© Ned Dawson NH90, on the level AIRBUS HELICOPTERS N o. 123-APRIL2021 MISSION is in hands safe H145:The Madrid support plan for customer A transformation NH90: SERVICES spirits Mozambique can’t dampen Eloise Storm IN THEIR WORDS THEIR IN

ROTOR - No. 123 - APRIL 2021 2 SPOTLIGHT search and rescue, and privatebusinessaviation. in 11 countries mainlyforoffshore crew change, lawenforcement, In servicesince2015,there are currently 45 H175s beingused THE H175FLEETREACHES 100,000FLIGHTHOURS

© J. Deulin Re *HCare isAirbus’comprehensive supportandservice package. and easeofmanagement. segment, where operatorsare lookingmore andmore tobenefitfrom predictable costs,budgetsecurity More customersare toAirbussupporttheiraircraft, turning withparticulargrowth intheairmedical to 111,makingAirMethodsthelargest HCare-covered single-operatorcivilhelicopterfleetintheworld. to date.Theorder expandsthenumberofAirMethodsaircraft covered byAirbussupportandservices this timetocoveritsfleetofH135helicopters–thelargest HCare contractsignedwith anycivilcustomer Air MethodsCorporationhassignedanotherHCare* supportcontractwithAirbusHelicoptersInc., more than5.6millionflighthours. H135 family havebeendelivered around theglobewith per day. To date,more than1,400helicoptersofthe more than20,000missions, withonaverage52missions the wintertimeinAustria.In2019,operatorperformed from 17permanentbases andfouradditionalbasesduring 2022. ÖAMTCAirRescueoperates28H135helicopters of thefirsthelicopterinthiscontractisscheduledforearly a firmcontractforthepurchase offiveH135s.Thedelivery Airbus HelicoptersandÖAMTCAirRescuehavesigned RENEWAL WITHORDEROFFIVEH135s ÖAMTC AIRRESCUESTARTS FLEET HCARE CONTRACTFORAIRMETHODSFLEETOF80H135s ady © ÖAMTC – Robert Schornsteiner at thethird SARstationinHolzdorf. with thenewH145LUHSARwill beginshortly, asplanned, and Nörvenichairbasesforrescue operations.Operations and fieldtestingare available24/7attheNiederstetten fleet’s previously delivered helicoptersare usedfortraining Technology andIn-ServiceSupport(BAAINBw)ontime.The the FederalOffice ofBundeswehr Equipment,Information for theBundeswehr’s search andrescue (SAR)serviceto Airbus HelicoptershandedovertheseventhandlastH145 FORCES’ SEARCHANDRESCUESERVICE SEVENTH H145FORTHEGERMANARMED


© Christian Keller ©

ROTOR - No.123 - APRIL 2021 3 X ROTOR - No.123 - APRIL 2021 4 Advanced PORTFOLIO around entryintoservice. with thenewhelicopterandmitigate thenormalchallenges the operatorandfinalcustomer tofamiliarisethemselves and Shellforayear-long route-proving programme toenable Airbus willprovide oneH160aheadoffinaldeliveriesto PHI cooperating inauniquepartnership. Inapioneeringmove, The three companies–Airbus, PHIandShell–are offshore operations. new levels ofsafety, comfortandschedulereliability in of the H160withawealthofdesignfeatures promising The contractmarkstheentryintooilandgasmarket H160s toserviceasupportcontractintheGulfofMexico. US offshore helicopteroperatorPHItooperatefour Airbus energyInternational group Shellhasselectedtheleading BY PHIINGULFOFMEXICO SHELL SELECTSH160FOROPERATION and theH145familiestoprovide supporttovariouscivilandmilitaryorganisations around theworld. Héli-Union currently operatesafleetofapproximately 20Airbushelicoptersfrom theDauphin,H225, of twoH160stoaddress awiderangeofoperations. Airbus Helicoptersanditslong-standingpartnerHéli-Unionhavesignedacontractforthepurchase HÉLI-UNION TOPURCHASETWOH160s © Light & Shadows including aerial work, utilityandlawenforcement. further boosttheH135’s capabilitiesinseveralmissions, STC equipment.TheH135’s singlepilotIFRcockpit will to increase thefieldofview, orkeepingittoinstallspecific between removing theco-pilotsideofinstrumentpanel The modifiedcockpitenables customers tochoose new singlepilotIFRHelionixcockpit foritsH135helicopters. standard conditions.Additionally, Airbusrecently certifieda up to 75 NMortheendurancebyupto40minutesunder This increase canalsobe usedtoextendtherangeby take-off weightofupto120 kg(265lbs)andusefulload. enables operatorstobenefitfrom anincreased maximum version oftheH135familyhelicopters.ThenewAGW grosscertified anewalternate weight(AGW)forthelatest The European UnionAviation SafetyAgency(EASA)has CAPABILITIES OFITSH135HELICOPTERS AIRBUS HELICOPTERSBOOSTSTHEMISSION © Christian Keller

© Thierry Rostang © Light & Shadows

© Christian Keller witha100%H135 andH145fleetofhelicopters,performingmore than40,000missionsperyear. 20 four-bladed H145stothefive-bladed version.DRFLuftrettung maintains35basesinGermany, Austriaand of 2020.Thehelicopterisdeployed toDRF’s airrescue stationinStuttgart.On topofthis,theoperatorwillupgrade The Germanairrescue operatorDRFLuftrettung tookdeliveryofthefirst15five-bladed H145sattheend DRF LUFTRETTUNGTAKES DELIVERY OFTHEIRFIRSTFIVE-BLADEDH145


ROTOR - No. 123 - APRIL 2021 5 CONTENTS

08 30 PANORAMA MISSION Airbus Helicopters news : Firefighting and events by the numbers 09 with the H215

FEATURED © Dianne Bond ARTICLES 32 22 NH90, on the level SERVICES UP ABOVE A transformation plan Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters The global NH90 fleet will for customer support achieve 300,000 Flight Hours in the near future “The NH90 has proven its worth not only during operational deployment in Afghanistan and Mali, 34 OFF THE but also on a daily basis back at home, saving lives.” 24 BEATEN TRACK IN THEIR : A gift from WORDS the skies Spain: Madrid is When the first NH90 prototype took to the air to provide support for all of the most demanding in safe hands in 1995, few could have imagined how important missions, wherever and whenever needed. this programme would eventually become. However, we’re also perfectly aware that Today, after 444 deliveries out of a total of the success of these missions is not solely 597 orders in 14 countries, the NH90 dependent upon the helicopter’s performance. Communication Director: Yves Barillé (Publication 28 Director), Editor in Chief: Belén Morant (contact. has shown it is deserving of all that effort. It has The NH90 needs adequate support in order [email protected]), Director of MISSION photography: Jérôme Deulin, Translation: Airbus proven its worth not only during operational to bring out the best this helicopter has to offer. Storm Eloise can’t dampen Translation Services; Amplexor. Published by: (Copyright Airbus Helicopters deployment in Afghanistan and Mali, but also We know you expect a lot from Airbus Mozambique spirits 2021, all rights reserved). Airbus Helicopters’ logo and the names of its products and services are registered on a daily basis back at home, saving lives Helicopters in this respect, and you have every trademarks. on the high seas, helping those most in need right to do so. in the wake of natural disasters and even That’s the aim behind our NH90 support ferrying patients in the current COVID-19 era. transformation plan, which contains 22 initiatives Now, 25 years after its first official flight, dealing with very concrete issues to improve the NH90 is an example of a success story. the availability of NH90 fleets over the next two

© Francisco Francés Torrontera Francés © Francisco This swift, spacious rotorcraft with fully integrated years. This plan focuses on main areas of work: 6 digital avionics and mission systems made reducing the maintenance load and improving 7 No. 123 - APRIL 2021 Don’t miss out! aeronautical history as the first fully fly-by-wire the availability of repairs and spare parts. AIRBUS HELICOPTERS Subscribe to receive helicopter; it was the one that ticked all the boxes To find out more, read on in the following pages.

