WWW www.tamarabernad.com BLOG blog.tamarabernad.com TWITTER @tamarinda GITHUB gi thub.com/tamarinda “Keep calm and talk to rubber duck!”


Hello. I am a pragmatic developer with experience in working on countless projects of different kinds, from huge projects for Governments to tight ad campaigns for major brands.

In my role as lead developer, I am responsible to design, develop and maintain software with high quality standards, as well as meeting deadlines, smoothly.

As an agile enthusiast, I truly believe in flexible development, with quick iterations. Since my Scrum Master certification, I am working partially as Scrum Master on the projects.

I have always worked in international environments and distributed teams, which makes me very comfortable working remotely and proves my communication skills.

I keep myself updated attending to workshops, talks and working on tons of personal projects, which gives me the opportunity to play with new technologies.

Creating happy users, since 2005! ^^


Enthusiastic, flexible, attention to detail, team player, international (I speak 5 languages), solution oriented, decisive. Over all, agile!


• Agile (Scrum) enthusiast • UI / UX Conscious • Meticulous developer • Great listener and happy rubber duck • Servant leader • Consulting • Pushing boundaries of technologies • Implementation of designs, pixel perfect • Main Thread gate keeper


• Objective-C, AS3, Java, Android, Appcelerator, JS • Core Data, Multithreading, NSOperation, Core Animations, Core Location, RestKit, AFNetworking, MySQL, SQLite, JSON • Social Network integration (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) • Ship.io, HockeyApp, Testflight, Apple Enterprise distribution, Apple App Store, Google Play • Git, xCode, AppCode, Eclipse, FDT, Flash IDE, Photoshop, Illustrator, OmniGraffle • RobotLegs, PureMVC, SWFAddress, AMFPHP, Jiglib (physics), Alternativa 3D, Away 3D, Red5, Wowza • some experience with: HTML5, Backbone.js, Chaplin, handlebars, Sass, Laravel

Tamara Bernad Wilfinger - 1/3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Code d'Azur (Spain) Lead Mobile App Developer / Scrum 2010 – Current Master Code d'Azur (The Netherlands) Lead AS3 Developer 2009-2010 McCann Erickson (Spain) AS3/2 Developer 2008-2009 Bestiario (Spain) AS3 Developer 2007-2008 Spenta (Spain) Usability Consultant 2007 LCFIB (Spain) Java & AS2 Developer 2005 – 2007


Certified Scrum Master Crisp (Stockholm, Sweden) with 2015 Henrik Kniberg and Jeff Sutherland Master in Interaction design and Multimedia ELISAVA (Barcelona, Spain) 2006 – 2007 Bachelor in Computer Science, majoring in Software FIB – Polytechnic University of 2001 – 2006 Engineering Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain)


SPANISH Native GERMAN Native ENGLISH Advanced FRENCH Intermediate CATALAN Advanced


Stockholm, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Heidelberg.


Dashboard (Code d'Azur – Stockholm, Sweden) Native iPad app to visualize and analyze data from different countries. Keywords: Core Data, Multithreading, Objective-C, In-House distribution, HockeyApp, JSON, AutoLayout, Internationalization LTR+RTL, Ship.io CI

Mooding (personal project – Stockholm, Sweden) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.moodbox.moodingapp Native Android app to share your mood in gif animations Keywords: Android, Google Play, Retrofit, Gradle

ADCN (Code d'Azur – Barcelona, Spain) https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/adcn-2013/id751661940?mt=8 Native iPad app, an interactive Book for the Art Directors Club Netherlands Keywords: Objective-C, AppStore, PDF.

Kvadrat (Code d'Azur – Barcelona, Spain) Native iPad app for salespersons at Kvadrat company. Products and contents are synced in a background process to make it seamless for the user. Product orders can be sent out from the app. This application has

Tamara Bernad Wilfinger - 2/3 been very well received and we are adding continuously new features to it. Keywords: Core Data, Multithreading, Objective-C, Core Animation, In-House distribution, Testflight, JSON

Novartis (Code d'Azur – Barcelona, Spain) iPad app for doctors to explain patients their medication plan. Developed in JavaScript with Appcelerator. Keywords: Appcelerator, JavaScript, In-House distribution, Testflight

Tapas-it (personal project – Barcelona, Spain) https://itunes.apple.com/br/app/tapas-it/id690199761?l=en&mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.moodbox.tapas Design and development of iPhone and Android app with Map features. Keywords: Design, iPhone, Android, GoogleMaps, MapKit, Location, GooglePlay, JSON, CodeIgniter (PHP), Appstore

BNN (Code d'Azur – Barcelona, Spain) iPhone app for the radio show Coen&Sander at the BNN radio station. Playful app with funny contents and animations. Keywords: Appcelerator, JavaScript, Voice recording, Appcelerator module dev, Appstore, Testflight

Doyo (personal project - Barcelona, Spain) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/doyoapp/id490506437?ls=1&mt=8 (server has been shut down) Design and development of iPhone, iPad and Android app for users with similar interests to connect. Keywords: Design, Appcelerator, JavaScript, Location, Appstore, JSON

Supperclub (Code d'Azur – Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Corporative website of the extravagant restaurant chain Supperclub. Keywords: AS3, Alternativa 3D platform, JiglibFlash physics, pureMVC, SWFAddress, TweenMax, AMFPHP

LG in Touch (Code d'Azur - Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Campaign site to present the new LG phones, where Facebook users could appear with their friends on a video with their own recorded voice. Keywords: AS3, Facebook, Red5, Voice & Audio Recording, AMFPHP

Grolsch Lowleaks (Code d'Azur – Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Campaign site as Facebook app for the big music festival “Lowleaks” sponsored by beer brand Grolsch. Keywords: AS3, Wowza, Facebook, Voice & Audio Recording, Midi + video sync, AMFPHP

Spectrum Atlas (Bestiario - Barcelona, Spain) Frontend & Backend of artistic interactive installation in representation of the analogical shutdown. Keywords: AS3, Interactive installation, Touch Screens, PHP

JAE (Bestiario - Barcelona, Spain) http://archivojae.edaddeplata.org/jae_app/JaeMain.html Frontend & Backend of Interactive installation for museum of historical science to navigate through. digitalized ancient documents. Keywords: AS3, Interactive installation & Web, Touch Screens, PHP e-Catalunya – Social Network (LCFIB – Barcelona, Spain) Representation of the social network on the platform e-Catalunya. Keywords: Design, AS2 e-Catalunya – Questionnaire system (LCFIB – Barcelona, Spain) Development and integration of the Questionnaire system on the platform of e-Catalunya. Keywords: Java


#apps #startups #internet #it #conferences #workshops #wearables #coding #agile #music #learning #sports(running/cross fit/yoga) #photoshop

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