ECC Group Questions “REACH” Mark 5:1-20

Opener: When was a time you met with someone you hadn’t seen in a long time and talked about how much each other had changed?

Read Mark 5:1-20

1. Read :35-41. How are the disciples feeling as they cross the lake?

2. What do we learn about the from the actions of the possessed man?

3. In your own words, describe what the man in the story was like before and after his encounter with .

4. The story doesn’t say, but why do you think Jesus let the demons go into the pigs?

5. Why were the people afraid when they saw the man sitting with Jesus, and what does that say about their values?

6. Read :43-44; 5:43; 9:9. Why do you think Jesus told this man to share his story when he told others not to?

7. When have you felt like the demoniac -- torn by so many conflicting voices and feelings? How did Jesus bring peace into that chaos?

8. When have you felt like the townspeople, wishing Jesus would leave because he changes things too much?

9. The man became a living example of Jesus’ power. If you have experienced Jesus’ power, you too are a living example. Share a story of how you are a living example of Jesus’ power. How can your story be used to REACH others?

Memory verse: Mark 5:19 ESV

And he did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”

Next Steps: • I commit to reversing the normal Christian trend. • is asking me to go ______. • I will get to know my neighbors so that I can have a chance to share Christ with them.