Writing Contest: FICTION

The Lipogram: The University of North Florida’s English Department would like to invite all UNF students to participate in a short Fiction writing contest Requirements: Write a short piece of fiction no longer than 250 words. While writing, do not use any words that contain the letter “.”

Formatting: Double spaced Times font 12 point. Place your name and contact information on the top left hand of the first page. History of the Lipogram: The term lipogram stems from the Greek word lipagrammatos, which means “missing letter.” It is a formal writing constraint practiced to encourage writers to find new creative spaces. Notable texts using the lipogram are Ernest Vincent Wright’s novel Gadsby and Georges Perec’s novel La Disparitionin, both of which refrain from using the letter “e,” which is the most commonly used vowel in the . Award: A gift certificate for the UNF Bookstore. Winners Announced on October 4th online. Writing Contest:

The Sonnet: The University of North Florida’s English Department would like to invite all UNF students to participate in a short Poetry writing contest Requirements: Write a Shakespearean sonnet that is modern in language and context. It should have fourteen lines, be in iambic pentameter, with a rhyme scheme of ababcdcdefefgg.

Formatting: Double spaced Times font 12 point. Place your name and contact information on the top left hand of the first page. History of the Sonnet: The sonnet is one of several forms of poetry originating in Sicily and which later found great popularity in England. The term "sonnet" derives from the Occitan word sonet and the Italian word sonetto, both meaning "little song" or "little sound." Award: A gift certificate for the UNF Bookstore. Winners Announced on October 4th online.

Writing Contest: NON-FICTION

Interrogative Mode Essay: The University of North Florida’s English Department would like to invite all UNF students to participate in a short Non-Fiction writing contest Requirements: Write a 250 word Non-Fiction essay using only questions.

Formatting: Double spaced Times font 12 point. Place your name and contact information on the top left hand of the first page. History of the Interrogative Mode: Although the origins of the Interrogative Mode are a bit uncertain, it gained recent popularity when Florida writer, Padgett Powell, released his book An Interrogative Mood: A Novel? In the Fall of 2009. It was a book that started as a letter to a colleague and grew into a book-length manuscript. Award: A gift certificate for the UNF Bookstore. Winners Announced on October 4th online.