A Student's Suppficotion | God. I’ve heard you’re merciful. | Could you give a little of that virtue to my Lit. prof.? Especially when he grades | finals? Amen

IIXEG ITim COV CARBORlSDi n Vol. 4 No. 32

Mirsky attacks



of U.S.

Dr. Arthur Mirsky

by Ellon Sharp was based on manufacturing confirming how successful tons Dr Mirsky feels that “Smaller communities have “No Dopoat-No Return, or products that are thrown the bottle bill was in that any amount saved is bottle bills which seem What About AU Those Bottles away after one use or have no state After the first six important successful." he added and Cana, or Will John and longer than a year’s life. months which included winter and spring, (low Utter Mary Find Happiness in a Opponents of the bottle bills “One of the problems with Approximately three years months), it was estimated recycling centers is that the Society in which Beer Comes ago. beverage containers say that to do away with the in Returnable Bottles” was that there was a 42 percent centers depend on volume of (soft drink and beer) reduction of roadside litter. throw-away bottles and cans the topic of a speech given re­ would cause unemployment units in order to be success­ accounted for seven percent The study was expanded to ful. This encourages more cently by Dr. Arthur Mirsky. of the total solid waste in the figures to rise. Dr Mirsky chairman of the Geology include the summer and faU volume to feed recycling UA, (high Utter months) and final pointed out that in the Oregon Department at IUPU1 at the example there was an inibal centers.” Mirsky explained Dean’s Convocation Series Dr Mirsky indicated that figures esbmate that a reduc facts are relatively plentiful; bon of 90 percent in volume of loss of 142 jobs but a net gain Mirsky feels that part of the The talk dealt with the however, getting people to Utter was shown Of the 10 of 500 jobs He indicated that solution to the problem of problems and consequences agree an facts was in entirely percent remaining, seven most of the new jobs were in solid waste matenal is to of solid waste material different problem percent of the Utter was found areas of retail markebng and change the philosophy of the especially non-returnable to have been purchased in jobs related to recycling. American people and bottles and cans containing ’Some facts deal in units Washington state Some studies show' that the industry from a throw away soft drinks and beer while others deal with In 1970, projected figures loss of jobs would be greater, to a returnable society. volume,’’ be explained. however. Dr Mirsky ex­ showed that there would be A reduction in source Automobiles alone use 100 billion throw-away bottles plained that these studies approximately 3900 pounds of One solubon to the problem were taken by people funded production, maintenance of of litter and solid waste in­ and cans manufactured by recycling centers that can raw material per car which 1900. However, actual figures by the bottling industries and eventually becomes solid volving cans and bottles is to related groups operate with smaller waste Of this 3900 pounds, have a “bottle bill.” show 80 bilUon units were volumes, either national or produced by 1973 indicating 2775 pounds is comprised of Oregon passed such a bui state bottle bills, and changes that the 100 billion figure Only two states have strong in the throw-away ethic are iron and steel Dr Mirsky felt which demands that there be would be reached by the end that cars have now become a no production of cans for soft bottle bills according to four ways in which this throw-away item compared of 1979 Mirsky These are Vermont problem can be solved. drinks or beer and that all Estimates for tne amount and Oregon Other states to the life expectancy of an bottles for beer and soft automobile in the 1190’s. of energy saved by this have tried passing such bills In summation. Dr. Mirsky drinks be returnable for a recycling of glass run from 41 but these have always been answered the question posed The change in the philoso­ deposit percent to 74 percent There defeated Mirsky attributes in his topic by indicating it is phy came after W W. II in The Oregon State Highway is a savings of raw material these defeat* to strong lobby­ up to John and Mary and how which the U-S.’s economy Department ran two studies in the amount of six miUion ing by the bottling industries. much they like beer 2 April a . ifn Kentucky's Appalachian Semester Students visit coal mines By Dave Mobley "The way the energy crisis semester in southeastern The bus climbed deli­ is going, we have to have Kentucky getting s first-hand berately up the hill, finding coal," said Hoskins, “but look at Appalachian culture an occasional pothole and while we're get bag it. we also Social, artistic, industrial, jarring its occupants into an want to assure the public that and religious aspects of the awareness of the area's we are reclaiming the land.” Appalachian segment of terrain Necks craned and For this purpose. Mountain America’s society are eyes searched for better Drive spends around $053 an examined not only in the vantage points until the bus acre for fertilizer. Kentucky classroom , but also in reached the pinnacle of the fescue, and annual ryegrass personal contact with real slope, affording a panoramic Hoskins said that it would be people and situations Addi­ view of the hills, valleys and possible far airports, golf tional information on the hollows below courses, and private homes to program may be obtained spring up on the ate He from Mr Julian Mosley, When they said that man added that the reclamation Director. Appalachian w as. capable of moving process takes about five Semester, Union College. mountains. I don't think this years Professor Oxendine Barbourville, Ky 40906 is what they had in mind." re­ said that he was favorably marked one student impressed with the reclame bon efforts of the company At that moment a coal For over two hours, the bus Drive, are unique in south­ The students of the Appals truck rumbled by carrying rambled over the site of the eastern Kentucky Reclame several tons of coal whkrh chun Semester who visited mine, several thousand acres bon of the land is achieved by Mountain Drive's mine may would eventually help warm in sue. giving the students a leveling and reseeding areas people in Georgia have departed with stronger rare opportunity to see such which have been stripped opinions on the issue, mixed an operation first-hand Mr feelings, or no traceable The scene was a strip mine Doug Hoskins, a spokesman emotions at all But in s in Bell County Kentucky and for the Mountain Drive Coal program with trips such as the bus contained students Company, answered Soon the main chagline of this—and one made two days from the Appalachian questions posed by the the mine was reached later to a deep mine operated Semester at Union C ollege audience many of whom had Towering 230 feet above by the Pocahontas Fuel Divi­ Three instructors from the never witnessed anything of ground level, the dragline is sion. Consolidation Coal Co Semester Julian Mosley this nature Their questions equipped with a shovel that in Middlesboro—they can’t head of the program Mias ranged from the safety of the extracts about 43 cubic yards help but learn Pam Miller, social work mine to the sue of the payroll of material with each haul, or instructor and Mr William 2.000 cubic yards an hour On The Appalachian Semester S Oaendine. associate a good day. coal volume at Union College is designed professor of history—ac­ reaches 10,000 tons, but for students at Union and also companied the students on Stripping operations on this usually averages close to students from other colleges Uus field instruction tour mine according to Mountain 0.000 and universities to spend one

