ


For diving equipment, training Aarons largest shop in Kailua Beachwear Aarons is the largest events. Along with a monthly calendar full dive shop in Kailua and Oahu and inter-island of events in the Rompers, large t-shirts boasts a full staff of dive tours, Aarons undersea world. internationally certi- offers a large selection ADA members also fied instru-ctor and of custom dive tours receive- blanket dis- Casual Wear in the world! divers. anywhere counts on all equip- Indonesian Wear Aarons has been in The next tour destina- ment, rentals, and business for 13 years tion is La Paz, Mexico, repairs and reduced and offers group or October 14-20. rates on all speciality private instruction with The Aarons Dive courses and advanced the rental equipment to Association was notice on all publicly 767 Kailua Road Ph. 261-1964 go with it. formed to keep divers advertised sales and For Summer, Aarons abreast of new develop. special events - with Mon. -Fri. 10-5 Sat. 9-4 has a full schedule of ments. ADA sends you private shopping hours!

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20% Kamaaina Discount for treks between July 1 and P.M. BREAKFAST - 5:30 A.M.-2 August 31, 1984. (Limited space.) 11 A.M.-2 P.M. KANUIIIPA Sr ' LUNCH REDISCOVER YOUR OWN HOME THIS SUMMER WITH DINNER -5 P.M.-9 P.M. TREK HAWAII ...... - * DON VASINDRI FED For brochure, reservations, and Information call SLOG KOS PIOUS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 235-6614 or write to P.O. Box 1585, Kaneohe, HI. 98744

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39 Malunlu Street Ka Ilua