IN THEIR WORDS the digital version The H145: Madrid For more information is in safe hands MISSION for NATO. We have a team of people who are motivated, Storm Eloise can’t dampen www.airbus.com/Helicopters Mozambique spirits of Rotor Magazine

SERVICES NH90: A transformation The NH90 still has many stories to tell. committed and ready to carry out this plan for customer support directly in your inbox. Join us on Join us on It continues to evolve and we expect it to keep transformation together with you, our customers. facebook/AirbusHelicopters linkedin/AirbusHelicopters NH90, on the level Subscribe now on flying at least until the 2050s, and judging by The NH90 still has so much more to tell and we’re Follow us on

Follow us on © Ned Dawson twitter/AirbusHeli the praise received from its users – which you committed to ensuring that our customer support

ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 youtube/AirbusHelicopters ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 can read in our featured articles – it will continue forms an integral part of this success story. ROTOR - No.123 - APRIL 2021 8 PANORAMA are enrolled withanHCare opt torenew theircontracts. of HCare Smartcustomers global supportcontract. 662 662 was Airbus Helicopters’ was AirbusHelicopters’ coronavirus missions 98 Luftrettung in2020. 2,400 2,400 performed by DRF performed byDRF 6.26M€ HELICOPTERS revenue in2020. %

*289 gross orders (net:268). parapublic market. of 48%intheciviland worldwide marketshare and thuskeepsits 300 company 40 countries. The 149 customersin 289 orders*with Helicopters signed 2020, In Airbus 1,000 flighthourswiththeirH145. are sharingdatawithAirbus. Ecocopter is celebrating Ecocopter iscelebrating 1,000 1,500 HELICOPTERS HELICOPTERS delivered delivered

20,151 20,151 11,700 Airbushelicoptersare currently a helicopter, RACERwillalsofly While takingoff andlanding like 2,644,000 2,644,000 as fastapropeller aircraft. is the speed that the RACER is thespeedthatRACER the overall cumulativeflight 400 km/h 400 km/h demonstrator couldreach. hours were 101,981,000. were reached byAirbus As of December 2020, As ofDecember2020, have been built to-date and have beenbuiltto-dateand AIRBUS HELICOPTERS AIRBUS HELICOPTERS in servicearound theworld. Helicopters in 2020. Helicopters in2020. FLIGHT HOURS FLIGHT HOURS AROUND

© Francisco Francés Torrontera

© Anthony Pecchi the NH90 continues to enjoy significant industrial and operational success. With 444 aircraft currentlysuccess. With operating in 13 countries, Twenty-five years after the maiden flight of its first prototype, by theCOVID-19crisis,another battleisbeingfought. design were. upsidedown Onanindustriallevelthough,inaworldturned of theaircraft andhowvalidthetechnicalchoicesthat inspired itsoriginal Each dayspentintheheatand dustoftheSaheldemonstratesvalue NH90, onthelevel it proves its worth in combat every day. FEATURED ARTICLES Article: Alexandre Marchand

ROTOR - No. 123 - APRIL 2021 9 FEATURED ARTICLES © Anthony Pecchi

1 2

2020: A YEAR MARKED BY COVID-19 “The NH90 assembly line in Marignane was only shut down for two weeks last year, just enough time to implement protective health measures that would ensure a safe working environment,” states Nathalie Tarnaud-Laude, Head of the NH90 programme at Airbus Helicopters and President of NHI since 2019. “We quickly made up for those two weeks, as did the other Italian and German assembly lines, and delivered 28 aircraft last year, in line with our expectations.” It’s important to highlight that customers gave their full support to the industry by taking deliveries of aircraft despite the circumstances. “By doing so, they brought us a kind of stability that was really

© C. Bauduin © C. 3

© Francisco Francés Torrontera Francés © Francisco THE TECHNICAL AMBITION OF THE CAÏMAN STANDARD 2 The Caïman Standard 2 is a major evolution of the NH90 Caïman, providing the aircraft with new operational capabilities coupled with 2 improved flight safety in poor conditions. The scope of the future standard includes new equipment and fittings that will enable commandos to board useful,” adds Nathalie Tarnaud-Laude. “Customers and exit the helicopter faster, as well as an increased digitalisation of the needed their aircraft for standard military operations, avionics. This last point will bring the most spectacular technical progress, with the introduction of the following equipment: but also to tackle the pandemic. In coordination • The Euroflir 410 optronic ball, incorporating several sensors operating at with our support teams, we very quickly developed different wavelengths, as part of the first Standard 2 development ‘step’; solutions to transport patients while at the same • The Distributed Aperture System (DAS), providing better visibility in poor time protecting those in the cockpit.” flight conditions (snow, dust, fog), by day and night, as part of the second Standard 2 development ‘step’; and NEW CONTRACTS • A fully digital TopOwl helmet, capable of simultaneously displaying DAS The industrial success of 2020, at a time when and EOS images on the visor. subcontractors were under tremendous strain from the impact of COVID-19, went hand in hand with considerable business success. The end of the year was marked by the signing of a contract for ‘Special Forces’ programme, the objective 1: 2020 was a year marked 31 additional NH90s for the German Navy, fitted is to ensure that this situation soon changes: by great successes and the launch of an ambitious with very high-tech mission equipment. “Other customers could easily join the contract, transformation plan to meet The second half of 2020 also saw some significant and sharing will be especially easy with nations customers’ expectations. 10 milestones, with the maiden flights of Qatar’s over- that already fly the aircraft,” explains Nathalie 11 2: Spanish NH90s are land and naval NH90 variants, the first delivery to Tarnaud-Laude. being prepared to take the Spanish Air Force and the signing of the Caïman Finally, there is the issue of technical support, part in the European Union Standard 2 development contract for the French a focal point for the programme today: Training Mission in Mali in the near future. special forces (see box). The contract signed with “Our availability rates do not meet our expectations the French Armament General Directorate (DGA) or those of our customers,” admits Nathalie 3: The final batch of 10 NH90s ordered by the French provides for a first development ‘step’ by 2024 and Tarnaud-Laude. “We are taking strong action Ministry of Armed Forces the delivery of 10 aircraft of this standard between to tackle this issue, a transformation plan that is will be delivered directly 2025 and 2026. Although France is currently both ambitious and practical.” Find the details in Standard 2 configuration ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 © Francisco Francés Torrontera Francés © Francisco the only country to have committed to the NH90 of this critical plan on page 32. at the beginning of 2025. FEATURED ARTICLES