Carnegie Report: Higher Education's Troubled Outlook Toward The Year 2,000

EARTH NEWSSERVICE Higher Education in a Period academic departments and Even in terms of higher Collages also can train more of Uncertainty " toward central admimstra education's share of the teachers in such special tions — a trend both students American Gross National areas os remedial instruction and faculty members long Product, the report warns and health service* fields In a council sponsored have feared end fought that it will fall from 2 2 per which generally have been Council for Policy Studies ui survey of college presidents cent two years ago to as little overlooked in the past Higher Education indicates and other top level as 1.4 per cent by the year that there s a lot more trouble adm inistrators at 1.227 campuses of all kinds the Finally, the report urges ahead for America's already Aa for the student enroll colleges to emphasize their financially beleaguered Carnegie group found that 69 ment - the leveling off of per cent feel their academic But. amid all the strengths and cut back in colleges and universities which has been a major their weak areas Liberal before the year 3000 programs are being factor in higher education's statistics, the Carnet>«r°up "im paired" by financial is urging America s canton arts colleges were urged te financial crisis — the Carne­ maintain their separate To bogie with, the panel difficulties About 90 per cent gie panel projects that the to look on the bright side The any the quality of both their report save colleges should characters and strong headed by farmer University next decade will see only a programs, while community of President d ark faculties and student bodies minimal rue with enroll not consider their goal to be also have deteriorated in colleges were encouraged te Karr — offers aa unsettling ment continuing to hover at "do more of whet you are prediction one in every ten recent years about 12 million Then en­ as a vital force in American society " doing now” — providing American colleges will be rollment will go into e alight inexpensive education to the forced to merge, consolidate, slide from 190 to 1986 Look or close down completely Similarly, many of the mg really far ahead, the before the end of this decade administrators surveyed panel predicts that enroll Colleges are now freer to Moat of those affected will be report an increasingly tense ment should pick up offer access to higher educa In summing up the rest of private campuses, but more situation on their campuses "modestly " around 1965 But tion to everyone who wants it, the century, the panel public institutions also are due to power struggles over the panel never expects to the report stresses They can hedges In the wards of the finding themselves in real allocation of money, hiring again see the type of growth — and should — develop more report, the future bolds danger according to the promotion, and tenure The experienced between 1960 programs for part-time neither the disaster that report titled. "More Than outcome, they say. has been a and 1970 when U S college students and life-long learn­ same see nor the utopia that Survival Prospects for shift in power away from enrollment doubled ing programs for adults others act forth " April a. ins 3 OO-EE-POO-EE News I.F.S.E.A. Awards Bruno HERRON'S 1*7S SENIOR A group of students at The International Food EXHIBITION IUPUI are currently engaged Service Executives Associa­ An exhibition of works by in negotiating with the tion has awarded a $250.00 the senior class of Herron administration to establish a scholarship to John Anthony School of Art will open chapter of the Indiana Public Bruno The announcement Friday. April It. from 6-9 Interest Research Group was made by George Skinner. p.m . in the Herron They are backed by 5,000 District Manager. ARA Food Auditorium. The exhibit, students. Hopefully InPIRG Services Co., who is the which will include drawings, will be established by the fall President of the Indianapolis paintings, lithographs, etch­ semester 1975 Branch of the Food Service ings. sculptures, graphic InPIRG will be functioning Executives Association. designs and art education at IUPUI thru the summer, John A. Bruno is a student works, will be on view to the conducting projects of the in the Food Service & public until May 2. Monday students concern Anyone in­ Lodging Supervision through Friday from 12-5 terested in participating in Program at IUPUI. Mr p.m., in the Herron Gallery. projects this summer should Bruno lives at 5840 N. contact either: Bill Stuckey— Norwaldo and is a graduate 247-9094 or Barry Sam ple- of Broad Ripple High School More Canoing planned by 251-9376. I.F.S.E.A. is an interna­ SAB tional educational and fra­ The Student Activity Board SOCK 'EM WITH SOCCER Chris Cart men offers her aromatic wares te a couple of ternal organization with over had a successful canoing trip Get your footsies in gear by 7,000 members throughout with 76 people in attendance. participating in Spring customers at the recent Fine Arts Festival Flea Market. Who The SAB is now arranging for sane "I never premised you a NOSE 9ardent" the world Soccer at IUPUI For a bus and more canoes for information. call Jeff another trip either May 31 or Vessely. Intramural Office. Students, faculty, and staff sometime in June Stay in interested in starting an 264-3764 If you're interested touch with the Student in joining the Soccer Club this IUPUI Concert Band or Pep Services office for further Band are urged to contact the fall, call Jeff to be included on 1 nf orma tion - 264-8265 Student Services Office in the mailing list. Cavanaugh Hall. CA 322 <264 39321 Leave your name, phone number, and address and you will be informed of results as they occur OOOOP'S We wish to correct an omission from last weeks paper The Dean R Bruce Ken da. artist of the drawings was steve Mason, a 3rd year print School of Engineering and making student at the John Herron School of Art Technology officiated at the first annual Honors Day Award Ceremony held Friday. April 25 Individual departments within the school established criteria used in selecting students from their areas Mother Mutde played by Bridget* Hester menaces Rumple Students receiving awards stlttskia (Fenny McCreary) during a rehearsal of Rum pies tilt were skin at the Indiana University Theatre, tOJ N. Meridian. Fer- Computer Technology — tormances will be Friday, May t l l t a t l p.m and Saturday, Stephen K Dunn May II A 17 at II a m and 1 :» p.m. For information call M4- Construction Technology — 7*jt between II a.m. and 4p.m., Monday thru Friday. John H Hays Electrical Technology — Jerry Douglas, John Tamosky, Michael Eugene Payne Engineering — Georgia Buchanan, John Dyson, Eric Hildebrandt, Donald Stapert, Thomas Torgerson. David Ylinker, James Fowler, Fred Vinson, Barry Sanderson, Richard Lindquist Manufacturing Technology - Greg High. Donald R HiU. Kim J Brand Restaurant. Hotel and Institutional Management — John S. Taylor, Sandra (Williams) Fredenburgh, Ernest J DeMott Supervision Technology — Sue Ellen Helferstay Logo contest winner, David Crine was also recosnized along with Portia Gnffinand Robert Koachka, first and second runner-up re­ spectively. Special recognition was given to students who made the Fall, 1974 Dean’s List. Barry Sanderson of the Division of Engineering, re­ "... better be no Und dor had d ltc rip a n c iu in ceived an award for being the se application. Rtmembor. vd haft ‘'“V* ®/ outstanding senior of the making you valkf’' ' _ school 4 April 28, 1975