the enemy and force them to make mistakes.” digitalisation: today, the crew of a Caïman on 1: The Caïman is Quick, reliable, with great autonomy and a large their way to a combat zone can receive real-time capable of moving payload capacity even in the heat of summer updates of the tactical situation on their screens, in harmony with the Tiger and surprising (a dozen commandos despite temperatures above then inform the commandos on board by intercom. the enemy by 45°C), the Caïmans operate far from their bases. The fluidity of the manoeuvre is already impressive, coming in very fast “With very little notice, on the basis of information but in future, when commandos can plug their and very low. received, we can deploy our Caïmans to secure a digital tablets directly into the onboard network to 2: The French suspicious area,” adds Lieutenant Colonel Brice. share information, it will be even more so. Army Light Aviation deployed its NH90s to Mali in 2014. SURPRISE THE ENEMY “The use of commandos transported Speed is an asset often mentioned by operators: 3: In the Sahel, by the Caïmans and support from the Tigers helicopters are the Caïman is capable of moving in harmony with enables us to take aggressive action put to the test, the Tiger and surprising the enemy by coming against an enemy that is difficult to locate. ” especially because in very fast and very low. The commandos are of fine sand and on the ground before the enemy has the time to Lieutenant Colonel Brice, Chief of Operations differences in and Instruction,1st Combat Helicopter Regiment temperature. understand where the threat is coming from. If necessary, the helicopters can pick the commandos up and drop them off again a few kilometres away in the blink of an eye, repeating the manoeuvre 2 as many times as necessary. This leapfrogging makes it possible to outpace an enemy that often travels by motorbike and is renowned for quickly

1 disappearing into the landscape. © Celian Bauduin

BOTH DAY AND NIGHT “The most remarkable thing is that the Caïman allows us to conduct these offensive actions in FRANCE the middle of the desert, through the darkest of nights,” Lieutenant Colonel Brice adds. “The 4-axis Six aircraft are currently deployed in the heart of autopilot, fly-by-wire flight controls and forward Six years the Sahel. They are grouped into a tactical helicopter looking infrared (FLIR) piloting information in the squadron that is part of a tactical desert air combat TopOwl helmet-mounted display combine to deliver group (GTDA) which, until the beginning of 2020, assault landing capacities unique to an aircraft of included two other units: a reconnaissance and this category. In fact, we’re still learning to take full 3 in the Sahel attack squadron made up of Gazelle and Tiger advantage of its huge potential.” aircraft; and a mountain commando group that One target for action includes battlefield supplies commandos (1).

The first two NH90 Caïmans from KEEP UP THE PRESSURE the 1st Combat Helicopter Regiment “We are therefore totally independent in our management of air combat missions, with every of the French Army Light Aviation (ALAT) tactical innovation opportunity that the Caïmans 12 unit arrived in Gao in November 2014 offer,” outlines Lieutenant Colonel Brice, Chief of 13 to take part in Operation Barkhane. Operations and Instruction,1st Combat Helicopter Regiment. “The use of commandos transported by Since then, these aircraft have had the Caïmans and support from the Tigers enables an increasingly valuable role in a mobile us to take aggressive action against an enemy that is difficult to locate. By manoeuvring very quickly war being played out in an extremely day and night we can keep up the pressure on difficult natural environment.

ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 (1) Since the beginning of 2021, commandos are no longer ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 Article: Alexandre Marchand – Photos: Frédéric Lert within the GTDA scope. FEATURED ARTICLES

SPAIN it’s also equipped with fly-by-wire controls, which The NH90s operated by the BHELMA III(1) of the considerably improves the piloting experience. The Spanish NH90: FAMET(2) will be tasked with providing tactical There can be no doubt that the squadron will transport, support for special operations forces, significantly enhance its operational capabilities now. combat recovery and combat SAR, electronic The NH90 is an all-weather helicopter capable of ready for Mali warfare, logistics support, medical evacuation operating in adverse meteorological conditions, with operations and fire support with their two M3M integrated equipment such as a complete de-icing MK3 12.7 mm machine guns. system (main rotor, tail rotor, horizontal stabiliser, windscreen and engines), FLIR thermal imaging, In September 2016 the Spanish Army GREATER CAPACITY FOR THE FAMET a weather radar and a greatly improved navigation received its first NH90 tactical troop transport Brigadier Francisco Javier Marcos Izquierdo, system which allows take-off and landing in very Commander of the FAMET, had the following low ceiling and visibility conditions.” helicopters (TTH). Since then, a total of to say regarding the incorporation of the NH90: 2 14 NH90s have been delivered in the Standard “The improvements offered by this latest-generation IMPROVED OPERATIONAL CAPACITY helicopter (enhanced speed, range and navigation, The 4-axis autopilot also provides invaluable 1 and 2 configurations. Now that they are all-weather capacity, more secure communications, assistance for pilots in critical situations, allowing fully operational, these helicopters will be greater load capacity at high altitude and in hot manoeuvres which were previously restricted or undertaking their first overseas deployment conditions, etc.) enhance our effectiveness when very difficult to execute. Furthermore, the NH90’s carrying out missions such as tactical transport, 1: The Spanish This tactical group will carry out support missions power plant expands the operational envelope in the coming months to take part in aerial assaults and other special operations in the Standard 2 for decentralised training activities by EUTM Mali on beyond that of the HD.21. It offers cruise speeds most demanding conditions.” configuration allows the bases of the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa).” of 150 knots compared to the 120 knots of the helicopters to the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) Over the last five years, the main focus has been Super Puma with similar consumption, which exchange tactical in Mali to support the Malian Army. on completing the training of pilots, specialists and information between SIX NH90s FOR THE SPANISH AIR FORCE reduces the time needed for missions and expands on-board operators. More than 6,000 flight hours aircraft and with The NH90 TTH also forms part of the Spanish its radius of action. This and other features, such Article and photos: Francisco Francés Torrontera have been devoted to these tasks, while maintaining ground stations Air Force fleet now, following the recent as the electro-optical system, the double hoist, via Data Link, which operational availability levels comparable to those incorporation of the first two helicopters for the the TACAN, an improved electronic warfare system, will improve the ability of other fleets using this model. to direct operations 803rd Squadron of the 48th Wing, operating from the folding blades of both the tail and main rotor, 1 New mission systems have been progressively in real time. the Cuatro Vientos Air Base in the province of the rear ramp and hatch and the integrated TopOwl incorporated to optimise its features (ballistics 2: In the future, Madrid. The Spanish Air Force will receive a total helmet, ensure the NH90 can operate in any protection, roller loading system, 12.7 mm machine all Standard 1 and of six NH90 (HD.29) helicopters. scenario required by the Spanish Air Force, as well guns, electronic warfare system, rappel and fast 2 configurations “The arrival of the NH90 for the 48th Wing as allowing interoperability with the Spanish Navy. will be upgraded rope systems and a cargo hook). Meanwhile, represents an important milestone for the 803rd “The incorporation of the NH90 by the Spanish Air to Standard 3. the Standard 2 configuration includes new Squadron,” said Colonel Gonzalo Martí Regalado, Force constitutes a major leap forward in terms equipment such as the ultra-long-range electro- Commander of the 48th Wing. “The unit has of mission planning and execution. Its fully digital optical/infra-red system, the IRIDIUM satellite progressed from operating a second-generation cockpit provides pilots with all the information they telephone and a double rescue hoist. helicopter (the HD.21 Super Puma) to a fourth- need, while the automatic mission planning system generation helicopter, with all the improvements facilitates preparation of ground missions, easing FIRST OVERSEAS DEPLOYMENT and changes to operations this implies. As well pilot workloads by transferring information directly to “We will receive new helicopters in the Standard 3 as being much lighter and sturdier due to the use the helicopter’s systems. The 48th Wing is therefore configuration for the Spanish NH90, which of carbon fibre and fibreglass in its construction, very keen to get started with the NH90. While we’re 14 incorporates added improvements such as Mode fully aware of the effort required to implement a new 15 5 IFF capability and the DIRCM self-protection suite. weapons system, we also know it will be more than In the future, all Standard 1 and 2 configurations “The 48th Wing is very keen to get started with worthwhile due to the enhancement of the 803rd of the Spanish NH90 will be upgraded to Standard the NH90. While we’re fully aware of the effort required Squadron’s operational capacity for the execution 3,” the Brigadier explained. In relation to its first of its key roles (personnel recovery, special aerial overseas deployment, the Commander of the to implement a new weapons system, we also know operations and SAR/MEDEVAC missions),” summed FAMET said: “In recent months we’ve been it will be more than worthwhile due to the enhancement up Colonel Gonzalo Martí. preparing a contingent of NH90 helicopters to take of our operational capacity.” part in the European Union Training Mission in Mali. Colonel Gonzalo Martí Regalado, Commander of the 48th Wing. 1- BHELMA III: 3rd Manoeuvre Helicopter Battalion. ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 2- FAMET: the Spanish Army Airmobile Force. ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 FEATURED ARTICLES


FINLAND At minus-30° C, there’s little room for waiting icing. Beyond icing rain, which happens rarely, 1: The Finnish Army around. Either you’re prepared or you suffer. Either we haven’t suffered with icing conditions; it flies is testing a new camouflage paint your helicopter starts or you pack it in. very well,” says Lt Col Nordberg. The Land of scheme for the NH90 It is the former for the Finnish Army, where a Thousand Lakes also boasts exceptionally dark in ’s forests and Where snow wintertime in the northern latitudes promises below- winters, for which the crew dons night vision snow. zero temperatures, permanent snow cover, and goggles in the cockpit. 2: The Finnish Defence less than six hours of daylight on the shortest days. Forces practice giants play In this unforgiving terrain, the army operates NH90 SHARP AND EASY TO FLY nighttime live firing missions as part of TTH helicopters from its base at Utti, near Finland’s Winter training with the special forces means SOF training. southern coast. transporting up to 15 troops* per helicopter, plus 3: During mock- In 2015, the Finnish Defence Forces received their their equipment. It also means bringing along The Finnish Defence Forces operational exercises, 20th and final NH90 as part of a fleet replacement their snow mobiles with another NH90. “We can the NH90’s crew have use the NH90 in the country’s programme, retrofitting them over the next four take those onboard or lift them up outside of the recourse to a rapid- years to become one of the first NH90 user nations helicopter,” says Lt Col Nordberg. fire door gun for self cold, dark winters—proof protection and self with its fleet 100% at final operational capability. Two powerful engines add an element of security it’s able to take a beating. defense systems such As the only armed forces branch with a helicopter not only in combat, but in the north’s unique as radar warnings, regiment (the Border Guard also operates landscape. “Finland has 180,000 lakes. When you laser warnings, chaff Article: Heather Couthaud and flares. Photos: Finnish Defence Forces rotorcraft), the Finnish Army is called on for the get airborne all you see is forest and lakes,” says Lt Col Nordberg. “The NH90 is fast and you can fly a long time and a long distance without having to refuel.” Deprived of the luxury of mild weather, the Army’s 1 pilots rely on an accurate 4-axis autopilot helped by whole spectrum of missions. Special Operations a fly-by-wire system. Such precision is particularly Forces (SOF) make up the bulk, but they support all useful in poor visibility or when doing a whiteout three branches as, for example, the Army with troop landing. “If you use your stick and take a 60° bank and cargo transport, the Air Force with search and angle, the helicopter reacts immediately,” says rescue and, in a year’s time, the Navy with tactical Lt Col Nordberg. “It’s sharp and easy to fly, with sea mine drops. On the civil side, the Army supports a lot of systems we’re continually improving in.” law enforcement, as well as the national health system doing medevac and search and rescue. *The NH90’s seats-out configuration allows the army to transport 10 to 15 SOF troops plus equipment. Two snow mobiles and up Not to mention firefighting with the Bambi bucket. to four men fit in a second NH90.

WIND, SLEET, SNOW, AND ICE But it’s winter now, and the fleet is on its way to Lapland for its yearly cold weather training. “We haven’t “We leave the NH90 outside, and it might drop 3 suffered with to minus -40° C,” says Lieutenant Colonel Kimmo icing conditions; Nordberg, Chief of Army Aviation, who’s flown the NH90 flies 1,300 flight hours on the NH90. “Then we power it very well.” 16 up over the course of an hour and start operating. 17 Lieutenant Colonel We also use it to make deep snow landings. Kimmo Nordberg, The northern forests can have more than a metre Chief of Finnish Army of snow.” Aviation. The NH90s are equipped for the cold with a de-icing system on the horizontal stabiliser and anti-icing on the windshield, rotor plates and the engine air intake. “We can fly in IFR inside the clouds, even if there might be medium to severe ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 FEATURED ARTICLES 1: The versatility of the NH90 enables the RNZAF to handle 1 a wide range of missions.