NAVY'S UNDERWATER SPY NETWORK CANADIAN CONCERN OVER WASHINGTON MISSILE BASE The CIA’s 1600-million submarine salvage operation last BANGOR, Wash. — The construction of a U.S. nuclear summer was apparently only the tip of the iceberg of under­ missile-bearing submarine base here is creating international water spying According to an article in the current Electronics tension in neighboring British Columbia. magazine, the Navy is operating a massive multi-million dollar According to the Survival Committee in Victoria, British underwater spy network all over the globe. Columbia — 60 miles from the site of the proposed Trident Sub­ According to Electronics, the Navy's anti-submarine warfare marine base — the strike potential of the Trident project en­ program is coating some 1372-million this year. More than $76- sures a massive attack of the Bangor area in the event of a million of that is going toward something called Project Caesar, nuclear war. described as a worldwide undersea monitoring network. The The base, which will house 10 submarines (each carrying M chief contractor of that project is ITItT’s Western Electric. missiles with 17 independent warheads) will be capable of The system consists of a series of underwater sonor surveil­ destroying 406 targets simultaneously within a range of 6,000 lance installations placed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. miles. A unique feature of the Trident is its “hard target capa­ The magazine claims that the Pentagon is also operating bility,” or the potential to wipe out enemy missiles before they similar systems off Portugal, Britain, Denmark, Turkey ana leave their silos. Critics of the project point out that any hostile the Western Mediterranean Additional underwater spy power would have to destroy the Trident base before attempting systems are being planned for the waters off the Aleutians, other attacks. Also, the Congressional Record reveals that Taiwan. Okinawa, Korea and the Philippines. Bangor was selected for the site of the base because of its ex­ treme distance from Washington, D.C. U N. STUDY— PRISONS CAUSE BRAIN DAMAOE Rupert Downing, a spokesperson for the Survival Committee, A recent United Nations study has confirmed what some warns that the base “will become the greatest threat to the penologists have thought for years prisons cause brain people of British Columbia in their history.” damage But, the study also revealed that prisons in Ohio take a heavier toll on their inmates than their counterparts in three COORS WANTS TO REZONE ITS LABEL European countries GOLDEN, Colo. — Joseph Coots, owner of the world famous The U N Social Defense Research Institute administered Coots Beer brewery here, is in hot water with his neighbors — intellectual deterioration tests to prisoners in Italy, the Nether­ and it isn’t fresh spring water. lands. England and Ohio. The Ohio prisoners showed the Coots General Counsel Leo Bradley recently appeared before greatest amount of deterioration, according to the study, be­ the local planning commission and asked to rezone some 900 cause prison terms in the U.S. are longer than anywhere else in acres of South Table mountain several hundred yards south of the Western World the Coots brewery. The 900 acres belong to Coots and Bradley, and they want to turn it into a quarry and gravel pit. ILLINOIS' LIBERAL DOPE BILL The mountain under consideration is not only a popular land­ SPRINGFIELD. Ill - What may become the most liberal mark to the citizens of Golden, but is also well-known to marijuana law in the nation has been introduced in the Illinois drinkers of Coots beer. The label on Coots bottles features a state legislature The bill, introduced by state Rep Leland picture of the brewery, with a broad mesa in the background Rays on would remove all criminal penalties for smoking pot in which is part of South Table mountain. private, and would make public smoking of marijuana a Local opposition to the re-zoning is expected to be strong. misdemeanor However, selling marijuana would remain a felony HEFNER'S BIG BUNNY LIFT Rayson says he introduced the bill to ease the caseloads on NEW YORK — For 45 Vietnamese orphans, their reception to the courts He says marijuana is a victimless crime which the U.S. may have proved a little overwhelming. They were should not be prosecuted Rayson also notes that the bill does passengers on Playboy publisher Hugh Hefner's private, not legalize marijuana, but merely ‘decriminalizes” its use customized DC-9 jet, the Big Bunny, on a flight from San Rayson says that he's never smoked pot because he can’t Francisco to New York. A Playboy spokesperson said Hefner stand the smell of it. but he says he can't see why young people provided the plane as a gesture of good will, and didn't really should go to jail for it The Illinois State Bar Association, which expect any publicity. Since the plane is only equipped to seat 3B drafted the bill, is actively endorsing it, and observers say the passengers, some of the kids had to stretch out on Hef’s 7-foot bill stands an excellent chance of passage circular bed. HAIR DYES LINKED TO CANCER RABBI KORPP APPEALS DOWN UNDER LONDON — Scientists in Britain are growing increasingly MELBOURNE.^Australia - The Rabbi Baruch Korff, in his concerned that some ordinary hair dyes may cause cancer. faltering effort to raise public contributions to the President According to the Now Scientist, researchers at the University Nixon Justice Fund, has turned to Australia of Birmingham have produced tentative evidence that certain In a fund-raising letter to The A «t newspaper here, Korff dyes increase the probability of malignant tumors, chromo­ claimed it was impossible to get “a fair hearing in the U.S.,” somal damage and biological mutations. but that he hoped the people of Australia would be more In a test involving two kinds of dyes applied to a groin) of generous He conceded that Nixon was “not a perfect man,” but mice, the incidents of malignant tumors were five times as nigh argued that he had “accomplished many remarkable and as in a control group. The scientists say that while the evidence heroic things, such as an end to the Vietnam War.” isn't conclusive, it's at least a strong argument for additional The newspaper ran the letter under the headline, “Buddy, testing and an immediate ban on the Sale of the suspected dyes. Can You Spare A Dime, and concluded with a cartoon cap­ tioned “Of course he deserves more ..but years, not dollars.’' SOLAR PLANS PUSHED AHEAD WASHINGTON — Federal plans to develop and implement STUFFED WATCHDOG widespread solar heating projects are being pushed ahead NEWBURY. England - Police here recently responded to a almost 20 years in a new report from the Energy Research and complaint by Annie Kitchner, who charged that the local Development Administration. garbage collectors weren't collecting her garbage When police The 119-page report to Congress calls for stepping up solar investigated, they found that the garbageman refused to ap­ development plans and establishing a large scale demonstra­ proach the house because of a fierce-looking dog stationed be­ tion program, including construction of up to 2,000 private tween their truck and the garbage cans residences heated and cooled by the sun's energy Said the police inspector “We were asked to help out. I ap­ The demonstration program, to be completed by 1979, is proached the dog with caution, only to discover that it was a expected to encourage private builders and homeowners to Chow that had been stuffed 17 years ago .” He said that Mrs switch to solar heating on a massive scale by 1965. Kitchner always places a bowl of water in front of the dog in memory of her date) husband/' COMPUTER STUDENTS OUTWIT "BIG MAC" LOS ANGELES — Twenty-six students at Caltech University RANGEL CHARGES CIA DISCRIMINATION here stand about a one-in-two chance of winning most of the WASHINGTON — How come CIA spies are almost always prizes in a massive give-away contest sponsored by the white0 That’s a question Rep Charles Rangel (D.-N.Y.) would McDonald's hamburger chain. like the House leadership to investigate as a part of its probe The students took advantage of a loophole in the contest rules info illegal CIA activities that did not specify that all entry blanks had to be handwritten. Charging the CIA with discriminatory employment practices, Armed with a university computer, they ran off l.2-million Rangel notes that only 5.7 per cent of the Agency's total work entry blanks with each student’s name on no less than 40,000 force is black He says that's up only .06 per cent from two years blanks. Handwritten entries numbered around 2.4-million, ago, despite the fact that the CIA filed an affirmative action giving the students a probability of winning half the prizes. plan with the Civil Service Commission promising to improve The prizes include five automobiles, a five-year supply of free its racial balance. groceries, four three-month supplies of groceries, and 1,850 $5 Said Rangel, “it appears that the CIA is using its cloak of gift certificates to McDonalds. secrecy to cover its circumvention of the civil rights law against McDonalds officials, who first considered cancelling the discrimination.” He added that the Civil Service Commission contest, have now decided to go ahead with it. However, to has either been “negligent or blocked” in its review of the CIA's neutralize the effect of the ballot-stuffing, the company will hiring practices. have two drawings. Every time a student wins a prize, the Following Rangel’s charge, the Las Angeles Timet has company will award a duplicate prize to a non-student — or at quoted a CIA employee in a description of how the Agency least to a handwritten entry. screened job applicants for the Ruuian sub salvage mission. He A spokesperson for the McDonald's advertising firm com­ noted that union members, Jews and blacks were automatically mented, “They’re obviously bright students, but I don't think rejected ^ . they clearly understood what we were trying to do.” 5 Bicyclemanta strikes again!

Sy Michael Kemp So I hopped on the seat, gain Bicyclists have to be nose's dream come true and Spring fevar usually strikes mg perfect balance, wheeled most hated objects on pictured my butt in the right pletely open un thr cold i moat Hooslsrt at this time of down the driveway. mastered streets One out of every I lane of Shelby Street Then I inf air (Old task none < year Spring. In my opinion, hit a P realised that 1 had just had have Isughsd tar «#f» i» our at treasured season piece of asphault and fell face my fanny smacked by the Both knees » t i f btadm c « Leaning back In my wort first In the neighbor • lawn wicked wilch of the west my no longer shiny nding chair one afternoon (luckily After pulling Tive blades of One well-wishing young Meanwhile the wind booU and bite a# gravel fall the boos wasn't around). I s craberass from my left woman even went to the gained speed and my legs allowed the “fever" to enter nostril, one wet earthworm IrmMt of senckng salute soon became one solid The take was totaled Its my daydream s. On an from behind my ear and a few turns "I hope you freeze your cramp After reaching a peak (rani wheel was i impulse I decided a bicycle appropriate words from ass off " she said in the road. I began coasting would be very practical between my lips. I again Her best w ishes were downhill It was great the fttmgl Only fecononumdly speaking. • perfected my balance and returned when I caught the fun for a while I don t know God know* »herere Tfw seal bicycle couw save expensive continued my ill-fated trip greasy looking broad at the what brilliant engineer de expenditures and parking Upon the second mounting 1 next stoplight I don t know signed the sewers with Using thr i Plus, I figured, pedaling learned two new facts 1) It is what she expected me to say. horizontal slots in the covers place me incognito I Im Ba bicycle through the extremely cold at 7 30 AM but her hooked nooe curled but he obviously wasn't thr remainder of my person numerous of automo- in April t . ) The wind always upward as I replied. I hope thinking of bicyclists with and my bicycle into the place biles lined up in "rush hour " blows southeast in the morii the best for you too. lady!" extremely thin tires of employment traffic would be much more tag and northwest in the I proceeded to the front of That's right, just as I Tomorrow I plan on calling exciting than sitting behind evening 1 wonder if it has the line and when the light picked up speed the front the Trader Is there anyone the wheel of one of those anything to do with my riding beamed green I began wheel slipped into one of interested in a half bike* It vehicles northwest in the morning and pedaling against the pre those slots I could have comes with a nice pump and I cast my eyes downward at southeast in the evening*’ vailing SO m p h winds The passed as a professional gauge Of course a prosper the overhang which had over By the end of the fkrst’mile, aforementioned female gymnist. as I pert armed a tive buyer would want the car ad my belt buckle and my soiled fingers had wasn't satisfied in allowing double flip over the handle earner it's the only way my / e aloud. "Well old friend. numbed and my watering me to have the last word 1 bars bike would travel S I hate to throw away all theeyes had produced frosen heard a familiar scream The seat of my pants and Oh well live and learn work I put into those late teardrops along my grass "gotcha' and felt a moat parties, building you up. but stained cheeks Five blocks excrututing pain on my you've get to go! '* later, I entered heavy traffic. buttocA For a slight With the eulogy having RUSH HOUR! moment I envisioned old hook been spoken, nice memories THE CARNIVAL IS HERE! of beer, munchies, and count­ less White Castle cheese­ Britton Amusement Com pany mokes a burgers (dunked in ketchup FANTASTIC offer to IUPUI Students By of course > drifted through my memory banks showing your student I.D. you con The next day Mr Get-a purchase tickets at the unbelievable Good-Deal got a good screw­ ing from a contributor to the price of 4 for a M.00. Trader magazine But I was proud of my H6 00 used (Tickets are normolly priced at 50* per.) Schwinn 10 speed, which came complete with pump, gauge and car carrier The big moment had arrived, I arose early the next morning (all health nuts are supposed to be early risers) and prepared for my six mile journey At the moment I pulled the bike from our portable alumi num shed, I realized I hadn’t pedaled a bicycle in more than three years No matter. I’m a very confident person Get o ff on the DOUBLE