2: In 2020, a detachment of New Zealand NH90s operated in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory in support of the NEW ZEALAND Australian Bushfire Relief operation. The NH90 on every front tanks both inside and outside the cabin, is also On every mission, across all terrains, the NH90 is appreciated for its long-range over-water transit prized for its qualities in flight, performance levels, or when operating in remote regions without easy the redundancy of its on-board systems and, as Intensive helicopter use: access to fuel. We have found the power and a result, its very high level of safety. “The NH90 was the NH90 enables the Royal controllability advantageous when operating in New a two-generation step forward for the RNZAF rotary Zealand’s mountains, which can be very turbulent.” wing fleet,” notes Shaun Sexton, “so it was normal New Zealand Air Force that the air crew have found it easier to fly than to meet a wide range of SUPPORTING PEOPLE the Iroquois, although the more complex mission Essential for military operations, the versatility of systems require more of a mission management operational commitments. the NH90 is also a top tier asset when the aircraft focus. They also appreciate the high levels of is involved in supporting civilians, and there is safety and redundancy in the NH90 design and Article: Alexandre Marchand Photos: Ned Dawson certainly no lack of opportunities. In November certification. For example, the NH90 has proven 2016, No. 3 Squadron responded with its aircraft itself capable of operating in a very wide range to evacuate several hundred people after the of environments, such as being embarked on major Kaikoura earthquake. With roads rendered the multi-role vessel, HMNZS Canterbury, and flying The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) retired impassable, evacuation by air was the only way in New Zealand’s mountainous regions.” its fleet of UH-1H Iroquois in 2015 and now in or out. A level of sophistication that has its benefits, operates NH90s. The RNZAF was looking for a very Another important event was the evacuation as New Zealand pilots highlight, because besides versatile helicopter and that is exactly what it found of tourists and hikers who suffered burns during the high level of performance, says Shaun Sexton, with the TTH variant of the NH90. The eight aircraft the White Island volcanic eruption in 2019. “the NH90 is an attractive recruiting tool as it offers purchased are being used today by No. 3 Squadron A detachment of NH90s was also sent to a challenging and rewarding career choice, and - based in Ohakea, on North Island. They are few in (another country using the aircraft) in 2020 to assist the RNZAF has no problems recruiting staff to number, but their versatility enables them to handle local firefighters in their battle against bushfires. support the NH90.” a wide range of missions: from traditional military operations to support for different government agencies, including search and rescue as well as maritime operations, in the latter case with the NH90 embarked on the New Zealand Navy’s THE RNZAF SHOWS SATISFACTION multi-role vessel, HMNZS Canterbury. 2 “No. 3 Squadron is quite unique in the range of roles it undertakes with one unit and one No. 3 Squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) has eight helicopter type,” says Air Commodore Shaun NH90s with 12 crews, each including two pilots and two loadmasters. Line maintenance is carried out by the unit’s 61 technicians, while the Sexton, Air Component Commander of the Royal 600-hour inspections are handled by a dedicated team of 13 people that 19 18 New Zealand Air Force. “Therefore, broad utility includes both military personnel and members on contract from Airbus and suitability for a wide range of environments Helicopters. Although based in one of No. 3 Squadron’s hangars, this was important. The RNZAF has found that the large team isn’t directly attached to the squadron. The close relationship with NH90 cabin is suitable for its troop lift and cargo- Airbus Helicopters also makes it possible to benefit from efficient support carrying requirements and that the rear ramp can and a very good level of availability, despite the geographical distance be useful in these roles. The full de-icing capability and small size of the fleet. Furthermore, the RNZAF is looking forward is useful when flying under instrument conditions to the implementation of the transformation plan and management during the New Zealand winter. The NH90 range of obsolescence as a precursor to even closer support, for example and endurance, with its capacity to carry additional by making greater use of regional maintenance solution providers. ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 FEATURED ARTICLES

Common Search and rescue platform for Search and Rescue in the most demanding conditions is one of the main specialties all missions of the NH90. It is equipped with state of the art sensors for good situational awareness in order to quickly locate and rescue people needing immediate assistance. Highly survivable The NH90 helicopter is a multi-role aircraft designed to meet the most stringent NATO Single or dual rescue hoist standards. Developed in two versions – tactical troop transport (TTH) and NATO frigate Versatility Redundant fly-by-wire controls helicopter (NFH) – the NH90 contains a unique, fully integrated mission system for and flexibility for increased flight safety operations in the most demanding conditions over land and sea, day and night. Unobstructed cabin with a complete medical care suite

Caïman Standard 2 Day and night operations from Combat proven since 2010, the NH90 TTH can be rapidly reconfigured between missions including: frigate size vessels in strong Troop transport Light Casualty Cargo Armed Special Combat winds and high with a 20-seat vehicle evacuation with airlift tactical operations SAR sea states configuration transport 12 stretchers transport

DAS(distributed Disaster relief missions aperture system): Disaster relief missions have been carried out in the , Vanuatu, Timor, Fiji, Improves degraded the Caribbean, and New Zealand. visual environment conditions

Rear ramp EOS: The Standard 2 developed capabilities for the French Armed Forces provides a extended with new-generation electro-optical system (EOS) new fast roping Quick system Foldable removable with displays and controls for both the pilots, rear step commandos, gunners and load masters leaf door system Operations in all weather and in Large nuclear, chemical Wide sliding and biological modular doors hazard Unrivalled level cabin Special Forces environments of versatility Standard 2 will start deployment with the French Special Forces Trusted and proven 20 21 597 444 NH90s NH90s COVID-19 ordered delivered crisis During the COVID-19 18 14 crisis, NH90 helicopters operators countries were used to evacuate patients from

ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 overwhelmed hospitals ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 to less affected areas. Additional 500 kg 2 M3M 0.50 291,900 Up to two Medical staff external fuel machine guns flight hours oxygenated (one or two doctors

tanks (EAFT) from lateral doors accumulated patients and two nurses) Source: Airbus Infographic: BeatrizSantacruz.com 22 ROTOR - No. 123 - APRIL 2021 UP ABOVE will achieve 300,000 Flight will achieve300,000 Flight Hours inthenear future. The global NH90 fleet The globalNH90 fleet

23 ROTOR - No. 123 - APRIL 2021 © Anthony Pecchi IN THEIR WORDS 1: Efficient loading of stretchers through 2 sliding side doors or rear clamshell doors facilitate patient comfort and safety. SPAIN 2: Madrid is located at a very high altitude and the temperatures can easily top 30ºC. MADRID IS In these circumstances, the power of the H145 IN SAFE HANDS is necessary.

Article: Belén Morant – Photos: Eliance GUILLERMO SÁENZ, H145 EMS PILOT FOR ELIANCE In November 2020, Eliance began providing helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) under its contract with the SUMMA 112 service in Madrid, with two H145s replacing the AW109 and the Bell 412 previously in service. After four months of intense work, Guillermo Sáenz, chief pilot on the H145 and Contract Manager for SUMMA 112, recently told Rotor all about this new service.