COME OUT TO TNI CARNIVAL located in Southern Ploza at the junction of U.S. 31 and 1-465. Open at 3 P.M. on weekdays, 1 P M Why take the time to roll with two papers, and lick twice for on Saturdays £ Sundays until May 4th. one smoke? With double-width e-z wider you roll one, lick once Thursdays and Sundays are Family days. and you re off' There s no faster easier way to roll your own And there's no better gummed paper made So roll with e-z COME ON OUT AND NAVE A BALL wider and get off on the double. c /f7< ^ « ______/_____ {______6 April a . 1975

To the Editor: A letter from the Editor Re: Harry Goodyear, Comment Well, this is the last issue of the year and my third one since It was with both a touch of taking over as Editor and 1 have to thank each and every person sadness and with hope that I who has complimented me on the “new*’ Sag look. It hasn’t read Comment by Harry been easy. Goodyear It was a sensitive and touching response to the Normally this wrap-up would include thanks to all the good growing problem of our guys, bad guys, etc but I've listed those in Winners & Sinners so environmental trans­ 1 could, instead, make a proposal to the students, faculty, and gressions administrators who make up our readership It concerns the Being a native of the west, I formation of a student court learned early of the cycles of life provided for in nature, The idea of a student court has been around IUPUI for some many of these lessons came ume but no one had taken the time to try and make that idea during my wanderings materialize This letter is my own personal effort. It is not a through the deserts of personal crusade to get a student court formed, but at least to Arizona prompt the simple consideration of instituting such an I would like to share with organization on campus you one of those wonderous In my opinion the concept and mechanics of a student court matters, with the hope and should be something of the following manner: wish that all of Earth’s 1) The student court should be made up of seven student Children may become one justices These justices should be nominated by the President of with their mother the Student Association, their qualification for bench duty con­ firmed by a panel made up of SO per cent students and 50 per THE EXPERIENCE cent faculty administration, and upon confirmation seated for I sat alone along the green­ one year penod by the authorization of the Chancellor of the ness of the grass, listening for Univ The reason for all this pomp and circumstance will the morning which I did not become obvious as you read on hear ; only the din of industry 2) The student court should be empowered by the Chancellor rising above the wind to hear, adjudge, and make final disposition of any appeals by suppressing the song of the pain of her sorrow - her instructors use profanity in students sparrow But the wind shoulders are heavy with the reference to their students; 3> In these appeals to the Student Court, the committee or became intimate with my weight of monuments to and not in the privacy of their office which at present makes the final disposition of a students body, and whispered of better wealth. offices either! appeal would act as the umv's prosecuting agent while the days, quieter days that would Her heart cries for the Frankly this bums me up student involved would remain in the status of defendant. be coming. scars dug deep into her skin mainly because it doesn't It should not be necessary to remind anyone that the burden Her cool fingers raced by the mechanical claws of seem professionally ethical. of proof as to the guilt of a student will remain on the shoulders along my skin giving the progress These are the blind Also, such tirades don’t en­ of the committee or office acting as prosecuting agent sensation of aliveness. I sat man’s ways of finding happi­ courage student-instructor 4) The student court should also be empowered, when for a long time and was not ness. and fulfillment. He relationships. requested by a group of 1000 students or more, to review, ad­ cold for the sun had wrapped takes but does not replenish. I spent three years at judge. and make recommendations to the Chancellor as con­ me in its warmth. The He knows little of this Purdue University in W. cerns any University regulations, decisions or rules that this blanket weaved by the great woman to whom he lays Lafayette and never once group deems unfair, unethical, or illegal While the student spirit, so that all his children waste, in the name of the heard anything like this from court s recommendations m these cases would not be binding on should not be cold Now it “Almighty’’ that he does not any instructor , be he a teach­ the Chancellor, they Ihould carry considerable weight in his would seem that my heart understand ing assistant to a Ph. D. I’m terribly sorry this decision and the heart of mother earth Thank you, were beating as one, and no university hires instructors It should seem apparent that this student court would not T. E Nelson with such attitudes—in my circumvent any existing structure designed to deal with and longer did I feel alone But still I could not hear the opinion (for what it’s worth) adjudge students It is, instead, an added rung to the ladder of they should never be justice within the university It would allow the students of this morning as she sang the teaching! university the right to have their cases heard and decided upon hymn of joy and gratitude for I believe it’s about time the coming of the day. I am of To the Editor, by a group of their peers And while some people may fear that For the 3rd time this some self-control and self- a rubber stamp'' court would be the result allowing student the earth and shall return to discipline were exhibited! it That I should walk along semester. I have had the transgressions to go unpunished. I would like to point out that great misfortune of hearing Name Witheld the selection process, as outlined in this proposal, is not one to the furrowed land feeling the upon request allow the seating of a bunch of hacks The job of a student justice and of the student court will be difficult but it is a job that is needed at IUPUI