“When it comes down to it, right now the two main platforms available on the market for HEMS 1 operations are the H135 and the H145. For Madrid “We needed a very powerful helicopter that met After 17 years with the Spanish Air Force flying the it had to be the H145 due to the high altitude and the demanding requirements of our customer H120 in the ASPA acrobatic patrol and the AS332 temperatures,” says Guillermo Sáenz, explaining and all with the minimum possible sound levels given Super Puma for SAR/CSAR missions, including the decision by Eliance to put forward their H145s that these activities are carried out in Madrid.” rescue operations in the Antarctic and Afghanistan, in the tender announced by the Autonomous Guillermo Sáenz decided to make the switch to Guillermo Sáenz, H145 EMS pilot for Eliance Community of Madrid’s emergency medical civil missions. However, he continued to work in the service, SUMMA 112. field of SAR and HEMS, which he considers to be “It’s a question of the helicopter’s performance: his vocation. He previously flew an H135 with the although it may come as a surprise, Madrid Asturias Firefighting Rescue Unit, an H125 for wildfire is located at a very high altitude and the responses and the Lama for high mountain missions temperatures soar in summer. Our base in in . Sáenz began flying the H145 in Madrid only four months ago. In total, he has amassed an Lozoyuela is located at 3,500 feet, while our impressive 6,560 helicopter flight hours. second base at Las Rozas is at 2,400 feet, and instead of the usual four. In addition to the In order to become a HEMS pilot, Sáenz completed the temperatures can easily top 30°C in summer. flight paramedic and flight nurse, missions in mandatory basic first-aid training. “Sometimes we We needed a very powerful helicopter that met Madrid also include a medical technician and a may be the only people who can take action in an 24 25 both the demanding requirements of our customer HEMS crew member, who assists the pilot by accident situation and have to lend a hand, whether and European HEMS performance requirements, checking the safety of landing zones, watching to immobilise the patient, insert the IVs or place and all with the minimum possible sound levels for cables and ensuring the safe embarkation a neck brace… It’s also important to have some given that these activities are carried out in Madrid. and disembarkation of medical personnel. basic medical knowledge later on during the flight. We saw the H145 as the way forward.” The extra weight of this fifth crew member, Depending on the patient’s condition, we may have together with the medical equipment on board, to fly one way or another, perhaps at a higher or EXACTING REQUIREMENTS make adequate power a must. lower altitude or avoiding turbulence… The H145 is fantastic in this sense because it has very low Another peculiarity of this contract with the “All the H145s are fitted with the Bucher AC70 vibrations. This greatly enhances patient comfort, SUMMA 112 service is the five-person crew medical kit directly from the factory, which greatly … ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 especially in the case of multiple trauma.” ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 IN THEIR WORDS

1: The new Helionix avionics suite allows safe 2 and easy HEMS operation under challenging … facilitates the helicopter’s ergonomics and includes population, especially due to their low sound conditions. all the equipment necessary for critical care. levels. “So far, 98% of our operations have been All the medical equipment we carry is stipulated primary missions.* On weekends, people get out 2: SUMMA 112 has also been in the contract with SUMMA 112 and it is also to take advantage of the good weather and we performing compatible with the equipment used have a lot of accident situations involving cyclists, COVID-19 patient in their intensive care units, meaning that they hikers and mountain-sport enthusiasts. Meanwhile, transfers due to are interchangeable should the need arise,” on weekdays we mainly get called out for industrial a lack of hospital capacity in Madrid. explains Sáenz. accidents and situations in small towns and outlying areas when time is of the essence, such EMS DURING COVID as seizures and heart attacks,” says Sáenz. To date, the H145s have clocked 150 flight hours The Autonomous Community of Madrid has had to comprising both primary and secondary missions close its borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and periodic training of medical personnel, with meaning that traffic accidents have decreased a total of around 100 missions in Madrid. The considerably. Inter-hospital patient transfers have new helicopters have been well received by the also been reduced to the absolute minimum.


Did you know?

In all HEMS configurations, the paramedic must be in a position that allows them to access the patient’s “We’ve been called on to perform COVID-19 airways, except in the case of neonatal patient transfers due to a lack of hospital capacity, transport, when they must be able to but only in isolated cases,” says Sáenz. A strict monitor additional parameters such as protocol is applied to carry these patients, the saturation levels, perfusion pumps including an anti-COVID-19 screen developed and incubator temperature. by Airbus that separates the cockpit from the HEMS cabin, personal protective equipment for all the crew and medical personnel, and above all, disinfection of the helicopter and equipment back 26 at the base after completing the mission. near the accident site to drop off the medical team 27 “A couple of weeks ago we were called out by the so they could look after the patient until other emergency medical centre after a mountain biker resources could reach the zone. That person suffered an accident late in the day as the sun was received medical assistance a matter of minutes going down, in a location that ambulance services after the call went out, something that would have were unable to reach. We took on the mission, been impossible without the SUMMA helicopter,” even though we knew we wouldn’t have time to Sáenz sums up with satisfaction. make the transfer to the hospital. It was in a low * Primary missions are deployed at the site of the accident, while mountain zone and we made a partial touchdown secondary missions consist of inter-hospital patient transfers. ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 MISSION 1


Founded: 1991 Activity: Humanitarian, disaster and emergency response; medical, educational and agricultural community outreach Bases: South Africa, Mozambique, Eswatini Fleet: 3 H125 helicopters, 1 turboprop and 1 light-twin fixed wing aircraft Regions of operation: Eswatini, Mozambique, , Namibia, , Zambia, Angola, Malawi, 2 MOZAMBIQUE and South Africa STORM ELOISE CAN’T DAMPEN tents. They flew government authorities overhead to 1: Mercy Air regularly Reuter, helicopter pilot and Head of Mercy Air analyse the state of rivers, roads and bridges. They collaborates with Helicopter Operations. government agencies worked with INGD on aerial survey flights, which MOZAMBIQUE SPIRITS and nonprofit formed the basis for geo-tagged maps* that would organisations in the WHEN ROADS DON’T SERVE be put online to help disaster response personnel to aftermath of natural or Mercy Air regularly collaborates with government focus on the worst-hit zones. And they flew in food humanitarian disasters. agencies and nonprofit organisations in the Article: Heather Couthaud – Photos: Mercy Air such as fortified maize meals and tarpaulins, some by 2: More than 300,000 aftermath of natural or humanitarian disasters. Their external load. The work didn’t stop. people were affected mission is to increase the “effectiveness, economy Mercy Air’s H125 helicopter was one of the first aircraft on scene delivering The result was five accommodation centres set up and in Mozambique alone. and impact” of assistance efforts. For this, the supplies to victims of Cyclone Eloise in Mozambique. Below, Rotor tells the story. some 5,000 families lodged and fed within a week of 3: From 21 to 31 intermediate single-engine H125 is a model asset, the storm. “The dedicated work of our team made it January, Mercy Air flew bringing aid in a matter of hours—especially when, assessment flights possible to reach the Mozamique and Eswatini people and supply drops as during Eloise, washed-out roads and bridges in their hour of need. Mercy Air’s H125 enabled relief for an area covering make ground transportation impossible for days. On 22 January, the inhabitants of Nhamasinguere were damaged, crops flattened and thousands left in a region where distance and disabled infrastructure a 200-km radius from The H125’s 140-kt cruise speed and 1,400-kg “The dedicated Beira to Eswatini. work of our team in coastal Mozambique watched clouds black with without shelter or food. made other forms of access difficult,” says Matthias sling capacity mean it fits Mercy Air’s various tasks, rain roll in from the east. They hoped the storm from passenger transport to carrying supplies—not made it possible would pass them by. Already, they’d had enough AID ON THE WING to mention a reliability that allowed it to land in to reach the rainfall these past weeks that squelching through Within the first days after the storm, help was soggy fields and keep up its solo work for ten days Mozamique the mud in flip flops was becoming normal. They already there. Mercy Air, a nonprofit humanitarian 3 running. and Eswatini were lucky; areas further south were still flooded. relief organisation, had been in the area earlier that people in their But the storm gathered strength, making landfall week when Mozambique’s National Institue for READY FOR A SECOND ROUND hour of need.” in the night and filling the air with a flurry of rain Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (INGD) The team is multi-national. Two Swiss helicopter and the sound of wind whipping the palm fronds. had requested the organisation’s aerial support in pilots, British and Swiss fixed wing pilots, a Matthias Reuter, helicopter pilot and Roofs ripped off huts, sending families running anticipation of the storm. German mechanic, a Swiss flight assistant and 28 29 Head of Mercy Air through the eerie dawn to shelter with neighbours. After sheltering their H125 helicopter and two fixed a British operations manager work with four local Helicopter Operations. wing planes in a hangar to wait out Eloise, Mercy Mozambique staff to coordinate flights, logistics LEFT WITH NOTHING Air’s crews got into the air. From 21 to 31 January, and maintenance. In the morning, the devastation was shocking. they flew assessment flights and supply drops for Mercy Air’s work continues as this issue goes Across Mozambique and Eswatini (formerly an area covering a 200-km radius from Beira to to press, with a second intervention planned in the Swaziland), 80 mm to 100+ mm of rain fell during Eswatini. coming days, the familiar sound of rotors signaling the worst of Cyclone Eloise, causing flash floods, Thirty-eight flight hours, on urgent aid missions. that help is on the way. landslides and widespread destruction. More than They transported personnel from disaster response 300,000 people were affected in Mozambique teams and the World Food Program, who would set *Geo-tagged maps were made by the Mission Aviation Fellowship ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 from Nampula, Mozambique. They geo-tagged aerial images ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 alone, hundreds of classrooms and medical centres up accommodation centres and emergency food overlayed onto interactive “esri” maps. MISSION