UP THE REVOLUTION H l J19J6 / o g c i m o r e

TMF SAGAMoRt IS PI BUSHED Bk *Tl DENT* Of INDUS* 1 MM KSm PI MM f » NivEasm « Indianapolis v im u expressed arf those o r TMF f DiTilRIAl STAFF OR Of TMf. INDIAIIH Al> WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN BYLINES rHFNf V If ** DO NOT NM f .VSARII \ REFLECT THOSE OF THF STt DENT ROOT ADMINISTRATION OR F All 1 T\ OF 11 PI I TMf SAGAMORE IS A AfXKLl NEWSMAGAZINE Pt Bt isMf D AT «A Ilk MS WEST MICHIGAN STREET. INDIANAPOt.IS INDIANA HiR PHONE M4M EDItor Ai "Chase" Chastain Managing Editor POSITION VACANT Rutin*** Manager Kay Van Arsdel Advertising Salts Al Klein. Tom Sullivan Circulation Manager Harry Goodyear Entertainment Editor Karan Zilite Editorial Cartoonist Lou Northern STAFF: Jeff Rvtfrum Chip Purcell John P. Schmitt Ken Conway Mike Hudnut Suzanne E . Scoggmt Re* Davenport Rob Perdue Gary Webb YSA Not*I F— f« ffvtow Committee OWCI BKFOSl NOW » Wwitum &^uotm member Once before now Some other day We would like to lake this opportunity to n p rc a i our heartfelt on compua My life was different thanks to US, those wonderful people who brought you this Another way paper through the year Yoaaa. rshhh, US! by Tom SeMivan To be more meciflc, we include the folks st the Nobiesvtlle Mike Alewitz. a National s Committee member of the Only yesterday mattered Deify Ledger, in Nob City. Indians Thanks Bill, Darrell. Doris. Not tomorrow Jack. Bob, Magic fingers Jane and ell those other good people Young Socialist Alliance (YSA). recently stopped at Remembering now who he ve had a hand in helping us get the Sag out 1 cry in sorrow “We” also includes the staff at tl* Sag. the Publication IUPUI Alewitz it currently Board. Dr Dan “Dynamite” Wolf. Carole H ai^iW girts in IS an a country adds lecture tour The topics of his FneiMji turned away (who have covered for us innumerable times when we weren’t Love hi around), all thoee folks who wrote letters 4 poemk all lectures include the racist offensive in Boston and the Life seemed so empty businesses who bought advertteiv*, all thoee “groupu Then answers appeared hung around the office and thought up weird thoughts, all I situation in South East Asia p e a t people who wrote their own articles because we “W ^ h only goes to prove." my husband commented dryly, their drive for support of the Hopefully, these arbcles will appear eo masse in our first Eve eventually dropped the apple to put on clothes " May 17 maWh in Boston The < orientation» issue with the response by the entire student body “And just where are you going?" I asked him, as he gently aim of this march is to show of increased interest and participabon took the strips of term paper from my hands support for the Integra bon. Please address your resumes to “Club Corner” care of the “To the bathroom, we’re out of paper, again ” through bussing, of the Sagamore, and get them in as soon as possible It’s going to take "I’m calling the police,” I warned, wrenching the pieces of Boston schools some effort on your part as well as ours my prized possession away from him This obsession of yours is going to bring you a lot of heart ache,” be observed out loud "I'm hiding this in a very secret place where only a mouse would be able to find It," I told them all. beading for a dark corner “Life has a way of taking care of all our problems. ’’ Dave chanted, while searching for a Sears, Roebuck catalog Where’s my term paper’’” I asked suspiciously that even ing. noticing the smug look on my year old son's face Lately he was beginning to look like “Was it at one time 30 pages long with innumerable erasers and pox marks’’” Dave inquired “Yeah,” 1 answered, clutching at my heart "It also had a small tear at the top of page 21 and an ink smudge on page 3." “That was It," my husband said, nodding toward our son “COOKIE1" the baby gurgled “That was what’’ ” I shouted, jumping up and down “That was what he ate,” Dave answered, pointing an accusing finger toward the baby “You mean be ate the whole 30 pages’’ ” 1 gasped “Not all at once,” Dave assured me, “he ate IS pages for lunch and IS pages for dinner " “Burp," went the baby “Has he thrown up yet or used the Sears. Roebuck’’" I asked hopefully , narrowing my eyes and walking toward the imp "Not yet," Dove answered, smiling toward Heaven “Thank God." I touted, holding the baby upakte down and shaking furiously. “I still have to change a couple of tinea on > R ” 8 Aprij a . itn