2 In their words CHILE “Working with the H215 on firefighting missions year-round allows us to make better use of the helicopter, FIREFIGHTING WITH particularly in the off-season for Europe.” Roy Knaus, CEO of Heli .

THE H215: A 365-DAY MISSION “There’s a great synergy between all three companies, and the country’s geographical location in the southern hemisphere allows us to provide the essential services Article: Renata Ahumada required by the Chilean government.” Wildfires are a constant global threat nowadays, with only their severity Cole Hodinski, Operations Manager, Horizon Helicopters. varying depending on the seasons in each hemisphere. Air Lama, “The H215 is a highly manoeuvrable helicopter with Horizon Helicopters and Heli Austria have now forged an alliance that spans outstanding performance, so it handles adverse meteorological the globe in order to carry out firefighting missions in Chile with the H215. conditions such as turbulence particularly well.” Xavi Vilaró, CEO of Air Lama. © Air Lama

South America and Africa together account for affects profitability if it is only occupied for the 1: Heli Austria already two thirds of the total forest area destroyed by season,” explains Xavi Vilaró, CEO of Air Lama. The performs firefighting in Sardinia, Italy. wildfires. These two regions suffered a combined company opted to bring the H215s in from customer in Chile is very happy,” explains Roy annual rate of net forest loss of 6.5 million hectares and Europe. “In the heavy helicopter segment, the 2: Air Lama has been Knaus, CEO of Heli Austria, who has prior actively involved in 2010-2020 (1). Chile is one of the countries most H215 clearly leads the field in terms of the number firefighting experience with the Super Puma in © Horizon Helicopters during the 2020-2021 severely affected by this problem. One of the worst of firefighters it can carry and its 4,000-litre water firefighting season with Sardinia. “We hope to use Super Pumas more for wildfires on record in 2017 ravaged some 600,000 discharge capacity. It also has the longest range in two H215s operated by firefighting operations around the world hectares of forest and killed 11 people. Now Chile is its category. Our customer, CONAF, is more than Heli Austria and Horizon on the back of our experience in Italy and Chile.” Helicopters, showcasing struggling with wildfires again, so they have brought satisfied.” “The Super Puma is a very fast and powerful this helicopter’s excellent in international help. “The H215 is more cost-efficient compared mission performance and multi-mission rotorcraft, making it highly effective to bigger helicopters like the Chinooks so our cost effectiveness. for firefighting operations. It can be reconfigured A GLOBAL FIREFIGHTING ALLIANCE quickly to handle any situation we may be tasked This year, two Super Pumas arrived in Chile through with,” adds Cole Hodinski, Operations Manager local operator Air Lama, one owned by Canadian at Horizon Helicopters. “We’re proud to have this company Horizon Helicopters and another by Heli opportunity to work together to provide first-class Austria. Their aim: to pool their resources to carry firefighting services in Chile.” out firefighting missions in Chile. Heli Austria’s H215 was the first to touch down in TWO HELICOPTERS, TWO HEMISPHERES 3 the country, while the “FireCat” operated by Horizon This is the first time that helicopters from Europe Helicopters arrived later on in February 2021 by and Canada have worked together in Chile under boat. Both these helicopters are based at the Air the same operator to help fight wildfires in the 30 Lama facility in Colina, located a few minutes from country, an operation that proved particularly 31 the capital city, Santiago de Chile. From there, they delicate due to the restrictions posed by the a main base. The big advantage with this rotorcraft 3: The “FireCat” have been deployed in regions across the country COVID-19 pandemic. “We had to ship the is its excellent reliability.” operated by Horizon to battle over 5,500 wildfires during 2020-2021. helicopters from Europe to Chile. The COVID-19 “For the moment, there aren’t enough flight hours Helicopters arrived in February 2021 situation meant we had to overcome a number of for firefighting operations year-round, but we’re by boat. THE SUPER PUMA: hurdles, including quarantine restrictions and issues also seeing growth in the mining and electricity A TIRELESS WORKHORSE with work permits. The language barrier has been sector, where the H215 is also an excellent option,” “The national market in Chile doesn’t have the less of a problem because our partner Air Lama has conclude Xavi Vilaró. 1 capacity for operators to have a helicopter of this excellent co-pilots,” says Roy Knaus. “As for the ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 calibre year-round to battle the flames as this © Air Lama logistics, we’re quite used to operating the H215 off (1) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 – FAO. 32 ROTOR - No.123 - APRIL 2021 SERVICES “We are puttingalotofenergyintodealing resources allocatedtoensure itssuccess. management teams.“Theobjectiveofthe the company,” outlinesVanessa Schmidt, commitment,” stresses NathalieTarnaud- plan, whichistoimprove availabilityrates support isnowapriorityforNHIndustries Laude, HeadoftheNH90programme at since 2019.Thetransformationplanhas not onlybeengiventhegreen lightbyall manufacturers involved,butitsprogress Airbus HelicoptersandPresident ofNHI in 2020 to prepare a joint situation report and outline a transformation plan, The transformationplanandtheglobal perspective itbringstothequestionof NH90 users are fully satisfied when it comes to the aircraft’s performance the significantpersonnelandfinancial VP NH90Program SupportOffice at and itspartners.Thiscanbeseenin Airbus andDeputyHeadofProduct and trackedcloselyateverylevel of teams andaboveall,ahighlevelof with support,highlymotivated is alsobeingmonitored directly by over thenexttwoyears,isshared The programme’s three industrial partners therefore came together level. They would, however, like to benefit from better availability. the only way to really overhaul the helicopter support concept. PLAN FORCUSTOMER Support atNHIndustries. A TRANSFORMATION FOR EVERYONE A PRIORITY A PRIORITY