Emmanuelle... at long last... Proud

by K irin M. Ziliti her photogenesticity. but that drivle called At Long Last true i 11 cases, it may be better taste to keep it to him­ was obvious in her Penthouse So you're worried that galiMl ______self snd not subject audiences appearances Her innocence What Peter Bogdanovich sidelines and watch people to the monkey-business you’re going to miss all the and spirituality are conveyed has come up with now ( or in flicks because you've had haves good time, but it's a lot schlock be seems to parallel well, but she only serves as "come down with” more worthwhile to be a that emotion with. your nose in the books tor the an oasis in a desert of ply­ participant Of course, if you past month’ You figure the wood characters tw nrminullv intended as a THE REINCARNATION films will move on just as you The film moves with would want to recreate the step out of your last final’ fluency, but then so does a film in your own home. Just OP P ETER PROUD Apparently you've forgotten whirlpool Jacque Jaecfcin buy 17 cases of champagne, "Everyone's into occult the summertime tradition may have some directorial invite three good friends over these days...especially All the films of the past year abilities, but it would take dlfiemci who can sing, snd hold a two reincarnation " Although come back to haunt you or that’s one of the lines from more than Emmanuelle to home movie for himself and week m arathon of doing in most cases, to taunt you prove them And if anything whatever strikes your fancy The Reincarnation of Peter into stepping into an air- the other members of his Proud, the film never really were to be said about the "art showpeople clique Although As for the film's stars ( who conditioned theater for two of eroticism", it would take twinkle their way into "gets into" the theories of a hours of relief So rest he crested the film as a previous existence more than CmmaaueUa to personal gift to Cybill < who tedium), Burt Reynolds assured that the flicks now say it ______should have stayed in the The personal history of a playing will probably still be had read a biography of Cole man plagued with the know­ Porter and off handedly com­ backwoods wilderness of around by the end of Summer Deliverance I still think he ledge of having lived a mented "Wow what an in­ previous life provides s plot AT LOMC LAST LOVE teresting guy' I, the problem should have played one of the barbarian illiterates, but then with unlimited possibilities Now comes the question of If you can imagine 40 Cole is Would you like to make a for film production In this what is playing and what’s Porter songs jammed into a public display of a poem you so much for type casting; and Cybill Shepherd should have film however, the spasmodic worth seeing A glance at the two hour motion picture, a wrote for your amour’ shots illustrating Peter Amusement pages of le paper stayed on the pages of For those of us still clinging Proud's deja vu flashes are locale may just set your head displaying s callage of black Med«mo«seMe — anywhere to any form of sanity and n't open her visually uncomfortable since spinning i Ah. yes just like and white scenery costum the audience has little idea of in TM EKsrcist Therefore, sensibility the film doesn't mouth In viewing s film, it is Sag. even do the job of showing not too much to ask to see how they fit together Like in being the last issue of the picture caught in a time warp The E xereixt. the instant cuts I will offer critiques of a few what happens when you go off characters When you see of s iw o* tale of social the deep end No the film to different scenes work as films instead of thr usual elitism snd grandurr told Cybill Shepherd, she plays waddles around in the depth Cybill Shepherd but then. 1 implications but not explans with 1E70S nouveau of wading pool m aterial tiona definitely s necessity' decadence snd exbi between submergences into Michael Sarrazin has good bit Kims m a motion picture character before you can give EMMANUELLE Cole Porter songs them a character to play upreaMvr talents As Peter starring Burt The Jerk" Although the coinage on the Ditto for Burt Proud, he is effective in Hey raids snd CybUI "The Actually. At Lang Last displaying the anguish of an Dribble Shepherd you Lav* looked like one hell of a If Bogdanovich has finally impossible search and the have imagined cinematic fun picture to be in But as found love, it would be in far torment of what the findings you What you mag feel good may be about is the footage of To pigeon hole, the film is Bangkok Thailand Exceed good rainy-Saturday af­ mg any travel film put out by ternoon amusement, but if PanAm the photography of credibility or interest in the the city and tumha regions is story is what you're looking well done with versatile for. the book is better techniques and color high ★ lights A film to look for this The story of Emmenuell* summer a The Passenger, which could in parts be con of Antonioni's new one starring fused with the tlsry O. Mans Schmeder (Last Tango gives n at to the debate of in Paris and Jack Nicholson whether the premise of sexual searchings' should be set to film in on attempt to show something other than hard-core porno Em m anuel!*. which is definitely not hard-core gives the impression that it wants to be but at the same time would like to convey a more aesthetic meaaage Notice This is what the film wawM like to do It does neither To clarify. I am not an advocate of those films you go to the Festival to see but at least they serve a purpose they make no pretense about their mien lions When a film gives no logical explanation of its two hour conception when it never reaches the point of entertaining or educating or inspiring, one questions its motives If the film is to let you look unflinchingly into the fact of sensuality ’’ where then is the rest of this metaphorical body’ Apparently not in the film Sylvia Kristal as Emmanuelle conveys s lucid film presence She is gifted in April M. 1175 9 Entertainment : Sayer's LP soars

by Jeff Buttrum charts until Three Dog Night one lucky break which is After a life of writing songs recorded it at which time it finally occuring with this which helped make other went to number one. Sayer . In one song, “Giving people famous, has also wrote every song on the It All Away” . Sayer tells how finally come up with some­ Roger Daltry album which he never really made use of thing that others won't try to came out about a year ago. his talents but everyone else imitate or make better In Now after seeing The did. Then on another song fact I doubt if anyone could do Midnight Special last Friday called “Solo” he sings of the a better job with these songs night. I’m convinced that fact that now he's the one than the composer-singer brother Leo is indeed an odd who's on the road and in the himself, Leo Sayer The one. But his hyperactivity on light. And of course for songs I'm referring to are stage certainly doesn't seem you top ten people this those comprising Sayer’s new to harm his re-recordings r album also contains the hit, album, “Just A Boy.” any. And from what I’m told, “Long Tall Glasses”. Sayer has always been his new stage act is a vast In conclusion ladies and known (by the few who know improvement over the old $erms. ha ha ha ha ha, isn't him) as a hard luck song days in which Sayer came out that funny?, I strongly urge writer. For example he wrote in a clown suit moving only you to get out to Wonderwall and recorded “The Show his mouth with which to sing (42nd and Post) and buy this Must Go On” on his first and At least three of the songs album. There you can hear only other album, "Silver on “Just a Boy” seem to be before you buy and if you do Lynn WeMen os the kooky "girt-ncxt-Ooor and Soon Bird.” This recording did telling a little bit about his life buy you’ll get the best price in Hopkins os the Mind toot perceptive "mon-on-hrs-own" ore absolutely zilcho on the town. starring in Butterflies Are Free • ploying at me Boot 'n from the hard times to that Boards new through May 25.