SUPPORT © Anthony Pecchi Article: Alexandre Marchand

availability oftheseparts,”states Nathalie a close–week-by-weekfollow-up ofthe transformation plan.“We haveimplemented critical parts, isanotheressentialaspectofthe The availabilityofparts,andespecially Vanessa Schmidt at the customer’s premises,” specifies network and,whenitmakessense,directly of completedrepairs withthesupportofour “We are alsoaimingtoincrease the volume which issometimesdeemedexcessive. reducing thetimespentonretrofit work, Increasing aircraft availabilityalsoinvolves explains Nathalie­ intervals from 1,200hoursto 1,800 hours,” inspections to900 hours, andgearboxoverhaul potentials, forexamplebyextending600-hour parts. “We are workingonfurtheringexisting intervals bothforstandard maintenance and revising theentire process, improving the Reducing themaintenanceloadinvolves the availabilityofrepairs and spare parts. reducing themaintenance loadandimproving issues, alongtwomainareas ofwork: of 22 initiatives dealingwithveryconcrete The transformationplanincludesatotal AREAS OFEFFORT WELL IDENTIFIED Tarnaud-Laude.

through thisdifficult period.” situation. We are standing bytohelpthem of oursuppliersinaverytough financial Tarnaud-Laude. “COVID-19hasputsome © Anthony Pecchi

© Anthony Pecchi Tarnaud-Laude. tangible results,” concludes Nathalie are therefore committedtodelivering only onething:concrete actions.We being made.“Our customers want regular basisof the progress thatis They are also keptinformedona way to NH90 nationsandendusers. been presented inaverytransparent that havebeenestablished the objectives,initiativesandmethods way possible.Overthelastfewweeks, with thecustomer, inthemostpractical be achievedwithoutclosecooperation an industrialobjective,butitcannot Improving therepair cycleisofcourse WITHOUT THECUSTOMER NOTHING WILLHAPPEN


GERMANY Did you know?

With more than 650 helicopters in operation, the H135 makes up A GIFT FROM around 25% of the helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) fleet around the world, making it the global leader in this segment. Thanks to its compact build, versatile cabin design and high safety THE SKIES levels, the H135 is the first choice for operations where speed is key. Airbus offers two different innovative, low-weight floor designs that meet demanding HEMS requirements: the multi-functional It’s early January 2021, and the COVID-19 pandemic has vast floor allows for standard seating solutions or HEMS interiors, while areas of the world held firmly in its grip. In the midst of lockdown, the HEMS floor is fully optimised for dedicated HEMS use. Sonja and Tobias Lammers from Mettingen, just north-east of Osnabrück in Germany, are expecting their first child. What they

don’t yet know is that they will be welcoming their son into the world important it is to be equipped and well-prepared earlier than expected – and in a particularly unusual place. for any eventuality, however unlikely,” says Stefan Bestle, an air-rescue expert at Airbus Helicopters. Article: Jörg Michel “Neonatal transportation with the help of transport incubators and specialised personnel is something that’s required again and again on air ambulance 1: Because of its The mother goes into labour several days early in the helicopter. A team of midwives from the proximity to the Dutch helicopters.” Jochen Oesterle, spokesperson on 10 January. The parents-to-be speak to the hospital were waiting for us when we landed at border, this helicopter for the ADAC air rescue service, agrees: “Since hospital where the child is supposed to be born, the hospital’s helipad and cut the baby’s umbilical received the nickname we were founded 50 years ago, it has been and they are advised to contact the emergency cord.” For mother Sonja Lammers, the birth was a “Christoph Europa 2”. incredibly rare for an air ambulance helicopter The name is intended services. “Ambulances and other emergency beautiful experience. “I think we’d been in the air to make it clear that to be transformed into a delivery room. The last response vehicles as well as emergency response for around two minutes when it happened,” she helicopters do not stop case we documented in Germany was 28 years doctors are dispatched according to availability,” recalls. “It was over so quickly, and I didn’t feel at national borders, ago. That was in 1992 on the ‘Christoph 1’ air explains Dr Andreas Küppers, an emergency any pain at all. That was wonderful for me, and of instead ensuring ambulance helicopter stationed in . It’s care for patients response doctor at the non-profit ADAC air rescue course it’s brilliant that it all worked out so well.” in neighboring currently a very stressful time for everyone in the service (ADAC Luftrettung) and part of the medical countries too. emergency services. The crews in particular are

team at the Mathias-Spital hospital in the nearby AN UNUSUAL PLACE OF BIRTH 2: For mother often confronted with a lot of suffering. So the birth town of Rheine. A decision was made to alert the Little Martin Timotheus kept the registration Sonja Lammers, of little Martin Timotheus in one of our helicopters is Christoph Europa 2 air ambulance helicopter, an authorities busy, too; after all, they had to establish the birth of little a beautiful gift and a wonderfully uplifting moment H135 from the ADAC air rescue service. which place of birth should be recorded on his birth Martin Timotheus during the pandemic.” was a “beautiful certificate. In the end, they decided on Osnabrück, experience”. UNEXPECTED HELP FROM THE AIR the helicopter’s destination. The deployment of the air ambulance helicopter, “It’s pretty unusual for a child to be born on which landed in a field directly opposite their home, board a helicopter. But it just goes to show how took Sonja and Tobias Lammers completely by 2 surprise. A ‘normal’ ambulance also arrived at 34 the same time. “However, we decided to take 35 the mother to hospital in the helicopter,” Küppers 50 YEARS SAVING LIVES explained. According to Küppers, the helicopter only needs around five to seven minutes to fly from The ADAC air rescue, one of the world’s oldest air-rescue Mettingen to Klinikum Osnabrück hospital, while organisations, celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. The operator launched its air-rescue services in Germany by road it would take around 25 minutes. “As we in November 1970 with a BO105 (Christoph 1) stationed were taking off, I really wasn’t expecting things to in Harlaching, Munich. Today, ADAC air rescue operates escalate so quickly – but in the end, that’s exactly more than 50 rescue helicopters located at 37 bases.

what happened. We helped to deliver the baby © ADAC ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 ROTOR - N o. 123 APRIL 2021 © ADAC THE SCENES.

Times may be challenging, but you can rely on our dedicated team to ensure every one of the countless individuals who depend on us, can rise to that challenge. Because the best air support deserves the best ground support. Our dedication, expertise and determination have contributed to over 100 million hours in the air. And it’s this commitment to teamwork, that makes the team work.

Partnerships. We make it y.

14043_AIR_AH_Services_285x225_Rotor_Services_1.1.indd 1 13/10/2020 12:42