( WHAT'S YOUR GIRL BACK HOME ~ \ doing t o n ig h t ? J Perdue KISSed by Rob Pordue version. "Best I Can” and “In Three countries were The Mood” were Rush at r represented on April 22, as their best and even though England's Status Quo, they may never make a Long distance jiiH is the Canada's Rush and New strong headliner they’ll York’s Kiss made it a solid always be an excellent next best thing to being night of rock n roll. Starting addition to any concert there. And you can save (j9 U g t)tF >th m m e t Finally was the chrome and money by calling nights black leathered Kiss making off with Status Quo, one ol tne their fourth appearance in or weekends. most unknown groups Naptown. a city for which around, they showed what a they claimed and showed group can do when they play mutual admiration for, as loud. fast, and jump around they came back for three with a little professionalism encores. In these days of Their overall sound and style commercial rock n' roll, it’s was close to that of Foghat. almost impossible to see any­ however 1 could hardly thing original. But when Kiss understand a word they sang goes through their show of after they introduced the fire, powder charges, smoke song By the end of their set, I bombs, flamethrowers, wasn’t sad to see them go sirens and other tricks. I Next was Rush making think even Houdini would their gallant return to have been proud. I've heard Indianapolis with an excel­ their sound described as lent album out. Fly By Night. Blue Oyster Cult played It's too bad they don't slow" or "Black Sabbath reproduce the clean, stylized played fast,” which seem to versions of the songs they do be pretty good descriptions from that album in concert. but are secondary to their This can mainly be attributed visual effects. It was a totally to lead vocalist Giddy Lee entertaining show and I left trying his best to sound the Convention Center with a funkier or sing each word dif­ smile on my face and a buzz ferent than the album in my ears Showcase opens The Showcase Theatre, 122 of the Black Curtain Dinner E 22nd St., has opened its Theater nearby. premiere production with The pair conceived the The Hot L Baltimore, R is Showcase as a combination being directed by Patricia workshop-theatre to present Kratz, who heads the Actor's original works, experimental Workshop located directly drama, children’s theatre, over the theatre and off-Broadway plays not The opening of The Hot L normally seen in the Baltimore marks the Im ita­ Indianapolis area. tion of many months of hard Curtain is at 8:30 p.m. Indiana BeN work by Patricia Kratz and Shows run Thursday, Friday, W Randolph Galvin, owner and Saturday. 10 April a, 1975 fty.....OAVK> FAUUC

n w * ^ e ; % & £F £cjgJ;)fe ay V*ur •you W t w / o k o t j w 0»C£ f-^ncckorj ViExy ux*e r*£ &v* <*fo fiur^y JT P//VD s* W>Ol# /*MMSCKf w / C — ^ RfW/vA r v / ’ tO 0 ^5 ---- r»- ^ - llz .) /<-ovc o&w cs l t r t f r ^ * ??. u * s p m e w?

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The Mouseketeers revisited

EARTH NEWSSERVICE »).” Bobby is now a party with most ol us in one But. aside from their social Or. as Darlene - now M — dancer on the Lawrence Welk room having what was called puts it My own kids are HOLLYWOOD. Calif - To Show at the time a necking party, universally believe that they watching the show now It's a lot of people, growing up in or petting party ” tough for them to understand Lonnie Burr was only IS were part of an excellent the Fifties meant ctockUUIs. Lonnie, like several other childrens television show that they’re watching their matt shops. Jitterbugging, whsn he became a Mouse of the boy Mouseketeers Mommy when she waa 14 keteer. b u ^ r remembers the Cubby, who has gone on to and made repeated plays for become a musician for both They just like the show That The daily visits with the extracurmuar activities of Annette “We were the first today s kids can still appre­ the group well “We were st Cafol Burnett and the Mouseketeers had most of us Mouseketeers to go steady," Carpenters, says. “While ciate a show we made U squatting in front of our nine- the Holel .shortly he laughs i t was a very years ago indicates that we before it opened) and the Sesame Street is a very inch screens with glased eyes short time Her father did not educational show our show did something right fixed upon the likes of Cubby, kids somehow - 1 don’t know like the idea of her going (NOTK This story was how they managed this was special because kids esn Karen, Cheryl, Bobby, steady I gave her the ring, relate to young people compiled from interviews by Darlene, Doreen, and because the psrents were and she gave it beck to me at Larry Balmagta of the UCLA pretty heavy — but they ar performing That’s why our Annette as they tap-danced a party about two hours old shows still work today.*' Daily Bruin, and Lew Erwin their way to “mouse ranged an unchaperoned for EARTH NEWS Kacho > kestardom ’’ That was SO years ago, but young, freshly I faces are still with us today The original Mickey Look closely at what you m t iii n a Mouse ( tub is back an the air this year, syndicated nationally The return of the pair of Scholl sandals It s called value. series has caused many of the original twelve MauMMoars Value means more for your money. It means long lasting, quality materials, fine craftsmanship and a comfortable patented product. and their observations about What’s more, Scholl sandals are versatile Because they look terrific with almost anything— the Mickey Mouse years in­ teens, dresses, shorts, whatever —they do the )ob of a whole wardrobe of regular shoes clude some rather spicy That’s added value. revelations Add It all up. And step into the oomiortabie life—in Scholl sandals Karen Pendleton, who always was coupled with Cubby O’Brien, recalls that “Cubby was really my beet friend - I didn’t have anyone else — but we had off-camera -Polished, fights all the time Cubby waa seasoned European i head of me in beechwood. Tough, to but 1 talked him into resist c ^ n a i n d staying back so we’d be to- Patented slide buckle crack ina^^lm ooth and f m n r .. I’ll bet be never Easy adjust for better fit sculpted to caress your forgave me ” Distinctive design for style. Cubby, who waa eigne when the show begin in lKft, says that while the Mouseketeers In s choice of odors: were protected by the Disney red, white, blue or bone staff (“No dirty words wort allowed to be spoken on the set*’), they still “weal through normal growing up Isni " Among them.

Doreen Tracy, who now works for Frank Zappa's record label Disc-Reet, reveals. “At the time, 1 thought of Annette and Cheryl as my doses! friends We were all very big on these senior classmen (at Van Nuys High) who beloved to a car cldb called the High Hats We would all go out drinking and smoking and necking and kissing We would make out in the cars and then go back to the house and play little obscene

Bobby Burgess remembers that Annette Funnicello, whom Darlene Gillespie now refers to as “the one with the really good ears,” waa “ex­ tremely boy crazy all of her Exclusive toe B rio - life ’’ But, concedes Bobby, leather lining Designed by Scholl to “She didn’t like the (boy) encourage toe gripping Foam padded to help action while the big toe Mouseketeers She htout the prevent chafing, add Tha original Exercise Sandals older cameramen or Tim rests comfortably, greater comfort. naturally, as if walking Better than barefoot Considine (Spin of the “Spin barefoot on sand. A' Marty” segment of the • 1979, SohoU. lac.

✓ 1 2 ______April 28. 1075

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